While going through the Army Registers I noticed they had a death list, I also noticed that these death list didn’t start being recorded till the year of 1824, that’s not to say there were no death lists, but 1824, was the first year they started being recorded on the Registers.
I have recorded their names here, there will be no family information only military. There is not a lot of information, but you well have a Name, Ranks, and a Date of death. This is important information to have and which you may not have This list is here to help you find those missing pieces. This page will cover the years of 1824-1832.
Note. This information comes from Military Affairs, which is housed at the Library of Congress.
Register of 1824.
James H. Ballard, Rifle Regiment, 1st Lieutenant , to be Captain, 22d April, 1817.
James H. Ballard, 4th, Artillery, Died January 15, 1823.
M. S. Massey, Corps of Artillery, 2d Lieutenant , to be 1st Lieutenant, 5th August, 1817.
M. S. Massey, Fourth Regiment of Artillery, 1st Lieut. , to be Capt. 15th Jan. 1823.
M. S. Massey, 4th, Artillery, Died August 4, 1823.
Horace C. Story, 2d Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, to be 1st Lieutenant, 15th April, 1818.
Horace C. Story, 2d, Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, March 11, 1814.Horace C. Story, 1st, Lieutenant, by Brevet, Corps of Engineers, September, 1814.
Horace C. Story, engineers, Died, July 28, 1823.
Peter Melendy, Jun., New Hampshire Third Lieutenant, 1st Artillery, 1813.
Peter Melendy, 2d Lieutenant , to be 1st Lieutenant, 24th October, 1817.
Peter Melendy, 1st, Lieutenant, 1st artillery, Died, May 15, 1823.
Ethan C. Sickles, 2d, Lieutenant, 4th, artillery, July 1, 1819.
Ethan C. Sickles, 1st, Lieutenant, 4th artillery, Died, October 12, 1823.
W. Malcolm, 1st, Lieutenant, 1st, infantry, June 1, 1822.
W. Malcolm, 1st, Lieutenant, 1st infantry, Died August 7, 1823.
Thomas J. Ayres, 2d, Lieutenant, 1st infantry, Adutant, January 29, 1820.
Thomas J. Ayres, 1st infantry, Died, September 14, 1823.
James B. Allen, Mass. to be 2d Lieut. 3d Infantry, 27 Oct. 1820.
James B. Allen, 1st, Lieutenant, 3d infantry, Died, August 21, 1823.
Horace N. Baker, 1st, Lieutenant, 3d, infantry, Assist. Com, Subsistence, September 3, 1822.
Horace N. Baker, 3d infantry, Died, October 13, 1823.
Gabriel Field, Missouri, to be 2d Lieutenant, Rifle regiment, 24th May, 1817.
Gabriel Field, 2d Lieut. , to be 1st Lieut., Rifle regiment 15th April, 1818.
Gabriel Field, 1st, Lieutenant, 6th infantry, Died, April 16, 1823.
Thomas W. Kavanaugh, 1st, Lieutenant, 6th infantry November 10, 1818.
Thomas W. Kavanaugh, 1st, Lieutenant, 6th infantry, Died, May 29, 1823.
J. Wheelock, 1st, Lieutenant, 7th, infantry, March 19, 1819.
J. Wheelock, 1st, Lieutenant, 7th infantry, Died February 2, 1823.
Assistant Surgeons.
William Stewart, Assistant Surgeon, April 18, 1818.
Willian Stewart, Assistant Surgeon , Died, September , 1823.
Charles Mendenhall, Delaware, Surgeon Mate, 5th Infantry, 10th August, 1818.
Charles Mendenhall, Died, October 15, 1823.
James Cutbush, late Ass. Ap'y General, to be Post Surgeon; 16 May, 1820.
James Cutbush, Assistant Surgeon, Died, December 15, 1823.
Register 1825.
Matthew J. Magee, 42d, Infantry, Captain, Pennsylvania, 1813.
Matthew J. Magee, 5th, Infantry, Died June 29, 1824.
Granville Leftwich, Ensign to 3d, Lieutenant, March 1, 1814.
Granville Leftwich, 3d Lieut. , 2d Lieut. 13th Aug. 1814.
Granville Leftwich, 2d Lieutenant , to be 1st Lieutenant, 30th April, 1817
Granville Leftwich, 1st Lieut. , to be Captain, 15th June, 1819.
Granville Leftwich, 7th, Infantry, Died September 24, 1824.
John Smith, Pennsylvania, 2d Lieutenant, corps of Artillery, 13th Aug. 1819.
John Smith, 2d Lieutenant, 3d, Artillery, Died August 31, 1824.
F. L. Guion, Bvt. 2d Lieut., of the 2d Artillery, to be 2d Lieut., 4th, Artillery, 1st July, 1823.
F. L. Guion, 2d, Lieutenant, 4th, Artillery, Died, April 1824.
Charles Holt, 2d, Lieutenant, 1st, infantry, July 1, 1823.
Charles Holt, 1st, Infantry, Died September 14, 1824.
George A Bibby, paymaster, May 13, 1823, Remarks, Green Bay. Died 1824.
Assistant Surgeons.
Hanson Catlett, assistant surgeon, February 18, 1813.
Hanson Catlett, Died October 21, 1824.
S. H. Littlejohn, assistant surgeon, June 1, 1821.
S. H. Littlejohn, September 8, 1824.
Army Register 1826.
Samuel B. Archer, Virginia, Artillery, Captain, 1812.
Samuel B. Archer, Captain of Artillery, to be Inspector General, 10th November, 1821.
Samuel B. Archer, Capt. 3d Artillery, Brevet Major, to be Inspector General, 1821.
Samuel B. Archer, inspector general, Died, December 11, 1825.
Ninian Pinkney, Maryland, 1st, infantry, 1st, Lieutenant, 1801.
Ninian Pinkney, First Lieutenant , to be promoted to the rank of Captain, December 9, 1807.
Ninian Pinkney, Captain , of the 1st regiment of Infantry, to be Major, January 20, 1813.
Ninian Pinkney, Twenty-second, regiment, Major to, Lt. Colonel, 1814.
Ninian Pinkney, Lt. Col. , of the 2d, to be Col. Sixth Regiment of Infantry
13 May, 1820.
Ninian Pinkney, 3d infantry, Died, December 16, 1825.
William Wilson, Captain, May 3, 1808.
William Wilson, Brevet May 3, 1818.
William Wilson, Major May 8, 1822.
William Wilson, 4th artillery, Died, September 15, 1825.
Richard Whartenby, 1st, Lieutenant, infantry, May 3, 1809.
Richard Whartenby, Fifth Regiment of Infantry, First Lieutenant, to be promoted to Captain, May 3, 1810.
Richard Whartenby, Seventh Regiment of Infantry, to Major, 40th Infantry, May 1, 1814.
Richard Whartenby, 1st infantry, Died, May 14, 1825.
David T. Welch or Welsh, Brevet, June 20, 1814.
David T. Welch or Welsh, Ordnance Department, 1st, Lieutenant, 1816.
David T. Welch or Welsh, Captain, December 1, 1822.
David T. Welch, or Welsh, 3d artillery, Died, August 30, 1825.
George N. Morris, 1st, Lieutenant, Light Artillery, appointed, March 13, 1813.
George N. Morris, Light Artillery, First Lieutenant to be Captain, 15th January, 1817.
George N. Morris, 4th artillery, Died, March 2, 1825.
John R. Bell, promoted to Second Lieutenants in the regiment of Light Artillery, to rank as they stand on the list, 1811.
John R. Bell,, Second Lieutenant, to be First Lieutenant, August 24, 1812.
John Bell, Light Artillery, Lieut., to Captain, 10th October, 1814.
John R. Bell, Captain 4th regiment Artillery, 10th October, 1814, to be Major, by brevet, to rank from 10th October, 1824, for 10 years' faithful service in same grade.
John R. Bell, 4th artillery, Died, April 11, 1825.
Enoch Humphreys, 1st, regiment Lieutenant, A. & E., Rank under new organization, Lieutenant, 1802.
Enoch Humphreys, Captain January 9, 1809.
Enoch Humphreys, Major by Brevet, December 28, 1814.
Enoch Humphreys, 4th artillery, Died, August 1, 1825.
Richard Wash, South Carolina, to be 2d Lieutenant, 7th Infantry, 1818.
Richard Wash, 2d Lt. to be 1st Lt. 30 June, 1820.
Richard Wash, 1st Lieut. to be Captain, 24th Sept, 1824.
Richard Wash, 7th infantry, Died, October 4, 1825.
First Lieutenant.
R. M. Harrison, 3d Lieut., thirteenth regiment infantry, to 2d Lt. 30th June, 1814.
R. M. Harrison, Lieutenant 2d Infantry, to be Assistant Deputy Quarter-master General, 1819.
R. M. Harrison, 2d infantry, Died, February 10, 1825.
J. C. Holland, Cadet to be 2d Lieutenant, 1st July, 1821.
J. C. Holland, 4th artillery, Died, October 10, 1825.
Wm. Rose, 2d, Lieutenant, July 1, 1822.
Wm. Rose, 4th artillery, Died November 22, 1825.
Eph. W. Low, 2d, Lieutenant. July 1, 1824.
Eph. W. Low, 1st infantry, July , 1825, (drowned.)
R. Newman, 7th infantry, Died June 18, 1825.
Found no record of him.
Edward Purcell, late Hospital Surgeon's Mate, May 14, 1813.
Edward Purcell, late Hospital Surgeon's Mate, to be Post Surgeon, 1818.
Edward Purcell, H. S. M. to be Surgeon, 5th Infantry, 21st July, 1818.
Edward Purcell, late Surgeon 5th Infantry, to be Surgeon, 18th June, 1821
Edward Purcell, late Surgeon 5th Infantry, to be Surgeon, Seventh Regiment of Infantry
18th June, 1821
Edward Purcell, Died, January 11, 1825.
William S. Comstock, Asst. Surgeon, October 12, 1820.
William S. Comstock, Died, June 13, 1825.
George W. Maupin, Asst. Surgeon, October 5, 1802.
George W. Maupin, Died, June 18, 1825.
Thomas P. Hall, Surgeon, 36th regiment, Maryland, 1813.
Thomas P. Hall, Md. to be Post Surgeon, 1820.
Thomas P. Hall, Asst. Surgeon, Died, September 21, 1825.
Army Register 1827.
Saunders Donoho, North Carolina., Captain, Artillery, 1812.
Saunders Donoho, Captain 4th Infantry, 6th July, 1812, to be Major by brevet, to rank 6th July, 1822, for ten years' faithful service in same grade.
Saunders Donoho, 4th infantry, Died, July 7, 1826.
Hez. Bradley, Captain, 3d, infantry, April 19, 1814.
Hez. Bradley, Major by Bevet, April 19, 1824.
Hez. Bradley, 3d infantry, Died, March, 1826.
Phineas Andrews, to be Second Lieutenant in the 25th regiment of Infantry, to take rank from the 2d day of July, 1814; appointed, at that time, by order of General Brown.
Phineas Andrews, Connecticut, to be 2d Lieut. 5th Infantry, 27 October, 1820.
Phineas Andrews, Fifth Regiment of Infantry, 2d Lt. , to be 1st Lieut., September 27, 1824.
Phineas Andrews, 5th infantry, Died, October, 1826.
William W. Outlaw, Ser. to be 2d Lieut. 7th Infantry, 4th Dec. 1819.
William W. Outlaw, 2d, Lieutenant, 7th, infantry, February 21, 1819, A. C. S.
William W. Outlaw, 7th infantry, Died, May 26, 1826.
George C. Richards, Cadet to be Bvt. 2d Lieut. 2d regiment of Artillery, 1st July, 1823.
George C. Richards, 4th artillery, Died, 1825.
Joel C. Townsend, 3d artillery, Died, October 1, 1826.
Found no record of him.
Squire Lea, late Surgeon 44th Infantry, Post Surgeon, 15th May, 1818.
Squire Lea, Died, February 5, 1826.
Jeremiah L. Hayden, Died, June 10, 1826.
Army Register 1828.
In 1776, Hindman was a wagon-master.
Jacob Hindman,, Maryland, 2d, Lieutenant infantry, May 3, 1808.
Jacob Hindman, Fifth Regiment of Infantry, Second Lieutenant to be promoted to First Lieutenant, 1811.
Jacob Hindman, Captain, Seventh Regiment of Infantry, 1812.
Jacob Hindman, 2d, regiment infantry, Captain in Colonel, Major, 12th March, 1813.
Jacob Hindman, severally promoted to Majors on the 29th of June, to rank from March 12th, 1813, should be corrected to rank from June 26th; the day he was nominated to the Senate.
Jacob Hindman, 2d artillery, Died, February 17, 1827.
John A. Burd, Pennsylvania, Captain, infantry, 1812.
John A. Burd, Captain, 4th, infantry, Major by Bevet, October 31, 1814.
John A. Burd, Captain, 3d, Artillery, 1823-1827.
John A. Burd, 3d artillery, Died, February 28, 1827.
Benjamin Watson, Rhode Island, Second Lieutenant, 1812.
Benjamin Watson, Twenty-fifth Regiment of Infantry, (2d Lieutenant) First Lieutenant, 13th March, 1813.
Benjamin Watson, Twenty-fifth Regiment of Infantry, Captain, 15th August, 1813.
Benjamin Watson, Captain, 6th, infantry, 1816.
Benjamin Watson, Captain, 3d, infantry, 1823-1827.
Benjamin Watson, 3d infantry, Died, October 4, 1827.
William Armstrong, Captain, 6th infantry, July 31, 1818.
William Armstrong, Captain, 6th infantry, 1823-1827.
William Armstrong, 6th infantry, February 11, 1827.
There was another man by the name F. William Armstrong, Captain July 6, 1812, then Captain, Major by Bevet, June 26, 1813, then Captain 7th, infantry, 1816. Could be the same man?, this two man need more research.
David Brooke, 2d infantry, Died May 16, 1827.
Found no records of this man.
Henry Gilbert, Cadet, to be 2d Lieut. corps of Artillery, 1st July, 1819.
Henry Gilbert, 2d Lieut. corps of Artillery, 1819-1827.
Henry Gilbert, 2d artillery, Died, June 26, 1827.
William H, Kerr, Delaware, Cadet, to be 2d Lieut. Corps of Artillery, 27 Oct. 1820.
William H, Kerr, 3d, artillery, 1820-1827.
William H. Kerr, 3d, artillery, January 21, 1827.
Charles G. Smith, Cadet, to be 2d Lieutenant, 1st July, 1822.
Charles G. Smith, 3d artillery-1822-1827.
Charles G. Smith, 3d artillery, September 25, 1827. BREVET SECOND LIEUTENANT.
Samuel H. Ridgely, Cadet, to be brevet 2d Lieutenant, 1st regiment of Infantry, 1st July, 1826.
Samuel H. Ridgely, 1st infantry, Died, April 3, 1827. SURGEON.
B. Delevan or Delavan, late Surgeon's Mate, 16th Infantry, to be Hospital Surgeon's Mate, 15th April, 1814.
B. Delavan, or Delevan late Hospital Surgeon's Mate, to be Post Surgeon, 1818.
B. Delavan, or Delevan appointed July 1, 1822
B. Delevan, or Delavan, Died, November 26. 1827. ASSISTANT SURGEON.
In the Congress records this man name is spelled two ways; Delevan & Delavan, but on the Army register it’s spelled Delavan till the death list of 1828, where’s it’s spelled Delevan, I believe this to be the same man, but needs more research.
Charles F. Luce, Mass. to be Assistant Surgeon, 22d September, 1823.
Charles F. Luce, Died, September 30, 1827.
Army Register 1830.
Jeremiah Yancey, Virginia, Ensign, infantry, 1808.
Jeremiah Yancey, 3d Lieut. Artillery, to be 2d Lieut., 8th Infantry, August 18, 1817.
Jeremiah Yancey, Eighth Regiment of Infantry, Second Lieutenant , to be 1st Lieutenant, 1st December, 1818.
Jeremiah Yancey, Fourth Regiment of Infantry, First Lieut. , to be Capt. 31st May, 1825.
Jeremiah Yancey, fourth infantry, Died, January 25, 1829.
John Gantt, Kentucky, to be 2d Lieutenant, Rifle regiment, 24th May, 1817.
John Gantt, Rifle Regiment, 2d Lieutenant , to be 1st Lieutenant, 5th April, 1818.
John Gantt, Sixth Regiment of Infantry, 1st Lieut. , to be Captain, 28th February, 1823.
John. Gantt, sixth infantry, Died, May 12, 1829.
James Spencer, Cadet, to be 3d Lieutenant, corps of Artillery, 17th July, 1817.
James Spencer, Corps of Artillery, 2d Lieut. , to be 1st Lieut., 26th June, 1819.
James Spencer, 2d, Artillery, June 26, 1819.
James Spencer, second artillery, Died, August 16, 1829.
Isaac A. Adams, Corps of Artillery 3d Lieutenant , to be 2d Lieutenant, 29th September, 1817.
Isaac A. Adams, Corps of Artillery, 2d Lieut. , to be 1st Lieut., 31st July 1819.
Isaac A. Adams, 3d, Artillery, July 31, 1819.
Isaac A. Adams, 4th., Artillery, 1824.
Isaac A. Adams, fourth artillery, Died, October 19, 1829.
Samuel W. Hunt, Cadet, to be 2d Lieutenant, 3d Infantry, 1819.
Samuel W. Hunt, 3d, infantry, February 1, 1822.
Samuel W. Hunt, third infantry, Died, September 11, 1829.
John D. Hopson, Cadet , Third Regiment of Infantry, to be 2d Lieutenant, 1st July, 1822.
John D. Hopson, Third Regiment of Infantry ,Second Lt. to be 1st Lt. 23d Sept., 1827.
John D. Hopson, third infantry, Died, February 17, 1829.
Westwood Lacey, 4th, infantry, 2d Lieutenant , to be 1st Lieutenant, 31st of October, 1826.
Westwood A. Lacey, fourth infantry, Died, November 3, 1829.
George C. Clitheralll, Post surgeon, Fort Johnson N. C., April 18, 1818.
George C. Clitheralll, Assistant surgeon, Fort Johnson N. C., June 1, 1821.
George C. Clitheralll, Died, November 10, 1829.
Isaac Roberdeau, Appointed May 3, 1813.
Isaac Roberdeau, Appointed to the Northern Division of the Army, 1816.
Isaac Roberdeau, Topographical Engineer, to be Lieut. Col. by brevet, from 29th April, 1823, having served as a brevet Major, and performed the appropriate duties of that grade for ten years continuously.
Army Register 1831.
James Young, Appointed, May 3, 1813.
James Young, 1st., Lieutenant, 2d infantry, June 30, 1814, Assist. Com. Subsistence.
James Young, Brevet, June 30, 1824.
James Young, Captain, 2, infantry, December 31, 1827.
James Young, 2d infantry, Died, May 26, 1830.
Henry Clark, , 2d, Lieutenant, 5thinfantry, July 1, 1822.
Henry Clark, 1st, Lieutenant, 5th, infantry, August 16, 1828. ,
Henry Clark, 1st, 5th infantry, Died, October 14, 1830.
John B. Pendleton, New York, 2d, Lieutenant 7th, infantry, July 12, 1820.
John B. Pendleton, New York, 1st, Lieutenant, 2d infantry, September 17, 1828.
John B. Pendleton, 1st, Lieutenant, 2d infantry, Died, February 2, 1830.
John G. Furman, Cadet, to be bvt. 2d Lt. of Infantry, 1st July, 1827.
John G. Furman, Brevet 2d Lieut. , to be 2d Lieut. 1st July, 1827.
John G. Furman, 2d, Lieutenant, fifth infantry, Died, August 29, 1830.
Charles May, Cadet to be br. 2d. 1t. 6 Reg't of Inf'y, 1 July, 1829.
Charles May, sixth infantry, Died, January 19, 1830.
James H. Wright, Cadet to be Brevet Second Lieutenant, 6th Regiment of Infantry, 1st July, 1829.
James H. Wright, 6th infantry, Died, September 21, 1830.
John Gale, New Hampshire. Surgeon's Mate, 1812.
John Gale, Surgeon's Mate of the 3d Infantry, to be Surgeon, Rifle regiment, 1818.
John Gale, Surgeon, Council Bluffs, 1823.
John Gale, Died, July 27, 1830.
Army Register 1832.
Jacob A. Dumest, Cadet, to be 2d Lt. corps of Artillery, 1st July, 1819.
Jacob A. Dumest, 2d lt. 2d Regiment of Artillery, 1st July, 1819, to be 1st lt. by brevet, to take rank from 1st July, 1829, for faithful service ten years in one grade.
Jacob A. Dumest, 2d artillery, Died, October 10, 1831.
Joseph B. Shaw, Pennsylvania, to be 2d Lieut., 4th Infantry, 12th Nov. 1818.
Joseph B. Shaw, 4th infantry, Died, Match 30, 1831.
Lucian J. Bibb, Cadet, to be bvt. 2d Lt. of Artillery, 1st July, 1827.
Lucian J. Bibb, Brevet 2d Lieut., to be 2d Lieut. 1st July, 1827.
Lucian J. Bibb, 1st artillery, Died, September 7, 1831.
Frederick Thomas, of Massachusetts, to be 2d Lieut. of Marines, from 1st July, 1825.
Frederick Thomas, (late Cadet) 2d Lieut of Marines, transferred to the 7th regiment of Infantry, to rank from 2d July, 1825.
Frederick Thomas, 7th infantry, Died, May 27, 1831.
Thomas C. Brockway, Cadet, to be brevet 2d Lieut. of lnfantry, 1st July, 1828.
Thomas C. Brockway, 7th infantry, Died. September 28, 1831.
John W. Murray , Cadet to be br. 2d lt. 7th Reg't of Inf'y, 1st July, 1830.
John W. Murray, 7th infantry, Died, February 14, 1831.
Thomas Biddle, Paymaster, term of service expires 7th August, 1824.
Thomas Biddle, Died, August 29, 1831.
William H. Nicoll, S, Mate 6th Infantry, to be Post Surgeon., 1819 or 1820.
William H. Nicoll, asst. surgeon, to be surgeon, 28th July, 1830
William. H. Nicoll, Died, March 5, 1831.
This site deals with surnames of the wars of the United States, up to the Civil War, and the civilians of the same era. It will also cover the surnames of the Colonial era. This site is to help all searchers find a lead to their family lines (including Native American ancestors). This site will cover the years from 1700’s to the early 1900’s.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Story Of David Kilbourn
David Kilbourn had been a citizen of the United States which he remained in until the termination of the Revolutionary War, where upon he went to the upper Canada. While he was residing in that province his attachment to the United States was undiminished. In the year of 1813, David Kilbourn was asked by General Wilkison who was the commander of the army of the northern frontier, if he would secretly examine the British post in Canada. Which he did and upon finding out any good information he would return to post and hand it over to the General with his great satisfaction. A agent of General Wilkinson promised him ample compensation for his service, and indemnity against any loss he might suffer for having taking this service. A agent of the enemy informed on Kilbourn and of his employment with General Wilkinson, and he was apprehended and confined to prison. While there he was treated very harshly and it was purposed putting him to death.
He was able to make his escape, but was soon apprehended again and subjected to the same treatment and another threat of being put to death. The sentence was to be carried out but before the sentence was carried out he made his second escape, and was able stay out of his enemy’s hands. Kilbourn traveled by night and after a few weeks was standing before General Wilkinson at his camp at French Mills, where upon the General renewed to him his former promises and furnished him with money to defray his expenses to Sackett’s Harbor, and recommended him to the quartermaster at that post, who employed Kilbourn in his office. Being in ill health he was obliged to relinquish this situation, since when he has resided in the State of New York, where he is now living under the complicated burdens of old age, infirmity, and indigence; and that since his compulsory abandonment of’ Canada, his property there, which he valued at ten thousand dollars, has been confiscated, and its proceeds paid into the provincial treasury.
This story was told before the House of Representatives in 1830, where upon a petition went before a committee and was passed around and did not pass that session that year. In the petition it was stated that although Mr. Kilbourn had been paid for his services he had not been given compensation for the loss of his property or land as promised by General Wilkinson. Then in 1831, the petition once again was reentered, and again went to committee, and was not heard from again till 1834, where all the evidence was given.
The testimony showed that there had been a law passed in Canada in 1814, that stated that if any one person of Canada or any other nation living in any provinces of Canada and took up arms or did anything against the crown his or her land would be taken and sold. There was a provision in the law however that stated that within one year after the war was over, he or she could go before a legal court of their province or a legal committee of twelve good men, and if their could show proof of their claim they would be given compensation for their loss.
Mr. Kilbourn had been unaware of this law and now the time has passed, but as it was stated in the petition that it was General Wilkinson that give the promise and as he was a representative of the United States Government, his word should be up held by said government. The view of the United States was that he had no legal proof on the value of said property and could not be given compensation on his word along. A committee was formed to take testimony on his claim.
Mr. David Kilbourn, states he possessed five hundred acres of back land as he puts it, and the value at $10, 000, dollars.
Certificate of Major General Brown in relation to David Kithourn.
I knew David Kilbourn well as a settler in Upper Canada before the last war. He had a fine farm situated on. the banks of the St. Lawrence, about eight miles above Ogdensburg.
He always bore a good character, and was considered as a substantial and industrious farmer. During the war he was, to my knowledge, employed on secret service to discover the force of the British at Montreal and at places on the St. Lawrence. In this business he was very faithful and active; and, while living in Canada. as a man of character, he was able to collect much valuable information. On the, expedition down the St. On the, expedition down the St. Lawrence in November, 1813, just before we passed Prescott, Kilbourn came to me and gave me a minute statement of the force and position of the British at Montreal and at other posts, which, as
I had afterwards means of ascertaining, was remarkably faithful and correct.
I knew of Kilbourn’s detection by the British government and of the total ruin which followed this discovery of the services he had rendered to the American army.
HEADQUARTERS, Washington, January 27, 1827
UPPER CANADA, District of Johnstown, County of Leeds:
Henry Jones, of the town of Brockville, township of Elizabethtown, in said county, merchant and postmaster at Brockville, duly sworn, says that he has resided for the last twenty-seven years in Brockville a foresaid, and during that time has been acquainted with the premises described as west half of lot No. 4, and east half of lot No. 5, in the first concession of said township, lying eighty rods in width on the river St. Lawrence, and extending in the rear so as to make two hundred acres of land, crossed by the main road leading from Kingston to Montreal, and being about one and a half mile below the town of Brockville, being the same premises formerly owned and occupied by David Kilbourn, who left Canada during the late war with the United States. At the time said Kilbourn left Canada said premises comprised about one hundred acres or more of improved land, well fenced and under cultivation, the residue woodland; a dwelling-house some twenty-six by thirty-six feet, according to deponent’s judgment, (having never measured the same,) two stories high, finished and painted; a building, he believes, about thirty feet square, used as a stable for horses, and for housing farming utensils, &e.; also a barn, forty feet or more in length. At the time of the late war, or immediately after, said premises, including permanent improvements, were worth, in my judgment, two thousand dollars. They have since increased in value, and, without any increase in the value of the improvements, are now worth, in my judgment, three thousand dollars. The woodland is now worth five pounds, Halifax currency, per acre.
Sworn before me, at Brockvitle, 26th October, 1832.
JAMES MORRIS, Justice of the Peace.
STATE OF NEW YORK, City and County of New York:
Joseph G. Swift, of the city of New York, being duly sworn, saith: That in the year of our Lord 1813, he was attached to the army of the United States, under the command of General Wilkinson, in capacity of chief engineer, and was then and there directed by said General Wilkinson to perform a secret expedition into the province of Upper Canada, for the purpose of ascertaining the strength of the different posts of the enemy, and to procure some suitable person, in whom confidence could be placed, to aid in said expedition; that David Kilbourn was employed by said deponent, in pursuance of said order of said general; that said Kilbourn did undertake said expedition, and performed the services required; that he did make returns of his said expedition to said deponent, and to the satisfaction of Genera’ Wilkinson; that, on the engagement between said deponent and said Kilbourn, deponent informed said Kilbourn that if he should receive any damage in the performance of said expedition, the United States would doubtless remunerate him for his losses. What damage said Kilbourn did sustain deponent does not know, but understood said Kilbourn lost property to some amount by confiscation, and was under the necessity of flying for refuge to the United States. And further the deponent saith not.
In testimony of the foregoing declaration, signed and sworn to in my presence, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, in the city of New York, this 18th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1827.
E. FISHER, Public Notary.
STATE OF NEW YORK, County of St. Lawrence.
I, Arnold Smith, of said county, do solemnly swear that during the late war
of the United States against Great Britain I was requested by General Swift to employ a person in whom I could confide as a friend to the United States to perform an expedition through the Canada’s. I did so by employing David Kilbourn, who executed his commission to the satisfaction of General Wilkinson, then commanding the United States army on the frontier, for whom it was intended that a promise was made that whoever would run the hazard should be protected, and indemnified should they sustain loss that this promise was made by General Swift to me; that I delivered the commission to one William Wiley, as received from said Swift, who crossed the St. Lawrence for David Kilbourn; that he delivered the same to him; that a discovery of the expedition was made to the British government, and David Kilbourn taken, suffered a course of imprisonment, and effected his escape; that his property was confiscated in Canada to the amount of which to me is unknown, and actually sold for the benefit of that government, and all this in consequence of performing that service; that your deponent is intimately acquainted with David Kilbourn and those circumstances.
Sworn and subscribed before me this 9th day of July, 1827.
SYLVESTER BUTRICK, Justice of the Peace.
Author’s Note. I could not find any record that his petition ever got out of committee.
Also found no record that a Bill was printed and sent before Congress.
He was able to make his escape, but was soon apprehended again and subjected to the same treatment and another threat of being put to death. The sentence was to be carried out but before the sentence was carried out he made his second escape, and was able stay out of his enemy’s hands. Kilbourn traveled by night and after a few weeks was standing before General Wilkinson at his camp at French Mills, where upon the General renewed to him his former promises and furnished him with money to defray his expenses to Sackett’s Harbor, and recommended him to the quartermaster at that post, who employed Kilbourn in his office. Being in ill health he was obliged to relinquish this situation, since when he has resided in the State of New York, where he is now living under the complicated burdens of old age, infirmity, and indigence; and that since his compulsory abandonment of’ Canada, his property there, which he valued at ten thousand dollars, has been confiscated, and its proceeds paid into the provincial treasury.
This story was told before the House of Representatives in 1830, where upon a petition went before a committee and was passed around and did not pass that session that year. In the petition it was stated that although Mr. Kilbourn had been paid for his services he had not been given compensation for the loss of his property or land as promised by General Wilkinson. Then in 1831, the petition once again was reentered, and again went to committee, and was not heard from again till 1834, where all the evidence was given.
The testimony showed that there had been a law passed in Canada in 1814, that stated that if any one person of Canada or any other nation living in any provinces of Canada and took up arms or did anything against the crown his or her land would be taken and sold. There was a provision in the law however that stated that within one year after the war was over, he or she could go before a legal court of their province or a legal committee of twelve good men, and if their could show proof of their claim they would be given compensation for their loss.
Mr. Kilbourn had been unaware of this law and now the time has passed, but as it was stated in the petition that it was General Wilkinson that give the promise and as he was a representative of the United States Government, his word should be up held by said government. The view of the United States was that he had no legal proof on the value of said property and could not be given compensation on his word along. A committee was formed to take testimony on his claim.
Mr. David Kilbourn, states he possessed five hundred acres of back land as he puts it, and the value at $10, 000, dollars.
Certificate of Major General Brown in relation to David Kithourn.
I knew David Kilbourn well as a settler in Upper Canada before the last war. He had a fine farm situated on. the banks of the St. Lawrence, about eight miles above Ogdensburg.
He always bore a good character, and was considered as a substantial and industrious farmer. During the war he was, to my knowledge, employed on secret service to discover the force of the British at Montreal and at places on the St. Lawrence. In this business he was very faithful and active; and, while living in Canada. as a man of character, he was able to collect much valuable information. On the, expedition down the St. On the, expedition down the St. Lawrence in November, 1813, just before we passed Prescott, Kilbourn came to me and gave me a minute statement of the force and position of the British at Montreal and at other posts, which, as
I had afterwards means of ascertaining, was remarkably faithful and correct.
I knew of Kilbourn’s detection by the British government and of the total ruin which followed this discovery of the services he had rendered to the American army.
HEADQUARTERS, Washington, January 27, 1827
UPPER CANADA, District of Johnstown, County of Leeds:
Henry Jones, of the town of Brockville, township of Elizabethtown, in said county, merchant and postmaster at Brockville, duly sworn, says that he has resided for the last twenty-seven years in Brockville a foresaid, and during that time has been acquainted with the premises described as west half of lot No. 4, and east half of lot No. 5, in the first concession of said township, lying eighty rods in width on the river St. Lawrence, and extending in the rear so as to make two hundred acres of land, crossed by the main road leading from Kingston to Montreal, and being about one and a half mile below the town of Brockville, being the same premises formerly owned and occupied by David Kilbourn, who left Canada during the late war with the United States. At the time said Kilbourn left Canada said premises comprised about one hundred acres or more of improved land, well fenced and under cultivation, the residue woodland; a dwelling-house some twenty-six by thirty-six feet, according to deponent’s judgment, (having never measured the same,) two stories high, finished and painted; a building, he believes, about thirty feet square, used as a stable for horses, and for housing farming utensils, &e.; also a barn, forty feet or more in length. At the time of the late war, or immediately after, said premises, including permanent improvements, were worth, in my judgment, two thousand dollars. They have since increased in value, and, without any increase in the value of the improvements, are now worth, in my judgment, three thousand dollars. The woodland is now worth five pounds, Halifax currency, per acre.
Sworn before me, at Brockvitle, 26th October, 1832.
JAMES MORRIS, Justice of the Peace.
STATE OF NEW YORK, City and County of New York:
Joseph G. Swift, of the city of New York, being duly sworn, saith: That in the year of our Lord 1813, he was attached to the army of the United States, under the command of General Wilkinson, in capacity of chief engineer, and was then and there directed by said General Wilkinson to perform a secret expedition into the province of Upper Canada, for the purpose of ascertaining the strength of the different posts of the enemy, and to procure some suitable person, in whom confidence could be placed, to aid in said expedition; that David Kilbourn was employed by said deponent, in pursuance of said order of said general; that said Kilbourn did undertake said expedition, and performed the services required; that he did make returns of his said expedition to said deponent, and to the satisfaction of Genera’ Wilkinson; that, on the engagement between said deponent and said Kilbourn, deponent informed said Kilbourn that if he should receive any damage in the performance of said expedition, the United States would doubtless remunerate him for his losses. What damage said Kilbourn did sustain deponent does not know, but understood said Kilbourn lost property to some amount by confiscation, and was under the necessity of flying for refuge to the United States. And further the deponent saith not.
In testimony of the foregoing declaration, signed and sworn to in my presence, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, in the city of New York, this 18th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1827.
E. FISHER, Public Notary.
STATE OF NEW YORK, County of St. Lawrence.
I, Arnold Smith, of said county, do solemnly swear that during the late war
of the United States against Great Britain I was requested by General Swift to employ a person in whom I could confide as a friend to the United States to perform an expedition through the Canada’s. I did so by employing David Kilbourn, who executed his commission to the satisfaction of General Wilkinson, then commanding the United States army on the frontier, for whom it was intended that a promise was made that whoever would run the hazard should be protected, and indemnified should they sustain loss that this promise was made by General Swift to me; that I delivered the commission to one William Wiley, as received from said Swift, who crossed the St. Lawrence for David Kilbourn; that he delivered the same to him; that a discovery of the expedition was made to the British government, and David Kilbourn taken, suffered a course of imprisonment, and effected his escape; that his property was confiscated in Canada to the amount of which to me is unknown, and actually sold for the benefit of that government, and all this in consequence of performing that service; that your deponent is intimately acquainted with David Kilbourn and those circumstances.
Sworn and subscribed before me this 9th day of July, 1827.
SYLVESTER BUTRICK, Justice of the Peace.
Author’s Note. I could not find any record that his petition ever got out of committee.
Also found no record that a Bill was printed and sent before Congress.
Monday, January 26, 2009
I Want To Keep My Rank And Pay.
Now here is a department of the armed services that many researchers over look, it’s that all important paymasters department. Now you wouldn't think this would be all that important to a researcher but set back and let me dazzle you with why this is such an intreiguing area of research. One of the first items I found was, it was by appointment only, now let me tell you this is in itself an honor to be nominated. I also thought how nice it would be to have a soft job and sit behind a desk all day, but here again I was wrong, these men were on the move most of the time and would face many dangers in their duties. These dangers would come about in many forms, the likes of which were indians, robbers, and in the time of war, the enemy. Then there were the dangers that nature would bring. No, this was not a job for a soft man, in fact I found by researching these men that many, if not all, were war harden veterans who had earned the right to this service with their honor on the battle field. So in reading about these men in 'unlikely areas of military duty' you begin to challenge your researching method of possibily looking in 'unlikely places'.....for that 'name' that has forever eluded your searching. Oh Yes!!....just because the name turns up on a paymasters billet....as "Paymaster"....and nothing else is noted....they are still very honored men. So, who knows what one can uncover in the most unlikely areas.....I would encourage you to look over the list, to do so may fill that empty space of family history......so all can reap an reward the honor upon this person.
This is about the paymaster Department of the Army, this department is a branch of the army and is by appointment only. This duty was nothing less then a civilian job but with rank. This department is always listed on the army register with all the other branch’s of the armed services but as a non-active service, in other words they did not have to fight.
As this assignment was by appointment only the men were taken from different branch’s of the service, although some civilians were appointed based on their charter &c. Now I know your asking what has all this to do with the men listed on this page. All these men were taken from different branch’s of the army and militia, these men held higher rank by brevet. As a example one men was a Lieutenant and was given the rank of Major by brevet for his actions in battle, this was the same for all these men.
The problem came when the army stated that by taken the assignment it was the same as resigning their commission and could not hold a brevet rank or the less rank before brevet. The Paymaster General argued it did not matter what branch of the army they were in they should be able to keep their rank and all the honors that goes with that Rank. The argument was taken before Congress, and it stated that no mater was branch of the service they were in, they were still in the army and were to keep their rank and all that goes with that rank. There were a few exceptions, they could be court-martial being they held rank, but could not sit on a court-martial.
Congress felt that by keeping their rank if there was a need to call them back into active service there would be less problems with the transfer of power, and in traveling to remote posts with public funds under the escort of soldiers, in making payments to the troops, and upon various occasions of ordinary occurrence, the authority derived from military rank would be of great use in the discharge of their duties.
Memorandum of the services of the officers of the pay department of the army.
1. Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Towson, paymaster general, Appointed captain of artillery at the commencement of the late war, was engaged with the enemy and captured the brig Caledonia, under the guns of Fort Erie, in 1812; at the battle of Queenstown, the capture of Fort George, the battle of Stoney creek, the capture of Fort Erie, the battles of Ohippewa and Lundy’s lane, the assault on Fort Erie, during the siege of Fort Erie, and in a cannonade before Chippewa, in October, 1814. He was wounded in action, received two brevets for services in the fled, and has the acknowledgment of the Secretary of War that lie was entitled to two more; served in the line of the army until 1819, when he was appointed paymaster general.
Note. Became Lieutenant Colonel by brevet July 5, 1814.
2. William Plaitt, paymaster. .Appointed a captain in 1809; promoted to major in. 1814; served as quartermaster general, with the rank of colonel, at New Orleans; was distinguished for his gallant conduct, and was wounded at the battle of New Orleans, was commissioned paymaster on May 20, 1830.
3. David S. Townsend, paymaster, captain in the army early in the late war; assistant adjutant general, with the rank of major, in 1814; lost a leg in battle, and was brevetted a major in the campaign on the Niagara. If he had remained in the line he would have been at this time a major, with the brevet rank of lieutenant colonel. Commissioned paymaster on April 29, 1816, was appointed Paymaster to the 5th battalion of the corps of Artillery, was reappointed paymaster on April 26, 1826, and again on April 29, 1830, then again on April 29, 1834, also on April 29, 1838, then again on April 20, 1842 and April 29, 1846. In December of 1851 he declined his appointment. He died some where between 1851 and 1854, for in 1854 there was a petition by Eliza Gerry Townsend, praying a pension on account of the services of her late husband.
4. Abraham A. Massias, Appointed a captain in the rifle regiment in 1809; served through the war; was wounded, and brevetted a major for his gallant conduct in action. Became paymaster of the Battalion in 1820, commissioned paymaster on December 12, 1820. Became paymaster of the Army on December 12, 1828. During the late war was commandant of Amelia Island.
Note. There is more info on his time at Amelia Island, to much to put here. If you would like the info you can write to me. My address can be found in my profile. When asking for his info state the following; ( A. A. Massias, Military Affairs, Vol. 5, p. 812.)
5. Thomas Wright a lieutenant in the twenty-second infantry at the commencement of the war; served with his regiment through the war, on the Canadian frontier; was wounded during the campaign on the Niagara, in 1814. If he had remained in. the line to the present time he would have been a brevet major. Commissioned paymaster on June 22, 1815.
6. Alphonso Wetmore a lieutenant in the twenty-third infantry at the commencement of the war; served with his regiment on the Canadian frontier, and lost an arm in action. If he had remained in the line of the army he would at this time have been a brevet major. In 1817, he was asking Congress for a pension for his service in the 6th, regiment of the United States infantry, was a late paymaster of the 6th, became paymaster on October 14, 1815. Became captain of the 6th, regiment on December 25, 1819. Was reappointed again on September 13, 1826, and again on November 11, 1829. On May 11, 1836, there was a petition of Alphonso Wetmore, praying the re-consideration of his claim, arising from the accidental loss of a sum of money, with which he was charged for the purpose of paying certain troops of the United States. In 1850 there was a petition of Mary Smith Wetmore, widow of Alphonso Wetmore, deceased, an army officer, praying to be allowed a pension.
7. Benjamin F. Larned a lieutenant in the twenty-first infantry early in the war; served with his regiment on the frontier; was brevetted a captain for his gallant conduct at the assault on Fort Erie, in 1814; and if he had remained in the line he would at this time have been a brevet major. He was commissioned paymaster on November 24, 1815. He was commissioned paymaster on November 24, 1815, held this office till 1847, when is was appointed Deputy paymaster-General on March 3, 1847, became Paymaster-General on July 20, 1854.
8. Edmund Kirby was Ensign of the fourth regiment of infantry in 1812, became a 3d, Lieutenant on October 1, 1813. Was 2d, Lieutenant of the fifth infantry, became 1st., Lieutenant on May 1, 1817. Was a Captain in the Artillery, then was appointed Paymaster on August 24 1824, and held this office up to at lest 1848. Some time between 1824 and 1847 became a Major, then in 1847, was commissioned to Lieutenant-Colonel by Brevet. Served as adjutant of his regiment on the Canadian frontier, through the war; was in several engagements with the enemy; was more than five years aide-de-camp to Major General Brown, and more than a year acting adjutant general of the army at Washington.
Note. There is a report about his pay while being paymaster but the info is to long to put here. If you would like the info you can write to me. You can find my address in my profile, when asking for this info state the following; ( Edmund Kirby Military Affairs Vol. 7, p. 915.)
9. Asher Phillips a lieutenant in the ninth infantry at the commencement of the war; he served with his regiment on the northwestern frontier, through the war; and if he had remained in the line would at this time have been a brevet major. He was a late Paymaster of the 3d Infantry, became Paymaster on August 26, 1815. He was reappointed on August 30, 1839.
10. Lewis G. De Russey Educated as a cadet at West Point; served during the last campaign of the war as a lieutenant of artillery; was a captain of artillery when appointed paymaster, in 1826, and held this office up to at lest 1846. In 1846 there was a memorial presented for Lewis G. de Russey, late a paymaster in the army, praying to be released from a judgment obtained against him by the United States for certain public money lost while in his custody, by the explosion of a steamboat.
11. Robert. A. Forsyth Of Michigan, was cadet during the war; he volunteered and served with distinction upon the expedition from Detroit into Upper Canada, under Major Holmes, in 1814; was appointed a Lieutenant in the fifth infantry in 1815; resigned, and served in the Indian department until his appointment as paymaster, on September 10, 1835. If he had remained in the line he would have been at this time a captain. In 1830 he had a petition in Congress; Robert A. Forsyth, of the Territory of Michigan, praying compensation for his services in collecting Indians at Greenville, in the State of Ohio, in the year 1815, for the purpose of meeting and treating with Commissioners appointed by the United States. In 1858 was appointed postmaster at Columbus, in the county of Muscogee and State of Georgia, whose commission expired on the twenty-third of February, A. D. 1858.
12. Charles B. Tallmadge was in the service of the United States, with the rank of major in the militia of the State of New York, during the late war; was appointed assistant district paymaster in the army in 1814, and has served in the pay department until the present time. Became paymaster on March 27, 1818, and held this office to at lest 1830.
13. T. P. Andrews Served as volunteer on board Commodore Barney’s flotilla, in an action with the enemy in the Patuxent, during the late war. He was commissioned paymaster on May 22, 1822. I couldn’t find out how long he held this office, then in 1846, this was read in Congress; Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the articles of a treaty made and concluded at the agency on the Missouri River, near Council Bluffs, on the 5th day of June, and at Pottawatomie Creek, near the Osage River, south and west of the State of Missouri, on the 17th day of the same month, in the year of our Lord 1846, between T. P. Andrews, Thomas H. Harvey, and Gideon C. Matlock, commissioners on the part of the United States, on the one part, and the various bands of the Pottawatomie, Chippewa, and Ottawa Indians.
14. Daniel Randall of Maryland was appointed assistant district paymaster on June, 8, 1814, he was commissioned paymaster on July 21, 1818, and held this office till 1854, when this memorial was read in Congress; The executor of Daniel Randall, late deputy paymaster general of the army, praying compensation for the services of the testator in receiving and disbursing the duties and assessments levied in the city of Mexico for the support of the army during the late war with that republic. Then in 1858 this Bill was in Congress.
April 13, 1858.
Further explanatory of an act approved August eighteen, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, entitled “An act for the relief of Adam B. Stewart, and of Alexander Randall, executor of Daniel Randall.”
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the above recited act, as far as it relates to Alexander Randall, executor of Daniel Randall, be, and the same hereby, so construed as to authorize and direct the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to the said Alexander Randall, executor of Daniel Randall, a commission, at the rate stated in said act, upon the sum of two hundred and eighteen thousand four hundred and twenty-nine dollars and sixty-three cents, in addition to the commission heretofore allowed him under the said act, being. the residue of the amount received and collected by the said Daniel Randall in Mexico, as deputy paymaster general of the United States army during the war with that republic.
15. Charles H. Smith of Virginia became battalion paymaster on November 24, 1819, and held this office up to at lest 1843.
This is about the paymaster Department of the Army, this department is a branch of the army and is by appointment only. This duty was nothing less then a civilian job but with rank. This department is always listed on the army register with all the other branch’s of the armed services but as a non-active service, in other words they did not have to fight.
As this assignment was by appointment only the men were taken from different branch’s of the service, although some civilians were appointed based on their charter &c. Now I know your asking what has all this to do with the men listed on this page. All these men were taken from different branch’s of the army and militia, these men held higher rank by brevet. As a example one men was a Lieutenant and was given the rank of Major by brevet for his actions in battle, this was the same for all these men.
The problem came when the army stated that by taken the assignment it was the same as resigning their commission and could not hold a brevet rank or the less rank before brevet. The Paymaster General argued it did not matter what branch of the army they were in they should be able to keep their rank and all the honors that goes with that Rank. The argument was taken before Congress, and it stated that no mater was branch of the service they were in, they were still in the army and were to keep their rank and all that goes with that rank. There were a few exceptions, they could be court-martial being they held rank, but could not sit on a court-martial.
Congress felt that by keeping their rank if there was a need to call them back into active service there would be less problems with the transfer of power, and in traveling to remote posts with public funds under the escort of soldiers, in making payments to the troops, and upon various occasions of ordinary occurrence, the authority derived from military rank would be of great use in the discharge of their duties.
Memorandum of the services of the officers of the pay department of the army.
1. Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Towson, paymaster general, Appointed captain of artillery at the commencement of the late war, was engaged with the enemy and captured the brig Caledonia, under the guns of Fort Erie, in 1812; at the battle of Queenstown, the capture of Fort George, the battle of Stoney creek, the capture of Fort Erie, the battles of Ohippewa and Lundy’s lane, the assault on Fort Erie, during the siege of Fort Erie, and in a cannonade before Chippewa, in October, 1814. He was wounded in action, received two brevets for services in the fled, and has the acknowledgment of the Secretary of War that lie was entitled to two more; served in the line of the army until 1819, when he was appointed paymaster general.
Note. Became Lieutenant Colonel by brevet July 5, 1814.
2. William Plaitt, paymaster. .Appointed a captain in 1809; promoted to major in. 1814; served as quartermaster general, with the rank of colonel, at New Orleans; was distinguished for his gallant conduct, and was wounded at the battle of New Orleans, was commissioned paymaster on May 20, 1830.
3. David S. Townsend, paymaster, captain in the army early in the late war; assistant adjutant general, with the rank of major, in 1814; lost a leg in battle, and was brevetted a major in the campaign on the Niagara. If he had remained in the line he would have been at this time a major, with the brevet rank of lieutenant colonel. Commissioned paymaster on April 29, 1816, was appointed Paymaster to the 5th battalion of the corps of Artillery, was reappointed paymaster on April 26, 1826, and again on April 29, 1830, then again on April 29, 1834, also on April 29, 1838, then again on April 20, 1842 and April 29, 1846. In December of 1851 he declined his appointment. He died some where between 1851 and 1854, for in 1854 there was a petition by Eliza Gerry Townsend, praying a pension on account of the services of her late husband.
4. Abraham A. Massias, Appointed a captain in the rifle regiment in 1809; served through the war; was wounded, and brevetted a major for his gallant conduct in action. Became paymaster of the Battalion in 1820, commissioned paymaster on December 12, 1820. Became paymaster of the Army on December 12, 1828. During the late war was commandant of Amelia Island.
Note. There is more info on his time at Amelia Island, to much to put here. If you would like the info you can write to me. My address can be found in my profile. When asking for his info state the following; ( A. A. Massias, Military Affairs, Vol. 5, p. 812.)
5. Thomas Wright a lieutenant in the twenty-second infantry at the commencement of the war; served with his regiment through the war, on the Canadian frontier; was wounded during the campaign on the Niagara, in 1814. If he had remained in. the line to the present time he would have been a brevet major. Commissioned paymaster on June 22, 1815.
6. Alphonso Wetmore a lieutenant in the twenty-third infantry at the commencement of the war; served with his regiment on the Canadian frontier, and lost an arm in action. If he had remained in the line of the army he would at this time have been a brevet major. In 1817, he was asking Congress for a pension for his service in the 6th, regiment of the United States infantry, was a late paymaster of the 6th, became paymaster on October 14, 1815. Became captain of the 6th, regiment on December 25, 1819. Was reappointed again on September 13, 1826, and again on November 11, 1829. On May 11, 1836, there was a petition of Alphonso Wetmore, praying the re-consideration of his claim, arising from the accidental loss of a sum of money, with which he was charged for the purpose of paying certain troops of the United States. In 1850 there was a petition of Mary Smith Wetmore, widow of Alphonso Wetmore, deceased, an army officer, praying to be allowed a pension.
7. Benjamin F. Larned a lieutenant in the twenty-first infantry early in the war; served with his regiment on the frontier; was brevetted a captain for his gallant conduct at the assault on Fort Erie, in 1814; and if he had remained in the line he would at this time have been a brevet major. He was commissioned paymaster on November 24, 1815. He was commissioned paymaster on November 24, 1815, held this office till 1847, when is was appointed Deputy paymaster-General on March 3, 1847, became Paymaster-General on July 20, 1854.
8. Edmund Kirby was Ensign of the fourth regiment of infantry in 1812, became a 3d, Lieutenant on October 1, 1813. Was 2d, Lieutenant of the fifth infantry, became 1st., Lieutenant on May 1, 1817. Was a Captain in the Artillery, then was appointed Paymaster on August 24 1824, and held this office up to at lest 1848. Some time between 1824 and 1847 became a Major, then in 1847, was commissioned to Lieutenant-Colonel by Brevet. Served as adjutant of his regiment on the Canadian frontier, through the war; was in several engagements with the enemy; was more than five years aide-de-camp to Major General Brown, and more than a year acting adjutant general of the army at Washington.
Note. There is a report about his pay while being paymaster but the info is to long to put here. If you would like the info you can write to me. You can find my address in my profile, when asking for this info state the following; ( Edmund Kirby Military Affairs Vol. 7, p. 915.)
9. Asher Phillips a lieutenant in the ninth infantry at the commencement of the war; he served with his regiment on the northwestern frontier, through the war; and if he had remained in the line would at this time have been a brevet major. He was a late Paymaster of the 3d Infantry, became Paymaster on August 26, 1815. He was reappointed on August 30, 1839.
10. Lewis G. De Russey Educated as a cadet at West Point; served during the last campaign of the war as a lieutenant of artillery; was a captain of artillery when appointed paymaster, in 1826, and held this office up to at lest 1846. In 1846 there was a memorial presented for Lewis G. de Russey, late a paymaster in the army, praying to be released from a judgment obtained against him by the United States for certain public money lost while in his custody, by the explosion of a steamboat.
11. Robert. A. Forsyth Of Michigan, was cadet during the war; he volunteered and served with distinction upon the expedition from Detroit into Upper Canada, under Major Holmes, in 1814; was appointed a Lieutenant in the fifth infantry in 1815; resigned, and served in the Indian department until his appointment as paymaster, on September 10, 1835. If he had remained in the line he would have been at this time a captain. In 1830 he had a petition in Congress; Robert A. Forsyth, of the Territory of Michigan, praying compensation for his services in collecting Indians at Greenville, in the State of Ohio, in the year 1815, for the purpose of meeting and treating with Commissioners appointed by the United States. In 1858 was appointed postmaster at Columbus, in the county of Muscogee and State of Georgia, whose commission expired on the twenty-third of February, A. D. 1858.
12. Charles B. Tallmadge was in the service of the United States, with the rank of major in the militia of the State of New York, during the late war; was appointed assistant district paymaster in the army in 1814, and has served in the pay department until the present time. Became paymaster on March 27, 1818, and held this office to at lest 1830.
13. T. P. Andrews Served as volunteer on board Commodore Barney’s flotilla, in an action with the enemy in the Patuxent, during the late war. He was commissioned paymaster on May 22, 1822. I couldn’t find out how long he held this office, then in 1846, this was read in Congress; Resolved (two-thirds of the Senators present concurring), That the Senate advise and consent to the ratification of the articles of a treaty made and concluded at the agency on the Missouri River, near Council Bluffs, on the 5th day of June, and at Pottawatomie Creek, near the Osage River, south and west of the State of Missouri, on the 17th day of the same month, in the year of our Lord 1846, between T. P. Andrews, Thomas H. Harvey, and Gideon C. Matlock, commissioners on the part of the United States, on the one part, and the various bands of the Pottawatomie, Chippewa, and Ottawa Indians.
14. Daniel Randall of Maryland was appointed assistant district paymaster on June, 8, 1814, he was commissioned paymaster on July 21, 1818, and held this office till 1854, when this memorial was read in Congress; The executor of Daniel Randall, late deputy paymaster general of the army, praying compensation for the services of the testator in receiving and disbursing the duties and assessments levied in the city of Mexico for the support of the army during the late war with that republic. Then in 1858 this Bill was in Congress.
April 13, 1858.
Further explanatory of an act approved August eighteen, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, entitled “An act for the relief of Adam B. Stewart, and of Alexander Randall, executor of Daniel Randall.”
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the above recited act, as far as it relates to Alexander Randall, executor of Daniel Randall, be, and the same hereby, so construed as to authorize and direct the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to the said Alexander Randall, executor of Daniel Randall, a commission, at the rate stated in said act, upon the sum of two hundred and eighteen thousand four hundred and twenty-nine dollars and sixty-three cents, in addition to the commission heretofore allowed him under the said act, being. the residue of the amount received and collected by the said Daniel Randall in Mexico, as deputy paymaster general of the United States army during the war with that republic.
15. Charles H. Smith of Virginia became battalion paymaster on November 24, 1819, and held this office up to at lest 1843.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Where's The Money-Militia Fines.
In the war of 1812 John Smith was marshal for the eastern or western districts of Pennsylvania. One of the jobs of his office was to collect Militia fines imposed on militiaman by courts-martial. He had the power of appointing as many deputies as he thought proper. It was the duty of the deputies and marshal to collect these fines and record them, then the money was to be turned over to the United States Treasury. However seven years after the war 1822, a accounting was made on the militia fines for the state of Pennsylvania and it was found by the Treasury there was a shortage of $243,609.41, dollars, a committee was formed to look into the matter.
It was found that marshal Smiths accounting books were correct to a point, there were a few errors but for the most part correct. The committee found that many of the deputies still held the fines they had collected in their hands and never turned them over for a accounting. When the committee examined marshal smith he could not give a satisfactory answer on why he did not enforce the turn over of the money. On examination the committee found that many of the deputies stated they never collected any militia fines while others stated they had turned over the fines, but that they were either recorded incorrectly or never recorded.
One of the problems the committee faced was that the Treasury had no accounting on how many militia fines and been imposed in the State of Pennsylvania, and being that the money was going to the United States Treasury and not to the State of Pennsylvania, the State made no or little accounting of militia fines. The committee order a immediate accounting of all militia fines within Pennsylvania, from 1812 to the present. The Treasury was upset as they paid for the court-martials and the cost of the court was imposed onto the fine of the one being court-martialed. The Treasury was paying out money to the said State but little was being returned.
At the time the committee was going on, the Governor of Pennsylvania stated “Where’s our money these are our State militia and men of the state and were court-martialed within the State, this money should go to the State.” The Governor put a petition before Congress, which went into committee, the petition soon became a Bill, which passed. The Congress Stated that the said State was entitled to all State militia fines, however the shortage found would have to be made up by the powers of the laws of the said State.
Note. It is believed by this author after reading the report that the Treasury found it would be cheaper to hand over the problem to the State of Pennsylvania, then to keep paying the committee and all the paper work and to pay for witnesses and as this committee could go on for months if not years.
Note. On the following names I will add any information that I find on them.
Here is a list of Deputies that marshal John Smith states paid in the fines.
Greenberry H. Murphy.
April 8, 1822
For the relief of the legal representatives of Greenberry H. Murphy.
Be it enacted by the Senate anti House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be paid to the legal representatives of Greenberry H. Murphy the sum of one thousand four hundred and ninety dollars thirty cents, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated; the same being the amount of a judgment, costs, and charges, incurred by said Murphy in two suits, brought against him as deputy marshal in Pennsy1vania. for collecting two militia fines.
William Kincaid.
No info.
Joseph McMasters.
No info.
William Turner
No info.
Joseph Weatherby.
February 2, 1824, a petition of Joseph Weatherby, of the state of Pennsylvania, praying compensation for his services in taking reports of alien enemies, in the late war with Great Britain, and granting them licences to reside in the United States; as, also, for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the line of his duty.
John Kelker
No info.
Joseph Woodman
No info.
Lewis Diffebach
No info.
Andrew Quinton
No info.
John L. Wolf
No info.
Samuel Markley
No info.
Daniel Moore
No info.
Thomas Wills
No info.
James Hudson
No info.
John Sisk
December 21, 1812, John Sisk, of Pennsylvania, to be Ensigns in the 6th regiment of Infantry.
Sixth Regiment of Infantry.
March 12, 1813, Ensign Sisk to 3d, Lieutenant.
Sixth Regiment of Infantry.
July 6, 1814, 2d Lieut. John Sisk, to be 1st Lieut.
Able Reese
No info.
John Thompson
No info.
Peter Aurand
No info.
Charles Gleim
No info.
Abraham Horn Jr.
No info.
George D. Foulke
No info.
Here are Deputies for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Joseph Woodman, Philadelphia.
No info.
John Sisk, Philadelphia.
Note. See the above list.
James Hudson, Philadelphia.
No info.
Jacob C. Tryon, Philadelphia county.
No info.
John Thompson, Delaware county.
No info.
Abel Reese, Chester county.
No info.
Robert Smith, Chester county.
No info.
Joseph Weatherby, Chester county.
No info.
James M. Porter Chester county.
No info.
Samuel Markley, Montgomery county.
No info.
John L. Wolf, Montgomery county.
No info.
Lewis Diffebach, Bucks county.
No info.
Andrew Quinton, Bucks county.
No info.
Daniel Moore, Lancaster county.
No info.
John Kilker, Dauphin county.
No info.
Charles Gleim, Lebanon county.
No info.
Peter Aurand, Berks county.
No info.
Abraham Horn, Northampton county.
No info.
Abraham Horn, Jun., Northampton county.
No info.
John Baldy, Northumberland county.
1812, Lieutenant infantry.
Sixteenth Regiment of Infantry.
John Baldy, (1st Lieutenant) Captain, 16th April, 1813
1818, a petition of John Baldy, Pennsylvania, late a captain in the army of the United States, praying to be allowed and paid the discount of five per cent, which he was compelled to pay, in changing a treasury note of one thousand dollars, placed in his hands for the public service, and that he may be allowed and paid for services rendered in the quartermaster's department, in the late war with Great Britain.
Note. This may not be the same man do your research.
John W. Robinson, Susquehannah County.
No info.
Alexander Mann Columbia county.
No info.
John Griffin, Bradford cour4y.
No info.
George D. Foulke, Cumberland county.
No info.
Greenberry H. Murphy, Franklin county.
No info.
Samuel Maffit, Luzerne county.
No info.
Alexander Scott, Lycoming county.
No info.
Here are Deputies for the Western District of Pennsylvania.
William B. Irish, Allegany county.
Was nominated to be marshal of the Western District on April 20, 1818.
February 16, 1820, a petition of William B. Irish, son and executor of the last will and testament of Nathaniel Irish, deceased, an officer in the revolutionary army, praying to be allowed the commutation of half pay for life to which the deceased was entitled for his services.
Note. This may not be the same man do your research.
Joseph McMasters, Allegany county.
No info.
George Armstrong, Westmoreland county.
No info.
James Dunlap, Washington county.
No info.
David Reilley, Bedford county.
No info.
Thomas H. Sill, Erie county.
No info.
John Morton, Beaver county.
No info.
William Kincaid, Greene county.
No info.
James M. Riddle, Somerset county.
No info.
William Turner, Muffin county.
No info
It was found that marshal Smiths accounting books were correct to a point, there were a few errors but for the most part correct. The committee found that many of the deputies still held the fines they had collected in their hands and never turned them over for a accounting. When the committee examined marshal smith he could not give a satisfactory answer on why he did not enforce the turn over of the money. On examination the committee found that many of the deputies stated they never collected any militia fines while others stated they had turned over the fines, but that they were either recorded incorrectly or never recorded.
One of the problems the committee faced was that the Treasury had no accounting on how many militia fines and been imposed in the State of Pennsylvania, and being that the money was going to the United States Treasury and not to the State of Pennsylvania, the State made no or little accounting of militia fines. The committee order a immediate accounting of all militia fines within Pennsylvania, from 1812 to the present. The Treasury was upset as they paid for the court-martials and the cost of the court was imposed onto the fine of the one being court-martialed. The Treasury was paying out money to the said State but little was being returned.
At the time the committee was going on, the Governor of Pennsylvania stated “Where’s our money these are our State militia and men of the state and were court-martialed within the State, this money should go to the State.” The Governor put a petition before Congress, which went into committee, the petition soon became a Bill, which passed. The Congress Stated that the said State was entitled to all State militia fines, however the shortage found would have to be made up by the powers of the laws of the said State.
Note. It is believed by this author after reading the report that the Treasury found it would be cheaper to hand over the problem to the State of Pennsylvania, then to keep paying the committee and all the paper work and to pay for witnesses and as this committee could go on for months if not years.
Note. On the following names I will add any information that I find on them.
Here is a list of Deputies that marshal John Smith states paid in the fines.
Greenberry H. Murphy.
April 8, 1822
For the relief of the legal representatives of Greenberry H. Murphy.
Be it enacted by the Senate anti House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be paid to the legal representatives of Greenberry H. Murphy the sum of one thousand four hundred and ninety dollars thirty cents, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise appropriated; the same being the amount of a judgment, costs, and charges, incurred by said Murphy in two suits, brought against him as deputy marshal in Pennsy1vania. for collecting two militia fines.
William Kincaid.
No info.
Joseph McMasters.
No info.
William Turner
No info.
Joseph Weatherby.
February 2, 1824, a petition of Joseph Weatherby, of the state of Pennsylvania, praying compensation for his services in taking reports of alien enemies, in the late war with Great Britain, and granting them licences to reside in the United States; as, also, for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the line of his duty.
John Kelker
No info.
Joseph Woodman
No info.
Lewis Diffebach
No info.
Andrew Quinton
No info.
John L. Wolf
No info.
Samuel Markley
No info.
Daniel Moore
No info.
Thomas Wills
No info.
James Hudson
No info.
John Sisk
December 21, 1812, John Sisk, of Pennsylvania, to be Ensigns in the 6th regiment of Infantry.
Sixth Regiment of Infantry.
March 12, 1813, Ensign Sisk to 3d, Lieutenant.
Sixth Regiment of Infantry.
July 6, 1814, 2d Lieut. John Sisk, to be 1st Lieut.
Able Reese
No info.
John Thompson
No info.
Peter Aurand
No info.
Charles Gleim
No info.
Abraham Horn Jr.
No info.
George D. Foulke
No info.
Here are Deputies for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
Joseph Woodman, Philadelphia.
No info.
John Sisk, Philadelphia.
Note. See the above list.
James Hudson, Philadelphia.
No info.
Jacob C. Tryon, Philadelphia county.
No info.
John Thompson, Delaware county.
No info.
Abel Reese, Chester county.
No info.
Robert Smith, Chester county.
No info.
Joseph Weatherby, Chester county.
No info.
James M. Porter Chester county.
No info.
Samuel Markley, Montgomery county.
No info.
John L. Wolf, Montgomery county.
No info.
Lewis Diffebach, Bucks county.
No info.
Andrew Quinton, Bucks county.
No info.
Daniel Moore, Lancaster county.
No info.
John Kilker, Dauphin county.
No info.
Charles Gleim, Lebanon county.
No info.
Peter Aurand, Berks county.
No info.
Abraham Horn, Northampton county.
No info.
Abraham Horn, Jun., Northampton county.
No info.
John Baldy, Northumberland county.
1812, Lieutenant infantry.
Sixteenth Regiment of Infantry.
John Baldy, (1st Lieutenant) Captain, 16th April, 1813
1818, a petition of John Baldy, Pennsylvania, late a captain in the army of the United States, praying to be allowed and paid the discount of five per cent, which he was compelled to pay, in changing a treasury note of one thousand dollars, placed in his hands for the public service, and that he may be allowed and paid for services rendered in the quartermaster's department, in the late war with Great Britain.
Note. This may not be the same man do your research.
John W. Robinson, Susquehannah County.
No info.
Alexander Mann Columbia county.
No info.
John Griffin, Bradford cour4y.
No info.
George D. Foulke, Cumberland county.
No info.
Greenberry H. Murphy, Franklin county.
No info.
Samuel Maffit, Luzerne county.
No info.
Alexander Scott, Lycoming county.
No info.
Here are Deputies for the Western District of Pennsylvania.
William B. Irish, Allegany county.
Was nominated to be marshal of the Western District on April 20, 1818.
February 16, 1820, a petition of William B. Irish, son and executor of the last will and testament of Nathaniel Irish, deceased, an officer in the revolutionary army, praying to be allowed the commutation of half pay for life to which the deceased was entitled for his services.
Note. This may not be the same man do your research.
Joseph McMasters, Allegany county.
No info.
George Armstrong, Westmoreland county.
No info.
James Dunlap, Washington county.
No info.
David Reilley, Bedford county.
No info.
Thomas H. Sill, Erie county.
No info.
John Morton, Beaver county.
No info.
William Kincaid, Greene county.
No info.
James M. Riddle, Somerset county.
No info.
William Turner, Muffin county.
No info