Saturday, June 11, 2011

William Cashwell ( Cashwill ) Virginia.

Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements.

Pension Application of William Cashwell: W3771.

Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris.

On this 17th day of September 1832 personally appeared in open Court, before the Justices of the County Court of Amherst now sitting William Cashwell, a resident of the County of Amherst in the State of Virginia, aged seventy years last February, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.

That he entered the service of the United States as a Militia man from the County of Amherst in February 1779 under the command of Captain David Woodroof [sic: Woodruff] and marched from said County to the Barracks in Albemarle County where he was engaged in guarding British Prisoners a tour of duty which was for three months; at the expiration of which time he was discharged by the captain and returned home to the County of Amherst where he remained until sometime in September 1780, when he volunteered under Capt John Morrison who had command of a rifle company and was marched from Amherst to Richmond and from there to Petersburg and was stationed about three miles out of Petersburg at a place then known by the name of the long Ordinary [sic: Long’s Ordinary]. at this place there were about fifteen hundred men under the command of Genl [Robert] Lawson and Genl Steuben [sic: Baron von Steuben]. At the end of three months he was discharged and again returned home to Amherst County.

In February 1781 he was called on to perform another tour of duty, and marched under the command of Capt James Franklin from the County of Amherst to join Genl Greens [sic:Nathanael Greene’s] Army in North Carolina. he did not however reach Greens Army before the battle of Guilford [sic: Guilford Courthouse, 15 March 1781], though he was in a few miles and heard the cannon during that engagement, and thinks if his officer had pressed on they might have reached there in time to have borne a part in that engagement. On the day after this battle the company to which he belonged joined the main Army and his Captain James Franklin resigning his commission and returning home he together with the whole company was placed under the command of Capt. Younger Landrum, and was attached to Lawsons Brigade and Colo John Holcombes Regiment. he remained with Genl Green sometime and was discharged at Deep River near the South Carolina line. having there served out his tour of three months, that being the time for which he was called into service.

He then returned home and in September 1781 was again called out as a Militia man under Capt. John Stewart and was marched to little York [sic: Yorktown] and bore a part in that memorable seige, and after the surrender of Cornwallis he marched with the Prisoners taken in that battle to the Winchester barracks in Virginia where he was discharged and returned home. and thus closed his services during the War of the Revolution in the last tour he was also engaged three months. In three of the tours of duty which he performed he went as a militia man, and in the other he went as a volunteer and performed during the War twelve months service. In his first tour of duty he recollects the following officers Viz) Colo [Francis] Taylor, Capt Rice, Capt Porter, Capt John Woodroof and Capt David Woodroof and Genl Taylor commander in Chief of all the troops at that post.

In his second tour, when he went as a volunteer he recollects the following officers Viz. Genl Steuben, Genl Lawson, Colo Everett Mead [sic: Meade], Maj’r John Holcombe and Capt Jno Morrison under whom he served. and when he marched to Carolina he recollects Genl Green, the commander in Chief, Colo Green [sic: John Greene] Genl [Edward] Stevens, Genl Lawson, Colo Holcombe, Maj’r [William] Hubbard and Capt Landrum. And at York he recollects Genl Washington Genl Lafayette Genl Wane [sic: Anthony Wayne], Genl Lawson, Gen’l Stevens, Colo Holcombe, Colo [St. George] Tucker Maj’r Woods and Cpt Jno Stewart. that he has no documentary evidence proving his service, and relies upon his own statement sustained as it is by the certificates of a few of those who know of his services to establish his claim. the certificates which he has been able to procure are hereto attached. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State.
William Cashwell.

Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
And the Court proceeded to put the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department.

1. Where and in what year were you born?
Ans. I was born in the County of Amherst in the State of Virginia in 1762.

2. Have you any record of your age and if so where is it?
I have a record of my age at home in my Bible.

3. Where were you living when called into service, where have you lived since the Revolutionary
War, and where do you now live?
Answer. I lived in the County of Amherst and have lived there ever since.

4. How were you called into service, were you drafted, did you volunteer or were you a substitute?
I performed three tours of duty as a drafted Militia Man & volunteered one tour.

5. State the name of some of the regular officers who were with the troops when you served, such continental and Militia regiments as you can recollect and the general circumstances of your service?

Answer. When at the barracks in Albemarle I recollect Genl Taylor Colo Taylor, Capt Rice, Capt Porter, Capt. Jno Woodroof and Capt David Woodroof under whom I served. In my second tour when I volunteered I recollect Genl Steuben, Genl Lawson, Colo Mead, Maj’r Holcomb, Genl Stevens and Capt Landrum under whom I served.

6. Did you ever receive a discharge from service, and if so by whom was it signed, and what has become of it?

I received a ticket of discharge from the Capt. under whom I served. they have been given up long since and are not now to be obtained.

7. State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighbourhood, and who can testify as to your character for veracity and their belief in your services as a Soldier of the Revolution?

Answer– Bartlett Cash, William Lavender, Phillip Smith, William Hartless, Henry Cashwell and Benjamin Higginbotham.

NOTE: On 3 Jan 1848 in Amherst County Betsy Cashwell, maiden name Penn, age 76, applied for a pension, stating that she married William Cashwell in Nov 1791, and that he died 9 June 1847.

Note. His father was Peter Cashwell and mother was Catherine Campbell.
He married Betsey Penn, on November 7, 1791, at Amherst, Virginia.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Ships & Steamboats Of San Francisco 1860-1861.

Here is a list of steamboats and ships, that were coming and going out of the port of San Francisco, there isn’t a lot of information on these ships, but what I found interesting was the amount of money they carried. Those who had a ancestor who own a ship may find this list helpful. And for those of you who have the name of the ship but have no idea what she was doing may also find this list helpful.

July 1860.

1. Steamer Sonora, treasure $1,071,732.03.

2. Steamer Golden Age, treasure $1,078,883.02.

3. Steamer Sonora arrived port.

4. Treasure shipment by steamer John L. Stephens $876,256.61.

August 1860.

1. Treasure shipped per steamer Uncle Sam, $1,030,553.18.

2. Schooner Caroline E. Foote, sailed carrying the convalescent Japanese to their home land.

3. Yacht race between the Marin, Heenan and Pomeroy, won by the former.

4. Treasure shipment per steamer Sonora, $871,260.68.

5. The Golden Age, sailed with treasure amounting to $1,287,657.89.

September 1860.

1. The steam Engine Imported for Monumental, Fire company No. 6., arrived per steamer John L. Stephens. The first apparatus of that kind brought to California.

2. Treasure shipment per steamer John L. Stephens, $1,009,158.36.

3. Steamer Uncle Sam, sailed with $1,148,487.34.

October 1860.

1. Steamer Sonora sailed with $995,495.10.

2. Steamer Golden Age arrived, having in tow the steamer John L. Stephens, disabled below Acapnleo.

3. Steamer Golden Age sailed with $1,353,939.

4. Steamer Grenada stranded on the beach about 600 yards south of Fort Point. The vessel was a total loss, machinery and furniture saved.

5. The wreck of the Grenada sold for $9,400.6. Steamer Cortez sailed with $1,022,550.05.

November 1860.

1. Steamer Uncle Sam sailed with $1,188,071.43.

2. Steamer Sonora sailed with $923,419.67.

3. Two men drown off the schooner Eliza P. Adams.

4. Steamer Golden Age sailed with $1,216,213.68.

5. Yacht race between the Mermaid and the Restless for $500, closely contested and won by the latter.

December 1860.

1. Steamer Uncle Sam sailed with $1,455,915.58.

2. Steamer Sonora departed with $1,467,119.42.

January 1861.

1. Steamer Golden Age sailed with $1,255,029.77.

The Bulletin reports Treasure for the year, $41,325,916.28.

2. Steamer Cortes sailed with $1,446,936.77.

3. Steamer Uncle Sam sailed with $1,062,675.02.

4. Captain Richard S. Whiting a master in the employ of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company died suddenly.

February 1861.

1. Steamer California sailed with $1,084,673.03.

2. Steamer Golden Age sailed with $825,358.

3. Steamer St. Louis sailed with $914,624.35.

4. Shipment of bullion by steamer Cortez, $792,647.96.

March 1861.

1. Golden Gate sailed with $957,099.31.

2. Steamer Golden Age sailed with $1,112,847.74.

April 1861.

1. Steamer St. Louis sailed with $852,086.92.

2. Steamer Golden Age sailed with $826,789.85.

3. Ship Syren, with a full cargo of grain, Ect., in beating out of harbor struck upon Mile Rock and was compelled to return discharge cargo and repair hull.

May 1861.

1. Steamer Golden Age sailed with $485,465.99.

2. The ship Sea Nymph,, with a cargo of immense value from New York, wrecked at Point Reyes. The ship and cargo afterwards sold for account of underwriters and bought by Benjamin and Associates for $9,700, who by the advantage of a long spell of fine weather, succeeded in saving almost ever thing out of the vessel, thereby realizing an enormous gain.

3. Steamer Sonora sailed with $424,791.11.

4. Steamer St. Louis sailed with $696,563.08.

June 1861.

1. Steamer Orizaba sailed with $1,174,936.08.

2. Steamer Golden Age sailed with $953,203.10.

3. H. B. M. Corvette Tartar 20 guns arrived from Victoria.

4. Steamer Sonora sailed with $1, 345,372.71.

5. H. B. M. Corvette Tartar sailed for Panama with $125,000.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

News from San Francisco, July 2, 1860-June 30, 1861.

Here are some News Paper stories from San Francisco, most of them are about deaths. This page is to help you learn how, where and when your ancestor died and one of the best places to find this information is in a News stories.

July 2, 1860.
J. A. Post, a well known citizen and a pioneer merchant of this city, committed suicide at the City and County Hospital, by cutting his throat in a fit of insanity.

July 2, 1860,
The trial of David S. Terry, for killing David O. ( C? ), Broderick, in a duel commenced at San Rafael, Marin County.

July 4, 1860.
Independence Day celebrated was marred by the accidental death of a lad of sixteen years, Willie Gauley, who was killed by a discharge of a pistol by James Seymour.

July 7, 1860.
Desperate encounter between police officer Rand and one Jacob Kenner, known as Steamboat Jack, whom the officer was attempting to arrest. Rand was severelly wounded and Kenner shot and mortally hurt.

July 7, 1860.
George Wyekoff, formerly a merchant of the city committed suicide by shooting himself with a pistol.

August 4, 1860
In the Fourth District Court, sentence of death pronounced upon James Whitford, for the murder of Edward Sheridan. Execution fixed for September 21st.

September 9, 1860.
Destruction by fire at the Potrero, of the residence of Bryan Donnelly. Mrs. Donnelly and one child were burned to death, and Mr. Donnelly and other child sadly burnt, the latter so severely as to cause it death on the 21st.

September 21, 1860.
James Whitford, hanged at the County Jail, for the murder of Edward Sheridan.

September 22, 1860.
John Renter, an aged German drowned in the dock at the foot of Market street.

October 3, 1860.
William H. Brown tried for the murder of Samuel H. Johnson, a colored man employed by him; Jury unable to agree.

October 23, 1860.
Horrible murder near Lone Mountain Cemetery of the wife of Theophilus Johnston, Margaret Anne, his daughter 12 years old and William Cook a hired man. All killed with the same instrument an ax, and apparently without motive. No clue to the perpetrators.

October 30, 1860.
Son of Antonio Lead killed on a temporary railroad track at the corner of Bush and Taylor streets.

October 31, 1860.
Michael Hargain Killed his wife, in a saloon at the corner of Drumm and Pacific streets in a fit of jealousy.

November 27, 1860.
John Campbell Johnson, a native of Glasgow, found drowned.

December 1, 1860.
Shocking murder of Caroline A. Park, mulatto girl, by John Clarkson a Negro.

December 11, 1860.
James Grannan killed on Pine street between Stockton and Powell, by the caving in of a bank of sand.

December 15, 1860.
Martin Votz, a Greman, shot dead by a countryman MalachI Kramer, at a brewery on Stockton street. Kramer was afterward to be insane.


January 1, 1861.
John Schwandau, a German, killed by being run over by a railroad car, which cut off both legs. Accident took place on Mission road near the junction.

January 1, 1861.
Samuel T. Nowell, a printer, mortally stabbed by Horaco Smith, in Sacramento Street, opposite With Cheer House.

January 9, 1861.
Rufus Higgins, clerk of the Antelope drowned at Rio Vista.

January 9, 1861.
Charles Lindcmann, committed suicide by means of a pistol.

January 10, 1861.
W. T. Stocktieth, merchant and consul for Hamburg, committed suicide by shooting.

January 12, 1861.
H. H. O’Callahan an infirm old man, nearly blind, run over on Montgomery street, by a grocer’s wagon and instantly killed.

January 13, 1861.
A. G. Hirsch, a merchant of this city, found murdered near San Antonio, E. W. Bonney charged with the crime, arrested on the 21st.

March 1. 1861.
Albert Lee colored man, executed for the murder of his wife.

March 1, 1861.
George H. Jenkins committed suicide by shooting himself through the head.

March 16, 1861.
Michael Hargain sentenced to death for the murder of his wife.

March 24, 1861.
Conrad Knus, A German, committed suicide by taken poison in a fit of mortification.

March 30, 1861.
William McNulty, a native of Mansfield Ohio, and a well known merchant of Sacramento, committed suicide at the Tehaman House by shooting himself with a pistol.

April 7, 1861.

Jas. Floak, a native of New York, was drowned off Meigg’s Wharf.

April 9, 1861.
Theodore Payne, a wealthy and popular citizen died at the Oriental Hotel, from illness contracted in crossing the Isthmus of Panarna.

April 12, Charles Rankin a carpenter died from injuries caused by falling from a roof in Hayes Valley.

April 21, 1861.
Thomas C. Burke, confirmed inebriate committed suicide in a small shop on Leidesdoff Street, by cutting and stabbing himself with a razor and knife.

April 24, 1861.
Mr. Thomas Cahill, seriously wounded, in fairing a salute in honor of the return of Senator Latham.

May 23, 1861.
James Robinson, a resident of this city, found murdered at his ranch in San Mateo.

May 24, 1861.
Two children a Boy and Girl accidentally shot by their father, Christian Aderbolt, a German residing on pacific street, near Davis, in the attempt to eject an intruder from his apartment. The little girl’s arm amputated.

May 25, 1861.
Charles W. Piercy or Pierey, killed in a duel, fought in Marin county, with Mr. Showalter, upon a difficulty which arose in the late Assembly of which body both were members.

June 10, 1861.
Henry Kull a will known musician died after a short illness.

June 13, 1861.
Two children, John Coffee and John Patrick, fell through trap door in houses on the Wharves and were drowned.

June 26, 1861.
Mrs. Margaret Bergeman committed suicide.

June 30, 1861.
Lawrence Strobin killed on the Mission Railroad, by being run over by a train while walking on the track. No blame attached to the officers of the road.