The story of the Sultana is well known and information on its sinking can be easily found on the internet. But what is not well known is the names of those prisoners on the ship.
At the time of the sinking there were 2,300, prisoners, passengers and crew on board The prisoners on board were from Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee and West Virginia.
As there are so many names I couldn't copy them all, so I have put down one page of the list.
This post is about the prisoners only, although I do have some of the crew, non of the passengers.
At the end of the first page you well find a list of those who were on the Sultana, but were not listed on the official list.
If you don't find you ancestor on these lists you may request a search.
When requesting a search give full name and company regiment if known, you must give the title of this post ( Exchanged Prisoners on the Sultana, April 27, 1865.), or I may not be able to help you.
My E. Mail address can be found in my profile.
Phillips, Wm., private company C', 2d Indiana cavalry
Young, J., private company C, 2d Indiana cavalry
Hardin, L. D., private company D, 2d Indiana cavalry
Lidd, L. D., private company D, 2d Indiana cavalry
Stevens, W., private... company D, 2d Indiana cavalry
Brown, J., private company G, 2d Indiana cavalry
Summerville, P. S., private company K, 2d Indiana cavalry
Dillander, J., private company C, 3d Indiana cavalry
Keorney, M., private company C, 3d Indiana cavalry
Congers, Wm., private company D, 3d Indiana cavalry
Noorier, J., private company F, 3d Indiana cavalry
Raina, Wm., private company C, 4th Indiana cavalry
Simpkins, C. E., private company C, 4th Indiana cavalry
Franklin, B., sergeant company F, 4th Indiana cavalry
Trumball, A., sergeant company F, 4th Indiana cavalry
Evermore, N. D., private company F, 4th Indiana cavalry
Grubbs, Isaac, private company A, 5th Indiana cavalry
Williams, N. S., private company B, 5th Indiana cavalry
Dean, J. D., sergeant company C, 5th Indiana cavalry
Milott, R. A., corporal company D, 5th Indiana cavalry
Thevin, A., corporal company E, 5th Indiana cavalry
McCuUough, S A., private company H, 5th Indiana cavalry
Evans, D. W., private company L, 5th Indiana cavalry
McBride, G., private company L, 5th Indiana cavalry
Mullen, J., private company L, 5th Indiana cavalry
Richardson, A., private company L, 5th Indiana cavalry
Scott, L., private company L, 5th Indiana cavalry
Applegate, J. S , private company C, 6th Indiana cavalry
Porterfield, W., private company C, 6th Indiana cavalry
O'Brien, P., private company D, 6th Indiana cavalry
Scole, R., private company D, 6th Indiana cavalry
Lee, E. C, private company E, 6th Indiana cavalry
Hobi, A. P., sergeant company F, 6th Indiana cavalry
Shal, F., private company G, 6th Indiana cavalry
Note. There may be some errors in the spelling of a few names, but these are according to the official record. The same is true with regard to company and regiment.
Persons Known to have been on Board but Not Reported in the Official List.
Sanders, S. F company I, 137th Illinois
Frazee, Martin company (J, 2d Indiana cavalry
Lee, Asa E company A, 6th Indiana cavalry
Kline, Henry J company G, 9th Indiana cavalry
Mayes, J. H company C, 40th Indiana cavalry
Stewart, Geo. W. company D, 40th Indiana infantry
Hazellaige, captain company K, 40th Indiana
Taylor, Joe., lieutenant I24th Indiana infantry
May, John. 137th Indiana cavalry
Williams 1st Kentucky cavalry
Gambill, Henry company B, 14th Kentucky infantry
Johnson, B. F. company A, 5th Michigan cavalry
Clarkson, Geo. A company H, 5th Michigan cavalry
Norton, Henry company B, 8th Michigan cavalry
White, Manly C company B, 8tli Michigan cavalry
Kinney, John * 8th Michigan cavalry
Wendt, Wm company L, 8th Michigan cavalry
Dunsmore, J. W company I, 1st Michigan E. and M.
Stevens, Joseph company E, 4th Michigan Infantry
Hindes, Elias E company A, 18th Michigan infantry
Jones, A company B, 18th Michigan infantry
Smith, O. W company B, 18th Michigan infantry
Thayer, C company B, 18th Michigan infantry
Porter, W. G company C, 18th Michigan infantry
Larkey, Pat * E, 18th Michigan infantry
Hohns, M company F, 18th Michigan infantry
Aldrich, H. C, sergeant company G, I8ih Michigan infantry
West, C. A company G, 18th Michigan infantry
Nicholas, C company H, 18th Michigan infantry
Hampton, E company 1, 18th Michigan infantry
Upton, H. H company 1, 18th Michigan infantry
Hinds, T. J K, I8th Michigan infantry
Mann, Jas. H company K, 18tli Michigan infantry
Metta, A. R. t company K, 18th Michigan infantry
Russell, Jas company K, 18th Michigan infantry
Shettleroe, Isadore company K, 18th Michigan infantry
Stremp, Geo company K, 18th Michigan infantry
Henks, T. W., captain. 4th Missouri cavalry
Brown, A, C company I, 2d Ohio infantry
Lewis, lieutenant 3d Ohio cavalry
Barnes, Wm. company H, 32d Ohio infantry
Kearns, John company F, 40th Ohio infantry
Oxley, Stewart company I, 5Ist Ohio infantry
Gregory, W. W company C, 55th Ohio infantry
Friesner, W. S company K, 58th Ohio infantry
Boor, Wm. private company D, 6tth Ohio infantry
Norris, Albert company A, 76th Ohio infantry
Davis, J. W., lieutenant 77th Ohio infantry
Yeisley, Wm. company E, 102d Ohio infantry
Sheafer, I. N company E, ll5th Oho infantry
Zazier, J. P company F, 115th Ohio infantry
Morgan, L. G company D, 12lstOhio infantry
Faldermau, Benj company K, 121st Ohio infantry
Fisher, Geo company K, 131st Ohio infantry
Gaston, G.. M. , company K, 121st Ohio infantry
Greer, Seth company K, 121st Ohio infantry
Trent, Rob't. A , sergeant company B,' 1st Tennessee cavalry
Carver, Wm. company B, 3d Tennessee cavalry
Hamilton, John company F, 3d Tennessee cavalry
Hamilton, R. N. company F, 3d Tennessee cavalry
Hodges, Wiley J. company F, 3d Tennessee cavalry
Jones, H. C, corporal company F, 3d Tennessee cavalry
Atchley, P. L company K, 3d Tennessee cavalry
Pacgle, Thos company K, 3d Tennessee cavalry
Elliott, J. W ,capt.iin company F, 44th U. S. C. T.
For the author only; Lost of the Sultana.