Saturday, April 25, 2009

It Was A Massacre.

The word “ Massacre “ is used freely today in a lot of every day conversations like; “We massacred them at the game today.” and &c. But in the 1700 and 1800’s this word had a whole different meaning, when one heard this word the hair on the back of your neck would stand up and a sick feeling would be felt in the pit of your stomach. For you knew that a family or some soldiers was killed in a most horrifying manner.
The following people were either in a massacre or were the cause of one.

Note. Most all this information came from the library of Congress.

Fort Mimms.

Sam Mimms’s Fort, was attacked on 28th August 1814, by one thousands Creek Indians. The attack began at 10 o’clock in the morning and ended about 1 o’clock in the afternoon. There was about sixty people in the fort at the time of the attack, among those killed were;

Sam Smith.
Dixon Bailey and his two brothers.
Minns and his whole family.
Captain Melton.
John Randall and his whole family, except Peter Durant and one daughter.

The Indians had orders to only to kill the white’s and half-breeds, Dixon Bailey’s sister was in the fort and the Indians ask her what family she was from, her answer was to point to her brother who was lying dead on the floor, hearing this she was knocked down and cut open and her entrails thrown around.

Cavet or Caveat’s family.

Alexander Cavet, was captured within eight of his place in September of 1793, at this same time his father and whole family were being massacred. Cavet was killed be a Creek warrior, with a stroke from a tomahawk, three days after his arrival in the Indian nations.

JANUARY J2, 1865.
In relation to the massacre of the Cheyenne Indians.

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to cause the suspension of all pay and allowances to each of the members of the Third Colorado regiment, officers, privates, and employees, and all others engaged in the recent attack made on the Cheyenne Indians, in their village, near Fort Lyon, in the Territory of Colorado, under the command of Colonel Chivington, until the conduct of said Colonel Chivington, the members of said Third Colorado regiment, officers, privates, and employees, and all others engaged in said attack, shall severally receive the approval of the said Secretary of War; and that the said Secretary shall cause all ponies, blankets, money, jewels, furs, and other property, captured from said Indians in said expedition, to be seized and held for the use of the United States, or for restitution to said Indians should it hereafter appear that said attack was unjustifiable.

SEC. 2. And be it further resolved, That if any of the said property referred to in the foregoing resolution be traced to the possession of any of the said parties and not recovered, the said Secretary shall cause its value to be charged to the pay account of each of said parties who may be in the military service of the United States, or otherwise recovered by legal process.

APRIL 2, 1860.
For the relief of the survivors of the Sublette Cut-off massacre, the twenty-fourth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, for the loss of property sustained by them at the time, and for the payment to certain persons of expenses incurred by them in sending said destitute survivors to their homes in Missouri.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of .America in Congress assembled, That there be paid, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of eight thousand five hundred and ninety-seven dollars and fifty-eight cents to the persons hereinafter named, for losses sustained at the “Sublette Cut-off” massacre, and for expenses incurred in sending the destitute survivors from Utah Territory to their homes in the State of Missouri; which money shall be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior in the manner following, viz: to Annie B. Shepherd, widow of W. F. Shepherd, deceased, two thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars; to Rebecca Wright, widow of J. P. Wright, deceased, one thousand two hundred and one dollars; to Marietta Shepherd, widow of T. F. Shepherd, deceased, two thousand two hundred and two dollars; to James R. Shepherd one thousand five hundred and sixty-one dollars; to William C. Diggs one hundred and forty-three dollars; to Clairborn Raines sixty-two dollars; to the Pacific Mail Steamship Company four hundred and twelve dollars; to O. F. D. Fairbanks two hundred and fifty dollars; and to Frederick Dodge six hundred and fourteen dollars and thirty-eight cents, or to such persons as may be duly authorized by the said parties, respectively, to receive and receipt for their distributive shares.

Note. This was also known as the sand creek massacre.


James Marks.

A petition of James Marks, father of Robert Marks, who was killed in the massacre at Panama, in April, 1856, praying the adoption of such measures as will enable him to get possession of the funds, or other property, of which his son was possessed at the time of his death.


Fannie Kelly.

A petition of Mrs. Fannie Kelly, of Kansas, praying compensation for Indian spoliations and for injuries resulting from her captivity among the Indians, having been captured July 12, 1864, west of Fort Laramie, and for compensation for services rendered in saving from massacre the garrison at Fort Sully.


Edward Miltimore.

The Secretary of the Interior to restore to their relatives, in Wisconsin, four orphan children of Edward Miltimore, whose parents and brothers and sisters were massacred on or about the thirty-first day of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-Nine, about one hundred miles north of Salt Lake City, by a party of Indians, (or Mormons disguised as such,) and who escaped the massacre, and found refuge at Camp Floyd, fifteen hundred dollars


Ransom Clarke.

A petition of Ransom Clarke, late a soldier in the army of the United States, and one of the three soldiers who escaped from the defeat and massacre of Major Dade's Command by the Seminole Indians in Florida, on the 28th of December, 1835, praying an increase of pension in consideration of numerous and grievous wounds which he received in battle on that occasion.


Asa A. Gore.

The petition of Asa A. Gore, for remuneration for losses and privations sustained and endured in the massacre at Wyoming in 1778.


Elbridge Gerry.

A petition of Elbridge Gerry, praying compensation for depredations committed upon him by hostile Indians in retaliation for his giving timely warning to settlers in Colorado, by which a threatened outbreak and massacre, of which he obtained information from said Indians, was prevented.


John Williams.

A petition of Catharine Williams, setting forth that she is widow of John Williams, who was an American seaman, taken prisoner by the British in the war of 1812 with Great Britain, confined in Dartmoor prison, and so injured at the Dartmoor massacre that he died in a few months afterward, and praying for a pension.


August Wegner .

The petition of August Wegner and others, heirs and representatives of certain settlers on the public lands at Spirit Lake, Iowa, who were massacred by a hand of Sioux Indians, at their settlement, praying to be allowed the right of preemption to those lands.


Richard H. Kern.

The heirs of Richard H. Kern, deceased, an assistant engineer in the Topographical Bureau, who was massacred by the Indians while attached to the surveying expedition under Captain Gunnison, praying to be allowed his pay from the time of his death to the return of the expedition, and the expenses incurred by him in preparing to join the same.


Henry Perrine.

A petition of Ann F. Perrine, widow of Doctor Henry Perrine, setting forth that her late husband had, for twelve years prior to his decease, devoted himself to the introduction, into the United States, of tropical trees and plants; that he was authorized by an act of Congress, passed in 1838, to locate, within two years, a township of land in the southern extremity of the peninsula of East Florida, under certain restrictions and regulations; that the location was made by said Perrine, but that the survey had not been completed; that, in consequence of the Seminole war, he was unable to settle thereon, but had temporarily settled on Indian Key, where he was, on the 7th day of August last, inhumanly massacred by the Seminole Indians, and all his property destroyed; and asking an unconditional confirmation of said location.


George W. Gardiner.

The petition of Frances P. Gardiner, of Naugatuck, in New Haven county, and State of Connecticut, widow of Captain George W. Gardiner, deceased, who was massacred, with the detachment under Major Dade, by the Indians, in Florida, praying for pecuniary aid, in consideration of the death and loss of her late husband, while in the service of the United States.

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