Thursday, June 18, 2009

Revolutionary Land Warrants

The men on this list had bounty land warrants coming to them but they never applied for them. There is no known reason why these men had not claimed their warrants. In 1828, the Judiciary committee, found all these unclaimed warrants in the files of the bounty land office. The Judiciary committee asked for a printing of the names of these Officers and soldiers, so they may be used by Congress, and that there should be a publication of these list. It recommend that this list would be printed for the use of the Senate. It also recommend that these list would be published ( My under standing three times ) in Newspapers authorized to print the laws of the United States.


List of such warrants as have been issued for officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army that remain on the files of the bounty land office unclaimed.

1. Jotham Ames, Lieutenant, Massachusetts, Acres-200, When issued, Mar. ,1791.
2. George Bush, Captain, Pennsylvania, Acres-300, When issued, May 19,1799.
3. Benjamin Fishbourne, Captain, Pennsylvania, Acres-300, When issued, Oct. 1,1799.
4. Alexander Mitchell, Captain, New Jersey, Acres-300, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
5. Robert Patton, Captain, Pennsylvania, Acres-300. When issued, July 31,1892.
6. Alexander Walker, Captain, Pennsylvania, Acres-300, When issued, July 31,1892.
7. Robert Wharry, Surgeon’s mate, Pennsylvania, Acres-300, When issued, Sept. 21,1791
8. Asabel Risley, Private, Sheldon’s dragoons, Acers-100, When issued, April 19,1790.
9. Jere. Weldon, Private, New York, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
10. Neal O’Neal, Private, New Jersey, Acres-100, When issued, June 17,1789.
11. Abraham Boyd, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, When issued, July 9,1789.
12. Richard Biggs, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, When issued, .June 12,1789.
13. James Bennett, Sergeant major, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, April 6,1790.
14. James Burnside, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, May 28,1791.
15. John Brown, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, Nov. 5,1789.
16. Barney Colgan, , Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, April 6,1790.
17. Andrew Cratty, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, July 9,1789.
18. Patrick Crawford, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, Nov. 5,1789.
19. George Chapman., Sergeant, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, July 9,1789.
20. William Carney, Private, Proctor’s artillery, Acres-100, when issued, July 9,1789.
21. John Deveny, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, July 9,1789.
22. Philip Everheart, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, Nov. 5,1789.
23. George Francis, Sergeant, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, April 6,1790.
24. John Grimes, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, July 2,1790.
25. Samuel Johnston, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, July 9,1789.
26. Andrew Jarrett, Private, Proctor’s artillery, Acres-100, when issued, July 16,1789.
27. John Keeland, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, Nov. 5,1789.
28. William Lee, Sergeant major, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, Nov. 5,1789.
29. John Morrison, Sergeant, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, When issued, April 6, 1790.
30. John O’NeaI, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, April 10,1796.
31. Richard O’NeaI, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, July 9,1789.
32. Timothy Rourk, Corporal, Acres-100, when issued, April 6,1790.
33. John Brown, Sergeant, Maryland, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
34. Jacob Buber, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
35. Robert Bacon, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
36. Thomas Craig, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
37. Michael Haney, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
38. John Lockhart, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
39. Peter McCarney, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
40. Edward Walker, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
41. John Bowman, Sergeant, Von Heir’s Dragoons, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
42. John Hampton, Private, Artillery artificers, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 1,1791.
43. Edward Thompson, Private, Hazen’s regiment, Acres-100, When issued, Mar. 28,1790.
44. .James Tully, Private, Artillery artificers, Acres-100, When issued, July 9,1789.
45. Joseph Fenton, Lieutenant, Massachusetts, Acres-200, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
46. John Harradon, Private, Massachusetts, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
47. John Hopkins, Corporal, Massachusetts, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
48. Charles Stocker, Corporal, Massachusetts, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
49. Andrew Barton, Private, Massachusetts, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
50. William Hay, Private Rhode Island, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
51. Ichabod Howard, Private Rhode Island, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
52. Charles Limbrick, Drummer, Rhode Island, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
53. George Hartman, Hazen’s regiment, Acres-100, When issued, April 18,1800.

Page I.

List of the names of such officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army as acquired a right to lands from the United States, and who have not yet applied for it.

New Hampshire.

54. Allen, Ethan., Colonel………….............101. Beebe, Peter, Private.
55. Allen, David, Surgeon’s mate…….........102. Berry, Benjamin, Private.
56. Butterfield, Jonas, Grade not given…...103. Caldwell, John, Private.
57. Barnet, Robert, Lieutenant………….........104. Cook, Paul, Private.
58. Beall, Zachariah, Captain…………..........105. Colburn, Parker, Private.
59. Eno, Martin, Ensign………………..............106. Cushing, William, Private.
60. Frost, George P., Captain…………..........107. Clark, Jesse, Private.
61. Green, Ebenezer, Captain…………...........108. Clark, John, Private.
62. Lyford, Thomas, Lieutenant………..........109. Decannon, William, Private.
63. Mc Lowry, Alexander, Ensign……..........110. Dowe, Benjamin, Private.
64. Safford, Joseph, Lieutenant……….........111. Dergin, Henry, Private.
65. Thomas, Joseph, Lieutenant………..........112 Dorothy, Charles, Private.
66. Taylor, Nathan, Lieutenant………..........113. Downs,Ephraim, Private.

Vol. 1,201. Lieutenant Col. Reed…….....................114. Eaton, Jonathan, Private.
67. Allard, Noah, Private………………............115. Elashaneese, John, Private.
68. Abbott, George, Private…………............116. Foster, Nathan, Private.
69. Berry, Benjamin, Private…………...........117. Gordon, Joseph, Private.
70. Clark, Archibald, Private……............118. Hale, Israel, Private.
71. Card, Samuel, Private…………….............119. Howe, Joseph, Private.
72. Dockum, Enoch, Private………..............120. Harmon, Stephen, Private.
73. hail, James, Private……………….............121. Hill, William, Private.
74. Heath, William, Private…………............122. Harrington, John, Private.
75. Kirkland, Gideon, Private……..….........123. Henderson, Zoath, Private.
76. Leech, Thomas, Private………….............124. Jewell, Joseph, Private.
77. Leighton, Valentine, Private…….........125. Jones, Edward, Private.
78. Peters, John, Private…………….............126. Ingliss, William, Private.
79. Runnels, Israel, Private…………...........127. Kidder, Reuben, Private.
80. Richardson, Daniel, Private…...........128. Leighton, William, Private.
81. Shute, John, Private……………..............129. Lock, Timothy, Private.
82. Smith, Enoch, Private…………..............130.Logee, Moses, Private.
83. Wheat, Joseph, Private………..............131. Martin, Ichabod, Private.
84. Webber, Edward, Private……….............132. Mosier, Timothy, Private.
85. Yeaton, Samuel, Private……..............133.Norton, John, Private.

Vol. 1, 209.………………………..................................134. Orr, James, Private.
86. Avery, Joseph, Private………..............135. Pinkham, Daniel, Private.
87. Abrahams, David, Private………............136. Pendall, John, Private.
88. Beemas, John, Private…………..............137.Reynolds,Alexander, Private.
89. BlasdelI, John, Private…………............138. Reid, John, Private.
99. Bryant, David, Private………….............139. Rathbrun, Solomon, Private.
100. Barnes, Caesar, Private…………...........140. Roberts, Jeduthan, Private.
141. Ray, Silas, Private...................142. Richardson, Nathaniel, Private.
143. Stevens, Roger, Private...............144. Stone, Ezekiel, Private.
145. Shudrick, Joseph, Private.............146. Switzer, Stephen, Private.
147. Spencer, Israel B., Private...........148. Sargents, Bernard, Private.
149. Thomas, Isaac, Private................150. Wallace, John., Private.
151. Wilson, Joseph, Private...............152. Wilson, Thomas, Private.
153. Wisso, Levis, Private.................154. Wade, Edward, Private.
155. Ward, James, Private.

page II.


156. Austin, John, Lieutenant……………….199. Wigglesworth, William, Lieutenant.
157. Andrews, Joseph, Lieutenant…………..200. Whitewell, Samuel, Surgeon.
158. Bringham, Origin, Surgeon’s mate…….201. Walker, Robert, Lieutenant.
159. Chapin, Samuel, Lieutenant……………202. Wi1ey, Aldrick, Lieutenant.
160. Castaing, Peter, Lieutenant…………….Vol. 1,117. Brook’s 7th regiment.
161. Clarkson, Matthew, Major……………..203. Allinson, James, Private.
162. Cogswell, William, Hospital S. mate…..204. Armstrong, George, Private.
163. Cartwright, Thomas, Captain…………..205. Ames, Ephraim, Private.
164. Conant, John., Paymaster………………206. Billings, Robert, Private,
165. Chapin, Leonard, Lieutenant………..…207. Bailies, London, Private.
166. Chaloner, Edward, Ensign……………..208. Blake, Timothy, Private.
167. Dana, Benjamin, Lieutenant…………...209. Barrows, Robert, Private.
168. Davidson, Thomas, Lieutenant………..210. Cu1veron, William, Private.
169. Eysandeau, William, Lieutenant……....211.Cliarles, Peter, Private.
170. Ellis, Paul, Captain…………………....212.Curby, Charles, Private.
171. Gage, Isaac, Lieutenant………………..213. Denniston, James, Private
172. Howe, Richard S., Ensign………….…214. Everett, Thomas, Private.
173. Haines, .Aaron, Captain………………215. Fuller, Nathan, Private. .
174. Jackson, Charles, Ensign……………..216. Gorham, John, Private.
175. Jackson, Thomas, Captain…………….217. Giles, Samuel, Private.
176. Jacobs, George, Lieutenant…………...218. Gosham, Joshua, Private.
177. Kingman, Edward, Ensign……………219. Goodale, Solomon, Private.
178. Lunt, James, Lieutenant………………220. Gurney, Thomas, Private
179. Lunt, Ezra, Captain…………………...221. Goodwin, Cuff, Private.
180. Lane, Abiel, Ensign……………….….222. Gosling, Thomas, Private.
181. McFarland, Moses, Captain…………..223. Grant, Joseph, Private.
182. Nelson, Henry, Lieutenant…………....224. Hacket, Benjamin, Private.
183. Pilbury, Daniel, Captain……………...225. Hurd,Jehiel, Private.
184. Porter, Moses, Lieutenant…………….226.Holden, Joseph, Private.
185. Parsons, Josiah, Lieutenant…………..227. Holden, Samuel, Private.
186. Parker, Stephen, Paymaster…………..228.Hart, Cato. Private.
187. Rawson, Jeduthan, Ensign……………229. Holman, Samuel, Private.
188. Root, Elihu, Ensign……………….…..230. Johnson, Jacob, Private.
189. Scammel, Samuel L. Ensign………….231. Jolley, Jabez, Private
190. Stone, Nathaniel, Lieutenant…………232. Kitler, John, Private.
191. Stafford, John R., Ensign……………..233. Kidder, John, Private.
192. Shaw, Samuel, Captain……………….234. King, Josiah, Private
193. Sluman, John, Captain…………….….235.Love, William, Private.
194. Stevens, Ebenezer, Lieutenant……..…236. Lewis, Francis, Private.
195. Smith, John Ne, Lieutenant………..…237. Madilee, Francis, Private.
196. Town, Jacob, Lieutenant………….….238. Murdee, Pedro, Private.
197. Thacher, Nathaniel, Lieutenant……....239. McLane, William, Private.

Page III.

240. McDaniel, Daniel, Private……………………284. Wallace, Ebenezer, Private.
241. Medcalfe, Ralph, Private……………………..285.Wiggans,John, Private.
242. Nickles, Peter, Private……………………..…286. Weymouth, Joseph, Private.
243. Ostrander, Andrew, Private…………………..287. Welch, James, Private.
244. Peever, John., Private………………………...288.‘Woodward, Isaac, Private.
245. Penny, Simon, Private……………………Vol. I, 157. H. Jackson, 4th. 9th infantry.
246. Perry, Caesar, Private………………………..289. Ateheson, Joshua, Private.
247. Peese, Mike, Private………………………….291. Brook, Joshua, Private.
248. Reynolds, John, Private……………………...292. Blackford, David, Private.
249. Soffin, Thomas, Private………………………293. Blair, John, Private.
250. Scannon, David, Private………………………294. Barney, Nathaniel, Private
251. Stewart, Peleg, Private………………………..295. Covell, Benjamin, Private.
252. Stutson, Robert, Private………………………296. Danforth, John. Private.
253. Young, Joseph, Private……………………….297. Eggleston, Josiah, Private.
Vol.1, 137. Tupper, 6th, 13th, infantry……………...298. Forrest, William, Private.
254. Aldrick, Gustavus, Private……………………299. Foster, Jonathan, Private.
255. Bowen, Michael, Private……………………...300. Fuller, Joseph, Private.
256. Gottrill, Richard, Private……………………...301. Forrest, John, Private.
257. Crosby, Joel, Private…………………………..302. Hersey, Jesse, Private.
258. Church, Stephen, Private………………………303. Hutchins, Richard, Private.
259. Clark, James, Private…………………………..304. Hathaway, Job, Private.
260. Colbroth, Lemuel, Private………………….….305. Lock, Edmund., Private.
261. Ewers,Prince, Private……………………….…306. Moho, Jeremiah, Private
262. Field, John, Private………………………….…307. Newman, John, Private.
263. Field, Robert, Private…………………………..308. Osburn, Matthew, Private.
264. Goodridge, Daniel, Private………………….…309. Perry, Constant, Private.
265. Gilson, Samuel, Private……………………..…310. Pratt, Joseph, Private.
266. Hemingway, James, Private……………………311. Placey, William, Private.
267. Hill, Oliver, Private……………………………312. Parker, Aaron, Private.
268. Hamilton, Reuben, Private…………………….313. Perry, David, Private.
269. Jeffrey, Benjamin, Private………………….….314. Rider, Asa, Private.
270. Lunt, Job, Private…………………………..….315. Stockbridge, John, Private.
271. Lord, Thomas, Private……………………..….316. Swift, Isaac, Private.
272. Milliken, Daniel, Private…………………..….317. Spinner, Peter, Private.
273. Maxfield, Joseph, Private…………………..…318. Shaddock, Cato, Private.
274. Newton, Caleb, Private……………………..…319. Talbut, David, Private.
275. Partridge, Amariah, Private……………….…..320. Whalin, John., Private.
276. Ruggles, Joseph, Private………………………321. Wright, Israel, Private.
277. Smith, Peter, Private…………………………..322. Zon, Lewis, Private.
278. Smith, Solomon, Private…………………….Vol.1, 185., Sproals, 2nd, 12th., infantry.
279. Smith, Samuel, Private………………………..323. Black, Joseph, Private.
280. Smith, William S, Private………………..……324. Boyee, Jonathan, Private.
281. Tellim, Thomas, Private…………………..…..325. Cower, Turner, Private.
282. Van Guilder, Benjamin, Private…………..…..326. Carter, Timothy, Private.
283. Vose, Samuel, Private……………………..….327. Culliham, Frederick W., Private.

Page IV.

328. Fuller, Eliphalet, Private………………..372. Farrington, Seth, Private.
329. Fullman, George, Private………….……373. Fitch, Thomas, Private.
330. Foot, Jebiel, Private…………………….374. Gustin, Jesse, Private.
331.Gross, John, Private……………………..375. Higgins, Andrew, Private.
332. Gustin, Ezra, Private…………………….376. Kanady, Philip, Private.
333. Green, Joseph, Private……………….….377. Kester, John, Private.
334.Huzzard, Jeffrey, Private……………..….378. Linscott, Theodore, Private.
335. Heyward, Simon, Private……………..…379. Mahoney, Jeremiah, Private.
336. Johns, Isaac, Private……………………..380. McLean, Uriah, Private.
337. Keeter, Jacob, Private……………………381. Marble, Luther, Private.
338. Morse, Abisha, Private…………………..382. Mathews, Thomas, Private.
339. Paul, Hugh, Private……………………...383. Pinner, John, Private.
340. Porter, Ephraim, Private……………..….384. Root, David, Private.
341. Parker, John, Private……………………385. Smith, Amos, Private.
342. Renne, Charles, Private…………………386. Sullivan, Timothy, Private.
343. Sprague, Theodore, Private………..……387 Simpson, Holmes, Private
344. Stevens, John, Private…………………..388. Shahay, Maurice, Private
345.Stephens, William, Private………….…..389. Trowbridge, Isaac, Private.
346. Spurr, John., Private…………………....390. Vanbuff, John, Private.
347. Thomas, Peter, Private…………………391. Vinal, Joseph, Private.
348. Wilson, George, Private………………..392 Ward, Jabez, Private.
349. Wamsquaum, Solomon, Private…Vol.11,178. Knapp’s, 5, 10,15 infantry.
350. Walker, William, Private……………....393. Airs, John, Private.
351. Wadsworth, Samuel, Private…………..394. Albee, John, Private
352. Whipley, Amos, Private…………….…395. Batherick, Abel, Private
Vol.11,41. Vase’s regiment 1St., infantry……396. Cummings, Thomas H., Private.
353. Ames, Elisha, Private………………….397. Coomer, William, Private.
354. Allen, John, Private……………………398.Glelaud, Thomas, Private.
355. Bussell, Isaac, Private……………….…399. Cuff William, Private
356. Barnes, James, Private………………....400. Curtis, Zachariah, Private.
357. Balden, Elijah, Private…………………401. Gale, Stephen, Private.
358. Brayman, Benjamin, Private………..….402. Churchill, Ephraim, Private.
359. Balmater, Uriah, Private………………..403. De Lamass, Cordus, Private.
360. Bills, Joseph, Private……………………404. Derrieul, George, Private.
361. Crayton, Robert, Private……………..….405. Davis, John, Private.
362. Curtis, Nathan, Private…………….……406. Edwards, Jonathan, Private.
363. Cowell, Joseph, Private…………………407. Gery, Thomas, Private.
364. Crawson, James, Private…………….….408. Gamwell, Joseph, Private.
365. Corbett, Cornelius, Private………….….409. Hopkins, William, Private.
366. Cornish, Gabriel, Private………….……410. Harvey, Seth, Private.
367. Chadwick, Thomas, Private……………411. Hubbard, Humphreys, Private
368. Cheeselong, Joseph, Private………..….412. Jervis, Charles, Private.
369. Dempsey, Patrick, Private……………..413. Lakeman, Thomas, Private.
370. Evans, Jeremiah, Private………………414. Law, James, Private.
371. Falker, Robert, Private…………………415. Lathergo, John, Private.

Page V.

416. Marr, James, Private…………………560. Oaks, John, Private.
417. McIntosh, John, Private………….…..561. Radford, Thomas, Private.
418. Nickerson, William, Private…………562. Richardson, Robert, Private.
419. Pecket, Joseph, Private……………….563.Sumner, George, Private.
420. Porter, Asa, Private…………….……..564. Vaughan, John, Private.
421. Parris, John., Private……………….…565. Vickory, John, Private.
422. Patridge, Seth, Private…………..……566. Whalin, Robert, Private.
423. Ronaldson, William, Private…………..567. Winter, Mark, Private.
424. Richardson, Daniel, Private……….…..568. Writhington, Thomas, Private.
425. Smith, Aaron, Private………………….569. Ward, Stephen, Private.
426. Stewart, William, Private………………Vol. III, 134. Mellon, 3rd., regiment.
427. Studley, ‘William, Private…………..…670. Alexander, Abraham, Private.
428. Tupper, John, Private………………..…671. Beeman, Jabez, Private.
429. Terdree, Richard., Private………………672. Bailey, Benjamin, Private.
430. Waterman, Silas, Private………………..673. Bryant, Mark, Private.
431. Whitacre, Jeremiah, Private……….……674. Becker, Israel H., Private
432. Winch, Charles, Private…………………675. C?ovey, James. Private.
433. Wilson, John, Private………………….... 676. Cole, Benjamin, Private.
434. Walde, Benjamin, Private………………..677 Cooper, William, Private.
Vol.111,49. M. Jackson, 8th., regiment……..…678. Connor,William, Private
435. Burdeen, Timothy, Private………………..679. Dike, .Archelus, Private.
436. Barnes, Samuel, Private…………….……..680. Dorchum, Samuel, Private
437. Crane, Ezekial., Private………..…………..681. Edson, Peter, Private.
438. Cutter, Josiah, Private………………….…682. Evans, Samuel, Private
439. Cogswell, C??ar, Private………………….683. Freeman, Reuben, Private.
440. Counts, William, Private…………..………684. Foster, William, Private.
441. Garter, John, Private……………………….685. Farley, Jonathan, Private.
442. Davis, Eliphalet, Private……….…………..686. Fisk, Robert, Private.
443. Day, Jeremiah, Private…………………..…687. Gifford, Ichabod, Private
444. Freeman, Doss, Private………………….…688. Gardner, William, Private.
445. Flagg, Anthony, Private…………………....689. Hatch, Jeremiah, Private
446. Fulsom, Peter, Private……………………...690. Hogan, John, Private.
447. Grandy, Asa, Private……………………….691. Hopper, Henry, Private.
448. Guile, Nathan, Private……………….…….692. Keeter, James, Private.
449. Glascock, William, Private………………..693. McMundy, John, Private
550. Hill, Cyrus, Private………………………..694. Murrow, Josiah, Private.
551. Hill, Nathan, Private…………………..…..695. Pierce, Sinion, Private.
552. Juckett, Elijah, Private……………………..696. Patten, William, Private.
553. Lindsey, David, Private……………….……697. Pratt, Philip, Private.
554. Lines, Francis, Private……………….……..698. Piper ,Philip, Private.
555. Lawrence, Johnson, Private……………..….699. Pategrino, Manuel, Private.
556, Mortershead, Robert, Private…………….…700. Ramsdale, James...
557, Meadows, James, Private……………….….701. Richardson, Ebenezer, Private
558. McGay, James, Private……………………..702. Roberts, Daniel P..
559. Mason, Joseph, Private………………….….703. Russell, Daniel., Private.

*704 was left off this list.( Squire, Daniel, Private.)

Page VI.

Note. There are about 4 thousand names on this page, but I find I’m unable to copy the last 12., pages, but I can link you to them, so you will not miss out on any names. When the window opens up the documents will be small, but if you move your arrow around a enlarging box will appear in the lower right hand corner of the page just push on it.

Page VI.

This page will contain the last names of Mellon 3rd., regiment. This page will also be the start of the Connecticut regiments which are the following; Meigs’s 1St., regiment. Swift’s 2nd., regiment.


Page VII.

This page will contain the last names of Swift’s 2nd., regiment. It will also contain Webb’s 2nd, 3rd, 9th., regiment. It will have the names of Rhode Island, no regiments. It well be the start of the New York regiments which are; Van Schaick’s 1St., regiment and Courtlandt 2nd., regiment.


Page VIII.

This page will have the last regiments of New York, which are; Courtlandt 2nd, regiment and Lamb’s 2nd, artillery. This page will have the regiments of New Jersey which are; Cumming’s regiment, Ogden and Dayton’s regiments. This page will also have the start of the Pennsylvania regiments, staring with, Butler’s 3rd., regiment.


Page IX.

This page will continue with the regiments of Pennsylvania, which are; Humpton’s 2nd., regiment and Broadhead’s 1St., regiment.


Page X.

This page will have the last regiments of Pennsylvania which are; Broadhead’s 1St., regiment, 2nd., and 8th., regiments, Moylan’s Dragoons, Proctor’s artillery, Artillery artificers and a unknown regiment. It will also have the start of Delaware’s names no regiments names given.


Page XI.

This page will contain the last of the names of Delaware. It will also have the start of Maryland’s regiments which are the 1St., 2nd., and 3rd., regiments.


Page XII.

This page will have the last of Maryland’s regiments, starting with the 3rd., then the Detachment and last the 4th., regiment. This page is also the start of Virginia’s regiments.


Page XIII.

This page is all of Virginia, there are no regiments names, only the names of the men.

Page XIV.

This page is the last of the names of Virginia. There will be the names of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. The page also has the beginning of the Artillery & Artificers, starting with Armand’s regiment.

Note. Since the burning of the War Office, in 1801, this office has never had any return of the soldiers of the South Carolina and Georgia lines, but has relied solely on certificates from the State governments of service, &c., &e.

Page XV.

This page will continue with Armand’s regiment, and have the beginning of Hazen’s regiment.

Page XVI.

This page will have the last of Hazen’s regiment and will continue with Von Herr’s Dragoons, Sappers and Miners and the Invalid regiments.

Page XVII.

This is the last page and the last of the Invalid regiment. This post will end with the names of the Foreign Officers.

Note. If you find your haveing any trouble with the links or would like to see if there is any information on a name you can write to me, my address can be found in my profile.

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