Friday, June 04, 2010

American & British Prisoners Of Mass. Page 9.

This information is on the Soldiers & Sailors of Massachusetts. This information will cover the Americans and British, this is page 9., of ?, the names on this page will start with ( Keete and end with Lsubon , ) Those names highlighted in ( red ) will be British.These records were copied right from the records and for this reason there are many miss spelled words. So if you don’t find the surname you were looking for try a different spelling.

1156. Keeter, Joseph, Mashpee (also given Sandwich). Return of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from Col. Freeman's (1st Barnstable Co.) regt. ; residence, Mashpee; engaged for town of Sandwich; joined Capt. Chadwick's co., Col. Brewer's regt. ; term, 3 years ; also, Private, Capt. Means's co., Col. Ebenezer Sprout's (12th) regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Dec. 1, 1777 ; reported taken prisoner Dec. 1, 1777 ; also reported supposed to be dead; also, Capt. John Chadwick's co., Col. Brewer's regt. ; return dated Jan. 22, 1778; residence, Sandwich; enlisted for town of Sandwich ; mustered by Jos. Otis ; reported taken prisoner Dec. 27 [year not given] .

1157. Keif, Cornelius, Georgetown. Private, Capt. White's co., Col. Brooks's regt. ; Con- tinental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780; resi- dence, Georgetown ; reported a prisoner in Canada from May 30 [year not given] to Nov. 21, 1782; also, reported discharged by Gen. Washington Nov. 21, 1782.

1158. Kellet, William, New Marlborough. Private, Capt. Hitchcock's co., Col. Ebenezer Sprout's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Feb. 21, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780; term, during war; also, descriptive list dated Feb. 3, 1781 ; Capt. Luke Hitchcock's co., 1st Mass. regt. ; age, 20 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 7 in. ; complex- ion, light; hair, light; occupation, weaver; birthplace, " Greanet," Ireland; residence, New Marlborough; enlisted Feb. 21, 1780, by Capt. Hitchcock, at Fishkill ; enlistment, during war ; also, Private, Capt. Luke Hitchcock's co., Col. Joseph Vose's (1st) regt.; muster roll for Jan., 1781, dated West Point; also, muster roll for Feb. and March, 1781, dated West Point; reported on command with infantry; also, muster roll for June, 1781, sworn to in Camp at Phillipsbor- ough; reported taken prisoner July 3, 1781.

1159. Kellick, J. P., Georgia. List of prisoners exchanged at Rhode Island and delivered to John Ayers, as returned by M. Reed, Secretary, dated Newport, Feb. 11, 1777; reported a Seaman.

1160. Kelly, Aaron. List of prisoners on board the cartel " Hostage " to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; reported taken in a prize brig of the schooner " General Putnam " (privateer), by the British ship " Milford."

1161. Kelly, John. List of prisoners sent from Newport, R. I., in the prison ship " Lord Sandwich," and landed at Bristol March 7, 1778.

1162. Kelm, Gilbert. List of prisoners brought to Marblehead in the cartel "Pacific" to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; said Kelm, a Seaman, reported as having been taken in the schooner " General Gates " (privateer) by the British brig " Hope."

1163. Kendall, Samuel. Private; Major's co., Col. Bigelow's (15th) regt. ; entered service Aug. 5, 1779; term, 9 months ; reported taken prisoner Feb. 3, 1780.
1164. Kendey, Alexander, Boston. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Belcher's co., Col. Nathaniel "Wade's regt.; enlisted July 20, 1778; reported a prisoner Aug. 5, 1778; company stationed at Rhode Island for 6 months from July 1, 1778 ; also, Capt. John Cut- ler's co., Col. Nathaniel Wade's regt.; enlisted July 17, 1778; discharged Oct. 20, 1778 ; service, 3 mos. 5 days, at Rhode Island ; also, same co. and regt. ; muster roll dated East Greenwich, Sept. 17, 1778 ; reported confined ; enlistment to expire Jan. 1, 1779.

1165. Keneston, Solomon, "Bay." List of prisoners discharged from prison-ship at Rhode Island in exchange for British prisoners and sent to Boston in the schooner " Speed- well " by Josiah Godfrey Aug. 6, 1777 ; residence, " Bay."

1166. Kenisten, Amos, South Carolina. List of prisoners discharged from prison-ship at * Rhode Island in exchange for British prisoners and sent to Boston in the schooner " Speedwell " by Josiah Godfrey Aug. 6, 1777.

1167. Kenney, Daniel, Boston. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Belcher's co., Col. Nathaniel Wade's regt. ; enlisted July 20, 1778 ; reported a prisoner Aug. 5, 1778 ; company stationed at Rhode Island for 6 months from July 1, 1778; also, Capt. John Cut- ler's co., Col. Nathaniel Wade's regt. ; enlisted July 24, 1778 ; service, 1 mo. 26 days; reported deserted Sept. 20, 1778; also, same co. and regt.; muster roll dated East Greenwich, Sept. 17, 1778; reported confined.

1168. Kent, James. List of prisoners sent from New York to Portsmouth, N. H., to be exchanged for British prisoners [year not given] ; reported a Seaman.

1169. Kent, Richard, Cape Cod. List of prisoners exchanged at Rhode Island and deliv- ered to John Ayres, as returned by M. Reed, Secretary, dated Newport, Feb. 11, 1777; residence, Cape Cod; reported a Seaman.

1170. Kettle, Mansur (also given Mason) . Descriptive list of men raised in Berkshire Co. to serve in the Continental Army for the term of 9 months, agreeable to resolve of June 9, 1779, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Lieut. Reuben Lilley, at Springfield, Aug. 15, 1779 ; Capt. Parker's co., Col. Simons's (Simonds's) regt. ; age, 21 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 10 in. ; complexion, light; engaged for town of Adams; also, Private, Capt. John Spurr's co., Col. Thomas Nixon's (6th) regt.; enlisted Aug. 12, 1779; service to Feb. 3, 1780, 5 mos. 22 days; reported taken prisoner Feb. 3, 1780.

1171. Keys, John. Report of guard detail and prisoners under confinement, dated Ticon- deroga, Sept. 26, 1776, made to Maj. Gen. Gates, taken from Col. Wheelock's Orderly Book; said Keys, of Gen. Bricket's brigade, confined by Col. Wayne on suspicion of counterfeiting and passing the currency of Rhode Island ; also, return of sentences by a court-martial, Maj. Morris, President, appearing in a general order dated Headquarters, Ticonderoga, Oct. 3, 1776, taken from Col. Wheelock's Orderly Book ; said Keys charged with counterfeiting bills of credit ; no evidence found against him and he was acquitted.

1172. Kieff, Cornelius, Georgetown. Private, Capt. William Hudson Ballard's co., Col. John Brooks's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; reported taken prisoner at Canada; also, Capt. Ballard's co., Col. Ichabod Alden's regt.; return dated Albany, Jan. 12, 1778; residence, Georgetown; enlisted for town of Georgetown; mustered by Maj. Ilsley, Muster Master for Cumberland Co., and by a Continental Muster Master; also, Capt. Ballard's co., 6th Mass. regt. formerly commanded by Col. Ichabod Alden ; return of men who were in camp on or before Aug. 15, 1777 ; also, 1st co., Lieut. Col. John Brooks's (7th) regt. ; return made up to Dec. 31, 1779, signed by Lieut. James Lunt ; enlisted Nov. 15, 1776 ; enlistment, 3 years ; reported taken prisoner May 30, 1778.

1173. Kieff, Morris, Becket. Private, Colonel's co., Col. Henry Jackson's regt.; Conti- nental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780; also, return certified at Camp near Morristown, April 30, 1780, of officers and men be- longing to Col. Lee's, Col. Henley's, and Col. Jackson's regts., and men belonging to Massachusetts in Col. Henry Sherburne's regt., who were incorporated into a regiment under the command of Col. Henry Jackson, agreeable to the arrange- ment of April 9, 1779; Lieut. Colonel's co. ; rank, Corporal; residence, Becket; enlisted for town of Murrayfield ; enlisted Aug. 8, 1777 ; enlistment, 3 years ; re- ported deserted Feb. 28, 1778; returned or retaken April 24, 1779; reduced to Private April 24, 1779; also, Lieut. Colonel's co., Col. Jackson's (16th) regt.; pay rolls for April-July, 1780 ; reported a prisoner of war.

1174. King, Christopher. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Silver Eel " from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners ; reported a Seaman.

1175. King, Elisha. List of prisoners sent in the cartel "Swift" from Halifax to Boston Sept. 30, 1778, as returned by Thomas Baildon, Commissary of Prisoners ; reported a Seaman.

1176. King, Joseph. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Silver Eel " from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners; reported a Seaman.

1177. King, Moses, Georgetown (also given Methuen and Pownalborough). List of men raised by the town of Amesbury to serve in the Continental Army, as returned by the Selectmen ; residence, Georgetown ; joined Capt. Spurr's co., Col. Nixon's regt. ; term, during war ; also, Fifer, Capt. John Spurr's co., Col. Thomas Nixon's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 12, 1778, to Dec. 31, 1779 ; also, Private, same co. and regt. ; return of men who were in camp on or before Aug. 15, 1777, and who had not been absent subsequently except on fur- lough, certified at Camp near Peekskill, Feb. 16, 1779; enlisted Feb. 1, 1778; [name crossed out on return] ; also, Fifer, Capt. Spurr's co., Col. Thomas Nixon's (5th) regt. ; muster roll for May, 1779, dated Highlands; also, Capt. Spurr's co., 6th Mass. regt. ; return for clothing for the year 1780; receipt for said clothing dated Peekskill, Dec. -, 1779; also, descriptive list of men belonging to Col. Thomas Nixon's (6th) regt. who enlisted for the war prior to Sept. 30, 1779, cer- tified at Highlands, Feb. 23, 1780; age, 16 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 2 in.; complexion, light; engaged for town of Methuen; also, Private, Capt. Spurr's (1st) co., Col. Thomas Nixon's (6th) regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780; also, Private (also given Fifer), same co. and regt. ; pay roll for Jan. -June, 1780; reported taken prisoner Feb. 3, 1780; also, descriptive list dated West Point, Jan. 29, 1781 ; Capt. Pike's co., Lieut. Col. Smith's (6th) regt.; rank, Private; age, 16 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 5 in.; complexion, light; hair, light ; eyes, light ; residence, Methuen ; enlisted in 1777, by Lieut. Wattles ; en- listment, during war ; also, Capt. Benjamin Pike's co., Lieut. Col. Calvin Smith's (6th) regt. ; return for wages ; wages allowed said King from Jan. 1, 1781, to June 21, 1781, 5 mos. 21 days; reported transferred to invalids June 21, 1781; also, Capt. Moses McFarland's corps of invalids stationed at Boston ; pay abstract dated July 16, 1781, for wages due for Oct. -Dec, 1780; also, order on Capt. Hayward, payable to Ezra King, dated Boston, Sept. 29, 1784, signed by said King, for balance due him for service in 6th Mass. regt. ; also, list of United States pension- ers made up to Dec. 31, 1787, as returned by John Lucas, Commissary of Pen- sions ; regiment of invalids ; residence, Pownalborough ; reported disabled by the loss of his right hand ; pensioned Sept. 1, 1782.

1178. King, Nathaniel. Private, Capt. Abijah Bangs's co., Maj. Zenas Winslow's (2d Barnstable Co.) regt. ; service, 7 days, on alarms at Bedford and Falmouth in Sept., 1778 ; also, account dated [Harwich, Nov. 7, 1778] , rendered by Capt. Abijah Bangs, for amounts due men who guarded prisoners from the [British] ship " Somerset " at Harwich, and from thence to Yarmouth ; service, 2 days.

1179. Kingman. Thomas. List of prisoners sent in the cartel "Swift" from Halifax to Boston Sept. 30, 1778, as returned by Thomas Baildon, Commissary of Prisoners ; reported a Seaman.

1180. Kinsman, Thomas. List of prisoners sent from Newport, R. I., in the prison ship " Lord Sandwich " and landed at Bristol March 7, 1778.

1181. Kirby, Edward. List of prisoners brought to Marblehead in the cartel "Pacific" to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] .

1182. Kittum, Jesse. List of prisoners sent from Newport, R. I., in the prison ship "Lord Sandwich " and landed at Bristol March 7, 1778.

1183. Knight, William, Hubbardston (also given Rutland). List of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from 7th Worcester Co. regt., as returned by Capt. Wil- liam Marean; residence, Hubbardston ; engaged for town of Hubbardston ; joined Capt. Adam Wheeler's co., Col. Nickson's (Nixon's) regt.; term, during war; also, list of men mustered by Thomas Newhall, Muster Master for Worcester Co. ; Capt. Wheeler's co., Col. Nixon's regt. ; mustered April 4, 1777 ; also, Private, Capt. Thomas Barnes's (Light Infantry) co., Col. Nixon's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from March 31, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, Capt. Adam Wheeler's co., Col. Thomas Nixon's regt.; return of men who were in camp on or before Aug. 15, 1777, and who had not been absent subsequently except on furlough, etc., dated Soldier's Fortune, Feb. 15, 1779; reported enlisted March 31, 1777; also, Capt. Thomas Barnes's (Light Infantry) co., Col. Nixon's 6th) regt. ; pay rolls for June-Oct., 1779; also, Light Infantry co., Col. Nixon's regt. ; payrolls for Nov. and Dec, 1779; also, Capt. A. Holden's co., Col. Nixon's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780 ; also, (late) Capt. Barnes's (Light Infantry) co., Col. Nixon's regt. ; return of men in need of clothing, dated Feb. 6, 1780; also, Capt. Abel Holden's (Light Infantry) co., Col. Nixon's regt.; payroll for Jan.-June, 1780; reported a prisoner of war Feb. 3, 1780; also, Capt. Holden's co., 6th Mass. regt. ; pay roll made up for service of said Knight and others who were omitted from rolls made up previous to Aug. 1, 1780 ; service from Feb. 3, 1780, 5 mos. 27 days ; also, Capt. Holden's (Light Infantry) co., Col. Nixon's regt. ; pay roll for Nov. and Dec, 1780; also, descriptive list dated West Point, Jan. 29, 1781 ; Capt. Holden's co., Col. Thomas Nixon's (6th) regt. commanded by Lieut. Col. Smith ; rank, Private ; age, 19 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 4 in.; complexion, light; hair, dark; occupation, fanner; residence, Rutland; enlisted April 3, 1777, by Capt. Wheeler; enlist- ment, during war ; also, Private, Capt. Abel Holden's (later Capt. Mason Wot- tles's) co., Lieut. Col. Calvin Smith's (6th) regt. ; return for Avages; wages allowed said Knight for Jan.-Oct., 1781, 10 mos.; reported transferred to Col. Armong's (Armand's) corps Nov. 1, 1781.

1184. Knowles, Samuel. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Silver Eel " from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners; reported a Seaman.

1185. Knowls, John, Philadelphia. List of prisoners discharged from prison-ship at Rhode Island in exchange for British prisoners and sent to Boston in the schooner " Speedwell" by Josiah Godfrey, Aug. 6, 1777.

1186. Knoavton, John. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Swift " from Halifax to Boston Sept. 30, 177S, as returned by Thomas Baildon, Commissary of Prisoners ; re- ported a Master.

1187. Koer, Philip, Boston. List of men raised in Suffolk Co. for the term of 9 months from the time of their arrival at Fishkill, agreeable to resolve of April 20, 1778, returned as mustered by Henry Rutgers, Jr., Deputy Muster Master, dated Fishkill, Aug. 1, 1778 ; engaged for town of Boston ; arrived at Fishkill June 18, 1778 ; reported a prisoner of war and rejected accordingly.

1188. Kohler, Andrew, West Springfield. List of men raised to serve in the Continental Army, as returned by Capt. Levi Ely, sworn to in Hampshire Co., April 14, 1779; residence, West Springfield; engaged for town of West Springfield; joined Col. D' Armont's regt. ; term, 3 years or during war ; said Kohler, with others, reported as prisoners of war or convention troops.
1189. Krendall, Henry. List of men raised in Suffolk Co. for the term of 9 months from the time of their arrival at Fishkill, agreeable to resolve of April 20, 1778, returned as mustered by Henry Rutgers, Jr., Deputy Muster Master, dated Fishkill, Aug. 1, 1778; engaged for town of Boston; reported a prisoner of war and rejected accordingly.

1190. Laha, James. Private, Capt. Abijah Bangs's co., Maj. Zenas Winslow's (2d Barnstable Co.) regt. ; service, 5 days, on alarms at Bedford and Falmouth in Sept., 1778; also, account dated [Harwich, Nov. 7, 1778] , rendered by Capt. Abijah Bangs, of amounts due men who guarded prisoners from the [British] ship " Somerset" at Harwich and thence to Yarmouth ; service, 2 days.

1191. Laha, James. Petition signed by said Laha and others, prisoners "lately" arrived from Halifax on parole, stating that there were not enough British prisoners on board the prison-ship in "this harbor" to be exchanged for them, but that a number had entered on board the privateer " Grand Turk " at Salem, and asking that said prisoners be taken from the vessel in order that they be returned to Halifax for exchange; advised in Council Nov. 2, 1782, that the Governor give orders to the Naval Officer at Salem not to clear the " Grand Turk," commanded by Capt. Pratt, and direct the attendance of the Captain to answer the complaints against him.

1192. Laha, Samuel. 1st Lieutenant, sloop " Republic," commanded by Capt. John F. Wil- liams; list of officers of armed vessels; commissioned June 12, 1776; also, 1st Lieutenant, sloop " Republic," commanded by Capt. John Foster Williams ; en- gaged May 28, 1776; discharged Nov. 18, 1776; service, 5 mos. 20 days; officers and crew reported as having been discharged at Boston ; also, list of prisoners sent from Newport, R. I., in the prison-ship " Lord Sandwich," and landed at Bristol, March 7, 1778 ; said Laha reported as 1st Lieutenant, brigantine " Active ; " also, list of transports laden with provisions, etc., for troops engaged on Penobscot expedition, as returned by John Lucas, Commissary, dated Boston, July 12, 1779; said Laha reported Master of the schooner " Hannah."

1193. Laine, Daniel, Buxton. Captain, Col. Brooks's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Oct. 18, 1779; reported discharged Oct. 18, 1779; also, Captain, (late) Col. Ichabod Alden's regt. ; return of field, staff, and com- missioned officers, dated Boston, Jan. 5, 1779; also, return of field, staff, and commissioned officers belonging to 6th Mass. regt. formerly commanded by Col. Ichabod Alden, who were in camp before Aug. 15, 1777, and who had not been absent subsequently except on furlough, etc., dated Cherry Valley, Feb. 24, 1779 ; also, Captain, 6th co., (late) Col. Ichabod Alden's (6th) regt.; muster roll for March and April, 1779, dated Cherry Valley; also, Captain, 7th Mass. regt. ; list of settlements of rank of Continental officers, dated West Point, made by a Board held for the purpose and confirmed by Congress Sept. 6, 1779 ; commissioned Jan. 1, 1777 ; also, Captain, 8th co., Col. Ichabod Alden's regt. ; return of officers [year not given] ; reported a prisoner ; also, Lieut. Col. John Brooks's (late Col. Alden's) 7th regt.; return of field, staff, and commissioned officers made up to Dec. 31, 1779 ; residence, Buxton ; also, Captain, 5th co., Lieut. Col. Brooks's regt. ; return of officers dated Sept. 9, 1780; reported resigned Oct. 18, 1779.

1194. Lamb, Richard. List of prisoners to be returned in exchange for British prisoners sent in the cartel " Favourite " [year not given].

1195. Lambert, Josiah, 1st. List of prisoners on board the cartel " Hostage " to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; reported taken in the sloop " Retrieve " (privateer), of Casco Bay, by the British ship "Milford."

1196. Lambert, Josiah, 2d. List of prisoners on board the cartel " Hostage " to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; reported taken in the sloop " Retrieve " (privateer), of Casco Bay, by the British ship " Milford."

1197. Lamont, David. List of prisoners on board the cartel "Hostage" to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; reported taken in the sloop " Retrieve " (privateer), of Casco Bay, by the British ship " Milford."

1198. Lamont, John. List of prisoners on board the cartel " Hostage" to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; said Lamont, 2d Lieutenant, reported taken in the sloop " Retrieve " (privateer), of Casco Bay, by the British ship " Milford."

1199. Lamphen, William. Private, Capt. Jeremiah Miller's co., Col. Joseph Vose's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Sept. 16, 1777; reported a prisoner of war.

1200. Landers, Peter. Return of prisoners, comprising officers and crews of five privateers belonging to Salem, Marblehead, and Cape Ann, taken by a British ship of war [year not given] ; signature of said Landers with other owners and agents of the captured privateers affixed to said return.

1201. Lane, Samuel, Boston. List of prisoners sent from New York [year not given] , in the cartel "Rising Empire," as returned by Commissioner Godfrey; said Lane re- ported as belonging to Boston and employed by Mr. Payne.

1202. Lang, Benjamin. Receipt dated Fort Washington, Aug. 17, 1776, signed by said Lang and others belonging to Capt. Addison Richardson's co., for wages for Nov. and Dec, 1775; also, Capt. Richardson's co. ; list of men taken from the Orderly Book of Col. Israel Hutchinson, of the 27th regt., dated Fort Lee; reported taken prisoner at Fort Washington Nov. 16, 1776.

1203. Langdon, William. Petition dated Boston, June 16, 1777, signed by Robert Pierpont, in behalf of Zachariah Gage, stating that the ship " Success," said Langdon, Master, had sailed from Beverly about seven weeks previously, bound on voyage to Charleston, S. C, but had been taken by the British frigate "Dimond" and carried into Rhode Island where the officers and men were held as prisoners, and asking that a number of British prisoners be forwarded to Rhode Island for their exchange ; ordered in Council June 17, 1777, that the Commissary of Prisoners be directed to send under a proper guard from among the prisoners on board the guard ship in the harbor a number sufficient (9), and of equal rank, to effect the exchange ; also, petition dated Salem, Dec. 22, 1777, signed by Elias Hasket Derby and others, of Salem, asking that said Langdon be commissioned as com- mander of the schooner " Cent-Peid " (privateer); ordered in Council Dec. 23, 1777, that a commission be issued.

1204. Langer, Thomas. List of prisoners sent in the prison-ship " Lord Sandwich " from Newport, R. I., and landed at Bristol March 7, 1778.

1205. Langford, Peter. List of prisoners on board the cartel " Hostage " to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; said Langford taken in the sloop " Retrieve " (privateer), of Casco Bay, by the British ship " Milford."

1206. Lapthorn, James. List of prisoners to be received in exchange for British prisoners sent to Halifax in the cartel "Swift," as attested by Robert Pierpont, Commis- sary, dated Oct. 9, 1777; said Lapthorn, Seaman, to be exchanged for Andrew Dougal, Seaman.

1207. Lapthorn, John. List of prisoners to be received in exchange for British prisoners sent to Halifax in the cartel "Swift," as attested by Robert Pierpont, Commis- sary, dated Oct. 9, 1777; said Lapthorn, Seaman, to be exchanged for Alexander Lasson, Seaman.

1208. Larvey, William. List of prisoners to be returned in exchange for British prisoners sent to New York in the cartel " Favorite," as returned by Robert Pierpont, Commissary of Prisoners [year not given] ; said Larvey, Seaman, to be exchanged for James Clarke, Seaman (also given Hugh Higgins, Seaman).

1209.Lasket, John. List of prisoners brought to Marblehead in the cartel "Pacific" to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] .

1210. Lasket, Robert. List of prisoners sent in the cartel "Silver Eel" from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners ; reported a Seaman.

1211. Lasket, Thomas. List of prisoners at Halifax, comprising Capt. Edward Fettyplace, Jr., and crew, to be exchanged for British prisoners, dated Marblehead, Dec. 15, 1777 ; said Laskey to be exchanged for George Stockell.

1212. Latham, John. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Silver Eel " from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners ; reported a Seaman.

1213. Laughlin, Randall. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Silver Eel " from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Comnrissary ; reported a Seaman.

1214. Laurie, Pierre. List of prisoners discharged from the British sloop "Hunter" and sent on board the cartel " Silver Eel " by order of Sir George Collier Oct. 9, 1778 ; said Laurie reported as having been confined in Halifax prison.

1215. Lawell, Eliphalet. Private, Capt. Oliver Titcomb's co., Col. Jacob Gerrish's regt. of guards ; service from Feb. 3, 1778, to April 2, 1778, 2 mos. 2 days, guarding prisoners after the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne's army. Roll dated Winter Hill.

1216. Lawton, James. List of prisoners brought in the first cartel from Rhode Island, as returned by John Ayres, dated Providence, Jan. 18, 1777.

1217. Lawton, Joseph. List of prisoners brought in the first cartel from Rhode Island, as returned by John Ayres, dated Providence, Jan. 18, 1777.

1218. Lay, Jeremiah. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Silver Eel " from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners ; reported a Seaman.

1219. Leach, George. Private, Capt. Richardson's co. ; list of men taken from the Orderly Book of Col. Israel Hutchinson of the 27th regt., dated Fort Lee ; reported taken prisoner at Fort Washington Nov. 16, 1776.

1220. Leach, John, Philadelphia. List of prisoners discharged from prison-ship at Rhode Island in exchange for British prisoners and sent to Boston in the schooner " Speedwell " Aug. 6, 1777, by Capt. Josiah Godfrey.

1221. Leach, Paul. Capt. Baker's co. ; list of men taken from the Orderly Book of Col. Israel Hutchinson, of the 27th regt., dated Fort Lee ; reported taken prisoner at Fort Washington, Nov. 16, 1776.

1222. Leach, Richard. Capt. Baker's co. ; list of men taken from the Orderly Book of Col. Israel Hutchinson, of the 27th regt., dated Fort Lee ; reported taken prisoner at Fort Washington, Nov. 16, 1776; also reported a prisoner at Lond (Long) Island.

1223. Learns, Jacob. Seaman, brigantine " Freedom," commanded by Capt. John Clouston : engaged Feb. 4, 1777 ; service to Aug. 4, 1777, 6 mos. ; also, account rendered against the state of Massachusetts for wages due said Learns and Nathaniel Stacey from Aug. 4, 1777, to April -, 1779, 20 mos. ; said Learns and Stacey reported as having been taken prisoners.

1224. Leavitt, Nathaniel. Capt. Richardson's co. ; list of men taken from the Orderly Book of Col. Israel Hutchinson of the 27th regt., dated Fort Lee ; reported taken prisoner at Fort Washington Nov. 16, 1776.

1225. Lebart, John. Private, Capt. William Hudson Ballard's co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's regt.; muster roll dated Camp at Ticonderoga, Nov. 27, 1776; enlisted Dec. 15, 1776; reported taken prisoner Oct. 13, 1776.

1226. Lebeojce, Peter. List of French prisoners sent from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged ; reported a Seaman ; letter from Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners, to the Commissary of Prisoners at Boston, dated on board the " Rain- bow" at Halifax, Oct. 8, 1778, accompanying list, requests that said men be ex- changed for British prisoners.

1227. Le Blanc, Simon. List of French prisoners sent from Halifax to Boston, Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged ; reported a Seaman ; letter from Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners, to the Commissary of Prisoners at Boston, dated on board the " Rain- bow," at Halifax, Oct. 8, 1778, accompanying list, requests that said men be ex- changed for British prisoners.

1228. Leble, Francois. List of French prisoners sent from Halifax to Boston, Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged; reported a Seaman; letter from Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners to the Commissary of Prisoners at Boston, dated on board the " Rain- bow " at Halifax, Oct. 8, 1778, accompanying list, requests that said men be ex- changed for British prisoners.

1229. Le Cro, Philip. List of prisoners on board the cartel " Hostage " to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; reported taken in a prize of the sloop "Rover" (privateer) by the British ship "Milford."

1230. Lee, Josiah. List of prisoners sent from port of Halifax to be exchanged for British prisoners by order of Sir George Collier June 28, 1777, as returned by John Emer- son, Commissary; said Lee, a Seaman, reported taken in the snow " Lord Stan- ley," a prize of the " True Blue."

1231. Lee, Richard. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Silver Eel " from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners ; reported a Seaman.

1232. Leech, Robert. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Swift" from Halifax to Boston Nov. 9, 1777, as returned by Josiah Godfrey and B. Fox, Commissaries; reported Master of a merchant vessel.

1233. Leech, Samuel. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Swift" from Halifax to Boston Nov. 9, 1777, as returned by Josiah Godfrey and B. Fox, Commissaries ; reported a Seaman.

1234. Lefavour, Richard. List of officers and crew of the brigantine " Saratoga" (privateer), commanded by Capt. Eleazer Giles, as certified by the owners John and Andrew Cabot, endorsed " 1780; " said Lefavour reported a prisoner.

1235. Lefavour, Thomas. List of prisoners at Halifax comprising Capt. Edward Fetty- place, Jr., and crew, to be exchanged for British prisoners, dated Marblehead, Dec. 15, 1777 ; said Lefavour to be exchanged for Richard Harvey.

1236. Legro, Joseph. Seaman, brigantine " Tyrannicide," commanded by Capt. Jonathan Haraden; engaged Oct. 1, 1777; service to Aug. 11, 1778, 10 mos. 14 days; reported taken prisoner. Roll sworn to at Salem.

1237. Legro, Samuel. List of prisoners brought to Marblehead in the cartel " Pacific " to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] .

1238. Legroo, Phil. List of prisoners delivered to Col. Gabriel Johonnot by Mr. Charles Waller, Commissary of Prisoners at Rhode Island, March 17, 1778; reported a Seaman.

1239. Lemon, John. List dated Sept. 12, 1777, of prisoners sent on shore at Sheepscot river and Townsend from His Majesty's ship " Rainbow," and certified Nov. 10, 1777, by George Collier, as having been liberated by him without receipts being given for them as there were no Selectmen to sign at places above named.

1240. Lemons, Benjamin. List of prisoners sent from Port of Halifax to be exchanged for British prisoners by order of Sir George Collier, June 28, 1777, as returned by John Emerson, Commissary ; said Lemons, a Seaman, reported taken in a trading vessel.

1241. Leneve, Jack. List of French prisoners sent from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged; reported a Seaman ; letter from Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prison- ers, to the Commissary of Prisoners at Boston, dated on board the " Rainbow " at Halifax, Oct. 8, 1778, accompanying list, requests that said men be exchanged for British prisoners.

1242. Leonard, Elijah. Sergt. Enos Dean's detachment of guards ; service, 1 day, by order of Committee of Correspondence, etc., in order to prevent escape of Highlanders and other prisoners from Taunton jail during the alarm of Dec. 8, 1776.

1243. Leonard, Rufus, Taunton. Sergt. Enos Dean's detachment of guards; service, 1 day, by order of Committee of Correspondence, etc., in order to prevent escape of Highlanders and other prisoners from Taunton jail during the alarm of Dec. 8, 1776; also, Corporal, Capt. Ichabod Leonard's co., Col. Thomas Carpenter's regt. ; service, 1 mo. 9 days ; company marched from Bristol Co. to Rhode Island in July, 1778, to serve for 6 weeks; also, Private, Capt. Ichabod Leonard's co., Col. Abiel Mitchel's regt. commanded by Lieut. Col. James Williams, Brig. Gen. Godfrey's (Bristol Co.) brigade ; service, 6 days ; company marched from Taunton to Tiverton, R. I., on the alarm of Aug. 1, 1780.

1244. Leopold, Henry, West Springfield. List of men raised to serve in the Continental Army, as returned by Capt. Levi Ely, sworn to in Hampshire Co., April 14, 1779; residence, West Springfield ; engaged for town of West Springfield; joined Col. D'Armont's regt.; term, 3 years or during war; said Leopold, with others, re- ported as prisoners of war or convention troops.

1245. Leopold, John Christian, West Springfield. List of men raised to serve in the Con- tinental Army, as returned by Capt. Levi Ely, sworn to in Hampshire Co. April 14, 1779; residence, West Springfield; engaged for town of West Springfield; joined Col. D'Armont's regt.; term, 3 years or during war; said Leopold, with others, reported as prisoners of war or convention troops.

1246. Lephlein, Francis. List of prisoners sent from Halifax to Boston in the cartel " Swift " Nov. 9, 1777, as returned by Josiah Godfrey and B. Fox, Commissaries ; reported a Seaman.

1247. Lesage, Pierre. List of prisoners discharged from the British sloop " Hunter ' and sent on board the cartel " Silver Eel" Oct. 9, 1778, by order of Sir George Col- lier; reported as having been confined in Halifax prison.

1248. Lewis, "Darell." List of prisoners sent from Halifax to Boston in the cartel " Swift" Sept. 30, 1778, as returned by Thomas Baildon, Commissary of Prison- ers ; reported a Seaman.

1249. Lewis, David. Sergeant, Capt. Nathaniel Lothrop's co., Col. Freeman's regt.; ser- vice, 5 days [probably in Nov., 1778] , guarding prisoners belonging to the [British] ship " Somerset " from Barnstable to Plymouth. Roll dated Barnstable, Nov. 9, 1778.

1250. Lewis, Ebexezer. Private, Capt. Ebenezer Baker's co., Col. Freeman's regt.; marched Oct. 4, 1777; service, 28 days; company marched to Tiverton, R. I., on a secret expedition ; also, Capt. Nathaniel Lothrop's co., Col. Freeman's regt. ; service, 2 days [probably in Nov., 1778], guarding prisoners belonging to the [British] ship "Somerset" from Barnstable to Plymouth; roll dated Barnstable, Nov. 9, 1778; also, Sergeant, Capt. Micah Hamlen's co., Lieut. Col. Hallet's regt. ; appointed Aug. 6, 1780; discharged Oct. 30, 1780; service, 2 mos. 28 days, at Rhode Island ; regiment detached from militia to reinforce Continental Army for 3 months.

1251. Lewis, Henrt. List of prisoners sent in the cartel "Silver Eel" from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners; reported a Seaman.

1252. Lewis, John. List of prisoners brought to Marblehead in the cartel " Pacific" to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; said Lewis, a Master, reported as having been taken in the schooner " Wan-en " by the British ship " Liverpool."

1253. Lewis, John. Capt. Lot Crowell's co., Col. Nathaniel Freeman's regt. ; service, 13 days, on an alarm at Dartmouth and Falmouth in Sept., 1778; also, same co. and regt.; service, 2 days, guarding prisoners belonging to the [British] ship " Somerset" lost on Cape Cod Nov. -, 1778.

1254. Lewis, Nathaniel. Capt. Nathaniel Lothrop's co., Col. Freeman's regt. ; service, 2 days [probably in Nov., 1778], guarding prisoners belonging to the [British] ship " Somerset " from Barnstable to Plymouth. Roll dated Barnstable, Nov. 9, 1778.

1255. Lewis, Robert. List of prisoners sent in the cartel "Silver Eel" from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners ; reported a Seaman.

1256. Lewis, Thomas. List of prisoners sent from Newport, R. I., in the prison ship "Lord Sandwich " and landed at Bristol March 7, 1778.

1257. Lewis, Thomas. List of prisoners brought to Marblehead in the cartel "Pacific "to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; said Lewis, Lieutenant, reported as having been taken in the schooner "Warren " by the British ship " Liverpool."

1258. Lewis, William, Newburyport. List of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from 2d Essex Co. regt., as returned by Maj. Ralph Cross; residence, Newbury- port; engaged for town of Newburyport; joined Capt. Moses Greenleaf's co., Col. Ebenezer Francis's regt. ; term, 3 years ; also, Private, Capt. Greenleaf's co., Col. Tupper's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from March 5, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; reported taken prisoner July 7, 1777; also, Capt. Moses Green- leaf's co., Col. Ebenezer Francis's regt. ; subsistence allowed from date of enlist- ment, March 5, 1777, to time of arrival at Bennington; credited with 25 days allowance; 260 miles travel allowed said Lewis; also, Capt. Greenleaf's co., Col. Benjamin Tupper's regt.; return dated Jan. 25, 1778; reported taken prisoner at " Hubelton."

1259. Libbey, John. Private, Capt. Thomas Starret's detachment from Col. Mason Wheaton's regt.; enlisted June 28, 1779; discharged July 5, 1779; service, 8 days, at Camden, Eastern department; also, Capt. Philip M. TJlmer's co., Col. Samuel McCobb's regt. ; service from July 8, 1779, 2 mos. 16 days, on Penobscot expedition ; re- ported taken prisoner Aug. 7, 1779.

1260. Libbt, Ichabod. List of prisoners on board the cartel "Hostage" to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; reported taken in the "Retrieve" (privateer), of Casco Bay, by the British ship "Milford."

1261. Lillet, John. List of prisoners sent in the cartel "Swift" from Halifax to Boston Sept. 30, 1778, as returned by Thomas Baildon, Commissary of Prisoners ; reported a Seaman.

1262. Lillet, John. List of prisoners to be returned in exchange for British prisoners sent in the cartel " Favorite " [year not given] ; reported a Boy.

1263. Lillie, John. List of prisoners at Halifax, comprising Capt. Edward Fettyplace, Jr., and crew, to be exchanged for British prisoners, dated Marblehead, Dec. 15, 1777 ; said Lilley to be exchanged for William Glavis.

1284. Limmington, Thomas. List of prisoners sent from port of Halifax by order of Sir George Collier June 28, 1777, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by John Emerson, Commissary; said Limmington, Ensign, reported as having been taken at Canada.

1265. Lincoln, John. List of prisoners sent in the cartel "Silver Eel" from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners ; reported a Seaman.

1266. Lincoln, Thomas, Cape Cod. List of prisoners exchanged at Rhode Island and de- livered to John Ayers, as returned by M. Reed, Secretary, dated Newport, Feb. II, 1777; residence, Cape Cod; reported a Seaman.

1267. Lindset, Ralph. List of prisoners to be returned in exchange for British prisoners sent to New York in the cartel " Favorite," as returned by Robert Pierpont, Commissary
of Prisoners [year not given] ; said Lindsey, a Seaman, to be exchanged for Ilichard Drake, Seaman.

1268. Lindset, William, Stockbridge (also given N. Lebanon). Private, Capt. Means's co., Col. Ebenezer Sprout's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from March 1, 1777, to July 1, 1777; reported died July 1, 1777; also, Capt. John Chadwick's co., Col. Brewer's regt. ; return dated June 22, 1778 ; residence, N. Lebanon ; enlisted for town of Stockbridge ; mustered by M. Wheeler ; reported taken prisoner July 7 [year not given] .

1269. Lines, Laban. Private, Capt. Elisha Hedge's co. ; service, 2 days [probably in Nov., 1778] guarding prisoners belonging to the [British] ship "Somerset." Roll sworn to at Yarmouth, Jan. 1, 1779.

1270. Liscobib, William. List of prisoners brought to Marblehead in the cartel "Pacific" to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; said Liscomb, a carpenter, reported as having been taken in the schooner " General Gates " (privateer) by the British brig " Hope."

1271. Little, Peter, Stockbridge. List of men raised to serve in the Continental Army ; residence, Stockbridge; engaged for town of Marlborough; also, list of men mustered between Jan. 20, 1777, and June 1, 1778, by Truman Wheler, Muster Master for Berkshire Co. ; term, during war ; reported received State bounty ; also, Private, Capt. Moses Ashley's co., Col. Joseph Vose's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from June 24, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1780; reported taken prisoner Dec. 20, 1777, and not exchanged until cessation of hostilities, as per certificate of Moses Ashley, Major, 6th Mass. regt., dated Dec. 17, 1783; also, same co. and regt. ; muster roll for Dec, 1777, sworn to at Camp near Valley Forge ; enlisted June 24, 1777.

1272. Lloyd, Jephthah. List of prisoners sent from Halifax to Boston in the cartel "Swift" Nov. 9, 1777, as returned by Josiah Godfrey and B. Fox, Commissaries ; reported a Seaman.

1273. Lloyd, Zebedee. List dated Sept. 12, 1777, of prisoners sent on shore at Sheepscot river and Townsend from His Majesty's ship "Rainbow," and certified Nov. 10, 1777, by George Collier, as having been liberated by him without receipts being given for them as there were no Selectmen to sign at places above named.

1274. Lobdill, James, Boston. List of prisoners exchanged at Rhode Island and delivered to John Ayres, as returned by M. Reed, Secretary, dated Newport, Feb. 11, 1777; reported a Seaman.

1275. Longley, Joseph, Shirley (also given Littleton). Corporal, Capt. Sylvanus Smith's co., Col. Timothy Bigelow's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from May 19, 1777, to May 19, 1780; also, Private, same co. and regt.; muster roll for Jan. -Aug., 1777, dated Van Schaick's Island and sworn to in Camp at Stillwater; also, muster roll for Nov., 1777, sworn to at Camp near the Gulf; also, muster roll for Dec, 1777, sworn to at Camp Valley Forge ; reported a pris- oner at Philadelphia Dec. 28, 1777 ; also, return dated Feb. 2, 1778 ; residence, Shirley (also given Littleton) ; enlisted for town of Harvard ; mustered by Mid- dlesex Co. Muster Master; also, Corporal, same co. and regt.; muster roll for July and Aug., 1778, dated Camp Providence; reported taken prisoner Dec. 28, 1777, exchanged July 18, 1778, promoted to Corporal Aug. 1 (also given July 1), 1778 ; also, muster rolls for Sept., 1778-June, 1779, dated Camp at Providence ; re- ported confined in Jan., 1779; also, muster roll for July, 1779; also, muster roll for Aug., 1779, dated Camp at Salem; enlisted May 19 (also given May 9), 1777; enlistment, 3 years; also, muster roll for Sept., 1779, dated Bedford; also, muster roll for Oct., 1779, sworn to at Peekskill; also, muster roll for Nov. and Dec, 1779, dated Highlands; reported on furlough; also, muster roll for Jan. -June, 1780, dated Camp Robinson's Farms ; reported discharged May 9 (also given May 19), 1780.

1276. Loomis, Daniel. Private, Capt. Peter Porter's co., Col. John Brown's (Berkshire Co.) regt. ; enlisted Sept. 22, 1777 ; discharged Oct. 8, 1777 ; service, 16 days ; company called out by order of Maj. Gen. Gates, marched to Bennington, thence escorted 169 prisoners to Springfield by order of Gen. Lincoln.

1277. Lord, Nicholas. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Silver Eel " from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners; reported a Seaman.

1278. Lord, Thomas. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Silver Eel " from Halifax to Bos- ton Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners; reported a Seaman.

1279. Loring, Joseph. Petition addressed to the Council, signed by John Newell, of Boston, stating that said Loring, Lieutenant, had been taken prisoner by the British at Fort Washington and retained in captivity from that time, being confined under parole on Long Island, and requesting that measures be taken to procure the exchange of said Loring for one Charles Gordon, a Lieutenant of the 71st regt., held prisoner at Dunstable ; ordered in Council June 6, 1777, that permission be granted Lieut. Gordon to ascertain whether the Commissary of Prisoners at New York would allow the exchange to be effected.

1280. Lothrop, Benjamin. Capt. Nathaniel Lothrop's co., Col. Freeman's regt. ; service, 2 days, probably in Nov., 1778, guarding prisoners from the [British] ship " Somer- set " from Barnstable to Plymouth. Roll dated Barnstable, Nov. 9, 1778.

1281. Loud, George. List of prisoners sent from New York to Portsmouth, N. H., to be exchanged for British prisoners [year not given] ; said Loud, a Seaman, reported as having been taken in the ship " General Gadsden " by the ship "Daphne."

1282. Louger, Noah. List of prisoners sent in the cartel "Swift" from Halifax to Boston Sept. 30, 1778, as returned by Thomas Baildon, Commissary of Prisoners ; re- ported a Seaman.

1283. Lovejot, Isaac. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Swift" from Halifax to Boston Sept. 30, 1778, as returned by Thomas Baildon, Commissary of Prisoners ; reported a Seaman.

1284. Lovejot, Orlando. List of prisoners sent in the cartel "Swift" from Halifax to Boston Sept. 30, 1778, as returned by Thomas Baildon, Commissary of Prisoners; reported a Seaman.

1285. Lovell, Nehemiah. List of prisoners sent in the cartel " Silver Eel " from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Bat. Fox, Commissary of Prisoners; reported a Lieutenant.

1286. Lovering, Henry, Holliston. Private, Capt. John Stone's (Holliston) co. of militia, which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Roxbury; service, 10 days; also, Capt. Jacob Miller's co., Col. Ephraim Doolittle's (24th) regt.; company return dated Camp at Winter Hill, Oct. 6, 1775 ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Winter Hill, Oct. 31, 1775; also, list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master for Suffolk Co., dated Boston, April 13, 1777 ; Capt. Warren's co., Col. Bailey's regt. ; term, 3 years; also, Private, 6th co., Col. John Bailey's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Feb. 19, 1777, to April 10, 1778; residence, Holliston; credited to town of Holliston; reported died April 10, 1778; also, Capt. Isaac Warren's co., Col. Bailey's regt. ; company return dated Camp Valley Forge, Jan. 24, 1778; reported taken prisoner.

1287. Lovering, Thomas. List of prisoners to be returned in exchange for British prisoners sent in the cartel " Favorite " [year not given] ; reported as belonging to the ship " Boston," Capt. Hector McNeil, and as taken in the ship " Fox."

1288. Loves, Josiah, Hingham. List of prisoners brought the second trip from Rhode Island, as returned by John Ayres, dated Boston, Jan. 23,1777; said Loves, Lieutenant, reported as having been taken in the " Viper."

1289. Lovet, Joseph, Hingham. List of prisoners brought the second trip from Rhode Island, as returned by John Ayres, dated Boston, Jan. 23, 1777 ; said Lovet, a Sur- geon, reported as having been taken in the " Viper."

1290. Lovett, Ebenezer. Copy of a list of men taken from the Orderly Book of Col. Israel Hutchinson, of the 27th regt., dated Fort Lee ; Capt. Baker's co. ; reported taken prisoner at Fort Washington Nov. 16, 1776.

1291. Luvlis, William. Copy of a list of men taken from the Orderly Book of Col. Israel Hutchinson, of the 27th regt., dated Fort Lee; Capt. Putnam's co. ; reported taken prisoner at Fort Washington Nov. 16, 1776.

1292. Lowe, John. List of prisoners sent from port of Halifax by order of Sir George Collier June 28, 1777, to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by John Emerson, Commissary; said Lowe, Seaman, reported as having been taken in a trading vessel.

1293. Lowe, Joseph. List of prisoners sent in the cartel "Swift" from Halifax to Boston Nov. 9, 1777, as returned by Josiah Godfrey, and B. Fox, Commissaries ; reported a Seaman.

1294. Lowell, Samuel. List of prisoners on board the cartel " Hostage " to be exchanged for British prisoners, as returned by Thomas Stone, Commissary [year not given] ; reported taken in the sloop " Retrieve" (privateer), of Casco Bay, by the British ship " Milford."

1295. Lsubon, Pierre. List of French prisoners sent from Halifax to Boston Oct. 8, 1778, to be exchanged ; reported a Seaman ; letter from Bat. Fox, Commissary of Pris- oners, to the Commissary of Prisoners at Boston, dated on board the " Rainbow " at Halifax, Oct. 8, 1778, accompanying list, requests that said meu be exchanged for British prisoners.

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