Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Fingers.

Cause for exemption.

Total loss of writh thumb; loss of ungual phalanx of right thumb; total loss of any two fingers of same hand; loss of the first and second phalanges of all the fingers of right hand. Permanent extension or permanent contraction of two fingers of right hand; all the fingers adherent or united.

32nd, Wisconsin Infantry, Captain Charles Carpenter, wounded left hand, third finger amputated.

3rd., New Hampshire, John L. Wing, Company K, wounded in finger (slight).

1st., South Carolina, Artillery, Quartermaster-Sergeant [William] Nicol, four fingers cut from left hand.

11th, United States Infantry, Captain J. M. Goodhue, finger amputated.

31st. Georgia Infantry, Colonel Lamar, wounded by having a part of one his fingers shot off.

6th., United States Infantry Co. B., John Steward, was shot through the middle finger with an arrow, which fortunately struck the stock of his rifle, preventing a serious if not fatal wound.

4th., Iowa Cavalry., Private Francis M. Boswell, Company F, was wounded, losing one finger.

Lieutenant-Colonel McGilvery, my chief of artillery, died suddenly yesterday from effects of chloroform taken during amputation of finger.

BATTERY C, FIRST ILLINOIS ARTILLERY, Sergeantt. L. S. Warner, wounded slightly in finger.

Lieutenant Colonel William O'Brien, Seventy-fifth Indiana, received a wound in the hand which resulted in the amputation of two fingers.

Captain [J. H.] King, Ninth Alabama (entitled to promotion of colonel), had a finger shot off.

59th., Ohio Infantry, Lieutenant John O'Connor, after being severely wounded in the hand, bound it up himself, and he continued in command until night, at which time he had his finger amputated.

Captain David A. Taylor, Third New York Light Artillery, Chief Signal Officer.
“While sending the message for the guns I was hit by a musket-shot on the index finger of the right hand, but fortunately was not much hurt.”

First South Carolina Infantry, Private Harrison, Company G, lost a finger by some inadvertence in running a gun into battery, but returned to his post after getting his wound dressed.

Seventh Connecticut Infantry, Sergeant (Acting Second Lieutenant) Upon, of Company F, was heroically at work when a grape-shot took off three fingers and dashed through his right shoulder. There are but very slight hopes of his recovery.

Forty-fourth New York infantry, Private Leland, Company F, fired over 20 rounds after he had been twice wounded in the head and after his finger had been shot off. He still lives, and is on bivouac with the regiment.

Colonel Cogswell was lightly wounded in the finger.

Captain Hauser, Thirty-third Indiana, rejoined his regiment after the amputation of his finger.

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