Friday, October 04, 2013

Jesse B. Milner, 17th., Indiana Infantry.

Indiana State.

Jesse B. Milner, Residence Laporte, 17th., Indiana infantry, company C., enlisted June 12, 1861, at Indianapolis, age 24.  Enlisted as a veteran January 4, 1864, under the surname of Millner. Also recorded as Millerner.  Mustered out August 8, 1865.

Surgeon General Files.
Case 1035, Jesse B. Milner Co. C, 17th Indiana, aged 26 years, was wounded at Selma, April 7, 1865; was admitted into Kennedy Hospital, Mobile, with a "gunshot wound of the abdomen," on May 4th. He was transferred to hospital at Mound City, Ma}* 21st. Surgeon H. Wardner, U. S. V., noted: "Wound of pelvis, ball entering at the left crus penis, passing obliquely back and to the right, severing the urethra, then, grazing the tuberosity of the ischium, it emerged in the right posterior gluteal region. When he was admitted the wound was healed." This patient was sent to Madison and admitted into Hospital No. 3, June 9th, and registered as having received a "gunshot wound of the abdomen and perineum." He was returned to duty July 17, 1865. It does not appear that he has applied for a pension.

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