The men on this list had bounty land warrants coming to them but they never applied for them. There is no known reason why these men had not claimed their warrants. In 1828, the Judiciary committee, found all these unclaimed warrants in the files of the bounty land office. The Judiciary committee asked for a printing of the names of these Officers and soldiers, so they may be used by Congress, and that there should be a publication of these list. It recommend that this list would be printed for the use of the Senate. It also recommend that these list would be published ( My under standing three times ) in Newspapers authorized to print the laws of the United States.
List of such warrants as have been issued for officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army that remain on the files of the bounty land office unclaimed.
1. Jotham Ames, Lieutenant, Massachusetts, Acres-200, When issued, Mar. ,1791.
2. George Bush, Captain, Pennsylvania, Acres-300, When issued, May 19,1799.
3. Benjamin Fishbourne, Captain, Pennsylvania, Acres-300, When issued, Oct. 1,1799.
4. Alexander Mitchell, Captain, New Jersey, Acres-300, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
5. Robert Patton, Captain, Pennsylvania, Acres-300. When issued, July 31,1892.
6. Alexander Walker, Captain, Pennsylvania, Acres-300, When issued, July 31,1892.
7. Robert Wharry, Surgeon’s mate, Pennsylvania, Acres-300, When issued, Sept. 21,1791
8. Asabel Risley, Private, Sheldon’s dragoons, Acers-100, When issued, April 19,1790.
9. Jere. Weldon, Private, New York, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
10. Neal O’Neal, Private, New Jersey, Acres-100, When issued, June 17,1789.
11. Abraham Boyd, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, When issued, July 9,1789.
12. Richard Biggs, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, When issued, .June 12,1789.
13. James Bennett, Sergeant major, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, April 6,1790.
14. James Burnside, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, May 28,1791.
15. John Brown, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, Nov. 5,1789.
16. Barney Colgan, , Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, April 6,1790.
17. Andrew Cratty, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, July 9,1789.
18. Patrick Crawford, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, Nov. 5,1789.
19. George Chapman., Sergeant, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, July 9,1789.
20. William Carney, Private, Proctor’s artillery, Acres-100, when issued, July 9,1789.
21. John Deveny, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, July 9,1789.
22. Philip Everheart, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, Nov. 5,1789.
23. George Francis, Sergeant, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, April 6,1790.
24. John Grimes, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, July 2,1790.
25. Samuel Johnston, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, July 9,1789.
26. Andrew Jarrett, Private, Proctor’s artillery, Acres-100, when issued, July 16,1789.
27. John Keeland, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, Nov. 5,1789.
28. William Lee, Sergeant major, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, Nov. 5,1789.
29. John Morrison, Sergeant, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, When issued, April 6, 1790.
30. John O’NeaI, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, April 10,1796.
31. Richard O’NeaI, Private, Pennsylvania, Acres-100, when issued, July 9,1789.
32. Timothy Rourk, Corporal, Acres-100, when issued, April 6,1790.
33. John Brown, Sergeant, Maryland, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
34. Jacob Buber, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
35. Robert Bacon, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
36. Thomas Craig, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
37. Michael Haney, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
38. John Lockhart, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
39. Peter McCarney, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
40. Edward Walker, Private, Virginia, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
41. John Bowman, Sergeant, Von Heir’s Dragoons, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 5,1789.
42. John Hampton, Private, Artillery artificers, Acres-100, When issued, Nov. 1,1791.
43. Edward Thompson, Private, Hazen’s regiment, Acres-100, When issued, Mar. 28,1790.
44. .James Tully, Private, Artillery artificers, Acres-100, When issued, July 9,1789.
45. Joseph Fenton, Lieutenant, Massachusetts, Acres-200, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
46. John Harradon, Private, Massachusetts, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
47. John Hopkins, Corporal, Massachusetts, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
48. Charles Stocker, Corporal, Massachusetts, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
49. Andrew Barton, Private, Massachusetts, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
50. William Hay, Private Rhode Island, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
51. Ichabod Howard, Private Rhode Island, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
52. Charles Limbrick, Drummer, Rhode Island, Acres-100, When issued, Feb. 28,1804.
53. George Hartman, Hazen’s regiment, Acres-100, When issued, April 18,1800.
Page I.
List of the names of such officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army as acquired a right to lands from the United States, and who have not yet applied for it.
New Hampshire.
54. Allen, Ethan., Colonel………….............101. Beebe, Peter, Private.
55. Allen, David, Surgeon’s mate…….........102. Berry, Benjamin, Private.
56. Butterfield, Jonas, Grade not given…...103. Caldwell, John, Private.
57. Barnet, Robert, Lieutenant………….........104. Cook, Paul, Private.
58. Beall, Zachariah, Captain…………..........105. Colburn, Parker, Private.
59. Eno, Martin, Ensign………………..............106. Cushing, William, Private.
60. Frost, George P., Captain…………..........107. Clark, Jesse, Private.
61. Green, Ebenezer, Captain…………...........108. Clark, John, Private.
62. Lyford, Thomas, Lieutenant………..........109. Decannon, William, Private.
63. Mc Lowry, Alexander, Ensign……..........110. Dowe, Benjamin, Private.
64. Safford, Joseph, Lieutenant……….........111. Dergin, Henry, Private.
65. Thomas, Joseph, Lieutenant………..........112 Dorothy, Charles, Private.
66. Taylor, Nathan, Lieutenant………..........113. Downs,Ephraim, Private.
Vol. 1,201. Lieutenant Col. Reed…….....................114. Eaton, Jonathan, Private.
67. Allard, Noah, Private………………............115. Elashaneese, John, Private.
68. Abbott, George, Private…………............116. Foster, Nathan, Private.
69. Berry, Benjamin, Private…………...........117. Gordon, Joseph, Private.
70. Clark, Archibald, Private……............118. Hale, Israel, Private.
71. Card, Samuel, Private…………….............119. Howe, Joseph, Private.
72. Dockum, Enoch, Private………..............120. Harmon, Stephen, Private.
73. hail, James, Private……………….............121. Hill, William, Private.
74. Heath, William, Private…………............122. Harrington, John, Private.
75. Kirkland, Gideon, Private……..….........123. Henderson, Zoath, Private.
76. Leech, Thomas, Private………….............124. Jewell, Joseph, Private.
77. Leighton, Valentine, Private…….........125. Jones, Edward, Private.
78. Peters, John, Private…………….............126. Ingliss, William, Private.
79. Runnels, Israel, Private…………...........127. Kidder, Reuben, Private.
80. Richardson, Daniel, Private…...........128. Leighton, William, Private.
81. Shute, John, Private……………..............129. Lock, Timothy, Private.
82. Smith, Enoch, Private…………..............130.Logee, Moses, Private.
83. Wheat, Joseph, Private………..............131. Martin, Ichabod, Private.
84. Webber, Edward, Private……….............132. Mosier, Timothy, Private.
85. Yeaton, Samuel, Private……..............133.Norton, John, Private.
Vol. 1, 209.………………………..................................134. Orr, James, Private.
86. Avery, Joseph, Private………..............135. Pinkham, Daniel, Private.
87. Abrahams, David, Private………............136. Pendall, John, Private.
88. Beemas, John, Private…………..............137.Reynolds,Alexander, Private.
89. BlasdelI, John, Private…………............138. Reid, John, Private.
99. Bryant, David, Private………….............139. Rathbrun, Solomon, Private.
100. Barnes, Caesar, Private…………...........140. Roberts, Jeduthan, Private.
141. Ray, Silas, Private...................142. Richardson, Nathaniel, Private.
143. Stevens, Roger, Private...............144. Stone, Ezekiel, Private.
145. Shudrick, Joseph, Private.............146. Switzer, Stephen, Private.
147. Spencer, Israel B., Private...........148. Sargents, Bernard, Private.
149. Thomas, Isaac, Private................150. Wallace, John., Private.
151. Wilson, Joseph, Private...............152. Wilson, Thomas, Private.
153. Wisso, Levis, Private.................154. Wade, Edward, Private.
155. Ward, James, Private.
page II.
156. Austin, John, Lieutenant……………….199. Wigglesworth, William, Lieutenant.
157. Andrews, Joseph, Lieutenant…………..200. Whitewell, Samuel, Surgeon.
158. Bringham, Origin, Surgeon’s mate…….201. Walker, Robert, Lieutenant.
159. Chapin, Samuel, Lieutenant……………202. Wi1ey, Aldrick, Lieutenant.
160. Castaing, Peter, Lieutenant…………….Vol. 1,117. Brook’s 7th regiment.
161. Clarkson, Matthew, Major……………..203. Allinson, James, Private.
162. Cogswell, William, Hospital S. mate…..204. Armstrong, George, Private.
163. Cartwright, Thomas, Captain…………..205. Ames, Ephraim, Private.
164. Conant, John., Paymaster………………206. Billings, Robert, Private,
165. Chapin, Leonard, Lieutenant………..…207. Bailies, London, Private.
166. Chaloner, Edward, Ensign……………..208. Blake, Timothy, Private.
167. Dana, Benjamin, Lieutenant…………...209. Barrows, Robert, Private.
168. Davidson, Thomas, Lieutenant………..210. Cu1veron, William, Private.
169. Eysandeau, William, Lieutenant……....211.Cliarles, Peter, Private.
170. Ellis, Paul, Captain…………………....212.Curby, Charles, Private.
171. Gage, Isaac, Lieutenant………………..213. Denniston, James, Private
172. Howe, Richard S., Ensign………….…214. Everett, Thomas, Private.
173. Haines, .Aaron, Captain………………215. Fuller, Nathan, Private. .
174. Jackson, Charles, Ensign……………..216. Gorham, John, Private.
175. Jackson, Thomas, Captain…………….217. Giles, Samuel, Private.
176. Jacobs, George, Lieutenant…………...218. Gosham, Joshua, Private.
177. Kingman, Edward, Ensign……………219. Goodale, Solomon, Private.
178. Lunt, James, Lieutenant………………220. Gurney, Thomas, Private
179. Lunt, Ezra, Captain…………………...221. Goodwin, Cuff, Private.
180. Lane, Abiel, Ensign……………….….222. Gosling, Thomas, Private.
181. McFarland, Moses, Captain…………..223. Grant, Joseph, Private.
182. Nelson, Henry, Lieutenant…………....224. Hacket, Benjamin, Private.
183. Pilbury, Daniel, Captain……………...225. Hurd,Jehiel, Private.
184. Porter, Moses, Lieutenant…………….226.Holden, Joseph, Private.
185. Parsons, Josiah, Lieutenant…………..227. Holden, Samuel, Private.
186. Parker, Stephen, Paymaster…………..228.Hart, Cato. Private.
187. Rawson, Jeduthan, Ensign……………229. Holman, Samuel, Private.
188. Root, Elihu, Ensign……………….…..230. Johnson, Jacob, Private.
189. Scammel, Samuel L. Ensign………….231. Jolley, Jabez, Private
190. Stone, Nathaniel, Lieutenant…………232. Kitler, John, Private.
191. Stafford, John R., Ensign……………..233. Kidder, John, Private.
192. Shaw, Samuel, Captain……………….234. King, Josiah, Private
193. Sluman, John, Captain…………….….235.Love, William, Private.
194. Stevens, Ebenezer, Lieutenant……..…236. Lewis, Francis, Private.
195. Smith, John Ne, Lieutenant………..…237. Madilee, Francis, Private.
196. Town, Jacob, Lieutenant………….….238. Murdee, Pedro, Private.
197. Thacher, Nathaniel, Lieutenant……....239. McLane, William, Private.
Page III.
240. McDaniel, Daniel, Private……………………284. Wallace, Ebenezer, Private.
241. Medcalfe, Ralph, Private……………………..285.Wiggans,John, Private.
242. Nickles, Peter, Private……………………..…286. Weymouth, Joseph, Private.
243. Ostrander, Andrew, Private…………………..287. Welch, James, Private.
244. Peever, John., Private………………………...288.‘Woodward, Isaac, Private.
245. Penny, Simon, Private……………………Vol. I, 157. H. Jackson, 4th. 9th infantry.
246. Perry, Caesar, Private………………………..289. Ateheson, Joshua, Private.
247. Peese, Mike, Private………………………….291. Brook, Joshua, Private.
248. Reynolds, John, Private……………………...292. Blackford, David, Private.
249. Soffin, Thomas, Private………………………293. Blair, John, Private.
250. Scannon, David, Private………………………294. Barney, Nathaniel, Private
251. Stewart, Peleg, Private………………………..295. Covell, Benjamin, Private.
252. Stutson, Robert, Private………………………296. Danforth, John. Private.
253. Young, Joseph, Private……………………….297. Eggleston, Josiah, Private.
Vol.1, 137. Tupper, 6th, 13th, infantry……………...298. Forrest, William, Private.
254. Aldrick, Gustavus, Private……………………299. Foster, Jonathan, Private.
255. Bowen, Michael, Private……………………...300. Fuller, Joseph, Private.
256. Gottrill, Richard, Private……………………...301. Forrest, John, Private.
257. Crosby, Joel, Private…………………………..302. Hersey, Jesse, Private.
258. Church, Stephen, Private………………………303. Hutchins, Richard, Private.
259. Clark, James, Private…………………………..304. Hathaway, Job, Private.
260. Colbroth, Lemuel, Private………………….….305. Lock, Edmund., Private.
261. Ewers,Prince, Private……………………….…306. Moho, Jeremiah, Private
262. Field, John, Private………………………….…307. Newman, John, Private.
263. Field, Robert, Private…………………………..308. Osburn, Matthew, Private.
264. Goodridge, Daniel, Private………………….…309. Perry, Constant, Private.
265. Gilson, Samuel, Private……………………..…310. Pratt, Joseph, Private.
266. Hemingway, James, Private……………………311. Placey, William, Private.
267. Hill, Oliver, Private……………………………312. Parker, Aaron, Private.
268. Hamilton, Reuben, Private…………………….313. Perry, David, Private.
269. Jeffrey, Benjamin, Private………………….….314. Rider, Asa, Private.
270. Lunt, Job, Private…………………………..….315. Stockbridge, John, Private.
271. Lord, Thomas, Private……………………..….316. Swift, Isaac, Private.
272. Milliken, Daniel, Private…………………..….317. Spinner, Peter, Private.
273. Maxfield, Joseph, Private…………………..…318. Shaddock, Cato, Private.
274. Newton, Caleb, Private……………………..…319. Talbut, David, Private.
275. Partridge, Amariah, Private……………….…..320. Whalin, John., Private.
276. Ruggles, Joseph, Private………………………321. Wright, Israel, Private.
277. Smith, Peter, Private…………………………..322. Zon, Lewis, Private.
278. Smith, Solomon, Private…………………….Vol.1, 185., Sproals, 2nd, 12th., infantry.
279. Smith, Samuel, Private………………………..323. Black, Joseph, Private.
280. Smith, William S, Private………………..……324. Boyee, Jonathan, Private.
281. Tellim, Thomas, Private…………………..…..325. Cower, Turner, Private.
282. Van Guilder, Benjamin, Private…………..…..326. Carter, Timothy, Private.
283. Vose, Samuel, Private……………………..….327. Culliham, Frederick W., Private.
Page IV.
328. Fuller, Eliphalet, Private………………..372. Farrington, Seth, Private.
329. Fullman, George, Private………….……373. Fitch, Thomas, Private.
330. Foot, Jebiel, Private…………………….374. Gustin, Jesse, Private.
331.Gross, John, Private……………………..375. Higgins, Andrew, Private.
332. Gustin, Ezra, Private…………………….376. Kanady, Philip, Private.
333. Green, Joseph, Private……………….….377. Kester, John, Private.
334.Huzzard, Jeffrey, Private……………..….378. Linscott, Theodore, Private.
335. Heyward, Simon, Private……………..…379. Mahoney, Jeremiah, Private.
336. Johns, Isaac, Private……………………..380. McLean, Uriah, Private.
337. Keeter, Jacob, Private……………………381. Marble, Luther, Private.
338. Morse, Abisha, Private…………………..382. Mathews, Thomas, Private.
339. Paul, Hugh, Private……………………...383. Pinner, John, Private.
340. Porter, Ephraim, Private……………..….384. Root, David, Private.
341. Parker, John, Private……………………385. Smith, Amos, Private.
342. Renne, Charles, Private…………………386. Sullivan, Timothy, Private.
343. Sprague, Theodore, Private………..……387 Simpson, Holmes, Private
344. Stevens, John, Private…………………..388. Shahay, Maurice, Private
345.Stephens, William, Private………….…..389. Trowbridge, Isaac, Private.
346. Spurr, John., Private…………………....390. Vanbuff, John, Private.
347. Thomas, Peter, Private…………………391. Vinal, Joseph, Private.
348. Wilson, George, Private………………..392 Ward, Jabez, Private.
349. Wamsquaum, Solomon, Private…Vol.11,178. Knapp’s, 5, 10,15 infantry.
350. Walker, William, Private……………....393. Airs, John, Private.
351. Wadsworth, Samuel, Private…………..394. Albee, John, Private
352. Whipley, Amos, Private…………….…395. Batherick, Abel, Private
Vol.11,41. Vase’s regiment 1St., infantry……396. Cummings, Thomas H., Private.
353. Ames, Elisha, Private………………….397. Coomer, William, Private.
354. Allen, John, Private……………………398.Glelaud, Thomas, Private.
355. Bussell, Isaac, Private……………….…399. Cuff William, Private
356. Barnes, James, Private………………....400. Curtis, Zachariah, Private.
357. Balden, Elijah, Private…………………401. Gale, Stephen, Private.
358. Brayman, Benjamin, Private………..….402. Churchill, Ephraim, Private.
359. Balmater, Uriah, Private………………..403. De Lamass, Cordus, Private.
360. Bills, Joseph, Private……………………404. Derrieul, George, Private.
361. Crayton, Robert, Private……………..….405. Davis, John, Private.
362. Curtis, Nathan, Private…………….……406. Edwards, Jonathan, Private.
363. Cowell, Joseph, Private…………………407. Gery, Thomas, Private.
364. Crawson, James, Private…………….….408. Gamwell, Joseph, Private.
365. Corbett, Cornelius, Private………….….409. Hopkins, William, Private.
366. Cornish, Gabriel, Private………….……410. Harvey, Seth, Private.
367. Chadwick, Thomas, Private……………411. Hubbard, Humphreys, Private
368. Cheeselong, Joseph, Private………..….412. Jervis, Charles, Private.
369. Dempsey, Patrick, Private……………..413. Lakeman, Thomas, Private.
370. Evans, Jeremiah, Private………………414. Law, James, Private.
371. Falker, Robert, Private…………………415. Lathergo, John, Private.
Page V.
416. Marr, James, Private…………………560. Oaks, John, Private.
417. McIntosh, John, Private………….…..561. Radford, Thomas, Private.
418. Nickerson, William, Private…………562. Richardson, Robert, Private.
419. Pecket, Joseph, Private……………….563.Sumner, George, Private.
420. Porter, Asa, Private…………….……..564. Vaughan, John, Private.
421. Parris, John., Private……………….…565. Vickory, John, Private.
422. Patridge, Seth, Private…………..……566. Whalin, Robert, Private.
423. Ronaldson, William, Private…………..567. Winter, Mark, Private.
424. Richardson, Daniel, Private……….…..568. Writhington, Thomas, Private.
425. Smith, Aaron, Private………………….569. Ward, Stephen, Private.
426. Stewart, William, Private………………Vol. III, 134. Mellon, 3rd., regiment.
427. Studley, ‘William, Private…………..…670. Alexander, Abraham, Private.
428. Tupper, John, Private………………..…671. Beeman, Jabez, Private.
429. Terdree, Richard., Private………………672. Bailey, Benjamin, Private.
430. Waterman, Silas, Private………………..673. Bryant, Mark, Private.
431. Whitacre, Jeremiah, Private……….……674. Becker, Israel H., Private
432. Winch, Charles, Private…………………675. C?ovey, James. Private.
433. Wilson, John, Private………………….... 676. Cole, Benjamin, Private.
434. Walde, Benjamin, Private………………..677 Cooper, William, Private.
Vol.111,49. M. Jackson, 8th., regiment……..…678. Connor,William, Private
435. Burdeen, Timothy, Private………………..679. Dike, .Archelus, Private.
436. Barnes, Samuel, Private…………….……..680. Dorchum, Samuel, Private
437. Crane, Ezekial., Private………..…………..681. Edson, Peter, Private.
438. Cutter, Josiah, Private………………….…682. Evans, Samuel, Private
439. Cogswell, C??ar, Private………………….683. Freeman, Reuben, Private.
440. Counts, William, Private…………..………684. Foster, William, Private.
441. Garter, John, Private……………………….685. Farley, Jonathan, Private.
442. Davis, Eliphalet, Private……….…………..686. Fisk, Robert, Private.
443. Day, Jeremiah, Private…………………..…687. Gifford, Ichabod, Private
444. Freeman, Doss, Private………………….…688. Gardner, William, Private.
445. Flagg, Anthony, Private…………………....689. Hatch, Jeremiah, Private
446. Fulsom, Peter, Private……………………...690. Hogan, John, Private.
447. Grandy, Asa, Private……………………….691. Hopper, Henry, Private.
448. Guile, Nathan, Private……………….…….692. Keeter, James, Private.
449. Glascock, William, Private………………..693. McMundy, John, Private
550. Hill, Cyrus, Private………………………..694. Murrow, Josiah, Private.
551. Hill, Nathan, Private…………………..…..695. Pierce, Sinion, Private.
552. Juckett, Elijah, Private……………………..696. Patten, William, Private.
553. Lindsey, David, Private……………….……697. Pratt, Philip, Private.
554. Lines, Francis, Private……………….……..698. Piper ,Philip, Private.
555. Lawrence, Johnson, Private……………..….699. Pategrino, Manuel, Private.
556, Mortershead, Robert, Private…………….…700. Ramsdale, James...
557, Meadows, James, Private……………….….701. Richardson, Ebenezer, Private
558. McGay, James, Private……………………..702. Roberts, Daniel P..
559. Mason, Joseph, Private………………….….703. Russell, Daniel., Private.
*704 was left off this list.( Squire, Daniel, Private.)
Page VI.
Note. There are about 4 thousand names on this page, but I find I’m unable to copy the last 12., pages, but I can link you to them, so you will not miss out on any names. When the window opens up the documents will be small, but if you move your arrow around a enlarging box will appear in the lower right hand corner of the page just push on it.
Page VI.
This page will contain the last names of Mellon 3rd., regiment. This page will also be the start of the Connecticut regiments which are the following; Meigs’s 1St., regiment. Swift’s 2nd., regiment.
Page VII.
This page will contain the last names of Swift’s 2nd., regiment. It will also contain Webb’s 2nd, 3rd, 9th., regiment. It will have the names of Rhode Island, no regiments. It well be the start of the New York regiments which are; Van Schaick’s 1St., regiment and Courtlandt 2nd., regiment.
Page VIII.
This page will have the last regiments of New York, which are; Courtlandt 2nd, regiment and Lamb’s 2nd, artillery. This page will have the regiments of New Jersey which are; Cumming’s regiment, Ogden and Dayton’s regiments. This page will also have the start of the Pennsylvania regiments, staring with, Butler’s 3rd., regiment.
Page IX.
This page will continue with the regiments of Pennsylvania, which are; Humpton’s 2nd., regiment and Broadhead’s 1St., regiment.
Page X.
This page will have the last regiments of Pennsylvania which are; Broadhead’s 1St., regiment, 2nd., and 8th., regiments, Moylan’s Dragoons, Proctor’s artillery, Artillery artificers and a unknown regiment. It will also have the start of Delaware’s names no regiments names given.
Page XI.
This page will contain the last of the names of Delaware. It will also have the start of Maryland’s regiments which are the 1St., 2nd., and 3rd., regiments.
Page XII.
This page will have the last of Maryland’s regiments, starting with the 3rd., then the Detachment and last the 4th., regiment. This page is also the start of Virginia’s regiments.
Page XIII.
This page is all of Virginia, there are no regiments names, only the names of the men.
Page XIV.
This page is the last of the names of Virginia. There will be the names of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. The page also has the beginning of the Artillery & Artificers, starting with Armand’s regiment.
Note. Since the burning of the War Office, in 1801, this office has never had any return of the soldiers of the South Carolina and Georgia lines, but has relied solely on certificates from the State governments of service, &c., &e.
Page XV.
This page will continue with Armand’s regiment, and have the beginning of Hazen’s regiment.
Page XVI.
This page will have the last of Hazen’s regiment and will continue with Von Herr’s Dragoons, Sappers and Miners and the Invalid regiments.
Page XVII.
This is the last page and the last of the Invalid regiment. This post will end with the names of the Foreign Officers.
Note. If you find your haveing any trouble with the links or would like to see if there is any information on a name you can write to me, my address can be found in my profile.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Old Newspapers Stories.
When I was a young man 46, years ago, I was on our family farm north of Scranton Kansas, When I ran across some old Newpapers in a barn from the late 1800 hundreds and early 1900 hundreds, and I thought I would put some of the stories here.
National Tribune
Washington D. C. August 31, 1893.
Charles H. Eastman, Co. F., 2d., New Hampshire infantry, of North Conway writes; “ I have fallen into line again and renewed my subscription to the good old National Tribune, let every soldier take the soldiers friend. It’s is our mainstay now.”
Comrade Eastman was enlisted May 2, 1861, for three months, then for three years, an was mustered out June 21, 1864. He was absent from his regiment at one battle, Fredericksburg, being sick at the time. He would like to hear from some of his comrades by letter.
Cora May Lillibbridge, of Pine Hill Rhode Island, was born May 4, 1871, and daughter of Reynolds Lillibbridge, who served 3 years in Co. F. 1St., Rhode Island Cavalry. She has black eyes and black hair; Height 5 feet and 10 inches; weight 140 pounds. She is a member of the C. C. and would be pleased to exchange letters and photographs with members.
Cora May Lillibbridge, of Pine Hill Rhode Island, was born May 4, 1871, and daughter of Reynolds Lillibbridge, who served 3 years in Co. F. 1St., Rhode Island Cavalry. She has black eyes and black hair; Height 5 feet and 10 inches; weight 140 pounds. She is a member of the C. C. and would be pleased to exchange letters and photographs with members.
A little orphans wants.
Dear C. C. friends; I am a little girl and an orphan. My father was almost killed in the war, getting both his legs shot off and died from the effects several years ago. My mother also died, and I am left a long.
I earn my living by painting. I live near the old Shiloh battlefield and near it is a lovely mountain and I will paint a bit of his historic scenery and send to each who will send me a few old used Confederate stamps, or old war envelopes with stamps on them; or a few old Confederate bills, I am getting up a collecting of Confederate relies, I will write every ones name below his collection, so I can tell who give them to me. Will all the dear C. C.’s send me some?
Miss J. F. Bowen
Box 62, Iuka Miss.
Scranton Gazette
Osage County, Friday July 29, 1904
Osage County, Friday July 29, 1904
Local News.
William Telford went to Wichita on the excursion Sunday.
Glen Sargent has been sick with malarial fever this week.
Miss Lena Brydon had a severe spell of tonsillitis this week.
Mrs. E. Boreland is recovering from her recent spell of sickness.
Born July 24, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. John Segelquist, a girl mother and child are doing fine.
Frank Turvey has moved his house on lots south of Dr. Calvers and he expects to put on a porch and remodel it into a fancy residence.
While coming home from the Grange picnic at Wyatts Grove Monday evening Daniel Strickenfinger was riding in a spring wagon with a number of youngens, when the wheels on one side ran into a ditch and he was thrown out, the wheels passed over his stomach. The doctor reports no bones broken , but thinks there maybe some internal injuries.
Grasp the opportunity.
In 1865, Durham was a village of a dozen houses. When the soldiers plundered the place they got a quantity of smoking tobacco. They liked it so well that they hardly got home before they began to write Durham to get more. There were in the town men of enough enterprise to see the opportunity which this situation offered them. It was not long before Durham salesman were selling Durham tobacco in every part of the world.
Drowned by a Bronco.
Watonga Ok., Wallace Erickson a farmer was drowned by a horse at his home Southwest of here Saturday. He was riding an unbroken bronco, when the animal ran into a pond and threw Erickson. The bronco then attacked him and trampled him to death in the water.
The Kansas Semi-Weekly Capital.
May 13. 1898.
Kansas news and comments.
May 13. 1898.
Kansas news and comments.
According to the Osage City free press, 20,000 acres of Kaw Valley land have been planted to potatoes.
Oakley Graphic; They call the military camp at Topeka, camp Leedy. If that isn’t a hoodoo we don’t know what is.
“This Sunday business is rather over-doing it.” Says the Wamego Times, in commenting on a fight in a saloon there Sunday, which is a mild way putting it.
Horton is feeling good because hereafter the Rock Island freight cars will be built here. It is said that it will result in an increase of 500 in population.
An Osborn County farmer announces a novel method of curing hogs of the Cholera. He builds a fire of cobs and gives the animals a through smoking, and claims that he has effected cures by the treatment.
Col. Ike R. Bosby, the veteran tourist printer, reports in Topeka this week. The Colonel authorize the statement that the reports of his death were not founded on fact. All obituary notices which have appeared during the past year concerning him, if sent to the Capital, will be forwarded to the Colonel to be placed in his collection.
Topeka--Frank E. Morgan a volunteer soldier from Burlingame, was attacked by an unknown Negro last night about half past 7 o’clock , at seventh and Kansas avenue, and his throat was nearly cut by two slashes of a razor. A mob of several thousand yelling men besieged the city jail till midnight. Lynching would have been late of the would be murderer if he had been captured . The Police gradually persuaded the mob that he was not at the jail. There seem to be little doubt that the attack on Private Morgan was entirely without provocation. Morgan had an appointment to meet his brother, Ed. Morgan and his cousin James Morgan, at the corner where the trouble occurred. Ed. and James Morgan came up on the north side of east seventh street. At the alley they stopped by a Negro, who made some remark to them. They replied and the Negro cursed them.
Then they walked toward the avenue. When they reached the corner Ed. Morgan looked back, and, stepping up to his brother, said: “ There’s a fellow following us.” The three stepped over to the railing near the corner of the building. The Negro came, up, and, according to the story of witnesses, called Morgan a vile name. The white man struck the Negro, and then Frank Morgan the brother of Ed., stepped in between the fighters. The Negro dealt him two blows with his razor, saying at the same time:” You’re one of them d----militia-men, ain’t you?”
The Negro turned and run. Morgan fell forward, with the blood spurting in streams from this neck. “ I’m cut, Ed. I’m cut he said to his brother. A man standing near is said to have started in pursuit of the Negro, and to have hurled a rock at him. Who this man is could not be learned. The Negro turned north in the alley. Morgan was quickly taken to Stansfield’s drug store, where Dr. D. T. Long dressed the wound. The injured man was not unconscious and talked intelligently. One of the wounds extended from the left ear around to the front of the neck. The other had severed the lower part of the lobe of the left ear and made a shallow gash across the creek. The first wound gaped open, and was a ghastly sight. Twenty stitches were taken in it. In front of the drug store an immense crowd gathered. Many of the soldiers cut on leave thronged to the spot and were greatly excited.
As soon as Morgan’s wounds were sewed up he was taken to Christ hospital in an ambulance. Hardly had the ambulance passed out of sight when a squad of thirty soldiers under command of Lieutenant Huddleston came rapidly down Kansas avenue. The squad composed provo guard of Camp Leedy. News of the trouble had reached the camp and the guard had come to town ostensibly to collect the stragglers from the streets. The temper of the men in the command was such that it had more the nature of a detail on the war path for Negroes. The men begged their Captain to allow them to disperse and take in the town. The requests were very wisely refused.
The appearance of the solders created wild excitement on the avenue. An immense crowd, cheering howling and hooting pushed shoved down the avenue abreast of the soldiers. But the excitement on the avenue died down when the soldiers marched away for camp. But the mob which had gathered did not disperse. It became rumored that the police had caught the Negro that did the cruel work. In a few minutes the streets around the city jail at fifth and Jackson streets were crowded with people. All of the special police and day men were hastily summoned to the jail. The crowd was an angry one, and the presence of a few stray volunteers served to stir the excitement and increase the talk of lynching. Every effort was used to calm the mob.
A young man by the name Kelly climbed the railing in front of the jail, and tried to make a speech . He made an unhappy allusion to “ the affair up on Kansas avenue” the crowd allowed him to go no farther. A Negro drunk named Hezekiah Jones had been arrested by the police , and this man, it became rumored, was the one who did the cutting. The police, brought in several witnesses of the affair, and they all were positive that the man was not the right one. After the theory was exploded, the mob got the idea the police had the man, and were simply using Jones, the drunk as a blind.
There was considerable wild talk of storming the jail. Guards were posted in the alleys to prevent the transfer of any one from the city to the county jails. By midnight the bulk of the mob had departed, and a few stragglers stayed to take over the situation. Some of the volunteers stated that they would not leave town until the police captured the man. As soon as that happened, they proposed to take summary vengeance.----Frank Morgan the man who was cut, is a large powerful man. It is said that he had been dissipating considerably though out the afternoon.
He said to be a rooter for the Capitals: I really don’t know much about this. It all happened so quickly that I was down and bleeding before I know what had happened. I don’t believe that I could recognize the Nero that cut me. I never saw him before. I thank I will get over this all right. I don’t believe I am going to die. Ed Morgan and James Morgan said that the Negro was a short heavy set man, with a black mustache. He wore a round black hat, and a black suit. J. Davis a member of one local Modern Woodmen Company, saw the hole affair from the middle of the street, and confirmed the description. A. W. Green storm, of Osage City, gave a story of the trouble which corresponded with the general observation, and descriptions. Dr. McClintock examined Morgan at the hospital, and made this statement on his condition: Morgan’s external jugular is cut and the external muscles of the neck. All of the deeper muscles are ok. If the keen knife blade had been an eight inch deeper, the jugular vine would have been severed. Morgan was enlisted in the Osage City Company.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Heirs Of----------?
There are thousands and thousands of heirs and too many for any one web site to list them all and I will not try. But I will list as many as I can, there will be some added information. Most of the information will come from Bills or Acts. A Bill is a petition which has pass into law as where a Act has not.
Note. Those of you who see a name and you would like to know more about, can write to me, my address can be found in my profile.
1. 1837, Amelia Hotsenpiller, is the only daughter of Frederick Seigle, who was a Surgeon in the Army in the Virginia continental line and who died in the revolution.
2. 1838, Eliza Causin, only surviving daughter of John H. Stone, a colonel in the Maryland line in the continental service in the war of the Revolution, deceased,
3. 1857, Elizabeth Montgomery, daughter and sole heir of Captain Hugh Montgomery, of the ship Nancy, of Wilmington, in the State of Delaware.
4. 1848, George A. Barnitz, the husband of Margaret Barnitz, the only surviving heir of David Grier, who was a lieutenant colonel in the Pennsylvania line on the continental establishment during the revolutionary war.
5. 1872, Isabella John, widow of William John, a soldier of the war of the Revolution, made application for a pension, but died before it was acted on, pension now goes to Enoch John her son.
6. 1858, Anthony S. Robinson, heir and legal representative of John Hamilton Robinson, deceased, for services rendered by the said John Hamilton Robinson to the republic of Mexico.
7. 1840, Eliza Causin, daughter and heir of John H. Stone, a colonel in the Maryland line in the continental service in the war of the Revolution.
8. 1855, Sarah Morriss, wife of Robert Morriss, and only heir of the late Robert Mitchell, who was one of the captors of the Algerine vessels taken by the American squadron.
9. 1852, Mrs. Anna C. De Neufville Evans, the heir of John Be Neufville and son, part owners of the ships Aurora and Liberty.
10. 1872, Harriet Spring, of Waterville, Maine, heir of Williams Barker, of Waterville, Maine, who was a Captain in the Revolutionary war.
11. 1858, Susannah Hayne Pinckney, sole heir of Richard Schubrick, who was captain in the revolution.
12. 1832, Elizabeth Scott, only daughter of Captain William Blackwell, who was in the revolution.
13. 1859, David Moors, father and heir-at-law of Timothy Moors, of the State of New Hampshire, corporal in the Mexico war.
14. 1844, John S. Russwurm, heir to William Russwurm, who was in the Revolutionary war.
15. 1858, Eleazer Williams, sole heir of Mary Ann Williams and Thomas Williams, who was in the war of 1812.
16. 1857, Reuben J. Champion, only child and heir of Reuben and Rhoda Champion. Reuben Champion, was assistant commissary under Colonel Henry Champion, in the State of Connecticut, during the Revolution.
17., 1856, Harriet Peet, child and only heir of John Peet, of the town of Fishkill, Dutchess county, New York.
18. 1873, Fanny A. Thompson, surviving heir and legal representative of William Thompson, deceased, formerly a brigadier-general of the Revolutionary War.
19. 1858, Abram Staples, heir-at-law of Isaac Staples, a revolutionary soldier.
20. 1840, Mary McCurdy, daughter and heir of Barbara Mudd.
21. 1837, Elizabeth Hunt, sole heir of William Hendricks, a captain in the army of the Revolution.
22. 1858, Elizabeth McBrier, only surviving child and heir of Colonel Archibald Loughry.
23. 1850, L. E. L. A. Lawson, sole surviving heir of General Eleazer W. Ripley.
24. 1872, Margaret B. Franks, heir at law of Thomas L. Franks, of Green Bay, Wisconsin.
25. 1858, Maryett Van Buskirk, heir of Thomas Van Buskirk, of Bergen county, New Jersey. He furnished forage, grain, cattle, and other supplies to the American army.
26. 1860, A. S. Graham, heir-at-law Captain Thomas Hazzard, who was in the revolution.
26. 1839, Nicholas Phelan, heir at law of John Phelan, of the city of Baltimore, was a captain or Lieutenant in the war of the Revolution.
27. 1856, James Huey, deceased, of South Carolina, and Jane Huey, his widow, deceased, sole heir, Alexander B. Huey, of Georgia.
28. 1873, George Baxter, heir and minor child of Robert Baxter, late second lieutenant in the Tenth Regiment of Minnesota Volunteers.
29. 1852, Catharine Proctor Hayden, only child and heir of John White, a lieutenant colonel in the fourth Georgia battalion of the revolutionary army.
30. 1858, Mrs. Harriet de la Palm Baker, deceased, daughter and legal heir of Lieutenant Colonel Frederick H. Weissenfels, of the army of the revolution.
31. 1862, Archibald C. Crarv, heir—at—law of Colonel Archibald, was a colonel of a regiment of the Rhode Island brigade.
32. 1859, James H. Causten, sole heir and legal representative of Joseph H. Causten, purser in the navy of the United States.
33. 1848, Mrs. Mary M. Telfair, the only heir of Israel Pearce, of Rhode Island.
34. 1846, James Brownlee, heir of Alexander Brownlee, who was a soldier in the war of the Revolution.
The following names will have very little or no other information, these names are placed here so you may learn of a new name or a place, date or war.
35. 1846, Margaret Gaither, Eliza McArdle, and Mary Ann Canfield, daughters and heirs of the late John Jacob Kern, of Alexandria, Virginia.
36. 1846, Conrad Hinds, Isaac Post, and Susannah Post, his wife, children and heirs of Bartlett Hinds, who was a captain in the Massachusetts continental line in the war of the Revolution.
37. 1846, Abraham H. Wallace, and James Alexander, of Shelby county, and State of Kentucky, for themselves and other heirs of Lieutenant John Wallace
38. 1846, James W. Simmons, of Houston, in the State of Texas, in behalf of B. Louisa Simmons, his wife, heir of the late William Broadfoot, merchant, of Charleston, South Carolina.
39. 1846, James Brownlee, heir of Alexander Brownlee, who was a soldier in the war of the Revolution.
40. 1846, John McLean, one of the heirs of Moses McLean, who was a captain in the war of the Revolution.
41. 1846, Margaret Gaither, Eliza McArdle, and Mary Ann Canfield, daughters and heirs of the late John Jacob Kern, of Alexandria, Virginia.
42. 1846, Orpy Roe, heir of John Durnell.
43. 1801, John Berry, of the County of Bath, in the State of Virginia, heir at law of Alexander Gillispy.
44. 1855, Henry D. E. Hutchins, heirs of Nathaniel Hutchins, an officer in the revolutionary army.
45. 1855, John W. Pray, one of the heirs-at-law of John Pray
46. 1863. Gilbert Vrooman, only surviving son and heir of Peter Vrooman.
47. 1866, Rose A. Cameron, heir-at-law of James Belldeed, a soldier of the Revolution.
48. 1846, Elizabeth Jones, daughter and heir of John Cart, deceased, a soldier in the revolutionary army.
49. 1838, Harriet de la Palm Baker, heir of Colonel Frederick H. Weissenfels, in the revolutionary war.
50. 1846, William F. Purcell, heir-at-law of Captain Andrew Russell.
51. 1846, Susan Turner, heir-at-law of Captain Samuel Colson.
52. 1846, William F. Purcell, heir-at-law of Captain Andrew Russell.
53. 1844, Isaac Gere, the heir of William Gere, of Oneida county, in the State of New York.
54. 1843, William Hayes, son and heir of Thomas Hayes, a soldier of the revolutionary war.
55. 1843, Loys Hayes, heir of William Young, a soldier of the revolutionary war.
56. 1855, Elizabeth V. Lomax, only surviving child of Captain William Lindsay, of Lee's legion of the revolution.
57. 1858, Hester Markley, heir of Amos Markley.
58. 1858, Susan E. Smith, heir of William Benear.
59. 1836, Sarah B. Preston, formerly Sarah B. Campbell, sole heir of the late Brigadier General William Campbell
60. 1855, Sarah B. Hobbins, sole heir and lineal descendant of Michael Jackson, an officer in the revolutionary.
61. 1851, Maria L. Walker, daughter and heir of John Tayloe Griffin
62. 1855, Huldah Butler, heir of John Brown
63. 1853, Margaret Barnitz, heir of Colonel David Grier.
64. 1860, Mary Scott, heir of Linus Scott.
65. 1845, Isabella Stout, heir-at-law of James Samson.
66. 1858, Joshua R. Jewett, heir of Joseph Jewett
67. 1858, Ellen Martin, heir-at-law of Francis Martin.
68. 1827, Elisha Gordon, son and heir of Patience Gordon.
69. 1848, Eli Peterson, of Montgomery county, in the State of Virginia, praying for the bounty land, as sole heir of Andrew Peterson
70. 1858, Eliza M. Evans, heir of Colonel Anthony White, late a colonel in the revolutionary army.
71. 1858, Mrs. Mary Dayton, heir of Henry Lampman, an officer in the revolutionary army.
72. 1846, Thomas Bryant, heir of William Bryant, deceased, an officer in the naval service during the revolutionary war.
73. 1836, John Wilgus, heir of Samuel Wilgus, of Fayette county, in the State of Pennsylvania.
74. 1835, Thigh Walker, of the Cherokee nation of Indians, heir of John Walker, jr. deceased, who was heir of one Five Killer, deceased, praying remuneration for two negroes wrongfully taken and carried away by a citizen of the United States, named John McCormick, in the year 1822.
75. 1855, Robert H. Coggeshall one heirs of Daniel Hall.
76. 1855, C. Van Tuyl, heir of George J. Denniston.
77. 1791, Jean Baptist Dumon, son and heir of Jean Baptist Dumon, of Canada, a merchant.
78. 1852, Sally Bass, heir of Charles Pasteur.
79. 1842, Phydelia Stevens, infant heir-at-law of Elijah Stevens.
80. 1856, George G. Skipwith, heir and legal representative of Fulwar Skipwith.
81. 1858, James H. Causten, sole heir and legal representative of Joseph H. Causten, late a purser in the United States navy.
82. 1806, Robert Robertson, of Somerset county, in the State of New Jersey, heir and representative of Martin Hurley.
83. 1794, Francis Galvan de Bernoux, brother, and heir at law, of William Galvan.
84. 1871, William C. Mosher, heir and legal representative of John Mosher, a lieutenant in the Army of the Revolution.
85. 1860, Sarah Smith Stafford, heir of James B. Stafford.
86. 1860, Temperance C. Lyle, heir of Thomas Moody.
87. 1860, Elizabeth R. Nicholson, heir of Samuel Nicholson.
88. 1860, Peter Navarre, heir of Robert De Navarre.
89. 1860, Elizabeth Denton, heir of Doctor Sylvester Nash.
90. 1850, Samuel T. Harrison heir-at-law of Lieutenant William Harrison, an officer in the army of the war of the Revolution.
91. 1850, Agnes Slacke and the heirs of D. Repentigney.
92. 1850, Nelson H. Hodges, heir-at-law of William Hodges.
93. 1858, Elizabeth Uber, heir-at-law of Philip Wirt, an ensign in the revolutionary army
94. 1858, George Walters, son and heir-at-law of Michael Walters.
95. 1803, John Gillick, son and heir of John Gillick.
96. 1847, Benjamin Blagge, of the city of New York, heir of Samuel Blagge.
97. 1812, John Lisle and Margaret his wife, late Margaret Lapsley, widow and administratrix of Samuel Lapsley, deceased, and Miss Lapsley, daughter and sole heir of the said Samuel, stating that the said Samuel Lapsley served as an officer in the late Revolutionary war, and after the peace he received two certificates, commonly called commutation or final settlement certificates, which, in the year 1786, he placed in the hands of Mr. Samuel Greenlee, for the purpose of obtaining the indents of interest thereon, and which were lost by Mr. Greenlee, and have never since been found, and have never been funded
98. 1836, Edgar Snowden, heir at law of Jonathan Snowden.
99. 1856, William W. Belden, heir-at-law of Ebenezer Belden.
100. John Vreeland, heir of Jacob Vreeland, a revolutionary soldier.
Note. Those of you who see a name and you would like to know more about, can write to me, my address can be found in my profile.
1. 1837, Amelia Hotsenpiller, is the only daughter of Frederick Seigle, who was a Surgeon in the Army in the Virginia continental line and who died in the revolution.
2. 1838, Eliza Causin, only surviving daughter of John H. Stone, a colonel in the Maryland line in the continental service in the war of the Revolution, deceased,
3. 1857, Elizabeth Montgomery, daughter and sole heir of Captain Hugh Montgomery, of the ship Nancy, of Wilmington, in the State of Delaware.
4. 1848, George A. Barnitz, the husband of Margaret Barnitz, the only surviving heir of David Grier, who was a lieutenant colonel in the Pennsylvania line on the continental establishment during the revolutionary war.
5. 1872, Isabella John, widow of William John, a soldier of the war of the Revolution, made application for a pension, but died before it was acted on, pension now goes to Enoch John her son.
6. 1858, Anthony S. Robinson, heir and legal representative of John Hamilton Robinson, deceased, for services rendered by the said John Hamilton Robinson to the republic of Mexico.
7. 1840, Eliza Causin, daughter and heir of John H. Stone, a colonel in the Maryland line in the continental service in the war of the Revolution.
8. 1855, Sarah Morriss, wife of Robert Morriss, and only heir of the late Robert Mitchell, who was one of the captors of the Algerine vessels taken by the American squadron.
9. 1852, Mrs. Anna C. De Neufville Evans, the heir of John Be Neufville and son, part owners of the ships Aurora and Liberty.
10. 1872, Harriet Spring, of Waterville, Maine, heir of Williams Barker, of Waterville, Maine, who was a Captain in the Revolutionary war.
11. 1858, Susannah Hayne Pinckney, sole heir of Richard Schubrick, who was captain in the revolution.
12. 1832, Elizabeth Scott, only daughter of Captain William Blackwell, who was in the revolution.
13. 1859, David Moors, father and heir-at-law of Timothy Moors, of the State of New Hampshire, corporal in the Mexico war.
14. 1844, John S. Russwurm, heir to William Russwurm, who was in the Revolutionary war.
15. 1858, Eleazer Williams, sole heir of Mary Ann Williams and Thomas Williams, who was in the war of 1812.
16. 1857, Reuben J. Champion, only child and heir of Reuben and Rhoda Champion. Reuben Champion, was assistant commissary under Colonel Henry Champion, in the State of Connecticut, during the Revolution.
17., 1856, Harriet Peet, child and only heir of John Peet, of the town of Fishkill, Dutchess county, New York.
18. 1873, Fanny A. Thompson, surviving heir and legal representative of William Thompson, deceased, formerly a brigadier-general of the Revolutionary War.
19. 1858, Abram Staples, heir-at-law of Isaac Staples, a revolutionary soldier.
20. 1840, Mary McCurdy, daughter and heir of Barbara Mudd.
21. 1837, Elizabeth Hunt, sole heir of William Hendricks, a captain in the army of the Revolution.
22. 1858, Elizabeth McBrier, only surviving child and heir of Colonel Archibald Loughry.
23. 1850, L. E. L. A. Lawson, sole surviving heir of General Eleazer W. Ripley.
24. 1872, Margaret B. Franks, heir at law of Thomas L. Franks, of Green Bay, Wisconsin.
25. 1858, Maryett Van Buskirk, heir of Thomas Van Buskirk, of Bergen county, New Jersey. He furnished forage, grain, cattle, and other supplies to the American army.
26. 1860, A. S. Graham, heir-at-law Captain Thomas Hazzard, who was in the revolution.
26. 1839, Nicholas Phelan, heir at law of John Phelan, of the city of Baltimore, was a captain or Lieutenant in the war of the Revolution.
27. 1856, James Huey, deceased, of South Carolina, and Jane Huey, his widow, deceased, sole heir, Alexander B. Huey, of Georgia.
28. 1873, George Baxter, heir and minor child of Robert Baxter, late second lieutenant in the Tenth Regiment of Minnesota Volunteers.
29. 1852, Catharine Proctor Hayden, only child and heir of John White, a lieutenant colonel in the fourth Georgia battalion of the revolutionary army.
30. 1858, Mrs. Harriet de la Palm Baker, deceased, daughter and legal heir of Lieutenant Colonel Frederick H. Weissenfels, of the army of the revolution.
31. 1862, Archibald C. Crarv, heir—at—law of Colonel Archibald, was a colonel of a regiment of the Rhode Island brigade.
32. 1859, James H. Causten, sole heir and legal representative of Joseph H. Causten, purser in the navy of the United States.
33. 1848, Mrs. Mary M. Telfair, the only heir of Israel Pearce, of Rhode Island.
34. 1846, James Brownlee, heir of Alexander Brownlee, who was a soldier in the war of the Revolution.
The following names will have very little or no other information, these names are placed here so you may learn of a new name or a place, date or war.
35. 1846, Margaret Gaither, Eliza McArdle, and Mary Ann Canfield, daughters and heirs of the late John Jacob Kern, of Alexandria, Virginia.
36. 1846, Conrad Hinds, Isaac Post, and Susannah Post, his wife, children and heirs of Bartlett Hinds, who was a captain in the Massachusetts continental line in the war of the Revolution.
37. 1846, Abraham H. Wallace, and James Alexander, of Shelby county, and State of Kentucky, for themselves and other heirs of Lieutenant John Wallace
38. 1846, James W. Simmons, of Houston, in the State of Texas, in behalf of B. Louisa Simmons, his wife, heir of the late William Broadfoot, merchant, of Charleston, South Carolina.
39. 1846, James Brownlee, heir of Alexander Brownlee, who was a soldier in the war of the Revolution.
40. 1846, John McLean, one of the heirs of Moses McLean, who was a captain in the war of the Revolution.
41. 1846, Margaret Gaither, Eliza McArdle, and Mary Ann Canfield, daughters and heirs of the late John Jacob Kern, of Alexandria, Virginia.
42. 1846, Orpy Roe, heir of John Durnell.
43. 1801, John Berry, of the County of Bath, in the State of Virginia, heir at law of Alexander Gillispy.
44. 1855, Henry D. E. Hutchins, heirs of Nathaniel Hutchins, an officer in the revolutionary army.
45. 1855, John W. Pray, one of the heirs-at-law of John Pray
46. 1863. Gilbert Vrooman, only surviving son and heir of Peter Vrooman.
47. 1866, Rose A. Cameron, heir-at-law of James Belldeed, a soldier of the Revolution.
48. 1846, Elizabeth Jones, daughter and heir of John Cart, deceased, a soldier in the revolutionary army.
49. 1838, Harriet de la Palm Baker, heir of Colonel Frederick H. Weissenfels, in the revolutionary war.
50. 1846, William F. Purcell, heir-at-law of Captain Andrew Russell.
51. 1846, Susan Turner, heir-at-law of Captain Samuel Colson.
52. 1846, William F. Purcell, heir-at-law of Captain Andrew Russell.
53. 1844, Isaac Gere, the heir of William Gere, of Oneida county, in the State of New York.
54. 1843, William Hayes, son and heir of Thomas Hayes, a soldier of the revolutionary war.
55. 1843, Loys Hayes, heir of William Young, a soldier of the revolutionary war.
56. 1855, Elizabeth V. Lomax, only surviving child of Captain William Lindsay, of Lee's legion of the revolution.
57. 1858, Hester Markley, heir of Amos Markley.
58. 1858, Susan E. Smith, heir of William Benear.
59. 1836, Sarah B. Preston, formerly Sarah B. Campbell, sole heir of the late Brigadier General William Campbell
60. 1855, Sarah B. Hobbins, sole heir and lineal descendant of Michael Jackson, an officer in the revolutionary.
61. 1851, Maria L. Walker, daughter and heir of John Tayloe Griffin
62. 1855, Huldah Butler, heir of John Brown
63. 1853, Margaret Barnitz, heir of Colonel David Grier.
64. 1860, Mary Scott, heir of Linus Scott.
65. 1845, Isabella Stout, heir-at-law of James Samson.
66. 1858, Joshua R. Jewett, heir of Joseph Jewett
67. 1858, Ellen Martin, heir-at-law of Francis Martin.
68. 1827, Elisha Gordon, son and heir of Patience Gordon.
69. 1848, Eli Peterson, of Montgomery county, in the State of Virginia, praying for the bounty land, as sole heir of Andrew Peterson
70. 1858, Eliza M. Evans, heir of Colonel Anthony White, late a colonel in the revolutionary army.
71. 1858, Mrs. Mary Dayton, heir of Henry Lampman, an officer in the revolutionary army.
72. 1846, Thomas Bryant, heir of William Bryant, deceased, an officer in the naval service during the revolutionary war.
73. 1836, John Wilgus, heir of Samuel Wilgus, of Fayette county, in the State of Pennsylvania.
74. 1835, Thigh Walker, of the Cherokee nation of Indians, heir of John Walker, jr. deceased, who was heir of one Five Killer, deceased, praying remuneration for two negroes wrongfully taken and carried away by a citizen of the United States, named John McCormick, in the year 1822.
75. 1855, Robert H. Coggeshall one heirs of Daniel Hall.
76. 1855, C. Van Tuyl, heir of George J. Denniston.
77. 1791, Jean Baptist Dumon, son and heir of Jean Baptist Dumon, of Canada, a merchant.
78. 1852, Sally Bass, heir of Charles Pasteur.
79. 1842, Phydelia Stevens, infant heir-at-law of Elijah Stevens.
80. 1856, George G. Skipwith, heir and legal representative of Fulwar Skipwith.
81. 1858, James H. Causten, sole heir and legal representative of Joseph H. Causten, late a purser in the United States navy.
82. 1806, Robert Robertson, of Somerset county, in the State of New Jersey, heir and representative of Martin Hurley.
83. 1794, Francis Galvan de Bernoux, brother, and heir at law, of William Galvan.
84. 1871, William C. Mosher, heir and legal representative of John Mosher, a lieutenant in the Army of the Revolution.
85. 1860, Sarah Smith Stafford, heir of James B. Stafford.
86. 1860, Temperance C. Lyle, heir of Thomas Moody.
87. 1860, Elizabeth R. Nicholson, heir of Samuel Nicholson.
88. 1860, Peter Navarre, heir of Robert De Navarre.
89. 1860, Elizabeth Denton, heir of Doctor Sylvester Nash.
90. 1850, Samuel T. Harrison heir-at-law of Lieutenant William Harrison, an officer in the army of the war of the Revolution.
91. 1850, Agnes Slacke and the heirs of D. Repentigney.
92. 1850, Nelson H. Hodges, heir-at-law of William Hodges.
93. 1858, Elizabeth Uber, heir-at-law of Philip Wirt, an ensign in the revolutionary army
94. 1858, George Walters, son and heir-at-law of Michael Walters.
95. 1803, John Gillick, son and heir of John Gillick.
96. 1847, Benjamin Blagge, of the city of New York, heir of Samuel Blagge.
97. 1812, John Lisle and Margaret his wife, late Margaret Lapsley, widow and administratrix of Samuel Lapsley, deceased, and Miss Lapsley, daughter and sole heir of the said Samuel, stating that the said Samuel Lapsley served as an officer in the late Revolutionary war, and after the peace he received two certificates, commonly called commutation or final settlement certificates, which, in the year 1786, he placed in the hands of Mr. Samuel Greenlee, for the purpose of obtaining the indents of interest thereon, and which were lost by Mr. Greenlee, and have never since been found, and have never been funded
98. 1836, Edgar Snowden, heir at law of Jonathan Snowden.
99. 1856, William W. Belden, heir-at-law of Ebenezer Belden.
100. John Vreeland, heir of Jacob Vreeland, a revolutionary soldier.
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