Saturday, December 11, 2010

Drummers Of Massachusetts, Revolutionary War.

If you ever heard stories that your ancestor was a “Drummer”, in the revolutionary war, now is your chance to find out. On this page there are (1,467 ), names of drummers, from Massachusetts. Not all these men started out as drummers, but as privets, corporals and in some cases higher ranks, these men took on the roll of a drummer. Some of these men started out as drummer and became privates corporals and in some cases higher ranks,

As you well note this is a look up page. If you see a name of interest, send me his name and I will send his record. You will also note there are more the one person with the same name. In this case you will receive the records of all the men with the same name to give you a better chance to get the right record.

There are a lot of misspellings on this list but that couldn’t be helped. There were some names that were missed this too could not be helped. If you knew you had a ancestor that was a “Drummer” but was not on the list, just ask and I will see if he’s in the records, ( Massachusetts only.)

Important note. As there are a lot of misspellings you must send the surname the way it’s spelled here or I may not be able to find his record. ( Do not correct Spelling.)

Here is a example on the kind of information you may receive.

Abbot, Benjamin, Jr., Andover. Drummer, Lieut. Peter Poor's co., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775, to Camljridge; service, 3^^ days; also, receipt for advance pay, dated Camp at Cambridge, June 22, 1775 ; also, Capt. William Per- ley's CO., Col. Frj'e's regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775 ; enlisted May 5, 1775; service, 3 mos. 4 days; also, company return [probably Oct., 1775] ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Cambridge, Nov. 14, 1775; also, return of men enlisted into the Continental Army from Capt. Samuel Johnson's (1st Andover) co., Essex Co. regt., dated Feb. 17, 1778; enlistment toen^ire Jan. 1, 1780; joined Capt. Farnum's co., Col Francis's regt.; also, pay abstract of Capt. Benjamin Farnum's co.. Col. Ebenezer Francis's regt., for 48 days rations from Feb. 20, 1777, to time of arrival at Bennington; also, Drummer, Capt. Abbott's CO., Col. Tupper's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Feb. 20, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779 ; also, muster roll for March, 1779, dated West Point ; also. Continental Array pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780 ; also, descriptive list of enlisted men from Andover ; age, 18 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 6in. ; complexion, light; hair, light; occupation, husbandman ; enlisted April 19, 1779; joined Capt. Stephen Abbott's co., 10th regt.; enlistment, during war; enlisted l)y Lieut. Liliby at West Point; also, muster and pay roll. Col. Benjamin Tupper's (10th) regt. ; service, 5 mos. ; roll made up from Jan. 1, 1782, to Jan. 1, 1783.


1. Abbot, Abel
2. Abhot, Ahiel
3. Abbot, Benjamin, Jr.
4. Abbott, Benjamin, Jr.
5. Adams, Abraham.
6. Adams, Benjamin.
7. Adams, David.
8. Adams, David.
9. Adams, Elisha
10. Adams, Isaac.
11. Adams, Isaac.
11. Adams, Isaac.
12. Adams, James.
13. Adams, Jonathan.
14. Adams, Joseph.
15. Adams, Nathan.
16. Adams, Samuel.
17. Adams, Samuel. .
18. Adams, Samuel.
19. Adams, William.
20. Addams, John.
21. Ainger, Jesse.
22. Airs, Joseph.
23. Albee, Simeon.
24. Aldeidge, Luke.
25. Alexander, William.
26. Allen, Bicknell.
27. Allen, Daniel.
28. Allen, James
29. Allen, Jeremiah.
30. Allen, Jeremiah.
31. Allen, Joseph.
32. Allen, Lewis (also given Louis).
33. Allexander, William.
34. Alvard, Timothy.
35. Alverd, Timothy.
36. Alvord, Timothy.
37. Asisden, Jonas.
38. Anclus [alias Uncles), William.
39. Anger, Jesse.
40. Annas, Phineas.
41. Annes, Thomas.
42. Annis, Phineas.
43. Anthoine, John.
44. Anthoney, John.
45. Anthoney, John.
46. Anthony, John.
47. Armstrong, Archibald..
48. Arnold Alford.
49. Arrowsmith, Eumond.
50. Atherton, Thomas.
51. Atkins, Charles.
52. Atsatt, John.
53. Augin, Isaac.
54. Austin, Benjamin
55. Arstin, Siiikael
56. Aveut, Seth.
57. Ayers, Joseph.
58. Ayrs, Joseph.


59. Babbit, Samuel.
60. Babcock, Ebexezbr.
61. Backer, Jesse.
62. Bacon, Amos.
63. Bacon, Benjamin, Jr.
64. Bacon, Jonathan.
65 . Bacon, Joseph.
66. Bacon, Michael.
67. Bacon, Olivkk.
68. Bacon, Rufus.
69. Bacon, William.
70. Bailey, Israel.
71. Bailey, John.
72. Bailey, John.
73. Bailey, John.
74. Bailey, William.
75. Baker, Heman.
76. Baker, Timothy.
77. Baldwin, Jabez.
78. Baldwin, Thaddeus.
79. Baley, Samuel.
80. Balkcom, Elijah.
81. Ball, Joseph.
82. Bangs, Thomas.
83. Banister, Levi.
84. Banks, Zachariah (also given Zaccheus).
85. Barden, Joseph.
86. Barker, Francis.
87. Barker, Obed.
88. Barker, Simeon.
89. Barney, Israel.
90. Barney, Martin.
91. Barny, Israel.
92. Barrett, John.
93. Barrey, Thomas.
94. Bartlet, John.
95. Basset, Joseph, Jr.
96. Bassett, Nathan..
97. Basson, Nathaniel.
98. Batel, Ebenezer.
99. Bates, Jacob.
100. Bates, Linus..
101. Bates, Simeon.
102. Bates, Solomon.
103. Battle, Hezekiah.
104. Batlet, Nathaniel.
105. Bayley, Samuel.
106. Baylies, William.
107. Beal, Jeremiah.
108. Beal, Matthias.
109. Beals, Matthias.
110. Beard, Ithamar.
111. Bears, Peleg, alias Phelick.
112. Bears, William.
113. Bears, William.
114. Beckford, Benjamin.
115. Beebe, Ezekiel.
116. Beers, William.
117. Belcher, Eleazer.
118. Belknap, Stephen.
119. Bell, Daxiel
120. Benjamin, Charles.
121. Bennet, William.
122. Bennet, William.
123. Bennet, William.
124. Bennett, Benjamin.
125. Bennett, William..
126. Bennit, William.
127. Bentlet, John.
128. Berret, Josiah.
129. Berry, Thomas.
130. Bessa, John.
131. Besse, John.
132. Besse, Joshua.
133. Bessee, John.
134. Bessey, John.
135. Bessey, Joshua.
136. Bessey, Silas.
137. Bickford, Thomas.
138. Biuelow, Abel, Lancaster (also given Leominster) .
139. Biglow, Pail.
140. Bitling, Enoch.
141. Billings, Robert.
142. Bird, Aaron.
143. Bird, Ebenezer.
144. Bird, Edward.
145. Bird, Edward.
146. Bisbee, John.
147. Bisbee, Joshua.
148. Binbt, Adonijah.
149. Black, Joseph.
150. Blacklek, William.
151, Blackmam, Eleazer.
152. Blair, John.
153. Blake, George.
154. Blake, Jason.
155. Blannhard, john.
156. Blanchard, Nathaniel.
157. Blancher, Thomas.
158. Blancherd, Nathaniel.
159. Blasdell, Moses, Wells.
160. Bliss, Jacob, Medway.
161. Blodget, Joshua, Stafford.
162. Blood, Willard.
163. Blunt, Andrew.
164. Blunt, John..
165. Bltth, Yauien.
166. Boden, Edward.
167. Boden, William.
168. Boing, Jeremiah.
169. Bolcom, Samuel.
170. Bolton, William, Shirlej'.
171. Bomstead, Joseph, Eastham.
172. Bomstead, Oliver.
173. Bonnet, Oliver.
174. Boudman, Richard.
175. Boser, Winter.
176. Boson, Nathaniel.
177. Boson, Winter, Roxbury.
178. Bosson, Winter, Roxbury (also given Milton and Dorchester).
179. Botswain, Winteh, Roxbury (also given Milton and Dorchester).
180. Bourn, Lemuel.
181. Boltwell, Ebenezer.
182. Bowden, Edward.
183. Bowden, Samuel.
184. Bowden, William.
185. Bowdon, Samuel.
186. Bowing, Jeremiah.
187. Bowman, Samuel.
188. Boydd, Samuel.
189. Botonton, Caleh.
190. Bradbiuy, Moses.
191. Bradford, Gidkon, Jr.
192. Bradish, William.
193. Bradley, Ebenezer.
194. Bragg, Alexander.
195. Braizer, John.
196. Branscomb, Philip.
197. Beat, Moses.
198. Brat, Robert.
199. Brazer, John.
200. Brazier, John.
201. Bkvvzieu, John.
202. Breemer, Anthont.
203. Brewer, Elijah.
204. Briant, Zenas.
205. Briggs, Amos.
206. Briggs, Darius
207. Bkiggs, Elisha.
208. Briggs, Jabez.
209. Buiogs, Joel.
210. Briggs, John.
211. Briggs, Joshua.
212. Biuggs, Thomas.
213. Brigs, Joel.
214. Brimaoeham, Thomas.
215. Brimhall, Joshua.
216. Brimigion, Thomas.
217. Brown, Daniel.
218. Buown, Ebenezer.
219. Brown, Ephraim.
220. Brown, Ezekiel.
221. Brown, Ezra.
222. Bkown, Jacob.
223. Brown, Jacob.
224.Brown, Jacob, Jr.
225. Brown, James.
226. Brown, John.
227. Brown, Levi.
228. Brown, Oliver.
229. Browx, Scipio.
230. Brown, Simeon.
231. Brown, Thomas.
232. Brown, William.
233. Bryant, Levi.
234. Bryant, Levi.
235. Bryant, Solomon.
236. Bryant, Zenas.
237. Buck, Francis.
238. Buck, Samuel.
239. Buck, Avilliam.
240. Bull, Joshua.
241. Bullard, Ephraim.
242. Bullard, Joshua.
243. Bunker, Philip
244. Burd, Edmund.
245. Burk, Joseph.
246. Burke, Joseph.
247. Burke, Sylvanus..
248. Burkmar, Thomas.
249. Birpe, Nathaniel.
250. Burr, Levi.
251. Burrei. l, Benoni.
252. Burrill, William.
253. Burrow, James.
254. Burrows, James.
255. Burt, Elvin.
256. Burt, Samuel.
257. Busell, Isaac.
258. Bush, Abner.
259. Bussel, Isaac.
260. Buswel, Benjamin.
261. Butler, Charles.
262. Bitler, William.
263. Byam, John.


264. Cadt, Phineas
265. Cain, Moses
266. Calliham, Frederick William.
267. Calse, Barxabas
268. Campbell, Barbee.
269. Cantlion, John.
270. Capen, Elijah.
271. Capron, Seth.
272. Carlton, Jesse.
273. Carver, Rufus.
274. Casewell, Elijah.
275. Caswell, Daniel
276. Caswell, Elijah.
277. Causwell, Daniel
278. Centrt, Jeremiah.
279. Cetcham, Joseph.
280. Chadset, Timothy.
281. Chamberlain, Benjamin.
282. Chamberlain, Benjamin.
283. Chamberlain, Nathaniel.
284. Chajmberlin, David.
285. Chambrlt, David.
286. Champlin, Sharper.
287. Chandler, Benjamin.
288. Chandler, John.
289. Chandler, Josiah.
290. Chapen, Lewis.
291. Chapin, Lewis.
292. Chaplain, Joseph.
293. Chaplen, David.
294. Chaplin, Joseph.
295. Chapman, John.
296. Chappell, James.
297. Chase, John.
298. Chase, Nathaniel.
299. Chase, Nathaniel.
300. Chase, Richard.
301. Chase, Valentine.
302. Cheaney, Elisha.
303. Cheever, Samuel.
304. Cheveks, William.
305. Child, Samuel.
306. Choat, Solomon.
307. Chreach, Richard.
308. Church, John.
309. Churchell, Abner.
310. Churchill, Abner.
311. Claflin, Daniel.
312. Claflin, James.
313. Claflin, Nathan.
314. Claflin, Thomas.
315. Clap, Supply.
316. Clark, Barnabas.
317. Clark, Benjamin.
318. Clakk, Ebenezer.
319. Clark, Ebenezer.
320. Clark, James.
321. Clark, John.
322. Clark, Roger.
323. Clark, Samuel.
324. Clark, Seth.
325. Clemons, John.
326. Clerk, Benjamin.
327. Clerk, Jephthah.
328. Clerk, Jesse.
329. Clerk, Seth.
330. Cleveland, James.
331. Clough, Joseph.
332. Clough, William.
333. Colburn, John.
334. Colby, Spexcer.
335. Cole, David.
336. Cole, David.
337. Cole, Eleazer.
338. Cole, Ephhai.
339. Cole, Isaiah.
340. Cole, Jesse.
341. Cole, John.
342. Cole Samuel.
343. Cole, Samuel.
344. Cole, Samuel.
345. Cole, Southard.
346. Cole, Solthworth.
347. Collamore, Samuel.
348. Collens, John.
349. Collier, Isaac..
350. Collins, Michael.
351. Collins, William.
352. Colson, Joseph.
353. Colston, Joseph.
354. Colton, Benjamin.
355.Colton, Benjamin.
356. Coltsn, Joseph.
357. Combs, Field.
358. Conant, David.
359. Conant, Stlvanus.
360. Conat, David.
361. Conkey, Joshua.
362. Conkey, Joshua.
363. South Hadley.
364. Coxvas, Edward.
365. Convers, Edward.
366. Cook, James.
367.Cook, James.
368. Cook, Levi.
369. Cook, Moses.
370. Cook, Richard.
371. Cooke, Hichakd.
372. Coolet, John.
373. Copland, Elijah.
374. Corbin, Nathaniel.
375. Corbitt, Thomas.
376. Corey, Philip.
377. Cory, Philip.

The surnames of ( Cose-Dryer ), couldn’t be copied, however if you have a ancestor that falls within these names a look up can be done and a copy of his record will be sent upon a request.

378. Dudley, John (also given Jr.),
379. Dunber, Benson.
380. Dunham, Abiel.
381. Dunham, Abiel.
382. Dunham, Ebenezer.
283. Dunhom, Manasseh.
384. Dupee, Charles.
385. Durant, Isaac.
386. Dyer, Isaac.
387. Dyrample, James.


388. Eagleston, Elias.
389. Earl, Christopher.
390. Eastee, Benjamin.
391. Easterbrook, Nehemiah.
392. Easterbrook, Nehemiah.
393. Eastman, Stevhen.
394. Eaton, Israel.
395. Eaton, Joshua.
396. Eaton, Joshua.
397. Eaton, Samuel.
398. Eavleth, Zimri.
399. Edgar, James.
400. Edmister, Noah
401. Edmister, Noah, Jr.
402. Edmonds, John.
403. Edson, Elijah.
404. Edson, Jacob.
405. Edwards, Doctor.
406. Edwards, Doctor.
407. Edavards, Jonathan.
408. Egerton, Joseph.
409. Elert, William.
410. Eliot, John..
411. Ellert, William.
412. Ellet, John.
413. Elliot, John.
414. Elliot, John.
415. Elliot, Samuel.
416. Ellis, Benjamin.
417. Elloms, Elkanah.
418. Elmer, Daniel.
419. Elmes, Elkanah.
420. Elmovr, Daniel.
421. Elwell, John.
422. Emerson, Bexjamin
423. Emes, Thomas.
424. Eton, Samuel.
425. Evens, Lyman.
426. Everdon, Samuel.
427. Everet, Thomas.
428. Everitt, Thomas.
429. Everrett, Thomas.
430. Everritt, Thomas.
431. Everton , Thomas.
432. Everton, Thomas.
433. Everton, Zephaniah.
434. Evieth, Zimri.
435. Evins, Lyman.
436. EviretT, Thomas.
437. Ewing, Joshua.


438. Faden, James.
439. Fairbank, Cyrus.
440. Fairbank, Jabez.
441. Fairbanks, Cyrus.
442.Fales, Jonathan.
443. Faringtox, March.
444. Farley, William.
445. Farnesworth, David.
446. Farnsworth, David.
447. Farnsworth, Samuel.
448. Farrington, Ichabod.
449. Farrington, March.
450. Farrington, William.
451. Faxon, Elisha (also given Jr.).
452. Feaking, David.
453. Feild, Robert.
454. Feild, Zebulon.
455. Fenderson, Wallis.
456. Ferenton, March.
457. Ferrington, March (also given Mark).
458. Ferry, Charles.
459. Field, Robert.
460. Field, Zebulon.
461. Fisher, John.
462. Fisk, David.
463. Flagg, Samuel.
464. Flagherty, Charles.
465. Flaghtly, Charles.
466. Flatt, John.
467. Fletcher, Jonathan.
468. Fletcher, Solomon.
469. Flinn, James.
470. Flint, Daniel.
471. Flint, Edward.
472. Flint, Edward.
473. Flint, Henrt.
474. Foabs, Edward.
475. Fobes, Jotham.
476. Follinsbe, Nehemiah.
477. Follitt, Philip (also given Jr.),
478. Foot, Joseph.
479. Foot, Joseph, Jr.
480. Forbes, Edward.
481. Forbes, William.
482. Forbs, William.
483. Forbush, James.
484. Forster, Thomas.
485. Forster, William.
486. Forstor, Moses.
487. Foss, Henry.
488. Foster, Benjamin.
489. Foster, Cato.
490. Foster, John.
491. Foster, William.
492. Foster, William.
493. Fowlar, Philip.
492. Fowler, Philip.
493. Fox, John (also given Jr.)
494. Franksfort, Christian.
495. Fraret, Phineas.
496. Frart, Phineas.
497. Freeland, William J.
498. Freeman, Elisha.
499. Freeman, Elisha.
500. Freeman, Isaac.
501, Freeman, Samuel.
502. Freman, Isaac.
503. French, Caleb.
504. French, Ebenezer.
505. French, Ebenezer.
506. French, Ebenezer, 3d.
507. French, Gideon.
508. French, Joseph.
509. French, Joseph.
510. French, Samuel.
511. French, Zenas.
512. French, Zenas.
513. Frinch, Joseph.
514. Prisbie, Jonah.
515. Frisby, Thaddeus.
516. Frost, Neptune.
517. Frost, Peter.
518. Frost, Samuel.
519. Frye, Joshua.
520. Fullar, Eliphalet.
521. Fullar, Josiah.
522. Fuller, Eliphalet
523. Fuller, John.
524. Fuller, Josiah.
525. Fuller, Simeon (also given Suiox and Simmson),
526. Fuller, Stephen.
527. Fuller, Stephen
528. Fullerton, David.
529. Fullerton, John
530. Fullerton, William
531. Fullerton, William
532. Fullinton, William.
533. Fulsome, Peter.
534. Furbush, Simeon.


535. Gage, Amos.
536. Gage, Amos.
537. Gail, Benjamin.
538. Gale, Benjamin.
539. Gale, Thomas.
540. Gallop, Benjamin.
541. Gajiage, Joshua.
542. Gardiner, Joshua.
543. Gardner, Abner.
544. Gardner, Andrew.
545. Gardner, Robert.
546. Gates, Jonas, Barre.
547. Gaijlt, William.
548. Geary, David.
549. Geary, Joseph, Stoneham.
550. Gerould, Jabez.
551. Gibbs, John.
552. Gibson, John.
553. Giduens, John.
554. Gidding, John.
555.Giddngs, John.
556. Giddins, John.
557. Gilket, William.
558. Gill, Elijah.
559. Gill, Elisha
560. Gillet, Noah.
561. Glading, James.
562. Glading, James
563. Gleason, Caleb.
564. Glover, Jonathan.
565. Glover, Joshua.
566. Godfrey, Jonathan.
567. Goff, Ezra.
568. Goff, Simeon.
569. Goffe, Simeon.
570. Goffs, Ezra.
571. Gollop, Enos.
572. Goodenow, Isaac (also given Jr.)
573. Goodenow, Jonathan.
574. Goodrich, Jacob.
575. Goodrich, Samuel.
576. Goodwin, Noah.
577. Goodwin, Timothy.
578. Gore, John.
579. Gould, Benjamin.
580. Gould, James.
581. Gould, Jonathan.
582. Granger, Daniel.
583. Graves, James.
584. Graves, Stephen.
585. Gray, Andrew.
586. Greaves, Stephen.
587. Green, Allen.
588. Green, Benjamin.
589. Green, Daniel.
590. Green, David.
591. Green, Levi.
592. Green, William.
593. Green, William.
594. Greene, George.
595. Greenwood, Abel,
596. Gregory, Asahel.
597. Gregory, Elijah.
598. Griffen, John.
599. Griffen, Thomas.
600. Griffin, Thomas.
601. Gkiffus, Thomas.
602. Griggs, Lemuel.
603. Grosevener, Theophas.
604. Grosvexor, Theophilus.
605. Grriffin, Israel.
606. Gurnet Joseph, Jr.,
607. Gurnet, Michael.
608. Gurnet, Thomas.
609. Gustin, Jesse.
610. Gyer, John.


611. Hail, Ashbel.
612. Hains, Francis.
613. Haistens, Amos
614. Hale, Samuel.
615.Hale, Simeon.
616. Hale, Thomas.
617. Hall, Baxter.
618. Hall, Caleb.
619. Hall, Ferdinand.
620. Hall, Hezekiah
621. Hall, Moses.
622. Hall, Timothy (also given Timothy, Jr.)
623. Haman, Peter.
624. Hamblet, Jonathan.
625. Hamlen, Seth.
626. Hamlet, Jonathan.
627. Hamlin, Seth.
628. Hajimon, William.
629. Hammond, Peter.
630. Hammond, Peter.
631. Hammond, William.
632. Hamon, William.
633. Hamond, William.
634. Hancock, Oliver.
635. Hanes, Perlet.
636. Hanly, Charles.
637. Hardin, Elisha.
638. Harding, Cornelius.
639. Hardy, Jos.
640. Hardy, Joshua.
641. Harlet, Benjamin.
642. Harley, Solomon.
643. Harly, Benjamin.
644. Harmon, Abner.
645. Harrington, Levi.
646. Harris, Charles
647. Harris, Oliver.
648. Harrison, Noah.
649. Harset, Peter.
650. Harset, Peter.
651.Hartley, Samuel.
652. Hartshorn, Ebenezer.
653. Hartwell, Daniel.
654. Harvet, David.
655. Harvey, John
656. Harvey, Nathan.
657. Haskall, Prince.
658. Haskel, Prince.
659. Haskell, Prince.
660.Haskul, John.
661. Hastens, Benjamin.
662. Hatch, Lewis.
663. Havens, William.
664. Haws, Robert.
665. Hatden, Stephen.
666. Haynes, Aaron.
667. Haynes, Abraham.
668. Hatnes, Perlet
669. Hayward, Abel.
670. Hayward, Adaji.
671. Hatward, John.
672. Hayward, Nathaniel.
673. Hatward, Waldo.
674. Hayward, Zebulon.
675. Heard, Thomas.
676. Hearsey, David.
677. Hearsey, Ezekiel.
678. Hearsey, Jonathan.
679. Hearset, Zadok
680. Heath, Daniel.
681. Heath, John.
682. Heath, Joseph.
683. Hemenway, Isaac.
684. Hemmenway, Joshua.
685. Hendley, William.
686. Hendhick, John.
687. Henly, William.
688. Herct, Ezekiel.
689. Herick, Joshua.
690. Heringtox, Jonathan.
691. Herrington, Levi.
692. Herrinton, Moses.
693. , Herset, Elijah.
694. Herset, Ezekiel.
695. Herset, John.
696. Hersey, Peter.
697. Herset, Zadok.
698. Herst, Ezekiel.
699. Hildreth, Elijah.
700. Hildreth, James.
701. Hill, David.
702. Hill, Henrt.
703. Hill, Moses.
704. Hill, William.
705. Hinds, Leonard.
706. Hobard, Nathaniel.
707. Hobart, Seth.
708. Hobbard, Hobert.
709. Hobbart, Isaac.
710. Hobbs, Josiah.
711. Holadt, Thomas.
712. Holbrook, Elihu (also given Elisha).
713. Holden, Samuel.
714. Holdin, Abel.
715. Hollis, Daniel.
716. Hollowell, Jonathan.
717. Holmes, Eliphalet.
718. Holmes, Robert.
719. Holaies, Samuel.
720. Hood, John.
721. Hooker, Zibeox (also given Zebulon)
722. Hooper, Nathaniei.
723. Horton, Elijah.
724. Horton, Fitancis.
725.Houghton, Ehexezer.
726. Howard, Nathaniel.
727. Howe, Elijah.
728. Hovtland, Robert.
729. Hubbard, Abel.
730. Hubbard, David.
731. Hubbart, David.
732. Hubbord, Francis.
733. Hubburd, Francis.
734. Hudson, Ebenezer.
735. Hull, James.
736. Hull, Moses.
737. Humphrey, James.
738. Hrnton, Converse.
739. Hutchens, Jeremiah.
740. Hutchens, Jeremiah.
741. Hutchens, Richard..
742. Hutchins, Richard.


743. Ingals, Isaac.
744. Ingersol, Nathaniel (also given Nathaniel, Jr.),
745. Ingowol, Stephen.
746. Ingraham, Joseph.
747. Ingraham, Joseph.


748. Jackson, Amasa
749. Jackson, John.
750. James, Benjamin.
751. James, Matthew.
752. Jay, Richard.
753. Jearon, Timothy.
754. Jefferets, Benjamin.
755. Jencks, Prince.
756. Jenkens, Obadiah.
757. Jenkins, Lot.
758. Jenkins, Nathaniel..
759. Jenkins, Obadiah.
760. Jepson, John.
761. Jewet, Benjamin.
762. Jewett, Benjamin.
763. Johnson, Hezekiah.
764. Johnson, Jonah.
765. Johnson, Uriah.
766. Jollet, Jabez.
767. Jollt, Jabez.
768. Jones, Windsor.
769. Jones, Windsor.
770. Jordan, Andrew.
771. Jordan, John.
772. Jorden, Abraham.
773. Junkins, John, Jr.


774. Keith, Jonathan.
775. Kellet, Edward.
776. Kellog, Elijah.
777. Kellogg, Elijah.
778. Kellogg, Elijah
779. Kellogg, Reuben
780. Kellogg, Stephen.
781. Kelly, Edward.
782. Kelly, John.
783. Kemble, Hansel.
784. Kendall, Ephraim.
785. Kendel, James.
786. Kensly, Thaddeus.
787. Kent, Ezekiel.
788. Kent, Stephen
789. Kidder, John.
790. Kier, John.
791. Kimbal, Levi.
792. Kimball, Hansel.
793. Kimball, Isaac.
794. Kimball, William.
795. Kimbell, Hansell.
796. Kimbell, Isaac.
797. Kimble, Hansel.
798. Kindle, James.
799. King, Caleb.
800. King, Charles.
801. Kingsley, Thaddeus.
802. Kingsley, Thaddeus.
803. Kinney, Jonathan (also given John)
804. Kinney, Thomas.
805. Kinsman, Benjamin.
806. Kinsman, Joseph.
807. Knight, George.
808. Knight, John.
809. Knight, Jonathan, Jr.
810. Knight, Samuel, Jr.
811. Knight, Zebulon.
812. Knights, Samuel.
813. Knights, Zebulon.
814. Knights, Zebulon.
815. Knowles, John.
816. Knowls, John.
817. Ktjhn, Jacob.
818. Kuhn, Jacob.
819. Ladd, Thaddeus.
820. Lakeman, Josiah.
821. Lakix, James.
822. Lakin, Robinson (also given Robertson)


823. Lamparell, Nicholas.
824. Lamprell, Nicholas.
825. Lampson, Nathan.
826. Lancaster, Samuel.
827. Landrigen, Daniel.
828. Langley, Lemuel.
829. Langman, Peter.
830. Larnard, Benjamin.
831. Laughton, John (also given John, Jr.)
832. Laughton, John (also given John, Jr.)
833. Lawell, Enoch.
834. Layton, Amaziah.
835. Leeds, Richard.
836. Leonard, Barnabas.
837. Leonard, Benjamin.
838. Leonard, Ezra.
839. Leonard, Gideon.
840. Leonard, Gideon.
841. Leonard, Jonas.
842. Leonard, Nathan.
843. Leonard, Samuel.
844. Lesuer, John.
845. Lew, Barzillai.
846. Lewis, Abishai.
847. Lewis, Francis.
848. Liberty, Francis.
849. Lillee, Benjamin.
850. Lincoln, Amasa.
851. Lincoln, Lot, Jr.
852. Lion, Alpheus.
853. Long, Josiah.
854. Loomis, Josiah, Jr. (also given Joseph).
855. Lorixg, Matthew.
856. Loring, Matthew.
857. Lovering, Jesse.

The surnames of ( Luaas-Mopsy ), couldn’t be copied, however if you have a ancestor that falls within these names a look up can be done and a copy of his record will be sent upon a request.


858. More, Joshua.
886. Morelt, Ebenezer.
887. Morrell, Micajah.
888. Mors, Ebenezer..
889. Morse, Abner
890. Morse, Anthony.
891. Morse, Daniel.
892. Morse, David.
893. Morse, Ebenezer.
894. Morse, John.
895. Morse, Philley.
896. Morse, Samuel.
897. Morss, Abner.
898. Morss, Samuel.
899. Morten, Ebenezer.
900. Morton, Charles.
901. Morton, Joshua.
902. Mosher, James.
903. Mudq, Joseph.
904. Muncrif, Charles.
905. Tmuncrife, Charles.
906. Muzzy, Thomas.


907. Nash, Daniel.
908. Nash, Ephraim.
909.New, John.
910. Newall, Benjamin.
911. Newall, John.
912. Newall, Naphtali.
913. Newcom, George.
914. Newcomb, George.
915. Newcomb, Oliver.
916. Newell, Benjamin.
917. Newell, Naphtali.
918. Newell, Naphtali.
919. Newhall, Naphtali.
920. Newill, Benjamin.
921. Newman, Benjamin.
922. Newman, Samuel.
923. Newton, Hananiah.
924. Newton, Samuel.
925. Nichols, David.
926. Nichols, Nathaniel.
927. Nichols, Samuel.
928. Nichols, William.
929. Nightlinger, Samuel.
930. Norcross, Jacob.
931. Norris, Thomas.
932. Norris, Thomas.
933. Notes, Henrt.
934. Nuting, Samuel.
935. Nutting, Samuel


936. Oak, John.
937. Ogane, Isaac.
938. Olcut, Seth.
939. Olmstead, Aaron.
940. Olney, Benjamin.
941. Ones, Benjamin.
942. Orcutt, Seth.
943. Organ, Isaac.
944. Ormsbee, Josiah.
945. Orsbon, William,
946. Osbern, Boston.
947. Osborn, William.


948. Packard, Nehemiah.
949. Packard, Sylvanus.
950. Packard, Sylvanus.
951. Packard, Sylvanus
952. Packerd, Nehemiah.
953. Page, Abijah.
954. Page, Daniel.
955. Page, Thomas.
956. Paine, Asa.
957. Palmer, Samuel.
958. Parker, Isaac.
959. Parker, Isaac.
960. Parker, James.
961. Parker. John..
962. Parker, Reuben.
963. Parker, Richard J's.
964. Parker, Samuel.
965. Parrat, John.
966. Parsons, Joseph.
967. Partridg, Ziba.
968. Partridge, Reuben.
969. Partridge, Ziba.
970. Paskin, Edward.
971. Pearson, Benjamin.
972. Pearson, James.
973. Pearson, Samuel.
974. Peck, Benjamin.
975. Peck, William.
976. Peekman, Sam.
977. Peirce, Abel.
978. Pelham, Thomas.
979. Pennel, William.
980. Penniman, Silas.
981. Penny, George.
982. Penny, George
983. Perkens, Edmund.
984. Perkin, Reuben.
985. Perkins, Elijah.
986. Perkins, Josiah (also given Josiah 4th, Joshua, and Joseph)
987. Perkins, Russell.
988. Perkins, Russell.
989. Perrey, William.
990. Perrin, John.
991. Perry, Israel.
992. Perry, Jesse.
993. Perry, Obadiah.
992. Person, James.
993. Persons, Eldad.
994. Peslee, David.
995. Peters, James.
996. Pettee, James.
997. Pettees, Ebenezer.
998. Petty, Oliver.
999. Phelps, Elijah.
1000. Philaps, John.
1001. Philips, Pain.
1002. Phillips, Elisha.
1003. Philops, Elisha..
1004. Philups, Elisha.
1005. Philups, John.
1006. Phiney, Prince.
1007. Pickernal, Nelson.
1008. Picket, Moses.
1009. Pickett, Moses.
1010. Pickett, Sylvester.
1011. Pickett, William.
1012. Pierce, Josiah.
1013. Pike, Danie.
1014. Pike, Samuel.
1015. Pillsbury, Daniel.
1016. Pilsbury, Daniel.
1017. Pinkham, Isaac.
1018. Piper, Jonathan.
1019. Pirce, Joshua.
1020. Pittee, James.
1021. Plimpton, Elijah.
1022. Plummer, Asa.
1023. Plummer, Stephen.
1024. Poland, Asa.
1025. Polley, Robert.
1026. Polly, Robert.
1027. Polly, Robert.
1028. Pomeroy, Gaius.
1029. Pond, Eli.
1030. Pond, Moses.
1031. Pool, Richard.
1032. Pool, Samuel.
1033. Pool, Thomas.
1034. Portor, Daniel.
1035. Post, Gideon (also given Gideon, Jr.)
1036. Potter, John.
1037. Potter, Robert.
1038. Powell, David.
1039. Powers, Oliver.
1040. Prat, Jesse.
1041. Pratt, Daniel.
1042. Pratt, Ebenezer.
1043. Pratt, Ebenezer.
1044. Pratt, Ebenezer.
1045. Pratt, Ephraim.
1046. Pratt, Jesse.
1047. Pratt, Jesse.
1048. Pratt, Nathan.
1049. Pratt, Philip.
1050. Pratt, Robert.
1051. Pratt, Zebedee.
1052. Prey, Benjamin.
1053. Price, Jabez.
1054. Priest, Jonathan.
1055. Prior, Joseph.
1056. Procter, Jonathan.
1057. Procter, William.
1058. Purbeck, Aaron.
1059. Purinton, Hezekiah.
1060. Putnam, Eli.
1061. Putnam, Ezra.
1062. Putnam, Thomas.


1063. Quhn, Jacob.
1064. Quigle, Thomas.
1065. Quinek, William.


1066. Raiment, Benjamin.
1067. Raimond, Benjamin.
1068. Ramond, Benjamin.
1069. Ramsdale, Moses.
1070. Rand, Timothy.
1071. Ransem, Ebenezer.
1072. Ransom, Ebenezer.
1073. Ransom, Matthew.
1074. Ranstead, William.
1075. Rarsland, William.
1076. Kaymand, Benjamin.
1077. Raymand, Benjamin.
1078. Raymond, Benjamin.
1079. Raymond, Benjamin.
1080. Raymond, Benjamin.
1081. Raymond, John.
1082. Raymond, Joseph.
1083. Raymond, Samuel.
1084. Raymond, Sylvanus.
1085. Raynor, Hugh
1086. Reddington, Abrahaji.
1087. Reed, Daniel.
1088. Reed, Isaac.
1089. Reed, Isaac.
1090. Reed, Joshua, Jr.
1091. Reed, Josiah.
1092. Reed, Samuel.
1093. Rhodes, John.
1094. Rhods, John.
1095. Rice, Phineas.
1096. Rice, Simon.
1097. Rice, William.
1098. Richardson, Elias.
1099. Richardson, Elias..
1100. Richardson, Gideon.
1101. Rider, Asa.
1102. Rider, Ezekiel.
1103. Righson, Elias.
1104. Ripley, Willlajvi.
1105. Ripley, William.
1106. Robenson, Isaac.
1107. Roberts, Josuh.
1108. Robeson, David.
1109. Kobinson, Isaac
1110. Robinson, Nathaniel.
1111. Robinson, Obed.
1112. Robinson, Samuel.
1113. Roby, Samue.
1114. Roead, Aaron.
1115. Roick, Phineas.
1116. Root, Martin.
1117. Ross, Samuel.
1118. Ross, Seth.
1119. Roundy, Azor.
1120. Rowell, John.
1121. Rumiel, Thomas.
1124. Rumriel, Thomas.
1125. Runnels, Samuel.
1126. Russel, Jesse.
1127. Russell, Isaac.
1128. Russell, Jesse, Jr.
1129. Rntssell, Jonathan.
1130. Rust, Daniel.
1131. Ryan, Richard.


1132. Sabins, Isaac.
1133. Safford, John.
1134. Sanders, John.
1135, Sargeant, Ebenezer.
1136. Sargeant, Winslow.
1137. Sawin, John.
1138. Sawin, John.
1139. Scears, John.
1140. Scott, David.
1141. Scott, John.
1142. Scott, John.
1143. Scott, Sylvanus.
1144. Sceanton, George.
1145. Searle, Nathaniel.
1146. Searles, Samuel.
1147. Searls, David.
1148. Searls, Samuel.
1149. Sears, Richard.
1150. Sears, Richard.
1151. Seavar, Thomas
1152. Seaver, Thomas.
1153. Seaver, Thomas.
1154. Sele, David.
1155. Selee, Daved.
1156. Sergants, John.
1157. Serles, Nathaniel.
1158. Sever, Joseph.
1159. Sever, Thojias.

The surnames of ( Sha-Sthenfield ), couldn’t be copied, however if you have a ancestor that falls within these names a look up can be done and a copy of his record will be sent upon a request.

1160.Stiles, Samuel.
1161. Stinson, William
1162. Stinson, William.
1163. Stockbridge, James.
1164. Stockwell, Solomon.
1165. Stockwil, James.
1166. Stone, Andrew.
1167. Stone, David.
1168. Stone, John.
1169. Stone, Joseph.
1170. Stone, Samuel.
1171. Stone, Samuel.
1172. Stone, Timothy.
1173. Stowel, Manasseh, Jr.
1174. Stowel, Stephen (also given Stephen, Jr.)
1175. Stowell, Lemuel.
1176. Stringer, Joseph.
1177. Strobridge, John.
1178. Strong, Daniel.
1179. Strong, John.
1180. Strong, John.
1181. Strong, John.
1182. Strong, Timothy.
1183. Studly, William.
1184. Sturtevant, John.
1185. Sturtevant, John.
1186. Sumner, Davis.
1187. Sumner, Eben.
1188. Sumner, Jbzaniah.
1189. Sumner, Samuel (also given Samuel, Jr.)
1190. Sumner, William.
1191. Swain, John.
1192. Swan, Robert, Jr.
1193. Swartridge, Joseph
1194. Swift, James.
1195. Swift, James.
1196. Symonds, Jonathan.
1197. Symonds, Nathaniel.


1198 Tacara, George.
1199. Talley, Jabez.
1200. Tambling, Stephen.
1201. Tantor, Stephen.
1202. Tarblb, William.
1203 Tasharo, George.
1204. Tayler, Joshua.
1205. Taylor, Daniel.
1206. Taylor, James
1207. Taylor, James.
1208. Taylor, John.
1209. Taylor, John.
1210. Taylor, Joshua
1211. Taylor, Joyce.
1212. Taylor, Phineas.
1213. Taynter, Stephen.
1214. Tayntor, Stephen.
1215. Teaka, Robert.
1216. Temple, Richard.
1217. Tenny, Samuel.
1218. Terrell, John.
1219. Thayer, Elijah.
1220. Thayer, Elijah.
1221. Thayer, Jonathan.
1222. Thayer, Noah.
1223. Thayre, Noah.
1224. Thomas, Josiah.
1225. Thomas, Nathan.
1226. Thompson, Benjamin.
1227. Thompson, Benjamin.
1228. Thompson, Benjamin.
1229.Thompson, David.
1230. Thompson, Elisha.
1231. Thompson, John.
1232. Thompson, Jonathan.
1233. Thompson, Joseph.
1234. Thompson, Joseph (also given Joseph, Jr.,)
1235. Thompson, Joseph (also given Joseph, Jr.
1236. Thompson, Joseph.
1237. Thompson, Samuel.
1238. Thompson, William
1239. Thomson, Benjamin.
1240. Thornton, Joshua.
1241. Thurber, Hezekiah
1242. Thurston, John.
1243. Tibbet, Benjamin.
1244. Tibbitts, Benjamin.
1245. Tilardson, Isaac.
1246. Tillson, Ichabod.
1247. Tillson, Isaiah.
1248. Tilson, Ichabod.
1249. Tinckum, Caleb.
1250. Tingley, Samuel.
1251. Tingley, Samuel.
1252. Tinkham, Caleb.
1253. Tinsley, Richard.
1254. Tirrel, John.
1255. Todd, Samuel.
1256. Tomson, Joseph.
1257. Toplif, Luther.
1258. Toplif, Timothy.
1259. Torrey, Samuel.
1260. Torry, David.
1261. Torry, David.
1262. Tossey, Joseph.
1263. Tossy, Joseph.
1264. Totman, Reuben.
1265. Tower, Levi.
1266. Town, Francis.
1267. Towne, Moses.
1268. Towns, Moses.
1269. Townsend, Bela
1270. Townsend, Benjamin, Jr
1271. Townsend, Peleg
1272. Townshend, Richard.
1273. Townsng, Benjamin.
1274. Tracey, William.
1275. Trask, John.
1276. Trask, John.
1277. Trask, Thomas.
1278. Trip, Job.
1279. Tripp, Job.
1280. Trowbridge, John.
1281. Tucker, Abner.
1282. Tucker, Daniel
1283. Tucker, Joseph.
1284. Tuckerman, Isaac.
1285. Tufts, Barnabas.
1286. Turner, Abner.
1287. Turner, Caleb.
1288. Turner, Lothkop.
1289. Turner, Reuben.
1290. Turner, William.
1291. Tyler, John,


1292. Uncles, "William, alias "William Anclus.”
1293. Upton, "Olimpias."


1294. Valence, William.
1295. Van Order, Charles.
1296. Vaughn, John.
1297. Yicorey, Nehemiah.
1298. Vose, John.


1299. Wadden, Thomas.
1300. Wadding, Thomas.
1301. Wade, Isaac.
1302. Wait, Daniel.
1303. Wait, Joseph.
1304. Waite, Neheaiiah.
1305. Wales, Sajiuel.
1306. Wales, Samuel.
1307. Walker, John.
1308. Walker, John.
1309. Walker, Peter.
1310. Walker, Peter, Jr.
1311. Walker, Timothy.
1312. Wallace, Josiah (also given Joshua and Josiah, Jr.)
1313. Wallis, Robert, Jr.
1314. Wamsquan, Solomon.
1315. Ward, Josiah.
1316. Warden, Benjamin.
1317. Warden, Thojlas.
1318. Ware, Edward.
1319. Ware, Oliver.
1320. Warner, James.
1321. Warren, James.
1322. Warren, John.
1323. Warren, William.
1324. Warren, William.
1325. Warren, William.
1326. Washbon, Bildad.
1327. Washborn, Bildad.
1328. Washburn, Bildad
1329. Washburn, Eleazer
1330. Wasson, John.
1331. Wasson, John.
1332. Wasson, John.
1333. Wasson, Thomas.
1334. Waterman, Jabez.
1335. Waterman, Jabez.
1336. Watson, John.
1337. Watts, Robert.
1338. Watts, Robert.
1339. Weathen, Benjamin.
1340. Webber, John, Wells.
1341. Webster, Stephen.
1342. Welch, James.
1343. Wellington, Jonathan.
1344. Wescot, Joshua.
1345. Wescott, Joshua.
1346. Wescott, Samuel.
1347. West, John (also given John, Jr.).
1348. West, Joseph.
1349. Westcot, Joshua.
1350. Westcott, Joshua
1351. Weston, Micah.
1352. Wethreil, John.
1353. Wheaton, Ephraim.
1354. Wheeler, Amos.
1355. Wheeler, Isaac.
1356. Wheeler, James
1357. Wheeler, John.
1358. Wheeler, Moses.
1359. Wheeler, Peter.
1360. Wheeler, Simon.
1361. Wheeler, Thomas.
1362. Wheeler, Thomas.
1363. Wheellock, John.
1364. Wheelock, John.
1365.Wheelock, John.
1366. Wheelock, Jonathan.
1367. Wheler, John.
1368. Wheler, Moses.
1369. Wheler, Peter.
1370. Whelock, John.
1371. Wheten, Samuel.
1372. Wheylon, Philip.
1373. Whitaker, William.
1374. Whitcomb, Elias.
1375. White, Asa.
1376. White, Asa.
1377. White, Benjamin.
1378. White, Jabez.
1379. White, John.
1380. White, Nathaniel
1381. White, Nehemiah.
1382. White, Nehemiah.
1383. White, Peregrne
1384. White, Samuel.
1385.White, Thomas.
1386. Whitham, Simeon.
1387. Whitney, John.
1388. Whitney, Simon.
1389. Whitney, Simon.
1390. Whitney, Simon.
1391. Whitney, Simon.
1392. Whitney, Timothy.
1393. Whitten, Samuel.
1394. Whittier, Daniel.
1395. Whittney, John.
1396. Whittum, Simeon.
1397. Wier, Edward.
1398. Wier, Edward.
1399. Wier, John.
1400. Wight, Job.
1401. Wilbkr, Asa.
1402. Wilbor, Shadrach
1403. Wilboke, Shadrach.
1404. Wilcox, James (also given John).
1405. Wilder, Shubael.
1406. Wiley, Samuel.
1407. Wilkins, Edward.
1408. Wilkins, Edward.
1409. Willard, Lemuel.
1410. Willard, Moses.
1411. Willcox, John.
1412. Williams, Asa.
1413. Williams, Barzillai.
1414. Williams, Bezela.
1415. Willlims, John.
1416. Williams, Thomas.
1417. Willington, Gkorge
1418. Willington, Jonathan.
1419. Willington, Thaddeus.
1420. Williston, Andrew.
1421. Williston, Andrew.
1422. Williston, Andrew.
1423. Williston, Samuel.
1424. Williston, Samuel.
1425. Willson, Joseph.
1426. Wilson, John.
1427. Wilson, William.
1428. Winchel, Ruggles.
1429. Winchester, John.
1430. Winchil, Ruggles.
1431. Winn, Jacob.
1432. Winshel, Ruggles.
1433. Winship, Ebeneze.
1434. Winslow, , Duxbury.
1435. Winslow, James.
1436. Winslow, Joshua.
1437. Winslow, Thomas.
1438. Winslow, Thomas.
1439. Wire, Edward.
1440. Wisell, Daniel.
1441. Wiswall, Daniel.
1442. Wiswell, Daniel.
1443. Witherell, John.
1444. Withington, Philip, Jr
1445. Wood, Amos.
1446. Wood, Amos.
1447. Wood, Benjamin.
1448. Wood, Gideon.
1449. Wood, Gideon.
1450. Wood, James.
1451. Wood, John.
1452. Wood, John.
1453, Woodman, Thomas.
1454. Woods, Henry.
1455. Woods, Henry.
1456. Woodstock, William.
1457. Woodward, Ebenezer
1458. Woodward, Timothy.
1459. Woolworth, Eli.
1460. Worthington, Calvin.
1461. Wright, John.
1462. Wright, John.
1463. Wright, Jonathan.
1464. Wright, Stephen.
1465. Wyer, Edward.
1466. Wyman, John.
1467. Wyre, Edward.


Unknown said...

This is absolutely amazing and very appreciated by those of us that are attempting to find our past. Thank you for sharing and spending so much time to post these names, it makes it easier for others, not to mention your keeping a piece of History alive.
Gary & Kim Potter

Anonymous said...

993. Perry, Obadiah.

I have just assisted a nearly 90 year old woman who was just admitted to DAR on Obediah Perry. If you have any information about him that you could share I am sure that she would appreciate it.

Susan Harris
for Nancy Pilcher Michael Franzenburg

Anonymous said...

993. Perry, Obadiah.

Any information on this drummer is appreciated. I just assisted Nancy Pilcher Michael Franzenburg with her DAR Application on this patriot and it was accepted. She would like to find more information about Obediah. Thank you

Susan Harris for Nancy Franzenburg

Dennis Segelquist said...

This is all I could find.

Perry, Obadiah, Bradford. Drummer, Capt. Keith's co.. Col. Michael Jackson's
regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from June 11, 1777, to Nov.
-, 1777 ; residence, Bradford ; reported deserted Nov. -, 1777.