Thursday, November 06, 2008

Seneca Indian Of Sandusky Were Paid For Land Improvements. 1832

Here is a list of Senecas Indian’s of Sandusky who were paid for their improvements on their land. You can find more Senecas names on another page in titled (Indian property being sold.) This list is to help those of you who are looking for your ancestors.

Note. This information comes from : The Correspondence on the emigration of Indians, 1831-33. Vol. 3, p. 348-353.

Back ground.

ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 20, 1832.

SIR: By the fifth article of the Seneca treaty, concluded February 28, 1831, the Government stipulated to pay $6,000, in lieu of improvements—an equitable distribution of which was to be made by the chiefs, to such individuals as held them. The tribe objected, positively, to the chiefs making the valuation and apportionment; and in order to settle the dispute which had arisen, I was obliged to take upon myself the laborious task of making the accompanying valuation, upon which the $6,000 was distributed, as per receipt to Col. John McElvain, for that advancement. Should you think proper to make an allowance for this extra service, you \will confer a favor on Your obedient servant,
Agent for Senecas.
To the Hon. Lewis CASS, Secretary of War.

Valuation of the improvements upon the lands ceded by the Senecas of Sandusky, to the United States’ Government by the treaty of 281k February, 1831.

1. Small Cloud Spicer, 30 acres of land cleared, “smooth, “ under good fence, A hewed log house lb stories high, 2 cabins and cabin stable, and 25 hearing fruit trees, $400. 00

2. Jacob Nicely, 58 and a half acres of land, well cleared and under good fencing, 67 large apple trees, and 11 small ones, 86 peach trees, and 19 small peach trees, A hewed log dwelling, log house 14 stories high, 9 cabin stables, log barn, corn house, spring house, and smoke house, $950. 00

3. Little Seneca John, 21 and a half acres, without fence and an old cabin, $20. 00

4. Big David Hill, 54 and a half acres, with good fence and small cabin, $10. 00

5. Little David Hill, 18 acres under good cultivation, with a good fence, comfortable cabin, 7 acres not entirely cleared, indifferent fence, a good cabin, $175. 00

6. George Herron, 2 acres cleared, with good fence and a new cabin, $25. 00

7. Jo Smith’s wife, An old cabin and small patch of ground, $5. 00

8. Jo Smith, 2 acres well cleared, good fence, a cabin tolerably good, $20. 00

9. Henry Smith, 2 and a half acres, clearing good, fence had, a middling cabin, $20. 00

10. Old Mrs. Herron, 12 acres, mostly without fence, and an old cabin, 4 acres well cultivated and good fence, with 2 good cabins, is bearing trees, (apple) $140. 00

11. Oneida Bowlus, 20 acres well cleared, but poor fence, pretty good house 1and a half stories high, and good cabin, 12 apple trees, $120.00

12. Dennis Bowlus, 154 acres, (wild,) old fence, and 2 old cabins, $45. 00

13. Daniel Thomas, 19 acres well cleared, with a good fence, 2 cabins, old, $80.00

14. Joseph Silas, 13 acres, without fence, wild, 7 do., with good fence, 2 cabins, very good, $80.00

15. George Hill, 5 and a half acres, new fence, partly up, 1,000 rails ready to finish it, 8 asres., pretty fence, and cabin, $85. 00

16. Nancy, 1 and a half acres, good fence and cabin, $10.00

17. Armstrong’s Mother, 2 and a half acres, with poor fence, 3 acres., good fence.,
5 acres., no fence, 1 cabin, $40.00

18. Geo. Sky, 7 acres, with good fence 8 acres., poor fence., 2 old cabins, $60.00

19. John Henry and niece, 6 acres, with indifferent fence, $20.00

20. Mingo Josey, 19 acres, with an old fence, 13 large peach trees, and an old cabin, $50.00

21. Widow Armstrong, 1 and a half acres, good fence, old cabin, $10.00

22. John Wiping Stick’s wife, 4 acres, old fence and cabin, $20.00

23. John Wiping Stick, 13 acres, old fence, 3 acres, tolerably good, and an old cabin, $ 30.00

24. Seneca Steel, 2 and a half acres, tolerable fence, 24 acres., tolerable fence., 58 apple trees, 31 of them bearing, no cabin, $200.00

25. Young Bone, 15 acres, pretty good fence, 1 hewed log house, I acre, not fenced, and 2 old cabins, 2 and a half acres, partly fenced, $110.00

26. Wiping Stick, (Chief,) 8 acres, with good fence and an excellent cabin, 1 and a half stories high, 11 bearing apple trees, 4 and a half acres, at another place, good, $l75.00

27. Seneca John’s wife, 14 and a half acres, old fence, good cabin, and one large apple tree, $50.00

28. John Henry, 10 and a half acres partly fenced, cabin, $20.00

29. Cracked Hoof, 21 acres, pretty good, 2 acres., poor fence, 2 good cabins, $130.00

30. Doct0rThomas, 25 acres, (good,)good house, and 43 bearing fruit trees, $280.00

31. Jo Brandt, 2 acres, with old fence, a good cabin, $25.00

32. Jo Brandt’s wife, 2 acres, no fence, good cabin, $15.00

33. Old Mrs. Blue Jacket, 2 cabins and small patch of ground, $15.00

34. Comstick and Steel, 25 acres, (good,) a good house and three cabins, 2 acres., wild, and old cabin, 25 fruit trees, $330.00

35. Pheby Blue Jacket, 2 acres (good), good cabin, $35. 00

36. Nimble Jim, 13 acres, (middling,) good cabin, $40.00

37. Tall Chief’s wife, 5 acres on the river, (indifferent,), 7 apple trees, 2 old cabins, $30. 00

38. Tall Chief, 7 acres on the river, old fence, 7 acres on the river., good fence, 13 on the river, no fence, 32 large apple trees,26 peach trees, a large house, and several cabins, 10 acres, under good fence, at Green creek, $420. 00

39. Old Widow Johnson, 3 and a half acres, under good fence, with good cabin, and three apple trees, $30.00

40. Jim Harris, 1 acre, no fence, good cabin, $8.00
Jim Sky’s mother, 8 acres, and a cabin, $40.00 =$48.00

41. Cracked Hoof’s brother, 2 acres, (no fence,) cabin, $10.00

42. Cayuga Johnson, 3 acres, (wild,) no fence, nor house, $10. 00

43. Cayuga Johnson’s, mother, 1 acre, with an old fence and cabin, $10.00

44. Lewis Tall Chief, 1and a half acres, very good cabin, $15.00

45. John Johnson, 3 acres, pretty good, no house, $25.00

46. Hard Hickory, 30 acres, under good fence, with an excellent hewed log house,
80 large bearing apple trees, and 20 small ones, 40 peach trees, 6 acres, on the river, good fence, $450.00

47. Curly Eyes, 4 acres, partly fenced, with a small cabin, $30.00

48. Good Hunter, 8 acres, well improved, 6 acres., on the river, with old cabin, 5 acres., part in corn, part unfenced, a cabin, an(l 6 peach trees, $200.00

49. Standing Stone, 1 acre, (no cabin,) small clearing, with rails mauled, $10.00

41. Tequania Johnson, 12 peach trees, and small patch, $10.00

42. Coffee House, 2 acres, pretty good, good cabins, $35.00

43. Capt. Smith, 10 acres, 6 pretty good, rest wild, 12 large apple trees, .5 small apple trees., 20 large peach trees, a good two story frame house, and saw mill, $450.00

44. Benjamin F. Warner, 4 acres, part fenced, with cabin stuff in saw mill, $81.00

45. Old Sharloo, a small cabin and patch, $5. 00

46. Powlus Brandt, A small cabin and patch, $5. 00

47. Thomas Brandt, half acre, pretty good, with a good cabin and stable, $30. 00

48. Jacob Brandt, half acre, (no fence,) cabin, $5.00

Five acres, to be distributed under the direction of the chiefs, $25.00
Reserved by the chiefs, to be distributed amongst those that had no improvements $250.00


Anonymous said...

Hello I think you're wrong. I'm sure. I can prove it.

Dennis Segelquist said...

The info for this page came from the ( Correspondence on the emigration of Indian )this is a 5volume sat 1831-1833. These reports came from the senate.

If you can prove the report are in error that's find, however I will have stay with what's in the report. very interesting if you can prove it.