The three wars we talk about the most are the Revolutionary, War of 1812 and the Civil War, this page will cover them all, and maybe a few other wars for good measures. I will have no order to this information, and will be jumping from one war to another. I will be putting down the information as I find it, so if you are looking for a ancestor and not just reading for fun, you may want to do a name search. There will be a few photo’s on this page as well, no less then 6, but no more then ten.
Note. This information and photo’s will come from the many departments of the Library of Congress and the official recorders of the Union and Confederate Armies which is housed at the State University of Ohio.
Mr. Grayson, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of Gaetano Carusi, reported:
That it appears from the statement of the petitioner, and from the documents accompanying it, that he and his three sons were employed, in the year 1805, by the officers of the American squadron then in the Mediterranean, for the term of three years: the petitioner continued in the service during the time in which the squadron remained abroad, and came with it to America. On his arrival in this country he was dismissed from the service, hail the term for which he had been engaged being yet unexpired: lie was thus abandoned in a foreign country, without support, although a promise had been made him to send him back to Europe at the expiration of the three years for which he had been employed. The officers of the squadron appear to have acted under a mistake as to their powers, in procuring his services; but it was not possible for a foreigner to know that the commander of an armed ship had no power to employ a musician, and it appears, therefore, one of those cases in which the liberality of the government should not permit an innocent and ignorant foreigner to stiffer for having enlisted in its service. The committee recommend, therefore, that the petitioner be paid one thousand dollars, and for that purpose they report a bill.
Note. The photo's can be enlarged by pushing on them.
DECEMBER 16, 1872.
Granting a pension to Aaron B. Hughes, late a musician in Company E, One hundred and third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension-roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension-laws, the name of Aaron B. Hughes, late a musician in Company E, One hundred and third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and that he be paid a pension from the twenty-fourth day of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-five.
Added Info. Aaron B. Hughes Musician, mustered in December 7, 1861, for 3, years, Prisoner from April 20, 1864, to March 1, 1865; mustered out with Company, June 25, 1865; Vet.

Photo: Washington, D.C. Band of 9th Veteran Reserve Corps, in shakoes and frogged jackets, at Washington Circle.
Note. There was a Bill in Congress in 1818, That stated that any musician that was on furlough and absent from his regiment at the close of the war, would received bounty land as if they were in actual service, so long as they had gotten an honorable discharge.
Note. In 1842, a Bill stated that, no negro or mulatto shall be enlisted unless as musician, steward, cook, or servant.
APRIL 4, 1840.
For the relief of Isaac Plumer.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 2 of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be directed to allow to Isaac Plumer, of Foxcroft, in the State of Maine, an invalid pensioner, at the rate of six dollars a month, instead of the pension heretofore granted; to commence on the fourth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.
Added note. He was a musician in Col. Cobb’s Volunteer regiment of infantry.
In 1846, A Mr. Simeon Hubbard, was asking Congress on be half of one Cooper Polyreen, who had now pass away, that he receive bounty land, Mr. Cooper was a Revolutionary soldier and musician, they were rejected.
Washington, December 2, 1873.
A bill granting a pension to Caleb A. Lamb, late a musician ( Drummer ) in Company E of the Forty-sixth Regiment of Indiana Volunteer Infantry.
Added note. He got his pension, but I was unable to find it.
February 20, 1872.
A petition of John H. Moore, musician First Massachusetts Cavalry, Co. F &S, Rank third class, praying for a pension.
May 21, 1838.
A petition of Sidnah Kibby, of Washington city, widow of Thomas Kibby, of the marine corps, praying that she may be allowed the amount of pension to which her husband would have been entitled had he lived.
Update December 20, 2014.
The following is given by Michael Marshall.
Thomas Kibby married Sinia Johnson in Washington D. C., December 9, 1827. Kibby died some time before September 1, 1828, they had a daughter, Miranad Kibby ( b.c. 1833 ), she maeeied Daniel P. Mealey.

Photo: Brandy Station, Va. Band of the 114th Pennsylvania Infantry (Zouaves.)
January 20, 1851.
A petition of S. Griffin, praying a pension on account of the services of her former husband, Thomas Kibby, as a musician in the marine corps.
January 11, 1855.
The memorial of Thomas W. Tansill, praying to be allowed extra pay and bounty land as a private in the marine corps, and his pay and allowances as a musician in said corps, withheld on account of his inability to procure the legal certificate of his discharge.
December 13, 1837.
A petition of Samuel Crapin, a musician in the army during the late war with Great Britain, praying a pension.
JANUARY 7, 1841.
For the relief of Samuel Crapin.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be directed to place the name of Samuel Crapin on the pension roll, and pay him a pension at the rate of eight dollars per month, from the fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, during his natural life.
Note. This Bill was passed on March 19, 1842.

December 17, 1838.
A petition of Mary Page, of Cambridge, in the State of Massachusetts, praying to be allowed a pension, in right of her former husband, William Hall, deceased, a musician in the revolutionary army.
April 8, 1850.
A petition of John Hamilton, praying to be allowed bounty land as a musician in the army of the United States.
January 29, 1830.
The Committee on Military Pensions be instructed to inquire into the expediency of placing on the pension roll, Frederick Wolf, a musician in the army during the Revolutionary war.
THURSDAY March 8, 1860.
Elizabeth Bliss Wolf, widow of Frederick Wolf, praying pension for services rendered by her husband in the revolutionary war.
MONDAY, January 18, 1875.
petition of Anton Tschudi, late a musician in Company A, Eighteenth Regiment of United States Infantry, praying to be allowed a pension.
February 6, 1860.
A petition of Samuel S. Burton, praying to be allowed the amount due him for pay and rations as a musician in the war of 1812.

Photo: Arlington, Va. Band of 107th U.S. Colored Infantry at Fort Corcoran.
TUESDAY, December 9, 1834.
A petition of Hosea King, late a musician in the army of the United States, praying for a grant of military bounty land.
Mr. Chambers, from the Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Hosea King, late a musician in the army of the United States, reported:
That they have examined his case, from which it appears, that on the 23d of October, 1810, he enlisted in the army of the United States as a musician, for the term of five years, and that lie remained in said service until the expiration of said term, when, on the 24th of October, 1815, he was honorably discharged. During which period, he had to encounter the fatigues, hardships, and perils of a war service. He has received all the pay and emoluments to which he was entitled under his contract of enlistment, and under the provisions of the act of Congress providing for that enlistment and service; but as soldiers afterwards enlisted, and who served a shorter time than himself, have received from the bounty of government the same and more pay, as well as bounty land, he desires that Congress will extend to him a like bounty. The act of Congress granting bounty lands in addition to pay, was passed the 24th December, 1811; and if’ Congress, on the apprehension of war, and for a war service, chose to extend the inducement to enlistment, so as to encourage an increase of the army, and did not think proper to extend the provisions to those who had been before that enlisted under other circumstances, the soldier who has received, under the laws that regulated his enlistment and services, all that was provided, has no claim on the justice or bounty of his county, unless he has become disabled and infirm by reason of that service, which is not alleged in the present case. The petitioner’s case is not a solitary one, but belongs to a class of cases, embracing all who enlisted before December 24, 1811. And if the land bounty should be thus extended, it should be by a law of Congress, embracing all that class of cases; the propriety and policy of which may well be questioned, and when presented, will deserve attentive consideration for its retrospective operation in one class of cases, which would furnish precedents for like claims by officers, agents, and other claimants, who might appeal to the equity and bounty of their country for a like remuneration, beyond the emoluments and provisions of the law under which they acted or served.
With these views, the committee think the petitioner is not entitled. to relief; and submit the following resolution:
Resolved, That the petitioner is not entitled to relief.
March 22, 1872.
A petition of Thad. Potter, chief musician of the Twenty-fourth United States Infantry .

Photo: Pvt. Bentley Weston, bugler, Company A, 7th South Carolina Cavalry, C.S.A.
Note. He can not be found on any rosters.
Monday December 15, 1800.
A petition of Benjamin Law, (alias Williams,) late a fifer in the first Maryland regiment, was presented to the House and read, stating that a warrant for land due the petitioner, for services rendered the United States, during the late war, has been fraudulently obtained from the War Office, and praying that a new warrant may issue, or such other relief be granted as to the wisdom of Congress may seem meet.
MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1796.
Ebenezer Fletcher, ... Fifer, ... one-fourth, pension.
Levi Chubbock, ... Fifer,….. one-fourth, pension.
Phinehas Parkhurst, ... Fifer, ... full pension.
Robert Jerom, ... Fifer, ... one-fourth, pension.
THURSDAY, June 13, 1844.
A petition of Jane Hackney, of Russell county, State of Virginia, widow of John Hackney, deceased, praying a pension in consideration of the services of her late husband, as a fifer in the war of the Revolution.
Civil War.
Note. July 1864, City Point, and the medical officer in charge of the hospitals at that place will at once make requisition upon the corps commanders for musicians to relieve the able-bodied men of their commands now employed on hospital service, and the latter on being relieved will be returned to their regiments. Each corps commander will select an efficient officer to take the general charge of the musicians of his corps assigned to hospital duty, and he will also, on the requisition of the medical officer in charge of the hospitals, furnish his proportion of a detail for a hospital guard. The guard will be no larger than is indispensably necessary. The requisition on corps commanders for hospital attendants and guard details will be in proportion to the number of men of the corps under treatment.
Note. HEADQUARTERS FIFTH ARMY CORPS, Near Hatcher's Run, Va., March 28, 1865.
In the contemplated movement to-morrow, the musicians will be left in camp to sound reveille as usual, not at the hour of march, but as sounded under ordinary circumstances. Commanders are requested to give this matter their particular attention. After the usual hour of reveille has been sounded the musicians can join their respective commands. When the troops leave camp to-morrow morning they will do so as quietly as possible. Great care will be taken that nothing in the camps is set on fire.
On the March 14th, 1865, captured, Musician W. S. Ward, Company H.
Reports of Major Hamilton S. Gillespie, Fiftieth Ohio Infantry, of operations May 27-September 8.
May 28, 1864, Rebels make three assaults during the night, but are each time repulsed with considerable loss to them; wounded. George W. Rickey, musician, Company C, slight.
May 30, take position in front line; wounded, William Dean, Company K, mortally; Samuel B. Large, musician Company A, in leg while attempting to bring him off the field.
Musician Edward B. Smith was to be executed, he was found Guilty, in a G. C. M. I couldn’t find out what he was being charged with, but I believe it was for Mutiny.
1865, Chief Musician John T. McConahay, wounded in the thigh on the 21st March, near Bentonville.
1865, Second Lieutenant Samuel H. Williams, acting adjutant Fifty-sixth Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, to be first lieutenant by brevet for conspicuous gallantry and valuable services on the 31st of march, and to be captain by brevet for the display of personal bravery on the 1st of April. Lieutenant Williams entered the service as a musician, and by his good conduct and his bravery and courage during the campaigns of 1863 won the respect and regard of his superior officers, and was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant.
1864, Private Hans Shure, Company K, and Musician, Eighty-eighth Illinois, helped to captured two sabers at the battle of Franklin, November 30.
Note. In 1863, the Provisional Army of Confederate States, were paying their musicians $13, per month.
Numbers 298. Reports of Lieutenant Colonel John C. O. Redington, Sixtieth New York Infantry.
May 8, 1863.
I saw Musician William P. Hulitt, of Company F (who picked up a gun and cartridges, and fought unflinchingly, losing his life thereby.
No. 75. Report of Lieutenant James G. Derrickson, Sixty-sixth New York Infantry.
FALMOUTH, VA., December 16, 1862.
Among the enlisted men the conduct of Principal Musician Daniel Barrett stand pre-eminent.
SIR: I have the honor to report the part taken by the battalion of Second and Tenth Infantry in the engagement on the 17th instant at Sharpsburg, Md.
Musician George Miller, Company G, seized a musket on the field and used it with good effect during the hottest part of the engagement.
Numbers 3. Report of Brigadier General James E. B. Stuart, C. S. Army, March 31, 1862.
Principal Musician David Drake, of the First Virginia Cavalry, volunteered to perform the most hazardous service, and accomplished it in the most satisfactory and creditable manner. He is worthy of promotion and should be so rewarded.
No. 79. Report of Major Robert M. West,
Chief of Artillery, of operations June 28-July 2.
July 29, Principal Musician Robert Hargreaves, First Pennsylvania Artillery, whose prompt and intelligent conveyance of my orders contributed greatly to the harmonious movement of the large mass of artillery temporarily under my command. He is qualified for a better position.
No. 24. Report of Colonel Zebulon B. Vance, Twenty-sixth North Carolina Infantry.
HDQRS. TWENTY-SIXTH Regiment NORTH CAROLINA VOLS., Kinston, N. C., March 17, 1862.
Musician B. F. Johnson, Company B, deserves particular mention for his exertions, having ferried over the greater portion of the road for Trenton. We marched night and day stopping at no time for rest or sleep more than four hours.
HEADQUARTERS ANDERSON CAVALRY, Camp Negley, Nashville, Tenn., January 20, 1863.
MAJOR: In obedience to instructions received from headquarters of the Cumberland, through Brigadier General D. S. Stanley, I have the honor to forward the names of those who did and those who did not obey marching orders December 26, 1862.
List of names of those who obeyed orders to go to the front December 26, 1862.
Bugler, Byron O. Camp.
Bugler, N. F. Dager.
Bugler, Francis J. Koesterer.
Bugler, Henry Helling.
Bugler, Nicholas F. Weigle.
Bugler, J. W. Buttorf.
Bugler, A. C. Miller.
Bugler, William B. Murdock.
Bugler, J. F. Gwynn.
List of these refusing to go to the front December 26, 1862..
Bugler, Byron O. Camp.
Bugler, N. F. Dager.
Note. A Bugler was paid $20, a month, a Chief bugler $28, a month.
Numbers 192. Report of Lieutenant Valentine H. Stone, Batteries C and I, Fifth U. S. Artillery.
Near Petersburg, Va., April 4, 1865.
Bugler Andrew R. Muller, Battery C, Fifth U. S. Artillery, deserves great credit for the extraordinary coolness and bravery shown by him while carrying orders for me, passing to and for from the front repeatedly under a heavy fire of artillery and musketry.
The following-named officers and enlisted men will proceed to Washington, D. C., with colors captured from the enemy in the engagement of the 19th instant, and will deliver them over to the Secretary of War. This duty being accomplished they will immediately join their proper command. The quartermaster's department will furnish the necessary transportation: Private T. M. Wells, chief bugler, Sixth Michigan Cavalry.
Francis N. Kelly, bugler, Company C, First Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, He and some of his company had been surprised by a band of Quantrill's guerrillas in Johnson Country, Mo., on the 28, May 1864, the guerrillas numbering between 80, and 100 hundred men, Kelly was killed.
Added note. Francis N. Kelly, enlisted on Feb. 8, 1862, at the age of 19, he enlisted at Sullivan Mo., and was mustered in on Feb. 17, 1862, at Milan, Mo.
SIR: I have the honor to report the part this regiment (Thirty-ninth New York Volunteers) took in the reconnaissance of the 6th day of February, 1864.
I take pleasure in making honorable mention of Chief Bugler Anton Rang, for bravery on the skirmish line.

Photo: Company unknown, place unknown, man unknown.
Note. I'm finding I may not have room for the next 160 reports, so I will list the names of the Buglers with page number. If you see a ancestor and would like his information, you can E. Mail me, I will be glad to hear from you, You can find my address in my profile.
Buglers of the Union & C. S. A.
Bugler Henry Deering-0692
Bugler John Albert-0865
Bugler [Charles A.] Lockwood-0756
Bugler Hiram H. Swasey-0241
Bugler ?? Lehman-0547
Bugler ?? Lehmann-0547
Bugler [Valentine] Kenner-0270
Chief Bugler ?? Fritson-0134
Bugler William Clemens-0812
Bugler J. B. Harris-028
Chief Bugler ?? Steele-0494
Bugler ?? Denton-0414
Bugler Oliver J. Burns-0140
Bugler Burns, Citizen-0138
Chief Bugler D. J. Taber-0480
Bugler Henry Bieble-0440
Bugler Henry Gieble-0396
Bugler, William A. Worley-0469
Chief bugler Charles Schorn-01261
Chief bugler James P. Landis-01259
John Gottlieb Heydlauff-0272
Bugler Daniel W. Merrill-0332
Chief bugler Thomas Wells-0551
Bugler Daniel Urmey-0792
Chief Bugler N. D. Horton-0595
Bugler Asa D. Broody-0832
Bugler ?? Eisfelder-0387
Bugler William Willi-0207
Bugler William J. Carson-0317
Bugler John F. Leach-0310
Bugler [William H.] Dickerson-0779
Chief Bugler [Jacob K.] Schuck-0949
Bugler R. Mastin Smith-0364
Bugler [William H.] Leeser-01092
Bugler ?? Drilling-062
Bugler [E. Z.] Shannon-0552
Bugler [W. C.] Thatcher-0552
Bugler John McKay-0366
Jake Schlosser-0859
Chief bugler William Morgan-0554
Bugler John J. Brown-0320
Chief bugler Earnest Goolah-0395
Bugler, Christ. Sanders-067
Bugler John Malone-0468
Musician, Bugler Robert Mannle-0321
Musician, Bugler Charles Guyer-0321
Bugler ?? Pfaff-0687
Chief Bugler S. R. Steele-0573
Bugler John Malone-0542
Bugler Nathaniel J. O. Quine-010
Bugler ?? Freed-0184

Photo: Headquarters of Gen. Thomas West Sherman, Beaufort, S.C., and soldiers with musical instruments standing on and in front of porch.
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