Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Those Killed & Wounded At Williamsburg 1813.

Here is a short list of those killed and wounded at Williamsburg in upper Canada. I know there are family members looking for proof that their ancestor was in this battle. This list may help.

Those killed or wounded in descending the St. Lawrence river, under the command of Major General James Wilkinson, in the action fought at Williamsburg in upper Canada, on the 11th, November 1813.


1. Lieutenant William W. Smith, Light Artillery.

2. Lieutenant David Hunter, 19th., regiment Infantry.

3. Lieutenant Edward Olmstead, 16th., regiment Infantry.


1. Brigadier General Leonard Covington-Mortally, has since died.

2. Major Talbot Chambers, Assistant Adjutant General, Slightly.

3. Major Darby Noon, Aid-de-camp to Brigadier General Swartwout, Slightly.

4. Colonel James P. Preston, of the 23rd., regiment Infantry, severely his right thigh fractured.

5. Captain Edmund Foster, of the 9th., regiment Infantry, Slightly.

6. Captain David S. Townsend, of the 9th., regiment Infantry, severely, was taken prisoner.

7. Captain Mordecai Myers, of the 13th., regiment Infantry, severely

8. Captain John Campbell, of the 13th., regiment Infantry, Slightly.

9.Captain John B. Murdoch, of the 25th., regiment.

10. Lieutenant William S. Heaton, of the 11th., regiment Infantry, severely.

11. Lieutenant John Williams, of the 13th., regiment, Slightly.

12. Lieutenant John Lynch, of the 14th., regiment Infantry, severely, was taken prisoner.

13. Lieutenant Peter Pelham, of the 21st., regiment, severely, was taken prisoner.

14. Lieutenant James D. Brown, 25th., regiment Infantry, Slightly.

15. Lieutenant Archibald C. Crary, of the 25th., regiment Infantry, severely in skirmish the day before the action the 11th.

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