Sunday, December 06, 2009

Men Who Fought In Canada-1812.

Here are the names of 30, men who fought in Canada some were wound and some were killed while others were taken prisoners, I have a listing of 348, soldiers that fought in Canada. If you had a ancestor that fought in Canada in the war of 1812, and he was an ( Officer ) and you would like to see if he is on the list. You can write to me and I will be glad to take a look for him.

Important note. I have thousands of names at this site, when asking about a name from this page or any other pages at this site, please give the ( Title of this page ), for without it I may not be able to help you. My address can be found in my profile.

1. James S. Abeel, from Rome, New York, 3rd., Lieurenant, 23rd., infantry, July 25, 1814, Lundys Lane, Canada, wounded. He was appointed 3rd., Lieutenant May 3, 1813, was appointed 1st, Lieutenant October 1, 1814. He was appointed 2nd, Lieutenant of the Corps of artillery October 1, 1814. James S. Abeel, 1st Lieut. 2d regiment of Artillery, 20th April, 1818, to be Captain by brevet, to take rank from 20th April, 1828, for faithful service ten years in one grade. In 1848, he had a petition in Congress James S. Abeel, of Rome, in the State of New York, praying for increase of compensation to military storekeepers, from what is known by this researcher he would not receive it, the petition was still in Congress in 1860.

2. Richard Arell, 1st., Lieutenant, 14th., infantry, June 24, 1813, Beaver Dam Canada, prisoner. He was appointed Captain of the 14th, November 14, 1813. In 1856, in Congress it states; The memorial of Richard Arell, an officer in the war of 1812, praying compensation for injuries to his health, caused by his confinement and ill usage while a prisoner of war.

3. Lewis G. A. Armistead, Captain Rifleman, Sept. 17, 1814, Ft Erie Canada, killed.

4. Henry B. Armstrong, Captain 13th., infantry, October 13, 1812, Queenston Heights Canada, wounded.

5. John Armstrong, 2nd., Lieutenant, 22md., infantry, July 25, 1814, Lundys Lane, Canada, wounded. He would die later from his wounds.

6. John T. Arrosmith, Captain, 6th., infantry, May 27, 1813, Ft George Canada, wounded.

7. Thomas Aspinwall, of Massachusetts, Lieutenant Colonel, 9th., infantry, Sept, 17, 1814, Ft Erie Canada, wounded. In 1813, Thomas Aspinwall, was a Major in the 9th, infantry was appointed Lieutenant Colonel, of the 15th., infantry. In 1816, was to be Consul of the United States at London. In 1834, he had a memorial which stated; Thomas Aspinwall, consul of the United States at London, in England, praying that the allowance for official expenses heretofore to the consulate at London may be confirmed and continued. Thomas Aspinwall, was recalled to the United States in 1854.

8. James H. Ballard, 1sr., Lieutenant, Riflemen, Sept. 17, 1814, Ft Erie Canada, prisoner. He was appointed Captain of Rifle’s April 22, 1817.

9. John V. Barron, of New Hampshire, 2nd., Lieutenant, 11th., infantry, July 5, 1814, Chippewa Canada, wounded. In 1812, was appointed Ensign of infantry. Became a Second Lieutenant, June 26th , 1813, of the 11th., was appointed 1st., Lieutenant on July 25, 1814. In 1841, he had a petition in Congress which stated: John V. Barron, praying remuneration for losses sustained by him in the destruction of property by the enemy at Champlain during the late war with Great Britain. In 1856, he had another petition in Congress which stated; John V. Barron, praying indemnity for losses sustained by him in the military service of the United States, during the war of 1812.

10. Richard M. Bayly, 1st., 3rd., artillery, October 13, 1812, Queenston Heights Canada, prisoner.

11. Robert Beans, 3rd., Lieutenant, 22nd., infantry, July 25, 1814, Lundys Lane Canada, wounded. Appointed 2nd., Lieutenant September 25, 1814.

12. William C. Beard, 2nd., Lieutenant, 1st., Riflemen, Feb. 22, 1813, Ogdensburg N Y, wounded; 1st., Lieutenant, 1st., Riflemen, June 6, 1813, Stony Creek Canada, prisoner. To be 1st., Lieutenant, 27th September, 1812, appointed Captain, 1st Rifle, May 1, 1817.

A Bill.
FEBRUARY 16, 1836.

Granting a pension to William C. Beard, late a captain in the United States army.

Be it enacted try the Semite and House of Representatives of the United States of .America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to place the name of William C. Beard, late a captain in the United States army, on the invalid pension roll, at the rate of seventeen dollars per month, to commence on the first of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five.

13. John Beckett, from Maryland, 1st., Lieutenant, 14th., infantry, October 19, 1814, Cooks Mills Canada, wounded. Appointed 2nd., Lieutenant in 1812, appointed 1st. Lieutenant March 13, 1813.

14. Hazen Bedel, 2nd., Lieutenant, 11th., infantry, August 15, 1814, Ft Erie Canada, wounded. Appointed 2nd., Lieutenant June 15, 1814, appointed 1st., Lieutenant October 19, 1818. In 1830, he had a petition in Congress which stated; A petition of Hazen Bedel, who was a soldier in the army in the late war with Great Britain, and who states that his bounty land is unfit for cultivation, and praying a grant of good land in lieu thereof.

15. Elias Bedford, 3rd., Lieutenant, 11th., infantry, July 25, 1814, Lundys Lane Canada, wounded, was appointed from Ensign to 3rd., Lieutenant June 15, 1814.

16. William G. Belknap, 1st., Lieutenant, 23rd., infantry August 15, 1814, Ft Erie Canada, wounded; wounded again in Sept 1814, at Ft Erie Canada. He was appointed from 2nd to 3rd., Lieutenant on October 15, 1813. In 1832, was Captain 3d Reg't of Infantry, 1st February, 1822, to be major by brevet, to take rank 1st February, 1832. In 1846, Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William G. Belknap, major of the 8th Infantry, to be colonel by brevet, to date from the 9th of May, 1846. 1847, Fifth Regiment of Infantry, Major William G. Belknap, of the Eighth Regiment of Infantry, to be lieutenant colonel, September 26, 1847. 1848, Brevet Colonel William G. Belknap, lieutenant-colonel of the 4th Infantry, to be brigadier-general by brevet, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Buena Vista, Mexico, to date from the 23d of February, 1847.

17. Richard H. Bell, from Virginia, Captain 5th., infantry, October 19, 1814, Cooks Mills Canada, wounded. Was appointed 2nd., Lieutenant infantry, May 3, 1808, Fifth regiment of Infantry, Second Lieutenant Richard H. Bell, to be promoted to First Lieutenant, 1810, Fifth Regiment of Infantry, First Lieutenant Richard H. Bell, Captain, 15th August, 1813. 1833, The memorial of Captain Richard H. Bell, of the army, praying to be compensated for services rendered as a deputy superintendent of lead mines. 1838, A petition of Maria C. Bell, of Norfolk, in the State of Virginia, widow of Richard H. Bell, late a captain in the army of the United States, and wounded while in service, during the war with Great Britain, praying for the pension to which her husband was entitled.

18. Thomas Biddle Jr., Captain, corps of artillery, July 25, 1814, Lundys Lane Canada, wounded; capt corps of art, 15 Aug 1814, Ft Erie Canada, wounded.

19. Aaron Bigelow, from Massachusetts, 1st., Lieutenant 21st., infantry, July 25, 1814, Lundys Lane Canada, killed. Twenty-first Regiment of Infantry, Aaron Bigelow, (Ensign) Second Lieutenant, 16th April, 1813, from 2nd., Lieutenant to first March 7, 1814.

20. Benjamin Birdsall, Captain, 4th., Riflemen, August 15, 1814, Ft Erie Canada, wounded. 1814, Benjamin Birdsall, of New York, to be Captain in the 4th regiment of Riflemen. In 1818, he had a petition in Congress which stated; A petition of Benjamin Birdsall, a major in the army of the United States, stating, that in the assault of Fort Erie, in the British province of Upper Canada, during the late war, he received wounds which entirely disabled him from attending to business, by which he lost his vouchers for the expenditure of the public money placed in his possession, as also, a large sum of money with his sword and other property, and praying such relief in the premises, as it may be in the power of Congress to grant.

21. Lewis Bissell, Captain 1st., infantry, July 25, 1814, Lundys Lane Canada, wounded. Appointed Ensign in 1808. First Regiment of Infantry, Ensign Lewis Bissell, to be promoted to Second Lieutenant, 1812, appointed from 2nd., Lieutenant to First Lieutenant, Jan. 31, 1814.

22. Chesley Blake, 3rd., Lieutenant, 9th., infantry, Lundys Lane Canada, wounded. Appointed Ensign of the 9th., infantry July 12, 1814. Ninth Regiment of Infantry, from 3rd., Lieutenant to 2nd., Lieutenant, 1814.

23. John Bliss, Captain, 11th., infantry, July 25, 1814, Lundys Lane Canada, wounded. Cadet John Bliss, to be Ensign of 2nd., infantry, 1811. Ensign John Bliss, promoted to Second Lieutenant, to rank from 1st March, 1811. Second Regiment, Infantry Second Lieutenant John Bliss, to be First Lieutenant, 1813. John Bliss, (1st Lieut.) Captain, 13th May, 1813.

24. Moses O. Bloomfield, 2nd., Lieutenant, 15, infantry, April 27, 1813, York Canada, killed.

25. Charles G. Boerstler, Colonel 14th., infantry, July 24, 1813, Beaver Dams Canada, wounded and prisoner. 14th Regiment of Infantry, Charles G. Boerstler, Lieutenant Colonel, 14th, Colonel, 20th June, 1813.

26. Lemuel Bradford, of Massachusetts, Captain, 21st., infantry, May 29, 1813, Sacket Harbor N Y, prisoner; Captain, 21st., infantry, Sept. 17, 1814, Ft Erie Canada, killed. Appointed Captain 1812.

27. Hugh Brady, Colonel, 22nd., infantry, July 25, 1814, Lundy's Lane Canada, wounded.

28. Elisha Brimhall, 3rd., Lieutenant, 9th., infantry, July 5, 1814, Chippewa Canada, wounded. In the Corps of Artillery, Elisha Brimhall, 1st Lieutenant, 9th Infantry, 1st September, 1814, to be 2d Lieutenant, 1st September, 1814. Appointed 3rd. Lieutenant Jan. 1, 1814.

29. George M. Brooke, of Major, 23rd., infantry, August 15, 1814, Ft Erie Canada, wounded. Appointed 1st., Lieutenant May 3, 1809. First Lieutenant George M. Brooke, to be promoted to Captain, 1811. Captain George M. Brooke, 23rd., infantry to Major, May 1, 1814. Eighth Infantry, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel George M. Brooke, Major, to be Lieutenant Colonel, 1st March, 1819. Brevet Colonel George M. Brooke, lieutenant-colonel of the 4th Infantry, to be brigadier-general by brevet, from the 17th of September, 1824, having on that day completed ten years' faithful service in the grade of brevet colonel in the Army. Br. Brig'r-Gen'l George M. Brooke, lt.-col, of the 4th, to be colonel, 15th July, 1831. Brevet Bridadier-General George M. Brooke, colonel 5th Infantry, to be major general by brevet, to date from the 30th of May, 1848.

30. Frederick Brown, 1st., Lieutenant, 23rd., infantry, August 15, 1814, Ft Erie Canada, wounded, wounded again on Sept. 17, 1814, at Ft Erie Canada, wounded.

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