Here is a index of The private Acts of Congress, These Acts were passed in the years of 1789 to 1845. There are thousands of names here and all were asking something from congress and got it. You may be asking what is a ( Private Act ), A private act come from a petition that was sent before congress, if this petition passes the Committees the petition is ordered to be printed into a ( Bill ), if the Bill pass both houses it becomes Law or a ( Private Act.)
If you find you a ancestor on this list you may be wondering why their on this list. Well there are hundreds reasons, they may have been asking for a pension from the revolutionary war or the war of 1812, the changing of a name of a boat. Maybe they had a house destroyed in one of the wars. Like I stated there are hundreds of reason why their names are here. Just remember these are the years the ( Act ) passed congress and not the year the event took place. You may be wondering if the event took place in 1776 or 1812, why are they just now getting what they ask for? You have to remember the U. S. Government was new and most of the common people don’t know much of the laws of the land. And if they did the law may not of allow for their petition, then a few years later the law would change again and their petition was allowed.
Note. If you see a name of interest and would like a copy you can find my address in my profile. ( You must give the title of this page when asking for information on a name, or I may not be able to help you.) I have thousands of names at this web site and to be given a name out of the blue and no were to look for the information will only slow things down.
Last Note. As there are thousands of names here there will be some miss spellings of some of the names it just couldn’t not be helped.
Abbot, Joel, 321
Abbot, James, 416
Abbot, Robert, 679
Alxl, Peggy, 657
Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 121
Aikman, Samuel, 197
Acken, William D., 591
Adams, Priscilla, 321
Adams, John, 351, 937
Adams, Abraham, 535
Adams, Nathan, William, and Peter, 714
Addoms, John, 79
Adamson, John, 458
Admiral, schooner, 602
Agricultural Bank of Mississippi, 861
Alexander, William, 33
Alexander, John E., 755, 841
Alexandria Court-House, 202
Alexandria, sufferers by fire in, 356
Alexandria Canal Company, 419, 496
Alden, Judah, 430
Allen, Sarah, 236
Allen, Nathaniel, 261
Allen County, Indiana, 448
Allis Randall and others, 522
Allen, John, 575
Alforcl, Benedict, and another, 599, 629
Alman, John, and anothcr, 680
Alexandre, French ship, 823
Allain, Valerian, 855
Allen, William, 886
Alexander, Walter S., 915
Alspach, D., and another, 923
Amory, Jonathan, jun., 214
American, brig, of Savannah, 559
American consul at London, 620
A.mbrister, Michael, 788
Anacosta Bridge Company, 153
Anderson, Joseph, 156
Anderson, John, 264
Anderson, Charles, 340
Anderson, Lewis, 472
Anderson, John, 506
Anderson, William S., 560
Anderson, Richard, 637
Angel, Sarah, 749
Andrews, William, 805
Anderson, James, 925
Appleton, Abigail, 407, 689
Argonaut, ship, 16
Armroyd and Company, 96
Arnold, William, 146
Armstrong, General, 224
Arms, Lemuel, 304
Arnold, Stephen, and others, 331
Armstead, Walker Ii., 353
Archibald, William Augustus, 373
Ariel, Ensign, 475
Arey, Crosby, 534
Archer, Moses, 587
Archer, Richard T., 614
Amistad, the schooner, 824
Aspinwall, Augustus, 396
Ashton, John, 608
Asbury, Samuel M., 655, 906
Ashe, John B., 731
Attwater, Reuben, 117
Atchison, John, 930
Audrain, Peter, 98, 180
Austin, Major Luring, 210
Aubin, J., 305
Austin, John P., and another, 718
Avart, widow Robert, 553
Avery, John J., 618
Avery, Saltmarsh, and Company, 822
Awkward, Henry, 616
Axson, Dr. Samuel 3., 494
Aylward, James, 30
Barton, Robert, 20
Barclay, Thomas, 72
Barnitz, Jacob, 80
Baynham, William, 89
Bancroft, Layzel, 138
Barkelow, Farrington, administrator, 146
Baltimore and Massachusetts’ Bible Societies, I 62
Bate, John, 201
Bailey, Peggy, 213
Barton, William, 216
Ball, Mottroin, 217
Bateman, Henry, 230
Barbour, Philip, 236
Barrow, Matthew, 237
Banks in the District of Columbia, 243
Baxter, Stephen, 247
Bailey, Jonathan N., 264
Baltimore, citizens of, 265, 273
Britten, James, 271
Barron, James, 271, 678
Bacot, Thomas W., 290
Bartlett, William, 291
Babbitt, Jacob, 292
Baylor, Ann D., 437, 494
Balastier and Company, 367
Barton, Willoughby, 377
Bard, Archibald, 392
Baum, Martin, 402
Baltimore, Mayor of, 411
Bayly, Mountjoy, 427
Baltimore, vessels sunk in defense of, 447,552,570
Barnes, Hugh, 459
Barry, Edward, 520
Barker, Josiah, 534
Bargy, Peter, 541
Babbit, Fitz Henry, 547
Babbit, Edward B., 548
Barnett, James, 428, 551
Bagnall, Richard, 554
Bailey, Martha, 562
Barham, Frances, 563
Barnes, Francis, 564
Baron, Marguerite, 575
Bailey, Samuel Armstrong, 593
Barron, Ann Mortimer, 603
Ball, Thomas, 609
Baden, William, 612
Barton, Job, 612
Baker, Dr. William, 621
Bartlett. David, 623
Baker, William, 623
Baird, Dr. Absalom, 641
Bashford. Francis, 648
Babbit, Mary 3., 665
Baldridge, James, 682
Baker, James, 707
Bacot, Thomas W., 709
Barrett, James, 726
Barney, Sarah, 736
Baxter, Zchulon, 782
Barnes, Sibel, 787
Barton, Henry, 734
Baltimore and Susquelianna Railroad, 740
Bargy, Peter, 760
Ballentine, David, 783
Baleb, John, 789
Bassett, Joseph, 827
Barnes, Margaret, 827
Barnes, John, 838
Banks, Richard T., 859
Babbitt, Amey, 874
Bartlett, Edwin, 894
Baker, John, 927
Batelielder, Gideon, 935
Benton, Sulah, 104
Beau, William 1)., 110
Beaumont, Edin und, 79
Bennet, William P., 152
Berry, Benjamin, 213
Beck and Harvey, 246
Beall, Samuel D., 249
Beard, David, 300
Berzat, Susan,276
Benning, Villiarn, 375
Bell, Polly, 361
Bernard, Hyacinth, 408
Bennet and Mortó, 428
Beard. David, 450
Becker, Henry, 460
Belger, James, 463
Berryman, Newton, 549
Beard, Hugh, 551
Bellamy, Aaron, 564
Berrien, John, 565
Bennet, John, 645
Beckman, Theopliilns H., 643
Beacham, Thomas, 626
Bcauhien, Josette, 676
Bell, James, 596
Bell, Captain Frederick i’1., 794
Beatty, Edward, 795
Benjamin, Meigs D., 798
Becker, Jacob, 804
Bennet, Thomas, 809
Beddinger, George M., 844
Bessoin, Philip, 518)
Besley, William4 and others, 838
Bible Society, Philadelphia, 116
Bible Societies, 162
Biddle, Captain James, 181
Bills, John, 557
Birdseye, Nathan 18., 235
Bingey, John W., 359
Biddle, Richard, 407
Bird, Benjamin, 576
Bigham, William W., 780
Billings, John S., 828
Binnion, John, 116
Blanchard, Edward, 18
Blagrove, William, 301
Bleun, Robert, 305
Blakelcy, Johnston, 28$
Blackwell, Jacob A., 390
Blodget, Rebecca, 347, 373
Blackwell, Thomas, 436
Blanehard, Thomas, 589
Blaisdell, Jonathan M., 595
Blount, Willie, 623
Bliss, Moses, 634
Blake, Charles, 651
Blanehard Thomas, 748
Blakely, Jooiai,, 836
Bloom, Peter, 853
Blackeniore, Ssrah, 910
Bostwick, Elijah, 12
Bourne, Sylvanus, 27
Boston, Solomon, 42
Boone, Daniel, 127
Boyle, Thomas H., 169
Boisgervais, James H., 195
Boyd, Joseph C., 295
Boyle, Captain, 328
Boone, Hampton, 371
Bond, Mary Ann, 374
Bogy, Joseph, 487
Borell, Eugene, 528
Boles, Absalom, 548
Boyd, Alexander, 564
Bowen, George, 583
Boyles, Thomas H., 597
Boutwell, Abraham E., 608
Bohannan, Stephen, 638
Bowman, William, 646
Bowers, Balaam, 656
Bogy, Joseph, 671
Boyd, James, 732
Boyles, Thomas H., 738
Borey, John, 780
Booker, Richard, 799
Bostwick, Melancton W., 806
Boggs and Thompson, and others, 812
Bogy, Joseph, 823
Bowman, Dorothy, 867
Brown, John, 30
Brown, Obadjah, 34
Bryce, Henry, 122
Brahany, James, 147
Brevard, Joseph, 134
Brown, MajorGeneral, 208
Bruce, Joseph, 245
Broutin, Narcissus, 202
Briggs, Edmund, 64
Brook, George M., 231
Braden, Elizabeth, 241
Brady, James, 258
Britten, James, 271
Branson, Nathan, 287
Bradford, Charles, 306
Bronson, Alvin, 299
Brooks, James, 306
Brush, Elijah, 300
Broome, 1Shomaa R., 328
Brodie, Charles D., 336
Brotherton, Robert, 306
Brashiers, Samuel, 342
Breckenridge, Henry M., 366
Broadmeadow, Simeon, 370
Brig Liberator, 371
Brig William, of New York, 313
Brown, Mrs., widow of Major.General Brown, 374
Briggs, Nathaniel, 390
Brahan, John, 392
Brownson, Abraham, 435
Brashears, Ann, 436
Browning, Mesheck, 439
Brooks, David, 445
Brown, Charles, 445
Browning, Samuel, 467
Brooke, Edmund, 491
Brooks, David, 503
Brooks, Christopher, 514
Bryant, John, 505
Brunson, John, 518
Brown, George, 522
Brown, Harvey, 525
Brodie, Oswald A., 525
Brownlee, James, 533
Broughton, Glover, 536
Bruce, John, 540
Brown, Lieutenant Harvey, 551
Brewer, James H., 554
Brig American, 559
Bruce, John, 588
Brush, Robert, 599
Brown, Amos W., 591
Bragdon, Samuel, 606
Browning, David, 643
Brown, Noah, 670
Brobson, James, 671
Bradford, James, 681
Breed, Ebenezer, 691
Brown, James, and others, 692
Brigga, Dr. John P., 699
Brady, Freeman, 712
Brown, Jacob, 727
Bradford, James H., 732
Braham, John, 746
Brown, Return B., 768
Brown, John, 770
Bradford, Dunscomb, 793
Brown, Charles, 794
Brewer, James, 797
Bristol, Lyman, 803
Briggs, Jehoshaphat, 863
Brownell, Thomas, 869
Brainard, Asahel, 884, 934
Britton, Jonathan, 891
Brent, Daniel, 901
Bryan, Joseph, and others,
Bronough, Thomas, 941
Burnliam, John, 103
Butler, Paul D., 172
Burneide, Robert, 187
Buck, Anthony, 192
Buckinaster, George, 195
Bunnell, Cata, 202
Burnet, Daniel, and others,
Burke, Anthony, 237
Buckminster, Thomas 238
Burdin, Henry, 250
Buntin, Robert, 262
Buel, Samuel, 280
Burns, Malachi, 321
Burt, Peter, 330
Burcie, Christian 3., 333
Buckley, Elijah, 339
Burns, Otway, 352
Butler, Jacob, 359
Burnett, Charles A., 400
Buford, Thomas, 409
Burnhain, Captain John, 412,
Burns, William, 453
Buhler, John, 520
Buckley, Jeremiah, 520
Bullitt, Benjamin, 523
Burkham, Charles, 565
Buford, Thomas, 616
Butman, Richard, 616
Butler, Samuel, 619
Budlong, Hannah, 708
Bunting, William B., 738
Burland, Thomas M., 776
Burdsall, Burnett, 836
Bush, Daniel B., 850
Butcher, Sebastian, and others,
Burnet, Elisha, 869
Byington, Abraham, 201
Byers, John, 289
Byington, Joel, 403, 568
Carmichael, William, 31, 34
Caldwell, Harry, and others, 87
Cahoone, John, 134
Camp, John G., 157
Cazeau, Francis, 191
Carter, John D., 248
Castinado, John de, 193
Cahakia, village of, 242
Cadwell, Peter, and another, 271
Caslard, Peter, 188
Callan, Patrick, 231
Cavalier, Anthony, and others, 238
Cassin, Mary, 238
Cannon, Joshua, and others, 278
Cain, Richard, of Ohio, 327
Case, London, 291
Campbell, Charles, 268
Campbell, Polly L., 285
Carr, Charles, 289
Carainalli, Hamet, 62
Carroll, Daniel, and others, 306
Carter, John K., 311
Carpentier, Joseph Le, 367
Carmichael, John F., 394, 449
Carr, Elijah, 402
Cardozo, J. N., 459
Carroll, William ‘F., 464
Cannon, Joseph S., 469
Cassedy, Charles, 472
Catlett, Dr. Hanson, 470
Carter, William, 490
Carr, Sarah, 535
Campbell, John, of New York, 541
Caplinger, Adam, 544
Case, Solomon, 608
Campbell, David 5., 624
Caulfield, James, 640
CaIdwell, David, 664
Cathcart, James Leander, 250, 278, 668
Canada, Nathaniel, 669
Carera, M. de Ia, 673
Cassel, Michael, 710
Calvert county Levy Court, 711
Callan, James, 712
Carter, Dr. Thomas, 716
Campbell, LieutenantColonel Richard, 729
Casey, Robert, 725
Carter, Farish, and others, 763
Calhoon, Chauncey, 775
Carter, John, 820
Carpenter, Jesse, 833
Campbell, John, 841
Campbell, John P., 844
Caidwell, Joseph F., 861
Carter, Randolph, 866
Carrier, Hannah, 874
Calhoun, James S., 906
Calhoun, Violet, 909
Campau, Joseph, 913, 930
Cazeau, Francis, 191
Centre College, Kentucky, 896
Chase, Joseph, 78
Chever, Mary, 134
Chalmers, John, 145
Chism, William, 188
Chase, Samuel, 61, 70
Chalmers, John, 145
Chester, John, 66
Chase, Paul, 336
Christ Church, Washington, 294
Charming, Walter, 240
Church of St. Anne, Detroit, 215
Chandler, Walter Story, 326
Chapin, Luther, of Ohio, 334
Chretien, Louis, 338
Chase, Joshua T., 372
Cherokee Indians, 379
Chitwood, Sarah, 386
Chesnut, Samuel, 400
Ohapin, Luther, 414
Chillicothe Bank, 414
Chapman, Jcnathan, 426
Childers, Nathaniel, 413
Cheever, Nathaniel, 456
Chew, Beverly, 464
Chiapella, Celestin, 489
Chamberlain, Joseph, 505
Chinn, George, 553
Chauncey, Wolcott, 580
Christopher, William G., 586
Chandler, John and William, 593
Chase, Parker, 666
Christ Church, Philadelphia, 675
Christy, William, 692
Chandler, Joel, 722
Chilton, John, 731
Chittendon, Noah, 736
Champe, Phebe, 736
Challer, Henry, 739
Chadwick, Levi, 753
Cheears, Dr. James 51,793
Chastelain and Ponvert, 813
Chase, Daniel, 840
Cheever, William D., 875
Chandler, Joseph R., 893
Church, Daniel IV., 922
Christien, ‘rancois, 928
Clason, Isaac, 131
Clark, Dennis, 141
Clinton county, New York, 164
Clark, Ashael, 2011
Clifford, Thomas and John, and others, 212
Clark, John, 224
Clark, James H., 986
Clarke, Archibald, 307
Cleveland, Samuel, 316
Cloyd, William, 372
Clark, Benjamin, 406
Clarke, Elijah L., 406
Claxton, Alexander, 434
Claxton, Alexander, 546
Clower, William, 455
Claiborne, Bailer, 602
Clarke, Bailey E., 613
Cleminons, Thomas, 617
Clay, John Randolph, 667, 755, 896
Clarke, Thomas B., 667
Clinch, Duncan L., 676, 801
Clark, Christopher, 716
Clark, Josiah, 724
Clarke, William, 782
Clementa, Jacob, 792
Clark, Marston G., 852
Clark, George W., 921
Cook, David, and another, 6
Columbia College, 255
Columbia Library Company, 51
Coulon, Paul, 51
Coles, John, 51
Cotton, Daniel, 80
Converce, Royal, 118
Cole, Martin, 157
Coxe, John Redman, 158
Coffin, David, 174
Cole, Mehitabel, 216
Connecticut Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, 229
Coolidge, Uriah, 149
Columbian Institute, 214,247, 316
Conner, William, 270
Converse, Daniel, 245
Coffin, William, 244
Coffee, John, 284
Cooke, ‘William, 303
Cooper, David, 301
Collier, Charles 51,290
ColJyer, Isaac, 307
Cook, James, 344
Copp, Michael, 342
Cookscy, Theophilus, 403
Ciaburn, Samuel, 469
Commercial Bank of Lake Erie, 473
Cone, Jared, 474
Cockburn, Walter, 508
Comb, Charles, and others, 528
Commissioner oc the General Land-Office, 531
Cobb, Justus, 609
Connant, Shubael, 617
Cooper, Joseph, 622
Colburn, Reuben, 631
Coonibs, Leslie, 638
Cook, Peter, 644
Coles, Samuel, 645
Coit, Benjamin, 654
Comma, James, 654
Cobb, Daniel, 658
Cooper, John, 660
Conway, William, 668
Collier, Coleman A., 681
Cotheal, H. and E., 693
Cogswell, William, 718
Coffin, Charles, 726
Collins, William, 733
Copeland, Captain Jesse, 754
Colquhoun, William S., 760
Cooper, James, 769
Conly, Isaac, 769
Coombc, Griffith, and another, 784
Cochran, James L., 801
Cochran, Joseph, 801
Columbia, banks in the District of, 802
Cook, Medad, 803
Colt, William, and another, 755
Comeau, Jean Baptiste, 820, 871
Collins, Thomas, 840
Converse, John P., and another, 848
Colfax, Elizabeth, 866
Compton, John, 870
Core, John, 887
Coke Richard, and others, 895
Cook, Lyman N., 904
Colmus, Levi, 910
Commager, Henry S., 924
Crawford, James, 128
Crowninshield, Benjamin W., 142
Crosby, John, 167
Crawfbrd, Villiam, and others 174
Creek Indians, 191
Crockct, Joseph, 350
Crary, Peter and John S., and Company, 413
Crowell, Sylvatius, 33
Crosby, Dr. Eliakim, 494
Creesy, Josiah P., and others, 536
Crabb, Horatio N., 582
Cruzat, Antoine, 584
Craine, Captain James, 603
Crittcnton, Stephen, 628
Crum, Tobias, 680
Crawford, Ingoldsby W., and another, 842
Crawford, Mary, 886
Cronk, Lois, 9.11
Crow, Albion T., 704
Cravat, Richard, and others1 797
Crane, Letitia, 733
Crockett, Daniel H., 737
Crapin, Samuel, 826
Cutting, John Brown, 10
Cutler, Jervis, 143
Cutler, Lieutenant-Colonel Enos, 438
Cummings, David, 269
Culbertson, Joho, 467
Ciilhius, John, 612
Curtis, Josiah, 656
Cummins, Jobs, 671
Cushing, Thomas, 789
Davidson, Weld and Pebee, 71
Davidson, Lewis Grant, 97
Dal, John, 650
Dale, Richard, 127
Dale, Samuel, 322, 503
Dash, John B., 268
Davis, Daniel, 350
D’Auterive, Marigny, 411
Daly, John, 456
Dalzell, William, 463
Daineron, George B., and others, 468
Darden, David, 495
Dawson, James L., 513
Daws, Mary, and others, 527
Darling, Henry, 635
Danforth, Joseph, 652
Daniels, Job, 654
Davis, Jonathan, 707
Davis, Daniel, 708
Day,. Charles, and others, 739
Davhin, John, 757, 901
Dawson, John, 783
Davidson, Elizabeth, 802
Daniel, Henry, and another, 874
Davis, Asa, 927
De Grasse, Count, 19, 31
Do Ncofville, John, 29
Delino, Ignacc Chalmet, 186
De Castinado, John, 193
Denny, Thomas, 192
Denton, Little and Company, 237
Delisle, Anthony S., 240
Deslondo, Rosalie P., 258
Desobry, Benjamin, 307
Dover, William M., 343
Detroit, Mayor of, 346
Dequindre, Antoine, 469, 475
Dennis, Thomas, 483
Delaware, Fort, officers, &e., of, 512
Delassus, Don Caries Dehault, 513, 672
Devlin, John S., 536
Do Graft’, John J., 586
Deas, A. H., 661
Denton, Gabriel W., 665
Dennistonn. A. and 3., and Co., 668
Dc Kraft, Frederick C., 683
Decatur, Susan, 700
Deshields, Joseph, 714
Dennison, Christopher, 723
Defrees, Henry J., and another, 837
Dean, Silas, 857
De Beihevue, F. B., 873
Delany, John 11, 879
De Lusser, Madam, 887
De Peystor, William, and another, 920
Dennin, Simeon, 926
Dibrel, Alzira, and another, 267
Dixon, John, and another, 117
Dick, Samuel, and others, 169
Dix, John A., 239
Dillon, John, 212
Diana, ship, 267
Dickson, James, and Company, 350
Dixon, Joseph, 404
Dickins, Henry, 409
Diplomatic functionaries, 436
Dickson, William, 508
Dimick, Peter, 644
Dixon, Thomas, 646
Dibble, Orange H., 700
Dickey, Robert, 704
Dietz, Johan Joel, 732
Dickerson, Samuel, 756
Dixon, John, 781
Dicker, Sarah, 834
Dicey, Samuel, 882
Dixon, Ephraiin D., 920
Dismal Swamp Canal, 936
Dohrman, Arnold Henry, 43, 193, 573
Doiph, Charles, 167
Dooly, William, 972
Donelson, John, 313
Dozet, Joseph, and another, 323
Doyle, Edmund, 341
Donly, John, 345
Douty, Thomas, 359
Dorsey, John E., 363
Dodd and Barnard, 380
Dolan, Nancy, 404
Donnelson, John, and others, 340, 486, 643
Donelson, Alexander, 536
Doliber, William B., and others, 582
Dodge, Andrew, 623
Doxtator, Peter, and another, 633
Dow, Jonathan, 653
Dorr, John, 655
Dowd, Benjamin B., 727
Dow, Jesse E., 703, 754
Douglass, Stephen P. W., 773
Downes, Captain John, 810
Dougherty, Margaret, 924
Drake, Gilbert, 66
Drummond, Grieve, 527
Dragon, Michael, 689
Duverge, Bartholomew, 260
Dubois, Lewis, 16
Duchouquet, Francis, 46
Dufour, John James, 47, 126
Duane, Colonel William, 298, 335
Duvail, Mareen, 303
Duncan, Jonas, 307
Dnnbar, Joseph, 360
Dupui, John B., 377
Dupree, widow, and others, 438
Draval and Carnes, 466
Dufossat, Joseph Soniat, 488
Doer, William A., and others, 587
Duval, Edward W., 702
Duval, Daniel, 720
Durfee, Benjamin, 737
Dundas, Agness, 823
Duval, William P., 925
Duffy, James, 935
Eaton William, 65
Eastern Branch Bridge Company, 152, 223
Eastman, Jonathan B., 156
Earwood, Joel, 198
Earle, William N., 299
Easton, Sarah, and others, 437
Earle, Flies, 510
Easton, Elizabeth, and another, 524
Eaton, Joseph, U. S. N., 529
Eaton, Robert, 541
East Florida, inhabitants of, 569
Eastman, Robert, 613
Eadus, William, 710
Eastman, Eli, 725
East, William, 746
Eckford, Henry, 871
Eckright, Isaac, 610
Edgar, John, 427
Edwards, Amos, 484
Edmondson, Samuel A., 591.
Edwards, Even, 604
Edwards, James M., 737
Eddy, Caleb, 829
Emerson, Solomon, 889
Edmondson, John, 915
Eiler, Laurentius M., 624
Eliza Ann, ship, 104
Elliott, Robert, 57
Ellis, Samuel, 132
Ellis, Daniel, 393
Eluslie, Alexander, 263
E]izabetii City churchwardens, 404
Ellis, Colonel John, 444
Ely, Elisha, 482
Elliott, Joseph, 507
Ely, Colonel John, 543
Elliott, George, 572
Elkins, Jonathan, 638
Eldred, Moses, 728
Ellis, Vespasian, 743
Ellery, Joseph, 906
Emerson, John, 600
Enterprize, Ship, 19
Ennis, Gregory, and others, 327
English, Francis, 380
Enos, Roger, 439
Ensign, Arid, 475
Enos, Willissn, of Arkansas, 584
Epervier, Brig, 188
Eppes, Richard, 416
Erb, Lawrence, 45
Eslava, Miguel, 311, 822
Evans, Oliver, 70, 147
Evans, Edward, 372
Evat, Edward, 281
Evans, Ann, 653
Evans, Scioto, 660
Eveleth, William S., 892
Ewings, Samuel, 276
Ewing, Reuben, of Ohio, 335
Ewing, William L. B., 352
Fanning, Henry, 128, 156
Fanning, Joshua, 730
Fanning, John B., 307
Farrow, Pharaoh, 169
Farish, Thomas B,, 218
Farrow, Nimrod, and others, 283, 331, 526
Fairbanks, Jason, 255
Fayetteville, Arkansas, 567
Faleoner, Joseph, 430
Fairbanks, Erastus, and others, 749
Farmer, Robert, 761
Faunee, John W., and another, 807
Farlow, Huldab, 835
Fabre, William, 888
Farrington, March, 941
Ferrell, John, 328
Female Orphan Asylum, of Georgetown, 381,492
Ferguson, William B., 750
Fencer, Jerah, 693
Fenwick, Michael, 661, 759
Fessenden, Isaac, 841
Ferguson, Benjamin B., 912
Ferguson and Reid, 919
Fielding, Daniel, 360
Fire at Norfolk, 53
Fire Insurance Company of Alexandria, 129
Fire at Savannah, 241
Finney, Elkanah, and others, 244
Finch, Isaac, 263
Firman, Joseph, and others, 308
Fisher, George, 316
Fisk, James, 441
Fitzgerald, Aaron, 451
Fitzgerald, Thomas, 45
Fire at Portsmouth, 49, 63
Finch, William l3olton, 528
Fisher, Coleman, 561
Fitzgerald Aaron, 593
Fisher, Cyrus, 607
Findlay, William, 621
Fire Insurance Company of Alexandria, 627
Fisher, Silas, a Choctaw Indian, 633
Findly, Dr. J. E. B., and others, 661
Fire Companies of the District of Columbia, 687
Fisher, Andrew, 892
Flinn, Thomas, 57
Flood, William, 163
Floyd, Davis, 341, 347
Flaujac, Garrigues, 559
Flournoy, Alfred, 358
Florida Indians, 354
Flournoy, Thomas, 370
Flaget, Benedict J., 484
Flournoy, Matthews, and others, 529
Fleming, John S., 562
Flint, Jonathan, 658
Fleming, J. A., 726
Florida Militia, 760
Fowler, Theodosius, 47
Fox, Edward, 240
Forbes, John M., 159
Fountain, Garrett, 292
Ford, Sophia, B., and others, 285
Foreman, Robert 8., 308
Forrest, Joseph, 323
Ford, Jonathan W., 373
Foltz, Joshua, 401
Ford, Peter, 405
Fort Delaware, 512
Foster, Ezekiel, 602
Foxworthy, William, 651
Ford, William, 774
Folsom, Joseph R., 777
Forrest, Andrew, 870
Foote, Gervis, 91 6
Foster, Lathrop, 922
Frank, John, 32
Freeland, Benjamin, 385
Frazer, Solomon, 151
French, Thomas, and another, 223
Fridge, Alexander, 432
Fraser, Angus 0., and others, 249
Fry and Spalding, 308
Frothingham, Joshua P., 546
Franzoni, Guiseppe, 620
F’rasier, Charles M., 642
Fritters, Traverse, 656
Frazar, George, 699
Firemen’s Insurance Company of the District of
Columbia, 694
Franklin Insurance Company, 704
France, treaty with, 700
Francis, Miller, 727
Frisby, Richard, 743
Frey, Frederick, 758
Francher, James, 803
Franklin, Benjamin, 829
Freelove, David, 866
Fry, Henry, 870
Fraser, John, and another, 919
Fife, James, a Creek Indian, 592
Gazzam, Taylor, and others, 37
Galliapolis, 59
Gates, Darius, 72
Gardner, Jared, 78
Garrard, William, 109
Garsed, Joshua, 270
Garden, Alexander, 380
Gasney, Peter, 429
Gaines, William D., and others, 519
Gates, Gertrude, 521
Gamble, Archibald, 529
Gaston, Joseph, of South Carolina, 549
Gardner, Peregrine, 566
Gatlin, Stephen, 611
Gay, Orris, 636
Gamble, John M., 675
Gardner, Francis, 705
Gale, Isaac, 727
Gannett, Deborah, 735
Gayle, George W., 776
Gale, William, 895
Georgetown Lancaster School, 105
Georgetown College, 152, 538, 912
Girault, John, 269
Georgetown, 280
General Jackson, ship, 299
Gentry, William, of Missouri, 377
Guedry, Pedro, 526
Georgetown Free School and Orphan Asylum of
the District of Columbia, 538
General Armstrong, private armed brig, 603
Gerodell, John, 609
Georgetown Corporation, 683, 937
Georgia Railroad and Banking Company, 734
Gee, Henry, 857
Geescy, Valentine, 914
Gibson, George, 10
Gibbs, George, 19
Gist, Captain Henry, and another, 211
Gibson, James, of Vincennes, and another, 341
‘Gibson, Edward R., and another, 362
Giles, Aquila, 230
Gilmore, David, 323
Gilbert, Marinus W., 379, 621, 622
Gilbert, Ephraim F., 440
Girod, John F., 519
Gill, Whitford, 559
Gibbs, Samuel, .576
Gilbert, Jacob B., 625
Gibson, Alexander, 690
Gilespie, Menzies, 762
Gist, Spencer C., 772
Gibbs, Elizabeth, 863
Gilson, Thomas D., 887
Giflin, David, and another, 303
Gibson, Abigail, 911
Glaubeck, Baron de, 1
Glenn, Elias, 322
Glover, Creed, 409
Glass, John, 443
Glascock, Thomas, 751
Glover, William, 911
Good Friends, ship, and other vessels, 122
Gore, William, 160
Gove, George B, R., 301
Goldsmith, Morris, and others, 308
Goetz, Frederick, 334
Gould, William P., 345
Gordon, Patience, 378
Goodwin, Daniel, 395
Gough, John, 467
Goodc, Samuel, 548
Gordon, George, 598
Godfioy, Gabriel, and others, 413, 534
Goodwin, Daniel, executor, 545
Gordon, George, 598
Gott, George, 641
Goldsmith, Jeremiah, 652
Greene, Christopher, 11
Green, Joseph I., 193
Graeff jacob, 210
Greene, Major.General Nathaniel, 9, 28
Greeley, Aaron, 107
Green, James, 268
Gregory, Francis IL, and another, 393
Griffin, ‘rlomas, 397
Granger, Erastus, 410
Groee, Jared B., 550
Gratz, Michael, 571
Gregory, John M., 588
Granniss, Enos, 601
Gresham, Joseph, 635
Gray, Andeew, 655
Green, Elijah, and others, 657
Granger, Daniel, 658
Green, Joseph Vi., 659
Grubh, Curtis, 716
Graham, William, 766
Grady, Henry, ‘175
Grant, .Jarnes H., and others, 784
Green, Patrick, 789
Gratiot, Susan, 792
Grimbali, John, 797
Granada, brig Nueva, 883
Gresham, Elizabeth, 890, 909
Gray, James, 892
Guerlain, Lewis EL, 259
Guthry, John, 269
Guichot, Maturin, 309
Gul1edg, Thomas, 366
Guest, John, 400
Guedry, Joseph, and others, 568
Gnthrie, Abelard, 921
Gwynn, William, 274
Gwyn, John, 397
Gwathmey, Humphrey B., 605
harding, Colonel John, 12, 41
harding, John, 239
Haskill, Jonathan, 37
Halsey, Thomas Lloyd, and others, 44
Harvey, Joshua, 50
Harding, Seth, 63
Hackley, Richard 5., 251
Hawkins, William, 88
Hamilton, George, 140
Hallowell, Edward, 150, 163
Hay, John D., 144
Harvard College, 160
Hamon, William, 165
Hamilton, Elizabeth, 173
Hall, Major John, 211
Harrison, Jonas, 212
harper, Samuel H., 218
Hall, William, 309
Hambly, William, 341
Hampton, Jacob, 348
Haley and Harris, 367
Haguer, Peter, 369
Hazen, General Moses, 392, 466
Harper, James A., 401
Hall, Charles Henry, 412
Hayner, John, 442
Harper, Lucien, 457
Harrison, Mrs. Clarissa 11., 458
Havens, Sylvester, 482, 531
Hardie, Allen IV., 487
Harrison, John H., 510
Hamilton, Archibald Vi., 545
Hall, Samuel, .547
Harper, Joseph 31., 555
hlaggerty and Austin, 557
Hazletoo, Daniel, and another, 558
Hartfield, Asa, 562
Haincsworth, James P., 581
Haslett, William, 584
Hand, Charles J., 596
Flaile, Robert, 605
Haskell, William, 616
Harrison, Thomas, 637
Harris, Reliei 6-19
Hardesty, Richard, 622
Haliday, Thomas, 635
Hall, Henry H., 669
Hazzard, Nancy, 662
Hazlet, and others, 671
hatch, Joshua, 669
Harmony, Peter, 694
Hamilton, Empson, 699
Hall, Joseph, 704
Haley, D. IV., 713
Hard and Longetreet, 716
Hall, Primus, 725
Hatch, Lewis, 731
Harris, Herman, 768
Hamilton, Alexander, 772
Flazzard, William 0., 779
Hartman, Philip, 803
Harrison, Mrs., 825
Harper, William, 842
Hard, Benjamin F., $48
Hammett, Alexander, 850
Haskins, Thomas, and another, 858
Hancock, Jubal B., 856
Hammond, Charles P., 864
Hall, Charles B., 892
Harrison, George, 922
Ilaswefl, Anthony, 924
Harrison, Major Thomas, 931
Harvey acid Slagg, 939
JIeiiderson, Joseph, 11
foam, William, 64
Heard, John, 86
Henderson, William, 268
Henly, Arthur H., 316
Hewes, Thomas, 322
Ilermange, Anthony, 375
Herring, Asa, 376
Heard, John, 496
Hewes, William, 648
Heck, John, 333
Herrick, John, 653
Hertick, Joseph, 678
Heiphenstein, Major, 720
Heilinan, Ann S., 720
Hernandez, Joseph M., 757
Hendley, Richard, 770
Hewitt, Benjamin, 771, 772
Henson, William, 920
Heth, Harvey, 922
Healy, Bethia, 929
Hill, Rees, 231
Hightower, Captain R., 285, 329
Hitchcock, Henry, 344
Hillary, Reynold, 490
Hill, James W. and Elijah, 492
Hillen, Nathaniel, 526
Hickey, Philip, 557
Hitchcock, Gaius, 638
Hill, Frederick, 723
lull, Isabella, and others, 860
Higgins, Richard, 853
Hidden, Enoch, 871
lucks, John, 894
Holkar, John, 175
Hook, Moses, 127
Holmes, Alexander, and others, 196
Hooker, Samuel F., 218, 281
Hoinans, Daniel, 627
Hogan, Michael, 231
Hodgson, Joseph, 273
Holden, Richard, 277
holmes, John, 278
Hodgdon, Samuel, 287
hook, Josiah, jun., 302
llolliday, John, 316
Howland, John H., 317
Hodson, Isaac, 342
Hoff, Michael, 349
Hopkins, Benjamin W., 404
Hollister, J. W., and Company, 411
Hornet, sloop-of-war, 414
Homans, Benjamin, 443
Homans, Daniel, 627, 841, 941
Hogland, James, 468
Hook, Stephen, 473
Holliday, Maria, 509
bit, Gates, 515
Hoffman, William, 525
Hotchkiss, Russell, and others, 533
Bodge, George, 545
Hone, John, and Sons, 556
Hodges, Gilbert, 580
Holly, Leonard, 591
Homa, Hishe, alias Captain Red Pepper, 596
Holland, Benjamin, 610
Hoover, Andrew, 659
Howell, John, 662
Hopkins, Captain David, 076
Holland, John H., 682
Halt, Norman, 684
Howard Institution of Washington, 685
Horton, Eli, 705
11ooe, Nathaniel H., 755
Holmes, Josiah, 843
Hover, Joseph, and others, 886
Hodgkin, John, 899
Hoag, William H., 918
Holt, Charles, 931
Hunter, George, 78
Hunter, Thomas, 253
Hussey, Tristrêm, 88
Hubbel, Ezekiel, 104
Hubbell, William, 107
Huriburt, John C., 145
Hunt, Abijab, and others, 248
Hughes, James, 236
Huson, Cornelius, 265
Humphrey, Charles, 301
Huffman, Benjamin, 314
Hudson, Jonathan, 322
Hull, General William, 379
Huston, Rubert, 391
Hunt, Thomas, 401
Hughes, John, 491
Hunt, Russell, and others, 554
Hurtel, John, 554
Huribut, George, 589, 674
Hunt, Samuel, 643
Hunt, Davis, 649
Hutchins, Alpheus, 659
Hunter, Archibald R. S., 757
Huribut, Weight, 774
Hunter, Hiram A., 677
Hubbard, G. S., 818
Hugo, Samuel B., 841
lIughes, David M., and others, 849
Hull, Isaac, 873
Hunt, John E., 887
Hunter, Thomas, 928
Hunter, Ann, 927
Hyde, Charles, 49
Hynum, James, 151
Imlay, William, 34
Ingraham, Nathaniel G., 119
Indian depredations in Arkansas, 408
Indian reservations in Alabama, 441
Indian deprsdations, 581
Ingalls, Israel, 632
Indiana, Gibson county, 851
Innes, George, 786
Indiana militia, 789
Illinois, St. Clair county, 810
Illinois, Lake county, 832
Illinois, school section, 847
iowa university, 810
Iowa, Johnson county, 846
Iowa, Linn county, 844
Ish, Christian, 570
Irwin, Lieutenant.Colonel Henry, 799
Isett, Thomas M., 854
Ives, Elisha, 442
Jacocks, William, 405
Jackson, Daniel, 463
Jacob, John J., 516
Jackson, George K., 563
Jacobs, Benjamin, and others, 574
Jarvis Jackson, 348
Janis, Jean Baptiste, 681
Jaceard, Peter Samuel, 767
Jarvis, Francis, 773
Jamison and Williamson, 792
Jamison, Margaret, 826
Jackson, Joseph, 787
Jackson, John, 881
Jacocks, John H., 796
Jackson, Jacob, 867
Jackson, John, 881
Javins, John, 897
Jeans, Joseph, 368
Jenkins, Thomas, and Company, 2
Jenkins, Weston, 147
Jeffersonville, 200
Jervey, Thomas Hall, 224
Jehu, James, and others, 306
Jeans, Joseph, 445
Jerome, John Baptiste, 448
Jefferson College, Mississippi, 484
Jennings, Robert C., 522
Jennings, George H., 553
Jeansonne, Baptiste, and others, 570
Jefl’ers, John, 690
Jennings, Samuel K., 899
Jenkins, Hannah, 900
Jipson, Bradley T., 724, 745
Jones, Epaphras, and others, 19
Jones, Thomas Ap Catesby, 165, 560
Johnson, Richard M., 212
Jones, John R., 229
Joardan, B. and P., 230
Jones, Fie.lding, 242
Johnson, James, 295
Jones, Arthur, 344
Johnson, Robert, 392
Jones, Be Garmo, 489
Johnson County, Iowa, 846
Jordan, Jacob C., 509
Johnson, teorge, 523
Johnson, David, 531
Johnson, William, and another, 598
Joseph and Mary, schooner, 603
Jordan, Timothy, 608
Jones, Janies, 61 6
Jo001, Robert, 633
Jones, Seaborn, and others, 672
Johnston, Ann W., 712
Johns, Elias, 715
Jones, Eswkiel, 787
Johonnot, Dr. William, 730
Johnson, Crawford, 731
Jones, Frances, 774
Jones, John, and others, 791
Johnston, Stephen, 812
Jones, William, 821
Johnston, John, 856
Johnson, Mary, 860
Jordan, John, 861
Johnston, George C., 901
Jones, George M., 916
Judge, John, 59
Kaine, Robert, 493
Kamber, Joseph, 507
Kane, Robert, 544
Kerr, John, 89
Kenney, Moses, 340
Keeler, Ebenezer, 170
Kennedy, Anthony, 277
Kendall, William, 292
Kenzie and Forsyth, 225
Rerun, John, 358
Keary, William V., 352
Kellogg, William, 355
Kentucky Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, 339, 416, 629, 716, 810, 828, 896
Kendall and Butterfield, 365
Kennon, Robert L., 396
Kenton, General Simon, 434
Keep, Samuel, 480
Kennedy, Joshua, 485
Kennedy, Dr. Samuel, 490
Keen, William B., and others, 52d
Keefer, Henry, 648
Ketcham, Singleton, 656
Kern, Nicholas, 662
Kelloek, Findley, 690
Keytes, James, 694
Kenner, James L., 712
Keyworth, Robert, 718
Keller, Charles M., and another, 821
Ketchain, Solomon, 723
Kelly, Robert A., 903
Kennard, Edward, 913
Ketchum, Isaac S., 919, 920
Kerr, F. A., 929
Kimberly, Ephraim, 14
King, Sampson S., 217
King, Young, a Seneca Indian, 167
Kindall, Peter, 193
Kid, Robert, and another, 234
King, Benjamin, 309
King, William D., and others, 473
Kilbourn, David, 513, 690
Kiinberlin, John, 556
Kingston, Stephen, 583
Kirkpatrick, John, 597
Kincaid, David, 618
Kincaid, Samuel, 644
Ketcham, Singleton, 656
Kelloek, Findley, 690
Kibbey, Thomas, 764
Kiser, James, and another, 829
Kingsbury, Margaret, 782
King, John, 865
King, Thoajas, 885
Kimball, Jeremiah, 90i
Keanard, Edward, 913
Kline, Lieutenant John L., 835
Knoxville, Tennessee, 161
Knight, George J., 489
Knight, John, 495
Knowles, Thomas, and others, 502
Knight, Joseph, 536
Knowles, Henry, senior, 626
Knox, Andrew, 685
Konkopot, Jacob, and others, Stockbridge Indians, 244
Kosciusko, General, 3
Kramar, Balthazar, 3
Krepps, John, 707
Kurtz, Andrew, 160
Laurens, Frances E., 5
La Fayette, Major-General, 14
Landais, Peter, 61
Lapsley, Samuel, 119
Lava!, Jacint, 185
Lawrence, Isaac, and others, 187
Law, John, and others, 244
Laub, Conrad, 251
Languille, Francis B., 259
Lawrence, Eleanor, 282
Landerneau, John Pierre, 408
La Croix, Hubert, 412
Larrabee, Charles, 410
Laurence county, Mississippi, schools in, 451
Lanaux, Arnaud, 488
Lacy, John, 501
Laurens, Colonel John, 514
Lamar, Gazaway B., 555
Latham, James, 598
Lafayette Academy, 385
Lafontain, Francis, and Son, 601
Lasselle, Francis, and others, 605
Lawrence, William, 650
Lampkin, Mary, 657
La Carera, M. de, 673
La Tourette, John, 673
Lawler, Thomas J., 705
Lansing, Abrham, 706
Laird, Captain Robert, 734
Langham, Elias F., 751
La Lande, Etienne (Stephen), 790
Latham, Thomas, 806
Laeoste, Augustine, 807
Lassel, Hyacinth, 816, 928
Lacey, Obed P., 834
Layton, Robert, 902
Lambert, Edward A., 940
Lefferts, Leflert, 14
Lewis, Thomas, 37
Lewis and Clarke, 65
L’Enfant, P. C., 94
Lee, Washington, 118
Le Due, Mary Philip, 131
Levine, James, 166
Lewis, Moses, 166
Lewis, Winglnw and Henry, 198
Lee, Henry, 187, 271
Lewis, William 2., 217
Leiper, Thomas, 252
Le Sieur, Firman, 296
Leiiox, James, 325
Lewis, Merriwether, 380
Lemaitre, John B., 395
Le Gendre, Baptiste, 429
Lewis, Michael, 431
Lee, Edward, 478
Leonard, Bernard, 512
Leglize, Pierre, 517
Ledyard, Doctor Isaac, 542
Le Blanc, Terenee, 572
Lincoln, Jotham, 568
Leitensdorfer, Colonel John Eugene, 606
Leslie, Benjamin, 611
Lent, John, 651
Lexington and Ohio Railroad Company, 663
Leamaster, Nancy, 670
Lee, Henry, 692
Lewis, Winslow, 771
Lemon, Polly, 780
Leteher, Robert P. and Thomas P., 684
Levy, Chapman, 852
Leibert, Ferdinand, 880
Lewis, Mason E., 879
Luring, Israel, 22
Loomis, Gustavus, 159
Loomis, Erastus, 159
Louderman, John, 310
Love, George, 392
Long, John, 405
Lovely, Percis, 465
Lobdell, John L., 559
Loomis, Lucy, 565
Logan, John, 650
Lord, Samuel 8., 606
Loomis, Walter, 679
Loomis, Leonard, 725
Louisville Savings institution, 756
Loomis, Janus, 778
Lobdell, Ebenezer, 807
Low, Chnistiana, 864
Looney, John, 865
Lord, Samuel, 891
Lucketf, Craven P., 324
Lucas, Elisha, 648
Lunatics in the District of Columbia, 818
Lehman, Lyon, 45
Lynch, Peter, 379
Lynch, Dominick, 616
Lydia, privateer, 747
Lynch, Henry, 786
Lyon, Matthew, 802
M’Alhany, Allen B., 386
M’Cord, John, 2
M’Cauly, Daniel, and another, 133
M’Call, Archibald, 142
M’Calla, Robert, and another, 230
M’Causland, John, 234
M’Carty, Edward, 270
M’Culloch, Hugh, 310
M’C!rire, Rachsel, 335
M’Clure, William, 379
M’Carty, 5,hn, 703
M’Gormick, Peter, 530
M’Cray, Michael, 761
M’Clelland, Thomas, 757
M’Comb, Samuel, 787
M’Carroll, John, 781
M’Carty, John L., 792
M’Cau!y, Franchi 0., 832
M’Callum, Archibald, 844
M’Clung, James, 284
M’Clung, Hugh, 349
M’Carty, James, 494
M’Cormick, William, 502
M’Clung, James, 28
M’Cord, David, 673
M’Carty, James, 494
M’Clellan, John, 732
M’Clelland, John, 735
M’Donald, William, 237
M’Duff, Captain Daniel, 410, 415
M’Donough, John, 482
M’Donell, John, 625
M’Donsid, Hugh, 713
M’Ewcn, Patrick, 651
M’Farland, James, 266, 725
M’Fanlane, J., 935
M’Gibbony, Patrick, 720
M’Ginnis, John, 906
M’Gee, Mary, and another, 902
M’Grew, John, and others, 246
M’Gennis, Hugh, 596
M’Ghee, Linn, a Creek Indian, 689
M’Gill, james, 905
M’llugh, John, 495
M’Intire, Daniel, 456
M’Intosh, John IL, 941
M’Jinssey, Robert, 647
M’Kewen, Michael, 335
M’Keever, Lieutenant Isaac, 357
M’Kim, Hannah, 497
M’Kay, Middleton, 521
M’Kinney, Augustus, and another, 138
M’Lure, John, 325
M’Lean, Angus, 20
M’Mahon, James, 715
M’Neil, Neil, 722
M’Niel, Joseph, 259
M’Nair, Alexander, 314
M’Nair, Matthew, 275
M’Nair, Dunning R., 938
M’Pherrio, Clark, 339
M’Pherson, William, 930
Macomb, Alexander, and others, 883
Mackalt, Benjamin H., 707
Macomb, Alexander, 228
Matson, Richard, 267
Mayhew, Thaddeus, 298
Maffit, John S., 312
Marigny, Prosper, 488
Martin, John L., 529
Martin, Edward, 152
Manac, Samuel, 171
Malcolm, Henry, 184
Maxwell, James, 777
Markham, William, 843
Maguire, Bartholomew, 909
Man, Spencer, 21
Mathers, James, 38
Macnamara, John, 99
Maley, William, 47
Markin, Charles, 157
Mackay, James, 213
Maxwell, John P. and Hugh H., 168
May, James, 266, 360
Maddox, William R, 275, 401
Manning, Jeremiah, 291
Marechal, Joseph, 304
Macey, Francis G., 299
Matson, Richard, 338
Matthews, John, 346
Mack and Conant, 354
Manzanal, Cuesta, 376
Maya, Elizabeth, 408
Matthews, William B., 465
Marigny, Bernard, 480
Massingill, Thomas and James, 493
May, Samuel, 518
Massias, Abraham A., 545
Maguire, John H., 561
Mann, William, 592
Marsh, James, 593
Mary, schooner, 631
Maya, Elizabeth, 632
Marlow, Susan, 678
Martin, Richard, 644
Maggart, Henry1 657
Mallaby, Francis, 767
Maurice, Theodore W., 674
Madison, Dolly P., 701
Maxwell, Dr. David II., 711
Marshal, Philip, 715
Malone, Daniel, 756
Matson, Enoch, 770
March, John, 775
Marcus, William, 790
Mason, Ashbel, 779
Marsters, Stephen, 788
Marbury, William, 811
Masterton and Smith, 816
Martin, Joseph J., 837
Mayfield, George, 530, 838, 839, 885
Mathews, Beckford C., 853
Malette, Therese, 870
May, James, 875
Martin, Knott, and Arnold, 891
Mathiot, Ruth, 900
Mary Francis, schooner, 918
Martin, Joseph J., 837
Meigs, Return J., 11
Mercer, Hugh, 12
Medical Society of the District of Columbia, 221, 741
Mellen, Peggy, 263
Mechanic Relief Society of Alexatidria, 207, 825
Meek, William E,, 265
Mebane, John B., 293, 311
Mendenhall, William, 359
Meeder, Edward S., 504
Mead, Joseph, 609
Meachum, Simeon, 611
Merrill, Benjamin and Nancy, 641
Means, Isaac, 671
Merrill, Mnses, 719
Meneghetty, Anthony C., 753
Menzies, Gilespie, 762
Menary, John, 483
Merrill, James, 243
Meichior, Isaac, 243
Meade, Everard, 602
Messonnier, Henry, 49
Miller, James, and others, 268
Miller, Mary, 327
Miller, Thomas, 209
Miller, John, 909
Milligan, Samuel, 711
Militia duty, exempts from, 339
Milhgan, Laurence, 599
Mitchell, John, 317
Miles, Smith M., 705
Minor, Thomas, 587
Mills, Williams, 97
Mims, Samuel, 99
Minifie, Charles, 108
Mitchell, Richard, 163
Miner, Menassah, 173
Milne, Alexander, 259
Michael, John, 293
Mims, Samuel, 300
Miranda, Pedro, 366
Miles, John, 387, 655
Miller, Martin, 468
Miami Exporting Company, 487
Minturn and Champlin, 555
Mills, Peter, 595
Michillimakinac, borough of, 607
Miller, Noah, 610
Mix, Mervin P., 61
Michigan universit, 615, 628
Mississippi common schools, 673
Miller, Isaac, 765
Milnor, Robert, and another, 798
Mitchell, Nathaniel, 754, 843, 863
Miller, Robert, 858
Missouri volunteers, 875
Michigan militia, 885
Mills, Adam L., 911
Milly, an Indian woman, 928
Miller, Christopher, 929
Mitchell, Alexander, 940
Morgan, Alexander G., 713
Moody, John M. and Samuel, 324
Morton, Thomas, 608
Moore, John, 610
Moore, James, 663
Morrissett, William, 157
Mowry, John, 175
Montriuel, Madame, 187
Monot, Stephen, 35
Moore, Thomas P., 684
Moore, Allen R., 706
Moore, James, 762
Monroe, Robert, 918
Moorish armed ships, 54
Montgomery, Alexander, 217
Moss, Daniel, 230
Montgomery, J. M. C., 310
Morrison, James, 283, 288, 560
Moreau, Celestin, 295
Moore, Alfred, 296
Montgomery, W. and 3., 349
Monroe, James, 354, 457
Morrison, William, 361, 442
Moore, Isidorc, 426
Moore, Nancy, 427
Moffit, John, 433
Montgomery, Alexander, and others, 433
Moore, Edward, 452
Morris, Richard G., 486
Moore, Andrew, 531
Morgan, Asher, 567
Moore, Philip, 593
Morton, John H., 596
Moon, John, 610
Monroe county, Indiana, 641
Morgan, Colonel Gideon, 632
Mooers, Benjamin, 705
Moon, Allen, 706
Morfit, Henry, 719
Morgan, Charles, 768
Moor, William, 788
Monette, John W., 802
Molaison, Pierre, 808
Morrow, James, and another, 837
Moore, Sarah, 842
Morgan, James M., 879
Moreland, Elisha, and others, 879
Morgan, Charles W., 922
Moore, Ebcnezer, 924
Murray, Alexander, 56
Murphy, Greenbury H., 278
Mullany, Colonel James R., 345
Muir, Jane, 478
Mullowny, John, 604
Mullings, James, 645
Murphy, Sarah, 706
‘Murray, Robert, 752
Murch, Hiram, 929
Murphy, Benjamin, 930
Mussey, Samuel, 776
Monroe, Elizabeth, 882
Mullings, John, 908
Munday, William, 161
Murray, John, 117
Myott, Catharine, 689
Myers, Peter A., 805
Naudi, Xaverio, 162
Napier, Rapelye, and others, 295
Nance, Richard, 560
Nash, Francis, 586
National Institute, 845
Nance, Eaton, 917
New Orleans Navigation Company, 144, 161
Newall, Joseph S., 170
Newsoin, Joshua, and others, 252
Newton, Thomas W., 438
Nelson, William, 517
Newman, Henry, 664
Neptune and Fox, armed vessels, 669
New York and Harlaem Railroad Company, 739
New Castle and Frenchtown Railroad Company
Newton, John, 748
New Jersey Steamboat, 799
Newingham, Henry, 914
Neely, Samuel, 930
Nimmo, Henry, 149
Nicholls, Caleb, 194
Nichols, Amos, 286
Nimmo, William T., 300
Nicks, John, 465
Nicholson, John, 466
Nibert, Joseph, 709
Nix, George, 832
Nimblett, Joseph, 898
Nourse, Joseph, 35
Noble, Charles, 348
Noble, Noah, 358
Norton, Stephen, 541
Nowell, Samuel, 460
Oakes, Henry, 560
O’Bannon, Thomas, 104
O’Brien, James, 30
O’Bannon, Jennings, 240
O’Brien, Richard, 250, 267
O’Bsnnon, Presley N., 706
O’Conner, John, 239
O’Flyng, Patrick, and others, 163
Ogden, Thomas L., and others, 327
Ogden, Francis B., 614
Ohio Company of Associates, 8
Ohio, Butler county, 773
Ohio, Wyandot county, 936
Olney, Stephen, 433
Olmsted, Lewis, 185
Oliver, William, 196
Oliver, John M., 705
Olds, Marcay, 925
Onstine, Frederick, 385
Opie, Le Roy, 262
Ore, Major James, 34
Orr, James, 235
Orr, Thomas, 106
Ord, James, 591
Osage Indians, 408
Osborn, William, 544
Osteen, William, 853
O’Sullivan, Mary, 679
Osgood, Lemuel II., 20
Otis, William, 396
Ottram are, J., 313
Overton, Cornelius, 477
Owen, Abraham, 196
Owens, Benjamin, 395
Owens, William, 479
Owens, Theodore, 617
Oxley, Thomas, 261
Paranque, Stephen, 14
Paoly, Palo, 47
Palmer, Asher, 165
Page, Joseph W., 132
Patriota, brig, 133
Parks, Elias, 254
Paulas, Barbara, 294
Patterson, Captain Daniel T., 321, 728
Payne, Major M. M., 439
Parish, Jasper, 447
Paine, Captain Thomas, 483
Paine, Raphael, 549
Palmer, William, 558
Page, Daniel, 609
Pawling, Albert, 636
Parkhurst, Benjamin, 654
Pattie, William, 656
Page, Ephraim, 666
Parker, F. A., 692
Fattison, James J., 709
Payne, Raphael, and another, 725
Patrick, Mary A., 730
Pasko, Abel A, 770
Parsons, Israel, 803
Parrott, Esther, 834
Paschal, George W., 858
Parker, Joseph, 867
Parsons, Thomas B., 874
Patton, Pileher, 877
Patrick, Johnson, 896
Pearl River, commissioners west of, 104
Penrose, Clement B., 109
Peck, William, 109
Pennsylvania Hospital, 197
Perry, Oliver H., 260
Perine, Daniel, 150
Pearson, George, 208
Pettipool, Joseph, 271
Pellet, John, 277
Perley, Frederick, 304
Pendleton, Otis, and others, 330
Pemberton, William, 331
Perrin, Payson, 427
Peters and Pond, 457
Peck, Adam, 475
Penny, 3. P. and B. B., 482
Peck, John, 524, 582
Percival, John, U. S. N., 564
Pnrose, Clement B., widow of, and another, 594
Perry, Matthew C., 618
Peebks, Robert, and others, 707
Peoria, Illinois, 538
Perkins, John B., 703
Perkins, .&ngier March, 717
Pemberten, Sarah, 733
Peterson, John A., 743
Pease, John H., 759
Pearce, Elizabeth, and another, 829
Pettibone, Daniel, 833
Pennell, Jacob, and others, 833
Perrysbug, Ohio, 836
Perrigo, 1 rederick, 865
Pettrieh, Ferdinand, 877
Peters, John, 898
Pcters, Moore, and Company, 900
Penhallow, Daniel, 902
Pepper, James, 924
Perham, John, 927
Phcenix, Alexander, 120
Phillips, Samuel II., 441
Phelps, Thadeus, and Company, 550
Phillips, Stephen C., 595
Phillips, Ebenezer, 642
Phelan, Nicholas, 762
Plumb, Nathaniel, 763
Plumb Islaiid Bridge and Turnpike Company, 829
Planters’ Bank of New Orleans, 275
Platt, Nathaniel, 663
Piatt, William, 128
Piatt, John H., 314
Pinkney, Ninian, 109
Pierce, James, 273
Pinney, Isaac, 450
Pickett, William R., 493
Picard, John, 644
Pitcher, Joshua, 661
Pickering, Charles W., 693
Pigot, Jechonias, and another, 746
Pierce, Joseph, 765
Pierson, Erastus, 804
Pjatt, Colonel William, 835
Pierce, John B., 856
Pileher, Patton, 877
Pollock, Oliver, 65
Post, John, and another, 272
Porter, David, 134
Porter, General Moses, 207
Porter, Solomon, jun., 264
Poirey, i’J., 225
Poidevin, Madame, 212
Pool, Benjamin; 23
Point Coupce, Parish, 318
Porter, James, and another, 333
Powell, John, 452
Porter, Thomas, 455
Posner, Silvia, 513
Polloek, John, 626
Potter, Thaddeus, 650
Pollard, William, heirs of, 680
Potomac Fire Insurance Company, 691
Potter, Samuel, and another, 733
Poissot, Paul, 767
Polk, William, 873
Powers, Elizabeth, 894
Polerecsky, Nancy, 901
Prioleau, Samuel, 18
Provident Association of clerks, 218, 237, 504, 681
Prevost, Solomon, 273
Prout, William, 228
Prout, Holden W., 333
Price, P. B., 368
Prudhomme, Antoine, 407
Prioc, William, 445
Proctor, .John, 474
Prindle, Martin, 674
Pryor, Green, 693
Prescott, Joseph, 732
Prudhomme, Rosaline, 765
Prewett, Solomon, 774
Prettyman, Mary, 855
Pratt, John, 865
Privado, schooner, 920
Proctor, Amos, 932
Pulaski, town of; 98
Putnoy, True, 921
Quincy, William J. and Charles E., 471
Quertier, A., and Albert, 743
Rand, B. H., 71, 265
Range, James, 546
Ramsey, George D., 546
Raymer, Frederick, 572
Rathbone, William P., 663
Ray, Gratia, 729
Rardon, Daniel, 724
Rachal, J. Elol, 783
Rand, William, 827
Randall, John, 840, 888
Rand, Mary, 866
Ramsay, Robert, 901
Ramsy, Joseph, 937
Refugees from Canada, 41
Rheams, Tobias, 205.
Rector, William and Elias, 87.
Redfield, John, Jun., 117
Reed, Rufus S., 170
Renner, Daniel, 221
Reddick, Thomas F., 108, 661
Ricaud, John, 184, 283
Regnier, John B., 242
Rees, James, 281
Reynolds, Mary, 387
Rentleman, Jacob, 396
Reily, John, 448
Remf, Jacob, 494
Reynolds, John G., 585
Read, George, 597
Rembert, Andrew, 790
Reviere, Henry S., 786
Relfe, James H., 827
Reynolds, John C., 852
Reynolds, Thankful, 854
Reilly, Boyd, 904
Rcib, Nicholas, 17
Rioaud, John, 283
Rieker, Isaac, 361
Rice, henry G., 372
Rivafinoli, Vineent de, 435
Riley, Brevet Major, 466
Richardson, Andrew IL, 474
Rice, Hopkins, 496
Risley, Thomas, 505
Riddle and others, 537, 618
Riker, Margaret, 590
Richardson, Thomas, 558
Rice, Owen, 627
Ricketts, Micajah, 657
Ripley, General Eleazer W., 683
Richardson, Henry, and others, 672
Riviere, Philip, 708
Richmond, Frederick, 766
Rivard, Francis, 868
Riche, S. and M., 890
Riddle, Hugh, 903
Ritchie, James, 934
Rich, William, 941
Rogers, Jonathan, 158
Roxburgh, Alexander, 167
Rodgers, John, 180
Ross, Charles, 173
Robbe, John, 17
Rogers, Jabez, 17
Ross, George T., 171, 185
Robbins, Brintnel, 291
Rodriguez, John, 259, 412
Ronde, Pierre Dennis De La, 260
oddy, Alexander, 275
Robertson, John, 29
Rogers, John, 170
Robinson, Thomas, 317
Royston, Jesse F., 353
Roberts, Elvington, 377
Rowlett, John, 389
Robinson, Wallace, 435
Rogers, David, and Sons, 443
Rouse, Lewis, 448
Roll, Matthias, 452
Roddy, James, 531
Rowe, Joseph, 563
Robertson and Barnwell, 471
Roberts, John, 490
Robison, Alexander J., 583
Roman Catholic church at St. Louis, 600
Robinson, Elizabeth, 636
Rodgers, John A., 638
Robertson, James, 643
Roberts, Edmund, 759
Rowe, George, 778
Rowe, John and Samuel, 769
Robert, Roberts M., 791
Rockwell, Charles, 791
Rockwell, John A., 849
Roberts, Benjamin C., 857
Robertson, William H., and others, 872
Rose, Samuel D., 884
Rowlett, John, 897
Rogers, Allen, 904
Roberts, Benjamin S., 938
Rudd, John, 672
Russell, Joshua, 286
Rocker, Elliott, 301
Russell, Gilbert C., 333
Russell, Samuel, 336
Rutgers, Arund, 414
Ruff, Samuel W., 636
Russel, H. W., 712
Rnsswurm, Lieutenant William, 719
Ruland, Isaac, 654
Sinds, Comfort, 38
Sayre, Stephen, 65
Satterwhitc, Edwin T., 121, 132
Sands, Joshua, 131, 150
Savage, William H., 133
Saltus, Son and Company, 148
Sabin, Flavil, 186
Savage, Teakle, 194
Saint Vincent’s Orphan Asylum, 453
Sawyer, James Lucius, 474
Sarah George, brig, 599
Saunders, John, and others, 625
Sartain, Joel, 626
Saint Cyr, Francis F., 646
Sanderson, Samuel, 708
Salmonds, Joseph, 733
Sanborn, Coffin, 73E
Sayre, James, 73
Sage, Nathan, 756
Savings Institution 0f Louisville, 756
Sampson, Crocker, 763
Saunders, Isaac D., 776
Safford, Joseph, 778
Sarpy, Gregoire, 854
Sanders, William G., 688
Sands, John, 931
Scoone, George, 57
Scott, Alexander, 121, 318,436
Schutte, Caspar C., 173
Seybold, John, 211
Scott, William, 505
Scott, Elizabeth, 524
Schrack, Lewis, 403
Scott, John, 440, 656
Schmuck, Ellen A., 658
Scott, John, 855
Schnabel, George, 876
Sehwartztrawber, Philip, 940
Sewall, Henry and Robert, 585
Seymour, William, 20
Serry, Augustin, 79
Seavy, Nathaniel, 191
Seneca Indians, 167
Seybold, John, 211
Seward, Daniel, 285, 347
Scaton, George C., 615
Seawell, Lieutenant Washington, 624
Semoice, an Indian, 677, 689
Selby, James, 771
Seymour, Jesse, 793
Seely, Joab, 821
Seaburn, James, 857
Sengstack, C. P., 918
Sears, Snow Y., 879
Shattuck, Jared, 116
Shawneetown, 132
Shane, Anthony, 149
Shannon, George, 143
Shinniek, Jacob, and others, 150
Shaler, Ephraim, 164
Short, Feyton, 192
Shipley, Epher, 238
Sholes, Captain Stanton, 242
Shields, James, 249
Shields, Thomas, 261, 274
Shepherd, Moses, 336
Shomo, Joseph, 343
Shafer, Jacob, 359
Shirkey, John, 375
Shannon, William and Hugh, 384
Shaw, Elizabeth, 385
Shivsrick, Thomas, 412
Shaw, Joseph, 428
Shaw, Moses, 438
Shaumburgh, Bartholomew, 523
Slserfey, Benjamin, 555
Shackfbrd, John, 593
Shubrick, B. R., 618
Shelmerdine, Samuel, 611
Shaver, Nathaniel, 675
Shoemaker, Jacob, 682
Shurley, Bennett, 756
Sheets, Zebulon, 768
Sheppard, John H., 800
Sheldon, Gideon, 804
Shenandoah Bridge Company, 848
Shafiler, George, 860
Shannon, Captain Samuel, 908
Silva, Jose Roiz, 22
Sibley, Solomon, 300
Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph, and Sisters of the
Visitation of Georgetown, 33
Sibley, Cyrus, 393
Sitgreaves, Samuel, 446
Sinnard, Thomas, 782
Sibbald, Charles F., 864
Simpson, Mark, 934
Simmons, Joseph, 938
Simmons, Elijah, 677
Skipwith, Fulwar, 15, 48
Skinner, Joseph 51,, 243
Sky, Peter, an Onondaga Indian, 835
Skinner, John P., 882
Skirving, John, 890
Sloan, Philip, 54
Sloo, Thomas, 120
Slough, Jacob, 310, 637
Sloat, John V., 534
Slayniaker, Samuel R., 867
Small, John, 201
Small, Archibald, 642
Smart, Robert, 483
Smith, Reuben, 15
Smith, George, 29
Smith, Campbell, 40
Smith, Matthew, 72
Smith, Isaac, 148
Smith, William, 192
Smith, Israel, 200
Smith, Joseph, 310
Smith, John T., 397
Smith, James, 428
Smith, William, 452
Smith, Richard, 458
Smith, Thomas FL, and Son, 495
Smith, Guy W., 517
Smith, Luther L., 561
Smith, Aaron, 617
Smith, Albert J., 639
Smith, Jesse, 634
Smith, Daniel, 640
Smith, John, 644
Smith, Robert, 655
Smith, Peter, 666
Smith, Samuel, 677, 689
Smith, James, 702
Smith, Simeon, 726
Smith and Town, 751
Smith, Adam, 651
Smith, Gamnaliel E., 798
Smith, Gilbert A., 807
Smith, Leonard, 811
Smith, James, 827
Smith, Nathan, 867
Smith, Philander, 890
Smyth, Richard, 2.53
Smyth, Harold, 230
moot, Benjamin 5., 466
Snyder, Abraham, 287
Snow, Aaron, 503
Snow, Mary, 855
Sneed, Richard, 893, 921
Sprigg, Thomas, 155
Spafford, Amos, 166
Spellman, Oliver, 184
Sprague, Seth, 209
Sparks, Orson, 405
Sprigg, Samuel, 443
Sprague, Joseph E., 456
Sprague, James, 457
Spears, Dixon, 472
Spafl’ord, Horatio Gates, 502
Spencer, Peleg, 557
Spitfathom, John, 718
Spence, Robert T., 900
Squirrel, Amariah, 479
Stark, Caleb, 388
Stewart, John, 3
Stirling, Sarah, 4
Steuben, Frederick William de, 2
Strong, Nathan, 15
Strother, Benjamin, 22
Sturgeon, Robert5 40
Steele, John, 56, 241
Stout, John N., 88, 109
Streshley, Thomas and William, 109
Stewart, Joseph, 175, 184
Stewart, Captain Charles, 181
Stubbs, John G., 201
Stark, Major-General John, 216
Stuart, Phebe, 229
Stephenson, Benjamin, 269
Stevens, Ebenezer, 287
Stockton, Robert F., 288
Staniford, Captain Thomas, 297
Stetson, Amass, 298
Strain, Robert, 312
Stiles, John S., 326
Stienman, John, 345
Steele, Richard W., 361, 497
Strahan, Gregory, 363
Stearns, Catharine, 374
Stone, Bannister, 387
Stevens, Thomas Holdup, 518
Stewart, William, 550
Staley, George, 556
Staley, Noah, 557
Stone, Hannah, 580
Stickney, Benjamin F., 625
Stilson, Abner, 627
Stoddard, Daniel, 638
Stoddard, Henry, 639
Stokes, William B., 665
Stockton, Richard C. and Lucius W., 665
Stevens, James, 645
Stiles, John S., 667
Stout, Samuel, 672
Strother, George F., 699
Steel, James, 703
Stigermire, Hiner, 757
Stokes, James L., 764
Stipp, Abraham, 777
Stout, Aaron, 781
Stokes, Henry, 784
Stewart, Hugh, 876
Steamboat Company of Nantucket, 882
Stryker, Barent, 883
Street, William W., 884
Sullivan, Mary, 209
Summers, Joseph, 191
Sunimerl, Joseph, 390
Surget, Peter, and others, 509
Suzone, Française, 583
Sumpter, Thomas, 747
Sutten, Stephens, 797
Swartwout, General Robert, 339, 261
Sweet, Amos, 389
Swallow, Lamed, 607, 666
Swartwood, Joseph, 611
Symmes, John Cleves, 7
Sylvester, Nathaniel, 318
Syiph, U. S. schooner, 549
Sykes, Jesse, 629, 6
Tazewell, William, 40
Taylor and others, 172
Taft, Nathaniel, 183
Taylor, Commodore Richard, 185
Tate, David, 345
Taylor, Thomas, jun., 331
‘raylor, Richard, 362, 409
Talbot, Edward Allen, 381
Taylor, Jonathan, 393, 419
Tannehill, Wilkins, 431
Taney, Augustine, 525
Taylor, John, 588
Taylor, Francis and Judith, 600
Taylor, Jane, 620
Taylor, James, 649
Taylor, Thornton, 676
Taylor, William K., 711
Taylor, Tilford, 754
Tanner, Lemuel, 613
Tatum, Nathaniel P., 642
Taylor, Henry B., 629
Talmage, Stephen, 645
Taylor, James, 649
Taylor, Cornelius, 787
Taylor, W., 798
Tatton, Phillis, 865
Tervin, Richard, 99
Tennille, Francis, 410
Terreaux Bwufs, inhabitants of, 498
Tennille, William A., 521
TeSt, J. K., 853
Telfair, Mary M., 931
Thayer, Sinieon, 12
Thompson, John, 108, 208
Thomas, John, 266
Therese, Marie, 271
Thooft, Barnard, 299
Thompson, William, 349, 371
Thomas, John, and Company, 301
Thurbur, Ezra, 406
Theus, Simeon, 449
Thomas, James, 468
Tharp, William, 354, 476, 548, 717
Thomas, John H., 488
Thornton, Colonel John, 533
Thruston, Algernon S., 548
Thompson, John, 558
Thompson, Samuel, 558
Three Sisters, schooner, 569
Tholozan, John Elie, 571
Thompson, John, 572
Thomas, Judith, 585
Thomas, General Philemon, 592
Theobald, Francis R., 640
Thompson, Amos, 723
Thistle, Hezekiah L., 859
Thompson, Mary W., 869, 904, 942
Thomas, Israel, 896
Thompson, Manlius V., 923
Thornton, D. M. F., 942
Timberlake, John B., 228
Tingle, George 5., 507
Tuft, Amasa A., 612
Tice, John, 615
Tilford, James, 622
Tilden, John, 792
Tiffany, Sylvester, 805
Tiers, Cornelius, SI!
Tippelt, Stepfen, 459
Tipton, William, 434
Tipton, Jonathan, 837
‘rousard, Colonel Lewis, 15, 47
Todd, Charles, 171
Tompkins, Daniel D., 290, 319
Topp, John 310
Toulrnin, John B., 460
Towson, Nathan, 481
Torrey, Joseph W., 494
Townsley, Thomas F., 622
Town, Elisha, 749
Todd, Thomas, 787
Totten, Benjamin J., 886
Tongue, James, 866
Todd, Isaac, 905
Truenian, Major Alexander, 12, 41
Trudeau, Charles Levaux, 164
rfrapmaufl, Jakucke, 276
Trott, Adolphus G., 320
Trahaud, Jean Marie, 431
Triplett, Thomas, 544
Triplett, Peter, 610
Traverse, Mathias, 652
Trabue, Daniel, 654
Treaty with France, 700
Tramejl, Dennis, 7.54
Traverse, William, 790
Turner, Philip, 73
Turner, Moses, 174
Turner, Thomas, 224
Tucker, Samuel, 258
Tuillier, François Isiclore, 429
Tuskaloosa, corporation of, 315
Tuillier, John, 432
Tumey, William, 463
Tuckerman, Henry H., 471
Tufi’s and Clark, 604
Tuttle, Thaddeus, 649
Tucker, Aaron, 743
Tuttle, James Middleton, 753
Tudor, William, jun., 760
Tucker, Mary, 819, 881
Turney, Ellen, 835
Tucker, Huldah, 826
Turney’, Clarissa, 836
Tuck, Samuel B., 916
Twining, Nathaniel, 12
Twichell, Timothy, 522
Twiggs, David E., 515
Tyler, Lieutenant Daniel, 440
Tyler, Henry 8., 629
Tyner, Thomas, 713
Ursuline, Nuns, New Orleans, 107
University of Virginia, 340
Underwood, Phinehas, 355
Union, British ship, 394
Underwood, John, 863
Updike, Daniel, 118
Uptegraff, Mary, 775
Usher, Alice, 918
Vaughan, John, 39
Valcnzin, David, 54
Vasse, Ambrose, 251
Vance, Silly, 278
Vansyckel, Eliza, 297
Valkenburgh, Bar. 3. V., 365
Valle, Francis, 386
Valley Creek Academy, Alabama, 398
Van Kleeck, Lawrence L., 474
Vawters, William, 489
Vail, Samuel, 574
Van Campen, Moses, 719
Vattier, Charles, 735
ValId, Jean B., 747
Vannettin, Captain John, 777
Vail, Aaron, 828
Van Ness, EflIe, 873
Vermule, Cornelius, 46
Verjon, Bernard Edme, 159
Venable, Sarah, 349
Verplast, Nicholas, 733
Villard, Andrew Joseph, 79
Vixen, U. S. brig, 124
Vincennes University, 171
Villere, James, 192
Villiers, Jour.nonville do, 194
Vienne, 51. de, 225
Virginia University, 340
Vick, Hartwell, 523
Vienne, J. R., 882
VIsit, Garrett, 903
Von Kapife and .Brune, 357
Volant, schooner, 415
Voorhise, Luke, 646
Vought, Godfrey, 651
Voorhees, Philip F., 699
Voorheis, J. and P., 907
Von Schmidt, Peter, 925
Vreeland, Betsey, 838
Washington, Martha, 40
Wayne, Major-General Anthony, 96
Walkington; George, 133
Washington Library Company, 141
Washington, William H., 151
Washington Bridge Company, 168
Washington Fire Insurance Company, 203
Wamsly, Captain Jonathan, 164
Walker, Samuel, 274, 284
Warburg, Frederick 8., 277
Wadsworth, Elijah, 321
Walley and Foster, 346
Ward, Samuel, 386, 450
Waite, Horace, 367
Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown Steam
Packet Company, 398
Walker, Jeremiah, 339
Walker, Peter Celestino and others, 463
Wagstaff, Samuel, 478
Ward, Ichabod, 496
Ware, Nathaniel A., 508
Warren, Abiah, .513
Watt, Archibald, .537
Wagon, John Peter, 549
Walker, Samuel V., 582
Wallace, Thomas, 597
Walter, Jacob F., 640
Wallace, Jacob, 652
Warden, William, 658
Wainwriht, Henry, 674
Walker, William, 721
Warren, Captain Samuel, 719
Walker, Tandy, 736
Walsh, Charles S., 755
Ward, Daniel, 770
Warner, Daniel, 772
Walker, Dudley, 789
Warner, Peter, 805
Washington City Benevolent Society, 83
Wailer, David, 826
Washington’s Manual Labor School and Male
Orphan Asylum of the District of Columbia, 830
Wailer, William, 843
Ward, Recs B., 850
Walker, George H., 850
Watkinson, David, and Company, 902
Waddle, Gc9rge, 904
Wailis, George, 913
Washington, Lund, 925
Walker and others, 937
Wells, Asa, 194
Wells, Mary, 195
Webster, John, 261
West Baton Rouge, 319
Webster, Noah, 330
Webb, Josiah H., 103
Wells, William, 72
Weymouth, William W., 95
Weeks, Joseph P., 95
Willis, Henry, 246
Wells, Bazaleel, 302
Webster, John A., 348
Wesbrook, Andrew, 380
Wendal, John H., 431
Wells, Benjamin, 447
Wells, Dorothy, 497
Wendell, John H., 504
Wells, William Wayne, 519
Welles, Benjamin, 522
Webber, John, 560
Webster, John A., 592
Weaver, Jacob, 633
Wellborn, Isaac, jun., 710
West, Anna, 723
West, Thomas, 724
Welch, Oliver, 806
Wells, Henry, 839
Weedon, William, 571
Westchester, ship, 87S
Wever, Casper W., 883
Welch, David, 895
Weller, Samuel, 898
‘vVeaver, Thomas, 899
Wetherall, Horace, 891
Whittemore, Amos and William, 80
White, John, 1
Whipple, Abraham, 103
White, Jonathan, 157
White, Robert, and others, 158
Wharion, Samuel, 292
Whitney, John, 143
Whea ton, Joseph, 232, 302
White, Moses, 50
Whiting, Samuel, 71
White, Samuel, 318
White, Joseph M., 318
Wheatley, Thomas, 428
White, Fielding L., 437
Whitaker, Ephraim, 446, 501
Whittier, Simeon C., 455
Whitney, Henry, 579
Whitney, Daniel, 623
White, George, 658
Whittle, Fortesque, 709
Whitney, Seth, 724
Whitehead, William A., 729
White, Dr. John Campbell, 750
Whitsitt, John, 753
White, Lemuel, 822
Wheat, Eli, 856
White, Stephçn, 856
Whitman, George, 876
White, Jacob, 885
Wharry, John, 889
Whitten, George, 935
White, Stanley, 939
Wishart, Thomas, 11
Williams, Elie, 36
Wilkinson, Joseph, jun., 86
Wilkinson, James, 110
Wiley, Susannali, 119
Winter, Elisha J., 121
Williamson, John P., 138
Wirt, John T., 160
Wilson, Edward, 162
Wilson, Joseph, 165
Williams, Charles, 188
Wilkinson, General James, 248
Willis, Henry, 246
Williams, James, 274
Wilcox, Joseph, 288
Withers, Thomas C., 245, 363
Williams, Thomas, 304
Wilniot, John, 303
William, brig, of New York, 313
Wing, Warner, 356
Winton, John, 387
Willink, John Abraham, 368
Wilson, Andrew, 412
Wilkes, Charles, jun., 415
Williams, Henry, 428
Wildirman, Jacob, 435
Williams, Elizabeth, 446
Williamson, William, 481
Wi1hoe, Enoch, 535
Wilson, John, 537, 603, 712
Willett, Edward, 554
Winslett, John, 573
Wilkinson, Asel, 575
Willmott, Lieutenant Robert, 601
Wilges, William, 609
Wilkins, Charles, 626
Wilson, Amy, 632
Wiltbank, James, 640
Williams, James A., 722
Wilson, Henry, 749
Wiley, John, 752
Wilson, James, 758
Windham, Sarah, 761
Williams, B. H., 763
Willis, Lewis B., 779
Willis, George, 798
Wickliam, William, 799
Wight, A. G. S., 801
Winslow, Jared, 805
Williams, William, sen., 810
Willis, William, 868
Winslow, Isaac and Thomas S., 880
Wilson, Cornelius, 878
Williams, Mary, 888, 932
Williams, John R., 899
Withereil, James, 717
Willis, William, 868
Winslow, George A., 889
Williams, Nancy, 894
Wiley, John F., 897
Wilson, Nancy, 899
Wilderman, Jacob, 435
Work, John, 214
Worthington, Gad, 264
Wootten, Lemuel, 325
Wolcott, James, 343
Wood and Sandusky counties, 276
Wood, Joseph, 294
Woodworth, Benjamin, 357
Wood, Nathaniel B., 403
Woods, Captain John, 432
Wood, Jethro, 486
Woolley, Colonel A. R., 590
Worsliam, Jeremiah, 577
Wormstead, Joseph W., 633
Woolsey, Mclancthon Taylor, 633
Wool, John E., 685
Woolsey, George, 680
Woodall, Abraham, 722
Woodson, Major Carlton, 762
Woodxooff, Clark, 828, 849
Wolfenden, John. 896
Worth, Gorham A,, 898
Woodworth, William, 936
Wren, Woodson, 283, 469, 917
Wright, Francis, 329
Wright, Abraham, 794
Wynn, William, 851
Yarnall, John J., 186
Yates, Charles, 440
Yaitis, John, 563
Yeomans, Martha, 444
York, John, 57
Young, Anna, 110
Yonge, William P., 335
Zane, Ebenezcr, 27
Zane, Isaac, 46
Zachary, James W., 510
Zantzinger, William P., 535, 605,933
Friday, April 16, 2010
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Roberts, John, 490 Any information on this man - he may be an ancestor of mine.
Hi Kathy, I have many John Roberts in my indexes, but this one was a Major in the Virginia Infantry of the Virginia Continental line. He was given five years full pay.
If you go to my profile and write me I'll send you a copy of the full Bill.
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