Sunday, September 18, 2011

Colonel Aquila Wiley.

Colonel Aquila Wiley, Enlisted September 1861, for 3., years was 26., years old. Promoted to Major from captain company C., March 1, 1862; wounded April 7, 1862, in battle of Shiloh Tennessee. Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel November 20, 1862. Wounded November 25, 1863, in the battle of Mission Ridge Tennessee, leg amputated; discharged June 4, 1864.

Mission Ridge.

Colonel Aquila Wiley, Forty-first Ohio Volunteers, commanding the First Battalion, was shot through the leg, making amputation necessary. The loss to the service of this officer cannot be properly estimated. He was always prompt and thorough, and possessed capacity and knowledge of his duties that never left him at fault. I know no officer of equal efficiency in the volunteer service, and none whose past service entitle them to better reward.

Aquila Wiley, was born 1835, in Pennsylvania, would marry Emma Rower on May 19, 1870, they had two children a son Walter Wiley and a daughter Ida Wiley, in 1880 was living with his family in Wayne, Wayne county Ohio, was a Sawyer, he died in 1910.

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