Thursday, November 29, 2012

Henry A. Merchant, 23th., Pennsylvania Infantry.

Push to enlarge.
Henry A. Marchant, First Lieutenant company H., transferred to company F., May 1, 1862.

Henry A.Marchant, first Lietutenant, company F., mustered in August 2, 1861, for 3 years.  Promted to Captain of company I., January 1863.

Henry AMarchant, Captain, company I., transferred from company F., Killed ay Cold Harbor June 1, 1864.

The following came from the 23rd., regimental history.

CAPTAIN MARCHANT, Twenty-third Pennsylvania, in 1861, gave the men of his company special instructions as to the use of the turnaque in case of a wound to stop the flow of blood until given aid by the surgeon. He was killed at Cold Harbor, and when found, he had first been wounded in the thigh and had applied the turnaque with his twisted pocket handkerchief, but was afterwards riddled with balls. He was a most gallant soldier and a true gentleman, highly respected by all.

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