Sunday, July 12, 2009

Surnames of Navy Battles-Civil War. Page 3.

This is page 3., of a continuing list of Surnames in navy battles and as always if you have any question on any of these names or reports, you can write to me my address can be found in my profile.



Of Galveston Bar, Texas, November 15, 1861.

Names given in this report was by HENRY EAGLE, Captain.

Henry Garcia, seaman, was killed.
John L. Emerson, coxswain, died on the 10th instant from the effects of wounds.

Of Galveston Bar, Texas, November 12, 1861.

Names given in this report was by HENRY EAGLE, captain.


Henry Garcia, seaman.
John L. Emerson, coxswain, died on the 10th, from his wounds.


Lieutenant .James E. Jouett.
Mr. William Carter, gunner.
Edward Conway, gunner’s mate.
George Bell, coxswain.
Francis Brown, seaman.
Hugh McGregor, ordinary seaman.
Charles Hawkins, seaman.

Of Mobile Bar, January 23, 1862.

Names given in this report was by FRANCIS WINSLOW, Lieutenant Commanding.

Acting Master Henry K. Lapham.
Acting Lieutenant J. Van Ness Philip.


John Bloom, seaman.
Daniel J. Evans, seaman.
Ed. Dorsey, landsman.
Thomas W. Johnson, landsman.

Cedar Keys, January 16, 1862.

Names given in this report was by GEORGE F. EMMONS, Commander, United States Navy.

Confederate prisoners.

Benjamin Gatlin.
B. J. Simmons.
J. S. Poer.
John Carleton.
Late privates in Captain Hunt’s Company, 4th Florida Regiment.
Who have the measles.

Of Sea-horse Key, Florida, February 24, 1862.

Names given in this report was by A. F. CROSMAN, Lieutenant, United States Navy.

Acting Master H. A. Hurley.

John B. Patterson, seaman, while pulling his oar, after we had gained the open water, was struck in the eye by a musket bullet and instantly killed.

Arthur Almer, sailmaker’s mate.
Lewis Chester.

Apalachicola Bay, March 25, 1862.

Names given in this report was by TREVETT ABBOT, Lieutenant.

Acting Master C. B. Wilder.
Acting Assistant Surgeon C. H. Mason.
Acting Master’s Mate G. A. Steino.

Key West, April 24, 1862.

Names given in this report was by WM. W. McKEAN, Flag- Officer, Commanding Eastern Gulf Squadron.

Acting Master Elnathan Lewis,

Off Gedar Keys, Florida, October 4, 1862.

Names given in this report was by S. J. DRAPER, Acting Assistant Surgeon.

Wounded dangerously.

Henry Everett, captain of after-guard, wounded four places with buckshot, one entering the abdomen below the umbilicus, passing through the left thigh, one lodging in the left ankle, and one in the right arm.

Randolph Cooke, seaman, wounded in the throat, a shot passing through
larynx and oesophagus into the left side of the neck.

Wounded severely.

James O’Niell, seaman, wounded in four places with buckshot, two passing through the left thigh, one through the left arm near the wrist, and one striking the chest without penetrating.

Willis H. Hines, seaman, gunshot wound of the left arm, a musket ball passing through the deltoid muscle.

John Willard, seaman, gunshot wound of the right arm, a buckshot passing through the forearm, between radius and ulna.

Thomas Wilson, 1st ordinary seaman, gunshot wound of the left arm, a buckshot passing nearly through the deltoid muscle.

Wounded slightly.

William E. Dennison, acting master and executive officer, stick on the right hip by a spent ball.

Frederick Block, struck on the forehead by a spent buckshot.

New Orleans, April 30, 1862.

Names given in this report was by F. A. ROE, Executive Officer.

Lieutenant James Stillwell.
Acting Master E. C. Weeks.
Master’s Mate Alfred H. Reynolds.
Patrick Hughes, seaman.
William Gray, 1st, the first loader of No. 3 gun.
James McCloud.
Paymaster George L. Davis.
John McDonald, seaman, was the second captain of No. 6 gun.

Special mention of Thomas Flood, (boy.) who acted as my aid on time bridge, he was swept from my side along with the signal quartermaster, Murry, who had his leg shot away by a shell which burst near them.

William Cooper, ordinary seaman, shell man of No. 2 gun, deserted his station, and was twice hauled out from behind the forward bitts by the men of our ship.

Mississippi Ricer, off New Orleans, April 26, 1862.

Names given in this report was by THOMAS T. CRAVEN, Captain.

Lieutenant R. B. Lowry.
Lieutenant James O’Kane,
Lieutenant James Forney.
Quartermaster, Barney Sands.
Quartermaster James Buck.
Acting Midshipman, John Anderson.
Young Anderson.
Mr. J. G. Swift, Clerk.

Off New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1862.

Names given in this report was by R. B. LOWRY, First Lieutenant U S. Steam-Sloop Brooklyn.

Bernard Sands, signal quartermaster, killed by your side.
John Wade, captain after guard.
Thomas White, coxswain, captain of No. 9 gun.
Andrew Rourke, seaman, 1st loader of pivot gun.
Daniel McEmory, (boy,) powder-boy of pivot gnu.
Henry Roff, marine, of marine gun’s crew No. 1 .
William Lanahan, marine, of marine’s gun’s crew No. 2.
Passed Assistant Engineer J. Morgan.
Midshipman Anderson, your aid, was carried overboard early in the action by a round shot.
Dennis Leary, ordinary seaman, fell overboard, by his own carelessness, and was drowned.

Off New Orleans, May 3, 1862.

Names given in this report was by JOHN De CAMP, Commander United States Navy.

Mr. George W. Cole, master’s mate, was killed by a cannon shot, and he died bravely, shouting to the men not to mind him, but go on with their guns.

Of New Orleans, April 27, 1862.

Names given in this report was by JAMES ALDEN, Commander.

Mr. John B. Bradley, master’s mate.

New Orleans, April 30, 1862.

Name given in this report was by EDWARD T. NICHOLS, Lieutenant Commanding.

Acting Master’s Mate William F. Hunt, in charge of the rifle gun.

At anchor off New Orleans, April 30, 1862.

Names given in this report was by GEO. HENRY PREBLE, Lieutenant Commanding.

Acting Master W. H. Polleys.
Acting Master George Harris, in charge of the pivot gun.
Acting Master’s Mate J. H. Hartshorn, in charge of the Parrott rifle gun.
Confederated prisoner, Captain, Archibald Forsaith.

Mississippi River, April 24, 1862.

Names given in this report was by N. B. HARRISON, Lieutenant Commanding.

Executive officer, Lieutenant George R. Perkins.
volunteer Acting Master Thomas H. Morton.
Assistant Surgeon Edward S. Bogert.
Second Assistant George W. Rogers.
Clerk, Mr. Charles M. Burns, jr.
William Young, captain of Parrott gun.
William Parker, at the wheel.
Edward Wright, at the lead.

Off Yew Orleans, April 26, 1862.

Names given in this report was by PIERCE CROSBY, Lieutenant Commanding.

Killed, Thomas Kelly, captain of the forecastle.
Wounded, Acting Master J. G. Lloyd.
Severely wounded, William Acworth.
Wheel, Acting Master’s Mate William H. Thompson.
Pivot gun, Acting Master William P. Gibbs.
Loader, Henry Harrington.
Killed, John Nolta.
Killed, Robert H. Johnson, landsman.
Dangerously wounded Thomas Jones, wardroom steward.
Dangerously wounded Thomas Ford, landsman.
Slightly wounded Henry Stokely, wardroom cook.
Slightly wounded Thomas L. Smith, coal heaver.
Thomas Foster, captain of the hold, who received dangerous and painful wounds from splinters while zealously performing his duty.
Acting Master’s Mate C. V. Rummell, wounded by splinters.
James A. Bashford was slightly wounded by splinters.

On the berth-deck, it was reported to be on fire, whereupon the gunner’s mate, J. B. Frisbee, instantly closed the magazine, he remaining inside.

Thomas Gehegan, boatswain’s mate, and captain of the 11-inch gun.
Acting Paymaster C. Stewart Warren acted as signal officer.
William H. Byrn, captain’s clerk, attended to passing my orders.
Dr. L. H. Lyon, assistant surgeon.
Senior Assistant Engineer John Johnson.
A. P. Cook, first lieutenant and executive officer.

New Orleans, La., April 28, 1862.

Names given in this report was by J. M. FOLTZ, Fleet Surgeon.


James Lower, ordinary seaman, United States schooner Arletta, bomb flotilla, aged 21, carried away right thigh and wounded left thigh, round shot.

Robert M. Bryant, ordinary seaman, killed by a fall from masthead on board gunboat Katahdin.


Iroquois, Henry Clark, captain of forecastle, foot, slightly.
William Gilbraith, seaman, foot, slightly.
Joseph Judd, first-class fireman, rifle ball knee joint, severely.

Norfolk Packet, Michael Brady, carpenter’s mate, of Norfolk Packet, mortar fleet, struck by a fragment of a shell in right leg.

Oneida, Jonathan A. Miller, seaman, amputated left hand.
Chas. B. Murphy, ordinary seaman, fractured foot.
John Moir, seaman, severely.
George Scott, ordinary seaman, severely.
Richard Graham, seaman, contusion.
Edward Perry, seaman, contusion.
Henry Cooper, marine, slightly.
Robert Woodruff, landsman, slightly.
John A. Morton, landsman, slightly.
John F. Nims, quartermaster, amputated left arm and left thigh, shell.
John R. Liber, ordinary seaman, slightly.
Oliver Crommlin, ordinary seaman, slightly.
Francis Douglas, seaman, slightly.
John E. Earle, jr., master’s mate, slightly.
Frederick J. Naile, midshipman, slightly.

Hartford, Dennis Disney, ordinary seaman, severe injury of chest and abdomen.
George H. Mellen, landsman, fracture of forearm.
Thomas O’Conner, landsman, severely.
Moses Simmons, ordinary seaman, slightly.
John B. Barnes, first-class fireman, slightly.

New Orleans, Louisiana, May 1, 1862.

Names given in this report was by J. M. FOLTZ, Fleet Surgeon.


Flag-skip Hartford. Joseph Lawrence, seaman, round shot.
William Brown, landsman, shell.
Augusts Thomas, captain of forecastle, shell.

Brooklyn. John Anderson, midshipman, struck and knocked overboard by cannon shot.
William Lenahan, marine.
Daniel McEmary, boy.
Barney Sands, quartermaster.
Thomas White, captain of maintop.
Henry H. Roff, marine.
Andrew Ronke, seaman.
Dennis Leary, ordinary seaman.
John Wade, seaman.

Pensacola. Theo. Myers, seaman.
James Murray, ordinary seaman.
Thomas Gunning, landsman.
Nelson Downing, landsman.

Richmond. John B. Bradley, aged 19, acting midshipman, born in Brownsville, New York, rifle ball.
William Brady, ordinary seaman, aged 23.

Iroquois. James Phillips, seaman.
Alexander Van Vredenburg, ordinary seaman.
Maurice Murphy, ordinary seaman.
Edwin R. Parcell, boy.
Jacob Schoenfeldt, marine.
George W. Cole, master’s mate.

Pinola. Thomas Kelly, captain of forecastle.
Robert H. Johnson, landsman.
John Nolta, landsman.

Varuna. Andrew A. Smith, landsman.
Charles Hartford, seaman.
Daniel McPherson, ordinary seaman.

Mississippi. George Sanderson, corporal of marines.
William H. Woods, corporal of marines.

Winona. Alexander Tyler, boatswain’s mate.
John Disney, ordinary sea man.
William Brown, ordinary seaman.

Mortar flotilla, Harriet Lane, Michael Fitzgerald, Landsman.

Kineo, Charles H. Kelley, captain after-guard.


Flag-Ship Hartford.—Philip Morgan, seaman, severely.
Charles Banks, landsman, severely.
Theodore Douglas, officers’ steward, severely.
Randall Talliafero, landsman, amputated thigh.
Henry Manning, ordinary seaman, severely.
Henry King, marine, severely.
Sabina Doane, seaman, slightly.
George White, marine, slightly.
Mr. Connley, carpenter, severely.
Mr. Heisler, lieutenant of marines.

Brooklyn, Mr. James O. Kane, master, severely.
Mr. James Stafford, acting master, slightly.
Mr. E. S. Lowe, master’s mate, slightly.
William McBride, ordinary seaman, severely.
Lovin Heath, marine, slightly.
Thomas Griffin, landsman, severely.
John Willoughby, ordinary seaman, amputated hand.
John Chase, seaman, slightly.
E. Blanchard, ordinary seaman, severely.
J. R. Sanders, marine, contusion.
William Wells, seaman, severely.
Robert Harrison, ordinary seaman, severely.
John Hassett, landsman, severely.
George Coventry, quarter-gunner, severely.
Leonard Killion, marine, slightly.
Cornelius Martin, ordinary seaman, probably mortal.
James H. Powell, ordinary seaman, slightly.
H. O. Busklin, ordinary seaman, severely.
John Widdis, ordinary seaman, severely.
John Daverin, landsman, slightly.
James Webby, captain of mizzen-top, severely.
Alexander Anderson, landsman, severely.
James Black, quartermaster, slightly.
Joseph Dixon, seaman, slightly.
John Griffith, captain of after-guard, slightly.
James Williams, captain of maintop, slightly.

Pensacola. John Ryan, quartermaster, mortally.
George Mowry, quartermaster, mortally, amputated. Leg.
Jonathan Roberts, ordinary seaman, severely, amputated arm.
Michael McKann, landsman, severely.
Gustavus Mason, landsman, severely.
Thomas Kelly, boatswain’s mate, severely.
Edward Brown, captain of after guard, severely.
John Sherlock, ship’s cook, severely.
John Jenkins, ordinary seaman, severely.
James O’Donnal, seaman, severely.
Samuel Cooper, ordinary seaman, slightly.
David Anderson, ordinary seaman, slightly.
Steven Collins, ordinary seaman, slightly.
Asa Gifford, ordinary seaman, slightly.
John Stewart, ordinary seaman, slightly.
Samuel Randolph, ordinary seaman, slightly.
Polar McKay, landsman, slightly.
Edward Bowman, landsman, slightly.
Michael Noonan, landsman, slightly.
Edward Lee, first-class boy, slightly.
Henry Stermbergh, sergeant of marines, slightly.
George Perkins, marine, slightly.
Michael O’Bryan, marine, slightly.
Frederick Davye, marine, slightly.
Francis Pepper, marine, slightly.
John Brogan, marine, slightly.
Mr. John C. Harris, lieutenant of marines, slightly.
Mr. Gerliard Schultze, acting master, slightly.
Mr. John C. Huntley, third assistant engineer, slightly.
MIr. Wilson Goodrich, boatswain, slightly.
Mr. Joseph B. Cox, carpenter, slightly.
Mr. Alfred Reynolds, master’s mate, slightly.
Mr. George Dolliver, master’s mate, slightly.

Richmond, John Gordon, seaman, severely.
Charles A. Benson, seaman, slightly.
Edward Collins, ordinary seaman, slightly.
John Ford, seaman, slightly.

Iroquois, James Noland, seaman, mortally, since dead.
Walter J. White, corporal of marines, mortally, since dead.
Robert Lewis, armorer, severely.
George Clark, quarter-gunner, severely.
Robert Greenleaf, seaman, severely.
John Smith, boy, severely.
Martin Winter, boatswain’s mate, slightly.
John Brown, captain of maintop, slightly.
John Conway, ship’s corporal, slightly.
George higgins, seaman, slightly.
Benjamin Rockwell, seaman, slightly.
William Pool, ordinary seaman, slightly.
Henry Walters, ordinary seaman, slightly.
William Wogan, landsman, slightly.
Thomas Kealy, landsman, slightly.
Owen Campbell, landsman, slightly.
Alfred Freed, boy, slightly.
Alfred Jackson, marine, slightly.
James Bolan, seaman, slightly.
James McCumiskey, ordinary seaman, slightly.
Thomas Francis, ordinary seaman, slightly.
Mr. Frank H. Rain, third assistant engineer, slightly.
(The last three belonging to the United States steamer Colorado.)

Pinola, Thomas Foster, ship’s cook, severely.
Thomas Ford, landsman, severely, arm amputated.
Thomas H. Jones, officers’ steward, severely.
Henry Stokely, officers cook, severely.
William Ackworth, quartermaster, slightly.
Thomas L. Smith, coal-heaver, slightly.
James A. Bassford, ordinary seaman, slightly.

Cayuga, John Lawson, landsman, severely.
Frederick O. G. Frinke, landsman, severely, amputated arm
Francis Nersall, ordinary seaman, slightly.
John Dumphy, coal-heaver, slightly.
James Smith, landsman; John Titus, ward-room cook, slightly.

Sciota, Francis Moniere, seaman, slightly.
J. Harrington, seaman, severely.

Varuna, M. Rigan, ordinary seaman, slightly.
T. Johnson, ordinary seaman, slightly.
William Joice, landsman, slightly.
f Gordon, marine, severely.
D. McLaughlin, marine, slightly.
William Perkins, ordinary seaman, slightly.
P. McGinnis, boy, slightly.
J. Logan, marine, slightly.
J. McQuin, marine, slightly.

Mississippi, John Ward, seaman, slightly.
Richard C. Carman, marine, slightly.
Robert White, ordinary seaman, slightly.
Cyrus D. Murry, musician, slightly.
Albert Ashley, ordinary seaman, slightly.
Mr. King, master, slightly.

Winona, Michael O. Holland, seaman, amputation of arm.
Leonard Minwart, captain of forecastle, severely.
Thomas Trowers, landsman, severely.
William Wood, seaman, severely.
John McGowan, coal-heaver, severely.

Itasca, Richard Kane, captain of hold, severely.
Thomas Sparrow, boy, severely.
Owen Kaney, coalheavcr, severely.
Isaac Magurgre, fireman, severely.

Mortar flotilla, (Harriet Lane.,)—George Henston, seaman, severely, amputated thigh.

Kineo, Samuel Walker, seaman.
John Lewis, coxswain.
Albert Smith, seaman.
Henry H. Chase, seaman.
John P. Tibbits, landsman.
John Quinn, landsman.
Zelops Eldridge, ordinary seaman.
W. S. Wilkins Cragg, second assistant engineer.

Oneida, John Dyer, seaman, slightly.
Thomas Grey, seaman, severely.
Robert Watson, seaman, slightly.

Portsmouth, John Hancock, severely.

List of officers at Fart Jackson, Louisiana.

Brigadier General J. K. Duncan, P. C. S. A.
Lieutenant Wm, M. Bridges, aid and inspector general.
Captain W. J. Seymour, aide-dc-camp, volunteers.
Captain J. R. Smith, volunteer aide-de-camp.
Somerville Burke, assistant surgeon, P. C. S. A.
Dr. Bradbury, volunteer surgeon.
Lieutenant Colonel Edward Higgins, P. C. S. A., commanding Forts Jackson and St. Philip.
Charles N. Morse, lieutenant Louisiana artillery regiment, and post adjutant. Wm. B. Robertson, captain Louisiana regiment artillery.
J. B. Anderson, captain Louisiana regiment artillery.
11. J. Bruce, first lieutenant Louisiana regiment artillery, commanding company D.
E. W. Baylor, first lieutenant Louisiana regiment artillery, commanding company H.
T. Peters, captain company I, twenty-second regiment Louisiana volunteers. James Ryan, captain company H, twenty-second regiment Louisiana volunteers.
S. Jones, captain company I, twenty-third regiment Louisiana volunteers.
F. C. Comars, captain company St. Mary’s cannoniers.
Beverly C. Kennedy, first lieutenant Louisiana regiment artillery.
Abner N. Ogden, first lieutenant Louisiana regiment artillery.
James W. Gaines, first lieutenant Louisiana regiment artillery.
P. Simon, first lieutenant twenty-second Louisiana volunteers.
George Noimgesser, first lieutenant twenty-second Louisiana volunteers.
George 0. Foote, first lieutenant St. Mary’s cannoniers.
Wm. T. Mumford, first lieutenant Louisiana regiment artillery.
Edw. B. Woodlief, second lieutenant Louisiana regiment artillery.
Charles Dermers, second lieutenant twenty-second Louisiana volunteers.
Christian Jacobs, second lieutenant twenty-second Louisiana volunteers.
George Menn, second lieutenant twenty-second Louisiana volunteers.
Thomas .T. Royster, second lieutenant twenty-second Louisiana volunteers.
Walter S. Jones, second lieutenant twenty-third Louisiana volunteers.
Robert Maurer, second lieutenant twenty-third Louisiana volunteers.
Minor T. Gardy, second lieutenant St. Mary’s cannoniers.

Official list:

Lieutenant and Post Adjutant.
APRIL 28, 1862.

The company of St. Mary’s cannoniers, eighty-eight strong, alsb came up on the United States gunboat Kennebec.
Corporal Murray, of company E, Louisiana regiment artillery. One private from company D, Louisiana regiment artillery.


Lieutenant and Post Adjutant.

List of officers at Fort St. Philip, Louisiana, included in capitulation of Forts
Jackson and St. Philip, April 28, 1862.

II. T. Squires, captain Louisiana regiment artillery, senior officer.
Richard C. Bond, captain Louisiana regiment artillery.
J. H. Lemon, captain Louisiana regiment artillery.
Charles .Assenheimer, captain Louisiana volunteers.
Armand Laityell, (absent at date of capitulation,) captain Bienville guards, recruited in the parish.
J. K. Dixon, second lieutenant C. S. A., commanding company.
Charles D. Lewis, assistant surgeon P. C. S. A.
Charlton Hunt, first lieutenant Louisiana regiment artillery.
Henry W. Fowler, first lieutenant Louisiana regiment artillery.
Lewis B. Taylor, first lieutenant Louisiana regiment artillery, and acting assistant quartermaster.

Wm. C. Ellis, first lieutenant regiment Louisiana artillery.
P. Ruhl, first lieutenant Louisiana volunteers.
Andrew J. Quigly, second lieutenant Louisiana regiment artillery.
Wm.B. Jones, second lieutenant Louisiana regiment artillery.
H. L. Blow, second lieutenant C. S. A.
George House, acting second lieutenant C. S. A.
J. Dressell, second lieutenant Louisiana volunteers.
J. A. Guershet, second lieutenant Louisiana volunteers.
S. Martin, second lieutenant Bienville Guards, recruited in the parish.
A. Chaussier, second lieutenant Bienville Guards, recruited in the parish


Lieutenant and Post Adjutant.

Mississippi River, April 25, 1862.

Names given in this report was by J. M. WAINWRIGHT, Lieutenant Commanding.

Lieutenant Edward Lea.
Acting Master Willis F. Munroe.
Acting Master Charles H. Hamilton.
Acting Master J. A. Hannum.
Acting Master George W. Sumner.

Mississippi River, April 28, 1862.

Names given in this report was by JOHN GUEST, Lieutenant, Commanding Owasco.

Mr. F. H. Gerdes.
Master’s Mate Thomas U. Babb, charge of gig.
Lieutenant Chester Hatheld, first lieutenant of the Owasco.
Acting Master D. P. Heath, who had charge of the 11-inch gun.
Master’s Mate Thomas D. Babb, at the rifled gun.
Master’s Mate John G. Arbona, acted as a midshipman.
My clerk, Mr. A. D. R. Crawford.
Quartermaster, Edward Farrel, worked guns.


Names given in this report was by WATSON SMITH, Lieutenant, Commanding First Division.

Killed: James Layer, ordinary seaman, on board the Arletta, native of Isle of Jersey; struck by an eight-inch solid shot.

Slightly wounded, disabled: Michael Brady, carpenter’s mate of this vessel, aged 32, native of New York; struck by a fragment of a shell.

Mississippi River, May 3, 1862.

Names given in this report was by W. W. QUEEN, Lieut. Commanding, in Command of 2d Div. Mortar Flotilla.

Matthew Vassar.
George Mangham.
Adolph Hugel.
Maria J. Carlton.
Master J. Duncan Graham.
Master William Hatch.
Master John Richards.

Forts Jackson and St. Philip, May 2, 1862.

Report relative to prisoners in the rebel naval service captured after the surrender of the forts.

List of confederate officers.

Captain J. K. Mitchell.
1st Lieutenant J. N. Wilkinson.
2d Lieutenant W. H. Ward.
3d Lieutenant W. C. Whittle, jr.
Lieutenant A. F. Warley.
Surgeon John U. Grafton.
Lieutenant F. M. Harris, ex-naval officers of the United States.
Purser L. E. Brooks.
Gunner Wilson.
Boatswain .Ton-n.
Carpenter Cherry.
Captain’s Clerk George Taylor.
Captain’s Clerk W. Clark.
Chief Engineer W. Youngblood.
Assistant Engineer James Harris.
2d Assistant Engineer H. Parsons.
3d Assistant Engineer Theo. Hart.
3d Assistant Engineer James Elliott.
3d Assistant Engineer James Waters.
Engineers from the Manassas.—Menzis, 3d assistant engineer.
Weaver, 2d assistant engineer.
Newman, 3d assistant engineer.

The following officers of the Confederate States navy, now held the STEAMER CLIFTON.

Surgeon James D. Grafton.
Assistant Paymaster L. K. Brooks.
Captain’s Clerk George Taylor.
Captain’s Clerk William Clark.
1st Engineer W. Youngblood.
2d Assistant Engineer James Harris.
2d Assistant Engineer H. Parsons.
3d Assistant Engineer Theo. Hart.
3d Assistant Engineer James Elliott.
3d Assistant Engineer James Waters,
Assistant Engineer Orvel Culver.
2d Assistant Engineer George W. Weaver.
3d Assistant Engineer T. A. Menzis.
3d Assistant Engineer William Newman.
Engineer Henry Fagin.
Engineer J. H. Toombs.
Engineer J. H. Dent.
Gunner James Wilson.
Boatswain Samuel Jones.
Carpenter Virginius Cherry.
Paymaster’s Steward D. Porter.

Extracts from a report of Assistant F. H. Gerdes, commanding surveying steamer Sachem, to Professor A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the Coast Survey.

Names given in this report was by F. H. GERDES, Assistant United States Coast Survey.

Sub-Assistant J. G. Oltmanns.
Sub-Assistant Mr. T. O. Bowie.
Myself and Assistant Jos. Harris.
Sub-Assistant R. E. Halter.

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