The Hospital Steward had many duty’s outside of caring for the wounded, he would be a ambulance driver, a letter writer for the sick a book keeper, and while a prisoner of war or working in is own sides prisons a overseer of the hospital cook to see that the food was prepared to the hospitals standers. There were no sides while he was on the battle field, yes his men came first but will there, if there was time he would give aid and some comfort to the enemy as it was the human thing to do.
A Bill
December 9, 1872.
For the relief of William Childs.
Whereas a commission as first lieutenant was issued by the governor of Ohio, on January eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, for William E. Childs, a hospital-steward in the Fifty-Fifth Regiment Ohio Veteran Volunteers; and Whereas the said William E. Childs, by reason of being on duty with his regiment in General Sherman's campaign from Savannah, Georgia, to Goldsborough, North Carolina, from January tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, to March twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, was unable to receive his commission and be mustered as a commissioned officer until March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and failed to come under the provision of the fourth section of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-five: Therefore,
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Paymaster-General be, and he hereby is, directed to pay to the said William E. Childs, out of any money appropriated for the pay of the Army, the ‘,‘ three months’ pay proper of a first lieutenant of infantry provided by the fourth section or the act of March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, the same as if he had been mustered at the date of the passage of said act.
1862, The petition of Leon Alcau, praying compensation for services as hospital steward.
1866, Tenth Regiment of Infantry.
Hospital Steward Guy Morrison, of the United States Army, to be second lieutenant, April 7, 1866
To be second lieutenants.
Hospital Steward Charles Bendin.
1866, The petition of William Beall, praying compensation for his services as hospital steward.
1865, To be commissaries of subsistence with the rank of captain.
Hospital Steward Hollis Stedman, United States Army.
1837, Eleanor O'Donnell, widow of Bernard O'Donnell, a hospital steward in the navy, praying a pension.
1850, The petition of Lucretia Gardner, of Fort McHenry, in the State of Maryland, and widow of Francis R. Gardner, deceased, praying for a pension on account of the long and faithful services of her said husband as hospital steward.
1875, Seventeenth Regiment of Infantry.
Hospital Steward James Brennan, United States Army, to be second lieutenant.
1873, Daniel Ivens, late hospital-steward of the Thirty-sixth Iowa Volunteers, praying compensation for services rendered as an assistant surgeon during the war.
War Department, January 23, 1864.
Sir: I have the honor to propose for your approbation the name of Hospital Steward Selden A. Day, of the United States Army, to be second lieutenant in the Fifth Regiment of Artillery.
To be second lieutenant.
Hospital Steward Edward Harris.
1867, Resolved, That the Secretary of War be directed to furnish this house with copies of all letters and papers on file in his department relating to the reduction to the ranks of William Beale, a hospital steward on duty at camp William Penn, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, by General Order No. 429, and particularly a letter of Lieutenant Colonel Louis Wagner, of the 88th Pennsylvania volunteers, of or about November 14, 1864, upon that subject, and recommending his discharge.
1867, Tenth Regiment of Infantry.
Hospital Steward Walter S. Duggan, United States Army, to be second lieutenant, January 3, 1867.
1866, Twelfth Regiment of Infantry.
Hospital Steward Valentine M. C. Silva, of the United States Army, to be second lieutenant, October 2, 1865, to fill an original vacancy.
1868, Hospital Steward Patrick Kelliher, United States Army, to be second lieutenant in the Thirty-ninth Regiment United States Infantry, November 6, 1868.
1867, Hospital Steward William Gerlach, United States Army, to be second lieutenant in the Thirty-seventh Regiment United States Infantry, May 22 1867.
1867, Horace P. Sherman, late hospital steward Eighteenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, to be second lieutenant in the Thirty-fifth Regiment United States Infantry, June 8, 1867.
1863, Hospital Steward George Wright, of the United States Army, to be medical storekeeper, August 13, 1862, to fill an original vacancy.

Photo can be enlarged by pushing on it.
Savage Station, Virginia. Union field hospital after the battle of June 27. It was created in 1862 by Gibson, James F., b. 1828.
The Civil War.
Washington, April 29, 1863.
The following is the organization of regiment and companies of the Volunteer Army of the United States under existing laws:
1. Regiment of infantry, 1 hospital steward.
2. Regiment of cavalry, 2 hospital stewards.
3. Regimental of artillery, 1 hospital steward.
Washington, April 29, 1863.
The following is the organization of regiment and companies of the Volunteer Army of the United States under existing laws:
1. Regiment of infantry, 1 hospital steward.
2. Regiment of cavalry, 2 hospital stewards.
3. Regimental of artillery, 1 hospital steward.
Report of Asst. Surg. Elias J. Marsh, U. S. Army, Surgeon-in-Chief, of operations July 30-December 12.
There were no casualties in the ambulance corps. Those in the medical department were as follows: Hospital Steward Samuel M. Potter, Sixteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, died September 6, 1864.
Note. Samuel M. Potter, mustered in on October 2, 1862, Promoted from private company K, January 28, 1863; discharged by General Order, July 6, 1865, Part of his record from Co. K, mustered in September 19, 1863, Promoted to Hospital Steward, November 10, 1862.
As probably there will be no report of this division prior to the date at which I took charge, I desire to record the names of the following officers who were ordered to remain with the wounded at Trevilian Station on June 13, 1864, and were thus left in the lines of the enemy. After attending to the wounded under their charge for a few days only they were sent to the military prison. The names were: Hospital Steward Henry B. Bates, First Massachusetts Cavalry Company A.
There were no casualties in the ambulance corps. Those in the medical department were as follows: Hospital Steward Samuel M. Potter, Sixteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, died September 6, 1864.
Note. Samuel M. Potter, mustered in on October 2, 1862, Promoted from private company K, January 28, 1863; discharged by General Order, July 6, 1865, Part of his record from Co. K, mustered in September 19, 1863, Promoted to Hospital Steward, November 10, 1862.
As probably there will be no report of this division prior to the date at which I took charge, I desire to record the names of the following officers who were ordered to remain with the wounded at Trevilian Station on June 13, 1864, and were thus left in the lines of the enemy. After attending to the wounded under their charge for a few days only they were sent to the military prison. The names were: Hospital Steward Henry B. Bates, First Massachusetts Cavalry Company A.
Chattanooga, Tenn., September 26, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor here with to report the actions of the Thirteenth Regiment Michigan Infantry in the sanguinary battles of the 19th and 20th instant:
Hospital Steward V. E. Dunnen, was captured at the field hospital, near Gordon's Mills.
Note. Vincent E. Dunnen, was of the 26th., Ohio Infantry company C., Mustered in July 26, 1861, as a private then promoted to Hospital Steward, mustered out July 25, 1864.
Chattanooga, Tenn., September 26, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor here with to report the actions of the Thirteenth Regiment Michigan Infantry in the sanguinary battles of the 19th and 20th instant:
Hospital Steward V. E. Dunnen, was captured at the field hospital, near Gordon's Mills.
Note. Vincent E. Dunnen, was of the 26th., Ohio Infantry company C., Mustered in July 26, 1861, as a private then promoted to Hospital Steward, mustered out July 25, 1864.
Hospital Steward pay.
PUBLIC-Numbers 122. AN ACT to increase the pay of soldiers in the United States Army, and for other purposes.
Hospital stewards of the first class, thirty-three dollars; hospital stewards of the second class, twenty-five dollars; hospital stewards of the third class, twenty-three dollars.
John H. Fisher, hospital steward, Fourteenth New York State Militia. John H. Fisher, was a witness at a murder trial on December 8, 1862.
Hospital stewards of the first class, thirty-three dollars; hospital stewards of the second class, twenty-five dollars; hospital stewards of the third class, twenty-three dollars.
John H. Fisher, hospital steward, Fourteenth New York State Militia. John H. Fisher, was a witness at a murder trial on December 8, 1862.
Mr. Thomas Whitten, acted as a Hospital steward.
The Sixty-seventh Regiment New York State National Guard left Buffalo for Harrisburg, Pa., June 25, 1863, at 3p. m., Charles F. Goodman, hospital steward was one of the 300, men.
Whereas, at the battle of Pea Ridge, in Benton County, Arkansas, on the 7th and 8th of March last, between the forces of the Confederate States and the United States, Captain Richard Fields, Surg. James P. Evans, Hospital Steward Walter N. Evans, and Private James Pidey, members of the regiment of Cherokee Mounted Rifles, commanded by Colonel John Drew, and William Reese, a member of the regiment of Cherokee Mounted Rifles, commanded by Colonel Stand Watie, were taken prisoners by the United States, and are still held as such.
Note. Walter N. Evans, was of company H.
The Sixty-seventh Regiment New York State National Guard left Buffalo for Harrisburg, Pa., June 25, 1863, at 3p. m., Charles F. Goodman, hospital steward was one of the 300, men.
Whereas, at the battle of Pea Ridge, in Benton County, Arkansas, on the 7th and 8th of March last, between the forces of the Confederate States and the United States, Captain Richard Fields, Surg. James P. Evans, Hospital Steward Walter N. Evans, and Private James Pidey, members of the regiment of Cherokee Mounted Rifles, commanded by Colonel John Drew, and William Reese, a member of the regiment of Cherokee Mounted Rifles, commanded by Colonel Stand Watie, were taken prisoners by the United States, and are still held as such.
Note. Walter N. Evans, was of company H.
Numbers 57. Report of Colonel Robert Farquharson, Forty-first Tennessee Infantry.
In obedience to an order from General Pillow, the regiment arrived at Fort Donelson about 10 a. m. Thursday, February 13, 1862.
John K. Farris, hospital steward and acting assistant surgeon.
Fort Vancouver, Wash. Ter., April 1, 1865.
Captain Ephraim Palmer's company (B), First Oregon Infantry, at Fort Hoskins, will repair without delay to Fort Dalles. Hospital Steward Edward Colmache will repair to Fort Dalles and report to the commanding officer for temporary duty. The quartermaster's department will furnish the necessary transportation.
Camp Drum, New San Pedro, Cal., May 3, 1863.
In view of the facts attendant upon the recent calmitous accident which resulted in the loss of many lives and serious injury of many estimable citizens by the explosion of the steamer Ada Hancock, in the bay of New San Pedro, Cal., on Monday afternoon, April 27, 1863, the major commanding desires to noticing eneral orders those whose conduct under his especial observation are deserving of commendation.
Hospital Steward S. K. Fleming and the nurses under his charge, by their faithful attendance and care bestowed to those injured, are deserving of special notice.
Report of Lieutenant James A. Waymire, First Oregon Cavalry.
CAMP LINCOLN, South Fort John Day's River, Oreg., April 17, 1864
Our expedition has occupied twenty-four days. During the first thirteen days we had a snow-storm every twenty-four hours. The road in many was almost impassable. The grass has just begun to grow, and will not be good in the those mountains before the middle of May. I think we fought no less thatn 150 Indians on the 7th instant; possibly twice that number. They have a great deal of stock in that country, and may be several hundred strong. A few good howitzers would be very useful with a command in that region. I cannot refrain for mentioning to the general the noble conduct of the men whom I have had the honor to command in action. They were constantly self-possessed, and as prompt in the execution of commands as on ordinary drill. Without a murmur they have endured all the hardships and privations of the expedition. Hospital Steward Henry Catley accompanied me with medical stores, and has been efficient in rendering very valuable
service in his department.
Note. Henry Catley was of company D., of the First Oregon Cavalry.
Report of Colonel De Witt C. Thomas, Ninety-third Indiana Infantry, of operations March 19-April 9.
In the Field, Ala., April 12, 1865.
My thanks to Hospital Steward Lee M. Sackett, for his untiring energy and prompt attention to the sick and being ever present.
On the 24th instant the rebel ram Webb passed New Orleans under rebel colors and was pursued by the U. S. gun-boat Hollyhock. About twenty-five miles below the city, having come in sight of the U. S. gun-boat Richmond, the Webb was set on fire by her officers and then ran ashore on the left bank of the Mississippi. The officers and crew then abandoned her, endeavoring to make their escape fifteen of whom afterward surrendered to the U. S. authorities as prisoners of war
J. C. Hines, the hospital steward, states that in one of the Confederate hospitals at Shreveport, where he was stationed, there were 200 patients, and that sickness prevailed to a considerable extent in the Confederate army.
Camp Averell, Va., March 12, 1865.
I returned by the Back road, picked up ten prisoners and three deserters, viz: William B. Crawford, Company B, Second Foreign Battalion; William D. Stout, clerk in hospital at Staunton, and J. H. Slasher, hospital steward, general hospital, Harrisonburg.
Report of Colonel Thomas F. McCoy, One hundred and seventh Pennsylvania Infantry.
I would also mention for their faithfulness and good conduct Asst. Surg. R. S. Dana and Hospital Steward James A. Watson.
Report of Major Eagleton Carmichael, Fifteenth Illinois Cavalry.
Joseph Impey, hospital steward, requests that he may keep one horse which was captured, that is now in his possession, in lieu of one stolen last winter.
Note. Joseph Impey, was of the 15th, Illinois Cavalry, Company D., Was discharged December 29, 1864, at Helena Arkansas, term had expired.
Report of Surg. Henry S. Hewit, U. S. Army, Medical Director.
I beg leave to make honorable mention of Hospital Steward M. C. Wilcox in the office of the medical director, for faithful and intelligent discharge of duty and deep personal interest in the good of the service, and the correct transaction of the business of the office.
Note. Milton C. Wilcox was of the 104, Ohio Infantry, Company E. & H.
Baltimore, Md., August 19, 1864.
Hospital Steward C. E. Tehon, U. S. Army.
Hilton Head, S. C., September 11, 1864.
Major General SAMUEL JONES,
Commanding Confederate Forces in S. C., Ga., and Fla.:
GENERAL: I would respectfully call your attention to the following-named medical officers and non-combatants who are confined within your department, and request that they be released in accordance with the cartel and by the precedents established between ourselves: John A. Mendenhall, hospital steward, Second Indiana Cavalry, Company I.
In obedience to an order from General Pillow, the regiment arrived at Fort Donelson about 10 a. m. Thursday, February 13, 1862.
John K. Farris, hospital steward and acting assistant surgeon.
Fort Vancouver, Wash. Ter., April 1, 1865.
Captain Ephraim Palmer's company (B), First Oregon Infantry, at Fort Hoskins, will repair without delay to Fort Dalles. Hospital Steward Edward Colmache will repair to Fort Dalles and report to the commanding officer for temporary duty. The quartermaster's department will furnish the necessary transportation.
Camp Drum, New San Pedro, Cal., May 3, 1863.
In view of the facts attendant upon the recent calmitous accident which resulted in the loss of many lives and serious injury of many estimable citizens by the explosion of the steamer Ada Hancock, in the bay of New San Pedro, Cal., on Monday afternoon, April 27, 1863, the major commanding desires to noticing eneral orders those whose conduct under his especial observation are deserving of commendation.
Hospital Steward S. K. Fleming and the nurses under his charge, by their faithful attendance and care bestowed to those injured, are deserving of special notice.
Report of Lieutenant James A. Waymire, First Oregon Cavalry.
CAMP LINCOLN, South Fort John Day's River, Oreg., April 17, 1864
Our expedition has occupied twenty-four days. During the first thirteen days we had a snow-storm every twenty-four hours. The road in many was almost impassable. The grass has just begun to grow, and will not be good in the those mountains before the middle of May. I think we fought no less thatn 150 Indians on the 7th instant; possibly twice that number. They have a great deal of stock in that country, and may be several hundred strong. A few good howitzers would be very useful with a command in that region. I cannot refrain for mentioning to the general the noble conduct of the men whom I have had the honor to command in action. They were constantly self-possessed, and as prompt in the execution of commands as on ordinary drill. Without a murmur they have endured all the hardships and privations of the expedition. Hospital Steward Henry Catley accompanied me with medical stores, and has been efficient in rendering very valuable
service in his department.
Note. Henry Catley was of company D., of the First Oregon Cavalry.
Report of Colonel De Witt C. Thomas, Ninety-third Indiana Infantry, of operations March 19-April 9.
In the Field, Ala., April 12, 1865.
My thanks to Hospital Steward Lee M. Sackett, for his untiring energy and prompt attention to the sick and being ever present.
On the 24th instant the rebel ram Webb passed New Orleans under rebel colors and was pursued by the U. S. gun-boat Hollyhock. About twenty-five miles below the city, having come in sight of the U. S. gun-boat Richmond, the Webb was set on fire by her officers and then ran ashore on the left bank of the Mississippi. The officers and crew then abandoned her, endeavoring to make their escape fifteen of whom afterward surrendered to the U. S. authorities as prisoners of war
J. C. Hines, the hospital steward, states that in one of the Confederate hospitals at Shreveport, where he was stationed, there were 200 patients, and that sickness prevailed to a considerable extent in the Confederate army.
Camp Averell, Va., March 12, 1865.
I returned by the Back road, picked up ten prisoners and three deserters, viz: William B. Crawford, Company B, Second Foreign Battalion; William D. Stout, clerk in hospital at Staunton, and J. H. Slasher, hospital steward, general hospital, Harrisonburg.
Report of Colonel Thomas F. McCoy, One hundred and seventh Pennsylvania Infantry.
I would also mention for their faithfulness and good conduct Asst. Surg. R. S. Dana and Hospital Steward James A. Watson.
Report of Major Eagleton Carmichael, Fifteenth Illinois Cavalry.
Joseph Impey, hospital steward, requests that he may keep one horse which was captured, that is now in his possession, in lieu of one stolen last winter.
Note. Joseph Impey, was of the 15th, Illinois Cavalry, Company D., Was discharged December 29, 1864, at Helena Arkansas, term had expired.
Report of Surg. Henry S. Hewit, U. S. Army, Medical Director.
I beg leave to make honorable mention of Hospital Steward M. C. Wilcox in the office of the medical director, for faithful and intelligent discharge of duty and deep personal interest in the good of the service, and the correct transaction of the business of the office.
Note. Milton C. Wilcox was of the 104, Ohio Infantry, Company E. & H.
Baltimore, Md., August 19, 1864.
Hospital Steward C. E. Tehon, U. S. Army.
Hilton Head, S. C., September 11, 1864.
Major General SAMUEL JONES,
Commanding Confederate Forces in S. C., Ga., and Fla.:
GENERAL: I would respectfully call your attention to the following-named medical officers and non-combatants who are confined within your department, and request that they be released in accordance with the cartel and by the precedents established between ourselves: John A. Mendenhall, hospital steward, Second Indiana Cavalry, Company I.
Numbers 36. Report of Colonel William H. Gibson, Forty-ninth Ohio Infantry.
Manchester, Tenn., June 30, 1863.
In the conflict of each day ever officer and man performed his duty. There was no hesitation; no mistakes; no lack of energy, and, of course, no failure, but an enthusiasm execution of every order. For valuable aid on the field, Hospital Steward John M. Corey was present with a well-organized corps of attendants, and our wounded received prompt attention.
Note. John M. Corey, was of the 49th, Ohio Infantry Company B.
Manchester, Tenn., June 30, 1863.
In the conflict of each day ever officer and man performed his duty. There was no hesitation; no mistakes; no lack of energy, and, of course, no failure, but an enthusiasm execution of every order. For valuable aid on the field, Hospital Steward John M. Corey was present with a well-organized corps of attendants, and our wounded received prompt attention.
Note. John M. Corey, was of the 49th, Ohio Infantry Company B.
List of the field and staff officers and members of the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry (or more familiarly known as the "Anderson Cavalry"), who went to the front and were engaged in the battle of Murfreesborough.
Hospital Stewards James L. Anderson, mustered in August 22, 1862, Promoted from Private, Company I; discharged on Surgon's Certificate, January 25, 1863.
Charles P. Sellers, mustered in August 22, 1862, Promoted from Private, Company H, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, June 21, 1865.
Medical Director's Office, October 30, 1862.
JONA. LETTERMAN, Medical Director.
I cannot act justly without mentioning the faithful services of Hospital Steward Robert Koldeway, U. S. Army, who has been constantly with me. His attention to duty has been invariably most marked. Shrinking from no labor by day or by night, in everything he has acquitted himself to my entire satisfaction, and it gives me no little pleasure to bring to the notice of the general commanding a non-commissioned officer who has acted so well.
Note. Robert Koldeway was of the 6th, regiment United States Infantry, Company K.
Colonel KINNEY, Fifty-sixth Ohio.
I answered this note in effect that our orders were to "return to Memphis as soon as the bridge was completed or as soon as General Sherman's division came up," and that I was now acting in obedience to that order and preparing to return. An orderly soon cam down with the information that the Fifty-second Indiana were coming to guard the bridge. After reaching the neighborhood of Colliersville and on down until this side of Germantown the enemy were hovering all around us, but our dispositions for defense probably deterred them from making an attack. Lewis H. Hamilton, acting hospital steward, and George Lowry, drummer, Company K, straggling to the front against positive orders, were captured by the enemy. I append a list of the prisoners taken from the train and belonging to this command.
I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Fifty-sixth Ohio Regiment.
Note. Lewis H. Hamilton was of the 56th, Ohio Infantry Company D.
No. 36. Report of Colonel James H. Lane,
Twenty-eighth North Carolina Infantry, of engagement May 27.
HDQRS. TWENTY-EIGHTH Regiment NORTH CAROLINA VOLS., Near Richmond, June 1, 1862.
Both Surg. Robert Gibon and Asst. Surg. R. G. Barham allowed themselves to be taken prisoners rather than leave the wounded. Surgeon Gibbon subsequently succeeded in making his escape, the wounded having been cared for and sent, in accordance with order of a Federal officer, to a Federal hospital. We were at one time deceived by the flag of the Twenty-second Massachusetts Regiment, which in nearly white, when our firing ceased, and John A. Abernathy, our regimental hospital steward, volunteered to meet it, and was fired upon by the enemy. Though Companies D and E took most of the prisoners, yet the new Springfield rifles, repeaters, and swords, now in the possession of the regiment, show that all behaved well.
Note. John A. Abernathy, was of the North Carolina 28th, Infantry, Company H., mustered out as a 2nd, Lieutenant.
Numbers 97. Report of Colonel William H. Gibson, Forty-ninth Ohio Infantry, commanding Sixth Brigade.
HEADQUARTERS SIXTH BRIGADE, Field of Shiloh, April 10, 1862.
I beg leave to make special mention of Mr. Rodig, hospital steward of the Fifteenth Ohio, whose industry and attention to the wounded excited general admiration.
Note. Charles J. Rodig, enlisted in the 15th, Ohio Infantry as a private in Co. A, was promoted to Field and Staff as a Hospital steward with rand of 2nd, Lieutenant, mustered out as a Hospital steward with rand of 1st., Lieutenant.
Numbers 4. Report and statement of Asst. Surg. J. Cooper McKee, U. S. Army.
ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX., August 16, 1861.
SIR: I hereby inclose, through you, tot he honorable Secretary of War, my parole of honor, given at Las Cruces, N. Mex., to the commanding officer of the Texas troops, after the base surrender of our forces by Major Lynde, of the Seventh U. S. Infantry (on the 27th July, 1861).
I also report that my hospital steward, Charles E. Filtzwilliams, chose to remain with the Texans as a prisoner of war. All paroled troops, officers and men, are ordered to Fort Union, preparatory to leaving for Fort Leavenworth, Kans.
Hospital Stewards James L. Anderson, mustered in August 22, 1862, Promoted from Private, Company I; discharged on Surgon's Certificate, January 25, 1863.
Charles P. Sellers, mustered in August 22, 1862, Promoted from Private, Company H, November 1, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, June 21, 1865.
Medical Director's Office, October 30, 1862.
JONA. LETTERMAN, Medical Director.
I cannot act justly without mentioning the faithful services of Hospital Steward Robert Koldeway, U. S. Army, who has been constantly with me. His attention to duty has been invariably most marked. Shrinking from no labor by day or by night, in everything he has acquitted himself to my entire satisfaction, and it gives me no little pleasure to bring to the notice of the general commanding a non-commissioned officer who has acted so well.
Note. Robert Koldeway was of the 6th, regiment United States Infantry, Company K.
Colonel KINNEY, Fifty-sixth Ohio.
I answered this note in effect that our orders were to "return to Memphis as soon as the bridge was completed or as soon as General Sherman's division came up," and that I was now acting in obedience to that order and preparing to return. An orderly soon cam down with the information that the Fifty-second Indiana were coming to guard the bridge. After reaching the neighborhood of Colliersville and on down until this side of Germantown the enemy were hovering all around us, but our dispositions for defense probably deterred them from making an attack. Lewis H. Hamilton, acting hospital steward, and George Lowry, drummer, Company K, straggling to the front against positive orders, were captured by the enemy. I append a list of the prisoners taken from the train and belonging to this command.
I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Fifty-sixth Ohio Regiment.
Note. Lewis H. Hamilton was of the 56th, Ohio Infantry Company D.
No. 36. Report of Colonel James H. Lane,
Twenty-eighth North Carolina Infantry, of engagement May 27.
HDQRS. TWENTY-EIGHTH Regiment NORTH CAROLINA VOLS., Near Richmond, June 1, 1862.
Both Surg. Robert Gibon and Asst. Surg. R. G. Barham allowed themselves to be taken prisoners rather than leave the wounded. Surgeon Gibbon subsequently succeeded in making his escape, the wounded having been cared for and sent, in accordance with order of a Federal officer, to a Federal hospital. We were at one time deceived by the flag of the Twenty-second Massachusetts Regiment, which in nearly white, when our firing ceased, and John A. Abernathy, our regimental hospital steward, volunteered to meet it, and was fired upon by the enemy. Though Companies D and E took most of the prisoners, yet the new Springfield rifles, repeaters, and swords, now in the possession of the regiment, show that all behaved well.
Note. John A. Abernathy, was of the North Carolina 28th, Infantry, Company H., mustered out as a 2nd, Lieutenant.
Numbers 97. Report of Colonel William H. Gibson, Forty-ninth Ohio Infantry, commanding Sixth Brigade.
HEADQUARTERS SIXTH BRIGADE, Field of Shiloh, April 10, 1862.
I beg leave to make special mention of Mr. Rodig, hospital steward of the Fifteenth Ohio, whose industry and attention to the wounded excited general admiration.
Note. Charles J. Rodig, enlisted in the 15th, Ohio Infantry as a private in Co. A, was promoted to Field and Staff as a Hospital steward with rand of 2nd, Lieutenant, mustered out as a Hospital steward with rand of 1st., Lieutenant.
Numbers 4. Report and statement of Asst. Surg. J. Cooper McKee, U. S. Army.
ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX., August 16, 1861.
SIR: I hereby inclose, through you, tot he honorable Secretary of War, my parole of honor, given at Las Cruces, N. Mex., to the commanding officer of the Texas troops, after the base surrender of our forces by Major Lynde, of the Seventh U. S. Infantry (on the 27th July, 1861).
I also report that my hospital steward, Charles E. Filtzwilliams, chose to remain with the Texans as a prisoner of war. All paroled troops, officers and men, are ordered to Fort Union, preparatory to leaving for Fort Leavenworth, Kans.
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