Revolutionary War & War of 1812.
Note. I know some of you had Bailey’s ancestors in the Revolutionary War & War of 1812. And you would like to have some information on them. I get this kind of information from the pension rolls of the United State and as it's so vast I could not list every State here, so this will be a look up. If you would like to look for a ancestor write to me, with his name and the State & County he died in and what State he serviced for, if you know them. Below is a example of the kind of information you may receive.
Benjamin Bailey, of the State of New York, in the county of Columbia, was a private in the 23rd, regiment of the United States infantry. He received $96, dollars a year, and up to the time of this recording had received $1,305.40, dollars. He was placed on the roll August 26, 1817, commencement of his pension was on April 18, 1813, he died on November 25, 1826.
Note. The following information comes from the many departments of the Library of Congress.
Margaret Bailey, George B. Bailey.
JUNE 23, 1862.
To secure one month’s pay and pension to Margaret Bailey, widow of George B. Bailey, lieutenant colonel in the ninth regiment of Virginia volunteers.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there be paid to Margaret Bailey, widow of George B. Bailey, late acting lieutenant colonel in the ninth regiment of Virginia volunteers, one month’s pay of a lieutenant colonel, for services rendered by her husband as lieutenant colonel and surgeon, prior to November tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, when he was killed in battle at Guyandotte, Virginia.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Commissioner of Pensions be, and he is hereby, directed to place the 3 name of said Margaret Bailey on the pension roll, and that she be allowed and paid the same pension that she would have been entitled to had the said George B. Bailey been regularly mustered into the United States service as a lieutenant colonel of infantry at the time of his death.
Sluman S. Bailey.
JANUARY 29, 1872.
For the relief of Sluman S. Bailey, collector of internal revenue
for the fourth district of Michigan.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized, in adjusting the accounts of Sluman S. Bailey, collector of internal revenue for the fourth district of Michigan, to credit him with the sum of one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two dollars and twenty-three cents, that being the amount of money not recovered which was stolen from the safe of the county treasurer of Grand Traverse County, Michigan, on the night of September twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and which said money was deposited for safe-keeping therein by William H. Fife, deputy collector of 13 internal revenue, and for which amount said Collector Sluman S. Bailey is responsible to the Treasury of the United States: Provided, That it shall then still appear that the theft of said money was without the collusion, privity, or fault of the said collector.
Annie Marie Bailey, George H. E. Bailey.
APRIL 25, 1872.
Granting a pension to Annie Marie Bailey.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension-roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of Annie Marie Bailey, mother of George H. E. Bailey, late a private in Company F, Fifth Regiment Maryland Volunteers, from the passage of this act. Passed the House of Representatives April 24, 1872.
B. C. Bailey.
MARCH 20, 1872.
For the relief of B. C. Bailey.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to B. C. Bailey, of Bath, Maine, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of four thousand eight hundred and sixty-
eight and twenty-four one-hundredths dollars, in full for damages resulting directly from the seizure and detention of the ship Argo in eighteen hundred and sixty-one.
Passed the House of Representatives March 19, 1872.
Samuel Armstrong Bailey, Rebecca Frances Bailey.
APRIL 26, 1834.
For the relief of Samuel Armstrong Bailey.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled, That Samuel Armstrong Bailey, of the State of Georgia, (in right
of his wife, Rebecca Frances Bailey,) be allowed to locate a military warrant for two hundred acres, issued to said Rebecca Frances Hailey, as heir at law of Edward Lloyd, de ceased, on any unlocated and unsold lands in either of the land districts in Alabama or Mississippi: Provided, That said location shall comprise one entire quarter section and
a sufficient quantity of the next adjoining quarter section to make up the said quantity of two hundred acres.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That said location shall be made within three months from the passing of this act; and that upon giving due notice thereof to the register
of the land office in the district in which the said land so located is situated, the said Samuel Armstrong Bailey may present said warrant to the Commissioner of the General Land.
Note. Here are other Bailey’s that had Bills or Acts in congress, If you see a name and would like their information, let me know my address can be found in my profile.
Jonathan N. Bailey, 1822.
James Bailey, 1840.
Christopher T. Bailey, 1836.
Anselm Bailey, 1842.
Joseph Bailey, 1840.
David Bailey, 1857.
In 1797, Richard Bailey was a interpreter for the Chiefs of the Creek lands.
Arkansas 1837.
FORT GIBSON, October 11, 1SWI.
GENTLEMEN: I will sell Mazzard bluff for $10,000, or I will abide the decision of two men, one appointed by the Secretary of War, and one by myself; and should they not agree, they two to appoint a third man. Mazzard Muff is situated on the Arkansas river, contains not less than 262 acres, or more than 27O. The title is indisputable. It is owned by Doctor Be Camp and myself, but I am fully authorized by him to convey it.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant.
John G. Bailey.
ST. THOMAS, February 16, 1825.
Captain David Porter, U. S. Navy:
SIR: Agreeably to your request, we have collected and put into the hands of Lieutenant Commandant Platt, all the testimony regarding the various depredations which have been committed upon this place by the inhabitants of Foxardo and its vicinity, which the present unsettled state of this place will permit from the unfortunate fire. We will now repeat what our Mr. Cabot had the honor of verbally acquainting you, that our store was broken open and robbed of a considerable amount of valuable property, on the night of the 24th October last, all of which belonged to the citizens of the United States. Being fully convinced who the perpetrators of this act were, and the course our goods had taken, from the well known character of the inhabitants of Foxardo, and the facilities believed to be rendered by government of that place, we requested Lieutenant Commandant Platt to aid us in the recovery, which he very generously consented to. The circumstances of his reception and treatment at that place you will receive from Lieutenant Platt. We would now add, that about ten days since we received information which may be relied upon, that John Compis, of that place, a man whose wealth gives him consequence, and even the then alcalde of the place, from interested motives, or otherwise, forbore to put in
Force any claim he, against him, was the actual receiver of our goods, and that he at the time Lieutenant Platt was there, had them in possession. It will be recollected that this said Compis is the man to whom our clerk was introduced by Messrs. Bergeest and Uhihorn, of this place, and who has been the agent of most, if not all the houses in this place, who have been robbed, to obtain justice for them, and he has written us for a power of attorney to act in our place. Three or four days since we received a message from a man in power in that place, whose name is suppressed, but who, we believe, is the present alcalde of Foxardo, (the alcalde in office at the time of your visit is removed,) offering to obtain the value of the goods stolen if we would relinquish to him one-half of the amount recovered. This we have consented to, and have no doubt but it will be accomplished.
We request you not to give any greater publicity to this letter, and the documents you will receive, than is actually necessary; for the lives of the parties would be endangered.
We have the honor to he, sir, with respect, your most obedient servants.
(Signed.) CABOT, BAILEY & CO.
Personally appeared before me, John G. Bailey, of the firm of Cabot, Bailey & Co. who solemnly swore to the truth of the contents of the foregoing letter. JOHN D. SLOAT, Lieutenant Commandant United States Navy. Island of ST. Thomas, February 18, 1825.
Land and more land.
George Bailey, sold 640 acres to Abijah Hunt, on April 9, 1807, in the Mississippi Territory for occupancy.
Ancient French or British grants.
Claims for the donations as heads of families.
John Bailey, 400 acres. In the District of Vincennes.
Alexander Bailey, was issued a certificate for land in 1811, for 300 acres on the Tywappety, in the District of New Madrid, the right of settlement.
Laurent Bailey had 338.51 acres in 1811, in the county of Opelousas on the Bayou Tortue. He also had land at Teche in the county of Opelousas.
Amos Baily had 400 acres in 1811, in the District of Kaskaskia, but his proof was insufficient and was rejected.
Hugh Bailey claimed a settement in the Territory of Orleans in 1812, for 575.17 acres, in the county of Rapides at Hores-pen Creek.
Rezia Bailey in 1812 tried to claim 250 arpents in the District of Cap Girardeau but it wasn’t granted.
Abstract of settlers on land in Louisiana which lies east of the Mississippi Rive the Island of New Orleans and west of the pearl River.
George Bailey, settlement was in March of 1804.
Hugh Bailey claims 640 acres on the Black River in the Parish of Cattahoula.
Lewis Bailey claims 392, acres on the Turkey branch of the St. Mary’s River in the state of Florida, plate was made in November 1818.
Louisiana, Missouri, Arkansas and Georgia.
Hugh , Pierre and Reazin Bailey all claimed land in Louisiana or Missouri, but couldn’t not find any records.
Silas Bailey had 640 acres on the west side of the St. Francois River, the report was for 1818, but he was there from 1803 till up to this time, he also had 800 arpens some place in Arkansas.
Laurent Bailey in 1818 or 1798, claimed land on the Bayou Queue de Tortue in the county of Opelousas, in the state of La.
Hugh Bailey, also spelled Bailly in 1816, claimed land at Point Maige in the county of Rapide of La.
William Bailey, in 1824 was asking for a title for 1000, acres of land on Front Creek where the road leading from St. Augustine to the State of Georgia where it crosses in Duval county.
Volume 4.
John Bailey bought the east half, northwest quarter, 25, in township 44, range 5. East. In the district of St. Louis.
Michael Bailey had a contract with the Treasury Dept. to grow Vine and Olive on 120 acres, no State was named.
Volume 5.
Lewis Bailey, east Florida, 640 acres at Turkey Branch, St. Mary’s, has been there from 1819 to 1827.
Volume 7.
John Bailey was given 400 acres as a donation for being head of a family and another 100 acres these were Militia donations for militiaman of Vincennes in 1790, some of these land was in Knox county.
Laban Bailey was a Quartermaster in the state navy, and has Military land scrip certificates. He had 16, certificates worth 80, acres per certificates, all were issued to Thomas M. Bailey.
That the petitioner exhibits a military bounty warrant for two hundred acres of land, issued by the Secretary of War, on the 20th day of February, 1834, to Rebecca Frances Bailey, wife of the petitioner, as sole heir at law of Edward Lloyd, who was a lieutenant in the South Carolina line in the revolutionary army. The petitioner states that said Edward Lloyd died many years ago, after having placed his papers in the hands of a Senator of the United States from Georgia, for the purpose of obtaining the warrant; that the warrant was not obtained during his life; that his only child, being then an infant, knew nothing’ of the claim, nor did it ever come to her knowledge until since her intermarriage with the petitioner, to wit, within a few years. The petitioner resides within a very short distance of the public lands in Alabama, and not very distant from those in Mississippi, but from five to six hundred miles from the land districts in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois; for the purchase of the lands in which the scrip to which he would be entitled by law in exchange for said warrant is receivable. Under these circumstances, he prays to be allowed to locate his warrant in Alabama or Mississippi. Your committee, considering the request altogether reasonable, report a bill accordingly.
Revolutionary War Claims.
1. Ephraim Bailey, Private, Col. Nixon’s, Wounded by a musket ball passing through his right ankle, April 28, ‘77, Crump’s Hill. Residence, Brookfield, Mass. Pension One-half, Enlisted March 10, 1777; on the rolls in 1780. (1) Evidence complete.
2. John Bailey, private Col. Porter’s 3rd, Massachusetts, Lost the sight of his left eye and that of the other considerably weakened, occasioned by smallpox while in the service. April 1776, Quebec. Residence Greenwich, Mass., pension one-half, Militia (3) Evidence complete, as to the object stated; but as the disability of the claimant dose not proceed from known wounds his case is not comprehended by law.
3. John Bailey, Date of certificate June 11, 1794, No. 5507, private South Carolina Line, interest starting July 1, 1781, amount of certificate $228.49.
4. Reuben Bailey, Date of certificate June 7, 1794, No. 5507, private South Carolina Line, interest starting July 1, 1781, amount of certificate $228.49.
5. Joseph Bailey, Date of certificate April 25, 1792, No. 2298, Master mate, ship Saratoga, interest starting March 5, 1780, amount of certificate $36.50.
6. Joseph Bailey, Date of certificate Jan. 27, 1794, No. 4878, Private of the 6th and 1st, South Carolina regiment, interest starting August 1, 1781, amount of certificate $157.36.
7. Nathaniel Bailey, Date of certificate April 10, 1794, No. 5241, Seaman Queen of France, interest starting July 15, 1780, amount of certificate $56.86.
8. William Bailey, Date of certificate July 18, 1792, No. 2704, Major in Colonel Swoop’s regiment, interest starting June 1, 1778, amount of certificate $564.88.
Civil War.
Note. This information comes from the official recorders of the Union and Confederate Armies which is housed at the State University of Ohio.
Springfield, Mo., July 15, 1864.
I. Captain John C. Bailey, commanding detachment Second Arkansas Cavalry Volunteers, near Forsyth, Mo., will immediately detail sixty mounted men from his command, properly officered, and supplied with three days' rations, to make a scout in conjunction with Captain Ball, Company L, Sixth Provisional Enrolled Missouri Militia, down White River, to such vicinity as may be suggested by Captain Ball, for the purpose of dispersing or capturing guerrilla bands and robbers.
2. Captain J. C. Bailey, commanding detachment Second Arkansas Cavalry Volunteers, near Forsyth, Mo., will move his command, with camp and garrison equipage, and encamp south, and within six miles of Ozark, Mo., at such point as he shall deem most convenient for grazing and watering the animals of his command. Captain Bailey, and all officers who may succeed him in command of the detachment, will protect the road south of Forsyth, Mo., and keep informed of the enemy's movements and designs, by having scouting parties south, east, and west from the headquarters of the detachment.
Note. There were places with the name of Bailey: Bailey’s Creek, Bailey’s Road, Bailey’s Run and Bailey’s Mill and Bailey's Cross-Roads.
Lieutenant Colonel Chesley D. Bailey, of the Ninth Kentucky Volunteers, who was leading the charge most gallantly, was severely wounded.
Note. This took place at or near Lovejoy’s station in Georgia.
No. 398
Report of Major Alonzo W. Adams, First New York Cavalry, Third Brigade, of operations June 12-15 .
Bloody Run, PA., June 26, 1863.
Major: In obedience to special orders from headquarters, of this date, I have the honor to report in detail the operations and action of my command during the late defense and evacuation of Winchester, Va.
I dispatched Company K, Captain Ezra H. Bailey, to reconnoiter the by-roads leading from Millwood to Winchester, and intersecting the main road from Berryville to Winchester, near the Opequon Creek, with a view to ascertaining the strength, position, and purpose of the enemy. In Executing this order Captain Ezra H. Bailey reached, by rapid marches through woods and fields, the turnpike in rear of the enemy and about 2 miles from Millwood. At this point he captured a private of the Sixteenth Virginia Cavalry, from whom he learned that our forces had retreated from Berryville . He returned by an indirect route, crossing the Winchester pike about 3 miles from Berryville, and rejoined the brigade on the Charlestown and Winchester road about 4 p. m., closely pursued by the enemy's cavalry, which made at this point a vigorous attack upon my rear, but they were as vigorously met and repulsed.
1. Peninsular Campaign, Captain Edward L. Bailey was wounded.
2. 1st New York Light, Battery K, Lieutenant Edward L. Bailey (11th N. Y. Batt'y attached).
3. There was also a Colonel Edward L. Bailey.
Captain William P. Bailey, under command of Captain John B. Loomis, senior captain, deserves special mention for the efficient manner in which nearly all the enemy's pockets stationed at different points to convey intelligence were captured.
Note. This was July 28, 1863, near Jackson, N. C., at 4 p. m.
Note. General William Bailey is perhaps not only the wealthiest man in this State, but one of the most wealthy and patriotic and generous gentlemen in the Confederate States.
Captain A. C. Bailey, of the Fayette county Militia, give statements on behalf of some prisoners.
Josiah E. Bailey was arrested by order of General Porter and committed to the Old Capitol Prison February 1, 1862. He was charged with being a spy in the employ of the rebels. Said Bailey remained in custody at the Old Capitol February 15, 1862, when in conformity with the order of the War Department of the preceding day he was transferred to the charge of that Department.
FORT DELAWARE, December 23, 1864.
Brigadier-General WESSELLS,
Commissary-General of Prisoners:
Below find list of officers placed in close confinement.
Lieutenant R. H. C. Bailey, Foster's cavalry.
Note. First Lieutenant R. H. C. Bailey, Foster's cavalry, Company A, captured at Lauderdale, Ala., December 1, 1863.
Fort Monroe, Va., March 1, 1864.
Honorable ROBERT OULD, Commissioner for Exchange:
SIR: S. P. Bailey, now paroled for exchange, in Richmond, may remain, although the time of his parole has expired, and you may furnish such equivalents for him as you may deem proper.

Photo: T. Bailey.
Between 1860 & 1870.

Photo: Colonel S. M. Bailey.
8th, Pennsylvania Infantry.
A. Bailey. - Says his name is A. Lincoln Bailey. Says he was elected President of the United States and went to Washington to discharge the duties of that office. Does not tell me how he got to Virginia. Says he was born in Pennsylvania; has lived in New York and New Hampshire. He says he was in Richmond some years since in the store of J. Winston Jones, who he says is now dead. Says he was once a watchman and timekeeper in Joseph R. Anderson's works. He says he was arrested near Charlottesville attempting to make his way to Washington through the Valley. I examined this man carefully and can discover no symptoms of derengement. I think he is feigning derengement to coneceal his true character. His own statement makes him an alien enemy and I think he is a very suspicions one. I recommend he be held as an alien enemy under suspicion of being a spy.
GENERAL ORDERS, HDQRS. SECOND DIV., FIRST CAV. CORPS, No. 5. Spring Hill, Tenn., march 2, 1863.
The brigadier-general commanding tenders his thanks to Private James C. Bailey, of Captain Taylor's company, for the fearless and energetic manner in which he have crossed eight swollen streams, swam rivers and creeks, overcome obstacles, and surmounted almost unheard-of difficulties to deliver important dispatches. Such conduct is to be highly commended at all times.
Civil War Note.
There were at lest if not more then 7083, Bailey’s in the Civil War, I could not put all their names here, but if you would like for me to look up a ancestor give his full name and state and regiment if you can and I will take a look, you can find my address in my profile, and as always my search's are ( Free. ).