Saturday, November 24, 2012
Colonel Robert Henry Lee.
Col. R. H. Lee, whose picture in his Confederate uniform looks so much like "old times." is a grandson of Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, who, on June 7. 1776. moved in the Continental Congress that "These united colonies are and of right ought to be free." He is a nephew of "Light Horse" Harry Lee, who in Congress prepared the resolutions on the death of Washington, which contained the memorable sentiment. " First iii war. first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen and he was a first cousin tn General Robert E. Lee. He has a daughter in Nashville, wife of Rev. .1. R. Winchester. Colonel was selected to read the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia in 1876, where it will he remembered Hon, Wm. M. Evarts was orator of the day ami Henry V. Longfellow read the poem. In politics Colonel was always "an old line Whig," and opposed disunion, when hut Virginia seceded he promptly joined the Southern army, and was made lieutenant in the Second Virginia Infantry, which was a part of the glorious old Stonewall brigade. He was seriously wounded and captured at Kernstown in March, 1862, and was for months at Johnson's Island. In that engagement his color-bearer was shot down, when he caught up the flag and carried it through the thickest of the light. When he fell wounded Colonel Allen, commanding the regiment, bore it successfully through the charge.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
James Humphrey, First Kentucky Cavalry.
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The following was taken from the regimental history.
Page 364. We lay still until about 1 o'clock, when the enemy advanced upon us, shelling us very rapidly. We fell back and commenced forming at another place, still within range of their cannon. We had Companies A and B, and a few others formed. The shells were flying all about us. I was near Company A, and a shell burst in the midst of it. I heard a groan, and when the smoke and dust cleared away, I saw that Lieut. Humphrey had his leg shot off. Capt. Wolford and some others dismounted to help him, when here came another shell in the same place. After it burst we looked, and oh, what a sight! Capt. Wolford was lying on the ground, his head nearly torn off by a piece of shell He was killed so quick that he hardly knew what hurt him. Just then the Rebels charged and we gave way.
Page 372. The leg of Lieut. James Humphrey was nearly shot off by the enemy's Artillery, and some of his comrades dismounted and hastily bandaged it in order to stop the flow of blood, but were compelled to leave him. He then fell into the hands of t the enemy, and was taken to a citizen's house near by where the wounded limb was amputated. Fourteen days afterward, it being found necessary to again amputate the leg above the knee, he died under the operation. Lieut. Humphrey was a gallant and popular young officer, and was universally lamented by his comrades in arms, and the community in which he resided.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Edward A. Flint.
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Grad. Harvard, 1851. Returned from South America to serve in war.
2d Lieut. 1st Mass. Cav. M. Nov. 14, 1862, age 30 [Boston]. 1st Lieut. Mar. 21, 1863. Capt. Feb. 16, 1864. Maj. July 2, 1864 (not M.). On detached ser. with Cos. C and D, at Gen. Meade's hdqrs, 1864-65. Bvt. Col. U. S. V. April 9, 1865, " for gallant and meritorious service during the war." Exp. June 26, 1865.
Notes from Massachusetts First Cavalry, regimental history.
Page 90. 2d Lieutenant Edward A. Flint joined the regiment with his commission from Massachusetts, November 18.
Page 170-1. The first shot a solid one struck in the bed of a small stream, throwing up a spray of water, and bounding along struck the hilt of Lieutenant Flint's sabre, took the bit out the bugler's horse mouth in the next squadron, and took off the leg of Quartermaster-Sergeant Read of company A., September, 1863.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
George Stone Kimball, Maine.
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First Maine Cavalry.
Company C.KIMBALL, GEORGE S. Age 27; res. Gardiner; mus. Oct. 20, '61, Augusta, as 2d lieut. ; pro. capt. '63; killed in action at Middleburg, Va., June 19, '63.
Capt. George Stoxe Kimball, who descended from excellent stock, was boi-n at Gardiner, Me., Jan. 2, 1833. His father was Capt. Nathaniel Kimball, a native of Kennebec County, one of Maine's most skilful and successful sea captains, and the pioneer of steamboat navigation between Boston and the Kennebec River. His mother was a daughter of Col. John Stone, of Gardiner, who in his day was well known in the Kennebec valley, and highly esteemed for his many sterling virtues. Capt. Kimball graduated from Bowdoin College in 1853, and studied law in the office of Hon. Henry Ingalls, Wiscasset. After his legal course he went to Stillwater, Minn., and opened an office, where he practised law for a while; but not liking that then new country, he returned to his native city shortly before the opening of the war of the rebellion. Upon the call for troops, he was one of the first to resjiond, enlisting in the First Maine Cavalry, Sept. 20, 1861, and was soon after appointed second lieutenant; was promoted captain, April 13, 1863, and was killed in action at the head of his command, leading a charge at Middleburg, Va., June 19, 1863.
Before leaving Augusta, Me., the members of his company presented him with a sword and belt, which fell into the hands of the enemy, who held the ground sufficiently long to rifle the dead ; but when they were finally driven from the field, his body was recovered, embalmed, brought to Gardiner, and interred with apjiropriate and imposing public ceremonies.
He will be remembered by those who knew him for his many excellent qualities, as always courteous, kind, generous to a fault, full of jollity and life, and in earlier life always the foremost and most expert in all manly sports and games.
He was one of, if not the most, popular of the students in his college class, and the same traits of character were shown in his army life, making his companionship a source of pleasure. He was a gentleman honored and beloved by officers and soldiers, the thought of himself finding little place in his sympathetic and impulsive nature. He was married early in life, and left one child, a daughter, about eight years of age.
Notes from the regimental history.
George S. Kimball, made a charge up the pike, in which they were driven back and Lieut. Kimball was killed ; but the rest of the regiment came up and drove the enemy back. Col. Smith's horse was shot during the day.
Lieut. Kimball was killed beyond the enemy's first line, and in tlie few minutes intervening between the first and second charge, his body had been partially stripped and robbed.
The main body of the regiment attacked, and after a most spirited contest, the enemy in superior force retired. In connection with this fight, it is my purpose to speak more particularly of the charge made by Lieut. Kimball with Co. C. He dashed up the pike, ran the gauntlet of stone walls lined with dismounted men, penetrated a large body of mounted men posted just beyond the woods, and was killed when he had nearly gained their rear. Many of us knew him well. He was amiable, genial, unguarded, and he fell like a warrior. When I consider the superior forces encountered, the peculiar dangers of the situation, and the resistance actually overcome, I think that charge is not surpassed in gallantry by any other within my knowdedge. True, they were not " six hundred " ; there were hardly sixty, and Tennyson has not immortalized them; but when I recall the charge as I saw it, Kimball followed by his company of sorrels, compact and steady, and all moving like an arrow's Hight, swiftly and unerringly "into the jaws of death," I fail to see in what respect of heroism it is inferior even to the immortal " Charge of the Light Brigade."
Monday, November 19, 2012
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Captain J. W. Hervey was born in New Bedford, Mass., February 2, 1838. He was educated in the schools of his native city. Passing through the grammar and high school, he fitted for college at the Friends Acad emy, and in 1856 entered Yale, where he remained until 1860. Before he went to the war, he was employed in the Mechanics Bank, and was a member of the Home Guard during the first year of the war. Enlisting as a private in Company A of the Forty-first Massachusetts Infantry Volunteers, August 23, 1862, he was mustered as First Lieutenant, August 31, 1862 ; commissioned Captain, February 8, 1863, and was honor ably discharged March 5, 1864, on surgeon s certificate of disability. Captain 1 ; Hervey was seriously injured while on picket in Louisiana.
After the war, he held a position in the Mechanics National Bank, for many years. He is now agent for the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company of Milwaukee, Wis.
THE Forty-first boys got up a concert one evening. Wishing the use of a piano, half a dozen of us, one rainy day, called at a house in the city, and asked permission of the lady of the house to use the piano. She said she had strong objections. The boys said I must be spokesman ; so I asked her what they were.
Well," she said, spitefully, " you Yankees won t allow my daughter to sing our national songs, and I am not willing that you should sing yours in my house."
Said I : " The sentiments of the songs we sing are such as you are in duty bound to respect."
In reply, she said: "Our songs are as dear to us as yours are to you."
I said You have no right to have any national songs."
" My heart," says she is with the Confederacy. I love it. I am all bound up in it ; and why should I not be ? for my brother fell at Murfreesboro, and my husband is still in the field."
I told her I pitied her, and that she was an unfortunate woman to be so bound up in such an unrighteous Confederacy ; but that we did not come there to discuss those matters. We assured her we were gentlemen ; that we intended her, or her property, no harm.
" Well," says she, " if you will come in, I can t help it, for I am a defenceless, unarmed woman." And, turning abruptly, she left us.
THE following letter, written by Captain Hervey, will be read with much interest by many comrades of the regiment. It throws much light on the kind of service the regiment was called upon to render during the fall of
1862 and 63 :
Dec. ist, 1863.
MY DEAR WIFE This first day of December, and more particularly the 3Oth ult, will always be remembered as among the saddest of our experience as soldiers. Again had the wires been cut, and a force of thirty men, under command of Lieutenant Twitchell, had been sent to repair the difficulty. On the day of their return, the Colonel, fearing they might meet with trouble, ordered a detail of fifty men, under command of Captain Muzzey and Lieutenants W. A. Gove and Geo.W. Howland, to proceed toward Baton Rouge, to meet them. About two miles from the fortifications, an ambuscade had been carefully planned for the Baton Rouge squad ; but as luck would have it, the relieving force fell into it. Now, see how nicely they had planned it. They had cut the wires, a few miles below, knowing that the force from Baton Rouge would be delayed till nearly dark in repairing it. The force sent out at i o clock, P.M., had divided into three squads. Lieutenant Gove had the advance ; Captain Muzzey the main force, and Lieutenant Howland the rear guard.
The latter was sent around by the right following a Cut-off. The others proceeded along the Baton Rouge road, and, when about half a mile belowPlains Store,the advance guard received a volley from a force of 150 rebels in ambush. The vol ley was accompanied by unearthly yells, which frightened the horses, rendering them quite unmanageable. This occurred in a bend of the road, and the advance at the time was concealed from the rest of the force. Hearing the volley, the main body galloped forward, but saw neither the advance (who had scattered to the woods), nor the rebels ; and the first intimation they had of a concealed force was another volley. Captain Muzzey tried to rally his men ; but as the rebs now rushed out of the woods in overwhelming numbers, and endeavored to surround them (who numbered scarcely thirty men), they took to the woods, when the corps fell in with Lieutenant Howland, who was coming to its assistance with all haste. He had but seven men. We lost two killed, and three mortally wounded; (and these latter have since died;) one Lieutenant wounded and taken prisoner, to gether with four privates. Several were wounded, but not seriously. I lost two from my company Private Charles R. Booth and Charles B. Douglass. Company C also lost two killed, one of whom was a New Bedford boy Franklyn Nye enlisted by J. F. Vinal.
I am pained to inform you of the death of Chas. A. Lucas, formerly a Sergeant in Company A. I had forwarded his discharge papers, but he died before they could avail him. It is a sad day for me ; but such is War. God grant a speedy termination of the strife Poor Gove, a prisoner ! He was shot, and his horse, stumbling, threw him and stunned him, and he was easily captured.
It is now Monday, the 7th of December. As I write, a flag of truce has been to Jackson The party found Lieutenant Gove comfortable. Every attention was shown him, and, upon his word of honor that he would not attempt to escape, he was allowed the freedom of the town.
Their Watches.
CAMP SUMTER, Andersonville, Ga.
Received from R. B. Winder, assistant quartermaster, this 1st day of July, 1864, the following lot of property belonging to Federal prisoners, to wit:
Silver watch, Numbers 12252, R. W. Kelly.
silver watch, Numbers 11697, N. R. Leaver.
brass watch, Numbers 37, J. Champuny [?].
silver watch, Numbers 13039, N. J. Smith.
silver watch, Numbers 26326, J. B. Blocke.
silver watch, Numbers 23956, J. D. Wolfe.
silver watch, Numbers 8991, D. Bilman.
silver watch, Numbers 546, F. Foster.
silver watch, Numbers 161, Jacob Metsger.
silver watch, Numbers 14554, H. Mansfield.
brass watch and pencil, Nothingham.
SIR: I send Captain Mankin, under flag of truce, with a watch belonging to Captain Castle, of the Eleventh Missouri Regiment, U. S. troops, now under your command. Captain Castle was mortally wounded in an encounter between your forces and those under my command yesterday, and thought he would die. He requested me to send his effects to his wife, who lives near Saint Joseph, Mo. His horse was to captured, but ran off or was killed in action. His watch and pencil-case were taken from him, the latter of which I have not succeeded in obtaining, but if I ever get it will send it to you, will confer a favor by forwarding it to his family. Captain Castle captured my brother and treated him gentlemanly, and I feel under obligations to him. He requested me to inform his wife that he died as brave men only die. I captured 42 of your men, and would like to exchange all but those who are deserters from the C. S. Army, which I am ordered to retina and send to headquarters, which I will do. If you will exchange please inform me. I wish to exchange for my brother, James rutherford, who is a regular soldier of the C. S. Army, and if you have not sent him off you will confer an especial favor by retaining him. Your dead were left on the field unburied, as I had no tools to bury with. A burial party sent out under a flag of truce will not be molested.Respectfully,G. W. RUTHERFORD, Captain, Commanding First Arkansas Cavalry.P. S.-Since writing the above I have procured Captain Castle's pen and case, which will be handed you by Captain Mankin.G. W. R.
General John Morgan watch.
Sergeant Moon took the watch of General John Morgan to a jeweler's in Columbus to be repaired on the day of his escape (November 27), and did not ask for permission to do so, as was required by orders. He called for the watch on the evening of the same day, but it had not been repaired then; he called for it several times the next day, when Colonel Wallace, hearing of it, took possession of the watch himself. This circumstances shows at least the sergeant held improper intercourse with John Morgan.
A. D. Vallade
Second Lieutenant A. D. Vallade, Company I, Eighty-fourth U. S. Colored Infantry, commanding outposts, was serious wounded in the right breast, and died in a few hours. This excellent young officer met his fate gallantly and was brutally robbed by the rebels of his watch, money, and clothes even to his shirt.
Colonel Rrown.
Colonel Brown. He was killed outright in the handsome cavalry charge executed by your troops yesterday afternoon. His body was taken to a neighboring house and cared for. He will be interred to-day, and doubtless in the vicinity. His watch was taken charge of by an officer of rank in our service, and I will make it appoint to have it forwarded to you. I am not now informed whether there was any other valuables on the person of Colonel Brown.
Colonel J. C. KELTON,
The conduct of this command since it came in this vicinity has been such that it makes one feel ashamed of the volunteer service of the U. S. Army. Complaints come to me of their having robbed the farmers of all their stock and in some cases of their watches and money. I have arrested a corporal of Company F of that regiment who went into a farmer's house and broke open his trunks and stole from them a watch and some money, and will send him to you as soon as I get the testimony in his case.
Provost-Marshal-General, Department of Virginia:
COLONEL: I have the honor to herewith forward a true copy of state ment of R. B. Winder, assistant quartermaster (late Confederate States), in regard to watches, &c., belonging to Federal prisoners which were confined in Andersonville Prison, Ga.; also copies of receipts from W. H. Hatch, agent of exchange, and H. Wirz, captain, commanding prison. On the 10th of the present month my assistant and chief detective found in the possession of George T. Garrison (citizen) a box containing thirty-four old watches, which he (Mr. Garrison) states that he received from Mr. Winder. The original receipt states that there were thirty-nine watches, but only thirty-four can be found. Mr. Garrison lives on the Eastern Shore, and claims to be counsed for the defense of Mr. Winder, who is now confined in the Old Capitol Prison.
Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, Commanding U. S. Ship Ino.
NOTE. -From Mr. Tunstall I took $55 in Spanish gold and a revolver; from Mr. Myers $45 in gold, together with four pieces of Moorish coin, value of 25 cents, and a Spanish real; also a good watch and chain and a small piece of iron. The watch is Numbers 17901, D. B. Nichols, maker, of Geneva work. On the watch chain was an American half dime.
Hyman if he had any pursue. Hyman gave him a small purse with ten gold dollars and some paper money, when the man said to him that he had a belts, and while he was trying to get off one without showing the other was knocked down and robbed of about $6,000 in gold (chiefly twenty-dollar pieces), a silver watch, a great coat (invisible green with yellow silk sleeve linings), in the pocket of which was a fur collar and a small Hebrew prayer-book. There was taken from young Ezekiel a lady's gold watch and a belt containing a number of silver coins and medals.
It appears from the letter of Colonel Carrington, provost-marshal at Richmond, that soon after the robbery General Winder sent two detectives to the valley to investigate the matter, at the request of the father of Ezekiel. These detectives reported that they were convinced that Cherry and some other men committed the robbery; that they determined to arrest Cherry, and were piloted by a negro 6 miles beyond Strasburg in search of him. Fearing foul play they turned back, but on searching the negro found on him the watch stolen from young Ezekiel, which was subsequently identified by his father. They did not bring off the negro because they said they were afraid to encumber themselves with him. It should be mentioned that the detective got Mr. Williams' letter from General Early before they went down the valley.
Received from R. B. Winder, assistant quartermaster, this 1st day of July, 1864, the following lot of property belonging to Federal prisoners, to wit:
Silver watch, Numbers 12252, R. W. Kelly.
silver watch, Numbers 11697, N. R. Leaver.
brass watch, Numbers 37, J. Champuny [?].
silver watch, Numbers 13039, N. J. Smith.
silver watch, Numbers 26326, J. B. Blocke.
silver watch, Numbers 23956, J. D. Wolfe.
silver watch, Numbers 8991, D. Bilman.
silver watch, Numbers 546, F. Foster.
silver watch, Numbers 161, Jacob Metsger.
silver watch, Numbers 14554, H. Mansfield.
brass watch and pencil, Nothingham.
SIR: I send Captain Mankin, under flag of truce, with a watch belonging to Captain Castle, of the Eleventh Missouri Regiment, U. S. troops, now under your command. Captain Castle was mortally wounded in an encounter between your forces and those under my command yesterday, and thought he would die. He requested me to send his effects to his wife, who lives near Saint Joseph, Mo. His horse was to captured, but ran off or was killed in action. His watch and pencil-case were taken from him, the latter of which I have not succeeded in obtaining, but if I ever get it will send it to you, will confer a favor by forwarding it to his family. Captain Castle captured my brother and treated him gentlemanly, and I feel under obligations to him. He requested me to inform his wife that he died as brave men only die. I captured 42 of your men, and would like to exchange all but those who are deserters from the C. S. Army, which I am ordered to retina and send to headquarters, which I will do. If you will exchange please inform me. I wish to exchange for my brother, James rutherford, who is a regular soldier of the C. S. Army, and if you have not sent him off you will confer an especial favor by retaining him. Your dead were left on the field unburied, as I had no tools to bury with. A burial party sent out under a flag of truce will not be molested.Respectfully,G. W. RUTHERFORD, Captain, Commanding First Arkansas Cavalry.P. S.-Since writing the above I have procured Captain Castle's pen and case, which will be handed you by Captain Mankin.G. W. R.
General John Morgan watch.
Sergeant Moon took the watch of General John Morgan to a jeweler's in Columbus to be repaired on the day of his escape (November 27), and did not ask for permission to do so, as was required by orders. He called for the watch on the evening of the same day, but it had not been repaired then; he called for it several times the next day, when Colonel Wallace, hearing of it, took possession of the watch himself. This circumstances shows at least the sergeant held improper intercourse with John Morgan.
A. D. Vallade
Second Lieutenant A. D. Vallade, Company I, Eighty-fourth U. S. Colored Infantry, commanding outposts, was serious wounded in the right breast, and died in a few hours. This excellent young officer met his fate gallantly and was brutally robbed by the rebels of his watch, money, and clothes even to his shirt.
Colonel Rrown.
Colonel Brown. He was killed outright in the handsome cavalry charge executed by your troops yesterday afternoon. His body was taken to a neighboring house and cared for. He will be interred to-day, and doubtless in the vicinity. His watch was taken charge of by an officer of rank in our service, and I will make it appoint to have it forwarded to you. I am not now informed whether there was any other valuables on the person of Colonel Brown.
Colonel J. C. KELTON,
The conduct of this command since it came in this vicinity has been such that it makes one feel ashamed of the volunteer service of the U. S. Army. Complaints come to me of their having robbed the farmers of all their stock and in some cases of their watches and money. I have arrested a corporal of Company F of that regiment who went into a farmer's house and broke open his trunks and stole from them a watch and some money, and will send him to you as soon as I get the testimony in his case.
Provost-Marshal-General, Department of Virginia:
COLONEL: I have the honor to herewith forward a true copy of state ment of R. B. Winder, assistant quartermaster (late Confederate States), in regard to watches, &c., belonging to Federal prisoners which were confined in Andersonville Prison, Ga.; also copies of receipts from W. H. Hatch, agent of exchange, and H. Wirz, captain, commanding prison. On the 10th of the present month my assistant and chief detective found in the possession of George T. Garrison (citizen) a box containing thirty-four old watches, which he (Mr. Garrison) states that he received from Mr. Winder. The original receipt states that there were thirty-nine watches, but only thirty-four can be found. Mr. Garrison lives on the Eastern Shore, and claims to be counsed for the defense of Mr. Winder, who is now confined in the Old Capitol Prison.
Acting Volunteer Lieutenant, Commanding U. S. Ship Ino.
NOTE. -From Mr. Tunstall I took $55 in Spanish gold and a revolver; from Mr. Myers $45 in gold, together with four pieces of Moorish coin, value of 25 cents, and a Spanish real; also a good watch and chain and a small piece of iron. The watch is Numbers 17901, D. B. Nichols, maker, of Geneva work. On the watch chain was an American half dime.
Hyman if he had any pursue. Hyman gave him a small purse with ten gold dollars and some paper money, when the man said to him that he had a belts, and while he was trying to get off one without showing the other was knocked down and robbed of about $6,000 in gold (chiefly twenty-dollar pieces), a silver watch, a great coat (invisible green with yellow silk sleeve linings), in the pocket of which was a fur collar and a small Hebrew prayer-book. There was taken from young Ezekiel a lady's gold watch and a belt containing a number of silver coins and medals.
It appears from the letter of Colonel Carrington, provost-marshal at Richmond, that soon after the robbery General Winder sent two detectives to the valley to investigate the matter, at the request of the father of Ezekiel. These detectives reported that they were convinced that Cherry and some other men committed the robbery; that they determined to arrest Cherry, and were piloted by a negro 6 miles beyond Strasburg in search of him. Fearing foul play they turned back, but on searching the negro found on him the watch stolen from young Ezekiel, which was subsequently identified by his father. They did not bring off the negro because they said they were afraid to encumber themselves with him. It should be mentioned that the detective got Mr. Williams' letter from General Early before they went down the valley.
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