Yes you read the title right. All the men on this list sold one of his wife's. When I first ran across this information I thought it was a erorr. But as I went through more records I found more and more men selling their wife's. One hundred years ago, unwanted wives were still being sold at market. A husband would bring his wife with a rope halter round her neck, shouting out his intention to sell her. The woman would then be auctioned in the same way as cattle – even by her weight. Between 1780 and 1850, over 300 such sales were reported in the newspapers and there were very likely many other unreported cases.
Wife selling was a kind of folk custom, allowing quarrelling couples to unofficially separate. News reports were naturally highly critical, but they also presented the sales as amusing anecdotes, a titillating glimpse for readers of a chaotic working class world. Wife sales were by no means a commonplace divorce alternative. They were exotic enough to be presented as oddities by the press. As a result dozens of lurid accounts can be found in 18th and 19th century British newspapers. Thomas Hardy famously used newspaper reports of wife-selling Until divorce was readily available, hundreds of men bought and sold their wives – for as little as one pint of beer.
The men on this list all servied in the war of 1812, when I put this list together I neglected to put what state they were from. But there are enough names that you should be able to tell if you have the right ancestor. You may be in for a big surprise. You may find that your Great-Great-Great-Grandmother had been sold for a cow or a pint of beer.
Thomas Bell.
Sold his first wife: Judith Shearon
Second wife: Sarah M. Knox.
Adam Bellinger.
Sold first wife: Elizabeth Hoover.
Second wife: Eliza Ricket.
John Bennett.
Sold his first wife: Sally Williams.
Second Wife: Mary Ann Lamb.
David J. Bent.
Sold his first wife: Rebecca Hubbard.
Second wife: Emeline M. Armstrong.
Daniel Bailey.
Sold his first wife: Mehitable Estabrook.
Sold his second wife: Cynthia H. Adams
Third wife: Ruth Durbon.
John Bailey.
Sold his first wife: Margaret Crabtree.
Second Wife: Harriet Eliza Smith.
Benjamin Baker.
sold his first wife: Mary Gilman.
Second Wife: Mary Adams.
Ezekiel Baker.
Sold his first wife: Olive Lowery.
Second wife: Camilla Babber.
Auguish Land Campbell.
Sold his first wife: Nancy Squire.
Second wife: Sarah Ann Bailey.
Henry Calyer or Henry V. Calyer or Henry Kolyer.
Sold his first wife: Elizabeth Ann Bailey.
Second wife: Elizabeth Wilkins.
Duncan Campbell.
Sold his first wife: Polly Aikers.
Second wife: Nancy Anderson.
Levi Campbell.
Sold his first wife: Mary Day.
Second wife: Ragraut Degraut.
Moses Cochran.
Sold his first wife: Mary Small.
Second wife: Lucinda W. Cook.
Eunice S. Eames.
Sold his first wife: Sally Miler.
Second Wife: Evnice S. Smith.
James Earnest.
Sold his first wife: P. A. Kunnel.
Second wife: Polly Ann Kurl.
Joseph Easter.
Solld his first wife: Mary Smith.
Second wife: Lucretia (?).
Thomas S. Easton.
Sold his first wife: Abigal G. Hart.
Second wife: Elizabeth C. Smith.
Sylvester Eaton.
Sold his first wife: Lydia Gardner.
Sold Second wife: Blandina Goodwin.
Third wife: Nancy Wilks.
George B. Eckelberry.
Sold his first wife: Rebecca Dorr.
Second wife: Catharine Eddy.
Luther Fillmore.
Sold his first wife: Susan Ford.
Second Wife: Hannah A. Sheffield.
Jonathan Fisher.
Sold his first wife: Maria Brainard.
Second wife: Sarah Brooks Youngs
Joshua Fish.
Sold his first wife: Catharine Sieles.
Second Wife: Polly Row.
Allen Fisher.
Sold his first wife: Eliza Levering.
Second wife: Louisa Gelinger.
Christopher Fisher.
Sold his first wife: Abigal Whaley.
Second wife: Rebecca Shepard.
Henry Fisher.
Sold his first wife: Marry Ann Culps.
Second wife: Nancy Meadows.
Humphrey Fisher.
Sold his first wife: Elizabeth Francisco.
Second wife: Catharine Ludwick.
Nahum Fisher.
Sold his first wife: Betsey Harrington.
Second wife: Mary P. Rockwood.
Francis Fitzgerald.
Sold his first wife: Mary Whitington.
Second wife: Maria Hulett.
Andrew Fitzlan.
Sold his first wife: Mary Briant.
Second wife: Eliza Curtner.
John Flanigan.
Sold his first wife: Elizabeth Penticost.
Second wife: Susan M. Justice.
Harbin H. Ford.
Sold his first wife: Marearet Grady or Crady.
Second wife: Ann Maria Brooks.
John T. Ford.
Sold his first wife: Nancy Wilson.
Second wife: Mary Ann Graham.
Warner Ford.
Sold his first wife: Sarah Terrel.
Second wife: Catharine Hawkins.
Kenas Gilbert.
Sold his first wife: Elizabeth Stokesberry.
Second wife: Rebecca Skaggs.
Robert Gilrist.
Sold his first wife: Jane Fleming.
Second wife: Mary Ann Powers.
Thomas Gilham.
Sold his first wife: Cynthia Davis.
Second wife: Mary Wiseman.
Benjamin Gilkison.
Sold his first wife: Chaistina Powell.
Second wife: Sibbie Ann Taylor.
Caleb Gill.
Sold his first wife: Susan Wheeler.
Second wife: Elizabeth Wheeler.
John Gillespie.
Slold his first wife: (?) Houston.
Sold his second wife: Nancy Gallagher.
Third wife: Jane Kilbourn.
Eleazor Gillett.
Sold his first wife: Sylvpa Taylor.
Sold his second wife: Malinda Small ( Alleged ).
Third wife: Sylvia Taylor.
George Goodwill.
Sold his first wife: Elizabeth Harden.
Second wife: Nancy Babcock.
Horace Goodwin.
Sold his first wife: Mary Ramsey.
Second wife: Phebe C. Berry.
Frederick N. Hall.
Sold his first wife: Sally Hammond.
Second wife: Almira S. Paentiss.
Henry Hall.
Sold his first wife: Patty Clark.
Second Wife: Emoline Wyman.
John Hall Jr.
Sold his first wife: Jane Allen.
Second wife: Elizabeth McCarter.
Cyrus Haymond.
Sold his first wife: Jane Somerville.
Second wife: Mary Carpenter.
William Hanna.
Sold his first wife: Feriby Martin.
Second wife: Margaret Pierce.
Levi Harling.
Sold his first wife: Frances Eliza Street.
Second wife: Mary E. Evans.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
John E. Yates.
Death: Dec. 26, 1825, Grantsburg, Crawford County, Indiana.
Indiana 38th., infantry, company K.
John E. Yates.
Date Enrolled: 1863/12/20.
Age: 38.
Where Enrolled: Rossville, Georgia.
Regiment: 38.
Company: K
Discharge Date: 1864/07/14.
Notes: Killed near Chattahoochee River, Georgia, July 14, 1864, by accident while on duty by falling out of tree.
Burial: Marietta National Cemetery.
Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia.
Plot: F, 0, 4728
GPS (lat/lon): 33.95065, -84.54046
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
They Fought Barefooted.
Shoes are such common place one gives them little thought, until one has to fight without them. When the Civil War started neither side was will equiped with the bare necessities. Oh they were readly with guns, canons and ammunition, but when it came to the bare necessities both armies were in short supply. By the end of 1861, Just about ever commanding officer was asking for shoes, clothing and food.
In November of 1861, Colonel John S. Williams of the C. S. A. watch a number of his men leave blood in their tracks as the march.
Captain Will Rumsey, reported in 1864, that a number of his men were barefooted. they were the Second regiment West Virginia 188, men and the thirty-fourth regiment Ohio, Mounted Infantry had 190 men without shoes.
Many of the commanding officers would send in a requests asking for shoes and other of the bare necessities, only to find them rerouted to another brigade. There were on going reports asking command why one brigade was being better equiped then others. One colonel who's name was forgotten said if he could find shoes he would bury them with his own money. When ever either army went into a town they asked for shoes and many of the community would give their old second hand shoes.
Which battle in the Civil War was started over a rumor of a supply of shoes in the town?
Gettysburg. General Heth had heard there was a warehouse full of shoes there, and moved to procur them for his men, when they encountered Union troops.
It is a myth that the battle of Gettysburg started over shoes.
The fact is Heth was told there were shoes there, and although they were never located, mainly because Jubal Early's troops had been through the town a few days before, and would have certainly taken everything of worth.
Sources;Bruce Catton's Civil War, James Longstreet's From Manassas to Appomattox, Civil War Battlefields by Frank Vandiver.
Report of Lieutenant Colonel Carter Van Vleck, Seventy-eighth Illinois Infantry, including march to the relief of Knoxville.
At no time since the organization of the regiment have we been so poorly equipped for such a trip. Many of the men were barefooted and a majority of them without shirts and overcoats, but they all understood the importance of their mission and went with alacrity and cheerfulness. On two different days we were without rations of any kind, and for many days had nothing but unbolted corn meal, or fresh meat and corn meal without salt. The roads were very muddy, and the weather, a portion of the time, cold and wet. The men necessarily suffered a great deal, but I heard no murmurings or complaints.
Report of Brigadier General Bushrod R. Johnson, C. S. Army, commanding Buckner's division.
The pickets of Johnson's brigade were withdrawn from the rifle-pits in front of Fort Loudon at 11 p. m. by Major Lowe, of the Twenty-third Tennessee, and brought up to the column. Many of my men were barefooted and poorly clad, and the weather was chilly and damp. I regret to state that during this and the subsequent march, as well as during the operations before Knoxville and the march to that place, many desertions occurred in this division, especially among the Tennessee troops.
In future no man will be excused from any duty whatsoever on the ground of being barefooted.
Report of Colonel John S. Fulton, Forty-fourth Tennessee Infantry, commanding Johnson's brigade.
The numbers of the different regiments of this command were thus small, the barefooted men having been sent to the rear, by order from division commander, as follows: Forty-fourth Tennessee,56 men; Twenty-fifth Tennessee, 23 men; Twenty-third Tennessee, 26 men; Seventeenth Tennessee, 120 men and 2 officers. Aggregate, 227.
Numbers 506. Report of Major General R. E. Rodes, C. S. Army, commanding division.
The division arrived at Madison Court-House, By way of Thornton's Gap and Sperryville, on July 29. In concluding what I have to say about this campaign, I beg leave to call attention to the heroes of it; the men who day by day sacrificed self on the altar of freedom; those barefooted North Carolinians, Georgians, and Alabamians, who, with bloody and swollen feet, kept to their ranks day after day for weeks. When the division reached Darkesville, nearly one-half of the men and many officers were barefooted, and fully one-fourth had been so since we crossed the Blue Ridge.
Saint Louis, March 24, 1863.
There is an effort, as you know, to get all the Federal force out of the State (a communication devoutly desired by me), and those who cater to this idea may make a showing of the sick, the broken regiments, and paroled prisoners to some effect; but, in fact, my force has been relieved from battle to press forward through rain and mud and snow, barefooted, to meet your utmost expectations.
Numbers 20. Report of Lieutenant Colonel James W. Langley, One hundred and twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry, commanding THIRD Brigade.
The men were drenching wet, adding greatly to the weight of their loads, and their sleep, though sound, was the sleep of exhaustion and afforded them but little rest; besides, many were barefoot and footsore. Those who fell sick by the wayside were left in houses to the care of the citizens, as we had no means of transportation.
Numbers 84. Annual report of Captain S. G. Lynch, assistant quartermaster and assistant superintendent of U. S. Military Telegraphs, Department of West Virginia, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1865.
At about 11 a. m. November 28 the rebels, in U. S. uniform, under General Rosser, surprised the Federal force at New Creek, Va., and took possession of the place. The rebel force consisted of a division of cavalry. Much Government property was destroyed. The military telegraph office was seized so quickly that the operator had not time to escape and was carried off by the retreating rebels. He was robbed of his valuables and clothing, compelled to march barefoot to Harrisonburg, given nothing to eat until the third day of his captivity, and then merely three-quarters of a pound of fresh beef, which had to suffice until the evening of the fifth day, was confined in Castle Thunder, Richmond, and by sharing the blanket of a prison camp was kept from freezing.
Camp Sumter, Ga., February 26, 1865.
Lieutenant G. W. McPHAIL,
Aide-de-Camp and [Acting] Assistant Adjutant-General:
SIR: I have the honor to call your attention to the following facts: There are a large number of paroled prisoners of war who are doing work for the Government which if not done by them would have to be done by impressment or other hire and thus be a heavy wxpense to the Government. These men are, almost without exception, barefooted, having been so long at work that what shoes they had are entirely worn out.
September 16, 1862.
The men are barefooted and naked, although requisitions have been made time and again for clothing. when I send for clothing for three companies I almost invariably, if I receive any at all.
Some thirty-six hours after reaching this post a fatigue to work on the earth-works being thrown up around the place. If the spirit that prompted the detail expected to feast its purposes through insubordination or rebellion it was egregiously disappointed. What a sight was here. Four hundred ragged, barefooted men, emaciated with fatigue and the dangers of a four months' campaign, who had met and worsted an enemy on three several occasions, marched up in the face of a garrison of 2,000 more well appointed idle troops to work as actors, while these idle troops played the audience. Nobly and without a murmur of discontent did these ragged, war-worn veterans respond to orders, carrying the lesson to the hearts of those who chose to view them that they had learned a soldier's first duty was to obey and could be as successful in this as they had been during their late campaign. The total absence of tools naturally caused some speculation as to the cause of the detail. As the mystery was transparent, it is well enough to add that the ragged and barefooted veterans spent the allotted time at the designated place, tools or no tools.
Authors note. This page showed no favoritism for either side it was to show that men will fight under any hardships if they believed their cause is just.
In November of 1861, Colonel John S. Williams of the C. S. A. watch a number of his men leave blood in their tracks as the march.
Captain Will Rumsey, reported in 1864, that a number of his men were barefooted. they were the Second regiment West Virginia 188, men and the thirty-fourth regiment Ohio, Mounted Infantry had 190 men without shoes.
Many of the commanding officers would send in a requests asking for shoes and other of the bare necessities, only to find them rerouted to another brigade. There were on going reports asking command why one brigade was being better equiped then others. One colonel who's name was forgotten said if he could find shoes he would bury them with his own money. When ever either army went into a town they asked for shoes and many of the community would give their old second hand shoes.
Which battle in the Civil War was started over a rumor of a supply of shoes in the town?
Gettysburg. General Heth had heard there was a warehouse full of shoes there, and moved to procur them for his men, when they encountered Union troops.
It is a myth that the battle of Gettysburg started over shoes.
The fact is Heth was told there were shoes there, and although they were never located, mainly because Jubal Early's troops had been through the town a few days before, and would have certainly taken everything of worth.
Sources;Bruce Catton's Civil War, James Longstreet's From Manassas to Appomattox, Civil War Battlefields by Frank Vandiver.
Report of Lieutenant Colonel Carter Van Vleck, Seventy-eighth Illinois Infantry, including march to the relief of Knoxville.
At no time since the organization of the regiment have we been so poorly equipped for such a trip. Many of the men were barefooted and a majority of them without shirts and overcoats, but they all understood the importance of their mission and went with alacrity and cheerfulness. On two different days we were without rations of any kind, and for many days had nothing but unbolted corn meal, or fresh meat and corn meal without salt. The roads were very muddy, and the weather, a portion of the time, cold and wet. The men necessarily suffered a great deal, but I heard no murmurings or complaints.
Report of Brigadier General Bushrod R. Johnson, C. S. Army, commanding Buckner's division.
The pickets of Johnson's brigade were withdrawn from the rifle-pits in front of Fort Loudon at 11 p. m. by Major Lowe, of the Twenty-third Tennessee, and brought up to the column. Many of my men were barefooted and poorly clad, and the weather was chilly and damp. I regret to state that during this and the subsequent march, as well as during the operations before Knoxville and the march to that place, many desertions occurred in this division, especially among the Tennessee troops.
In future no man will be excused from any duty whatsoever on the ground of being barefooted.
Report of Colonel John S. Fulton, Forty-fourth Tennessee Infantry, commanding Johnson's brigade.
The numbers of the different regiments of this command were thus small, the barefooted men having been sent to the rear, by order from division commander, as follows: Forty-fourth Tennessee,56 men; Twenty-fifth Tennessee, 23 men; Twenty-third Tennessee, 26 men; Seventeenth Tennessee, 120 men and 2 officers. Aggregate, 227.
Numbers 506. Report of Major General R. E. Rodes, C. S. Army, commanding division.
The division arrived at Madison Court-House, By way of Thornton's Gap and Sperryville, on July 29. In concluding what I have to say about this campaign, I beg leave to call attention to the heroes of it; the men who day by day sacrificed self on the altar of freedom; those barefooted North Carolinians, Georgians, and Alabamians, who, with bloody and swollen feet, kept to their ranks day after day for weeks. When the division reached Darkesville, nearly one-half of the men and many officers were barefooted, and fully one-fourth had been so since we crossed the Blue Ridge.
Saint Louis, March 24, 1863.
There is an effort, as you know, to get all the Federal force out of the State (a communication devoutly desired by me), and those who cater to this idea may make a showing of the sick, the broken regiments, and paroled prisoners to some effect; but, in fact, my force has been relieved from battle to press forward through rain and mud and snow, barefooted, to meet your utmost expectations.
Numbers 20. Report of Lieutenant Colonel James W. Langley, One hundred and twenty-fifth Illinois Infantry, commanding THIRD Brigade.
The men were drenching wet, adding greatly to the weight of their loads, and their sleep, though sound, was the sleep of exhaustion and afforded them but little rest; besides, many were barefoot and footsore. Those who fell sick by the wayside were left in houses to the care of the citizens, as we had no means of transportation.
Numbers 84. Annual report of Captain S. G. Lynch, assistant quartermaster and assistant superintendent of U. S. Military Telegraphs, Department of West Virginia, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1865.
At about 11 a. m. November 28 the rebels, in U. S. uniform, under General Rosser, surprised the Federal force at New Creek, Va., and took possession of the place. The rebel force consisted of a division of cavalry. Much Government property was destroyed. The military telegraph office was seized so quickly that the operator had not time to escape and was carried off by the retreating rebels. He was robbed of his valuables and clothing, compelled to march barefoot to Harrisonburg, given nothing to eat until the third day of his captivity, and then merely three-quarters of a pound of fresh beef, which had to suffice until the evening of the fifth day, was confined in Castle Thunder, Richmond, and by sharing the blanket of a prison camp was kept from freezing.
Camp Sumter, Ga., February 26, 1865.
Lieutenant G. W. McPHAIL,
Aide-de-Camp and [Acting] Assistant Adjutant-General:
SIR: I have the honor to call your attention to the following facts: There are a large number of paroled prisoners of war who are doing work for the Government which if not done by them would have to be done by impressment or other hire and thus be a heavy wxpense to the Government. These men are, almost without exception, barefooted, having been so long at work that what shoes they had are entirely worn out.
September 16, 1862.
The men are barefooted and naked, although requisitions have been made time and again for clothing. when I send for clothing for three companies I almost invariably, if I receive any at all.
Some thirty-six hours after reaching this post a fatigue to work on the earth-works being thrown up around the place. If the spirit that prompted the detail expected to feast its purposes through insubordination or rebellion it was egregiously disappointed. What a sight was here. Four hundred ragged, barefooted men, emaciated with fatigue and the dangers of a four months' campaign, who had met and worsted an enemy on three several occasions, marched up in the face of a garrison of 2,000 more well appointed idle troops to work as actors, while these idle troops played the audience. Nobly and without a murmur of discontent did these ragged, war-worn veterans respond to orders, carrying the lesson to the hearts of those who chose to view them that they had learned a soldier's first duty was to obey and could be as successful in this as they had been during their late campaign. The total absence of tools naturally caused some speculation as to the cause of the detail. As the mystery was transparent, it is well enough to add that the ragged and barefooted veterans spent the allotted time at the designated place, tools or no tools.
Authors note. This page showed no favoritism for either side it was to show that men will fight under any hardships if they believed their cause is just.
1812 Pension Applications.
Here is a list of names from the 1812, pension applications, that I was unable to use. Maybe this information will help in your search for your ancestors.
James Campbell.
Born: October 29, 1798, Boothbay, Maine.
Service: Private, Captain Jacob Auld's, Company, Maine.
Enlisted: June 20, 1814, June 29, 1814, August 8, 1814.
Discharged: June 24, 1814, July 5, 1814, November 3, 1814.
Residence: Boothbay, Lincoln county, Maine.
Father: Joseph Campbell.
Mother: Jane ( Jenny ) Reed.
Wife: Mary Brewer.
Marriage: January 23, 1820, Boothbay, Lincoln county, Maine.
Death of soldier: January 7, 1884, Boothbay, Lincoln county Maine.
Bounty Land.
James Campbell No. 64-669-40-50.
Mary Brewer Campbell No. 27-660-120-55.
Noah Barefoot.
Wife: Lizza Barefoot.
Service: Private, Captain H. Hooker's company N. C. Militia.
Enlisted: Served 20 day's in July and August 1813.
Death of soldier: August 29, 1851, Johnston county, N. C.
Residence of widow: 1854, 1856, Johnston county, N. C., 1878, Johnston county, P. O., Godwins or Codwins N. C., 1878, Mingo, Sampson county, N. C.
Bounty Land: No. 39843-160-55.
Peter Bellenger or Bellinger.
Born: 1788, Sant Johnsville, Montgomery New York.
Widow: Catharine.
Service: Private, Captain John J. Klock's company, New York Militia.
Enlisted: September 7, 1814.
Discharged: November 14, 1814.
Residence of soldier: 1852, 1855, Tioga county, Pennsylvania.
Residence of widow: 1867, 1872, 1875, Tioga county P. O. Wellsboro, Pennsylvania.
Maiden name of widow: Catharine Shale.
Marrige of soldier: October 13, 1813, Openheim, Montgomery county, New York.
Children: Maria, David, Levi, John, Peter and Norman Bellenger or Bellinger.
Fater: John Jost Bellinger.
Morther: Elizabeth Putnam.
Death of soldier: August 21, 1864.
Bounty Land No. 106806-160-55.
Collins G. Briggs.
Widow: Mariah Briggs.
Service: Ordinary seaman, New York Flot (?) U. S. N.
Enlisted: July 22, 1774.
Discharged: February 25, 1815.
Soldier residence: 1855, 1871, Chenango county, New York.
Widow residence: 1878, Dickson, Coffey county, Kansas.
Wife's maiden name: Sold first wife Melinda Bloss, second wife Mariah Hamilton.
Marriage: June 11, 1851, German county, New York.
Bounty Land No. 64717-60-55.
Death of soldier: November 12, 1875German county New York.
David Chapin.
Widow: Sarah Chapin.
Service: Cornet, Captain Jehail Demick's company, New York Militia.
Enlisted: January 20, 1813.
Discharged: May 1, 1913.
Soldier residence: 1850, 1855, Oswegatchie, St. Lawrence county, New York.
Widow residence: 1871, Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence county, N.Y., 1874, West Medford, Mass.
Maiden Name of widow: Sarah Haskin.
Death of soldier: January 13, 1862 or 1863, Oswegatchie, New York.
Death of widow: August 1, 1883, West Medford, Mass.
Bounty Land No's.: David Chapin, 28263-40-50, Sarah Haskin Chapin, 9954-120-55.
James Dalton.
Widow: Betset Dalton.
Service: Private, Captain Hayne's company N. H., Militia.
Enlisted: September 24, 1814.
Discharged: November 25, 1814.
Residence of soldier: 1851, 1855, Deerfield, Rockingham, N. H.
Residence of widow: 1871, Deerfield, Rockingham, N. H.
Maiden name of widow: Betsey Rand.
Marriage of soldier: August 1, 1807, Epson, N. H.
Death of soldier: December 10, 1868, Deerfield, N. H.
Death of widow: About 1881.
Bounty land No.'s: James Dalton 27446-40-50, Betsey Dalton 35887-120-55.
John Eaker.
Widow: Catharine A. Baker.
Service: Private, Captain E. L. Gingle's company, N. C. Militia.
Enlisted: February 1, 1814.
Discharged: July 31, 1814.
Residence of soldier: 1872, 1873, Calhoun, Gordon county, Ga.
Residence of widow: 1878, Gordon county, P. O. Resaca Ga.
Maiden name of widow: Sold first wife Nancy Best, second wife Catharine A. Baker.
Marriage of soldier: About May 1843, Lincoln county Ga.
Dath of soldier: May 9, 1874, Gordon county Ga.
Benjamin Smith Fairchild.
Born: January 8, 1787, Newburgh, Orange county New York.
Father: Aaron Fairchild.
Mother: Elizabeth Smith.
Widow: Elizabath Fairchild.
Service: Private, Captain J. Lynde's company, New York Militia. In battle of Plattsburgh.
Enlisted: September 8, 1814.
Discharged: September 14, 1814.
Residence of widow: 1864, 1878, Willsborough, Essex county New York.
Maiden name of widow: Sold first wife Elizabeth Aiken, married January 2, 1813, Ulster county New York, Second wife Elizabeth Whitney.
Marriage of soldier: March 12, 1846, Westport, Essex county, New York.
Death of soldier: January 14, 1855.
Death of widow: Prior to September 26, 1904.
Bounty Land No. 103818-160-55.
William Freeman.
Widow: Elizabeth A. Freeman.
Service: Private, Captain Peter Lamar's company, Ga., Militia.
Enlisted: November 21, 1814.
Discharged: May 20, 1815.
Residence of soldier: 1850, 1855, 1871, Gwinnett county, P. O. Lawrenceville Ga.
Residence of widow: 1878, 1888, Gwinnett county, P. O. Lawrenceville Ga.
Maiden name of widow: Sold first wife Lucinda Harris, second wife Elizabeth A. Blunt.
Marriage of soldier: December 7, 156, Gwinnett county, Ga.
Death of soldier: October 5, 1876, Gwinnett Ga.
Bounty land numbers: 6085-80-50., 37803-80-55.
John Rikeman.
Widow: Susan V. Rikeman
Service: Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Captain Bremner's company, New York Militia.
Enlisted: September 5, 1812, September 2, 1814.
Discharged: December 14, 1812, December 14, 1814.
Residence of soldier: 1850, New York, N. Y.
Residence of widow: 1855, 1871, New York, N. Y.
Maiden name of widow: Susan V. Peterson.
Marriage of soldier: April 10, 1810, New York, N. Y.
Death of soldier: July 4, 1853, New York, N. Y.
Bounty Land numbers: 2147-40-50, 4144-80-50, 169-40-55.
James Campbell.
Born: October 29, 1798, Boothbay, Maine.
Service: Private, Captain Jacob Auld's, Company, Maine.
Enlisted: June 20, 1814, June 29, 1814, August 8, 1814.
Discharged: June 24, 1814, July 5, 1814, November 3, 1814.
Residence: Boothbay, Lincoln county, Maine.
Father: Joseph Campbell.
Mother: Jane ( Jenny ) Reed.
Wife: Mary Brewer.
Marriage: January 23, 1820, Boothbay, Lincoln county, Maine.
Death of soldier: January 7, 1884, Boothbay, Lincoln county Maine.
Bounty Land.
James Campbell No. 64-669-40-50.
Mary Brewer Campbell No. 27-660-120-55.
Noah Barefoot.
Wife: Lizza Barefoot.
Service: Private, Captain H. Hooker's company N. C. Militia.
Enlisted: Served 20 day's in July and August 1813.
Death of soldier: August 29, 1851, Johnston county, N. C.
Residence of widow: 1854, 1856, Johnston county, N. C., 1878, Johnston county, P. O., Godwins or Codwins N. C., 1878, Mingo, Sampson county, N. C.
Bounty Land: No. 39843-160-55.
Peter Bellenger or Bellinger.
Born: 1788, Sant Johnsville, Montgomery New York.
Widow: Catharine.
Service: Private, Captain John J. Klock's company, New York Militia.
Enlisted: September 7, 1814.
Discharged: November 14, 1814.
Residence of soldier: 1852, 1855, Tioga county, Pennsylvania.
Residence of widow: 1867, 1872, 1875, Tioga county P. O. Wellsboro, Pennsylvania.
Maiden name of widow: Catharine Shale.
Marrige of soldier: October 13, 1813, Openheim, Montgomery county, New York.
Children: Maria, David, Levi, John, Peter and Norman Bellenger or Bellinger.
Fater: John Jost Bellinger.
Morther: Elizabeth Putnam.
Death of soldier: August 21, 1864.
Bounty Land No. 106806-160-55.
Collins G. Briggs.
Widow: Mariah Briggs.
Service: Ordinary seaman, New York Flot (?) U. S. N.
Enlisted: July 22, 1774.
Discharged: February 25, 1815.
Soldier residence: 1855, 1871, Chenango county, New York.
Widow residence: 1878, Dickson, Coffey county, Kansas.
Wife's maiden name: Sold first wife Melinda Bloss, second wife Mariah Hamilton.
Marriage: June 11, 1851, German county, New York.
Bounty Land No. 64717-60-55.
Death of soldier: November 12, 1875German county New York.
David Chapin.
Widow: Sarah Chapin.
Service: Cornet, Captain Jehail Demick's company, New York Militia.
Enlisted: January 20, 1813.
Discharged: May 1, 1913.
Soldier residence: 1850, 1855, Oswegatchie, St. Lawrence county, New York.
Widow residence: 1871, Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence county, N.Y., 1874, West Medford, Mass.
Maiden Name of widow: Sarah Haskin.
Death of soldier: January 13, 1862 or 1863, Oswegatchie, New York.
Death of widow: August 1, 1883, West Medford, Mass.
Bounty Land No's.: David Chapin, 28263-40-50, Sarah Haskin Chapin, 9954-120-55.
James Dalton.
Widow: Betset Dalton.
Service: Private, Captain Hayne's company N. H., Militia.
Enlisted: September 24, 1814.
Discharged: November 25, 1814.
Residence of soldier: 1851, 1855, Deerfield, Rockingham, N. H.
Residence of widow: 1871, Deerfield, Rockingham, N. H.
Maiden name of widow: Betsey Rand.
Marriage of soldier: August 1, 1807, Epson, N. H.
Death of soldier: December 10, 1868, Deerfield, N. H.
Death of widow: About 1881.
Bounty land No.'s: James Dalton 27446-40-50, Betsey Dalton 35887-120-55.
John Eaker.
Widow: Catharine A. Baker.
Service: Private, Captain E. L. Gingle's company, N. C. Militia.
Enlisted: February 1, 1814.
Discharged: July 31, 1814.
Residence of soldier: 1872, 1873, Calhoun, Gordon county, Ga.
Residence of widow: 1878, Gordon county, P. O. Resaca Ga.
Maiden name of widow: Sold first wife Nancy Best, second wife Catharine A. Baker.
Marriage of soldier: About May 1843, Lincoln county Ga.
Dath of soldier: May 9, 1874, Gordon county Ga.
Benjamin Smith Fairchild.
Born: January 8, 1787, Newburgh, Orange county New York.
Father: Aaron Fairchild.
Mother: Elizabeth Smith.
Widow: Elizabath Fairchild.
Service: Private, Captain J. Lynde's company, New York Militia. In battle of Plattsburgh.
Enlisted: September 8, 1814.
Discharged: September 14, 1814.
Residence of widow: 1864, 1878, Willsborough, Essex county New York.
Maiden name of widow: Sold first wife Elizabeth Aiken, married January 2, 1813, Ulster county New York, Second wife Elizabeth Whitney.
Marriage of soldier: March 12, 1846, Westport, Essex county, New York.
Death of soldier: January 14, 1855.
Death of widow: Prior to September 26, 1904.
Bounty Land No. 103818-160-55.
William Freeman.
Widow: Elizabeth A. Freeman.
Service: Private, Captain Peter Lamar's company, Ga., Militia.
Enlisted: November 21, 1814.
Discharged: May 20, 1815.
Residence of soldier: 1850, 1855, 1871, Gwinnett county, P. O. Lawrenceville Ga.
Residence of widow: 1878, 1888, Gwinnett county, P. O. Lawrenceville Ga.
Maiden name of widow: Sold first wife Lucinda Harris, second wife Elizabeth A. Blunt.
Marriage of soldier: December 7, 156, Gwinnett county, Ga.
Death of soldier: October 5, 1876, Gwinnett Ga.
Bounty land numbers: 6085-80-50., 37803-80-55.
John Rikeman.
Widow: Susan V. Rikeman
Service: Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Captain Bremner's company, New York Militia.
Enlisted: September 5, 1812, September 2, 1814.
Discharged: December 14, 1812, December 14, 1814.
Residence of soldier: 1850, New York, N. Y.
Residence of widow: 1855, 1871, New York, N. Y.
Maiden name of widow: Susan V. Peterson.
Marriage of soldier: April 10, 1810, New York, N. Y.
Death of soldier: July 4, 1853, New York, N. Y.
Bounty Land numbers: 2147-40-50, 4144-80-50, 169-40-55.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
USS Jacob Jones ( DD 130 ) Of WW II.
A while back I received a nice letter from a Mrs. Shirley Collier Perry asking if I would put her father Samuel Mims Collier Jr., on my death list. I said I would be glad to, then after a little research I found her father was indeed kill on the USS Jacob Jones in WW II., and not in 1917, which that page was made for. I was about to write her and tell what was going on when I received another letter from her with some interesting information so interesting I decided to do this page on the USS Jacob Jones of WW II.
Note. Push on the photos to enlarge.
At the first light of dawn 28 February 1942, undetected German submarine U-578 fired a spread of torpedoes at the unsuspecting destroyer. The deadly "fish" sped unsighted and two "or possibly three" struck the destroyer's port side in rapid succession.
According to her survivors, the first torpedo struck just aft of the bridge and caused almost unbelievable damage. Apparently, it exploded the ship's magazine; the resulting blast sheared off everything forward of the point of impact, destroying completely the bridge, the chart room, and the officers' and petty officers' quarters. As she stopped dead in the water, unable to signal a distress message, a second torpedo struck about 40 feet forward of the fantail and carried away the after part of the ship above the keel plates and shafts and destroyed the after crew's quarters. Only the midships section was left intact.
At 0810, an Army observation plane sighted the life rafts and reported their position to Eagle 56 of the Inshore Patrol. By 1100, when strong winds and rising seas forced her to abandon her search, she had rescued 12 survivors, one of whom died en route to Cape May. The search for the other survivors of Jones continued by plane and ship for the next two days, but none were ever found.
USS Jacob Jones.
Survivors and those killed
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