Henry Washington Wise.
Birth: Nov. 19, 1839, Bucyrus, Crawford County, Ohio.
Death: May 22, 1917, Crown Point, Lake County, Indiana.
Enlisted in Company C, Indiana 99th Infantry Regiment on 11 August 1862.
Promoted to Full Sergeant.
Mustered out on 23 May 1865.
Wife: Eliza Catherine Alyea Wise (1845 - 1927).
Married 1868.
Children: Henry C., John J., Lula M., Adah M. Wise.
Burial: Maplewood Historic Cemetery, Crown Point, Lake County, Indiana.
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Born November 19, 1839, in Crawford county, Ohio; came to Lake county, Indiana, in 1849, and it has been his home ever since. Enlisted in Company C in August, 1862, and served through the war. From 1884 to 1887 belonged to Third Regt. Indiana Legion. Married Eliza C. Alyea December 25, 1867, and they have two sons and two daughters, the youngest being 22 years of age. His ancestry were Pennsylvania Dutch; his great grandfather, born in 1751, served in the Maryland cavalry during the Revolutionary war. His grandfather, born near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in 1786, served in the war of 1812. Comrade Wise taught eight terms of school in his younger days, but his principal occupation has been that of brick and tile making. His regard for his old comrades and interest in their welfare is manifest at all times, and he attends all the reunions he can. The picture above shows him as he was in the army, while the one on page 161 shows him as he is now.