Extracts--From the proceedings. of Courts-martial, since the peace in 1815; on file in the Adjutant and Inspector General’s Office.
It appears, by the record of a general court-martial, held at Detroit, on the 11th of September that Lieutenant Dake, of the fifth infantry, was charged with, and found guilty of, “flogging John Meldrum,” a private of Captain Peiharn’s company, and sentenced to be “reprimanded in general orders.”
It appears, by the original record of a general court-martial, held at Montpelier, in April, 1817, that privates Samuel Dean and J. V. Mounce were both severely whipped, by order of their commanding officer, after having been brought in from desertion, for having fired on the party sent in pursuit of them; the fact of which was substantiated. by evidence. The general takes this occasion to observe, that the punishment of a prisoner, before trial, beyond what may be unavoidable, in putting on irons and keeping him in close confinement, is irregular, and cannot be tolerated.
[They were found guilty of desertion, and sentenced to hard labor.]
Thomas Coles, a matross of company “F,” regiment of light artillery, was tried by a general court—martial, in December, 18l7, on the following charge, viz: “Making a false and malicious complaint against Captain George N. Morris, regiment of light artillery, to Lieutenant Colonel Abraham Eustis, on the 22d of November, 1817.” To, which the prisoner pleaded not guilty. The findings of the court: The commanding general disapproves the proceedings in the case of Thomas Coles, a matross of the regiment of light artillery, and directs that he be released from confinement, and returned for duty.
It appears, from the records of a general court-martial,. convened at Plattsburg, New York, for the trial of Brevet Major George McGlassin of the sixth infantry, on the 23d, of February, 1818, that said Major McGlassin was charged with, and found guilty of, “unnecessarily and cruelly whipping soldiers, of his company, and sentenced to be “cashiered,” which was approved by the President.
It appears, by the original proceedings of a general court-martial, held in the harbor of Boston, in November, 1818, that Joseph Ham, a private of the fifth infantry, was arraigned on a charge for desertion, and pled as follows, viz.: The prisoner pleaded guilty. The prisoner pled in justification of the crime, that he had been compelled, by crte1 and illegal punishment, to desert, and called on Sergeant William Kelly to prove the fact; who was accordingly cited before the court and duly sworn.
Question. Do you know any thing of the prisoner’s receiving, proof to his desertion, severe or cruel punishment?
Answer. Yes. The prisoner, a short time previous to his desertion, being suspected of writing some observations relative to the soldiers not receiving their pay, was severely flogged for two or three mornings in succession; he was flogged with a raw hide, fifty or sixty lashes at a time, and was threatened with a repetition of the punishment until he would acknowledge the offence; during which time he was kept in close confinement,
From which he at length escaped.
Question by the court. By whose order was he thus punished?
Answer. By orders of Captain Foster, of the fifth infantry.
Question. Were you then stationed at Detroit’?
Answer. I was, and was quarter-master-sergeant of the regiment.
Question.. What was the prisoner’s character before this?
Answer. His character was very good.
The court, after mature deliberation in the case of Joseph Ham, find him guilty, and do sentence him to hard labor, with a twelve pound ball and chain attached to his leg, during his term of enlistment, and make good the lime lost by desertion. But in consequence of mitigating circumstances appearing to the court in. favor of the prisoner, the court recommend him to the commanding general for a full pardon.
General Porter, on the foregoing case, to viz.: The sentence of the court in the case of Joseph Ham is remitted; he will return to duty.
It appears by the record of a general court martial, held at Trader’s Hill, Georgia, in August, 1819, that John Best, Claudius Thornton, Benjamin Brandige, Jacob Betiz and Hiram Atkins, all privates of the United States army, were severally tried by said court, for desertion, and proved on trial that they had been flogged (after being apprehended,) for desertion, without a trial, and severally pled that they “had once been punished and should not be punished twice for the same offence.
They were severally found guilty of desertion, and sentenced to hard labor.
Extract-from the order of Major General Gaines, in which he approved the sentences in the preceding cases.
The commanding general is constrained by a sense of duty to protest against the gross irregularity which is evident from the testimony in the cases of the prisoner, previous to their trial. It appears that they were severally flogged by the orders of commissioned officers, without the least shadow of authority, in open contempt and defiance of law, and who have not only usurped the powers of courts-martial, which alone have the authority of awarding punishment, but have ordered the infliction of punishments which no military tribunal has power to award. A prisoner in actual confinement may, if disorderly, be ironed, and even chained to a block, but no conduct of his can justify his receiving a blow, nor can he be otherwise punished until regularly tried and convicted. A repetition of such unauthorized punishments will be immediately followed by the arrest of the officer ordering it.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Colonel John S. Mosby Photo Album
There has been so much written on Colonel Mosby, that I felt there was no need to write more. But I wanted to do something on him so I decided to put together a photo album to make it a little easier to find a photo of him.
Note. All photo’s can be enlarged by pushing on them.
The names and locations in the group are as follows: Top row, left to right: Lee Herverson, Ben Palmer, John Puryear, Tom Booker, Norman Randolph, Frank Raham; second row: Parrott, John Troop, John W. Munson, Colonel John S. Mosby, Newell, Necly, Quarles, third row: Walter Gosden, Harry T. Sinnott, Butler, Gentry.
John S. Mosby ( Gray Ghost.)

John S. Mosby , not in uniform.

Colonel John S. Mosby C. S. A.

Colonel John S. Mosby, 43rd Battalion, Virginia Cavalry, C. S. A., and friend.

John S Mosby, with hat.

John Singleton Mosby.

Mosby and
his former lieutenant John S. Russell.
Note. All photo’s can be enlarged by pushing on them.

The names and locations in the group are as follows: Top row, left to right: Lee Herverson, Ben Palmer, John Puryear, Tom Booker, Norman Randolph, Frank Raham; second row: Parrott, John Troop, John W. Munson, Colonel John S. Mosby, Newell, Necly, Quarles, third row: Walter Gosden, Harry T. Sinnott, Butler, Gentry.
John S. Mosby ( Gray Ghost.)

John S. Mosby , not in uniform.

Colonel John S. Mosby C. S. A.

Colonel John S. Mosby, 43rd Battalion, Virginia Cavalry, C. S. A., and friend.

John S Mosby, with hat.

John Singleton Mosby.

Mosby and

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Indian Troubles On The River Raisin-1813.
The information here was taken in testimony by the men that were eye witness’s to this horrible event, and in a event like this many of the testimonies will differ from one another and for this reason some errors will be made. If by chance you find a ancestor here and it states he was killed, it would be best to read all the testimonies, for he may not have been killed.
TERRITORY OF MICHIGAN, District of Detroit.
Pcrsonally appeared before me, the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace in the district of Detroit, Joseph Robert, an inhabitant on the river aux Raisins, who, being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists, depose and says that, on the next day after the battle on the said river Raisin a short time after sunrise, he saw the Indians kill the American prisoners with their tomahawks, and that they shot several, to wit, three; that the Indians set the house on fire, and that, in going out, the prisoners were massacred and killed as aforesaid, that is to say: three were shot, the others were killed in the houses, and burnt with the houses. The Indians burnt first the house of Jean Baptiste Jereaume, and afterwards that of Gabriel Godfroy, Jr. The deponent has been informed that there were about forty- eight or forty-nine prisoners in the two houses. The deponent has seen dead bodies on the highway which the hogs were tearing and eating. Mr. Brunot told the deponent that the Indians had killed those of the prisoners who were least wounded, and that the others were burnt alive.
Antoine Cuiellarie anti Alexis Salliot, inhabitants of river Ecorces, told the deponent that two prisoners had been burnt in the house of Grandon, on the river aux Sables. The deponent has heard that the Indians had tore out the hearts of the prisoners, and had brought them still smoking into the houses, but did not recollect the names of the informants; he believes however, they were men worthy of credit.
The deponent says further, that, after the first action on the river Raisin, the Indians fired on one named Solo, son-in-law to Stephen Labeau, an inhabitant on the river aux Sables, when returning from the house of Grandon to his father-in-Jaw; on his arrival, he hallooed to his father-in-law to open the door; saying that he was mortally wounded; Stephen Labeau opened the door and told his son-in-law to throw himself on his bed, but that, in trying to move, he fell dead. An Indian knocked at the door, and Labeau having opened it, received a ball in his breast, and fell dead. The son of Labeau made his escape; the Indians shot several shots at him, which did not reach him. The deponent says further, that Baptiste Couteur was killed near the house of the deponent, on the day of the second battle on the river Raisin, a little after sunrise.
The deponent say further, that the Indians have often threatened to burn his house and barn, if he did not march with them against the Americans. The deponent says he is an American citizen. The deponent says that several of his neighbors have told him that they have received the same threat. Other settlements have been threatened with fire. The mills and houses on the river faux Roches were burnt in the month of September last, after the capitulation of Detroit. And further this deponent said not.
Sworn and subscribed before me, the 4th February, 1813.
TERRITORY or MICHIGAN, District of Detroit.
Be it remembered that, on this day, February the fourth, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, personally came before the undersigned, a justice of the peace for the district aforesaid, viz: John M’Donnell, an inhabitant of the city of Detroit, who, after being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, deposeth and saith, that a few days after the battle of the 22d January (at the river Raisin) he was personally present at the house of James May, Esquire when he heard the said James ask Mr. William Jones, the acting agent for the Indian Department, if there would be any impropriety in purchasing the prisoners from the Indians; and that he heard the said William Jones say, “that he thought there would be no impropriety in purchasing them, but would not undertake to authorize any person to do so;” that in consequence of which, this deponent purchased three or four of the prisoners; amongst the number was one by the name of Hamilton, a private in the Kentucky volunteers who declared to this deponent that on the first or second day after the battle at river Raisin, on 22d January last, as he and some of his fellow prisoners were marching with the Indians between this place and river Raisin, they came up to where one of the prisoners was burnt, the life just expiring, and an Indian kicking the ashes off his back, saying “damned son of a bitch.”
This deponent also further deposeth as aforesaid,- that Doctor Bowers, a surgeon’s mate of the Kentucky volunteers, who was purchased by him and some other gentleman, stated to this deponent “that he was left to take care of the wounded after the battle, but felt rather timid on account of the savages, but that he received such assurances from Captain or Colonel Elliott of the safety of himself as well as the remaining prisoners, he concluded to stay, as sleighs were promised to be sent to fetch them away the next morning; that near about daylight of the morning following the day of the battle, the Indians came into the house where said Bowers was with the other prisoners, and proceeded to plunder and tomahawk such as could not walk, and stripping the said Bowers and the wounded prisoners of all. their clothes; that while the said Bowers and two other prisoners, named Searles and Bradford, as near as this deponent can recollect, were sitting by the fire in the Indian camp, an Indian came up who appeared to be drunk, and called the said Searles, as near as this deponent can. recollect, a Madison or Washington, then took up a tomahawk and struck the said Searles on the shoulder; that the said Searles caught hold of the tomahawk and held it for some time; that the said Bowers advised the said Searles to submit to his fate; with that the Indian gave him a second blow on the head, killed, scalped, and striped him; during this time the said Bowers and Bradford were personally present, and being apprehensive for their own safety that he, Bowers, ran and came up to the old chief ( who sold him to this deponent and others) who took him und his protection, and was very kind to him whilst he remained with him. This-deponent further deposeth, that he has reason to believe the aforesaid Bowers and Hamilton are now at Sandwich, and if applied to, they could give more ample information relative to the particulars of the aforesaid. And further this deponent saith not.
John M’Donnell.
Sworn and subscribed at my chambers, in the city of Detroit, the day and year before written.
Note. The meaning of; J. P. D. D., Justice of the peace for the district of Detroit.
Note from Mr. John M’Donell to James May, Esquire.
Detroit, 4th February, 1813.
I had a conversation with Mr. Smart, after leaving your house to-day, who had a conversation with Bowers and Bradford. He observes that I have made several material errors in thy affidavit before you this day. He says the prisoner killed was of the name of Blythe, instead of Searles; and mentioned some other errors that differ widely from what I have sworn to, so that 1 think it is a pity that Bowers and Bradford’s own affidavits could not be had, instead of mine.
John M’Donell
TERRITORY OF MICHIGAN, District of Detroit.
Personally appeared before me, the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace in the district of Detroit, Antoine Boulard, of the river aux Raisins, who, being sworn on the Holy Evangelists, deposeth and says, that, on the next day after the last battle on river aux Raisins, he saw the Indians kill the secretary of the American General, who was on the horse of the Indian who had taken him prisoner, with a rifle shot; that the prisoner fell on one side, and an Indian came forward with a saber, finished him, scalped him, stripe him, and carried away his clothes. The body remained two days on the highway, before the door of the deponent, and was part eat up by the hogs. Afterwards, the deponent, together with Francois Lasselle, Hubert Lacroix, Charles Chovin, and Louis Lajoye, took up the corpse, at dusk of the evening, and carried into a field near the woods, where the hogs did not go. They dared not bury it, for fear of being surprised by the Indians. And further this deponent saith not.
ANTOINE BOULARD, his + mark.
Sworn and subscribed in my presence, the 5thFebniary, 1813, PETER AUDRAIN, J. P. D. D.
I hereby certify, that, the next day after the last battle on the river aux Raisins, the secretary of the American General was taken, near the door of the deponent, was wounded., and placed on a horse that seven or eight Indian were near the house, one of whom shot him in the head with a rifle; that he did not fall off his horse until another Indian, drawing a saber, struck him on the head several times, and then he fell to the ground, was scalped, and stripe of his clothes, and left on the road, where he remained one day and a half. I, the deponent, with Francois Lassellel, Hubert Lacroix, and Louis Chovin, on the evening of the second day, took up the body, carried it to the skirts of the woods, and covered it with a few branches, but could not stay to bury it for fear of the Indians that were in the neighborhood; and, on the next day after the last battle, I was near the house of Gabriel Godfroy, Jr., and the house of Jean Batiste Jereaume, where a great number of prisoners were collected; and that I heard the screaming of the prisoners whom the Indians were tomahawking; that the savages set the houses on fire, and went off.
LOUIS BERNARD dit Lajoye, his + mark.
Detroit, 5th February, 1813.
I certify, that the bodies of the Americans killed at the battle of Ia Riviere aux Raisins, of the 22d of January last, remain unburied and that I have seen the hogs and dogs eating them. The hogs appeared to be rendered mad by so profuse a diet of Christian flesh. I saw the houses of Mr. Jerome and Mr. Godfroy on fire, and have heard that there were prisoners in them. The inhabitants did not dare to bury the dead, on account of the Indians. The inhabitants have been threatened by the Indians, if they did not take up arms against the Americans.
ALEXIS LABADIE, his + mark.
MICHIGAN, February 6th, 1813.
TERRITORY OF MICHIGAN, District of Detroit.
Pcrsonally appeared before me, the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace in the district of Detroit, Joseph Robert, an inhabitant on the river aux Raisins, who, being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists, depose and says that, on the next day after the battle on the said river Raisin a short time after sunrise, he saw the Indians kill the American prisoners with their tomahawks, and that they shot several, to wit, three; that the Indians set the house on fire, and that, in going out, the prisoners were massacred and killed as aforesaid, that is to say: three were shot, the others were killed in the houses, and burnt with the houses. The Indians burnt first the house of Jean Baptiste Jereaume, and afterwards that of Gabriel Godfroy, Jr. The deponent has been informed that there were about forty- eight or forty-nine prisoners in the two houses. The deponent has seen dead bodies on the highway which the hogs were tearing and eating. Mr. Brunot told the deponent that the Indians had killed those of the prisoners who were least wounded, and that the others were burnt alive.
Antoine Cuiellarie anti Alexis Salliot, inhabitants of river Ecorces, told the deponent that two prisoners had been burnt in the house of Grandon, on the river aux Sables. The deponent has heard that the Indians had tore out the hearts of the prisoners, and had brought them still smoking into the houses, but did not recollect the names of the informants; he believes however, they were men worthy of credit.
The deponent says further, that, after the first action on the river Raisin, the Indians fired on one named Solo, son-in-law to Stephen Labeau, an inhabitant on the river aux Sables, when returning from the house of Grandon to his father-in-Jaw; on his arrival, he hallooed to his father-in-law to open the door; saying that he was mortally wounded; Stephen Labeau opened the door and told his son-in-law to throw himself on his bed, but that, in trying to move, he fell dead. An Indian knocked at the door, and Labeau having opened it, received a ball in his breast, and fell dead. The son of Labeau made his escape; the Indians shot several shots at him, which did not reach him. The deponent says further, that Baptiste Couteur was killed near the house of the deponent, on the day of the second battle on the river Raisin, a little after sunrise.
The deponent say further, that the Indians have often threatened to burn his house and barn, if he did not march with them against the Americans. The deponent says he is an American citizen. The deponent says that several of his neighbors have told him that they have received the same threat. Other settlements have been threatened with fire. The mills and houses on the river faux Roches were burnt in the month of September last, after the capitulation of Detroit. And further this deponent said not.
Sworn and subscribed before me, the 4th February, 1813.
TERRITORY or MICHIGAN, District of Detroit.
Be it remembered that, on this day, February the fourth, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, personally came before the undersigned, a justice of the peace for the district aforesaid, viz: John M’Donnell, an inhabitant of the city of Detroit, who, after being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, deposeth and saith, that a few days after the battle of the 22d January (at the river Raisin) he was personally present at the house of James May, Esquire when he heard the said James ask Mr. William Jones, the acting agent for the Indian Department, if there would be any impropriety in purchasing the prisoners from the Indians; and that he heard the said William Jones say, “that he thought there would be no impropriety in purchasing them, but would not undertake to authorize any person to do so;” that in consequence of which, this deponent purchased three or four of the prisoners; amongst the number was one by the name of Hamilton, a private in the Kentucky volunteers who declared to this deponent that on the first or second day after the battle at river Raisin, on 22d January last, as he and some of his fellow prisoners were marching with the Indians between this place and river Raisin, they came up to where one of the prisoners was burnt, the life just expiring, and an Indian kicking the ashes off his back, saying “damned son of a bitch.”
This deponent also further deposeth as aforesaid,- that Doctor Bowers, a surgeon’s mate of the Kentucky volunteers, who was purchased by him and some other gentleman, stated to this deponent “that he was left to take care of the wounded after the battle, but felt rather timid on account of the savages, but that he received such assurances from Captain or Colonel Elliott of the safety of himself as well as the remaining prisoners, he concluded to stay, as sleighs were promised to be sent to fetch them away the next morning; that near about daylight of the morning following the day of the battle, the Indians came into the house where said Bowers was with the other prisoners, and proceeded to plunder and tomahawk such as could not walk, and stripping the said Bowers and the wounded prisoners of all. their clothes; that while the said Bowers and two other prisoners, named Searles and Bradford, as near as this deponent can recollect, were sitting by the fire in the Indian camp, an Indian came up who appeared to be drunk, and called the said Searles, as near as this deponent can. recollect, a Madison or Washington, then took up a tomahawk and struck the said Searles on the shoulder; that the said Searles caught hold of the tomahawk and held it for some time; that the said Bowers advised the said Searles to submit to his fate; with that the Indian gave him a second blow on the head, killed, scalped, and striped him; during this time the said Bowers and Bradford were personally present, and being apprehensive for their own safety that he, Bowers, ran and came up to the old chief ( who sold him to this deponent and others) who took him und his protection, and was very kind to him whilst he remained with him. This-deponent further deposeth, that he has reason to believe the aforesaid Bowers and Hamilton are now at Sandwich, and if applied to, they could give more ample information relative to the particulars of the aforesaid. And further this deponent saith not.
John M’Donnell.
Sworn and subscribed at my chambers, in the city of Detroit, the day and year before written.
Note. The meaning of; J. P. D. D., Justice of the peace for the district of Detroit.
Note from Mr. John M’Donell to James May, Esquire.
Detroit, 4th February, 1813.
I had a conversation with Mr. Smart, after leaving your house to-day, who had a conversation with Bowers and Bradford. He observes that I have made several material errors in thy affidavit before you this day. He says the prisoner killed was of the name of Blythe, instead of Searles; and mentioned some other errors that differ widely from what I have sworn to, so that 1 think it is a pity that Bowers and Bradford’s own affidavits could not be had, instead of mine.
John M’Donell
TERRITORY OF MICHIGAN, District of Detroit.
Personally appeared before me, the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace in the district of Detroit, Antoine Boulard, of the river aux Raisins, who, being sworn on the Holy Evangelists, deposeth and says, that, on the next day after the last battle on river aux Raisins, he saw the Indians kill the secretary of the American General, who was on the horse of the Indian who had taken him prisoner, with a rifle shot; that the prisoner fell on one side, and an Indian came forward with a saber, finished him, scalped him, stripe him, and carried away his clothes. The body remained two days on the highway, before the door of the deponent, and was part eat up by the hogs. Afterwards, the deponent, together with Francois Lasselle, Hubert Lacroix, Charles Chovin, and Louis Lajoye, took up the corpse, at dusk of the evening, and carried into a field near the woods, where the hogs did not go. They dared not bury it, for fear of being surprised by the Indians. And further this deponent saith not.
ANTOINE BOULARD, his + mark.
Sworn and subscribed in my presence, the 5thFebniary, 1813, PETER AUDRAIN, J. P. D. D.
I hereby certify, that, the next day after the last battle on the river aux Raisins, the secretary of the American General was taken, near the door of the deponent, was wounded., and placed on a horse that seven or eight Indian were near the house, one of whom shot him in the head with a rifle; that he did not fall off his horse until another Indian, drawing a saber, struck him on the head several times, and then he fell to the ground, was scalped, and stripe of his clothes, and left on the road, where he remained one day and a half. I, the deponent, with Francois Lassellel, Hubert Lacroix, and Louis Chovin, on the evening of the second day, took up the body, carried it to the skirts of the woods, and covered it with a few branches, but could not stay to bury it for fear of the Indians that were in the neighborhood; and, on the next day after the last battle, I was near the house of Gabriel Godfroy, Jr., and the house of Jean Batiste Jereaume, where a great number of prisoners were collected; and that I heard the screaming of the prisoners whom the Indians were tomahawking; that the savages set the houses on fire, and went off.
LOUIS BERNARD dit Lajoye, his + mark.
Detroit, 5th February, 1813.
I certify, that the bodies of the Americans killed at the battle of Ia Riviere aux Raisins, of the 22d of January last, remain unburied and that I have seen the hogs and dogs eating them. The hogs appeared to be rendered mad by so profuse a diet of Christian flesh. I saw the houses of Mr. Jerome and Mr. Godfroy on fire, and have heard that there were prisoners in them. The inhabitants did not dare to bury the dead, on account of the Indians. The inhabitants have been threatened by the Indians, if they did not take up arms against the Americans.
ALEXIS LABADIE, his + mark.
MICHIGAN, February 6th, 1813.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Doctor Samuel M'Keehan 1813.
On the 31st January last I was ordered, by General Harrison, to proceed to the river Raisin, with a flag of truce, and from thence to Maiden, if not stopped by the Indians. We arrived at the foot of the rapids of the Miami, at dark, and not finding a company of rangers as expected, we encamped in a cave, the horse and carryall before the door, and the flag standing by them. About midnight the Indians fired in upon us, killed Mr. Lemont, wounded myself in the foot, and made us prisoners. After dispatching Mr. Lemont with the tomahawk, scalping and stripping him, they seized my horse, harness, great coat, blankets, and other clothing, and one hundred dollars in gold, which the General had sent to procure necessaries for the wounded of General Winchester’s army.
That night I was made to walk more than twenty miles, to where Captain Elliot was stationed with a party of Indians. The captain treated me politely, and sent me to Colonel Proctor. I was scarcely seated before the Colonel began to exclaim against Gen. Harrison; said he had been used to fight Indians and not British; found fault with my instructions, and said the flag was only a pretext to cover a bad design. I rebutted his insinuations with indignation, which I believe has been the cause of all my troubles since. I was not recognized, in my official character, until the 5th of February, when I was informed by Proctor’s aid that I should attend on the wounded with Doctor Bower, and that I would be sent to the United States, but by a different route from that which I came. Doctor Bower in a few days was sent home and I detained.
On the 2d of March, I was arrested, by order of Colonel Proctor, and accused of carrying on a private correspondence. On the 8th, without having any trial, ordered to Montreal, and hurried on from Port George, night and day, although thinly clothed, and the weather very cold. Front Kingston to Prescott, I was made to eat with the officers’ servants. This course of torture being finished, on the 28th, when I arrived. in Montreal, and without being asked any questions, or suffered to ask any myself, I was put into the dungeon, eight or ten feet below the surface of the ground, where find neither bed nor bedding, chair, bench, or stool denied pen, ink, anti paper, or even the use of a book, for two weeks. The only current of air that passed through my apartment came through the bowels of the privy! Here I was kept thirty-three days, when I was, to my great joy, put up with the American prisoners, and with them permitted to remain, till last Monday, when I was liberated by the intercession of Lieutenant Dudley, of the navy. Colonel Baynes, aid to the Governor, told me the outrage which had been committed on my person was contrary to his orders.
I left fourteen American prisoners in gaol, viz: George H. Rodgers, United States’ army; Wm. Hollenback, Onis Hooker, Philaster Jones, Harry Jones, Lewis Minor, Zebina Conkey, Phiney Conkey, Canton; Seth Barnes, Camden; Jared Witheril, John Campbell, Schoharie; Major Watson, Ogdensburg; Alexander M’Gregor, Balston, who were kept in close confinement, notwithstanding Colonel Lethbridge and Major Shackleton had pledged their words to Captain Conkey, before he left Montreal for Quebec, that they should have the liberty of the town during the day. But the Captain was scarcely gone, when the pledge was either forgotten or disregarded. The prisoners now are not permitted to procure such things as their small stock of money would provide. Sometimes they are half a day without water, and two or three days without wood; and if they complain they are cursed and abused by the gaoler, and told they are only allowed a quart of water in the day. I am requested to represent their situation to General Dearborn, which I intend to do as soon as I arrive at Sackett’s Harbor.
This is a sketch of the indignities I have had to put up with since the last of January.
I am, yours, &c.
SAMUEL M’KEEHAN, Surgeon’s Mate 2d Regiment Ohio Militia.
Geo. H. Rodgers, U. S. Army.
Gains Hooker.
Jared Witherall.
Lewis Minor.
Pliny Conkey.
Wm. Hollenback.
Philaster Jones.
Major Watson.
John Campbell.
David Johnston.
Seth Barns.
Danny Jones.
Alex’r M’ Gregor.
Zebina Conkey.
On the 31st January last I was ordered, by General Harrison, to proceed to the river Raisin, with a flag of truce, and from thence to Maiden, if not stopped by the Indians. We arrived at the foot of the rapids of the Miami, at dark, and not finding a company of rangers as expected, we encamped in a cave, the horse and carryall before the door, and the flag standing by them. About midnight the Indians fired in upon us, killed Mr. Lemont, wounded myself in the foot, and made us prisoners. After dispatching Mr. Lemont with the tomahawk, scalping and stripping him, they seized my horse, harness, great coat, blankets, and other clothing, and one hundred dollars in gold, which the General had sent to procure necessaries for the wounded of General Winchester’s army.
That night I was made to walk more than twenty miles, to where Captain Elliot was stationed with a party of Indians. The captain treated me politely, and sent me to Colonel Proctor. I was scarcely seated before the Colonel began to exclaim against Gen. Harrison; said he had been used to fight Indians and not British; found fault with my instructions, and said the flag was only a pretext to cover a bad design. I rebutted his insinuations with indignation, which I believe has been the cause of all my troubles since. I was not recognized, in my official character, until the 5th of February, when I was informed by Proctor’s aid that I should attend on the wounded with Doctor Bower, and that I would be sent to the United States, but by a different route from that which I came. Doctor Bower in a few days was sent home and I detained.
On the 2d of March, I was arrested, by order of Colonel Proctor, and accused of carrying on a private correspondence. On the 8th, without having any trial, ordered to Montreal, and hurried on from Port George, night and day, although thinly clothed, and the weather very cold. Front Kingston to Prescott, I was made to eat with the officers’ servants. This course of torture being finished, on the 28th, when I arrived. in Montreal, and without being asked any questions, or suffered to ask any myself, I was put into the dungeon, eight or ten feet below the surface of the ground, where find neither bed nor bedding, chair, bench, or stool denied pen, ink, anti paper, or even the use of a book, for two weeks. The only current of air that passed through my apartment came through the bowels of the privy! Here I was kept thirty-three days, when I was, to my great joy, put up with the American prisoners, and with them permitted to remain, till last Monday, when I was liberated by the intercession of Lieutenant Dudley, of the navy. Colonel Baynes, aid to the Governor, told me the outrage which had been committed on my person was contrary to his orders.
I left fourteen American prisoners in gaol, viz: George H. Rodgers, United States’ army; Wm. Hollenback, Onis Hooker, Philaster Jones, Harry Jones, Lewis Minor, Zebina Conkey, Phiney Conkey, Canton; Seth Barnes, Camden; Jared Witheril, John Campbell, Schoharie; Major Watson, Ogdensburg; Alexander M’Gregor, Balston, who were kept in close confinement, notwithstanding Colonel Lethbridge and Major Shackleton had pledged their words to Captain Conkey, before he left Montreal for Quebec, that they should have the liberty of the town during the day. But the Captain was scarcely gone, when the pledge was either forgotten or disregarded. The prisoners now are not permitted to procure such things as their small stock of money would provide. Sometimes they are half a day without water, and two or three days without wood; and if they complain they are cursed and abused by the gaoler, and told they are only allowed a quart of water in the day. I am requested to represent their situation to General Dearborn, which I intend to do as soon as I arrive at Sackett’s Harbor.
This is a sketch of the indignities I have had to put up with since the last of January.
I am, yours, &c.
SAMUEL M’KEEHAN, Surgeon’s Mate 2d Regiment Ohio Militia.
Geo. H. Rodgers, U. S. Army.
Gains Hooker.
Jared Witherall.
Lewis Minor.
Pliny Conkey.
Wm. Hollenback.
Philaster Jones.
Major Watson.
John Campbell.
David Johnston.
Seth Barns.
Danny Jones.
Alex’r M’ Gregor.
Zebina Conkey.
Monday, December 28, 2009
The men on this page were either impressed from other ships or were working on British ships when the war of 1812 came. Those who were on British ships at the time give themselves up as prisoners of war and refused to work any more for the British. But the British was not having none of this, the men were told to serve them or be punished or worse. The British believed they had the same right as the French had done and that was to get men to fight were ever the could get them, and the British would do the same and would be damn on the American diplomatic diplomacy.
I, Beekman or Beckman Verplanck Hoffman, of the town of Poughkeepsie, do certify, that I am a Lieutenant in the United Navy; that I was a lieutenant on board the Constitution frigate in the action and capture of the Guerriere; that, after her surrender, I was sent on board; and after taking out the crew, fired and blew up the ship; that eight impressed American seamen were among the crew of the Guerriere, who were liberated at Boston. I was also on board the Constitution, in the action and capture of the Java and was sent on board that vessel, and after the crew were removed, set her on fire and blew her up. Amongst the crew of the Java, thirteen impressed American sea-men were found, three of whom had entered the British service, and were left, the other ten were liberated as Americans.
Poughkeepsie Aptil 16, 1813.
Beekman. Verplanck Hoffman.
Family. Wife Phebe W. Townsend, father Harmanus Hoffman, mother Catharine Verplanck.
Service: Midshipman, 4 July, 1805. Lieutenant, 21 May, 1812. Master Commandant, 5 March, 1817. Captain, 7 March, 1829. Died 10 December, 1834.
Richard Thompson being sworn, saith, that he is a native of New Paltz, opposite Poughkeepsie; that he sailed from Wilmington, abdut1the 28th of April 1810,on board the brig Warren, William Kelly, captain, for Cork. On the homeward passage, in September following, he was impressed and taken on board the Peacock, a British sloop of war, and compelled to do. duty. That, while on. board that vessel. he made many unsuccessful attempts to write td his friends to inform them of his situation. He farther saith that after he had heard of’ the war, himself and two other impressed American seamen, who were on board the Peacock, went aft to the captain, and claimed to be considered as American prisoners of war, and refused to do duty any longer.
They were ordered off the quarter deck, and the captain called for the master-at arms, and, ordered us to be. put in irons; we were then kept in irons about twenty-four hours, when we were taken out, brought to the gangway, stripped of our clothes, tied and whipped each one dozen and a half lashes, and put to duty. He further saith, that he was kept on board the Peacock, and did duty till the.-action with the Hornet; after the Hornet hoisted American colors, he, and the other impressed Americans, again went to the Captain of the Peacock, asked to be sent below said, it was an American ship and that they did not wish to fight against their country.
‘The Captain ordered us to our quarters; called midshipman Stone to do his duty; and if we did not do our duty, to blow our brains out. “Ay, ay!” was the answer by Stone, who then held a pistol at my head, and ordered us to our places. We then continued at our pieces, and were compelled to fight till the Peacock struck; and we were liberated after an impressments of about two years and eight months.
Poughkeepsie, April 17, 1813, Richard Thompson .
James Tompkins, being sworn saith, that he is it native of Ulster county opposite Poughkeepsie; that he sailed out of New York, in the month of April, 1812, in the Ship Minerva, bound to Ireland; that on her homeward, bound passage, in July after, this deponent, with three other American seamen, Samuel Davis, William Young, and John Brown were impressed and taken on board the British ship Acteon, David Smith; Captain. .We were taken on Saturday evening on Monday morning we were brought to the gangway, and informed that we must enter on board the ship and live as other seamen, or we should live on oatmeal and, water and receive five dozen lashes.
This deponent says himself and the other three impressed with him, did refuse to enter, and each of them were then whipped five dozen lashes. On Wednesday following, we were again all brought up and had the same offer made to us, to enter, which we refused, and we were again. whipped four dozen lashes, each. On Saturday after, the like offer was made to us, and on our refusal we were again whipped three dozen, lashes. On Monday fo1owing, still refusing to enter, we were again whipped two dozen., each. On Wednesday following we were again whipped one dozen each, and ordered to be taken below, and put in irons till we did enter and the Captain said he would punish the damned Yankee rascals till they did enter. We were then put in irons, and laid in irons three months.
During the time of our impressment the ship had a action, and. captured a French ship. Before this action we were taken out of irons and asked to fight, but we refused; and after the action we were again ironed, where we remained till the ship arrived at London. After arriving there we first beard of the war with America, and that the Guerriere was taken. This deponent took his shirt Samuel Davis and William Young took their handkerchiefs, made stripes and stars for the American colors, an hung it over a gun. and gave three cheers for the victory.
The next morning at six o’clock were brought up an. whipped, two dozen lashes Each, for huzzaing the Yankee flag. Shortly after this, we were all released by the assistance, of the American Consul and Captain Hill, who knew us. This deponent further saith that all had protections, and showed them, and claimed to be American, at the tune they were impressed.
James Tompkins.
Sworn before me this 17th day of April, 1813; it which time the said James Tompkins showed me his wrists, which, at his request, I examined, and there appeared to be marks on both of them. occasioned, as I suppose, from his having been in irons.
WM. W. .BOGARDUS, Justice of the Peace.
The following American seamen were on a British ships of war, who upon hearing of the war offered to give themselves up as prisoners of war, and for doing so or for refusing to do service have been punished.
John Ballard, on board the Zenobia, offered himself a prisoner, refused, and was put in irons for one night.
John Davis, on board the Thistle, gave himself up as a prisoner, and refused further service, for which he was flogged.
Ephraim Covell, on board La Hogue, gave himself up as a prisoner, and, refused further service, in consequence of which he was kept seven days in irons.
John Hosman, on board La Hogue, gave himself up as a prisoner, and refused further service; was pat in irons, still kept therein, and was threatened by the commander with further punishment.
Russell Brainard, on board La Hogue, gave himself up as a prisoner, was put in irons, and still kept therein.
Thomas W. Marshall, Peter Lazette, Edward Whittle Banks, and Levi Younger, on board the Royal William, gave themselves up as prisoners, and. Were in consequence thereof put into close confinement for eight days.
I, Beekman or Beckman Verplanck Hoffman, of the town of Poughkeepsie, do certify, that I am a Lieutenant in the United Navy; that I was a lieutenant on board the Constitution frigate in the action and capture of the Guerriere; that, after her surrender, I was sent on board; and after taking out the crew, fired and blew up the ship; that eight impressed American seamen were among the crew of the Guerriere, who were liberated at Boston. I was also on board the Constitution, in the action and capture of the Java and was sent on board that vessel, and after the crew were removed, set her on fire and blew her up. Amongst the crew of the Java, thirteen impressed American sea-men were found, three of whom had entered the British service, and were left, the other ten were liberated as Americans.
Poughkeepsie Aptil 16, 1813.
Beekman. Verplanck Hoffman.
Family. Wife Phebe W. Townsend, father Harmanus Hoffman, mother Catharine Verplanck.
Service: Midshipman, 4 July, 1805. Lieutenant, 21 May, 1812. Master Commandant, 5 March, 1817. Captain, 7 March, 1829. Died 10 December, 1834.
Richard Thompson being sworn, saith, that he is a native of New Paltz, opposite Poughkeepsie; that he sailed from Wilmington, abdut1the 28th of April 1810,on board the brig Warren, William Kelly, captain, for Cork. On the homeward passage, in September following, he was impressed and taken on board the Peacock, a British sloop of war, and compelled to do. duty. That, while on. board that vessel. he made many unsuccessful attempts to write td his friends to inform them of his situation. He farther saith that after he had heard of’ the war, himself and two other impressed American seamen, who were on board the Peacock, went aft to the captain, and claimed to be considered as American prisoners of war, and refused to do duty any longer.
They were ordered off the quarter deck, and the captain called for the master-at arms, and, ordered us to be. put in irons; we were then kept in irons about twenty-four hours, when we were taken out, brought to the gangway, stripped of our clothes, tied and whipped each one dozen and a half lashes, and put to duty. He further saith, that he was kept on board the Peacock, and did duty till the.-action with the Hornet; after the Hornet hoisted American colors, he, and the other impressed Americans, again went to the Captain of the Peacock, asked to be sent below said, it was an American ship and that they did not wish to fight against their country.
‘The Captain ordered us to our quarters; called midshipman Stone to do his duty; and if we did not do our duty, to blow our brains out. “Ay, ay!” was the answer by Stone, who then held a pistol at my head, and ordered us to our places. We then continued at our pieces, and were compelled to fight till the Peacock struck; and we were liberated after an impressments of about two years and eight months.
Poughkeepsie, April 17, 1813, Richard Thompson .
James Tompkins, being sworn saith, that he is it native of Ulster county opposite Poughkeepsie; that he sailed out of New York, in the month of April, 1812, in the Ship Minerva, bound to Ireland; that on her homeward, bound passage, in July after, this deponent, with three other American seamen, Samuel Davis, William Young, and John Brown were impressed and taken on board the British ship Acteon, David Smith; Captain. .We were taken on Saturday evening on Monday morning we were brought to the gangway, and informed that we must enter on board the ship and live as other seamen, or we should live on oatmeal and, water and receive five dozen lashes.
This deponent says himself and the other three impressed with him, did refuse to enter, and each of them were then whipped five dozen lashes. On Wednesday following, we were again all brought up and had the same offer made to us, to enter, which we refused, and we were again. whipped four dozen lashes, each. On Saturday after, the like offer was made to us, and on our refusal we were again whipped three dozen, lashes. On Monday fo1owing, still refusing to enter, we were again whipped two dozen., each. On Wednesday following we were again whipped one dozen each, and ordered to be taken below, and put in irons till we did enter and the Captain said he would punish the damned Yankee rascals till they did enter. We were then put in irons, and laid in irons three months.
During the time of our impressment the ship had a action, and. captured a French ship. Before this action we were taken out of irons and asked to fight, but we refused; and after the action we were again ironed, where we remained till the ship arrived at London. After arriving there we first beard of the war with America, and that the Guerriere was taken. This deponent took his shirt Samuel Davis and William Young took their handkerchiefs, made stripes and stars for the American colors, an hung it over a gun. and gave three cheers for the victory.
The next morning at six o’clock were brought up an. whipped, two dozen lashes Each, for huzzaing the Yankee flag. Shortly after this, we were all released by the assistance, of the American Consul and Captain Hill, who knew us. This deponent further saith that all had protections, and showed them, and claimed to be American, at the tune they were impressed.
James Tompkins.
Sworn before me this 17th day of April, 1813; it which time the said James Tompkins showed me his wrists, which, at his request, I examined, and there appeared to be marks on both of them. occasioned, as I suppose, from his having been in irons.
WM. W. .BOGARDUS, Justice of the Peace.
The following American seamen were on a British ships of war, who upon hearing of the war offered to give themselves up as prisoners of war, and for doing so or for refusing to do service have been punished.
John Ballard, on board the Zenobia, offered himself a prisoner, refused, and was put in irons for one night.
John Davis, on board the Thistle, gave himself up as a prisoner, and refused further service, for which he was flogged.
Ephraim Covell, on board La Hogue, gave himself up as a prisoner, and, refused further service, in consequence of which he was kept seven days in irons.
John Hosman, on board La Hogue, gave himself up as a prisoner, and refused further service; was pat in irons, still kept therein, and was threatened by the commander with further punishment.
Russell Brainard, on board La Hogue, gave himself up as a prisoner, was put in irons, and still kept therein.
Thomas W. Marshall, Peter Lazette, Edward Whittle Banks, and Levi Younger, on board the Royal William, gave themselves up as prisoners, and. Were in consequence thereof put into close confinement for eight days.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Battle at Williamsbugh.
In the reports it states that these men were killed and wound in the action at Williamsbrugh in upper Canada, but the real action took place at the Battle of Crysler's Farm, also known as the Battle of Crysler's Field, and was fought on 11 November 1813, during the Anglo-American War of 1812. (The name Chrysler's Farm is sometimes used for the engagement, but Crysler is in fact the proper spelling.) A British and Canadian force won a victory over an American force which greatly outnumbered them, but was dispirited and badly led. The American defeat prompted them to abandon their "Saint Lawrence campaign", their major strategic effort in the autumn of 1813. In Williamsbrugh action Major General Wilkinson would loss a total of 339, men.
The killed and wounded of a detachment of the Army of the United States, descending the St. Lawrence, under the command of major General James Wilkinson, in a action fought at Williamsburgh in upper Canada, on the 11th, of November 1813.
Lieutenant William W. Smith, light artillery.
service: Smith, William Wallace. New Jersey New Jersey Cadet Military Academy 14 Apr 1809 (17) out of class, 2nd. Lieutenant Light artillery 1st, June 1812; 1st, Lieutenant 1 Oct 1813; died 3 Dec 1813 of wounds received 11 Nov 1813 in action at Chrystler's Fields Upper Canada.
Lieutenant David Hunter, 12th, infantry.
service: Hunter, David. Virginia, Virginia, 3rd, Lieutenant 12th,
infantry 29 Mar 1813; killed 11 Nov 1813 in battle of Chrystlers Fields Upper Canada.
Lieutenant Edward Olmstead, 16th, infantry.
service: Olmstead, Edward. Pennsylvania, 3rd, Lieutenant 16th, infantry 16 Apr 1813; 2nd, Lieutenant 13 May 1813; 1st, Lieutenant 30 Sept 1813; killed 11 Nov 1813 in battle of
Chrystlers Fields Upper Canada.
Brigadier General, Leonard Covington, mortally ( Since died.)
service: Covington, Leonard. Maryland, Maryland,, Cornet Light dragoons 14 Mar 1792; Lieutenant 25 Oct 1792; Captain 11 July 1794; resigned 22 Sept 1795; Lieutenant colonel Light dragoons 9 Jan 1809; colonel 15 Feb 1809; brig General 1 Aug 1813; died 14 Nov 1813 of wounds received in battle of Chrystlers field, Upper Canada 11 Nov. 1813.
Major Talbot Chambers, Assistant Adjutant General, slightly.
service: Chambers, Talbot. Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, 1st. Lieutenant 5th, infantry 18 June 1808; captain 31 Oct 1811; major Assistant Adjutant General 2 Apr 1813; major 4 rifle 21 Feb 1814; rifle regiment 17 May 1815; It colonel 8 Mar 1817; colonel 10 Nov 1818; transferred to 1st, infantry 1 June 1821; brevet Lieutenant colonel 17 Sept 1814 for gal con in the sortie from Ft Erie Upper Canada; cashiered 28 Apr 1826.
Major Darby Noon, Aid-de-camp, slight.
service: Noon, Darby. Ireland. New York, Major 41st, infantry 1 Aug. 1813; Honorable discharged 15 June 1815; department commissary of purchases 15 July 1815; Honorable discharged 1 June 1821; [died 9 Sept 1823.]
Colonel James P. Preston, 23, infantry, severely his right thigh fractured.
service: Preston, James Patton. Virginia, Virginia, Lieutenant colonel 12rh, infantry 19 Mar 1812; colonel 23rd., infantry 15 Aug 1813; Honorable discharged 15 June 1815; [died 4 May 1843.]
Major William Cummings, 8th, infantry severely.
service: Cummings, William. New York, Ensign 12th, infantry 14 Jan 1799; 2nd, Lieutenant 3 Mar 1799; 1st, Lieutenant 4 Apr 1800; honorable discharged 15 June 1800. Was later reinstated but I was not able to find his records.
Captain Edmund Foster, slightly.
service: Foster, Edmund. Massachusetts. Massachusetts, Ensign, rifle 12 Dec 1808; resigned 1 July 1809; 1st, Lieutenant 9th, infantry 12 Mar 1812; captain 13 Mar 1813; resigned 31 Oct 1814; [died 5 Feb 1834.]
Captain David S. Townsend, 9th, infantry severely-taken prisoner.
service: Massachusetts, Massachusetts, 1st, Lieutenant 9th, infantry 6 July, 1812; Captain 13 May 1813; Major, Assistant Adjutant General 27 July 1814; honorable discharges 15 June 1815; paymaster battalion corps artillery 29 Apr 1816; retained as major and paymaster 1 June 1821; died 28 Jan 1853.
Captain Mordecai Myers, 13th, infantry severely.
service: Myers, Mordecai. New York, Captain 13th, infantry 12 Mar 1812; honorable discharged 15 June 1815; [died 20 Jan 1871.]
Captain John Campbell, 13th, slightly.
service: Campbell, John. New York, 1st, Lieutenant 13th., infantry 15
May 1812; captain 15 Aug 1813; resigned 19 May 1814.
Captain John B. Murdoch, 25th, infantry.
Service: No service records could be found.
Lieutenant William S. Heaton, 11th, infantry Severely.
Service: Heaton, William S. Vermont, 2nd, Lieutenant 11th, infantry
12 Mar 1812; 1st, Lieutenant 13 Mar 1813; died 19 Nov 1813 of wounds received 11 Nov 1813 in battle of Chrystlers Fields Upper Canada.
Lieutenant John Williams, 13, infantry slightly.
Service: No service records could be found.
Lieutenant John Lynch, 14th, infantry severely-taken prisoner.
Service: Lynch, John. Maryland, Ensign 14th, infantry 9 Oct 1812; 3rd, Lieutenant 13 Mar 1813; 2nd, Lieutenant 15 Aug 1813; killed 11 Nov 1813 in battle of Chrystlers Fields Upper Canada.
Lieutenant Peter Pelham, 21st, infantry Severely-taken prisoner.
service: Pelham, Peter. North Carolina, Massachusetts. 2nd, Lieutenant 21st, infantry 12 Mar 1812; 1st, Lieutenant 16 Apr 1813; captain 28 Feb 1814; transferred to 5th, infantry 17 May 1815; honorable discharged 1 June 1821; [died 10 July 1826.]
Lieutenant James B. Brown 25th. Infantry slightly.
service: No service records could be found.
Lieutenant Archibald C. Crary, 25th, infantry, Severely in the skirmish the day before the battle.
service: Crary, Archibald C. Rode Island, 2nd, Lieutenant 25rh, infantry 12 Mar 1812; 1st., Lieutenant 16 Apr 1813; captain 2 May 1814; Honorable discharged 15 June 1815.
The killed and wounded of a detachment of the Army of the United States, descending the St. Lawrence, under the command of major General James Wilkinson, in a action fought at Williamsburgh in upper Canada, on the 11th, of November 1813.
Lieutenant William W. Smith, light artillery.
service: Smith, William Wallace. New Jersey New Jersey Cadet Military Academy 14 Apr 1809 (17) out of class, 2nd. Lieutenant Light artillery 1st, June 1812; 1st, Lieutenant 1 Oct 1813; died 3 Dec 1813 of wounds received 11 Nov 1813 in action at Chrystler's Fields Upper Canada.
Lieutenant David Hunter, 12th, infantry.
service: Hunter, David. Virginia, Virginia, 3rd, Lieutenant 12th,
infantry 29 Mar 1813; killed 11 Nov 1813 in battle of Chrystlers Fields Upper Canada.
Lieutenant Edward Olmstead, 16th, infantry.
service: Olmstead, Edward. Pennsylvania, 3rd, Lieutenant 16th, infantry 16 Apr 1813; 2nd, Lieutenant 13 May 1813; 1st, Lieutenant 30 Sept 1813; killed 11 Nov 1813 in battle of
Chrystlers Fields Upper Canada.
Brigadier General, Leonard Covington, mortally ( Since died.)
service: Covington, Leonard. Maryland, Maryland,, Cornet Light dragoons 14 Mar 1792; Lieutenant 25 Oct 1792; Captain 11 July 1794; resigned 22 Sept 1795; Lieutenant colonel Light dragoons 9 Jan 1809; colonel 15 Feb 1809; brig General 1 Aug 1813; died 14 Nov 1813 of wounds received in battle of Chrystlers field, Upper Canada 11 Nov. 1813.
Major Talbot Chambers, Assistant Adjutant General, slightly.
service: Chambers, Talbot. Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, 1st. Lieutenant 5th, infantry 18 June 1808; captain 31 Oct 1811; major Assistant Adjutant General 2 Apr 1813; major 4 rifle 21 Feb 1814; rifle regiment 17 May 1815; It colonel 8 Mar 1817; colonel 10 Nov 1818; transferred to 1st, infantry 1 June 1821; brevet Lieutenant colonel 17 Sept 1814 for gal con in the sortie from Ft Erie Upper Canada; cashiered 28 Apr 1826.
Major Darby Noon, Aid-de-camp, slight.
service: Noon, Darby. Ireland. New York, Major 41st, infantry 1 Aug. 1813; Honorable discharged 15 June 1815; department commissary of purchases 15 July 1815; Honorable discharged 1 June 1821; [died 9 Sept 1823.]
Colonel James P. Preston, 23, infantry, severely his right thigh fractured.
service: Preston, James Patton. Virginia, Virginia, Lieutenant colonel 12rh, infantry 19 Mar 1812; colonel 23rd., infantry 15 Aug 1813; Honorable discharged 15 June 1815; [died 4 May 1843.]
Major William Cummings, 8th, infantry severely.
service: Cummings, William. New York, Ensign 12th, infantry 14 Jan 1799; 2nd, Lieutenant 3 Mar 1799; 1st, Lieutenant 4 Apr 1800; honorable discharged 15 June 1800. Was later reinstated but I was not able to find his records.
Captain Edmund Foster, slightly.
service: Foster, Edmund. Massachusetts. Massachusetts, Ensign, rifle 12 Dec 1808; resigned 1 July 1809; 1st, Lieutenant 9th, infantry 12 Mar 1812; captain 13 Mar 1813; resigned 31 Oct 1814; [died 5 Feb 1834.]
Captain David S. Townsend, 9th, infantry severely-taken prisoner.
service: Massachusetts, Massachusetts, 1st, Lieutenant 9th, infantry 6 July, 1812; Captain 13 May 1813; Major, Assistant Adjutant General 27 July 1814; honorable discharges 15 June 1815; paymaster battalion corps artillery 29 Apr 1816; retained as major and paymaster 1 June 1821; died 28 Jan 1853.
Captain Mordecai Myers, 13th, infantry severely.
service: Myers, Mordecai. New York, Captain 13th, infantry 12 Mar 1812; honorable discharged 15 June 1815; [died 20 Jan 1871.]
Captain John Campbell, 13th, slightly.
service: Campbell, John. New York, 1st, Lieutenant 13th., infantry 15
May 1812; captain 15 Aug 1813; resigned 19 May 1814.
Captain John B. Murdoch, 25th, infantry.
Service: No service records could be found.
Lieutenant William S. Heaton, 11th, infantry Severely.
Service: Heaton, William S. Vermont, 2nd, Lieutenant 11th, infantry
12 Mar 1812; 1st, Lieutenant 13 Mar 1813; died 19 Nov 1813 of wounds received 11 Nov 1813 in battle of Chrystlers Fields Upper Canada.
Lieutenant John Williams, 13, infantry slightly.
Service: No service records could be found.
Lieutenant John Lynch, 14th, infantry severely-taken prisoner.
Service: Lynch, John. Maryland, Ensign 14th, infantry 9 Oct 1812; 3rd, Lieutenant 13 Mar 1813; 2nd, Lieutenant 15 Aug 1813; killed 11 Nov 1813 in battle of Chrystlers Fields Upper Canada.
Lieutenant Peter Pelham, 21st, infantry Severely-taken prisoner.
service: Pelham, Peter. North Carolina, Massachusetts. 2nd, Lieutenant 21st, infantry 12 Mar 1812; 1st, Lieutenant 16 Apr 1813; captain 28 Feb 1814; transferred to 5th, infantry 17 May 1815; honorable discharged 1 June 1821; [died 10 July 1826.]
Lieutenant James B. Brown 25th. Infantry slightly.
service: No service records could be found.
Lieutenant Archibald C. Crary, 25th, infantry, Severely in the skirmish the day before the battle.
service: Crary, Archibald C. Rode Island, 2nd, Lieutenant 25rh, infantry 12 Mar 1812; 1st., Lieutenant 16 Apr 1813; captain 2 May 1814; Honorable discharged 15 June 1815.
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