I realize there is not a lot of information, but those looking into this line may find this information helpful. It will be hard to find any information on him, as he can't be found on any rosters other than those in the Regimental History of the 86th., written by James Barness, Publ. 1895. It should be noted that a family member most have put in for his pension as he is listed in the Pension files. But at lass I'm unable to research those files.
Jefferson McClelland, Muster in th 86th, Indiana Infantry, on August 21, 1862, as a private in Company H. Killed in action at Mission Ridge on Novembber 25, 1863.
From the Regimental History.
Jefferson McClelland, of Company H, fell
within a rod of the enemy's works on the crest of the Ridge shot dead by a musket ball through the chest when charging
on the line while fully manned. He had led all in the up
ward rush for the last line of works as he had done from the
first start at the line at the foot of the Ridge. He paid the
penalty of his daring courage with his life.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
Killed Or Wounded By A Cannon Ball.
No. 65. Report of Major James W. Snyder, Ninth New York Heavy Artillery, of operations October 19, 1864.
Lieutenant John Oldswager, Company M, but just promoted from the ranks three days before, was killed by a cannon ball when we advanced upon the crest. He was a noble and brave officer, and never flinched from duty.
John Oldswager, Age 26, tears. Enlisted, August 28, 1862, at Alexander; Mustered in as Corporal, Twenty-Second Battery, October 28, 1862 ( which became Co. M.,, Ninth Artillery, February 5, 1863 ), to serve three years; Promoted Sergeant, Date not stated; Mustered in as Second Lieutenant, October 16, 1864; Killed, October 19, 1864, at Cedar Creek Virginia; Commissioned Second Lieutenant, September 28, 1864, withrank from August 15, 1864.
This was taken from the ninth Regimental History.
John Oldswager. A survivor of Company M writes: "He was of German nativity, and by trade was a carpenter and joiner. He won his promotion by good, honest service, and was a young man when the death-shot came. His head was shot away, all except the face, which was spread out flat on the ground. He was buried a short distance from where he fell, under a large locust tree. I was talking with him the night before Cedar Creek, and he said he should not live to go through another battle. He was a good, brave soldier."
Subsequently when the National Cemetery was laid out in Winchester, his body was removed to it, and now lies with
those of so many of the Ninth who there
''Under the sod and the dew, await the judgment day."
No. 65. Report of Major James W. Snyder, Ninth New York Heavy Artillery, of operations October 19, 1864.
Captain Orson Howard was instantly killed by a cannon ball, the last shot that was fired from the rebel guns as we made the last advance near the Middletown and Strasburg pike, and when victory had crowned our efforts. He died as all brave soldiers die, with his face toward the enemy, and will long be remembered as one of American's bravest sons.
Orson Howard, Age 24, years. Enlisted August 25, 1862, at Auburn; Mustered in as First Lieutenant, Co. I, One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Infantry, August 25, 1862 ( which became the ninth Artillery, December 19, 1862 ) to serve three years; Mustered in as Captain Co. E., September 28, 1864; Killed October 19, 1864, at Cedar Creek, Virginia; Commissioned Fiest Lieutenant, September10, 1862, with rank from August 25, 1862,Original; Captain September 28, 1864, with rank of same date.
This was taken from the Ninth Regimental History.
"Then the captain and I, being nearly alone, bore off to the left over uneven ground towards the pike. We passed down
quite an incline to a valley, which had a rail-fence across it running parallel with the pike. I should say the pike was thirty rods away from us square to the front. On the pike wasa rebel battery, which I think was using one gun, firing directly
at us, and had killed and wounded some of our men. Captain Howard said it was of no use for us to charge that battery
alone, and as there were other men approaching, he said we had better wait till they came up, so we sat down behind
the said fence. He sat down flat with his feet towards me. I was on my knees loading my gun when at my right I saw a
letter torn into bits. I picked it up, and asked him to read it while we were waiting, but he replied that he would put it in
his pocket and read it when he had more time. As he was in the act of putting the letter in his pocket, a shot from the battery on the pike took off his head. He simply fell back, straight ened out, and that was all. I took from his body whatever of value there was and later gave the same to Major Snyder. The shot which killed the captain was next to the last that the battery fired, for our men swept it in a few moments later."
Ninth Kentucky, Infantry.
Adjt. Henry M. Curd, killed by a cannon ball; a gallant and meritorious officer, cheerful under all dangers and privations, and endeared to the command by his frank and manly bearing, who nobly fell in discharge of his duty.
Capt. Joseph Desha was also struck by a cannon ball and carried off the field, as was supposed, in a dying condition; but he returned the same night with his wound tied up, and has since continued in command of his company.
Numbers 96. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Maris R. Vernon, Seventy-eighth Illinois Infantry, of operations January 20-March 23.
I have to record the death of Lieutenant William E. Summers, killed to-day by a cannon ball.
From the 95th., Regimental History.
Corporal John Kennedy, wounded in left arm in skirmish at Lake Providence, La., Feb. 10, 1863; also in left knee at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1864; leg amputated.
Report of Colonel J. A. Smith, Fifth Confederate Infantry, commanding Third and Fifth Confederate Infantry.
Captain George Moore, of Company H, was instantly killed by a cannon ball.
Report of Brigadier General, Lucius E. Polk, C. S. Army, commanding brigade.
Captain Hugh S. Otey, a brave and faithful officer, was mortally wounded by a cannon ball, from effects of which he died a few days after.
Numbers 413. Report of Captain A. H. Smals, Tenth Virginia Infantry.
Lieutenant-Colonel Walker was killed by a cannon ball passing through his body.
Numbers 81. Report of Colonel Hiram L. Brown, One hundred and forty-fifth Pennsylvania Infantry.
May 4, furnished a detail of 36 men for fatigue duty. During the day Captain Thomas F. McCreary, of Company G, was wounded by a cannon-ball.
Thos. F. M'Creary Captain August 29, 1862 Promoted from 1st Lt., January 22, 1863; discharged September 8, for wounds received at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863.
Numbers 4. Report of Colonel Abner C. Harding, Eighty-third Illinois Infantry, commanding Fort Donelson.
Lieutenant Harmon D. Bissell, quartermaster, shot dead by a cannon-ball. This was about sundown.
Note. Killed in action at Fort Donelson, Tennessee, February 3, 1863.
Numbers 8. Report of Colonel Douglas H. Cooper, C. S. Army, commanding division.
Serg. Felix S. Heiston, who was particularly distinguished for his bravery and soldier-like bearing. He was killed at his gun by a cannon-ball.
Numbers 57. Report of Colonel Amor A. McKnight, One hundred and fifth Pennsylvania Infantry.
Lieutenant Cummiskey, of Company D. had his head blown off by a cannon ball while gallantly leading his men forward to repulse a charge of the enemy.
P. P. R. Cummiskey 1st Lt., Mustered in February 6, 1862 Killed at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1862.
No. 175 Report of Lieutenant. Col. Charles Jones, Seventeenth Louisiana Infantry.
On rising the hill First Lieutenant. T. O. Hynes, of Company K, had his left arm carried away by a cannon ball.
Numbers 121. Report of Colonel Samuel Beatty, Nineteenth Ohio Infantry.
Major Edwards, acting lieutenant-colonel, was killed, while gallantly doing his duty, by a cannon ball
Numbers 1. Report of Brigadier General S. A. Hurlbut, U. S. Army.
Captain McClure, of the Second Kansas, lost his foot by a cannon ball.
Captain McClure James R Co. B.,. Residence Junction City, Mustered in June 20, 1861 Must. out with regt. Oct. 31,1861; wounded in actioin September 4, 1861, at Shelbina, Mo.
Numbers 32. Report of Brigadier General N. B. Pearce, commanding First Division, Army of the Arkansas.
We are pained here to have to record the death of Lieutenant Weaver, of this battery, who acted gallantly, and received the death-wound by a cannon ball while sighting his gun.
Numbers 5. Report of Captain Judson Kilpatrick, Fifth New York Infantry.
Private John Dunn, whose arm was shattered by a cannon ball, and who bore himself with the greatest bravery, and who said to Surgeon Gilbert, while amputating his arm, that he could not have lost it in a nobler cause.
DUNN, JOHN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, April 25,1861, at New York city; mustered in as private, Co. H, May 9, 1861, to serve two years; wounded, June 10, 1861, at Big Bethel, Va.; discharged for disability, August 21, 1861, at Baltimore, Md., as John S. Dunn.
Lieutenant John Oldswager, Company M, but just promoted from the ranks three days before, was killed by a cannon ball when we advanced upon the crest. He was a noble and brave officer, and never flinched from duty.
John Oldswager, Age 26, tears. Enlisted, August 28, 1862, at Alexander; Mustered in as Corporal, Twenty-Second Battery, October 28, 1862 ( which became Co. M.,, Ninth Artillery, February 5, 1863 ), to serve three years; Promoted Sergeant, Date not stated; Mustered in as Second Lieutenant, October 16, 1864; Killed, October 19, 1864, at Cedar Creek Virginia; Commissioned Second Lieutenant, September 28, 1864, withrank from August 15, 1864.
This was taken from the ninth Regimental History.
John Oldswager. A survivor of Company M writes: "He was of German nativity, and by trade was a carpenter and joiner. He won his promotion by good, honest service, and was a young man when the death-shot came. His head was shot away, all except the face, which was spread out flat on the ground. He was buried a short distance from where he fell, under a large locust tree. I was talking with him the night before Cedar Creek, and he said he should not live to go through another battle. He was a good, brave soldier."
Subsequently when the National Cemetery was laid out in Winchester, his body was removed to it, and now lies with
those of so many of the Ninth who there
''Under the sod and the dew, await the judgment day."
No. 65. Report of Major James W. Snyder, Ninth New York Heavy Artillery, of operations October 19, 1864.
Captain Orson Howard was instantly killed by a cannon ball, the last shot that was fired from the rebel guns as we made the last advance near the Middletown and Strasburg pike, and when victory had crowned our efforts. He died as all brave soldiers die, with his face toward the enemy, and will long be remembered as one of American's bravest sons.
Orson Howard, Age 24, years. Enlisted August 25, 1862, at Auburn; Mustered in as First Lieutenant, Co. I, One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Infantry, August 25, 1862 ( which became the ninth Artillery, December 19, 1862 ) to serve three years; Mustered in as Captain Co. E., September 28, 1864; Killed October 19, 1864, at Cedar Creek, Virginia; Commissioned Fiest Lieutenant, September10, 1862, with rank from August 25, 1862,Original; Captain September 28, 1864, with rank of same date.
This was taken from the Ninth Regimental History.
"Then the captain and I, being nearly alone, bore off to the left over uneven ground towards the pike. We passed down
quite an incline to a valley, which had a rail-fence across it running parallel with the pike. I should say the pike was thirty rods away from us square to the front. On the pike wasa rebel battery, which I think was using one gun, firing directly
at us, and had killed and wounded some of our men. Captain Howard said it was of no use for us to charge that battery
alone, and as there were other men approaching, he said we had better wait till they came up, so we sat down behind
the said fence. He sat down flat with his feet towards me. I was on my knees loading my gun when at my right I saw a
letter torn into bits. I picked it up, and asked him to read it while we were waiting, but he replied that he would put it in
his pocket and read it when he had more time. As he was in the act of putting the letter in his pocket, a shot from the battery on the pike took off his head. He simply fell back, straight ened out, and that was all. I took from his body whatever of value there was and later gave the same to Major Snyder. The shot which killed the captain was next to the last that the battery fired, for our men swept it in a few moments later."
Ninth Kentucky, Infantry.
Adjt. Henry M. Curd, killed by a cannon ball; a gallant and meritorious officer, cheerful under all dangers and privations, and endeared to the command by his frank and manly bearing, who nobly fell in discharge of his duty.
Capt. Joseph Desha was also struck by a cannon ball and carried off the field, as was supposed, in a dying condition; but he returned the same night with his wound tied up, and has since continued in command of his company.
Numbers 96. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Maris R. Vernon, Seventy-eighth Illinois Infantry, of operations January 20-March 23.
I have to record the death of Lieutenant William E. Summers, killed to-day by a cannon ball.
Rank: 1LT
Company: K.
Unit: 78 IL US INF.
Residence: QUINCY, ADAMS CO, IL.
Age: 25
Height: 5' 8.
Hair: BLACK.
Eyes: HAZEL.
Complexion: MEDIUM.
Marital Status: SINGLE.
Occupation: MERCHANT.
Joined When: MAR 21, 1864.
Joined Where: ROSSVILLE, GA.
Joined By Whom: GOV OF ILL.
Period: 3 YRS .
Muster In: MAR 21, 1864.
Muster In Where: ROSSVILLE, GA.
No. 177. Report of Colonel Leander Blanden, Ninety-fifth Illinois Infantry, commanding Second Brigade, of operations December 15-16, 1864.
Sergt. John Kennedy, Company A, Ninety-fifth Illinois Volunteers, knee carried away by a cannon ball or unexploded shell; primary amputation of the thigh.
From the 95th., Regimental History.
Corporal John Kennedy, wounded in left arm in skirmish at Lake Providence, La., Feb. 10, 1863; also in left knee at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1864; leg amputated.
Report of Colonel J. A. Smith, Fifth Confederate Infantry, commanding Third and Fifth Confederate Infantry.
Captain George Moore, of Company H, was instantly killed by a cannon ball.
Report of Brigadier General, Lucius E. Polk, C. S. Army, commanding brigade.
Captain Hugh S. Otey, a brave and faithful officer, was mortally wounded by a cannon ball, from effects of which he died a few days after.
Numbers 413. Report of Captain A. H. Smals, Tenth Virginia Infantry.
Lieutenant-Colonel Walker was killed by a cannon ball passing through his body.
Numbers 81. Report of Colonel Hiram L. Brown, One hundred and forty-fifth Pennsylvania Infantry.
May 4, furnished a detail of 36 men for fatigue duty. During the day Captain Thomas F. McCreary, of Company G, was wounded by a cannon-ball.
Thos. F. M'Creary Captain August 29, 1862 Promoted from 1st Lt., January 22, 1863; discharged September 8, for wounds received at Chancellorsville, Va., May 3, 1863.
Numbers 4. Report of Colonel Abner C. Harding, Eighty-third Illinois Infantry, commanding Fort Donelson.
Lieutenant Harmon D. Bissell, quartermaster, shot dead by a cannon-ball. This was about sundown.
Note. Killed in action at Fort Donelson, Tennessee, February 3, 1863.
Numbers 8. Report of Colonel Douglas H. Cooper, C. S. Army, commanding division.
Serg. Felix S. Heiston, who was particularly distinguished for his bravery and soldier-like bearing. He was killed at his gun by a cannon-ball.
Numbers 57. Report of Colonel Amor A. McKnight, One hundred and fifth Pennsylvania Infantry.
Lieutenant Cummiskey, of Company D. had his head blown off by a cannon ball while gallantly leading his men forward to repulse a charge of the enemy.
P. P. R. Cummiskey 1st Lt., Mustered in February 6, 1862 Killed at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, 1862.
No. 175 Report of Lieutenant. Col. Charles Jones, Seventeenth Louisiana Infantry.
On rising the hill First Lieutenant. T. O. Hynes, of Company K, had his left arm carried away by a cannon ball.
Numbers 121. Report of Colonel Samuel Beatty, Nineteenth Ohio Infantry.
Major Edwards, acting lieutenant-colonel, was killed, while gallantly doing his duty, by a cannon ball
Numbers 1. Report of Brigadier General S. A. Hurlbut, U. S. Army.
Captain McClure, of the Second Kansas, lost his foot by a cannon ball.
Captain McClure James R Co. B.,. Residence Junction City, Mustered in June 20, 1861 Must. out with regt. Oct. 31,1861; wounded in actioin September 4, 1861, at Shelbina, Mo.
Numbers 32. Report of Brigadier General N. B. Pearce, commanding First Division, Army of the Arkansas.
We are pained here to have to record the death of Lieutenant Weaver, of this battery, who acted gallantly, and received the death-wound by a cannon ball while sighting his gun.
Numbers 5. Report of Captain Judson Kilpatrick, Fifth New York Infantry.
Private John Dunn, whose arm was shattered by a cannon ball, and who bore himself with the greatest bravery, and who said to Surgeon Gilbert, while amputating his arm, that he could not have lost it in a nobler cause.
DUNN, JOHN.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, April 25,1861, at New York city; mustered in as private, Co. H, May 9, 1861, to serve two years; wounded, June 10, 1861, at Big Bethel, Va.; discharged for disability, August 21, 1861, at Baltimore, Md., as John S. Dunn.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Ship Carpenters 1812--1826.
Here you will find the registry for ship carpenters for the years of 1812 through 1826. Many of these names will be repeated as the carpenters went to other duty stations through out the years. The years of 1812 to 1815, will be names only. The navy didn't start recording duty stations on the registries till 1818.You will also note other year dates, be side some of the names these dates shows the years that they were at that station. How ever this does not mean that their not on other registries as their station changed throuh out the years. As not to miss any information I would do a name search. I also have the registries for the years of 1827-1838, how ever they were not recorded here as they were to hard to read and too much information to place here.
If you didn't find your ansetor or name of interest on this list you may request a look up. Also note many of the names stated here will also be on the registries of 1827-1838. The information for these years are: Name, Date of Commission, Date of Warrant, Place of Brith, Residence of, Appointed from and Duty station. As you can see there is a lot more information to find. To request information write to me at: dsegelquist1@cox.net
Note. Some Surnames and Ships Names may be misspelled, as the records were hard to read.
If you didn't find your ansetor or name of interest on this list you may request a look up. Also note many of the names stated here will also be on the registries of 1827-1838. The information for these years are: Name, Date of Commission, Date of Warrant, Place of Brith, Residence of, Appointed from and Duty station. As you can see there is a lot more information to find. To request information write to me at: dsegelquist1@cox.net
Note. Some Surnames and Ships Names may be misspelled, as the records were hard to read.
Ship Carpenters.
Regulations & Rules For Ship Carpenters, 1818.
Ship Carpenters Of 1812.
Carpenters pay was $20., per month with two rations per day.
Robert Fell
George Painter.
Samuel R. Rodgers.
John Nicholson.
Jonaihan Gedney.
John Frazer.
John Kane.
James Main.
John Berricn.
Bradstead Brarurs.
Michael Mullany.
James Sturges.
William Pook.
John Crowley.
Ship Carpenters Of 1815.
Samuel Brown, Acting.
Breasted Barnes, Acting.
Peter Demerit, Acting.
Horatio Ewart, Acting.
Robert Feel.
Zaccheus R. Fuller.
Jonathan Gedney.
William Gates, Acting.
David Hortsman, Acting.
Samuel Holbrook.
Isaac Irish, Acting.
George Miller, Acting.
John Nicholson.
William Robertson, Acting.
James Stephens, Acting.
Richard Thomas.
Ship Carpenters Of 1818.
Note don't for get the dates be side the names are the years they were at the same station.
Samuel Brown, Franklin 74. (Guns), 1819, 1822, 1823, 1824.
Breasted Barnes, Washington 74 (Guns), 1819, 1820.
Peter Demeritt, Frigate Congress, 1819.
Abraham Demott, Sackett's Harbor, 1819, 1820, 1822.
John Deacon, Brig Enterprise, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823.
Baruch M. Evens, Corvette John Adams.
John Floyd, Navy yards, New York, 1819, 1820.
Zaccheus R. Fuller, Frigate United States, 1819, 1820, 1821.
Robert Fell, New Orleans, 1819, 1820.
Richard Lowell, Brig Saranac.
William Pook, Sacket Harbor, 1819, 1820.
Samuel Phillips, Sloop Ontario, 1819, 1820.
Nehemiah Parker, Indepence 74 (Guns), 1819, 1820.
James Stephen, Sloop Peacock.
John Stewart, Brig Spark, 1819, 1820.
Richard Thomas, Sloop Erie, 1819, 1820.
Ship Carpenters Of 1819.
Baruch M. Evans, Frigate Congress.
Richard Lowell, New York, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824.
James Stephens, Sloop Peacock.
Ship Carpenters Of 1820.
Christian Barkenbile, Born Penn., Station Erie.
Thomas Berry, Frigate Gueriere, 1821, 1822.
Baruch M. Evans, Frigate Constellation, 1822.
William Pook, Sackett's Harbor.
John Snider, Frigate Congress, 1821, 1822, 1823.
Ship Carpenters Of 1821.
Baruch M. Evans Frigate, Constellation.
John Justice, Born New Jersey, Erie (Penn.) Station, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825.
Samuel Phillips, Corvette Cyane, 1822, 1823.
Nehemiah Parker, Columbus 74 (Guns), 1822.
William E. Sheffeld, New Orleans, 1822, 1823, 1824.
Richard Thomas, On Furlough.Ebenezer Harrington, Born Maine, Sloop Hornet
Ship Carpenter Of 1822.
Zaccheus R. Fuller, Naval yard Charlestown, 1823, 1824.
Richard Thomas, Frigate Constitution, 1823, 1824, 1825.
Ship Carpenters Of 1823.
Thomas Armstrong, Sloop Peacock.
Richard Berry, Washington 74 (Guns).
Ebenezer Harrington, Born Maine, Sloop Hornet.
Nehemiah Parker, Frigate Congress.
Ship Carpenters Of 1824.
Thomas Armstrong, Sloop Hornet, West India Station.
Richard Berry, Corvette Cyane, Mediterranean.
John Deacon, Schooner Shark, West India Station, 1825.
John Fisher, New York.
Samuel Phillips, Steam Frigate Fulton, New York.
Nehemiah Parker, A waiting Orders.
John Snider, Corvette John Adams, 1825.
Ship Carpenters Of 1825.
Thomas Armstong, Born Penn., North Carolina 74 (Guns), Mediterranean.
Zaccheus R. Fuller, Boston Station Sick.
John Fisher, Born Virginia. A waiting Orders.
Samuel Phillips, Born New Jersey, Frigate Constellation, West India.
Nehemiah Parker, Born Mass., Naval Yard Charlestown.
William E. Sheffeld, Born Conn., New York Station.
Ship Carpenters Of 1826.
Richard Thomas, Commission January 22, 1814, Constitution.
Zaccheus R. Fuller, Commission April 12, 1815, Borm Mass., Boston Station.
John Snider, Commission January 1, 1818, Born Penn., John Adams.
Nebemiah Parker, Commission January 27, 1827, Born Mass., Charlestown.
William E. Sheffield, Commission April 8, 1820, Born Conn., New York.
John Justice, Commission December 12, 1820, Born New Jersey, Erie Station.
Samuel Phillips, Commission May 24, 1821, Born New Jersey, Leave of Abscnce.
Thomas Armstrong, Commission June 117, 1822, Born Penn., North Carolina 74 (Guns).
John Fisher, Commission March 20, 1823, Born Virginia, A Wating Orders.
Isaac White, Commission November 29, 1825, Frigate Constetlation.
Samuel Brown, Franklin 74. (Guns), 1819, 1822, 1823, 1824.
Breasted Barnes, Washington 74 (Guns), 1819, 1820.
Peter Demeritt, Frigate Congress, 1819.
Abraham Demott, Sackett's Harbor, 1819, 1820, 1822.
John Deacon, Brig Enterprise, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823.
Baruch M. Evens, Corvette John Adams.
John Floyd, Navy yards, New York, 1819, 1820.
Zaccheus R. Fuller, Frigate United States, 1819, 1820, 1821.
Robert Fell, New Orleans, 1819, 1820.
Richard Lowell, Brig Saranac.
William Pook, Sacket Harbor, 1819, 1820.
Samuel Phillips, Sloop Ontario, 1819, 1820.
Nehemiah Parker, Indepence 74 (Guns), 1819, 1820.
James Stephen, Sloop Peacock.
John Stewart, Brig Spark, 1819, 1820.
Richard Thomas, Sloop Erie, 1819, 1820.
Ship Carpenters Of 1819.
Baruch M. Evans, Frigate Congress.
Richard Lowell, New York, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824.
James Stephens, Sloop Peacock.
Ship Carpenters Of 1820.
Christian Barkenbile, Born Penn., Station Erie.
Thomas Berry, Frigate Gueriere, 1821, 1822.
Baruch M. Evans, Frigate Constellation, 1822.
William Pook, Sackett's Harbor.
John Snider, Frigate Congress, 1821, 1822, 1823.
Ship Carpenters Of 1821.
Baruch M. Evans Frigate, Constellation.
John Justice, Born New Jersey, Erie (Penn.) Station, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825.
Samuel Phillips, Corvette Cyane, 1822, 1823.
Nehemiah Parker, Columbus 74 (Guns), 1822.
William E. Sheffeld, New Orleans, 1822, 1823, 1824.
Richard Thomas, On Furlough.Ebenezer Harrington, Born Maine, Sloop Hornet
Ship Carpenter Of 1822.
Zaccheus R. Fuller, Naval yard Charlestown, 1823, 1824.
Richard Thomas, Frigate Constitution, 1823, 1824, 1825.
Ship Carpenters Of 1823.
Thomas Armstrong, Sloop Peacock.
Richard Berry, Washington 74 (Guns).
Ebenezer Harrington, Born Maine, Sloop Hornet.
Nehemiah Parker, Frigate Congress.
Ship Carpenters Of 1824.
Thomas Armstrong, Sloop Hornet, West India Station.
Richard Berry, Corvette Cyane, Mediterranean.
John Deacon, Schooner Shark, West India Station, 1825.
John Fisher, New York.
Samuel Phillips, Steam Frigate Fulton, New York.
Nehemiah Parker, A waiting Orders.
John Snider, Corvette John Adams, 1825.
Ship Carpenters Of 1825.
Thomas Armstong, Born Penn., North Carolina 74 (Guns), Mediterranean.
Zaccheus R. Fuller, Boston Station Sick.
John Fisher, Born Virginia. A waiting Orders.
Samuel Phillips, Born New Jersey, Frigate Constellation, West India.
Nehemiah Parker, Born Mass., Naval Yard Charlestown.
William E. Sheffeld, Born Conn., New York Station.
Ship Carpenters Of 1826.
Richard Thomas, Commission January 22, 1814, Constitution.
Zaccheus R. Fuller, Commission April 12, 1815, Borm Mass., Boston Station.
John Snider, Commission January 1, 1818, Born Penn., John Adams.
Nebemiah Parker, Commission January 27, 1827, Born Mass., Charlestown.
William E. Sheffield, Commission April 8, 1820, Born Conn., New York.
John Justice, Commission December 12, 1820, Born New Jersey, Erie Station.
Samuel Phillips, Commission May 24, 1821, Born New Jersey, Leave of Abscnce.
Thomas Armstrong, Commission June 117, 1822, Born Penn., North Carolina 74 (Guns).
John Fisher, Commission March 20, 1823, Born Virginia, A Wating Orders.
Isaac White, Commission November 29, 1825, Frigate Constetlation.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Seven Landsmans of Both Navies.
There is not a lot of information on these names but those looking into these lines may find this information helpful.
Hugh Monaghan.
The said Hugh Monagrow that his name is Hugh Monaghan and not Hugh Monagilliam.
Hugh Monaghan was sent to Fort Lafayette aand landed on February 5, 1862.
I Hugh Monaghan one of the crew or the late privateer Petrel, now a prisoners in Fort Lafayete, hereby make application to be released from custody on my parole of honor or by taking the oath of allegiance not to render and aid or comfort to the enemy in hostility to the Government of the United States within the terms of the Executive Order, Numbers 1, War Department, dated the 14th February, 1862.
I am, your humble and obedient servant, Hugh Monaghan.
Hugh Monaghan was discharged from Fort Lafayette in the last part of May or the first part of June of 1862.
Michael Dooling.
The said Michael Dillon that his name is michael Dooling and not Michael Dillon.
Michael Dooling was sent to Fort Lafayette aand landed on February 5, 1862.
MOYAMENSING PRISON, Philadelphia, October 31, 1861.
We, the undersigned, being now prisoners in the above prison upon a charge of piracy or treason, &c., do hereby certify that the bonds or notes which we have respectively executed to N. Harrison, of Philadelphia, are for professional services diligently and faithfully rendered by him to and for us and each of us during the various stages and trials of the said cases, and it is our wish and desire and we earnestly request the proper authorities of the Confederate States of America to recognizeand allow the said bonds or notes, and to direct and order them to be paid to the said N. Harrison or his assignee out of any fund or funds in the hands of the saind Confederate States of America (to which we may be entitled or otherwise) as to them may seem fair and equitable, assuring them that the said claim is justly due, and that it has accrued under circumstances of embarrassment and responsibility which will entitle the said N. Harrison to be paid for the same.
Michael Dooling, Landsman of the Petrel.
J. R. Frisly.
Killed of Confederate fleet in action of August 5, 1864, Mobile Bay.
J. R. Frisly, Landsman.
Christopher Shepherd.
Killed of Confederate fleet in action of August 5, 1864, Mobile Bay.
Christopher Shepherd, Landsman.
Henry Fratee.
Wounded of Confederate fleet in action of August 5, 1864, Mobile Bay.
Henry Fratee, Landsman, wounded Badly in hand.
Clarence Miller.
NAVY DEPARTMENT, April 28, 1864.
Major General B. F. BUTLER, &c., Fort Monroe, Va.: SIR:
I inclose herewith a copy of a communication received by the Department from Clarence Miller, dated March 13, 1864, from Libby Prison, Richmond, where he has been held for over a year, having been captured on the North Carolina coast in January, 1863, in consequence of the wreck of the vessel, the U. S. steamer Columbia, on which he was serving. He states in his letter the grounds of his detention. By a declaration of exchange in May, 1863, as reported by Colonel Ludlow on the 30th of that month to the Adjutant-General of the United States, "all officers and men of the steamers Hatteras, Mercedita, Queen of the West, Harriet Lane, Isaac Smith, Columbia, Indianola, and schooner Vassar" were declared duly exchanged. Notwithstanding this, Clarence Miller is still held, not being recognized as a soldier entitled to treatment as a prisoner of war. There are others similarly situated, concerning whom the Department had frequent correspondence with Lieutenant-Colonel Ludlow. Is there no prospect of anything being done for them?Very respectfully, &c.,G. V. FOX,Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
Sidney Bennett.
Sidney Bennett was arrested by order of the Secretary of the Navy and committed to Fort Lafayette January 24, 1862. He was charged with having used highly treasonable and disloyal language whilst serving as landsman on board the U. S. frigate Santee then in the Gulf of Mexico. The said Sidney Bennett remained in custody at Fort Lafayette
Hugh Monaghan.
The said Hugh Monagrow that his name is Hugh Monaghan and not Hugh Monagilliam.
Hugh Monaghan was sent to Fort Lafayette aand landed on February 5, 1862.
I Hugh Monaghan one of the crew or the late privateer Petrel, now a prisoners in Fort Lafayete, hereby make application to be released from custody on my parole of honor or by taking the oath of allegiance not to render and aid or comfort to the enemy in hostility to the Government of the United States within the terms of the Executive Order, Numbers 1, War Department, dated the 14th February, 1862.
I am, your humble and obedient servant, Hugh Monaghan.
Hugh Monaghan was discharged from Fort Lafayette in the last part of May or the first part of June of 1862.
Michael Dooling.
The said Michael Dillon that his name is michael Dooling and not Michael Dillon.
Michael Dooling was sent to Fort Lafayette aand landed on February 5, 1862.
MOYAMENSING PRISON, Philadelphia, October 31, 1861.
We, the undersigned, being now prisoners in the above prison upon a charge of piracy or treason, &c., do hereby certify that the bonds or notes which we have respectively executed to N. Harrison, of Philadelphia, are for professional services diligently and faithfully rendered by him to and for us and each of us during the various stages and trials of the said cases, and it is our wish and desire and we earnestly request the proper authorities of the Confederate States of America to recognizeand allow the said bonds or notes, and to direct and order them to be paid to the said N. Harrison or his assignee out of any fund or funds in the hands of the saind Confederate States of America (to which we may be entitled or otherwise) as to them may seem fair and equitable, assuring them that the said claim is justly due, and that it has accrued under circumstances of embarrassment and responsibility which will entitle the said N. Harrison to be paid for the same.
Michael Dooling, Landsman of the Petrel.
J. R. Frisly.
Killed of Confederate fleet in action of August 5, 1864, Mobile Bay.
J. R. Frisly, Landsman.
Christopher Shepherd.
Killed of Confederate fleet in action of August 5, 1864, Mobile Bay.
Christopher Shepherd, Landsman.
Henry Fratee.
Wounded of Confederate fleet in action of August 5, 1864, Mobile Bay.
Henry Fratee, Landsman, wounded Badly in hand.
Clarence Miller.
NAVY DEPARTMENT, April 28, 1864.
Major General B. F. BUTLER, &c., Fort Monroe, Va.: SIR:
I inclose herewith a copy of a communication received by the Department from Clarence Miller, dated March 13, 1864, from Libby Prison, Richmond, where he has been held for over a year, having been captured on the North Carolina coast in January, 1863, in consequence of the wreck of the vessel, the U. S. steamer Columbia, on which he was serving. He states in his letter the grounds of his detention. By a declaration of exchange in May, 1863, as reported by Colonel Ludlow on the 30th of that month to the Adjutant-General of the United States, "all officers and men of the steamers Hatteras, Mercedita, Queen of the West, Harriet Lane, Isaac Smith, Columbia, Indianola, and schooner Vassar" were declared duly exchanged. Notwithstanding this, Clarence Miller is still held, not being recognized as a soldier entitled to treatment as a prisoner of war. There are others similarly situated, concerning whom the Department had frequent correspondence with Lieutenant-Colonel Ludlow. Is there no prospect of anything being done for them?Very respectfully, &c.,G. V. FOX,Assistant Secretary of the Navy.
Sidney Bennett.
Sidney Bennett was arrested by order of the Secretary of the Navy and committed to Fort Lafayette January 24, 1862. He was charged with having used highly treasonable and disloyal language whilst serving as landsman on board the U. S. frigate Santee then in the Gulf of Mexico. The said Sidney Bennett remained in custody at Fort Lafayette
Fireman James Sullivan, C. S. Navy.
I have no personal information on James Sullivan, but would like too, if any one as and information on him drop me a line.
CHARLESTON, S. C., October 6, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to report that on Monday evening, 5th instant, Lieutenant W. T. Glassell, Confederate Navy, in charge of the propeller David (a small submerged steamer), with the following crew, viz, James H. Toombs, acting first assistant engineer; the city and proceeded down the main ship-channel, passing through the entire fleet of the enemy's vessels and barges, until we arrived abreast of the U. S. frigate Ironsides,a at 8.30 p. m. We then stood off and on for thirty minutes waiting for the food tide to make. At 9 p. m., everything being favorable and every one in favor of the attack, we headed for the Ironsides. When within 50 yards of her we were hailed, which was answered by a shot from a double-barreled gun in the hands of Lieutenant Glassell. I in two minutes we struck the ship (we going at full speed) under the starboard quarters, about 15 feet from her stern-post, exploding our torpedo about 6 1\2 feet under her bottom. The enemy fired rapidly with small-arms, riddling the vessel, but doing us no harm. The column of water thrown up was so great that it recoiled upon our rail bank in such force as to put the fires out and lead us to suppose that the little vessel would sink. The engine was reversed for backing, but the shock occasion by the jar had been so great as to throw in iron ballast among the machinery, which prevented its working. During this delay the vessel, owing to the tide and wind, hound under the quarter of the Ironsides, the fire upon us being kept up the whole time. Finding ourselves in this critical position, and believing our vessel to be in a sinking condition, we concluded that the only means of saving our lives was to jump overboard, trusting that we would be picket up by the boats of the enemy. Lieutenant Glassell and the fireman (James Sullivan) swam off in the direction of the enemy's vessels, each being provided with a life-preserver, and were notre seen afterward. The pilot stuck to the vessel, nd I being overboard at the time and finding that no quarter would be shown, as we had called out that we surrendered, I concluded it was best to make one more effort to save the vessel. Accordingly I returned to her and rebuilt my fires; after some little delay, got up steam enough to move the machinery. The pilot then took the wheel and we steamed up channel, passing once more through the fleet and within 3 fleet of a monitor, being subjected the whole time to one continuous fire of small-arms, the Ironsides firing two 11-inch shot at us. The pilot (Mr. Cannon) has won for himself a reputation that time cannot efface, and deserves well of his country, s, without his valuable aid, I could not have reached the city. The conduct of Lieutenant Glassell was as cool and collected as if he had been on an excursion of pleasure, and the hope of all is that he may yet be in safety. The fireman (James Sullivan) acted in a manner that reflected credit upon himself, having remained at his post until relieved by me. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,J. H. TOOMBS.
Numbers 4. Extract from Journal of Operations in Charleston Harbor, S. C., September 1, 1863-January 21, 1864.Acting Fist Assistant Engineer, C. S. Navy.
Lieutenant W. T. Glassell, C. S. Navy, in charge of the propeller David (a small submerged steamer), with the following crew: James Hl. Toombs, acting first assistant engineers; Walker Cannon, pilot, and James Sullivan, second fireman, started from the city and proceeded down the main ship-channel, passing through the enemy's fleet of vessels, barges, &c. Arriving abreast of the United States frigate Ironsides at 8.30 p. m., the David stood off and on for thirty minutes waiting for the flood tide.
At 9 p. m., everything being favorable, the vessel was directed toward the Ironsides. When within 50 yards of her they were hailed, and answered by a shot from a double-barel shot-gun in the hands of Lieutenant Glassell, and in two minutes afterward the David struck the Ironsides under the starboard quarter, about 16 feet from the stern post, exploding the torpedo about 6 1\2 feet under the bottom of the Ironsides. The enemy immediately commenced firing rapidly with small-arms, riddling the vessel, but injuring no one. The column of water thrown up by the explosion of the torpedo was so great as to recoil upon the David, put out the fires, and induce the belief that she would sink. The shock also disarranged some of the iron ballast, which, becoming entangled with the machinery, prevented its working.
In the meantime, the enemy had kept up their musketry fire; the crew of the David, with the exception of the pilot, therefore jumped overboard in the hope that they would be picked up by the enemy's boats. Engineer Toombs, finding no quarter was being given by the enemy, returned to the vessel, rebuilt the fires, got up steam, and, with the assistance of the pilot, brought the vessel, back to the city, after running the gauntlet of the enemy's fleet, passing within 3 fleet of one of the monitors, and subjected during the whole time to a continuous fire of small-arms. Lieutenant Glassell and James Sullivan, fireman, were last seen swimming in the direction of the enemy's vessels, and it is believed were captured.
The conduct of all engaged in this affair is deserving of commendation, and thought the attempt to destroy the Ironsides was not successful, the practicability at some future period was demonstrated. The want of success is believed to be owing to the small charge of 70 pounds of powder used in the torpedo.
CHARLESTON, S. C., October 6, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor to report that on Monday evening, 5th instant, Lieutenant W. T. Glassell, Confederate Navy, in charge of the propeller David (a small submerged steamer), with the following crew, viz, James H. Toombs, acting first assistant engineer; the city and proceeded down the main ship-channel, passing through the entire fleet of the enemy's vessels and barges, until we arrived abreast of the U. S. frigate Ironsides,a at 8.30 p. m. We then stood off and on for thirty minutes waiting for the food tide to make. At 9 p. m., everything being favorable and every one in favor of the attack, we headed for the Ironsides. When within 50 yards of her we were hailed, which was answered by a shot from a double-barreled gun in the hands of Lieutenant Glassell. I in two minutes we struck the ship (we going at full speed) under the starboard quarters, about 15 feet from her stern-post, exploding our torpedo about 6 1\2 feet under her bottom. The enemy fired rapidly with small-arms, riddling the vessel, but doing us no harm. The column of water thrown up was so great that it recoiled upon our rail bank in such force as to put the fires out and lead us to suppose that the little vessel would sink. The engine was reversed for backing, but the shock occasion by the jar had been so great as to throw in iron ballast among the machinery, which prevented its working. During this delay the vessel, owing to the tide and wind, hound under the quarter of the Ironsides, the fire upon us being kept up the whole time. Finding ourselves in this critical position, and believing our vessel to be in a sinking condition, we concluded that the only means of saving our lives was to jump overboard, trusting that we would be picket up by the boats of the enemy. Lieutenant Glassell and the fireman (James Sullivan) swam off in the direction of the enemy's vessels, each being provided with a life-preserver, and were notre seen afterward. The pilot stuck to the vessel, nd I being overboard at the time and finding that no quarter would be shown, as we had called out that we surrendered, I concluded it was best to make one more effort to save the vessel. Accordingly I returned to her and rebuilt my fires; after some little delay, got up steam enough to move the machinery. The pilot then took the wheel and we steamed up channel, passing once more through the fleet and within 3 fleet of a monitor, being subjected the whole time to one continuous fire of small-arms, the Ironsides firing two 11-inch shot at us. The pilot (Mr. Cannon) has won for himself a reputation that time cannot efface, and deserves well of his country, s, without his valuable aid, I could not have reached the city. The conduct of Lieutenant Glassell was as cool and collected as if he had been on an excursion of pleasure, and the hope of all is that he may yet be in safety. The fireman (James Sullivan) acted in a manner that reflected credit upon himself, having remained at his post until relieved by me. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,J. H. TOOMBS.
Numbers 4. Extract from Journal of Operations in Charleston Harbor, S. C., September 1, 1863-January 21, 1864.Acting Fist Assistant Engineer, C. S. Navy.
Lieutenant W. T. Glassell, C. S. Navy, in charge of the propeller David (a small submerged steamer), with the following crew: James Hl. Toombs, acting first assistant engineers; Walker Cannon, pilot, and James Sullivan, second fireman, started from the city and proceeded down the main ship-channel, passing through the enemy's fleet of vessels, barges, &c. Arriving abreast of the United States frigate Ironsides at 8.30 p. m., the David stood off and on for thirty minutes waiting for the flood tide.
At 9 p. m., everything being favorable, the vessel was directed toward the Ironsides. When within 50 yards of her they were hailed, and answered by a shot from a double-barel shot-gun in the hands of Lieutenant Glassell, and in two minutes afterward the David struck the Ironsides under the starboard quarter, about 16 feet from the stern post, exploding the torpedo about 6 1\2 feet under the bottom of the Ironsides. The enemy immediately commenced firing rapidly with small-arms, riddling the vessel, but injuring no one. The column of water thrown up by the explosion of the torpedo was so great as to recoil upon the David, put out the fires, and induce the belief that she would sink. The shock also disarranged some of the iron ballast, which, becoming entangled with the machinery, prevented its working.
In the meantime, the enemy had kept up their musketry fire; the crew of the David, with the exception of the pilot, therefore jumped overboard in the hope that they would be picked up by the enemy's boats. Engineer Toombs, finding no quarter was being given by the enemy, returned to the vessel, rebuilt the fires, got up steam, and, with the assistance of the pilot, brought the vessel, back to the city, after running the gauntlet of the enemy's fleet, passing within 3 fleet of one of the monitors, and subjected during the whole time to a continuous fire of small-arms. Lieutenant Glassell and James Sullivan, fireman, were last seen swimming in the direction of the enemy's vessels, and it is believed were captured.
The conduct of all engaged in this affair is deserving of commendation, and thought the attempt to destroy the Ironsides was not successful, the practicability at some future period was demonstrated. The want of success is believed to be owing to the small charge of 70 pounds of powder used in the torpedo.
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Edward Kirk Wilcox, 27th. Massachusetts.
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May 17th, Gen l Stannard assumed command of the brigade, and Capt. Wilcox was transferred to his staff as acting assistant adjutant general First Brigade, First Division, Eighteenth Army Corps. May 30th, the Eighteenth Army Corps started for White-House Landing, effecting a junction with the Army of the Potomac at Cold Harbor on the eve of June 1st. Stannard s Brigade was led immediately into action, and its frequent changes and the nature of its service, rendered Capt. Wilcox s duties incessant and onerous. Says Durfees " Annals of Williams College : " It so happened that as he was passing through his regiment, the morning of the 3d, a charge was ordered." Unconsciously, this does not do him full credit ; it did not happen. Instructions as to the charge had passed through his hands at three o clock the day previous, and he was there from plan and purpose. He placed himself in front of the line, when one of his broth er officers said, "Coxey, go back where you belong; this is no place for you ! " to which he replied, " I am going with you ; my place is where I can serve my country." When Gen l Smith s voice rang out on the morning air, " Forward ! " with a ringing cheer and call to his men, he dashed forward, foremost of all. Gaining the enemy s cnrvettes, he dashed over them in advance of the column, with his face set on the enemy s main line just in front, when he fell pierced with a dozen bullets. " Coxey," as he was generally known, was popular, genial, courteous and affable. His urbanity, frankness and kindness, insured lasting friendship. His often expressed preference was, that he might be allowed to return to his command, and share with them the honors and dangers of the field. His name is now borne by Post 16, Grand Army of the Republic, Springfield, Mass., an excellent painting of him gracing their hall.
Monday, October 08, 2012
John W. Bartlett, 27th., Massachusetts Infantry.
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Note from the Regimental History.Sergt. John W. Bartlett, of Company K, was among those exchanged from Millen in November. He was so reduced by scurvy and chronic diarrhoea as to weigh less than one hundred pounds, and was considered incurable. Hie was placed in the hospital on his arrival North in November, and was unable to bear removal home until July, 1865. He is now the American Express Agent between Springfield and Albany.
Johnw. Bartlett was born in 1843, Massachusetts; In 1880, he was 43, years and was a Express Messenger. His wife was Juliet T. Bartlet, she was 35 years. They had at lest one child, Blanche Bartlett, born 1870.
Charles E. Buzzell
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Birth: Oct. 13, 1844, Sandwich, Carroll County, New Hampshire.
Death: Apr. 1, 1914, Lakeport, Belknap County, New Hampshire.
Son of John Buzzell and Abigail Marston.
Wife: Jennie E. Veasey (1841-1913)
Burial: Bayside Cemetery, Laconia, Belknap County, New Hampshire.
Charles E. Buzzell, Civil War.

Eighth New Hampshire, Co. F., Born Sandwich N. H.; age 18; Residence Laconia N. H; Enlisted December 27, 1861, as a Private; Appointed Corporal January 5, 1863; Wounded May 27, 1863, at Port Hudson La.; Reduced to ranks January 5, 1864; Discharged December 30, 1864, at Natchez, Mississippi; Tm. Ex. Post office address Lake Port, New Hampshire. He did make Sergeant.
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Benjamin F. Rollins, 1St., Maine Heavy Artillery.
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Joined from Dixmont as Sergeant. A modest, beardless boy, soldier born, unassuming, brave, and true to every duty. Promoted for merit to Second Lieutenant March 23, 1864, First Lieutenant Oct. 17, 1864, and Captain Dec. 13, 1864. . Has since the war, been prominent and prosperous m mercantile pursuits.
Authors note. There isn't a lot of information here, but I thought those looking into his line and have no picture of him would like one.
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