Major, Missouri State [Militia] Cav., Provost-Marshal Rolla Div.
[Sub-inclosure C.]
STATE OF MISSOURI, Phelps County, ss:
Oliver J. Burns, bugler of Company H, Thirteenth Regiment Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, being duly sworn deposes and says on his oath that he was present within a short time after the arrest of Lewis Morrison by Major Tompkins; that he was among the first of Major Tompkins' men who came to him; that he saw the revolver and letters, and heard many of them read, which were taken from said Morrison; stood guard over him afterwards, and after Major Tompkins had told him what order of prisoners he came under he was sullen and used every strategy to get away. The greatest vigilance was required to keep him. He denied that his name was Best. Admitted he was of the rebel army, and had passed stealthily through our lines. Made no effort to prove himself not liable under Orders, Numbers 18. And further deponent saith not.
Subscribed and sworn before me this 3rd day of July, A. D. 1862, at Rolla, Mo.
Oliver J. Burns, 5th., Missouri Cavalry, State Militia, Company H., enlisted February 18, 1862, as a Musician, at St.Louis Missouri, Mustered in April 14, 1862, at St. Louis Missouri. Mustered out February 18, 1865, at Rolla, Missouri.
Authors note. 5th Regiment, Missouri State Militia Cavalry (2nd Organization) Organized February 2, 1863, from 13th Regiment, State Militia Cavalry. Attached to District of Rolla, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of the Border, Dept. of Missouri, to October, 1863. District of Rolla, Dept. of Missouri, to muster out.
Saturday, November 03, 2012
Friday, November 02, 2012
James E. Hall. Maine.
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Birth: unknown
Death: Jun. 18, 1864.
Second Lieutenant James Hall was a member of Company G, 1st Maine Heavy Artillery. He was among those 850-900 men who made the first Charge at Petersburg, by the second day 200 were left. He made the ultimate sacrifice and is on the Field of Valor, downtown Bucksport.
Burial: Oak Hill Cemetery, Bucksport, Hancock County, Maine.
Second Lieutenant JAMES E. HALL.
Lieutenant Hall joined as Sergeant from Bucksport, did excellent service, and must have shown rare ability, for during the absence of Quartermaster Pitcher, Lieutenant Hall was detailed to act as Quartermaster in his stead. Although doing camp duty for the time he served, he performed the arduous duties of that office in a satisfactory manner. The adjustment of the affairs detaining him sometime In Washington, he reached the regiment just in time to receive the fatal bullet in the charge of the 18th of June, 1864. He was a fine young officer, and his death was much regretted by his companions.
Thursday, November 01, 2012
George C. Starr.
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Lietenant-Colonel Valentine Cupp
Valentine Cupp was born June 30, 1830, at Pleasantville, Fairfield County, Ohio, and was married March 12, 1850, to Hannah Winter of same county. Four children survive him. He was a farmer and stock dealer up to the time of entering the service. Died September 20 at battle of Chickamauga, was buried there, and was afterwards removed to Greenlawn, Columbus, Ohio.
He was commissioned Captain of Company F, First O. V. C., September 5, 1861; promoted to Major, December 31, 862, and to Lieutenant-Colonel, April 1, 1863. Killed at battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 20, 1863.
Colonel Cupp, as a Captain and in all the grades through which he served, was one of the most popular officers in the regiment. He was at all times and under all circumstances the same genial, high-toned gentleman and true soldier. Kindhearted to a fault, and if he had occasion to discipline or punish a soldier, he was sure to pay him back tenfold by some act of kindness the first opportunity that offered. He served in the regiment two years and fifteen days, at the front at all times, and commanded the regiment through the Tullahoma and Chick amauga Campaign with distinction. It is sufficient to say of his service that he never shirked any duty and was held in high esteem by General Thomas and General Long.
On the beautiful Sabbath day, September 20, 1863, with drawn saber, amid the carnage among the pines of bloody Chick amauga, he fell mortally wounded at the head of the regiment he loved so well. He was removed from the field by surgeon Wirth back to Crawfish Springs and died the same evening in the southeast parlor of the Lee House about 4 P. M.
He was commissioned Captain of Company F, First O. V. C., September 5, 1861; promoted to Major, December 31, 862, and to Lieutenant-Colonel, April 1, 1863. Killed at battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 20, 1863.
Colonel Cupp, as a Captain and in all the grades through which he served, was one of the most popular officers in the regiment. He was at all times and under all circumstances the same genial, high-toned gentleman and true soldier. Kindhearted to a fault, and if he had occasion to discipline or punish a soldier, he was sure to pay him back tenfold by some act of kindness the first opportunity that offered. He served in the regiment two years and fifteen days, at the front at all times, and commanded the regiment through the Tullahoma and Chick amauga Campaign with distinction. It is sufficient to say of his service that he never shirked any duty and was held in high esteem by General Thomas and General Long.
On the beautiful Sabbath day, September 20, 1863, with drawn saber, amid the carnage among the pines of bloody Chick amauga, he fell mortally wounded at the head of the regiment he loved so well. He was removed from the field by surgeon Wirth back to Crawfish Springs and died the same evening in the southeast parlor of the Lee House about 4 P. M.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Colonel Minor Millikin
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(By permission of Robert Clark & Co.)
(By permission of Robert Clark & Co.)
The biography of Colonel Millikin was copied from the biography written by Whitelaw Eeid and published in his his story "Ohio in the War."
Colonel Millikin was the eldest son of Major John M. Millikin, formerly a lawyer of Hamilton and long known as the President of the State Board of Agriculture, and one of the foremost among that body of retired professional men of wealth and culture who adorn the vocation of Ohio farmers. Minor was born on the ninth of July, 1834. His early education was acquired in the high schools of Hamilton, and under the watch ful eye of his parents. In 1850 he was sent to Hanover College, Ind., where he passed through the course of study of the Fresh man and Sophomore classes. In 1852 he went to Miami University and there completed his collegiate education. He ranked foremost among all the students then in that honored old institution. He was not known as a remarkable scholar, nor was he ever popular. But there was about him an individuality so intense and so striking, that wherever he was placed he was the center of attraction. He was the most nervous and original writer and altogether the most striking debater in his society.
He was graduated with high, though not distinguished standing in 1854. He went immediately to the Harvard Law School. The next year he returned to Cincinnati and entered the law office of his father s friend, Thomas Corwin. A year later he married Miss Mollyneaux, of Oxford, to whom he had been engaged while at college, and started to Europe on a bridal tour, which was prolonged for a twelve month. On his return he purchased the Hamilton Intelligencer, the Republican organ of his native county, and for the next two years edited it. He had never intended to practice his profes sion, but he improved the opportunities of leisure now afforded him, to review and extend his studies. Then disposing of his newspaper, he retired to his farm, near that of his father, in the vicinity of Hamilton, and was engaged in improving it and building, when the war broke out.
His tastes and his superb horsemanship naturally inclined him to the cavalry service. There was a great difficulty at first in getting cavalry companies accepted, and recruiting was consequently discouraged. But he enlisted himself as a private, and soon had the nucleus of a company. The Government could not be induced to furnish horses in time, and to get the company off for the West Virginia campaign he advanced the funds to purchase twenty-four out of his own pocket. His recruits were united to Captain Burdsall s Cincinnati Company, and Millikin presently became Sergeant, and then Lieutenant. He returned from the three months campaign in West Virginia, with the confidence of his men and the indorsement of his commanders as the best of the cavalry officers on duty in that department. Thus recommended, he was appointed a Major in the First Regiment of Ohio Cavalry, raised for the three years service.
Colonel Ransom, the first Colonel of the regiment, resigned in January, 1862, and Minor Millikin, the junior Major of the regiment, was promoted to the vacant Colonelcy. The promotion was based on his acknowledged merits, but it wrought him great harm. One of the officers over whose heads he was thus lifted, was brother to the Governor of the state, another had such influential friends as presently to secure a Brigadier-General s commission. All were older than himself. Dissatisfac tion of course arose, all manner of complaints were made, officers threatened to resign by wholesale, and finally the charge was made that Colonel Millikin was too young and too ignorant of cavalry tactics to lead Ohio s first cavalry regiment.
The result was that he was ordered before a board of regular officers for examination. Some delays ensued, but when at last the examination was held he passed it triumphantly, and received the warmest compliments of his examiners. While the matter was pending, Colonel Millikin served on the staff of General George H. Thomas. But he was not long to lead the disciplined organization he had created. In the battle of Stone s River he was sent to repel attacks of rebel cavalry on the rear of the army. Seeking to protect a valuable train he ordered a charge, and himself led it. The force of the enemy at that point was superior, and he presently found himself with a small part of his regiment cut off. He refused to surrender, and encouraged his men to cut their way out. A hand-to-hand encounter followed. Colonel Millikin s fine swordmanship enabled him to protect himself with his saber. After a contest for some minutes with several assailants, one of them, enraged at his obstinate resistance, shot him with a revolver while he was engaged in parrying the strokes of another. The regiment charged again a few minutes later and recovered the body, but not before it had been stripped of sword, watch and purse.
Eight Faces Of First Ohio Cavalry.
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George F. Conn was born in Coshocton County, Ohio, October 30, 1836, and was a teacher before the war. Studied dentistry after leaving the army. Died at Soldiers Home (National) at Milwaukee, Wis., October 13, 1886. Captain Conn was appointed First Lieutenant of Company B, First O. V. C., August 17, 1861, and was promoted to Captain, June 10, 1862, and resigned September 20, 1864. Company B left Camp Chase about October 1, 1861, and about two months before the balance of the regiment left for the front. It was sent on an expedition against Humphrey Marshall and had a sharp fight at Liberty, Ky., before the balance of the regiment arrived. Captain Conn was with his command almost contin uously during his three years service, and commanded his company after Captain Laughlin was promoted to Major. While in command of his company at Washington, East Tennessee, defending a ford against the crossing of General Wheeler s forces, September 30, 1863, he was wounded in the hand. He was then sent home on leave of absence and did not see much further active service on account of his health.

Major John H. Robinson was born in New York City about the year 1818, but removed to Martinsburg, Ya., early in his childhood, and moved from that place to Decatur, Brown County, Ohio, in 1838, where he engaged in the merchant tailoring business. In the year 1845, he moved to Washington, C. H., where he was engaged in the same business, and in 1850 he went across the plains to California with emigrants and stock and returned in 1851. Returned to California again in 1852, but soon returned and engaged in the dry goods business in Illinois until the breaking out of the war. From his early youth he was very much in terested in military matters and during all of his life made a study of military tactics. In August, 1862, he was appointed Captain of Company A, First O. V. C. This was the first commission issued to any officer in that regiment. The men in his company furnished their own horses, and about the middle of August went into Camp Chase, O. His company soon became very efficient in drilling and were equipped some time before the other companies of the regiment. As Cavalry was very much in demand in Virginia, Companies A and C, First O. V. C., were sent to Virginia before the other companies of the regiment were equipped. They did good service in Virginia up to the fall of 1864, when they were again united with the regiment at Nashville, Tenn. Captain Robinson was a very efficient officer, very fond of military service, but as he was in delicate health when he enlisted he was not able to stand the rigors of the hard campaigns. June 1, 1862, he was promoted to Major and died at his home in Washington, C. H., October 29, 1862. Had his life been spared, he would no doubt have gained distinction during the war.

Hugh Hicks Siverd was born December 28, 1839, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He was a spinner in a woolen mill when the war broke out. He died at Winfield, Kansas, October 25, 1895. He was shot and killed while in the performance of official duty.
Captain Siverd had arrested a desperado from the Indian Territory for some crime, and as he was taking his prisoner to jail one of the desperado s pals met them on the street and shot Captain Siverd, killing him instantly. He was held in high esteem by the citizens of Winfield, and his untimely death was mourned by hundreds of the best citizens. As a testimonial to his memory, the citizens of Winfield erected a beautiful monument over his grave.
Captain Siverd enlisted in Company B, First O. V. C., August 21, 1861, and was promoted to Sergeant-Major; promoted to Second Lieutenant, October 1, 1862; First Lieutenant, April 1, 1863; to Captain. December 14, 1864, and was mustered out with his regiment at Hilton Head, S. C., September 13, 1865, having served almost one month more than four years. Captain Siverd was an ideal cavalry soldier, full of dash, with an utter disregard of danger, and at all times full of enthusiasm.He was for a long time Provost Officer of the brigade, and many of the surviving members of the brigade will no doubt have a very distinct recollection that at some time during their service they w r ere put under arrest by Captain Siverd for straggling. He was one of the best known young officers in the regiment, as he was always at the front, and where there was a fight or any prospect of a fight, Captain Siverd was always found in line.

Amos David Leib was born near Bremen, Fairfield County, Ohio, on January 12, 1827, and died at his Island Home in the same county December 14, 1892. He spent his childhood days and early youth under his parents guiding care, receiving a good country school education and taking a course of study at the Ohio Wesleyan University. At the breaking out of the war was a salesman at Keokuk, Iowa. After the war he filled many responsible positions in his county and was nswerving in his connections of duty as a citizen. The deprivations and exposures of army service short ened his life by many years. In 1866 he married Elizabeth Ann Pope, of Marysville, Ohio, who still survives him with two chil dren, a son and a daughter. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and in politics a zealous Republican.
He enlisted in Company F, First O. Y. C., September 5, 1861, and at the organization of the company was appointed Quartermaster-Sergeant, and soon afterward was promoted to Battalion Quartermaster-Sergeant and to Second Lieutenant, Company I, November 20, 1862; to First Lieutenant and Regimental Commissary, April 18, 1863, and mustered out January 10, 1865. Lieutenant Leib served as staff officer almost continuously during his term of service and was a prompt, energetic, efficient officer and had the confidence of his superior at all times. In addition to his duties as Commissary, he rendered important service during active campaigns in carrying orders on the field, and was always ready for any duty required of him. He was twice a prisoner of war. Once he was taken a prisoner on a train, captured by Dick McCann near Lavergne, Tenn., in, April, 1863, but was soon paroled. He was also captured by General Wheeler s cavalry while carrying dispatches near Cotton Port, Tenn., September 30, 1863. Johnnie Clem was a prisoner at the same time, and when they were paroled, Clem accompanied Lieutenant Leib to his home in Ohio. When Colonel Cupp was killed at the battle of Chickamauga, Lieuten ant Leib had his body taken up and accompanied the remains home, and they were interred in Fairfield County, Ohio.

Harvey Ferguson w r as born April 26, 1829, in Ross County, Ohio, and came with his parents to Newark, Licking County, Ohio, when about six years old, where he ever afterwards resided. His education was obtained in the public schools of Newark. After leaving school he learned the carpenter trade with his father, but engaged in different occupations at different times. Was Sergeant-at-arms two terms and Postmaster one term in the House of Representatives, Columbus, Ohio. In the years 1851-2-3 was Deputy Clerk in Newark Postoffice under Postmaster William Bell in 1855. In 1856 and 1857 was engaged in the grocery business w^ith Enoch Wilson, Newark, Ohio. Was married to Mary C. Frey, September 22, 1852. Died June 12, 1876, in Newark, Ohio.
He enlisted in Company D, First O. V. C., as private, August 5, 1861. He was appointed Sergeant and then promoted to Second Lieutenant of Company H, April 18, 1863; promoted to First Lieutenant and Adjutant, to date from May 25, 1864, and was mustered out November 25, 1864, on expiration of term of service. Lieutenant Ferguson served continuously with the regiment from the time of his enlistment until he was discharged, and had special qualifications for the duties of a staff officer, as he was quite active, a good clerk and a fine-appearing officer. Both as a company and staff officer he rendered excellent service throughout the war, and during the Atlanta Campaign, as Adjutant of the regiment, and was especially active in all of his arduous duties, and was regarded as a very excellent officer by Colonel Eggleston.

Franklin Putnam Allen was born at Darby Creek, Madison County, Ohio, August 31, 1841. His father, William Allen, was of the Ethan Allen family, and his mother Harriet was a daugh ter of Joshua Ewing, also of revolutionary stock, and the first white settler of Darby Creek.
He enlisted in Company K, First O. V. C., September 22, 1861, and was an efficient Corporal and Sergeant, re-enlisted as a veteran, was on non-commissioned staff as Quartermaster-sergeant, and later was commissioned as First Lieutenant, but died without learning of it. He was a much loved man and officer, trusty and intelligent, and was a fighting soldier. At Ebenezer Church, Ala., April 1, 1865, as he laid his hand on the gun of a rebel battery, hot and smoking, claiming it as his capture, he fell, shot through the groin. He lived to be taken from Selma on a hospital boat, on which he died near Cairo, 1ll., May 25. A month later his body was removed to the home burial ground at Plain City, Ohio. His parents lie beside him now; but in their grief they rejoiced in the message he left the day he was shot: "If you get home, tell pa and ma it is all right w^ith me; it all came right after I was hit."

Charles H. Goodrich was born at Sharon, Ohio, on Jan uary 20, 1844. Received his education at Sharon College, and afterwards learned the printing trade in the Noble County Republican office at Caldwell, Ohio. At the close of the war he followed the occupation of a newspaper publisher until November of 1889, he having received the appointment of door-keeper of the National House of Representatives at Washington, D. C. ; but later he was transferred to a more lucrative position iu the U. S. Treasury Department. He died August 31, 1892, at Washington, D. C. He published during his newspaper career The Noble County Kepublican, Caldwell, Ohio; The Miller County Monitor, California, Mo.; The Newcomerstown Argus, Newcomerstown, Ohio; The Cald well Press, Caldwell, Ohio; The Monroe Gazette, Woodsfield, Ohio; The Troy Chronicle and Daily Trojan, Troy, Ohio.
He enlisted in Company D, First O. V. C., August 5, 1861; appointed Corporal, and October 2, 1862, appointed Sergeant; appointed First Sergeant and commissioned as First Lieutenant, Company M, June 28, 1865; mustered out at Cincinnati, Ohio, July 12, 1865, having served within twenty-three days of four years. He was a good soldier and w r on his bars by hard service in the field.

Captain Lafayette Pickering, son of James Pickering, was born near Pickerington, Fairfield County, Ohio, April 30, 1828, and died December 14, 1866, near the spot where he was born. In the year 1848 he was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Winter, near Pleasantville, Fairfield County, Ohio. During the late war, when his country called for help, he promptly responded and enlisted September 5, 1861, for three years in Company F, First Regiment Ohio Cavalry. On the organization of his company he was elected First Lieutenant, and soon after the regiment was ordered into service he was promoted to Captain, December 31, 1862, in which office he served faithfully until December 20, 1864, and was mustered out by reason of the expiration of his term of service.
He participated with the regiment in all of the battles of the Army of the Cumberland, and was severely wounded at the battle of Noonday Creek, Ga., June 16, 1864. His death was caused by camp fever, contracted in the service. He was one of the best officers of the regiment, and was highly respected by every officer and soldier. At the time of his death he was a member of the M. E. Church, and said to his wife a few days before his death, when he felt that the end was near, "The harder the battle, the brighter the victory." He left a widow and two boys at the time of his death.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Sidney V. Arnold, 104th, Illinois Infantry.
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Born: 1844.
Death: 1917.
Wife: Stella A. H. Arnold, born 1840, death 1921.
Children: Baby born ?, death 1883. Charles S. Arnold born 1872, death 1880.
Burial: Lockport Cemetery, Lockport, Will county, Illinois.
The following came from the 104th., regimental history.
FIRST LIEUTENANT SIDNEY V. ARNOLD. Was born in Washington County, N. Y., March 7, 1844; removed with his parents to Illinois in 1855, and enlisted August 11, 1862, when 18 years old; clerk; was appointed Third Corporal upon organization of Company A, and subsequently First Sergeant; received the latter promotion January 1, 1864, for meritorious services at Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge. Was promoted First Lieutenant to take rank from September 29, 1864. He took part in the battle of Hartsville; was in the Tullahoma campaign; the battles of Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain and Mission Ridge, and all the various battles and skirmishes of the Regiment on the Atlanta campaign, up to and including Kenesaw Mountain, where on June 27, 1864, he was wounded in the .foot, and rheumatic fever ensuing, was sent to hospital, thence home on leave. In November, 1864, on his way to rejoin the Regiment, was unable to do so and detained at Nashville, where he was put in command of a company of convalescents all members of the First Division, Fourteenth Corps. Lieutenant Arnold participated in the battle of Nashville and soon after in the action at Decatur. Was appointed Provost Marshal and given command of the post at Ringgold, Ga., January 21, 1865, by Major General Steedman. His duties there were severe and of a difficult and dangerous nature on account of raiders and bushwhackers. Guerrillas under Gatewood and McDonald attacked the post several times and were repulsed with loss.
March 1, he, with the rest of the One Hundred and Fourth, were ordered to rejoin the Regiment and did so at Goldsboro, N. C., April 9, 1865. Lieutenant Arnold was the youngest commissioned officer in the Regiment and had the honor of being detailed to take charge of the Company and Regimental records from Washington to Chicago for the final muster out of the command. Mustered out June 6, 1865. Lieutenant Arnold was a brave soldier, a good officer, and most efficient in the performance of all duties that devolved upon him in whatever position. After the war he remained in Illinois until 1883, when he removed to Edmunds County, Dakota, and was a pioneer of that section, locating towns and railroads. He now holds for the second term the office of Recorder of Deeds; lives in Ipswich, the county seat, and is a prominent citizen.
The following came from the State rosters.
Rank: CPL.
Company: A.
Unit: 104 IL US INF.
Age: 18.
Height: 5' 11.
Hair: BROWN.
Eyes: BROWN.
Complexion: LIGHT.
Marital Status: SINGLE.
Occupation: CLERK.
Joined When: AUG 15, 1862.
Joined Where: OTTAWA, IL.
Joined By Whom: HIMSELF.
Period: 3 YRS.
Muster In: AUG 27, 1862 .
Muster In Where: OTTAWA, IL.
Rank: 1LT.
Company: A.
Unit : 104 IL US INF.
Age: 21.
Height: 5' 11.
Hair: BROWN.
Eyes: BLUE
Complexion: DARK.
Marital Status: SINGLE.
Occupation: CLERK.
Joined When: APR 9, 1865.
Joined Where: GOLDSBORO, NC.
Joined By Whom: GOV OF ILL.
Period: 3 YRS.
Muster In: APR 9, 1865
Muster In Where: IN THE FIELD, NC.
Muster Out: JUN 6, 1865.
Muster Out Where: WASHINGTON, DC.
Muster Out By Whom: CPT TRACY
William W. Tadder
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When Born is unknown
Died in 1907.
Taken from the State Rosters.
TADDER, WILLIAM W.—Age, 23 years. Enlisted, August 13,1862, at Independence, N. Y.; mustered in as private, Co. E, August 16, 1862, to serve three years; appointed sergeant, September 3, 1862, first sergeant, date not stated; mustered in as second lieutenant, to date December 3, 1864; first lieutenant, to date December 6, 1864; mustered out with company, June 30, 1865, at Clouds Mills, Va.; commissioned second lieutenant, . January 31,1865, with rank from December 2,1864, vice Crittenden, discharged; first lieutenant, January 31, 1865, with rankfrom December 5,1864, vice Callaghan, promoted.
The following story was taken from the regimental history.
In the fall of 1864, as the army was moving up the valley, the Dragoons in advance, two of the regiment performed a deed of valor which for presumptuous audacity and perfect success was unsurpassed during the war. Lieut. Wm. W. Tadder and his company bugler, Adelbert Brown, were sent through a piece of woods to ascertain if the enemy occupied certain cross roads. Before emerg ing from the timber they discovered a four-mule team hauling an army wagon containing nineteen Johnnies, each with a loaded gun. The boys promptly decided to make the desperate attempt to capture the entire outfit. Said the lieutenant: "Deb, go to the edge of the woods, and sound the 'charge' for all that's in you; and when I give the order, ' Forward,' we will yell like a pack of devils, and go for them.'' Tadder began shouting his commands to what the rebs supposed to be a large company of Yanks, and as the two surrounded the wagon, he ordered the driver, in as forcible language as he could command, to " whip up them mules and get out right smart." The rebs were so thoroughly frightened that they made no resistance, and were driven first to Devin's headquarters, then to Merritt's, both generals highly complimenting the boys for their gallantry. The Johnnies learning the facts of their capture, declared it was that
" dod-blasted bugle '* that fooled them.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Charles D. Sandford, 27th. Massachusetts
Charles Durand Sandford, son of our first chaplain, Rev. Miles Sandford, was born in Pontiac, Mich., March 20, 1840, from which place he moved successively to Detroit, Chicago, Boston and North Adams. He was fitted for college by his mother, and graduated at Williams College in 1858, at eighteen years of age, and three years later from Albany Law University. Fired by the national insult at Fort Sumter, he returned to North Adams, and enlisted A, company, his name heading the list. He was commissioned first lieutenant Oct. 16, 1861, and promoted captain Dec. 7, 1861, in Company H From first to last he was intrepid, zealous, intelligent and discreet, and his acts a heritage of lustre and fame to the regiment. Capt. Sandford was present in every action of the regiment until his death, save the siege of Little Washington, at which time he was at Plymouth. He had several engagements with the enemy with forces under his special command, notably: Gum Swamp, June 28, 1862; Core Creek, Sept. 30, 1862 ; and Rocky Hock Creek, March 23, 1863, in all of which engagements he signally defeated the enemy. He was judge advocate during the summer and fall of 1862, and provost marshal of New Berne from June to November, 1863, when, by his own request, he was relieved, that he might share with his men their hardships, dangers and victories.
On account of our exposed situation, Capt. Sandford was accorded the position of honor at the right of the regirment, before Drewry's Bluff, May 15, 1864, and during the attack of the 16th magnetized his men with his invincible spirit. For an hour he stood with them, using his revolver, until, as the enemy charged the last time, he shouted, "Stand to the rack, boys; don't flinch!" when a Minie ball pierced his forehead, traversed his brain, and escaped near the centre of the back of his head. He fell across the rifle of one of his men just in the act of firing, and came heavily to the ground upon his face. He was a worthy son of his Alma Mater, of indomitable energy, finished and comprehensive scholarship, manliness and docility of character, magnanimity and sympathy of heart. With a wonderful memory, his knowledge of fact and detail made him an enoyclopedia of reference, rarely in error. His whole hearted consecration to his country only increased his love for literature, which was insatiable. Capt. Sandford was a Christian, too, of unostentatious, retiring piety, yet of such firm convictions as to give him decision of character and purpose. The North Adams Post No. 79, Grand Army of
the Republic, has the honor to bear his name.
Pages from the 27th., regimental history.
Companies D and H of the Twenty-Seventh Mass. Regiment, left Camp Warner for outpost duty at Bachelor's Creek, the 21st inst. At one o'clock a.m., the 28th of July, they left the creek under command of Capt. C. D. Sandford, accompanied by a detachment of cavalry, to surprise the enemy's "cavalry outpost'' at " Gum Swamp." One of the enemy's videttes was discovered about daylight, who, failing to discharge his carbine, hastily retreated to warn his camp, followed by Capt. Sandford's force at doublequick. The viditte had barely time to give the alarm, before our men were upon them, delivering a volley into them as they retreated towards Kinston. This volley frightened the horses which were tethered near by, so that many broke loose and escaped. They secured twenty horses, with the entire camp equipage, stores and arms, beside nine prisoners who were run down in the open field by our men. Beside these, the enemy lost two killed and two wounded, while our companies escaped without a casualty.
On the 23d, an expedition consisting of Companies F, I and K, Twenty-Fifth Mass., and Company H, Twenty- Seventh Mass. Regiments, started for Wingfield to assist Lieut. James J. McLane of the First North Carolina Union Regiment, who had been attacked by the Forty-Second North Carolina and a Virginia regiment. On their arrival at Wingfield they learned of the defeat of the enemy, and also that the gunboats had prevented a part of the rebels from crossing the river, and that these were now in the vicinity of Rocky Hoc Creek. Our force landed at Holly's Landing, five miles below Wingfield, at daj'light the 24th. Capt. Sandford pressed rapidly forward, reaching Rocky Hoc Creek at eight o'clock. Capt. Denny of the Twenty-Fifth Mass., being in command, ordered Capt. Sandford to cross the creek, after doing which, our men advanced a short distance, and developed the enemy in a heavy thicket. Company H engaged them sharply, but was driven back to the gunboats, when the " Perry" and two guns on the " Faron " opened on the enemy. Reinforced by Capt. Foss's company of the Twenty-Fifth, Capt. Sandford recharged the enemy, capturing one officer, with one of their killed and eighteen of their wounded, all of the Forty-Second North Carolina.
April 30th Capt. Sandford, with volunteers from the Twenty-Seventh and Twenty-Fifth Mass. Regiments, under command of Capt. Flusser of the navy, went up the Roanoke to Hyman's Landing, to capture a post of the enemy. Mr. Hyman was brought out in his night dress, but was ignorant of any rebel post iu that vicinity, until the probing of Capt. Flusser's sword reminded him that there was one near a small house three miles distant. Capt. Sandford at once marched to the point indicated, and captured twelve cavalrymen with horses and equipments.
John Toner Lucas, Pennsylvania.
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John Toner lucas.
Born: September 9, 1842
Died: February 12, 1922.
John Toner Lucas, enlisted in the 45th., Pennsylvania infantry, Co. D., September 25, 1861; in hospital August, 1862, to October; wounded May 6, 1864; sent to hospital; returned to duty June 1, 1864; discharged at expiration of tem of service October 20, 1864; residence, Moshannon, Center county, Pennsylvania.
During his boyhood and youth John T. Lucas attended the local schools and assisted his father in his work, remaining with him until September, 1861, when he enlisted in Company D, 45th P. V. I., under Capt. Curtin, for three years' service. He participated in many important battles and skirmishes, including those of Fredericksburg, Vicksburg, Jackson (Miss.), Blue Springs, the siege of Knoxville, and the battle of the Wilderness, where he was wounded in the right shoulder, May 6, 1864, but remained with his company, though for two months he was unable for active service. On the expiration of his term of service he was honorably discharged and returned home.
Authors note. To learn more about him and his family, go to the site of ( Find a Grave )
Andrrew T. Boggs, Pennsylvania.
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Andrew T. Boggs
Born: 1843.
Died: 1931.
Burial: Trczlyulny cemetery, Milesburg, Center county, Pennsylvania.
Andrew T. Boggs, First Sergeant, enlisted in company D., 45th., Pennsylvania, Infantry, September 23, 1861; promoted from Corporal to Sergeant to First Sergeant; wounded June 3, 1864, at Bethesda Church, Virginia; returned from hospital December 12, 1864, to Petersburg, Virginia. Mustered out with company July 17, 1865; residence Milesburg, Pennsylvania.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
The Eminhizer Brothers.45th., Pennsylvania.
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Birth: 1843
Death: May 10, 1928
Child of Abraham George Eminhizer & Catherine Hoover.
Spouse of Elizabeth
Burial: Houserville Cemetery Lemont Centre County Pennsylvania.
George W. Eminhizer, Corporal, enlisted August 16, 1862, for 3 years. Wounded at Blue Springs, Tennessee, October 10, 1863. Discharged by general order June 7, 1853. Residence Belsano, Pennsylvania.
Abrham Eminhizer, Corporal, Enlisted August 16, 1861. Deid June 11, 1864, of wounds received at Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 11, 1864. Buried in Nantional cemetery Arilington; Veteran.
Note. Picture does not state who's who.
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