I had just finished a page on one Hilton family and it’s Indian blood line, then I got to thinking that there must be a lot of Hilton’s looking for their family line. So I decided to do a page on the Hilton’s. I will not follow any time line I will add the information as I find it, I hope you will find a family member here.
Note. A lot of this information will come from the many departments of the Library of Congress.
MARCH 25. 1872.
Granting a pension to Josiah Hilton, of Steuben County, New York.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to place the name of Josiah Hilton, of Steuben County, New York, upon the pension-rolls, and to pay him a pension subject to the provisions and restrictions of the laws allowing pensions to the soldiers of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve.
DECEMBER 22, 1837.
For the relief of Isaac Hilton.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be authorized and required to place the name of Isaac Hilton, of Portland, in the State of Maine, on pension roll of the United States, and pay him the sum of sixty dollars per annum, from and after the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, during his natural life.
APRIL 17, 1858.
For the relief of J. W. Hilton.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster General be authorized and directed to pay to J. W. Hilton, of the county of Monroe, and State of Illinois, the sum of four hundred and eighty-three dollars and forty cents, for extra mail service performed by him on route number thirteen thousand three hundred and twenty-three, from September twenty-second, anno domini eighteen hundred and fifty-six, to July first, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven.
1. William Hilton, Lieutenant, North Carolina line, certificate date May 16, 1792, No. 2412, interest started July 15, 1786, amount $668.07.
2. William Hilton, private, 5th, regiment South Carolina, Certificate date January 27, 1794, No. 4877, interest started August 1, 1780, amount $180.03.
Note. For those of you looking into the Helton & Hilton family should Check out the Helton & Hilton Family Genealogy forums for a lot of the military records and Cherokee Applications.
1. Hilton Family Genealogy Forum.
2. Helton Family Genealogy Forum.
Location of Wabash and Erie Canal Lands.
1. On February 26, 1822, Jesse Hilton bought 229.5, acres in Ohio on the S. E. fraction of the N. half and S. E. quarter of section 27, township 4N. and range 4E., at $1.25 per acre, the amount $286.94.
2. On March 3, 1823, Joshua Hilton bought 140.75 acres in Ohio on the N. W. Fraction quarter S. of Maumee River, in section 27, township 4N. and range 4E., at $1.25 per acre, the amount $175.94.
3. On December 10, 1823, Theophilus Hilton bought 80, acres in the W. half of the S. W. quarter of section 27, township 4N. and range 4E., at $1.25 per acre, the amount $100.
Note. This information comes from The United States pension rolls which is housed at the Library of Congress. I will give the name and county and page number. If you see a name and would like his information you can find my address in my profile, please state name, county, and page no., when requesting any information.
Revolutionary War, and War of 1812.
1. Ebenezer Hilton, Somerset, p. 67.
2. Isaac Hilton, Cumberland, p. 92.
3. William Hilton 1st., Somerset, p. 138.
4. Dudley Hilton, York, p.151.
New Hampshire.
1. Joseph Hilton, Rockingham, p. 12.
New York.
1. John Hilton, Invalid, p. 91.
2. James Hilton, Albany, p.262.
3. Jaocb W. Hilton, Greens, p.318.
1. Edward Hilton, White, p.109.
Civil War.
There were at lest if not more then 929, Hilton’s in the Civil War, I could not put all their names here, but if you would like for me to look up a ancestor give his full name and state and regiment if you can and I will take a look, you can find my address in my profile, and as always my search's are ( Free. ), below you will find two examples on the kind of information you may receive.
Example. 1.
HILTON, ALONZO C., Rank Private, Company B. Unit 123 IL., U. S. INF, Residence MAJORITY POINT, CUMBERLAND CO, IL., Age 24, Height 6', Hair BLACK, Eyes BLACK, Complexion DARK, Marital Status MARRIED, Occupation FARMER. Joined When AUG 10, 1862, Joined Where GREENUP, IL., Period 3 YRS., Muster In SEP 6, 1862 Muster In Where MATTOON, IL. PROMOTED CORPORAL KILLED IN ACTION OCT 8, 1862 AT CHAPLAIN HILLS KY.
Example 2.
HILTON, J. W., private, 74th., regiment E. M. M., Co. C., Age 44, Enrolled August 5, 1862, Enlisted at Springfield Mo., ordered into service August 6, 1862, at Springfield Mo., Relieved of duty December 20, 1862, Days of duty 136, discharged over age.
Friday, April 03, 2009
The Hilton Family Needs Your Help.
I was asked the other day to give some help on the ( Hilton ) family and their Indian Blood line, But I was unable to help much. I asked the gentleman who’s name is ( Mike ), if he would allow me to put up his information in the hope that he may get some answers to his questions, and told him his information may be a help to others who are looking into some of these names, he was more then happy to help.
Note. Those of you who would like to give some answers or have a question can reach Mike at the following address, just say Dennis sent you.
Tom Hilton b. abt. 1720, found first in the 1740's in Terrible Creek VA. according to family tradition he married a Hilton and took her name. (got kicked out of church) father in Law should be Beecham Halton who is recorded in the Moravian Documents in NC. They mention Beecham Haltom and his mulatto wife, a go between the Cherokee and Moravians. The only reasoning for this is the oral tradition and the fact that many of the first generations of Hiltons of our line were Beecham thus named after their ancestors.
Tom Hilton and Bettie Hilton are mentioned on the Mabe Cherokee applications. He was said to be a full blood and she a squaw. They give birth to at least four sons who fought in the Rev. War.
Jacob we cannot find.
Peter Hilton who married Jenny ????
Abraham Hilton who married Katie Owl from Murphy NC, (hanging dog creek back then)
Beecham who married into the German Winklers and Moorefields
Bethena Hilton married into the Shoats or choate (Jason SHoats Cherokee apps)
Lucinda married Long John Mabe in Stokes NC.....
Ruth Hilton married Matoy (cant find much on this) Famous Indian Name.
The only one we can find on any Roll was Daniel Hilton b. 1788 NC. Cherokee apps say he was born in Cherokee NC. He married one time Martha Walker daughter of William Walker and Katie.
His father and mother were Peter Hilton and Jenny.
I am sure Jenny was in the Cherokee Nation but that is hard to place because of so many of them. Cherokees didnt keep good marriage records.
Line of Travel: Tom in the edge of VA, some say Patrick CO. Land on terrible creek was in Lunenburg VA. He moved to Stokes area in NC along the Dan River. We believe he may have been Saura Indian, mentioned by Mooney in his travels. Abraham HIlton married Charity or Katie Owl starts in Henrico Co. VA in the Rev. War. goes through NC and into GA. Peter starts in joining Rev. war in Surry, NC, goes into Burke county with many other Heltons/ Hiltons comes to live with Cherokee in McMinn Co. TN in the 1830 census.
His son Daniel Hilton b. 1788 signs Emigration Roll with Major John Walker and Thomas Petite. Found him on the 1828 Arkansas deal and know he left TN the Spring of 1828 on one of the first boats. Found him as late as 1831 on the Letters to Office of Indian affairs. This is the latest so far from Arkansas. We suspect there are more. He is mentioned as stealing a horse and leaving the nation in 1830. This is not true because we found him in 1831 document. The horse part might be right but the time is not. First time apart from Cherokee paperwork we find Daniel is 1850 Federal Census in Blount CO. TN with two kids with Indian names.
Why is this important? Later many of the family files Cherokee applications in GA and TN. They go back to several Helton / Hilton. some of them we have linked together and DNA tested. Two of them we have not. They never mention Daniel on a Cherokee Roll. (mystery)
Abraham Helton and Katie Owls, group DNA matched
Joseph Helton back to Beecham Hilton in NC DNA matched
Peter Hilton back to INdian TOm DNA matched
Jahial Helton around 1800 in Murray GA, no DNA test or much research from this family. They had about 8 Cherokee Applications.
William Joseph Helton in Burnt Corn Al. b.1799 in Sumter SC but the test are coming back Gillispie. Probably a Helton girl that names the kids the same. (Matrial line, Cherokeee style, We have found about 4 or 5 of these so far.) This family filled out about 8 Cherokee apps.
This is a thumbnail sketch of the Indian DNA set of Hiltons. We didnt know any of this four years ago. Just that our family always said we had Cherokee Blood in us.
Note. Here is a thank you note I received from Mike with some added information.
What drew me to you was that you had a lot of the names I had read on the M 234 series in Fort Worth. They were located in Arkansas, Cherokee West. When I read your list I kept saying where is Danie? This is the same people I just read this week. George Guess, rainstopper, Spring Frog, Walter Webber etc. By all means put them up. By the way, Footnote.com is just loading all the Guion Miller applications and we are having a blast. ANy Helton mentioned by any other name is showing up. We are really starting to put the g-grandkids of Tom together now. Especially all of the girls that married out into other surnames. Thank you for your support.
Note. Those of you who would like to give some answers or have a question can reach Mike at the following address, just say Dennis sent you.
Tom Hilton b. abt. 1720, found first in the 1740's in Terrible Creek VA. according to family tradition he married a Hilton and took her name. (got kicked out of church) father in Law should be Beecham Halton who is recorded in the Moravian Documents in NC. They mention Beecham Haltom and his mulatto wife, a go between the Cherokee and Moravians. The only reasoning for this is the oral tradition and the fact that many of the first generations of Hiltons of our line were Beecham thus named after their ancestors.
Tom Hilton and Bettie Hilton are mentioned on the Mabe Cherokee applications. He was said to be a full blood and she a squaw. They give birth to at least four sons who fought in the Rev. War.
Jacob we cannot find.
Peter Hilton who married Jenny ????
Abraham Hilton who married Katie Owl from Murphy NC, (hanging dog creek back then)
Beecham who married into the German Winklers and Moorefields
Bethena Hilton married into the Shoats or choate (Jason SHoats Cherokee apps)
Lucinda married Long John Mabe in Stokes NC.....
Ruth Hilton married Matoy (cant find much on this) Famous Indian Name.
The only one we can find on any Roll was Daniel Hilton b. 1788 NC. Cherokee apps say he was born in Cherokee NC. He married one time Martha Walker daughter of William Walker and Katie.
His father and mother were Peter Hilton and Jenny.
I am sure Jenny was in the Cherokee Nation but that is hard to place because of so many of them. Cherokees didnt keep good marriage records.
Line of Travel: Tom in the edge of VA, some say Patrick CO. Land on terrible creek was in Lunenburg VA. He moved to Stokes area in NC along the Dan River. We believe he may have been Saura Indian, mentioned by Mooney in his travels. Abraham HIlton married Charity or Katie Owl starts in Henrico Co. VA in the Rev. War. goes through NC and into GA. Peter starts in joining Rev. war in Surry, NC, goes into Burke county with many other Heltons/ Hiltons comes to live with Cherokee in McMinn Co. TN in the 1830 census.
His son Daniel Hilton b. 1788 signs Emigration Roll with Major John Walker and Thomas Petite. Found him on the 1828 Arkansas deal and know he left TN the Spring of 1828 on one of the first boats. Found him as late as 1831 on the Letters to Office of Indian affairs. This is the latest so far from Arkansas. We suspect there are more. He is mentioned as stealing a horse and leaving the nation in 1830. This is not true because we found him in 1831 document. The horse part might be right but the time is not. First time apart from Cherokee paperwork we find Daniel is 1850 Federal Census in Blount CO. TN with two kids with Indian names.
Why is this important? Later many of the family files Cherokee applications in GA and TN. They go back to several Helton / Hilton. some of them we have linked together and DNA tested. Two of them we have not. They never mention Daniel on a Cherokee Roll. (mystery)
Abraham Helton and Katie Owls, group DNA matched
Joseph Helton back to Beecham Hilton in NC DNA matched
Peter Hilton back to INdian TOm DNA matched
Jahial Helton around 1800 in Murray GA, no DNA test or much research from this family. They had about 8 Cherokee Applications.
William Joseph Helton in Burnt Corn Al. b.1799 in Sumter SC but the test are coming back Gillispie. Probably a Helton girl that names the kids the same. (Matrial line, Cherokeee style, We have found about 4 or 5 of these so far.) This family filled out about 8 Cherokee apps.
This is a thumbnail sketch of the Indian DNA set of Hiltons. We didnt know any of this four years ago. Just that our family always said we had Cherokee Blood in us.
Note. Here is a thank you note I received from Mike with some added information.
What drew me to you was that you had a lot of the names I had read on the M 234 series in Fort Worth. They were located in Arkansas, Cherokee West. When I read your list I kept saying where is Danie? This is the same people I just read this week. George Guess, rainstopper, Spring Frog, Walter Webber etc. By all means put them up. By the way, Footnote.com is just loading all the Guion Miller applications and we are having a blast. ANy Helton mentioned by any other name is showing up. We are really starting to put the g-grandkids of Tom together now. Especially all of the girls that married out into other surnames. Thank you for your support.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
The United States & Miexico. 1837-1839.
I have yet done a page on Mexico, this page will deal with claim of citizens of the United States against Mexico. There were many reasons for these claims, the likes which were the taking of ships and more. I hope by putting this information here you will learn more about your ancestor that you never know.
This information comes from a report called ( United States and Mexico ), No. 332, 25th. Congress, 1837-1839.
1. Thomas Powell, Claims nine thousand five hundred and seven dollars and ninety cents of the Mexican Government, on account of an alleged wrongful seizure of his property by officers of Mexico, in the neighborhood of De Wit’s colony in Texas, in the autumn of 1826. He also claims of the Mexican Government thirteen thousand four hundred and ninety-six dollars and fifty cents, on account of the capture of the schooner Louisiana and her cargo (owned entirely by him) by the Mexican brig of war General Tenan.
2. Rufus Furnage, This individual was a passenger on board the schooner Martha, captured by the Mexican public armed schooner Moutezuma,, in Galveston bay, in May, 1835. He represents that he was harshly treated while a prisoner in the hands of the Mexican authorities, and claims therefore of the Mexican Government a pecuniary recompense of six thousand five hundred dollars. The only paper in his ease is his memorial to the Secretary of State of the United States, sworn to on the 3d of October, 1837, before James Ross, notary public, Shelby county, Tennessee.
3. This information was put together from the Boston Commercial Gazette.
It seem a party of fur trappers which included, James 0. Patty, Richard Lochlin, and Nathaniel Prior, of Kentucky; Isaac Strover, of Santa Fe; William Pope, of Indiana; Jesse Ferguson, of Missouri: and Edmund Russell, of Pennsylvania, there were twenty in all. This party started from Santa Fe, in New Mexico, on the 18th of August, 1827, with the intention of trapping beaver. This party, it is stated, was headed by Sylvester Patty, of Lexington, Kentucky, who, after experiencing much severe and cruel treatment, died in prison at San Diego, on the 24th May, 1828.
It appears that the patty separated soon after starting; and that the above individuals, after taking a quantity of furs, were made prisoners on the 13th of March, 1828, at St. Catalina, in Lower California. From this place they were carried on to other settlements, and at length found themselves in the prison in San Diego, among all sorts of criminals, and subjected to every insult and privation, and denied the privilege of seeing their own country men.
4. The following names were American merchants at Chihuahua.
Augustus Storrs, John Willis, John Atkinson, J. Konings, A. C. Thomas, Henry Conolly, John Ward, G. Floyd, Young E. Hicks, James Quesenberry, J. E. Morehouse, Henry Foley, S. W. Howland, John Morrison, Horatio Keckothe, James Douglass, Joseph Paine,
Jesse Suppan, Palencio Syder, David Waldo and Reuben M. Potter.
5. The goods and effects of James W. Walker, of Kentucky, were seized and confiscated at San Buena Ventura in this State. The live of this excellent young men was taken by the Indians, and his property by these people, under the eye of our consul. It was refused to his demand, in a manner highly insulting to the dignity of our Government. If recovered, we recommend that it be placed in deposit for their representatives.
6. The goods and effects of John C. Finley, of North Carolina, were seized and confiscated at San Buena Ventura in this State. The live of this excellent young men was taken by the Indians, and his property by these people, under the eye of our consul. It was refused to his demand, in a manner highly insulting to the dignity of our Government. If recovered, we recommend that it be placed in deposit for their representatives.
7. James Collins was placed in prison at Chihuahua on November, 1830.
8. John Prewitt was placed in prison at Chihuahua on November, 1830.
9. Declaration of Rufus D. Kilgore.
I, Rufus Dean Kilgore, resident of the city of New York, do hereby certifv that I was chief mate on board the American schooner Consolation, during her voyage from New York to Tabasco, in the month of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, and that I continued to act as such until on or about the first day of July, when had arrived, in the Tabasco river the Mexican armed schooner called the Vera Cruzana, for the purpose of attacking the partisans of General Santa Anna, then in possession of the city of Tabasco ; that I then left the aforesaid schooner Consolation, in consequence of the captain, Philo Johnson, with the advice and consent of his agent, Mr. Dennis Gahagan, having voluntarily chartered her to the commander of the aforesaid armed schooner, for the purpose of transporting troops up the river, not considering it my duty to be employed in assisting in the civil wars of the country. And I do further declare that the amount agreed upon for the charter was forty dollars per day, having been informed of the same by consignee ; and I do also further declare that Captain Johnson ordered me to get the vessel under way while he went on shore to receive his charter money, which he said was to be paid daily; and I also do further declare that he, the said Captain Johnson. used every endeavor to persuade me to continue in the vessel, as well as the seamen, some of whom were by him forcibly compelled to continue on board.
Rufus Dean Kilgore.
10. City, County, and State of New York.
Dennis Gahagan, of the city of New York, being duly sworn, does depose and say: That he was at Tabasco from the time of the arrival at that place of the American steamboat Bellona, B. A. Bukup, master, until the month of July last; and that, to his certain knowledge, the steamboat Bellona, up to the time of her loss, never was sold or transferred at Tabasco, and that she never was Mexican property; and, also, that Daniel N. Pope, United States consul, had no authority to consider that she was Mexican property.
And deponent further says: ‘Chat he was in prison at Tabasco, during the revolution, with Captain P. B. Johnson, of the American schooner Consolation, and Captain George Hughes, of the American brig John, and was there confined over a month, during which time Daniel N. Pope, United States consul, never called to see him, nor had any cornmuitication with him, until Lieutenant Boerum, of the United States schooner Shark, arrived, about the 22d of August, at whose instance they were all released, under certain restrictions, never having had a trial or any legal process whatsoever against them.
Dennis Gahagan
11. CONSULATE OF THE U. S. A., Matamoras, Mexico.
29th day of December, 1835.
Joseph C. Beckford, William Reed, and Isaac F. Sheles, American seamen belonging to the schooner Hannah Elizabeth, of New Orleans, being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, do severally depose and say: That on the 13th day of November last they set sail on board the said schooner from the port of New Orleans, bound for the port of Matagorda, Texas; that on the 18th day of the same month, the said vessel stranded on the bar, in attempting to enter Matagorda bay, in which helpless situation she was fired into by the Mexican armed schooner General Bravo, and boarded by about twenty armed soldiers, under the command of two officers, who forcibly took them, (these deponents,) with others belonging to the wreck, on hoard the Bravo, where they were chained down in the hold of that vessel until she arrived off this port, on the 2d instant, when they were landed at the Brazos de Santiago, and placed under a guard of soldiers until they were liberated on the 24th instant, by order of the military commandant of this place, after having been subjected to a rigid confinement of thirty-six days. And these deponents further say, that the schooner Hannah Elizabeth cleared at the port of New Orleans, as aforesaid, with three guns and eight men. And further these deponents say not.
Note. The following names were also on the Schooner Hannah Elizabeth, and give about the same statement.
Thomas Pugh, Edward Scrugham, and Alonzo Marsh. citizens of the United States of America, and William S. Brown, a British subject, Jimmerson Strother, a citizen of the United States.
Matamoras, February 20, 1836.
William Hallett and Zalmon Hall the step-son of Daniel W. Smith Citizens of the United States, were arrested in the street, near the habitation D. W. Smith, by a party of armed soldiers, who brutally struck Hall in the face with a sword, and forcibly took them to the principal barrack in this city, where they are confined as prisoners. They were arrested upon suspicion of being about to leave for Texas.
A short time after this occurrence, sentinels were placed at the doors of Smith’s residence, under false pretences, and all communication therewith prohibited. Armed soldiers broke open his gate during his absence, and forcibly took out of his yard a mare and two mules, being his private property; and afterwards entered his house with drawn swords, and searched every room in the building, contrary to law or justice, for the avowed object of finding the father of Mr. Hall.
13. List of American vessels detained by a embargo.
Brig Jane, of Saybrook, Henry Williams master, Brig Henry, of New Orleans, A. C. Bredall master, Schooner Compeer, of Eastport, Welcome Lincoln master, Schooner Nile, of Baltimore, William P. Rogers master and Sloop Supply, of New Bedford, Jonathan Walker master. * All bound to the port of New Orleans.
14. American Merchants of Vera Cruz, Mexico.
15. The consul of the United States at Vera Crus, Mexico, to obtain the discharge of James Lloyd Hughes, an American citizen, who is forcibly detained as a soldier in the corps of artillery stationed at Vera Cruz.
16. Citizens of the United States, born in Spain.
Ignacio Alsola, July 6th, 1826, Spanish native.
Jose de la Lastra, August 6th, 1826, unknown.
Antonio Fernandez, August 9th, Spanish native.
Joaquin X. Haunouy, November 6th, 1826, not naturalized. Passport from Mr. Adams declaring him.
Juan Guadiz, 15th November, 1826.
Ramon R. Gonzales, Bénito de Magua, Prudencio Ayorla, Francis Armas, J. B. Cabonna, Florentio de Ia Kauty, Vicente Lora and Felipe Guardarrama.
17. A list of persons, natives of Spain, that are known to be naturalized citizens of the United States.
In Mexico.
Florencio de Ia Hauty, J. B. Cavanne, Ramon R. Gonzalez and Vicente Asenas.
In Vera Cruz.
Ildefonso Aizola, Ignacio Aizola, Felipe de Guadanama, Francisco Asenas.
In Tampico.
Joaquin Harmony, Francisco Maezas, Francisco Martinez, Benito Fernandez and Francisco Canales.
18. List of citizens of the United States who are now a resident of Parral.
February 5, 1831.
Mr. Joseph Payne, Oliver Rice, Vincent Moore, John Ward, James Douglass, Joseph E. Morehouse, Thomas E. Hicks, Patrick Rider, John Reynolds, James Calaham, John Atkinson, William Thomas and John H. Cozine.
19. The case of James Johnson.
In consequence of a servant or coachman of the said James having been grievously ill, he received medical attendance to the period of his death. A few moments before that event, he declared that his master was indebted to him fifteen dollars; to which sum was added seven dollars, for medicine and burial fees. The money was demanded from the said Johnson, by the proper officer of Chiapa, in civil language, without imagining he offered the slight t affront. The officer went to him and made the demand of payment, on foot, without any other arms titan a stick, with a single attendant. The reply of Johnson was to distribute fire-arms to his companions, and offer menaces to the officer, declaring that he would not pay, nor would he appear before the court, where he had been summoned for the purpose of satisfying the above-mentioned debt ; and, in refusing to do so, violating the order which the alcalde of Nopalucan had issued for his appearance before that tribunal. Whence it came. seeing justice thus outraged, a mittimus was issued for his imprisonment, for want of respect for want of respect to the authorities. Johnson, counsellor gave his opinion, that inasmuch as there was no evidence that the said James had promised to pay for his deceased servant, and as he considered the fault which he had committed towards the alcaldes of Nopalucan and Chiapa as not being of so grave a nature, he decided that he should be set at liberty, leaving to him the unimpaired right of seeking damages at his option. He was accordingly set at liberty immediately.
20. Minotitlan, January 31, 1832.
The foreigner, Dr. John Baldwin, now in prison states he holds the title of a doctor of medicine ; but he has not shown his diploma as such, when it has been required of him; and yet he practices that profession, by sacrificing his patients and making them pay large sums of money.
21. Mexico, July 11, 1833.
Hail J. Kelly, arrived, at the port of Vera Cruz, on his way to the Columbia river, where certain citizens of the United States of America are establishing themselves as residents.
22. OAJACA, June 19, 1838.
Benanclo Benito, a citizen of the United States of North America, states; That although, in fact, I am a Spaniard by birth, I am not subject to the Government of Spain, nor am I her subject, because I belong to the United States of the North, according to my letters of naturalization, which have been presented to the central Government; and being admitted in that character, I have paid, and I now pay, the contribution established for foreigners coming from that nation.
My said letters of naturalization are strictly legal, and contain nothing suspicious. Although I was born in the territory of Spain, since my infancy I have been engaged in the commerce of New York, where I was brought up and educated, and continued there until the year 1829, when I came to this place (in virtue of the treaty between the two nations, solemnly concluded the 12th January, 1828.)
23. Mexico, May 24, 1834.
A note of the 22d of this month, relative to the robbery of the Mechanics and Merchants’ Bank of New Orleans, in the State of Louisiana by Simeon Martin, a citizen of the United Stares of America, in which crime it appears that a person designated Doctor Shaw is implicated, it has been ordered that the judge, Don Jose Maria Puchet, is to proceed immediately to arrest those two individuals.
24. Mexico, June 2, 1834.
Mr. George Abby, a citizen of the United States, is now a prisoner to the Pawnee tribe of Indians, residing within the limits of the Mexican territory.
25. On December 29, 1835, the United States was informed of the execution of 28 persons of the United States and other countries, on December 14, who were abandoned by General Mexia on his departure from Tampico Viejo, which place he attacked in the early part of December. The following names are those who were executed.
1. Arthur H. Clement, of Pennsylvania, aged 40; no parents.
2. Thomas Whitaker, of Pennsylvania, aged 30; father iii Pennsylvania.
3. William C. Barclay. of New York, aged 20; parents in New York.
4. Jacob Morison, of New York, aged 21; parents in Kentucky.
5. Edward Mount, of New York, aged 23; mother in State of New York.
6. Charles Cross, of Pennsylvania, aged 23; mother in Pennsylvania.
7. Isaac F. Leeds, of New Jersey, aged. 30; no parents.
8. Mordecai Gist, of Maryland, aged 53; father in Maryland—his own last residence, Indiana.
9. David Long, of Ohio, aged 25; mother in Ohio.
10. William H. Mackay, of Virginia, aged 20; mother in Virginia.
11. Jonas R. Stuart, of Vermont, aged 23; mother in Vermont.
12. Daniel Holt, of Canada, aged 18; parents in Canada.
13. James Cramp, of England, aged 22; parents in Oswego county, N. York.
14. Levi Jacobs, of England, aged 21; parents in Lower Canada.
15. Thomas H. Rogers, of Ireland, aged 23; parents in Ireland.
16. Daniel Donnelly, of Ireland, aged 20 ; St. John’s, New Brunswick.
17. James Farrall, of Ireland, aged 23 ; father in Green county, New York.
18. John Martin Ives, of England, aged 35; no parents.
19. Auguste Saussier, of France, aged 22; parents in France.
20. ----Demoussent, of France, aged 25 ; parents in France.
21. Fred, Dubois, of Dantzic, aged 24; parents in Dantzic.
22. Fred. William Maier or Maiier, of Germany, aged 22; parents in Saxony.
23. Henry Wagner, of Germany, aged 24 ; no parents.
24. John Ewig, of Germany, aged 24; no parents.
25. Andrew Helm, of Germany, aged 50; no parents.
26. George Iselle, of Germany, aged 27; Germany.
27. William H. Morris, of New Providence, aged 28 ; no parents.
28.L. M. Bellefont, of Hanover, aged 26; no parents.
Three prisoners died in the hospital.
1. ---Flemming, aged about 25; born in Pittsburg.
2. Harris Blood, aged about 40 ; born in England.
3. James McCormick, aged about 30; born in Kentucky.
This information comes from a report called ( United States and Mexico ), No. 332, 25th. Congress, 1837-1839.
1. Thomas Powell, Claims nine thousand five hundred and seven dollars and ninety cents of the Mexican Government, on account of an alleged wrongful seizure of his property by officers of Mexico, in the neighborhood of De Wit’s colony in Texas, in the autumn of 1826. He also claims of the Mexican Government thirteen thousand four hundred and ninety-six dollars and fifty cents, on account of the capture of the schooner Louisiana and her cargo (owned entirely by him) by the Mexican brig of war General Tenan.
2. Rufus Furnage, This individual was a passenger on board the schooner Martha, captured by the Mexican public armed schooner Moutezuma,, in Galveston bay, in May, 1835. He represents that he was harshly treated while a prisoner in the hands of the Mexican authorities, and claims therefore of the Mexican Government a pecuniary recompense of six thousand five hundred dollars. The only paper in his ease is his memorial to the Secretary of State of the United States, sworn to on the 3d of October, 1837, before James Ross, notary public, Shelby county, Tennessee.
3. This information was put together from the Boston Commercial Gazette.
It seem a party of fur trappers which included, James 0. Patty, Richard Lochlin, and Nathaniel Prior, of Kentucky; Isaac Strover, of Santa Fe; William Pope, of Indiana; Jesse Ferguson, of Missouri: and Edmund Russell, of Pennsylvania, there were twenty in all. This party started from Santa Fe, in New Mexico, on the 18th of August, 1827, with the intention of trapping beaver. This party, it is stated, was headed by Sylvester Patty, of Lexington, Kentucky, who, after experiencing much severe and cruel treatment, died in prison at San Diego, on the 24th May, 1828.
It appears that the patty separated soon after starting; and that the above individuals, after taking a quantity of furs, were made prisoners on the 13th of March, 1828, at St. Catalina, in Lower California. From this place they were carried on to other settlements, and at length found themselves in the prison in San Diego, among all sorts of criminals, and subjected to every insult and privation, and denied the privilege of seeing their own country men.
4. The following names were American merchants at Chihuahua.
Augustus Storrs, John Willis, John Atkinson, J. Konings, A. C. Thomas, Henry Conolly, John Ward, G. Floyd, Young E. Hicks, James Quesenberry, J. E. Morehouse, Henry Foley, S. W. Howland, John Morrison, Horatio Keckothe, James Douglass, Joseph Paine,
Jesse Suppan, Palencio Syder, David Waldo and Reuben M. Potter.
5. The goods and effects of James W. Walker, of Kentucky, were seized and confiscated at San Buena Ventura in this State. The live of this excellent young men was taken by the Indians, and his property by these people, under the eye of our consul. It was refused to his demand, in a manner highly insulting to the dignity of our Government. If recovered, we recommend that it be placed in deposit for their representatives.
6. The goods and effects of John C. Finley, of North Carolina, were seized and confiscated at San Buena Ventura in this State. The live of this excellent young men was taken by the Indians, and his property by these people, under the eye of our consul. It was refused to his demand, in a manner highly insulting to the dignity of our Government. If recovered, we recommend that it be placed in deposit for their representatives.
7. James Collins was placed in prison at Chihuahua on November, 1830.
8. John Prewitt was placed in prison at Chihuahua on November, 1830.
9. Declaration of Rufus D. Kilgore.
I, Rufus Dean Kilgore, resident of the city of New York, do hereby certifv that I was chief mate on board the American schooner Consolation, during her voyage from New York to Tabasco, in the month of May, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, and that I continued to act as such until on or about the first day of July, when had arrived, in the Tabasco river the Mexican armed schooner called the Vera Cruzana, for the purpose of attacking the partisans of General Santa Anna, then in possession of the city of Tabasco ; that I then left the aforesaid schooner Consolation, in consequence of the captain, Philo Johnson, with the advice and consent of his agent, Mr. Dennis Gahagan, having voluntarily chartered her to the commander of the aforesaid armed schooner, for the purpose of transporting troops up the river, not considering it my duty to be employed in assisting in the civil wars of the country. And I do further declare that the amount agreed upon for the charter was forty dollars per day, having been informed of the same by consignee ; and I do also further declare that Captain Johnson ordered me to get the vessel under way while he went on shore to receive his charter money, which he said was to be paid daily; and I also do further declare that he, the said Captain Johnson. used every endeavor to persuade me to continue in the vessel, as well as the seamen, some of whom were by him forcibly compelled to continue on board.
Rufus Dean Kilgore.
10. City, County, and State of New York.
Dennis Gahagan, of the city of New York, being duly sworn, does depose and say: That he was at Tabasco from the time of the arrival at that place of the American steamboat Bellona, B. A. Bukup, master, until the month of July last; and that, to his certain knowledge, the steamboat Bellona, up to the time of her loss, never was sold or transferred at Tabasco, and that she never was Mexican property; and, also, that Daniel N. Pope, United States consul, had no authority to consider that she was Mexican property.
And deponent further says: ‘Chat he was in prison at Tabasco, during the revolution, with Captain P. B. Johnson, of the American schooner Consolation, and Captain George Hughes, of the American brig John, and was there confined over a month, during which time Daniel N. Pope, United States consul, never called to see him, nor had any cornmuitication with him, until Lieutenant Boerum, of the United States schooner Shark, arrived, about the 22d of August, at whose instance they were all released, under certain restrictions, never having had a trial or any legal process whatsoever against them.
Dennis Gahagan
11. CONSULATE OF THE U. S. A., Matamoras, Mexico.
29th day of December, 1835.
Joseph C. Beckford, William Reed, and Isaac F. Sheles, American seamen belonging to the schooner Hannah Elizabeth, of New Orleans, being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, do severally depose and say: That on the 13th day of November last they set sail on board the said schooner from the port of New Orleans, bound for the port of Matagorda, Texas; that on the 18th day of the same month, the said vessel stranded on the bar, in attempting to enter Matagorda bay, in which helpless situation she was fired into by the Mexican armed schooner General Bravo, and boarded by about twenty armed soldiers, under the command of two officers, who forcibly took them, (these deponents,) with others belonging to the wreck, on hoard the Bravo, where they were chained down in the hold of that vessel until she arrived off this port, on the 2d instant, when they were landed at the Brazos de Santiago, and placed under a guard of soldiers until they were liberated on the 24th instant, by order of the military commandant of this place, after having been subjected to a rigid confinement of thirty-six days. And these deponents further say, that the schooner Hannah Elizabeth cleared at the port of New Orleans, as aforesaid, with three guns and eight men. And further these deponents say not.
Note. The following names were also on the Schooner Hannah Elizabeth, and give about the same statement.
Thomas Pugh, Edward Scrugham, and Alonzo Marsh. citizens of the United States of America, and William S. Brown, a British subject, Jimmerson Strother, a citizen of the United States.
Matamoras, February 20, 1836.
William Hallett and Zalmon Hall the step-son of Daniel W. Smith Citizens of the United States, were arrested in the street, near the habitation D. W. Smith, by a party of armed soldiers, who brutally struck Hall in the face with a sword, and forcibly took them to the principal barrack in this city, where they are confined as prisoners. They were arrested upon suspicion of being about to leave for Texas.
A short time after this occurrence, sentinels were placed at the doors of Smith’s residence, under false pretences, and all communication therewith prohibited. Armed soldiers broke open his gate during his absence, and forcibly took out of his yard a mare and two mules, being his private property; and afterwards entered his house with drawn swords, and searched every room in the building, contrary to law or justice, for the avowed object of finding the father of Mr. Hall.
13. List of American vessels detained by a embargo.
Brig Jane, of Saybrook, Henry Williams master, Brig Henry, of New Orleans, A. C. Bredall master, Schooner Compeer, of Eastport, Welcome Lincoln master, Schooner Nile, of Baltimore, William P. Rogers master and Sloop Supply, of New Bedford, Jonathan Walker master. * All bound to the port of New Orleans.
14. American Merchants of Vera Cruz, Mexico.
15. The consul of the United States at Vera Crus, Mexico, to obtain the discharge of James Lloyd Hughes, an American citizen, who is forcibly detained as a soldier in the corps of artillery stationed at Vera Cruz.
16. Citizens of the United States, born in Spain.
Ignacio Alsola, July 6th, 1826, Spanish native.
Jose de la Lastra, August 6th, 1826, unknown.
Antonio Fernandez, August 9th, Spanish native.
Joaquin X. Haunouy, November 6th, 1826, not naturalized. Passport from Mr. Adams declaring him.
Juan Guadiz, 15th November, 1826.
Ramon R. Gonzales, Bénito de Magua, Prudencio Ayorla, Francis Armas, J. B. Cabonna, Florentio de Ia Kauty, Vicente Lora and Felipe Guardarrama.
17. A list of persons, natives of Spain, that are known to be naturalized citizens of the United States.
In Mexico.
Florencio de Ia Hauty, J. B. Cavanne, Ramon R. Gonzalez and Vicente Asenas.
In Vera Cruz.
Ildefonso Aizola, Ignacio Aizola, Felipe de Guadanama, Francisco Asenas.
In Tampico.
Joaquin Harmony, Francisco Maezas, Francisco Martinez, Benito Fernandez and Francisco Canales.
18. List of citizens of the United States who are now a resident of Parral.
February 5, 1831.
Mr. Joseph Payne, Oliver Rice, Vincent Moore, John Ward, James Douglass, Joseph E. Morehouse, Thomas E. Hicks, Patrick Rider, John Reynolds, James Calaham, John Atkinson, William Thomas and John H. Cozine.
19. The case of James Johnson.
In consequence of a servant or coachman of the said James having been grievously ill, he received medical attendance to the period of his death. A few moments before that event, he declared that his master was indebted to him fifteen dollars; to which sum was added seven dollars, for medicine and burial fees. The money was demanded from the said Johnson, by the proper officer of Chiapa, in civil language, without imagining he offered the slight t affront. The officer went to him and made the demand of payment, on foot, without any other arms titan a stick, with a single attendant. The reply of Johnson was to distribute fire-arms to his companions, and offer menaces to the officer, declaring that he would not pay, nor would he appear before the court, where he had been summoned for the purpose of satisfying the above-mentioned debt ; and, in refusing to do so, violating the order which the alcalde of Nopalucan had issued for his appearance before that tribunal. Whence it came. seeing justice thus outraged, a mittimus was issued for his imprisonment, for want of respect for want of respect to the authorities. Johnson, counsellor gave his opinion, that inasmuch as there was no evidence that the said James had promised to pay for his deceased servant, and as he considered the fault which he had committed towards the alcaldes of Nopalucan and Chiapa as not being of so grave a nature, he decided that he should be set at liberty, leaving to him the unimpaired right of seeking damages at his option. He was accordingly set at liberty immediately.
20. Minotitlan, January 31, 1832.
The foreigner, Dr. John Baldwin, now in prison states he holds the title of a doctor of medicine ; but he has not shown his diploma as such, when it has been required of him; and yet he practices that profession, by sacrificing his patients and making them pay large sums of money.
21. Mexico, July 11, 1833.
Hail J. Kelly, arrived, at the port of Vera Cruz, on his way to the Columbia river, where certain citizens of the United States of America are establishing themselves as residents.
22. OAJACA, June 19, 1838.
Benanclo Benito, a citizen of the United States of North America, states; That although, in fact, I am a Spaniard by birth, I am not subject to the Government of Spain, nor am I her subject, because I belong to the United States of the North, according to my letters of naturalization, which have been presented to the central Government; and being admitted in that character, I have paid, and I now pay, the contribution established for foreigners coming from that nation.
My said letters of naturalization are strictly legal, and contain nothing suspicious. Although I was born in the territory of Spain, since my infancy I have been engaged in the commerce of New York, where I was brought up and educated, and continued there until the year 1829, when I came to this place (in virtue of the treaty between the two nations, solemnly concluded the 12th January, 1828.)
23. Mexico, May 24, 1834.
A note of the 22d of this month, relative to the robbery of the Mechanics and Merchants’ Bank of New Orleans, in the State of Louisiana by Simeon Martin, a citizen of the United Stares of America, in which crime it appears that a person designated Doctor Shaw is implicated, it has been ordered that the judge, Don Jose Maria Puchet, is to proceed immediately to arrest those two individuals.
24. Mexico, June 2, 1834.
Mr. George Abby, a citizen of the United States, is now a prisoner to the Pawnee tribe of Indians, residing within the limits of the Mexican territory.
25. On December 29, 1835, the United States was informed of the execution of 28 persons of the United States and other countries, on December 14, who were abandoned by General Mexia on his departure from Tampico Viejo, which place he attacked in the early part of December. The following names are those who were executed.
1. Arthur H. Clement, of Pennsylvania, aged 40; no parents.
2. Thomas Whitaker, of Pennsylvania, aged 30; father iii Pennsylvania.
3. William C. Barclay. of New York, aged 20; parents in New York.
4. Jacob Morison, of New York, aged 21; parents in Kentucky.
5. Edward Mount, of New York, aged 23; mother in State of New York.
6. Charles Cross, of Pennsylvania, aged 23; mother in Pennsylvania.
7. Isaac F. Leeds, of New Jersey, aged. 30; no parents.
8. Mordecai Gist, of Maryland, aged 53; father in Maryland—his own last residence, Indiana.
9. David Long, of Ohio, aged 25; mother in Ohio.
10. William H. Mackay, of Virginia, aged 20; mother in Virginia.
11. Jonas R. Stuart, of Vermont, aged 23; mother in Vermont.
12. Daniel Holt, of Canada, aged 18; parents in Canada.
13. James Cramp, of England, aged 22; parents in Oswego county, N. York.
14. Levi Jacobs, of England, aged 21; parents in Lower Canada.
15. Thomas H. Rogers, of Ireland, aged 23; parents in Ireland.
16. Daniel Donnelly, of Ireland, aged 20 ; St. John’s, New Brunswick.
17. James Farrall, of Ireland, aged 23 ; father in Green county, New York.
18. John Martin Ives, of England, aged 35; no parents.
19. Auguste Saussier, of France, aged 22; parents in France.
20. ----Demoussent, of France, aged 25 ; parents in France.
21. Fred, Dubois, of Dantzic, aged 24; parents in Dantzic.
22. Fred. William Maier or Maiier, of Germany, aged 22; parents in Saxony.
23. Henry Wagner, of Germany, aged 24 ; no parents.
24. John Ewig, of Germany, aged 24; no parents.
25. Andrew Helm, of Germany, aged 50; no parents.
26. George Iselle, of Germany, aged 27; Germany.
27. William H. Morris, of New Providence, aged 28 ; no parents.
28.L. M. Bellefont, of Hanover, aged 26; no parents.
Three prisoners died in the hospital.
1. ---Flemming, aged about 25; born in Pittsburg.
2. Harris Blood, aged about 40 ; born in England.
3. James McCormick, aged about 30; born in Kentucky.
Monday, March 30, 2009
New Found Letter By Robert E. Lee.
The other day I had a gentleman by the name of Mr. Dan Taylor, write me asking for some help on a Civil War letter, that has been in is family since the start of the war. He told me he was trying to figure out a name in the letter so he may research it more. Well I said I would try, well when part of the letter came I almost fell out of my chair it was a unpublished letter by Robert E. Lee, I couldn't believe it. Mr. Taylor could only send parts of the letter at a time as his scanner wasn’t working all that well. In the end I got the whole letter, and with the help of my daughter we finely figured out the name it was Captain Philip H. Tro
I asked Mr. Taylor how he came by the letter and this is what he said; “ The letter has been in my family since the war and I really don't think the letter was ever sent because Lee was a personal friend of my ancestors. There would be no reason that we would have had the letter unless Lee had left it at our home or my great grandmother lifted it from his coat while sitting on his lap. It has been said for many years that she sat on his lap as a child when he would come to visit.” 
After we figured out it was Philip H. Trout he did a search on the net and found out what his company was, which was Company A. He then did a search for that company and found a document stating the names of the people in that company and low and behold He found the name of his Great -G-grandfather who was Richard Mauzy. He says that must be where the letter came from and how it got into our family.

As for me I like the story where his great grandmother took the letter from his coat pocket, which could be possible, I know when I was a child and sat on my grandfathers lap I would love to take things out of his shirt pocket, most children do. If this was the case then the letter that is known ( Which I have not seen,) and talks about
that company maybe the second letter, for when Lee went to send the first order he found it missing and had to rewrite the order, or Lee may have went to send it and found it missing thinking he miss laid it or just lost it and rewrote the order. If this is true then this letter may be more important then the first.
After we figured out it was Philip H. Trout he did a search on the net and found out what his company was, which was Company A. He then did a search for that company and found a document stating the names of the people in that company and low and behold He found the name of his Great -G-grandfather who was Richard Mauzy. He says that must be where the letter came from and how it got into our family.
As for me I like the story where his great grandmother took the letter from his coat pocket, which could be possible, I know when I was a child and sat on my grandfathers lap I would love to take things out of his shirt pocket, most children do. If this was the case then the letter that is known ( Which I have not seen,) and talks about
Note. These photo's can be enlarged by pushing on them.
Mr. Taylor is kind enough to allow me to put those parts of the letter here. If you have any questions he can be reached at the following address.
Mr. Taylor is kind enough to allow me to put those parts of the letter here. If you have any questions he can be reached at the following address.
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