All these men were of the 14th., Connecticut Infantry. The men named here were either Killed, Wounded or came up missing.
Captain Jarvis E. Blinn, of Company F, the first officer to head the list of those who were killed in the service of the Fourteenth Regiment, was born at Rocky Hill, Conn., July 28th, 1836. He resided there until 1853, when he removed to New Britain. August 8th, 1862, he enlisted in the company then organizing in New Britain for the Fourteenth Regiment. He was unanimously chosen captain and commissioned as such August I5th; left the state at the head of his company August 25th ; and was constanly at his post until the i/th of September, when, early in the day, just as his company was ordered to fall back from their somewhat advanced position on the battlefield, a bullet stuck him passing through the heart. He made the single exclamation "I am a dead man!" and died instantly. A friend says of him: "! know of no important incidents in his life. I only know that he was faithful and true in all the relations of life, winning his way by his own merit to the affection and confidence of all who knew him. With an earnest devotion to his country, he gave himself willing to die if need be, for the good cause. His remains were taken to New Britain for interment.
Captain Samuel F. Willard, of Company G, was born in Madison, Conn., November 22d, 1822. He passed his life in that quiet New England village in mercantile pursuits until his enlistment in the Fourteenth Regiment August 6th, 1862. He had some military experience, having commanded an independent militia company in his own town. Being impressed with his duty to his country at the second call for troops, he called upon his townsfolk to form a company for the war. The ranks were quickly filled with the best and bravest of the youth of the town and he was unanimously chosen captain. Farlv in the dav while gallantly leading his men into the thick of the fray, he fell unconscious and later died. His body was taken to Madison where he was buried with military and masonic honors.
Second Lieutenant George H. D. Crosby, who was mortally wounded, died October 23nd, 1862. He was born at Barnstable, Mass., November 22nd., 1840. In 1850 he removed with his parents to Middle Haddam, Conn., where he resided until his enlistment. He made two unsuccessful attempts to get an appointment at West Point, entering Wesleyan University in Middletown in the fall of 1861. Having decided military predilections, he joined the Mansfield Guard and there studied the tactics. He marched with his regiment to Washington and was left with a large guard over the camp at Arlington, when the regiment marched to Fort Ethan Allen. The government not supplying sufficient rations, he purchased them for his men from his own limited means, declining to be repaid. When the regiment marched from Ethan Allen on the Maryland campaign, he rose from a sick bed in the hospital to join and march with his company. A letter written about this time from Sergeant Goodwin of his company (killed later in the war) to his friends, praises his coolness under fire and states that his men were growing very fond of him. During the battle Crosby was walking from one end of his company to the other, encouraging his men. when a bullet struck him in the side, passing through his lungs just in front of the spine, and lodging on the opposite side just under the skin. He was carried back to the hospital and a few days later sent home where he died.
Company A. Killed, Privates, Thaddeus W. Lewis, Michael Maddegan, William H. Norton; wounded, Corporals, Edward L. Humiston, William E. Craig, Privates, Joseph Alix, Henry E. Bachelor, Alfred Brown, Joel N. Bradley, Francis Curtis, Edward Hill. Duncan McCann, Charles H. Matt, Stephen D. Skidmore, Frederick fates, Edward A. Wilcox, Frederick Taylor; missing. Privates, George P. Heck. Abner S. Whitcomb, Musicians, George H. Allen, Lucien W. Hubbard.
Company B. Killed. Private, Robert Hubbard; wounded. Corporals, Frederick R. Beebe, David Muaitland, Privates, Samuel G. Camp, Charles C. Galpin, Joseph McClusky, Hugh McBrayne, Benjamin C. Wilcox: missing, Private, George Brown.
Company C. Killed. Corporals, David Mix, Henry Keeler, Privates, John H. Smith, Michael Keegan; missing, Private, Manfred M. Gibbud.
Company D. Killed. Privates, Henry Tiley, Russell Griswold, William P. Ramsdell, John Abby; wounded. Privates, George Colburn, George W. Corbit, William H. Corbit, Loren S. Griswold, August Gross, Henry Hospodsky, James Henderson, Henrv W. Orcutt, George F. Sloan, Joseph Stafford, Henry Talcott, Samuel L. Talcott, Thomas Wilkie, Christopher Waldo, Alfred A. Taft, Abner S. Bowers, Ansel D. Newell; missing, Privates, Frank D. Main. David B. Crombie.
Company E. Wounded. Sergeant, Henry C. Miller, Corporal. George Smith, Private, Richard West; missing. Privates, Lucien B. Holmes. William F. Lovejoy.
Company F. Killed, Captain, Jarvis E, Blinn, Sergeant, Frederick R. Eno ; wounded. Privates, Henry Alcott, Henry Beach. John L. Bartholomew, Martin D. Cowles, Peter Frazier, Victor Holcomb, George H. Lewis. Eliphalet S. Packard, Hiland H. Parker, J. Frank Smith; missing. Private, Francis Kavanagh.
Company G. Killed. Captain, Samuel F. Willard, Private, John W. Larks; wounded. Sergeant. Henry A. Pendleton, Privates, George H. Done, Alfred II. Dibble, John A. Hurd; missing. Private, Horace Stevens.
Company H. Wounded, Sergeants, John A. Tibbits, Thomas J. Mills, Privates, S. S. Fox, John Miner, F. M. Ames; missing. Privates, John Lunger, John Goddard, Lewis L. Latour, Christopher Brown, Edward Mitchell.
Company I. Killed, Corporal, Richard L. Hull, Privates, Edmund I. Field, Raphael W. Benton ; wounded. Privates, Henry M. Rossiter, John Ryan, Valentine Arendholtz ; missing, Corporal, Elbert Sperry, Privates, Sylvester J. Taylor, Augustus Flowers, Hiram Couch.
Company K, Killed, Privates, Benjamin R. Fuller, Henry P. Yerrington ; wounded. Lieutenants, James B. Coit, George H. Crosby, Corporals, John R. Webster, Edward Dorcey, Privates, George W. Babcock, H. H. Brainard, Peter Divine, Jacob Dyetch, Nelson Bement, John Bayhan, William Carroll, Selden Fuller, John Harren, S. D. Allyn, A. T. Simonds ; missing. Corporal, N. P. Rockwood, Privates, Frederick Chadwick, T. Farrell, E. Weeks, C. Risley, E. Maynard, O. Kibbe.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Loss Of The United States Steamer Columbla.
There are three reports on the loss of the Columbia, these reports are very long. But you will find them very intereesting these reports are given by the officer's that were in the action. And for you who had an anceston on the Columbia may find him here. After the reports you will find a list of 45, men saved from the Columbia, plus the names stated within the reports.
Report of Acting Ensign James S. Williams.
United States Flag-Ship Minnesota, Newport News, Va., January 23, 1863.
Sir : In accordance with your orders, I herewith furnish you a report of the circumstance attending the loss of the United States steamer Columbia on the 14th instant.
At 5.30 p. m. of the 14th, the ship was headed in for the land, with a man at the lead, intending to anchor in 7 and a half fathoms of water. Weather mild, but hazy. Gradually shoaling our water until 6.30 p. m., when the man in the chains called half-seven, upon which the engine was stopped, and hands at their stations for anchoring, the commander and executive officer being on the bridge, Acting Master Howell on the forecastle, and myself upon the quarter-deck. Almost immediately upon stopping the engine white water was discovered ahead, when, upon throwing the lead, I found we had 2 and a half fathoms, the man in the chains calling 7 and a half.
Upon seeing white water the bell was struck to back the engine, but before it could be done the ship was in the breakers with but eight feet of water, (she drawing 11 feet aft.)
Every effort was now used to lighten the ship by throwing overboard coal and pig-iron until she swung broadside on the beach, when she began to thump very hard, and roll so as to render it impossible to work to any advantage, and the sea making in fast. At 11.20 p. m. I was ordered to take the gig and (being supplied with signals) to make all haste in reaching one of the vessels off New Inlet, we lying, as near as I could judge, off Masonboro', North Carolina, aud about half a mile from the beach. The sea being very rough on Wednesday night I made but little headway, and at daylight of the 15th it set in a hard gale from the S.SW., so that I did not arrive at the nearest vessel (the Cambridge) until 4.20 p. m., and reported the case to Captain Parker, who immediately got underway and ran down abreast of the wreck, and anchored until daylight of the 16th, when we found the Penobscot off the wreck, and also that he had succeeded in taking off about thirty persons, besides Master's Mate Morse and five men, who came to her on the 15th in a boat.
On the 16th it blew a heavy gale from the SW., with heavy sea, and wind hauling into NW. in evening. At 8.30 a boat from the wreck came off in charge of Master's Mate Bourne, bringing eight or ten persons and the paymaster's clerk.
Mr. Bourne reported to me that the ship had worked in about four times her length and was thumping very hard, and that the guns had been spiked and thrown overboard, and the foremast cut away, which eased her greatly. At 9 a. m. of 16th the Cambridge and Penobscot ran in and fired on the shore with their rifled guns until a battery on shore opened on the Columbia, which vessel had a white flag flying. Upon the gunboats stopping their fire the batteries ceased, and the wind and sea being very high, so that a boat could not reach the wreck, and the sea making a breach over. About noon a boat was seen to leave the wreck for the shore, and in a short time after a large number of people were seen on the beach, and it was supposed they had landed. At night the wind moderated, and on the morning of saturday it was smooth as a pond, and two boats were seen running from the wreck to the shore. At 9 a. m. of the 17th the gunboats ran in and opened their fire on the wreck and shore, which was returned by the batteries on the beach.
The rebels having possession of the vessel, and before leaving her they bent, on our ensign by one corner and ran it up. At 10.30 the gunboats hauled off and anchored, and the rebels boarded the wreck again ; and at 3 p. m., or about that hour, she was discovered to be on fire ; and at 9 p. m. she was nearly burnt out, the fire getting quite dim. At 9.30 p. m. I took passage in the Mount Vernon for Beaufort, and have proceeded on to here with all possible despatch.
There are now missing 12 officers and about 40 men, all of whom, I think, landed on Friday.
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, JAS. S. WILLIAMS, Acting Ensign,
Report of Lieutenant Commander Joseph E. De Haven, United States Gunboat Penobscot, Of New Inlet, N. C, January 17, 1863.
Sir : I have to report that, on the morning of the 14th instant, at about 10 o'clock, while on my passage from Beaufort to join the fleet off New Inlet, and when about twelve miles distant therefrom, I heard several guns fired inshore, and soon afterwards made a vessel apparently aground.
I immediately stood in for her, and made her out to be the United States steamer Columbia, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Jos. P. Couthouy, ashore in the breakers.
A boat from the Columbia boarded me when about a mile off, from the officer of which I learned that the vessel went on shore the evening before, and that the guns fired were signals of distress, the vessel being so firmly aground as to render futile all hopes of saving her.
I immediately sent back the Columbia's boat to board the ship, and one from this vessel to sound the water. It was not considered safe to board the Columbia as the wind was blowing a heavy gale from the south, and the surf was very heavy around the vessel; but the pilot finding good water nearly up to where the ship lay, I run this vessel in within a cable's length of the Columbia, and anchored in four fathoms water. Mr. Jack, executive officer of this vessel, volunteered to pick a boat's crew and go in to the relief of the Columbia. I gave him the launch, with eleven picked men, who also volunteered, and he went in, but soon sent me back word that he could do nothing more than save the crew,which I ordered him to do as fast as possible. Mr. Jack anchored the launch as near as practicable to the Columbia, and went in with the Columbia's boat and his own crew under the bows of the Columbia, where a tremendous surf was running at the time, and took a line from the vessel to the launch, I at the same time signalling to Captain Couthouy to abandon, if necessary, which signal was not understood by him, he, I presume, having no telegraphic dictionary. By means of the line from the steamer's bows to the launch some thirty of the crew were hauled through the surf and saved, but night coming on Captain Couthouy refused to send any more men that night, and the boats were called alongside, with the exception of the launch, which was left in position for recommencing operations in the morning, with the Columbia's boat alongside of her for a tender. But about 10 o'clock, the gale still increasing, and the Columbia's boat having been swamped, the officer in charge of the launch returned on board with that boat.
At 12 the sea ran so high that in order to save my own vessel (I only having one anchor) I deemed it prudent to get under way, and gave the order to heave up the anchor and stand off to sea.
At daylight Friday morning we were several miles from the unfortunate steamer, but made for her directly. We were at this time joined by the Cambridge, Commander Parker, senior officer, off New Inlet, and we stood in together for the Columbia, coming to anchor nearly in our old position of the day before. We had no more than got our anchors down before the emmy opened fire on us from the shore with several batteries, every shot going over our deck, which rendered it necessary for us to change our position, firing, however, with our 20-pounder Parrott, the roughness of the sea preventing us from casting tyloose our 11-inch Dahlgren. The firing from the shore was still kept up, mostly at the Columbia, many of their shots penetrating her, which vessel soon hoisted a flag of truce, which was not regarded by the enemy.
At about 10 a. m. the Columbia sent a boat through the surf, with two officers and five men, with a letter from Captain Couthouy, informing me that he was ready to blow up his vessel as soon as his crew could be taken off. This communication I sent on board the Cambridge to Captain Parker, but, as the gale was still increasing, it was not considered prudent by him to send in boats, but to lay by the Columbia until the wind moderated, and then to save all we could.
At 12 m. the enemy ceased firing on the Columbia, and boarded her from the shore, the captain of that vessel having surrendered her.
Nothing was saved from the Columbia, with the exception of the chronometer and sextant, which are on board this vessel, subject to the orders of yourself or the Navy Department.
On the morning of this date, the weather having moderated, we again went in company with the Cambridge, both vessels opening -at short range upon the Columbia, and driving from her a large number of men, who were probably at work stripping the vessel. A rebel flag was flying over her at the time of the action. Several batteries opened upon us from the shore, many of their shot going over us, but fortunately not hitting us. After firing eleven times with my 11-inch gun I found that the carriage was split, rendering its further use dangerous to the ship's company, on reporting which to Captain Parker he ordered me to join the fleet off New Inlet, and send another vessel to his assistance.
I give you hereAvith a list of the officers and crew of the Columbia who were saved, and are now on board this vessel, the others, with the exception of one officer and a boat's crew on board the Cambridge, are probably all prisoners.
The gallant manner in which Acting Master Chas. E. Jack conducted himself was highly creditable, and I would most respectfully recommend him to the favorable consideration of the Navy Department, as I would also the men who volunteered to accompany him, the following being a list of their names and rates :
Patrick McMahan, captain fore, acting cockswain ; Henry McDonald, master at arms ; James Pike, boat's mate ; John Welsh, captain after-guard ; Henry Scott, cockswain ; Thomas Brannon, captain fore ; Thomas Gibson, quartermaster ; Nicholas Flanigham, seaman ; George Eaton, seaman ; James Parker, seaman ; Charles Galaway, landsman.
I also send you the statement of Paymaster's Clerk Henry H. Fanning, relating to the disaster to the Columbia.
I have the honor to be, sir, most respectfully, your obedient servant, JOSEPH E. DE HAVEN.
Report of Paymaster's Clerk H. H. Fanning.
United States Gunboat Penobscot, January 17, 1S63.
Sir : In obedience to your instructions, I herewith submit an account of the loss of the United States steamer Columbia, Joseph P. Couthouy, acting volunteer lieutenant commanding.
On the afternoon of Wednesday, January 14th, we left the Fishing Grounds and proceeded back to our regular anchorage. About 6 o'clock p. m. Mr. Howell, acting master, in charge of the deck, sent word to the captain, who was in his cabin at dinner, that the man at the lead reported ten fathoms of water,but that he thought we were too near inshore, as the two houses here appeared very near. The captain sent back word to let her run until she was in seven and a half fathoms, and not to bring her to anchor before that time.
Immediately after sending said word to the officer of the deck the captain came up from his cabin and stood on the bridge about three minutes, when Mr. Morse, acting master's mate, who was on the forecastle, sang out, "white water ahead." The captain immediately ordered the engines reversed, but before they were reversed the ship struck, and the breakers appeared all around us. After the ship was hard and fast aground the yards were braced around and sails set on the foremast in hopes of getting her bow off; the coal in bags was then thrown overboard, which did not seem to ease her at all. The engines stopped working in about half an hour after she struck in consequence of the sand getting into the boiler.
About 11 o'clock p. m. a boat was sent in search of the fleet, in charge of Acting Ensign Williams and ten men, as we received no response to our signal guns and rockets. At 12 o'clock, the ship continuing to pound and thump very heavy, the foremast was cut away, which eased her very much. At daylight Thursday, January 15th, our small boat, with Acting Ensign Williams, appeared in sight off our starboard bow, about three miles from the ship. At 10 o'clock a. m. a sail appeared in sight. We immediately commenced firing signal guns, when it bore down to us, and proved to be the United States gunboat Penobscot. We sent a boat out to her in charge of Acting Master's Mate Morse, when she came to anchor very near us, right on the edge of the breakers. At 3 o'clock p. m. the Penobscot's boat came under our boat and took a line out to her launch at anchor between us and the Penobscot.
We then commenced to send the crew, one by one, out to the launch on a life-line; up to dark we sent thirty- two men. During Thursday night the wind increased to a gale, and the sea made a clear breach over the ship, and she pounded and thumped fearfully. About midnight the first lieutenant, Acting Master Balch, sent word forward to the men to look out for themselves, as the ship was going to pieces. The men all came aft to the quarter-deck, and some of them lashed themselves to the rigging of the mainmast, and some to the stanchions. During the forepart of the night the Penobscot made signals to us which we did not understand. At daylight the Penobscot again stood inshore, having put further out to sea during the night. At 7 o'clock a. m. Friday, January 16th, the rebels fired on us from a battery on shore on our starboard quarter, the first shot passing over us within one foot of our smokestack. On their continuing to fire on us the captain ordered the white flag run up, when they ceased firing. As soon as the Penobscot had got well in towards us, the captain ordered the American ensign hoisted, union down, and let the white flag still fly; upon which the rebels reopened fire on us from two batteries on shore, just astern of us, the shell bursting very near us. The quarter-boat was then lowered, and Acting Master's Mate Bourne and seven men, together with myself, put out to the Penobscot with a despatch for the captain, and also carried out the ship's chronometer and sextant. Upon the captain ordering away the quarter-boat the paymaster asked permission to go in her, but was refused, as the captain said both the paymaster and his clerk could not go. I being sick at the time, the paymaster allowed me to go in his stead. Up to the time I left the ship she had not made any water, or injured herself in any way, except the machinery, which was badly broken. As soon as the rebels commenced firing on us the captain ordered our six twenty-four-pound howitzer to be spiked with rattail file and thrown overboard, which was done. The thirty-pound rifle gun on our forecastle still remained on board, though, I believe, spiked. From the time the ship first struck the captain seemed to loose all self-possession, and left everything to his first lieutenant, Acting Master Balch.
In conclusion, I would state that it was the general topic of conversation amongst the officers and men aboard the steamer Columbia how nobly and daringly the Penobscot came to our assistance during our imminent peril, and had it not been for her not a man on board would have been saved.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Paymaster's Clerk on hoard the United States Steamer Columbia.
List of men saved from the Columbia, how on board the Penobscot.
1. Esrom Morse, Master mate.
2. E. S. Bourn, Master mate.
3. H. H. Fanning, Paymaster Clerk.
4. John Rice, Quarter master.
5. Henry Maye, Quarter master.
6. John Savage Jr., Quarter Gunner.
7. Francis Williams, Seaman.
8. R. J. Henderson, Seaman.
9. John Green, Seaman.
10. Daniel Laughlin, Oed. seaman.
11. John Serley, Seaman.
12. Stephen Edeworth, Ord. seaman.
13. John M. Clehlan, Ord. seaman.
14. William Gosser, Ord. seaman.
15. Philip Clark, Ord. seaman.
16. Fred. S. Davis, Ord. seaman.
17. Thomas Branighan, Landsman.
18. John Kelly, Landsman.
19. William O'Conner, Landsman.
20. Jas. McGrath, Landsman.
21. William K. Wilson, Landsman.
22. Michael H. Fox, Landsman.
23. George Wood, Landsman.
24. Andrew Houghion, Landsman.
25. Alonzo Mahan, Landsman.
26. Jas. W. Mead, Landsman.
27. William Hans, Landsman.
28. Jno. Cain, Landsman.
29. George N. Thompson, Landsman.
30. Patrick Kelly, Landsman.
31. William Stanley, Landsman.
32. Thomas Divine, Landsman.
33. Jno. Beard, Coal Heaver.
34. Winlow Myers, Coal Heaver.
35. Chas. Knight, Coal Heaver.
36. Robert Kennedt, Coal Heaver.
37. Sylvester Carravel, Officer's Cook.
38. A. S. Salter, 2nd., class Fireman.
39. Jno. Welsh, 1st., class Fireman.
40. Jno. Johnson, Officer's Steward.
41. Jno. Roberts, 2nd., class boy.
42. W. B. Shultzer, 1st., class boy.
43. Samuel Weller, 1st., class boy.
44. Jno. W. Gaffney, 2nd., class boy.
45. George Wetherber, 2nd., class boy.
Report of Acting Ensign James S. Williams.
United States Flag-Ship Minnesota, Newport News, Va., January 23, 1863.
Sir : In accordance with your orders, I herewith furnish you a report of the circumstance attending the loss of the United States steamer Columbia on the 14th instant.
At 5.30 p. m. of the 14th, the ship was headed in for the land, with a man at the lead, intending to anchor in 7 and a half fathoms of water. Weather mild, but hazy. Gradually shoaling our water until 6.30 p. m., when the man in the chains called half-seven, upon which the engine was stopped, and hands at their stations for anchoring, the commander and executive officer being on the bridge, Acting Master Howell on the forecastle, and myself upon the quarter-deck. Almost immediately upon stopping the engine white water was discovered ahead, when, upon throwing the lead, I found we had 2 and a half fathoms, the man in the chains calling 7 and a half.
Upon seeing white water the bell was struck to back the engine, but before it could be done the ship was in the breakers with but eight feet of water, (she drawing 11 feet aft.)
Every effort was now used to lighten the ship by throwing overboard coal and pig-iron until she swung broadside on the beach, when she began to thump very hard, and roll so as to render it impossible to work to any advantage, and the sea making in fast. At 11.20 p. m. I was ordered to take the gig and (being supplied with signals) to make all haste in reaching one of the vessels off New Inlet, we lying, as near as I could judge, off Masonboro', North Carolina, aud about half a mile from the beach. The sea being very rough on Wednesday night I made but little headway, and at daylight of the 15th it set in a hard gale from the S.SW., so that I did not arrive at the nearest vessel (the Cambridge) until 4.20 p. m., and reported the case to Captain Parker, who immediately got underway and ran down abreast of the wreck, and anchored until daylight of the 16th, when we found the Penobscot off the wreck, and also that he had succeeded in taking off about thirty persons, besides Master's Mate Morse and five men, who came to her on the 15th in a boat.
On the 16th it blew a heavy gale from the SW., with heavy sea, and wind hauling into NW. in evening. At 8.30 a boat from the wreck came off in charge of Master's Mate Bourne, bringing eight or ten persons and the paymaster's clerk.
Mr. Bourne reported to me that the ship had worked in about four times her length and was thumping very hard, and that the guns had been spiked and thrown overboard, and the foremast cut away, which eased her greatly. At 9 a. m. of 16th the Cambridge and Penobscot ran in and fired on the shore with their rifled guns until a battery on shore opened on the Columbia, which vessel had a white flag flying. Upon the gunboats stopping their fire the batteries ceased, and the wind and sea being very high, so that a boat could not reach the wreck, and the sea making a breach over. About noon a boat was seen to leave the wreck for the shore, and in a short time after a large number of people were seen on the beach, and it was supposed they had landed. At night the wind moderated, and on the morning of saturday it was smooth as a pond, and two boats were seen running from the wreck to the shore. At 9 a. m. of the 17th the gunboats ran in and opened their fire on the wreck and shore, which was returned by the batteries on the beach.
The rebels having possession of the vessel, and before leaving her they bent, on our ensign by one corner and ran it up. At 10.30 the gunboats hauled off and anchored, and the rebels boarded the wreck again ; and at 3 p. m., or about that hour, she was discovered to be on fire ; and at 9 p. m. she was nearly burnt out, the fire getting quite dim. At 9.30 p. m. I took passage in the Mount Vernon for Beaufort, and have proceeded on to here with all possible despatch.
There are now missing 12 officers and about 40 men, all of whom, I think, landed on Friday.
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, JAS. S. WILLIAMS, Acting Ensign,
Report of Lieutenant Commander Joseph E. De Haven, United States Gunboat Penobscot, Of New Inlet, N. C, January 17, 1863.
Sir : I have to report that, on the morning of the 14th instant, at about 10 o'clock, while on my passage from Beaufort to join the fleet off New Inlet, and when about twelve miles distant therefrom, I heard several guns fired inshore, and soon afterwards made a vessel apparently aground.
I immediately stood in for her, and made her out to be the United States steamer Columbia, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Jos. P. Couthouy, ashore in the breakers.
A boat from the Columbia boarded me when about a mile off, from the officer of which I learned that the vessel went on shore the evening before, and that the guns fired were signals of distress, the vessel being so firmly aground as to render futile all hopes of saving her.
I immediately sent back the Columbia's boat to board the ship, and one from this vessel to sound the water. It was not considered safe to board the Columbia as the wind was blowing a heavy gale from the south, and the surf was very heavy around the vessel; but the pilot finding good water nearly up to where the ship lay, I run this vessel in within a cable's length of the Columbia, and anchored in four fathoms water. Mr. Jack, executive officer of this vessel, volunteered to pick a boat's crew and go in to the relief of the Columbia. I gave him the launch, with eleven picked men, who also volunteered, and he went in, but soon sent me back word that he could do nothing more than save the crew,which I ordered him to do as fast as possible. Mr. Jack anchored the launch as near as practicable to the Columbia, and went in with the Columbia's boat and his own crew under the bows of the Columbia, where a tremendous surf was running at the time, and took a line from the vessel to the launch, I at the same time signalling to Captain Couthouy to abandon, if necessary, which signal was not understood by him, he, I presume, having no telegraphic dictionary. By means of the line from the steamer's bows to the launch some thirty of the crew were hauled through the surf and saved, but night coming on Captain Couthouy refused to send any more men that night, and the boats were called alongside, with the exception of the launch, which was left in position for recommencing operations in the morning, with the Columbia's boat alongside of her for a tender. But about 10 o'clock, the gale still increasing, and the Columbia's boat having been swamped, the officer in charge of the launch returned on board with that boat.
At 12 the sea ran so high that in order to save my own vessel (I only having one anchor) I deemed it prudent to get under way, and gave the order to heave up the anchor and stand off to sea.
At daylight Friday morning we were several miles from the unfortunate steamer, but made for her directly. We were at this time joined by the Cambridge, Commander Parker, senior officer, off New Inlet, and we stood in together for the Columbia, coming to anchor nearly in our old position of the day before. We had no more than got our anchors down before the emmy opened fire on us from the shore with several batteries, every shot going over our deck, which rendered it necessary for us to change our position, firing, however, with our 20-pounder Parrott, the roughness of the sea preventing us from casting tyloose our 11-inch Dahlgren. The firing from the shore was still kept up, mostly at the Columbia, many of their shots penetrating her, which vessel soon hoisted a flag of truce, which was not regarded by the enemy.
At about 10 a. m. the Columbia sent a boat through the surf, with two officers and five men, with a letter from Captain Couthouy, informing me that he was ready to blow up his vessel as soon as his crew could be taken off. This communication I sent on board the Cambridge to Captain Parker, but, as the gale was still increasing, it was not considered prudent by him to send in boats, but to lay by the Columbia until the wind moderated, and then to save all we could.
At 12 m. the enemy ceased firing on the Columbia, and boarded her from the shore, the captain of that vessel having surrendered her.
Nothing was saved from the Columbia, with the exception of the chronometer and sextant, which are on board this vessel, subject to the orders of yourself or the Navy Department.
On the morning of this date, the weather having moderated, we again went in company with the Cambridge, both vessels opening -at short range upon the Columbia, and driving from her a large number of men, who were probably at work stripping the vessel. A rebel flag was flying over her at the time of the action. Several batteries opened upon us from the shore, many of their shot going over us, but fortunately not hitting us. After firing eleven times with my 11-inch gun I found that the carriage was split, rendering its further use dangerous to the ship's company, on reporting which to Captain Parker he ordered me to join the fleet off New Inlet, and send another vessel to his assistance.
I give you hereAvith a list of the officers and crew of the Columbia who were saved, and are now on board this vessel, the others, with the exception of one officer and a boat's crew on board the Cambridge, are probably all prisoners.
The gallant manner in which Acting Master Chas. E. Jack conducted himself was highly creditable, and I would most respectfully recommend him to the favorable consideration of the Navy Department, as I would also the men who volunteered to accompany him, the following being a list of their names and rates :
Patrick McMahan, captain fore, acting cockswain ; Henry McDonald, master at arms ; James Pike, boat's mate ; John Welsh, captain after-guard ; Henry Scott, cockswain ; Thomas Brannon, captain fore ; Thomas Gibson, quartermaster ; Nicholas Flanigham, seaman ; George Eaton, seaman ; James Parker, seaman ; Charles Galaway, landsman.
I also send you the statement of Paymaster's Clerk Henry H. Fanning, relating to the disaster to the Columbia.
I have the honor to be, sir, most respectfully, your obedient servant, JOSEPH E. DE HAVEN.
Report of Paymaster's Clerk H. H. Fanning.
United States Gunboat Penobscot, January 17, 1S63.
Sir : In obedience to your instructions, I herewith submit an account of the loss of the United States steamer Columbia, Joseph P. Couthouy, acting volunteer lieutenant commanding.
On the afternoon of Wednesday, January 14th, we left the Fishing Grounds and proceeded back to our regular anchorage. About 6 o'clock p. m. Mr. Howell, acting master, in charge of the deck, sent word to the captain, who was in his cabin at dinner, that the man at the lead reported ten fathoms of water,but that he thought we were too near inshore, as the two houses here appeared very near. The captain sent back word to let her run until she was in seven and a half fathoms, and not to bring her to anchor before that time.
Immediately after sending said word to the officer of the deck the captain came up from his cabin and stood on the bridge about three minutes, when Mr. Morse, acting master's mate, who was on the forecastle, sang out, "white water ahead." The captain immediately ordered the engines reversed, but before they were reversed the ship struck, and the breakers appeared all around us. After the ship was hard and fast aground the yards were braced around and sails set on the foremast in hopes of getting her bow off; the coal in bags was then thrown overboard, which did not seem to ease her at all. The engines stopped working in about half an hour after she struck in consequence of the sand getting into the boiler.
About 11 o'clock p. m. a boat was sent in search of the fleet, in charge of Acting Ensign Williams and ten men, as we received no response to our signal guns and rockets. At 12 o'clock, the ship continuing to pound and thump very heavy, the foremast was cut away, which eased her very much. At daylight Thursday, January 15th, our small boat, with Acting Ensign Williams, appeared in sight off our starboard bow, about three miles from the ship. At 10 o'clock a. m. a sail appeared in sight. We immediately commenced firing signal guns, when it bore down to us, and proved to be the United States gunboat Penobscot. We sent a boat out to her in charge of Acting Master's Mate Morse, when she came to anchor very near us, right on the edge of the breakers. At 3 o'clock p. m. the Penobscot's boat came under our boat and took a line out to her launch at anchor between us and the Penobscot.
We then commenced to send the crew, one by one, out to the launch on a life-line; up to dark we sent thirty- two men. During Thursday night the wind increased to a gale, and the sea made a clear breach over the ship, and she pounded and thumped fearfully. About midnight the first lieutenant, Acting Master Balch, sent word forward to the men to look out for themselves, as the ship was going to pieces. The men all came aft to the quarter-deck, and some of them lashed themselves to the rigging of the mainmast, and some to the stanchions. During the forepart of the night the Penobscot made signals to us which we did not understand. At daylight the Penobscot again stood inshore, having put further out to sea during the night. At 7 o'clock a. m. Friday, January 16th, the rebels fired on us from a battery on shore on our starboard quarter, the first shot passing over us within one foot of our smokestack. On their continuing to fire on us the captain ordered the white flag run up, when they ceased firing. As soon as the Penobscot had got well in towards us, the captain ordered the American ensign hoisted, union down, and let the white flag still fly; upon which the rebels reopened fire on us from two batteries on shore, just astern of us, the shell bursting very near us. The quarter-boat was then lowered, and Acting Master's Mate Bourne and seven men, together with myself, put out to the Penobscot with a despatch for the captain, and also carried out the ship's chronometer and sextant. Upon the captain ordering away the quarter-boat the paymaster asked permission to go in her, but was refused, as the captain said both the paymaster and his clerk could not go. I being sick at the time, the paymaster allowed me to go in his stead. Up to the time I left the ship she had not made any water, or injured herself in any way, except the machinery, which was badly broken. As soon as the rebels commenced firing on us the captain ordered our six twenty-four-pound howitzer to be spiked with rattail file and thrown overboard, which was done. The thirty-pound rifle gun on our forecastle still remained on board, though, I believe, spiked. From the time the ship first struck the captain seemed to loose all self-possession, and left everything to his first lieutenant, Acting Master Balch.
In conclusion, I would state that it was the general topic of conversation amongst the officers and men aboard the steamer Columbia how nobly and daringly the Penobscot came to our assistance during our imminent peril, and had it not been for her not a man on board would have been saved.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Paymaster's Clerk on hoard the United States Steamer Columbia.
List of men saved from the Columbia, how on board the Penobscot.
1. Esrom Morse, Master mate.
2. E. S. Bourn, Master mate.
3. H. H. Fanning, Paymaster Clerk.
4. John Rice, Quarter master.
5. Henry Maye, Quarter master.
6. John Savage Jr., Quarter Gunner.
7. Francis Williams, Seaman.
8. R. J. Henderson, Seaman.
9. John Green, Seaman.
10. Daniel Laughlin, Oed. seaman.
11. John Serley, Seaman.
12. Stephen Edeworth, Ord. seaman.
13. John M. Clehlan, Ord. seaman.
14. William Gosser, Ord. seaman.
15. Philip Clark, Ord. seaman.
16. Fred. S. Davis, Ord. seaman.
17. Thomas Branighan, Landsman.
18. John Kelly, Landsman.
19. William O'Conner, Landsman.
20. Jas. McGrath, Landsman.
21. William K. Wilson, Landsman.
22. Michael H. Fox, Landsman.
23. George Wood, Landsman.
24. Andrew Houghion, Landsman.
25. Alonzo Mahan, Landsman.
26. Jas. W. Mead, Landsman.
27. William Hans, Landsman.
28. Jno. Cain, Landsman.
29. George N. Thompson, Landsman.
30. Patrick Kelly, Landsman.
31. William Stanley, Landsman.
32. Thomas Divine, Landsman.
33. Jno. Beard, Coal Heaver.
34. Winlow Myers, Coal Heaver.
35. Chas. Knight, Coal Heaver.
36. Robert Kennedt, Coal Heaver.
37. Sylvester Carravel, Officer's Cook.
38. A. S. Salter, 2nd., class Fireman.
39. Jno. Welsh, 1st., class Fireman.
40. Jno. Johnson, Officer's Steward.
41. Jno. Roberts, 2nd., class boy.
42. W. B. Shultzer, 1st., class boy.
43. Samuel Weller, 1st., class boy.
44. Jno. W. Gaffney, 2nd., class boy.
45. George Wetherber, 2nd., class boy.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Capt Charles Curie.

Birth: Oct. 20, 1843, Auberchicourt, France.
Death: May 9, 1910, New York.
Charles Curie (sometimes spelled Currie) was born on October 20th, 1842, at Audencourt, near Montbeliard, France, and immigrated to the United States in 1844, residing in Patterson, New Jersey. He moved to Cleveland, Ohio, living there from 1856 to 1859 before returning to New Jersey, where he attended the Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College. He was employed for a time as a Custom house Clerk at Ad. Koop & Sattler in New York City, New York.
With the secession of the Southern States and the firing on Fort Sumter he enlisted on April 23rd, 1861, at New York City, New York, for two years service, at the age of 19, and was mustered into service as a Private in Company C of the 9th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Hawkins Zouaves, on May 4th, 1861. He was promoted to the rank of Corporal on March 5th, 1862, and was wounded in action on September 17th, 1862, at Sharpsburg, Maryland. While at home recovering he was discharged to accept a commission in another regiment on February 13th, 1863, and was enrolled and mustered into service as a First Lieutenant in the Second Regiment, Hawkins Zouaves, on that date, at Albany, New York, for three years service, however with this organization failing to complete its organization he was discharged on June 22nd, 1863.
He once again enrolled and was mustered into service as the First Lieutenant of Company C of the 178th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment on June 23rd, 1863, for three years service, being transferred to Company K on March 8th, 1864. He served as the Acting Ordnance Officer and Aide-de-Camp for the Third Brigade, Third Division, of the 16th Army Corps in 1864, and was promoted to Captain of Company A on September 30th, 1864. As a result of illness he was discharged after tendering his resignation on December 20th, 1864. Upon returning home he attended the New York University Law School in New York, and upon graduation was admitted to the New York State bar, and opened a practice.
He organized and was elected Captain of the "Patterson Light Guard" in the New Jersey National Guard in 1879, and joined the New York Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States on February 3rd, 1886, in addition to serving as the Commander of the Department of New Jersey, Grand Army of the Republic, in 1905. From 1908 to 1909 he served as the President of the Society of the Army of the Potomac. Captain Curie died at his home in New York City, New York, on May 9th, 1910, at the age of 68.
"He was one of the squarest, fairest, and sweetest comrades thatever bore arms." – General Henry C. Dwight.
Burial: Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey.
CHARLES.—Age, 21 years. Enrolled at Albany, to serve years, and mustered in as first lieutenant, Second Hawkins Zouaves, February 13, 1863; discharged, June 22, 1863; again mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. C, this regiment, June 23, 1863, to serve three years; transferred to Co.K, March 8, 1864; mustered in as captain, Co. A, September 30, 1864; discharged, December 20, 1864. Not commissioned in Hawkins Zouaves, commissioned first lieutenant, December 19, 1863, with rank from June 22, 1863, original; captain, August 12,1864, with rank from May 8, 1864.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Turtured By The Prison "Humming Bird."
This information came from a book put out by the Prison Reform League, 1910.
The " humming bird " torture is evident, for the 1908 report of the mmittee appointed to investigate the state institutions of Illinois has this to say of the Chester penitentiary : " The electric battery, or ' humming bird ', punishment is not a figment of the imagination, but was a potent factor in subduing prisoners at one time. The cominittee realizes that the handling of convicts is a difficult problem, and one that should make one hesitate to hastily criticise the management. It, however, feels that the use of an electric battery for this purpose is too dangerous and is too liable to encourage abuse and cruel treatment to be used, and feels that it should not be tolerated. It is understood that it is no longer used for the purpose of punishment, although the presence of a powerful battery is liable to tempt its use. It it be discarded." From the delicate wording of the protest it is conjectured that none of is suggested that the rotestants had ever undergone this particular form of discipline.
The " humming bird " torture is evident, for the 1908 report of the mmittee appointed to investigate the state institutions of Illinois has this to say of the Chester penitentiary : " The electric battery, or ' humming bird ', punishment is not a figment of the imagination, but was a potent factor in subduing prisoners at one time. The cominittee realizes that the handling of convicts is a difficult problem, and one that should make one hesitate to hastily criticise the management. It, however, feels that the use of an electric battery for this purpose is too dangerous and is too liable to encourage abuse and cruel treatment to be used, and feels that it should not be tolerated. It is understood that it is no longer used for the purpose of punishment, although the presence of a powerful battery is liable to tempt its use. It it be discarded." From the delicate wording of the protest it is conjectured that none of is suggested that the rotestants had ever undergone this particular form of discipline.
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Chained in a metal tank the victim is tortured with electricity, until his muscles cord and he faints. |
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Edwin R. Havens, How Mosby Destroyed Our Train..
Edwin R. Havens,
Lieutenant Co. "A." Lansing, Michigan.
Born at Stafford, Genesee County, N. Y., May 25, 1842; enlisted at Buchanan, Berrien County, Mich., September 12th, 1862, as private (mustered as Sergeant) in Co. "A," 7th Michigan Cavalry; promoted to First Sergeant October 25th, 1863, and to Second Lieutenant May 25th, 1865; mustered out at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., December 15th, 1865; final muster out and discharge at Detroit, Mich., December 28th, 1865, and honorably discharged.
By Lieutenant E. R. Havens.
By Lieutenant E. R. Havens.
On the night of the 2Sth of May I was Sergeant of the Camp Guard, or picket around our camp, which, together with the First Vermont Cavalry, and a portion if not all of the 18th Pennsylvania Cavalary, we occupied at the bridge over Kettle Run, on the Orange & Alexandria Railroad, about two miles north of Warrenton Junction. My relief went on duty at twilight. When I had posted my last picket in the road at the west of the railroad and north of the camp, and was on my way to the reserve I heard a shot from the picket last posted. The names of the men on picket were: James Barber, Zeph. Wisner, and Henry or "Hank" Allen, all of Co. "A." I hastened to Barber's post to ascertain the cause of the firing, and was informed that two men on horseback had approached him, and on being hailed had ridden away to the left without halting and thinking their actions suspicious he fired at them as they rode away.
His story was but just told when from Wisners post another shot was fired. His story was identical with Barber's, and was scarcely told when Allen's Burnside rang out on the night air. Hastening to his post, the same story was repeated, with the addition that as he fired his horse wheeled and started to run. but that he had soon brought it under control, and that as he returned to his post he saw one horse galloping away without a rider, while the rider on the other horse seemed to be holding his comrade across his saddle and both srettinsf away. By this time it had become too dark to discern the tracks of horses or to satisfy myself that the dismounted rider has been wounded, as might have been indicated by discovering blood on the ground.
During the remainder of my tour of duty that night I did not lack for excitement or work, as it kept me in the saddle almost the entire time riding from one post to another to ascertain the causes for the many shots that were fired. About 1 o'clock next morning I was relieved by the other Sergeant at the reserve, he was ordered to take eight men and patrol the railroad in the direction of Warrenton junction, as far as the woods, a distance of about one mile. These woods, you will remember, extended north from near the Junction, half a mile or more, and acted as a screen for Mosby's attacks more than once during our acquaintance with that section of the "Old Dominion." I relieved the other Sergeant the next morning and posted the same relief that I had the night before just as a train loaded with supplies reached our station from Washington.
On my way back to the reserve I halted at Allen's post, and was inspecting the ground trying to discover traces of his visitors of the evening before, when the train started on for the stations south of us. I was watching it as it neared the woods above referred to, and saw the locomotive as it swerved from a direct course on striking a misplaced rail, and also saw the smoke and heard the report from the little cannon by which the engine was disabled, and the skirmish before the firing of the train, and the retreat of the guerrillas. Immediately the camp was in preparation for the pursuit, permission to join the same being refused me because of the duty on which I was then engaged, so that I cannot describe the pursuit, or the battle that followed upon their overtaking the guerrillas that resulted in the dispersion of the band for the time being, with the capture of the cannon and several prisoners. Among the prisoners taken, and who was at the time acting as cannonier, was a Louisianian named Montjoy, who was credited with a reputation as spy, scout, desperado, and an all round bad man.
Scouting parties sent out that day captured other prisoners, so that we had under guard that night about thirty. The day following I was ordered to take a detail of several men from my Company and directed to report to Regimental headquarters for orders. On reporting I was directed to relieve the guard over the prisoners, and on arrival of the train for Washington, to remove the prisoners from the guard house to the train and escort them to Fairfax Court House, and turn them over to the Provost Marshal, and I was especially commanded to pay the strictest attention to the aforesaid Montjoy and to certainly
deliver him at the Provost Marshal's headquarters, dead or alive.
I did not fear an escape of any of the prisoners by daylight, but as the afternoon wore away I feared that night would overtake us before we could reach the Court House, as the three miles or more between the Station and the Court House must be made on foot, and I remembered one especially bad spot in the road where it passed through quite a deep cut, the sides and top of which were shaded by a heavy growth of timber, and you will all remember the darkness in that country at that season of the year was something impressive as well as oppressive, and it was at that point that I feared an attempt to escape would be made if made at all.
Now I was young in military experience and felt the importance of the responsible position I was then occupying*. As it became dark I almost wished I was home, when I, picturing the desperate struggle that Montjoy would likely make to regain his freedom, and I could almost see myself a corpse by the roadside. But there was no way out of it and I was bound to make a bold face and bluff it out. As we neared the fateful spot I passed the word to my men in whispers, assigning to each his post in front or at the sides of the column, retaining as my bodyguards two in whom I had confidence as to their courage and deyotion to duty, if not to myself, and placing the dreaded Mont joy in the rear of the column I took up my station by his side with my two guards.
I did not fear an escape of any of the prisoners by daylight, but as the afternoon wore away I feared that night would overtake us before we could reach the Court House, as the three miles or more between the Station and the Court House must be made on foot, and I remembered one especially bad spot in the road where it passed through quite a deep cut, the sides and top of which were shaded by a heavy growth of timber, and you will all remember the darkness in that country at that season of the year was something impressive as well as oppressive, and it was at that point that I feared an attempt to escape would be made if made at all.
Now I was young in military experience and felt the importance of the responsible position I was then occupying*. As it became dark I almost wished I was home, when I, picturing the desperate struggle that Montjoy would likely make to regain his freedom, and I could almost see myself a corpse by the roadside. But there was no way out of it and I was bound to make a bold face and bluff it out. As we neared the fateful spot I passed the word to my men in whispers, assigning to each his post in front or at the sides of the column, retaining as my bodyguards two in whom I had confidence as to their courage and deyotion to duty, if not to myself, and placing the dreaded Mont joy in the rear of the column I took up my station by his side with my two guards.
As we marched along the question came into my mind, what shall I do with my revolver, the only weapon that I carried. I first thought that I would carry it in my hand, cocked, and ready for action at the first move made by my prisoner to esape ; then I argued that if I did and he happened to want a revolver, he could get mine easier than he could stop to buy one, as I would be no match for him in a physical contest, and that if I tried to shoot him I would be just as apt to shoot someone else, but if I carried it securely fastened in its holster he could not get it so easily, and I would not be so apt to kill some of my own men ; so buttoning up my holster we marched along through the darkness, my nerves strained to the highest pitch and ready to break at every sound that was not clearly made by our marching feet. Never did anything look brighter to me than the lighter shadows of the night as we came out into more open country at the top of the hill without the loss of a prisoner or a life.
The remainder of the march was without incident. I had found Captain Montjoy a very unassuming and sociable companion, and would enjoy meeting him to talk over the events of that clay and night and laugh with him over the terrible fright he gave me. On returning to camp next day, after dismissing my command, I repaired to headquarters to make my report and deliver the receipt of the Provost Marshal for the prisoners placed in my care, and expecting to receive a "Well done, good and faithful servant," but Oh, what a fall was there! I was met by the Lieutenant-Colonel who, upon learning that I had taken away the prisoners the clay before, demanded to know why I did not kill him ; why I did not let somebody else kill him, etc.
I finally found out that some unregenerate "Mushrat" without the fear of that lake which is said to be the "Portion of all liars'' before him, had circulated the story that while transferring the prisoners from the guard house to the train the dreaded Mont joy had attacked me, and tried to get my pistol; that he had me down on the ground and nearly dead before he could be overpowered, and that when one of my men had attempted to shoot him I had forbidden it, all of which had caused the good Colonel to feel very wroth towards the said Montjoy, and correspondingly so towards your humble servant.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Five Men Of Massachusetts 50th., Infantry.
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Salem, Oct. 16, 1869.
EDWARD W. PHILLIPS. 1st Lieut. Age 20. Single. Salem. Com. Sept. 3, 1862. Resigned on account of ill health July 13, 1863, and died at Salem, Oct. 13, 1867. Previous service in 4th Battalion, which garrisoned Fort Independence for several weeks in 1861. He was assigned to special service as Commissary of Subsistence on the voyage to New Orleans on the transport J. S. Green, which sailed from New York, Dec. 3, 1862. On arriving at New Orleans he became superintendent of the U.S. bakery there, but subsequently rejoined his regiment. He was the son of Stephen C. Phillips of Salem.
SAMUEL C. TRULL. 1st Lieut. Operator. Age 25. Married. Stoneham. Com. Sept. 4, 1862. Mustered in Sept. 19, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1863. Previous service Lt. Co. L 6th Regt. At present resides in Stoneham.
JOHN S. CONEY. 1st Lieut. Shoemaker. Age 39. Single. North Reading. Com. Aug. 30, 1862. Mustered in Sept. 19, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1863. Previous service Co. B. 5th Regt. Died in Worcester.
HORACE M. WARREN. 1st Lt. Clerk. Age 21. Single. South Reading. Com. Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out Aug. 24, 1863. Previous service Private in Co. B 5th Regt., Sergeant Co. E 20th Regt. Subsequent service Adjutant of the 59th Regt. Lieutenant Warren was born in Maine in 1841, descended from Moses Warren of Waltham, who fought at Bunker Hill. Naturally brave and impetuous, he enlisted at the commencement of hostilities in the Richardson Light Guard, South Reading, served with that company three months in the 5th Regiment and was in the first battle of Bull Run. Re-enlisting in the 20th Regt., he engaged in the battle of Ball s Bluff. At this battle, which occurred on the 21st day of October, 1861, Sergeant Warren was in command of his company on account of the loss of superior officers and was so severely wounded it was thought that he could not live, the surgeon saying at the time, " Put him one side, boys, he won t live twenty minutes."
" The boys did not give up hope, however, but determined to save him if possible. Protecting him as best they could from the enemy, they placed him in a boat, and managed to get him into an old barn on the opposite shore, from whence, after twenty-four hours in a pouring rain and without medical attendance, he was carried to the hospital at Pools ville. Upon the organization of the 59th Regt., he was requested by Colonel Gould to accept the office of Adjutant, with which request he complied. The regiment had an eventful history, participating in some of the severest fighting of the war, having been engaged at Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and Weldon Railroad. Adjutant Warren was again wounded at Cold Harbor, but not disabled as he thought from duty. At the battle of Weldon Rail road, Adjutant Warren acted as assistant adjutant general. At Reams Station he was wounded and died on the 27th of August, 1864, from the effects of the wounds. Before his death, however, in recognition of his brave and gallant service, a major s commission had been conferred upon him." Lieutenant Warren possessed the traits out of which heroes are moulded.
Picture Of Captain Augustus A. Van Cleve & More.
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Lounsberry, Clement A. Enlisted in company I, First Infantry, April 22, 1861, at Marshall, for 3 months, age 18. Mustered May 1, 1861. Wounded and taken prisoner, July 21, 1861. Exchanged. Discharged at Detroit, Mich., July 6, 1862. Enlisted in company I, Twentieth Infantry as First Sergeant Aug. 9, 1862, at Marshall, for 3 years, age 19. Mustered Aug. 19, 1862. Discharged to accept promotion April 25, 1863. Commissioned Second lieutenant, company K, Jan. 26, 1863. Mustered Feb. 1, 1863. Transferred to company I, April 25, 1863. Wounded and taken prisoner May 10, 1863. Returned to regiment June, 1863. Commissioned First Lieutenant, company H, Nov. 19, 1863. Mustered April 9, 1864. Reported as of company A. May, 1864. Wounded in action at Spottyslvania, Va., May 12, 1864. Commissioned Captain May 12, 1864. Mustered Oct. 10, 1864. Acting Aide de Camp, Second Brigade, First Division, Ninth Army Corps, from Nov., 1864, to March, 1865. Acting Assistant Adjutant General, Second Brigade, First Division, Ninth Army Corps. March and April, 1865. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel Dec. 20, 1864. Mustered April 29, 1865. Commissioned Colonel, March 11, 1865. Mustered out and honorably discharged at DeLaney House, D. C, May 30, 1865. Brevet Major, United States Volunteers, Dec. 2. 1864, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign before Richmond, Va.
Porter, Francis, Parma. Entered service in company E, Twentieth Infantry, at organization, as First Lieutenant, July 22, 1862, at Parma, for 3 years, age 39. Commissioned July 29, 1862. Mustered Aug. 16, 1862. Commissioned Captain Jan. 9, 1863. Mustered April 25, 1863. Wounded in action at Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 21, 1863. Wounded in action near Petersburg, Va., July 30, 1864. Commissioned Major Dec. 20, 1864. Mustered Jan. 21, 1865. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel March 11, 1865. Mustered out and honorably discharged at DeLaney House, D. C, May 30. 1865. Died at Detroit, Mich.,
May 17, 1903.
Van Cleve, Augustus A., Yipsilanti. Entered service in company B, Twentieth Infantry, at organization, as Second Lieutenant, July 24, 1862, for 3 years, age 22. Commissioned July 29, 1862. Mustered Aug. 16, 1862. Commissioned First Lieutenant Oct. 14, 1862". Mustered April 25, 1863. Commissioned Captain, company C, Nov. 28. 1863. Mustered April 9, 1864. Resigned and honorably discharged Jan. 12, 1865. Present residence, Ypsilanti, Mich.
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