Walter H. Tinker, enlisted as a Private, at the age of 22 in the Fagg's 5th Regiment Six Months Militia, Co. B., enlisted on September 11, 1861, mustered same day at Louisiana Mo. Wounded by a accidental discharge of a gun and leg was amputated September 27, 1861.
Congress 1866.
Walter H. Tinker, late a private in the 5th regiment Missouri State militia, who lost a leg while in active service, praying a pension.
John P. McElroy, enlisted August 11, 1862, as a Corporal in company D., of the 49th., Missouri State Militia, at Bowling, Green Co., was mustered in same day. Discharged for being wounded accidentally, his actual service was 74, days.
Congress 1866.
The petition of John P. McElroy, late a private in the enrolled Missouri militia, permanently disabled while in active service, praying a pension.
James M. Cox, enlisted as a Private in the Missouri State Militia, of Co. A., on August 25, 1862, at Springfield Mo., was mustered in same day, actual service 135 days. Was killed by rebels on January 7, 1863.
Wife was Nancy Cox.
APRIL 3, 1866.
For the relief of Nicholas Hibner, late a private in the sixth
regiment. Missouri State militia.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of tile United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place the name of Nicholas Hibner, of Caldwell county, Missouri, and late a private in the sixth regiment (cavalry) Missouri State militia, commanded by Colonel Catherwood, upon the list of pensioners, at the rate of eight dollars per month, to commence on the passage of this act, and to continue during his natural life.
Passed the House of Representatives April 2, 1866.
Attest: EDWARD McPHERSON, Clerk.
By CLINTON LLOYD, Chief Clerk.
Friday, September 17, 2010
William Henry Raynor.

William Henry Raynor.
Birth: Apr. 4, 1834.
Death: Dec. 20, 1912, Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio.
Burial: Woodlawn Cemetery, Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio.
Photo provided by Gregory Speciale
Civil War Union Brevet Brigadier General. He enlisted in the 1st Ohio Volunteer Infantry right after the Civil War on April 16, 1861, and was commissioned as a 1st Lieutenant. At the first Battle of Bull Run in July 1861 he was taken prisoner and sent to Libbey Prison in Richmond, Virginia. After seventeen days he escaped and was spotted by a southern soldier who was going to shoot him, but when he saw his Masonic pin he then allowed him to escape. When he reached home he then organized the 56th Ohio Volunteer Infantry and was made it's Colonel and commander on April 2, 1863. He was wounded at Snaggy Point Red River Landing near Vicksburg on May 5, 1864. He was then decorated for bravery and was discharged on October 27, 1864. He was brevetted Brigadier General, US Volunteers on March 13, 1865 for "distinguished and gallant services".
Report of Lieutenant Colonel William H. Raynor, Fifty-sixth Ohio Infantry.
Helena, Ark., September 3, 1862.
SIR: On the evening of Wednesday, August 27, I was ordered (verbally) by General Curtis to take command of 200 infantry, of the Fifty-sixth Ohio, and two 12-pounder howitzers, of the First Iowa Battery, of the gunboat Pittsburgh, proceed with them down the Mississippi, to a point called Eunice, in Arkansas, and there take possession of a large wharf-boat and tow it up to Helena. Also to annoy the enemy and obtain whatever information concerning them that I could.
The steamers not being ready until Thursday morning, they were embarked and proceeded down the river. At Roberts' Landing a Mrs. Manley was taken on board by orders from General Curtis. At night the pilots were unable to run, and we were compelled to anchor. The first night we reached Carson's Landing. Here a negro came off to us during the night and reported, "solgers ober dar." I ascertained from him that a force of the enemy, numbering from 200 to 300, were encamped between 1 and 2 miles from the river. The next morning, Friday, at daylight, the Pittsburgh shelled the shore. As soon as she commenced firing I landed 175 men and one piece (leaving 25 men and one piece as a guard on the boats), and marched out, near 2 miles, to where the rebels were encamped. They had discovered the fleet on its way down and while at anchor, and, believing they were the object of the expedition (as I afterward learned), made haste during the night to remove their stores and equipage, but remained behind themselves to fight; but our appearance and one volley induced them to believe the locality unhealthy, and they left it in a hurry; nor could we induce them to stop, although the most persuasive messengers, in the shape of Enfield balls, were sent after them. Hats, sabers, pistols, holsters, and saddle-bags were dropped in their rapid flight. Some, to hide the better in the brush, left their horses, 9 of which we captured. If any were killed or wounded, we were unable to find them in the weeds and cane.
A part of my force, consisting of 50 men of Company A, Captain Manning, was sent to stir up a small nest of guerrillas near. They killed 1 man and think they wounded another. We had not a man hurt. Captured 1 prisoner (J. C. Underwood, private, Company H, Twenty-eighth Mississippi Volunteers), 1 tent, 1 tent-fly, about 30 sabers, 10 shot-guns, 3 Mississippi rifles, cart load of meat, 2 mules, case of surgical instruments, 12 saddles, and 9 horses, all of which have been turned over to the proper authorities. A small quantity of cotton was found, which was confiscated and placed in charge of Mr. Eddy, of the quartermaster's department. A soldier of the First (rebel) Missouri Regiment, named Dunaway, gave himself up voluntarily, saying he had deserted from Vicksburg and made his way this far up the river. About noon got all aboard and continued on down the stream.
I had been ordered to look for a battery of two guns at Montgomery's Point. Landed at the point and thoroughly searched the neighborhood, and ascertained that a road had been cut through the woods to Scrub-Grass Bend, but that the cannon (two pieces) were yet at Prairie Landing, on White River, but were soon expected down, to be placed in position in Scrub-Grass Bend.
Wherever we had any reason to except the presence of the enemy I landed and scoured the woods and country, but having no cavalry caused great delay and permitted the guerrillas to escape. After Carson's Landing we could not get nearer than a half mile or see much more than a cloud of dust.
Our progress was so much delayed by the slowness of the gunboat and being compelled to anchor every night that the wharf-boat at Eunice Landing was not reached until Saturday about noon, when the transports took the wharf-boat in two and started on our return. At Eunice I arrested a Mr. Nelson, who, it was reported to me, had been using his influence and money in assisting the rebellion, and had on more than one occasion mounted his horse and rode for days with guerrilla parties. We also brought away the watchman on the wharf-boat, a John McDonald, who claims to be a British subject.
Sunday morning Mrs. Manley was taken aborad, near Bolivar Landing. From her, and also from other sources, I learned that colonel Starke has a brigade from Van Dorn's army now encamped on Bolivar Lake, with four or six pieces of artillery, and was daily expecting re-enforcements, with a 30-pounder gun. This force now on the lake is represented as high as 3,000 and as low as 1,800. It was a part of his command that we met at Carson's Landing.
The wharf-boat being very large and heavy she towed very hard and slow, and the expedition only returned this (Wednesday, September 3) morning, being out six days. Our orders were for four days' rations; consequently the meat captured was partly eaten. The wharf-boat and contents have been turned over to Quartermaster Winslow, the mules and horses to Quartermaster H. B. Hunt, and the prisoners to be provost-marshal.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Commanding Fifty-sixth Ohio Volunteers and Expedition.
Birth: Apr. 4, 1834.
Death: Dec. 20, 1912, Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio.
Burial: Woodlawn Cemetery, Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio.
Photo provided by Gregory Speciale
Civil War Union Brevet Brigadier General. He enlisted in the 1st Ohio Volunteer Infantry right after the Civil War on April 16, 1861, and was commissioned as a 1st Lieutenant. At the first Battle of Bull Run in July 1861 he was taken prisoner and sent to Libbey Prison in Richmond, Virginia. After seventeen days he escaped and was spotted by a southern soldier who was going to shoot him, but when he saw his Masonic pin he then allowed him to escape. When he reached home he then organized the 56th Ohio Volunteer Infantry and was made it's Colonel and commander on April 2, 1863. He was wounded at Snaggy Point Red River Landing near Vicksburg on May 5, 1864. He was then decorated for bravery and was discharged on October 27, 1864. He was brevetted Brigadier General, US Volunteers on March 13, 1865 for "distinguished and gallant services".
Report of Lieutenant Colonel William H. Raynor, Fifty-sixth Ohio Infantry.
Helena, Ark., September 3, 1862.
SIR: On the evening of Wednesday, August 27, I was ordered (verbally) by General Curtis to take command of 200 infantry, of the Fifty-sixth Ohio, and two 12-pounder howitzers, of the First Iowa Battery, of the gunboat Pittsburgh, proceed with them down the Mississippi, to a point called Eunice, in Arkansas, and there take possession of a large wharf-boat and tow it up to Helena. Also to annoy the enemy and obtain whatever information concerning them that I could.
The steamers not being ready until Thursday morning, they were embarked and proceeded down the river. At Roberts' Landing a Mrs. Manley was taken on board by orders from General Curtis. At night the pilots were unable to run, and we were compelled to anchor. The first night we reached Carson's Landing. Here a negro came off to us during the night and reported, "solgers ober dar." I ascertained from him that a force of the enemy, numbering from 200 to 300, were encamped between 1 and 2 miles from the river. The next morning, Friday, at daylight, the Pittsburgh shelled the shore. As soon as she commenced firing I landed 175 men and one piece (leaving 25 men and one piece as a guard on the boats), and marched out, near 2 miles, to where the rebels were encamped. They had discovered the fleet on its way down and while at anchor, and, believing they were the object of the expedition (as I afterward learned), made haste during the night to remove their stores and equipage, but remained behind themselves to fight; but our appearance and one volley induced them to believe the locality unhealthy, and they left it in a hurry; nor could we induce them to stop, although the most persuasive messengers, in the shape of Enfield balls, were sent after them. Hats, sabers, pistols, holsters, and saddle-bags were dropped in their rapid flight. Some, to hide the better in the brush, left their horses, 9 of which we captured. If any were killed or wounded, we were unable to find them in the weeds and cane.
A part of my force, consisting of 50 men of Company A, Captain Manning, was sent to stir up a small nest of guerrillas near. They killed 1 man and think they wounded another. We had not a man hurt. Captured 1 prisoner (J. C. Underwood, private, Company H, Twenty-eighth Mississippi Volunteers), 1 tent, 1 tent-fly, about 30 sabers, 10 shot-guns, 3 Mississippi rifles, cart load of meat, 2 mules, case of surgical instruments, 12 saddles, and 9 horses, all of which have been turned over to the proper authorities. A small quantity of cotton was found, which was confiscated and placed in charge of Mr. Eddy, of the quartermaster's department. A soldier of the First (rebel) Missouri Regiment, named Dunaway, gave himself up voluntarily, saying he had deserted from Vicksburg and made his way this far up the river. About noon got all aboard and continued on down the stream.
I had been ordered to look for a battery of two guns at Montgomery's Point. Landed at the point and thoroughly searched the neighborhood, and ascertained that a road had been cut through the woods to Scrub-Grass Bend, but that the cannon (two pieces) were yet at Prairie Landing, on White River, but were soon expected down, to be placed in position in Scrub-Grass Bend.
Wherever we had any reason to except the presence of the enemy I landed and scoured the woods and country, but having no cavalry caused great delay and permitted the guerrillas to escape. After Carson's Landing we could not get nearer than a half mile or see much more than a cloud of dust.
Our progress was so much delayed by the slowness of the gunboat and being compelled to anchor every night that the wharf-boat at Eunice Landing was not reached until Saturday about noon, when the transports took the wharf-boat in two and started on our return. At Eunice I arrested a Mr. Nelson, who, it was reported to me, had been using his influence and money in assisting the rebellion, and had on more than one occasion mounted his horse and rode for days with guerrilla parties. We also brought away the watchman on the wharf-boat, a John McDonald, who claims to be a British subject.
Sunday morning Mrs. Manley was taken aborad, near Bolivar Landing. From her, and also from other sources, I learned that colonel Starke has a brigade from Van Dorn's army now encamped on Bolivar Lake, with four or six pieces of artillery, and was daily expecting re-enforcements, with a 30-pounder gun. This force now on the lake is represented as high as 3,000 and as low as 1,800. It was a part of his command that we met at Carson's Landing.
The wharf-boat being very large and heavy she towed very hard and slow, and the expedition only returned this (Wednesday, September 3) morning, being out six days. Our orders were for four days' rations; consequently the meat captured was partly eaten. The wharf-boat and contents have been turned over to Quartermaster Winslow, the mules and horses to Quartermaster H. B. Hunt, and the prisoners to be provost-marshal.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Commanding Fifty-sixth Ohio Volunteers and Expedition.
John B. Shinn.
John B Shinn.
Birth: 1832, New Jersey?
Death: Nov. 1, 1904.
Burial: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County Virginia.
Third Regiment of Artillery.
Brevet Second Lieutenant John B. Shinn to be second lieutenant, September 1, 1856.
1857, Second Lieutenant John B. Shinn to be first lieutenant, May 30, 1860.
First Lieutenant John B. Shinn, 3d Regiment of Artillery, to be captain by brevet, Nov. 1, 1862, for meritorious services in bringing the Light Battery through the desert.
First Lieutenant John B. Shinn to be captain, January 20, 1864.
Captain John B. Shinn, of the Third Regiment United States Artillery, for arduous and meritorious services in successfully bringing his battery across the Yuma and Gila deserts and for faithful services in New Mexico, to date from March 13, 1865.
Santa Fe, N. Mex., June 17, 1865.
Commanding at Fort Sumner, N. Mex.:
MAJOR: You have already been informed that Captain John B. Shinn, U. S. Army, was ordered on the 26th of May to take a party and go to the head of the Rio Salado after some Navajo Indians reported to be in that portion of country by Captain Fritz, of Your regiment. Captain Shinn reports that he could not reach the head of the Rio Salado, on account of natural difficulties not well to be over some, but that from what he could learn that point could be reached readily from the Bosque. The general commanding therefore directs that You send out a sufficient party to the head of the Salado and have this whole matter thoroughly investigated by the time he reaches Fort Sumner, which will be soon.
I have the honor to be, major, very respectfully, Your obedient servant,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
Birth: 1832, New Jersey?
Death: Nov. 1, 1904.
Burial: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County Virginia.
Third Regiment of Artillery.
Brevet Second Lieutenant John B. Shinn to be second lieutenant, September 1, 1856.
1857, Second Lieutenant John B. Shinn to be first lieutenant, May 30, 1860.
First Lieutenant John B. Shinn, 3d Regiment of Artillery, to be captain by brevet, Nov. 1, 1862, for meritorious services in bringing the Light Battery through the desert.
First Lieutenant John B. Shinn to be captain, January 20, 1864.
Captain John B. Shinn, of the Third Regiment United States Artillery, for arduous and meritorious services in successfully bringing his battery across the Yuma and Gila deserts and for faithful services in New Mexico, to date from March 13, 1865.
Santa Fe, N. Mex., June 17, 1865.
Commanding at Fort Sumner, N. Mex.:
MAJOR: You have already been informed that Captain John B. Shinn, U. S. Army, was ordered on the 26th of May to take a party and go to the head of the Rio Salado after some Navajo Indians reported to be in that portion of country by Captain Fritz, of Your regiment. Captain Shinn reports that he could not reach the head of the Rio Salado, on account of natural difficulties not well to be over some, but that from what he could learn that point could be reached readily from the Bosque. The general commanding therefore directs that You send out a sufficient party to the head of the Salado and have this whole matter thoroughly investigated by the time he reaches Fort Sumner, which will be soon.
I have the honor to be, major, very respectfully, Your obedient servant,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
George Henry Nye.

George Henry Nye.
Birth: 1828, Hallowell, Kennebec County, Maine.
Death: Oct. 22, 1908, Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.
Burial: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia.
Photo provided by John "J-Cat" Griffith.
His father was CHARLES NYE, the records on this mother only states MEHITABLE .
His first marriage was to CHARLOTTE A. HOSSEY, on November 29, 1851, four of their children were, Georgianna H. Nye, Clara A. Nye, Grace A. Nye and Charlotta A. Nye, there were seven children in all. His second wife was ELIZABETH ADAMS STITSON, their marriage was on April 20, 1892. I could not find a record of their children.
Civil War Union Brevet Major General. His career in cotton manufacturing was interrupted by the Civil War, when he volunteered only one month after its beginning in 1861. During his service he was first part of the 10th Maine Volunteer Infantry as a Captain and later as Colonel in command of the 29th Maine Volunteer Infantry. He participated in the Battle of Antietam and in campaigns that took him as far south as New Orleans. He was wounded at Cedar Creek and Cedar Mountain. For mertorious duty during the war he was brevetted Brigadier General of U.S. Volunteers on October 29, 1864 and Major General on March 13, 1865. After the war he returned to manufacturing and was superintendent of Laurel Mills, Laurel, Maryland until retiring in 1885. In September 1898, the Laurel Museum, Maryland opened an exhibit featuring the acquired diaries, topics and select papers of General George H. Nye.
Birth: 1828, Hallowell, Kennebec County, Maine.
Death: Oct. 22, 1908, Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.
Burial: Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia.
Photo provided by John "J-Cat" Griffith.
His father was CHARLES NYE, the records on this mother only states MEHITABLE .
His first marriage was to CHARLOTTE A. HOSSEY, on November 29, 1851, four of their children were, Georgianna H. Nye, Clara A. Nye, Grace A. Nye and Charlotta A. Nye, there were seven children in all. His second wife was ELIZABETH ADAMS STITSON, their marriage was on April 20, 1892. I could not find a record of their children.
Civil War Union Brevet Major General. His career in cotton manufacturing was interrupted by the Civil War, when he volunteered only one month after its beginning in 1861. During his service he was first part of the 10th Maine Volunteer Infantry as a Captain and later as Colonel in command of the 29th Maine Volunteer Infantry. He participated in the Battle of Antietam and in campaigns that took him as far south as New Orleans. He was wounded at Cedar Creek and Cedar Mountain. For mertorious duty during the war he was brevetted Brigadier General of U.S. Volunteers on October 29, 1864 and Major General on March 13, 1865. After the war he returned to manufacturing and was superintendent of Laurel Mills, Laurel, Maryland until retiring in 1885. In September 1898, the Laurel Museum, Maryland opened an exhibit featuring the acquired diaries, topics and select papers of General George H. Nye.
James Sidney Robinson.

James Sidney Robinson.
Birth: Oct. 14, 1827, Mansfield, Richland County, Ohio.
Death: Jan. 14, 1892, Kenton, Hardin County, Ohio.
Burial: Grove Cemetery , Kenton, Hardin County Ohio.
His wife was Hester ROBINSON, and two of their children were; W. S. ROBINSON and Jennie S. ROBINSON.
Civil War Union Brigadier General, US Congressman. Educated locally in Ohio, he learned the printer's trade. In 1845 he moved to Kenton where he published a newspaper. He enlisted 5 days after the Fort Sumter loss, becoming Colonel of the 82nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry in 1862. He fought at the Battles of Second Manassas (Bull Run 2), Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg, being severely wounded in the chest at Gettysburg. Appointed Brigadier General, US Volunteers. on January 12, 1865, he was with General William T. Sherman in Georgia and the Carolinas. After the war he was a railroad commissioner in Ohio, a US Congressman from 1881 to 1885, and Ohio Secretary of State from 1885 to 1889. He died of heart failure in Kenton on January, 1892, supposedly resulting from his wound at Gettysburg. He was 64.
HDQRS. ARMY OF THE TENNESSEE, No. 108. Louisville, Ky., July 24, 1865.
The regiments of the First Brigade, Temporary Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, having been mustered out of service, Brigadier General James S. Robinson is hereby relieved from duty in the Army of the Tennessee and will proceed to his place of residence, Kenton, Hardin County, Ohio, reporting thence by letter to the Adjutant-General of the Army for orders.
Birth: Oct. 14, 1827, Mansfield, Richland County, Ohio.
Death: Jan. 14, 1892, Kenton, Hardin County, Ohio.
Burial: Grove Cemetery , Kenton, Hardin County Ohio.
His wife was Hester ROBINSON, and two of their children were; W. S. ROBINSON and Jennie S. ROBINSON.
Civil War Union Brigadier General, US Congressman. Educated locally in Ohio, he learned the printer's trade. In 1845 he moved to Kenton where he published a newspaper. He enlisted 5 days after the Fort Sumter loss, becoming Colonel of the 82nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry in 1862. He fought at the Battles of Second Manassas (Bull Run 2), Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg, being severely wounded in the chest at Gettysburg. Appointed Brigadier General, US Volunteers. on January 12, 1865, he was with General William T. Sherman in Georgia and the Carolinas. After the war he was a railroad commissioner in Ohio, a US Congressman from 1881 to 1885, and Ohio Secretary of State from 1885 to 1889. He died of heart failure in Kenton on January, 1892, supposedly resulting from his wound at Gettysburg. He was 64.
HDQRS. ARMY OF THE TENNESSEE, No. 108. Louisville, Ky., July 24, 1865.
The regiments of the First Brigade, Temporary Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, having been mustered out of service, Brigadier General James S. Robinson is hereby relieved from duty in the Army of the Tennessee and will proceed to his place of residence, Kenton, Hardin County, Ohio, reporting thence by letter to the Adjutant-General of the Army for orders.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Mexicans in Kansas, 1917-1918.
I would usually have put this on my Kansas site, but I felt it would help more if I put it on my home site which I call my national site. These men are from Mexico, they came to Kansas for one reason or another. When World war I, came they signed up for the draft the year was 1917-1918. I know there are some from Mexico that are looking for their ancestors, and will be surprise that some were living in Kansas.
The information will be their name, date of birth and place of birth and what county they sign up in.
Some men do not have birth locations listed because they registered on the final draft registration day in 1918 when this information was not recorded.
Microfilm copies of the original cards are maintained by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints (LDS...the Mormons). Researchers can probably order loaner copies of specific reels from Salt Lake City through requests at local LDS family history centers. Payment for mailing costs is required. Catalog subject heading: UNITED STATES -- MILITARY RECORDS -- WORLD WAR I [although these records are not actually military records]. Original cards are kept at the National Archives branch near Atlanta, Georgia.
The compiler has not abstracted the registrant's address, the name and address of next of kin, occupation, work address, general physical description and occasionally listed general description of a disability. Please consult the original card to verify all information.
County of Hamilton, Kansas.
Alvarez, Emilio C., 10 Jul 1894, rel. lives Ciudad Juarez Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Alvarez, Enrique C., 1 Jun 1888, rel. lives Ciudad Juarez Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Alvarez, Manuel C., (O.) 2 Mar 1900, rel. lives Ciudad Juarez Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Arellano, Rafel, abt 1887, Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Arias, Jesus, 10 Jun 1897, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Arias, Jose Maria, 6 Sep 1893, rel. lives Cuniseo d Abasala Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Arridondo, Ysabel, 8 Apr 1897, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Castillo, Jose Wenceslao, 9 Sep 1900, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Cerda, Valentin (Balentin), 1900, rel. lives S. Francisco d R Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Constante, Nemario, 2 Nov 1883, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Cordoba, Jose Hosea, 9 Mar 1896, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Cornejo, Ponposo, 19 Sep 1899, rel. lives Mesticacan Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Gacabo, Amado, 13 Sep 1885, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Garcia, Francisco,1 Oct 1873, Mexican; wife Garden City KS., Hamilton KS.
Gerrero, Victor, 5 May 1896, rel. lives Mexico City Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Gonsales, Juan,1883, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Gonzalez, Salvador (Salbador), 15 Sep 1893, Bella Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Guerrero, Pascual, 30 Jun 1888, Aguas Calientes Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Guerrero, Victor, 5 May 1896, rel. lives Mexico City Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Gutierrez, Juan, 24 Jun 1888, Launio Jalisco Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Gutierrez, Martin Mendoza, 17 Jul 1896, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Hernandez, Delfino G., 24 Dec 1894, Mexican; wife in Prowers CO, Hamilton KS.
Hernandez, Gregorio, 12 Mar 1883, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Herrera, Abraham, 16 Mar 1895, wife lives Corneo Mich. Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Herrera, Juan, 24 Jun 1896, rel. lives S. Francisco d R Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Hesalo, Amado, 13 Sep 1885, Mexican; card in G section, Hamilton KS.
Jimenez, Ruperto, 27 Mar 1879, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Lerma, Carlos, Feb 1898, rel. lives Tulimez Chichua. Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Lopez, Epitasio, 1893, rel. lives S. Francisco d R Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Lopez, Roberto, 17 Jun 1896, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Luna, Masimo, 20 Aug 1898, rel. lives Lagos de Mareno Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Luna, Narsiso de, Oct 1887, rel. in Gatos Tatiutilan Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Macias, Antonio, 13 Jun 1896, born & lives Leon Gto. Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Manroye, Manuel, 20 Oct 1888, Parsal Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Medrano, Juan, 15 Sep 1892, Achenchala Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Mendoz, Martin, 17 Jul 1896, Mexican; card in G section, Hamilton KS.
Mendoz Gutierrez, Martin, 17 Jul 1896, Mexican; card in G section, Hamilton KS.
Mesa, Demesio, 18 Jun 1893, relative lives Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Metendrea, Pablo, 1889, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Morales, Carlos, May 1892, lives in Zacatecas Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Morris, Fred Walter, 16 Jul 1899, relative lives Albuquerque New Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Nava, Julio, 12 Apr 1885, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Ojeda, Odilon, 1 Jan 1880, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Orduna, Francisco, 4 Oct 1892, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Ordunia, Francisco, 4 Oct 1892, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Piseno, Fortino, 12 Aug 1874, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Ramirez, Encarnacion, 19 Mar 1898, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Reubio, Kofas, 25 Sep 1895, San Pedro Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Rico, Felberto, 24 Aug 1890, wife lives Valle de Santiago Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Rodriguez, Eliseo, 19 Feb 1890, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Rodriguez, Jesus Maria, Jan 1893, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Rodriguez, Rafael ,Sep 1896, rel. lives Valle Valparaiso Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Sanchez, Miguel, 8 Jul 1885, rel. lives Laguna Grande Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Solario, Diego, 12 Sep 1898, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Suarez, Pablo, 27 Jan 1890, born & lives Facubaya Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Trujillo, Juan F., 16 Jul 1888, Zacatecas Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Vravo, Jesus, 1900, rel. lives Haa__ho Mich. Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Zamora, Juan, 1893, rel. in San Luis Potosi Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Kearny County Kansas.
Abila, Pomposo, 19 Sep 1882, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Acosta, Anastacio, 12 Aug 1875, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Aguirre, Salvador Gonzalez, 28 Apr 1895, rel. lives Juarez Chihua. Mexico. Kearny KS.
Allala, Cliofas, abt 1879, rel. lives Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Kearny KS.
Aragon, Jose, 19 Mar 1888, Chihuahua Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ayala, Cliofas, abt 1879, rel. lives Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Kearny KS.
Baca, Lorenzo, 10 Aug 1897, rel. lives Juarez Chihuah. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Bermudez, Jesus, 20 Feb 1893, rel. lives Leon Gto. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Campos, Jose, 6 Mar 1895, Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Cardenas, Fransito, 3 Nov 1897, rel. lives Ranchos d Sant. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Cardenas, Fransito, 3 Nov 1897, [card misfiled in G section] Kearny KS.
Cardenas Gutierrez, Fransito, 3 Nov 1897, rel. lives Ranchos d Sant. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Cardenas Gutierrez, Fransito, 3 Nov 1897, [card misfiled in G section] Kearny KS.
Collazo, Faytoso Solis, 8 Aug 1885, rel. lives Encarnacion d D Mexico, Kearny KS.
Contreras, Pedro, 1895, rel. lives Palmillas Mexico, Kearny KS.
Cordoza, Nicolas, 10 Sep 1895, rel. Santiago P. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Diaz, Pedro, 29 Jun 1898, rel. lives Santana del Conde Mexico, Kearny KS.
Esparza Ascencion, 17 May 1891, Coquilla Mexico, Kearny KS.
Esparza Lino, 28 May 1896, Cordero Chihula Mexico, Kearny KS.
Gonzalez Salvador, 28 Apr 1895, rel. lives Juarez Chihua. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Gonzalez Aguirre Salvador, 28 Apr 1895, rel. lives Juarez Chihua. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Gutierrez Feliciano, Jun 1894, citizen of Torrez Mexico, Kearny KS.
Gutierrez Fransito Cardenas, 3 Nov 1897 W rel. lives Ranchos d Sant. Mex. Kearny KS.
Gutierrez Samuel, 29 Mar 1895, Jangaucicuaro Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Hernandez Alberto, 1898, rel. lives Lagos de Moreno Mexico, Kearny KS.
Hernandez, Juan, 17 Oct 1900, rel. lives Genl. Alvarez Mexico, Kearny KS.
Hernandez, Manuel, 1897, rel. lives Aviode S. Monica Mexico, Kearny KS.
Lopes, Eusebio (Usebio), 14 Aug 1891, San Francisco Mexico, Kearny KS.
Lopes, Usebio, 14 Aug 1891, San Francisco Mexico, Kearny KS.
Lopez, Luis Marquez, 11 Oct 1872, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Luebano, Sebero, 1884, rel. lives Treocoldicke Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ochoa, Manuel, 25 Sep 1894, Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ochose, Manuel, 25 Sep 1894, Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Orasco, Vidal, abt 1893, Chigualelito Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ortega, Casimiro Bueno, 4 Mar 1884, rel. lives S. Jose d Grecia Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ortis, Nicolas, abt 1889, San Mora Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ortiz, Nicolas, abt 1889, San Mora Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ortiz, Victoriano, 24 Mar 1898, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Pallarez, Felipe, 13 Jun 1881, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Prieto, Felipe, 3 May 1891, rel. lives Nochistlan Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ramires, Julio, 16 Apr 1896, rel. lives Tercero del Ref. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Rincon, Pedro, 29 Mar 1897, rel. lives Pimico Gto. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Rivera, Jose, 18 Mar 1896, relative lives Mexico City Mexico, Kearny KS.
Robles Jose, 8 Aug 1890, Guehinica Zacatecas Mexico, Kearny KS.
Rodriguez, Jose, 2 Sep 1887, Aguascalientes Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ruiz, Jose, 3 Mar 1896, Panindicuno Mexico, Kearny KS.
Salazar, Manuel, 1894, Mexico City Mexico, Kearny KS.
Samora, Bisente, 1892, Salamonilla Gto. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Samora, Vicente, 1892, Salamonilla Gto. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Solis, Faytoso, 8 Aug 1885, rel. lives Encarnacion d D Mexico, Kearny KS.
Solis Collazo, Faytoso, 8 Aug 1885, rel. lives Encarnacion d D Mexico, Kearny KS.
Torres, Agustin, 27 Jul 1897, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Torres, Pedro, 19 Jun 1891, Salon Mexico, Kearny KS.
Vaca, Juan, Mar 1892, Guadalajara Mexico, Kearny KS.
Valenzuela, Manuel, 6 Jun 1885, citizen of Durango Mexico, Kearny KS.
Vigia, Rosendo, 1 Mar 1896, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Yvarra, Andreas, 20 Apr 1893, citizen of Guanajuato Mexico, Kearny KS.
Zepeda, Francisco, 6 Oct 1883, citizen of Guanajuato Mexico, Kearny KS.
Zepeda, Francisco, 6 Oct 1883, relative lives Romite Mexico, Kearny KS.
Greeley County Kansas.
Araiza, Francisco, 2 Jun 1887, La Piedad Michoacan Mexico, Greeley KS.
Garnez, Juan, 1896, R_____ Durango Mexico, Greeley KS.
Gonzalez, Dolores, 9 Jun 1891, T____ Guadale Mexico, Greeley KS.
Orepeza, Abaristo (Aberisto), Oct 1891, Passes Otia Jalisco Mexico, Greeley KS.
Ramos, Salome, Mar 1899, rel. lives Carlsbad New Mexico, Greeley KS.
Reynoza, Salino, 1886, mom in San Diego, Greeley KS.
Haskell County Kansas.
Alego, Felis, 19 Mar 1886, Jeres Zacatecas Mexico, Haskell KS.
Chavez, Manuel, 15 Jan 1883, El Oro Durango Mexico, Haskell KS.
Ciprez, Bartolo, 15 Aug 1892, rel. lives Villa Tacoma Mich. Mexico, Haskell KS.
Ciprez, Francis, 4 Oct 1886, rel. lives Villa Tacoma Mich. Mexico, Haskell KS.
Felis, Alego, 19 Mar 1886, Jeres Zacatecas Mexico, Haskell KS.
Garnez, Adelaido, 10 Aug 1898, citizen of Mexico, Haskell KS.
Gomez, Adelaido, 10 Aug 1898, citizen of Mexico, Haskell KS.
Palacio, Eduardo, 3 Aug 1886, rel. lives Picardaris Dur. Mexico,. Haskell KS.
Ramirez, Daniel, 15 May 1898, rel. lives Villeta Fel. Mexico, Haskell KS.
Revas, Francisco, 4 Jun 1888, Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Haskell KS.
Logan County Kansas.
Alejandre, Mateo, 21 Sep 1891, Churintzis Michoacan Mexico, Logan KS.
Cervantes, Juan, 24 Jun 1894, Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Logan KS.
Delgado, Lino, 11 Nov 1896, San Francisco Guanj. Mexico, Logan KS.
Garcia, Aurelio, Jul 1887, Numaran Michoacan Mexico, Logan KS.
Gonzalez, Pedro, 15 May 1892, Aguascalientes Aguas. Mexico, Logan KS.
Gutierrez, Mato, 22 Mar 1896, Silao Guanajuato Mexico, Logan KS.
Gutierrez, Miguel, 29 Sep 1890, Silao Guanajuato Mexico, Logan KS.
Jaramillo, Benjamin, 31 Mar 1895, S.Francisco d Rincon Mexico, Logan KS.
Lasaro, Sirilo, 15 Feb 1891, Carapa Michoacan Mexico, Logan KS.
Martines, John, 24 Nov 1881, citizen of Mexico, Logan KS.
Ogeda, Pedro, 29 Jun 1885,lives Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Logan KS.
Savalo, Jose, 19 Mar 1892, San Luis Potosi Mexico, Logan KS.
Trevino, Miguel, 23 Oct 1891, Torreon Mexico, Logan KS.
Valdes, Gonsal (Gonsalo), 20 Aug 1893, Torreon Mexico Logan KS.
Morton County Kansas.
Fernandez, Juan, 6 May 1894, Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Morton KS.
Jaime, Celso, 6 Apr 1894, Aguas Calientes Mexico, Morton KS.
Lopez, Santos, 5 Jul 1895, Cuernavaca? Mexico, Morton KS.
Perez, Juan, 5 Jun 1892, Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Morton KS.
Perez, Refugio, 4 Jul 1887, Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Morton KS.
Tacisito, Manuel, 5 Jul 1891, Cuernavaca Mexico, Morton KS.
Scott County Kansas.
Tacisito, Manuel, 5 Jul 1891, Cuernavaca Mexico, Morton KS.
Fernandez, William, 25 Jun 1899, citizen of Mexico Scott KS.
Garcia, Cerildo, 14 Aug 1892, Michoacan Chabina Mexico, Scott KS.
Garcia, Serildo, 14 Aug 1892, Michoacan Chabina Mexico, Scott KS.
Garcia, Tomas, 25 Sep 1892, Saynar Delgas Mexico, Scott KS.
Hierro, Flavio, 29 Aug 1887, Zacatecas Mexico, Scott KS.
Lopez, Manuel,1891, Saragosa Durango Mexico, Scott KS.
Lopez, Martin, 2 Jan 1889, San Juan San Juan Mexico, Scott KS.
Macias, Jose, 13 Apr 1892, citizen of Mexico, Scott KS.
Martinez, Pedro, 29 Jun 1894, Penkamo Guanajuato Mexico, Scott KS.
Melendez, Aurelio, 14 Jun 1891, S. Francisco Guanajuato Mexico, Scott KS.
Montes, Eustacio, 29 Mar 1889, Mexico City Mexico, Scott KS.
Nieto, Antonio, 13 Jun 1895, Saticoe Coahuilla Mexico, Scott KS.
Nuncio, Margarito, 22 Feb 1879, citizen of Mexico, Scott KS.
Padilla, Esteban, 2 Sep 1896, rel. lives Purepero Mexico, Scott KS.
Perez, Antioco, 12 Oct 1894, Guanajuato Mexico, Scott KS.
Persiado, Damasio, 1892, Mexico, Scott KS.
Ribera, Tomas,29 May 1899, citizen of Mexico, Scott KS.
Rios, Faustino, 1890, Durango Mexico, Scott KS.
Rivera, Juan, 24 Jun 1899, citizen of Mexico, Scott KS.
Rodriguez, Eduvigis, 17 Oct 1895, San Luis Potosi Mexico, Scott KS.
Rodriguez, Jose, 18 Mar 1895, Domingo San Predo Mexico, Scott KS.
Samaniego, Jesus, 11 Mar 1895, Torreon Coahuilla Mexico, Scott KS.
Seward County Kansas.
Agilera, Faustino, abt 1895, citizen of Mexico, Seward KS.
Aguilera, Faustino, abt 1895, citizen of Mexico, Seward KS.
Archibeque, Onofre, 24 Feb 1894, Las Vegas New Mexico, Seward KS.
Augerot, William Henry, 28 May 1888, San Marcial New Mexico, Seward KS.
Caudio, Juan Jan, 1898, rel. in Silao de la Victoria Mexico, Seward KS.
Cortes, Donaciano, 6 Sep 1889, Guanajuato Mexico, Seward KS.
Fapia, Presiliano, 5 Aug 1892, Cusieo de Elbor__ Mexico, Seward KS.
Forres, Braulio, 28 May 1888, Guanajuato Mexico, Seward KS.
Gonzalez, Jose, Mar 1893, Culiacan Mexico, Seward KS.
Guel, Marciano S., 2 Nov 1891, San Luis Potosi Mexico, Seward KS.
Gutieres, Juan, 24 Jul 1892, Boris de Gualalupe Mexico, Seward KS.
Harris, Calvin Lee, 22 Oct 1899, lives in Ft. Sumner New Mexico, Seward KS.
Hernandez, Antonio, 1 Feb 1888, Monelobo Coahuila Mexico, Seward KS.
Juarez, Milton, 10 Mar 1885, citizen of Mexico, Seward KS.
Rubio, Julio, 12 Dec 1891, Villoaldonia Mexico, Seward KS.
Saenz, Ygnacio Trebino, 25 May 1895, General Trebina N. Leon Mexico, Seward KS.
Salasar, Teofilo, 6 Feb 1890, Hda Talpa Mexico, Seward KS.
Salazar, Teofilo, 6 Feb 1890, Hda Talpa Mexico, Seward KS.
Saldana, Guadalupe, 12 Dec 1895, Balledo Santiago Mexico, Seward KS.
Torres, Braulio, 28 May 1888, Guanajuato Mexico, Seward KS.
Trebino, Ygnacio, 25 May 1895, General Trebina N. Leon Mexico Seward KS.
Trebino Saenz, Ygnacio, 25 May 1895, General Trebina N. Leon Mexico, Seward KS.
Trujillo, Apolonio, 9 Feb 1883, citizen of Mexico, Seward KS.
Trujillo, Francisco, 2 Apr 1885, relative lives Trementina New Mexico, Seward KS.
Stanton County Kansas.
Diaz, Nicolas, 4 Mar 1899, rel. lives Guadalajara Mexico, Stanton KS.
Garcia, Miguel, 1885, rel. lives Mexico City Mexico, Stanton KS.
Martinez, Moises, 1890, relative in Mexico City Mexico, Stanton KS.
Montelongo, Aurelio, 1896, relative lives Juarez Mexico, Stanton KS.
Salazar, Antonio, 1897, rel. lives Durango Durango Mexico, Stanton KS.
Stevens County Kansas.
Calderon, Pedro Garrett, 28 Jan 1898, rel. lives Torreon Coah. Mexico, Stevens KS.
Diosdado, Juaquin, 18 Apr 1896, rel. lives Yrapuato Mexico, Stevens KS.
Diosdado Moncada, Juaquin, 18 Apr 1896, rel. lives Yrapuato Mexico, Stevens KS.
Hereda, Ladislado, 25 Aug 1890, rel. lives Purepero Mexico, Stevens KS.
Hereda Negrete, Ladislado, 25 Aug 1890, rel. lives Purepero Mexico, Stevens KS.
Hernandez, Leonardo, 23 Jun 1889, rel. lives Pinos E Zacatecas Mexico, Stevens KS.
Moncada, Juaquin Diosdado, 18 Apr 1896, rel. lives Yrapuato Mexico, Stevens KS.
Murillo, Luis, 24 Jul 1895, rel. lives S. Francisco d R Mexico, Stevens KS.
Murillo Padilla, Luis, 24 Jul 1895, rel. lives S. Francisco d R Mexico, Stevens KS.
Negrete, Ladislado Hereda, 25 Aug 1890, rel. lives Purepero Mexico, Stevens KS.
Padilla, Luis Murillo, 24 Jul 1895, rel. lives S. Francisco d R Mexico, Stevens KS.
Pelgara, Juan Saragosa, 24 Jan 1884, rel. lives Negrete Purepero Mexico, Stevens KS.
Ramirez, Jose Ruis, 19 Mar 1892, rel. lives Guchipila Zacat. Mexico, Stevens KS.
Ruis, Jose, 19 Mar 1892, rel. lives Guchipila Zacat. Mexico, Stevens KS.
Ruis Ramirez, Jose, 19 Mar 1892, rel. lives Guchipila Zacat. Mexico, Stevens KS.
Saragosa, Juan, 24 Jan 1884, rel. lives Negrete Purepero Mexico, Stevens KS.
Saragosa Pelgara, Juan, 24 Jan 1884, rel. lives Negrete Purepero Mexico, Stevens KS.
Wallace County Kansas.
Gutierrez, Juan, 30 Dec 1890, Aguascalientes Mexico, Wallace KS.
Hernandez, Joaquin, 18 Aug 1888, Via del Refugio Mexico, Wallace KS.
The information will be their name, date of birth and place of birth and what county they sign up in.
Some men do not have birth locations listed because they registered on the final draft registration day in 1918 when this information was not recorded.
Microfilm copies of the original cards are maintained by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints (LDS...the Mormons). Researchers can probably order loaner copies of specific reels from Salt Lake City through requests at local LDS family history centers. Payment for mailing costs is required. Catalog subject heading: UNITED STATES -- MILITARY RECORDS -- WORLD WAR I [although these records are not actually military records]. Original cards are kept at the National Archives branch near Atlanta, Georgia.
The compiler has not abstracted the registrant's address, the name and address of next of kin, occupation, work address, general physical description and occasionally listed general description of a disability. Please consult the original card to verify all information.
County of Hamilton, Kansas.
Alvarez, Emilio C., 10 Jul 1894, rel. lives Ciudad Juarez Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Alvarez, Enrique C., 1 Jun 1888, rel. lives Ciudad Juarez Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Alvarez, Manuel C., (O.) 2 Mar 1900, rel. lives Ciudad Juarez Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Arellano, Rafel, abt 1887, Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Arias, Jesus, 10 Jun 1897, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Arias, Jose Maria, 6 Sep 1893, rel. lives Cuniseo d Abasala Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Arridondo, Ysabel, 8 Apr 1897, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Castillo, Jose Wenceslao, 9 Sep 1900, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Cerda, Valentin (Balentin), 1900, rel. lives S. Francisco d R Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Constante, Nemario, 2 Nov 1883, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Cordoba, Jose Hosea, 9 Mar 1896, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Cornejo, Ponposo, 19 Sep 1899, rel. lives Mesticacan Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Gacabo, Amado, 13 Sep 1885, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Garcia, Francisco,1 Oct 1873, Mexican; wife Garden City KS., Hamilton KS.
Gerrero, Victor, 5 May 1896, rel. lives Mexico City Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Gonsales, Juan,1883, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Gonzalez, Salvador (Salbador), 15 Sep 1893, Bella Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Guerrero, Pascual, 30 Jun 1888, Aguas Calientes Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Guerrero, Victor, 5 May 1896, rel. lives Mexico City Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Gutierrez, Juan, 24 Jun 1888, Launio Jalisco Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Gutierrez, Martin Mendoza, 17 Jul 1896, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Hernandez, Delfino G., 24 Dec 1894, Mexican; wife in Prowers CO, Hamilton KS.
Hernandez, Gregorio, 12 Mar 1883, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Herrera, Abraham, 16 Mar 1895, wife lives Corneo Mich. Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Herrera, Juan, 24 Jun 1896, rel. lives S. Francisco d R Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Hesalo, Amado, 13 Sep 1885, Mexican; card in G section, Hamilton KS.
Jimenez, Ruperto, 27 Mar 1879, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Lerma, Carlos, Feb 1898, rel. lives Tulimez Chichua. Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Lopez, Epitasio, 1893, rel. lives S. Francisco d R Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Lopez, Roberto, 17 Jun 1896, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Luna, Masimo, 20 Aug 1898, rel. lives Lagos de Mareno Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Luna, Narsiso de, Oct 1887, rel. in Gatos Tatiutilan Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Macias, Antonio, 13 Jun 1896, born & lives Leon Gto. Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Manroye, Manuel, 20 Oct 1888, Parsal Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Medrano, Juan, 15 Sep 1892, Achenchala Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Mendoz, Martin, 17 Jul 1896, Mexican; card in G section, Hamilton KS.
Mendoz Gutierrez, Martin, 17 Jul 1896, Mexican; card in G section, Hamilton KS.
Mesa, Demesio, 18 Jun 1893, relative lives Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Metendrea, Pablo, 1889, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Morales, Carlos, May 1892, lives in Zacatecas Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Morris, Fred Walter, 16 Jul 1899, relative lives Albuquerque New Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Nava, Julio, 12 Apr 1885, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Ojeda, Odilon, 1 Jan 1880, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Orduna, Francisco, 4 Oct 1892, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Ordunia, Francisco, 4 Oct 1892, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Piseno, Fortino, 12 Aug 1874, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Ramirez, Encarnacion, 19 Mar 1898, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Reubio, Kofas, 25 Sep 1895, San Pedro Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Rico, Felberto, 24 Aug 1890, wife lives Valle de Santiago Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Rodriguez, Eliseo, 19 Feb 1890, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Rodriguez, Jesus Maria, Jan 1893, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Rodriguez, Rafael ,Sep 1896, rel. lives Valle Valparaiso Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Sanchez, Miguel, 8 Jul 1885, rel. lives Laguna Grande Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Solario, Diego, 12 Sep 1898, citizen of Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Suarez, Pablo, 27 Jan 1890, born & lives Facubaya Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Trujillo, Juan F., 16 Jul 1888, Zacatecas Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Vravo, Jesus, 1900, rel. lives Haa__ho Mich. Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Zamora, Juan, 1893, rel. in San Luis Potosi Mexico, Hamilton KS.
Kearny County Kansas.
Abila, Pomposo, 19 Sep 1882, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Acosta, Anastacio, 12 Aug 1875, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Aguirre, Salvador Gonzalez, 28 Apr 1895, rel. lives Juarez Chihua. Mexico. Kearny KS.
Allala, Cliofas, abt 1879, rel. lives Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Kearny KS.
Aragon, Jose, 19 Mar 1888, Chihuahua Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ayala, Cliofas, abt 1879, rel. lives Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Kearny KS.
Baca, Lorenzo, 10 Aug 1897, rel. lives Juarez Chihuah. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Bermudez, Jesus, 20 Feb 1893, rel. lives Leon Gto. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Campos, Jose, 6 Mar 1895, Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Cardenas, Fransito, 3 Nov 1897, rel. lives Ranchos d Sant. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Cardenas, Fransito, 3 Nov 1897, [card misfiled in G section] Kearny KS.
Cardenas Gutierrez, Fransito, 3 Nov 1897, rel. lives Ranchos d Sant. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Cardenas Gutierrez, Fransito, 3 Nov 1897, [card misfiled in G section] Kearny KS.
Collazo, Faytoso Solis, 8 Aug 1885, rel. lives Encarnacion d D Mexico, Kearny KS.
Contreras, Pedro, 1895, rel. lives Palmillas Mexico, Kearny KS.
Cordoza, Nicolas, 10 Sep 1895, rel. Santiago P. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Diaz, Pedro, 29 Jun 1898, rel. lives Santana del Conde Mexico, Kearny KS.
Esparza Ascencion, 17 May 1891, Coquilla Mexico, Kearny KS.
Esparza Lino, 28 May 1896, Cordero Chihula Mexico, Kearny KS.
Gonzalez Salvador, 28 Apr 1895, rel. lives Juarez Chihua. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Gonzalez Aguirre Salvador, 28 Apr 1895, rel. lives Juarez Chihua. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Gutierrez Feliciano, Jun 1894, citizen of Torrez Mexico, Kearny KS.
Gutierrez Fransito Cardenas, 3 Nov 1897 W rel. lives Ranchos d Sant. Mex. Kearny KS.
Gutierrez Samuel, 29 Mar 1895, Jangaucicuaro Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Hernandez Alberto, 1898, rel. lives Lagos de Moreno Mexico, Kearny KS.
Hernandez, Juan, 17 Oct 1900, rel. lives Genl. Alvarez Mexico, Kearny KS.
Hernandez, Manuel, 1897, rel. lives Aviode S. Monica Mexico, Kearny KS.
Lopes, Eusebio (Usebio), 14 Aug 1891, San Francisco Mexico, Kearny KS.
Lopes, Usebio, 14 Aug 1891, San Francisco Mexico, Kearny KS.
Lopez, Luis Marquez, 11 Oct 1872, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Luebano, Sebero, 1884, rel. lives Treocoldicke Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ochoa, Manuel, 25 Sep 1894, Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ochose, Manuel, 25 Sep 1894, Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Orasco, Vidal, abt 1893, Chigualelito Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ortega, Casimiro Bueno, 4 Mar 1884, rel. lives S. Jose d Grecia Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ortis, Nicolas, abt 1889, San Mora Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ortiz, Nicolas, abt 1889, San Mora Mich. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ortiz, Victoriano, 24 Mar 1898, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Pallarez, Felipe, 13 Jun 1881, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Prieto, Felipe, 3 May 1891, rel. lives Nochistlan Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ramires, Julio, 16 Apr 1896, rel. lives Tercero del Ref. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Rincon, Pedro, 29 Mar 1897, rel. lives Pimico Gto. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Rivera, Jose, 18 Mar 1896, relative lives Mexico City Mexico, Kearny KS.
Robles Jose, 8 Aug 1890, Guehinica Zacatecas Mexico, Kearny KS.
Rodriguez, Jose, 2 Sep 1887, Aguascalientes Mexico, Kearny KS.
Ruiz, Jose, 3 Mar 1896, Panindicuno Mexico, Kearny KS.
Salazar, Manuel, 1894, Mexico City Mexico, Kearny KS.
Samora, Bisente, 1892, Salamonilla Gto. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Samora, Vicente, 1892, Salamonilla Gto. Mexico, Kearny KS.
Solis, Faytoso, 8 Aug 1885, rel. lives Encarnacion d D Mexico, Kearny KS.
Solis Collazo, Faytoso, 8 Aug 1885, rel. lives Encarnacion d D Mexico, Kearny KS.
Torres, Agustin, 27 Jul 1897, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Torres, Pedro, 19 Jun 1891, Salon Mexico, Kearny KS.
Vaca, Juan, Mar 1892, Guadalajara Mexico, Kearny KS.
Valenzuela, Manuel, 6 Jun 1885, citizen of Durango Mexico, Kearny KS.
Vigia, Rosendo, 1 Mar 1896, citizen of Mexico, Kearny KS.
Yvarra, Andreas, 20 Apr 1893, citizen of Guanajuato Mexico, Kearny KS.
Zepeda, Francisco, 6 Oct 1883, citizen of Guanajuato Mexico, Kearny KS.
Zepeda, Francisco, 6 Oct 1883, relative lives Romite Mexico, Kearny KS.
Greeley County Kansas.
Araiza, Francisco, 2 Jun 1887, La Piedad Michoacan Mexico, Greeley KS.
Garnez, Juan, 1896, R_____ Durango Mexico, Greeley KS.
Gonzalez, Dolores, 9 Jun 1891, T____ Guadale Mexico, Greeley KS.
Orepeza, Abaristo (Aberisto), Oct 1891, Passes Otia Jalisco Mexico, Greeley KS.
Ramos, Salome, Mar 1899, rel. lives Carlsbad New Mexico, Greeley KS.
Reynoza, Salino, 1886, mom in San Diego, Greeley KS.
Haskell County Kansas.
Alego, Felis, 19 Mar 1886, Jeres Zacatecas Mexico, Haskell KS.
Chavez, Manuel, 15 Jan 1883, El Oro Durango Mexico, Haskell KS.
Ciprez, Bartolo, 15 Aug 1892, rel. lives Villa Tacoma Mich. Mexico, Haskell KS.
Ciprez, Francis, 4 Oct 1886, rel. lives Villa Tacoma Mich. Mexico, Haskell KS.
Felis, Alego, 19 Mar 1886, Jeres Zacatecas Mexico, Haskell KS.
Garnez, Adelaido, 10 Aug 1898, citizen of Mexico, Haskell KS.
Gomez, Adelaido, 10 Aug 1898, citizen of Mexico, Haskell KS.
Palacio, Eduardo, 3 Aug 1886, rel. lives Picardaris Dur. Mexico,. Haskell KS.
Ramirez, Daniel, 15 May 1898, rel. lives Villeta Fel. Mexico, Haskell KS.
Revas, Francisco, 4 Jun 1888, Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Haskell KS.
Logan County Kansas.
Alejandre, Mateo, 21 Sep 1891, Churintzis Michoacan Mexico, Logan KS.
Cervantes, Juan, 24 Jun 1894, Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Logan KS.
Delgado, Lino, 11 Nov 1896, San Francisco Guanj. Mexico, Logan KS.
Garcia, Aurelio, Jul 1887, Numaran Michoacan Mexico, Logan KS.
Gonzalez, Pedro, 15 May 1892, Aguascalientes Aguas. Mexico, Logan KS.
Gutierrez, Mato, 22 Mar 1896, Silao Guanajuato Mexico, Logan KS.
Gutierrez, Miguel, 29 Sep 1890, Silao Guanajuato Mexico, Logan KS.
Jaramillo, Benjamin, 31 Mar 1895, S.Francisco d Rincon Mexico, Logan KS.
Lasaro, Sirilo, 15 Feb 1891, Carapa Michoacan Mexico, Logan KS.
Martines, John, 24 Nov 1881, citizen of Mexico, Logan KS.
Ogeda, Pedro, 29 Jun 1885,lives Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Logan KS.
Savalo, Jose, 19 Mar 1892, San Luis Potosi Mexico, Logan KS.
Trevino, Miguel, 23 Oct 1891, Torreon Mexico, Logan KS.
Valdes, Gonsal (Gonsalo), 20 Aug 1893, Torreon Mexico Logan KS.
Morton County Kansas.
Fernandez, Juan, 6 May 1894, Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Morton KS.
Jaime, Celso, 6 Apr 1894, Aguas Calientes Mexico, Morton KS.
Lopez, Santos, 5 Jul 1895, Cuernavaca? Mexico, Morton KS.
Perez, Juan, 5 Jun 1892, Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Morton KS.
Perez, Refugio, 4 Jul 1887, Leon Guanajuato Mexico, Morton KS.
Tacisito, Manuel, 5 Jul 1891, Cuernavaca Mexico, Morton KS.
Scott County Kansas.
Tacisito, Manuel, 5 Jul 1891, Cuernavaca Mexico, Morton KS.
Fernandez, William, 25 Jun 1899, citizen of Mexico Scott KS.
Garcia, Cerildo, 14 Aug 1892, Michoacan Chabina Mexico, Scott KS.
Garcia, Serildo, 14 Aug 1892, Michoacan Chabina Mexico, Scott KS.
Garcia, Tomas, 25 Sep 1892, Saynar Delgas Mexico, Scott KS.
Hierro, Flavio, 29 Aug 1887, Zacatecas Mexico, Scott KS.
Lopez, Manuel,1891, Saragosa Durango Mexico, Scott KS.
Lopez, Martin, 2 Jan 1889, San Juan San Juan Mexico, Scott KS.
Macias, Jose, 13 Apr 1892, citizen of Mexico, Scott KS.
Martinez, Pedro, 29 Jun 1894, Penkamo Guanajuato Mexico, Scott KS.
Melendez, Aurelio, 14 Jun 1891, S. Francisco Guanajuato Mexico, Scott KS.
Montes, Eustacio, 29 Mar 1889, Mexico City Mexico, Scott KS.
Nieto, Antonio, 13 Jun 1895, Saticoe Coahuilla Mexico, Scott KS.
Nuncio, Margarito, 22 Feb 1879, citizen of Mexico, Scott KS.
Padilla, Esteban, 2 Sep 1896, rel. lives Purepero Mexico, Scott KS.
Perez, Antioco, 12 Oct 1894, Guanajuato Mexico, Scott KS.
Persiado, Damasio, 1892, Mexico, Scott KS.
Ribera, Tomas,29 May 1899, citizen of Mexico, Scott KS.
Rios, Faustino, 1890, Durango Mexico, Scott KS.
Rivera, Juan, 24 Jun 1899, citizen of Mexico, Scott KS.
Rodriguez, Eduvigis, 17 Oct 1895, San Luis Potosi Mexico, Scott KS.
Rodriguez, Jose, 18 Mar 1895, Domingo San Predo Mexico, Scott KS.
Samaniego, Jesus, 11 Mar 1895, Torreon Coahuilla Mexico, Scott KS.
Seward County Kansas.
Agilera, Faustino, abt 1895, citizen of Mexico, Seward KS.
Aguilera, Faustino, abt 1895, citizen of Mexico, Seward KS.
Archibeque, Onofre, 24 Feb 1894, Las Vegas New Mexico, Seward KS.
Augerot, William Henry, 28 May 1888, San Marcial New Mexico, Seward KS.
Caudio, Juan Jan, 1898, rel. in Silao de la Victoria Mexico, Seward KS.
Cortes, Donaciano, 6 Sep 1889, Guanajuato Mexico, Seward KS.
Fapia, Presiliano, 5 Aug 1892, Cusieo de Elbor__ Mexico, Seward KS.
Forres, Braulio, 28 May 1888, Guanajuato Mexico, Seward KS.
Gonzalez, Jose, Mar 1893, Culiacan Mexico, Seward KS.
Guel, Marciano S., 2 Nov 1891, San Luis Potosi Mexico, Seward KS.
Gutieres, Juan, 24 Jul 1892, Boris de Gualalupe Mexico, Seward KS.
Harris, Calvin Lee, 22 Oct 1899, lives in Ft. Sumner New Mexico, Seward KS.
Hernandez, Antonio, 1 Feb 1888, Monelobo Coahuila Mexico, Seward KS.
Juarez, Milton, 10 Mar 1885, citizen of Mexico, Seward KS.
Rubio, Julio, 12 Dec 1891, Villoaldonia Mexico, Seward KS.
Saenz, Ygnacio Trebino, 25 May 1895, General Trebina N. Leon Mexico, Seward KS.
Salasar, Teofilo, 6 Feb 1890, Hda Talpa Mexico, Seward KS.
Salazar, Teofilo, 6 Feb 1890, Hda Talpa Mexico, Seward KS.
Saldana, Guadalupe, 12 Dec 1895, Balledo Santiago Mexico, Seward KS.
Torres, Braulio, 28 May 1888, Guanajuato Mexico, Seward KS.
Trebino, Ygnacio, 25 May 1895, General Trebina N. Leon Mexico Seward KS.
Trebino Saenz, Ygnacio, 25 May 1895, General Trebina N. Leon Mexico, Seward KS.
Trujillo, Apolonio, 9 Feb 1883, citizen of Mexico, Seward KS.
Trujillo, Francisco, 2 Apr 1885, relative lives Trementina New Mexico, Seward KS.
Stanton County Kansas.
Diaz, Nicolas, 4 Mar 1899, rel. lives Guadalajara Mexico, Stanton KS.
Garcia, Miguel, 1885, rel. lives Mexico City Mexico, Stanton KS.
Martinez, Moises, 1890, relative in Mexico City Mexico, Stanton KS.
Montelongo, Aurelio, 1896, relative lives Juarez Mexico, Stanton KS.
Salazar, Antonio, 1897, rel. lives Durango Durango Mexico, Stanton KS.
Stevens County Kansas.
Calderon, Pedro Garrett, 28 Jan 1898, rel. lives Torreon Coah. Mexico, Stevens KS.
Diosdado, Juaquin, 18 Apr 1896, rel. lives Yrapuato Mexico, Stevens KS.
Diosdado Moncada, Juaquin, 18 Apr 1896, rel. lives Yrapuato Mexico, Stevens KS.
Hereda, Ladislado, 25 Aug 1890, rel. lives Purepero Mexico, Stevens KS.
Hereda Negrete, Ladislado, 25 Aug 1890, rel. lives Purepero Mexico, Stevens KS.
Hernandez, Leonardo, 23 Jun 1889, rel. lives Pinos E Zacatecas Mexico, Stevens KS.
Moncada, Juaquin Diosdado, 18 Apr 1896, rel. lives Yrapuato Mexico, Stevens KS.
Murillo, Luis, 24 Jul 1895, rel. lives S. Francisco d R Mexico, Stevens KS.
Murillo Padilla, Luis, 24 Jul 1895, rel. lives S. Francisco d R Mexico, Stevens KS.
Negrete, Ladislado Hereda, 25 Aug 1890, rel. lives Purepero Mexico, Stevens KS.
Padilla, Luis Murillo, 24 Jul 1895, rel. lives S. Francisco d R Mexico, Stevens KS.
Pelgara, Juan Saragosa, 24 Jan 1884, rel. lives Negrete Purepero Mexico, Stevens KS.
Ramirez, Jose Ruis, 19 Mar 1892, rel. lives Guchipila Zacat. Mexico, Stevens KS.
Ruis, Jose, 19 Mar 1892, rel. lives Guchipila Zacat. Mexico, Stevens KS.
Ruis Ramirez, Jose, 19 Mar 1892, rel. lives Guchipila Zacat. Mexico, Stevens KS.
Saragosa, Juan, 24 Jan 1884, rel. lives Negrete Purepero Mexico, Stevens KS.
Saragosa Pelgara, Juan, 24 Jan 1884, rel. lives Negrete Purepero Mexico, Stevens KS.
Wallace County Kansas.
Gutierrez, Juan, 30 Dec 1890, Aguascalientes Mexico, Wallace KS.
Hernandez, Joaquin, 18 Aug 1888, Via del Refugio Mexico, Wallace KS.
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