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Gen John Breckinridge Castleman.
Birth: Jun. 30, 1841, Lexington. Fayette County, Kentucky.
Death: May 23, 1918, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.
Parents: David Castleman (1786 - 1852), Virginia H Harrison Castleman (1806 - 1895).
Wife; Alice Osmond Barbee Castleman (1842 - 1926).
Children: David Castleman (1869 - 1911), Blsie Castleman Railey (1871 - 1938), Breckinridge Castleman (1874 - 1912), Kenneth Galleher Castleman (1876 - 1954)
Anna Cabell Castleman Tandy (1825 - 1890),Virginia Castleman Breckinridge (1827 - 1903), Lewis Castleman (1829 - 1905), Robert Harrison Castleman (1831 - 1852), David Castleman (1834 - 1907), Mary Ann Castleman Webb (1836 - 1902), John Breckinridge Castleman (1841 - 1918), Humphreys Castleman (1843 - 1907), Fannie Castleman Eastin (1844 - 1912), Sarah Belle Castleman Carroll (1846 - 1913), George A Castleman (1847 - 1896).
Burial: Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky.
Civil War and Spanish-American War figure. In 1864 he participated in the Northwest Conspiracy, a failed attempt to free Confederate prisoners of war from Camp Douglas near Chicago. Led guerrilla force to burn supply boats at St. Louis wharf.
He was captured in Indiana in 1864 and was sentenced to death and spared only at the personal intercession of president Abraham Lincoln. After Lincoln's assasination, Castleman was deported to France, returning to Louisville, Kentucky in late 1866 after a pardon from president Andrew Johnson.
In 1878, he revived the Louisville Legion of the Kentucky Militia. Appointed adjutant general of Kentucky in 1883. In 1898, Castleman led the 1st Kentucky Volunteer Militia in the invasion of Puerto Rico during the Spanish-American War. He later served as the islands military governor.
History from Confederate Operations in Canada and New York.
1864. |
Capt. John B. Castleman is a member of the firm of Barbee & Castleman, which has represented the Royal Insurance Company of Liverpool, for all the Southern States since the war. He was colonel of the Louisville Legion for many years, and twice Adjutant-General of Kentucky.
Colonel Castleman commanded the Louisville Legion in the Spanish American war, serving on the expedition of General Nelson A. Miles in Porto Rico. On his return from Porto Rico, Colonel Castleman was commissioned a brigadier-general by President McKinley. General Castleman has been president of the Board of Park Commissioners of Louisville since the creation of the board. Resides at Louisville, 1906.