Authors note. The last name of the information given is either the Great-great -grandson or Great-grandson.
Ashby, John, born in Virginia in 1707, died in Virginia, 1797. He was captain in Col. Thomas Marshall's regiment, the 3rd Virginia foot, on March 18, 1776; was wounded at the battle of Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777; was Major of militia, 1780-81. Parker, James Cooper.
Austin, John, born in Virginia, 1736, died near Oldhamburg, Oldham County, Ky., Oct. 5, 1845. He served the entire period of the War in the Regiment of the Virginia Line commanded by General Daniel Morgan, known as Morgan's Sharp-Shooters or Riflemen. Gathright, Owen.
Bell, John, was born in Chester County, Pa., died near Louisville, Ky., March 10, 1831. Ensign, 6th Virginia, 26th February', 1776; 2nd Lieutenant, 28th December, 1776; severely wounded at Brandywine, 11th September, 1777. Sea, Andrew McBrayer, Jr.
Butler, Pierce (or Percival), was born in Carlisle, Pa., April 4, 1760, died in CarroUton, Ky., Sept. 9, 1821. Was commissioned First Lieutenant 3rd Pennsylvania Regiment, under Col. Thomas Craig, Sept. 1, 1777. With this regiment through campaigns of 1778, '79, '80, '81, '82. Was at siege of Yorktown on Gen. La Fayette's staff and received handsome sword from La Fayette after the surrender of CornwaUis. Jan. 1, 1783, transferred to 2nd Pennsylvania. Sept. 23, 1783, joined 1st Pennsylvania with which he remained to close of War. Butler, Pierce.
Caldwell, John, born in 1748, died in Columbia, Ky., June 11, 1829, was soldier of the Virginia Line on Continental Establishment. Caldwell, John Payne.
Carnine (or Canine), Peter, born in New Jersey, 1752, died in Shelby County, Ky., 1839. Was a sergeant in the New Jersey Line, also in Continental Arniy. He was placed on the United States Pension Rolls, Sept. 24, 1833. Canine. Dr. Robert Fulton.
Churchill, Armistead, born in Middlesex County, Va., Nov. 25, 1733, died in Jefferson County, Ky., 1795. Was Colonel of 2nd Battalion of the Faquier Co. Militia on May 25, 1778. Caldwell, John Payne.
Clark, Jonathan, born Aug. 1, 1750, O. S., died Nov. 25, 1811. Was Captain 8th Virginia, 23rd January, 1776; Major 12th Virginia, 10th January, 1778; Regiment designated 8th Virginia, 14th September, 1778; Lieutenant Colonel, 10th May, 1779; taken prisoner at Charleston, 12th May, 1780, and was a prisoner on parole to close of war. Jungbluth, Karl, Jr.
Carter, Joseph, born in Virginia, Dec. 20, 1760, died in Kentucky, Aug. 20, 1846; enlisted in August, 1777, served four years to September, 1781, as private in the 2nd, 11th and 15th Virginia regiments, taken prisoner at battle of Charleston. Wilson, Joseph Nicholas.
Dawson, Jeremiah, born in Bedford County, Va., May 30, 1763, died in Hart County, Ky., Feb. 10, 1846. Enlisted as private in company of Captain Robert Watkins, Virginia Volunteers at the age of 17. At Battle of Guilford, N. C, March 15, 1781. Dawson, Roe Adophus.
Fox, Benjamin, born in Grafton County, N. H., about 1760, died there in 1834. Private in Capt. Smith Emerson's Company on Seavey's Island, Nov. 5, 1775. In Capt. Mark Wiggins Company in Col. Long's Regiment, Dec. 7, 1776. Holstein, Otto.
Grant, John, Sr., born in Scotland, 1725. He was a private in Captain Brevard's Company, enlisting in 1782, and served 18 months, 10th Regiment. Grant, Raymond.
Grant, John, Jr., born in North Carolina, Jan. 30, 1755. Served as Private, and drew a pension. Grant, Raymond.
Gray, George, was born in Stafford County, Virginia, 1739, died in Louisville, Ky., Dec. 3, 1823. Was ensign in 1776, Lieutenant in 4th Continental Dragoons, Jan. 10, 1777. December, 1777, he raised and equipped at his own expense a company for the 3rd Regiment of Virginia, resigned May 1, 1780. Besides serving afterward he gave liberally of his means (some .$85,000.00) to the cause. Was member of the Order of the Cincirmati. Gray, Norborne Russel.
Martin, Joseph, was born in Goochland County, Va., 1740, died in Henry County, Dec. 18, 1808. On Feb. 17, 1779, appointed Major of a battalion of Volunteer MDitia to be used against the Cherokee Indians in Western North Carolina and east Tennessee. Robertson, Archibald Thomas.
Puryear, Jesse, born in Virginia and died in Green County, Ky., 1783 Was a private in the Third Continental Regiment Virginia Infantry and served from early m 1776 constantly and continuously until discharged honorably from further service at Chesterfield Court House on the 22nd day of October, 1780. Puryear, Emmet Vance.
Rodman, Hugh, was in 1st Battalion, 2nd Company, Northumberland County Militia, Col. John Kelly, May 1, 1778. Was a "Ranger of the Frontier" from Northumberland County, from 1778-1783; part of the time in James Thompson's Company. Rodman, Hilary Drury.
Thomson, John, was member Captain Joseph Meeker's Company, 1st New Jersey Regiment, commanded by Right Hon. William, Earl of Stirling. His name appears on a roll of that organization from Nov. 1, 1775, to Jan. 11, 1776, which shows that he enlisted Nov. 20, 1775, and on roll of Capt. Elias Longstreet's Company, same regiment from Oct. 29, 1775, to Jan. 12, 1776, which shows that he enlisted Nov. 12, 1775, as a private. Thomson, Archibald Eugene.
Walker, Seth, born in Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 29, 1756, died in Derry N. H., Oct. 8, 1838. On hearing of Battle of Bunker Hill, marched with number of others from Portsmouth to Charlestown, and afterwards to Dorchester. Took part in the siege of Boston. Returned to Portsmouth and was stationed at Fort Constitution, New Castle, where he remained some two years, first as sergeant and afterwards Lieutenant of Artillery subsequently was appointed Captain of Marines. Hartwell, Samuel Adams, 2nd. Hartwell, Samuel Adams, 3rd.
Whitley, William, was born in Augusta County, Va., Aug. 14, 1749, and died Oct. 5, 1813. He was in Bowman's Expedition 1779, in the Illinois Cam- paign as a private under George Rogers Clark. Whitley, Andrew Graham.
Woodruff, Enos, born in Elizabeth, Essex County, N. J., 1749, died there 1821. Served in the Essex County, New Jersey, Militia for a period of six months. Woodruff, George Ezra.