Here I have given the names of the prisoners that were shot and the names of who shot them. I have the reports of the shootings. I know some would like to know why their ancestor would shot a prisoner, and the ancestors of the prisoners would like to know why they were being shot.
If you see a name of interests and would like a report can request it at the following.
1. Richard Peterson, Thirty-sixth U. S. Colonel Troops. Shot, Mark Lisk, a prisoner of war.
2. Private Miles Holloway, Company F, Thirty-sixth U. S. Colonel Troops. Shot, William Jones, Second Virginia.
3. Richards Kendrick, Company C, One hundred and eighth Regiment U. S. Colored Infantry. Shot, C. W. Graham or John Stevens.
4.John H. Smith, of Company C, One hundred and eighth Regiment U. S. Colored Infantry. Shot, C. W. Graham or John Stevens.
5. George Rice, Company K, Seventy-fourth U. S. Colored Troops. Shot J. C. Dunclin, of Lockhart's battalion
6. Private Samuel Hendeson, Company C, Fifth Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. Shot George T. Douglass.
7. George Mudge, Company A, Invalid Corps Regiment. Shot Goacin Arcemant.
8. John Deakyne, Company F, Ninth Delaware Volunteers. Shot John H. Bibb, Charlottesville Artillery, Cutshaw's Virginia battalion.
9. Miller Wilson, Company A, Fifteenth Regiment, Invalid Corps. Shot William L. Pope, Ninth Tennessee Cavalry,
10. George Spencer, private Company K, Sixteenth Michigan Infantry. Shot William McClelland, Company F, Fifty-eighth Alabama.
11. Lewis Price, private, Company A, Second Missouri Infantry. Shot T. J. Smith, private, Company B, Fifth Georgia.
12. Prison guard. Shot Thomas M. Tyree, private. Company D, Nineteenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery.
13. Newell Sanford, of Company A, Eighth Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps. Shot William A. Chance, Company A, Thirty - third Alabama Regiment.
14. John Deakyne, Company F, Ninth Delaware Volunteers. Shot John H. Bibb, Charlottesville Artillery, Cutshaw's Virginia battalion.
15. Prison guard. Shot Thomas M. Tyree, private. Company D, Nineteenth Battalion Virginia Heavy Artillery.
16. Peter Cowherd, private Company C, One hundred and eighth Regiment U. S. Colored Infantry. Shot John P. McClanahan.
17. Granville Garland, sentinel. Shot A. P. Potts.
18. Edwin Young, Company A, Second Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers. Shot prisoners.
19. John W. White, private of Company D, Fifteenth Regiment Invalid Corps. Shot a prisoner.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Friday, February 04, 2011
The Shooting Of Henry Hupman, Twentieth Virginia Cavalry.
Camp Chase, Ohio, January 17, 1864.
Colonel W. WALLACE, Commanding Camp Chase:
COLONEL: According to your order received I have the honor to make the following statement: On the night of December 19, 1863, between the hours of 10 and 12 p. m., I was ascending the stairs of the parapet round prison Numbers 2, when I heard to discharge of a musket. Inspecting the different sentinels around the parapet, I came to a man, Private F. Allen, Twelfth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, who told me that he had ordered, in a loud voice, the persons in mess Numbers 10, prison 1, to extinguish the light inside, but not being obeyed, after repeated calls, he fired off his piece into the building and wounded one man in the arm, named Henry Hupman, Twentieth Virginia Cavalry, Company E. He was put directly under treatment of the surgeon in charge of the prison hospital, but whilst amputating his arm, several days afterward, he died. As sad as this case may be, to wound a perhaps innocent man, by a soldier who obeys his order, it has proved to be a most excellent lesson, very much needed in that prison--Numbers 1--as the rebel officers confined in that prison showed frequently before a disposition to disobey the orders given to them by our men on duty. They have since charged their minds and obey.
I am, colonel, yours, very respectfully,
Lieutenant Colonel Seventh Regiment Invalid Corps, Asst. Comdt. of Prison.
Washington, D. C., March 17, 1864.
Honorable E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War, Washington, D. C.:
SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith a report received from Colonel W. P. Richardson, commanding Camp Chase, of the shooting of five prisoners by the guard at that camp.
On the 15th of January, as soon as I heard of these transactions, I called on Colonel Wallace, commanding Camp Chase, for a full report of the several cases, which was received January 25, but being unsatisfactory, as coming from subordinate officers, and not going sufficiently into details, I directed him to investigate the cases fully and report all the particulars in his own name. He was relieved from command of the camp before the order could be executed and the duty has been performed by Colonel Richardson, the present commander. The apprehensions which prevailed at the time of a revolt of the prisoners justified a more than usual severity in enforcing orders by the guard, and three of the cases seem to have sufficient justification; but in the two cases where the sentinel fired into the barracks in consequence of a light in the stove, the circumstances were not such as to justify such harsh measures, though the sentinels seem only to have obeyed their orders.
The most censurable feature in these several cases is the fact that a prisoner, Henry Hupman, who was wounded about 9 o'clock in the evening, was suffered to lie in his bed bleeding for half an hour before permission was given to burn a candle, while his mess mates bound up the wound, and then it was 11 o'clock the next morning before the surgeon in charge dressed his wounds. This was a gross neglect of duty by the commanding officer, the officer of the day, and the surgeon in charge. Colonel W. Wallace, Fifteenth Ohio, was the commander of the camp at the time, though he had placed Lieutenant Colonel A. H. Poten in the immediate command of the prisoners, and the guard acted under his orders. The name of the officer of the day is not reported. Dr. G. W. Fitzpatrick, acting assistant surgeon, was the surgeon in charge, and for this neglect I respectfully recommend that Lieutenant-Colonel Poten and the officer of the day, if he can be found, be brought to trial for their misconduct, and that Doctor Fitzpatrick, if he knew of the wounding of the prisoner at the time, be discharged from the service.
I have the honor to submit also the first report received from Colonel Wallace. Lieutenant-Colonel Poten states, in the case of Hupman, that he was "put directly under treatment of the surgeon in charge of the prison hospital," while the surgeon, Doctor Fitzpatrick, states that he did not see the wounded man until the following morning at 11 o'clock when making his regular visit.
To meet such cases in future I have given instructions that whenever a prisoner is shot by a sentinel a board of officers will be immediately ordered to investigate the case and make a full report of all the particulars, which is to be forwarded by the commanding officer with his remarks to this office, and I have at the same time requested that both the guard and the prisoners be made fully acquainted with the orders by which they are to be governed.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel Third Infantry and Commissary-General of Prisoners
Henry Hupman, private, Company C, Twentieth Virginia Cavalry, on the night of 19th of December, 1863, was wounded in the arm by a shot fired by a sentinel on the parapet named Frank Allen, private, Twelfth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry.
This case is similar to the last one, the sentinel firing into the building because he saw a light, which was not put out at his warning, the ball striking the prisoner, inflicting a severe wound in the arm, and of which he afterward died. The statement of Surg. G. W. Fitzpatrick shows that the wounded men received all they could be given them; indeed, all the wounds appear to have been mortal. The sentinel, Allen, is a deserter and his testimony cannot be procured. The affidavit of the sergeant of the guard on the night of the occurrence, A. J. Russell, Twelfth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, is forwarded herewith.
CAMP CHASE, OHIO, March 8, 1864.
Colonel RICHARDSON, Commanding Camp Chase, Ohio:
SIR: I have the honor to report that about 11 o'clock a. m. 16th of December, 1863, while making my regular visit to Prison Numbers 1, as surgeon in charge of prison, I was called to see one Henry Hupman, private, Company C, Twentieth Virginia [Cavalry], whom I found pale and nervous from the effect of a gunshot wound of right arm. Patient stated that he was shot by sentinel on parapet about 9 o'clock p. m. 15th instant while lying in bed; hemorrhage was quite profuse and was not arrested for nearly half an hour, when his associates finally obtained permission to have alight for fifteen minutes, during which time they succeeded in arresting the flow of blood.
The quarters being considerably crowded, and not being prepared, to dress the wound, I ordered him to hospital immediately, and visited him in the afternoon of same day and found, on examination, that the ball entered the forearm, slightly fracturing the inner border of olecranon process of ulna, passed through elbow joint up the arm under inner border of biceps into shoulder, where it was lost, not being able to trace it farther. Not knowing where ball might be found, it was not thought best to use cutting instruments for ascertaining its whereabouts or amputating at shoulder joint. From the weakness of pulse and other symptoms I was led to believe that the ball might have penetrated into the bones of thorax.
Simple dressing was applied, stimulants supplied, and the patient put to bed. September 17, pulse feeble, tongue dry and brown, sordes on teeth. Continued stimulants and used disinfectants freely. Erysipelas being in the hospital, antiseptics were applied. Eighteenth, mortification was just manifesting itself; treatment continued, and Surgeons McFadden, Swingley, and Abraham were called in council. It was not thought prudent to amputate; patient died about 4 o'clock p. m. same day.
Statement of G. W. Cavendish, Company C, Twenty-second Virginia Infantry (prisoner of war), in the case of the shooting of Henry Hupman, prisoner of war.
I was acquainted with Hupman, the prisoner who was shot. He was in the same mess that I was. I think it was in December, 1863, when he was shot.
I think it was about an hour and a half after the guard hallooed "lights out" that Hupman was shot. I did not hear the guard call "lights out" after we put the candle out. We had no candle burning at the time Hupman was shot. Hupman, myself, and one man was in the bunk together when he was shot. The ball passed through the mess door, hitting Hupman's elbow, and lodged in his right shoulder. I think he lived about twenty-four hours after he was shot. We all knew that it was contrary to the prison rules to have lights or any disturbance after 9 o'clock. This is all I know about the case.
Company C, Twenty-second Virginia Infty., Prison 1, Mess. 10.
Statement of J. G. Nance, M. D., Company I, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry (prisoner of war), in the case of the shooting of Henry Hupman, prisoner of war.
I belong to Company I, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. Said Hupman was a mess mate of mine at the time he was shot. I was in my bunk asleep at the time the shot was fired and was awakened by my cousin a few minutes afterward to dress the wound. It was some time before I could get permission from the sentinel to light a candle to dress the wound, during which time he bled profusely. The shot passed through the door-shutter and entered the forearm, passing over the olecranon process, cutting one of the large arteries of the arm and lodging near the head of the humerus. I succeeded in stopping the bleeding. I do not think that any of the bones of the arm were broken. Doctor Fitzpatrick came in the next morning and examined the wound.
Hupman was taken out late the next evening to the hospital, up to which time he seemed tolerably comfortable, being able to walk to the hospital. The ball was not taken from his arm while I staid with him. I think if the ball had been taken from his arm as soon as he was shot and the proper medical attention given him he would have recovered.
This is about all I know concerning his case, as I before said that I was asleep at the time he was shot.
J. G. NANCE, M. D.,
Private, Company I, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry.
Camp Chase, Ohio, January 17, 1864.
Colonel W. WALLACE, Commanding Camp Chase:
COLONEL: According to your order received I have the honor to make the following statement: On the night of December 19, 1863, between the hours of 10 and 12 p. m., I was ascending the stairs of the parapet round prison Numbers 2, when I heard to discharge of a musket. Inspecting the different sentinels around the parapet, I came to a man, Private F. Allen, Twelfth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, who told me that he had ordered, in a loud voice, the persons in mess Numbers 10, prison 1, to extinguish the light inside, but not being obeyed, after repeated calls, he fired off his piece into the building and wounded one man in the arm, named Henry Hupman, Twentieth Virginia Cavalry, Company E. He was put directly under treatment of the surgeon in charge of the prison hospital, but whilst amputating his arm, several days afterward, he died. As sad as this case may be, to wound a perhaps innocent man, by a soldier who obeys his order, it has proved to be a most excellent lesson, very much needed in that prison--Numbers 1--as the rebel officers confined in that prison showed frequently before a disposition to disobey the orders given to them by our men on duty. They have since charged their minds and obey.
I am, colonel, yours, very respectfully,
Lieutenant Colonel Seventh Regiment Invalid Corps, Asst. Comdt. of Prison.
Washington, D. C., March 17, 1864.
Honorable E. M. STANTON, Secretary of War, Washington, D. C.:
SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith a report received from Colonel W. P. Richardson, commanding Camp Chase, of the shooting of five prisoners by the guard at that camp.
On the 15th of January, as soon as I heard of these transactions, I called on Colonel Wallace, commanding Camp Chase, for a full report of the several cases, which was received January 25, but being unsatisfactory, as coming from subordinate officers, and not going sufficiently into details, I directed him to investigate the cases fully and report all the particulars in his own name. He was relieved from command of the camp before the order could be executed and the duty has been performed by Colonel Richardson, the present commander. The apprehensions which prevailed at the time of a revolt of the prisoners justified a more than usual severity in enforcing orders by the guard, and three of the cases seem to have sufficient justification; but in the two cases where the sentinel fired into the barracks in consequence of a light in the stove, the circumstances were not such as to justify such harsh measures, though the sentinels seem only to have obeyed their orders.
The most censurable feature in these several cases is the fact that a prisoner, Henry Hupman, who was wounded about 9 o'clock in the evening, was suffered to lie in his bed bleeding for half an hour before permission was given to burn a candle, while his mess mates bound up the wound, and then it was 11 o'clock the next morning before the surgeon in charge dressed his wounds. This was a gross neglect of duty by the commanding officer, the officer of the day, and the surgeon in charge. Colonel W. Wallace, Fifteenth Ohio, was the commander of the camp at the time, though he had placed Lieutenant Colonel A. H. Poten in the immediate command of the prisoners, and the guard acted under his orders. The name of the officer of the day is not reported. Dr. G. W. Fitzpatrick, acting assistant surgeon, was the surgeon in charge, and for this neglect I respectfully recommend that Lieutenant-Colonel Poten and the officer of the day, if he can be found, be brought to trial for their misconduct, and that Doctor Fitzpatrick, if he knew of the wounding of the prisoner at the time, be discharged from the service.
I have the honor to submit also the first report received from Colonel Wallace. Lieutenant-Colonel Poten states, in the case of Hupman, that he was "put directly under treatment of the surgeon in charge of the prison hospital," while the surgeon, Doctor Fitzpatrick, states that he did not see the wounded man until the following morning at 11 o'clock when making his regular visit.
To meet such cases in future I have given instructions that whenever a prisoner is shot by a sentinel a board of officers will be immediately ordered to investigate the case and make a full report of all the particulars, which is to be forwarded by the commanding officer with his remarks to this office, and I have at the same time requested that both the guard and the prisoners be made fully acquainted with the orders by which they are to be governed.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel Third Infantry and Commissary-General of Prisoners
Henry Hupman, private, Company C, Twentieth Virginia Cavalry, on the night of 19th of December, 1863, was wounded in the arm by a shot fired by a sentinel on the parapet named Frank Allen, private, Twelfth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Cavalry.
This case is similar to the last one, the sentinel firing into the building because he saw a light, which was not put out at his warning, the ball striking the prisoner, inflicting a severe wound in the arm, and of which he afterward died. The statement of Surg. G. W. Fitzpatrick shows that the wounded men received all they could be given them; indeed, all the wounds appear to have been mortal. The sentinel, Allen, is a deserter and his testimony cannot be procured. The affidavit of the sergeant of the guard on the night of the occurrence, A. J. Russell, Twelfth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, is forwarded herewith.
CAMP CHASE, OHIO, March 8, 1864.
Colonel RICHARDSON, Commanding Camp Chase, Ohio:
SIR: I have the honor to report that about 11 o'clock a. m. 16th of December, 1863, while making my regular visit to Prison Numbers 1, as surgeon in charge of prison, I was called to see one Henry Hupman, private, Company C, Twentieth Virginia [Cavalry], whom I found pale and nervous from the effect of a gunshot wound of right arm. Patient stated that he was shot by sentinel on parapet about 9 o'clock p. m. 15th instant while lying in bed; hemorrhage was quite profuse and was not arrested for nearly half an hour, when his associates finally obtained permission to have alight for fifteen minutes, during which time they succeeded in arresting the flow of blood.
The quarters being considerably crowded, and not being prepared, to dress the wound, I ordered him to hospital immediately, and visited him in the afternoon of same day and found, on examination, that the ball entered the forearm, slightly fracturing the inner border of olecranon process of ulna, passed through elbow joint up the arm under inner border of biceps into shoulder, where it was lost, not being able to trace it farther. Not knowing where ball might be found, it was not thought best to use cutting instruments for ascertaining its whereabouts or amputating at shoulder joint. From the weakness of pulse and other symptoms I was led to believe that the ball might have penetrated into the bones of thorax.
Simple dressing was applied, stimulants supplied, and the patient put to bed. September 17, pulse feeble, tongue dry and brown, sordes on teeth. Continued stimulants and used disinfectants freely. Erysipelas being in the hospital, antiseptics were applied. Eighteenth, mortification was just manifesting itself; treatment continued, and Surgeons McFadden, Swingley, and Abraham were called in council. It was not thought prudent to amputate; patient died about 4 o'clock p. m. same day.
Statement of G. W. Cavendish, Company C, Twenty-second Virginia Infantry (prisoner of war), in the case of the shooting of Henry Hupman, prisoner of war.
I was acquainted with Hupman, the prisoner who was shot. He was in the same mess that I was. I think it was in December, 1863, when he was shot.
I think it was about an hour and a half after the guard hallooed "lights out" that Hupman was shot. I did not hear the guard call "lights out" after we put the candle out. We had no candle burning at the time Hupman was shot. Hupman, myself, and one man was in the bunk together when he was shot. The ball passed through the mess door, hitting Hupman's elbow, and lodged in his right shoulder. I think he lived about twenty-four hours after he was shot. We all knew that it was contrary to the prison rules to have lights or any disturbance after 9 o'clock. This is all I know about the case.
Company C, Twenty-second Virginia Infty., Prison 1, Mess. 10.
Statement of J. G. Nance, M. D., Company I, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry (prisoner of war), in the case of the shooting of Henry Hupman, prisoner of war.
I belong to Company I, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry. Said Hupman was a mess mate of mine at the time he was shot. I was in my bunk asleep at the time the shot was fired and was awakened by my cousin a few minutes afterward to dress the wound. It was some time before I could get permission from the sentinel to light a candle to dress the wound, during which time he bled profusely. The shot passed through the door-shutter and entered the forearm, passing over the olecranon process, cutting one of the large arteries of the arm and lodging near the head of the humerus. I succeeded in stopping the bleeding. I do not think that any of the bones of the arm were broken. Doctor Fitzpatrick came in the next morning and examined the wound.
Hupman was taken out late the next evening to the hospital, up to which time he seemed tolerably comfortable, being able to walk to the hospital. The ball was not taken from his arm while I staid with him. I think if the ball had been taken from his arm as soon as he was shot and the proper medical attention given him he would have recovered.
This is about all I know concerning his case, as I before said that I was asleep at the time he was shot.
J. G. NANCE, M. D.,
Private, Company I, Tenth Kentucky Cavalry.
Spies & Scouts Of The Frontier Wars, 1790-1796.
This page will help those of you looking for ancestors in the ( Frontier Wars ), the information is all ( military only. ) These men served as spies and scouts. You will note this is a look up page, as there were just to many names. The information on this page will tell you who their commanding officers were, where they were station out of and much more. Be low are two examples of the kind of information you may receive, some will have more than others.
If you see a name and would like to request a look up, you can do so at the following.
Example: 1.
Virginia, Ohio County.
Commander Colonel David Shepherd.
Year: 1792.
Spy: Thomas Edginton.
Age 46,
resident, Holoduys City,
Served from February 10-December 31, 1792.
Days. 326.
Example: 2.
Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, County
Lieutenant Charles Campbell’s Company.
March 1, to July 31, 1792.
Scout. Samuel Brady.
Age: 38.
Served from June 28,-July 31, 1792.
Mason County.
June 7, to September 4, 1790.
Note: There is more information on some of these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. William, John Jr., age 20, 76, days.
2. Wilson, Amos, age 21, 27, days.
3. Bonfield, Theofield, age 21, 7, days.
4. Records, Laban, age 23, 47, days.
5. Hughey, John, age 21, 23, days.
6. Stephenson, Mills, age21, 12, days.
7. Woods, Tobias, age 40, 9,days.
8. Roads, Beacham, age 28, 28, days.
9. Stewart, James, age24, 5, days.
10. Stewart, William Jr., age --5, days.
11. Cassady Michael, age 31, 8, days.
12. Beasley, John, age30, 83, days.
Harrison County.
October 12 to November 6, 1791.
Note: There is more information on some of these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. Ashcraff, Uriah, 26days.
2. McIntire, James, 26, days.
3. Moor, Enoch, 26, days
4. Cornelison, Peter, 26days.
5. Booker, Peter, 28, days
6. Bennett, David, 26, days.
7. Tanner, Samuel, 26, days.
8. Bush Adam, 20, days.
9. Bonnett, Peter, 19, days.
10. Bonnett, Samuel, 19, days.
Ohio County.
Note: There is more information on these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. Edginton, Thomas.
2. Edginton, Isaac.
3. William, John.
4. Williamson, John.
5. Whitzel, Martin
6. McCulloch, George.
7. Williams, Jer:h.
8. Lockwood, Benjamin.
9. Smith, James.
10. Harper, Thomas.
Washington County.
Note: There is more information on these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. Brady, Samuel.
2. Cuffy, John.
3. Bowen, George.
4. Crawford, John.
5. Braddock, Abner.
6. Baskins, George.
7. Dickerson, Kinree.
8. Bane, Nathan.
9. Dillo, Thomas.
10. Fulks, George.
11. Biggs, Thomas.
12. McCullough, William.
Greene County.
April 12to July12, 1796.
Note: There is more information on some of these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. Hawkins, Mathew.
2. Williamson, Samuel.
Hancock County.
June 1, to July 25, 1794.
Note: There is more information on some of these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. Womack, William.
2. Holly, Samuel.
Hancock County.
August 2, to September 8, 1793.
Note: There is more information on some of these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. Adams, Jonathan.
2. Clark, William.
3. Clark, Cornelius.
4. Beaty, Francis.
5. Wheeler, Abner.
6. Cato, Green.
7. Cato, Sterling.
8. Chappell, John.
Wilkes County
July 1793-March 1794.
Note. There may be some added information on these men.
1. Hagler, Peter.
2. Waters, Joseph.
3. Barnett, John.
4. Norris, Arthur.
5. Jennings, Jonathan.
6. Barrow, Thomas.
7. Arthur, Matthew.
8. Holland, John.
9. Epison, Thompson.
10. Ross, John.
11. Davis, William.
12. Barnett, John.
13. Lindsay, Jacob.
14. Strong, Isham.
15. Barnett, Benjamin.
16. Autony, Absalom.
17. Stubblefield, Thomas.
18. Keith, William.
19. Cockran, William.
20. Tarvin, Walter.
21. Barnett, Clayborne.
22. Laferty, John.
23. McCluskey, David.
24. Hamilton, Henry.
25. Tindall, William
Franklin County.
April 28, to December 31, 1794.
September 1, to May31, 1796.
Note. There may be some added information on these men.
1. Thompson, Jacob.
2. Forkener, John.
3. Durham, Ezeiel.
4. Blackwell, Obediah.
5. Durance,, Adam.
6. Crawley, Samuel.
7.Crawley, Benjamin.
8. Henderson, Jones.
9. Kennerly, Thomas.
10. Henderson, John.
11. Summerland, Lazeroux.
12. Wyatt, James.
13. Stubblefield, William.
14. Hill, John.
15. Burns, Robert.
Greene, County.
July 26, to December 31, 1793.
Note. There may be some added information on these men.
1. Flennekin, David.
2. Browning, Joshua.
3. Kimbrough, William.
4. Hill, William.
5. Hought, Samuel.
6. Patrick, Andrew.
7. Cook, John.
8. Cochran, James.
9. Lunsden, Elijah.
10. Fenley, Eleven.
11. Cook, Benjamin.
12. Kimbrough, John Jr.
13. McMurry, David.
14. Lang, John.
15. Kimbrough, John Sr.
16. Tombs, William.
17. Washburn, Paul.
18. Cameron, Duncan.
19. Carmichael, Joseph.
20, Cupp, Michael.
21. Flannekin, Samuel.
22. Flannekin. David.
23. Stocks, Isaac.
24. Heard, Joseph.
25. Wall, Micajah.
If you see a name and would like to request a look up, you can do so at the following.
Example: 1.
Virginia, Ohio County.
Commander Colonel David Shepherd.
Year: 1792.
Spy: Thomas Edginton.
Age 46,
resident, Holoduys City,
Served from February 10-December 31, 1792.
Days. 326.
Example: 2.
Pennsylvania, Westmoreland, County
Lieutenant Charles Campbell’s Company.
March 1, to July 31, 1792.
Scout. Samuel Brady.
Age: 38.
Served from June 28,-July 31, 1792.
Mason County.
June 7, to September 4, 1790.
Note: There is more information on some of these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. William, John Jr., age 20, 76, days.
2. Wilson, Amos, age 21, 27, days.
3. Bonfield, Theofield, age 21, 7, days.
4. Records, Laban, age 23, 47, days.
5. Hughey, John, age 21, 23, days.
6. Stephenson, Mills, age21, 12, days.
7. Woods, Tobias, age 40, 9,days.
8. Roads, Beacham, age 28, 28, days.
9. Stewart, James, age24, 5, days.
10. Stewart, William Jr., age --5, days.
11. Cassady Michael, age 31, 8, days.
12. Beasley, John, age30, 83, days.
Harrison County.
October 12 to November 6, 1791.
Note: There is more information on some of these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. Ashcraff, Uriah, 26days.
2. McIntire, James, 26, days.
3. Moor, Enoch, 26, days
4. Cornelison, Peter, 26days.
5. Booker, Peter, 28, days
6. Bennett, David, 26, days.
7. Tanner, Samuel, 26, days.
8. Bush Adam, 20, days.
9. Bonnett, Peter, 19, days.
10. Bonnett, Samuel, 19, days.
Ohio County.
Note: There is more information on these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. Edginton, Thomas.
2. Edginton, Isaac.
3. William, John.
4. Williamson, John.
5. Whitzel, Martin
6. McCulloch, George.
7. Williams, Jer:h.
8. Lockwood, Benjamin.
9. Smith, James.
10. Harper, Thomas.
Washington County.
Note: There is more information on these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. Brady, Samuel.
2. Cuffy, John.
3. Bowen, George.
4. Crawford, John.
5. Braddock, Abner.
6. Baskins, George.
7. Dickerson, Kinree.
8. Bane, Nathan.
9. Dillo, Thomas.
10. Fulks, George.
11. Biggs, Thomas.
12. McCullough, William.
Greene County.
April 12to July12, 1796.
Note: There is more information on some of these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. Hawkins, Mathew.
2. Williamson, Samuel.
Hancock County.
June 1, to July 25, 1794.
Note: There is more information on some of these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. Womack, William.
2. Holly, Samuel.
Hancock County.
August 2, to September 8, 1793.
Note: There is more information on some of these men, and will be given upon a request.
1. Adams, Jonathan.
2. Clark, William.
3. Clark, Cornelius.
4. Beaty, Francis.
5. Wheeler, Abner.
6. Cato, Green.
7. Cato, Sterling.
8. Chappell, John.
Wilkes County
July 1793-March 1794.
Note. There may be some added information on these men.
1. Hagler, Peter.
2. Waters, Joseph.
3. Barnett, John.
4. Norris, Arthur.
5. Jennings, Jonathan.
6. Barrow, Thomas.
7. Arthur, Matthew.
8. Holland, John.
9. Epison, Thompson.
10. Ross, John.
11. Davis, William.
12. Barnett, John.
13. Lindsay, Jacob.
14. Strong, Isham.
15. Barnett, Benjamin.
16. Autony, Absalom.
17. Stubblefield, Thomas.
18. Keith, William.
19. Cockran, William.
20. Tarvin, Walter.
21. Barnett, Clayborne.
22. Laferty, John.
23. McCluskey, David.
24. Hamilton, Henry.
25. Tindall, William
Franklin County.
April 28, to December 31, 1794.
September 1, to May31, 1796.
Note. There may be some added information on these men.
1. Thompson, Jacob.
2. Forkener, John.
3. Durham, Ezeiel.
4. Blackwell, Obediah.
5. Durance,, Adam.
6. Crawley, Samuel.
7.Crawley, Benjamin.
8. Henderson, Jones.
9. Kennerly, Thomas.
10. Henderson, John.
11. Summerland, Lazeroux.
12. Wyatt, James.
13. Stubblefield, William.
14. Hill, John.
15. Burns, Robert.
Greene, County.
July 26, to December 31, 1793.
Note. There may be some added information on these men.
1. Flennekin, David.
2. Browning, Joshua.
3. Kimbrough, William.
4. Hill, William.
5. Hought, Samuel.
6. Patrick, Andrew.
7. Cook, John.
8. Cochran, James.
9. Lunsden, Elijah.
10. Fenley, Eleven.
11. Cook, Benjamin.
12. Kimbrough, John Jr.
13. McMurry, David.
14. Lang, John.
15. Kimbrough, John Sr.
16. Tombs, William.
17. Washburn, Paul.
18. Cameron, Duncan.
19. Carmichael, Joseph.
20, Cupp, Michael.
21. Flannekin, Samuel.
22. Flannekin. David.
23. Stocks, Isaac.
24. Heard, Joseph.
25. Wall, Micajah.
John Joseph Abercrombie.
John Joseph Abercrombie.
Born: 1798, Tennessee.
Death: January 3, 1877.

He led the brigade throughout the 1862 Peninsular Campaign, and was wounded at the Battle of Fair Oaks (Seven Pines). He was at the head of his brigade during the Battle of Malvern Hill (July 1, 1862), where his troops helped repulse the Confederate attack on the Union Army. After the conclusion of the Peninsular Campaign his command was given to younger officers, and he spent the balance of the war first in command of some of the defenses in Washington, DC, then various supply depots in Virginia during the 1864 Overland Campaign. On March 13, 1865 he was brevetted Brigadier General, US Regular Army in recognition of his long service, and he retired from active duty on June 12 of that year. Despite being retired, though, he served time on court-martial duty for the next 3 years. He died in 1877 in Long Island, and is interred under a monument that has his birth date incorrect.
Burial: Woodlands Cemetery, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.
Spouse: Mary Engle Patterson Abercrombie (1818 - 1874)
Sara "Sallie" Iowa Abercrombie Goodman (1842 - 1935)
John Joseph Abercrombie (1845 - 1919)
Ida Abercrombie Newlin (1860 - 1888)
Military Service.
Appointed from Tennessee.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, First infantry, July 1, 1822.
Second Lieutenant, July 1, 1822.
First Lieutenant, September 28, 1828.
Regiment Adjutant, August 1, 1825 to March 1, 1833.
Captain, September 4, 1836.
Major, fifth infantry, September 8, 1847.
Lieutenant Colonel, Second infantry, May 1, 1852.
Colonel, seventh infantry February 25, 1861.
Retired June 12, 1865.
Brevet Major, December 25, 1837, for gallant and meritorious conduct in Florida.
Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, September 23, 1846, for gallant and meritorious conduct at Monterey.
Brevet Brigadier General, March 13, 1865, for long and faithful services in the army.
Brigadier General, Volunteers, September 9, 1861.
Mustered out of Volunteer service, June 24, 1864
Col James William Abert.
Col James William Abert.
Birth: Nov. 18, 1820, Mount Holly, Burlington County, New Jersey.
Death: Aug. 10, 1897, Newport, Campbell County, Kentucky.
Burial: Evergreen Cemetery, Southgate, Campbell County, Kentucky.
Military service.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, fifth infantry, July 1, 1842.
Transferred to Topographical Engineers, May 24, 1843.
Second Lieutenant, May 27, 1846.
First Lieutenant, March 3, 1853.
Captain, July 1, 1856.
Major of Engineers, March 3, 1863.
Resigned June 25, 1864.
Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, for faithful and meritorious service in the Valley of the Shenandoah, from June 1861 to September 1862.
Major United States Army, January 3, 1895, by Act of Congress, August 17, 1894.
Retired January 14, 1895.
Died August 10, 1897.
Side notes.
HDQRS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, Numbers 87. In the Field, Folly Island, S. C., Oct. 10, 1863.
Major J. W. Abert, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, having reported for duty in this department, is hereby announced on the staff of the major-general commanding.
Major Abert will have charge of the engineer office at these headquarters, and the custody of all maps, drawings, and topographical surveys belonging to the engineer department.
1864, Major J. W. Abert, Corps of Engineers, is hereby relieved from duty in the Department of the South, and will report in n person without delay, at Major-General Canby's headquarters, via New Orleans, for assignment to duty.
Birth: Nov. 18, 1820, Mount Holly, Burlington County, New Jersey.
Death: Aug. 10, 1897, Newport, Campbell County, Kentucky.
Burial: Evergreen Cemetery, Southgate, Campbell County, Kentucky.
Military service.
Brevet Second Lieutenant, fifth infantry, July 1, 1842.
Transferred to Topographical Engineers, May 24, 1843.
Second Lieutenant, May 27, 1846.
First Lieutenant, March 3, 1853.
Captain, July 1, 1856.
Major of Engineers, March 3, 1863.
Resigned June 25, 1864.
Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, for faithful and meritorious service in the Valley of the Shenandoah, from June 1861 to September 1862.
Major United States Army, January 3, 1895, by Act of Congress, August 17, 1894.
Retired January 14, 1895.
Died August 10, 1897.
Side notes.
HDQRS. DEPT. OF THE SOUTH, Numbers 87. In the Field, Folly Island, S. C., Oct. 10, 1863.
Major J. W. Abert, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, having reported for duty in this department, is hereby announced on the staff of the major-general commanding.
Major Abert will have charge of the engineer office at these headquarters, and the custody of all maps, drawings, and topographical surveys belonging to the engineer department.
1864, Major J. W. Abert, Corps of Engineers, is hereby relieved from duty in the Department of the South, and will report in n person without delay, at Major-General Canby's headquarters, via New Orleans, for assignment to duty.
Thursday, February 03, 2011
George Armistead.
George Armistead.
Birth: Apr. 10, 1780, Caroline County, Virginia.
Death: Apr. 25, 1818, Baltimore city, Maryland.
Burial: Old Saint Pauls Cemetery, Baltimore, Baltimore city, Maryland.
United States Army Officer. Served as Major and commander of Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland. He was in command of the Fort during the War of 1812 when the British unsuccessfully attempted to force its capitulation by an naval artillery bombardment. The attack was witnessed by Francis Scott Key, who immortalized it in the words of "The Star Spangled Banner". Major Armistead was the uncle of Civil War Confederate General Lewis Armistead, who is buried next to him.
Military service.
Appointed from Virginia.
2nd., Lieutenant, 7th., Infantry, Jan. 8, 1799.
1st., Lieutenant May 14, 1800.
Transferred to Artillery engineers, Feb. 16, 1801.
Transferred to Artillery, April 1802.
Captain, Nov. 1, 1806.
Major 3rd., Artillery, March 3, 1813.
Transferred to Corps Artillery, May 12, 1814.
Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, for gallant conduct in the defense of Ft. McHenry.
Birth: Apr. 10, 1780, Caroline County, Virginia.
Death: Apr. 25, 1818, Baltimore city, Maryland.
Burial: Old Saint Pauls Cemetery, Baltimore, Baltimore city, Maryland.
United States Army Officer. Served as Major and commander of Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Maryland. He was in command of the Fort during the War of 1812 when the British unsuccessfully attempted to force its capitulation by an naval artillery bombardment. The attack was witnessed by Francis Scott Key, who immortalized it in the words of "The Star Spangled Banner". Major Armistead was the uncle of Civil War Confederate General Lewis Armistead, who is buried next to him.
Military service.
Appointed from Virginia.
2nd., Lieutenant, 7th., Infantry, Jan. 8, 1799.
1st., Lieutenant May 14, 1800.
Transferred to Artillery engineers, Feb. 16, 1801.
Transferred to Artillery, April 1802.
Captain, Nov. 1, 1806.
Major 3rd., Artillery, March 3, 1813.
Transferred to Corps Artillery, May 12, 1814.
Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, for gallant conduct in the defense of Ft. McHenry.
Matthew ARBUCKLE., 1740-1851.
The following Information came from: Family, Find a Grave and Library of Congress.
Born: July 15, 1740, Botetourt, Va.
Death: 11, Jun 1851, Fort Smith, Crawford, Arkansas.
Burial: Arbuckle Cemetery, Lavaca, Sebastian County Arkansas.
Father: Samuel Arbuckle.
Mother: Margaret Arbuckle.
1. Wife: Jane LOCKHART.
Marriage: Jan. 6. 1768, Henry, Virginia.
Children: John, Charles Arbuckle.
2. Wife: Frances HUNTER.
Marriage: Dec. 17, 1774.
Children: Thomas, Samuel, James Arbuckle.
United States Army Officer. He served as Colonel and commander of 7th United States Infantry Regiment, stationed at Fort Scott, Georgia. Assumed command of Ft. Smith, AR in 1822. First commander of Ft. Gibson, IT (OK) from 1824 to 1841. Last assigned to Ft. Smith, AR on March 14, 1851. He died there in June of 1851.The Arbuckle Mountains in Southern Oklahoma were named in his honor.
Military service.
Ensign, 3rd., infantry, March 3, 1799.
First Lieutenant, October 24, 1799.
Transferred to 2nd., infantry, April 1, 1802.
Colonel, 7th., infantry, March 16, 1820.
Brig General, March 10, 1830, for ten years faithful service in one grade.
Side notes.
1835, He claimed 1,360 acres in Arkansas, but the claim was not granted. Although he may have got the land after all as all the claims were paid at $1.25, and acre. This report is very long, but will be given on request. Ask for claims, p. 666-673. From Public Lands, Volume 7, 1834-1835
1841, The President of the United States be requested to inform the Senate, why General Matthew Arbuckle has been removed from his command at Fort Gibson, west of Arkansas, to Baton Rouge, in the State of Louisiana, where there are no United States troops.
Born: July 15, 1740, Botetourt, Va.
Death: 11, Jun 1851, Fort Smith, Crawford, Arkansas.
Burial: Arbuckle Cemetery, Lavaca, Sebastian County Arkansas.
Father: Samuel Arbuckle.
Mother: Margaret Arbuckle.
1. Wife: Jane LOCKHART.
Marriage: Jan. 6. 1768, Henry, Virginia.
Children: John, Charles Arbuckle.
2. Wife: Frances HUNTER.
Marriage: Dec. 17, 1774.
Children: Thomas, Samuel, James Arbuckle.
United States Army Officer. He served as Colonel and commander of 7th United States Infantry Regiment, stationed at Fort Scott, Georgia. Assumed command of Ft. Smith, AR in 1822. First commander of Ft. Gibson, IT (OK) from 1824 to 1841. Last assigned to Ft. Smith, AR on March 14, 1851. He died there in June of 1851.The Arbuckle Mountains in Southern Oklahoma were named in his honor.
Military service.
Ensign, 3rd., infantry, March 3, 1799.
First Lieutenant, October 24, 1799.
Transferred to 2nd., infantry, April 1, 1802.
Colonel, 7th., infantry, March 16, 1820.
Brig General, March 10, 1830, for ten years faithful service in one grade.
Side notes.
1835, He claimed 1,360 acres in Arkansas, but the claim was not granted. Although he may have got the land after all as all the claims were paid at $1.25, and acre. This report is very long, but will be given on request. Ask for claims, p. 666-673. From Public Lands, Volume 7, 1834-1835
1841, The President of the United States be requested to inform the Senate, why General Matthew Arbuckle has been removed from his command at Fort Gibson, west of Arkansas, to Baton Rouge, in the State of Louisiana, where there are no United States troops.
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Daniel Appling.
Daniel Appling.
Born: 25 Aug 1787, Columbia, Georgia.
Appointed from Georgia.
Death: 5 Mar 1817, Ft. Montgomery, Al
Father: John APPLING
Mother: Rebecca CARTER
Military service.
Second Lieutenant, Rifles, May 3, 1808.
First Lieutenant, Rifles, July 1, 1809.
Captain, Rifles, April 1, 1812.
Major, First Rifles, April 14, 1814.
Transferred Seventeen, infantry, May 17, 1815.
Resigned June 1, 1816.
Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, May 30, 1814, for gallant conduct at Sandy creek, New York.
Brevet Colonel, September 11, 1814, for distinguished service at Plattsburg.
1819, A petition of Rebecca C. Appling, sister and legal representative of the late Colonel Daniel Appling, of the army of the United States, stating, that the said Colonel Appling conquered and captured a superior British force, with several gun boats, barges, and their equipments, which, if captured by a naval force, would have been subject to condemnation as lawful prize, and praying that the value of the same may now be distributed to her and the officers and men under the command of the said Colonel Appling.
Born: 25 Aug 1787, Columbia, Georgia.
Appointed from Georgia.
Death: 5 Mar 1817, Ft. Montgomery, Al
Father: John APPLING
Mother: Rebecca CARTER
Military service.
Second Lieutenant, Rifles, May 3, 1808.
First Lieutenant, Rifles, July 1, 1809.
Captain, Rifles, April 1, 1812.
Major, First Rifles, April 14, 1814.
Transferred Seventeen, infantry, May 17, 1815.
Resigned June 1, 1816.
Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, May 30, 1814, for gallant conduct at Sandy creek, New York.
Brevet Colonel, September 11, 1814, for distinguished service at Plattsburg.
1819, A petition of Rebecca C. Appling, sister and legal representative of the late Colonel Daniel Appling, of the army of the United States, stating, that the said Colonel Appling conquered and captured a superior British force, with several gun boats, barges, and their equipments, which, if captured by a naval force, would have been subject to condemnation as lawful prize, and praying that the value of the same may now be distributed to her and the officers and men under the command of the said Colonel Appling.
Shooting Of Lieutenant Colonel Elliotte P. Jones, 109th., Virginia Militia.
Numbers 213. July 8, 1864.
Captain Alex. Smith and Lieutenant J. F. Daton, of the One hundred and fifty-seventh Regiment Ohio National State Guard, and Lieutenant William Hall, of Battery G, Pennsylvania Artillery, will constitute a board of examination, to convene without delay at the garrison guard-room, and inquire into the shooting of Lieutenant Colonel E. P. Jones, One hundred and ninth Virginia, C. S. Army, a prisoner of war, by Private William G. Douglass, Company C, One hundred and fifty-seventh Ohio National State Guard, while on duty as sentinel on the night of July 7, 1864. They will report the full facts in the case to the commanding general.
By command of Brigadier General A. Schoepf:
Private William G. Douglas made the following statement:
I am a private, Company C, One hundred and fifty-seventh Regiment Ohio State National Guard. On yesterday was acting as sentinel at Post Numbers 20; went on guard between 7 and 9 p. m. Some time between those hours a rebel came out of the sink-the officer's sink-and stopped about ten minutes. I told him to "leave; " think he was twenty or thirty feet from me; went and turned the light; came back and said "Now, you must leave. " Then I said the third time, "If you don't leave, I'll shoot you. " The man still stood there. I said again, "Leave. " He muttered something, and then I shot him.
William Huscroft's statement:
I am a private, Company C, One hundred and fifty-seventh Regiment Ohio State National Guard; was on guard yesterday at post 19 between 7 and 9 p. m. ; heard sentry of post 20 say, " Move on; "
the second time he said, "Move on; " again the third time he said, "Move on, or damn you, I'll shoot you; " saw sentinel raise his piece; heard him cock his piece, when he drew it up he said "move on" again, and then he fired; he challenged him distinctly. I heard the sentinel distinctly.
James Adams' statement:
I am a private, One hundred and fifty-seventh Ohio State National Guard; was on post Numbers 21, July 7, 1864, between the hours of 7 and 9 p. m. ; heard the sentinel on post Numbers 20 say the first time to somebody, "Move on; " the second time he said, "Get out there; " the third time he said, "Damn you, go on; " the reb. turned around and said something; don't know what it was; after that I saw the sentinel jerk down his gun; didn't see anything more till I heard the report of the gun; heard sentinel challenge him distinctly three times; there was quite a pause between each challenge.
John Zinc's statement;
I am a private, Company F, One hundred and fifty-seventh Regiment Ohio State National Guard; was on guard at post Numbers 22, on July 7, 1864, between the hours of 7 and 9 p. m. ; heard sentry at post Numbers 20 say to somebody, "Go away from there; " think that was the expression; heard sentry say second time, "Move on; " heard sentry say third time, "Go away," or "move on," or "I'll be God-damned if I don't shoot; " didn't hear anything more after that; heard report of the gun and corporal of the guard Numbers 20 called; heard the challenge distinctly.
Richard W. Woodward's statement:
I am a private, Battery A, Pennsylvania Artillery, was on guard yesterday between 7 and 9 p. m. at post Numbers 23; heard sentry at post Numbers 20 say to somebody, "Go in; " heard him say a second time, "Go in; " third time heard him say, "Go in or I'll shoot you; " just before the sentinel called the fourth time somebody said something, and the sentinel challenged again; this was the fourth time; sentinel said this time, "Go in," and immediately fired. I heard the sentinel challenge him distinctly each time.
The circumstance occurred at half-past 8 p. m.
W. G. Nuget's statement:
FORT DELAWARE, July 8, 1864.
I examined the wounds of Lieutenant-Colonel Jones, One hundred and ninth Virginia, C. S. Army, on the night of Thursday, July 7, 1864. The ball entered the right, shoulder, fracturing the humerus about one inch below the shoulder joint; penetrated the chest and made its exit therefrom at the junction of the fifth rib with the sternum of right side.
The pleura was wounded, but there is no symptom leading to the belief that there was any injury done to the lung. There were two wounds in the shoulder, one made by the entrance of the ball, the other in all probability by the exit of a buck-shot, or a fragment of bone shattered from the humerus
The hemorrhage from the chest was very profuse, and although very seriously wounded his symptom are this morning favorable.
Acting Assistant Surgeon.
Commissary-General of Prisoners, Washington, D. C.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that one of the sentinels here, in the faithful performance of his duty, on the night of the 8th [7th] instant shot and mortally wounded Colonel E. Pope Jones, One hundred and ninth Virginia Regiment, who died from the effects of the would on the night of the 9th instant. As a justification of the act I submit the report of the court of inquiry, which clearly exonerates the sentinel from any blame. Many of the prisoners have been accustomed to insult and trifle with the sentinels because they are militia, and this shooting is one of the results of it.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
[First indorsement.]
Washington, D. C., July 16, 1864.
Respectfully submitted for the consideration of the Secretary of War.
The within proceedings do not snow under what orders the sentinel acted, or that he had any orders to meet such a case. There are many ways of punishing a prisoners for disobedience of a sentinel's order when not attended with a demonstration of violence without going to the extremity of shooting him down; and in the case reported there seems to have ben nothing to call for severe measures. If the sentinel was governed by his orders, as from the proceedings it may be presumed he was, he is excusable, and the responsibility rests upon the commanding officer.
A copy of instructions on this point addressed to Brigadier-General Schoepf is herewith inclosed.
Colonel Third Infantry and Commissary-General of Prisoners
[Second indorsement.]
WAR DEPARTMENT, July 19, 1864.
Respectfully referred to the commissioner for exchange of prisoners for remark.
By order of the Secretary of War:
Assistant Adjutant-General.
[Third indorsement.]
JULY 21, 1864.
If prisoners of war obstinately refuse obedience to the orders of a sentinel, as appears to have been case in this instance, very unfortunate consequences are to be expected.
Major-General of Volunteers.
Author Note. If you would like to read more about Col. Elliotte Pope Jones and his life take this link.
Numbers 213. July 8, 1864.
Captain Alex. Smith and Lieutenant J. F. Daton, of the One hundred and fifty-seventh Regiment Ohio National State Guard, and Lieutenant William Hall, of Battery G, Pennsylvania Artillery, will constitute a board of examination, to convene without delay at the garrison guard-room, and inquire into the shooting of Lieutenant Colonel E. P. Jones, One hundred and ninth Virginia, C. S. Army, a prisoner of war, by Private William G. Douglass, Company C, One hundred and fifty-seventh Ohio National State Guard, while on duty as sentinel on the night of July 7, 1864. They will report the full facts in the case to the commanding general.
By command of Brigadier General A. Schoepf:
Private William G. Douglas made the following statement:
I am a private, Company C, One hundred and fifty-seventh Regiment Ohio State National Guard. On yesterday was acting as sentinel at Post Numbers 20; went on guard between 7 and 9 p. m. Some time between those hours a rebel came out of the sink-the officer's sink-and stopped about ten minutes. I told him to "leave; " think he was twenty or thirty feet from me; went and turned the light; came back and said "Now, you must leave. " Then I said the third time, "If you don't leave, I'll shoot you. " The man still stood there. I said again, "Leave. " He muttered something, and then I shot him.
William Huscroft's statement:
I am a private, Company C, One hundred and fifty-seventh Regiment Ohio State National Guard; was on guard yesterday at post 19 between 7 and 9 p. m. ; heard sentry of post 20 say, " Move on; "
the second time he said, "Move on; " again the third time he said, "Move on, or damn you, I'll shoot you; " saw sentinel raise his piece; heard him cock his piece, when he drew it up he said "move on" again, and then he fired; he challenged him distinctly. I heard the sentinel distinctly.
James Adams' statement:
I am a private, One hundred and fifty-seventh Ohio State National Guard; was on post Numbers 21, July 7, 1864, between the hours of 7 and 9 p. m. ; heard the sentinel on post Numbers 20 say the first time to somebody, "Move on; " the second time he said, "Get out there; " the third time he said, "Damn you, go on; " the reb. turned around and said something; don't know what it was; after that I saw the sentinel jerk down his gun; didn't see anything more till I heard the report of the gun; heard sentinel challenge him distinctly three times; there was quite a pause between each challenge.
John Zinc's statement;
I am a private, Company F, One hundred and fifty-seventh Regiment Ohio State National Guard; was on guard at post Numbers 22, on July 7, 1864, between the hours of 7 and 9 p. m. ; heard sentry at post Numbers 20 say to somebody, "Go away from there; " think that was the expression; heard sentry say second time, "Move on; " heard sentry say third time, "Go away," or "move on," or "I'll be God-damned if I don't shoot; " didn't hear anything more after that; heard report of the gun and corporal of the guard Numbers 20 called; heard the challenge distinctly.
Richard W. Woodward's statement:
I am a private, Battery A, Pennsylvania Artillery, was on guard yesterday between 7 and 9 p. m. at post Numbers 23; heard sentry at post Numbers 20 say to somebody, "Go in; " heard him say a second time, "Go in; " third time heard him say, "Go in or I'll shoot you; " just before the sentinel called the fourth time somebody said something, and the sentinel challenged again; this was the fourth time; sentinel said this time, "Go in," and immediately fired. I heard the sentinel challenge him distinctly each time.
The circumstance occurred at half-past 8 p. m.
W. G. Nuget's statement:
FORT DELAWARE, July 8, 1864.
I examined the wounds of Lieutenant-Colonel Jones, One hundred and ninth Virginia, C. S. Army, on the night of Thursday, July 7, 1864. The ball entered the right, shoulder, fracturing the humerus about one inch below the shoulder joint; penetrated the chest and made its exit therefrom at the junction of the fifth rib with the sternum of right side.
The pleura was wounded, but there is no symptom leading to the belief that there was any injury done to the lung. There were two wounds in the shoulder, one made by the entrance of the ball, the other in all probability by the exit of a buck-shot, or a fragment of bone shattered from the humerus
The hemorrhage from the chest was very profuse, and although very seriously wounded his symptom are this morning favorable.
Acting Assistant Surgeon.
Commissary-General of Prisoners, Washington, D. C.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that one of the sentinels here, in the faithful performance of his duty, on the night of the 8th [7th] instant shot and mortally wounded Colonel E. Pope Jones, One hundred and ninth Virginia Regiment, who died from the effects of the would on the night of the 9th instant. As a justification of the act I submit the report of the court of inquiry, which clearly exonerates the sentinel from any blame. Many of the prisoners have been accustomed to insult and trifle with the sentinels because they are militia, and this shooting is one of the results of it.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
[First indorsement.]
Washington, D. C., July 16, 1864.
Respectfully submitted for the consideration of the Secretary of War.
The within proceedings do not snow under what orders the sentinel acted, or that he had any orders to meet such a case. There are many ways of punishing a prisoners for disobedience of a sentinel's order when not attended with a demonstration of violence without going to the extremity of shooting him down; and in the case reported there seems to have ben nothing to call for severe measures. If the sentinel was governed by his orders, as from the proceedings it may be presumed he was, he is excusable, and the responsibility rests upon the commanding officer.
A copy of instructions on this point addressed to Brigadier-General Schoepf is herewith inclosed.
Colonel Third Infantry and Commissary-General of Prisoners
[Second indorsement.]
WAR DEPARTMENT, July 19, 1864.
Respectfully referred to the commissioner for exchange of prisoners for remark.
By order of the Secretary of War:
Assistant Adjutant-General.
[Third indorsement.]
JULY 21, 1864.
If prisoners of war obstinately refuse obedience to the orders of a sentinel, as appears to have been case in this instance, very unfortunate consequences are to be expected.
Major-General of Volunteers.
Author Note. If you would like to read more about Col. Elliotte Pope Jones and his life take this link.
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Men Of The Water, Civil War.
The page title ( Men of the water ) says it all these men were of the water, some worked on the water while others were in the navy or Marine Corps and still others held ranks in the army and navy at the same time. I haven’t researched any of these names, however I know there will be some added information on some of them. If you would like some research on any of the name I can be reached at the following.
Prisoners of war.
Robert Tansill, late captain, U. S. Marine Corps.
John R. F. Tattnall, late first lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps.
T. S. Wilson, late first lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps.
H. B. Claiborne, late midshipman, U. S. Navy.
Hilary Cenas, late midshipman, U. S. Navy.
A. D. Wharton, late midshipman, U. S. Navy.
W. M. Page, late surgeon, U. S. Navy.
James E. Lindsay, late assistant surgeon, U. S. Navy.
Crew of the U. S. STEAMER CAMBRIDGE, November, 1861.
R. D. EDLBRIDGE, Acting Master, U. S. Navy.
F. W. STRONG, Acting Master, U. S. Navy.
SAMUEL VERY, Jr., Acting Master, U. S. Navy.
H. A. RICHARDSON, Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy.
JOS. C. CANNING, Acting Assistant Paymaster, U. S. Navy.
FRANK A. BREMON, First Assistant Engineer, U. S. Navy.
CHARLES C. PENNINGTON, Second Assistant Engineer, U. S. Navy.
JOHN J. STEIGER, Third Assistant Engineer, U. S. Navy.
JAMES POWERS, Third Assistant Engineer, U. S. Navy.
Prisoner exchange.
Captain J. McGrath, Forty-second New York Volunteers, for Lieutenant A. M. De Bree, C. S. Navy.
Captain M. W. Burns, Fourth Excelsior (New York volunteers), for Lieutenant W. T. Glassell, C. S. Navy.
Captain W. M. Fisk, Fourth [Excelsior] (New York volunteers), for Lieutenant F. M. Harris, C. S. Navy.
Captain James McKeirnan, Seventh New York [Jersey] Volunteers, for Lieutenant B. Kennon, C. S. Navy.
Captain A. E. Miles [Niles], First [Thirteenth] Pennsylvania Volunteers, Reserve Corps, for Lieutenant J. N. Wilkenson [John Wilkinson], C. S. Navy.
Captain G. W. Hinds, Ninety-sixth New York Volunteers, for Lieutenant W. H. Ward, C. S. Navy.
Captain C. L. Conner, Eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers [Reserves], for Lieutenant W. C. Whittle, C. S. Navy.
Captain F. A. Conrad, Fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers [Reserves], for Lieutenant J. B. Weaver, [C. S. Navy].
Captain Robert S. Granger, First U. S. Infantry, for Lieutenant B. P. Loyall, C. S. Navy
Prisoners of war.
Robert Tansill, late captain, U. S. Marine Corps.
William M. Page, late surgeon, U. S. Army [Navy].
Walter R. butt, late lieutenant, U. S. Navy.
H. H. Dalton, late lieutenant, U. S. Navy, and now lieutenant in the Confederate Navy.
T. S. Wilson, late first lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps.
James E. Lindsay, late assistant surgeon, U. S. Navy.
H. B. Claiborne, late midshipmen, U. S. Navy.
A. D. Wharton, late midshipmen, U. S. Navy.
Men of the Water.
Almond Rice, Angelica, N. Y., was a steam-boat man on the Mississippi; could not get away from New Orleans; belonged to the so-called rebel Marine Corps; was sent to the Warrington Navy-Yard about the 1st of May; was part of the time in the navy-yard and part of the time on board the privateer Judith. When he first went to Pensacola Harbor thinks there were about 10,000 troops there. That number was after [ward] reduced to about 6,000, and they had about that many when he left. Thinks there were about four or seven guns left in Fort Macon; the rest were sent to Pensacola. There were four guns (42s and 32s0 between the navy-yard and the bayou bridge toward Pensacola. Most of the machinery had been removed from the navy-yard, but the rebels were still casting shot and shell at the foundry. Had been a sailor on board of the sloop of war Albany; paid off in 1849 or 1850. There were three companies of marines (250), nearly all Northern men, and a Louisiana infantry regiment about 900 strong in the navy-yard; will go home when released if he can get there.
John Matthews, Madison, Ind., says he was a steam-boat man; joined the rebel forces at New Orleans; was out of money and could not et awasy; was put in the parish prison and kept there twenty days; was afterward impressed in rebel service; was sent to the Warrington navy-yard on the 21st of April; was attached to the marines and quartered in the navy-yard. The greater part of the marines are Northern men, and would take the first opportunity to get away; were very much dissatisfied. Thinks there were about 7,000 men under arms on the rebel side; will go home when released; does not know much about the strength or location of the batteries on the rebel side; was pretty constantly in the guard-boat.
Samuel Benham, Buffalo, N. Y., say he had been a man-of-war's man on board of the Savannah; was paid off about a year ago; was impressed in the rebel service at New Orleans; was attached to the Marine Corps and sent to Pensacola Harbor about the 1st of May, 1861. Was put on board schooner Judith and went out at night in the coast-guard boat. Thinks when he first went to Pensacola the rebels had about 15,000 men, but when he left thinks they had only 6,000 or 7,000; knows but little about the strength or location of the rebel batteries; will go home when released.
Daniel R. Smith, Allegheny, Pa., says he was a boatman on the Mississippi; was impressed in the rebel service, and was sent to the Warrington Navy-Yard with the marines about the 1st of May; was closely questioned by Colonel Brown at Fort Pickens, and his answers taken down in writing; gave Colonel Brown all the information he possessed.
B. F. Lidy, Lancaster, Pa., says he was a steam-boat man; was impressed into the rebel service at New Orleans; was sent with the rebel marines to Warrington Navy-Yard about the 26th of April last. Says the marines are mostly either Northern men or foreign born, and thinks all but about fifty would leave if they could get a good chance. Gives same information as the others; says the Lovell battery, near the light-house, has 10, 8, and 6 inch (three guns), all covered in with earth on timbers about six feet thick; will go home when release.
Ovid P. Reno, Beaver County, Pa., says he is a boatman; joined the rebel service at New Orleans; was impressed; was attached to the marines and sent to Warrington Navy-Yard. Gives same information as others.
John Harmon, Allegheny County, Pa., says he was in New Orleans; could not get work; enlisted to keep from starving, intending to desert so soon as he had a chance to get home; belonged to the marines; was sent them to Pensacola; says the batteries between the navy-yard and Pensacola were washed away; knows nothing about the other batteries. There are a good many Northern men in the rebel marines, all of whom will take the first opportunity to get home
Daniel B. Harrington, a deserter from Tantall's rebel fleet, was committed to Fort Lafayette January 21, 1862. Harrington represents in a letter dated January 28, 1862, to the Secretary of state that he was wrecked at sea and escaped in a small boat to Key West where he was impressed in the Confederate Navy; that he deserted the first opportunity and was taken on board the U. S. frigate Wabash where he took the oath of allegiance. He was released February 6, 1862, by order of the Secretary of State.
Sidney Bennett was arrested by order of the Secretary of the Navy and committed to Fort Lafayette January 24, 1862. He was charged with having used highly treasonable and disloyal language whilst serving as landsman on board the U. S. frigate Santee then in the Gulf of Mexico. The said Sidney Bennett remained in custody at Fort Lafayette.
Prisoner exchange.
Thomas H. Allen, lieutenant, ordered paroled to be exchanged for R. T. Frank, first lieutenant, Eighth Infantry, U. S. Army.
Julian Myers, late U. S. Navy, paroled to be exchanged for Zenas R. Bliss, Eighth Infantry, U. S. Army.
T. S. Wilson, late lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps, paroled to be exchanged for W. G. Jones, Tenth Infantry, U. S. Army.
A. D. Wharton, late U. S. Navy, ordered paroled to be exchanged for J. J. Van Horn, Eighth Infantry, U. S. Army.
W. H. Ward, late U. S. Navy, paroled to be exchanged for F. E. Prime, captain, Engineers, U. S. Army.
D. A. Forrest and H. B. Claiborne, late U. S. Navy, paroled to be exchanged for J. V. Bromford, major Sixth Infantry, U. S. Army.
William Biggs, second lieutenant, North Carolina Volunteers, and H. C. Holt, Georgia Volunteers, paroled to be exchanged for William E. Merril, lieutenant, Engineers, U. S. Army.
H. A. Gilliam, major, North Carolina Volunteers, paroled to be exchanged for Major Reeve, U. S. Infantry, or Major Sibley in case Reeve is released.
Interesting person.
Charles H. cole, captain, C. S. Army, and also a lieutenant in the Navy.
Newport News, November 22, 1861.
I, B. P. Loyall, hereby pledge my sacred honor to return as a prisoner to the senior officer of the Navy of the United State commanding at Hampton Roads within fifty days from this time unless in the meanwhile Lieutenant George L. Selden, U. S. Navy, is delivered up to said senior officer without pledge or parole by Major General Benjamin Huger or some other competent authority at Norfolk, Va.
Prisoner of war.
H. K. Stevens, late lieutenant in the U. S. Navy, was arrested at Portsnouth, N. H., September 24, 1861, by Captain Pearosn, commanding at Kittery Navy - Yard, and committed to Fort Lafayette. Stevens tendered his resignation as a lieutenant in the U. S. Navy March 25, 1861, and by order of the President his name was stricken from the rolls of the Navy September 30, 1861.
Prisoners of war.
Robert Tansill, late captain, U. S. Marine Corps.
John R. F. Tattnall, late first lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps.
T. S. Wilson, late first lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps.
H. B. Claiborne, late midshipman, U. S. Navy.
Hilary Cenas, late midshipman, U. S. Navy.
A. D. Wharton, late midshipman, U. S. Navy.
W. M. Page, late surgeon, U. S. Navy.
James E. Lindsay, late assistant surgeon, U. S. Navy.
Crew of the U. S. STEAMER CAMBRIDGE, November, 1861.
R. D. EDLBRIDGE, Acting Master, U. S. Navy.
F. W. STRONG, Acting Master, U. S. Navy.
SAMUEL VERY, Jr., Acting Master, U. S. Navy.
H. A. RICHARDSON, Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy.
JOS. C. CANNING, Acting Assistant Paymaster, U. S. Navy.
FRANK A. BREMON, First Assistant Engineer, U. S. Navy.
CHARLES C. PENNINGTON, Second Assistant Engineer, U. S. Navy.
JOHN J. STEIGER, Third Assistant Engineer, U. S. Navy.
JAMES POWERS, Third Assistant Engineer, U. S. Navy.
Prisoner exchange.
Captain J. McGrath, Forty-second New York Volunteers, for Lieutenant A. M. De Bree, C. S. Navy.
Captain M. W. Burns, Fourth Excelsior (New York volunteers), for Lieutenant W. T. Glassell, C. S. Navy.
Captain W. M. Fisk, Fourth [Excelsior] (New York volunteers), for Lieutenant F. M. Harris, C. S. Navy.
Captain James McKeirnan, Seventh New York [Jersey] Volunteers, for Lieutenant B. Kennon, C. S. Navy.
Captain A. E. Miles [Niles], First [Thirteenth] Pennsylvania Volunteers, Reserve Corps, for Lieutenant J. N. Wilkenson [John Wilkinson], C. S. Navy.
Captain G. W. Hinds, Ninety-sixth New York Volunteers, for Lieutenant W. H. Ward, C. S. Navy.
Captain C. L. Conner, Eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers [Reserves], for Lieutenant W. C. Whittle, C. S. Navy.
Captain F. A. Conrad, Fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers [Reserves], for Lieutenant J. B. Weaver, [C. S. Navy].
Captain Robert S. Granger, First U. S. Infantry, for Lieutenant B. P. Loyall, C. S. Navy
Prisoners of war.
Robert Tansill, late captain, U. S. Marine Corps.
William M. Page, late surgeon, U. S. Army [Navy].
Walter R. butt, late lieutenant, U. S. Navy.
H. H. Dalton, late lieutenant, U. S. Navy, and now lieutenant in the Confederate Navy.
T. S. Wilson, late first lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps.
James E. Lindsay, late assistant surgeon, U. S. Navy.
H. B. Claiborne, late midshipmen, U. S. Navy.
A. D. Wharton, late midshipmen, U. S. Navy.
Men of the Water.
Almond Rice, Angelica, N. Y., was a steam-boat man on the Mississippi; could not get away from New Orleans; belonged to the so-called rebel Marine Corps; was sent to the Warrington Navy-Yard about the 1st of May; was part of the time in the navy-yard and part of the time on board the privateer Judith. When he first went to Pensacola Harbor thinks there were about 10,000 troops there. That number was after [ward] reduced to about 6,000, and they had about that many when he left. Thinks there were about four or seven guns left in Fort Macon; the rest were sent to Pensacola. There were four guns (42s and 32s0 between the navy-yard and the bayou bridge toward Pensacola. Most of the machinery had been removed from the navy-yard, but the rebels were still casting shot and shell at the foundry. Had been a sailor on board of the sloop of war Albany; paid off in 1849 or 1850. There were three companies of marines (250), nearly all Northern men, and a Louisiana infantry regiment about 900 strong in the navy-yard; will go home when released if he can get there.
John Matthews, Madison, Ind., says he was a steam-boat man; joined the rebel forces at New Orleans; was out of money and could not et awasy; was put in the parish prison and kept there twenty days; was afterward impressed in rebel service; was sent to the Warrington navy-yard on the 21st of April; was attached to the marines and quartered in the navy-yard. The greater part of the marines are Northern men, and would take the first opportunity to get away; were very much dissatisfied. Thinks there were about 7,000 men under arms on the rebel side; will go home when released; does not know much about the strength or location of the batteries on the rebel side; was pretty constantly in the guard-boat.
Samuel Benham, Buffalo, N. Y., say he had been a man-of-war's man on board of the Savannah; was paid off about a year ago; was impressed in the rebel service at New Orleans; was attached to the Marine Corps and sent to Pensacola Harbor about the 1st of May, 1861. Was put on board schooner Judith and went out at night in the coast-guard boat. Thinks when he first went to Pensacola the rebels had about 15,000 men, but when he left thinks they had only 6,000 or 7,000; knows but little about the strength or location of the rebel batteries; will go home when released.
Daniel R. Smith, Allegheny, Pa., says he was a boatman on the Mississippi; was impressed in the rebel service, and was sent to the Warrington Navy-Yard with the marines about the 1st of May; was closely questioned by Colonel Brown at Fort Pickens, and his answers taken down in writing; gave Colonel Brown all the information he possessed.
B. F. Lidy, Lancaster, Pa., says he was a steam-boat man; was impressed into the rebel service at New Orleans; was sent with the rebel marines to Warrington Navy-Yard about the 26th of April last. Says the marines are mostly either Northern men or foreign born, and thinks all but about fifty would leave if they could get a good chance. Gives same information as the others; says the Lovell battery, near the light-house, has 10, 8, and 6 inch (three guns), all covered in with earth on timbers about six feet thick; will go home when release.
Ovid P. Reno, Beaver County, Pa., says he is a boatman; joined the rebel service at New Orleans; was impressed; was attached to the marines and sent to Warrington Navy-Yard. Gives same information as others.
John Harmon, Allegheny County, Pa., says he was in New Orleans; could not get work; enlisted to keep from starving, intending to desert so soon as he had a chance to get home; belonged to the marines; was sent them to Pensacola; says the batteries between the navy-yard and Pensacola were washed away; knows nothing about the other batteries. There are a good many Northern men in the rebel marines, all of whom will take the first opportunity to get home
Daniel B. Harrington, a deserter from Tantall's rebel fleet, was committed to Fort Lafayette January 21, 1862. Harrington represents in a letter dated January 28, 1862, to the Secretary of state that he was wrecked at sea and escaped in a small boat to Key West where he was impressed in the Confederate Navy; that he deserted the first opportunity and was taken on board the U. S. frigate Wabash where he took the oath of allegiance. He was released February 6, 1862, by order of the Secretary of State.
Sidney Bennett was arrested by order of the Secretary of the Navy and committed to Fort Lafayette January 24, 1862. He was charged with having used highly treasonable and disloyal language whilst serving as landsman on board the U. S. frigate Santee then in the Gulf of Mexico. The said Sidney Bennett remained in custody at Fort Lafayette.
Prisoner exchange.
Thomas H. Allen, lieutenant, ordered paroled to be exchanged for R. T. Frank, first lieutenant, Eighth Infantry, U. S. Army.
Julian Myers, late U. S. Navy, paroled to be exchanged for Zenas R. Bliss, Eighth Infantry, U. S. Army.
T. S. Wilson, late lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps, paroled to be exchanged for W. G. Jones, Tenth Infantry, U. S. Army.
A. D. Wharton, late U. S. Navy, ordered paroled to be exchanged for J. J. Van Horn, Eighth Infantry, U. S. Army.
W. H. Ward, late U. S. Navy, paroled to be exchanged for F. E. Prime, captain, Engineers, U. S. Army.
D. A. Forrest and H. B. Claiborne, late U. S. Navy, paroled to be exchanged for J. V. Bromford, major Sixth Infantry, U. S. Army.
William Biggs, second lieutenant, North Carolina Volunteers, and H. C. Holt, Georgia Volunteers, paroled to be exchanged for William E. Merril, lieutenant, Engineers, U. S. Army.
H. A. Gilliam, major, North Carolina Volunteers, paroled to be exchanged for Major Reeve, U. S. Infantry, or Major Sibley in case Reeve is released.
Interesting person.
Charles H. cole, captain, C. S. Army, and also a lieutenant in the Navy.
Newport News, November 22, 1861.
I, B. P. Loyall, hereby pledge my sacred honor to return as a prisoner to the senior officer of the Navy of the United State commanding at Hampton Roads within fifty days from this time unless in the meanwhile Lieutenant George L. Selden, U. S. Navy, is delivered up to said senior officer without pledge or parole by Major General Benjamin Huger or some other competent authority at Norfolk, Va.
Prisoner of war.
H. K. Stevens, late lieutenant in the U. S. Navy, was arrested at Portsnouth, N. H., September 24, 1861, by Captain Pearosn, commanding at Kittery Navy - Yard, and committed to Fort Lafayette. Stevens tendered his resignation as a lieutenant in the U. S. Navy March 25, 1861, and by order of the President his name was stricken from the rolls of the Navy September 30, 1861.
Trials Of Missouri War Crimes.
Here is a list of men that were convicted of many different crimes, some were sentence to be shot, hung or sent to prison. These crimes were committed in the State of Missouri. All were committed at the time of the civil war, all were war crimes.
There are just to many to put all their information here. I will list their names and their crimes. Those of you who would like a copy of their trial can request it by writing to me at the following:
1. James McClurg, Murder.
2. James Stout, Murder.
3. James Penn, Destroying railroad and railroad property.
4. Thomas Henly, Violation of the laws and customs of war.
5. John H. Bently, Violation of the laws and customs of war.
6. Samuel Rice, Violation of the laws and customs of war.
7. Robert Hawkins, Destroying railroad and railroad property.
8. William J. Norris, Destroying railroad and railroad property.
9. Edward Wingfield, Aiding and abetting in the destruction of railroad and telegraph lines.
10. John R. Williams, Acting as a spy.
11. Jefferson F. Jones, Aiding and abetting in the destruction of railroad and telegraph lines.
12. Francis Skinner, Violation of the laws of war.
13. Calvin Sartain, Violation of the laws of war by attacking a vessel transporting U. S. troops.
14. James W. Barnes, Violation of the laws of war by attacking the dwelling of a citizen of the State of Missouri with the intent to murder the occupants of a said house.
15. Matthew Thompson, Aiding and abetting in the destruction of property of the North Missouri Railroad Company.
16. John E. Waller, Violation of the laws of war by aiding and assisting in the arrest and imprisonment of a citizen of the United States within the lines of the U. S. forces.
17. Owen C. Hickman, Violation of the laws of war.
18. Aroswell D. Severance, Violation of the laws of war.
19. Austin Brewner, Administering intoxicating liquors to soldiers.
20. Henry Willing, Aiding in the destruction of the North Missouri Railroad.
21. James Sisrico, Aiding in the destruction of the North Missouri Railroad.
22. James P. Snedicor, Aiding in the destruction of the North Missouri Railroad.
23. Samuel Jamerson, Furnishing supplies to the enemies of the Federal Government and giving them aid and comfort.
24. Lewis L. Chaney, Aiding in the destruction of the North Missouri Railroad.
25. Ambrose R. Tompkins, accused of violating the laws of war.
26. Joseph Sublett, Firing into a train of cars.
27. William Lisk, Violation of the laws of war.
28. Langston T. Goode, Violation of the laws of war.
29. George C. Chandler, Threatening to kill a Union man.
30. John Salie, Giving aid and comfort to rebels and furnishing supplies to rebels and rebel recruits.
31. Johnson Cruse, Robbery.
32. Joseph Bollinger, Treasonable acts toward the Government of the United States.
33. I. N. Giddings, Spy in the rebel service.
34. Isaac T. Jones, Giving aid to the enemy.
35. Stephen Bontwell, Robbery.
36. John W. Montgomery, Violating the laws of war.
37. William Kirk, Violation of the laws of war.
There are just to many to put all their information here. I will list their names and their crimes. Those of you who would like a copy of their trial can request it by writing to me at the following:
1. James McClurg, Murder.
2. James Stout, Murder.
3. James Penn, Destroying railroad and railroad property.
4. Thomas Henly, Violation of the laws and customs of war.
5. John H. Bently, Violation of the laws and customs of war.
6. Samuel Rice, Violation of the laws and customs of war.
7. Robert Hawkins, Destroying railroad and railroad property.
8. William J. Norris, Destroying railroad and railroad property.
9. Edward Wingfield, Aiding and abetting in the destruction of railroad and telegraph lines.
10. John R. Williams, Acting as a spy.
11. Jefferson F. Jones, Aiding and abetting in the destruction of railroad and telegraph lines.
12. Francis Skinner, Violation of the laws of war.
13. Calvin Sartain, Violation of the laws of war by attacking a vessel transporting U. S. troops.
14. James W. Barnes, Violation of the laws of war by attacking the dwelling of a citizen of the State of Missouri with the intent to murder the occupants of a said house.
15. Matthew Thompson, Aiding and abetting in the destruction of property of the North Missouri Railroad Company.
16. John E. Waller, Violation of the laws of war by aiding and assisting in the arrest and imprisonment of a citizen of the United States within the lines of the U. S. forces.
17. Owen C. Hickman, Violation of the laws of war.
18. Aroswell D. Severance, Violation of the laws of war.
19. Austin Brewner, Administering intoxicating liquors to soldiers.
20. Henry Willing, Aiding in the destruction of the North Missouri Railroad.
21. James Sisrico, Aiding in the destruction of the North Missouri Railroad.
22. James P. Snedicor, Aiding in the destruction of the North Missouri Railroad.
23. Samuel Jamerson, Furnishing supplies to the enemies of the Federal Government and giving them aid and comfort.
24. Lewis L. Chaney, Aiding in the destruction of the North Missouri Railroad.
25. Ambrose R. Tompkins, accused of violating the laws of war.
26. Joseph Sublett, Firing into a train of cars.
27. William Lisk, Violation of the laws of war.
28. Langston T. Goode, Violation of the laws of war.
29. George C. Chandler, Threatening to kill a Union man.
30. John Salie, Giving aid and comfort to rebels and furnishing supplies to rebels and rebel recruits.
31. Johnson Cruse, Robbery.
32. Joseph Bollinger, Treasonable acts toward the Government of the United States.
33. I. N. Giddings, Spy in the rebel service.
34. Isaac T. Jones, Giving aid to the enemy.
35. Stephen Bontwell, Robbery.
36. John W. Montgomery, Violating the laws of war.
37. William Kirk, Violation of the laws of war.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Trial of James N. Lane Boone Co. Missouri.
Trial of James N. Lane for aiding in the destructive of railroad property.
The commission proceeded to the trial of James N. Lane, a citizen of Boone County, Mo., who being called into court had the above order* read in his hearing, and was asked if he object to be tried by any member named in the detail to which he replied in the negative.
The commission was then duly sworn in the presence of the accused and the judge-advocate duly sworn by the president also in the precense of the accused.
The accused was ten arraigned on the following charge and specification:
CHARGE: Aiding and abetting in the destruction of property of the North Missouri Railroad Company.
Specification. - In this, that James N. Lane, a citizen of Boone County, Mo., did join with a band of armed men engaged in the destruction of the property of the North Missouri Railroad and by his presence did aid and abet the destruction by fire or otherwise of certain rails, ties, brisges and tuimber belonging and necessary to the use of said company in the transaction of their ordinary and legitimate business. All this at or near Sturgeon, Boone County, Mo., on or about the 21st day of December, A. D. 1861.
To which the prisoner plead as follows, viz:
To spcification, guilty.
To the charge, guilty.
The prosecution here rested, and the prisoner in open court made the following statement which with a full knowledge of its consequence to himself he states to be a voluntary and full confession of his crime:
My name is James N. Lane. I will be twenty-one years of age the 8th day of April next. I wish to make a frank and full explanation of my case to the court. On the Friday before Christmas of December, 1861, while I was at home in my father’s house about six miles northwest of Columbia of this State I was called on by Dr. Coleman -who then resided about six miles north of Columbia but I know not where he is now - who told me to get rear; that they were going out on a scout for two or three days and that then they would come back again. By the word "they" Dr. Coleman meant Captain Watson's company. Dr. Coleman had given me notice also on the night previous, Thursday night, that they would perhaps go on a scout.
He did not tell me what they were going to do. In Captain Watson's company there were about twenty-five or thirty persons as near as I can remember who went with us. The whole number that went on that night was about 400 or 500. We started at about 1 or 2 o'clock, and Captain Watson's company was I think the hindmost though there may have been another company behind that. I do not know who commanded the whole expedition. I knew only one of the officers of our company besides Captain Watson and his name is George Williams. He was sergeant. Dr. Coleman went along. We went along - that is Captain Watson's company - toward the railroad, and on our not know the names of their officers. We reached the railroad before daylight.
They stopped awhile before they began to tear it up but I had no hand in tearing it up; and if I had know what they going to do I would not have gone along, and a heap of the others who did not know what they were going to do did not take any hand in it. They began to tear it up at Sturgeon. They then burned the Sturgeon bridge and another one pretty near to Centralia; after which we came back to the edge of the timber where we took breakfast and fed our horses and staid about an hour. We were then attacked by Captain Moss' company I think. We all ran and I came home. About two weeks before Dr. Coleman called on me as I have already stated, Samuel Langdon who lived about half a mile from my father’s dwelling called on me and said that the South had the power over Missouri and would draft me if I did not go willingly and join the army of Price.
I did not wish to be drafted, and so agreed to go willingly and was sworn in by Captain Watson to join the army of Price. This occurred on the day we went to the railroad. Hos Houchens also was along. Barney Lynch was another. He lives about ten miles from here in a sort of northwest direction. Charley Holten was also along. He lives about a mile and a half northwest from my father’s house. George Nichols also was along. He lives about half a mile from Holten's, above named. James Quinsbery lives about five miles west from here and was along. Dr. Coleman is a physician. He lives about half a mile from my father‘s. Samuel Langdon lives about half a mile from my father’s He is a carpenter and stonemason. he took an active part in getting persons to join Price's army.
John McKinney, brother of Colonel McKinney, was also along. I saw him knocking them off from the end of the bridge. Harvey Palmer had a sledge hammer breaking up the ties and knocking them off from the road. He lives about a miles and a half northeast frommy father‘s. Thomas Tolsen was also along; was in the fight. He lives about six miles northeast from my father’s. Sant Haggart was also along and was in the fight. He rolled up a great bunch of the telegraph wire and threw it in the fire. He also made a fire around the posts which supported the bridge and helped to burn them. I also saw him cut down a post of the telegraph. James Nichols, brother of George, was also along. He cut one of the sills of the bridge about would likewise here state that it was my wish to do what was right and to serve my country and that I was misled by others and I deeply regret the course I have pursued.
The court was then closed and after mature deliberation confirmed the plea of the prisoner and finds him, the prisoner, James N. Lane -
Of the specification, guilty.
Of the charge, guilty.
And the court do therefore sentence him, James N. Lane, to be shot to death at such time and place as the major-general commanding the department shall direct.
The commission proceeded to the trial of James N. Lane, a citizen of Boone County, Mo., who being called into court had the above order* read in his hearing, and was asked if he object to be tried by any member named in the detail to which he replied in the negative.
The commission was then duly sworn in the presence of the accused and the judge-advocate duly sworn by the president also in the precense of the accused.
The accused was ten arraigned on the following charge and specification:
CHARGE: Aiding and abetting in the destruction of property of the North Missouri Railroad Company.
Specification. - In this, that James N. Lane, a citizen of Boone County, Mo., did join with a band of armed men engaged in the destruction of the property of the North Missouri Railroad and by his presence did aid and abet the destruction by fire or otherwise of certain rails, ties, brisges and tuimber belonging and necessary to the use of said company in the transaction of their ordinary and legitimate business. All this at or near Sturgeon, Boone County, Mo., on or about the 21st day of December, A. D. 1861.
To which the prisoner plead as follows, viz:
To spcification, guilty.
To the charge, guilty.
The prosecution here rested, and the prisoner in open court made the following statement which with a full knowledge of its consequence to himself he states to be a voluntary and full confession of his crime:
My name is James N. Lane. I will be twenty-one years of age the 8th day of April next. I wish to make a frank and full explanation of my case to the court. On the Friday before Christmas of December, 1861, while I was at home in my father’s house about six miles northwest of Columbia of this State I was called on by Dr. Coleman -who then resided about six miles north of Columbia but I know not where he is now - who told me to get rear; that they were going out on a scout for two or three days and that then they would come back again. By the word "they" Dr. Coleman meant Captain Watson's company. Dr. Coleman had given me notice also on the night previous, Thursday night, that they would perhaps go on a scout.
He did not tell me what they were going to do. In Captain Watson's company there were about twenty-five or thirty persons as near as I can remember who went with us. The whole number that went on that night was about 400 or 500. We started at about 1 or 2 o'clock, and Captain Watson's company was I think the hindmost though there may have been another company behind that. I do not know who commanded the whole expedition. I knew only one of the officers of our company besides Captain Watson and his name is George Williams. He was sergeant. Dr. Coleman went along. We went along - that is Captain Watson's company - toward the railroad, and on our not know the names of their officers. We reached the railroad before daylight.
They stopped awhile before they began to tear it up but I had no hand in tearing it up; and if I had know what they going to do I would not have gone along, and a heap of the others who did not know what they were going to do did not take any hand in it. They began to tear it up at Sturgeon. They then burned the Sturgeon bridge and another one pretty near to Centralia; after which we came back to the edge of the timber where we took breakfast and fed our horses and staid about an hour. We were then attacked by Captain Moss' company I think. We all ran and I came home. About two weeks before Dr. Coleman called on me as I have already stated, Samuel Langdon who lived about half a mile from my father’s dwelling called on me and said that the South had the power over Missouri and would draft me if I did not go willingly and join the army of Price.
I did not wish to be drafted, and so agreed to go willingly and was sworn in by Captain Watson to join the army of Price. This occurred on the day we went to the railroad. Hos Houchens also was along. Barney Lynch was another. He lives about ten miles from here in a sort of northwest direction. Charley Holten was also along. He lives about a mile and a half northwest from my father’s house. George Nichols also was along. He lives about half a mile from Holten's, above named. James Quinsbery lives about five miles west from here and was along. Dr. Coleman is a physician. He lives about half a mile from my father‘s. Samuel Langdon lives about half a mile from my father’s He is a carpenter and stonemason. he took an active part in getting persons to join Price's army.
John McKinney, brother of Colonel McKinney, was also along. I saw him knocking them off from the end of the bridge. Harvey Palmer had a sledge hammer breaking up the ties and knocking them off from the road. He lives about a miles and a half northeast frommy father‘s. Thomas Tolsen was also along; was in the fight. He lives about six miles northeast from my father’s. Sant Haggart was also along and was in the fight. He rolled up a great bunch of the telegraph wire and threw it in the fire. He also made a fire around the posts which supported the bridge and helped to burn them. I also saw him cut down a post of the telegraph. James Nichols, brother of George, was also along. He cut one of the sills of the bridge about would likewise here state that it was my wish to do what was right and to serve my country and that I was misled by others and I deeply regret the course I have pursued.
The court was then closed and after mature deliberation confirmed the plea of the prisoner and finds him, the prisoner, James N. Lane -
Of the specification, guilty.
Of the charge, guilty.
And the court do therefore sentence him, James N. Lane, to be shot to death at such time and place as the major-general commanding the department shall direct.
Confederate Navy Prisoners Of War.
Although there is very little personal information on these men, this page may be a help to you, especially for those of you who no nothing of your ancestors military service. From this page you will learn his rank, and was a prisoner of war, and was in the Confederate Navy, and notes from to time.
FORT WARREN, Boston Harbor, June 4, 1862.
General L. THOMAS,
Adjutant-General U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.
SIR: I have the honor herewith to transmit a roll of all prisoners of war at this station since the 1st of March, 1862.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Assistant Paymaster L. E. Brooks, C. S. Navy.
Captain's Clerk William B. Clark, C. S. Navy.
Second Assistant Engineer Orrin Culver, C. S. Navy.
Carpenter Virginius Cherry, C. S. Navy.
Took oath of allegiance on board the gun-boat Rhode Island.
Third Assistant Engineer John H. Dent, C. S. Navy.
Third Assistant Engineer Joseph Elliott, C. S. Navy.
Second Assistant Engineer Henry Fagan, C. S. Navy.
Asst. Surg. Joseph D. Grafton, C. S. Navy.
1859, Joseph D. Grafton to be an assistant surgeon in the Navy, from the 23d December, 1859.
1861, Joseph D. Grafton, of Arkansas, late an assistant surgeon in the Navy of the United States, to be an assistant surgeon in the Navy of the Confederate States.
Lieutenant Frank M. Harris, C. S. Navy.
Second Assistant Engineer James Harris, C. S. Navy.
Third Assistant Engineer Theodore Hart, C. S. Navy.
Lieutenant Beverly Kennon, C. S. Navy.
Commander John K. Mitchell, C. S. Navy.
1861, John K. Mitchell, of Florida, late a commander in the Navy of the United States.
1863, The President be requested to furnish this House with a copy of the finding of the court of inquiry in the case of Commander John K. Mitchell, Confederate States Navy, in command of certain vessels at New Orleans during the attack on that city.
Third Assistant Engineer Thomas Menzies, C. S. Navy.
Third Assistant Engineer William Newman, C. S. Navy.
Second Assistant Engineer Milton Parsons, C. S. Navy.
Purser's Steward David Porter, C. S. Navy.
Captain's Clerk George Taylor, C. S. Navy.
Third Assistant Engineer James H. Tombs, C. S. Navy.
1863, Acting First Asst. Engineer James H. Tomb, of Florida, to be promoted for "gallant and meritorious conduct in the expedition to attempt the destruction of the United States ironclad frigate New Ironsides in the harbor of Charleston on the night of the 5th of October, 1863, under the command of Lieut. W. T. Glassell," and to rank from that date.
Lieutenant John Wilkinson, C. S. Navy.
1862, Captain A. E. Miles [Niles], First [Thirteenth] Pennsylvania Volunteers, Reserve Corps, for Lieutenant J. N. Wilkenson [John Wilkinson], C. S. Navy.
Lieutenant William H. Ward, C. S. Navy.
Lieutenant William C. Whittle, Jr., C. S. Navy.
1861, William C. Whittle, of Virginia, late a commander in the Navy of the United States, to be a commander in the Navy of the Confederate States.
Lieutenant Alex. F. Warley, C. S. Navy.
Third Assistant Engineer James Waters, C. S. Navy.
Took oath of allegiance on board the gun-boat Rhode Island.
Second Assistant Engineer George T. Weaver, C. S. Navy.
Gunner James Wilson, C. S. Navy.
Took oath of allegiance on board the gun-boat Rhode Island.
Chief Engineer William Youngblood, C. S. Navy.
Flag-Officer Samuel Barron, C. S. Navy.
1861, Samuel Barron, of Virginia, late a captain in the Navy of the United States, to be a captain in the Navy of the Confederate States.
1862, Captain G. J. Vernon [?], Forty-fourth Ohio Volunteers; Captain M. C. Angell, Sixty-first New York Volunteers; Captain J. B. Moore, Sixty-seventh [Fifty-seventh] Pennsylvania Volunteers; Captain E. A. Irvin, First Pennsylvania Volunteers [Thirteenth Pennsylvania Reserves]; Captain J. M. Mott, Tenth [Sixteenth] Michigan Volunteers; Captain S. Davis, Ninth [West] Virginia Volunteers, and First Lieutenant S. H. Pilsbury, Fifth Maine Volunteers, for Flag-Officer Samuel Barron, C. S. Navy.
FORT WARREN, Boston Harbor, June 4, 1862.
General L. THOMAS,
Adjutant-General U. S. Army, Washington, D. C.
SIR: I have the honor herewith to transmit a roll of all prisoners of war at this station since the 1st of March, 1862.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Assistant Paymaster L. E. Brooks, C. S. Navy.
Captain's Clerk William B. Clark, C. S. Navy.
Second Assistant Engineer Orrin Culver, C. S. Navy.
Carpenter Virginius Cherry, C. S. Navy.
Took oath of allegiance on board the gun-boat Rhode Island.
Third Assistant Engineer John H. Dent, C. S. Navy.
Third Assistant Engineer Joseph Elliott, C. S. Navy.
Second Assistant Engineer Henry Fagan, C. S. Navy.
Asst. Surg. Joseph D. Grafton, C. S. Navy.
1859, Joseph D. Grafton to be an assistant surgeon in the Navy, from the 23d December, 1859.
1861, Joseph D. Grafton, of Arkansas, late an assistant surgeon in the Navy of the United States, to be an assistant surgeon in the Navy of the Confederate States.
Lieutenant Frank M. Harris, C. S. Navy.
Second Assistant Engineer James Harris, C. S. Navy.
Third Assistant Engineer Theodore Hart, C. S. Navy.
Lieutenant Beverly Kennon, C. S. Navy.
Commander John K. Mitchell, C. S. Navy.
1861, John K. Mitchell, of Florida, late a commander in the Navy of the United States.
1863, The President be requested to furnish this House with a copy of the finding of the court of inquiry in the case of Commander John K. Mitchell, Confederate States Navy, in command of certain vessels at New Orleans during the attack on that city.
Third Assistant Engineer Thomas Menzies, C. S. Navy.
Third Assistant Engineer William Newman, C. S. Navy.
Second Assistant Engineer Milton Parsons, C. S. Navy.
Purser's Steward David Porter, C. S. Navy.
Captain's Clerk George Taylor, C. S. Navy.
Third Assistant Engineer James H. Tombs, C. S. Navy.
1863, Acting First Asst. Engineer James H. Tomb, of Florida, to be promoted for "gallant and meritorious conduct in the expedition to attempt the destruction of the United States ironclad frigate New Ironsides in the harbor of Charleston on the night of the 5th of October, 1863, under the command of Lieut. W. T. Glassell," and to rank from that date.
Lieutenant John Wilkinson, C. S. Navy.
1862, Captain A. E. Miles [Niles], First [Thirteenth] Pennsylvania Volunteers, Reserve Corps, for Lieutenant J. N. Wilkenson [John Wilkinson], C. S. Navy.
Lieutenant William H. Ward, C. S. Navy.
Lieutenant William C. Whittle, Jr., C. S. Navy.
1861, William C. Whittle, of Virginia, late a commander in the Navy of the United States, to be a commander in the Navy of the Confederate States.
Lieutenant Alex. F. Warley, C. S. Navy.
Third Assistant Engineer James Waters, C. S. Navy.
Took oath of allegiance on board the gun-boat Rhode Island.
Second Assistant Engineer George T. Weaver, C. S. Navy.
Gunner James Wilson, C. S. Navy.
Took oath of allegiance on board the gun-boat Rhode Island.
Chief Engineer William Youngblood, C. S. Navy.
Flag-Officer Samuel Barron, C. S. Navy.
1861, Samuel Barron, of Virginia, late a captain in the Navy of the United States, to be a captain in the Navy of the Confederate States.
1862, Captain G. J. Vernon [?], Forty-fourth Ohio Volunteers; Captain M. C. Angell, Sixty-first New York Volunteers; Captain J. B. Moore, Sixty-seventh [Fifty-seventh] Pennsylvania Volunteers; Captain E. A. Irvin, First Pennsylvania Volunteers [Thirteenth Pennsylvania Reserves]; Captain J. M. Mott, Tenth [Sixteenth] Michigan Volunteers; Captain S. Davis, Ninth [West] Virginia Volunteers, and First Lieutenant S. H. Pilsbury, Fifth Maine Volunteers, for Flag-Officer Samuel Barron, C. S. Navy.
Where's Robert Robertson Graham?
I received a nice letter from Susan Venable, asking for help finding something about her ancestor Robert R. Graham, which I was unable to do. I told her I thought my readers (you), may be able to help.
Important note: Those of you who have any information or questions please address them to Susan Venable, At the following address,
I am trying to document the military service of an ancestor of mine who served in the US-Mexican war. I have a letter that he wrote from Matomoros, Mexico in July 1846 to his sister Isabella. I have included a transcription with this query.
What I know of this ancestor:
Name: Robert Robertson Graham
Born: no date known for sure but abt 1820
North Argyle, Washington County, New York
Father: John Graham
Mother: Jane Robertson Graham
Siblings: Elizabeth (Lamb) b. 1818, Isabella b. 1823, Jane b. 1825, Samuel b. 1827, Mary (Carey) b. 1831, John b. 1837
He was unmarried and had no children.
Died: March 1849 in Matamoros, Mexico of cholera – The New York Herald, Saturday, April 21, 1849, “From the Rio Grande”, published originally in the Brownsville American Flag on the 28th of March.
“Under the obituary head of the “Flag” we see announced the death of the following persons:. . . and on the 24th, Robert R. Graham, of North Argyle, Washington County, New York.”
Since Robert was born and died before the 1860 census when family members were listed I have been unable to document his birth. Of course, he is probably buried in a mass grave in Mexico, rather than with his family, so there is no cemetery record of him either.
I have searched the NARA files for regular and volunteer military serving during the US-Mexican war and have not found any record of R.R. Graham.
From his letter I have concluded he was already in Mexico when recruiting began for the war, so I believe he was part of the standing military. The fact that he was still in Mexico in 1849 after the war was settled, adds credence to that idea.
I’ve looked into military records preceding the war and the only military record I have found that may be his is an 1836 Muster Roll for the Marines, which shows a Robert Graham, but it doesn’t say where he is from and I can’t track his service beyond a few years.
I have tried to locate the ship he was on during the storm or where he might be buried without success.
I found Robert’s letter so wonderfully written, that he came alive for me and I want very much to document his life and place some memorial of him with his family in Prospect Hill cemetery.
There is a lot I don’t know about military records, such as how to locate Bounty Land records or the original service records. I don’t think I have enough information. I have tried to find payroll records too. I believe I will have to make another trip to NARA.
Any information on Robert or guidance on where to go next would be greatly appreciated.
Susan Venable.
To: Miss Isabella Graham
North Argyle, Washington County
New York
Matamoras, Mexico (during U.S & Mexican War)
July 20, 1846
Dear Sister,
Your kind favor of May 30th came to hand some time since and you may rest assured was not unwelcome it being the first intelligence rec’d from home (if any may dare use the word) since your previous one of Jan 22nd. Your delicate allusions to the joys, the hopes, and the bright imagining of past, but not forgotten years find in my heart a corresponding cord (sp) and awaken emotions kindred to your own: for despite the stern lessons of the world I yet relish the romance and poetry of life. The poetry of the heart whose cheering influence is confined to no “favored spot of Earth” nor chained exclusively to certain associations or circumstance, Its home is in every heart that can feel its beauties and appreciate its sublimity. Everywhere, and at all times may be found circumstances that awaken its emotions.
To answer one half your direct questions aside from several implied ones would fill a small volume: so I will attend to some of the most important and leave you to surmise the remainder. You wish me to describe a storm at sea: well, as I have taken a practical lecture or two upon the subject (not from professor Espy —but from higher authority) — I have no particular objection.
The first night on the blue water of the gulf we had a delightful sail with just wind & wave enough to impart to our craft sufficient motion to be agreeable. The moon rode high in heaven and was occasionally sufficiently obscured by fleecy clouds to checker the ocean scene (?) and give it the semblance of a fairy world. The picture for I can call it naught else was enchanting. I was late when I retired with anticipation of a speedy and prosperous voyage — but how different the stern realities of the morrow’s morn from the fanciful scene of the evening. When I awoke the wind was blowing a gale from the north which soon increased almost to a hurricane. We could carry barely sail enough to manage the vessel and in the afternoon lost our rudder and were for the two remaining days during which the storm continued were completely at its mercy. Without scarce knowing whither it was driving us, our compass (?) having been injured by accident, and neither sun nor stars were to be seen during these three days the waves rolled mountains high and our frail bark was sped onward with a fearful rapidity: now climbing the mountain billow till it appeared to stand upon its snowy crest — now plunging in a deep chasm far beneath, the white surf foaming above and around us and again as some wave more impetuous than the rest would meet the vessel she would pause in her course & quiver till she would creak at every joint & again rust onward.
The scene was awfully sublime nor was it destitute of more delicate beauty. When the blue fathomless wave rises abruptly the hues of the rainbow are faintly discernable through its transparent silvery surface — such is a faint(?) picture of the feral storm it was my fortune to witness. But I experience another more awfully grand. It was a thunder storm at night. The sky was completely overspread with a black pall — the winds howled and whistled through the rigging of our craft, and peal after peal of deafening thunder rang through the vault of heaven, accompanied by lightning that seemed to blaze from one pole to the other, after which all would (be) dark except the foaming waves which shimmied(?) like sheets of living flame flitting across the surface of the ocean billows. Our situation at this time was indeed precarious as we were driven along shore & instead of being able to get seaward we were verging(?) towards the shore upon which we might be cast at any moment & dashed to pieces.
But serious as the occasion might seem I could not help indulging a laugh at one of my fellow passengers who was part owner of the vessel — the gent had retired early — I at request of the captain (as my eye & ear were quicker than his own) was standing watch with him on deck. About eleven o’clock I was surprised to see the gent alluded to coming up out of the cabin with as woebegone a countenance as one could fancy could belong to a wandering ghost. I addressed him & asked what was the matter when he replied he could not rest & that if I had as much at risk as he had I would not feel easy either. My reply was, “Fool! Don’t you think I value my life as much as you do yours?” About an hour after this we could distinctly hear the breakers on our lee bow and we in spite of all our efforts approaching them: the wind at the time still blowing a severe gale. Every inch of our canvas was spread(?) to the winds as the only alternative. The masts bent and creaked under the immense pressure till they appeared almost ready to break: the vessel ploughed through the foaming surge as gallantly as we could wish & in half an hour we were safe. But another half hour of the same anxiety I do not care again to experience.
Point Isabel is situate upon a delightful emminance or rather kind of promontory near the mouth of Laguna del Madra (a channel between Padra Island and the mainland). The Ft. (? Fort) embraces 4 (garbled) acres & is surrounded by ditch that would not be easily crossed. May no enemy ever attempt it! The surrounding country is level & mostly prairie with here and there a wide scope of chaparell — by the way I would mention it as a curiosity a tree, or rather shrub that grows here whose only verdure is green thorns. Not a leaf or a bud ever appeared upon the bush. I have seen it of 10 feet in height and from the ground up such a complete matt of thorns that even a wren cannot fly through it. The Rio Grande at present not only overflowed its banks but a considerable portion of the country. A large stream now flows through Ravina del Palmas and where the dragoons made their gallant charge upon the Mex cannon is now 16 feet of water. I send you enclosed one of the old Continental bills. Preserve it as a relic of days that should never be forgotten. It will be safer in your hand than mine.
But as my limits are nearly exhausted & my time not all my own I must close. Give my love to parents, sisters & brothers & say as many good things to my friends and you please & do not forget to write soon direct to Headquarters of the Army, Mexico, and tell me about where S.T. Harshaw(?) is. Tell me about all the toothless lions of Argyle & and how you think they would like the smell of gunpowder. I am respectfully your affectionate brother
R.R. Graham
Important note: Those of you who have any information or questions please address them to Susan Venable, At the following address,
I am trying to document the military service of an ancestor of mine who served in the US-Mexican war. I have a letter that he wrote from Matomoros, Mexico in July 1846 to his sister Isabella. I have included a transcription with this query.
What I know of this ancestor:
Name: Robert Robertson Graham
Born: no date known for sure but abt 1820
North Argyle, Washington County, New York
Father: John Graham
Mother: Jane Robertson Graham
Siblings: Elizabeth (Lamb) b. 1818, Isabella b. 1823, Jane b. 1825, Samuel b. 1827, Mary (Carey) b. 1831, John b. 1837
He was unmarried and had no children.
Died: March 1849 in Matamoros, Mexico of cholera – The New York Herald, Saturday, April 21, 1849, “From the Rio Grande”, published originally in the Brownsville American Flag on the 28th of March.
“Under the obituary head of the “Flag” we see announced the death of the following persons:. . . and on the 24th, Robert R. Graham, of North Argyle, Washington County, New York.”
Since Robert was born and died before the 1860 census when family members were listed I have been unable to document his birth. Of course, he is probably buried in a mass grave in Mexico, rather than with his family, so there is no cemetery record of him either.
I have searched the NARA files for regular and volunteer military serving during the US-Mexican war and have not found any record of R.R. Graham.
From his letter I have concluded he was already in Mexico when recruiting began for the war, so I believe he was part of the standing military. The fact that he was still in Mexico in 1849 after the war was settled, adds credence to that idea.
I’ve looked into military records preceding the war and the only military record I have found that may be his is an 1836 Muster Roll for the Marines, which shows a Robert Graham, but it doesn’t say where he is from and I can’t track his service beyond a few years.
I have tried to locate the ship he was on during the storm or where he might be buried without success.
I found Robert’s letter so wonderfully written, that he came alive for me and I want very much to document his life and place some memorial of him with his family in Prospect Hill cemetery.
There is a lot I don’t know about military records, such as how to locate Bounty Land records or the original service records. I don’t think I have enough information. I have tried to find payroll records too. I believe I will have to make another trip to NARA.
Any information on Robert or guidance on where to go next would be greatly appreciated.
Susan Venable.
Robert R. Graham letter to his sister Isabella.
To: Miss Isabella Graham
North Argyle, Washington County
New York
Matamoras, Mexico (during U.S & Mexican War)
July 20, 1846
Dear Sister,
Your kind favor of May 30th came to hand some time since and you may rest assured was not unwelcome it being the first intelligence rec’d from home (if any may dare use the word) since your previous one of Jan 22nd. Your delicate allusions to the joys, the hopes, and the bright imagining of past, but not forgotten years find in my heart a corresponding cord (sp) and awaken emotions kindred to your own: for despite the stern lessons of the world I yet relish the romance and poetry of life. The poetry of the heart whose cheering influence is confined to no “favored spot of Earth” nor chained exclusively to certain associations or circumstance, Its home is in every heart that can feel its beauties and appreciate its sublimity. Everywhere, and at all times may be found circumstances that awaken its emotions.
To answer one half your direct questions aside from several implied ones would fill a small volume: so I will attend to some of the most important and leave you to surmise the remainder. You wish me to describe a storm at sea: well, as I have taken a practical lecture or two upon the subject (not from professor Espy —but from higher authority) — I have no particular objection.
The first night on the blue water of the gulf we had a delightful sail with just wind & wave enough to impart to our craft sufficient motion to be agreeable. The moon rode high in heaven and was occasionally sufficiently obscured by fleecy clouds to checker the ocean scene (?) and give it the semblance of a fairy world. The picture for I can call it naught else was enchanting. I was late when I retired with anticipation of a speedy and prosperous voyage — but how different the stern realities of the morrow’s morn from the fanciful scene of the evening. When I awoke the wind was blowing a gale from the north which soon increased almost to a hurricane. We could carry barely sail enough to manage the vessel and in the afternoon lost our rudder and were for the two remaining days during which the storm continued were completely at its mercy. Without scarce knowing whither it was driving us, our compass (?) having been injured by accident, and neither sun nor stars were to be seen during these three days the waves rolled mountains high and our frail bark was sped onward with a fearful rapidity: now climbing the mountain billow till it appeared to stand upon its snowy crest — now plunging in a deep chasm far beneath, the white surf foaming above and around us and again as some wave more impetuous than the rest would meet the vessel she would pause in her course & quiver till she would creak at every joint & again rust onward.
The scene was awfully sublime nor was it destitute of more delicate beauty. When the blue fathomless wave rises abruptly the hues of the rainbow are faintly discernable through its transparent silvery surface — such is a faint(?) picture of the feral storm it was my fortune to witness. But I experience another more awfully grand. It was a thunder storm at night. The sky was completely overspread with a black pall — the winds howled and whistled through the rigging of our craft, and peal after peal of deafening thunder rang through the vault of heaven, accompanied by lightning that seemed to blaze from one pole to the other, after which all would (be) dark except the foaming waves which shimmied(?) like sheets of living flame flitting across the surface of the ocean billows. Our situation at this time was indeed precarious as we were driven along shore & instead of being able to get seaward we were verging(?) towards the shore upon which we might be cast at any moment & dashed to pieces.
But serious as the occasion might seem I could not help indulging a laugh at one of my fellow passengers who was part owner of the vessel — the gent had retired early — I at request of the captain (as my eye & ear were quicker than his own) was standing watch with him on deck. About eleven o’clock I was surprised to see the gent alluded to coming up out of the cabin with as woebegone a countenance as one could fancy could belong to a wandering ghost. I addressed him & asked what was the matter when he replied he could not rest & that if I had as much at risk as he had I would not feel easy either. My reply was, “Fool! Don’t you think I value my life as much as you do yours?” About an hour after this we could distinctly hear the breakers on our lee bow and we in spite of all our efforts approaching them: the wind at the time still blowing a severe gale. Every inch of our canvas was spread(?) to the winds as the only alternative. The masts bent and creaked under the immense pressure till they appeared almost ready to break: the vessel ploughed through the foaming surge as gallantly as we could wish & in half an hour we were safe. But another half hour of the same anxiety I do not care again to experience.
Point Isabel is situate upon a delightful emminance or rather kind of promontory near the mouth of Laguna del Madra (a channel between Padra Island and the mainland). The Ft. (? Fort) embraces 4 (garbled) acres & is surrounded by ditch that would not be easily crossed. May no enemy ever attempt it! The surrounding country is level & mostly prairie with here and there a wide scope of chaparell — by the way I would mention it as a curiosity a tree, or rather shrub that grows here whose only verdure is green thorns. Not a leaf or a bud ever appeared upon the bush. I have seen it of 10 feet in height and from the ground up such a complete matt of thorns that even a wren cannot fly through it. The Rio Grande at present not only overflowed its banks but a considerable portion of the country. A large stream now flows through Ravina del Palmas and where the dragoons made their gallant charge upon the Mex cannon is now 16 feet of water. I send you enclosed one of the old Continental bills. Preserve it as a relic of days that should never be forgotten. It will be safer in your hand than mine.
But as my limits are nearly exhausted & my time not all my own I must close. Give my love to parents, sisters & brothers & say as many good things to my friends and you please & do not forget to write soon direct to Headquarters of the Army, Mexico, and tell me about where S.T. Harshaw(?) is. Tell me about all the toothless lions of Argyle & and how you think they would like the smell of gunpowder. I am respectfully your affectionate brother
R.R. Graham
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Lesser Known Soldiers-Army
Ferdinand L. Amelung.
Born in Germany and appointed from Louisiana.
Captain of the 44th., infantry, March 11, 1814.
Transferred to first infantry, May 17, 1815.
Resigned January 7, 1819.
1814, A petition of Captain Ferdinand L. Amelung, of the United States' Army, praying to be exonerated from refunding to the United States a certain sum of public money with which he was charged for the payment of the troops, and of which he was robbed.
1819, A petition of Ferdinand L. Amelung, captain in the first infantry in the United States' army, praying a proportion of certain prize money arising from seizures for violations of the revenue laws, in the western parts of the state of Louisiana.
Butler Ames.
Born in Massachusetts.
Military service.
Appointed from Massachusetts.
Second Lieutenant 11th, infantry, June 12, 1894.
Resigned September 30, 1894.
Robert L. Ames.
Born Rode Island, appointed from New York.
Cadet at Military Academy, September 1, to December 23, 1874.
Second Lieutenant, eight, infantry, September 1, 1879.
First Lieutenant, May 20, 1886.
Captain eight, infantry, March 10, 1896.
Thales L. Ames.
Born Wisconsin, and appointed from Wisconsin.
Second Lieutenant, third Artillery, June 12, 1895.
First Lieutenant Ord., November 21, 1898.
Albert V Amet.
born in Missouri in 1842, was appointed from the army.
Rank Private, Company F., Unit 8th., Illinois U. S. Cavalry.
Residence EVANSTON, COOK CO, ILL., Age 19, Height 5' 8, Hair LIGHT, Eyes GRAY, Complexion LIGHT, Occupation CLERK.
Nativity Missouri.
Joined When September 2, 1861.
Period 3 Years.
Mustered in September 18, 1861, ST CHARLES, ILL.
Remarks DISCHARGED January 29, 1863 FOR DISABILITY.
Rank Private Company E., Unit 17th., ILL. U. S. Cavalry.
Residence EVANSTON, COOK CO, ILL. Age 19, Height 5' 7, Hair LIGHT, Eyes BLUE, Complexion LIGHT, Occupation MED STUDENT.
Joined When December 15, 1863, EVANSTON, ILL.
Period 3 Years.
Muster In JAN 22, 1864, ST CHARLES, ILL.
Rank Hospital steward, Company HQ., Unit 17th., ILL. U. S. Cavalry.
Residence EVANSTON, COOK CO, ILL., Age 19, Height 5' 7, Hair LIGHT, Eyes BLUE, Complexion LIGHT, Occupation MED STUDENT.
Rank 1st., Lieutenant Company G., Unit 17th., ILL. U. S. Cavalry.
Age 21.
Joined When July 7, 1865, FT. LEAVENWORTH, KS.
Mustered in July 7, 1865, FT. LEAVENWORTH, KS.
Mustered out December 18, 1865, FT. LEAVENWORTH, KS.
Hospital steward United States Army, September 30, 1867 to July 27, 1872.
Second Lieutenant, 7th., infantry, July 27, 1872.
Died December 16, 1874.
Burial: Fort Shaw Military Cemetery, Fort Shaw, Cascade County, Montana.
Myron J. Amick.
born Illinois, and appointed from Illinois.
Ranks Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Company K., Unit 15th., ILL., U. S. Cavalry.
Residence CHICAGO, COOK CO, ILL. Age 19, Height 5' 5 ½, Hair DARK, Eyes HAZEL, Complexion LIGHT, Marital Status SINGLE, Occupation PRINTER .
Joined When AUG 17, 1861, PLATO, ILL.
Period 3 years.
Muster In SEP 23, 1861, AURORA, ILL.
Mustered out July 15, 1865.
Second Lieutenant, 10th., cavalry July 28, 1866.
First Lieutenant, July 31, 1867.
Discharged December 2, 1870.
Alvord Van F. Anderson.
born New York, appointed from the Army.
Private, Corporal, Troop G., 6th., cavalry, May 28, 1801 to August 27, 1804.
Private, Corporal, Troop B., 6th., cavalry, , November 5, 1804 to February 1806.
Second Lieutenant, cavalry, February 5, 1806.
First Lieutenant, June 9, 1809.
Charles D. Anderson.
born South Carolina appointed from Texas.
Cadet at military academy September 1, 1846 to November 13, 1846.
Second Lieutenant, 4th., artillery June 27, 1856.
First Lieutenant July, 6, 1859.
Resigned April 1, 1861.
Born in Germany and appointed from Louisiana.
Captain of the 44th., infantry, March 11, 1814.
Transferred to first infantry, May 17, 1815.
Resigned January 7, 1819.
1814, A petition of Captain Ferdinand L. Amelung, of the United States' Army, praying to be exonerated from refunding to the United States a certain sum of public money with which he was charged for the payment of the troops, and of which he was robbed.
1819, A petition of Ferdinand L. Amelung, captain in the first infantry in the United States' army, praying a proportion of certain prize money arising from seizures for violations of the revenue laws, in the western parts of the state of Louisiana.
Butler Ames.
Born in Massachusetts.
Military service.
Appointed from Massachusetts.
Second Lieutenant 11th, infantry, June 12, 1894.
Resigned September 30, 1894.
Robert L. Ames.
Born Rode Island, appointed from New York.
Cadet at Military Academy, September 1, to December 23, 1874.
Second Lieutenant, eight, infantry, September 1, 1879.
First Lieutenant, May 20, 1886.
Captain eight, infantry, March 10, 1896.
Thales L. Ames.
Born Wisconsin, and appointed from Wisconsin.
Second Lieutenant, third Artillery, June 12, 1895.
First Lieutenant Ord., November 21, 1898.
Albert V Amet.
born in Missouri in 1842, was appointed from the army.
Rank Private, Company F., Unit 8th., Illinois U. S. Cavalry.
Residence EVANSTON, COOK CO, ILL., Age 19, Height 5' 8, Hair LIGHT, Eyes GRAY, Complexion LIGHT, Occupation CLERK.
Nativity Missouri.
Joined When September 2, 1861.
Period 3 Years.
Mustered in September 18, 1861, ST CHARLES, ILL.
Remarks DISCHARGED January 29, 1863 FOR DISABILITY.
Rank Private Company E., Unit 17th., ILL. U. S. Cavalry.
Residence EVANSTON, COOK CO, ILL. Age 19, Height 5' 7, Hair LIGHT, Eyes BLUE, Complexion LIGHT, Occupation MED STUDENT.
Joined When December 15, 1863, EVANSTON, ILL.
Period 3 Years.
Muster In JAN 22, 1864, ST CHARLES, ILL.
Rank Hospital steward, Company HQ., Unit 17th., ILL. U. S. Cavalry.
Residence EVANSTON, COOK CO, ILL., Age 19, Height 5' 7, Hair LIGHT, Eyes BLUE, Complexion LIGHT, Occupation MED STUDENT.
Rank 1st., Lieutenant Company G., Unit 17th., ILL. U. S. Cavalry.
Age 21.
Joined When July 7, 1865, FT. LEAVENWORTH, KS.
Mustered in July 7, 1865, FT. LEAVENWORTH, KS.
Mustered out December 18, 1865, FT. LEAVENWORTH, KS.
Hospital steward United States Army, September 30, 1867 to July 27, 1872.
Second Lieutenant, 7th., infantry, July 27, 1872.
Died December 16, 1874.
Burial: Fort Shaw Military Cemetery, Fort Shaw, Cascade County, Montana.
Myron J. Amick.
born Illinois, and appointed from Illinois.
Ranks Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Company K., Unit 15th., ILL., U. S. Cavalry.
Residence CHICAGO, COOK CO, ILL. Age 19, Height 5' 5 ½, Hair DARK, Eyes HAZEL, Complexion LIGHT, Marital Status SINGLE, Occupation PRINTER .
Joined When AUG 17, 1861, PLATO, ILL.
Period 3 years.
Muster In SEP 23, 1861, AURORA, ILL.
Mustered out July 15, 1865.
Second Lieutenant, 10th., cavalry July 28, 1866.
First Lieutenant, July 31, 1867.
Discharged December 2, 1870.
Alvord Van F. Anderson.
born New York, appointed from the Army.
Private, Corporal, Troop G., 6th., cavalry, May 28, 1801 to August 27, 1804.
Private, Corporal, Troop B., 6th., cavalry, , November 5, 1804 to February 1806.
Second Lieutenant, cavalry, February 5, 1806.
First Lieutenant, June 9, 1809.
Charles D. Anderson.
born South Carolina appointed from Texas.
Cadet at military academy September 1, 1846 to November 13, 1846.
Second Lieutenant, 4th., artillery June 27, 1856.
First Lieutenant July, 6, 1859.
Resigned April 1, 1861.
Lieutenant Copley Amory
Copley Amory, was born in Massachusetts and was appointed from Massachusetts.
Second Lieutenant 4th., cavalry, August 5, 1861.
First Lieutenant, October 17, 1862.
Resigned December 15, 1863.
No. 3. Report of Lieutenant Copley Amory, Fourth U. S. Cavalry.
HDQRS. SQUADRON FOURTH U. S. CAVALRY, Camp near Sedalia, Mo., December 29, 1861.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by Companies B, C, D, of the Fourth Regular Cavalry, under my command, at the action on the Black water River, at Milford, on the 19th December. I had reported with my three companies to General Jeff. C. Davis, and had left the town of Knobnoster some 3 miles behind us, when I heard the advance guard driving in the enemy's pickets about 1 mile from Blackwater River towards Knobnoster. My command had the head of the column,and,ordering it to take the gallop, we soon came up with General Davis, who gave the following order: "There they are; give it to them, boys." Immediately forming fours and then platoons, we charged across the prairie towards the timber, supposing the enemy to be there encamped, but observing no signs of them, I broke by fours, and riding at a sharp gallop soon passed through the mile of woods intervening between the prairie and the bridge.
On arriving at the open space before the river we observed a body of men on the opposite side. Having satisfied myself that they were the enemy defending the brigade, I sheltered my men as much as possible and ordered them to dismount. At this time and until after the crossing of the brigade the three companies were in the following order: 1st, my own, B; 2nd, Lieutenant Gordon's, D; 3rd, Company C, under Sergeant Neff. After giving them two volleys the enemy showed of confusion, and I gave the order to charge. My company (B), closely followed by the other two companies (D and C), gallantly dashed across the bridge. The enemy, terrified by the suddenness and boldness of the charge, broke end fled in two directions, one party taking the road to the right, closely pursued by my company (B), and the other party by the road to the left, followed by Lieutenant Gordon with D and C companies.
The party followed by Lieutenant Gordon led him directly to their camp, which neither of us had before seen. Immediately upon observing the enemy Lieutenant Gordon dismounted his men and delivered two volleys, which the enemy returned, wounding 8 men of Company D and one of Company C. And here I would state that the coolness and intrepidity of Lieutenant Gordon, whose courage was the theme of all present, were closely imitated by the two companies with him.
Before this, having concluded it useless to keep up the pursuit and having discovered the whereabouts of the main of the enemy, I had wheeled my company to go to the assistance of Lieutenant Gordon. On arriving on the ground I found that one of the companies of the First Iowa Cavalry had broken and were in confusion. I ordered them to hat, but could not stop them. Having extricated the companies I turned to find General Davis, but could not see him anywhere. Meeting with Major Torrence, of the Iowa cavalry, I asked where General Davis was to be found, but he could give me no information. I then said, "You are next in rank; why don't you take command and do something?" His reply was, "I am," but I received no order from him.
I then withdrew the three companies and formed them in line of battle opposite the enemy's camp, the five companies of Iowa cavalry forming on our left and about 200 yards in rear. At this point a flag of truce appeared, and setting out again in search of General Davis I found him on the left of our line. Pointing out to him the flag, I asked permission to go and meet it. He ordered me to do so. On coming up with the bearer of the flat I inquired of him what he desired. He informed me that he belonged to the Confederate Army, and wished to know what flag we fought under.
Having driven him the desired information he returned to his camp, while I reported to General Davis. The general then asked my opinion as to the feasibility of charging on the enemy's camp, and I gave it as my opinion that it would be madness to charge them through prairie-grass breast-high to a horse and then through thick timber, the enemy being posted behind trees, and evidently outnumbering us four to one, but that if he would order us to dismount and fight on foot something might be done. At any rate we were willing and ready to make the trial. After a few moments I received an order to take position half a mile on our right, for the purpose of intercepting the retreat of the enemy. We did so, and remained there until the surrender, which soon followed.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Second Lieutenant, Fourth Cav., Commanding Squadron Fourth U. S. Cav.
Second Lieutenant 4th., cavalry, August 5, 1861.
First Lieutenant, October 17, 1862.
Resigned December 15, 1863.
No. 3. Report of Lieutenant Copley Amory, Fourth U. S. Cavalry.
HDQRS. SQUADRON FOURTH U. S. CAVALRY, Camp near Sedalia, Mo., December 29, 1861.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by Companies B, C, D, of the Fourth Regular Cavalry, under my command, at the action on the Black water River, at Milford, on the 19th December. I had reported with my three companies to General Jeff. C. Davis, and had left the town of Knobnoster some 3 miles behind us, when I heard the advance guard driving in the enemy's pickets about 1 mile from Blackwater River towards Knobnoster. My command had the head of the column,and,ordering it to take the gallop, we soon came up with General Davis, who gave the following order: "There they are; give it to them, boys." Immediately forming fours and then platoons, we charged across the prairie towards the timber, supposing the enemy to be there encamped, but observing no signs of them, I broke by fours, and riding at a sharp gallop soon passed through the mile of woods intervening between the prairie and the bridge.
On arriving at the open space before the river we observed a body of men on the opposite side. Having satisfied myself that they were the enemy defending the brigade, I sheltered my men as much as possible and ordered them to dismount. At this time and until after the crossing of the brigade the three companies were in the following order: 1st, my own, B; 2nd, Lieutenant Gordon's, D; 3rd, Company C, under Sergeant Neff. After giving them two volleys the enemy showed of confusion, and I gave the order to charge. My company (B), closely followed by the other two companies (D and C), gallantly dashed across the bridge. The enemy, terrified by the suddenness and boldness of the charge, broke end fled in two directions, one party taking the road to the right, closely pursued by my company (B), and the other party by the road to the left, followed by Lieutenant Gordon with D and C companies.
The party followed by Lieutenant Gordon led him directly to their camp, which neither of us had before seen. Immediately upon observing the enemy Lieutenant Gordon dismounted his men and delivered two volleys, which the enemy returned, wounding 8 men of Company D and one of Company C. And here I would state that the coolness and intrepidity of Lieutenant Gordon, whose courage was the theme of all present, were closely imitated by the two companies with him.
Before this, having concluded it useless to keep up the pursuit and having discovered the whereabouts of the main of the enemy, I had wheeled my company to go to the assistance of Lieutenant Gordon. On arriving on the ground I found that one of the companies of the First Iowa Cavalry had broken and were in confusion. I ordered them to hat, but could not stop them. Having extricated the companies I turned to find General Davis, but could not see him anywhere. Meeting with Major Torrence, of the Iowa cavalry, I asked where General Davis was to be found, but he could give me no information. I then said, "You are next in rank; why don't you take command and do something?" His reply was, "I am," but I received no order from him.
I then withdrew the three companies and formed them in line of battle opposite the enemy's camp, the five companies of Iowa cavalry forming on our left and about 200 yards in rear. At this point a flag of truce appeared, and setting out again in search of General Davis I found him on the left of our line. Pointing out to him the flag, I asked permission to go and meet it. He ordered me to do so. On coming up with the bearer of the flat I inquired of him what he desired. He informed me that he belonged to the Confederate Army, and wished to know what flag we fought under.
Having driven him the desired information he returned to his camp, while I reported to General Davis. The general then asked my opinion as to the feasibility of charging on the enemy's camp, and I gave it as my opinion that it would be madness to charge them through prairie-grass breast-high to a horse and then through thick timber, the enemy being posted behind trees, and evidently outnumbering us four to one, but that if he would order us to dismount and fight on foot something might be done. At any rate we were willing and ready to make the trial. After a few moments I received an order to take position half a mile on our right, for the purpose of intercepting the retreat of the enemy. We did so, and remained there until the surrender, which soon followed.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Second Lieutenant, Fourth Cav., Commanding Squadron Fourth U. S. Cav.
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