I’m not a true genealogist, I’m just a surname researcher, I look for names and information on names so families well have leads and information they may not have had before. Many would call that being a genealogist, that may be so. I find it hard in my line of work to know when I should and when I should not give information on a name. I read thousands documents through out the year, and run across many family names that history only gives a short note. Now these family names may have been in some kind of a event in history and nothing is given on the family before or after the event. Now there are families looking into their ancestors passed and may have some information, but very litter to go on,
Those of you who been to this site before Know I post many list of names or what I call one liners, these are to help you find your family name. I don’t know how many times I have been thank for posting just a name and no information on it, they were just glad it see the name in print, so I guess no information is to small. This being the case I’m posting the following short paragraph.
Authors note. Those of you who know these families or knows the story behind this information, I would like to hear from you, I would like to add more to this story and families. My address can be found in my profile.
Copy of a letter from Governor Blount to the Secretary of War, dated, KNOXVILLE, December 26th,1793.
Sir: On Monday, the 23d instant, a party of Indians, the number unknown way-laid a path leading from Well’s Station, (blockhouses) and fired upon a party of citizens conveying a wagon load of corn, from a neighboring plantation to the station, for the subsistence of their families, killed Roger Oates and Nicholas Ball, captured a mulatto boy, and took the wagon horses -Well’s Blockhouses are twenty two miles from this place. A gun; of the description of those given, by the Spaniards to the Creeks, was left by the Indians, which gives reason to suspect some of them were Creek, and this suspicion is strengthened by the information of Charles Tucker to John McKee.
I have the honor, &c.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Battle Of Fort Recovery 1794.
I found this battle of Fort Recovery very interesting not only be cause of the battle which was very important but the report states names of those killed or wounded which are some time hard to come by. Although we can’t put faces with the names we can learn of their bravery.
This report ( Letter ) was written by Major General Anthony Wayne, to the Secretary of War on July 7, 1794.
Authors note. At this battle there were 22, killed and 30, wounded, there were only numbers given, the only names given of those killed or wounded are those given within this report.
Sir: At seven o’clock in the morning of the 50th ultimo, one of our escorts, consisting of ninety riflemen and fifty dragoons, commanded by Major McMahon, was attacked, by. a very numerous body of Indians, under the walls of fort Recovery, followed by a general assault upon that post and garrison, in every direction. The enemy were soon repulsed, with great slaughter, but immediately rallied and reiterated the-attack, keeping up a. very heavy and constant fire, at a more respectable distance, for the remainder of the day, which was answered with spirit and effect; by the garrison; and that part of Major McMahon’s command that had regained the post.
The savages were employed, during the night, (which was dark and fogy ) in carrying off their dead by torch light, which occasionally drew a fire from the garrison; They, nevertheless succeeded so well, that there were but eight or ten bodies left upon the field, and those close under the influence of the fire from the fort. The enemy again renewed the attack, on the morning of the 1,st instant; but were ultimately compelled to retreat, with loss and disgrace, from that very field where they had, upon a former occasion, been proudly victorious.
Enclosed is a particular general return of the killed, wounded, and missing. Among the killed, we have to lament the loss of four good and gallant officers, viz Major McMahon, Captain Hartshorne, and Lieutenant Craig, of the rifle corps, and Comet Torry, of the cavalry, who all fell in the first charge. Among the wounded are the intrepid Captain Taylor, of the dragoons and Lieutenant Drake, of the infantry.
It would appear that the real object of the enemy was to have carried that post by a coup tie maim for they could not possibly have received intelligence of the escort under Major McMahon, which only marched from this place on the morning of the 29th ultimo, and deposited the supplies the same evening, at fort Recovery, from whence the escort was to have returned at reveille the next morning; therefore their being found at that post was an accidental, perhaps a fortunate, event. By every information, as well as trout the extent of their encampments, ( which were perfectly square and regular) and their line of march in seventeen columns, forming a wide and extended front, their numbers could not have been less than from fifteen hundred to two thousand warriors.
It would also appear that they were rather in want of provisions, as they killed and ate a number of pack horses, their encampment the evening after the assault; also, at their next encampment, on their retreat, winch was but seven miles front fort Recovery, where they remained two nights, probably from being much incumbered with their dead and wounded. A considerable number of the pack horses were actually loaded with the dead.
Permit me now, sir, to express my highest approbation of the bravery and conduct of every officer and soldier of the garrison and escort, upon this trying occasion; and, as it would be difficult to discriminate between officers equally meritorious and emulous for glory, I have directed the adjutant general to annex the names of every officer of the garrison and escort, who were fortunate enough to remain uninjured, being equally exposed to danger with those who were lees fortunate.
But 1 should be wanting in gratitude were I to omit mentioning, in particular, Captain Alexander Gibson, of the 4th sub-legion, the gallant defender of fort Recovery. Here, it may be proper to relate certain facts and circumstances, which almost amount to positive proof, that there were a considerable number of the British and the militia of Detroit mixed with the savages, in the assault upon fort Recovery, on the 3oth, ultimo and 1st instant.
I had detached three small parties of Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians, a few days previous to that affair, towards Grand Glaize in order to take or obtain provisions, for the purpose of gaining intelligence. One of these parties fell in with a large body of Indians, at the place marked Girty’s town, (in Harmar’s route) on the evening of the 27th ultimo, apparently bending their course towards Chillicothe on the Great Miami. This party returned to Greenville, on. the 28th, with this further information, “ that there were a great number of white men with the Indians.”
The other two parties got much scattered, in following the trails of the hostile Indians, at some distance in their rear; and were also in with them when the assault commenced on fort Recovery. These Indians all insist That there were a considerable number of armed white men in the rear, who they frequently heard talking in our language and encouraging the savages to persevere in the assault; that their faces were generally blacked, except three British officers, who were dressed in scarlet, and appeared to be men of great distinction, from. being surrounded by large body of white men and Indians, who were very attentive to them. These kept a distance in the rear of those that were engaged.
Another strong corroborating fact that there were British, or British militia, in the assault, is, that a number of ounce balls and buck shot were lodged in the block houses and stockades of the fort. Some were delivered at so great a distance as not to penetrate, and were picked up at the foot of the stockades. It would also appear that the British and savages expected to find the artillery that were lost on the 4th of November, 1791, and hid by the Indians in the beds of old fallen timber, or logs, which they turned over and laid the cannon in, and then turned the logs back into their former birth. It was in this artful manner that we generally found them. deposited. ‘The hostile Indians turned over a peat number of logs, during the assault, in search of those cannon, and other plunder, which they had probably hid in this manner, after the action of the 4th November, 1791.
I therefore have reason to believe that the British and Indians depended much upon this artillery to assist in the reduction of that post; fortunately, they served in its defense.
The enclosed copies of the examination of the Pattawatamy and Sháwanee prisoners, will demonstrate this fact, that the British have used every possible exertion to collect the savages from the most distant nations, with the most solemn promises of advancing and cooperating with them against the legion, nor have the Spaniards been idle upon this occasion.
It is therefore more than probable, that the day is not far distant, when we shall meet this hydra in the vicinity of Grand Glaize and Riche de Bout, without being able to discriminate between the white and red savages. In the interim, I am in hourly expectation of receiving more full and certain intelligence of the number and intention of the enemy.
I have no further or other information respecting the mounted volunteers of Kentucky than what you will observe in the enclosed copies of the correspondence between Major General Scott and myself. I hope they may completed to their full number, because it would appear that we shall have business enough for the whole of them.
You will herewith receive the general d field return of the legion, the quarterly return of ordnance and ordnance stores, at this place, the Quartermaster General’s return, and the return of the hospital department. The horses that were killed, wounded, and missing, in the assault against fort Recovery, will not, in the least, retard the advance of the legion, after the arrival of the mounted volunteers, because I had made provision for those kind of losses and contingencies, which, from the nature of the service, must be expected, and will unavoidably happen.
I have the honor to be, &c.
Anthony Wayne.
This report ( Letter ) was written by Major General Anthony Wayne, to the Secretary of War on July 7, 1794.
Authors note. At this battle there were 22, killed and 30, wounded, there were only numbers given, the only names given of those killed or wounded are those given within this report.

The savages were employed, during the night, (which was dark and fogy ) in carrying off their dead by torch light, which occasionally drew a fire from the garrison; They, nevertheless succeeded so well, that there were but eight or ten bodies left upon the field, and those close under the influence of the fire from the fort. The enemy again renewed the attack, on the morning of the 1,st instant; but were ultimately compelled to retreat, with loss and disgrace, from that very field where they had, upon a former occasion, been proudly victorious.
Enclosed is a particular general return of the killed, wounded, and missing. Among the killed, we have to lament the loss of four good and gallant officers, viz Major McMahon, Captain Hartshorne, and Lieutenant Craig, of the rifle corps, and Comet Torry, of the cavalry, who all fell in the first charge. Among the wounded are the intrepid Captain Taylor, of the dragoons and Lieutenant Drake, of the infantry.
It would appear that the real object of the enemy was to have carried that post by a coup tie maim for they could not possibly have received intelligence of the escort under Major McMahon, which only marched from this place on the morning of the 29th ultimo, and deposited the supplies the same evening, at fort Recovery, from whence the escort was to have returned at reveille the next morning; therefore their being found at that post was an accidental, perhaps a fortunate, event. By every information, as well as trout the extent of their encampments, ( which were perfectly square and regular) and their line of march in seventeen columns, forming a wide and extended front, their numbers could not have been less than from fifteen hundred to two thousand warriors.
It would also appear that they were rather in want of provisions, as they killed and ate a number of pack horses, their encampment the evening after the assault; also, at their next encampment, on their retreat, winch was but seven miles front fort Recovery, where they remained two nights, probably from being much incumbered with their dead and wounded. A considerable number of the pack horses were actually loaded with the dead.
Permit me now, sir, to express my highest approbation of the bravery and conduct of every officer and soldier of the garrison and escort, upon this trying occasion; and, as it would be difficult to discriminate between officers equally meritorious and emulous for glory, I have directed the adjutant general to annex the names of every officer of the garrison and escort, who were fortunate enough to remain uninjured, being equally exposed to danger with those who were lees fortunate.
But 1 should be wanting in gratitude were I to omit mentioning, in particular, Captain Alexander Gibson, of the 4th sub-legion, the gallant defender of fort Recovery. Here, it may be proper to relate certain facts and circumstances, which almost amount to positive proof, that there were a considerable number of the British and the militia of Detroit mixed with the savages, in the assault upon fort Recovery, on the 3oth, ultimo and 1st instant.
I had detached three small parties of Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians, a few days previous to that affair, towards Grand Glaize in order to take or obtain provisions, for the purpose of gaining intelligence. One of these parties fell in with a large body of Indians, at the place marked Girty’s town, (in Harmar’s route) on the evening of the 27th ultimo, apparently bending their course towards Chillicothe on the Great Miami. This party returned to Greenville, on. the 28th, with this further information, “ that there were a great number of white men with the Indians.”
The other two parties got much scattered, in following the trails of the hostile Indians, at some distance in their rear; and were also in with them when the assault commenced on fort Recovery. These Indians all insist That there were a considerable number of armed white men in the rear, who they frequently heard talking in our language and encouraging the savages to persevere in the assault; that their faces were generally blacked, except three British officers, who were dressed in scarlet, and appeared to be men of great distinction, from. being surrounded by large body of white men and Indians, who were very attentive to them. These kept a distance in the rear of those that were engaged.
Another strong corroborating fact that there were British, or British militia, in the assault, is, that a number of ounce balls and buck shot were lodged in the block houses and stockades of the fort. Some were delivered at so great a distance as not to penetrate, and were picked up at the foot of the stockades. It would also appear that the British and savages expected to find the artillery that were lost on the 4th of November, 1791, and hid by the Indians in the beds of old fallen timber, or logs, which they turned over and laid the cannon in, and then turned the logs back into their former birth. It was in this artful manner that we generally found them. deposited. ‘The hostile Indians turned over a peat number of logs, during the assault, in search of those cannon, and other plunder, which they had probably hid in this manner, after the action of the 4th November, 1791.
I therefore have reason to believe that the British and Indians depended much upon this artillery to assist in the reduction of that post; fortunately, they served in its defense.
The enclosed copies of the examination of the Pattawatamy and Sháwanee prisoners, will demonstrate this fact, that the British have used every possible exertion to collect the savages from the most distant nations, with the most solemn promises of advancing and cooperating with them against the legion, nor have the Spaniards been idle upon this occasion.
It is therefore more than probable, that the day is not far distant, when we shall meet this hydra in the vicinity of Grand Glaize and Riche de Bout, without being able to discriminate between the white and red savages. In the interim, I am in hourly expectation of receiving more full and certain intelligence of the number and intention of the enemy.
I have no further or other information respecting the mounted volunteers of Kentucky than what you will observe in the enclosed copies of the correspondence between Major General Scott and myself. I hope they may completed to their full number, because it would appear that we shall have business enough for the whole of them.
You will herewith receive the general d field return of the legion, the quarterly return of ordnance and ordnance stores, at this place, the Quartermaster General’s return, and the return of the hospital department. The horses that were killed, wounded, and missing, in the assault against fort Recovery, will not, in the least, retard the advance of the legion, after the arrival of the mounted volunteers, because I had made provision for those kind of losses and contingencies, which, from the nature of the service, must be expected, and will unavoidably happen.
I have the honor to be, &c.
Anthony Wayne.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Anna Welsh & Brother George Hurlbut 1797.
This is interesting not because of Anna Welsh trying to get a seven year half-pay pension because of her husbands death nor that she was the executrix of her brothers will, and was trying to get his land warrants. It is the law that was in place that would not allow her either. This information shows the thinking of your government and how it work at this time in our history.
Mr. DWIGHT FOSTER, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Anna Welsh, made the following report:
That the petitioner asks for an allowance of the seven years’ half-pay promised certain officers killed in the service of the United States during the late war. It appears that Mrs. Welsh’s husband was a captain of marines; that he served on the expedition to Penobscot, and was there slain. The resolutions of Congress, promising seven years’ half-pay to the widows of officers who fell in service, did not extend to officers of the navy.
The repeated decisions made by Congress against petitions of this nature forbid the expectation of an allowance; and the committee can discover no sufficient reason for making a discrimination between this and other similar cases heretofore considered.
The petitioner, as executrix of the last will and testament of her brother, George Hurlbut, deceased, further asks for an allowance of the commutation and land warrants, to which she apprehends she is entitled, on the principle that her brother continued in service till the end of the war. That gentleman was a captain in Sheldon’s regiment of light dragoons; he was wounded by the enemy, in the performance of his duty, at Tarrytown, in the summer of 1781, and languished of his wounds until the 8th day of May, 1783, when he died. On this statement, there is no doubt but a right to so much land as was promised to captains in the army has vested in the petitioner; and, on proof of the facts, she may now receive the warrants at the War Office, without aid from Congress. With respect to the claim for commutation, some further attention will be requisite. By the act of Congress, of the 21st of October, 1780, half-pay for life was promised to the officers of the army who should continue in the service to the end of the war. This was afterwards, on the 22d of March, 1783, commuted for five years full pay.
If Captain Hurlbut lived to the end of the war, he was entitled to commutation, and in his right the petitioner, as executrix of his will and legatee, would be entitled; otherwise; not. The question then arising is, when did the war end? or, in other words, was there an end of the war before the 8th of May, 1783, the day of Captain Hurlbut’s death? On the solution of this question rests the claim of the petitioner for commutation; it being placed on the ground of contract only.
The provisional articles of peace between the United States and Great Britain were signed November 30, 1782; and the treaty between France and Great Britain, on which the efficacy of those articles was conditioned, upon the 20th of January, 1783. The first information Congress appears to have had of them was on the 24th of March, 1783, when the armed vessels, cruising under commissions from the United States, were recalled. On the 11th of April, 1783, a cessation of hostilities was ordered by proclamation of Congress.
On the 23d of April, Congress, by their resolution of that date, declared their opinion that “the time of the men engaged to serve during the war does not expire until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace.” By the acts of May 26, June 11, August 9, and September 26, 1783, Congress directed parts of the army to be furloughed; and, by their proclamation on the 18th of October of the same year, they discharged absolutely, after the third day of November then ensuing, such part of the federal armies as had been furloughed by the several acts aforesaid.
On the 25th of November, New York was evacuated by the British troops. The definitive treaty of peace was, in fact, signed on the 3d of September, 1783, but not received by Congress until about the middle of January, 1784. In the settlements made for pay, &c., by the commissioners of Congress, with the officers and men engaged to serve during the war, and furloughed as aforesaid, the 3d day of November, the day when the troops were discharged by proclamation, has been regarded as the end of the war; and they have been settled with and paid to that day accordingly.
It appears, by the accounts of Colonel Sheldon’s regiment, that certificates for Captain Hurlbut’s commutation were, in fact, issued; but, on a further examination of the nature of the claim, it was thought that no act of Congress would justify the granting of commutation for any officer similarly circumstanced, and therefore the certificates were cancelled. Had the committee found no resolution of Congress which seemed to have determined the question when the war ended, they might have been induced to fix on a period antecedent to the death of Captain Hurlbut, and, consequently, have been of the opinion that the petitioner was entitled to relief. But as Congress seem to have fixed on a later period by their resolution of the 23d of April, and by continuing in service the troops engaged to serve during the war, and paying the officers and men till the 3d of November, 1783, as they were liable until that time to be again called into service, and, in case of disobedience, would have been subjected to the penalties of the rules and articles of war; and as the House of Representatives, under the present Governmen, rejected a petition for commutation, founded on principles exactly similar to the present, by the administrator to the estate of Major Torrey, who died in September, 1783, the committee conceive they are not at liberty to contradict authority and precedent so respectable. They therefore report that the prayer of the petition of the said Anna Welsh ought not to be granted.
Mr. DWIGHT FOSTER, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Anna Welsh, made the following report:
That the petitioner asks for an allowance of the seven years’ half-pay promised certain officers killed in the service of the United States during the late war. It appears that Mrs. Welsh’s husband was a captain of marines; that he served on the expedition to Penobscot, and was there slain. The resolutions of Congress, promising seven years’ half-pay to the widows of officers who fell in service, did not extend to officers of the navy.
The repeated decisions made by Congress against petitions of this nature forbid the expectation of an allowance; and the committee can discover no sufficient reason for making a discrimination between this and other similar cases heretofore considered.
The petitioner, as executrix of the last will and testament of her brother, George Hurlbut, deceased, further asks for an allowance of the commutation and land warrants, to which she apprehends she is entitled, on the principle that her brother continued in service till the end of the war. That gentleman was a captain in Sheldon’s regiment of light dragoons; he was wounded by the enemy, in the performance of his duty, at Tarrytown, in the summer of 1781, and languished of his wounds until the 8th day of May, 1783, when he died. On this statement, there is no doubt but a right to so much land as was promised to captains in the army has vested in the petitioner; and, on proof of the facts, she may now receive the warrants at the War Office, without aid from Congress. With respect to the claim for commutation, some further attention will be requisite. By the act of Congress, of the 21st of October, 1780, half-pay for life was promised to the officers of the army who should continue in the service to the end of the war. This was afterwards, on the 22d of March, 1783, commuted for five years full pay.
If Captain Hurlbut lived to the end of the war, he was entitled to commutation, and in his right the petitioner, as executrix of his will and legatee, would be entitled; otherwise; not. The question then arising is, when did the war end? or, in other words, was there an end of the war before the 8th of May, 1783, the day of Captain Hurlbut’s death? On the solution of this question rests the claim of the petitioner for commutation; it being placed on the ground of contract only.
The provisional articles of peace between the United States and Great Britain were signed November 30, 1782; and the treaty between France and Great Britain, on which the efficacy of those articles was conditioned, upon the 20th of January, 1783. The first information Congress appears to have had of them was on the 24th of March, 1783, when the armed vessels, cruising under commissions from the United States, were recalled. On the 11th of April, 1783, a cessation of hostilities was ordered by proclamation of Congress.
On the 23d of April, Congress, by their resolution of that date, declared their opinion that “the time of the men engaged to serve during the war does not expire until the ratification of the definitive treaty of peace.” By the acts of May 26, June 11, August 9, and September 26, 1783, Congress directed parts of the army to be furloughed; and, by their proclamation on the 18th of October of the same year, they discharged absolutely, after the third day of November then ensuing, such part of the federal armies as had been furloughed by the several acts aforesaid.
On the 25th of November, New York was evacuated by the British troops. The definitive treaty of peace was, in fact, signed on the 3d of September, 1783, but not received by Congress until about the middle of January, 1784. In the settlements made for pay, &c., by the commissioners of Congress, with the officers and men engaged to serve during the war, and furloughed as aforesaid, the 3d day of November, the day when the troops were discharged by proclamation, has been regarded as the end of the war; and they have been settled with and paid to that day accordingly.
It appears, by the accounts of Colonel Sheldon’s regiment, that certificates for Captain Hurlbut’s commutation were, in fact, issued; but, on a further examination of the nature of the claim, it was thought that no act of Congress would justify the granting of commutation for any officer similarly circumstanced, and therefore the certificates were cancelled. Had the committee found no resolution of Congress which seemed to have determined the question when the war ended, they might have been induced to fix on a period antecedent to the death of Captain Hurlbut, and, consequently, have been of the opinion that the petitioner was entitled to relief. But as Congress seem to have fixed on a later period by their resolution of the 23d of April, and by continuing in service the troops engaged to serve during the war, and paying the officers and men till the 3d of November, 1783, as they were liable until that time to be again called into service, and, in case of disobedience, would have been subjected to the penalties of the rules and articles of war; and as the House of Representatives, under the present Governmen, rejected a petition for commutation, founded on principles exactly similar to the present, by the administrator to the estate of Major Torrey, who died in September, 1783, the committee conceive they are not at liberty to contradict authority and precedent so respectable. They therefore report that the prayer of the petition of the said Anna Welsh ought not to be granted.
General Moses Porter-Light Artillery.
General Moses Porter.
Birth: Mar. 20, 1756, Danvers, Essex County, Massachusetts..
Death: Apr. 14, 1822, Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
Father: Benjamin Porter.
Mother: Sarah ( Brown ) Porter.
Married 1755.
Moses Porter, was commission Colonel on March 12, 1812, then commission Brig General Brevet Sept. 10, 1813. He Served with General Gridley's Artillery during the Revolution. Fought at Bunker Hill and Brandywine. He was wounded at Trenton. Also served in the War of 1812 in defense of the port of Norfolk. Son of Benjamin and Sarah Brown Porter.
Moses Porter be appointed second lieutenants in Colonel Crane's regiment of artillery, his commissions to bear date April 21, 1779, He was commission on Sept. 29, 1789, as a Lieutenant, and from 1789-1792, he was a Lieutenant in the Light Artillery. Between 1792, and 1800, was commission Captain, then in 1800, became Major. On the promotion list of 1802 it states; Moose Porter Major First regiment, A. & E. In 1812, was commission Colonel. Then was commission General Brevet Sept. 10, 1813.
Congress 1817, a petition of Moses Porter, a brigadier general by brevet, in the army of the United States, and an officer in the revolutionary war, praying for the renewal of a land warrant, granted him, in consideration of his services in the latter capacity.
CHAP. LV.—An Act for the relief of General Moses Porter.
Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby authorized to grant to Moses Porter, a warrant for the quantity of two hundred acres of land, for his services as a lieutenant in Crane’s, or the Massachusetts regiment, in the revolutionary war, which warrant is in lieu of one heretofore granted for said services, and which has been lost or destroyed; which warrant may be located on any lands appropriated satisfying the warrants granted for military services performed in the revolutionary war.
APPROVED, April 13, 1818.
From his biography.
“General Moses Porter, was one of the bravest and best of the offices in the revolutionary army; distinguished himself at Bunker Hill; was under Washington through the war; wounded after the battle of Brandywine, in the fight on the banks of the Delaware; was in the service many years on the western frontier, and superintended the line of surveys for fortifications along the coasts of Maine and Mass. He was actively engaged in the War of 1812, at various places, being at the taking of Fort George, and commanding at Niagara, where he held the rank of brigadier general. In winter of 1813, he accomplished a march fro Niagara to New Orleans, in five months, through a trackless wilderness, and accompanied Wilkinson’s expedition against Montreal, in 1814, and was stationed at Norfolk, until the close of the war; all his life in the service of country; longer than any officer of his grade, and won the confidence the admiration of all as an able, courageous soldier, and a high disciplinarian.”
Birth: Mar. 20, 1756, Danvers, Essex County, Massachusetts..
Death: Apr. 14, 1822, Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.
Father: Benjamin Porter.
Mother: Sarah ( Brown ) Porter.
Married 1755.
Moses Porter, was commission Colonel on March 12, 1812, then commission Brig General Brevet Sept. 10, 1813. He Served with General Gridley's Artillery during the Revolution. Fought at Bunker Hill and Brandywine. He was wounded at Trenton. Also served in the War of 1812 in defense of the port of Norfolk. Son of Benjamin and Sarah Brown Porter.
Moses Porter be appointed second lieutenants in Colonel Crane's regiment of artillery, his commissions to bear date April 21, 1779, He was commission on Sept. 29, 1789, as a Lieutenant, and from 1789-1792, he was a Lieutenant in the Light Artillery. Between 1792, and 1800, was commission Captain, then in 1800, became Major. On the promotion list of 1802 it states; Moose Porter Major First regiment, A. & E. In 1812, was commission Colonel. Then was commission General Brevet Sept. 10, 1813.
Congress 1817, a petition of Moses Porter, a brigadier general by brevet, in the army of the United States, and an officer in the revolutionary war, praying for the renewal of a land warrant, granted him, in consideration of his services in the latter capacity.
CHAP. LV.—An Act for the relief of General Moses Porter.
Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby authorized to grant to Moses Porter, a warrant for the quantity of two hundred acres of land, for his services as a lieutenant in Crane’s, or the Massachusetts regiment, in the revolutionary war, which warrant is in lieu of one heretofore granted for said services, and which has been lost or destroyed; which warrant may be located on any lands appropriated satisfying the warrants granted for military services performed in the revolutionary war.
APPROVED, April 13, 1818.
From his biography.
“General Moses Porter, was one of the bravest and best of the offices in the revolutionary army; distinguished himself at Bunker Hill; was under Washington through the war; wounded after the battle of Brandywine, in the fight on the banks of the Delaware; was in the service many years on the western frontier, and superintended the line of surveys for fortifications along the coasts of Maine and Mass. He was actively engaged in the War of 1812, at various places, being at the taking of Fort George, and commanding at Niagara, where he held the rank of brigadier general. In winter of 1813, he accomplished a march fro Niagara to New Orleans, in five months, through a trackless wilderness, and accompanied Wilkinson’s expedition against Montreal, in 1814, and was stationed at Norfolk, until the close of the war; all his life in the service of country; longer than any officer of his grade, and won the confidence the admiration of all as an able, courageous soldier, and a high disciplinarian.”
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Oakland Kansas And The Woolen Mill.
I always liked ( Topeka ) Kansas, lived here most of my 64, years of life here. As a young man I never thought much about it’s history, Oh, I learn some in school but not much stuck. I always like walking down town the old buildings always interested me, many were very old, a lot are still standing today. I was raised in Highland Park on the corner of 27th, and Iowa. This was a great place to grow up, as are house was the only one on the block. Then in 1964, we moved to the quiet community of Oakland, which is a suburb of Topeka. Oakland had a lot of old buildings and they were interesting but other then that I gave little thought of them. I was told many stories about Oakland from my mother and grand-father.
As I got a little older I started to take more interest in the old buildings wondering what they were and what they were used for, and the old houses which Oakland was full of, but most of it was just interest and little else. Then in 1972, I got married and as we moved about Oakland I took a great interest in the homes we live in, and there were many in all 15, homes some we owned and others we rented. But I was always interested in who own the house before me, and wanted to know who they were and what they did for a living.
We had just moved to a new home and I wanted to know something about it, and as I was working close to the court house I decided to go on my lunch break and see what I could find out little did I know this would lead me into the field of Genealogy later in my life. While I researched the homes I had lived in I began finding out little thing out about Oakland. I would take what I found and go the Kansas Historical Society which was on 10th, and Jackson and research what I had found. Well after a couple years I had note book after note book filled with information on Oakland. Then a co-worker asked why I didn’t I write a book about Oakland, well I know nothing about writing a book but I decided to give it a try, that was in 1967, I finely finish 35, years later. I know it wouldn't be published, so it was put away but not for gotten.
As the years passed I read a couple books on Oakland but I found them lacking in information or I would find errors in their information, so I decided it was time to get it out and do something with it. By this time I had a web site ( Civil War Days & Those Surnames), but I didn’t want to put it on the site, I thought it should have a site of it’s own. The site is called ( The History of Oakland Kansas & More), and can be read at http://oaklandkansas.blogspot.com/ . There are many stories in the book about Oakland’s history and it’s people. Here are stories of the old woolen mill, and how it affected the people of the community.
Note. All photos can be enlarged by pushing on them.

As I got a little older I started to take more interest in the old buildings wondering what they were and what they were used for, and the old houses which Oakland was full of, but most of it was just interest and little else. Then in 1972, I got married and as we moved about Oakland I took a great interest in the homes we live in, and there were many in all 15, homes some we owned and others we rented. But I was always interested in who own the house before me, and wanted to know who they were and what they did for a living.
We had just moved to a new home and I wanted to know something about it, and as I was working close to the court house I decided to go on my lunch break and see what I could find out little did I know this would lead me into the field of Genealogy later in my life. While I researched the homes I had lived in I began finding out little thing out about Oakland. I would take what I found and go the Kansas Historical Society which was on 10th, and Jackson and research what I had found. Well after a couple years I had note book after note book filled with information on Oakland. Then a co-worker asked why I didn’t I write a book about Oakland, well I know nothing about writing a book but I decided to give it a try, that was in 1967, I finely finish 35, years later. I know it wouldn't be published, so it was put away but not for gotten.
As the years passed I read a couple books on Oakland but I found them lacking in information or I would find errors in their information, so I decided it was time to get it out and do something with it. By this time I had a web site ( Civil War Days & Those Surnames), but I didn’t want to put it on the site, I thought it should have a site of it’s own. The site is called ( The History of Oakland Kansas & More), and can be read at http://oaklandkansas.blogspot.com/ . There are many stories in the book about Oakland’s history and it’s people. Here are stories of the old woolen mill, and how it affected the people of the community.
Note. All photos can be enlarged by pushing on them.

Oakland's Woolen Mill
Courtesy Kansas Historical Society.
The old Woolen Mill was always was a curiosity to me, as a young man I would have loved to had a look inside, and wonder what it would be like to work there, even now I would like a look. How grand the mill must have look sitting there over looking all that open land, and how the community would set their clocks by the sound of the work whistle. The mill is still sitting there on the hill over looking the little valley, a little wore out and its corner stone face has been chip away, to where its hard to read. The mill may stand many more years to remind us of the days that were.
The Mid Continent Woolen Mill was erected in 1894 on the corner of Center and Winfield A
ve. it’s cornerstone was laid with grate fanfare. This brick factory had fifty window’s it measured 170x60 feet and had a tall square water tower and outhouses. The factory also had a steam whistle pipe that could be heard all over Oakland. The Mill had a switch track put in to give access to the Santa Fe Railroad.
Origins are vague but the names of Bartholomew, Crosby and Copeland appeared. Mr. appleyard from Sebec Maine would manage the plant. It was projected that there would be 500 hundred workers however that number would stay under 200 hundred. The Mid Continent closed then to be reopened in 1897 under the management of J. E. Mc Afee, 125 employees reported back to the Mill. In 1904 “ After six months , Oaklanders residents rejoiced to the sound of the Mills whistle again.” In 1905 the decision of whether the mill would remain in Topeka or Kansas City. They decided in favor of Oakland, employment was to be 175 to 200 hundred . The Mills most advertised item was Sun Flower Pants “ Guaranteed not to rip, ravel, nor run.” In less then ten years the mill closed it’s doors permanently. In 1919 the Crosby bothers corporation owned the controlling stock and took over it’s rental and use.
The most distinguished tenant was A. K. Longeren who leased it on contract for his Airplane factory. It ran till 1924 where the doors closed again. Although they closed as a factory it’s history continue. The Chautauqua rented a part of it to store tents they rented to visitors. During W. W. l a potato-drying operation . The county least it to house indigents in the winter. A Saturday night dance hall during the 30’s but it soon faded. During W. W. l l the U. S. Engineering, Heating and Air Conditioning rented it. The Mill has passed from one ownership to the next but the Mills off and on History goes on.
The Mid Continent Woolen Mill was erected in 1894 on the corner of Center and Winfield A

Origins are vague but the names of Bartholomew, Crosby and Copeland appeared. Mr. appleyard from Sebec Maine would manage the plant. It was projected that there would be 500 hundred workers however that number would stay under 200 hundred. The Mid Continent closed then to be reopened in 1897 under the management of J. E. Mc Afee, 125 employees reported back to the Mill. In 1904 “ After six months , Oaklanders residents rejoiced to the sound of the Mills whistle again.” In 1905 the decision of whether the mill would remain in Topeka or Kansas City. They decided in favor of Oakland, employment was to be 175 to 200 hundred . The Mills most advertised item was Sun Flower Pants “ Guaranteed not to rip, ravel, nor run.” In less then ten years the mill closed it’s doors permanently. In 1919 the Crosby bothers corporation owned the controlling stock and took over it’s rental and use.

May 18, 1894
Woolen Mill.
Woolen Mill.
Contractors Gibbs and Eshe, with a force of men, began excavating for the foundation of the much talked of Appleyard Woolen Mill at Oakland yesterday. The site of the mill comprises a dozen lots a quarter mile this side of Oakland park, across the street to the north from Brigham and Rice addition. It will be accessible to the Santa Fe railroad by means of a switch and is directly on the Oakland line of the electric car service. Mr. Fred Rogers and Mr. Storms, The tailor, went out to see the work begun and Mr. Storms threw the first few shovel full of dirt, as he was the first man in Topeka to subscribe to the stock. Mr. Gibbs the contractor for the masonry work, stated to a Capital reporter that the foundations would be laid in two weeks with fair weather, and that brick would be laid on the superstructures by the end of that time. The building it is expected will be completed some time in July. It will be 170 feet in length by 60 feet in width, with a tower and outhouses. Mr. Appleyard has dismantled his plant at Sebec Maine.
May 20,1894
Woolen Mill
The foundation of the new Woolen Mill in Oakland, was not sufficiently advanced yesterday to allow the laying of the corner stone, as was expected. Although eleven men are now engaged on the work, it will be more than a week before the corner stone can be put in place. Quite a number of parties were present at the site yesterday.
July 26, 1894
Woolen Mill
The laying of the corner stone of the new Woolen Mill will take place Saturday with interesting ceremonies. Several prominent speakers have been invited to be present and deliver addresses, among whom are Judge John Guthrie, A. K. Rodgers and Judge J. B. Johnston. Mayor Harrison will preside. All who are interested in such enterprises are invited to attend. The work is being pushed very rapidly towards completion, some twenty-five masons, carpenters, etc, being engaged on the building. Mr. Appleyard has already shipped his household goods and is expected to arrive in a few days.
July 29, 1894
Woolen Mill
The corner stone of the Mid-Continent Woolen Mill was laid yesterday afternoon with impressive and interesting ceremonies. About 500 hundred people gathered together to witness the proceedings, not withstanding the heat and dust of a hot July afternoon. The ceremonies were presided over by Mayor Harrison, who introduced the speakers and superintended the laying of the stone.
April 14, 1905
Woolen Mill
We understand that the Jenson Manufacturing company of Topeka contemplate moving their plant to the Woolen mill building in this city, for the manufacture of all kinds of creamery supplies. This company employs a large working force. The project should be encouraged by every citizen of Oakland, and undoubtedly will be. Every inducement should be given this company to locate here. A representative committee should be appointed by the Mayor and council to confer with these people about the matter. The people of Oakland should “ Wake Up” if there is a movement of this kind on foot, let us meet it half way.
May 26, 1905
Woolen Mill
In A interview with a Journal reporter, Tues day , Mr. Neil, formerly one of the heaviest stockholders in the woolen mill, said, The Topeka Woolen Mill is for sale, and in all probability it will be brought up again by local interests and kept here. I have not yet had an opportunity to confer with any of the members of the old company here and do not know just exactly what they will do in the matter. But I feel sure that the plant will without much question be again owned by Topeka parties and kept and operated right here. This is good news to the citizens of Oakland. Now that the woolen mill is, in all probability to remain here, means a grate factoring institution heretofore, will probably be given a chance to resume their old places. It is assumed that the old stockholders will again own and take charge of the plant.
June 9, 1905
Woolen Mill
At a meeting held in Kansas City last Saturday, it was decided not to remove the Woolen Mill plant to that city, but to reopen it here in Oakland to be known as the Hersehbarger- McAfee Company. It is thought that Oscar Neil will no longer be connected with the mill, which is regretted by all the people of Oakland. All of the old stock now on hand has been sold to the new management, and it is thought that by July or August the looms and spindles will be put in motion.
In a late interview, George Neil says: Within two weeks, or by July 1st, at the lasts, the mill will again be in operation in Topeka. A total of 128 people will be employed. My son Ocar Neil will no longer be connected as manager, or in any other way.
J. F. McAfee who is and experienced man, and one of the best in the business, will be general manger. He is an exceptionally good man for the place. It was decided Saturday, to withdraw the offer of sale from the market because, primarily, it is a good proposition from a business stand to operate here, and no satisfactory bids were received. The fight, which resulted from the misunderstanding has all been patched up and everything is all right now. We can make money by running the mill here. The company thinks this is every bit as good a location as Kansas City in the long run.
Woolen Mill
The foundation of the new Woolen Mill in Oakland, was not sufficiently advanced yesterday to allow the laying of the corner stone, as was expected. Although eleven men are now engaged on the work, it will be more than a week before the corner stone can be put in place. Quite a number of parties were present at the site yesterday.
July 26, 1894
Woolen Mill
The laying of the corner stone of the new Woolen Mill will take place Saturday with interesting ceremonies. Several prominent speakers have been invited to be present and deliver addresses, among whom are Judge John Guthrie, A. K. Rodgers and Judge J. B. Johnston. Mayor Harrison will preside. All who are interested in such enterprises are invited to attend. The work is being pushed very rapidly towards completion, some twenty-five masons, carpenters, etc, being engaged on the building. Mr. Appleyard has already shipped his household goods and is expected to arrive in a few days.
July 29, 1894
Woolen Mill
The corner stone of the Mid-Continent Woolen Mill was laid yesterday afternoon with impressive and interesting ceremonies. About 500 hundred people gathered together to witness the proceedings, not withstanding the heat and dust of a hot July afternoon. The ceremonies were presided over by Mayor Harrison, who introduced the speakers and superintended the laying of the stone.
April 14, 1905
Woolen Mill
We understand that the Jenson Manufacturing company of Topeka contemplate moving their plant to the Woolen mill building in this city, for the manufacture of all kinds of creamery supplies. This company employs a large working force. The project should be encouraged by every citizen of Oakland, and undoubtedly will be. Every inducement should be given this company to locate here. A representative committee should be appointed by the Mayor and council to confer with these people about the matter. The people of Oakland should “ Wake Up” if there is a movement of this kind on foot, let us meet it half way.
May 26, 1905
Woolen Mill
In A interview with a Journal reporter, Tues day , Mr. Neil, formerly one of the heaviest stockholders in the woolen mill, said, The Topeka Woolen Mill is for sale, and in all probability it will be brought up again by local interests and kept here. I have not yet had an opportunity to confer with any of the members of the old company here and do not know just exactly what they will do in the matter. But I feel sure that the plant will without much question be again owned by Topeka parties and kept and operated right here. This is good news to the citizens of Oakland. Now that the woolen mill is, in all probability to remain here, means a grate factoring institution heretofore, will probably be given a chance to resume their old places. It is assumed that the old stockholders will again own and take charge of the plant.
June 9, 1905
Woolen Mill
At a meeting held in Kansas City last Saturday, it was decided not to remove the Woolen Mill plant to that city, but to reopen it here in Oakland to be known as the Hersehbarger- McAfee Company. It is thought that Oscar Neil will no longer be connected with the mill, which is regretted by all the people of Oakland. All of the old stock now on hand has been sold to the new management, and it is thought that by July or August the looms and spindles will be put in motion.
In a late interview, George Neil says: Within two weeks, or by July 1st, at the lasts, the mill will again be in operation in Topeka. A total of 128 people will be employed. My son Ocar Neil will no longer be connected as manager, or in any other way.
J. F. McAfee who is and experienced man, and one of the best in the business, will be general manger. He is an exceptionally good man for the place. It was decided Saturday, to withdraw the offer of sale from the market because, primarily, it is a good proposition from a business stand to operate here, and no satisfactory bids were received. The fight, which resulted from the misunderstanding has all been patched up and everything is all right now. We can make money by running the mill here. The company thinks this is every bit as good a location as Kansas City in the long run.
J. F. M'Afee, General manger of Woolen Mill.
Courtesy Kansas Historical Society.
In 1918,the Crosby's brothers took the rental and use of the Mill.
June 9, 1905
Woolen Mill
Mr. McAfee came yesterday and at once set to work to get everything in readiness. He is employing people to go to work again. I tell you those people living down in Oakland were happy Monday when they found out that we were coming back here again and would re-employ them.
“ A new switch will be put in down there by the railroads for us to handle our cars. That is something we have needed for a long while, in fact always did need. It caused us considerable inconvenience the way we had to handle our products. The people in Oakland, espalier the municipal officers, have offered us any help they can give us.”
“ I am glad the institution will be operated in this city. I am immensely pleased that we will stay here. We know that it will be a good proposition. Topeka was anxious to keep the mill and I am glad that it had its wish fulfilled.”
Mr. McAfee came yesterday and at once set to work to get everything in readiness. He is employing people to go to work again. I tell you those people living down in Oakland were happy Monday when they found out that we were coming back here again and would re-employ them.
“ A new switch will be put in down there by the railroads for us to handle our cars. That is something we have needed for a long while, in fact always did need. It caused us considerable inconvenience the way we had to handle our products. The people in Oakland, espalier the municipal officers, have offered us any help they can give us.”
“ I am glad the institution will be operated in this city. I am immensely pleased that we will stay here. We know that it will be a good proposition. Topeka was anxious to keep the mill and I am glad that it had its wish fulfilled.”
September 22, 1905
Woolen Mill
“ To be or not to be; “ that’s the question-whether, the Woolen mill soon start up, or whether it will be allowed to freeze up. We have heard of the game of “ Freeze out “ and it looks like this is the game that is being played now.
“ To be or not to be; “ that’s the question-whether, the Woolen mill soon start up, or whether it will be allowed to freeze up. We have heard of the game of “ Freeze out “ and it looks like this is the game that is being played now.
September 29, 1905
Woolen Mill
Now that the long delayed question as to whether the woolen mill remain in Oakland or be taken to Kansas city, is settled at last and the mill is to remain in Oakland is causing rejoicing from every citizen in this community. Not only will the mills be retained here but will be nearly doubled in capacity. This means the employment of from one hundred seventy-five to two hundred people, and it is more than likely that all, or quite all, will live in Oakland in close proximity to the mill. The blowing of the whistle will be a cheering sound to all who were so accustomed heretofore of hearing it.
The company has been thoroughly reorganized and on last Wednesday a charter was taken out, the capital stock of which is placed at 60,000. W. P. Homes and E. E. Homes, of Kansas City, and interested largely in the recognizance. George Neil, J. E. McAfee and Oscar Neil, of this city and Topeka, are heavily interested. George Neil, in speaking of the matter says: “ We have purchased new machinery, the buildings will be enlarged to almost double their former capacity, and we will start up within a short time. “ The starting up of the mill means a great deal to Oakland. Vacant lots will be picked up and buildings erected thereon.
September 29, 1905
Now that the long delayed question as to whether the woolen mill remain in Oakland or be taken to Kansas city, is settled at last and the mill is to remain in Oakland is causing rejoicing from every citizen in this community. Not only will the mills be retained here but will be nearly doubled in capacity. This means the employment of from one hundred seventy-five to two hundred people, and it is more than likely that all, or quite all, will live in Oakland in close proximity to the mill. The blowing of the whistle will be a cheering sound to all who were so accustomed heretofore of hearing it.
The company has been thoroughly reorganized and on last Wednesday a charter was taken out, the capital stock of which is placed at 60,000. W. P. Homes and E. E. Homes, of Kansas City, and interested largely in the recognizance. George Neil, J. E. McAfee and Oscar Neil, of this city and Topeka, are heavily interested. George Neil, in speaking of the matter says: “ We have purchased new machinery, the buildings will be enlarged to almost double their former capacity, and we will start up within a short time. “ The starting up of the mill means a great deal to Oakland. Vacant lots will be picked up and buildings erected thereon.
September 29, 1905
Woolen Mill
The Oakland mill which has been so still for about six months or so, will soon start up with a buzz and whirl.
The Oakland mill which has been so still for about six months or so, will soon start up with a buzz and whirl.
Capt. Charles Courtois.

Capt. Charles Courtois.
Birth: Feb. 12, 1839.
Death: Sept. 30, 1887.
Civil War Union Army Officer. He was commissioned as a Captain in the 33rd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry on August 29, 1863, and was mustered in as commander of Company D on September 4, 1863. He served first leading his troops, then performing duties as an Aide-de-Camp on the staff of the 2nd Division, XX Army Corps until he resigned on March 30, 1865.
Near Kenesaw Mountain, June 21, 1864.
GENERAL: I have the honor to report that my regiment has again been engaged, having participated severely in the action of Pine Knob on the 15th and 16th instant.
The conduct of the command was excellent; the line advanced under a withering fire without a waver as steadily as if it were only a battalion drill. No body of men could have done better, and well did they sustain the proud name New Jersey's soldiers have always borne. With deep regret I announce to you the death of Lieutenant Cochrane, Company K, a most gallant and dashing young officer. Brave, cool, ready, talented in no small degree, a bright career was opening up before him. He had for gallantry on previous fields been recommended for promotion to his Excellency the Governor. On the day upon which he was buried his commission as captain was received. Thus one by one our officers are falling.
In this action I lost 1 officer and 13 men killed, 2 officers and 47 men wounded. Among the latter my adjutant slightly-now returned to duty-and Captain Courtois, Company D, slight contusion of the shoulder. I send herewith a list of the casualties.* I have also to report that First Lieutenant John J. Toffey, Company G, has been honorably discharged the service for disability resulting from wounds received at Mission Ridge in November last, that he may accept a position in the Veteran Reserve Corps. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of commission as first lieutenant, Company E, for William Wilson, jr.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding.
Birth: Feb. 12, 1839.
Death: Sept. 30, 1887.
Civil War Union Army Officer. He was commissioned as a Captain in the 33rd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry on August 29, 1863, and was mustered in as commander of Company D on September 4, 1863. He served first leading his troops, then performing duties as an Aide-de-Camp on the staff of the 2nd Division, XX Army Corps until he resigned on March 30, 1865.
Near Kenesaw Mountain, June 21, 1864.
GENERAL: I have the honor to report that my regiment has again been engaged, having participated severely in the action of Pine Knob on the 15th and 16th instant.
The conduct of the command was excellent; the line advanced under a withering fire without a waver as steadily as if it were only a battalion drill. No body of men could have done better, and well did they sustain the proud name New Jersey's soldiers have always borne. With deep regret I announce to you the death of Lieutenant Cochrane, Company K, a most gallant and dashing young officer. Brave, cool, ready, talented in no small degree, a bright career was opening up before him. He had for gallantry on previous fields been recommended for promotion to his Excellency the Governor. On the day upon which he was buried his commission as captain was received. Thus one by one our officers are falling.
In this action I lost 1 officer and 13 men killed, 2 officers and 47 men wounded. Among the latter my adjutant slightly-now returned to duty-and Captain Courtois, Company D, slight contusion of the shoulder. I send herewith a list of the casualties.* I have also to report that First Lieutenant John J. Toffey, Company G, has been honorably discharged the service for disability resulting from wounds received at Mission Ridge in November last, that he may accept a position in the Veteran Reserve Corps. I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of commission as first lieutenant, Company E, for William Wilson, jr.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding.
Capt. Andrew Hooper Ackerman

Capt. Andrew Hooper Ackerman.
Brith: unknown
Death: Jul. 3, 1863, Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania.
Civil War Union Army Officer. Captain of Company C, 11th New Jersey Volunteers. He was killed in action while in command of his company at Gettysburg. He fought battles at Frederickburg and Chancellorsville.
No. 165. Report of Lieutenant John Schoonover, Eleventh New Jersey Infantry.
CAMP NEAR BEVERLY FORD, VA., August 7, 1863.
CAPTAIN: In continuation of the in closed [preceding] report of Colonel R. McAllister, I have the honor to submit the following: A few minutes previous to the command "Fire!" spoken of in the accompanying report, Major Kearny, then standing near me on the left of the line, was struck by a Mine ball in the knee, and immediately carried to the rear. At this moment Battery K, Fourth U. S. Artillery, then stationed a short distance to the left and front of the regiment, limbered their pieces and passed by our left to the rear, closely followed by a line of the enemy's infantry, upon which the regiment opened a rapid fire.
I then passed rapidly to the right of the regiment, in order to inform the colonel of the absence of the major, and learned that he, too, had been wounded and taken to the rear. I immediately notified Captain Martin, the senior officer present, that he was in command of the regiment, and again passed to the left of the line, when an order was received from Brigadier-General Carr to slightly change the front by bringing the left to the rear. This being executed, the entire regiment opened an effective fire upon the advancing line of the enemy. At this point, word was conveyed to me that both Captains Martin and Logan were wounded and being carried to the rear. A moment later Captain Ackerman fell dead by my side.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant.
Adjutant Eleventh New Jersey Volunteers.
Brith: unknown
Death: Jul. 3, 1863, Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania.
Civil War Union Army Officer. Captain of Company C, 11th New Jersey Volunteers. He was killed in action while in command of his company at Gettysburg. He fought battles at Frederickburg and Chancellorsville.
No. 165. Report of Lieutenant John Schoonover, Eleventh New Jersey Infantry.
CAMP NEAR BEVERLY FORD, VA., August 7, 1863.
CAPTAIN: In continuation of the in closed [preceding] report of Colonel R. McAllister, I have the honor to submit the following: A few minutes previous to the command "Fire!" spoken of in the accompanying report, Major Kearny, then standing near me on the left of the line, was struck by a Mine ball in the knee, and immediately carried to the rear. At this moment Battery K, Fourth U. S. Artillery, then stationed a short distance to the left and front of the regiment, limbered their pieces and passed by our left to the rear, closely followed by a line of the enemy's infantry, upon which the regiment opened a rapid fire.
I then passed rapidly to the right of the regiment, in order to inform the colonel of the absence of the major, and learned that he, too, had been wounded and taken to the rear. I immediately notified Captain Martin, the senior officer present, that he was in command of the regiment, and again passed to the left of the line, when an order was received from Brigadier-General Carr to slightly change the front by bringing the left to the rear. This being executed, the entire regiment opened an effective fire upon the advancing line of the enemy. At this point, word was conveyed to me that both Captains Martin and Logan were wounded and being carried to the rear. A moment later Captain Ackerman fell dead by my side.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant.
Adjutant Eleventh New Jersey Volunteers.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
John Rodgers.

John Rodgers.
Birth: Maryland, Jul. 11, 1772.
Death: Aug. 1, 1838.
United States Naval Ofifcer. He became a hero in the pre-War of 1812 Naval squabbles with France and Great Britain. He served with distinction in the Quasi-War with France, helped to defeat Tripolitan naval forces in the Barbary Wars and defeated a British Sloop-of-War in 1811, which brought back a measure of respect to the United States Navy in the wake of the USS Chesapeake-HMS Leopold affair.
He commanded several squadrons crushed in the War of 1812, but helped to successfully defend Baltimore from British attack. After the War, he was named President of the United States Navy Board of Commissioners (which included fellow Commodores Isaac Hull and David D. Porter).
John Rodgers, was commissioned on March 5, 1799. In 1812, his pay was $100, dollars per month and received 8 rations a day. In 1814 he was station to the Frigate Cuerriere. In 1818 to 1820 he was the President of the Navy board. In 1820 he was the Navy Commissioner. In 1822 he is shown as the President of the Navy board. In 1823 and 1824 he was shown the Navy Commissioner. In 1825-1827, he was commanding the Mediterranean Squadron. In 1828 through 1836, he was back as the President of the Navy board. My navy rosters don’t go beyond 1836.
Birth: Maryland, Jul. 11, 1772.
Death: Aug. 1, 1838.
United States Naval Ofifcer. He became a hero in the pre-War of 1812 Naval squabbles with France and Great Britain. He served with distinction in the Quasi-War with France, helped to defeat Tripolitan naval forces in the Barbary Wars and defeated a British Sloop-of-War in 1811, which brought back a measure of respect to the United States Navy in the wake of the USS Chesapeake-HMS Leopold affair.
He commanded several squadrons crushed in the War of 1812, but helped to successfully defend Baltimore from British attack. After the War, he was named President of the United States Navy Board of Commissioners (which included fellow Commodores Isaac Hull and David D. Porter).
John Rodgers, was commissioned on March 5, 1799. In 1812, his pay was $100, dollars per month and received 8 rations a day. In 1814 he was station to the Frigate Cuerriere. In 1818 to 1820 he was the President of the Navy board. In 1820 he was the Navy Commissioner. In 1822 he is shown as the President of the Navy board. In 1823 and 1824 he was shown the Navy Commissioner. In 1825-1827, he was commanding the Mediterranean Squadron. In 1828 through 1836, he was back as the President of the Navy board. My navy rosters don’t go beyond 1836.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Trial Of Benjamin M. Anderson 1865.
Cincinnati, Ohio, April 21, 1865.
I. Before a military commission, which convened at Cincinnati, Ohio, January 11, 1865, pursuant to Special Orders, No. 278, series of 1864, and Nos.4 and 8, current series, from these headquarters, and of which Colonel Charles D. Murray, Eighty-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, is president, were arraigned and tried-
Charles Walsh, Buckner S. Morris, Vincent Marmaduke, and R. T. Semnes, citizens.
CHARGE I: Conspirking, in violation of the laws of war, to release the rebel prisoners of war confined by authority of the United States at Camp Douglas, near Chicago, Ill.
Specification.-In this, that they, the said Charles Walsh, Buckner S. Morris, Vincent Marmaduke, R. T. Semnes, Charles Travis Daniel, George E. Cantril, G. St. Leger Grenfel, and Benjamin M. Anderson, did unlawfully and secretly conspirite and agree among themselves, and with one Captain Hines, so called, allia Doctor Hunter, of the Confederate Army, and other, in violation of the laws of war, to release the rebel prisoners of war then confined by authority of the United States at Camp Douglas, near Chicago, Ill., numbering between 8,000 and 9,000 persons, by suddently attacking said camp on or about the evening of the 8th of November, anno Domini 1864, with a large number of armed men, overpowering the guard and forces then and there stationed and on duty, seizing the cannon and arms in the possession of said guard and forces for the purpose of guard and defending said camp, forcibly opening the gates of said prison camp and removing all obstructions to the successful escape of said prisoners confined within its limits. This, at or near Chicago, in the State of Illinois, within the military lines and the theater of military operations of the Army of the United States, at a period of war and armed rebellion against the authority of the United States, and on or about the 1st day of November, anno Domini 1864.
CHARGE II: Conspiring, in violation of the laws of war, to lay waste and destroy the city of Chicago, Ill.
Specification.-In this, that they, the said Charles Waslh, Buckner S. Morris, Vincent Marmaduke, R. T. Semmens, Charles Travis Daniel, George E. Cantril, G. St. Leger Grenfel, and Benjamin M. Anderson, did unlafully adn secretely conspire and agree amon themselves, and with one Captain Hines, so called, alias Doctor Hunter, of the Confederate Army, and others, in violation of the laws of war, to lay waste and destroy, on or about the evening of the 8th of November, anno Domini 1864, the city of Chicago, Ill., by capturing the arsenal in said city, cutting the telegraph wires, buring the railroad depots, taking forcible possession of the banks and public buildings, and leaving the city to be sacked, pillage, and burned by the rebel prisoners of war confined at Camp Douglas, near Chicago, Ill., which prisoners were to be forcibly released by them on or about the date above mentioned. This, at or near Chicago, in the State of Illinois, within the military lines and the theater of military operations of the Army of the United States, at a period of war and armed rebellion against the authority of the United States, and on or about the 1st day of November, anno Domini 1864.
To which each of the accused pleaded not guilty
The following report upon the petition of Richard T. Semmes, convicted by military commission of conspiring with others to destroy the city of Chicago and release the rebel prisoners of war there confined, is respectfully submitted:
Semmes was tried, jointly with Charles Walsh, Buckner S. Morris, Vincent Marmaduke, Charles T. Daniel, G. St. Leger Grenfel, and Benjamin M. Anderson, for conspiring with one Captain Hines, alias Doctor Hunter, of the Confederate Army, and others, to accomplish the above stated objects. of those convicted by the commission Semmes was one, and was sentenced to three years' confinement at hard labor at such place as the commanding general should direct. General Hooker approves the findings and sentence in the cases of all the accused, and designates the penitentiary at Columbus, Ohio, as the place of confinement.
June 29, 1865.
The following report of the opinion of this Bureau upon the proceedings at the trial by military commission of certain persons charged with conspiring to liberate rebel prisoners of war confined in Chicago and to destroy and sack that city is respectfully submitted: The commission began its sessions on the 11th of January, 1865. The prisoners arraigned before if were: Charles Walsh, Buckner S. Morris, Vincent Marmaduke, R. T. Semmes, Charles T. Daniel alias Cahrles Travis, G. St. Leger Grenfel, and Benjamin M. Anderson. Walsh was convicted and sentenced to five years' penitentiary confinement; Morris and Marmaduke were acquitted by the commission; Semmes was convicted and sentenced to three years' imprisonment; Daniel escaped from confinement during the trial, but was, notwithstanding, convicted and sentenced to death; Anderson committed suicide in prison, and Grenfel was convicted and condemned to death.
I. Before a military commission, which convened at Cincinnati, Ohio, January 11, 1865, pursuant to Special Orders, No. 278, series of 1864, and Nos.4 and 8, current series, from these headquarters, and of which Colonel Charles D. Murray, Eighty-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, is president, were arraigned and tried-
Charles Walsh, Buckner S. Morris, Vincent Marmaduke, and R. T. Semnes, citizens.
CHARGE I: Conspirking, in violation of the laws of war, to release the rebel prisoners of war confined by authority of the United States at Camp Douglas, near Chicago, Ill.
Specification.-In this, that they, the said Charles Walsh, Buckner S. Morris, Vincent Marmaduke, R. T. Semnes, Charles Travis Daniel, George E. Cantril, G. St. Leger Grenfel, and Benjamin M. Anderson, did unlawfully and secretly conspirite and agree among themselves, and with one Captain Hines, so called, allia Doctor Hunter, of the Confederate Army, and other, in violation of the laws of war, to release the rebel prisoners of war then confined by authority of the United States at Camp Douglas, near Chicago, Ill., numbering between 8,000 and 9,000 persons, by suddently attacking said camp on or about the evening of the 8th of November, anno Domini 1864, with a large number of armed men, overpowering the guard and forces then and there stationed and on duty, seizing the cannon and arms in the possession of said guard and forces for the purpose of guard and defending said camp, forcibly opening the gates of said prison camp and removing all obstructions to the successful escape of said prisoners confined within its limits. This, at or near Chicago, in the State of Illinois, within the military lines and the theater of military operations of the Army of the United States, at a period of war and armed rebellion against the authority of the United States, and on or about the 1st day of November, anno Domini 1864.
CHARGE II: Conspiring, in violation of the laws of war, to lay waste and destroy the city of Chicago, Ill.
Specification.-In this, that they, the said Charles Waslh, Buckner S. Morris, Vincent Marmaduke, R. T. Semmens, Charles Travis Daniel, George E. Cantril, G. St. Leger Grenfel, and Benjamin M. Anderson, did unlafully adn secretely conspire and agree amon themselves, and with one Captain Hines, so called, alias Doctor Hunter, of the Confederate Army, and others, in violation of the laws of war, to lay waste and destroy, on or about the evening of the 8th of November, anno Domini 1864, the city of Chicago, Ill., by capturing the arsenal in said city, cutting the telegraph wires, buring the railroad depots, taking forcible possession of the banks and public buildings, and leaving the city to be sacked, pillage, and burned by the rebel prisoners of war confined at Camp Douglas, near Chicago, Ill., which prisoners were to be forcibly released by them on or about the date above mentioned. This, at or near Chicago, in the State of Illinois, within the military lines and the theater of military operations of the Army of the United States, at a period of war and armed rebellion against the authority of the United States, and on or about the 1st day of November, anno Domini 1864.
To which each of the accused pleaded not guilty
The following report upon the petition of Richard T. Semmes, convicted by military commission of conspiring with others to destroy the city of Chicago and release the rebel prisoners of war there confined, is respectfully submitted:
Semmes was tried, jointly with Charles Walsh, Buckner S. Morris, Vincent Marmaduke, Charles T. Daniel, G. St. Leger Grenfel, and Benjamin M. Anderson, for conspiring with one Captain Hines, alias Doctor Hunter, of the Confederate Army, and others, to accomplish the above stated objects. of those convicted by the commission Semmes was one, and was sentenced to three years' confinement at hard labor at such place as the commanding general should direct. General Hooker approves the findings and sentence in the cases of all the accused, and designates the penitentiary at Columbus, Ohio, as the place of confinement.
June 29, 1865.
The following report of the opinion of this Bureau upon the proceedings at the trial by military commission of certain persons charged with conspiring to liberate rebel prisoners of war confined in Chicago and to destroy and sack that city is respectfully submitted: The commission began its sessions on the 11th of January, 1865. The prisoners arraigned before if were: Charles Walsh, Buckner S. Morris, Vincent Marmaduke, R. T. Semmes, Charles T. Daniel alias Cahrles Travis, G. St. Leger Grenfel, and Benjamin M. Anderson. Walsh was convicted and sentenced to five years' penitentiary confinement; Morris and Marmaduke were acquitted by the commission; Semmes was convicted and sentenced to three years' imprisonment; Daniel escaped from confinement during the trial, but was, notwithstanding, convicted and sentenced to death; Anderson committed suicide in prison, and Grenfel was convicted and condemned to death.
Monday, April 19, 2010

Capt Henry Nikolai Hauff.
Birth: Oct. 10, 1836.
Death: Sep. 19, 1863.
Report of Colonel John A. Martin, Eighth Kansas Infantry, commanding Third Brigade.
Chattanooga, September 28, 1863,
CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report the following account of the action of this brigade from the time of crossing the Tennessee River up to the present date, including its participation in the engagements on the 19th and 20th instant. As I did not assume command of the brigade until the 19th instant, when the brave and gallant Colonel Heg was mortally wounded, and as Captain Henry Hauff, acting assistant adjutant-general of the brigade, was taken prisoner, and none of the official records of headquarters are in my possession, the report of our movements prior to the 19th may contain inaccuracies of memory, which the general commanding will readily correct.
Report of Captain Mons Grinager, Fifteenth Wisconsin Infantry. FIFTEENTH REGIMENT WISCONSIN VOLS.
Chattanooga, Ten., September 29, 1863.
SIR: I have the honor herewith to transmit the following report of the part taken by the Fifteenth Wisconsin Volunteers in the battle of Chickamauga Creek, Ga., on the 19th and 20th instant:
About 1 p.m. on the 19th we were ordered into line of battle on the south side of the Chattanooga road, 3 miles east of Crawfish Spring, our left resting on the Eighth Kansas Volunteers. We marched by the right flank through some heavy underbrush till our right rested on a corn-field about three-quarters of a mile from the road. We then advanced in line of battle over a slight elevation of ground, and on ascending the top the enemy's skirmishers opened fire on us, but with little effect. We drove them in. After advancing a short distance farther, we received a heavy volley from the enemy's line immediately in our front. The engagement now became general. We held our position for some minutes, and had fired about 6 or 7 rounds, when we were ordered back 10 or 15 paces, on account of being exposed to a heavy cross-fire from infantry on our right and a rebel battery on our left.
This position we held for some time, and had fired about 10 or 12 rounds, when we were ordered to fix bayonets and charge the line immediately in our front. The order was complied with; but our right being so hard pressed, they could make but little headway, having no support to the right, and the Eighth Kansas to the left had partly broken and were a short distance in our rear, being thus exposed to a raking cross-fire. We then received orders to fall back, which was done slowly and in good order, holding the enemy in check until we were relieved by the Second Brigade, General Carlin's, which advanced and engaged the enemy.
We reformed in rear of the Second Brigade, which soon was forced back behind us, and we again fired some rounds, but were met with such overwhelming force that we were forced to fall back across an open field immediately in our rear. On our arrival at the edge of the timber, on the north side of the field, the Third Brigade of Sheridan's division advanced on our right and engaged the enemy. We twice tried to recross the field, and succeeded the second time in getting as far as to the log-house on the south side of the field, where we retook a few pieces of artillery, and which position we held until fresh troops arrived. We then were ordered about three-quarters of a mile to the rear, where we reformed with the division, and bivouacked until 3 o'clock the next morning.
Our loss the 19th in killed, wounded, and missing was: Commissioned officers, 7; enlisted men, 59.
Among our killed was Captain John M. Johnson, Company A. Among our wounded, Colonel Jans C. Heg, commanding brigade, since dead. Captain Hans Hansen, Company C, severely wounded and left on the field; Major George Wilson and Captain A. Gasman, severely; Lieutenant C. E. Tanberg, Company D, slightly wounded, and Captain Henry Hauff missing.
It was later found that Captain Henry Hauff was neither missing or taken prisoner, but was in fact killed on the battle field. The proof came when a Confederate solider by the name of John West, of the 4th Texas Volunteer Infantry Regiment Company E. recovered Captain Hauff's "beautifully mounted and engraved sword." John West would later described Captain Henry Hauff as "a gallant Wisconsin officer," and "He was a clever soldier and would have gone far if he had lived." It’s believed that Captain Henry Hauff body was to have been buried on the Chickamauga battlefield in an unmarked grave.
Private-General Nathan Bedford Forrest

Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Birth: Jul. 13, 1821.
Death: :Oct. 29, 1877.
Confederate General. civil war private-confederate general, raider. He was born in Marshal County, Tennessee the son of a poverty-stricken, backwoods blacksmith. No man had more to overcome during his rise to fame. With no formal education, at the age of sixteen, he was forced into adulthood to not only provide for himself but a large family left by the death of his father. Through the seamy business of slave trading, he became a multimillionaire. At the onset of the civil war, Forrest enlisted as a private in a Tennessee regiment. He was a friend of Tennessee Governor Harris who promptly had him discharged so that Forrest could recruit and form his own battalion of cavalry. So, with no formal military training, he found a way to become a general. He recruited men who could furnish their own weapons and he equipped the group at his own expense. He developed raiding tactics that made his cavalry a superb strike force.
He seemed to be a natural military genius with an intuitive grasp not only of tactics, but also
of logistics. He is noted mainly as a highly successful raider behind union lines but also distinguished himself in several traditional type battles. His postwar activities included a leadership role with the Ku Klux Klan until he ordered dissolution in 1869 because of its extreme radical nature. He failed in many business ventures and never regained the fortune lost as a result of the civil war. Plagued by illness, he died at the home of his brother in Memphis the result of diabetes at the age of 57.
Services were held at Court Avenue Presbyterian Church in Memphis with an oration given by Jefferson Davis. A funeral procession formed at the church by thousands of marchers who then proceeded to accompany the body to Elmwood Cemetery where it was interred. In 1905, with the political climate favorable, He and his wife were reinterred and moved to downtown Memphis in what today is known as Forrest Park which is located on Union Avenue.
Birth: Jul. 13, 1821.
Death: :Oct. 29, 1877.
Confederate General. civil war private-confederate general, raider. He was born in Marshal County, Tennessee the son of a poverty-stricken, backwoods blacksmith. No man had more to overcome during his rise to fame. With no formal education, at the age of sixteen, he was forced into adulthood to not only provide for himself but a large family left by the death of his father. Through the seamy business of slave trading, he became a multimillionaire. At the onset of the civil war, Forrest enlisted as a private in a Tennessee regiment. He was a friend of Tennessee Governor Harris who promptly had him discharged so that Forrest could recruit and form his own battalion of cavalry. So, with no formal military training, he found a way to become a general. He recruited men who could furnish their own weapons and he equipped the group at his own expense. He developed raiding tactics that made his cavalry a superb strike force.
He seemed to be a natural military genius with an intuitive grasp not only of tactics, but also

Services were held at Court Avenue Presbyterian Church in Memphis with an oration given by Jefferson Davis. A funeral procession formed at the church by thousands of marchers who then proceeded to accompany the body to Elmwood Cemetery where it was interred. In 1905, with the political climate favorable, He and his wife were reinterred and moved to downtown Memphis in what today is known as Forrest Park which is located on Union Avenue.
General Lloyd Tilghman.

Lloyd Tilghman.
Birth: Jan. 18, 1816
Death: May 16, 1863.
Photos provided by John Griffith.
Civil War Confederate Brigadier General. He was a graduate of West Point in 1836, served in the Mexican War and was a railroad civil engineer. At the start of the Civil War, he took into the Confederate service as Colonel of the 3rd Kentucky Regiment. Promoted Brigadier General in October 1861, after a vigorous defense at Fort Henry on February 6, 1862, he surrendered to the Federals and was sent as a prisoner to Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor. On being prisoner exchanged, he took command of an artillery regiment which fought at the Battle of Corinth in the fall of 1862. During the Vicksburg Campaign of 1863, he was hit in the chest by a shell fragment and killed at the Battle of Champion Hill.
Authors Note. I would like to thank ( John Griffith) who allow me to repost his information here which was originally posted at ( Find a Grave.)
SAINT LOUIS; MO., February 25, 1862.
Colonel CUTTS, Aide-de-Camp, &c.:
You will with sufficient guard take General Tilgham, now a prisoner of war, and proceed with him to Indianapolis where you will also take General Bucker and with the two proceed to Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, and deliver them to the commanding officer. These two prisoners will be disarmend and closely guarded and not allowed to communicate with any person whatever. If they teempt to escape put them in irons. In transferring them from one depot to another in any city you are authorized if you deem it necessary to call upon the police to assist you. The prisoners will be kindly treated adn made as comfortable as the circumstances will admit. The quartermaster will supply you with funds to pay all expenses, of which you will keep an account. Having performed these duties you will return the guard to its company and report at these headquarters.
Birth: Jan. 18, 1816
Death: May 16, 1863.
Photos provided by John Griffith.
Civil War Confederate Brigadier General. He was a graduate of West Point in 1836, served in the Mexican War and was a railroad civil engineer. At the start of the Civil War, he took into the Confederate service as Colonel of the 3rd Kentucky Regiment. Promoted Brigadier General in October 1861, after a vigorous defense at Fort Henry on February 6, 1862, he surrendered to the Federals and was sent as a prisoner to Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor. On being prisoner exchanged, he took command of an artillery regiment which fought at the Battle of Corinth in the fall of 1862. During the Vicksburg Campaign of 1863, he was hit in the chest by a shell fragment and killed at the Battle of Champion Hill.
Authors Note. I would like to thank ( John Griffith) who allow me to repost his information here which was originally posted at ( Find a Grave.)
SAINT LOUIS; MO., February 25, 1862.
Colonel CUTTS, Aide-de-Camp, &c.:

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Indian Home Guards.
The Indian Home Guards played a very important part in the Civil War, although they were give little recognition on their part they played. These regiments were mostly under the command of whites and are the only ones recorded on the rosters, even though many Native Americans held high rank, they will not be found on the National Army Registry.
These Native Americans can be found on the mustered rolls and pay rolls of each company for each regiment. If one is looking for a Native Americans ancestor that was in one of these regiments should be able to find some record of him in the National Archives. As far as I can tell there were at least five Indian Home Guards regiments but was unable to find little of no information on the Forth nor on the fifth regiment.
At the bottom of each regiment Registry I will add the names of any Native Americans I found in the battle reports.
First Indian Home Guards.
William Addison Phillips.
Birth: Jan. 14, 1824, Scotland.
Death: Nov. 30, 1893, Fort Gibson, Muskogee County, Oklahoma.
Photo provided by Bill McKern.
William Addison Phillips, Commander of the First & Third Indian Home Guards.
US Congressman. Elected to represent Kansas first as an At-Large Delegate, then from the 1st District in the United States House of Representatives, serving from 1873 to 1879.
Rank--- Name--- Date of Commission--- Remarks.
Major Phillips Wm. A. June 2d, 1862 Promoted Colonel Third Regiment Indian Home Guards.
Major Phillips James A. July 10th, 1862 From 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant Fourth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieut. and Adjt., Gillpatrick J. H., November 1st, 1862., Promoted Major Second Kansas Colored Infantry.
1st Lieut and R. Q. M.. Prouty S. S., June 21st, 1862 Resigned.
1st Lieut and R. Q. M., Cox John T., February 28th, 1863.
1st Lieut. and Adj., Chess Joh, May 28th, 1863., Mustered out with Regiment May 31st, 1865.
1st Lieutenant, Bicking Alfred F., September 10th, 1862., From Company I, Second Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Jacobs Ferdinand R., September 10th, 1862., Resigned April 29th, 1865.
1st Lieutenant, Thompson Robert T., April 1st, 1863., Mustered by Special Order War Department.
1st Lieutenant, Fox Francis J., September 10th, 1862., From Company G, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Flanders Albert, July 1st, 1863., From Company H, Second Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Ayers Benj. F., March 29th, 1863., From Company C, Ninth Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Burlingame Milford J., December 28th, 1863., From Company B, Twelfth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Crafts frederick, September 10th, 1862., From Company G, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Lowe Eli C., September 10th, 1862., From First Kansas Battery.
1st Lieutenant, Roberts William, July 1st, 1863 Dismissed.
1st Lieutenant, Young John D., August 25th, 1865., From Company K, Sixth Kansas Cavalry.
Here is a list of men that were of the First Indian Home guards but are not listed on the rosters.
1. Captain, No-Ko-So-Lo-Chee.
2. Captain, So-Nuk-Mik-Ko.
3. Captain, Jon-neh, Uches.
4. Captain, Billy Bowlegs, Seminoles.
5. Captain, Tus-Te-Nup-Chup-Ko, Creek.
6. Captain, ( ? ) Willetts, Killed December 1863.
John Ritchie.
Birth: Jul. 17, 1817.
Death: Aug. 31, 1887.
Photo provided by Gregory Speciale.
Civil War Union Brevet Brigadier General. He served in the Civil war first as Colonel and commander of the 5th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, then as Colonel of the 2nd Indian Home Guards, then finally as an Aide-de-Camp to Major General Samuel R. Curtis. He was brevetted Brigadier General, US Volunteers on February 21, 1865, but, with the belief that he wasn't a competent enough officer, and his brevet commission was obtained through political influence, the War Department refused to issue it. He was one of the founders of Topeka, Kansas.
Rank--- Name--- Date of Commission--- Remarks.
Colonel, Ritchie John, From Fifth Kansas Cavalry.
Lieutenant Colonel, Schaurte Fred. W., From Second U. S. Cavalry.
1st Lieut. and Adjt., Robinson E. W., From civil life.
1st Lieut. and Adjt., Palmer John C., From Company A, Fifth Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieut. and R. Q. M., Huston George, Appointed R. Q. M. Fourteenth Kansas Cavalry.
Surgeon, Ritchie A. J., From civil life.
Assistant Surgeon, Campdorus M. A., From civil life.
Captain, Bruce James H., May 27th, 1863., From Fourth Kansas Infantry.
Captain, Moodey Joel, Unknown From civil life.
1st Lieutenant, Lenhart Charles, October 15th, 1862., From civil life. Died of consumption February 21st, 1863.
1st Lieutenant, Hunter John M., September 14th, 1862., From Company E, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Bruce James H., Unknown Promoted Captain.
1st Lieutenant, Kendall William H., December 8th, 1862., From Company C, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Moffit John, Unknown From Company K, Second Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Gillpatrick E. P., Unknown From Company F, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, WAterhouse A. J., From Company K, Sixth Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Hunter Silas, June 2d, 1862., From civil life.
1st Lieutenant, Painter David A., June 2d, 1862., From civil life.
1st Lieutenant, Scott ( ? ), June, 1862., From civil life.
Here is a list of men not list on the rosters, and those listed as wounded or killed.
1. Lieutenant J. C. Palmer, was wounded at the skimish on Greenleaf Paririe.
2. Private, Huston Mayfield Co. F., drowned in the Arkansas river.
3. Private, Ta-Cah-Le-Ges-Lie, Co F., drowned in the Arkansas river.
4. Private, ( ? ) Grass, Co. B., drowned in the Arkansas river.
5. Captain, George Scraoer, Co. H., Killed September 21, 1863.
Andrew W. Robb.
Birth: Jan., 1840
Death: Nov. 24, 1909.
Civil War Veteran, 1st Lieut. Co. F, 3rd Indian Territory Infantry. 1st Lieut. Co. F, 3rd Kansas Indian Home Guard Infantry.
Rank---Name---Date of Commission---Remarks.
Colonel, Phillips Wm. A., July 11th, 1862., From Major First Indian Home Guards.
Major, Foreman John A., July 11th, 1862., From Captain Company C, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieut. and Adjt., Gallaher William, July 11th, 1862., From Company C, Sixth Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieut. and R. Q. M., Larzelere Alfred, July 11th, 1862., From Tenth Kansas Infantry.
Captain, Spillman A. C., November 4th, 1862, From Company F, Sixth Kansas Cavalry.
Captain, Anderson Henry S., November 15th, 1862., From Campany B, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
Captain, Phillips Maxwell, May 28th, 1863., From civil life.
Captain, Kaufman Solomon, May 28th, 1863., From Company C, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Parsons Luke F.. July 11th, 1862., From Company F, Sixth Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Hanway John S., July 11th, 1862., From Company C, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Robb Andrew W., July 11th, 1862., From Company C, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Scott Harmon, July 11th, 1862., From Company H, Ninth Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Whitlow Benjamin, July 11th, 1862., From Company H, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Brown Charles, April 1st, 1863., From Company D, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
2nd Lieutenant, McCulloch William, December 21st, 1862, From Company A, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
2nd Lieutenant, Nc/crea Basil G., December 21st, 1862., From Company C, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
2nd Lieutenant, Cayitt Jule C., May 28th, 1863., From Company C, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
Here is a man that would not be found on the rosters.
1. Private, Arch Benner, Co. H., wounded.
These Native Americans can be found on the mustered rolls and pay rolls of each company for each regiment. If one is looking for a Native Americans ancestor that was in one of these regiments should be able to find some record of him in the National Archives. As far as I can tell there were at least five Indian Home Guards regiments but was unable to find little of no information on the Forth nor on the fifth regiment.
At the bottom of each regiment Registry I will add the names of any Native Americans I found in the battle reports.
First Indian Home Guards.

Birth: Jan. 14, 1824, Scotland.
Death: Nov. 30, 1893, Fort Gibson, Muskogee County, Oklahoma.
Photo provided by Bill McKern.
William Addison Phillips, Commander of the First & Third Indian Home Guards.
US Congressman. Elected to represent Kansas first as an At-Large Delegate, then from the 1st District in the United States House of Representatives, serving from 1873 to 1879.
Rank--- Name--- Date of Commission--- Remarks.
Major Phillips Wm. A. June 2d, 1862 Promoted Colonel Third Regiment Indian Home Guards.
Major Phillips James A. July 10th, 1862 From 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant Fourth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieut. and Adjt., Gillpatrick J. H., November 1st, 1862., Promoted Major Second Kansas Colored Infantry.
1st Lieut and R. Q. M.. Prouty S. S., June 21st, 1862 Resigned.
1st Lieut and R. Q. M., Cox John T., February 28th, 1863.
1st Lieut. and Adj., Chess Joh, May 28th, 1863., Mustered out with Regiment May 31st, 1865.
1st Lieutenant, Bicking Alfred F., September 10th, 1862., From Company I, Second Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Jacobs Ferdinand R., September 10th, 1862., Resigned April 29th, 1865.
1st Lieutenant, Thompson Robert T., April 1st, 1863., Mustered by Special Order War Department.
1st Lieutenant, Fox Francis J., September 10th, 1862., From Company G, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Flanders Albert, July 1st, 1863., From Company H, Second Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Ayers Benj. F., March 29th, 1863., From Company C, Ninth Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Burlingame Milford J., December 28th, 1863., From Company B, Twelfth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Crafts frederick, September 10th, 1862., From Company G, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Lowe Eli C., September 10th, 1862., From First Kansas Battery.
1st Lieutenant, Roberts William, July 1st, 1863 Dismissed.
1st Lieutenant, Young John D., August 25th, 1865., From Company K, Sixth Kansas Cavalry.
Here is a list of men that were of the First Indian Home guards but are not listed on the rosters.
1. Captain, No-Ko-So-Lo-Chee.
2. Captain, So-Nuk-Mik-Ko.
3. Captain, Jon-neh, Uches.
4. Captain, Billy Bowlegs, Seminoles.
5. Captain, Tus-Te-Nup-Chup-Ko, Creek.
6. Captain, ( ? ) Willetts, Killed December 1863.

Birth: Jul. 17, 1817.
Death: Aug. 31, 1887.
Photo provided by Gregory Speciale.
Civil War Union Brevet Brigadier General. He served in the Civil war first as Colonel and commander of the 5th Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, then as Colonel of the 2nd Indian Home Guards, then finally as an Aide-de-Camp to Major General Samuel R. Curtis. He was brevetted Brigadier General, US Volunteers on February 21, 1865, but, with the belief that he wasn't a competent enough officer, and his brevet commission was obtained through political influence, the War Department refused to issue it. He was one of the founders of Topeka, Kansas.
Rank--- Name--- Date of Commission--- Remarks.
Colonel, Ritchie John, From Fifth Kansas Cavalry.
Lieutenant Colonel, Schaurte Fred. W., From Second U. S. Cavalry.
1st Lieut. and Adjt., Robinson E. W., From civil life.
1st Lieut. and Adjt., Palmer John C., From Company A, Fifth Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieut. and R. Q. M., Huston George, Appointed R. Q. M. Fourteenth Kansas Cavalry.
Surgeon, Ritchie A. J., From civil life.
Assistant Surgeon, Campdorus M. A., From civil life.
Captain, Bruce James H., May 27th, 1863., From Fourth Kansas Infantry.
Captain, Moodey Joel, Unknown From civil life.
1st Lieutenant, Lenhart Charles, October 15th, 1862., From civil life. Died of consumption February 21st, 1863.
1st Lieutenant, Hunter John M., September 14th, 1862., From Company E, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Bruce James H., Unknown Promoted Captain.
1st Lieutenant, Kendall William H., December 8th, 1862., From Company C, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Moffit John, Unknown From Company K, Second Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Gillpatrick E. P., Unknown From Company F, Eleventh Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, WAterhouse A. J., From Company K, Sixth Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Hunter Silas, June 2d, 1862., From civil life.
1st Lieutenant, Painter David A., June 2d, 1862., From civil life.
1st Lieutenant, Scott ( ? ), June, 1862., From civil life.
Here is a list of men not list on the rosters, and those listed as wounded or killed.
1. Lieutenant J. C. Palmer, was wounded at the skimish on Greenleaf Paririe.
2. Private, Huston Mayfield Co. F., drowned in the Arkansas river.
3. Private, Ta-Cah-Le-Ges-Lie, Co F., drowned in the Arkansas river.
4. Private, ( ? ) Grass, Co. B., drowned in the Arkansas river.
5. Captain, George Scraoer, Co. H., Killed September 21, 1863.
Andrew W. Robb.
Birth: Jan., 1840
Death: Nov. 24, 1909.
Civil War Veteran, 1st Lieut. Co. F, 3rd Indian Territory Infantry. 1st Lieut. Co. F, 3rd Kansas Indian Home Guard Infantry.
Rank---Name---Date of Commission---Remarks.
Colonel, Phillips Wm. A., July 11th, 1862., From Major First Indian Home Guards.
Major, Foreman John A., July 11th, 1862., From Captain Company C, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieut. and Adjt., Gallaher William, July 11th, 1862., From Company C, Sixth Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieut. and R. Q. M., Larzelere Alfred, July 11th, 1862., From Tenth Kansas Infantry.
Captain, Spillman A. C., November 4th, 1862, From Company F, Sixth Kansas Cavalry.
Captain, Anderson Henry S., November 15th, 1862., From Campany B, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
Captain, Phillips Maxwell, May 28th, 1863., From civil life.
Captain, Kaufman Solomon, May 28th, 1863., From Company C, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Parsons Luke F.. July 11th, 1862., From Company F, Sixth Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Hanway John S., July 11th, 1862., From Company C, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Robb Andrew W., July 11th, 1862., From Company C, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Scott Harmon, July 11th, 1862., From Company H, Ninth Kansas Cavalry.
1st Lieutenant, Whitlow Benjamin, July 11th, 1862., From Company H, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
1st Lieutenant, Brown Charles, April 1st, 1863., From Company D, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
2nd Lieutenant, McCulloch William, December 21st, 1862, From Company A, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
2nd Lieutenant, Nc/crea Basil G., December 21st, 1862., From Company C, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
2nd Lieutenant, Cayitt Jule C., May 28th, 1863., From Company C, Tenth Kansas Infantry.
Here is a man that would not be found on the rosters.
1. Private, Arch Benner, Co. H., wounded.
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