Note. This information comes from Indian Affairs Volume 2., 1815-1827, this volume is housed at the Library of Congress.
This information will be bits and pieces of information from the Indian Nations.
Stockbridge Indians.
John W. Jacobs, Jacob Konkopot and 35 warriors, entered the service of the army in 1813, and served about two months. John was made captain and Jacob was Lieutenant.
Choctaw Treaty.
In the Choctaw Treaty in the territory of Michigan, these names were given.
Mingo Puckshenubbee, five hundred dollars.
Harrison, two, hundred dollars.
Captain Cobb, two, hundred dollars.
William Hays, two, hundred dollars.
Ogleno, two, hundred dollars.
Choctaw Nation.
The following names were trying to get a party together to go to Washington to see the President in 1819.
Jesse Brashears, Abe Hamilton, Benjamin James, Levi Perry and David Folsom, all were half breeds?
Choctaw Treaty, 1820.
Samuel R. Overton, was appointed Secretary of commission to the Choctaw treaty, which was to be held in 1820, he was to be paid five dollars per day while actually in engaged.
At the Choctaw treaty grounds of 1820, the head chief said that the whites had the advantage over them, as their word was written. The Chief’s asked if they could have some of their warriors or half-breeds who understood the white mans words and new how to write them be allowed to put down their words so there would be no miss understanding, the whites agreed.
Creek Treaty of 1820.
In Art 2., of the treaty these names were given; Michey Barnard, James Barnard, Buckey Barnard, Cussena Barnard and Efavemathlaw, land on the east side of the Flint river.
David Forney of North Carolina was appointed Commissioner to the Creeks.
Treaty with the Ottawas, Chippewas, Parrawatamies.
Art., 3., There shall be granted by the United States to each of the following persons, being all Indians by descent, and to their heirs, the following tracts of land;
John Burnett two sections of land.
James Burnett, Abraham Burnett, Rebecca Burnett and Nancy Burnett, each one section of land, being the children of Kawkeeme sister to Topinibe, principal chief of the Pattawatami Nation.
John B. La Lime son of Nokenoqua one section of land.
Joan B. Chandonai, son of Chippewaqua two sections of land.
Joseph Daze son of Chippewaqua one section of land.
Monguago one section of land.
Pierre Moran or Peeresh, a Pattawatami chief, one section of land, and to his children two sections of land.
Pierre Le Clerc, son of Moique one section of land.
One thousand eight hundred and eighteen acres given to Peeresh or Perig, shall be given to Jean B. Cicot son of Pesayquot, sister of Peeresh, for being so intended at the treaty.
Osheakkebe or Benac, one half section of land.
Menawche a Parrawatamie woman one half section of land.
Theresa Chandler or Teacup a Parrawatamie woman and to her daughter Betsey Fisher one section of land.
Charles Beaubien, Medaer Beaubien, sons of Mannabenaqua, one half section of land.
Antoine Roland, son of Iqatpatawatamiequa one half section of land.
William Knaggs or Waseskukson son of Chesqua one section of land.
Madeline Bertrand wife of Joseph Bertrand a Pattawatamie woman one section of land.
Joseph Bertrand Jun., Benjamin Bertrand, Laurent Bertrand, Theresa Bertrand and Amable Bertrand children of Madeline Bertrand one half section of land.
John Riley, Peter Riley, sons of Menawcumegoqua, one section of land.
Jean B. Le Clerc, son of Moiqua, one half section of land.
Joseph La Framboise, son of Shawwenoqua one section of land.
The following given names helped with the Indian children and the schools, some men helped build the schools.
Rev. J. Morse.
Richard M. Johnson.
Colonel R. J. Meigs.
Ephraim Chapman.
J. Evarts.
John McKee.
S. N. Rowan
William Ward.
H. Posey.
John Hays.
S. Worcester.
William Wilson.
N. R. Dodge.
R. Nichols.
C. Kingsbury.
John Peck.
Laws of the Creek Nation.
The Creek nation was divided into eight districts they were:
1. Chicamauga.
2. Chatoogee.
3. Cosewatee.
4. Aumoiah.
5. Hickory Log.
6. High Tower.
7. Toolostieyeh.
8. Aquohee.
A council House was in each district, the council house is were all trail would be held. The trails were held each Spring and Fall. There was one judge, one marshal in each district, and one circuit judge who had jurisdiction over two districts.
Each family would pay a poll-tax of fifty cents and each single man under sixty years would pay fifty cents per annum.
A Ranger was appointed to each district to look for lost or stolen horses, when no owner was found they were sold all money went into the nations treasury. The Ranger would get one dollar for each horse posted.
There was to be a toll-gate put up on the federal toad near Captain David McNair’s.
Single white men were allowed to work as clerks in any store owned by a native of the nation, as long as they could account for their good behavior.
Any one who bought someone into the nation ( White family ) were to go before the National Committee and Council to get the ok. Those who do not will be fined five hundred dollars and receive one hundred stripes on the bare back.
If any child runs away from school and returns home to a parent or guardian, the said parent or guardian will return the said child to school, If child is not return the parent or guardian, will pay for the Clothing board and tuition incurred by the child, if parent or guardian will not pay the fine is five hundred dollars and receive one hundred stripes on the bare back.
Any person who shall trade with any negro slave without permission of the owner, and if the property is found to be stolen, the purchaser shall be held and bonded for said value.
Any person that allows his or her negro slaves to buy liquors will be fine fifteen dollars for each offence.
Any negro selling liquors without the owners permission shall receive fifteen cobbs of paddles for each offence.
Agreed To; All schoolmasters, Blacksmiths, Millers, Saltpeter and Gun power Manufacturers, Ferrymen, Turnpike Keepers and Single Hirelings are hereby privileged to live within the Creek nation, so long their employers get permission from the national committee, the employers will agree to their good conduct and are subject to removal for bad conduct. All those named above shall have 12., acres to improve or cultivate to support themselves or their families if they so wish.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Names Of The Many Chippewa Treaties.
Note. This information comes from Indian Affairs Vol. 2., 1815-1827, P. 195-?
These Names came from a report on the many Chippewa Treaties and giving a accounting of the restitutions provided for those in the treaties.
These first names were provided for in the treaty but it had nothing to do with any restitutions.
Menawcumegoqua, was a Chippewa woman and the mother of John Riley, Peter Riley and James Riley.
Kawkawiskou, or the Crow a Chippewa Chief, six hundred and forty acres of land on the east side of the Saginaw river at a place called Menitegow.
Bowkowtonden children, six hundred and forty acres of land on the Kawkawling river.
Nowkeshik, Metawanene, Mokitchenoqua, Nondashemau, Petabonaqua, Messawwakua, Checblak, Kitchegcequa, Sagosequa, Annoketoqua and Tawcumegoqua, Six hundred and forty acres of land to be located at and near the Grand Traverse of the Flint river.
Dr. William Brown of Detroit, to be rewarded for his service to the Chippewa people twenty years passed, three sections of land for him and his heirs.
Note. This report was given in 1819, and it talked about the Treaties of 1797-1817, so his service would fall within those years?
Henry Conner and James Conner, who were taken prisoner by them in early life and lived with them for many years, to them and their heirs twelve hundred and eighty acres of land.
Peter W. Knaggs, George Knaggs and Jacques Godfroy, who were adopted by them, to them and their heirs six hundred and forty acres each.
Conrad Ten Eyck, the sum of $1,298.20, for property taken by them at Saginaw in 1812.
Barnabas Campeau, the sum of $1,600.
These Names came from a report on the many Chippewa Treaties and giving a accounting of the restitutions provided for those in the treaties.
These first names were provided for in the treaty but it had nothing to do with any restitutions.
Menawcumegoqua, was a Chippewa woman and the mother of John Riley, Peter Riley and James Riley.
Kawkawiskou, or the Crow a Chippewa Chief, six hundred and forty acres of land on the east side of the Saginaw river at a place called Menitegow.
Bowkowtonden children, six hundred and forty acres of land on the Kawkawling river.
Nowkeshik, Metawanene, Mokitchenoqua, Nondashemau, Petabonaqua, Messawwakua, Checblak, Kitchegcequa, Sagosequa, Annoketoqua and Tawcumegoqua, Six hundred and forty acres of land to be located at and near the Grand Traverse of the Flint river.
Dr. William Brown of Detroit, to be rewarded for his service to the Chippewa people twenty years passed, three sections of land for him and his heirs.
Note. This report was given in 1819, and it talked about the Treaties of 1797-1817, so his service would fall within those years?
Henry Conner and James Conner, who were taken prisoner by them in early life and lived with them for many years, to them and their heirs twelve hundred and eighty acres of land.
Peter W. Knaggs, George Knaggs and Jacques Godfroy, who were adopted by them, to them and their heirs six hundred and forty acres each.
Conrad Ten Eyck, the sum of $1,298.20, for property taken by them at Saginaw in 1812.
Barnabas Campeau, the sum of $1,600.
Names Of The Cherokee Treary Of 1817.
The Cherokee treaty of 1817.
In the treaty some reservations were given to some, the following names were given.
Lewis Ross, To include his house, and out-buildings, and ferry adjoining the Cherokee agency.
Major Walker, to include his dwelling-house and ferry and a additional six hundred and forty square acres to include his grist and saw-mill.
Cabbin Smith, six hundred and forty acres to be laid out in equal parts on both sides of his ferry commonly known as Blair’s ferry.
John Ross, six hundred and forty acres to be laid out to include the big Island in the Tennessee river.
Mrs. Eliza Ross, step-daughter of Major Walker, six hundred and forty acres, to be laid out to be located on the river below and adjoining Major Walker’s.
Margaret Morgan, six hundred and forty square acres to be located on the west of and adjoining James Riley’s.
George Harlin, six hundred and forty square acres to be located on the west of and adjoining Margaret Morgan.
James Lowry, six hundred and forty square acres to be located at Crow Mocker’s old place at the foot of the Cumberland mountain.
Susannah Lowey, six hundred and forty acres, to be located at the toll bridge on Battle creek.
Nicholas Byers, six hundred and forty acres, including Toqua Island to be located on the north bank of the Tennessee river opposite the Island.
The following names were given in the treaty, but no land information was given.
Persons within the chartered limits of:
1. Richard Walker, North Carolina.
2. Yonah aka. Big Bear, North Carolina.
3. John Martin, Georgia.
4. Peter Linch, Georgia.
5. Daniel Davis, Georgia.
6. George Parris, Georgia.
7. Walter S. Adair, Georgia.
8. Thomas Wilson, Alabama Territory.
9. Richard Riley, Alabama Territory.
10. James Riley, Alabama Territory.
11. Edward Gunter, Alabama Territory.
12. Robert McLemore, Tennessee.
13. John Baldridge, Tennessee.
14. Lewis Ross, Tennessee.
15. Fox Taylor, Tennessee.
16. Richard Timberlake, Tennessee.
17. David Fields, to include his Mill, Tennessee.
18. James Brown, to include his field and the long pond, Tennessee.
19. William Brown, Tennessee.
20. John Brown, Tennessee.
21. Elizabeth Lowey, Tennessee.
22. George Lowey, Tennessee.
23. John Benge, Tennessee.
24. Mts. Eliza Peck, Tennessee.
25. John Walker, Sen., Tennessee.
26. John Walker, Jr., unmarried, Tennessee.
27. Richard Taylor, Tennessee.
28. John McIntosh, Tennessee.
29. James Starr, Tennessee.
30. Samuel Parks, Tennessee.
31. The Old Bark (of Chota.), Tennessee.
In the treaty some reservations were given to some, the following names were given.
Lewis Ross, To include his house, and out-buildings, and ferry adjoining the Cherokee agency.
Major Walker, to include his dwelling-house and ferry and a additional six hundred and forty square acres to include his grist and saw-mill.
Cabbin Smith, six hundred and forty acres to be laid out in equal parts on both sides of his ferry commonly known as Blair’s ferry.
John Ross, six hundred and forty acres to be laid out to include the big Island in the Tennessee river.
Mrs. Eliza Ross, step-daughter of Major Walker, six hundred and forty acres, to be laid out to be located on the river below and adjoining Major Walker’s.
Margaret Morgan, six hundred and forty square acres to be located on the west of and adjoining James Riley’s.
George Harlin, six hundred and forty square acres to be located on the west of and adjoining Margaret Morgan.
James Lowry, six hundred and forty square acres to be located at Crow Mocker’s old place at the foot of the Cumberland mountain.
Susannah Lowey, six hundred and forty acres, to be located at the toll bridge on Battle creek.
Nicholas Byers, six hundred and forty acres, including Toqua Island to be located on the north bank of the Tennessee river opposite the Island.
The following names were given in the treaty, but no land information was given.
Persons within the chartered limits of:
1. Richard Walker, North Carolina.
2. Yonah aka. Big Bear, North Carolina.
3. John Martin, Georgia.
4. Peter Linch, Georgia.
5. Daniel Davis, Georgia.
6. George Parris, Georgia.
7. Walter S. Adair, Georgia.
8. Thomas Wilson, Alabama Territory.
9. Richard Riley, Alabama Territory.
10. James Riley, Alabama Territory.
11. Edward Gunter, Alabama Territory.
12. Robert McLemore, Tennessee.
13. John Baldridge, Tennessee.
14. Lewis Ross, Tennessee.
15. Fox Taylor, Tennessee.
16. Richard Timberlake, Tennessee.
17. David Fields, to include his Mill, Tennessee.
18. James Brown, to include his field and the long pond, Tennessee.
19. William Brown, Tennessee.
20. John Brown, Tennessee.
21. Elizabeth Lowey, Tennessee.
22. George Lowey, Tennessee.
23. John Benge, Tennessee.
24. Mts. Eliza Peck, Tennessee.
25. John Walker, Sen., Tennessee.
26. John Walker, Jr., unmarried, Tennessee.
27. Richard Taylor, Tennessee.
28. John McIntosh, Tennessee.
29. James Starr, Tennessee.
30. Samuel Parks, Tennessee.
31. The Old Bark (of Chota.), Tennessee.
Friday, January 22, 2010
The Partisan Rangers of the Confederacy.
The Partisan Rangers of the Confederacy was a company of guerrilla or resistance fighters. The Confederate Congress passed a Bill in April of 1862, allowing the forming of these groups. Each southern State had many of these rangers, then in 1862, the Confederate Congress was asking for a amendment of the Bill which would state; “That hereafter no authority shall be granted to raise or organize bands of partisan rangers within the limits of any military district, except where the companies or regiments composing the military force of said district are filled to the maximum number.”
But The House and Senate could not agree on the amendment, and while Congress argued over the amendment the Partisan Rangers grew. By 1863, the rangers had grown so large that there were no numbers on how many there were. Congress was asked to pass a Bill, asking that each military District make a accounting of the Partisan Rangers in their districts, so Congress and Army Headquarters, could know the numbers and names of these rangers. It is not known if there was ever a true accounting of these rangers.
1862, Colonels.
1. John B. Palmer, Fifty-eighth North Carolina Regiment (Partisan Rangers), North Carolina.
2. Dennis D. Ferebee, Fifty-ninth North Carolina Regiment (Partisan Rangers), North Carolina.
3. Robert G. A. Love, Sixty-second North Carolina Regiment (Partisan Rangers), North Carolina.
1862, Lieutenant-colonels.
1. J. H. Wingfield, Ninth Louisiana Battalion (Partisan Rangers), Louisiana.
2. William W. Proffitt, Fifty-eighth North Carolina Regiment (Partisan Rangers), North Carolina.
3. F. M. Nix, Sixteenth Georgia Battalion (Partisan Rangers), Georgia.
4. H. K. Aiken, Sixteenth South Carolina Battalion (Partisan Rangers), South Carolina.
5. James D. Webb, Fifty-first Alabama Regiment (Partisan Rangers), Alabama.
1862, Majors.
1. Joel R. Griffin, First Georgia Battalion (Partisan Rangers), Georgia.
2. J. De Baun, Ninth Louisiana Battalion (Partisan Rangers), Louisiana.
3. Samuel J. Winn, Sixteenth Georgia Battalion (Partisan Rangers), Georgia.
4. H. B. Thompson, Fifty-first Alabama Regiment (Partisan Rangers), Alabama.
1862, Captains.
1. W. K. Lane, Company North Carolina (Partisan Rangers), North Carolina.
Adjutants, with rank, etc., of first lieutenant.
1. Robert Aldrich, Sixteenth South Carolina Battalion (Partisan Rangers), South Carolina.
Congress of 1862.
That the Secretary of War be requested to communicate to this House what number of companies, squadrons, battalions, and regiments and from what States have been raised and organized as partisan rangers since the adjournment of Congress, and by what authority each commander of the said corps have raised said troops;
which was read and agreed to.
1862, Assistant quartermasters, with rank of captain.
1. O. M. Hundley, Twelfth Alabama Battalion (Partisan Rangers), Alabama.
1863, Adjutants, with the rank of first lieutenant.
1. Benjamin Green, of Georgia, to be adjutant Twenty-first Georgia Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank August 4, 1862.
2. A. J. Sykes, of Alabama, to be adjutant Fifteenth Alabama Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank September 18, 1862.
3. Philip Jones, of Kentucky, to be adjutant Tenth Kentucky Regiment, Partisan Rangers, to rank November 1, 1862.
4. M. E. Williams, of Georgia, to be adjutant Twentieth Georgia Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank October 14, 1862.
5. Thomas E. Winn, of Georgia, to be adjutant Sixteenth Georgia Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank from October 8, 1863.
1863, Assistant quartermasters, with rank of captain.
1. J. S. Ives, of North Carolina, for duty with Twelfth North Carolina Battalion, Partisan Rangers, September 30, 1862.
2. D. H. Lewellyn, of Kentucky, for duty with Second Kentucky Cavalry Regiment, Partisan Rangers, to rank October 14, 1862.
3. L. W. Trafton, of Kentucky, for duty with Tenth Kentucky Regiment, Partisan Rangers, to rank November 1, 1862.
4. John P. Dickinson, of Alabama, for duty with Fifty-third Alabama Regiment, Partisan Rangers, to rank November 5, 1862.
5. E. L. Hord, of Tennessee, for duty with Twelfth Tennessee Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank October 14, 1862.
6. J. E. Rogers, of Mississippi, for duty with First Mississippi Regiment, Partisan Rangers, to rank October 14, 1862.
1863, Majors.
1. Capt. T. W. Brevard, of Florida, to be major Second Florida Battalion, Partisan Rangers (battalion formed from unattached companies), to rank September 2, 1862.
1863, Lieutenant-colonels.
1. Maj. Samuel J. Winn, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixteenth Georgia Battalion, Partisan Rangers to rank from June 11, 1863.
Congress, 1864.
A bill to repeal an act to organize bands of partisan rangers, approved April 21, 1862, and for other purposes, reported back the same, with the recommendation that it do pass.
The question being on postponing the bill and placing it on the Calendar, It was decided in the negative.
Mr. Machen moved to amend the bill by adding at the end the following proviso:
Provided, That organizations of partisan rangers acting as regular cavalry at the passage of this act shall be continued in their present organizations, provided that they shall hereafter be considered as regular cavalry and not as partisan rangers.
1864, Adjutants--first lieutenants.
1. Virgil V. Moore, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Second Mississippi Regiment, Partisan Rangers, to rank from February 19, 1864.
2. W. W. Matthews, of Louisiana, to be adjutant Ninth Louisiana Battalion, Partisan Rangers (an original vacancy), to rank from September 27, 1864.
1864, Captains.
1. A. E. Richards, of Virginia, to be captain Company B, Forty-third Virginia Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank from April 6, 1864.
1864, S. F. Green, of Mississippi, to be adjutant of the Eighteenth Mississippi Battalion, Partisan Rangers, with the rank of first lieutenant in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
1864, Colonels.
1. F. Dumonteil, of Louisiana, to be colonel Fourteenth Confederate Cavalry Regiment (formed of unattached companies partisan rangers from southern Mississippi and northeast Louisiana), to rank from July 15, 1863.
1864, Majors.
1. Alexander H. Chalmers, of Mississippi, to be major battalion partisan rangers, to rank from June 1, 1863.
2. Edward Y. Clarke, of Georgia, to be major Sixteenth Georgia Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank from September 3, 1863.
1865, First lieutenants and adjutants.
1. William H. Mosby, of Virginia, to be adjutant Forty-third Virginia Battalion, Partisan Rangers,
1865, Chaplains.
1. William W. Berry, of Virginia, to be chaplain Forty-third Virginia Battalion, Partisan Rangers, in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
But The House and Senate could not agree on the amendment, and while Congress argued over the amendment the Partisan Rangers grew. By 1863, the rangers had grown so large that there were no numbers on how many there were. Congress was asked to pass a Bill, asking that each military District make a accounting of the Partisan Rangers in their districts, so Congress and Army Headquarters, could know the numbers and names of these rangers. It is not known if there was ever a true accounting of these rangers.
1862, Colonels.
1. John B. Palmer, Fifty-eighth North Carolina Regiment (Partisan Rangers), North Carolina.
2. Dennis D. Ferebee, Fifty-ninth North Carolina Regiment (Partisan Rangers), North Carolina.
3. Robert G. A. Love, Sixty-second North Carolina Regiment (Partisan Rangers), North Carolina.
1862, Lieutenant-colonels.
1. J. H. Wingfield, Ninth Louisiana Battalion (Partisan Rangers), Louisiana.
2. William W. Proffitt, Fifty-eighth North Carolina Regiment (Partisan Rangers), North Carolina.
3. F. M. Nix, Sixteenth Georgia Battalion (Partisan Rangers), Georgia.
4. H. K. Aiken, Sixteenth South Carolina Battalion (Partisan Rangers), South Carolina.
5. James D. Webb, Fifty-first Alabama Regiment (Partisan Rangers), Alabama.
1862, Majors.
1. Joel R. Griffin, First Georgia Battalion (Partisan Rangers), Georgia.
2. J. De Baun, Ninth Louisiana Battalion (Partisan Rangers), Louisiana.
3. Samuel J. Winn, Sixteenth Georgia Battalion (Partisan Rangers), Georgia.
4. H. B. Thompson, Fifty-first Alabama Regiment (Partisan Rangers), Alabama.
1862, Captains.
1. W. K. Lane, Company North Carolina (Partisan Rangers), North Carolina.
Adjutants, with rank, etc., of first lieutenant.
1. Robert Aldrich, Sixteenth South Carolina Battalion (Partisan Rangers), South Carolina.
Congress of 1862.
That the Secretary of War be requested to communicate to this House what number of companies, squadrons, battalions, and regiments and from what States have been raised and organized as partisan rangers since the adjournment of Congress, and by what authority each commander of the said corps have raised said troops;
which was read and agreed to.
1862, Assistant quartermasters, with rank of captain.
1. O. M. Hundley, Twelfth Alabama Battalion (Partisan Rangers), Alabama.
1863, Adjutants, with the rank of first lieutenant.
1. Benjamin Green, of Georgia, to be adjutant Twenty-first Georgia Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank August 4, 1862.
2. A. J. Sykes, of Alabama, to be adjutant Fifteenth Alabama Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank September 18, 1862.
3. Philip Jones, of Kentucky, to be adjutant Tenth Kentucky Regiment, Partisan Rangers, to rank November 1, 1862.
4. M. E. Williams, of Georgia, to be adjutant Twentieth Georgia Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank October 14, 1862.
5. Thomas E. Winn, of Georgia, to be adjutant Sixteenth Georgia Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank from October 8, 1863.
1863, Assistant quartermasters, with rank of captain.
1. J. S. Ives, of North Carolina, for duty with Twelfth North Carolina Battalion, Partisan Rangers, September 30, 1862.
2. D. H. Lewellyn, of Kentucky, for duty with Second Kentucky Cavalry Regiment, Partisan Rangers, to rank October 14, 1862.
3. L. W. Trafton, of Kentucky, for duty with Tenth Kentucky Regiment, Partisan Rangers, to rank November 1, 1862.
4. John P. Dickinson, of Alabama, for duty with Fifty-third Alabama Regiment, Partisan Rangers, to rank November 5, 1862.
5. E. L. Hord, of Tennessee, for duty with Twelfth Tennessee Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank October 14, 1862.
6. J. E. Rogers, of Mississippi, for duty with First Mississippi Regiment, Partisan Rangers, to rank October 14, 1862.
1863, Majors.
1. Capt. T. W. Brevard, of Florida, to be major Second Florida Battalion, Partisan Rangers (battalion formed from unattached companies), to rank September 2, 1862.
1863, Lieutenant-colonels.
1. Maj. Samuel J. Winn, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixteenth Georgia Battalion, Partisan Rangers to rank from June 11, 1863.
Congress, 1864.
A bill to repeal an act to organize bands of partisan rangers, approved April 21, 1862, and for other purposes, reported back the same, with the recommendation that it do pass.
The question being on postponing the bill and placing it on the Calendar, It was decided in the negative.
Mr. Machen moved to amend the bill by adding at the end the following proviso:
Provided, That organizations of partisan rangers acting as regular cavalry at the passage of this act shall be continued in their present organizations, provided that they shall hereafter be considered as regular cavalry and not as partisan rangers.
1864, Adjutants--first lieutenants.
1. Virgil V. Moore, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Second Mississippi Regiment, Partisan Rangers, to rank from February 19, 1864.
2. W. W. Matthews, of Louisiana, to be adjutant Ninth Louisiana Battalion, Partisan Rangers (an original vacancy), to rank from September 27, 1864.
1864, Captains.
1. A. E. Richards, of Virginia, to be captain Company B, Forty-third Virginia Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank from April 6, 1864.
1864, S. F. Green, of Mississippi, to be adjutant of the Eighteenth Mississippi Battalion, Partisan Rangers, with the rank of first lieutenant in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
1864, Colonels.
1. F. Dumonteil, of Louisiana, to be colonel Fourteenth Confederate Cavalry Regiment (formed of unattached companies partisan rangers from southern Mississippi and northeast Louisiana), to rank from July 15, 1863.
1864, Majors.
1. Alexander H. Chalmers, of Mississippi, to be major battalion partisan rangers, to rank from June 1, 1863.
2. Edward Y. Clarke, of Georgia, to be major Sixteenth Georgia Battalion, Partisan Rangers, to rank from September 3, 1863.
1865, First lieutenants and adjutants.
1. William H. Mosby, of Virginia, to be adjutant Forty-third Virginia Battalion, Partisan Rangers,
1865, Chaplains.
1. William W. Berry, of Virginia, to be chaplain Forty-third Virginia Battalion, Partisan Rangers, in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Norman Vincent Randolph 1846-1903.

Note. All photos can be enlarged by pushing on them.
Norman V. Randolph.
Business Man.
Business Man.
Norman Vincent Randolph, was born in November 2, 1846, in the town of Warwick, in the county of Chesterfield Virginia. Father was Joseph Williamson Randolph (1815-1893) , Norman’s mother was Honoria Mary Tucker ( 1816-1891) It is not known if he had any other brothers or sisters. Norman Vincent Randolph, passed in 1903.

Norman Vincent Randolph would marry his first wife Louisa Whelan Reed, on April 16, 1873, Louisa was born around 1849 and would pass in 1877, at the age of 28, there are no known children?, from his union. His second wife was Janet Henderson Weaver ( 1846-1927), they married in 1880, there is no known children from this union.
Norman’s wife Janet was famous in her own right, as a child during the War Between the States, Janet helped feed and nurse Confederate troops around her home town of Warrenton, Virginia. The Weaver house was used as a field hospital on many occasions.
When she married Norman he was a member of the Executive Committee of the R.E. Lee Camp of United Confederate Veterans who helped build the Old Soldiers Home, and moved with him to Richmond. It was Mr. Randolph who traveled to Washington in 1886 to commission the taxidermist who did the work on the remains of Little Sorrel, the warhorse of Confederate General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson.
After her Norman’s death, Mrs. Randolph devoted her life to Confederate memorial and relief work. She was instrumental in obtaining the first appropriation from the General Assembly of Virginia to aid the widows and daughters of Confederate veterans. Her primary legacy to the UDC was the establishment of the fund now known as the Mrs. Norman V. Randolph Relief Fund, which continues to provide assistance to the surviving daughters of Confederate veterans, which is still going strong today.
Norman V. Randolph..
In the company of John S. Mosby.
Some researchers state he is in the top roll second to the right.
While others say he is the fifth?
Norman’s father, Joseph Williamson Randolph, had established his business as publisher, bookseller, and stationer in Richmond, Virginia, in 1831. By the early 1840s, he had formed a partnership with Joseph J. English, and the firm became one of the leading book dealers in the South by the time of the Civil War.
Some researchers state he is in the top roll second to the right.
While others say he is the fifth?
Norman’s father, Joseph Williamson Randolph, had established his business as publisher, bookseller, and stationer in Richmond, Virginia, in 1831. By the early 1840s, he had formed a partnership with Joseph J. English, and the firm became one of the leading book dealers in the South by the time of the Civil War.
After Norman’s fathers death he operated the business until it passed into receivership. Norman was, at various times, president of the Randolph Paper Box Company, the Virginia State Insurance Company, and the Warwick Park Transportation Company. He also served as secretary-treasurer of the Virginia and North Carolina Wheel Company.

During the Civil War Norman Vincent Randolph, was of the 43rd., cavalry company E., he was in the command of John Mosby ( The Gray Ghost), the 43rd, was also known as the Partisan Rangers.
Updated February 15, 2010.

During the Civil War Norman Vincent Randolph, was of the 43rd., cavalry company E., he was in the command of John Mosby ( The Gray Ghost), the 43rd, was also known as the Partisan Rangers.
Updated February 15, 2010.
I received a nice letter from a Mr. George T. Reed, who give his insight into the Randolph Paper Box Company, and he states;
My name is George T. Reed. I live in Newark, Delaware.
In the year 1959, Albermarle Paper Mills, Mr. Gottwald, President, acquired, (or a little earlier), Randolph Paper Box Company, (Richmond, Virginia). Randolph was the oldest "paper box company in the United States. It was formed shortly before the Civil War. In the late 1950's, Albemarle wanted to get into the paperboard paperboard packaging business. I met Bruce Gottwald and his father. Bruce was indeed a young man...perhaps 19 or 20 (?) not certain, just now. I wish I could remember the street name. (Sourh Richmond). I hired a fellow by name of Richard Bottenus (?) to help me in the "Art Department" where we made (rendered) box sketches. One of the customers was a large ice cream company, in Richmond. (Eskimo Pie?) Somehow, Reynold's Metals, Richmond comes to mind. One day Bruce Gottwald announced that the Ethyl Corporation had bought out Albemarle Paper Mills, and Randolph. I don't recall any other details of this venture. I met Mr. Gottwald (Sr.) one time. Very courteous gentleman (so was his son, Bruce). When Randolph closed, I acquired a job as art director with the Westvaco Corp, and moved to Newark, Delaware. That was about 1961. I retired from Westvaco in 1989. We did the first Advil carton.
George T. Reed
Attack On Fort St. Clair 1792.
A letter from John Adair to Brigadier General James Wickinson, on the arrack on Fort St. Clair. Dated November 6, 1792.
This morning, about the first appearance of day the enemy attacked my camp within sight. of this post; the attack was sudden, and the enemy came on with a degree of courage that bespoke them warriors, indeed. Some of my men were hand in hand with them before we retreated, which, however, we did, about eighty yards, to a kind of stockade intended for stables; we then made a stand.
I then ordered Lieutenant Madison to take a party and gain their right flank if possible. 1 called for Lieutenant Hail to send to the left, but found he had been. slain. I then led forward the men who stood near me, which, together with the Ensigns: Buchanan and Florin, amounted to about twenty-five, and Dressed the-left of their centre, thinking it absolutely necessary to assist Madison. We made a manly push, and the enemy retreated, taking all our horses except five or six. We drove them about six hundred yards through our camp, where they again made a stand, and we fought them some time; two of my men were here shot dead.
At that moment I received information that the enemy were about to flank us on the right, and on turning that way, 1 saw about sixty of them running to that point. I had yet heard nothing of Madison. I then ordered my men to retreat, which they did with deliberation, heartily cursing the Indians, who pursued us close to our camp, where we again fought them until they gave way; and when they retreated, our ammunition was nearly expended, although we had been supplied from the garrison in the course of the action. I did not think proper to follow them again, but ordered my men into the garrison to draw ammunition.
I returned, however in a few minutes, to a hill to which we had first driven them, where I found two of my men scalped, who were brought in. Since I began to write this, a few of the enemy appeared in sight, and I pursued them with a party about a quarter of a mile, but could not over take them, and did not think proper to go farther. Madison, who I sent to the right, was, on his first attack, wounded, and obliged to retreat into the garrison, leaving a man or two dead; to this misfortune I think the enemy are indebted for the horses they have got. Had he gained their right flank, and I once had possession of their left, I think we should have routed them at that stare of the action, as we had them on the retreat I have six killed and five wounded, four men are missing; I think they went off early in the action, on horseback, and are, I suppose, by this, at fort Hamilton.
My officers and a number of my men distinguished themselves greatly. Poor Hail died calling to his men to advance. Madison’s bravery and conduct need no comment; they are well known. Flinn and Buchanan acted with a coolness and courage which does them much honor. Buchanan, after firing his gun, knocked an Indian down with the barrel. They have killed and taken a great number of the pack horses. I intend following them this evening some distance to ascertain their route and strength, if possible. I can with propriety say, that about fifty of my men fought with a bravery equal to any men in the world, and had not the garrison been so nigh, as a place of safety for the bashful, I think many more would have fought well. The enemy have no doubt as many men killed as myself. They left two dead on the ground, and I saw two carried off. The only advantage they have gained is our horses, which is a capital one as it disables me from bringing the interview to a more certain and satisfactory decision.
I am sorry I cannot send you better news, And am, sir, yours, &c.
This morning, about the first appearance of day the enemy attacked my camp within sight. of this post; the attack was sudden, and the enemy came on with a degree of courage that bespoke them warriors, indeed. Some of my men were hand in hand with them before we retreated, which, however, we did, about eighty yards, to a kind of stockade intended for stables; we then made a stand.
I then ordered Lieutenant Madison to take a party and gain their right flank if possible. 1 called for Lieutenant Hail to send to the left, but found he had been. slain. I then led forward the men who stood near me, which, together with the Ensigns: Buchanan and Florin, amounted to about twenty-five, and Dressed the-left of their centre, thinking it absolutely necessary to assist Madison. We made a manly push, and the enemy retreated, taking all our horses except five or six. We drove them about six hundred yards through our camp, where they again made a stand, and we fought them some time; two of my men were here shot dead.
At that moment I received information that the enemy were about to flank us on the right, and on turning that way, 1 saw about sixty of them running to that point. I had yet heard nothing of Madison. I then ordered my men to retreat, which they did with deliberation, heartily cursing the Indians, who pursued us close to our camp, where we again fought them until they gave way; and when they retreated, our ammunition was nearly expended, although we had been supplied from the garrison in the course of the action. I did not think proper to follow them again, but ordered my men into the garrison to draw ammunition.
I returned, however in a few minutes, to a hill to which we had first driven them, where I found two of my men scalped, who were brought in. Since I began to write this, a few of the enemy appeared in sight, and I pursued them with a party about a quarter of a mile, but could not over take them, and did not think proper to go farther. Madison, who I sent to the right, was, on his first attack, wounded, and obliged to retreat into the garrison, leaving a man or two dead; to this misfortune I think the enemy are indebted for the horses they have got. Had he gained their right flank, and I once had possession of their left, I think we should have routed them at that stare of the action, as we had them on the retreat I have six killed and five wounded, four men are missing; I think they went off early in the action, on horseback, and are, I suppose, by this, at fort Hamilton.
My officers and a number of my men distinguished themselves greatly. Poor Hail died calling to his men to advance. Madison’s bravery and conduct need no comment; they are well known. Flinn and Buchanan acted with a coolness and courage which does them much honor. Buchanan, after firing his gun, knocked an Indian down with the barrel. They have killed and taken a great number of the pack horses. I intend following them this evening some distance to ascertain their route and strength, if possible. I can with propriety say, that about fifty of my men fought with a bravery equal to any men in the world, and had not the garrison been so nigh, as a place of safety for the bashful, I think many more would have fought well. The enemy have no doubt as many men killed as myself. They left two dead on the ground, and I saw two carried off. The only advantage they have gained is our horses, which is a capital one as it disables me from bringing the interview to a more certain and satisfactory decision.
I am sorry I cannot send you better news, And am, sir, yours, &c.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The Attack On Fort Recovery 1794.
Copy of’ a letter from Major General Wayne to the Secretary of War, dated, HEADQUARTERS, Greenville, 7th July, 1794.
At seven o’clock in the morning of the 30th ultimo, one of our escorts, consisting of ninety riflemen and fifty dragoons, commanded by Major McMahon, was attacked, by. a very numerous body of Indians, under the walls of fort Recovery, followed by a general assault upon that post and garrison, in every direction.
The enemy were soon repulsed, with great slaughter, but immediately-rallied and reiterated the attack, keeping up a. very heavy and constant fire, at a more respectable distance, for the remainder of the day, which was answered with spirit and effect; by the garrison; and that part of Major McMahon’s command that had regained the post. The savages were employed, during the night, (which was dark and foggy) in carrying off their dead by torch light, which occasionally drew a fire from the garrison; They, nevertheless succeeded so well, that there were but eight or ten bodies left upon the field, and those close under the influence of the fire from the fort. The enemy again renewed the attack, on the morning of the 1st instant; but were ultimately compelled to retreat, with loss and disgrace, from that very field where they had, upon a former occasion, been proudly victorious.
Enclosed is a particular general return of the killed, wounded, and missing. Among the killed, we have to lament the loss of four good and gallant officers, viz: Major McMahon, Captain Hartshorne, and Lieutenant Craig, of the rifle corps, and Cornet Torry, of the cavalry, who all fell in the first charge. Among the wounded are the intrepid Captain Taylor, of the dragoons and Lieutenant Drake, of the infantry.
It would appear that the real object of the enemy was to have carried that post by a coup de main for they could not possibly have received intelligence of the escort under Major McMahon, which only marched from this place on the morning of the 29th ultimo, and deposited the supplies the same evening, at fort Recovery, from whence the escort was to have returned at reveille the next morning; therefore their being found at that post was an accidental, perhaps a fortunate, event. By every information, as well as from the extent of their encampments, ( which were perfectly square and regular) and their line of march in seventeen columns, forming a wide and extended front, their numbers could not have been less than from fifteen hundred to two thousand warriors.
It would also appear that they were rather in want of provisions, as they killed and ate a number of pack horses, in their encampment the evening after the assault; also, at their next encampment, on their retreat, which was but seven miles front fort Recovery, where they remained two nights, probably from being much incumbered with their dead and wounded. A considerable number of the pack horses were actually loaded with the dead.
Permit me now, sir, to express my highest approbation of the bravery and conduct of every officer and soldier of the garrison and escort, upon this trying occasion; and, as it would be difficult to discriminate between officers equally meritorious and emulous for glory, .1 have directed the adjutant General to annex the names of every officer of the garrison and escort, who were fortunate enough to remain uninjured, being equally exposed to danger with those who were less fortunate. But 1 should be wanting in gratitude were I to omit mentioning, in particular, Captain Alexander Gibson, of the 4th sub-legion, the gallant defender of fort Recovery.
Here, it may be proper to relate certain facts and circumstances2 which almost amount to positive proof, that there were a considerable number of the British and the militia of Detroit mixed with the savages, in the assault upon fort Recovery, on the 3oth ultimo and 1st instant.
1 had detached three small parties of Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians, a few days previous to that affair, towards Grand Glaize in order to take or obtain provisions, for the purpose of gaining intelligence. One of these parties fell in with a large body of Indians, at the place marked Girty’s town, (in Harmar’s route) on the evening of the 27th ultimo, apparently bending their course towards Chillicothe on the Great Miami. This party returned to Greenville, on. the 28th, with this further information, “ that there were a great number of white men with the Indians.”
The other two parties cot much scattered, in following the trails of the hostile Indians, at some distance in their rear; and were also in wik them when the assault - commenced on fort Recovery. These Indians all insist That there were a considerable number of armed white men in the rear, who they frequently heard talking in our language and encouraging the savages to persevere in the assault; that their faces were generally blacked, except three British officers, who were dressed in scarlet, and appeared to be men of great distinction, from. being surrounded by a large body of white men and Indians, who were very attentive to them. These kept a distance in the rear of those that were engaged.
Another strong corroborating fact that there were British, or British militia, in the assault, is, that a number of ounce balls and buck shot were lodged in the block houses and stockades of the fort. Some were delivered at so great a distance as not to penetrate, and were picked up at the foot of the stockades. It would also appear that the British and savages expected to find the artillery that were lost on the 4th of November, 1791, and hid by the Indians in the beds of old fallen timber, or logs, which they turned over and laid the cannon in, and then turned the logs back into their former birth. It was in this artful manner that we generally found them. deposited. ‘The hostile Indians turned over a great number of logs, during the assault, in search of those cannon, and other plunder, which they had probably hid in this manner, after the action of the 4th November, 1791
I therefore have reason to believe that the British and Indians depended much upon this artillery to assist in the reduction of that post; fortunately, they served in its defense.
The enclosed copies of the examination of the Pattawatamy and Shawanee prisoners, will demonstrate this fact, that the British have used every possible exertion to collect the savages from the most distant nations, with the most solemn promises of advancing and cooperating with them against the legion, nor have the Spaniards been idle upon this occasion.
It is therefore more than probable, that the day is not fr distant, when we shall meet this hydra in the vicinity of Grand Glaize and Riche de Bout, without being able to discriminate between the white and red savages. In the interim, I am in hourly expectation of receiving more full and certain intelligence of the number and intention of the enemy.
I have no further or other information respecting the mounted volunteers of Kentucky than what you will observe in the enclosed copies of the correspondence between Major General Scott and myself. I hope they may be completed to their full number, because it would appear that we shall have business enough for the whole of them. You will herewith receive the general d field return of the legion, the quarterly return of ordnance and ordnance stores, at this place, the Quartermaster General’s return, and the return of the hospital department.
The horses that were killed, wounded, and missing, in the assault against fort Recovery, will not, in the least, retard the advance of the legion, after the arrival of the mounted volunteers, because 1 had made provision for those kind of losses and contingencies, which, from the nature of the service, must be expected, and will unavoidably
happen. I have the honor to be, &c.
At seven o’clock in the morning of the 30th ultimo, one of our escorts, consisting of ninety riflemen and fifty dragoons, commanded by Major McMahon, was attacked, by. a very numerous body of Indians, under the walls of fort Recovery, followed by a general assault upon that post and garrison, in every direction.
The enemy were soon repulsed, with great slaughter, but immediately-rallied and reiterated the attack, keeping up a. very heavy and constant fire, at a more respectable distance, for the remainder of the day, which was answered with spirit and effect; by the garrison; and that part of Major McMahon’s command that had regained the post. The savages were employed, during the night, (which was dark and foggy) in carrying off their dead by torch light, which occasionally drew a fire from the garrison; They, nevertheless succeeded so well, that there were but eight or ten bodies left upon the field, and those close under the influence of the fire from the fort. The enemy again renewed the attack, on the morning of the 1st instant; but were ultimately compelled to retreat, with loss and disgrace, from that very field where they had, upon a former occasion, been proudly victorious.
Enclosed is a particular general return of the killed, wounded, and missing. Among the killed, we have to lament the loss of four good and gallant officers, viz: Major McMahon, Captain Hartshorne, and Lieutenant Craig, of the rifle corps, and Cornet Torry, of the cavalry, who all fell in the first charge. Among the wounded are the intrepid Captain Taylor, of the dragoons and Lieutenant Drake, of the infantry.
It would appear that the real object of the enemy was to have carried that post by a coup de main for they could not possibly have received intelligence of the escort under Major McMahon, which only marched from this place on the morning of the 29th ultimo, and deposited the supplies the same evening, at fort Recovery, from whence the escort was to have returned at reveille the next morning; therefore their being found at that post was an accidental, perhaps a fortunate, event. By every information, as well as from the extent of their encampments, ( which were perfectly square and regular) and their line of march in seventeen columns, forming a wide and extended front, their numbers could not have been less than from fifteen hundred to two thousand warriors.
It would also appear that they were rather in want of provisions, as they killed and ate a number of pack horses, in their encampment the evening after the assault; also, at their next encampment, on their retreat, which was but seven miles front fort Recovery, where they remained two nights, probably from being much incumbered with their dead and wounded. A considerable number of the pack horses were actually loaded with the dead.
Permit me now, sir, to express my highest approbation of the bravery and conduct of every officer and soldier of the garrison and escort, upon this trying occasion; and, as it would be difficult to discriminate between officers equally meritorious and emulous for glory, .1 have directed the adjutant General to annex the names of every officer of the garrison and escort, who were fortunate enough to remain uninjured, being equally exposed to danger with those who were less fortunate. But 1 should be wanting in gratitude were I to omit mentioning, in particular, Captain Alexander Gibson, of the 4th sub-legion, the gallant defender of fort Recovery.
Here, it may be proper to relate certain facts and circumstances2 which almost amount to positive proof, that there were a considerable number of the British and the militia of Detroit mixed with the savages, in the assault upon fort Recovery, on the 3oth ultimo and 1st instant.
1 had detached three small parties of Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians, a few days previous to that affair, towards Grand Glaize in order to take or obtain provisions, for the purpose of gaining intelligence. One of these parties fell in with a large body of Indians, at the place marked Girty’s town, (in Harmar’s route) on the evening of the 27th ultimo, apparently bending their course towards Chillicothe on the Great Miami. This party returned to Greenville, on. the 28th, with this further information, “ that there were a great number of white men with the Indians.”
The other two parties cot much scattered, in following the trails of the hostile Indians, at some distance in their rear; and were also in wik them when the assault - commenced on fort Recovery. These Indians all insist That there were a considerable number of armed white men in the rear, who they frequently heard talking in our language and encouraging the savages to persevere in the assault; that their faces were generally blacked, except three British officers, who were dressed in scarlet, and appeared to be men of great distinction, from. being surrounded by a large body of white men and Indians, who were very attentive to them. These kept a distance in the rear of those that were engaged.
Another strong corroborating fact that there were British, or British militia, in the assault, is, that a number of ounce balls and buck shot were lodged in the block houses and stockades of the fort. Some were delivered at so great a distance as not to penetrate, and were picked up at the foot of the stockades. It would also appear that the British and savages expected to find the artillery that were lost on the 4th of November, 1791, and hid by the Indians in the beds of old fallen timber, or logs, which they turned over and laid the cannon in, and then turned the logs back into their former birth. It was in this artful manner that we generally found them. deposited. ‘The hostile Indians turned over a great number of logs, during the assault, in search of those cannon, and other plunder, which they had probably hid in this manner, after the action of the 4th November, 1791
I therefore have reason to believe that the British and Indians depended much upon this artillery to assist in the reduction of that post; fortunately, they served in its defense.
The enclosed copies of the examination of the Pattawatamy and Shawanee prisoners, will demonstrate this fact, that the British have used every possible exertion to collect the savages from the most distant nations, with the most solemn promises of advancing and cooperating with them against the legion, nor have the Spaniards been idle upon this occasion.
It is therefore more than probable, that the day is not fr distant, when we shall meet this hydra in the vicinity of Grand Glaize and Riche de Bout, without being able to discriminate between the white and red savages. In the interim, I am in hourly expectation of receiving more full and certain intelligence of the number and intention of the enemy.
I have no further or other information respecting the mounted volunteers of Kentucky than what you will observe in the enclosed copies of the correspondence between Major General Scott and myself. I hope they may be completed to their full number, because it would appear that we shall have business enough for the whole of them. You will herewith receive the general d field return of the legion, the quarterly return of ordnance and ordnance stores, at this place, the Quartermaster General’s return, and the return of the hospital department.
The horses that were killed, wounded, and missing, in the assault against fort Recovery, will not, in the least, retard the advance of the legion, after the arrival of the mounted volunteers, because 1 had made provision for those kind of losses and contingencies, which, from the nature of the service, must be expected, and will unavoidably
happen. I have the honor to be, &c.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Josias McComas, Henry Willis-1795.
Mr. ROBERTSON, from the Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Josias H. McComas and wife, reported:
That it is stated by the petitioners in their petition, that in the year 1791 the father of the wife, petitioner, Henry Willis, living in South Carolina, went to the then district of Natchez, now State of Mississippi, and obtained from the Spanish governor at New Orleans a concession for 800 arpens of land on Bayou Sara, about fifteen miles from its mouth, dated 23d May, 1791, which was surveyed about the 21st day of December, 1791.
It is further stated in the said petition, that in 1791 the said Willis became entitled, by purchase, to a concession for 500 arpens of laud in the said district, adjoining the said 800 arpens, granted to one James Sanders in 1787. That, at the close of the year 1791, the said Willis returned to South Carolina for the purpose of removing his family to the lands in the Natchez district, and of living on and cultivating them agreeably to the requisitions of the Spanish Government; but that in 1793 being nearly prepared for his contemplated removal to Bayou Sara, he died; leaving the wife, petitioner, and an infant son, and his widow his only heirs; and that the son shortly afterwards died, and the widow married a Mr. Chotard, who being appointed guardian. of the surviving child, Jonveyed her interest in the aforesaid tracts of land to Cames Williams, in order that he might (as is alleged) attend to and secure the title.
And it is lastly stated that the said Williams presented the said claims to the Commissioners for confirmation, who rejected them for want of evidence; since which the land has been sold by the United States. The petitioners ask Congress for leave to locate, without payment, the same quantity of land on any vacant land in the State of Mississippi.
The claim of the petitioners having been urged before the committee, with extraordinary solicitude and earnestness, they felt prompted, by a decent respect for the feelings and wishes of those concerned and their advocates, to give the case all the consideration of which they were capable: but, after the most mature deliberation, they feel constrained, by the law and fads appertaining to the case, to decide against the petitioners.
The case now under consideration is purely equitable: addressing itself to the liberality of Congress, and not to its justice. ft does not come within the provisions of any law enacted for the adjustment of land titles in Mississippi, or any of the principles adopted by Congress in other cases. Nor is it believed that, if the country had never been ceded to the United States, the claim would have been recognized by the Spanish Government.
If the committee are disposed to adhere to, and enforce the laws of the United States in this case, there can be no doubt that they would be compelled to reject the application of the petitioners for relief. The most favorable law which can be made to apply to the case is the act of 1803, which requires that the claimant should reside in the country on the 27th, day of October 1795; and, on that day cultivate the land claimed. In this case it is not pretended that Henry Willis lived in the country in 1795. This was not possible because of his death before that time. Nor is it asserted that his heirs were, in 1795, residents in this country. It is admitted that they were not, and that the land was never occupied or cultivated by them, or for their use.
Resolved; That the prayer of the petitioners ought not to be granted.
Mr. ROBERTSON, from the Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Josias H. McComas and wife, reported:
That it is stated by the petitioners in their petition, that in the year 1791 the father of the wife, petitioner, Henry Willis, living in South Carolina, went to the then district of Natchez, now State of Mississippi, and obtained from the Spanish governor at New Orleans a concession for 800 arpens of land on Bayou Sara, about fifteen miles from its mouth, dated 23d May, 1791, which was surveyed about the 21st day of December, 1791.
It is further stated in the said petition, that in 1791 the said Willis became entitled, by purchase, to a concession for 500 arpens of laud in the said district, adjoining the said 800 arpens, granted to one James Sanders in 1787. That, at the close of the year 1791, the said Willis returned to South Carolina for the purpose of removing his family to the lands in the Natchez district, and of living on and cultivating them agreeably to the requisitions of the Spanish Government; but that in 1793 being nearly prepared for his contemplated removal to Bayou Sara, he died; leaving the wife, petitioner, and an infant son, and his widow his only heirs; and that the son shortly afterwards died, and the widow married a Mr. Chotard, who being appointed guardian. of the surviving child, Jonveyed her interest in the aforesaid tracts of land to Cames Williams, in order that he might (as is alleged) attend to and secure the title.
And it is lastly stated that the said Williams presented the said claims to the Commissioners for confirmation, who rejected them for want of evidence; since which the land has been sold by the United States. The petitioners ask Congress for leave to locate, without payment, the same quantity of land on any vacant land in the State of Mississippi.
The claim of the petitioners having been urged before the committee, with extraordinary solicitude and earnestness, they felt prompted, by a decent respect for the feelings and wishes of those concerned and their advocates, to give the case all the consideration of which they were capable: but, after the most mature deliberation, they feel constrained, by the law and fads appertaining to the case, to decide against the petitioners.
The case now under consideration is purely equitable: addressing itself to the liberality of Congress, and not to its justice. ft does not come within the provisions of any law enacted for the adjustment of land titles in Mississippi, or any of the principles adopted by Congress in other cases. Nor is it believed that, if the country had never been ceded to the United States, the claim would have been recognized by the Spanish Government.
If the committee are disposed to adhere to, and enforce the laws of the United States in this case, there can be no doubt that they would be compelled to reject the application of the petitioners for relief. The most favorable law which can be made to apply to the case is the act of 1803, which requires that the claimant should reside in the country on the 27th, day of October 1795; and, on that day cultivate the land claimed. In this case it is not pretended that Henry Willis lived in the country in 1795. This was not possible because of his death before that time. Nor is it asserted that his heirs were, in 1795, residents in this country. It is admitted that they were not, and that the land was never occupied or cultivated by them, or for their use.
Resolved; That the prayer of the petitioners ought not to be granted.
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