Here are some of the names of the First California Infantry and Cavalry, this page is done in two parts, the first part are of men who received a promotion or were asking for help from Congress. The second part are men that are stated in reports, and in this part you will read two letters from a wife trying to get her husband released from prison.
1. First Lieutenant William L. Rynerson, of the First California Volunteers, to be assistant quartermaster with the rank of captain.
2. William McCleave, late major of the First California Cavalry, to be second lieutenant in the Eighth Regiment United States Cavalry, July 28, 1866.
3. Edward A. Rigg, late colonel of the First California Volunteers to be first lieutenant in the Thirty-eighth Regiment United States Infantry, January 22, 1867.
4. Archibald S. Davis, late captain of the First California Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department during the war, to date from March 13, 1865.
5. Brevet Major Nicholas S. Davis, late captain of the First California Volunteers, for faithful and meritorious services in the Quartermaster's Department during the war, to date from March 13, 1865.
Appointment to be brigadier-generals.
6. Colonel Joseph R. West, of the First California Volunteers, October 25, 1862.
7. William B. Kennedy, late captain of the First California Cavalry, to be first lieutenant in the Tenth Regiment U. S. Cavalry, January 22, 1867.
8. Major Emil Fritz, of the First California Cavalry, for gallantry in action with the Kiowa and Comanche Indians, to date from March 13, 1865.
9. Major William McCleave, of the First California Cavalry, for a successful pursuit of, and gallantry in the engagement with, the Apache Indians, to date from March 13, 1865.
10. Captain James H. Whitlock, of the First California Volunteers, for gallantry in battle with Apache Indians, to date from March 13, 1865.
11. Captain George A. Burkett, of the First California Veteran Volunteers, for gallantry in battle with the Apache Indians of Arizona, to date from March 13, 1865.
12. First Lieutenant George H. Pettis, of the First California Volunteers, for distinguished gallantry in the engagement at Adobe Fort, New Mexico, with the Kioway and Comanche Indians, to date from March 13, 1865.
13. First Lieutenant John Slater, of the First California Veteran Volunteers, for distinguished gallantry against the Apache Indians, to date from March 13, 1865.
14. First Lieutenant Henry H. Stevens, of the First California Volunteers, for distinguished gallantry in the battle with Apache Indians, to date from March 13, 1865.
To be assistant adjutant-generals with the rank of captain.
15. Lieutenant Joseph F. Bennett, of the First California Volunteers, May 15, 1863.
16. Porter Haden, late of the First California Cavalry, to be second lieutenant in the Eighth Regiment United States Cavalry, August 10, 1867
17. Sixth Regiment of Cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel Clarence E. Bennett, of the First California Cavalry, to be second lieutenant, February 23, 1866.
18. Lieutenant-Colonel Clarence E. Bennett, of the First California Cavalry, for faithful and meritorious services, to date from March 13, 1865.
The Men Of the First California Infantry and Cavalry in battle.
Edward E. Eyre.
Lieutenant Colonel Edward E. Eyre, First California Volunteer Cavalry, deserves a regiment. The zeal he has manifested in the discharge of his duties and the alacrity and cheerfulness he has always shown when called upon for any hazardous enterprise distinguished him as one eminently fitted for the profession of arms. If five companies more of cavalry are to sent from California, as requested by General Canby, I trust they will be added to the five which now compose the First California Volunteer Cavalry, and that Lieutenant-Colonel Eyre will be commissioned as full colonel.
Major David Fergusson & Captain Nicholas S. Davis.
Major David Fergusson, First California Volunteer Cavalry is hereby relieved from duty as chief commissary of the Column from California, and will immediately transfer all funds, property, records, &c., pertaining to the subsistence department to Captain Nicholas S. Davis, First California Volunteer Infantry, who is hereby appointed acting chief commissary of the Column from California. Having done this, Major Fergusson will proceed, via Arivaca and Altar or Cubero, without delay, to a point at or near Lobos Bay, on the Gulf of California, known as Libertad, and examine the intermediate country, with a view to the transportation of supplies. He will ascertain the resources of the country on this route; also the availability of Lobos Bay as a port where the military supplies destined for Arizona may be landed. Major Fergusson will then repair in person to the headquarters District of Arizona, and make a report of his examination of the Port Lobos route to the general commanding the Column from California. As soon thereafter as practicable Major Fergusson will assume command of his regiment, the First California Volunteer Cavalry.
Captain Nicholas S. Davis & Lieutenant Lysander E. Hanson.
Captain Nicholas S. Davis, chief of transportation of the Column from California, will discharge all mechanics from Government employment at Tucson, except such as may be necessary to keep the train that plies to Fort Yuma in repairs. This train and any other quartermaster's property in Western Arizona for which he is responsible may, if the exigencies of the service so require by Captain Davis to the depot quartermaster at Tucson. Captain Davis and Lieutenant Lysander E. Hanson, First California Volunteer Infantry, with Mr. George C. Alexander, clerk to the chief commissary of the Column from California, will report by the first opportunity to the commander of the District of Arizona.
Surg. John H. Prentiss.
Surg. John H. Prentiss, First California Volunteer Cavalry, will relieve Surgeon McNulty as medical purveyor of the District of Arizona, and will receipt for the medical supplies appertaining to the same.
Captain Edmond D. Shirland.
Captain Edmond D. Shirland, First California Volunteer Cavalry, will proceed without delay, yet by easy marches, to Fort Davis, Tex., and hoist over that post the national colors. If Captain Shirland finds any sick or wounded soldiers there he will make them prisoners of war, but put them upon their parole and let them proceed without delay to Texas. If they are unable to travel, captain Shirland will report to these headquarters by express what they need in the way of surgical or medical attention; what they need in the way of food or transportation, and all other essential facts connected with them which it may be necessary to have known to have them properly cared for. If the fort is abandoned, Captain Shirland will retrace his steps and report in person to these headquarters.
Captain E. D. Shirland & Lieutenant D. C. Vestal.
COLONEL: I have been credibly informed that there are some twenty families of men, women, and children at the Pino Alto mines, some forty miles from this camp, who are nearly perishing for want of food, the Indians having robbed them of what they had, and the secessionists having captured and appropriated to themselves a train of supplies which was on the way some time since to their relief. You will send Captain E. D. Shirland, First California Volunteer Cavalry, and Lieutenant D. C. Vestal, First California Inrfantry, with a sufficient escort of cavalry and infantry, to the Pino Alto mines
The undersigned hereby assumes command of the Department of New Mexico.
Surg. James M. McNulty.
Surg. James M. McNulty, of the First California Volunteer Infantry, in addition to his duties as medical director of theColumn from California, is assigned to dutyas acting medical inspector of the Department of New Mexico, and will be governed in the performance of these duties by such instructions as he may receive from these headquarters. Major
Captain John W. Davidson.
Captain John W. Davidson, First Cavalry, with his squadron will march to New San Pedro on the 26th instant, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and report to Lieutenant-Colonel Buchanan, Fourth U. S. Infantry.
Los Angeles, Cal., October 25, 1861.
I. First Lieutenant Benjamin C. Cutler, adjutant First Infantry, is announced as acting assistant adjutant-general for this district. All official communications from officers and soldiers serving within the district which are intended for these headquarters will be addressed to him. Those pertaining to regimental matters exclusively will be addressed to him as adjutant First Infantry California Volunteers.
II. First Lieutenant Lafayette Hammond, regimental quartermaster First Infantry California Volunteers, is announced as depot quartermaster for the district, and he will immediately relieve in his duties as depot quartermaster First Lieutenant Samuel McKee, First U. S. Cavalry. Lieutenant Hammond will also receipt for such public property as Captain John W. Davidson, First U. S. Cavalry, has on hand as commander of Camp Fitzgerald.
Colonel First California Volunteers, Commanding.
Men killed by the Indians at Apache Pass.
Privates James F. Keith, Peter Maloney, and Albert Schmidt, of Company B, First California Volunteer Cavalry.
Captain John A. Markoe and Lieutenant F. H. Donaldson, First California. I am entirely satisfied with the conduct of my brigade. It has been christened under fire
Los Angeles, Cal., October 22, 1861.
Adjutant-General THOMAS, U. S. Army,
Washington, D. C.:
GENERAL: There has been established a new camp, garrisoned by four companies of First Infantry California Volunteers, near Warner's ranch, on the road hence to Fort Yuma, Cal. It is called Camp Wright and is commanded by Major Edwin A. Rigg, First Infantry California Volunteers. The companies are Company D, Captain Hugh A. Gorley; Company E, Captain Thomas L. Roberts; Company F, Captain Washington L. Parvin; Company H, Captain Henry A. Greene, First Infantry California Volunteers. Please send to that camp and those companies blank post returns, blank company returns, and such other blank rolls, returns, books, orders, &c., as are necessary. The nearest post-office is San Diego, Cal.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
PHILADELPHIA, June 28, 1862.
Honorable EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War.
SIR: May I be allowed to say a few words to you on a subject which interests me very much. My husband, who is Captain Francis J. Keffer, had the command of Company H, First California Regiment, under the late Colonel E. D. Baker, and was taken prisoner at Ball's Bluff October 21, now held hostage for a privateer of the Savannah. I think he is confined in the jail with six other officers, or rather speaking, a place where rats inhabit the room, and damp, too, but he does not complain to me, but this I know to be a fact and I expected when Mr. Ely came he would try to do something, and I hope he will use all the means in his power to have every prisoner released. Cannot anything be done to have all the prisoners released at once? Does it acknowledge the Southern Confederacy any more to have a large number released than a small number? Will you let me know if I shall write to the Tombs and ask if there is any one there that they would exchange for my husband, or must I not do it?
If I do not interest myself for him who will do it? Sir, can you blame me? He writes to me and says: "If the privateers are hung we will be dealt with in the same way, and if they are cleared we will be the same. " Now of course I am unhappy. I have written twice to Secretary Cameron and to President Lincoln and to Mr. Ely and to Fort Warren, but it does seem that none have answered but the one at Fort Warren, and the commanding officer tells me that the South will not give one up for any other than a privateer, but this does not satisfy a woman. May I write to the mayor of New York on this subject? I will do whatever you think proper. If you can send me a few lines I will be very thankful for it. I also made application for his pay for September and October, but Mr. R. P. Dodge sent me $173. 20 for that time, which if I know anything about it was not correct.
I then made application for November's pay in this month and for f money paid to me and my papers were sent to me to sign for $133, but I have not signed them for I do not quite understand them, and if you think there is any chance of my husband coming home shortly I will try and do without his money and let him get it himself. I have sent him $35 and clothing and some food, and I hope they will let him have all I have sent to make him comfortable. Now, sir, I am afraid I have written too much. You will please excuse me for so doing.
Your humble servant,
December 13, 1861.
Honorable SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War.
SIR: A short time ago I wrote to you concerning my husband who is a prisoner of war and now held as hostage for one of the crew of the privateer Savannah. I am sorry to trouble you. I do not know whether you received my note or not but, sir, I appeal to your sympathy in this case.
Here is my husband and a number of other brave men now confined in a damp jail. As my husband writes to me he is of the firm opinion that if someting is not done soon that some of these gentlemen will not be able to bear up under their weight of trouble, not being able to enjoy even a walk when the days are so clear and lovely. And those bravehearted men went forth with strong minds to fight for their country and then taken across the Potomac without means to enable them to retreat in safety, what else could they do-meet with a watery grave as did Adjutant Harvey and Captain Otter and many others whose families are now in the greatest sorrow? Not even can they see the dead bodies of their companions and have them buried by the side of some near and dear relative, or perhaps their own children. Then what else was to be done but to be taken prisoner?
And now would it not be best to release those men called pirates and give them a chance to be good citizens once again? Probably they never would commit another crime. They have not been forgiven ninety and nine times; no, not even once have they been forigiven, which is dreadful to think of. Their families certainly are in deep sorrow at the dreadful suspense which they are kept in; days and nights of intense anxiety must prevail among all of us unhappy wives and mothers and children of those unfortunate hostages and so-called pirates. At New York I have three children, one a girl aged nearly 14 years, a son 12 and one 4 years. The one goes to school, where of course ridicule is ever ready to wound the hearts of the sensitive, and then my child comes home and cries whenever he thinks of his kind and indulgent father whom he has not seen for five months.
He left his home July 15 as Captain Francis J. Keffer, Company H, First California Regiment, the late Colonel E. D. Baker's brigade, and was taken prisoner at Ball's Bluff battle, October 21. He does not complain for he knows he is not the only one who is suffering, but he wishes me to appeal to you and President Lincoln in their behalf. They are without a change of clothing or money to get any with. For the sakes of those thirteen men at New York I sent my husband $10; he received it and I expect bought clothing with it. Now I have sent him $10 more with a hope that he will get it, and if I could spare it I would send $100 to him, for while he had [money] no one with him would suffer, for he would share his last dollar with them I assure you. Will you please give an answer to this if it is only a few words that I may know that you received this. I have written to the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury Department about his pay.
Yours with respect,
Fort Yuma, Cal., May 10, 1862.
The post just established by Lieutenant Colonel Joseph R. West First Infantry California Volunteers, at the Pima Villages, Ariz. Ter., is hereby designated as Fort Barrett, in honor of the memory of Lieutenant James Barrett, of Company A, First Cavalry California Volunteers, who fell in defense of his colors near that point on the 15th of April, 1862. The names of privates Johnson, of Company A, and Denerd, of Company D, First Cavalry, who fell by his side, will until the end of the war be called at every stated roll-call of their respective companies, and a comrade shall always respond, "He died for his country!"
John Slater.
John Slater, First Veteran Infantry California Volunteers, to be breveted captain of volunteers for distinguished gallantry in pursuing and fighting Apache Indians in New Mexico, to rank from September 15, 1865, when the lieutenant was seriously wounded in battle with said Indians.
Ebenezer C. Ledyard.
Captain Ebenezer C. Ledyard's company (A), First California Cavalry, is assigned to duty in the District of Arizona. Whilst at Camp Drum, and until it is joined by Brigadier-General Mason, it will continue under the command of Colonel Curtis, who will do whatever may be necessary to prepare if for service.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sheriffs Of The United States.
Here is a short list of sheriffs I hope the names will help in your search of your ancestor.
1. 1871. William Leahy or Liahy, sheriff of county of Pittsylvania, Virginia. He was appointed by Edward S. Canby, military commander of the First Military District.
2. 1796. Jeremiah Allen, sheriff of the county of Suffolk, in the state of Massachusetts. He was asking for a law to be passed relative to the support of prisoners in jail, committed Under the authority of the United States; in order to indemnify the sheriff or keeper of the jail for their cost and expenses in such support.
3. George Partridge, was appointed sheriff of Plymouth County Massachusetts in 1777 and held it until 1811.
4. October 10th. 1781. Mr. Robert Starke of South Carolina was appointed Sheriff of one of the precincts of that State since the Revolution, and in the course of his office concerned in the execution of some capital offenders in Ninety six; he is unfortunately a Prisoner in Charles-Town, has been treated in the most inhuman manner, and excluded from exchange on account of his having put to death under the civil authority some atrocious criminals contrary to the Enemy's proclamations.
5. 1780. Peter Thornton was the son of Col. Anthony Thornton (1726-82) of Ormsby, who had been a sheriff, judge and member of the Committee of Safety in Caroline Co., Va.
6. 1779. F. Verner to the sheriff of the city of Philadelphia.
7. 1780. Thomas Walton Ward (1760-1835), Ward's son, was supervising the family farm in Shrewsbury, Mass., during the absence of his father, and later served as sheriff of Worcester County.
8. 1816. Samuel Turrentine, late sheriff and jailer for Orange, county, in North-Carolina, asking that his account for the safe keeping and support of sundry prisoners committed at the instance of the United States, may be allowed and paid.
9. 1870. William P. Crippen, late sheriff of Knox County, Tennessee, asking compensation for losses sustained by the occupation of the court-house in said county.
10. 1866. Alexander F. Pratt, late sheriff of Waukesha county, in that State, of the amount of expenses incurred by him in pursuing, arresting, and keeping a prisoner convicted in the United States district court of that State of counterfeiting United States coin.
11. George Hamilton, of the State of Pennsylvania, asking to be relieved from the payment of moneys due to the United States, for which he became liable in his capacity of Sheriff of Washington county, in said State.
12. 1813. Benjamin S. Smoot, late Sheriff of the District of Washington, in the Mississippi Territory, asking compensation for services rendered as Marshal of the said District.
13. 1858. John H. Merrill, asking payment for services rendered and expenses incurred as sheriff to a court established by the alcalde in San Francisco in 1849, also for expenses incurred in the relief and support of sick and disabled seamen
14. 1823, The sundry inhabitants of Warren county, in the state of Ohio, stating that Conrad Snyder, late Sheriff of said County, received from certain defendants in the petition named, a small sum of money for the use of the United States; that he deposited the same for safe keeping, in the hands of a certain Henry Share, from whom the said money was stolen; asking that the said Snyder may be exonerated from the payment of said sum of money.
15. CHAP. XI. — An .Act for the Relief of .Archibald Bull and Lemuel S. Finch.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Archibald Bull the sum of fifteen dollars and twenty-five cents, and to Lemuel S. Finch the sum of sixty-three dollars and thirty-eight cents, being for services, &c., rendered as judge and as sheriff to the United States, to detect a forgery on the pension fund.
APPROVED, January 8, 1849.
16. 1868. J. W. Stephenson, sheriff of Paris, Texas, praying for the continuance of the Freedmen's Bureau.
17. 1774. William Lee (1739- 95), was elected sheriff in 1773.
18. 1842. Thomas D. Gilson, late sheriff of Clinton county, New York, asking compensation for services rendered in enforcing the neutrality law on the Champlain frontier.
19. 1866. WM. BRYAN, Sheriff Anne Arundel County.
1. 1871. William Leahy or Liahy, sheriff of county of Pittsylvania, Virginia. He was appointed by Edward S. Canby, military commander of the First Military District.
2. 1796. Jeremiah Allen, sheriff of the county of Suffolk, in the state of Massachusetts. He was asking for a law to be passed relative to the support of prisoners in jail, committed Under the authority of the United States; in order to indemnify the sheriff or keeper of the jail for their cost and expenses in such support.
3. George Partridge, was appointed sheriff of Plymouth County Massachusetts in 1777 and held it until 1811.
4. October 10th. 1781. Mr. Robert Starke of South Carolina was appointed Sheriff of one of the precincts of that State since the Revolution, and in the course of his office concerned in the execution of some capital offenders in Ninety six; he is unfortunately a Prisoner in Charles-Town, has been treated in the most inhuman manner, and excluded from exchange on account of his having put to death under the civil authority some atrocious criminals contrary to the Enemy's proclamations.
5. 1780. Peter Thornton was the son of Col. Anthony Thornton (1726-82) of Ormsby, who had been a sheriff, judge and member of the Committee of Safety in Caroline Co., Va.
6. 1779. F. Verner to the sheriff of the city of Philadelphia.
7. 1780. Thomas Walton Ward (1760-1835), Ward's son, was supervising the family farm in Shrewsbury, Mass., during the absence of his father, and later served as sheriff of Worcester County.
8. 1816. Samuel Turrentine, late sheriff and jailer for Orange, county, in North-Carolina, asking that his account for the safe keeping and support of sundry prisoners committed at the instance of the United States, may be allowed and paid.
9. 1870. William P. Crippen, late sheriff of Knox County, Tennessee, asking compensation for losses sustained by the occupation of the court-house in said county.
10. 1866. Alexander F. Pratt, late sheriff of Waukesha county, in that State, of the amount of expenses incurred by him in pursuing, arresting, and keeping a prisoner convicted in the United States district court of that State of counterfeiting United States coin.
11. George Hamilton, of the State of Pennsylvania, asking to be relieved from the payment of moneys due to the United States, for which he became liable in his capacity of Sheriff of Washington county, in said State.
12. 1813. Benjamin S. Smoot, late Sheriff of the District of Washington, in the Mississippi Territory, asking compensation for services rendered as Marshal of the said District.
13. 1858. John H. Merrill, asking payment for services rendered and expenses incurred as sheriff to a court established by the alcalde in San Francisco in 1849, also for expenses incurred in the relief and support of sick and disabled seamen
14. 1823, The sundry inhabitants of Warren county, in the state of Ohio, stating that Conrad Snyder, late Sheriff of said County, received from certain defendants in the petition named, a small sum of money for the use of the United States; that he deposited the same for safe keeping, in the hands of a certain Henry Share, from whom the said money was stolen; asking that the said Snyder may be exonerated from the payment of said sum of money.
15. CHAP. XI. — An .Act for the Relief of .Archibald Bull and Lemuel S. Finch.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Archibald Bull the sum of fifteen dollars and twenty-five cents, and to Lemuel S. Finch the sum of sixty-three dollars and thirty-eight cents, being for services, &c., rendered as judge and as sheriff to the United States, to detect a forgery on the pension fund.
APPROVED, January 8, 1849.
16. 1868. J. W. Stephenson, sheriff of Paris, Texas, praying for the continuance of the Freedmen's Bureau.
17. 1774. William Lee (1739- 95), was elected sheriff in 1773.
18. 1842. Thomas D. Gilson, late sheriff of Clinton county, New York, asking compensation for services rendered in enforcing the neutrality law on the Champlain frontier.
19. 1866. WM. BRYAN, Sheriff Anne Arundel County.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Haywood Dickey Of Tennessee-Calfornia.
Fort Yuma, February 4, 1862.
Lieutenant Colonel J. R. WEST,
First California Volunteer Infantry,
Commanding Southern District, New San Pedro, Cal.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report to you that from information received here I had reason to suppose that parties disloyal to the Government would attempt to cross the Colorado River somewhere in this vicinity on the 28th of January. I had information of one more being in the neighborhood of the Algodones. The information was given me by an Indian. On the 31st of January I sent First Lieutenant Hargrave to look for him. He found him near Pilot Knob and arrested him. His name is Haywood Dickey, formerly a deputy sheriff of San Joaquin County, Cal. After examining him and taking his statement I concluded to detain him. A copy of his statement I in close to the district commander for his disposition (se Appendix A). Also respectfully ask for instructions in refernece to him. I also in close copy of oath administered to him (see Appendix B), and statement of Indian (see Appendix C).
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major First California Volunteer Infantry, Commanding Post.
Statement A.
Statement of Haywood Dickey.
FORT YUMA, January 31, 1862.
My name is Haywood Dickey. I was born in Tennessee (Knox County), a few miles below Knoxville. Left Tennessee on the 21st day of April, 1850, for California. Arrived in San Francisco on the 20th dya of August, 1850. Since that time lived principally in Stockton. My biness has been teaming, and for some years was deputy sheriff of San Joaquin County, under John O'Neil. I had been so nearly the time specified. John O'Neil went out of office on the 1st of October, 1861. I then left Stockton to go to Texas by way of Los Angeles and Fort Yuma. At the Monte, near Los Angeles, I heard of the arrest of the Showalter party and changed my notions. I then started for San Diego. I then concluded to go to the mines, forty from San Diego, across the line into Lower California.
From there I went to see Governor Moreno for the purpose of procuring provisions. He had none, or had none to spare. I struck across from there to Indian Well, on the desert. An Indian guide (Yuma) came with me. The Govenror gave me some flour, perhaps five pounds. I arrived at the camp of the Yumas on the 27th. I came on horseback that far, and left my horse with the Indians (an Indian called Antonio). From there I went to Yager's hay camp, and was employed by him or his foreman. The only reason why I stopped was sthat I knew I could not get rhough. I intend to go home as soon as I can. I saw one of the Showalter party that you did not get. I saw some of them at San Diego. The names of them I do not know, although I had some convesation with them. I know personally Showalter, King, Wilson, Woods, Benbrook, Sands, Roberts, Ward, Woods (both of the men by the name of Woods), Sampson, Rogers, Edwards, Lawrence, Rogers (both of the Rogers), Crowell, Turner, Sumner, Chum, and I would have started within two days to overtake them if I had not been taken ill.
I left Stockton with a man by the name of Wiliam Hollannow here, Jim Moss and Hopkins, James and Henry, and two of the Ayers, Jim Dunlap, and three others whose names I have forgotten. My sympathies are with the South sure, and if I am compelled to fight I will take that side. I do not think that the Government can stand divided. I am twenty-eight years old on the 9th day of March, 1862. I do not think that the State that I was born in had any right to secede, or rather, I do not know whtehr the State had or had not, but my sympathies are for the South. My opinion is that a portion of Showalter's party intended to go on to join the Confederate Army. Ward told me that he did not intend to go farther than Van Dorn, in Arizona or New Mexico. I am willing to take the oath of allegiance.
Statement B.
Copy of oath administered to Haywood Dickey, at Fort Yuma, January 31, 1862.
I, Haywood Dickey, do solemnly swear that I will support, protect, and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign; and that I will bear true faith, allegiance, and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution, or law of any State convention or legislature to the contrary notwithstanding. And further, that I do this with a full determination, pledge, and purpose, without any mental reservation or evasion whatever; so help me God.
Statement C.
FORT YUMA, January 30, 1862.
Marto La Cruz was born at the Algodones, on the Colorado River. My father was a white man; what nation I do not know. Was taken prisoner by the Cocopahs and sold to an Englishman by the name of William Hardy, who took me to Lower California (La Paz), where I lived eighteen years. I am now twenty-five years old. Mr. Hardy died two years ago, after which I returned to my people (the Yumas), where I have resided ever since. The Governor of Lower California (Moreno) sent for me three months ago. He gave me papers authorizing me to have bad white men, Texans principally, from crossing the Colorado River, and to advise him of any parties crossing into Lower California; that they stole his animals.
He gave me papers to the head chiefs of the Cocopahs and Yumas, and told me that good men would go to tthe ferry at Fort Yuma to cross, but bad men would want to cross below there. I met a man who told me that he had friends taken to Fort Yuma; that he was from Texas, and that he wanted to fight to get even. The Governor of California told me to bring him to the ferry at Fort Yuma; that if he was a good man he could cross there, and if he was not that he should not cross anywhere. I gave the man my papers, to keep them dry, but he said he lost them and could not get them back. His horse gave out, and he heard of a party of Mr. Yager cutting hay near Pilot Knob. He left his horse with the Indians and he went to the hay party, and I came to the fort to report it.
Fort Yuma, February 4, 1862.
Lieutenant Colonel J. R. WEST,
First California Volunteer Infantry,
Commanding Southern District, New San Pedro, Cal.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report to you that from information received here I had reason to suppose that parties disloyal to the Government would attempt to cross the Colorado River somewhere in this vicinity on the 28th of January. I had information of one more being in the neighborhood of the Algodones. The information was given me by an Indian. On the 31st of January I sent First Lieutenant Hargrave to look for him. He found him near Pilot Knob and arrested him. His name is Haywood Dickey, formerly a deputy sheriff of San Joaquin County, Cal. After examining him and taking his statement I concluded to detain him. A copy of his statement I in close to the district commander for his disposition (se Appendix A). Also respectfully ask for instructions in refernece to him. I also in close copy of oath administered to him (see Appendix B), and statement of Indian (see Appendix C).
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major First California Volunteer Infantry, Commanding Post.
Statement A.
Statement of Haywood Dickey.
FORT YUMA, January 31, 1862.
My name is Haywood Dickey. I was born in Tennessee (Knox County), a few miles below Knoxville. Left Tennessee on the 21st day of April, 1850, for California. Arrived in San Francisco on the 20th dya of August, 1850. Since that time lived principally in Stockton. My biness has been teaming, and for some years was deputy sheriff of San Joaquin County, under John O'Neil. I had been so nearly the time specified. John O'Neil went out of office on the 1st of October, 1861. I then left Stockton to go to Texas by way of Los Angeles and Fort Yuma. At the Monte, near Los Angeles, I heard of the arrest of the Showalter party and changed my notions. I then started for San Diego. I then concluded to go to the mines, forty from San Diego, across the line into Lower California.
From there I went to see Governor Moreno for the purpose of procuring provisions. He had none, or had none to spare. I struck across from there to Indian Well, on the desert. An Indian guide (Yuma) came with me. The Govenror gave me some flour, perhaps five pounds. I arrived at the camp of the Yumas on the 27th. I came on horseback that far, and left my horse with the Indians (an Indian called Antonio). From there I went to Yager's hay camp, and was employed by him or his foreman. The only reason why I stopped was sthat I knew I could not get rhough. I intend to go home as soon as I can. I saw one of the Showalter party that you did not get. I saw some of them at San Diego. The names of them I do not know, although I had some convesation with them. I know personally Showalter, King, Wilson, Woods, Benbrook, Sands, Roberts, Ward, Woods (both of the men by the name of Woods), Sampson, Rogers, Edwards, Lawrence, Rogers (both of the Rogers), Crowell, Turner, Sumner, Chum, and I would have started within two days to overtake them if I had not been taken ill.
I left Stockton with a man by the name of Wiliam Hollannow here, Jim Moss and Hopkins, James and Henry, and two of the Ayers, Jim Dunlap, and three others whose names I have forgotten. My sympathies are with the South sure, and if I am compelled to fight I will take that side. I do not think that the Government can stand divided. I am twenty-eight years old on the 9th day of March, 1862. I do not think that the State that I was born in had any right to secede, or rather, I do not know whtehr the State had or had not, but my sympathies are for the South. My opinion is that a portion of Showalter's party intended to go on to join the Confederate Army. Ward told me that he did not intend to go farther than Van Dorn, in Arizona or New Mexico. I am willing to take the oath of allegiance.
Statement B.
Copy of oath administered to Haywood Dickey, at Fort Yuma, January 31, 1862.
I, Haywood Dickey, do solemnly swear that I will support, protect, and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign; and that I will bear true faith, allegiance, and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution, or law of any State convention or legislature to the contrary notwithstanding. And further, that I do this with a full determination, pledge, and purpose, without any mental reservation or evasion whatever; so help me God.
Statement C.
FORT YUMA, January 30, 1862.
Marto La Cruz was born at the Algodones, on the Colorado River. My father was a white man; what nation I do not know. Was taken prisoner by the Cocopahs and sold to an Englishman by the name of William Hardy, who took me to Lower California (La Paz), where I lived eighteen years. I am now twenty-five years old. Mr. Hardy died two years ago, after which I returned to my people (the Yumas), where I have resided ever since. The Governor of Lower California (Moreno) sent for me three months ago. He gave me papers authorizing me to have bad white men, Texans principally, from crossing the Colorado River, and to advise him of any parties crossing into Lower California; that they stole his animals.
He gave me papers to the head chiefs of the Cocopahs and Yumas, and told me that good men would go to tthe ferry at Fort Yuma to cross, but bad men would want to cross below there. I met a man who told me that he had friends taken to Fort Yuma; that he was from Texas, and that he wanted to fight to get even. The Governor of California told me to bring him to the ferry at Fort Yuma; that if he was a good man he could cross there, and if he was not that he should not cross anywhere. I gave the man my papers, to keep them dry, but he said he lost them and could not get them back. His horse gave out, and he heard of a party of Mr. Yager cutting hay near Pilot Knob. He left his horse with the Indians and he went to the hay party, and I came to the fort to report it.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Charleston Illinois Riot Of 1864.
While I was researching my sheriffs list I ran across this report, it tells how and why the riot came about and the end result. Now of course there is a sheriff in the repot, his name is John O’Hair, but this is not just about him as he only played a small part in the riot, but it was a important part. This is interesting reading and a must read if you would like to know the feelings of the people at this time in history.
Springfield, Ill., April 18, 1864.
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that information of this disturbances in Charleston, Coles County, Ill., on the 28th of March last, reached me on the afternoon of the same day.
Captain Montgomery, U. S. Army, being about to proceed to Mattoon on mustering duty, I directed him to repair to the scene of the outbreak, ascertain the posture of affairs, and telegraph me if my presence was deemed necessary.
About 8.30 p. m. the next day I received a dispatch from Captain Montgomery requesting me to come down without delay, and left by the next train for Mattoon, where I arrived on the morning of the 30th. Finding the town in a state of great excitement from rumors, apparently entitled to credit, that the insurgents meditated an attack in force to rescue the prisoners which has been sent up from Charleston, I deemed it prudent to order forward the Forty-first Regiment, Colonel Pugh commanding, from Springfield.
Taking a fright train I them proceeded to Charleston. Colonel Mitchell, fo the Fifty-fourth Infantry, was absent with a mounted detachment of his regiment in search of the insurgents, who had left the town and were reported to be collecting in large bodies in various directions in the surrounding country.
In the afternoon (30th) I received a dispatch from Colonel True, Sixty-second Illinois, on recruiting duty at Mattoon and commanding post, representing in urgent terms the need of more troops at that point. I therefore asked for 500 men from Indianapolis, and returned by next train to Mattoon, finding the place in a state of the most intense excitement, over a hundred citizens being organized and under arms, the prisoners lodged in a secure place and strongly guarded, pickets posted, and every preparation made to defend the place, an attack upon which was confidently anticipated.
The Forty-first Illinois, Colonel Pugh, and Forty-seventh Indiana, Colonel Slack, arrived about midnight, and both regiments, under the command of Colonel True, proceeded to points some 12 miles west and southwest of Mattoon in search of the rebels who were believed to be there collected in considerable force. Finding that the insurgents, small parties of whom had been assembled at the designated places, had dispersed upon the advance of the troops and made good their escape, the command returned to Mattoon, arriving on the morning of the 31st, when the Forty-seventh Indiana was permitted to proceed on their way to Cairo en route for the field.
Leaving the Forty-first at Matton, I again repaired to Charleston, where I found the excitement subsided and confidence partially restored, the people feeling secure in the protection of the troops, consisting of the Fifty-fourth Illinois, and Company E, Twenty-third Veteran Reserve Corps, which had been stopped by Captain Montgomery on the 29th while on its way from Paris, Ill. After making such arrangements for the protection of the place and the maintenance of order as circumstances seemed to require, I returned to Mattoon and thence to Springfield, arriving on the morning of the 2nd instant.
On the 8th instant, I again visited both Charleston and Mattoon, and found those places and the surrounding country quiet and confidence generally restored. The Forty-first was furloughed on the 11th instant, and the Fifty-fourth left for the field on the 12th, leaving one company of the Veteran Reserve Corps at Charleston and another at Paris, which I deem ample for the present.
A large number of prisoners were taken by the military and citizens, most of whom were released for lack of evidence. The proof against 29 was, however, deemed sufficient to warrant their being held for further examination, and I ordered them to be forwarded, under guard, to Camp Yates near this city, until the necessary testimony could be obtained and examined, to enable me to determine what further disposition should be made of them. After careful examination of the evidence received, consisting of affidavits, reports, letters, &c., and which is very voluminous, I have discharged 13 of the 29, and 1 has since died, leaving 15 yet to be disposed of. I have forwarded all the testimony, together with an elaborate report, to Major General S. P. Heintzelman, commanding Northern Department, with request that the prisoners might be tried by military law, if consisted and expedient, and requesting early instructions or suggestions for my further action in the premises.
It is much to be regretted that the ruling spirits and chief actors in this treasonable insurrection have not as yet been captured. O'Hair, the sheriff of Coles County and the ringleader of the insurgents, is not to be found; and others who were prominent in the murderous assault have made their escape.
It is impossible to doubt that this outbreak was premeditated and preconcerted, and that its immediate purpose was the murder of the soldiers, to be followed by such other movements as circumstances might warrant, and it is this fact that gives special significance to the whole affair. The occasion was favorable. The circuit court of Coles County, Judge Constable presiding, was to open on Monday, the 28th of March, and Mr. Eden, member of Congress from that district, was to make a speech. It was known that the Fifty-fourth Regiment was about to return to the field, and that a number of soldiers belonging to that regiment would take the cars on that day at Charleston for the rendezvous at Mattoon. There was thus an excellent pretext for a large gathering without exciting suspicion, while the number of soldiers would be comparatively small and in no condition for defense.
On the appointed day the court convened. Sheriff O'Hair was present attending to his official duties; the court-house square was thronged with people, including notorious secessionists from the adjoining county of Edgar, whose sheriff is brother to the sheriff of Coles County. Mingling with the crowd, an unarmed with one or two exceptions, were some 12 or 15 soldiers of the Fifty-fourth, who were residents of Charleston and vicinity, quietly conversing with their acquaintances while waiting for the train for Mattoon. Presently, without cause of provocation, a desperado named Wells fired upon and mortally wounded a soldier. Sheriff O'Hair instantly rushed from the court-room, marshaled the insurgents, put himself at their head, and directed all their subsequent moments. Every man of the assailants was found to be armed. Pistols were drawn and fired in all directions. When these had been discharged they rushed to wagons near by and brought forth guns and ammunition, which had been lain concealed beneath the straw, &c. In one minute, as Colonel Mitchell reports, 100 shots were fired and nearly every soldier was either killed or wounded, although scattered about over the whole square; every blue coat or brass button, without distinction, became a target for the assassin.
think all this admits of but one solution, a deliberate plot on the of the leaders to murder the soldiers of the United States. This view is confirmed by several witness, who swear that the purpose of "cleaning out" the soldiers and Union men on that day had been avowed by the ringleaders several days before, and preparations had been extensively made to execute the threat; and I am satisfied that but for the timely action of Colonel Mitchell in ordering up his regiment from Mattoon, and the prompt measures subsequently taken to check the progress of the insurgents and thwart their designs, it would have proved the beginning of an extensive and dangerous emeute in that part of the State.
have directed personal knowledge that some at least of the gang were members of a treasonable secret society, kindred in its character and objects with that known as the "K. G. C.," or Knights of the Golden Circle, and I have little doubt that the outbreak was planned and executed in great part by and through that organization. There is also reason to apprehend that through the same agency an extensive and formidable conspiracy is being formed against the Government, and that it is only awaiting a fitting opportunity for developments. It is therefore not so much on account of the intrinsic importance of these disturbances, desperate and bloody as they were, as from a sense of their revelation of and bearing upon future and more daring machinations against the Government, that I am desirous that these prisoners and the leaders, should they hereafter be taken, may be tried and (if found guilty) punished by the military authorities. I fear it would be useless to turn them over for trial by the civil tribunals, whether State or Federal, to whose jurisdiction they would belong. Prompt and rigorous dealing by military law could not fail to be of salutary and lasting effect. It is scarcely necessary to observe that many of the insurgents were without doubt merely the dupes of others and were inveigled into the scheme without apprehending or approving the real purpose of the chief conspirators. It is proper to add that the opinion of the origin, character, and purpose of the insurrection, herein expressed, is concurred in by every loyal man of the counties concerned with whom I have conversed.
Herewith I have the honor to transmit the report of Colonel G. M. Mitchell, Fifty-fourth Illinois Infantry.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel Fourth U. S. Cavalry,
Mattoon, Ill., April 8, 1864.
COLONEL: In pursuance of instructions from you, I have the honor to report my proceedings during the recent disturbances in coles County, as follows:
The furloughs granted my men having expired they were ordered to rendezvous at Mattoon, Ill., March 28. As many of the men lived at, or would pass through, Charleston on their way to camp, I remained there Monday to see them all on the train and to prevent any disturbance.
Before the afternoon train left for Mattoon about 3 p. m., Nelson Wells, a so-called captain of a company organized some 7 miles north of Charleston, whose object in drilling was only known to themselves, commenced firing at Private Oliver Sallee, Company C, Fifty-fourth Illinois, so far as I can learn without the slightest provocation, lodging a balk in Sallee's breast, which has since caused his death. Sallee fell, but partially rising shot Wells dead. This was in the court-house yard, near the west door. Immediately firing became general, the sheriff of this county, John O'Hair, leaving his seat and taking the lead in the attack upon the soldiers. Some 16 of my men were present on the square, nearly all of whom were killed or wounded. Some 75 men, after firing wherever they could see a blue coat, collected at a grove about one-quarter of a mile from the square east of town, under the lead of the sheriff, held a consultation, and learning the Fifty-fourth Illinois were on their way from Mattoon, moved out in the country.,
Immediately on the report of Wells' pistol I stepped out of the west door of the court-room, when 3 men with revolvers drawn, apparently expecting me, commenced firing, 2 of them running by me into the room. I caught one named Robert Winkler by the wrist as he was attempting to shoot me, turning his revolver down until he discharged all his loads.
Major Shuball York surgeon of the Fifty-fourth Illinois, was shot from behind as he was leaving the court-room, expiring almost instantly.
The attack could not have lasted over a minute, during which one hundred shots must have been fired, nearly all of my men being either killed or wounded. The fact that my men, scattered as they were over the square, were instantly shot down, and the systematic manner in which the sheriff rallied and drew off his party, together with affidavits of reliable citizens forwarded, leaves no room to doubt that a party of men came to Charleston armed with revolvers and shotguns with the knowledge and consent of Sheriff O'Hair, with deliberate intention of killing the soldiers.
As soon as the firing was over I telegraphed to Colonel Chapman at Mattoon to bring men and guns. He arrived at 4.30 p. m. with 250 men. I immediately mounted 75 men and scoured the country in all directions, arresting several parties implicated, and releasing Levi Freesner, private Company C, Fifty-fourth Illinois, who was confined in a house under guard 7 miles from town. He was arrested by Sheriff O'Hair some distance from the square while on his way to the station to take the cars from Mattoon, and knew nothing of the affray. His gun and accouterments have not yet been secured. As the regiment arrived in the court-house yard a man named John Cooper, living in this county, who had been in town all day intoxicated, wearing a pistol in sight and swearing he came to kill soldiers, was accosted by a patrol, but turning to run was immediately shot down, citizens and soldiers firing without orders. Unfortunately a ball passed through the residence of John Jenkins, citizen, wounding him and since causing his death.
Captain Montgomery, mustering and disbursing officer, arrived from Springfield, Ill., Tuesday morning, and examined several witnesses, instructing me to remain at Charleston with my command until you arrived.
A company of the Invalid Corps, Lieutenant Baker commanding passing from Paris, were detained by Captain Montgomery and ordered to report to me.
On your arrival Wednesday you instructed me to continue to arrest individuals implicated in the murder, procure affidavits of reliable witnesses, and to keep the peace, which has been done.
Hearing of large bodies of rioters of the country, I left Charleston with 100 mounted men at 9 p. m., April 2, proceeded south through Martinsville, to within 5 miles of Marshall, county seat of Clark County, from thence to Auburn, and north to the Terre Haute, Alton and Saint Louis Railroad at Kansas, and thence to Charleston, arriving at 7 p. m., April 4. I found bodies of men from 25 to 100 had been seen, but had dispersed; one squad of 16 I arrested but released. At present all is quiet.
forward herewith lists of killed and wounded; also lists of prisoners forwarded.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel Fifty-fourth Ill. Vet. Vol. Infty., Commanding.
The following is the list of killed and wounded during the disturbance at Charleston, Ill.:
Killed: Major Shuball York, Fifty-fourth Illinois Infantry; Privates Oliver Sallee and James Goodrich, Company C, and John Neer and Alfred Swim, Company G, Fifty-fourth Illinois Infantry; Private William G. Hart, Sixty-second Illinois Infantry; John Jenkins, citizen (loyal); Nelson Wells, citizen (sheriff's party); John Cooper, citizen (sheriff's party).
Wounded: Colonel G. M. Mitchell, Fifty-fourth Illinois; Privates William H. Decker, Company G, Landford Noyes, Company I, and George Ross, Company C, Fifty-fourth Illinois; Citizens Thomas Jeffers, William Giolman, Young E. Winkler, Robert Winkler, John W. Herndon, George J. Collins.
Springfield, Ill., April 18, 1864.
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that information of this disturbances in Charleston, Coles County, Ill., on the 28th of March last, reached me on the afternoon of the same day.
Captain Montgomery, U. S. Army, being about to proceed to Mattoon on mustering duty, I directed him to repair to the scene of the outbreak, ascertain the posture of affairs, and telegraph me if my presence was deemed necessary.
About 8.30 p. m. the next day I received a dispatch from Captain Montgomery requesting me to come down without delay, and left by the next train for Mattoon, where I arrived on the morning of the 30th. Finding the town in a state of great excitement from rumors, apparently entitled to credit, that the insurgents meditated an attack in force to rescue the prisoners which has been sent up from Charleston, I deemed it prudent to order forward the Forty-first Regiment, Colonel Pugh commanding, from Springfield.
Taking a fright train I them proceeded to Charleston. Colonel Mitchell, fo the Fifty-fourth Infantry, was absent with a mounted detachment of his regiment in search of the insurgents, who had left the town and were reported to be collecting in large bodies in various directions in the surrounding country.
In the afternoon (30th) I received a dispatch from Colonel True, Sixty-second Illinois, on recruiting duty at Mattoon and commanding post, representing in urgent terms the need of more troops at that point. I therefore asked for 500 men from Indianapolis, and returned by next train to Mattoon, finding the place in a state of the most intense excitement, over a hundred citizens being organized and under arms, the prisoners lodged in a secure place and strongly guarded, pickets posted, and every preparation made to defend the place, an attack upon which was confidently anticipated.
The Forty-first Illinois, Colonel Pugh, and Forty-seventh Indiana, Colonel Slack, arrived about midnight, and both regiments, under the command of Colonel True, proceeded to points some 12 miles west and southwest of Mattoon in search of the rebels who were believed to be there collected in considerable force. Finding that the insurgents, small parties of whom had been assembled at the designated places, had dispersed upon the advance of the troops and made good their escape, the command returned to Mattoon, arriving on the morning of the 31st, when the Forty-seventh Indiana was permitted to proceed on their way to Cairo en route for the field.
Leaving the Forty-first at Matton, I again repaired to Charleston, where I found the excitement subsided and confidence partially restored, the people feeling secure in the protection of the troops, consisting of the Fifty-fourth Illinois, and Company E, Twenty-third Veteran Reserve Corps, which had been stopped by Captain Montgomery on the 29th while on its way from Paris, Ill. After making such arrangements for the protection of the place and the maintenance of order as circumstances seemed to require, I returned to Mattoon and thence to Springfield, arriving on the morning of the 2nd instant.
On the 8th instant, I again visited both Charleston and Mattoon, and found those places and the surrounding country quiet and confidence generally restored. The Forty-first was furloughed on the 11th instant, and the Fifty-fourth left for the field on the 12th, leaving one company of the Veteran Reserve Corps at Charleston and another at Paris, which I deem ample for the present.
A large number of prisoners were taken by the military and citizens, most of whom were released for lack of evidence. The proof against 29 was, however, deemed sufficient to warrant their being held for further examination, and I ordered them to be forwarded, under guard, to Camp Yates near this city, until the necessary testimony could be obtained and examined, to enable me to determine what further disposition should be made of them. After careful examination of the evidence received, consisting of affidavits, reports, letters, &c., and which is very voluminous, I have discharged 13 of the 29, and 1 has since died, leaving 15 yet to be disposed of. I have forwarded all the testimony, together with an elaborate report, to Major General S. P. Heintzelman, commanding Northern Department, with request that the prisoners might be tried by military law, if consisted and expedient, and requesting early instructions or suggestions for my further action in the premises.
It is much to be regretted that the ruling spirits and chief actors in this treasonable insurrection have not as yet been captured. O'Hair, the sheriff of Coles County and the ringleader of the insurgents, is not to be found; and others who were prominent in the murderous assault have made their escape.
It is impossible to doubt that this outbreak was premeditated and preconcerted, and that its immediate purpose was the murder of the soldiers, to be followed by such other movements as circumstances might warrant, and it is this fact that gives special significance to the whole affair. The occasion was favorable. The circuit court of Coles County, Judge Constable presiding, was to open on Monday, the 28th of March, and Mr. Eden, member of Congress from that district, was to make a speech. It was known that the Fifty-fourth Regiment was about to return to the field, and that a number of soldiers belonging to that regiment would take the cars on that day at Charleston for the rendezvous at Mattoon. There was thus an excellent pretext for a large gathering without exciting suspicion, while the number of soldiers would be comparatively small and in no condition for defense.
On the appointed day the court convened. Sheriff O'Hair was present attending to his official duties; the court-house square was thronged with people, including notorious secessionists from the adjoining county of Edgar, whose sheriff is brother to the sheriff of Coles County. Mingling with the crowd, an unarmed with one or two exceptions, were some 12 or 15 soldiers of the Fifty-fourth, who were residents of Charleston and vicinity, quietly conversing with their acquaintances while waiting for the train for Mattoon. Presently, without cause of provocation, a desperado named Wells fired upon and mortally wounded a soldier. Sheriff O'Hair instantly rushed from the court-room, marshaled the insurgents, put himself at their head, and directed all their subsequent moments. Every man of the assailants was found to be armed. Pistols were drawn and fired in all directions. When these had been discharged they rushed to wagons near by and brought forth guns and ammunition, which had been lain concealed beneath the straw, &c. In one minute, as Colonel Mitchell reports, 100 shots were fired and nearly every soldier was either killed or wounded, although scattered about over the whole square; every blue coat or brass button, without distinction, became a target for the assassin.
think all this admits of but one solution, a deliberate plot on the of the leaders to murder the soldiers of the United States. This view is confirmed by several witness, who swear that the purpose of "cleaning out" the soldiers and Union men on that day had been avowed by the ringleaders several days before, and preparations had been extensively made to execute the threat; and I am satisfied that but for the timely action of Colonel Mitchell in ordering up his regiment from Mattoon, and the prompt measures subsequently taken to check the progress of the insurgents and thwart their designs, it would have proved the beginning of an extensive and dangerous emeute in that part of the State.
have directed personal knowledge that some at least of the gang were members of a treasonable secret society, kindred in its character and objects with that known as the "K. G. C.," or Knights of the Golden Circle, and I have little doubt that the outbreak was planned and executed in great part by and through that organization. There is also reason to apprehend that through the same agency an extensive and formidable conspiracy is being formed against the Government, and that it is only awaiting a fitting opportunity for developments. It is therefore not so much on account of the intrinsic importance of these disturbances, desperate and bloody as they were, as from a sense of their revelation of and bearing upon future and more daring machinations against the Government, that I am desirous that these prisoners and the leaders, should they hereafter be taken, may be tried and (if found guilty) punished by the military authorities. I fear it would be useless to turn them over for trial by the civil tribunals, whether State or Federal, to whose jurisdiction they would belong. Prompt and rigorous dealing by military law could not fail to be of salutary and lasting effect. It is scarcely necessary to observe that many of the insurgents were without doubt merely the dupes of others and were inveigled into the scheme without apprehending or approving the real purpose of the chief conspirators. It is proper to add that the opinion of the origin, character, and purpose of the insurrection, herein expressed, is concurred in by every loyal man of the counties concerned with whom I have conversed.
Herewith I have the honor to transmit the report of Colonel G. M. Mitchell, Fifty-fourth Illinois Infantry.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel Fourth U. S. Cavalry,
Mattoon, Ill., April 8, 1864.
COLONEL: In pursuance of instructions from you, I have the honor to report my proceedings during the recent disturbances in coles County, as follows:
The furloughs granted my men having expired they were ordered to rendezvous at Mattoon, Ill., March 28. As many of the men lived at, or would pass through, Charleston on their way to camp, I remained there Monday to see them all on the train and to prevent any disturbance.
Before the afternoon train left for Mattoon about 3 p. m., Nelson Wells, a so-called captain of a company organized some 7 miles north of Charleston, whose object in drilling was only known to themselves, commenced firing at Private Oliver Sallee, Company C, Fifty-fourth Illinois, so far as I can learn without the slightest provocation, lodging a balk in Sallee's breast, which has since caused his death. Sallee fell, but partially rising shot Wells dead. This was in the court-house yard, near the west door. Immediately firing became general, the sheriff of this county, John O'Hair, leaving his seat and taking the lead in the attack upon the soldiers. Some 16 of my men were present on the square, nearly all of whom were killed or wounded. Some 75 men, after firing wherever they could see a blue coat, collected at a grove about one-quarter of a mile from the square east of town, under the lead of the sheriff, held a consultation, and learning the Fifty-fourth Illinois were on their way from Mattoon, moved out in the country.,
Immediately on the report of Wells' pistol I stepped out of the west door of the court-room, when 3 men with revolvers drawn, apparently expecting me, commenced firing, 2 of them running by me into the room. I caught one named Robert Winkler by the wrist as he was attempting to shoot me, turning his revolver down until he discharged all his loads.
Major Shuball York surgeon of the Fifty-fourth Illinois, was shot from behind as he was leaving the court-room, expiring almost instantly.
The attack could not have lasted over a minute, during which one hundred shots must have been fired, nearly all of my men being either killed or wounded. The fact that my men, scattered as they were over the square, were instantly shot down, and the systematic manner in which the sheriff rallied and drew off his party, together with affidavits of reliable citizens forwarded, leaves no room to doubt that a party of men came to Charleston armed with revolvers and shotguns with the knowledge and consent of Sheriff O'Hair, with deliberate intention of killing the soldiers.
As soon as the firing was over I telegraphed to Colonel Chapman at Mattoon to bring men and guns. He arrived at 4.30 p. m. with 250 men. I immediately mounted 75 men and scoured the country in all directions, arresting several parties implicated, and releasing Levi Freesner, private Company C, Fifty-fourth Illinois, who was confined in a house under guard 7 miles from town. He was arrested by Sheriff O'Hair some distance from the square while on his way to the station to take the cars from Mattoon, and knew nothing of the affray. His gun and accouterments have not yet been secured. As the regiment arrived in the court-house yard a man named John Cooper, living in this county, who had been in town all day intoxicated, wearing a pistol in sight and swearing he came to kill soldiers, was accosted by a patrol, but turning to run was immediately shot down, citizens and soldiers firing without orders. Unfortunately a ball passed through the residence of John Jenkins, citizen, wounding him and since causing his death.
Captain Montgomery, mustering and disbursing officer, arrived from Springfield, Ill., Tuesday morning, and examined several witnesses, instructing me to remain at Charleston with my command until you arrived.
A company of the Invalid Corps, Lieutenant Baker commanding passing from Paris, were detained by Captain Montgomery and ordered to report to me.
On your arrival Wednesday you instructed me to continue to arrest individuals implicated in the murder, procure affidavits of reliable witnesses, and to keep the peace, which has been done.
Hearing of large bodies of rioters of the country, I left Charleston with 100 mounted men at 9 p. m., April 2, proceeded south through Martinsville, to within 5 miles of Marshall, county seat of Clark County, from thence to Auburn, and north to the Terre Haute, Alton and Saint Louis Railroad at Kansas, and thence to Charleston, arriving at 7 p. m., April 4. I found bodies of men from 25 to 100 had been seen, but had dispersed; one squad of 16 I arrested but released. At present all is quiet.
forward herewith lists of killed and wounded; also lists of prisoners forwarded.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel Fifty-fourth Ill. Vet. Vol. Infty., Commanding.
The following is the list of killed and wounded during the disturbance at Charleston, Ill.:
Killed: Major Shuball York, Fifty-fourth Illinois Infantry; Privates Oliver Sallee and James Goodrich, Company C, and John Neer and Alfred Swim, Company G, Fifty-fourth Illinois Infantry; Private William G. Hart, Sixty-second Illinois Infantry; John Jenkins, citizen (loyal); Nelson Wells, citizen (sheriff's party); John Cooper, citizen (sheriff's party).
Wounded: Colonel G. M. Mitchell, Fifty-fourth Illinois; Privates William H. Decker, Company G, Landford Noyes, Company I, and George Ross, Company C, Fifty-fourth Illinois; Citizens Thomas Jeffers, William Giolman, Young E. Winkler, Robert Winkler, John W. Herndon, George J. Collins.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sheriffs of The Civil War
This page title tells what this page is all about, this page may be able to set some of those family stories straight that said you had a ancestor in the civil war or he was a sheriff or both, then you may have known he was in the war, but didn’t know he was a sheriff. I took these names from many reports, but I will not give but one or two reports, as some are two or four pages long and most times these sheriffs were only stated once or twice. But I have given you some leads. I have given his name the county and state and some times the town, This will help you do more research on him.
In the Field, Appomattox, Va., April 15, 1865.
William D. Hix, sheriff of the county of Appomattox, Va., is hereby authorized to distribute such abandoned property of the surrendered Army of Northern Virginia, lately commanded by Robert E. Lee, C. S. Army, among the deserving destitute inhabitants of this vicinity as may be left behind on the departure of the U. S. forces, and authorize the persons to whom such distribution is made to retain such property subject to further orders from competent authority. All persons whom have in possession such property unauthorized will be considered as being in unlawful possession of the same without the authorization of Sheriff William D. Hix, his representative or such person or persons as he may delegate to give such authorizations. Sheriff Hix will keep a record of his distribution and report the same to me by public conveyance to Washington, D. C., on or before June 1, 1865.
William D. Hix.
Birth: Apr. 27, 1837.
Death: Apr. 21, 1911.
Fannie E. Sears Hix (1842 - 1923)
In the 1880’s he was a merchant & farmer, was living at; Clover Hill, Appomattox, Va.
Part of a Report of Detectives, 1864.
In the jail at Abingdon, on the 2d of November, conversed with the following men and found them members of the Order of Heroes of America:
Harrison Bowman, a member, also told us that John Hamilton, sheriff, was a member and would assist us in getting through the lines, and with provisions, and that he lived on the south side of the North Fork of the Holston River.
Milton Hicks, sheriff of Sangamon County Illinois, is a member of the Order of O. A. K.
O. Seymour, sheriff of Bath, Steuben County, N. Y.
He was one of the signers of a document to get one of their towns people released from a prisons in Richmond.
Charleston, W. Va., January 25, 1864.
SIR: I send by flag of truce to your lines by the Lewisburg turnpike a Mr. C. W. Maupin, who has been detained at the military prison at Charleston as a hostage for Mr. Shaw, sheriff of Putnam County, in the State of West Virginia, who was taken from his home in Putnam County and conveyed as a prisoner to some place within the Confederate lines. Mr. Maupin leaves here under a pledge to procure the release of Sheriff Shaw. He is bound by oath to give no military information, and also to return to the custody of the U. S. authorities at Charleston unless he shall procure the release and return of Sheriff Shaw within twenty days from this date. The capture of Mr. Shaw cannot, I think, have been authorized by you. His detention can serve no end, save that of provoking retaliation upon such civilians as may sympathize with his captors, and who, but for such useless acts, would be permitted to remain in tranquillity.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, &c.,
JAMES KAVANAGH, Sheriff of Whatcom County, Bellingham Bay, Wash. Ter.
A letter was written to him by BENJ. ALVORD, Brigadier-General, U. S. Volunteers, Commanding District.
Captain John Francis, formerly of French's battery, now sheriff-elect of the county of Montgomery.
James A. Craw, sheriff of Cuyahoga County, at Cleveland.
Anson Van Lewes (sheriff.), He was one of the signers, from the city of SAN BERNARDINO, CAL. Asking for protection of a company of U. S. troops.
A report of August 18, 1861.
Benjamin F. Hays, and representing himself to be sheriff of Cass County, who stated that he had come to meet the command, for the purpose of ascertaining who they were and what its object was, stating that the citizens of Harrisonville were very much alarmed, and that men were collecting with arms to dispute my march; that if he could get an assurance in writing that no person would be molested he believed he could allay the excitement and prevent trouble. I gave him a note stating "that I was an officer in the service of the United States, under military orders, on my march to a point south of Harrisonville; that my route lay through the town; that i had no intention of molesting any one, but that to the extent of my power every citizen, without even inquiry as to his feelings towards the Government, would be protected in person and property, if he remained peaceably at his home or business; that none but those in arms against the authority of the Government would be molested, and warning all such to disperse." He then left my camp, first pledging his honor to return at 5 o'clock p. m. and report to me the result of his mission to the people. He never returned, and I have strong reasons for believing that he used his position as sheriff to gain admittance to my camp for the purpose of ascertaining the strength of the command.
S. T. SHIPLEY, Sheriff, of the county (Washington), Tenn?
December 31, 1863.
General CLINTON B. FISK, Commanding Dist. of Saint Louis, Mo.
We, the citizens of the vicinity of Dallas, hereby beg leave to communicate for your consideration the condition od things in our county. We have been harassed bad plundered and our best citizens murdered by roving bands of guerrillas that infest the swamps south of us. On the night of the 27th instant 12 guerrillas made a raid here at 1 o'clock and killed James A. Stevens, our county treasurer; also William Crites, a very worthy young man of our community. They took $30 from young Crites' pocket after he was shot down. They also wounded our sheriff, James M. Fraser, with out halting him in due time.
Charleston, Coles County, Illinois, July 1864.
Sheriff of the county, John O'Hair, who had thus far been quentily engaged in his usual duties, was proceeding to impanel a petit jury. At this moment, about 3 p. m., a citizen named Nelson Wells, apparently without cause or excuse, suddenly drew a pistol and shot a soldier (Oliver Sallee) of the Fifty-fourth Regiment, who was standing near him in the square, inflicting mortal wound. In falling, Sallee, who was armed, shot and fatally wounded his assailant.
Lewis Linkenhoker, sheriff of this county, Botetourt.
Mr. Trahern, sheriff of Barbour County, W. Va.
L. B. LASSITER, Sheriff of Jasper, County, Mississippi.
He wrote a letter to the PRESIDENT OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, On September 30, 1861.
Samuel Carpenter, sheriff of North Branch, Lapeer County, Mich.
February, 1862.
James A. Craw, esq., sheriff at Cleveland, $300 in gold, seized in the latter part of November last as the property of Rutson Maury, and now held by the sheriff subject to the adjudication of the district court of the United States as to whether it shall or not be confiscated under the act of Congress in that behalf.
LEBANON, May 18, 1865.
Brigadier-General SANBORN:
I hear of a rebel band of about forty-five passing about seven miles east of this last night, taking Lieutenant Johnson, Company L, Sixteenth [Missouri Cavalry]; the sheriff, Harris; S. E. Stroup, late lieutenant Twenty-fourth Missouri, and a young Breakfield. This morning the bodies of Harris, Stroup, and Breakfield were found. Harris hung, and the throats of the other two cut. Their bodies will be brought here this evening.
Prouds G. Roberts, sheriff Saint Clair County, Missouri.
W. N. Craig, sheriff, if I read the report right he was from Franklin, N. C.
ANTHONY F. CAMPBELL, Sheriff of Kings County.
G. B. BOARD, Esq., Sheriff of Roanoke County, Va.
THOS. DENNIS, Sheriff, I believe he was in Ca.
W. B. PAUL, Esq., Sheriff, Lee County
A. J. Stevenson sheriff of Nicholas County
BELA SHAW, sheriff, no county or state was given.
George D. Pleasants, sheriff of Henrico County, Va.,
Mr. William E. Goodwin, sheriff of Prince William county Va.
Joseph P. Whiting, sheriff of this city, Michigan.
James A. Craw, sheriff of Cuyahoga County, Ohio
EDWARD M. MOBLEY, Sheriff of Washington County, ( Maryland? )
W. B. Glave, sheriff of the county of Harrison, (Ky?)
John F. Baker, is sheriff of Boone county, Missouri.
Mr. Robert Carman, sheriff of Chariton County, Missouri.
A. D. CROOKS, Sheriff, Siskiyou County Cal.
T. M. BROWN, Esq., Sheriff of Klamath County, Cal.
G. W. BAILEY, Sheriff of Mono County, Cal.
James Kavanagh, sheriff of Whatcom County, Wash. Ter.
JOHN M. NEVILLE, Sheriff of Solano County, Cal.
Tomas Sanchez, sheriff in Cal..
L. N. Speer, sheriff, Whitfield County, Ga.,
In the Field, Appomattox, Va., April 15, 1865.
William D. Hix, sheriff of the county of Appomattox, Va., is hereby authorized to distribute such abandoned property of the surrendered Army of Northern Virginia, lately commanded by Robert E. Lee, C. S. Army, among the deserving destitute inhabitants of this vicinity as may be left behind on the departure of the U. S. forces, and authorize the persons to whom such distribution is made to retain such property subject to further orders from competent authority. All persons whom have in possession such property unauthorized will be considered as being in unlawful possession of the same without the authorization of Sheriff William D. Hix, his representative or such person or persons as he may delegate to give such authorizations. Sheriff Hix will keep a record of his distribution and report the same to me by public conveyance to Washington, D. C., on or before June 1, 1865.
William D. Hix.
Birth: Apr. 27, 1837.
Death: Apr. 21, 1911.
Fannie E. Sears Hix (1842 - 1923)
In the 1880’s he was a merchant & farmer, was living at; Clover Hill, Appomattox, Va.
Part of a Report of Detectives, 1864.
In the jail at Abingdon, on the 2d of November, conversed with the following men and found them members of the Order of Heroes of America:
Harrison Bowman, a member, also told us that John Hamilton, sheriff, was a member and would assist us in getting through the lines, and with provisions, and that he lived on the south side of the North Fork of the Holston River.
Milton Hicks, sheriff of Sangamon County Illinois, is a member of the Order of O. A. K.
O. Seymour, sheriff of Bath, Steuben County, N. Y.
He was one of the signers of a document to get one of their towns people released from a prisons in Richmond.
Charleston, W. Va., January 25, 1864.
SIR: I send by flag of truce to your lines by the Lewisburg turnpike a Mr. C. W. Maupin, who has been detained at the military prison at Charleston as a hostage for Mr. Shaw, sheriff of Putnam County, in the State of West Virginia, who was taken from his home in Putnam County and conveyed as a prisoner to some place within the Confederate lines. Mr. Maupin leaves here under a pledge to procure the release of Sheriff Shaw. He is bound by oath to give no military information, and also to return to the custody of the U. S. authorities at Charleston unless he shall procure the release and return of Sheriff Shaw within twenty days from this date. The capture of Mr. Shaw cannot, I think, have been authorized by you. His detention can serve no end, save that of provoking retaliation upon such civilians as may sympathize with his captors, and who, but for such useless acts, would be permitted to remain in tranquillity.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, &c.,
JAMES KAVANAGH, Sheriff of Whatcom County, Bellingham Bay, Wash. Ter.
A letter was written to him by BENJ. ALVORD, Brigadier-General, U. S. Volunteers, Commanding District.
Captain John Francis, formerly of French's battery, now sheriff-elect of the county of Montgomery.
James A. Craw, sheriff of Cuyahoga County, at Cleveland.
Anson Van Lewes (sheriff.), He was one of the signers, from the city of SAN BERNARDINO, CAL. Asking for protection of a company of U. S. troops.
A report of August 18, 1861.
Benjamin F. Hays, and representing himself to be sheriff of Cass County, who stated that he had come to meet the command, for the purpose of ascertaining who they were and what its object was, stating that the citizens of Harrisonville were very much alarmed, and that men were collecting with arms to dispute my march; that if he could get an assurance in writing that no person would be molested he believed he could allay the excitement and prevent trouble. I gave him a note stating "that I was an officer in the service of the United States, under military orders, on my march to a point south of Harrisonville; that my route lay through the town; that i had no intention of molesting any one, but that to the extent of my power every citizen, without even inquiry as to his feelings towards the Government, would be protected in person and property, if he remained peaceably at his home or business; that none but those in arms against the authority of the Government would be molested, and warning all such to disperse." He then left my camp, first pledging his honor to return at 5 o'clock p. m. and report to me the result of his mission to the people. He never returned, and I have strong reasons for believing that he used his position as sheriff to gain admittance to my camp for the purpose of ascertaining the strength of the command.
S. T. SHIPLEY, Sheriff, of the county (Washington), Tenn?
December 31, 1863.
General CLINTON B. FISK, Commanding Dist. of Saint Louis, Mo.
We, the citizens of the vicinity of Dallas, hereby beg leave to communicate for your consideration the condition od things in our county. We have been harassed bad plundered and our best citizens murdered by roving bands of guerrillas that infest the swamps south of us. On the night of the 27th instant 12 guerrillas made a raid here at 1 o'clock and killed James A. Stevens, our county treasurer; also William Crites, a very worthy young man of our community. They took $30 from young Crites' pocket after he was shot down. They also wounded our sheriff, James M. Fraser, with out halting him in due time.
Charleston, Coles County, Illinois, July 1864.
Sheriff of the county, John O'Hair, who had thus far been quentily engaged in his usual duties, was proceeding to impanel a petit jury. At this moment, about 3 p. m., a citizen named Nelson Wells, apparently without cause or excuse, suddenly drew a pistol and shot a soldier (Oliver Sallee) of the Fifty-fourth Regiment, who was standing near him in the square, inflicting mortal wound. In falling, Sallee, who was armed, shot and fatally wounded his assailant.
Lewis Linkenhoker, sheriff of this county, Botetourt.
Mr. Trahern, sheriff of Barbour County, W. Va.
L. B. LASSITER, Sheriff of Jasper, County, Mississippi.
He wrote a letter to the PRESIDENT OF THE CONFEDERATE STATES, On September 30, 1861.
Samuel Carpenter, sheriff of North Branch, Lapeer County, Mich.
February, 1862.
James A. Craw, esq., sheriff at Cleveland, $300 in gold, seized in the latter part of November last as the property of Rutson Maury, and now held by the sheriff subject to the adjudication of the district court of the United States as to whether it shall or not be confiscated under the act of Congress in that behalf.
LEBANON, May 18, 1865.
Brigadier-General SANBORN:
I hear of a rebel band of about forty-five passing about seven miles east of this last night, taking Lieutenant Johnson, Company L, Sixteenth [Missouri Cavalry]; the sheriff, Harris; S. E. Stroup, late lieutenant Twenty-fourth Missouri, and a young Breakfield. This morning the bodies of Harris, Stroup, and Breakfield were found. Harris hung, and the throats of the other two cut. Their bodies will be brought here this evening.
Prouds G. Roberts, sheriff Saint Clair County, Missouri.
W. N. Craig, sheriff, if I read the report right he was from Franklin, N. C.
ANTHONY F. CAMPBELL, Sheriff of Kings County.
G. B. BOARD, Esq., Sheriff of Roanoke County, Va.
THOS. DENNIS, Sheriff, I believe he was in Ca.
W. B. PAUL, Esq., Sheriff, Lee County
A. J. Stevenson sheriff of Nicholas County
BELA SHAW, sheriff, no county or state was given.
George D. Pleasants, sheriff of Henrico County, Va.,
Mr. William E. Goodwin, sheriff of Prince William county Va.
Joseph P. Whiting, sheriff of this city, Michigan.
James A. Craw, sheriff of Cuyahoga County, Ohio
EDWARD M. MOBLEY, Sheriff of Washington County, ( Maryland? )
W. B. Glave, sheriff of the county of Harrison, (Ky?)
John F. Baker, is sheriff of Boone county, Missouri.
Mr. Robert Carman, sheriff of Chariton County, Missouri.
A. D. CROOKS, Sheriff, Siskiyou County Cal.
T. M. BROWN, Esq., Sheriff of Klamath County, Cal.
G. W. BAILEY, Sheriff of Mono County, Cal.
James Kavanagh, sheriff of Whatcom County, Wash. Ter.
JOHN M. NEVILLE, Sheriff of Solano County, Cal.
Tomas Sanchez, sheriff in Cal..
L. N. Speer, sheriff, Whitfield County, Ga.,
Sheriff Chalkey Beeson

As a Kansas sheriff, Chalkey Beeson was one of the two lawmen who gunned down Oliver Yantis near Orlando, Oklahoma in Nov 1892.
Chalkley McArtor "Chalk" Beeson (April 24, 1848-August 8, 1912), was a well known businessman, lawman, cattleman, saloon owner, manager and keeper of the Old West, best known as being one of the many owners of the famous Long Branch Saloon in Dodge City, Kansas.
Originally from Salem, Ohio, Beeson was the seventh born child of Samuel and Martha Beeson. The family moved to Iowa, and at 19 Beeson left home, moving to Denver, Colorado. He worked, for a time, as a guide to buffalo hunters, with his clients including Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich of Russia, Phil Sheridan, and George Custer.
By the mid-1870s he was living in Dodge City, Kansas, becoming involved in many citizen organizations, and becoming wealthy in the cattle business. He married Ida Gause on July 17, 1876. He later, in 1878, became an owner of the Long Branch Saloon with partner William Harris, which led to his becoming associated with noted lawmen, outlaws, and gunmen of the time, to include Luke Short, Wyatt Earp, Bat, Jim and Ed Masterson, Charlie Bassett and others. During this period he once helped to defuse a confrontation by convincing a group of cowboys led by noted gunman Clay Allison to leave town to prevent trouble. That incident was witnessed by well known Pinkerton Detective Charlie Siringo, who at the time was a young cowboy. Siringo later wrote an account of the event, discounting Wyatt Earp's claim, made years after Allison's death, that he had "backed Allison down".
Beeson served for two terms as the Ford County sheriff, serving from 1892 to 1896. His most notable accomplishment while serving as sheriff was when he and Deputy US Marshal, Tom Hueston, killed Doolin Dalton gang member Oliver "Ol" Yantis, on November 30, 1892. Deputy Marshal Hueston was later killed during the Battle of Ingalls, a shootout between US Marshals and other members of the gang. Beeson was later twice elected to the State Legislature. He has been said to have been one of the most respected members of Dodge City during its wildest times. Beeson died on August 12, 1912. His wife, Ida, lived until June 15, 1928.
If your interested in Sheriffs of Kansas, or had a family story that said one of your ancestors was a sheriff in Kansas and you would like to see if its true, then follow this link, it’s one page out of many from my web ( Kansas And Its Surnames.. )
Monday, March 22, 2010
Sheriff Josiah Clark Redfield & Family.
While I was doing some research on Sheriffs of Kansas, I ran a cross Josiah Clark Redfield, and found so much on him and his family that I decided he should have a page of his own. Now I can’t take credit for this research that goes to ( Mr. Ray Downing ), who I feel did a great Job, and has many pages on the net about this family. While I put this information in a order that I felt would be pleasing to my readers.
Josiah Clark Redfield.
Birth: Apr. 27, 1831, Twinsburg, Summit County Ohio.
Death: Apr. 27, 1904, Norwood (Hamilton County), Hamilton County, Ohio.
Son of Sylvanus Graves Redfield and Esther Clark Redfield. Kansas Territorial pioneer. First settled Geneva, Allen County, KS, in April of 1857. Sheriff of Allen County 1861 - 1865. Receiver of Land Grants, appointed by Pres. Lincoln in 1864 and again by Pres. Grant in 1872. Served in Kansas State Legislature, 1869-70. Went to Wellington, Kansas, in 1885, where he built the Wellington water system. Removed to Wichita. Justice of the Peace and Sedgwick County Commissioner.
Josiah married Hannah Augusta Nichols in Ohio in 1859, and they immediately set out for Kansas Territory where they spent the remainder of their lives. They had six children: Flora, Frank, Carrie, Kate, Belle, and Pearl. Josiah died in Ohio while on a visit, but his remains were returned to Kansas for burial.
Hannah Augusta Nichols Redfield.
Birth: May 4, 1834, Twinsburg, Summit County, Ohio.
Death: Jun. 21, 1907, Franklin (Warren County), Warren County, Ohio.
Hannah A. Nichols, daughter of Col. Caleb Nichols and Amanda Parks Nichols, became an early pioneer to Kansas after her 1859 marriage to J.C.Redfield. Arriving in covered wagon in Humboldt, Allen county, she tended the jail while her sheriff husband was away. Local Indians occasionally caused fright, but her firmness in dealing with them caused no problems. Hannah later removed to Wichita when J.C. was appointed Land Commissioner, where she raised six children in those early, rustic pioneer days. After J. C.'s 1904 death, she returned to Ohio to live with a daughter until her own death three years later.
Carrie Effie Redfield.
Birth: Aug. 1, 1862, Humboldt, Allen County, Kansas.
Death: Feb. 25, 1877, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Humboldt, KS, "Union", Feb 27, 1877:
"Monday forenoon the painful intelligence reached this city that death had visited the family of Hon. J.C.Redfield and taken away one of the brightest members of his household. Early in the morning his daughter Carrie ("Little Cattie", as she was familiarly called while living here) died of scarlet fever. The death of Carrie was more than the grief stricken mother could bear, and the same dispatch that announced Carrie's death also contained the sad news that the mind of Mrs. Redfield had become deranged. She appears to be unable to recognize family members. This is indeed heart-rendering, and the sorrowing family have the earnest and heart-felt sympathy of their numerous friends in Humboldt."
Frank Redfield.
Birth: Jul. 18, 1867, Humboldt, Allen County, Kansas.
Death: Mar. 9, 1940, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Accountant and auditor. Son of Josiah C. and Hannah Redfield. Married Jessie May Boyce 19 Oct 1893 in Wichita. One son, Benjamin Boyce Redfield, and one daughter, Gertrude Collier Redfield.
Belle Gladys Redfield Harris.
Birth: Jul. 5, 1874, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Death: Dec. 24, 1960, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas.
Wife of Charles Baldwin Harris; mother of Dorothy, Howard, Frank, and Charles Harris Jr. She was the daughter of Josiah Clark Redfield and Hannah Nichols Redfield, who were very early pioneers into Kansas Territory in the 1850s. According to descendants, all four children were supposedly buried in Oakland Cemetery, Dallas, TX., but cemetery records fail to support the claim for all except Charles Jr.

Pearl Redfield Downing.
Birth: May 8, 1878, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Death: Oct. 7, 1966, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana.
Daughter of Josiah Clark Redfield and Hannah Nichols Redfield. She was also the 6th great granddaughter of John Alden and Priscilla Mullins of the Mayflower.
Born the same year that Edison patented the phonograph, Pearl suffered from hearing disability in her adult life. She married George D. Downing in 1899 in a double ceremony with her sister, Belle Redfield (Harris). Pearl's three children and her grandchildren were her greatest joy in life, along with a deck of cards or a crossword puzzle.
There were two other children; Flora Redfield and Kate Redfield, but I was unable to find any information on them.

Birth: Apr. 27, 1831, Twinsburg, Summit County Ohio.
Death: Apr. 27, 1904, Norwood (Hamilton County), Hamilton County, Ohio.
Son of Sylvanus Graves Redfield and Esther Clark Redfield. Kansas Territorial pioneer. First settled Geneva, Allen County, KS, in April of 1857. Sheriff of Allen County 1861 - 1865. Receiver of Land Grants, appointed by Pres. Lincoln in 1864 and again by Pres. Grant in 1872. Served in Kansas State Legislature, 1869-70. Went to Wellington, Kansas, in 1885, where he built the Wellington water system. Removed to Wichita. Justice of the Peace and Sedgwick County Commissioner.
Josiah married Hannah Augusta Nichols in Ohio in 1859, and they immediately set out for Kansas Territory where they spent the remainder of their lives. They had six children: Flora, Frank, Carrie, Kate, Belle, and Pearl. Josiah died in Ohio while on a visit, but his remains were returned to Kansas for burial.

Birth: May 4, 1834, Twinsburg, Summit County, Ohio.
Death: Jun. 21, 1907, Franklin (Warren County), Warren County, Ohio.
Hannah A. Nichols, daughter of Col. Caleb Nichols and Amanda Parks Nichols, became an early pioneer to Kansas after her 1859 marriage to J.C.Redfield. Arriving in covered wagon in Humboldt, Allen county, she tended the jail while her sheriff husband was away. Local Indians occasionally caused fright, but her firmness in dealing with them caused no problems. Hannah later removed to Wichita when J.C. was appointed Land Commissioner, where she raised six children in those early, rustic pioneer days. After J. C.'s 1904 death, she returned to Ohio to live with a daughter until her own death three years later.
Carrie Effie Redfield.
Birth: Aug. 1, 1862, Humboldt, Allen County, Kansas.
Death: Feb. 25, 1877, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Humboldt, KS, "Union", Feb 27, 1877:
"Monday forenoon the painful intelligence reached this city that death had visited the family of Hon. J.C.Redfield and taken away one of the brightest members of his household. Early in the morning his daughter Carrie ("Little Cattie", as she was familiarly called while living here) died of scarlet fever. The death of Carrie was more than the grief stricken mother could bear, and the same dispatch that announced Carrie's death also contained the sad news that the mind of Mrs. Redfield had become deranged. She appears to be unable to recognize family members. This is indeed heart-rendering, and the sorrowing family have the earnest and heart-felt sympathy of their numerous friends in Humboldt."
Frank Redfield.
Birth: Jul. 18, 1867, Humboldt, Allen County, Kansas.
Death: Mar. 9, 1940, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Accountant and auditor. Son of Josiah C. and Hannah Redfield. Married Jessie May Boyce 19 Oct 1893 in Wichita. One son, Benjamin Boyce Redfield, and one daughter, Gertrude Collier Redfield.

Birth: Jul. 5, 1874, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Death: Dec. 24, 1960, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas.
Wife of Charles Baldwin Harris; mother of Dorothy, Howard, Frank, and Charles Harris Jr. She was the daughter of Josiah Clark Redfield and Hannah Nichols Redfield, who were very early pioneers into Kansas Territory in the 1850s. According to descendants, all four children were supposedly buried in Oakland Cemetery, Dallas, TX., but cemetery records fail to support the claim for all except Charles Jr.

Pearl Redfield Downing.
Birth: May 8, 1878, Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas.
Death: Oct. 7, 1966, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana.
Daughter of Josiah Clark Redfield and Hannah Nichols Redfield. She was also the 6th great granddaughter of John Alden and Priscilla Mullins of the Mayflower.
Born the same year that Edison patented the phonograph, Pearl suffered from hearing disability in her adult life. She married George D. Downing in 1899 in a double ceremony with her sister, Belle Redfield (Harris). Pearl's three children and her grandchildren were her greatest joy in life, along with a deck of cards or a crossword puzzle.
There were two other children; Flora Redfield and Kate Redfield, but I was unable to find any information on them.
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