One important thing you need if your going to have a cavalry unit is horses. Once you have horses you need to care for them you will need Farriers, handlers, stablers and of couse the veterinary-surgeon. Here are a few things you may not know about the cavalry veterinarian.
Quartermasters will hold veterinary surgeon strictly responsible for the instructions issued to them, and in case of loss through carelessness or damage from neglect, the cost price of the instructments so lost or damaged will be charged to them.
Quartermaster responsible for medicines and dressings will take care that these articles are used for their legitimate purpose, and will hold the veterinary surgeon strictly accountable for their loss or damage through neglect, &c.
Regiment of cavalry (twelve companies or troops), 1. Veterinary.
The veterinary was allowed the pay as those of a Sergeant.
Each regiment shall have one veterinary surgeon, with the rank of a regimental sergeant-major, whose compensation shall be seventy-five dollars per month.
Just about any one in a company could become a veterinary -Surgeon if he could show he had the skills. Because of this it makes it hard to know who was a veterinarian. One could be a Private, and do the duty of a veterinary -Surgeon and hold the rank of a Sergeant or Sergeant -Major, then be discharged as a Private.
Getting veterinary -Surgeons, was hard to do as there won't that many skilled horse-surgeons within the company ranks. The cavalry would go through out the county looking for them. One who was found was
Mr. James J. Johnson, he went under contract with the Colonel of the fourth Iowa, Cavalry, but he was never paid and had to go to Congress and asked to be paid.
I know there are those of you who know that your ancestor was a veterinary -Surgeon, but can't proof it. Then there are others trying to find out if it was so. I will list as many as I can find.
1. Andrew Chalmers, Enlisted from Selby, as a Veterinary-surgeon, in the ninth Illinois Cavalry; transfrred Comppany K., September 20, 1861; discharged December 1, 1864.
Militaly Card; Name CHALMERS, ANDREW J. Rank Private, Company K., Unit 9 IL US CAVALRY,
Residence SELBY, BUREAU CO, Illinois, Age 24, Height 5' 7 3/4, Hair BLACK, Eyes GRAY, Complexion DARK, Occupation FARMER, Nativity OHIO, Joined When SEP 20, 1861, Joined Where PRINCETON, Illinois, Period 3 Years, Muster In OCT 26, 1861, Muster In Where CHICAGO, ILL.,
Pennsylvania Cavalry Units.
1. First regiment, Jacob Wolf, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered August 13, 1861, for 3.years, Promoted from private Company I, May 1, 1863; mustered out with regiment, September 9, 1864.
2. Second regiment, Solomon Penrod, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in August 18, 1864, for 3. years, Promoted from Saddler Sergeant, December 27, 1864; transferred to 1st Provisional Cavalry, June 17, 1865; Vet.
3. Third regiment, Holden Chester, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in August 23, 1861, for 3. years, Promoted from private company L, February 20, 1864; mustered out with regiment, August 24, 1864.
4. Fourth regiment, James A. Vanhorn, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in August 24, 1862, for 3. years, Promoted from private Company B, November 10, 1864; mustered out with regiment, July 1, 1865; Vet.
5. Fifth regiment, Robert M. Roseberry, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in September 20, 1862, Promoted from Farrier company H, February 1, 1864; discharged by General Order, June 18, 1865.
6. seventh regiment, George F. Parry, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in June 22, 1863, for 3. years, Not on muster-out roll.
7. eighth regiment, Wm. B. Werntz, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in September 17, 1862, for 3. years, Promoted from private Company K, October 29, 1864; transferred to 161st regiment P. V., July 24, 1865; Vet.
8. ninth regiment, Chas. W. Sherman, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in December 9, 1861, for 3. years, Promoted fromn private Company E, January 23, 1865; Mustered out with Regiment, July 18, 1865.
9. ninth regiment, D. L. Echternach, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in December 9, 1861, for 3. years, Discharged on Surgeon's Certificate, November 25, 1863.
10 eleventh regiment, George Thomas, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in August 19, 1861, for 3. years, Promoted from Farrier, Company B, May 4, 1863; mustered out with Regiment, August 13, 1865; Vet.
11. Thirteenth regiment, John Hatfield, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in March 3, 1863. Discharged by special order, dated August 29, 1864.
12. fourteenth regiment, Joseph Miller, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in November 23, 1862. Promoted from Private Company E, November 23,1862; discharged by General Order, May 31, 1865.
13. fifteenth regiment, J. B. M'Glumphey, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in October 3, 1862. Promoted from Sergeant Company D, July 22, 1864; mustered out with Regiment. June 21, 1865.
14. sixteenth regiment, William B. Werntz, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in September 17, 1861. Mustered out with regiment, August 11, 1865; Vet.
15. sixteenth regiment, Jacob Lemon, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in September 18, 1862. Promoted from 1st Sergeant company F, January 1, 1865; discharged by General Order, June 15, 1865.
16. sixteenth regiment, Alex. De Armitt, Veterinary Surgeon September 11, 1862. Promoted from Farrier company I, November 20, 1862; died August 7, 1864.
17. seventeenth regiment, Samuel M. Drew, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in June 4, 1863. Discharged August 7, to date January 16, 1865.
18. eighteenth regiment, Samuel Dodd, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in December 7, 1862 Promoted from Sergeant Company G, March 3, 1863; discharged by General Order, July 10, 1865.
19. twentyeth regiment, Peter Henseler, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in June 25, 1863. Promoted from Sergeant company H, November 1,1863; mustered out with regiment, January 6, 1864.
20. twenty-first regiment, Peter Gockley, Veterinary Surgeon, mustered in July 15, 1863. Promoted from private Company E, February 1, 1865; mustered out with Regiment, July 8, 1865.
21. twenty-second regiment, Zachariah B. Kent, Veterinary Surgeon. Pomoted to Veterinary Surgeon, May 4, 1865; mustered out with 3d Regiment Provisional Cavalry, October 31, 1865.
Iowa First Cavalry.
1. John R. Townsend, Henry County, Enlisted January 1, 1862, in Co. H., detailed foe extra duty at regimental H. Q. Promoted Veterinary-Surgeon July 2, 1863, under G. O. 110 of 1863, War Dep., A. G. O., reorganizing the cavalry. Returned to Co. H., cause not found, January 1, 1864. Mustered out January 20, 1864, term expired.
2. William Mann, Fremont County, Enlisted October 2, 1861, in Co. A., appointed 2nd Sergeant at mustered in, re-enlisted as a Vet., December 12, 1863. Promoted Veterinary-Surgeon, February 20, 1864. Mustered out with Non-Commission staff, August 10, 1865, Atlanta, Ga.
3. Solomon Weaver, Oskaloosa or Marion County, Enlisted December 17, 1861, in Co. G., transfrred to Co. F., January 1, 1862. Promoted Veterinary-Sergeant, 2nd, Batt., January 15, 1862. Returned as Private to Co. F., July 1, 1862.
4. Levi Gans, Mt. Pleasant, Enlisted November 16, 1861, in Co. C. Promoted Veterinary-Sergeant, 2nd, Batt., July 1, 1862. Mustered out October 25, 1862, under G. O. 126 of 1862, War Dep., A. G. O.
5. John G. McBoom, Marshall County, Enlisted September 23, 1861, in Co. E, promoted Veterianary-Sergeant, 3rd., Batt., January 15, 1862. Mustered out under G. O. 126 of 1862, War Dep., A. G. O.
Third Massachusetts Cavalry.
John McNaugt, born in Eastport Ma., 1844, moved to East Boston in 1853; attended the Adams Grammer School; and enlisted as a private in Co. E., Forty-Firat Massachusetts Infantry, July of 1862. Promoted to Corporal, shortly after enlistment. Discharged at Falls Church, Va., May 20, 1865, is a Veterinary Surgeon by profession.
Eleventh New York Cavalry.
Enos Hunt Stevens. |
1. Enos Hunt Stevens, Age 40, Enlisted January 15, 1862, at New York, discharged January 16, 1865, Veterinary-Surgeon.
2. Fred'k Starkey, Lieutenant served as a Veterinary-Surgeon in the First United States Mounted Rifles, ( Reguiar Cavalry ), and fought in the Indian Wars, and prior to this service had been Veterinary -Surgeon with Prussian Cavalry. Age 33, Enlisted May 17, 1862, at New York, Companies I., and C., 2nd, Lieutenant, died by suicide July 13, 1863.
Sixth New York Cavalry.
1. Thomas Kennon Jr., Co. A., Quartermaster, Sergeant, Veterinary-Surgeon, Mustered in September 12, 1861, no other records.
2. William McKee, Co. E., Mustered in October 3, 1861, Mustered out June 17, 1865, Farrier, Veterinary-Surgeon.
Ninth New York Cavalry.
1. James Baker, Enlisted November 20, 1861, at Albany. Appointed Regimental Veterinary-Surgeon, April 28, 1863. Wounded at Todd's Tavern, May 7, 1864. Discharged for disability, April 29, 1865, Baltimore Maryland.
2. Orren D. Hadden, Age 43, Enlisted September 20, 1861, at Brocton. Appointed Battalion Veterinary-Surgeon, November 1, 1861, mustered out September 29, 1862. at Washington D. C.
3. Rollin G. Wells, Age 44, Enlisted October 16, 1861, at Stafford, New York. Appointed Battalion Veterinary-Surgeon, December 1, 1861, discharged February 14, 1862, at Washington D. C.
4. Charles A. Rugg, Age 24, Enlisted September 11, 1861, at Perrysburg, New York Appointed Battalion Veterinary-Surgeon, December 5, 1861. Discharged foe disability, February 20, 1862, at Washington D. C.
5. James Cudmore, Age 24, Enlisted November 21, 1861, at Albany, New York. Appointed Battalion Veterinary-Surgeon, March 19, 1862. Mustered out September 29, 1862, at Washington D. C.
Fifth New York Cavalry.
1. John Young, Company B., Veterinary-Surgeon.
2. James J. Jelly, Company B., First Battalion, Veterinary-Sergeant.
First New York ( Lincoln ) Cavalry.
1. Ernest Rathman, Company E., Enlisted July 20, 1861, Mustered out December 27, 1862, Veterinary-Surgeon.
Fourth Ohio Cavalry.
Chester B. Lee, Company A., Age 31, Enlisted October 7, 1861, for 3, years, Promotrd to Veterinary-Sergeant, from Private, Co. I., October 7, 1861, to Veterinary-Surgeon, April 29, 1863, mustered out with regiment July 15, 1865.