The word “ Massacre “ is used freely today in a lot of every day conversations like; “We massacred them at the game today.” and &c. But in the 1700 and 1800’s this word had a whole different meaning, when one heard this word the hair on the back of your neck would stand up and a sick feeling would be felt in the pit of your stomach. For you knew that a family or some soldiers was killed in a most horrifying manner.
The following people were either in a massacre or were the cause of one.
Note. Most all this information came from the library of Congress.
Fort Mimms.
Sam Mimms’s Fort, was attacked on 28th August 1814, by one thousands Creek Indians. The attack began at 10 o’clock in the morning and ended about 1 o’clock in the afternoon. There was about sixty people in the fort at the time of the attack, among those killed were;
Sam Smith.
Dixon Bailey and his two brothers.
Minns and his whole family.
Captain Melton.
John Randall and his whole family, except Peter Durant and one daughter.
The Indians had orders to only to kill the white’s and half-breeds, Dixon Bailey’s sister was in the fort and the Indians ask her what family she was from, her answer was to point to her brother who was lying dead on the floor, hearing this she was knocked down and cut open and her entrails thrown around.
Cavet or Caveat’s family.
Alexander Cavet, was captured within eight of his place in September of 1793, at this same time his father and whole family were being massacred. Cavet was killed be a Creek warrior, with a stroke from a tomahawk, three days after his arrival in the Indian nations.
JANUARY J2, 1865.
In relation to the massacre of the Cheyenne Indians.
Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, directed to cause the suspension of all pay and allowances to each of the members of the Third Colorado regiment, officers, privates, and employees, and all others engaged in the recent attack made on the Cheyenne Indians, in their village, near Fort Lyon, in the Territory of Colorado, under the command of Colonel Chivington, until the conduct of said Colonel Chivington, the members of said Third Colorado regiment, officers, privates, and employees, and all others engaged in said attack, shall severally receive the approval of the said Secretary of War; and that the said Secretary shall cause all ponies, blankets, money, jewels, furs, and other property, captured from said Indians in said expedition, to be seized and held for the use of the United States, or for restitution to said Indians should it hereafter appear that said attack was unjustifiable.
SEC. 2. And be it further resolved, That if any of the said property referred to in the foregoing resolution be traced to the possession of any of the said parties and not recovered, the said Secretary shall cause its value to be charged to the pay account of each of said parties who may be in the military service of the United States, or otherwise recovered by legal process.
APRIL 2, 1860.
For the relief of the survivors of the Sublette Cut-off massacre, the twenty-fourth July, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, for the loss of property sustained by them at the time, and for the payment to certain persons of expenses incurred by them in sending said destitute survivors to their homes in Missouri.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of .America in Congress assembled, That there be paid, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of eight thousand five hundred and ninety-seven dollars and fifty-eight cents to the persons hereinafter named, for losses sustained at the “Sublette Cut-off” massacre, and for expenses incurred in sending the destitute survivors from Utah Territory to their homes in the State of Missouri; which money shall be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior in the manner following, viz: to Annie B. Shepherd, widow of W. F. Shepherd, deceased, two thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars; to Rebecca Wright, widow of J. P. Wright, deceased, one thousand two hundred and one dollars; to Marietta Shepherd, widow of T. F. Shepherd, deceased, two thousand two hundred and two dollars; to James R. Shepherd one thousand five hundred and sixty-one dollars; to William C. Diggs one hundred and forty-three dollars; to Clairborn Raines sixty-two dollars; to the Pacific Mail Steamship Company four hundred and twelve dollars; to O. F. D. Fairbanks two hundred and fifty dollars; and to Frederick Dodge six hundred and fourteen dollars and thirty-eight cents, or to such persons as may be duly authorized by the said parties, respectively, to receive and receipt for their distributive shares.
Note. This was also known as the sand creek massacre.
James Marks.
A petition of James Marks, father of Robert Marks, who was killed in the massacre at Panama, in April, 1856, praying the adoption of such measures as will enable him to get possession of the funds, or other property, of which his son was possessed at the time of his death.
Fannie Kelly.
A petition of Mrs. Fannie Kelly, of Kansas, praying compensation for Indian spoliations and for injuries resulting from her captivity among the Indians, having been captured July 12, 1864, west of Fort Laramie, and for compensation for services rendered in saving from massacre the garrison at Fort Sully.
Edward Miltimore.
The Secretary of the Interior to restore to their relatives, in Wisconsin, four orphan children of Edward Miltimore, whose parents and brothers and sisters were massacred on or about the thirty-first day of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-Nine, about one hundred miles north of Salt Lake City, by a party of Indians, (or Mormons disguised as such,) and who escaped the massacre, and found refuge at Camp Floyd, fifteen hundred dollars
Ransom Clarke.
A petition of Ransom Clarke, late a soldier in the army of the United States, and one of the three soldiers who escaped from the defeat and massacre of Major Dade's Command by the Seminole Indians in Florida, on the 28th of December, 1835, praying an increase of pension in consideration of numerous and grievous wounds which he received in battle on that occasion.
Asa A. Gore.
The petition of Asa A. Gore, for remuneration for losses and privations sustained and endured in the massacre at Wyoming in 1778.
Elbridge Gerry.
A petition of Elbridge Gerry, praying compensation for depredations committed upon him by hostile Indians in retaliation for his giving timely warning to settlers in Colorado, by which a threatened outbreak and massacre, of which he obtained information from said Indians, was prevented.
John Williams.
A petition of Catharine Williams, setting forth that she is widow of John Williams, who was an American seaman, taken prisoner by the British in the war of 1812 with Great Britain, confined in Dartmoor prison, and so injured at the Dartmoor massacre that he died in a few months afterward, and praying for a pension.
August Wegner .
The petition of August Wegner and others, heirs and representatives of certain settlers on the public lands at Spirit Lake, Iowa, who were massacred by a hand of Sioux Indians, at their settlement, praying to be allowed the right of preemption to those lands.
Richard H. Kern.
The heirs of Richard H. Kern, deceased, an assistant engineer in the Topographical Bureau, who was massacred by the Indians while attached to the surveying expedition under Captain Gunnison, praying to be allowed his pay from the time of his death to the return of the expedition, and the expenses incurred by him in preparing to join the same.
Henry Perrine.
A petition of Ann F. Perrine, widow of Doctor Henry Perrine, setting forth that her late husband had, for twelve years prior to his decease, devoted himself to the introduction, into the United States, of tropical trees and plants; that he was authorized by an act of Congress, passed in 1838, to locate, within two years, a township of land in the southern extremity of the peninsula of East Florida, under certain restrictions and regulations; that the location was made by said Perrine, but that the survey had not been completed; that, in consequence of the Seminole war, he was unable to settle thereon, but had temporarily settled on Indian Key, where he was, on the 7th day of August last, inhumanly massacred by the Seminole Indians, and all his property destroyed; and asking an unconditional confirmation of said location.
George W. Gardiner.
The petition of Frances P. Gardiner, of Naugatuck, in New Haven county, and State of Connecticut, widow of Captain George W. Gardiner, deceased, who was massacred, with the detachment under Major Dade, by the Indians, in Florida, praying for pecuniary aid, in consideration of the death and loss of her late husband, while in the service of the United States.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Young Soldiers.
Over the years I have been asked just how young could a boy be to enlist in the civil war, well the answer was 18 to 45, and as young as 15 with a parents consent, but there always seems to be a exception to the rules. Some commanding officers would bring their son with them and would give light duties around camp will other young boys would come into camp and some times a company would make them their mascot. It was not uncommon to see boys as young as nine in a camp working. There were boys as young as twelve and thirteen that went into battle and history give them no notice of them, but a few would stand out from the others and make history while others would be forgotten. There was known to be 10,000, boys who would serve, who were under the age of 18.
John Clem, was a sergeant of the Twenty-second Michigan Volunteer Infantry, and is the youn
gest soldier in the army. He is 12 years old, and small even for his age. His home is Newark, Ohio. He first attracted the notice of General Rosecrans at a review at Nashville, where he was acting as marker of his regiment. The General, attracted by his youth and intelligence, invited him to call upon him whenever they were in the same place. Rosecrans saw no more of Clem until his return to Cincinnati, when one day coming to his rooms at the Burnet House, he found the boy awaiting him. He had seen service in the mean while. He had gone through the battle of Chickamauga, where he had three bullets through his hat. Here he killed a rebel Colonel. The officer, mounted on horseback, encountered the young hero, and called out, "Stop, you little Yankee devil!" By way of answer the boy halted, brought his piece to "order," thus throwing the Colonel off his guard. In another moment the piece was cocked, brought to aim, fired, and the officer fell dead from his horse. For this achievement Clem was promoted to the rank of Sergeant, and Rosecrans bestowed upon him the Roll of Honor. He is now on duty at the head-quarters of the Army of the Cumberland.
In 1862 at the Battle of Pittsburg Landing John’s drum was hit by an artillery shell, and the press soon dubbed him "Johnny Shiloh". He was finally allowed to officially enlist in 1863. Soon afterward, his regiment trimmed a rifle down to his size, and he began to march as a full fledged infantry soldier.
In the fall of 1863, John was captured in Georgia by Rebel soldiers while he was guarding a train. The Rebels took his uniform away, which upset him terribly; in particular he was upset at losing his cap which had three bullet holes in it. He was released a short time later in a prisoner exchange. Clem went on to fight in a number of battles and was wounded twice.
Clem Retired from the U.S. Army as a Major General in 1916 after the outbreak of World War I. He was the last Civil War veteran on active duty in the US military. Clem died in San Antonio on May 13, 1937, and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
John W. Packham.
Here is another young soldier by the name of John W. Packham, who at the aged of thirteen, was the regimental marker, and son of Lieutenant Albany Packham, of the 34th Regiment Ohio First Zouaves, one day he was sent to the rear in a ambulances, from Fayetteville to Gauley River; but upon turning the hill, about five hundred yards from the camp, they came upon two thousand rebels in the woods. A number came to the opening, and one called to our little hero (he being the only one with the ambulances in a Zouave uniform) and said, 'You little red - top devil, come over here, or I'll kill you.' He answered, 'No, I can't come!' Again and again they called to him. One finally stepped forward a few paces, raised his rifle to his shoulder, and said, 'You little fool, come over; we won't hurt you; we want to talk to you.' The little hero still refusing, the rebel fired, the ball striking and shattering his right knee. The rebels then opened a murderous fire into our sick in the ambulances, killing and wounding thirty-two who were lying therein. That rebel volley brought down the Zouaves, and the battle of Fayetteville commenced. Your artist was near the breastworks, coolly sketching the combatants at that point. "The little hero is now in the hospital at Gallipolis, doing well under the kind nursing of the ladies, who bring him all the delicacies of the season. John W. Packham, was given the honorable rank of Corporal, for his outstanding bravery in battle.
Note. This link will take you to a photo of him.
John Clem, was a sergeant of the Twenty-second Michigan Volunteer Infantry, and is the youn

In 1862 at the Battle of Pittsburg Landing John’s drum was hit by an artillery shell, and the press soon dubbed him "Johnny Shiloh". He was finally allowed to officially enlist in 1863. Soon afterward, his regiment trimmed a rifle down to his size, and he began to march as a full fledged infantry soldier.
In the fall of 1863, John was captured in Georgia by Rebel soldiers while he was guarding a train. The Rebels took his uniform away, which upset him terribly; in particular he was upset at losing his cap which had three bullet holes in it. He was released a short time later in a prisoner exchange. Clem went on to fight in a number of battles and was wounded twice.
Clem Retired from the U.S. Army as a Major General in 1916 after the outbreak of World War I. He was the last Civil War veteran on active duty in the US military. Clem died in San Antonio on May 13, 1937, and was buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
John W. Packham.
Here is another young soldier by the name of John W. Packham, who at the aged of thirteen, was the regimental marker, and son of Lieutenant Albany Packham, of the 34th Regiment Ohio First Zouaves, one day he was sent to the rear in a ambulances, from Fayetteville to Gauley River; but upon turning the hill, about five hundred yards from the camp, they came upon two thousand rebels in the woods. A number came to the opening, and one called to our little hero (he being the only one with the ambulances in a Zouave uniform) and said, 'You little red - top devil, come over here, or I'll kill you.' He answered, 'No, I can't come!' Again and again they called to him. One finally stepped forward a few paces, raised his rifle to his shoulder, and said, 'You little fool, come over; we won't hurt you; we want to talk to you.' The little hero still refusing, the rebel fired, the ball striking and shattering his right knee. The rebels then opened a murderous fire into our sick in the ambulances, killing and wounding thirty-two who were lying therein. That rebel volley brought down the Zouaves, and the battle of Fayetteville commenced. Your artist was near the breastworks, coolly sketching the combatants at that point. "The little hero is now in the hospital at Gallipolis, doing well under the kind nursing of the ladies, who bring him all the delicacies of the season. John W. Packham, was given the honorable rank of Corporal, for his outstanding bravery in battle.
Note. This link will take you to a photo of him.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The punishment for being a coward or to fond of whisky could be harsh but some times it can be a little humorous as well as these drawings show.
Note. The photos and be enlarged by pushing on them.
DRUMMING OUT OF A COWARD FROM GENERAL BURNSIDE'S ARMY. The fellow was marched through the lines between a file of soldiers, with his head cropped, and a large placard "coward" affixed to his back, while the band played the "Rogue's March." The other picture represents one of the punishments for drunkenness adopted in General Halleck's Army of the Mississippi.

The drunkard is made to get into a barrel. which is so suspended that his head and his feet project, and locomotion, if not agreeable, is not impossible. The barrel is labeled, "Too fond of whisky." Thus accoutred, the miserable fellow is the butt of the scoffs and jeers of his comrades for a day, and learns a lesson which ought to teach him the virtue of temperance for the rest of his life.
Note. The photos and be enlarged by pushing on them.
DRUMMING OUT OF A COWARD FROM GENERAL BURNSIDE'S ARMY. The fellow was marched through the lines between a file of soldiers, with his head cropped, and a large placard "coward" affixed to his back, while the band played the "Rogue's March." The other picture represents one of the punishments for drunkenness adopted in General Halleck's Army of the Mississippi.

The drunkard is made to get into a barrel. which is so suspended that his head and his feet project, and locomotion, if not agreeable, is not impossible. The barrel is labeled, "Too fond of whisky." Thus accoutred, the miserable fellow is the butt of the scoffs and jeers of his comrades for a day, and learns a lesson which ought to teach him the virtue of temperance for the rest of his life.

The Execution of William Johnson.
This information was taken from the Harper Weekly, of December 1861.
Note. The photo can be enlarged by pushing on it.
William Johnson, tells his story.
I had not the slightest intention of deserting up to a few minutes before I started in the direction of the enemy's lines. The way I came to leave our army was this: I was on the outposts, and after dinner, when out watering my horse, I thought I would go to the first house on the Braddock road and g
et a drink of milk. When I rode up to the house I saw a man and a boy. I asked the man for some milk and he said he had none, and to my inquiry as to where I could get some, he said he did not know, except I should go some distance further on. I said I thought it would be dangerous to go far, and he remarked that none of the rebels had been seen in that vicinity for some time. It was then that I conceived the idea of deserting. I thought I could ride right up to the rebel pickets and inside the enemy's line, go and see my mother in New Orleans, stay for a few weeks in the South, and then be able to get back to our regiment again, perhaps with some valuable information. I never had any idea of going over to the rebels, and as it is I would rather be hung on a tree than go and join the rebel army.
I don't see what under heaven put it into my head to go away. I acted from the impulse of the moment. When the man at the house said none of the enemy had been seen lately in that vicinity I asked where it was that the five rebels I had heard of had been seen some time ago, and he said it was at the round house on the left-hand side of the road. I asked him where the road led to. He said to Centreville, and so I went that way. Riding along on the Braddock road, some miles beyond our pickets, I suddenly came across Colonel Taylor, of the Third New Jersey regiment, with his scouting party. I thought they were the rebels, but at first was so scared that I did not know what to say. However, I asked him who they were, and he said they were the enemy. Said I to him, "I'm all right, then." "Why so?" said he. "Because we are all friends," said I; "I am rebel too—I want to go down to New Orleans to see my mother." Then he asked me how our pickets were stationed. I told him two of our companies which had been out went in that day toward the camps. He asked if I thought he could capture any of them, and I told him I did not think he could. He asked why, and I replied that there were a number of mounted riflemen around. The head scout asked me what kind of arms the Lincoln men received, and at the same time said, "Let me see your pistol." I handed him my revolver. Colonel Taylor took it, and cocking it, said to me, "Dismount, or I will blow your brains out!" I was so much frightened I thought my brains had been blown out already, I dismounted, delivered up my belt and sabre, while at the same time they searched my pockets, but there was nothing in them except a piece of an old New York Ledger, I believe. Then he tied my hands behind me, and sent me back to camp in charge of three men, besides another who took my horse.
He was duly tried by court-martial and found guilty. The sentence having been approved, it was ordered that it be carried into effect on 13th. The following extracts from the Herald report complete the melancholy history :
The spot chosen for the impressive scene was a spacious field near the Fairfax Seminary, a short distance from the camp ground of the division. The troops fell into line, forming three sides of a square, in the order designated in the programme, precisely at three o'clock P.M.
In the mean time the funeral procession was formed at the quarters of Captain Boyd, Provost Marshal of the Alexandria division, near the head-quarters of General Franklin. Shortly after three o'clock it reached the fatal field.
The Provost Marshal, mounted and wearing a crimson scarf across his breast, led the mournful cortege. He was immediately followed by the buglers of the regiment, four abreast, dismounted. Then came the twelve men—one from each company in the regiment, selected by ballot—who constituted the firing party. The arms—Sharp's breech-loading rifle—had been previously loaded under the direction of the Marshal. One was loaded with a blank cartridge, according to the usual custom, so that neither of the men could positively state that the shot from his rifle killed the unfortunate man. The coffin, which was of pine wood stained, and without any inscription, came next, in a one-horse wagon. Immediately behind followed the unfortunate man, in an open wagon. About five feet six inches in height, with light hair and whiskers, his eyebrows joining each other, Johnson presented a most forlorn spectacle. He was dressed in cavalry uniform, with the regulation overcoat and black gloves. He was supported by Father M'Atee, who was in constant conversation with him, while Farther Willett rode behind on horseback. The rear was brought up by Company C of the Lincoln Cavalry, forming the escort.
Arriving on the ground at half past three o'clock, the musicians and the escort took a position a little to the left, while the criminal descended from the wagon. The coffin was placed on the ground, and he took his place beside it. The firing party was marched up to within six paces of the prisoner, who stood between the clergymen. The final order of execution was then read to the condemned.
While the order was being read Johnson stood with his hat on, his head a little inclined to the left, and his eyes fixed in a steady gaze on the ground. Near the close of the reading one of his spiritual attendants whispered something in his ear. Johnson had expressed a desire to say a few final words before he should leave this world to appear before his Maker. He was conducted close to the firing party, and in an almost inaudible voice spoke as follows: "Boys,—I ask forgiveness from Almighty God and from my fellow-men for what I have done. I did not know what I was doing. May God forgive me, and may the Almighty keep all of you from all such sin!"
He was then placed beside the coffin again. The troops were witnessing the whole of these proceedings with the intensest interest. Then the Marshal and the chaplains began to prepare the culprit for his death. He was too weak to stand. He sat down on the foot of the coffin. Captain Boyd then bandaged his eyes with a white handkerchief. A few minutes of painful suspense intervened while the Catholic clergymen were having their final interview with the unfortunate man. All being ready the Marshal waved his handkerchief as the signal, and the firing party discharged the volley. Johnson did not move, remaining in a sitting posture for several seconds after the rifles were discharged. Then he quivered a little, and fell over beside his coffin. He was still alive, however, and the four reserves were called to complete the work. It was found that two of the firing party, Germans, had not discharged their pieces, and they were immediately put in irons. Johnson was shot several times in the heart by the first volley. Each of the four shots fired by the reserves took effect in his head, and he died instantly. One penetrated his chin, another his left cheek, while two entered the brain just above the left eyebrow. He died at precisely a quarter to four o'clock.
The troops then all marched round, and each man looked on the bloody corpse of his late comrade, who had proved a traitor to his country.
Note. The photo can be enlarged by pushing on it.
William Johnson, tells his story.
I had not the slightest intention of deserting up to a few minutes before I started in the direction of the enemy's lines. The way I came to leave our army was this: I was on the outposts, and after dinner, when out watering my horse, I thought I would go to the first house on the Braddock road and g

I don't see what under heaven put it into my head to go away. I acted from the impulse of the moment. When the man at the house said none of the enemy had been seen lately in that vicinity I asked where it was that the five rebels I had heard of had been seen some time ago, and he said it was at the round house on the left-hand side of the road. I asked him where the road led to. He said to Centreville, and so I went that way. Riding along on the Braddock road, some miles beyond our pickets, I suddenly came across Colonel Taylor, of the Third New Jersey regiment, with his scouting party. I thought they were the rebels, but at first was so scared that I did not know what to say. However, I asked him who they were, and he said they were the enemy. Said I to him, "I'm all right, then." "Why so?" said he. "Because we are all friends," said I; "I am rebel too—I want to go down to New Orleans to see my mother." Then he asked me how our pickets were stationed. I told him two of our companies which had been out went in that day toward the camps. He asked if I thought he could capture any of them, and I told him I did not think he could. He asked why, and I replied that there were a number of mounted riflemen around. The head scout asked me what kind of arms the Lincoln men received, and at the same time said, "Let me see your pistol." I handed him my revolver. Colonel Taylor took it, and cocking it, said to me, "Dismount, or I will blow your brains out!" I was so much frightened I thought my brains had been blown out already, I dismounted, delivered up my belt and sabre, while at the same time they searched my pockets, but there was nothing in them except a piece of an old New York Ledger, I believe. Then he tied my hands behind me, and sent me back to camp in charge of three men, besides another who took my horse.
He was duly tried by court-martial and found guilty. The sentence having been approved, it was ordered that it be carried into effect on 13th. The following extracts from the Herald report complete the melancholy history :
The spot chosen for the impressive scene was a spacious field near the Fairfax Seminary, a short distance from the camp ground of the division. The troops fell into line, forming three sides of a square, in the order designated in the programme, precisely at three o'clock P.M.
In the mean time the funeral procession was formed at the quarters of Captain Boyd, Provost Marshal of the Alexandria division, near the head-quarters of General Franklin. Shortly after three o'clock it reached the fatal field.
The Provost Marshal, mounted and wearing a crimson scarf across his breast, led the mournful cortege. He was immediately followed by the buglers of the regiment, four abreast, dismounted. Then came the twelve men—one from each company in the regiment, selected by ballot—who constituted the firing party. The arms—Sharp's breech-loading rifle—had been previously loaded under the direction of the Marshal. One was loaded with a blank cartridge, according to the usual custom, so that neither of the men could positively state that the shot from his rifle killed the unfortunate man. The coffin, which was of pine wood stained, and without any inscription, came next, in a one-horse wagon. Immediately behind followed the unfortunate man, in an open wagon. About five feet six inches in height, with light hair and whiskers, his eyebrows joining each other, Johnson presented a most forlorn spectacle. He was dressed in cavalry uniform, with the regulation overcoat and black gloves. He was supported by Father M'Atee, who was in constant conversation with him, while Farther Willett rode behind on horseback. The rear was brought up by Company C of the Lincoln Cavalry, forming the escort.
Arriving on the ground at half past three o'clock, the musicians and the escort took a position a little to the left, while the criminal descended from the wagon. The coffin was placed on the ground, and he took his place beside it. The firing party was marched up to within six paces of the prisoner, who stood between the clergymen. The final order of execution was then read to the condemned.
While the order was being read Johnson stood with his hat on, his head a little inclined to the left, and his eyes fixed in a steady gaze on the ground. Near the close of the reading one of his spiritual attendants whispered something in his ear. Johnson had expressed a desire to say a few final words before he should leave this world to appear before his Maker. He was conducted close to the firing party, and in an almost inaudible voice spoke as follows: "Boys,—I ask forgiveness from Almighty God and from my fellow-men for what I have done. I did not know what I was doing. May God forgive me, and may the Almighty keep all of you from all such sin!"
He was then placed beside the coffin again. The troops were witnessing the whole of these proceedings with the intensest interest. Then the Marshal and the chaplains began to prepare the culprit for his death. He was too weak to stand. He sat down on the foot of the coffin. Captain Boyd then bandaged his eyes with a white handkerchief. A few minutes of painful suspense intervened while the Catholic clergymen were having their final interview with the unfortunate man. All being ready the Marshal waved his handkerchief as the signal, and the firing party discharged the volley. Johnson did not move, remaining in a sitting posture for several seconds after the rifles were discharged. Then he quivered a little, and fell over beside his coffin. He was still alive, however, and the four reserves were called to complete the work. It was found that two of the firing party, Germans, had not discharged their pieces, and they were immediately put in irons. Johnson was shot several times in the heart by the first volley. Each of the four shots fired by the reserves took effect in his head, and he died instantly. One penetrated his chin, another his left cheek, while two entered the brain just above the left eyebrow. He died at precisely a quarter to four o'clock.
The troops then all marched round, and each man looked on the bloody corpse of his late comrade, who had proved a traitor to his country.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Eleventh Indiana Infantry.
There is not a lot of information on the 11th., Indiana Infantry, and even harder to find out any information on the men. The 11th. Was a three month services regiment, it was organized and mustered into service at Indianapolis, on the 25th of April 1861, it was put under the command of Colonel Lew Wallace. Now I won’t give the history of this regiments short services. I’m here to tell you the story of thirteen men of this regiment and what happen to them.
It all began on the 26th of June 1861, when thirteen mounted scouts, who were picked from different companies and would be under the command of Corporal David B. Hay. This small group of men headed in the direction of Frankfort on the Romney pike. After their scouting mission and finding no enemy they turned and headed back to camp. On their return they came across forty-one mounted rebels, which they attacked and killed eight and chased the rest for two miles.
Later that afternoon while crossing the Potomac river at Kelly’s island with seventeen captured horses, they were attacked by seventy-five rebels and fell back to a strong position, which they held till dark. When they returned to camp later that evening, they reported their losses, one killed ( J. C. Hollenback ) of Company B., and two wounded ( Corporal David B. Hay ) of Company A., and ( E. P. Thomas ) of Company K.).
The Eleventh head for Harper’s ferry on the 8th of July 1861, after they reached Harper’s ferry orders caught up to them which order them back to Indianapolis which they reached on the 29th of July, they were finely mustered out on 2nd of August 1861. The Eleventh was reorganized and mustered in for three year service on the 31st of August 1861.
It all began on the 26th of June 1861, when thirteen mounted scouts, who were picked from different companies and would be under the command of Corporal David B. Hay. This small group of men headed in the direction of Frankfort on the Romney pike. After their scouting mission and finding no enemy they turned and headed back to camp. On their return they came across forty-one mounted rebels, which they attacked and killed eight and chased the rest for two miles.
Later that afternoon while crossing the Potomac river at Kelly’s island with seventeen captured horses, they were attacked by seventy-five rebels and fell back to a strong position, which they held till dark. When they returned to camp later that evening, they reported their losses, one killed ( J. C. Hollenback ) of Company B., and two wounded ( Corporal David B. Hay ) of Company A., and ( E. P. Thomas ) of Company K.).
The Eleventh head for Harper’s ferry on the 8th of July 1861, after they reached Harper’s ferry orders caught up to them which order them back to Indianapolis which they reached on the 29th of July, they were finely mustered out on 2nd of August 1861. The Eleventh was reorganized and mustered in for three year service on the 31st of August 1861.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Families of Allen County Indiana--Civil War.
A while back A friend give me a book on the men of Allen county Indiana who enlist in the civil war, and I’ve been trying to decide on how to us the information. The book has a lot of names and that’s about it, no personal information nor military, just name rank and regiment and company. Now the book has a very good account on the regimental histories but a lot of miss spelling on the surnames, which make it harder to look up any information on them, and then there's the trying to find information on the Indiana regiment which is not easy as there is not much out there, so I decided not to work on the individual names, but on names that may tied to one family. Even this will be lacking in information. However by grouping the families together may help you find the families your looking for easier.
Note. You will notice a question mark by each family name this is to remind you that even though they have the same surname they may not be of the same family. I grouped all the surnames together to make it easier to find that family member.
The Stribley family?
1. Charles Stribley, private and Corporal of the 30th., regiment Indiana infantry, Co. A.
2. Edmond B. Stribley, Private, of the 9th., regiment Indiana Infantry, Co. E.

3. Edwin R. Stribley, of the 30th Indiana Infantry, Company A, Second Lieutenant, 15 September 1861, First Lieutenant, 17 May 1862. Killed at Stone River, 31 December 1862.
4. Richard M. Stribley, private of the 9th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E.
5. Wall Stribley, Sergeant of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. A., he is buried in the Nashville National Cemetery.
The Hollopeter family?
1. Enoch Hollopeter, born January 6, 1846, private, of the 55th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E., Wife Mary E. Stevick, M. December 31, 1863.
2. Ephraim M. Hollopeter, private, of the 11th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E., enlisted on August 31, 1861.
3. Israel Hollopeter, born August 30, 1840, private, of the 11th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E., enlisted August 31, 1861, wife Jemima Hannah Stevick, M. June 15, 1865.
4. James A. Hollopeter, born January 26, 1847, private, of the 152nd., Indiana Infantry, Co. G., wife Sarah Wildeson, M. January 28, 1869.
5. James L. or F. Hollopeter, born about 1842, private, of the 11th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E., enlisted August 31, 1861, wife Almira Bowser, M. October 16, 1864.
6. Matthias Hollopeter, born November 18, 1833, Corporal, of the 152nd., Indiana Infantry, Co. G., wife Susan Hanan.
7. William C. Hollopeter, born 1833, Corporal, of the 88th., Indiana Infantry, Co. C., wife Cynthia Moore.
Note. Matthias & Israel Hollopeter are brothers, father Abraham Hollopeter and mother Lydia Myers.
The Zollinger family?
1. C
harles A. Zollinger, born December 9, 1838, of the 9th, Indiana Infantry, Co. E., later to be 1st., Lieutenant of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D., then Captain of the 129th., Indiana Infantry, Co. B., then became Lieutenant Colonel, of the 129th. Zollinger died on December 27, 1893 and is at rest at Lindenwood cemetery in Allen county Indiana.
Charles A. Zollinger was a Civil War hero, he lead his troops at Murfreesboro, Shiloh, Franklin and Nashville. Was also with Sherman during the Atlanta campaign. Later became Allen County Sheriff and served as Mayor of Fort Wayne for 6 terms. Recognized for many municipal accomplishments and for having left $133,000 remaining in the city's treasury at the time of his retirement.
2. Henry Zollinger, private, of the 11th., Indiana Light Artillery.
3. Lewis Zollinger, private, of the 155th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
4. Morris Zollinger, private, of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
Note. All Photo’s can be enlarged by pushing on them.
The Karriger or Kariger family.
1. Samuel Karriger was a private in the 88th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E., Samuel was born in Ohio, in 1842, after the war married Diantha ( Emery ) Karriger, made his living as a farmer and was living in Washington, in Allen County Indiana.
2. Andrew Karriger was a private in the 88th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E., Andrew was born in Ohio, in 1840, Had married Mary (?) Karriger, made his living as a farmer and was living in Washington, in Allen County Indiana.
Note. By looking at the dates I would say they were brothers.
The Hartzell family.
1. Joshua Hartzell, was a private in the 129th, Indiana Infantry, Co. B., Joshua was born 1842, in Ohio, father was Levi Hartzell, mother was Mary ( Saunders ) Hartzell, Died November 2, 1929, his burial was at 100 Cemetery, Adams Twp., Allen, Indiana.
2. Elias Hartzell, was a private in the 129th, Indiana Infantry, Co. B., Elias Hartzell was born in 1847, in New Haven, Allen, Indiana, born to Levi Hartzell, and Mary ( Saunders ) Hartzell, died May I. 1920, his burial was at 100 Cemetery, Adams Twp., Allen, Indiana.
Note. There was another brother, Warren Hartzell, born on January 27, 1859, in New Haven, Allen, Indiana. And was to young for the war. In 1880, he was found living with his brother Elias and their mother Mary in New Haven. Warren took a wife in 1890, on October 15, her name was Jessie P. Rogers, Warren would pass away on December 14, 1900, and is also his buried at 100 Cemetery.
The Durbin family.
1, Winfield Taylor Durbin, was a private in the 139th., Indiana Infantry, Co. H, Winfield was born on May 4, 1847, at Lawrenceburg in the county of Dearborn, Indiana. He was born to William Sappington Durbin and Eliza Ann Sparks, Winfield married Bertha Mc Cullough, on October 6, 1875, Winfield would pass away on December 18, 1828.
2. Henry Clay Durbin, was a private in the 139th., Indiana Infantry, Co. H, Henry was born on August 16, 1845, in Dearborn, Indiana, to William Sappington Durbin and Eliza Ann Sparks, Henry married Harriette Morgan on July 28, 1868, Henry passed away on May 23, 1923.
Note. The research shows his place of birth is the same but the dates differ 1842-1845, the research also shows different wife’s: Frances E. Hay and Harriett E. Ricketts, all other information seems to be ok, this family need more research.
When the war started fathers and sons would join the service together and many times they would serve in the same regiment and companies together. The following surnames are of the same regiment and Company I believe them to be of the same family even thought I was unable to find the connection. Those of you who are looking for these families may be able to put them together.
The Spencer family?
1. David A. Spencer, private of the 15th., Indiana Co. C.
2. William W. Spencer, private of the 15th., Indiana Infantry Co. C.
The Marquart family?
1. Isaac Marquart, private of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
2. Marquis Marquart, private of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
The Loomis Family?
1. John M. Loomis, private of the 29th., Indiana Infantry, Co. I.
2. Oliver Loomis, private of the 29th., Indiana Infantry, Co. I.
The Nesbitt family?
1. James M. Nesbitt, private & sergeant of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D. & E.
2. John W. Nesbitt, private of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
3. Mathias Nesbitt, private of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
4. Joseph H. Nesbitt, private of the 88th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
5. Isaac . Nesbitt, private of the 88th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
The Tilbury family?
1. Jarvis Tilbury, private of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D. & E.
2. Marquis Tilbury, private of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D. & E.
3. Nathan Tilbury, Corporal of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. A.
The Worden family?
1. David Worden, private of the 44th., Indiana Infantry Co. D.
2. Ezra Worden, private of the 44th., Indiana Infantry Co. D.
3. Ira Worden, private of the 44th., Indiana Infantry Co. D.
4. Sanford Worden, corporal of the 44th., Indiana Infantry Co. D.
The Overly family?
1. Isaac Overly, private of the Indian 90th., Infantry ( 5th., Cavalry ) Co. D.
2. Isaac Sr. Overly, private of the Indian 90th., Infantry ( 5th., Cavalry ) Co. D.
3. Daniel private of the Indian 90th., Infantry ( 5th., Cavalry ) Co. D.
4. William private of the Indian 90th., Infantry ( 5th., Cavalry ) Co. D.
5. Thomas private of the Indian 90th., Infantry ( 5th., Cavalry ) Co. D.
Note. You will notice a question mark by each family name this is to remind you that even though they have the same surname they may not be of the same family. I grouped all the surnames together to make it easier to find that family member.
The Stribley family?
1. Charles Stribley, private and Corporal of the 30th., regiment Indiana infantry, Co. A.
2. Edmond B. Stribley, Private, of the 9th., regiment Indiana Infantry, Co. E.

3. Edwin R. Stribley, of the 30th Indiana Infantry, Company A, Second Lieutenant, 15 September 1861, First Lieutenant, 17 May 1862. Killed at Stone River, 31 December 1862.
4. Richard M. Stribley, private of the 9th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E.
5. Wall Stribley, Sergeant of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. A., he is buried in the Nashville National Cemetery.
The Hollopeter family?
1. Enoch Hollopeter, born January 6, 1846, private, of the 55th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E., Wife Mary E. Stevick, M. December 31, 1863.
2. Ephraim M. Hollopeter, private, of the 11th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E., enlisted on August 31, 1861.
3. Israel Hollopeter, born August 30, 1840, private, of the 11th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E., enlisted August 31, 1861, wife Jemima Hannah Stevick, M. June 15, 1865.
4. James A. Hollopeter, born January 26, 1847, private, of the 152nd., Indiana Infantry, Co. G., wife Sarah Wildeson, M. January 28, 1869.
5. James L. or F. Hollopeter, born about 1842, private, of the 11th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E., enlisted August 31, 1861, wife Almira Bowser, M. October 16, 1864.
6. Matthias Hollopeter, born November 18, 1833, Corporal, of the 152nd., Indiana Infantry, Co. G., wife Susan Hanan.
7. William C. Hollopeter, born 1833, Corporal, of the 88th., Indiana Infantry, Co. C., wife Cynthia Moore.
Note. Matthias & Israel Hollopeter are brothers, father Abraham Hollopeter and mother Lydia Myers.
The Zollinger family?
1. C

Charles A. Zollinger was a Civil War hero, he lead his troops at Murfreesboro, Shiloh, Franklin and Nashville. Was also with Sherman during the Atlanta campaign. Later became Allen County Sheriff and served as Mayor of Fort Wayne for 6 terms. Recognized for many municipal accomplishments and for having left $133,000 remaining in the city's treasury at the time of his retirement.
2. Henry Zollinger, private, of the 11th., Indiana Light Artillery.
3. Lewis Zollinger, private, of the 155th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
4. Morris Zollinger, private, of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
Note. All Photo’s can be enlarged by pushing on them.
The Karriger or Kariger family.
1. Samuel Karriger was a private in the 88th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E., Samuel was born in Ohio, in 1842, after the war married Diantha ( Emery ) Karriger, made his living as a farmer and was living in Washington, in Allen County Indiana.
2. Andrew Karriger was a private in the 88th., Indiana Infantry, Co. E., Andrew was born in Ohio, in 1840, Had married Mary (?) Karriger, made his living as a farmer and was living in Washington, in Allen County Indiana.
Note. By looking at the dates I would say they were brothers.
The Hartzell family.
1. Joshua Hartzell, was a private in the 129th, Indiana Infantry, Co. B., Joshua was born 1842, in Ohio, father was Levi Hartzell, mother was Mary ( Saunders ) Hartzell, Died November 2, 1929, his burial was at 100 Cemetery, Adams Twp., Allen, Indiana.
2. Elias Hartzell, was a private in the 129th, Indiana Infantry, Co. B., Elias Hartzell was born in 1847, in New Haven, Allen, Indiana, born to Levi Hartzell, and Mary ( Saunders ) Hartzell, died May I. 1920, his burial was at 100 Cemetery, Adams Twp., Allen, Indiana.
Note. There was another brother, Warren Hartzell, born on January 27, 1859, in New Haven, Allen, Indiana. And was to young for the war. In 1880, he was found living with his brother Elias and their mother Mary in New Haven. Warren took a wife in 1890, on October 15, her name was Jessie P. Rogers, Warren would pass away on December 14, 1900, and is also his buried at 100 Cemetery.
The Durbin family.
1, Winfield Taylor Durbin, was a private in the 139th., Indiana Infantry, Co. H, Winfield was born on May 4, 1847, at Lawrenceburg in the county of Dearborn, Indiana. He was born to William Sappington Durbin and Eliza Ann Sparks, Winfield married Bertha Mc Cullough, on October 6, 1875, Winfield would pass away on December 18, 1828.
2. Henry Clay Durbin, was a private in the 139th., Indiana Infantry, Co. H, Henry was born on August 16, 1845, in Dearborn, Indiana, to William Sappington Durbin and Eliza Ann Sparks, Henry married Harriette Morgan on July 28, 1868, Henry passed away on May 23, 1923.
Note. The research shows his place of birth is the same but the dates differ 1842-1845, the research also shows different wife’s: Frances E. Hay and Harriett E. Ricketts, all other information seems to be ok, this family need more research.
When the war started fathers and sons would join the service together and many times they would serve in the same regiment and companies together. The following surnames are of the same regiment and Company I believe them to be of the same family even thought I was unable to find the connection. Those of you who are looking for these families may be able to put them together.
The Spencer family?
1. David A. Spencer, private of the 15th., Indiana Co. C.
2. William W. Spencer, private of the 15th., Indiana Infantry Co. C.
The Marquart family?
1. Isaac Marquart, private of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
2. Marquis Marquart, private of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
The Loomis Family?
1. John M. Loomis, private of the 29th., Indiana Infantry, Co. I.
2. Oliver Loomis, private of the 29th., Indiana Infantry, Co. I.
The Nesbitt family?
1. James M. Nesbitt, private & sergeant of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D. & E.
2. John W. Nesbitt, private of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
3. Mathias Nesbitt, private of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
4. Joseph H. Nesbitt, private of the 88th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
5. Isaac . Nesbitt, private of the 88th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D.
The Tilbury family?
1. Jarvis Tilbury, private of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D. & E.
2. Marquis Tilbury, private of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. D. & E.
3. Nathan Tilbury, Corporal of the 30th., Indiana Infantry, Co. A.
The Worden family?
1. David Worden, private of the 44th., Indiana Infantry Co. D.
2. Ezra Worden, private of the 44th., Indiana Infantry Co. D.
3. Ira Worden, private of the 44th., Indiana Infantry Co. D.
4. Sanford Worden, corporal of the 44th., Indiana Infantry Co. D.
The Overly family?
1. Isaac Overly, private of the Indian 90th., Infantry ( 5th., Cavalry ) Co. D.
2. Isaac Sr. Overly, private of the Indian 90th., Infantry ( 5th., Cavalry ) Co. D.
3. Daniel private of the Indian 90th., Infantry ( 5th., Cavalry ) Co. D.
4. William private of the Indian 90th., Infantry ( 5th., Cavalry ) Co. D.
5. Thomas private of the Indian 90th., Infantry ( 5th., Cavalry ) Co. D.
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