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This picture is not shown for it's shock value, but to remind us what price a man in war any war is willing to pay for what he believes in.
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Report of Lieutenant John H. Hull, One hundred and first U. S, Colored Infantry.
Sergt. Amos Bird, wounded in left leg.
Sergeant Annies, left leg shot off
Report of Colonel Henry A. Morrow, Twenty-fourth Michigan Infantry, First Brigade.
In the battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863.
Lieutenant Colonel Mark Flanigan, lost leg.
Captain William H. Rexford, severely in leg.
Captain Charles A. Hoyut, severely in leg.
Lieutenant-Colonel Flanigan lost his leg.
Report of Major Frank W. Mix, Fourth Michigan Cavalry.
Sergeant [Charles W.] Fisk, of Company L, wounded in the leg
Sergt. Charles Carter, Company L, wounded in the leg.
Private [Josiah R.] Lewis, of Company K, in leg.
Report of Lieutenant Colonel James M. Comly, Twenty-third Ohio Infantry, of operations September 19 and 22 and October 19.
Captain John U. Hiltz, of Company C, and excellent officer, had his right leg amputated.
Adjt. William E. Sweet, as brave a man as lives, and a very valuable officer, had his leg crushed by a shell.
Report by CHAS. R. WOODS, Brevet Major-General.
Captain Allen, of the Twenty-fifth Iowa, who lost a leg in the fighting of the 20th.
Captain Teale, of the Fourth Iowa, who lost a leg in the fighting.
Report by S. D. CARPENTER, Surgeon and Medical Director, SAINT LOUIS, MO., October 2, 1864--11.03 a. m.
Major Surridge, C. S. Army, who is severely wounded in the leg.
Report by JAS. B. McPHERSON, Major-General.
Brigadier-General Gresham, commanding Fourth Division, Seventeenth Army Corps, was wounded in the leg, he will lose his leg.
Report by M. L. SMITH, Brigadier-General of Volunteers.
Colonel Rice, Fifty-seventh Ohio, also wounded on the hill (leg amputated).
Colonel Parry, Forty-seventh Ohio, severely in the leg.
Report by F. H. LOWRY, Lieutenant-Colonel, Comdg., 107th Illinois Volunteers.
Richard Watson, Company B, slightly wounded in leg
Franklin Coon, Company K, slightly wounded in leg.
Report by G. K. WARREN, Major-General of Volunteers.
Colonel George H. Ward. This officer lost a leg at Ball's Bluff; returned to his command with an artificial leg, and was killed while mounted, some distance in advance of the main line of battle, at Gettysburg. He was in command of a brigade.
Report by SAML. ROSS, Colonel 20th Conn. Vols., Commanding 2nd Brigadier, 1st Div., 12th A. C.
Lieutenant Colonel H. C. Rodgers, assistant adjutant-general Twelfth Corps, and then expected to return to the field as soon as my wound could be dressed, but my foot, ankle, and leg began to swell so that I was obliged to have my boot cut off, and from that moment to the present my right leg has been totally disabled. I shall, therefore, be obliged to refer you to regimental reports and my successor in command for what transpired after I was wounded, and for a list of killed, wounded, and missing.
Report of Brigadier General Louis Hebert, C. S. Army.
Corpl. F. Haggerty, Company D, Twenty-first Louisiana Infantry (heavy batteries), loss of leg by wound and amputation.
Report of Colonel Samuel A. Gilbert, Forty-fourth Ohio Infantry.
J. C. Longston, captain Company B, ball through calf of leg.
Samuel C. Howell, first lieutenant Company C, ball through the leg above the knee.
Report by ELISHA S. KELLOGG, Major First Connecticut Artillery.
Private Weed, Company F, wounded by musket-ball in fleshy part of the leg.
Privates Sweetland, Murray, and Bodge, Company F, wounded in fleshy part of the leg.
Report of Major John H. Richardson, Seventh Michigan Infantry.
Sergeant Vansickle, Company H, continued to fight after receiving a wound in the leg.
Corporal Foreman, Company C, continued fighting after wounded in the leg, until exhausted by loss of blood, he fainted and was taken off the field.
Report of Lieutenant Moses O'Brien, Third Wisconsin Infantry, OCTOBER 18, 1861.
Corporal William H. Foster, of Company C, were each wounded in the leg
Private Thomas Hader, Company C, slightly wounded in the leg.
Report of Colonel Richard H. Weigthman, commanding First Brigade, Second Division, Missouri State Guard.
Lieutenant Wallace remaining at his post, though twice wounded in the leg.
Captain Warren having been short though the leg by a grape shot.
Report of Brigadier General Charles D. Jameson, U. S. Army, of skirmish April 11.
Corpl. Ira E. McKnight, Company B, slight wound in the leg.
Sergt. John Cochran, Company F, seriously wounded in the leg below the knee.
Corpl. John W. Parks, Company E, very slight would in the leg.
Report by SAMUEL M. ZULICH, Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania Veteran Vols.
Captain Sykes Beaumont, of Company E, a brave and efficient officer, who through the entire campaign has rendered me valuable assistance, the wound he received on Saturday, December 17, having resulted in the loss of his left leg, and will probably prove fatal to life.
Report of operations of First Division, Eighteenth Army Corps, on 29th and 30th of September, 1864.
Captain M. B. Bessey, Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry Volunteers, and acting assistant adjutant-general, by shell wound in leg.
Report by D. B. CONRAD, Fleet Surgeon, C. S. Navy.
Admiral F. Buchanan, fracture right leg.
J. C. O'Connell, second assistant engineer, slightly in leg and shoulder.
James Kelly, boatswain's mate, slightly in knee.
John Villa, seaman, badly, leg and arm.
Report by GEO. P. HARRISON, Jr., Colonel Thirty-second Georgia Infantry.
Major Walter H. Weems wounded in left leg, severely.
Captain R. A. Brown, Company H, wounded in leg, slightly.
Report of Major Richard T. Whitaker, Sixth Kentucky Infantry.
Captain Peter Marker, Company G, lost his right leg by a cannon-shot.
Lieutenant Colonel Richard Rockingham was wounded by a Minie ball in the left leg.
Report by SYLVESTER H. GRAY, Captain Seventh Connecticut Volunteers, Commanding Detachment.
Lieutenant-Colonel Rodman was struck first in the side, and then in the left leg.
Lieutenant Greene went to his assistance at the time he received his first wound, and after going about 2 rods he got shot in the leg.
Report of Major Joseph A. Engelhard, Assistant Adjutant-General, C. S. Army, of operations of Pender's division.
Major-General Pender, having ridden to the extreme right of his command, to advance his division should the opportunity offer, received a severe wound in the leg from a fragment of a shell, which subsequently proved fatal.
Report of Colonel P. Regis de Ttrobriand. Fifty-fifth New York Infantry, commanding Third Brigade.
Colonel B. R. Pierce, Third Michigan, was wounded in the leg, since amputated,
Captain I. C. Smith, acting assistant inspector-general, was severely wounded in the leg.
Colonel David Shunk, eighth Indiana, distinguished in all three of the battles; hit in the leg at Vicksburg.
Colonel G. W. K. Bailey, ninety-NINTH Illinois, distinguished in all the battles and wounded in the leg at Vicksburg.
Report by WADE HAMPTON, Brigadier-General.
Captain Siler, a gallant officer, was among the wounded, having his leg broken.
Eighth Illinois. Lieutenant-Colonel Young, who led the charge, received a painful wound in the leg.
Report of Brigadier General Jacob G. Lauman, U. S. Army, commanding Third Brigade.
Colonel Cruft, of the Thirty-first Indiana, was severely wounded in the leg.
Major Wall, who received a spent ball in the breast and another in the leg.
Report of Brigadier General John G. Foster, U. S. Army, commanding First Brigade.
Major Robert H. Stevenson, of the Twenty-fourth Massachusetts, was wounded in the leg
Captain V. P. Parkhurst, of the Twenty-fifth Massachusetts, had his leg fractured.
William B. alexander, of the Twenty-third Massachusetts, wounded, severely in the leg.
Report of Lieutenant Colonel Joseph W. McClurg, Missouri Cavalry, Militia.
Captain Stockton's leg was broken when the charge was ordered by the enemy.
Report of Captain Schambeck, Chicago Dragoons.
Sergt. Amos Bird, wounded in left leg.
Sergeant Annies, left leg shot off
Report of Colonel Henry A. Morrow, Twenty-fourth Michigan Infantry, First Brigade.
In the battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863.
Lieutenant Colonel Mark Flanigan, lost leg.
Captain William H. Rexford, severely in leg.
Captain Charles A. Hoyut, severely in leg.
Lieutenant-Colonel Flanigan lost his leg.
Report of Major Frank W. Mix, Fourth Michigan Cavalry.
Sergeant [Charles W.] Fisk, of Company L, wounded in the leg
Sergt. Charles Carter, Company L, wounded in the leg.
Private [Josiah R.] Lewis, of Company K, in leg.
Report of Lieutenant Colonel James M. Comly, Twenty-third Ohio Infantry, of operations September 19 and 22 and October 19.
Captain John U. Hiltz, of Company C, and excellent officer, had his right leg amputated.
Adjt. William E. Sweet, as brave a man as lives, and a very valuable officer, had his leg crushed by a shell.
Report by CHAS. R. WOODS, Brevet Major-General.
Captain Allen, of the Twenty-fifth Iowa, who lost a leg in the fighting of the 20th.
Captain Teale, of the Fourth Iowa, who lost a leg in the fighting.
Report by S. D. CARPENTER, Surgeon and Medical Director, SAINT LOUIS, MO., October 2, 1864--11.03 a. m.
Major Surridge, C. S. Army, who is severely wounded in the leg.
Report by JAS. B. McPHERSON, Major-General.
Brigadier-General Gresham, commanding Fourth Division, Seventeenth Army Corps, was wounded in the leg, he will lose his leg.
Report by M. L. SMITH, Brigadier-General of Volunteers.
Colonel Rice, Fifty-seventh Ohio, also wounded on the hill (leg amputated).
Colonel Parry, Forty-seventh Ohio, severely in the leg.
Report by F. H. LOWRY, Lieutenant-Colonel, Comdg., 107th Illinois Volunteers.
Richard Watson, Company B, slightly wounded in leg
Franklin Coon, Company K, slightly wounded in leg.
Report by G. K. WARREN, Major-General of Volunteers.
Colonel George H. Ward. This officer lost a leg at Ball's Bluff; returned to his command with an artificial leg, and was killed while mounted, some distance in advance of the main line of battle, at Gettysburg. He was in command of a brigade.
Report by SAML. ROSS, Colonel 20th Conn. Vols., Commanding 2nd Brigadier, 1st Div., 12th A. C.
Lieutenant Colonel H. C. Rodgers, assistant adjutant-general Twelfth Corps, and then expected to return to the field as soon as my wound could be dressed, but my foot, ankle, and leg began to swell so that I was obliged to have my boot cut off, and from that moment to the present my right leg has been totally disabled. I shall, therefore, be obliged to refer you to regimental reports and my successor in command for what transpired after I was wounded, and for a list of killed, wounded, and missing.
Report of Brigadier General Louis Hebert, C. S. Army.
Corpl. F. Haggerty, Company D, Twenty-first Louisiana Infantry (heavy batteries), loss of leg by wound and amputation.
Report of Colonel Samuel A. Gilbert, Forty-fourth Ohio Infantry.
J. C. Longston, captain Company B, ball through calf of leg.
Samuel C. Howell, first lieutenant Company C, ball through the leg above the knee.
Report by ELISHA S. KELLOGG, Major First Connecticut Artillery.
Private Weed, Company F, wounded by musket-ball in fleshy part of the leg.
Privates Sweetland, Murray, and Bodge, Company F, wounded in fleshy part of the leg.
Report of Major John H. Richardson, Seventh Michigan Infantry.
Sergeant Vansickle, Company H, continued to fight after receiving a wound in the leg.
Corporal Foreman, Company C, continued fighting after wounded in the leg, until exhausted by loss of blood, he fainted and was taken off the field.
Report of Lieutenant Moses O'Brien, Third Wisconsin Infantry, OCTOBER 18, 1861.
Corporal William H. Foster, of Company C, were each wounded in the leg
Private Thomas Hader, Company C, slightly wounded in the leg.
Report of Colonel Richard H. Weigthman, commanding First Brigade, Second Division, Missouri State Guard.
Lieutenant Wallace remaining at his post, though twice wounded in the leg.
Captain Warren having been short though the leg by a grape shot.
Report of Brigadier General Charles D. Jameson, U. S. Army, of skirmish April 11.
Corpl. Ira E. McKnight, Company B, slight wound in the leg.
Sergt. John Cochran, Company F, seriously wounded in the leg below the knee.
Corpl. John W. Parks, Company E, very slight would in the leg.
Report by SAMUEL M. ZULICH, Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania Veteran Vols.
Captain Sykes Beaumont, of Company E, a brave and efficient officer, who through the entire campaign has rendered me valuable assistance, the wound he received on Saturday, December 17, having resulted in the loss of his left leg, and will probably prove fatal to life.
Report of operations of First Division, Eighteenth Army Corps, on 29th and 30th of September, 1864.
Captain M. B. Bessey, Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry Volunteers, and acting assistant adjutant-general, by shell wound in leg.
Report by D. B. CONRAD, Fleet Surgeon, C. S. Navy.
Admiral F. Buchanan, fracture right leg.
J. C. O'Connell, second assistant engineer, slightly in leg and shoulder.
James Kelly, boatswain's mate, slightly in knee.
John Villa, seaman, badly, leg and arm.
Report by GEO. P. HARRISON, Jr., Colonel Thirty-second Georgia Infantry.
Major Walter H. Weems wounded in left leg, severely.
Captain R. A. Brown, Company H, wounded in leg, slightly.
Report of Major Richard T. Whitaker, Sixth Kentucky Infantry.
Captain Peter Marker, Company G, lost his right leg by a cannon-shot.
Lieutenant Colonel Richard Rockingham was wounded by a Minie ball in the left leg.
Report by SYLVESTER H. GRAY, Captain Seventh Connecticut Volunteers, Commanding Detachment.
Lieutenant-Colonel Rodman was struck first in the side, and then in the left leg.
Lieutenant Greene went to his assistance at the time he received his first wound, and after going about 2 rods he got shot in the leg.
Report of Major Joseph A. Engelhard, Assistant Adjutant-General, C. S. Army, of operations of Pender's division.
Major-General Pender, having ridden to the extreme right of his command, to advance his division should the opportunity offer, received a severe wound in the leg from a fragment of a shell, which subsequently proved fatal.
Report of Colonel P. Regis de Ttrobriand. Fifty-fifth New York Infantry, commanding Third Brigade.
Colonel B. R. Pierce, Third Michigan, was wounded in the leg, since amputated,
Captain I. C. Smith, acting assistant inspector-general, was severely wounded in the leg.
Colonel David Shunk, eighth Indiana, distinguished in all three of the battles; hit in the leg at Vicksburg.
Colonel G. W. K. Bailey, ninety-NINTH Illinois, distinguished in all the battles and wounded in the leg at Vicksburg.
Report by WADE HAMPTON, Brigadier-General.
Captain Siler, a gallant officer, was among the wounded, having his leg broken.
Eighth Illinois. Lieutenant-Colonel Young, who led the charge, received a painful wound in the leg.
Report of Brigadier General Jacob G. Lauman, U. S. Army, commanding Third Brigade.
Colonel Cruft, of the Thirty-first Indiana, was severely wounded in the leg.
Major Wall, who received a spent ball in the breast and another in the leg.
Report of Brigadier General John G. Foster, U. S. Army, commanding First Brigade.
Major Robert H. Stevenson, of the Twenty-fourth Massachusetts, was wounded in the leg
Captain V. P. Parkhurst, of the Twenty-fifth Massachusetts, had his leg fractured.
William B. alexander, of the Twenty-third Massachusetts, wounded, severely in the leg.
Report of Lieutenant Colonel Joseph W. McClurg, Missouri Cavalry, Militia.
Captain Stockton's leg was broken when the charge was ordered by the enemy.
Report of Captain Schambeck, Chicago Dragoons.
Report of Colonel Eliakin P. Scammon, Twenty-third Ohio Infantry, commanding Third Brigade.
Richmond Shaw, Company K, Twenty-third Regiment Ohio Volunteers, severe wound in the right leg.
Report by JAMES McCOWN, Colonel, Commanding First Bat'n Second Cav., Eighth Div. Mo. S. G.
Private Elijah Wood, of Captain McCowan's company (left leg shot off, but in a fair way to recover).
Private John Byler, of Captain McCowan's company, in the left thing and leg, and also wounded his horse.
Report by ADDISON FARNSWORTH, Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Thirty-eighth Regiment
Captain McQuaide, while cheering on his men, fell from a severe wound in the leg.
Thomas S. Hamblin, a gallant young officer, also received a wound in his leg.
Camp Chase, near Columbus, Ohio, July 19, 1864.
Private Junius Cloyd, Seventh Regiment Tennessee Cavalry, prisoner of war at this post, was shot and wounded in the left leg below the knee.
Saint Louis, Mo., February 22, 1865.
Robert Reed, a prisoner of war and a patient in Ward A of this hospital, while standing before one of the windows facing the west, was shot by one of the guards, the ball passing through the right leg.
Sergt. S. E. Mosely, Fourth Texas, who lost a leg and fell into our hands on the 7th of October last, before Richmond.
Center Point, Ark., March 8, 1865.
Major-General FAGAN:
GENERAL: Having just returned from Johnson County I write you in order to give you some knowledge of the ill treatment of some of your old friends, outrages committed by the Federal soldiery. After being robbed of all their household, wearing apparel, and subsistence, they are then a subject of search for money. Not being satisfied on searching their persons, they are taken from their beds and placed upon beds of fire and tortured for the purpose of getting money. Aunt Tish (Mrs. Howel) was taken from her bed and burned so severely that there is but little hope of her recovery. All the flesh from below the knee of one leg has dropped off. Mrs. Susan Willis at the same time burned severely on the feet. Mrs. Wiley Harris burned by placing her head in the fire, and then whipped almost lifeless. Mrs. Major-Thompson burned on head, arms, and hands. I must yet tell you that Isbell, my wife, was taken from her bed and placed upon coals of fire, and after being burned severely was made to go in the damp of night some 400 yards to get money, and made to walk a part of the way with her feet all in a crisp, Isbell's mother remaining at the house suffering with like punishment. Notwithstanding these outrages, that of still deeper infamy is now the suffering pangs at heart of some of the helpless ladies of Johnson.