The following names came from the index of ( The Early Indian Wars of Oregon ), I have looked at some of the names and found the information on some of the names may be only a line or two, while others will be longer. If you see a name of interest drop me a line, but please give the title of this post or I may not be able to find your information.
For the Author, Index-P. 703.
Charles C. Abbott, Died of wounds received at the battle of Evan's Creek.
I. D. Adams, Mortally wounded.
A. M. Addington, Wounded in battle.
L. F. Allen, Wounded at the battle of Grave Creek.
Ira Allen, Wounded in battle.
Pleasant Armstrong, Killed at the battle of Evan's Creek.
Thomas Aubrey, Wounded in battle.
John Badger, Murdered by Indians.
William J. Bailey, Wounded by Indians.
Holland Bailey, Killed by Indians.
W. Bailey, Wounded by Indians.
Charles Bennett, Killed in battle.
William Berry, Wounded.
Crockett A. Bewley, Killed by Indians.
David Birdseye, Shot by Indians.
Milton Blackledge, Wounded in battle.
A. J. Bolan, Killed by Indians.
Isaac Bradley, Killed at Evan's Creek.
J. H. Braun, Killed by Indians.
Daniel Britton, Wounded by Indians.
B. W. Brown, Killed by Indians.
Gilbert Brush, Wounded by Indians.
James Buford, Killed by Indians.
Henry Bullen, Killed by Indians.
J. M. Borrows, Killed in battle.
Alexander Caldwell, Killed by Indians.
James Cartwright, Killed by Indians.
Wiley Cash, Killed bu Indians.
B. Castle, Killed by Indians.
John Chance, Wounded by Indians.
John Clark, Killed by Indians.
John Henry Clifton, Wounded in battle.
A. C. Colburn, Killed by Indians.
Daniel Cooley, Wounded by Indians.
Frank Cratlbru, Wounded in battle.
John Critenden, Wounded by Indians.
W. H. Crouch, Wounded at Graves Creek.
Henry Crow, Mortally wounded at Walla, Walla.
John Cunningham, Killed by Indians.
T. J. Davenport, Wounded by Indians.
John Davis, Killed by Indians.
David Dilley, Killed by Indians.
William Dooley, Killed by Indians.
A. S. Dougherty, Killed by Indians.
A. Douglas, Killed by Indians.
Frank Duval, Wounded in battle.
Jerome Dyar, Murdered by Indians.
Richard Edwards, Murdered by Indians.
J. Elgin, Wounded by Indians.
John Ericson, Wounded at Skull Bar..
Allen Evans, Wounded at Skull Bar.
John Fickas, Killed by Indians.
Calvin Fields, Killed by Indians.
Henry Flasher, Wounded by Indians.
Jesse Fleming, Wounded mortally.
A. G. Fordyce or Fordvce, Wounded by Indians.
Alfred Frence, Killed by Indians.
Nathan Fry, Wounded by Indians.
Daniel Gage, Killed by Indians.
George Gay, Escapes from Indians.
Richard Gay, Drowned.
John Geisell, Killed with four children.
H. C. Gerow, Drowned.
Joseph Gervais, Wounded in battle.
John Gibbs, Killed by Indians.
H. S. Gibson, Wounded at Grave Creek.
Thomas Gill, Wounded in battle.
John Gillespie, Killed in battle.
Isaac Gilleland, Killed by Indians.
Cornelius Gilliam, Accidentally Killed.
Thomas Gilmore, Wounded in battle.
William Given, Killed by Indians.
Charles Goodwin, Mortally wounded at Grave's Creek.
Thomas Gray, Killed by Indians.
Burrell F. Griffin, Wounded by Indians.
George Griswold, KIlled by Indians.
Henry Hader, Killed by Indians.
William Hang, Wounded at Grave's Creek.
Chief Flathead Hat, Killed by Sioux.
Thomas Hayes, Wounded at Evan's Creek.
Peter Heinrich, Killed bt Indians.
Samuel Hendrick, Killed by Indians.
William Hennessey, Killed by Indians.
Isaac Hill, Attacked by Indians.
William Hodgkins, Wounded by Indians.
Jacob Hoffman, Killed by Indians.
G. C. Holcomb, Killed by Indians.
John P. Holland, Killed by Indians.
Lot. Hollinger, Killed by Indians.
I. W. Howe, Killed by Indians.
Hiram Hulan, Killed by Indians.
John Idles, Killed by Indians.
J. K. Jones, Killed by Indians.
F. Keath, Killed.
Granville Keene, Killed by Indians.
Eleazer Kelso, Killed in battle.
Jesse Kempton, Wounded by Indians.
John Kennedy, Mortally wounded at Grave's Creek.
James Kyle, Murdered by Indians.
H. Kyle, Wounded by Indians.
Jacob Kyle, Killed by Indians.
Joseph Lane, Wounded.
James Lapbar, Wounded at Grave's Creek.
Henry Lawrence, Killed by Indians.
David Layton, Wounded.
G. W. Lebreton, Killed by Indians.
Joseph Leroe, Killed with his four sons.
James Lindsay, Wounded by Indians.
L. Locktirg, Killed.
Sylvester Long, Drowned.
John Long Coquille Chief, Killed.
Presley Lovelady, Attacked.
J. A. Lupton, Killed.
James Mango, Killed at Long's Ferry.
Massacre at Waislatpu.
Massacre at Rogue River.
Massacre at Gold Beach.
Massacre of Ward's Train.
T. D. Mattice, Killed by Indians.
F. D. Mattice, Killed by Indians.
Wesley Maydeu, Killed by Indians.
Ira Maytield, Wounded at Grave's Creek.
P. McClusky, Killed by Indians.
Felix McCue, Drowned.
Patrick McCullough, Killed by Indians.
Greene McDonald, Wounded on the march.
Daniel McKaw, Murdered by Indians.
Helen Mar. Meek, dies.
Elias D. Mercer, Wounded in battle.
Enoch Miller, Wounded at Grave's Creek.
Jacob Miller, Wounded in battle.
Kirby Miller, Mortally wounded at Pistol River.
Isaac Miller, Wounded.
W. A. J. Moore, Wounded.
M. B. Morris, Wounded by Indians.
Patrick Murphy, Killed.
Fletcher Murphy, Wounded.
Harrison Oatman, Wounded by Indians.
John O'Brieh, Drowned.
Thomas O'Neal, Killed by Indians.
John Oldfield, Killed by Indians.
L. W. Oliver, Killed by Indians.
Norman Palmer, Killed by Indians.
John Pankey, Wounded at Grave's Creek.
Edward Parrish, Killed by Indians.
Aaron Payne, Attacked.
T. J. Payne, Wounded at Walla, Walla.
James Penrey, Killed at Grave's Creek.
Henry Pearl, Killed at Grave's Creek.
Frank Perry, Killed.
Edward Phillips, Killed by Indians.
Thomas Phillips, Killed in battle.
J. W. Pickett, Killed at Skull Bar.
John Poland, Killed by Indians.
John Pollock, Killed by indians.
Thomas Price, Wounded by Indians.
William Purnell, Wounded at Grave's Creek.
Frank A. Reed, Killed by Indians.
Martin Reed, Killed by Indians.
BeorgwReed, Killed by Indians.
A. Richardson, Attacked.
John C. Richardson, Wounded at Grave's Creek.
Andrew Rogers, Killed by Indians.
Dr. William R. Rose.
Jacob Rousch, Mortally wounded.
Jesse Runnels, Attacked.
Thomas Ryan, Wounded at Grave's Creek.
Jeremiah Ryland, Killed by Indians.
John Sager, Killed by Indians.
Alexander Sawyer, Killed by Indians.
John Scarborough, Killed at Grave's Creek.
Nelson Seaman, Killed by Indians.
T. J. Sharp, Wounded at Pistol River.
J. Shaw, Killed.
Isaac Shelton, Mortally wounded.
A. Shepard, Wounded at Walla Walla.
Z. Shultz, Wounded.
James Sinclair, Killed by Indians.
W. A. Slaughter, Wounded at Pistol River.
Hugh Smith, Killed by Indians.
G. W. Smith, Wounded at Walla, Walla.
John Smith, Wounded at Walla, Walla.
Adolf Smoldt, Killed by Indians.
P. Snooks, Wounded by Indians.
William Stillwell, Wounded at the Dalles.
Joseph Sturdevant, Mortally wounded.
Benjamin Taft, Mortally wounded at Skull Bar.
William Thompson, Drowned.
J. C. Tolman, Attacked.
John Tricky, Kiled by Indians.
W. R. Tulles, Killed by Indians.
Richard Turpin, Killed by Indians.
Joseph Umgqua, Wounded at Skull Bar.
S. S. Van Hagerman, Mortally wounded.
Mrs. J. Wagoner, Killed by Indians.
J. Wagoner, Killed by Indians.
John Walden, Wounded at Grave's Creek.
S. S. Wall, Shot by Indians.
Leander C. Wallace, Killed.
Lorenzo Warner, Killed by Indians.
James Waters, Wounded.
George Watkins, Mortally wounded.
James Watkins, Mortally wounded by Indians.
Brice Whitman, Wounded by Indians.
Joseph Wilkinson, Killed by Indians.
L. L. Williams, Wounded by Indians.
William Wilson, Wounded at Grave's Creek.
A. V. Wilson, Wounded in battle.
Thomas J. Wills, Murdered by Indians.
John D. Winters, Killed at Grave's Creek.
Calvin Woodman, Murdered.
A. H. Woodruff, Wounded at the Meadows.
Thomas Wright, Murdered.
Ephriam Yager, Wounded.
James Young, KIlled.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Boom's Of New York, Civil War.
I Haven't done a surname in a while and I found the name of Boom, interesting. I hope you will find this information interesting.
New York, 50th., Engineers.
BOOM, GEORGE.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Albany; mustered in as private, Co. M, August 25, 1864, to serve one year; mustered out with company, June 13, 1865, at Fort Barry, V a . , as George S. Boom.
New York,51st., Infantry.
BOOM, GILLFORD.—'Age, 23 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861, at Worcester, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 9,1861; discharged for disability, November 25,1861, at Annapolis, Md.
New York 21st., Cavalry.
BOOM, JOHN H.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, October 10, 1868, at Troy; mustered in as private, Co. K, October 1H, 1803, to serve three years; wounded and captured, July 3, 1884, near Bunker Hill, Va.; recaptured, September 4, 1804, no ptasee stated; transferred. September 9, 1805, to Co. E.; mustered out with company, July 5, I860, at Denver, Col. Ter.; borne also as Brom, John H.
BOOM, WILLIAM.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, October 10, 1863, at Troy; mustered in as private, Co. K, October 15, 1863, to serve three years; transferred, September 9, 1805, to Co. E.; mustered out with company, July 5, 1860, at Denver, Col. Ter.
New York 8th., Cavalry.
BOON, NELSON A.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1864, at Albany; mustered in as private, Co. D, September 8, 1864, to serve one year; mustered out, May 31, 1865, at Washington, D. C.; borne as Nelson G. Boon and Barn.
New York 110th., Infantry.
BOOM, N I C H O L A S — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, August 11, 1862, at Oswego, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 14, 1862; wounded in action, November 11, 1863, at Vermillionville, L a . ; died of his wounds, December 12, 1863, at New Iberia, L a . ; also borne as Boon.
BOOM, WILLIAM.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1862, at Oswego, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 19, 1862; mustered out with company, August 28, 1865, at Albany, N. Y.
New York 149th., Infantry.
BOOM, PHILO E.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1862, at Lysander, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 17, 1862; died of congestive pneumonia, December 17, 1862, at Harper's Ferry, Va.
New York 76th., Infantry.
BOOM,WILLIAM H. H.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861, at Middleburg, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 28,1861; discharged for disability, October 21, 1862, at York, Pa.
New York, 50th., Engineers.
BOOM, GEORGE.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 25, 1864, at Albany; mustered in as private, Co. M, August 25, 1864, to serve one year; mustered out with company, June 13, 1865, at Fort Barry, V a . , as George S. Boom.
New York,51st., Infantry.
BOOM, GILLFORD.—'Age, 23 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861, at Worcester, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 9,1861; discharged for disability, November 25,1861, at Annapolis, Md.
New York 21st., Cavalry.
BOOM, JOHN H.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, October 10, 1868, at Troy; mustered in as private, Co. K, October 1H, 1803, to serve three years; wounded and captured, July 3, 1884, near Bunker Hill, Va.; recaptured, September 4, 1804, no ptasee stated; transferred. September 9, 1805, to Co. E.; mustered out with company, July 5, I860, at Denver, Col. Ter.; borne also as Brom, John H.
BOOM, WILLIAM.—Age, 21 years. Enlisted, October 10, 1863, at Troy; mustered in as private, Co. K, October 15, 1863, to serve three years; transferred, September 9, 1805, to Co. E.; mustered out with company, July 5, 1860, at Denver, Col. Ter.
New York 8th., Cavalry.
BOON, NELSON A.—Age, 25 years. Enlisted, September 3, 1864, at Albany; mustered in as private, Co. D, September 8, 1864, to serve one year; mustered out, May 31, 1865, at Washington, D. C.; borne as Nelson G. Boon and Barn.
New York 110th., Infantry.
BOOM, N I C H O L A S — A g e , 19 years. Enlisted, August 11, 1862, at Oswego, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 14, 1862; wounded in action, November 11, 1863, at Vermillionville, L a . ; died of his wounds, December 12, 1863, at New Iberia, L a . ; also borne as Boon.
BOOM, WILLIAM.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, August 18, 1862, at Oswego, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, August 19, 1862; mustered out with company, August 28, 1865, at Albany, N. Y.
New York 149th., Infantry.
BOOM, PHILO E.—Age, 18 years. Enlisted, August 26, 1862, at Lysander, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. G, September 17, 1862; died of congestive pneumonia, December 17, 1862, at Harper's Ferry, Va.
New York 76th., Infantry.
BOOM,WILLIAM H. H.—Age, 20 years. Enlisted, October 1, 1861, at Middleburg, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Co. I, October 28,1861; discharged for disability, October 21, 1862, at York, Pa.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Richard Allison Bethleham New York-1789.
Richard Allison, of Bethleham in Orang county, farmer duly sworn maketh oath that during the late war to wit some time in May in the year of 1778, he enlisted as a private soldier in Captain Israel Smith's company fourth New York regiment in the service of the United States, commanded by Colonel Henry B. Livingston, for nine momths that on the twenty-eighth day of June in the year 1778, at the battle of Monmouth while in company regiment & service aforesaid. He was taken and when taken received four wounds from the enemy by a cutlass. One of which was on the head, one other on his neck which is much weakened by reason of the sinews being cut, one other on the right shoulder & one on his right arm that he remained in captivity about six weeks, that he was then exchanged and put into the hospital. That by reason of these several wounds he is rendered in great measure incapable of obtaining his livelihood by labor, that on the 17th., day of May last he was 29, years of age and that he now actually resides in Bethleham aforesaid.
Richard Allison.
Sworn this fourth day of September 1789, before me Richard Varick Recorder.
Richard Allison.
Sworn this fourth day of September 1789, before me Richard Varick Recorder.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Johannis York, Court Martial New York.
June 22, 1778, New York, Johannis York, was brought before the court for disobediance of orders pleas quilty and says the reason of his disobediance was because he had no shoes, could not march with his class, for the want of shoes and that he had a field of grain which the cattle got into and was obliged to make a fence to save his grain, and that he thought the expence of the court would not cost as much as the loss of his grain since. He was not ready to march when commanded.
The court having considered the prisoner find him guitly of the crime wherewith charged. Fined him fifteen pounds to be paid within three days after demanded and in default thereof to be inprisoned or closely confpnd until said sum together with court and reasonable charges be paid.
The court having considered the prisoner find him guitly of the crime wherewith charged. Fined him fifteen pounds to be paid within three days after demanded and in default thereof to be inprisoned or closely confpnd until said sum together with court and reasonable charges be paid.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Frederick Winthrop, Civil War.

Frederick Winthrop, of New York, was promoted Captain on October 26, 1861, was promoted to Major by Brevet June 27, 1862, for distinguished services in the battle before Richmond.
Fifth New York Vet. Infantry.
WINTHROP, FREDERICK, Age,26 years. Captain, Twelfth United States Infantry; promoted colonel of this regiment and mustered in, August 6, 1864; wounded, August 18, 1861; killed in action, April 1, 1865, at Five Forks, V a. ; commissioned colonel, August 2, 1864, with rank from July 16, 1864, vice H . W. Ryder, declined.
No. 106. Report of Bvt. Brigadier General Frederick Winthrop, Fifth New York Veteran Infantry, commanding First Brigade, of operations February 5-7. 1865.
February 14, 1865.
MAJOR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the command during the recent movement on Hatcher's Run:
At 8 a.m., on the 5th instant, broke camp near Gurley's house and marched down the Halifax road to Rowanty Creek; crossed the creek and so on to the intersection of the military pike road with the Vaughan road. Here the command lay in line of battle until midnight, when it moved back on the Vaughan road and occupied a line of breast-works to the left of the road, about a mile west of the run. At 1 p.m. moved out to the support of Gregg's cavalry, who were skirmishing heavily with the enemy some distance farther down the road. Relieved the cavalry pickets with the One hundred and forty-sixth New York Volunteers, and deployed the Fifth New York Veteran Volunteers and One hundred and fortieth New York Volunteers on the right-hand side and the Fifteenth New York Heavy Artillery on the left-hand side of the road in a large open field. These dispositions had hardly been made before our cavalry advanced to the attack with two brigades, and a third in support. They soon became actively engaged with the enemy's infantry, and, getting rather roughly handled, retired in considerable confusion, the enemy closely following. I immediately ordered up my three regiments at a double quick, and, delivering some very fair volleys, succeeded in checking their advancing column and driving it back to its shelter in the woods. Once or twice again the enemy attempted to advance over the open, but each time were handsomely repulsed by my troops, who fought with great spirit. Finally, about 5 p.m., being relieved by the First Brigade, First Division, and having replenished our cartridge boxes, we were ordered out on picket, covering the road leading to Dabney's Mill, where we remained until the afternoon of the 7th.
I regret to mention the loss of Captain Charles S. Montgomery, commanding Fifth New York Veteran Volunteers, who was shot through the brain during the engagement. He handled his regiment in a most creditable manner, and is a severe loss to the command. It is but simple justice to say that I have rarely seen troops fight with more animation or maintain their ground so stubbornly against such superior numbers as confronted them in the earlier part of the engagement. With such troops I shall always feel confident of success. From my staff-Lieutenant Campbell, acting assistant adjutant-general, and Lieutenant Leatz, aide-de-camp, and Lieutenant Raymond, pioneer officer-I received the most efficient assistance, and each and all of these gentlemen were conspicuous along the line, encouraging the men by their gallant bearing.
I have the honor to remain, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant, FRED. WINTHROP, Brevet Brigadier-General, Commanding.
General Griffin's report says:
In nearly every one of the numerous battles we have had with the enemy, my command had to lament the loss of some of its bravest and best, and the battle of Five Forks was not an exception to our former experience. Bvt. Brigadier General Frederick Winthrop, colonel of the Fifth New York Volunteers, commanding First Brigade, Second Division, was mortally wounded at the head of his command while making a successful assault. His conduct had always been distinguished for gallantry of action and coolness of thought, and no one carried with him more of the confidence and inspiration that sustains a command in trying scenes. His countrymen have lost no one of their soldiers who more deserves a lasting place in their memory.
Birth: Aug. 3, 1839.
Death: Apr. 1, 1865.
Burial: Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.
Frederick Winthrop.
August 3, 1839 - April 1, 1865, from The New York Times, April 13, 1865.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Steamer Brother Jonathan.
I will not give a lot of back ground on the Jonathan, as this information can be easily on the internet. My interests lies with the men of the military who were on the steamer.
On her last voyage, the ship ran into a heavy gale within hours after leaving San Francisco harbor and steaming north. Most of the passengers on board the Brother Jonathan became seasick and were confined to their rooms by the continuing storm of “frightful winds and stormy seas”. Early Sunday morning, July 30, 1865, the steamer anchored in Crescent City harbor on the first leg of its trip to Portland and Victoria, B.C. After leaving the safety of the bay that Sunday afternoon, the ship ran headfirst into more stormy conditions. The seas were so bad near the California-Oregon border that the captain ordered the ship turned around for the safety of Crescent City. Forty-five minutes later on that return and close to port, the ship struck the rock, tearing a large hole in its hull. Within five minutes, the captain realized the ship was going to sink and ordered the passengers and crew to abandon ship. Despite having enough lifeboats to hold all of the people on board, only three were able to be deployed. Acts of courage and desperation, fear and self-sacrifice, were numerous. The rough waves capsized the first one that was lowered and smashed the second against the vessel's sides. Only a single surfboat, holding eleven crew members, five women and three children managed to escape the wreck and make it safely to Crescent City.
Among the victims were Brigadier General George Wright, the Union Commander of the Department of the Pacific; Dr. Anson G. Henry, Surveyor General of the Washington Territory, who was also Abraham Lincoln’s physician and closest friend; James Nisbet, a well-known publisher, who wrote a love note and his will while awaiting his death; and Roseanna Keenan, a colorful San Francisco madam, who was traveling with seven “soiled doves”. As a result of this tragedy, new laws were written to increase passenger-ship safety, including the ability of lifeboats to be released from a sinking ship.
Birth: Oct. 21, 1801.
Death: Jul. 30, 1865.
Wife: Margaret Wallace Foster Wright (1806 - 1865.)
James Heron Wright (1832 - 1837)
Elizabeth H Wright Owen (1837 - 1890)
Civil War Union Brigadier General. A graduate of West Point, George Wright's gallantry in the field earned him commendations; from the Seminole War in Florida, to the Mexican War, to the Indian Campaign in the Pacific Northwest. During the Civil War, President Lincoln gave him the command of the Pacific Coast.
Authors Note. I was hoping to find a lot more but was unable to. The only other two I found are the following.
First Lieutenant, Edward D. Waite, was promoted to First Lieutenant March 9, 1863, was killed on the steamer Brother Jonathan, July 30, 1865, while enroute to Headquarters Department of the Columbia.
Assistant Surgeon, Alexander Ingram, of Ohio, became Assistant Surgeon, May 28, 1861, was killed on the steamer Brother Jonathan, July 30, 1865, while enroute to Headquarters Department of the Columbia
On her last voyage, the ship ran into a heavy gale within hours after leaving San Francisco harbor and steaming north. Most of the passengers on board the Brother Jonathan became seasick and were confined to their rooms by the continuing storm of “frightful winds and stormy seas”. Early Sunday morning, July 30, 1865, the steamer anchored in Crescent City harbor on the first leg of its trip to Portland and Victoria, B.C. After leaving the safety of the bay that Sunday afternoon, the ship ran headfirst into more stormy conditions. The seas were so bad near the California-Oregon border that the captain ordered the ship turned around for the safety of Crescent City. Forty-five minutes later on that return and close to port, the ship struck the rock, tearing a large hole in its hull. Within five minutes, the captain realized the ship was going to sink and ordered the passengers and crew to abandon ship. Despite having enough lifeboats to hold all of the people on board, only three were able to be deployed. Acts of courage and desperation, fear and self-sacrifice, were numerous. The rough waves capsized the first one that was lowered and smashed the second against the vessel's sides. Only a single surfboat, holding eleven crew members, five women and three children managed to escape the wreck and make it safely to Crescent City.
Among the victims were Brigadier General George Wright, the Union Commander of the Department of the Pacific; Dr. Anson G. Henry, Surveyor General of the Washington Territory, who was also Abraham Lincoln’s physician and closest friend; James Nisbet, a well-known publisher, who wrote a love note and his will while awaiting his death; and Roseanna Keenan, a colorful San Francisco madam, who was traveling with seven “soiled doves”. As a result of this tragedy, new laws were written to increase passenger-ship safety, including the ability of lifeboats to be released from a sinking ship.
Birth: Oct. 21, 1801.
Death: Jul. 30, 1865.
Wife: Margaret Wallace Foster Wright (1806 - 1865.)
James Heron Wright (1832 - 1837)
Elizabeth H Wright Owen (1837 - 1890)
Civil War Union Brigadier General. A graduate of West Point, George Wright's gallantry in the field earned him commendations; from the Seminole War in Florida, to the Mexican War, to the Indian Campaign in the Pacific Northwest. During the Civil War, President Lincoln gave him the command of the Pacific Coast.
Authors Note. I was hoping to find a lot more but was unable to. The only other two I found are the following.
First Lieutenant, Edward D. Waite, was promoted to First Lieutenant March 9, 1863, was killed on the steamer Brother Jonathan, July 30, 1865, while enroute to Headquarters Department of the Columbia.
Assistant Surgeon, Alexander Ingram, of Ohio, became Assistant Surgeon, May 28, 1861, was killed on the steamer Brother Jonathan, July 30, 1865, while enroute to Headquarters Department of the Columbia
William Henry Talbot Walker
William Henry Talbot Walker,Born in Decatur, Ga., 1816. Appointed from Georgia May 25, 1861, to rank same date; comfirmed August 28, 1861; Resigned October 29, 1861; Reappointed March 2, 1863, to rank from February 9, 1863; confirmed March 2, 1863; Promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, June 27, 1863; to rank from May 23, 1863. Killed near Atlanta Ga., July 22, 1864.
Birth: Nov. 26, 1816.
Death: Jul. 22, 1864.
Civil War Confederate Army Major General. He was killed during the July 1864 Battle of Atlanta. He is buried in a family cemetery now on the grounds of Augusta College. The cemetery is normally kept locked. A mortuary cannon was erected on the spot where he fell, and is located today on the northbound side of Glenwood Avenue in Atlanta.
Burial: Walker Family Cemetery, Augusta, Richmond County Georgia.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Godfrey Brereton From Boy To Commander.
Godfrey Brereton, Entered the Navy as Third Class Boy, 1805. Served in the "Dover" as Midshipman under Capt. A. V. Drury, in which ship he came to Quebec, 1814. From that date until June, 1815, he served as Lieutenant on "Niagara" and in gunboat service on the Lakes. Lieut. 16 Jan., 1815.
Commander Godfrey Brereton was born on 21 April 1793. He was the son of Lt.-Col. William Brereton and Mary Charlotte Lill. He married Catherine Reid, daughter of Alexander Reid, on 2 August 1853. He died on 25 September 1874 at age 81, without issue. He gained the rank of Midshipman in 1809 in the service of the Royal Navy, taking part in capture of LeVar off Corfu. In 1814 He took part in the reduction of the Ionian Islands of Zante, cephalonia and Santa Maura. He retired from the military in 1837, with the rank of Commander, late of the Royal Navy. He held the office of Justice of the Peace (J.P.). He lived at Esky, County Sligo, Ireland. He lived at Queenstown, County Cork, Ireland. He held the office of High Sheriff in 1874.
Commander Godfrey Brereton was born on 21 April 1793. He was the son of Lt.-Col. William Brereton and Mary Charlotte Lill. He married Catherine Reid, daughter of Alexander Reid, on 2 August 1853. He died on 25 September 1874 at age 81, without issue. He gained the rank of Midshipman in 1809 in the service of the Royal Navy, taking part in capture of LeVar off Corfu. In 1814 He took part in the reduction of the Ionian Islands of Zante, cephalonia and Santa Maura. He retired from the military in 1837, with the rank of Commander, late of the Royal Navy. He held the office of Justice of the Peace (J.P.). He lived at Esky, County Sligo, Ireland. He lived at Queenstown, County Cork, Ireland. He held the office of High Sheriff in 1874.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Sun-Proof Paints.
I wanted to know how they got a hold of SunProof paints and what was the history behind it but I had no luck on the web so I called the Pittsburgh Glass Co., but after playing leap frog with the phones and a little red tape I finally give up.
I was able to find this little bit of information on Pittsburgh Glass Co.
In 1883, Captain John B. Ford and John Pitcairn established the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company (PPG). They set up shop in Creighton, Pennsylvania, along the Allegheny River about 20 miles north of Pittsburgh. PPG became the first commercially successful producer in the United States of high-quality, thick flat glass using the plate process. The company was also the world's first plate glass plant to fuel melting furnaces with locally-produced natural gas. This innovation quickly stimulated widespread use of clean-burning gas as an industrial fuel.
Although I have little information I still wanted to do some kind of page on SunPProof Paints. Their advertisements are interesting to look at and some are very colorfull. The picture at the top is the home of Joseph Lockwood rogers of Vermillion Kansas taken between the 1890's and 1904, notice sign in the front yard. The second picture is of a add for the years between 1925-1930. The third picture is a pin advertising SunProof Paints they used the sun as they logo.
They use the sun in a lot of their advertisements it made them very colorfull. Sun Proof Paints advertised on all most anything wagons, walls trucks, lunch pales and umbrellas. They sold the paint where the dealer could get the people to sell it. Take the fourth picture it's a Post Office in Riverdale New Jersey ran by S. J. Garrison's who advertised P. O. & Economy cash, Notons, Groceries, Hardware, Rubbers and Patton's SunProof Paints. There is no information on the last picture but it's interesting to look at.
Maybe one of my readers willl see the page and have some interesting information to add to these page it will be most welcome.
On a last note. to enlarge any of the pictures just push on one of them.

Sunday, December 18, 2011
James T. Holtzclaw
James t. Holtzclaw, born in McDonough, Henry County, Ga., December 17, 1833. Appointed from Alabama July 8, 1864, to rank from July 7, 1864; confirmed February 21, 1864; paroled at Meridian Mississippi, May 10, 1865.
Death: July 19, 1893, Montgomery, Montgomery County, Alabama.
Civil War Confederate Brigadier General. At the start of the Civil War, he was a lawyer in practice when appointed a Major in the 18th Alabama Infantry. With the 18th Alabama, he fought at Corinth, Mississippi, Shiloh, Tennessee and was promoted Lieutenant Colonel in July, 1862. In 1863, he was sent to the Army of Tennessee, was promoted Colonel and led a regiment at the Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. After the fight at Chickamauga and siege of Chattanooga, Tennessee, he received a promotion to Brigadier General in June, 1864. As General, he led a brigade through the Atlanta Campaign serving as General John Bell Hood's Army rear guard until ordered to Mobile, Alabama at the end of the war. Following the war, he resumed legal practice and served on the Alabama Railroad Commission.
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James T. Holtzclaw. |
James t. Holtzclaw, born in McDonough, Henry County, Ga., December 17, 1833. Appointed from Alabama July 8, 1864, to rank from July 7, 1864; confirmed February 21, 1864; paroled at Meridian Mississippi, May 10, 1865.
Death: July 19, 1893, Montgomery, Montgomery County, Alabama.
Civil War Confederate Brigadier General. At the start of the Civil War, he was a lawyer in practice when appointed a Major in the 18th Alabama Infantry. With the 18th Alabama, he fought at Corinth, Mississippi, Shiloh, Tennessee and was promoted Lieutenant Colonel in July, 1862. In 1863, he was sent to the Army of Tennessee, was promoted Colonel and led a regiment at the Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia. After the fight at Chickamauga and siege of Chattanooga, Tennessee, he received a promotion to Brigadier General in June, 1864. As General, he led a brigade through the Atlanta Campaign serving as General John Bell Hood's Army rear guard until ordered to Mobile, Alabama at the end of the war. Following the war, he resumed legal practice and served on the Alabama Railroad Commission.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
William G. Lewis.
William G. Lewis. Appointed from North Carolina June 2, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864; confirmed June 2, 1864; wounded and captured in action at Farmville, Virginia, April 7, 1865, and paroled at Farmville Virginia, between April 11 and 21, 1865.
He was a Civil War Confederate Brigadier General. When the Civil War broke out, he was a railroad civil engineer, whom joined the Confederate Army and was commissioned a Major. He saw action at the Battle of Bethel, Battle of New Bern, was promoted Lieutenant Colonel of the 33rd North Carolina Regiment in 1862 and participated in the defense of Richmond. In 1863, at the Battle of Gettysburg, he was Colonel in command of the 33rd North Carolina and led a brigade in the Battle Of Cold Harbor. In June 1864, and was promoted Brigadier General in charge of the entrenchments of Drewry's Bluff, Virginia, where he saw his last action. Following the war, he returned to his career as a civil engineer, serving as the State Engineer of North Carolina and general superintendent for several railroads.
Born: September 3, 1835, Rocky Mount, Edgecombe, North Carolina.
Death: January 8, 1901.
Father: John Wesley Lewis.
Mother: Catherine Ann Battle.
Wife: Martha Lucinda, Married March 15, 1864.
He died of Pneumonia.
Burial: Willow Dale Cemetery, Goldsboro, Wayne County, North Carolina.
Numbers 509. Report of Lieutenant Colonel W. G. Lewis, Forty-third North Carolina Infantry.
DARKESVILLE, W. VA., July 19, 1863.
SIR: In accordance with orders received from headquarters, I beg leave to respectfully submit the following report of the part acted by the Forty-third Regiment North Carolina troops in the three days' battle at Gettysburg, Pa.: At about 1 o'clock, July 1, we were drawn up in line of battle, about 1 or 2 1/2 miles from Gettysburg. After brief cannonade by a battery on our left, we were ordered forward. We moved forward about a mile before we encountered the enemy. The Forty-third Regiment was halted in a lane, when the Forty-fifth and Second Battalion moved still farther forward and engaged the enemy. Our position at that time was on the fight of the Forty-fifth, and on the left of the Thirty-second Regiments. We were then ordered to move by the left flank to a position between the Second Battalion and Fifty-third Regiment, with orders to support either on the right or left, as necessity demanded.
We remained in that position under a sharp cross-fire for some time, when we were ordered to join on to the left of the battalion and support it. The right of the regiment, in obeying that order, was exposed to a most severe fire in front and on flank, and lost very heavily. Captain [W. C.] Ousby was killed there, while doing his full duty. We remained there but a short time, when we received orders to fall back under cover of the hill, which was done in perfect order. After a short time, and when supports came up on our left, we were ordered to join on with the battalion as before, to swing around the right, and advance toward a battery of the enemy which was pouring a deadly fire into our flanks. We continued to advance, driving the enemy before us, until we came to a railroad cut, which interfered a short while with our advance.
At the railroad cut, 400 or 500 prisoners surrendered to the brigade; also several stand of colors were captured, but I am not certain that any were taken by this regiment. After moving a short distance farther in line of battle, we moved by the left flank behind a railroad embankment, where we rested until the following day. On the morning of July 2, we moved to a position on the crest of a hill which the enemy held as their line the day before. Here we remained quiet until about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when our batteries opened on the enemy's position on the highlights beyond the town, and were vigorously replied to, which subjected the regiment to severe shelling, in which we lost 1 killed and several wounded very severely.
About dark, we were ordered forward, and advanced nearly a mile, when we were halted. After remaining there a short time, we were ordered to retire, and took position in a street on the south edge of tho town. We remained there until near daybreak, when we were ordered to the extreme left of our line, to assist General Johnson in an attack on a mountain. We entered the action July 3, about sunrise, on the side of the mountain. We remained in reserve under fire a short time, when we moved by the left flank, and relieved troops who occupied works from which the enemy had been driven.
After remaining some time under fire, but not being able to return it, we were ordered to go over the breastworks, and support General Steuart in a charge on the enemy's position. Colonel [T. S.] Kenan carried the left wing over, but Steuart's brigade was repulsed and driven back before the left of our regiment had advanced far enough for the right to join it in the proposed charge. Colonel Kenan was wounded in this charge, and was taken off the field, when the command of the regiment devolved on myself.
The left wing remained out of the works some time, exposed to a most severe fire from a battery posted about 400 yards distant, when they were ordered to return to the work. From that time to the time we were ordered to retire, this regiment was exposed to a most severe fire of grape, shrapnel, and shell at short range, and only two companies oh the right had an opportunity to return the fire of the enemy. About 2 o'clock we were ordered to retire, which was executed in first-rate order. We remained in line of battle until about 1 o'clock, when we were ordered to return to a position near the one occupied by us on July 2, which we did.
With but one exception-and that an officer-the officers and men behaved remarkably well. There was no straggling from this regiment. Where all acted so well, it is difficult to particularize for good conduct; but Lieutenant [Jesse A.] Macon, Company F, and Lieutenant {W. E.] Stitt, Company B, showed such marked coolness and bravery on the field, that it is just that they should be mentioned. Sergeants [P. B.] Grier, Company B, and [G. W.] Wills, Company D, behaved remarkably well.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant, W. G. LEWIS, Lieutenant Colonel, Comdg. Forty-third North Carolina Infantry.
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William G. Lewis. |
William G. Lewis. Appointed from North Carolina June 2, 1864, to rank from May 31, 1864; confirmed June 2, 1864; wounded and captured in action at Farmville, Virginia, April 7, 1865, and paroled at Farmville Virginia, between April 11 and 21, 1865.
He was a Civil War Confederate Brigadier General. When the Civil War broke out, he was a railroad civil engineer, whom joined the Confederate Army and was commissioned a Major. He saw action at the Battle of Bethel, Battle of New Bern, was promoted Lieutenant Colonel of the 33rd North Carolina Regiment in 1862 and participated in the defense of Richmond. In 1863, at the Battle of Gettysburg, he was Colonel in command of the 33rd North Carolina and led a brigade in the Battle Of Cold Harbor. In June 1864, and was promoted Brigadier General in charge of the entrenchments of Drewry's Bluff, Virginia, where he saw his last action. Following the war, he returned to his career as a civil engineer, serving as the State Engineer of North Carolina and general superintendent for several railroads.
Born: September 3, 1835, Rocky Mount, Edgecombe, North Carolina.
Death: January 8, 1901.
Father: John Wesley Lewis.
Mother: Catherine Ann Battle.
Wife: Martha Lucinda, Married March 15, 1864.
He died of Pneumonia.
Burial: Willow Dale Cemetery, Goldsboro, Wayne County, North Carolina.
Numbers 509. Report of Lieutenant Colonel W. G. Lewis, Forty-third North Carolina Infantry.
DARKESVILLE, W. VA., July 19, 1863.
SIR: In accordance with orders received from headquarters, I beg leave to respectfully submit the following report of the part acted by the Forty-third Regiment North Carolina troops in the three days' battle at Gettysburg, Pa.: At about 1 o'clock, July 1, we were drawn up in line of battle, about 1 or 2 1/2 miles from Gettysburg. After brief cannonade by a battery on our left, we were ordered forward. We moved forward about a mile before we encountered the enemy. The Forty-third Regiment was halted in a lane, when the Forty-fifth and Second Battalion moved still farther forward and engaged the enemy. Our position at that time was on the fight of the Forty-fifth, and on the left of the Thirty-second Regiments. We were then ordered to move by the left flank to a position between the Second Battalion and Fifty-third Regiment, with orders to support either on the right or left, as necessity demanded.
We remained in that position under a sharp cross-fire for some time, when we were ordered to join on to the left of the battalion and support it. The right of the regiment, in obeying that order, was exposed to a most severe fire in front and on flank, and lost very heavily. Captain [W. C.] Ousby was killed there, while doing his full duty. We remained there but a short time, when we received orders to fall back under cover of the hill, which was done in perfect order. After a short time, and when supports came up on our left, we were ordered to join on with the battalion as before, to swing around the right, and advance toward a battery of the enemy which was pouring a deadly fire into our flanks. We continued to advance, driving the enemy before us, until we came to a railroad cut, which interfered a short while with our advance.
At the railroad cut, 400 or 500 prisoners surrendered to the brigade; also several stand of colors were captured, but I am not certain that any were taken by this regiment. After moving a short distance farther in line of battle, we moved by the left flank behind a railroad embankment, where we rested until the following day. On the morning of July 2, we moved to a position on the crest of a hill which the enemy held as their line the day before. Here we remained quiet until about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when our batteries opened on the enemy's position on the highlights beyond the town, and were vigorously replied to, which subjected the regiment to severe shelling, in which we lost 1 killed and several wounded very severely.
About dark, we were ordered forward, and advanced nearly a mile, when we were halted. After remaining there a short time, we were ordered to retire, and took position in a street on the south edge of tho town. We remained there until near daybreak, when we were ordered to the extreme left of our line, to assist General Johnson in an attack on a mountain. We entered the action July 3, about sunrise, on the side of the mountain. We remained in reserve under fire a short time, when we moved by the left flank, and relieved troops who occupied works from which the enemy had been driven.
After remaining some time under fire, but not being able to return it, we were ordered to go over the breastworks, and support General Steuart in a charge on the enemy's position. Colonel [T. S.] Kenan carried the left wing over, but Steuart's brigade was repulsed and driven back before the left of our regiment had advanced far enough for the right to join it in the proposed charge. Colonel Kenan was wounded in this charge, and was taken off the field, when the command of the regiment devolved on myself.
The left wing remained out of the works some time, exposed to a most severe fire from a battery posted about 400 yards distant, when they were ordered to return to the work. From that time to the time we were ordered to retire, this regiment was exposed to a most severe fire of grape, shrapnel, and shell at short range, and only two companies oh the right had an opportunity to return the fire of the enemy. About 2 o'clock we were ordered to retire, which was executed in first-rate order. We remained in line of battle until about 1 o'clock, when we were ordered to return to a position near the one occupied by us on July 2, which we did.
With but one exception-and that an officer-the officers and men behaved remarkably well. There was no straggling from this regiment. Where all acted so well, it is difficult to particularize for good conduct; but Lieutenant [Jesse A.] Macon, Company F, and Lieutenant {W. E.] Stitt, Company B, showed such marked coolness and bravery on the field, that it is just that they should be mentioned. Sergeants [P. B.] Grier, Company B, and [G. W.] Wills, Company D, behaved remarkably well.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant, W. G. LEWIS, Lieutenant Colonel, Comdg. Forty-third North Carolina Infantry.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Archibald C. Godwin.
Burial: Stonewall Confederate Cemetery, Winchester, Winchester City, Virginia.
Honorable JAMES A. SEDDON.
DUNN'S HILL, September 20, 1864.
General Early reports that on the morning of the 19th the enemy advanced on Winchester near which place he met his attack, which was resisted from early in the day till near night, when he was compelled to retire. After night he fell back to Newtown and this morning to Fisher's Hill. Our loss is reported severe. Major-General Rodes and Brigadier-General Godwin were killed nobly doing their duty. Three pieces of artillery of King's battalion were lost. The trains and supplies were brought off safely.
R. E. LEE.
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Archibald C. Godwin |
Archibald C. Godwin, Born in Nonfolk county Virginia. Appointed from North Carolina, August 9, 1864, to rank from August 5, 1864. Killed in action at Wenchester, Virginia, September 19, 1864.
He was a Civil War Confederate Brigadier General. He was miner in California and returned to his home state of Virgina when the Civil War broke out in 1861. He initially served as Provost Marshal of Richmond, when he was transferred to the front as Colonel in command of the 57th North Carolina Infantry in 1862. He led the 57th North Carolina in battles at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and was captured at Rappahannock Bridge in November 1863. After being prsioner exchanged, he was promoted Brigadier General in August 1864 and was killed in action at the Third Battle of Winchester, Virginia.
Honorable JAMES A. SEDDON.
DUNN'S HILL, September 20, 1864.
General Early reports that on the morning of the 19th the enemy advanced on Winchester near which place he met his attack, which was resisted from early in the day till near night, when he was compelled to retire. After night he fell back to Newtown and this morning to Fisher's Hill. Our loss is reported severe. Major-General Rodes and Brigadier-General Godwin were killed nobly doing their duty. Three pieces of artillery of King's battalion were lost. The trains and supplies were brought off safely.
R. E. LEE.
General Dabney H. Maury--C. S. A.
Burial: Confederate Cemetery, Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg City, Virginia.
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Dabney H. Maury |
Dabney H. Maury. Born at Fredericksbury, Virginia, May 20, 1822. Appointed from Virginia March 18, 1862, to rank from March12, 1862; comfirmed March 18, 1862; promoted to be Major General, Provisional Army, November 4, 1862. Died at Peorsa Illinois January 11, 1900.
He graduated from West Point in 1846, was commissioned an US Army officer and was recognized for meritorious conduct during the Mexican American War. When the Civil War began, he resigned his commission and entered the Confederate Army as a Colonel. He performed admirably at the battles of Pea Ridge and was promoted Brigadier General in early 1862. He led division in actions at Corinth, Vicksburg and was promoted Major General in November, 1862. Appointed commander of the District of the Gulf in 1863, he supervised the construction of Mobile's defenses but was forced to order the city's evacuation 1865. After the war he served as US Minister to Colombia, 1885 to 1889.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
John Minor Botts, Civil War.
Death: Jan. 8, 1869, Richmond, Richmond City, Virginia.
United States Representative from Virginia, 1839-1843 and 1847-1849; delegate to the Convention of Southern Loyalists, 1866.
Burial: Shockoe Hill Cemetery, Richmond, Richmond City, Virginia.
His head stone reads.
I Know no North, no South, no East, no West; I only known my country, my whole country and nothing but my country.
John Minor Botts in the Civil War.
April 9, 1862. - A court of inquiry ordered in the case of Honorable John Minor Botts, of Virginia, arrested as a suspect by the Confederate authorities.
Near Fort Buffalo, Va., October 4, 1864.
Lieutenant Colonel J. H. TAYLOR,
Chief of Staff and Assistant Adjutant-General:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report my return to this point this evening. I telegraphed the substance of what I had to report this morning from Catlett's Station. I omitted to say that one wood since Kershaw's division left Culpeper Court-House for Gordonsville,a nd a few days since left Gordonsville to join Early. It was his division which attacked us before near Culpeper Court-House. It had just come down from the Valley there the day previous to my arrival, and was on its way to join Lee at Richmond. I have this information from the Honorable John Minor Botts, at Brandy Station.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
H. M. LAZELLE, Colonel Sixteenth New York Vol. Cavalry, Comdg. Cavalry Brigade.
Case of John Minor Botts.
HENRICO, March 22, 1862.
President DAVIS:
I appeal to your kindness to get you to answer me a few questions. First, what was Mr. Botts taken from his family for and cast into jail?* Second, why is he kept there now three weeks without allowing him a trial? Mr. Davis, what has he done to cause his confinement? Could you but know the anguish of his distressed family you would not keep them tortured as they are. A family of girls without a mother, and their idolized father torn from them at such a time of danger as his! Have you children? How would you feel about them? Are you a member of the Church of Christ? Remember the Savior's holy words, "Blessed are the peacemakers. " Answer this speedily if you please, and direct it to
WAR DEPARTMENT, Richmond, April 22, 1862.
Messrs. W. T. JOYNES and Others, Richmond, Va.
GENTLEMEN: Your letter of the 18th instant has been received. I think that for the present Mr. Botts should not be permitted to remain in the vicinity of Richmond, and have therefore ordered his discharge on parole if he will retire to the interior and pledge himself to do or say nothing prejudicial to the Confederacy or its Government.
Your obedient servant, GEO. W. RANDOLPH, Secretary of War.
A court of inquiry having assembled at Richmond, pursuant to Special Orders, No. 81, April 9, 1862, from the Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, to examine "into the causes of the arrest of John Minor Botts and to report the facts in reference thereto, and whether in the said John Minor Botts; and the court having made such examination and reported the result withi the evidence in the case to the Secretary of War, the following are his decision and orders thereupon:
The Secretary of War having considered the record of the examination in the case of John Minor Botts, and the report of Brigadier General J. H. Winder as to the practicability of confining him to his house and premises in the manner recommended by the court of inquiry directs, that he be discharged from confinement on his delivering to General Winder a writen parole of honor to the following effect:
That until otherwise permitted by the Department he will so journ in Lynchburg. Danville, or Raleigh, or in such other place in the interiors as may be selected by himself with the consent of the Department; that he will proceed without unnecessary delay to the place of his so journ; that he will not depart therefrom or go more than five miles from this residence; and that while on parole he will do nothing to the injury of the Confederate Government, nor express any opinion tending to impair the confidence of the people in the capacity of the Confederate States to achieve their independence.
Mr. Bott's family will passports to join him if desired.
By command of the Secretary of War: S. COOPER,
Lieutenant Colonel Lawson Botts.
Birth:Jul. 25, 1825, Fredericksburg City, Virginia.
Death: Sep. 16, 1862, Middleburg, Loudoun County, Virginia.
2nd Va.Inf.Regt. Shot through cheek and mouth,2nd Manassas,
8/28/1862;Died of wounds.
Sarah Elizabeth "Bettie" Ranson Botts.
Birth: Aug. 21, 1829.
Death: Jan. 26, 1909, Jefferson County, West Virginia.
Wife and Widow of Confederate Colonel Lawson Botts. They were married on January 29, 1851 in Jefferson County, Virginia, per Marriage Register of license line number 36. Her husband was the defense attorney for John Brown during the early stages of the famous John Brown trial. He was commissioned Captain of the Bott's Grays, a per-war militia Company from Charles Town. Promoted to Captain of Company G, 2nd Virginia Vol. Infantry, stepped up the ladder quickly to Colonel. Mortally wounded at the battle of second Manassas, dying at Middleburg, Virginia.
Both were buried at Zion Episcopal Churchyard, Charles Town, Jefferson County, West Virginia.
The following are battle reports by him.
The Peninsular Campaign.
No. 234. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Lawson Botts, Second Virginia, Infantry, of the battles of Gaines' Mill and Malvern Hill.
CAPTAIN: In obedience to orders I have the honor to report that at an early hour on the morning of June 27, from camp near Totopotomoy Creek, the Second Regiment, under Colonel Allen, was put on the march and moved all day toward the enemy.
About 5 o'clock, the fire of musketry being exceedingly heavy, the regiment moved rapidly forward and was drawn up in line of battle immediately in rear of Ball's old tavern, exposed to the shells of the enemy.
In a few minutes the regiment and the Fifth Virginia, under Colonel Baylor, were ordered a short distance to the front to support the Purcell Battery, and while in this position Captain Burgess, of Company F, Second Regiment, was wounded.
Soon these regiments were moved to the left, and the whole brigade, by command of General Winder, was drawn up in line of battle, and ordered to charge a battery whose shells had for some time been sweeping the field around us. The Second Regiment responded promptly to the call. The charge was made through a wood of thick undergrowth, over a marsh, and the men became separated. Forming the line again the men pressed steadily forward, leaving behind in an open field whole regiments which had been previously sent forward.
About 7 o'clock the regiment, numbering about 80 men, reached a hill near McGehee's house, and found the fire from the enemy's batteries and their supports terrible.
Here Colonel Allen and Lieutenant Keeler, of Company C, fell. Here Major Jones, Captain Colston, and Lieutenant Kinsey were wounded. Here several of the men were killed or wounded.
The regiment being in advance, or at least separated from the brigade, few in numbers, did not advance, but gallantly held its position. General Winder soon coming up, and seeing the position, gave orders to maintain the hill while he brought up re-enforcements, which could be seen in our rear. Hurrying these up, the line of battle was again formed and the order to charge was given by General Winder. As before, the regiment gallantly answered. Our troops rushed forward, the enemy fell back in retreat, and late in the evening the enemy had fled, leaving us in possession of the field, upon which we remained all night.
I cannot close the report of this day without bearing testimony to the gallant conduct of Colonel, Allen, Major Jones, Captains Colston and Burgess, and Lieutenants Keeler and Kinsey, and, indeed, to the officers and men of the regiment.
On Saturday the regiment remained near McGehee's.
On Sunday we were marched as far as Grapevine Bridge, and returned about night-fall to our camp.
Monday we crossed the Chickahominy and the York River Railroad, and bivouacked near White Oak Swamp, and moved Tuesday, July 1, on the Shirley road, halting occasionally for some time. Heavy artillery fire all the while heard in front.
Passing a church, we were placed in a wood about 5 p.m. to the right of the road, and remained there over an hour.
Some of the regiments of the brigade being within reach of the shells of the enemy, about 6.30 o'clock the brigade was ordered from the woods to the road. The thick undergrowth delayed the movements of the Second and Fifth Regiments so much, that when the left of the Second reached the road neither the Twenty-seventh, Fourth, nor Thirty-third were in sight. The road was crowded with artillery and regiments hastening from the battle-field. The regiment was pushed forward as rapidly as possible on the road, and Sergeant-Major Burwell sent in advance to ascertain the routes taken by General Winder, and by his exertions we followed in his track.
Night was rapidly closing in. The regiment was in the woods to the right of the road, marching upon the left flank of the enemy and exposed to the fire of their artillery.
Leaving the woods we entered a field, which was swept by the enemy's fire. Here we met officers and men hastening to the rear, who reported that all our troops were in retreat. Still the regiment was pushed forward to join, if possible, the brigade. The Fifth was in our rear. The darkness, the rapid march, and the woods had separated the men very much, and the command was exceedingly small. Concealing them by a deep ravine in a wood, within 150 yards of the - road, I rode out until I struck the road. Here I could not see any of our troops, and the fire from the enemy was incessant.
On my return to the regiment Colonel Baylor called me to a consultation, and the result was that we should fall back and join our brigade, our impression being that our troops had been driven from this portion of the field. If we remained we would expose the men to a fire which they could not reply to or be cut off by the enemy; therefore, marching to the rear by nearly the same route we had advanced, we struck the - road at - Church, and learning that General Winder had not fallen back, we reformed our regiments and reported to him.
Providentially we had only 2 men wounded, though exposed to as heavy a fire as ever the regiment was under.
With this I send you a list of the killed and wounded.
LAWSON BOTTS, Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding.
Note. I left out the list of killed and wounded, as there were no names just numbers.
Second Manassas.
No. 32. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Lawson Botts, Second Virginia Infantry.
[CAMP GARNETT], August 13, 1862.
CAPTAIN: In obedience to order I have the honor to report that on Saturday, the 9th, about the hour of 5 p.m., the First Brigade, of which this (the Second Regiment of Virginia Infantry) is a part, was marched through a woods near Cedar Run, in Culpeper [County], in column of regiments, within range of the enemy's artillery, a shell occasionally falling near the brigade. Shortly after the column was deployed in line of battle just at the skirt of the wood, facing a large field and another piece of wood, the division fence being near the center of the Second Regiment.
By order of Colonel Ronald, commanding, the brigade was moved to the front. Almost immediately afterward a regiment of the enemy appeared on the other side of the field. This regiment, though supported by others in the wood, fled after a short resistance, and the Second Regiment, with the Fourth and Fifth, drove the enemy through the wood they occupied. Finding no enemy in the front, and that the right wing of the brigade was pressed, the Second Regiment was ordered to its support, Captain Moore, of Company I, being left with a strong company to scout the woods and prevent surprise. Joining the right wing, the enemy was driven again from position and followed till night rendered pursuit dangerous.
I cannot too highly commend the conduct of the officers and men of my command; and though exposed for some hours to the enemy's fire, providentially no one was killed and but 7 wounded.
Lieutenant-General, Commanding.
This last report will be in part, it tells of Lawson being wounded.
Numbers 168. Report of Brigadier General William B Taliaferro, C. S. Army, commanding First (Jackson's) Division, of operations August 20-28.
Killed or wounded.
Colonel [John F.] Neff, Thirty-third Virginia, while gallantly leading his regiment into action, was killed; Colonel [A. J.] Grigsby, Twenty-seventh Virginia, wounded; Colonel [Lawson] Botts, Second Virginia, mortally wounded; Major Nadenbousch, Second Virginia, Major [William] Terry, Fourth [Virginia], wounded, and others whose names and whose gallantry have been doubtless reported to the commanding general.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
New Jersey Loyalists To The Crown.
The following list of soldiers were loyalists to ihe crown during the Revolutionary war. There is information on all these names and will be given on request. Some names will have more information then others. I will give a couple of examples on the kind of information you may receive.
Authors Note. Please give the title of this page when requesting information, to give a name out of the blue with no refevence as too where the name came from makes it hard for me to help you.
Example 1.
Philip Kearney Skinner, a resident of Perth Amboy, New Jersey. He was a son of General Skinner. He was commission by his father as Ensign in the First Battalion November 10, 1781. He was after the war, placed in the British line, the twenty-third regiment of foot and aftter various promotions he became in 1825, Lieutenant General of the British Army. The following year, April 9, 1826, he died in London.
Example 2.
John Waddington, during the years of 1780-1781, and part of 1782, this officer was the Quartermaster of the First Battalion, but died of disease during the last mentioned year.
Lieutenant Colonel.
Isaac Allen.
Joseph Barton.
Stephen Delancey.
Edward Vanughan Dongan.
Elisha Lawrence.
John Morris.
Abraham Van Buskirk.
John Antill.
John Barnes.
Daniel Isaac Browne.
John Golden.
Robert Drummond.
Thomas Leonard.
Thomas Millidge.
Richard V. Stockton.
Robert Timpany.
Philip Van Cortlant.
John Atchison.
George Cypher.
Isaac Hedden.
Patrick Henry.
John Hyslop.
Ozias Insley.
John Jekins.
Arther T. Pritchard.
Cornelius Thompson.
Fleming Colgan.
Bartholomew Dougaty.
John Falker.
Daniel James.
Thomas Morrison.
James Nealson.
William Sorrell.
Theodore Valleau.
John Waddington.
Absalom Bainbridge.
Daniel Bancroft.
Henry Dongan.
Charles Earle.
John Hammell.
Uzal Johnson.
William Peterson.
Surgeons Mate.
James Boggs.
Stephen Millidge.
Thomas Barton.
Daniel Batwell.
Charles Inglis.
Charles Morgan.
John Rowland.
James Sayre.
Edward Winslow.
David Alston.
John Barbarie.
Benjamin Barton.
Urian Bleau.
Waldron Bleau.
Daniel Bessonet.
Donald Campbell.
Patrick Campbell.
Peter Campbell.
Richard Cayford.
William Chandler.
John Cougle.
Daniel Cozens.
Joseph Crowell.
Edward Earie.
Patrick Haggerty.
Charles Harrison.
Cornelius Hatfield Jr.
John Hatfield.
Samuel Heyden.
Samuel Hudnot.
Thomas Hunlock.
William Hutchinson.
Garret Keating.
Joseph Lee.
Samuel Leonard.
John Longsteet.
Alexander McDonald.
Cornelius McLeod.
Norman McLeod.
Peter Ruttan.
Samuel Ryeason.
James Shaw.
George Stanforth.
John Taylor.
Bartholomew Thatcher.
William Van Allen.
Jacob Van Buskirk.
John Williams.
John Alston.
Joseph Cunliff.
Edward Steele.
Charles Babbington.
Henry Barton.
James Brittain.
William Chew.
John Coombes.
Richard Cooper.
John DeMonzes.
Justus Earle.
John Ford.
Francis Frazer.
James Harrison.
John Hatton.
Anthony Hollinshead.
Christopher Insley.
George Lambert.
John Lawrence.
Enoch Lyon.
Donald McPherson.
James Moody.
John Monro.
Thomas Oakason.
Josiah Parker.
Robert Peterson.
John Reid.
Martin Ryerson.
James Servanier.
Daniel Shannon.
John Simonson.
Michael Smith.
William Stevenson.
Andrew Stockton.
John Thompson.
John Throckmorton.
Jphn Troup.
William Turner.
John Van Buskirk.
William Dumont.
John Van Norden.
John Vought.
Joseph Waller.
John Willis.
Samuel Richard Wilson.
Jonathan Alston.
Peter Anderson.
William Banks.
James Barton.
Joseph Bean.
Joseph Brittain.
John Camp.
James Cole.
Nathaniel Coombes.
Ezekiel Dennis.
Peter Dunworth.
Daniel Grandin.
Reuben Hankinson.
William K. Hurlet.
Zenophon Jewett.
William Lawrence.
James Briser.
George Lee.
John Leonard.
Richard Lippincott.
Richard McGinnis.
Hector McLean.
Colin McLane.
Phineas Millidge.
Peter Myer.
John Robbins.
Ruloff Ruloffs.
Stephen Ryder.
George Ryerson.
John Seamon.
James Service.
John Shannon.
Philip Kearney Skinner.
John Swanton.
Lewis Thompson.
Henry Van Dellen.
Philip Van Cortlandt Jr.
Malcom Wilmott.
John Woodward.
Robert Woodward.
Authors Note. Please give the title of this page when requesting information, to give a name out of the blue with no refevence as too where the name came from makes it hard for me to help you.
Example 1.
Philip Kearney Skinner, a resident of Perth Amboy, New Jersey. He was a son of General Skinner. He was commission by his father as Ensign in the First Battalion November 10, 1781. He was after the war, placed in the British line, the twenty-third regiment of foot and aftter various promotions he became in 1825, Lieutenant General of the British Army. The following year, April 9, 1826, he died in London.
Example 2.
John Waddington, during the years of 1780-1781, and part of 1782, this officer was the Quartermaster of the First Battalion, but died of disease during the last mentioned year.
Lieutenant Colonel.
Isaac Allen.
Joseph Barton.
Stephen Delancey.
Edward Vanughan Dongan.
Elisha Lawrence.
John Morris.
Abraham Van Buskirk.
John Antill.
John Barnes.
Daniel Isaac Browne.
John Golden.
Robert Drummond.
Thomas Leonard.
Thomas Millidge.
Richard V. Stockton.
Robert Timpany.
Philip Van Cortlant.
John Atchison.
George Cypher.
Isaac Hedden.
Patrick Henry.
John Hyslop.
Ozias Insley.
John Jekins.
Arther T. Pritchard.
Cornelius Thompson.
Fleming Colgan.
Bartholomew Dougaty.
John Falker.
Daniel James.
Thomas Morrison.
James Nealson.
William Sorrell.
Theodore Valleau.
John Waddington.
Absalom Bainbridge.
Daniel Bancroft.
Henry Dongan.
Charles Earle.
John Hammell.
Uzal Johnson.
William Peterson.
Surgeons Mate.
James Boggs.
Stephen Millidge.
Thomas Barton.
Daniel Batwell.
Charles Inglis.
Charles Morgan.
John Rowland.
James Sayre.
Edward Winslow.
David Alston.
John Barbarie.
Benjamin Barton.
Urian Bleau.
Waldron Bleau.
Daniel Bessonet.
Donald Campbell.
Patrick Campbell.
Peter Campbell.
Richard Cayford.
William Chandler.
John Cougle.
Daniel Cozens.
Joseph Crowell.
Edward Earie.
Patrick Haggerty.
Charles Harrison.
Cornelius Hatfield Jr.
John Hatfield.
Samuel Heyden.
Samuel Hudnot.
Thomas Hunlock.
William Hutchinson.
Garret Keating.
Joseph Lee.
Samuel Leonard.
John Longsteet.
Alexander McDonald.
Cornelius McLeod.
Norman McLeod.
Peter Ruttan.
Samuel Ryeason.
James Shaw.
George Stanforth.
John Taylor.
Bartholomew Thatcher.
William Van Allen.
Jacob Van Buskirk.
John Williams.
John Alston.
Joseph Cunliff.
Edward Steele.
Charles Babbington.
Henry Barton.
James Brittain.
William Chew.
John Coombes.
Richard Cooper.
John DeMonzes.
Justus Earle.
John Ford.
Francis Frazer.
James Harrison.
John Hatton.
Anthony Hollinshead.
Christopher Insley.
George Lambert.
John Lawrence.
Enoch Lyon.
Donald McPherson.
James Moody.
John Monro.
Thomas Oakason.
Josiah Parker.
Robert Peterson.
John Reid.
Martin Ryerson.
James Servanier.
Daniel Shannon.
John Simonson.
Michael Smith.
William Stevenson.
Andrew Stockton.
John Thompson.
John Throckmorton.
Jphn Troup.
William Turner.
John Van Buskirk.
William Dumont.
John Van Norden.
John Vought.
Joseph Waller.
John Willis.
Samuel Richard Wilson.
Jonathan Alston.
Peter Anderson.
William Banks.
James Barton.
Joseph Bean.
Joseph Brittain.
John Camp.
James Cole.
Nathaniel Coombes.
Ezekiel Dennis.
Peter Dunworth.
Daniel Grandin.
Reuben Hankinson.
William K. Hurlet.
Zenophon Jewett.
William Lawrence.
James Briser.
George Lee.
John Leonard.
Richard Lippincott.
Richard McGinnis.
Hector McLean.
Colin McLane.
Phineas Millidge.
Peter Myer.
John Robbins.
Ruloff Ruloffs.
Stephen Ryder.
George Ryerson.
John Seamon.
James Service.
John Shannon.
Philip Kearney Skinner.
John Swanton.
Lewis Thompson.
Henry Van Dellen.
Philip Van Cortlandt Jr.
Malcom Wilmott.
John Woodward.
Robert Woodward.
Friday, December 09, 2011
Livery Stables of Arizona 1881.
This page was done just for the fun of it, I hope some of you will find it helpful.
----------------------------Tucson Arizona 1881.
James Carroll, Livery stable, corner Pennington & Court.
E. F. Colton, Livery and feed stable, 332 Meyer Street South.
George L. Field, Ironwood Livery stable, 109 Sixth Ave.
W. M. Morgan, Ironwood Livery stable, 109 Sixth Ave.
Frank C. Norton, Sup't, Colton stable.
Arizona Gazetter and Business 1881.
Frank Stilwell, Livery and Feed stable.
George McAsh, Livery and Feed stable.
John V. Duilion, Feed stable.
D. W. Cummings, Livery and Feed stable.
D. A. Reynolds, Livery and Feed stable.
R. H. Schell, Livery and Sale stable.
P. C. Robertson, Livery and Feed stable.
G. Ross & Co., Livery, Feed and Sale stable.
John Rusher, Livery stable.
James William, Livert stable.
George Hamlin, Livery stable.
James D. Monihon, Livery stable
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Adam Arbogast-Revolutionary soldier-Virginia.
Adam Arbogast, Pocahontas, November 6, 1832. Born 1760. Indian spy. 1776 or 1777. Drafted and marched under Captain John McCoy and Lieutenant Joseph Gwin to West 's Fort on west fork of Monogahela, then down the river to Lowther's Fort, then lower yet to Nutter's Fort, where he remained much of the three months, and finally to Coontie's Fort, where troops were called in consequence of the Indians killing a white woman, while she was spreading hemp in a field.
Volunteered,1778, as Indian spy under the same Captain, and marched to warm springs, whence he, together with George Hull, John Gum, and Conrad Fleisher, were ordered to Crabbottom to guard that locality, and there remained the rest of his time. At another time he march from his home ( Now Highland ), across Greenbrier River to Seneca in pursuit of Indians. Date not given ( 1781? )
Note. There are copies of his pension application, but as most of the information is the same as the above I will not print it here. However there is a part of the application I will print as it is interesting, and may help you learn more about him.
The following report is by District Attorney Washington G. Singleton who investigted many pensioners in present West Virginia. For details see pension application S6111 of David W. Sleeth. Singleton wrote “Entitled” in his report on Arbogast, who was listed as a pensioner in the 1840, federal census of Pocahontas County.] Adam Arbagast Served 6 mo. [illegible word] $60.
I the undersigned Adam Arbagast at the request of W. G. Singleton give the following statement of my age & of my Revolutionary Service as a soldier. to wit:
I was 75 yrs. old on the 25th October last – am a native of Frederick county and resided in west augusta now Pendleton county during the war of the Revolution — in the year 1777 (to the best of my recollection) I was drafted for 3 months and marched from Pendleton county (under Capt. John McKay, Lieut. James Guinn & David Marton Ensign) through Tygarts Vally Randolph County thence across the Buckhannon River into the present County of Harrison county. there our company was divided & subdivided and sent to the different forts or stations in the settlement. myself with others were stationed at Bushes Fort on Hackers creek afterwards removed to the west Fort of the Monongalia River, and thence to Nutters & Louthers Fort. at the several stations above mentioned I served out the 3 months and returned home.
I drew rations received pay & was furnished with arms & ammunition — about two years after the preceeding tour (I wont be certain as to the time, except in this, that it was during the war of the Revolution) I volunteered in same county under Ensign Thomas Right who marched with about twenty men including my self to the Warm Springs now Bath county. on our arival there found at that station Cols. Huggard & McCreary who ordered us back to Pendleton to protect that county from Invasion by Indians. we returned & six of us including my self remained in service for the three months. we were raingeing & scouting through the Frontiers of that county. I was Sergeant and had the command of the little party. Six in number includeing myself as before stated & thus ended my services. My son Jacob wrote my Declaration. Jan’y 30 1835 Adam hisXmark Arbagast
A Copy. W. G. Singleton Feby 14 1835.
Volunteered,1778, as Indian spy under the same Captain, and marched to warm springs, whence he, together with George Hull, John Gum, and Conrad Fleisher, were ordered to Crabbottom to guard that locality, and there remained the rest of his time. At another time he march from his home ( Now Highland ), across Greenbrier River to Seneca in pursuit of Indians. Date not given ( 1781? )
Note. There are copies of his pension application, but as most of the information is the same as the above I will not print it here. However there is a part of the application I will print as it is interesting, and may help you learn more about him.
The following report is by District Attorney Washington G. Singleton who investigted many pensioners in present West Virginia. For details see pension application S6111 of David W. Sleeth. Singleton wrote “Entitled” in his report on Arbogast, who was listed as a pensioner in the 1840, federal census of Pocahontas County.] Adam Arbagast Served 6 mo. [illegible word] $60.
I the undersigned Adam Arbagast at the request of W. G. Singleton give the following statement of my age & of my Revolutionary Service as a soldier. to wit:
I was 75 yrs. old on the 25th October last – am a native of Frederick county and resided in west augusta now Pendleton county during the war of the Revolution — in the year 1777 (to the best of my recollection) I was drafted for 3 months and marched from Pendleton county (under Capt. John McKay, Lieut. James Guinn & David Marton Ensign) through Tygarts Vally Randolph County thence across the Buckhannon River into the present County of Harrison county. there our company was divided & subdivided and sent to the different forts or stations in the settlement. myself with others were stationed at Bushes Fort on Hackers creek afterwards removed to the west Fort of the Monongalia River, and thence to Nutters & Louthers Fort. at the several stations above mentioned I served out the 3 months and returned home.
I drew rations received pay & was furnished with arms & ammunition — about two years after the preceeding tour (I wont be certain as to the time, except in this, that it was during the war of the Revolution) I volunteered in same county under Ensign Thomas Right who marched with about twenty men including my self to the Warm Springs now Bath county. on our arival there found at that station Cols. Huggard & McCreary who ordered us back to Pendleton to protect that county from Invasion by Indians. we returned & six of us including my self remained in service for the three months. we were raingeing & scouting through the Frontiers of that county. I was Sergeant and had the command of the little party. Six in number includeing myself as before stated & thus ended my services. My son Jacob wrote my Declaration. Jan’y 30 1835 Adam hisXmark Arbagast
A Copy. W. G. Singleton Feby 14 1835.
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
West Virginia Indian Spies.
Being a spy sound romantic but it was not it was hard and dangerous work all these men were Indian spies in the Revolutionary war and all survived. All these men were on the pension rolls for Virginia of 1835. The men with a star filed for a pension. These pension application are available on request.
Richard Bell, Va. coont. line., Harrison county.
*Petter Bonnett, Lewis county, W. Va., age 80.
*John Bradshaw, Pocanontas county, W. Va., age 75.
*William Cecil, Tazewell county, W. Va., age 85.
*Richard Dotson, Tyler county, W. Va., age 82.
Simon Everley, Monongalia county, W. Va., age 71.
James Ellison, Monroe county, W. Va., age 77.
William Gardner, Lewis county, W. Va., age 74.
*Edward Harbert, Harrison county, W. Va., age 72.
*Sam. ( Samuel? ), Harbert, Va. line, Harrison county, W. Va., age74.
*Jacob Harrow, Harrison county, W. Va., age 79.
*Sotha Hickman, Harrison county, W. Va., age 86.
*Moses Husstead, Harrison county, W. Vaa., age 86.
Hezekiah Hess, Lewis county, W. Va., age 78.
Jacob Hyde, Lewis county, W. Va., age77.
*Isaac Mace, Lewis county, W. Va., age 79.
Tunnis Muckelwaine, Lewis county, W. Va., age 75.
Zephaniah Nicholas, Lewis county, W. Va., age 78.
*Joseph Parson, Jackson county W. Va., age 79.
*Jacob Rifee, Harrison county, W. Va., age 73.
*Thomas Stout, Harrison, W. Va., age 70.
*Paul Shaver, Lewis county, W. Va., age 75.
*Mark Smith, Lewis county, W. Va., age 76.
Samuel Stalmacker, Lewis county, W. Va., age 71.
*David Wamsley, Lewis county, W. Va.,
*James Wamsley, Lewis county, W. Va., age 69.
Hezekiah Wade, Tyler county W. Va., age 80.
Richard Bell, Va. coont. line., Harrison county.
*Petter Bonnett, Lewis county, W. Va., age 80.
*John Bradshaw, Pocanontas county, W. Va., age 75.
*William Cecil, Tazewell county, W. Va., age 85.
*Richard Dotson, Tyler county, W. Va., age 82.
Simon Everley, Monongalia county, W. Va., age 71.
James Ellison, Monroe county, W. Va., age 77.
William Gardner, Lewis county, W. Va., age 74.
*Edward Harbert, Harrison county, W. Va., age 72.
*Sam. ( Samuel? ), Harbert, Va. line, Harrison county, W. Va., age74.
*Jacob Harrow, Harrison county, W. Va., age 79.
*Sotha Hickman, Harrison county, W. Va., age 86.
*Moses Husstead, Harrison county, W. Vaa., age 86.
Hezekiah Hess, Lewis county, W. Va., age 78.
Jacob Hyde, Lewis county, W. Va., age77.
*Isaac Mace, Lewis county, W. Va., age 79.
Tunnis Muckelwaine, Lewis county, W. Va., age 75.
Zephaniah Nicholas, Lewis county, W. Va., age 78.
*Joseph Parson, Jackson county W. Va., age 79.
*Jacob Rifee, Harrison county, W. Va., age 73.
*Thomas Stout, Harrison, W. Va., age 70.
*Paul Shaver, Lewis county, W. Va., age 75.
*Mark Smith, Lewis county, W. Va., age 76.
Samuel Stalmacker, Lewis county, W. Va., age 71.
*David Wamsley, Lewis county, W. Va.,
*James Wamsley, Lewis county, W. Va., age 69.
Hezekiah Wade, Tyler county W. Va., age 80.
Cyrus Leland & Charles F. Coleman Civil War.
KANSAS CITY, MO., August 31, 1863.
GENERAL: I have the honor to report the part taken by myself, and what I know of the late Quantrill raid.
I joined Major [P. B.] Plumb, at Olathe, Kans., about sunrise on the morning of the 21st instant. He had about 50 men. We started out on the road to gardner, but soon learned that Quantrill had passed through Gardner the evening previous, in the direction of Lawrence. We then struck across the country direct for Lawrence. When nearly 3 miles north of Gardner, we found Quantrill's trail, and learned that Captain [C. F.] Coleman, of the Ninth Kansas, was but 4 or 5 miles ahead of us. Major Plumb knew before this that Captain Coleman was ahead of us, and that he was on the trail. We overtook Captain Coleman about 4 miles southeast of Franklin about 9 a. m. Long before this we could see the smoke over the city of Lawrence. Here we moved in a southwesterly direction. We had gone but a short distance when we could see the smoke and dust non the Lawrence and Fort Scott road.
After this skirmish, major Plumb ordered me to take the advance with all the militia that I could get. At the first skirmish all the militia, with the exception of one company, broke ranks, some to go farther in the advance, while others would keep away in the rear. I took the advance with the militia; had from 50 to 200 men, but they were strung out in squads back to our cavalry. There were from 20 to 50 of the militia that would fight very well. Whenever we would press up pretty close and commence firing on the enemy, they would halt and form line of battle, and fight us until our cavalry would come in sight, or come pretty near their range, when they would commence their retreat again. Our cavalry horses were very much worn out, and could not catch up with the advance militia. During the day after the first skirmish, our cavalry, with the exception of one company of the Ninth Kansas, was from 1 to 3 miles in our rear.
This company of the Ninth succeeded near sundown in getting near enough to give the enemy a few shots. Along in the afternoon, Major Plumb came up in the advance. He told me that the cavalry horses were completely tired out. The rest of the day Major Plumb was in the advance with the militia, or with this company of the Ninth Kansas, which was then from a quarter to a half of a mile in rear of the advance militia. Just about dark I was in advance with about 40 of the militia. We had just driven the rear guard of the enemy over the brow of a hill when we heard yelling just over this hill. Soon we saw the enemy come up on the hill. They were in line, I think, about 200 strong. They came charging down upon us. We fell back to this company of cavalry. They formed in line as they sa us coming back. We formed on their right. The enemy came up near enough to fire a few shots, when they commenced to retreat again. This was within 2 or 3 miles of Paola, right west of it. It was soon so dark that we lost them. We went into Paola. Reached Paola about 8 o'clock. Found Colonel [C. S.] Clark there. He soon sent out scouts to find Quantrill's trail.
Some time during the night they found the trail. Colonel Clark said that he would start out at 3 o'clock in the morning with all the force that he could get. I staid with Major Plumb Friday night at Paola. Saturday morning we started on the trail with a few citizens. Near the line we fell in with Majors [W. C.] Ransom and [L. K.] Thacher; they had three companies of cavalry. At Williams' place, some 12 miles in Missouri, we found Colonel Clark. We stopped and fled here. Before we left Williams', Major Phillips came in with a command. Here the command separated. Majors Plumb, Ransom, and Thacher, with their companies, started out in a northeast direction; I kept with them. They scouted the country as they moved. Sunday we scouted country in toward Lone Jack. Twice we fell in with some Missouri troops. They were scouting the country in every direction. Sunday night we reached Lone Jack, and sent out detachments to guard all the crossings.
I am, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
CYRUS LELAND, JR., First Lieutenant Tenth Kansas Volunteers.
Numbers 6. Report of Captain Charles F. Coleman, Ninth Kansas Cavalry.
LITTLE SANTA FE, MO., August 30, 1863.

At 9 o'clock I started with all my available force, consisting of a detachment of Company M, Fifth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and a part of my own company, in all about 80 men. At Aubrey I was joined by Captain Pike, Company K, Ninth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and Company D, Eleventh Kansas Volunteers Cavalry. My force then consisted of about 180 men. From Aubrey I sent a dispatch to Lieutenant-Colonel [C. S.] Clark, commanding at Coldwater, that at 11 o'clock I would start after them. I struck their trail 5 miles south of Aubrey, followed it some 3 miles, when we lost it, they having scattered and divided their force to prevent pursuit int the night (in again finding it, I lost near two hours).
At Gardner I learned that they passed through six hours before. From Gardner I sent runners south and west to notify the inhabitants that Quantrill had gone north with a large force. I soon could see the smoke from the burning of Lawrence, and pressed on as fast as our jaded horses would their. When about 6 miles south of Lawrence, I was relieved from command by the arrival of Major [P. B.] Plumb, Eleventh Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, with about 30 men. From there we turned south for Baldwin City, and, when neat there, saw them burning Brooklyn.
We halted there a short time to hear from our scouts which way they were moving, who reported that they were on the Fort Scott road, moving south. From Baldwin City we struck southwest, and intercepted them on the Fort Scott road, and engaged their rear with what men we could bet up, we having made a charge for the last 3 miles, and the most of our horses being totally given out, having traveled them upward of 30 miles without feed, water, or rest. After a few rounds their rear gave way and joined their main command. We then divided our command and attempted to cut them off from the crossing of Ottawa Creek, but failed on account of the jaded condition of our horses.
We then got together about 40 soldiers and the same number of citizens (all the rest of the horses having given out), and again attacked them in the rear, and kept up a running fight for the next 18 miles, and till we drove them into the Bull Creek timber west of Paola. Night coming on, we abandoned the chase, having been in our saddles twenty-four hours without food or water for man or horse, and having traveled over 100 miles. The enemy here took around Paola on the north. From the best information received during the day, we killed and wounded about 30 of them. We rested at Paola during the night, and in the morning Lieutenant-Colonel Clark took command and resumed the chase.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. F. COLEMAN, Captain Ninth Kansas Volunteer Cavalry.
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