This is not just another death list. It's a list to help you understand how and why you ancestor died. From this information you may learn something about your anestor you never kenw.
The names and the events where taken from the Fourteenth Regimental History.
Robert Hubbard, Private, Co. B., Residence Middletown, Mustered in August 6, 1862. Killed September 17, 1862, at Sharpsburg Maryland.
Killed by the careless handling of a rifle by a member of his own company.
Thaddeus W. Lewis, Private, Co. A., Residence Bridgeport Mustered in JUune 19, 1862. Killed September 17, 1862, at Sharpsburg Maryland.
Killed by the careless handling of a rifle by a member of his own company.
Captain Jarvis E. Blinn. of Company F. the first officer to head the list of those who were killed in the service of the Fourteenth Regiment, was born at Rocky Hill, Conn.. July 28th, 1836. He resided there until 1853, when he removed to New Britain. August 8th. 1862, he enlisted in the company then organizing in new Britain for the Fourteenth Regiment. He was unanimously chosen captain and commissioned as such August 15th; left the state at the head of his company August 25th ; and was constanly at his post until the 17th of September, when, early in the day, just as his company was ordered to fall back from their somewhat advanced position on the battlefield, a bullet struck him, passing through the heart. He made the single exclamation "T am a dead man!" and died instantly. A friend says of him: I know of no important incident in his life. I onlv know that he was faithful and true in all the relations of life, winning his way by his own merit to the affection and confidence of all who knew him. With an earnest devotion to his country, he gave himself 'wilHng to die if need be, for the good cause. His remains were taken to New Britain for interment.
First Lieutenant Henry W. Wadhams was one of three brothers who enlisted from Litchfield, Conn., all of whom were killed in the struggle for the nation's life. All these brothers were killed in battle. Sergeant Edward Wadhams of the Eighth Connecticut was killed in the assault on Fort Darling, Captain Luman Wadhams of the Second Connecticut Artillery was mortally wounded at Cold Harbor and First Lieutenant Henry W. Wadhams on the south side of North Ann River. The subject of this sketch was born August 14th., 183 1. He was a machinist at Waterbury, where he enlisted July 4, 1862, in Company C. He was buried near North Anna River. His whole military career was Marked by loyal devotion to duty and his desire to faithfully serve his country.
First Lieutenant Theodore A. Stanley was a native of New Britain, being born July 22, 1833. He went to New York to learn the mercantile business, remaining until he was 23, when he returned home to take charge of an important manufacttirmg business. He sacrificed all business interests and devoted his energy to the organization of Company B. He was chosen second lieutenant. Stanley distinguished himself at Antietam by his coolness in the discharge of his duties. Captain Blinn of that company being killed in the engagement.
First Lieutenant Moore was chosen captain and Stanley was chosen first lieutenant. Captain Goddard says: "At the battle of Fredericksburg, he was in conmiand of his company (the captain being on detached service at the time ) , and led his men in that grand charge on the rebel batteries on Marye's Heights, when the storm of shot and shell, grape and canister, blackened the air for hours.
In this charge Lieutenant Stanley fell mortally wounded by a musket ball through the lungs. While being carried back to the city, in expectation of immediate death, he told his comrades to leave him on the field and take care of themselves. But he survived to be removed across the river, and afterward to Armory Square Hospital, at Washington, where, after eighteen days of suffering, much of which was intense, yet which could not shake his faith in the Savior in whom he believed, his life ebbed out with the dying year, on the 31st of December, 1862. His body was removed to New Britain and buried with military honors." Lieutenant Stanley was very quiet and reticent with strangers, and was not well known to many in the regiment, but his colonel truly said : "He was always found to the front, and the officers and men of his own company testify to his imiform regard for their comfort and welfare."
Captain Elijah W. Gibbons of Company B was so seriously wounded at Fredericksburg as to make his recovery hopeless with the best hospital treatment, he survived in great suffering until December 19th. Captain Gibbons was buried on a pleasant hillside looking toward the rising sun, just beyond the outskirts of the camp. Over this hill he had marched to battle, leadmg his command, six days before. It was a sad and impressive occasion to the regiment as well as to the members of his own company by whom he was dearly loved as a soldier and a man. The vaen moving slowly with reversed arms behind the coftin, the weird and mournful dirge from the band and the volley of musketry over the grave all were different from the ceremonies the men were familiar with at home and yet seemed not inappropriate.
United States color-bearer. Corporal Henrv K. Lyon of Company G., was mortally wounded and as he fell handed the colors to Colonel Aloort', remarking that he had done his best. Lvon was taken prisoner and died in the hands of his enemy, from his wounds.
First Lieutenant Frederick E. Shalk was another serious loss to the regiment during this series of battles under consideration. He was a German by birth, moving to this country quite early in life. He enlisted from Norwich. Prior to that he had resided in Uncasville. It will be remembered that we have alluded to him previously as falling from the train while making a short stop at Easton, Pa., on the route of the regiment from New York to the front. He was a faithful soldier and a trusty officer. Of vigorous and energetic constitution, but cheerful disposition, he was equally ready for duty or danger, for fun or frolic. This disposition made him a great favorite with the men of the regiment. He was wounded at Spottsylvania and died May 21st., 1864. He was taken to Lebanon for burial.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013
James Little, 78th., Penn. Infantry.
There is not a lot of information here, but I thought his ancestors would like to know how he died.
James Little, Private, 78th., Pennsyvania Infantry, Co. A., Mustered in October 12, 1861, for 3 years. Killed at New Hope Church, Virginia, May 27, 1864.
The following was taken from the 78th., regimental history, page 147.
James Little, Private, 78th., Pennsyvania Infantry, Co. A., Mustered in October 12, 1861, for 3 years. Killed at New Hope Church, Virginia, May 27, 1864.
The following was taken from the 78th., regimental history, page 147.
Battle of New Hope Church.
The first man of Company A that I saw fall was James Little. I was but a few feet from him, and thought that he was instantly killed, but Captain Ayres, of Company H, told me afterwards that he had raised him up when he said to him, "Tell mother I am in the front ranks yet," and, repeating the words three times, he expired a few moments afterwards in the arms of Chaplain Christy
Willam Brister Shot By A Friend.
Willam Brister, Sergeant, Age 20, Enlisted August 14, 1862, for 3 years. Appointed from Corporal July 1, 1863. Accidentally killed November 25, 1863 at Duffield's Station, Virginia.
On the 25th of November, Sergeant William Brister, of F, was accidentally shot and killed at Duffield Station by private Stephen Hogue of the same company. It seems that Sergeant Silas King had just returned to camp from a scout on which he had found a number of arms. Among them was an old flintlock musket. Seeing Hogue approaching, Sergeant Brister playfully picked it up and pointed it toward him. Hogue, in the same playful mood, picked up a musket, which he thought unloaded, and point ed it toward the Sergeant and pulled the trigger. It proved to be loaded, and Sergeant Brister was shot through the breast and died in a few minutes. It was a dreadfully unfortunate occurrence and nearly crazed Hogue, as the two men were close neighbors at home, and very warm friends. Hogue soon afterwards wrote to Brister s friends, saying that he "had killed the best friend he had on earth."
Brister s remains were sent home.
The Friend.
The following was taken from the 116th., Ohio Infantry Regimental History.
On the 25th of November, Sergeant William Brister, of F, was accidentally shot and killed at Duffield Station by private Stephen Hogue of the same company. It seems that Sergeant Silas King had just returned to camp from a scout on which he had found a number of arms. Among them was an old flintlock musket. Seeing Hogue approaching, Sergeant Brister playfully picked it up and pointed it toward him. Hogue, in the same playful mood, picked up a musket, which he thought unloaded, and point ed it toward the Sergeant and pulled the trigger. It proved to be loaded, and Sergeant Brister was shot through the breast and died in a few minutes. It was a dreadfully unfortunate occurrence and nearly crazed Hogue, as the two men were close neighbors at home, and very warm friends. Hogue soon afterwards wrote to Brister s friends, saying that he "had killed the best friend he had on earth."
Brister s remains were sent home.
The Friend.
Stepher Hogue, Corporal, Age 19, Enlisted August 15, 1862, for 3 years. Appointed June 8, 1865; transfrred to Co. A., 62nd O. V. I., JUNE 14, 1865.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Private, Daniel Neal or Neel, 39th., illinois Infanrty.
Rank; Private.
Company: K.
Unit: 39 IL US INF.
Age: 32.
Height; 5' 8 1/2.
Hair: BROWN.
Eyes; BLUE.
Complexion: LIGHT.
Marital Status; SINGLE.
Occupation: FARMER.
Service Record.
Joined When: SEP 3, 1861.
Joined Where; MARSEILLES, IL
Joined By Whom: D A NICHOLSON.
Period: 3 YRS.
Muster In: OCT 11, 1861.
Muster In Where: CHICAGO, IL
Authors note. In the regimental history it has his surname as Neal, but in the State records it was Neel.
The following information was taken from the 39th., Regimental History.
one incident had occurred to mar the pleasure of our progress from St. Louis, Mo., to Williamsport, Md. Before leaving Pittsburgh, Private Daniel Neal, of Company K, while the car in which he was riding was at rest upon a bridge (the train having stopped for repairs), missed his footing upon the platform and was precipitated down through the trestle-work a distance of forty feet. Fortunately the bed of the stream beneath was shallow, and he escaped drowning ; but when picked up it was found that he had suffered a severe concussion of the spinal column, with fracture of two of the processes of the dorsal vertebrae. The lower limbs were paralyzed. He was taken aboard the cars again and made as comfortable as circumstances would permit, and on reaching Pittsburgh he was placed under competent care at Dr. Waller's Surgical Infirmary. After recovery he rejoined the regiment at Arlington Heights, Va., in 1864. and was discharged by reason of physical deformity.
Neal, Daniel. Enlisted from Marseilles September 3d. I86I.
Early in the service Neal met with a serious accident which nearly cost him his life. When the regiment was en route from St. Louis. Mo., to Williamsport. Md., while passing through the State of Ohio in the night time, the train came to a halt on a bridge spanning a deep ravine. It was a covered bridge. Neal stepped out and off the train to go forward for some water, unaware, in the darkness, of where the train was resting, and in stepping off he made a long step, about forty feet, to the ground below. He was picked up, and on reaching Pittsburg was taken by Dr. Clark to Dr. Waller's Surgical Infirmary. His spine was injured, and it was thought that he could not recover; but he did. and reported to his company a few days prior to his discharge from the service. November 1st, 1862 February 4th. 1864, he enlisted in Company G. Eighth Illinois Cavalry, and was mustered out July 17th. 1865. His home is at Larned.
*Since writing the above we have news of Neal's death by suicide at Larned, Kansas, some time in February, 1889.
Authors note. In the regimental history it has his surname as Neal, but in the State records it was Neel.
The following information was taken from the 39th., Regimental History.
one incident had occurred to mar the pleasure of our progress from St. Louis, Mo., to Williamsport, Md. Before leaving Pittsburgh, Private Daniel Neal, of Company K, while the car in which he was riding was at rest upon a bridge (the train having stopped for repairs), missed his footing upon the platform and was precipitated down through the trestle-work a distance of forty feet. Fortunately the bed of the stream beneath was shallow, and he escaped drowning ; but when picked up it was found that he had suffered a severe concussion of the spinal column, with fracture of two of the processes of the dorsal vertebrae. The lower limbs were paralyzed. He was taken aboard the cars again and made as comfortable as circumstances would permit, and on reaching Pittsburgh he was placed under competent care at Dr. Waller's Surgical Infirmary. After recovery he rejoined the regiment at Arlington Heights, Va., in 1864. and was discharged by reason of physical deformity.
Neal, Daniel. Enlisted from Marseilles September 3d. I86I.
Early in the service Neal met with a serious accident which nearly cost him his life. When the regiment was en route from St. Louis. Mo., to Williamsport. Md., while passing through the State of Ohio in the night time, the train came to a halt on a bridge spanning a deep ravine. It was a covered bridge. Neal stepped out and off the train to go forward for some water, unaware, in the darkness, of where the train was resting, and in stepping off he made a long step, about forty feet, to the ground below. He was picked up, and on reaching Pittsburg was taken by Dr. Clark to Dr. Waller's Surgical Infirmary. His spine was injured, and it was thought that he could not recover; but he did. and reported to his company a few days prior to his discharge from the service. November 1st, 1862 February 4th. 1864, he enlisted in Company G. Eighth Illinois Cavalry, and was mustered out July 17th. 1865. His home is at Larned.
*Since writing the above we have news of Neal's death by suicide at Larned, Kansas, some time in February, 1889.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Ephraim S. Holloway, 41st, Ohio, Infantry.
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Ephraim S. Holloway.
Birth: 1833.
Death: 1895.
Wife; Margaret Windle Holloway (1834 - 1891.)
Children: John W Holloway (1853 - 1924.)
Orlando T Holloway (1854 - 1905.)
Burial: Columbiana Cemetery, Columbiana, Columbiana County Ohio.
Plot: Old Sec 3 Row 15
Ephraim S. Holloway, 41st, Ohio, Infantry.
Captain Company F.
EPHRAIM S. HOLLOWAY. Age 30. Entered the service Oct. 10, 1861. 3 years. Promoted from 1st Lieut. Sept. 8, 1862; to Major Nov. 26, 1864; Lieut. Colonel March 18. 1865; Colonel May 31, 1865, but not mustered; Brevet Brigadier General at expiration of service, Nov. 27, 1865. Wounded slightly Dec. 31, 1802, in battle of Stone River; also June 21, 1864, at or near Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., slightly.
EPHRAIM S. HOLLOWAY. Age 30. Entered the service Oct. 10, 1861, 3 years. Promoted from 1st Lieut. Co. F to Captain September 8th, 1862; to Major Nov. 26, 1864; Lieut Colonel March 18, 1865; Colonel May 31, 1865, but not mustered. Brevet Brig. General at expiration of service. Mustered out with regiment Nov. 27th, 1865
Luther W. Fassett & Joel E. Fassett, 2nd. N. H.
Luther W. Fassett.
Born; 1831.
Death; Unknown, Leebury, Loudoun, county, Virginia.
Son of Joseph Fassett and Tabitha Wright.
No burial, body lost or destroyed.
Second New Hampshire Infantry, Co. E.
Luther W. Fassett, Co. E., Born Fitzwilliam; Age 29, Residence Jaffrey; Enlisted September 10, 1861; Mustered in September 17, 1861. Killed April 2, 1862, at Evansport, Virginia.
The following is taken from the 2nd., New Hampshire Regimental History.
April 2, Luther W. Fassett, of Company E., was killed by rebel scouts or guerrillas. His company had located the grave of a rebel gun, and he, with a companion, was sent back to the landing for shovels. On the way, three men in citizen's clothes suddenly confronted them. Fassett immediately surrendered, notwithstanding which he was shot down in his tracks, whereupon his companion took leg bail and escaped. Fassett had a brother in the same company, and a wife and child in New Hampshire.
His brother.
Second New Hampshire Infantry, Co. E.
Joel E. Fassett, Co. E., Born Fizwilliam; age 34, Residence Jaffrey, Enlisted September 10, 1861, Mustered in September 17, 1861. Discharged for disability, Portsmouth Grove, R. I., Died May 11, 1864 at Jaffrey.
Born; 1831.
Death; Unknown, Leebury, Loudoun, county, Virginia.
Son of Joseph Fassett and Tabitha Wright.
No burial, body lost or destroyed.
Second New Hampshire Infantry, Co. E.
Luther W. Fassett, Co. E., Born Fitzwilliam; Age 29, Residence Jaffrey; Enlisted September 10, 1861; Mustered in September 17, 1861. Killed April 2, 1862, at Evansport, Virginia.
The following is taken from the 2nd., New Hampshire Regimental History.
April 2, Luther W. Fassett, of Company E., was killed by rebel scouts or guerrillas. His company had located the grave of a rebel gun, and he, with a companion, was sent back to the landing for shovels. On the way, three men in citizen's clothes suddenly confronted them. Fassett immediately surrendered, notwithstanding which he was shot down in his tracks, whereupon his companion took leg bail and escaped. Fassett had a brother in the same company, and a wife and child in New Hampshire.
His brother.
Second New Hampshire Infantry, Co. E.
Joel E. Fassett, Co. E., Born Fizwilliam; age 34, Residence Jaffrey, Enlisted September 10, 1861, Mustered in September 17, 1861. Discharged for disability, Portsmouth Grove, R. I., Died May 11, 1864 at Jaffrey.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Albert B. Baird, 81st., Ohio Infantry.
Albert B. Baird, First Sergeant, Co. F., 81st., Ohio Infantry, Age 23, Enlisted September 1, 1861, for 3 years. Appointed Sergeant from Corporal March 1, 1862; first sergeant July 14, 1863. Wounded May 14, 1864, in action at Ley's Ferry, Ga. Mustered out September 11, 1864, at Chattanooga, Tenn, on expiration of term of service.
The following was taken from the 81st., regimental history.
Near Ley's Ferry.
Sergeant Baird had captured three rebels and was just marching them off when a rebel officer appeared and threatened to shot them if they didn't seize their guns and fire on Baird. They obeyed and shot him severely , wounding him about the head and left him for dead.
Andrew C. Mace, maine.
11th., Maine, Infantry, Company A.
The first man of the regiment was killed Private Andrew C. Mace, of Company A. As the first comrade killed, his body had a fascination for all of us as it lay in camp, and few of us but were awe Struck as we looked upon the waxen face now drained of blood, but yesterday blooming with health and spirits. Also the first man killed in Casey's division.
Authos note. I was unable to find any other information on him if you have anything to add drop me a line.
The first man of the regiment was killed Private Andrew C. Mace, of Company A. As the first comrade killed, his body had a fascination for all of us as it lay in camp, and few of us but were awe Struck as we looked upon the waxen face now drained of blood, but yesterday blooming with health and spirits. Also the first man killed in Casey's division.
Authos note. I was unable to find any other information on him if you have anything to add drop me a line.
Jerry Baker's Escape, 70th., Indiana Infantry.
Jerry Baker, Private, Co. E., 70th., Indiana Infantry. Mustered in July 31, 1862. Discharged March 26, 1864.
The following was taken from the 70th., regimental history.
August sixth, Jerry Barker of Company E, Colonel Harrison's orderly, who had been captured a month before, returned, having escaped by bribing his guard. He reported that he killed one of the men who captured him; that his captors took everything he had, even the ring from his finger; that his saddle was sold for one hundred and fifty dollars and his horse for eight hundred dollars; and that he was incarcerated with a hundred others in a single room, from which no one was allowed to go for any purpose, and where the odors were indescribable. A Lieutenant made the man who took his lady love's ring return it, and this was sacrificed by Barker to bribe the sentinel to let him escape.
The following was taken from the 70th., regimental history.
August sixth, Jerry Barker of Company E, Colonel Harrison's orderly, who had been captured a month before, returned, having escaped by bribing his guard. He reported that he killed one of the men who captured him; that his captors took everything he had, even the ring from his finger; that his saddle was sold for one hundred and fifty dollars and his horse for eight hundred dollars; and that he was incarcerated with a hundred others in a single room, from which no one was allowed to go for any purpose, and where the odors were indescribable. A Lieutenant made the man who took his lady love's ring return it, and this was sacrificed by Barker to bribe the sentinel to let him escape.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Captain Rowley P. Taylor.
Rowley P. Taylor, Co. C., First New York, Dragoons, Age, not stated, Enlisted August, 1862, place not stated, mustered in as Captain Co. C., September 3, 1862. Killed in action January 30, 1863, at Deserted House, Virginia; commissioned Captain, November 1, 1862, with rank from August 14, 1862, original.
The following was taken from the regimental history.
"Captain Taylor had a presentiment before leaving Suffolk that he would be killed, and had packed his effects, leaving them in charge of Willis Parker to be sent to his wife if he should not return alive. He also asked the privilege of signing the pay roll, requesting his salary also sent to her."
"In marching out to the Deserted Farm he was unusually quiet for him, scarcely speaking during the march. Just before the battle he remarked to some of the men who were joking: ' Boys, you had better keep quiet, as some of you will be in heaven or hell before morning."
Within five minutes we got the rebel shells, and were ordered to lay fiat upon the ground. Captain Taylor was just at my right, and had said nothing for nearly two hours, when Major Scott came down the line, smoking a cigar, and said: '' Taylor, how are your men ? " to which he replied, "Some are dead, but most of them are all right,'' and added, "Major, have a chew of tobacco with me." This Scott declined, as he was smoking, and turned to go up the line. During this conversation Scott was as cool and seemingly unconcerned as if nothing unusual was going on. Taylor said, '' I'll take a chew, and raising upon his elbow, had his hand in his pocket when the shell struck him."
Captain Rowley P. Taylor.
Birth: May 26, 1822.
Death: Jan. 30, 1863.
Married Attica, NY June 12, 1851 by Rev. Raymond to Miss Harriet Baker.
Burial: Forest Hill Cemetery, Attica, Wyoming County, New York.
The following was taken from the regimental history.
"Captain Taylor had a presentiment before leaving Suffolk that he would be killed, and had packed his effects, leaving them in charge of Willis Parker to be sent to his wife if he should not return alive. He also asked the privilege of signing the pay roll, requesting his salary also sent to her."
"In marching out to the Deserted Farm he was unusually quiet for him, scarcely speaking during the march. Just before the battle he remarked to some of the men who were joking: ' Boys, you had better keep quiet, as some of you will be in heaven or hell before morning."
Within five minutes we got the rebel shells, and were ordered to lay fiat upon the ground. Captain Taylor was just at my right, and had said nothing for nearly two hours, when Major Scott came down the line, smoking a cigar, and said: '' Taylor, how are your men ? " to which he replied, "Some are dead, but most of them are all right,'' and added, "Major, have a chew of tobacco with me." This Scott declined, as he was smoking, and turned to go up the line. During this conversation Scott was as cool and seemingly unconcerned as if nothing unusual was going on. Taylor said, '' I'll take a chew, and raising upon his elbow, had his hand in his pocket when the shell struck him."
Captain Rowley P. Taylor.
Birth: May 26, 1822.
Death: Jan. 30, 1863.
Married Attica, NY June 12, 1851 by Rev. Raymond to Miss Harriet Baker.
Burial: Forest Hill Cemetery, Attica, Wyoming County, New York.
Men of the 21st., Massachusetts Infantry.
James Madison Stone was in company K., of the 21St., Massachusetts infantry, and after the war he wrote a book called '' Personal Recollections of the Civil War. ''
The information on the men listed here was taken from the pages from his book
James Madison Stone, Private, Residence Dana, Age 20, Farmer; Enlisted and muster July 19, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1, 1864. Wounded July 29, 1864, at Petersbury Virginia, as a Corpl; transf; by S. O. of October 21, 1864, to 36th., Massachusetts Infantry.
The information on the men listed here was taken from the pages from his book
James Madison Stone, Private, Residence Dana, Age 20, Farmer; Enlisted and muster July 19, 1861. Re-enlisted January 1, 1864. Wounded July 29, 1864, at Petersbury Virginia, as a Corpl; transf; by S. O. of October 21, 1864, to 36th., Massachusetts Infantry.
Four Men Killed at Newbern, N. C.
Page 41.When my gun-stock was shot away I had to go back and get another. Pat Martin had been
killed. I saw him lying on the ground with a bullet hole through his forehead. I was given his gun and went back to my place again. The bullet that went through my roll of blankets also made two holes through my blouse on my shoulder underneath the blankets
Page 43.The next day we buried our four boys who were killed. They were Pat Martin, James Fessenden, Joseph E. Stone and James Sullivan.
Of the four men killed in our company, I felt in only one a personal loss. Jimmy Sullivan of westboro, was an exceptional boy, two years my junior. His was a light-hearted, joyous nature. He was the pet of the company and without an enemy in it. How he was killed I never knew.
Page 43.The next day we buried our four boys who were killed. They were Pat Martin, James Fessenden, Joseph E. Stone and James Sullivan.
Of the four men killed in our company, I felt in only one a personal loss. Jimmy Sullivan of westboro, was an exceptional boy, two years my junior. His was a light-hearted, joyous nature. He was the pet of the company and without an enemy in it. How he was killed I never knew.
The Adjutant General of Massachusetts.
Pat Martin, Private, Residence Barre, Age 18, Farmer. Enlisted and muster July 19, 1861. Killed March 14, 1862, at Newbern, N. C.
James O. Fessenden, Private, Residence Barre; Age 22, Farmer, Enlisted and muster July 19, 1861. Killed March 14, 1862, at Newbern, N. C.
Joseph E. Stone, Private, Residence Barre; Age 38, Shoemaker; Enlisted and muster July 19, 1861. Died of wounds March 14, 1862 of action at Newbern, N. C.
James ''Jimmy'' Sullivan, private, Residence Westboro. Age 18, Shoemaker, Enlisted and muster July 19, 1861. Killed March 14, 1862, at Newbern, N. C.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Three Men OF The Forty-Fourth New York Infantry.
GURNSEY, DILAS and DELOS W.—Age, 19 years. Enlisted, September 15, 1861, at Albany, to serve three years; mustered in as private, Go. H, September 20, 1861; wounded while on picket, April
30, 1862, in front of Yorktown, Ya.; died of his wounds, May I, 1862, at Camp Scott, Ya.; also borne as Delos W.
Delos W. Guernsey of Company H was mortally wounded by a shell. He was the first member of the regiment killed. He was given a military funeral and was buried a short distance from camp.
DUNHAM, EUGENE L.—Age, 23 years. Enrolled, August 8, 1861, at Albany, to serve three years; mustered in as first sergeant,Co. D, August 30, 1861; mustered in as second lieutenant, August 19, 1862; promoted first lieutenant, April 16, 1863; killed in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.; commissioned second lieutenant, November 11, 1862, with rank from August 19, 1862, vice H. D. Burdick, resigned; first lieutenant. May 30, 1863, with rank from April 16, 1863.
Born in Hamilton County, N. Y., January 18, 1839. Possessing a brave and ardent spirit, with a keen sense of wrong and injustice, from his youth he was noted for his steady adherence to right and truth
and for the good example he continually placed before his associates.
Upon the breaking out of the Rebellion he was desirous of joining the Union Army immediately, but at the request of friends he postponed his enlistment. When the news of the assassination of Ellsworth spread through the land, and the brave old state of New York called for a Regiment, to be composed of the flower of her young men, selected from every town, he was one of the first to offer himself.
Was enrolled as First Sergeant. Company D. 44th N. Y. V. I., in Aug.. 1861. With this regiment he served continuously until the memorable 2d dav of Julv. 1863, when at the Battle of Gettvsburg he was killed.
Beloved by his companions, honored and respected by his superiors, by gallant and meritorious conduct he rose from First Sergeant to First Lieutenant, and for several months previous to his death, was acting captain of his company.
LARRABEE, LUCIUS S.—Age, 24 years. Enrolled, August 8, 1861, at Albany, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. B, August 10, 1861; as captain, September 19, 1861; wounded in action, August 30, 1862, at Groveton, Va.; killed in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.; prior service as first lieutenant in Co. F, Eleventh Infantry; commissioned first lieutenant, October 12, 1861, with rank from August 8,1861, 'Original; captain, October 12, 1861, with rank from September 31, 1861, vice S. W. Stryker, promoted.
The son of Lucius Calender Larrabee was born at Ticonderoga, N. Y., July 29, 1837. He lived at this historic place with his father and sister, his mother having died when he was at the age of three years. When about eleven years old he removed with his sister's family to Albany. N. Y., where he remained for several years. At the age of fifteen years he took up his residence in Chicago with his brother, Mr. Charles R. Larrabee, an old and respected citizen of that city.
Capt. Larabee, when ordered, promptly moved his company to the front, deployed as skirmishers, and advanced. He had advanced less than 200 yards when he came upon the enemy, only a short distance away, advancing in two or more lines of battle. He at once ordered his skirmishers in retreat. While executing this movement, he was shot through the body and instantly killed. He was a brave, competent and faithful officer. His death was a great loss and caused much sorrow to the entire regiment.
Capt. Lucius S. Larabee, in conversation with Captains Bourne and Kimberly, said: "Since our last battle I have known that I would be killed the next time I was under fire. And he said he wished them to take his watch, money and valuables. They endeavored to cheer him up and told him he was no more liable to be killed than either of them. The premonition had taken such a strong hold of him that he was unable to shake it off. He left, with Quartermaster Mundy, his watch and valuables and the address of his brother in Chicago. That done, he went into battle, facing with undaunted courage his fore-doomed destiny. While the line was forming on Little Round Top, he was ordered to take his Company and deploy it as skirmishers, which he promptly proceeded to do. As he left his position in line, Capt. Bourne spoke to him, wishing him good luck. He replied, "Good bye, Billy, I shall never see you again." In this unexpected order he saw the setting sun of his pure, noble life. After advancing about 200 yards, he suddenly came upon the enemy's first line of battle, and was killed at the first volley. No braver soldier, no purer or truer spirit took its flight from that blood-drenched field.
30, 1862, in front of Yorktown, Ya.; died of his wounds, May I, 1862, at Camp Scott, Ya.; also borne as Delos W.
Siege of Yorktown.
Delos W. Guernsey of Company H was mortally wounded by a shell. He was the first member of the regiment killed. He was given a military funeral and was buried a short distance from camp.
DUNHAM, EUGENE L.—Age, 23 years. Enrolled, August 8, 1861, at Albany, to serve three years; mustered in as first sergeant,Co. D, August 30, 1861; mustered in as second lieutenant, August 19, 1862; promoted first lieutenant, April 16, 1863; killed in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.; commissioned second lieutenant, November 11, 1862, with rank from August 19, 1862, vice H. D. Burdick, resigned; first lieutenant. May 30, 1863, with rank from April 16, 1863.
Born in Hamilton County, N. Y., January 18, 1839. Possessing a brave and ardent spirit, with a keen sense of wrong and injustice, from his youth he was noted for his steady adherence to right and truth
and for the good example he continually placed before his associates.
Upon the breaking out of the Rebellion he was desirous of joining the Union Army immediately, but at the request of friends he postponed his enlistment. When the news of the assassination of Ellsworth spread through the land, and the brave old state of New York called for a Regiment, to be composed of the flower of her young men, selected from every town, he was one of the first to offer himself.
Was enrolled as First Sergeant. Company D. 44th N. Y. V. I., in Aug.. 1861. With this regiment he served continuously until the memorable 2d dav of Julv. 1863, when at the Battle of Gettvsburg he was killed.
Beloved by his companions, honored and respected by his superiors, by gallant and meritorious conduct he rose from First Sergeant to First Lieutenant, and for several months previous to his death, was acting captain of his company.
LARRABEE, LUCIUS S.—Age, 24 years. Enrolled, August 8, 1861, at Albany, to serve three years; mustered in as first lieutenant, Co. B, August 10, 1861; as captain, September 19, 1861; wounded in action, August 30, 1862, at Groveton, Va.; killed in action, July 2, 1863, at Gettysburg, Pa.; prior service as first lieutenant in Co. F, Eleventh Infantry; commissioned first lieutenant, October 12, 1861, with rank from August 8,1861, 'Original; captain, October 12, 1861, with rank from September 31, 1861, vice S. W. Stryker, promoted.
The son of Lucius Calender Larrabee was born at Ticonderoga, N. Y., July 29, 1837. He lived at this historic place with his father and sister, his mother having died when he was at the age of three years. When about eleven years old he removed with his sister's family to Albany. N. Y., where he remained for several years. At the age of fifteen years he took up his residence in Chicago with his brother, Mr. Charles R. Larrabee, an old and respected citizen of that city.
Battle of Little Round Top.
Capt. Larabee, when ordered, promptly moved his company to the front, deployed as skirmishers, and advanced. He had advanced less than 200 yards when he came upon the enemy, only a short distance away, advancing in two or more lines of battle. He at once ordered his skirmishers in retreat. While executing this movement, he was shot through the body and instantly killed. He was a brave, competent and faithful officer. His death was a great loss and caused much sorrow to the entire regiment.
Capt. Lucius S. Larabee, in conversation with Captains Bourne and Kimberly, said: "Since our last battle I have known that I would be killed the next time I was under fire. And he said he wished them to take his watch, money and valuables. They endeavored to cheer him up and told him he was no more liable to be killed than either of them. The premonition had taken such a strong hold of him that he was unable to shake it off. He left, with Quartermaster Mundy, his watch and valuables and the address of his brother in Chicago. That done, he went into battle, facing with undaunted courage his fore-doomed destiny. While the line was forming on Little Round Top, he was ordered to take his Company and deploy it as skirmishers, which he promptly proceeded to do. As he left his position in line, Capt. Bourne spoke to him, wishing him good luck. He replied, "Good bye, Billy, I shall never see you again." In this unexpected order he saw the setting sun of his pure, noble life. After advancing about 200 yards, he suddenly came upon the enemy's first line of battle, and was killed at the first volley. No braver soldier, no purer or truer spirit took its flight from that blood-drenched field.
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