Saturday, May 08, 2010
The Invasion Of New Haven Connecticut 1779.
Charles Ailing of New Haven of lawful age testify and say that I saw, examined, and assisted in burying Capt. John Gilbert, Asa Todd, Joseph Dorman, Sam1 Woodin, and Silas Woodin.—That Capt. Gilbert was shot thro' the knee, and then appeared to be killed with a club, as his head was very much bruised, and a club, bloody, lay upon him. — That no wound appeared upon Asa Todd except that he was pierced with a bayonet, once thro' the head, and twice thro' the body. — That Joseph Dorman had his thigh broken, just above his knee, but it appeared to me to have been done with a stone, which lay by him, bloody; and that he was pierced with bayonets once thro' the head and once thro' the body, but no other wound. — That Sam1 Woodin appeared to be shot thro' the body with a grape shot, and not otherwise wounded. — That 1 cannot say anything particularly as to wounds of Silas Woodin. And further saith not.
Charls Alling.
New Haven July 26 1779 Personally appeared Mr. Charles Ailing the above deponant and made solemn oath unto the truth of the foregoing deposition.
Before Saml Bishop J* Jus. of the Peace.
Elias Beers of lawfull age testifieth and says that he saw his father Nathan Beers late of Newhaven about 3 hours after he was wounded by the enemy on the 5th of July instant, and received from his mouth the following account of the treatment he received from the enemy, viz. That upon their entrance into town an officer mortally wounded near his fathers house was brought in and dressed there, whom his father assisted with bandages &c. for dressing his wound besides treating them with kindness and hospitality, for which the officer on his departure returned him thanks, and said he should not be hurt but protected for his kindness.
After this officer was carried away a party of soldiers came upon him as he was peacibly standing at his front door and charged him with firing out of his house, which he denied telling them he had not any arms in his house. He seeing by their motions they intended to murder him added You see I am an old infirm man. 1 am not able to do you any hurt, and have done nothing to oppose you, all I have is in your hands, why should you take away my life ? Unmoved by this remonstrance they snapt three pieces with fixed bayonets at his breast. One of the pieces only went off, which he struck down from his breast and the ball took place in his right hip and as he fell they were about to end his life with their bayonets but he beged to be spared, telling them he was mortally wounded.
This party then left him and went to plundering the house. After the loss of much blood he got to the bed, and in some measure stop the blood. Another party came in soon after, hauled him off the bed, demanded his money kicked and otherwise abused and insulted him and set his wound bleeding again, being deaf to all intreaties. Several parties one after another plundering and destroying his furniture and substance came at him with fixed bayonets insulting threatening and abusing him. Of these wounds, he languished and died on Saturday the 10th July instant in the 61st year of his age.
Elias Beees
New Haven July 26th, 1779, Personally appeared Mr. Elias Beers and made solemn oath unto the truth of the foregoing deposition.
Before Saml Bishop, J". Just, of the Peace.
Isaac Beers of lawfull age testifieth and saith that he agrees with what his brother Elias Beers has related in the foregoing deposition and further says that he himself was taken a prisoner from his own house, and that while he was a prisoner he heard General Garth tell Mr. Israel Wooden who was wounded and also a prisoner, that he was sorry his men had not killed him instead of making a prisoner of him, and that he would not have his men give quarter to one militia man taken in arms.
Isaac Beers
New Haven July 26th, 1779, Personally appeared Mr. Isaac Beers and made solemn oath to the truth of the foregoing deposition.
Before Saml Bishop Je Just, of the Peace.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Alexander Williams Biddle.

Birth: Apr. 29, 1819.
Death: May 2, 1899.
Photo provided by Gregory Speciale.
Civil War Union Army Officer. Served as Major, then Lieutenant Colonel and commander of the 121st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, with whom he fought at the Battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and Bristoe Station. He commanded his unit at the Battle of Gettysburg, where it was one of the first Union Infantry units to deployed on the field on the first day of the fight. Major Biddle's regiment initially were successful in repulsing attacks from Confederate forces, but collapsed under the growing pressure from superior numbers the Confederates were able to bring to bear around the McPherson House. Today, his name is inscribed on the 121st Pennsylvania's monument along South Reynolds Avenue in the Gettysburg National Military Park.
Authors note. If you wish to learn more about Alexander W. Biddle, go to the site of ( Find a grave.)
Capt. Lieut. Thomas Simpson Of New Hampshire.
State of New Hampshire} To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened at Portsmouth on the third Wednesday of December 1786, Humbly Shews Thomas Simpson late Captain Lieutenant in the third Regiment of said state in the army of the United States, that on the fourth day ,of April 1777 he was mustering his men, then, enlisted by him, before Jonathan Child Esqr at Lyme, by special order from the Committee of Safety, and there being no public Inoculating Hospital for the small pox your Petitioner took it the natural way, & suffered the irreparable loss of one of his Eyes.
That afterwards your petitioner being anxious to serve his Country, took his Command & joined the army that on the seventh day of October in the same year in the Action at Bemus' s Heights, he received a musket ball on the right side of his Belly, which ball he carries in him to this day after which he retired upon furlough for a season, at the expiration of which, he rejoined his Regiment-that in February 1778, your petitioner received another dangerous wound in his leg, which occasioned Col , Dearborn, then commanding General Poors Brigade to furlough your Petitioner for a certain time at the expiration of which he found himself incapable to join the army, & afterwards the petitioner wrote for a discharge, which was granted by his Excellency President Sullivan, then a Major-General in the Army of the United States.
Afterwards the Petitioner prayed the Honorable General Court for Half pay which was granted immediately but afterwards by some misunderstanding, the Committee informed your Petitioner that he was struck off the Pay Roll and as your Honors will never remain unconcernd spectators, of the wants, sufferings & Scars of the worn out soldier he therefore prays your Honors to take his case into your wise consideration and Reinstate him in his scanty pittance of Half Pay or make him such considerations, as may serve to alleviate his sufferings administer to his wants and compensate his toils that he may have occasion to express in strains of Gratitude the liberality of that Country, in whose service he has spent the best of his days and in whose defense he has more than once shed, chearfully the crimson fluid of Life and your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray.
Thomas Simpson.
"The Committee on the Petitions of Sick & wounded Officers and Soldiers having considered the within Petition of Thomas Simpson a Wounded Officer late belonging to the Regiment of the New Hampshire line beg leave to Report that the said Thomas Simpson have and receive one half of his Monthly pay to commence at the time he was struck off the rolls of Pensioners & that he be enrolled as an Invalid Pensioner accordingly which is submitted."
New Hampshire . "This may certify that Thomas Simpson served as a Captain Lieutenant in Col. Scammel's regiment-that he has produced sufficient evidence that while in the service of the United States he received a wound by a ball which is still lodged in his body that it appears . by the testimony of several of his neigbors on oath that he is rendered an Invalid by said wound & that we judge him to be entitled to a pension of forty shillings
per month, to commence from this day."
Joseph Gilman.
War OFFICE, April 23, 1790.
The SECRETARY for THE DEPARTMENT OF War, to whom was referred the petition of Thomas Simpson, reports:
That the petitioner states-that he served as an officer in the New Hampshire line from an early period of the late war until the year 1779, when, by his wounds being rendered unfit for further duty, he was honorably discharged as a captain lieutenant.
That, while in service, he lost an eye by the small-pox; that lie was badly wounded in two separate actions, and that a musket ball still remains in his body and that he is entirely incapacitated from obtaining his livelihood by labor.
That, notwithstanding his sufferings, he has been allowed by the State of New Hampshire only one-quarter, instead of one-half, of his full pay, to which he s of opinion he is entitled.
That besides the low rate of his pension, it has been paid to him in a species of depreciated certificates, for which he has not received more than five shillings in the pound.
He therefore prays that Congress would direct that he should receive the amount of his half-pay from the 21st day of September, 1782, or such part thereof as they may think just, making a reasonable deduction for the sums he has already received.
On this petition the Secretary of War observes, that the case of the petitioner, as stated by himself, appears to be a hard one indeed; but as it has been considered and decided upon by the Legislature of New Hampshire, who bad completely .the power to increase the pension, if they conceived the petitioner entitled thereto, it would be improper to form a judgment upon an ex-parte hearing, especially to disapprove the conduct of a State upon the allegation of an individual.
If the petitioner could demonstrate to the Legislature of New Hampshire that his pension has been only one half of the sum he ought to have received, it is fairly to be presumed the justice of the State would dictate that compensation should be made for the deficiency.
The Secretary of War apprehends that it would operate perniciously for the United States to increase or modify the pensions which have been assigned to the invalids by the respective States, or under the authority of the same; that, if a precedent of such modification should be once established by Congress, it would most probably involve applications from every individual receiving a less pension than the amount of half-pay.
H. KNOX, Secretary of War.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Captain John Skimmer 1778.
John Skimmer was commissioned in 1778, and was given the command of the General Gates in the summer of 1778, in his first action which was with the "Montague," he was killed and has left eleven children, nine of whom are unable to earn a livelihood. His widow asks for a pension.
September 14, 23, 1778. The Marine Committee reported and Congress agreed that "the eastern navy board be directed to supply 400 dollars annually, in quarterly payments, for the support of Captain Skimmer's widow and nine youngest children, and that this provision be continued three years." This is the first instance of the granting by the. United States of a pension to the family of a naval officer upon his death.
Side note. The General Gates, was a 18, gunner built in Massachusetts, date no given.
How Captain John Skimmer Died.
General Gates sailed from Marblehead on 24 May 1778, joining privateer brigantine Hawk off Cape Ann to cruise on the Newfoundland Banks. After capturing the ship Jenny and brigantines Thomas and Nancy, the two ships parted company early in August. Thereafter General Gates captured the schooner Polly.
On 3 August 1778 she intercepted the brigantine Montague under Captain Nelson, who defended his ship in an epic engagement of five hours. After expending her ammunition, Montague resorted to firing "every piece of iron of all kinds that could be rammed into the tube of the cannon," including jack knives, crowbars, and even the captain's speaking tube. A double-headed shot from General Gates crashed into Captain Nelson's cabin. Taking it up, Nelson fired it from one of his own guns. "This shot striking a swivel gun on the State's brig divided, and one part of it glancing instantly killed the active and brave Captain Skimmer." It was two more hours before Montague struck her colors and capitulated to General Gates with Lt. Dennis in command. General Gates returned to Boston Harbor with prizes Polly and Montague on 31 August 1778.
The year before his death, 1777.
John Bradford Esqr. the Agent for Prizes at Boston dated the 30th of October last informing us that the Schooner Lee, Captain Skimmer, was then out on a Cruise, and wanted to know our determination whether this vessel should be continued in the pay of the public after her return into port. As we do not think proper that the States should hire armed vessels as cruisers we now direct that this Schooner be discharged on her return, and that you settle with the Owners and pay them the balance which may be justly due to them.
Mr Bradford recommends Captain Skimmer in very warm terms as a Gentleman every way well qualified for a command in our navy, you will please to enquire particularly into his merits and if you think him deserving we would have you give him the first suitable Vessel which may be in your power.
The year of his death, 1778.
Captain Skimmer if he should behave well, which we cannot doubt after reading the good character you have given will be promoted Ceteris Paribus according to his Rank.
The Marine Committee, to whom was referred the letter of 2, from Mr. J. Bradford, report, that, upon enquiry, they find Captain Skimmer, late commander of the continental brigGeneral Gates, to have been a brave and worthy officer; that he lost his life in a severe engagement with the enemy.
We have received your favour of the 30th Ultimo advising the arrival of the Prize Brig Nancy with 2070 quintals of Fish taken by the Continental Brigt. General Gates which is a pleasing Account and we hope to hear Shortly of the other Prizes arriving from Captain Skimmer.
The war goes on.
Marine Committee to Eastern Navy Board.
We are glad to hear of the arrival of the Brigantine General Gates with her Prizes, but regret very much the loss of her late gallant commander captain Skimmer. You will please to appoint another commander and fit her out on a Cruise as soon as possible.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
New Hampshire Regiments Of The 1700's
The field and staff officers of this regiment, as organized in April, 1777, were as follows:
*Colonel, Alexander Scammell, Durham
*Lieut. Colonel, Andrew Coburn, Marlborough .
Major, Henry Dearborn, Nottingham .
Adjutant, Nicholas Gilman, Exeter .
Quartermaster, James Blanchard, Dunstable .
Paymaster, William Weeks, Jr., Greenland .
Surgeon, Ivory Hovey, Berwick, Me .
Chaplain, Nathaniel Porter, Durham .
*Colonel Scammell, was born 1747, he was a Teacher, Soldier, Patriot and taught the public school.
Colonel Scammell was appointed adjutant-general of the continental army in 1780, and held that position until September 30, of that year . when, being officer of the day at Yorktown, he was taken prisoner while reconnoitering the position of the enemy, and afterward barbarously wounded by them, from the effect of which he died October 6, 1781, at Williamsburg, Va., aged 33 years .
*Lieut. Col . Coburn was killed in the battle at Stillwater September 19, 1777.
The field and staff officers of this regiment, as organized in April, were as follows:
*Colonel, Nathan Hale, Rindge .
*Lieut. Col ., Winborn Adams, Durham
*Major, Benjamin Titcomb, Dover.
Adjutant, William Elliott, Exeter .
Quartermaster, Richard Brown, Unity .
Paymaster, Jerry Fogg, Kensington .
Surgeon, William Parker, Jr ., Exeter.
Surgeon 's Mate, Pelatiah Warren, Berwick .
Chaplain, Augustine Hibbard, Claremont .
*Colonel Hale was taken prisoner July 7, 1777, and died while a prisoner at Long Island, September 23, 1780.
*Lieut. Col . Adams was killed in the battle of September 19, 1777, at Bemis's Heights .
*Major Titcomb was severely wounded at Hubbardton, Vt., July 7, 1777.
Battle of Bunker’s Hill.
New Hampshire men, which is more than half of the American force that was actually engaged in the battle. In a letter to the Committee of Safety, dated June 23, 1775, Gen. Folsom stated that Col . Stark's regiment still consisted of thirteen companies ; but there is no evidence to show that he had any more with him in the battle than the ten mentioned above . It is stated by historians that there were three New Hampshire companies under the command of Col. Paul Dudley Sargent, of Amherst, which were sent forward too late for service, although Col . Sargent had during the day requested permission to join Stark and Reed. These may have been the other three of Stark's.
The following account of the killed and wounded is taken principally from an article prepared by Hon Geo . W . Nesmith, who spent considerable time in research .
Stark's Regiment Killed, 15.
Maj . Andrew M°Clary, Epsom.
Moses Poor
Capt. Isaac Baldwin, Hillsboro.
Thomas Collins
Henry Glover.
Geo. Shannon
James Reed, Henniker.
Wm. M'Crillis, Epsom.
John Manuel, Boscawen.
Caleb Dalton.
Reuben Kemp, Goffstown.
Wm. Mitchell, Concord
The three others are unknown.
Wounded, 45.
Randall M’Allister, Peterboro.
Geo. M°Lend, Peterboro.
John Graham, Peterboro.
Nathan Hoit, Pembrok.
J. Robinson, Pembroke.
John Simpson, Windham
Seth Cutter, Pelham
Martin Montgomery L'derry
Thomas Green Swanzey
Josiah Allen, Allenstown.
J. Broderick
Abner Gage, Pelham
Ephraim Kelley, Salem
Wm. Spalding, Brookline
John Cypher
Alexander Patterson, Henniker.
Jonathan Gilman, Deerfield .
Moses Trussell, Hopkinton .
Archibald M'Millan, New Boston .
Elias Rano, Salisbury.
Charles Rice, Surry.
Jacob Elliot.
William Smart.
Peter Johnson, Enfield.
Samuel Milliken .
Andrew M°Gafey, Sandwich.
Weymouth Wallace, Epsom.
Abraham Kimball, Henniker.
Peter Robinson, Amherst.
Daniel M`Grath, taken prisoner.
James Winn Richmond.
Andrew Aiken, Deering ?
R . B . Wilkins, Amherst.
John Hunter, New Boston.
Others unknown .
Reed's Regiment, Killed or mortally wounded, 15.
J. Patten.
Parker Hills, Candia.
Joseph Farwell-Charlestown.
James Hutchinson.
Isaac Adams, Rindge.
David Carleton.
John Davis, Chesterfield.
John Melvin.
John Cole Amherst
Geo. Carleton, Rindge.
Jona Lovejoy, Rindge.
B. Parker, Swanzey .
Jesse Lund, Dunstable.
Joseph Blood, Mason.
Ebnr. Blood Mason.
Wounded, 17.
John Varnum Candia.
Samuel Morrill, Candia.
Edward Waldo, Alstead
Joshua Ellis, Keene
Lem. Wentworth
Capt . Wm. Scott, Peterborough.
David Scott, Peterborough.
Asa Cram, Wilton.
Nathl Leavitt Hampstead.
John Thompson Rindge.
Jacob Wellman Lyndeborough.
Josiah Barton, Chichester ?
Josiah Walton Chesterfield.
Josiah Greeley.
*Paul Clogstone, Dunstable.
*Jonathan Gray, Wilton.
Others unknown .
*Died of their wounds.
Captain Reuben Dow's Co . Killed, 6.
Nathan Blood.
Peter Poor.
Phinehas Nevins.
Thomas Wheat.
Isaac Hobart.
Jacob Boynton.
*All of Hollis.
Wounded, 5.
Capt. Reuben Dow.
Ephraim Blood.
Francis Powers.
William Wood.
Thomas Pratt.
*All of Hollis.
Hollis Men in Capt. Mann's Co ., Prescott's Regiment.
Ebenezer Youngman, Killed.
Thomas Colburn, Killed.
Plaistow Men in Col. Frye's Regiment.
Simeon Pike, wounded.
James Pike, wounded..
Wm . Lowell, wounded.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
First Seamen to be hung in the navy?
In the early summer of 1781, possess a peculiar interest, because of the light which they throw upon the penal code of the Continental navy, and because this case is one of the first in which a seaman in the American navy was sentenced to be hanged.
Three seamen, who were enlisted on board the "Alliance," were tried for a breach of the 29th article of the rules and regulations of the navy. Of Patrick Sheridan, the court adjudged that he should be whipped three hundred and fifty-four lashes upon the naked back, one hundred and seventy-seven thereof alongside the ship "Alliance," and the remainder alongside the ship "Deane." John Crawford was sentenced to wear a halter around his neck, and receive fifty lashes. Sheridan and Crawford were to lose certain wages and their share of prize money. The court found the third seaman, William McClehany, "peculiarly Guilty of a breach of all the Clauses in the Article aforesaid," and it adjudged that he should '' suffer the punishment of death, and that he be hanged by the neck on the starboard fore Yard Arm of the said ship 'Alliance' until he is dead."
The Board of Admiralty laid the proceedings of this court-martial before Congress in July, 1781, but owing to the confusion of the naval business at this time, and to the carelessness of Congress, no action was taken on them. When John Brown, the naval agent of the Agent of Marine, reached Boston, towards the end of 1781, he found the three men in prison, waiting the execution of their sentences, and "perishing with cold for want of Clothing." The fate of the three men is best told in Brown's words: "Under these circumstances it was the opinion of the Board (and I agreed with them) that as the proceedings had lain so long before Congress without anything being done, and it being uncertain when they would act upon them, to save expense it was best to dispose of the Men in the best manner we could. Accordingly the two who were sentenced to be whipped were put on board the Deane, the other was sold by the Sheriff to pay his bill of fees, keeping, &c., and with the surplus of the money he procured us three good seamen for the Deane. My motive for concurring in this proceeding was to save expense and preserve the public Money in my hands for more Material purposes."1
The Warfield's Of Maryland.
There isn’t a lot of information here, but then this list is to help you in finding a place to start looking for information at a place you never thought of before, and you never know you may find a ancestor on this list and never knew they were in any kind of military service., or some other kind of occupation.
Revolutionary War.
Warfield, John (Md). 2d Lieutenant 5th Maryland, 10th December, 1776; resigned 7th November, 1777.
Warfield, Walter (Md). Surgeon's Mate 2d Maryland, 27th November, 1777; Surgeon, 10th June, 1779; transferred to 1st Maryland 1st January, 1781; retained in Maryland Battalion April. 1783, and served to 15th November, 1783.
War of 182.
United States pension roll.
Joseph Warfield, from the county of Montgomery, State of Maryland, Rank Private & Lieutenant, his allowance was $85.97, dollars per year, the sums he received was $257.91, dollars, his service was Maryland Cont’l Line, was placed on the roll on May 28, 1833, commencement of his pension was on March 4, 1831, age 76.
Unknown States & Maryland.
1800, Anderson Warfield, of Maryland to be Lieutenant.
1867, Claudius Warfield, of Maryland, to be assistant surgeon, May 14, 1867.
Warfield, Anderson.
Surgeon, 1 July, 1799. Discharged 31 August, 1801, under Peace Establishment Act.
Warfield, Lot., Midshipman, 16 July, 1799. Discharged 3 July, 1801.
Civil War.
1. A, Galatin . Warfield, private, 1st., Maryland Cavalry company A., Confederate
2. Adolph Warfield, Private, 2 Batt'n. Maryland Cavalry, company F., Confederate.
3. Charles A. Warfield, private, 1st., Maryland Cavalry company A., Confederate. Movered from a Viriginia cemetery to Baltimore in 1874.
4 Columbus Warfield , private, 11th., Maryland Infantry (100 Days 1864), company G., Union.
5. D. Warfield, private, 1st., Maryland Cavalry, company D., Confederate.
6. F. W. Warfield, private, 1st., Maryland Cavalry, company D., Confederate.
7. Francis M. Warfield, private, 1st., Maryland Infantry, company F., Union.
8. Frank M. Warfield, private, 1st., Maryland Infantry, company F., Union.
9. Gassaway W. Warfield, private, 1st., Maryland Cavalry, company A., Confederate.
10. Henry Warfield, private, 3rd., Maryland Infantry, company F., Union.
11. John Warfield, private, Unassigned Maryland Volunteers, company unknown, Union.
12. Owen B. Warfield, private, 3rd., Potomac Home Brig. Md. Inf, company H., Union.
13. Robert H. Warfield, private, 11th., Maryland Infantry (100 Days 1864), company K., Union.
14. Surratt R. Warfield, private, 13th., Maryland Infantry, company G., Union.
15. Thomas Warfield, private, 11th., Maryland Infantry (100 Days 1864), company H., Union.
16. William Warfield, private, 2nd., Battery Maryland Artillery, company unknown, Confederate.
17. William Warfield, private, 1st., Maryland Cavalry, company D., Confederate.
United States Government.
Henry R. Warfield, was a Congressman in the House of Representatives from 1819-1825.
Authors Note. Although this list is manly for Maryland, the following names are from many different States.
An Act
May 15, 1872.
Granting a pension to Ardella D. Warfield and Lindsley N. Warfield.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension-roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the names of Ardella P. Warfield and Lindsley N. Warfield, only minor children of Andrew W. Warfield, late a private unassigned, in the Fifteenth Regiment of New York Volunteers, and acting hospital steward of said regiment, who died at Raleigh, North Carolina, of disease contracted in the service. This act to take effect from and after its passage. Passed the House of Representatives May 13, 1872.
Attest: EDWARD McPHERSON, Clerk.
1797, Dragoons, Charles Warfield, Cornet.
1819, A petition of George F. Warfield, complaining of the unlawful seizure and confiscation of a large amount of his property, by Henry Christophe, the black ruler of the Island of Saint Domingo, in the year 1810, and praying the interposition of the government of the United States in order to compel the said Christophe to make compensation for the said property.
1868, Beale A. Warfield to be deputy postmaster at Fredericksburg, in the county of Spottsylvania and State of Va.
1846, George F. Warfield and others, praying indemnity for French spoliations prior to the year 1800.
There is a town in Kentucky, named Warfield.
1864, C. S. A. army, Maj. E. Warfield, of Arkansas, to be lieutenant-colonel Second Arkansas Regiment.
1870, Elisha Warfield, praying compensation for whisky seized by the government.
1864, C. S. A., army Captain W. P. Warfield, of Mississippi, to rank from October 13, 1863.
1870, The petition of Azel Warfield, a soldier of the war of 1812, praying for a pension;
1843, Samuel Warfield, of Milford, in the State of Massachusetts, praying remuneration for arms and equipments taken from him, for the use of the United States, in the war of the Revolution.
Monday, May 03, 2010
Colonel John Pattons Regiment 1777.
Colonel John Pattons Regiment.
Patton, John, January 11, 1777 ; resigned November, 1777.
Powell, Joseph, from captain, January 1, 1778; arranged in new
Powell, Joseph, promoted major, January 1,1778.
Keene, Lawrence, January 12,1777; transferred to new Eleventh.
Grubb, Peter, from Miles' battalion.
Dennis, John.
Claypoole, Abraham G., from captain lieutenant, June 10,1778; transferred to new Eleventh.
Captain Lieutenant.
Claypoole, Abraham G., promoted captain June 10,1778.
Patton, Willliam, killed at German town, October 4,1777.
Duff, Richard, from second lieutenant in Tenth Penn'a, April 18,
1777 ; a prisoner of war, and never joined. Jackson, Jeremiah, January 14,1777 ; transferred to new Eleventh.
Davis, Septimus, July 7, 1777; from Atlee's; transferred to new
Dunn, Abner M., from Second battalion ; aid-de-camp; transferred
to the Ninth Penn'a, May 31, 1779. Burke, Edward, October 4,1777 ; transferred to the new Eleventh.
Second Lieutenat.
Bradford, James, from the Ninth Penn'a, January, 1777; deputy quarter-master general in 1778.
Ensign. 'Weitzel, Jacob, ranking from April 2,1779; transferred to new Eleventh.
Surgeon. Davis, John, from Miles' battalion, March 1, 1777 ; quit service in April, 1779; died February 3,1816, aged seventy-one; buried in Tredyftetin Baptist church-yard, Chester county.
[The following officers, either of Hartley's or Patton's, were arranged in the new Eleventh, in January, 1779.]
Mahon, John, mnking from June 1, 1778.
McCurdy. William, ensign, ranking as second lieutenant, from November 19, 1778.
Ensigns. Morrison, Samuel, May 11,1777. Street, Benjamin, May 11, 1777; promoted lieutenant November 30, 1778. Pettigrew, James, June 1,1778.
Thornbury, Francis, October 2,1778.
Wilson, James, killed in action.
Teas, Alexander, killed in action.
Alexander, John, January 20, 1777.
Ashton, Isaac, Capt. Grubb's company.
Beatty, Peter, April 29, 1777.
Brim, Henry, May, 1777, Baker's company; transferred to Powell's company ; resided in Franklin county, 1820.
Brown, John, February 1, 1777.
Butler, William.
Carman, William, killed in action.
Cook, Jacob, January 23, 1777; wounded at Brandywine, in the right leg.
Cox, Thomas, Buck's company; wounded in the thigh, at Germantown.
Cunningham, Thomas, March 30,1777.
Dempsey, Lewis, killed in action.
Denny, John, February 25,1777.
Fees, Christian, killed in action.
Frost, James, February 2,1777.
Fultz, Frederick, Chester county, February 12,1777, in Capt. Dennis' company; captured April 25,1777 ; confined in New York sugar-house three years; lost one eye in captivity.
George, William, February 3,1777.
Gesseheimer, Peter, April 5,1777; servant of Andrew Groff.
Gilbert, John, April 10,1777.
Grimes, Daniel, April 5.1777.
Gouthrop, Samuel, January 27,1777.
Haines, John.
Harpole, Henry, March 11,1777.
Hawke, George, May 3,1777.
Himler, William, killed in action.
Jefferies, Benjamin, April 24,1777.
Kiseheimer, Peter, May 4,1777.
Koyl, Ludwig, March 26,1777.
McCevedy, Moses, killed in action.
Mannig, James, March 24, 1777.
Murphy, Dennis,' March 10,1777.
Nesbit, Alexander, killed in action.
Nightlinger, Samuel, February 3,1777.
Oldis, Robert, February 19,1777.
Rogers, Allan, March 13,1777.
Shaw, John, April 24,1777.
Shannon, Samuel, May 5,1777.
Struble, Nicholas, March 15,1777.
Stwart, John, wounded in the left arm, at Brandywine, September 11, 1777 ; transferred to Invalid corps.
Todd, James, April 1,1777.
Truby, Thomas, killed in action.
Welgar, (Welker,) Daniel, April 23,1777; wounded at Ash Swamp; discharged 1781 ; resided in Franklin county, 1806.
Watson, John, killed in action.
Williams, Thomas, killed in action.
Wooley, Thomas, killed in action.