What is a Farrier?
A farrier is a person who trims horses feet and shoes horses.
They can also be used for overgrown pig feet and goat feet. The exterior of these special high maintenance feet is called hooves.
A farrier is a person who changes a horses horse shoes. In colonial times, the farrier would melt iron, and then fit it to the horses hoof after he had trimmed the hoof. Then he would let the metal cool and nail the horse shoe onto the horses hoof. The nailing didn't hurt the horse because they have no nerves in the area where the farrier nails the horseshoe in. However, the tender inside of the horses hoof including the frog, (which is a part of the horse's hoof) are very sensitive.
The following comes from the Library of Congress.
In 1777, the Farrier was paid $10, per month.
1858, A petition of John Hatfield, praying for compensation for services as veterinary surgeon and farrier, under the command of Captain Ringgold, in the years 1839 and 1840.
1838, Marcus Hemphill, for remuneration for the services of his father, Samuel Hemphill, who was a smith and farrier in Captain Jonas Fauch's troop of Georgia militia dragoons from the 14th to the 30th of July, 1794.
In 1862, the Confedrates wre paying their farriers seventeen dollars, per month.
Military Service.
Massachusetts, Rev. War.
Armstrong, Joseph, Andover (West Parish), Return of men raised agreeable to resolve of Dec. 2, 1780 ; enlisted March 7, 1781 ; enlistment, 3 years ; also, Private, Capt. Zebulon King's co., Lieut. Col. John Brooks's (7th) regt.; muster rolls for June, July and Aug., 1781; reported on command at West Point; also, muster roll for Sept., 1781 ; enlisted March 30, 1781 ; also, muster roll for Oct. and Nov., 1781, dated York Hutts; reported deserted Oct. 21, 1781, at Continental Village; also, list of deserters dated West Point, Aug. 18, 1782 ; age, 35 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 9 in.; complexion, dark; hair, brown; occupation, farrier; residence, Andover; deserted Oct. 21, 1781, at Peekskill.
War of 1812.
Samuel Frederick, Farrier, Captain Peter's Funk's Company, Kentucky, Light Dragoons, appointed farrier, Sept. 23, 1811.
Burdit C. Pile, Farrier, Captain Warner Elmore's Company, First regiment, Kentucky, Light Dragoons, Aug. 28, 1812-Oct. 31, 1812.
John Holles, Farrier, Captain William E. Young's Company, First regiment, Kentucky, Light Dragoons, Aug. 27, 1812-Oct. 31, 1812.
James Long, Farrier, Captain Jacob Stucker's, Company Kentucky Mounted Infantry, May 20, 1813-Nov. 19, 1813.
Ralph Hunter, Farrier, Pennsylvania, Captain Jacob Poorman, company, 1812.
Edward Wilcox, Farrier, United States, Dragoons, enlisted Sept. 5, 1812-Sept. 4, 1817.
Civil War.
1861, confederate farrier, were being paid $13, per month.
1864, Confederate, Farriers, Artillery were being paid $20., per month.
Walter Walker, Farrier, of Company I, First Nebraska Cavalry Veteran Volunteers.
[Joseph] Ibbatson, Farrier, acting as gunner to second piece. The fire of the enemy's artillery being directed at us, and taking considerable effect among both men and horses, great praise is due to him for his coolness and courage during the entire fight, and [he] proved himself worthy of promotion.
State of Kansas.
Second Kansas, Cavalry, Company A.
Farrier, Vanornem Melville W., residence Fort Scott, enlisted Feb. 26, '62, mustered in Feb. 26, '62. Reduced to the ranks May 30, 1863.
Farrier, Aliff Thomas J., residence Leavenworth, enlisted March 10, '62, mustered in March 10, '62. Mustered out April 14, '65, at Little Rock, Ark.
Second Kansas, Cavalry, Company B.
Farrier, Woolard Henry M., residence Springfield, Mo., enlisted Aug. 2, '63, mustered in Aug. 31, '63. Mustered out June 22, '65, at Fort Gibson, C. N.
Farrier, Henson David A., residence Bolivar, Mo., enlisted July 17, '63, mustered in Aug. 31, '63. Mustered out June 22, '65, at Fort Gibson, C. N.
Second Kansas, Cavalry, Company C.
Farrier, Gilson Samuel, residence Leavenworth, enlisted Nov. 23, '61, mustered in Nov. 23, '61. Transferred to Co. K, April 11, 1862.
Farrier, Jordon William, enlisted Dec. 3, '61, mustered in Dec. 3, '61. Deserted while on det. service May 19, 1862.
Farrier, Hayes Edmund C., enlisted Dec. 31, '61, mustered in Dec. 31, '61. Must. out Jan. 10, '65, at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.
Second Kansas, Cavalry, Company D.
Farrier, Thompson John S., residence Holton, enlisted Nov. 29, '61, mustered in Nov. 29, '61. Must. out Jan. 14, 1865, at Leavenworth, Kan.
Farrier, Anderson Alexander B., residence Robinson, enlisted Nov. 15, '61, mustered in Nov. 15, '61. Infor. disc. Mar. 2, '62, and dropped from Co. rolls.
Second Kansas, Cavalry, Company F.
Farrier, Horton Samuel, residence Topeka, enlisted Feb. 11, '62, mustered in Feb. 11, '62. Disc. for dis. May 8, 1863, at Springfield, Mo.
Farrier, Brown James W., residence Cottonwood Falls, enlisted Sept. 9, '62, mustered in Aug. 13, '63. Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865.
Second Kansas, Cavalry, Company G.
Farrier, Cole Seymour, residence Shawnee, enlisted March 17, '62. Disc. for dis. March 13, 1863, at Springfield, Mo.
Farrier, Richardson Stephen, residence White Cloud, enlisted July 18, '63, mustered in Aug. 10, '63. Assigned to new Co. D, March 18, 1865.
Farrier, Rains William J., residence White Cloud, enlisted July 18, '63, mustered in Aug. 10, '63. Deserted at Fort Smith, Ark., October 12, 1864.
Second Kansas, Cavalry, Company H.
Farrier, Conner Timothy, residence Leavenworth, enlisted Jan. 10, '62, mustered in Jan. 10, '62. Promoted Batt. Vet. Sergeant June 20, 1862.
Farrier, Brammer Henry, residence Marysville, enlisted Dec. 5, '61, mustered in Dec. 5, '61. Mustered out May 9, 1865, Leavenworth, Kan.
Farrier, Smith James L., residence Wakarusa, enlisted Sept. 10, '62, mustered in Sept. 10, '62. Assigned to Co. L, March 18, 1865.
Second Kansas, Cavalry, Company I.
Farrier, Carsly Joseph H., enlisted Nov. 20, '61, mustered in Nov. 20, '61. Reduced to ranks.
Farrier, Arnold Perrine, residence Burlington, Ia., enlisted Oct. 2, '61, mustered in Oct. 2, '61. Reduced to ranks.
Farrier, Nichols Amos, residence Gallatin, Mo., enlisted Aug. 29, '62, mustered in Aug. 13, '63. Assigned to new Co. C, March 18, 1865.
Farrier, Lowry Melvin, residence Oskaloosa, enlisted Aug. 23, '62, mustered in Aug. 13, '63. Assigned to new Co. C, March 18, 1865.
Second Kansas, Cavalry, Company K.
Farrier, Gilson Samuel, residence Leavenworth, enlisted Nov. 23, '61. mustered in Nov. 23, '61. Disc. for dis. at Nashville, Tennessee.
Farrier, Cook Albert B., enlisted May 9, '62, mustered in Aug. 13, '63. prisoner of war, capt'd at Poison Springs, Ark., April 18, '64, supposed to have died of wounds.
Second Kansas, Cavalry, Company L.
Farrier, Blackwell James, residence Waldron, Ark., enlisted Dec. 26, '63, mustered in Feb. 26, '64. Mustered out June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N.
Farrier, Blackwell Ambrose, residence Waldron, Ark., enlisted Dec. 19, '63, mustered in Dec. 19, '63. Must. out Aug. 11, 1865, Leav., Kan.; pris'r of war, capt'd near Ft. Gibson, C. N., Sept. 16, '64.
Farrier, Smith James L., residence Waldron, Ark., enlisted Sept. 12, '62, mustered in Aug. 13, '63. Mustered out June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N.
Farrier, Donahoe Arthur, residence Manhattan, enlisted Nov. 6, '61, mustered in Nov. 6, '61. Must. out Jan. 2, 1865, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan.
Second Kansas, Cavalry, Company,New C.
Farrier, Nichols Nichols, residence Gallatin Mo., enlisted Aug. 29, '62, mustered in Aug.13, '63. Mustered out June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N.
Farrier, Melvin Lowry, residence Oskalosa, enlisted Aug. 23, '62, mustered in Aug.13, '63. Mustered out June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N.
Second Kansas, Cavalry, Company,New D.
Farrier, Brown James W., residence Cottonwood Falls, enlisted Sept. 9, '62, mustered in Aug. 13, '63. Mustered out June 22, 1865, Fort Gibson, C. N.
Farrier, Richardson Stephen, residence Brownsville, Nb., enlisted July 18, '63, mustered in Aug. 10, '63. Reduced to ranks.
Note. There are so many cavalry regiments, I can't put them all down here. So I will pick one regiment out of each state that I have rosters on. If you have a ancestor or a name of interest that you know or think was a Farrier and was not found on this list drop me a line and I will be glad to look him up.
Arkansas First Cavalry.
Confederate States.
Jacob Q Johnson, Farrier, Field & Staff, Enlisted June 23, 1862, Date of rank Aug. 7, 1862, Appointed from farrier of Co. B., to fill original vacancy. Reduced to rank Ja. 6, 1863.
William Zimmerman, Farrier, Co. B., enlisted May 13, 1862, Date of rank July 3, 1862. Mustered out with regiment.
William J. Willis, Farrier, Co. C., enlisted Aug. 12, 1863, Date to rank Aug. 12, 1863.Mustered out with regiment.
John S. Bridges, Farrier, Co. C., Enlisted July 24, 1862, Date to rank July 24, 1862. Killed at Elm Springs, Arkansas, April 26, 1863.
Robert McCaslin, Farrier, Co. D., Enlisted June 25, 1862, Date to rank June 1, 1865. Mustered out with regiment.
John O. Miles, Farrier, Co. E., Enlisted Sept. 25, 1862, Date of rank same. Discharged for promotion, April 1, 1863.
Alexander Copeland, Farrier, Co. F., Enlisted JUly 21, 1862, Date of rank July 16, 1863. Mustered out with regiment.
Jesse E. Keller, Farrier, Co. F., Enlisted Nov. 11, 1862. Died in Benton County, Arkansas, Feb. 25, 1863.
Joseph Standlee, Farrier, Co. G., Enlisted Aug. 7, 1862, Date of rank same. Discharged for disability, March 24, 1863.
Autry Archibald, Farrier, Co. H., Enlisted Jan. 2, 1863, Date of rank same. Mustered out with regiment.
John Truelove, Farrier, Co. I., Enlisted Sept. 9, 1862Date of rank Sept. 10, 1862. Mustered out with regiment.
Benjamin F. Warlc (e?) k, Farrier, Co. K., Enlisted Nov.29, 1862, Date of rank Sept. 1, 1863. Mustered out with regiment.
George Irby, Farrier, Co. L., Enlisted 12, 1862, Date of rank Oct. 2, 1862. Mustered out with regiment.
John M. Thomason, Farrier, Co. M., Enlisted Sept. 1, 1862, Date of rank Jan. 1, 1865. Mustered out with regiment.
Iowa First Cavalry.
William Mann, age 25, residence Albia, nativity of New York, promoted Second Battalion Veterinary Sergeant from Co. H., Oct. 7, 1861. Promoted Farrier, Sept. 1, 1862. Mustered out with regiment.
Philip H. Bray, Veteran, age 27, residence Clarence, nativity Maryland. Enlisted Co. B., Sept. 12, 1862, mustered same. Re-enlisted and remustered March 14, 1862. Promoted to farrier, March 18, 1864. Mustered out Feb. 15, 1866, Austin Texas.
Elijah H. Bartlett, Age 30. Residence Mount Pleasant, nativity of New York. Enlisted Co. E., Sept. 18, 1861, mustered same. Promoted company Farrier; Regimental Farrier, June 1, 1863. Mustered out Feb. 15, 1866, Austin Texas.
John T. Brooks, Age 36, residence Mount Pleasant, nativity of Pennsylvania. Enlisted in Co. E., July 10, 1861, as a Farrier. Mustered in July 31, 1861. Mustered out Sept. 9, 1864, at Davenport, Iowa, expiration of term of service.
Ninth Indiana, Cavalry, 121st., Regiment.
Jeremia H. Hoover, Co. C., residence Richmond, enlisted Dec. 26, 1863. Mustered out May 8, 1865, as a Farrier.
Thirteenth Indiana Cavalry, 131st., Regiment.
John B. Mills, Co. L., Farrier, died by accid't, at Crawfordsville, July 5, 1865. Not reported.
Richard B. Roan, Co. I., Farrier, died of disease at Nashville, March 3, 1865. Not reported.
John H. Stoner, Co. M., Farrier, died at Memphis, Feb. 20, 1865. Not reported.
Eighth Infantry Company I.
John R. Hill, Farrier, enlisted Nov. 10, 1862, mustered out Feb. 17, 1865.
Maryland First Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry.
John W. Crim, Co. A., Farrier, Enlisted Aug. 10, 1861, Mustered out Aug. 19, 1864. Taken prisoner June 18, 1865.
John Harns, Co. A., Farrier, Enlisted July 3, 1863, Mustered out June28, 1865.
James Casey, Co. D., Farrier, Enlisted Nov. 27, 1864, Mustered out June 20, 1865, Veteran.
William Roberts, Co. I., Farrier, Enlisted March 24, 1864, Mustered out June 28, 1865.
William Anderson, Co. M., Farrier, Enlisted Oct. 30, 1864, Mustered out June 28, 1865.
Maryland Third Cavalry Company C.
Henry Patterson, Farrier, Enlisted July 27, 1863, Mustered out Sept. 7, 1865, also Co. I.
Julius B. Frost, Private, 20th., Mass. Infantry, Residence Haverhill, Blacksmith, Age 28, Enlisted June 21, 1861, Mustered in July 11, 1861, Transferred Oct. 12, 1861, to Co. F., 5th., Cavalry, discharged June 26, 1864, at City Point, Va., as a Farrier of Co. F., 5th., Cavalry.
Lewis Kittridge, Private, Thirteenth Infantry Co. I., Age 28, enlisted and musteed in July 25, 1861. Died of disease Nov. 23, 1861, at Baltmore, Md.
Morris Kane, Private, Residence N. Y., N. Y., Farrier, Sixteenth Infantry Co. C., Age 23. Draft and Mustered in Aug. 5, 1863. Deserted April 7, 1864, at Brandy Station, Va.
Frederick W. Hauer, Private, Twentieth Infantry, Co. B., Residence Boston, Age 23, Enlisted and Mustered in March 22, 1864. Wounded Aug. 14, 1864, at Deep Bottom, Va. Mustered out July 16, 1865.
New York.
First New York, Cavalry.
BECK, HERMAN.— Age, 33 years. Enlisted July 1, 1861, at New York city; mustered in as farrier, Company L, August 22, 1861, to serve three years; captured at New Market, Va., May 13, 1864; died (as private) September 20, 1864, at Andersonville, Ga., while a prisoner of war.
BOND, WILLIAM.— Age, 28 years. Enlisted August 25, 1861, at New York; mustered in as private, Company H, August 25, 1861, to serve three years; re-enlisted as blacksmith January 1, 1864, and mustered out as farrier, with company, June 27, 1865.
BOND, WILLIAM.— Age, 28 years. Enlisted August 25, 1861, at New York; mustered in as private, Company H, August 25, 1861, to serve three years; re-enlisted as blacksmith January 1, 1864, and mustered out as farrier, with company, June 27, 1865.
EASTLEY, THOMAS C—Age, 29 years. Enlisted July 16, 1861, at New York city; mustered in as blacksmith and farrier, Company D, July 16, 1861, to serve three years; transferred to non-commissioned staff as veterinary sergeant, date not given; captured at Manassas, Va., August, 1862; paroled August 28, 1862; discharged September 15, 1862, per order of Adjutant-General, at Washington, D. C.
FOOTE, HUNN B.—Age, 45 years. Enlisted July 30, 1861, at New York; mustered in as farrier, Company A, July 30, 1861, to serve three years; died October 16,1861, at Camp Meigs, Va.
GILLESPIE, PATRICK.— Age, 45 years. Enlisted September 11, 1861, at Philadelphia, Pa,; mustered in as farrier, Company 0, September 11, 1861, to serve three years; discharged for disability, June 23, 1862, at Chickahominy, Va.
NNESSY, EDWABD.— Age, 29 years. Enlisted August 1 1861, at New York; mustered in as farrier and blacksmith, Company M, August 31, 1861, to serve three years; promoted veterinary sergeant, June 1, 1863; re-enlisted January 1, 1864; mustered out with regiment, June 27, 1865, at Alexandria,
Va.; also borne as Hennessey, Michael.
HORNFISHER, JOSEPH.—Age, 28 years. Enlisted July 20, 1861, at New York; mustered in as private, Company G, July 20, 1861, to serve three years; transferred to Company E, September 1, 1861; re-enlisted January 1, 1864; captured near New Market, Va., May 13, 1864; paroled at Charleston, S. C, April 7, 1865; mustered out as farrier, with company, June 27, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.
HUGH, HARRY.—Age, 24 years. Enlisted July 18, 1861, at Syracuse, N. Y.; mustered in as farrier and blacksmith, Company F, July 24, 1861, to serve three years; deserted, as farrier, August 20, 1861, at New York city.
QUINN, PATRICK—Age, 22 years. Enlisted August 21, 1861, at New York; mustered in as private, Company D, August 21, 1861, to serve three years; re-enlisted January 1, 1864, as farrier; mustered out with company, June 27, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.
Pennsylvania, 19th., Cavalry, 180th., Regiment.
Josiah Steward, Farrier, Co. A., Mustered in Feb. 27, 1864. Promoted Farrier, Jan. 1, 1866. Mustered out with company May 14, 1866.
John Kyle, Farrier, Co. B., Mustered in Aug. 8, 1863. Mustered out with company May 14, 1866, Veteran.
Anderson Ross, Farrier, Co. B., Mustered in Aug. 29, 1863. Deserted, Oct. 13, 1865.
John Aungst, Farrier, Co. C., Mustered in Sept. 9, 1863, mustered out with company May 14, 1866, Veteran.
Elliott, Robley, Farrier, Co. C., Mustered in Aug. 23, 1864. Promoted to Farrier, Nov. 1, 1864. Discharged by General Order, Jan. 1, 1865.
John Heinzelman, Farrier, Co. C., Mustered in July 4, 1863. Deserted, Oct. 14, 1863.
First Wisconsin Cavalry.
Anton Johnson, Farrier, Co. A, Date Sept. 30, 1864. Mustered out Aug. 31, 1865.
Thomas Flanaghan, Farrier, Co. A., Date Sept. 1, 1864. Mustered out Sept. 1, 1864, term exp.
Julins C. Mastick, Farrier, Co. B., Residence E. Clariden Ohio, Date Aug. 15, 1861. Discharged Oct. 3, 1862, not official.
Edwin D. Bangs, Farrier, Co. C., Date Oct. 1, 1861. Discharged Oct., 1862.
George W. Cross, Farrier, Co. D., Date Aug. 15, 1861. Discharged Jan. 26, 1862, for disability.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Death Lists For Nine States Of The 1700's
Most all the men listed on this page were killed in the Revoiutionary War or Indian Wars. This page is to give you a lead into your ancestors life in this time in history. This page is to help you to confirm that he was indeed in the war and on what he may have died. Take note none of these States or Surnames are in any alphabetical order, you may want to do a name search.
Some of these men were from Pennsylvania, although they frought for Virginia.
1781. Capt. James Tate's Company- at the Battle of Guilford, Tate was killed.
Capt. Mathew Arbuckle was one of the most noted soldiers of this County. After serving through the Indian Wars he was killed by a falling limb while riding beside Jackson River in the McClintic neighborhood, in what is now Bath County. His body was buried there near the place where he was killed. I have recently learned that his grave must be on the lower edge of the property now owned by the Hon. Geo. A. Revercomb on Jackson River.
1776. Capt. John Dooley's Company was in service in Georgia, where Dooley was killed by an Indian.
Captain James Garland, was killed by a sentinel at Albemarle Barracks.
1776, Capt. Thomas Dooley was killed bv an Indian.
1777, Jacob Ware, was at Fort Wheeling and was killed by Indians.
1777, Jacob Crow, was at Fort Wheeling and was killed by Indians.
About 1782, John Tommis and James Owens were killed by Indians.
1779, Capt, Andrew Wallace was killed in battle at Hanging Rock in the Carolinas.
Col. Richard Campbell, was killed at Eutaw.
June, 1781, Thomas Runnels was killed by Indians.
Pressley Davis, was killed in battle of Long Island, 1776.
About 1781, Captain Abraham Tipton killed by indians.
Abbot, Philip, Andover. Private, Capt. Benjamin Ames's co., Col. James Frye' s regt. ; killed June 17, 1775 ; reported negro servant of Nathan Abbot.
Adams, Jedediah, Oxford. Private, Capt. John Wiley's co.. Col. Michael Jackson's regt. ; Continental Army pa.y accounts for service from Feb. 6, 1777, to Sept. 19, 1777 ; reported killed Sept. 19, 1777.
Adams, Obadiah. Receipt for ammunition received of Capt. Barnabas Sears, dated Camp at Dorchester, Feb. 15, 1776 ; also, certificate of service, dated Hardwick, July 19, 1776, given by Capt. Barnabas Sears, certifying that said Adams, a soldier in his company, was killed by the enemy March 10, 1776, on Dorchester Hill.
Alexander, Jedithan, Capt. Jonathan Holman's co.. Col. Ephraim Doolittle's regt.; order for advance pay dated Cambridge, June 10, 1775; also, Private ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775 ; enlisted May 3, 1775 ; service, 1 mo. 7 days ; also, company return dated Camp at Winter Hill, Oct. 6, 1775; reported killed at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Camp at Winter Hill, Dec. 21, 1775.
Allen, Jacob, Bridgewater. Sergeant, Capt. Robert Orr's co., Col. John Bailey's regt.,
which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 11 daj's; also, Lieutenant, Capt. James Allen's co., Col. John Bailey's (later Gen. Thomas's) regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 177;'); enlisted May 1, 1775; service, 3 mos. 8 days; commissioned May 19, 1775; also, company return dated lloxbury, Oct. 6, 1775; also, Captain, Col. John Bailey's ('2d) reut. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Sept. 19, 1777 ; reported killed Sept. 19, 1777.
Allen, James, Boston. Private, Capt. Benjamin Wallcut's co.. Col. Thomas Marshall's regt. ; enlisted Jan. 18, 1777; pay roll for rations made up for 19 days to time of arrival at Bennington; also, Lieut. Colonel's co., Col. Marshall's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 5, 1777, to Aug. 5, 1777; reported killed by the Indians Aug. 5, 1777.
Bigsbey, Pelatiah. Private, Capt. John Spoor's CO., Col. John Brown's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; enlisted July 18, 1780; service, 3 mos. 2 days; enlistment, 3 months; company raised to reinforce Continental Army; reported killed Oct. 19, 1780.
Bodge, John, Charlestown. Private, Lieut. Ephraim Corey's co.. Col. William Prescott's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted June 6, 1775; service, 56 days ; also, company return dated Cambridge, Oct. 7, 1775 ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Cambridge, Oct. 31, 1775; a/.vo, return of men enlisted into Continental Army [year not given] ; residence, Charlestown ; enlisted for town of Bedford (also given Charlestown) ; joined Capt. Robert Allen's CO., Col. Ichabod Alden's regt. ; enlistment, 3 years ; reported mustered by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master; also, 6th co., Col. Brooks's (late Alden's) regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from March 19, 1777, to May 30, 1778 ; reported killed.
Israel Hill, killed August 25, 1777, while on the expedition for the relief of Fort Schuyler.
Zephaniah Perkins, killed September 15, 1777.
George L. Caldwell, was killed while he was in his tent, by the accidental discharge of a gun which a soldier was cleaning in an adjoining tent.
Whitcomb, Joshua, Templeton. Capt. Joel Fletcher's co., Col. Ephraim Doo- little's regt. ; receipt for advance pay, signed by said Whitcomb and others, dated Camp near Charlestown Road, June 8, 1775 ; also, Private, same co. and regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775 ; enlisted April 27, 1775 ; service, 1 mo. 24 days ; also, company return dated Camp at Winter Hill, Charlestown, Oct. 6, 1775 ; reported killed June 17, 1775.
Whitcombe, Peter, Littleton. Private, Capt. Samuel Gilbert's co., Col. William Prescott's regt. ; company return dated Cambridge, Sept. 28, 1775 ; reported killed June 17, 1775.
White, Rufus. Treasury pay roll of the brigantine " Pallas," an armed vessel commanded by Capt. James Johnson, for service from July 3, 1779, to Aug. 20, 1779, on Penobscot expedition ; reported killed.
White, William, Springfield. Sergeant, reported killed Nov. 13 (also given Oct. 13), 1781.
Whitemore, James, Littleton. Private, Capt. Samuel Gilbert's co., Col. William Prescott's regt.; company return dated Cambridge, Sept. 28, 1775 ; reported killed June 17, 1775.
Whiting John, Lanesborough (also given New Providence) . Return of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from Capt. Daniel Brown's (Lanesborough) co. ; residence, Lanesborough ; engaged for town of Lanesborough ; joined Capt. Angel's co., Col. Warner's regt.; term, 3 years; also, Private, Col. Warner's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Feb. 14, 1777,
to June 26, 1777; reported killed June 26, 1777; also, return of officers and men belonging to Massachusetts in Col. Seth Warner's regt., dated Fort George, June 11, 1780 ; rank, Private ; residence, New Providence ; enlisted Feb. 14, 1777 ; enlistment, 3 years ; reported killed at Ticonderoga June 26, 1777.
Whiting, Stephen, Roxbury. Receipt dated Albany, Nov. 28, 1776, for bounties paid said Whiting and others by Capt. Samuel Forster, of Col. Graton'sregt., to serve in the Continental Army during the war ; also, return of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from Capt. Ebenezer Gore's (1st) co., Col. William Mcintosh's (1st Suffolk Co.) regt. ; residence, Roxbury ; engaged for town of Roxbury; joined Capt. Foster's (also given Capt. Sumner's) co., Col. John Greaton's regt. ; term, 3 years, to expire April -, 1780 ; also, list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master for Suffolk Co., dated Boston, Feb. 16, 1777; Capt. Foster's co., Col. Greaton's regt. ; reported received State bounty; also, Private, Capt. Samuel Foster's co., Col. John Greaton's 3d (also given 2d) regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to July 22, 1777 ; reported killed July -, 1777 ; also, same co. and regt. ; return [year not given] ; mustered by County Muster Master Barber ; reported
Isaac Tucker, of Hartford, Connecticut, was killed. year not stated.
Captain John Gilbert. was shot through the knee, and then killed with a club, his head was badly bruised and a bloodly club was found near by.
William Haigans, Killed January 17, 1781.
Cornelius Haigeny, killed at Guilford Court-house Maarch 18, 1781.
David Young, killed May or June 1781.
William Guttery, killed at Eutaw Springs, September 8, 1781.
William Lewis, killed at Eutaw Springs, September 8, 1781.
John Steward, killed at Eutaw Springs, September 8, 1781.William Jones, Second Lieutenant, Com. October 6, 1777, Killed at Wyoming, April 17, 1779.
Louisiana-Spanish Regime in Missouri.
Amable Guion, came to St. Louis from Fort de Chartres in 1756, and was killed in 1780, when St. Louis was attacked by the British and Indians. Married Margaret Blondeau in 1763. They had the first child born in St. Louis, Amable Guion Jr.
Ichabod Camp, was killed by his son-in-law will he was intoxicated at KasKasKia.
Joseph Brazeau Sr., was killed by Indians on the KasKasKia River.
Charles Lucas, was killed in a duel by the son of Judge J. B. C. Lucas.
Captain Peter Craig, was killed at the battle of the Sinkhole with the Indians.
Note. Discharged date is when they were killed.
Hoole, Joseph, private, enlisted 4 Sept. 1777, discharged 16 Aug. 1780, killed
Cullomine, John, private, enlisted 1 April 1778, discharged 28 June 1778, killed.
Cassidy, Barney, private, enlisted 20 Apill 1778, discharged 16 Aug. 1780, killed.
Hum, Daniel, killed April, 1779.
Johnson, Vincent, private, enlisted 10 Dec. 1776, discharged 11 Sept. 1777, killed.
Quay, James, discharged 16 July 1779 killed Stoney point.
Quiggins, Henry, private, enlisted 30 May 1777, discharged 16 Aug. 1777, killed.
Hart, Thomas, private, discharged 16 Aug. 1780, killed.
Hodibuck, Conrad, private, enlisted 25 May 1778, discharged 16 Aug. 1780, killed.
Lettman, William, private, killed Eutaw.
Douglass, James, private, discharged 16 Aug. 1780, killed.
Byrne, Charles, enlisted 20 May 1778, discharged 16 Augt. 1780, killed.
New Hampshire.
Major Andrew McClary went from Epsom. He was a man of fine personal appearance, and a brave officer. He was with the regiment at Bunker Hill, and was killed by a chance shot from the enemy during the retreat.
John Drury, enlisted April 2, 1777, for 3 years. Fife, Killed July 28, 1778.
John Rawlins, enlisted Feb. 4, 1777, for 3 years, Killed Oct. 8, 1777.
John Murphy, private, enlisted April 1, 1777, for 8 months, killed Oct. 7, 1777.
Iddo Chorch, Sergeant, enlisted Feb. 4, 1777, for 3 years, killed in battle Sept. 19, 1777.
Benjaim Warren, Captain, enlisted May 9, 1777, for 8 months, killed in battle Sept. 19, 1777.
Azariah Comstock, Corporal, enlisted May 9, 1777, for 8 months, killed in battle Sept. 19, 1777.
Jonathin Fuller, Drummer, enlisted Feb. 14, 1777, for 3 years, killed Sept. 19, 1777.
Charles McCarty, Fife, enlisted April 20, 1777, for 3 years, killed in battle Oct. 7, 1777.
Obadiah Kimball, private, enlisted March 15, 1777, for 3 years, killed in battle Oct. 7, 1777.
James Gibson, private, enlisted, Feb. 15, 1777, for the war, killed in battle July 7, 1777.
Vallentine O Sullivan, private, enlisted April 6, 1777, killed in battle July 7, 1777.
Frederick Freeman, private, enlisted April 1, 1777, killed in battle July 7, 1777.
Collins Eaton, private, enlisted Feb. 20, 1777, killed in battle Oct. 7, 1777.
Winborn Adams, Major, Com. Nov. 8, 1776, promoted to Lt. Colo., April 2, 1777, and was killed in battle Sept. 19, following.
New Jersey.
Eighth Company.
Captain Andrew M' Mires, killed.
Ensign Martin Hurley, killed.
Captain Joseph Stout, killed.
Company Officers.
Captain Peter V. Voorhies, killed.
Third Regiment.
Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Francis Barber, killed.
Ensign James Rodgers, killed.
Commanded by the Count Cassamer Pulaski, who was killed at the siege of Savannah, October 9th, 1779.
Barber, Franxis, Major, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 9th, 1776; Lieutenant Colonel, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Lieutenant Colonel, Third Regiment, to date January ist, 1777; Lieutenant Colonel Commandant, ditto, January 6, 1783; killed by a falling tree, in camp, at New Windsor, New York, February, 1783; was Sub-Inspector General, staff of General Steuben, April ist, 17783 Adjutant General to Major General Lord Stirling ; Adjutant General
to General Sullivan ; Deputy Adjutant General to Major General Nathaniel Greene ; severely wounded at the battle of Monmouth ; wounded at the battle of Newtown, and again at the siege of Yorktown.
Witherspoon, James. Brigade Major, with rank of Major, staff Brigadier General William Maxwell ; killed by cannon shot, in streets of Germantown, October 4th, 1777.
Dallas, Archibald. Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, First Establishment, December 9th, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Howell's company, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment; Captain, "Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army ; killed in action, January 28th, 1779 ; also Captain, militia.
M' Mires, Andrew. Captain, First Battalion, First Establishment, December 15th, 1775 ; Captain, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; killed at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777.
Stout, Joseph. Captain, Second Battalion, First Establishment, December i8th, 1775; Captain, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; killed at the battle of Brandywine, September, 1777.
McMichael, William. First Lieutenant, Captain Ross' company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; deserted August 14th, 1776, from Fort Schuyler, New York; killed by the Indians, September, 1776.
Hurley, Martin. Private, Captain M' Mires' company. First Battalion, First Establishment; Sergeant, ditto, December 25th, 1 775 ; Ensign, First Battalion, Second Establishment ; killed at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777.
Ogden, Moses. Private, " Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army; Serjeant, ditto, October ist, 1777; Ensign, ditto, May 12th, 1779; killed.
Rodgers, James. Sergeant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, March ist, 1777; Ensign, Third Regiment, to date February 1, 1779; killed in action at Springfield, New Jersey, August 24th, 1780.
Richards, Samuel. Sergeant, " Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army; killed at the battle of Brandywine, September, 1777.
Yates, John. Sergeant, Second Battalion, Second Establishment; reduced to the ranks October 15th, 1778; Corporal, ditto, December ist, 1778; Corporal, Captain Phillips' company. Second Regiment ; killed while with a foraging party in Bergen county, New Jersey, March 29th, 1782.
Farr, John. Captain Forman's company. First Regiment ; killed March 24th, 1782.
Jewell, Hubbard. Captain M' Mires' company. First Battalion, First Establishment; Captain M'Mires' company. First Battalion, Second Establishment; killed at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777.
Leonard, Azariah. Captain Holmes' company. Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment; killed in action, March 21st, 1777 ; also militia.
Little, Samuel. Captain Baldwin's company. First Battalion, Second Establishment ; killed at Germantown, October 4th, 1777.
McKenny, Timothy. Captain Anderson's company, Third Battalion, Second Establishment; killed June 7th, 1780.
Minthorne, William. Captain John Holmes' company. First Regiment; killed at the siege of Yorktown, October, 1781.
Quigg, Henry. Captain Ross' company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment ; killed at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777.
Roper, James. Captain Martin's company, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment ; killed in action, February 23d, 1777.
Stewart, Robert. Captain Kinsey's company. Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment] killed at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777 ; also militia.
Lock, Francis. Captain, First Battalion, Somerset ; killed September 15th, 1777, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey.
Pain, John. Lieutenant, Middlesex ; Captain, killed September 25th, 1781, near Spanktown, (Rahway), New Jersey.
Reeves, Isaac. Captain, Second Regiment, Essex; Captain, Colonel Van Cortland's battalion, "Heard's Brigade," June 14th, 1776; killed June 6th, 1780, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey.
Skinner, Richard. Captain, First Regiment, Middlesex; killed July 1, 1779, at Woodbridge, New Jersey.
Brocaw, John. Lieutenant, First Battalion, Somerset; killed October 4th, 1777, at Germantown, Pennsylvania.
Mulford, David. Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Cumberland ; killed November 25th, 1777.
Studson, Joshua. Lieutenant, Monmouth ; Lieutenant, Captain Jenkins' company, Colonel Holmes' battalion. State troops, June 14th, 1780; killed December, 17S0, while boarding an enemy's vessel on the coast.
Whitlock, John. Lieutenant, First Regiment, Monmouth; killed February 13th, 1777, at Middletown, New Jersey.
Ball, Samuel. Captain Williams' company. Second Regiment, Essex ; also Captain Gillam's company. State troops ; also Continental Army ; killed at Connecticut Farms, June 7th, 1780.
Clark, Alexander. Captain Hunn's company, First Regiment, Monmouth; killed at Middletown, February 13th, 1777.
Cooke, William, Jr. "Captain Thomas' Troop, Light Dragoons," Burlington ; killed by refugees near Cedar Creek Bridge, December 27th, 1782.
Crawford, James. Captain Carhart's company, First Regiment, Monmouth; killed February 13th, 1777, at Middletown, New Jersey.
Kinsley, James. Matross, ''Captain Huddy's Company, Artillery," State troops; killed at Toms River, March 22d, 1782.
Lane, Cornelius. Captain Lane's company, Fourth Regiment, Hunterdon; killed at Allentown, June 27th, 1778.
Mershon, Aaron. Captain Van Cleve's company, Colonel Johnson's battalion, "Heard's Brigade;" killed on Long Island, August 27th, 1776.
Mershon, Andrew. Colonel Johnson's battalion, '' Heard's Brigade;" killed August 27th, 1776.
Murray, Joseph. Third Regiment, Monmouth ; killed by tories at Middletown, June 8th, 1780.
Neviers, John. "Western Battalion," Morris; also State troops; killed October 15th, 1776.
Passell, Nicholas. Captain Reeves' company, Second Regiment, Essex; killed June 7th, 17S0.
Reock, Jacob. Captain Horton's company, First Regiment, Essex ; Captain Reeves' company. Second Regiment, also Captain Craig's company. State troops ; killed June 7th, 17S0; also Continental Army.
Salter, Benjamin. " Eastern Battalion," Morris; killed September 6th, 1779.
Smith, Moses. Second Regiment, Essex ; killed June, 1781.
Stout, John. Middlesex ; also Colonel Cook's battalion, "Detached Militia;" killed at Hornerstown, New Jersey.
Sutton, Robert. Captain Carlisle's company, First Regiment, Burlington; killed May loth, 1778.
Terry, Josiah. Cumberland ; also Captain Keen's company, State troops; killed April, 17S2.
Wade, Nathan. Sussex ; killed at Lackawaxon, July 2, 1779.
New York.
Burve Matthew, enlisted March 5, 1777, for 3 years, killed June 28, 1778.
Bishop John, enlisted Oct. 24, 1775, captured at Fort Schuyler, June 4, 1779, killed by Indians.
Backus John, enlisted May 11, 1777, for 3 years, Transferred to Wendell's 1778, killed at Fort Schuyler July 23, 1779.
Chatfield Samuel, enlisted March 28, 1777, for war, killed April 7, 1780.
Gross John, Corporal, enlisted Oct. 30, 1776, reduced in ranks Sept. 30,1777, killed by Indians July 23, 1781.
Benjamin Jonathan, enlisted Feb. 20, 1777, mustered to Jan. 1781, killed near Fort Schuyler, April 9, 1781.
Ackerson Benjamin, enlisted Feb. 15, 1777, for war, killed Sept. 8, 1778.
Owens Thomas, enlisted Dec. 8, 1776, for war, killed at Fort Schuyler.
Mattison Samuel, Corporal, enlisted Dec. 11, 1776, for 3 years, killed June 27, 1777.
Ackerman David ( Daniel ), enlisted Jan. 1, 1777, for war, killed at Peek Shill, March 23, 1777.
Kiing Aaron, enlisted Feb. 8, 1777, for 3 years, taken prisoner and killed by Indians.
Hyle Conrad, enlisted April 15, 1775, for war, discharged Aug. 15, 1778, joined Nov. 5, 1779, killed May 10, 1780.
Filer Thomas, enlisted Nov. 21, 1776, for war, killed Oct. 31, 1777.
Hill William, enlisted Jan. 31, 1777, killed Feb. 3, 1780.
Lamb Isaac, enlisted March 1, 1777, for war, killed in battle at Saratoga, Sept. 19, 1777.
Some of these men were from Pennsylvania, although they frought for Virginia.
1781. Capt. James Tate's Company- at the Battle of Guilford, Tate was killed.
Capt. Mathew Arbuckle was one of the most noted soldiers of this County. After serving through the Indian Wars he was killed by a falling limb while riding beside Jackson River in the McClintic neighborhood, in what is now Bath County. His body was buried there near the place where he was killed. I have recently learned that his grave must be on the lower edge of the property now owned by the Hon. Geo. A. Revercomb on Jackson River.
1776. Capt. John Dooley's Company was in service in Georgia, where Dooley was killed by an Indian.
Captain James Garland, was killed by a sentinel at Albemarle Barracks.
1776, Capt. Thomas Dooley was killed bv an Indian.
1777, Jacob Ware, was at Fort Wheeling and was killed by Indians.
1777, Jacob Crow, was at Fort Wheeling and was killed by Indians.
About 1782, John Tommis and James Owens were killed by Indians.
1779, Capt, Andrew Wallace was killed in battle at Hanging Rock in the Carolinas.
Col. Richard Campbell, was killed at Eutaw.
June, 1781, Thomas Runnels was killed by Indians.
Pressley Davis, was killed in battle of Long Island, 1776.
About 1781, Captain Abraham Tipton killed by indians.
Abbot, Philip, Andover. Private, Capt. Benjamin Ames's co., Col. James Frye' s regt. ; killed June 17, 1775 ; reported negro servant of Nathan Abbot.
Adams, Jedediah, Oxford. Private, Capt. John Wiley's co.. Col. Michael Jackson's regt. ; Continental Army pa.y accounts for service from Feb. 6, 1777, to Sept. 19, 1777 ; reported killed Sept. 19, 1777.
Adams, Obadiah. Receipt for ammunition received of Capt. Barnabas Sears, dated Camp at Dorchester, Feb. 15, 1776 ; also, certificate of service, dated Hardwick, July 19, 1776, given by Capt. Barnabas Sears, certifying that said Adams, a soldier in his company, was killed by the enemy March 10, 1776, on Dorchester Hill.
Alexander, Jedithan, Capt. Jonathan Holman's co.. Col. Ephraim Doolittle's regt.; order for advance pay dated Cambridge, June 10, 1775; also, Private ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775 ; enlisted May 3, 1775 ; service, 1 mo. 7 days ; also, company return dated Camp at Winter Hill, Oct. 6, 1775; reported killed at Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775 ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Camp at Winter Hill, Dec. 21, 1775.
Allen, Jacob, Bridgewater. Sergeant, Capt. Robert Orr's co., Col. John Bailey's regt.,
which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 11 daj's; also, Lieutenant, Capt. James Allen's co., Col. John Bailey's (later Gen. Thomas's) regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 177;'); enlisted May 1, 1775; service, 3 mos. 8 days; commissioned May 19, 1775; also, company return dated lloxbury, Oct. 6, 1775; also, Captain, Col. John Bailey's ('2d) reut. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to Sept. 19, 1777 ; reported killed Sept. 19, 1777.
Allen, James, Boston. Private, Capt. Benjamin Wallcut's co.. Col. Thomas Marshall's regt. ; enlisted Jan. 18, 1777; pay roll for rations made up for 19 days to time of arrival at Bennington; also, Lieut. Colonel's co., Col. Marshall's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 5, 1777, to Aug. 5, 1777; reported killed by the Indians Aug. 5, 1777.
Bigsbey, Pelatiah. Private, Capt. John Spoor's CO., Col. John Brown's (Berkshire Co.) regt.; enlisted July 18, 1780; service, 3 mos. 2 days; enlistment, 3 months; company raised to reinforce Continental Army; reported killed Oct. 19, 1780.
Bodge, John, Charlestown. Private, Lieut. Ephraim Corey's co.. Col. William Prescott's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted June 6, 1775; service, 56 days ; also, company return dated Cambridge, Oct. 7, 1775 ; also, order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money dated Cambridge, Oct. 31, 1775; a/.vo, return of men enlisted into Continental Army [year not given] ; residence, Charlestown ; enlisted for town of Bedford (also given Charlestown) ; joined Capt. Robert Allen's CO., Col. Ichabod Alden's regt. ; enlistment, 3 years ; reported mustered by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master; also, 6th co., Col. Brooks's (late Alden's) regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from March 19, 1777, to May 30, 1778 ; reported killed.
Israel Hill, killed August 25, 1777, while on the expedition for the relief of Fort Schuyler.
Zephaniah Perkins, killed September 15, 1777.
George L. Caldwell, was killed while he was in his tent, by the accidental discharge of a gun which a soldier was cleaning in an adjoining tent.
Whitcomb, Joshua, Templeton. Capt. Joel Fletcher's co., Col. Ephraim Doo- little's regt. ; receipt for advance pay, signed by said Whitcomb and others, dated Camp near Charlestown Road, June 8, 1775 ; also, Private, same co. and regt. ; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775 ; enlisted April 27, 1775 ; service, 1 mo. 24 days ; also, company return dated Camp at Winter Hill, Charlestown, Oct. 6, 1775 ; reported killed June 17, 1775.
Whitcombe, Peter, Littleton. Private, Capt. Samuel Gilbert's co., Col. William Prescott's regt. ; company return dated Cambridge, Sept. 28, 1775 ; reported killed June 17, 1775.
White, Rufus. Treasury pay roll of the brigantine " Pallas," an armed vessel commanded by Capt. James Johnson, for service from July 3, 1779, to Aug. 20, 1779, on Penobscot expedition ; reported killed.
White, William, Springfield. Sergeant, reported killed Nov. 13 (also given Oct. 13), 1781.
Whitemore, James, Littleton. Private, Capt. Samuel Gilbert's co., Col. William Prescott's regt.; company return dated Cambridge, Sept. 28, 1775 ; reported killed June 17, 1775.
Whiting John, Lanesborough (also given New Providence) . Return of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from Capt. Daniel Brown's (Lanesborough) co. ; residence, Lanesborough ; engaged for town of Lanesborough ; joined Capt. Angel's co., Col. Warner's regt.; term, 3 years; also, Private, Col. Warner's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Feb. 14, 1777,
to June 26, 1777; reported killed June 26, 1777; also, return of officers and men belonging to Massachusetts in Col. Seth Warner's regt., dated Fort George, June 11, 1780 ; rank, Private ; residence, New Providence ; enlisted Feb. 14, 1777 ; enlistment, 3 years ; reported killed at Ticonderoga June 26, 1777.
Whiting, Stephen, Roxbury. Receipt dated Albany, Nov. 28, 1776, for bounties paid said Whiting and others by Capt. Samuel Forster, of Col. Graton'sregt., to serve in the Continental Army during the war ; also, return of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from Capt. Ebenezer Gore's (1st) co., Col. William Mcintosh's (1st Suffolk Co.) regt. ; residence, Roxbury ; engaged for town of Roxbury; joined Capt. Foster's (also given Capt. Sumner's) co., Col. John Greaton's regt. ; term, 3 years, to expire April -, 1780 ; also, list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, Muster Master for Suffolk Co., dated Boston, Feb. 16, 1777; Capt. Foster's co., Col. Greaton's regt. ; reported received State bounty; also, Private, Capt. Samuel Foster's co., Col. John Greaton's 3d (also given 2d) regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1777, to July 22, 1777 ; reported killed July -, 1777 ; also, same co. and regt. ; return [year not given] ; mustered by County Muster Master Barber ; reported
Isaac Tucker, of Hartford, Connecticut, was killed. year not stated.
Captain John Gilbert. was shot through the knee, and then killed with a club, his head was badly bruised and a bloodly club was found near by.
William Haigans, Killed January 17, 1781.
Cornelius Haigeny, killed at Guilford Court-house Maarch 18, 1781.
David Young, killed May or June 1781.
William Guttery, killed at Eutaw Springs, September 8, 1781.
William Lewis, killed at Eutaw Springs, September 8, 1781.
John Steward, killed at Eutaw Springs, September 8, 1781.William Jones, Second Lieutenant, Com. October 6, 1777, Killed at Wyoming, April 17, 1779.
Louisiana-Spanish Regime in Missouri.
Amable Guion, came to St. Louis from Fort de Chartres in 1756, and was killed in 1780, when St. Louis was attacked by the British and Indians. Married Margaret Blondeau in 1763. They had the first child born in St. Louis, Amable Guion Jr.
Ichabod Camp, was killed by his son-in-law will he was intoxicated at KasKasKia.
Joseph Brazeau Sr., was killed by Indians on the KasKasKia River.
Charles Lucas, was killed in a duel by the son of Judge J. B. C. Lucas.
Captain Peter Craig, was killed at the battle of the Sinkhole with the Indians.
Note. Discharged date is when they were killed.
Hoole, Joseph, private, enlisted 4 Sept. 1777, discharged 16 Aug. 1780, killed
Cullomine, John, private, enlisted 1 April 1778, discharged 28 June 1778, killed.
Cassidy, Barney, private, enlisted 20 Apill 1778, discharged 16 Aug. 1780, killed.
Hum, Daniel, killed April, 1779.
Johnson, Vincent, private, enlisted 10 Dec. 1776, discharged 11 Sept. 1777, killed.
Quay, James, discharged 16 July 1779 killed Stoney point.
Quiggins, Henry, private, enlisted 30 May 1777, discharged 16 Aug. 1777, killed.
Hart, Thomas, private, discharged 16 Aug. 1780, killed.
Hodibuck, Conrad, private, enlisted 25 May 1778, discharged 16 Aug. 1780, killed.
Lettman, William, private, killed Eutaw.
Douglass, James, private, discharged 16 Aug. 1780, killed.
Byrne, Charles, enlisted 20 May 1778, discharged 16 Augt. 1780, killed.
New Hampshire.
Major Andrew McClary went from Epsom. He was a man of fine personal appearance, and a brave officer. He was with the regiment at Bunker Hill, and was killed by a chance shot from the enemy during the retreat.
John Drury, enlisted April 2, 1777, for 3 years. Fife, Killed July 28, 1778.
John Rawlins, enlisted Feb. 4, 1777, for 3 years, Killed Oct. 8, 1777.
John Murphy, private, enlisted April 1, 1777, for 8 months, killed Oct. 7, 1777.
Iddo Chorch, Sergeant, enlisted Feb. 4, 1777, for 3 years, killed in battle Sept. 19, 1777.
Benjaim Warren, Captain, enlisted May 9, 1777, for 8 months, killed in battle Sept. 19, 1777.
Azariah Comstock, Corporal, enlisted May 9, 1777, for 8 months, killed in battle Sept. 19, 1777.
Jonathin Fuller, Drummer, enlisted Feb. 14, 1777, for 3 years, killed Sept. 19, 1777.
Charles McCarty, Fife, enlisted April 20, 1777, for 3 years, killed in battle Oct. 7, 1777.
Obadiah Kimball, private, enlisted March 15, 1777, for 3 years, killed in battle Oct. 7, 1777.
James Gibson, private, enlisted, Feb. 15, 1777, for the war, killed in battle July 7, 1777.
Vallentine O Sullivan, private, enlisted April 6, 1777, killed in battle July 7, 1777.
Frederick Freeman, private, enlisted April 1, 1777, killed in battle July 7, 1777.
Collins Eaton, private, enlisted Feb. 20, 1777, killed in battle Oct. 7, 1777.
Winborn Adams, Major, Com. Nov. 8, 1776, promoted to Lt. Colo., April 2, 1777, and was killed in battle Sept. 19, following.
New Jersey.
Eighth Company.
Captain Andrew M' Mires, killed.
Ensign Martin Hurley, killed.
Captain Joseph Stout, killed.
Company Officers.
Captain Peter V. Voorhies, killed.
Third Regiment.
Lieutenant Colonel Commandant Francis Barber, killed.
Ensign James Rodgers, killed.
Commanded by the Count Cassamer Pulaski, who was killed at the siege of Savannah, October 9th, 1779.
Barber, Franxis, Major, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 9th, 1776; Lieutenant Colonel, Third Battalion, Second Establishment, November 28th, 1776; Lieutenant Colonel, Third Regiment, to date January ist, 1777; Lieutenant Colonel Commandant, ditto, January 6, 1783; killed by a falling tree, in camp, at New Windsor, New York, February, 1783; was Sub-Inspector General, staff of General Steuben, April ist, 17783 Adjutant General to Major General Lord Stirling ; Adjutant General
to General Sullivan ; Deputy Adjutant General to Major General Nathaniel Greene ; severely wounded at the battle of Monmouth ; wounded at the battle of Newtown, and again at the siege of Yorktown.
Witherspoon, James. Brigade Major, with rank of Major, staff Brigadier General William Maxwell ; killed by cannon shot, in streets of Germantown, October 4th, 1777.
Dallas, Archibald. Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, First Establishment, December 9th, 1775 ; Second Lieutenant, Captain Howell's company, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; Captain, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment; Captain, "Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army ; killed in action, January 28th, 1779 ; also Captain, militia.
M' Mires, Andrew. Captain, First Battalion, First Establishment, December 15th, 1775 ; Captain, First Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; killed at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777.
Stout, Joseph. Captain, Second Battalion, First Establishment, December i8th, 1775; Captain, Second Battalion, Second Establishment, November 29th, 1776; killed at the battle of Brandywine, September, 1777.
McMichael, William. First Lieutenant, Captain Ross' company, Third Battalion, First Establishment, February 7th, 1776; deserted August 14th, 1776, from Fort Schuyler, New York; killed by the Indians, September, 1776.
Hurley, Martin. Private, Captain M' Mires' company. First Battalion, First Establishment; Sergeant, ditto, December 25th, 1 775 ; Ensign, First Battalion, Second Establishment ; killed at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777.
Ogden, Moses. Private, " Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army; Serjeant, ditto, October ist, 1777; Ensign, ditto, May 12th, 1779; killed.
Rodgers, James. Sergeant, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment, March ist, 1777; Ensign, Third Regiment, to date February 1, 1779; killed in action at Springfield, New Jersey, August 24th, 1780.
Richards, Samuel. Sergeant, " Spencer's Regiment," Continental Army; killed at the battle of Brandywine, September, 1777.
Yates, John. Sergeant, Second Battalion, Second Establishment; reduced to the ranks October 15th, 1778; Corporal, ditto, December ist, 1778; Corporal, Captain Phillips' company. Second Regiment ; killed while with a foraging party in Bergen county, New Jersey, March 29th, 1782.
Farr, John. Captain Forman's company. First Regiment ; killed March 24th, 1782.
Jewell, Hubbard. Captain M' Mires' company. First Battalion, First Establishment; Captain M'Mires' company. First Battalion, Second Establishment; killed at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777.
Leonard, Azariah. Captain Holmes' company. Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment; killed in action, March 21st, 1777 ; also militia.
Little, Samuel. Captain Baldwin's company. First Battalion, Second Establishment ; killed at Germantown, October 4th, 1777.
McKenny, Timothy. Captain Anderson's company, Third Battalion, Second Establishment; killed June 7th, 1780.
Minthorne, William. Captain John Holmes' company. First Regiment; killed at the siege of Yorktown, October, 1781.
Quigg, Henry. Captain Ross' company. Third Battalion, Second Establishment ; killed at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777.
Roper, James. Captain Martin's company, Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment ; killed in action, February 23d, 1777.
Stewart, Robert. Captain Kinsey's company. Fourth Battalion, Second Establishment] killed at the battle of Germantown, October 4th, 1777 ; also militia.
Lock, Francis. Captain, First Battalion, Somerset ; killed September 15th, 1777, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey.
Pain, John. Lieutenant, Middlesex ; Captain, killed September 25th, 1781, near Spanktown, (Rahway), New Jersey.
Reeves, Isaac. Captain, Second Regiment, Essex; Captain, Colonel Van Cortland's battalion, "Heard's Brigade," June 14th, 1776; killed June 6th, 1780, at Elizabethtown, New Jersey.
Skinner, Richard. Captain, First Regiment, Middlesex; killed July 1, 1779, at Woodbridge, New Jersey.
Brocaw, John. Lieutenant, First Battalion, Somerset; killed October 4th, 1777, at Germantown, Pennsylvania.
Mulford, David. Lieutenant, Second Battalion, Cumberland ; killed November 25th, 1777.
Studson, Joshua. Lieutenant, Monmouth ; Lieutenant, Captain Jenkins' company, Colonel Holmes' battalion. State troops, June 14th, 1780; killed December, 17S0, while boarding an enemy's vessel on the coast.
Whitlock, John. Lieutenant, First Regiment, Monmouth; killed February 13th, 1777, at Middletown, New Jersey.
Ball, Samuel. Captain Williams' company. Second Regiment, Essex ; also Captain Gillam's company. State troops ; also Continental Army ; killed at Connecticut Farms, June 7th, 1780.
Clark, Alexander. Captain Hunn's company, First Regiment, Monmouth; killed at Middletown, February 13th, 1777.
Cooke, William, Jr. "Captain Thomas' Troop, Light Dragoons," Burlington ; killed by refugees near Cedar Creek Bridge, December 27th, 1782.
Crawford, James. Captain Carhart's company, First Regiment, Monmouth; killed February 13th, 1777, at Middletown, New Jersey.
Kinsley, James. Matross, ''Captain Huddy's Company, Artillery," State troops; killed at Toms River, March 22d, 1782.
Lane, Cornelius. Captain Lane's company, Fourth Regiment, Hunterdon; killed at Allentown, June 27th, 1778.
Mershon, Aaron. Captain Van Cleve's company, Colonel Johnson's battalion, "Heard's Brigade;" killed on Long Island, August 27th, 1776.
Mershon, Andrew. Colonel Johnson's battalion, '' Heard's Brigade;" killed August 27th, 1776.
Murray, Joseph. Third Regiment, Monmouth ; killed by tories at Middletown, June 8th, 1780.
Neviers, John. "Western Battalion," Morris; also State troops; killed October 15th, 1776.
Passell, Nicholas. Captain Reeves' company, Second Regiment, Essex; killed June 7th, 17S0.
Reock, Jacob. Captain Horton's company, First Regiment, Essex ; Captain Reeves' company. Second Regiment, also Captain Craig's company. State troops ; killed June 7th, 17S0; also Continental Army.
Salter, Benjamin. " Eastern Battalion," Morris; killed September 6th, 1779.
Smith, Moses. Second Regiment, Essex ; killed June, 1781.
Stout, John. Middlesex ; also Colonel Cook's battalion, "Detached Militia;" killed at Hornerstown, New Jersey.
Sutton, Robert. Captain Carlisle's company, First Regiment, Burlington; killed May loth, 1778.
Terry, Josiah. Cumberland ; also Captain Keen's company, State troops; killed April, 17S2.
Wade, Nathan. Sussex ; killed at Lackawaxon, July 2, 1779.
New York.
Burve Matthew, enlisted March 5, 1777, for 3 years, killed June 28, 1778.
Bishop John, enlisted Oct. 24, 1775, captured at Fort Schuyler, June 4, 1779, killed by Indians.
Backus John, enlisted May 11, 1777, for 3 years, Transferred to Wendell's 1778, killed at Fort Schuyler July 23, 1779.
Chatfield Samuel, enlisted March 28, 1777, for war, killed April 7, 1780.
Gross John, Corporal, enlisted Oct. 30, 1776, reduced in ranks Sept. 30,1777, killed by Indians July 23, 1781.
Benjamin Jonathan, enlisted Feb. 20, 1777, mustered to Jan. 1781, killed near Fort Schuyler, April 9, 1781.
Ackerson Benjamin, enlisted Feb. 15, 1777, for war, killed Sept. 8, 1778.
Owens Thomas, enlisted Dec. 8, 1776, for war, killed at Fort Schuyler.
Mattison Samuel, Corporal, enlisted Dec. 11, 1776, for 3 years, killed June 27, 1777.
Ackerman David ( Daniel ), enlisted Jan. 1, 1777, for war, killed at Peek Shill, March 23, 1777.
Kiing Aaron, enlisted Feb. 8, 1777, for 3 years, taken prisoner and killed by Indians.
Hyle Conrad, enlisted April 15, 1775, for war, discharged Aug. 15, 1778, joined Nov. 5, 1779, killed May 10, 1780.
Filer Thomas, enlisted Nov. 21, 1776, for war, killed Oct. 31, 1777.
Hill William, enlisted Jan. 31, 1777, killed Feb. 3, 1780.
Lamb Isaac, enlisted March 1, 1777, for war, killed in battle at Saratoga, Sept. 19, 1777.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Samuel And Silas Bullard.
Samuel Bullard.
Born in Rutland, November 20, 1753, third son and fifth child of Jonathan and Anna (Harrington) Bullard. He enlisted June 5, 1775, and served eight months at Roxbury, in Capt. Hazeltine's Co., Col. Fellows' Regt. He also marched with the Oakham company on the Rhode Island alarm, July 23, 1777, and enlisted August 28, 1777, in Capt. Hodges's Co., Col. Cushing's Regt., for service at the Northward.
He was married to Abigail Furness, sister of Mary Furness, the wife of his brother Silas. They had seven children. Samuel Bullard removed to Onondaga, N. Y., where he was killed in 1802, at the raising of a building at a place called "The Lord's Corners." Mrs. Bullard died in 1840, aged ninety-six years.
Silas Bullard.
Born in Weston, May 24, 1746, eldest child of Jonathan and Anna (Harrington) Bullard.
He was Corporal of the Oakham company of minutemen which marched April 19, 1775, in response to the Lexington alarm; served two months in 1776 with Lieut. Asa French at Tarrytown, N. Y., in Col. James Converse's Regt.; marched with Capt. Crawford on the Bennington alarm, August 20, 1777 ; and with Lieut. Alexander Bothwell, 3d, September 25, 1777, to join General Gates at the Northward.
He was a farmer and large landholder. He built the original house, and owned the farm where the late Sanford H. Bullard lived and which is still in possession of his descendants. He subscribed £1 los. toward building the house of Mr. Tomlinson in 1786, to be paid in brick, probably of his own manufacture. He was Selectman of Oakham for twelve years, and Treasurer of the town eight years.
Silas Bullard was married, April 4, 1770, to Mary Furness, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Furness, who came to Oakham from Lynn in 1765. Children, all born in Oakham: Bettey, June 7, 1771 ; Benjamin, March 16, 1773 ; Alpha, March 22, 1775, Ruth, December 5, 1777; Adin, October 11, 1779; William, January 3, 1782; Moley, May 9, 1784; Silas, Jr., April 15, 1787; Editha, June ii, 1789; Melissa, June 11, 1792; Calvin, September 26, 1794; Joel, October 7, 1796.
Two great-grandsons of Silas Bullard, Sergeant George A. Bullard and his brother Silas, were soldiers in Co E 4th Michigan Cavalry, and shared in the capture of Jefferson Davis and his party on May 10, 1865, near Irwinsville, Ga., Sergeant Bullard being the second, and Silas being among the first six that entered his camp. Silas Bullard died February 9, 1826, aged seventy-nine. His wife, born in 1751, died February i, 1821.
Born in Rutland, November 20, 1753, third son and fifth child of Jonathan and Anna (Harrington) Bullard. He enlisted June 5, 1775, and served eight months at Roxbury, in Capt. Hazeltine's Co., Col. Fellows' Regt. He also marched with the Oakham company on the Rhode Island alarm, July 23, 1777, and enlisted August 28, 1777, in Capt. Hodges's Co., Col. Cushing's Regt., for service at the Northward.
He was married to Abigail Furness, sister of Mary Furness, the wife of his brother Silas. They had seven children. Samuel Bullard removed to Onondaga, N. Y., where he was killed in 1802, at the raising of a building at a place called "The Lord's Corners." Mrs. Bullard died in 1840, aged ninety-six years.
Silas Bullard.
Born in Weston, May 24, 1746, eldest child of Jonathan and Anna (Harrington) Bullard.
He was Corporal of the Oakham company of minutemen which marched April 19, 1775, in response to the Lexington alarm; served two months in 1776 with Lieut. Asa French at Tarrytown, N. Y., in Col. James Converse's Regt.; marched with Capt. Crawford on the Bennington alarm, August 20, 1777 ; and with Lieut. Alexander Bothwell, 3d, September 25, 1777, to join General Gates at the Northward.
He was a farmer and large landholder. He built the original house, and owned the farm where the late Sanford H. Bullard lived and which is still in possession of his descendants. He subscribed £1 los. toward building the house of Mr. Tomlinson in 1786, to be paid in brick, probably of his own manufacture. He was Selectman of Oakham for twelve years, and Treasurer of the town eight years.
Silas Bullard was married, April 4, 1770, to Mary Furness, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah Furness, who came to Oakham from Lynn in 1765. Children, all born in Oakham: Bettey, June 7, 1771 ; Benjamin, March 16, 1773 ; Alpha, March 22, 1775, Ruth, December 5, 1777; Adin, October 11, 1779; William, January 3, 1782; Moley, May 9, 1784; Silas, Jr., April 15, 1787; Editha, June ii, 1789; Melissa, June 11, 1792; Calvin, September 26, 1794; Joel, October 7, 1796.
Two great-grandsons of Silas Bullard, Sergeant George A. Bullard and his brother Silas, were soldiers in Co E 4th Michigan Cavalry, and shared in the capture of Jefferson Davis and his party on May 10, 1865, near Irwinsville, Ga., Sergeant Bullard being the second, and Silas being among the first six that entered his camp. Silas Bullard died February 9, 1826, aged seventy-nine. His wife, born in 1751, died February i, 1821.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
George Paige Wood & Lawson Dwight Wood.
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George Paige Wood.
Mustered in, September 17, 1861.
Died in the service.
Mustered in, September 17, 1861.
Died in the service.
Born in West Brookfield, July 6, 1837. His father was George Wood, born in Bethel, Vt, November 14, 1808, son of Thomas and Betsy (Crowell) Wood. His mother was Abigail EHzabeth Keep, daughter of Josiah and Lucy (Tucker) Keep, who were married October 27, 1801. George Wood, of Bethel, Vt., and Abigail E. Keep, of Monson, were married March 4 1832. Mr. Wood died in West Brookfield, September 8, 1840. After his death, Mrs. Wood married Hervey Maynard, March 28, 1844, and came with her two sons to Oakham.
George P. Wood enlisted at the age of twenty-four, by occupation a farmer, and died of disease, September 19, 1862, at Newbern. February 18, 1858, he was married to Sarah S. Merrifield, daughter of James A. Merrifield, and had two sons, Elmer B., born June 22, 1859,and George Arthur, born August 26, 1861.
Lawson Dwight Wood.
Mustered in, September 16, 1861.
Died in the service.
Mustered in, September 16, 1861.
Died in the service.
Bom in West Brookfield, August 23, 1839, son of George and Abigail Elizabeth (Keep) Wood, and brother of George Paige Wood. Lawson Dwight Wood, when quite young, left home and lived in the family of Joseph Fobes. He was a young man of marked ability and had been a teacher in the public schools of Oakham. When the Civil War began he was a student at Williston Seminary. He left Williston and enlisted at the age of twenty-two, and was appointed Corporal. He died November 23, 1862, at Newbern, N. C. Sergeant Henry Arthur White of Co. H, whose mother was an Oakham girl, writes : "I well remember the two Wood brothers from Oakham. They were my tent-mates from the start at Worcester till their death, which came in 1862, two worthy men, an honor to themselves and to their town, of fine personal character, good soldiers both, both tall men, standing among the first ten men of Co. H. They were unable to stand the debility of that first hard summer. We were sorry to lose them,"
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