In the last week I have done three posts on what the Confederacy and their rebel agents were doing in London and the British Isles. It is know that the Confederacy was trying to get ships arms and supplies for their navy and army. A lot is know about the movements of the ships and their rebel agents, but there are missing bits and pieces known only to the men who sailed on them. The rebel movements were being watch closely by the British Government and reports were sent on ahead to the next port, so they could be watch, but many times these reports be cause of government red tape and other reason, many of the reports won’t get there till after the ships came to port and left, it seemed the rebel’s were always one step ahead of the British.
About the only way one could know what happen on these ships and their movements is by the men that sailed them. Later there would be depositions taken by some of the men who sailed these rebel ships. These depositions are very interesting to read, and a lot of interesting information can be taken from them.
Note. The information on this page comes from the records of the 41st. Congress called, Enforcement of Neutrality, Rebel operations from Canada Vol. II. No. 1395.
We, the undersigned, William Stone, late chief engineer of the steamship City of Richmond, and now residing at 6 Arthurs street, Burdett road, Limehouse, in the county of Middlesex, in England; Jeremiah Coghlam, late boatswain of the said steamship City of Richmond, and now residing at No. 3 Craven Cottage, Woodham street, Barking road, in the said county of Middlesex; Charles Bishop, late quartermaster of the said steamship City of Richmond, and now residing at No. 3 Craven Cottages aforesaid; William Grey, late quartermaster of the said steamship City of Richmond, and now residing at No. 41 Evan street aforesaid, jointly and severally make oath and say, that we severally signed articles to join the said steamship City of Richmond to take said ship to Bermuda, or to one of the other West India Islands; and we hereby severally further say and declare that we were not acquainted, nor, to the best of our knowledge, information, or belief, was Mr. Ernest Pratt, the first mate of the said steamship City of Richmond, acquainted with the intentions of the owners or captain of the said ship iii reference to any alteration of the said ship to Bermuda, or to any other of the West India Islands; and we further jointly and severally make oath and say that we were totally ignorant of the nature of the cargo on board of the said steamship City of Richmond; and we further jointly and severally declare that when at sea the first mate, Mr. Ernest Pratt, protested to Captain Scott, the captain of the said steamship, against the alteration that he ordered and thrected to be made of the course of the said steamship, but that lie, the said Ernest Pratt, as well as the several above-named deponents, were compelled to obey the orders of the said Captain Scott.
Deposition of George Hall.
I, George Hall, of Stockton-on-Tees, England, do so solemnly and sincerely swear, that 1, being an ordinary seaman in the ship Ellen, of Sunderland, was sent on shore to make a warp fast to the steamboat having hold of her; when I let go the warp I ran down to the dock gate to try and get on board of my ship but I could not. I then went to the British consul in Dunkirk, and asked him to send me home to my own country, but he would not. I then traveled to Calais; when I arrived there I went to the British consul and asked him to send inc home; this he refused to do. I their went down to the dock and asked the captain of the Aid, of Sunderland, if he would give me a passage; he said he would not. Shortly after, I was walking up and down the quay, where the Rappahannock was lying, and an officer came ashore from her and asked me what I was doing, and where I had been. As soon as I answered him, he Said I had better go on board his ship; I said No, not without I he immediately replied, “If you do not come you will be made“; so I thought it would be better to go voluntarily; I did so, but at the time I did not know what nation she belonged to. The officer when he came to me was in plain clothes. I was then sent on the forecastle, and a watch was placed over me. I was afterwards examined by the doctor, arid then sent to the captain’s cabin. The articles of war were read over to mc (it was then I discovered what the ship was) by the first lieutenant, Mr. Miller, to the effect that I was to engage for three years to serve in the confederate navy, to sink, burn, and destroy all American merchant shipping. I was engaged as landsman and fireman. To receive £t 6s. 8d. per month, and its soon as I went to sea I was to get £10 bounty. I had to swear on the holy Bible that I would serve on these conditions.
I was not long on board before I was anxious to get away, owing to the cruel. treatment practiced on the crew. I was placed in irons for one month for being a federal spy; I was innocent of the charge. About five weeks ago, Mr. John Early, known by the name of Captain Early, and who keeps a tobacconist shop in London, brought some men on board; two of them were Spaniards, and had been lodging with him (Mr. Early) for a week. Mr. Miller paid him two advance for each of these men, which he kept. They both broke out of irons last Friday week, and deserted from the ship. Mr. Early kept the money for the men’s keep. Early brought some more men; one of them had been serving in the Florida. The paymaster paid Mr. Early these men’s advance, which he also kept for their keep and expenses. On last Monday week Mr. Early also brought on board a man by the name of Gibson; this man was paid off from the Florida, in Loudon, and with others was brought on board by Mr. Early also.
On the 28th December last, Gibson and others were sent to London a day or two after, and were to have gone in the City of Richmond, steamer. Gibson missed his passage, and it was then, on last Monday week, Mr. Early brought him back to the Rappahannock; as before stated, he was paid two months in advance, and Mr. Early kept the money. When he took Gibson on board there were no officers to be seen, and Early stopped in Calais that night, and it was on the following day he drew Gibson’s money. The night Mr. Early stopped in Calais I met him on shore, and he begged of’ me never to mention that I had seen him there. William Anderson was slapped and brought on board about four months ago as ward-room steward. He was not long aboard before he was accused of being a northern spy, and was kept in irons a fortnight; when released he was told that should he be caught speaking to any northerners, he would be kept in irons with a watch over him until the ship got out to sea; he would then be liming up to the yard-arm and fired at like a dog. Early also received and kept his advance money.
On Tuesday night, the 10th January, eighty-two men left the Rappahannock. twenty-one men’s names were called and told off to go to Dove ; twenty-one more were told off to join a blockade runner in London, and forty men were to go in the Velocity. The hammocks were piped up and the men’s names were called out about 11 o’clock; their bags were put on shore and placed in three carts. Tee men were told that they has to go board the Velocity, and that they would be put on board a steam-tug, and then on board the City of Richmond, lying in the river Thames; they were to keep everything as quiet as possible, its they were going on a very particular service. Two officer’s were on deck with loaded pistols, and they threatened to blow any man’s brains out that should attempt to escape. Time advances for the seaman brought by Mr. Early were paid to him in my presence, and he always signed a paper for them.
Deposition of James Davis.
I, James Davis, of London, England, stoker, do hereby solemnly and sincerely swear, that I was shipped on board the ship City of Richmond. of London, in the early part of January last, ( I was not shipped at a shipping office,) and acted as one of the stokers. She left the Victoria dock on Tuesday, the 7th January, and dropped down to Greenluthe, and between that date and the 10th of January she received on board over three hundred barrels of powder, and some boxes which appeared to be shot; they were heavy; and there were also some very heavy barrels taken on board; they contained shot; these were all taken on board during the night, after all lights had been put out on board, generally between half-past ten and half-past eleven. On the 10th January we left Greenlithe, after receiving on board about one hundred men; part of these men came from London, and were brought on board by a man named John Early; I distinctly heard the. men say that John Early brought them down; the remainder came alongside from boats which had brought them from the Calais steamer.
After they had got on board we weighed anchor and went away, leaving two boat-loads of men which the captain would not wait for, as he had news that he was being looked after, and thought it would be too hot for him; we then steamed to Cherbourg, and staid there some days. I believe he had orders to go, as he would not be allowed to remain there; he went away from there to Nantes, and from there to Belle isle, and dropped anchor there. The following day a small screw steamer hove in sight, and asked us where from, and what -was our cargo. The captain answered, “Machinery from London on receiving this answer she steamed away. Two dad s after this the ram Stonewall came alongside, and a confederate, Captain Davis, went on board of her and arranged to receive cargo from the City of Richmond.
The next day the hatches were open, and the powder, boxes of shot, and cases, which I was informed were minnie rifles, were put on board the Stonewall; there were also barrels oh beef, pork, and other provisions put on hoard. After that we had put all of the stores that were intended for the Stonewall on hoard, the captain of the City of Richmond issued orders to all the men, that if any of them wished to volunteer to go on board the Stonewall they were at liberty to join her, but must leave the ship as deserters. The carpenter, the fourth engineer, and a steward joined her; and the chief engineer of the Stonewall Came to me and wanted me to go as boiler-maker in her, and he offered me £9 a month to join her, but I would not go; he further offered me one month’s advance and £ I8 bounty, and promised to send my wife a half-pay note as soon as we arrived at Bermuda; but I would not go.
After we had completed our delivery to the Stonewall. and hearing that some federal men-of-war were in the neighborhood, we hove up anchor and went away, the Stonewall keeping company with us for a day and night, and then we parted; we went then right to Madera. On arrival there, and as I went on shone without leave, the captain took me and three others before the British consul for coning ashore without leave on Sunday to go to church; the consul threatened to discharge me, and did discharge me against my will; I told hint I would see into it as soon as I got home. The captain had previously said we should be discharged at the first port we came to, because we refused to join the Stonewall. We also told the consul that. the ship was filled with contraband of war, but he would not listen to us From there we were sent to Lisbon by Blendy & Co., and when we arrived at Lisbon I then told the consul how we had been discharged, and he said it was illegal. From there we were sent by the same people to Southampton in the mail boat. I did not sign the shipping articles of the City of Richmond until I arrived at Cherbourg; there were four lieutenants, two engineers, a sergeant of’ marines, and boatswain in the confederate service, as well as about one hundred men, all passengers, and who went on board the Stonewall.
Deposition of William Hall.
1, William hall, of Dover, Kent, England, fireman, do hereby solemnly and sincerely swear, that I was shipped front Tower Hill shipping office as stoker for the steamship City of Richmond. I signed articles there to serve for a person not exceeding four months on a voyage to the West Indies, or the east coast of North America. She left Victoria dock on Tuesday, the 7th January, and dropped down a to Greenhithe, and between that date and the 10th January she received on board about two hundred barrels of powder and some boxes, winch appeared to be shot. They were very heavy, and there were also some very heavy barrels taken on board; these were all taken on board during the night, from a lighter or sailing barge, after all lights had been put out on board. between half-past ten and half-past eleven. On the 10th January we left Greenhithe after receiving off board about one hundred men, and some confederate officers; part of these men were from Liverpool, and had just been discharged from the Florida, part from the Rappahannock at Calais.
They came in the Calais steamer, and the remainder were brought on board by a man named John Early. Some of the men that went down with Early were front the Rappahannock also. After they had got on hoard we went away, steam and anchor being up ready, leaving two boat-loads of men, which the captain would not wait for, as he had news that some person was watching him. We then steamed to Cherbourg and stayed there some days. While there all tin stokers met in the stoke-hole and told the engineers that we did not wish to go any further in the ship. The chief engineer said, you have signed articles to go in the ship, and you must remain in her. We did so, but very reluctantly.
We thought if we did not do so, having such a mob of men and officers for the confederates, we would he made, and consequently roughly handled. I told the engineer that owing to the cargo and the men she had on board, they could not by rights compel me to stop, but, unfortunately, I could not help myself then. After remaining in Cherbourg four or five days we steamed away, owing to the captain having received notice to leave the port. We went away front there to Nautes, and from there to Belle Isle, and dropped anchor there. The following day a small screw steamer hove in sight, under French colors, deeply laden, and asked us our name, cargo, and where from, and where bound for. The captain answered, the City of Richmond, from London, with machinery, bound for the West Indies. On receiving this answer she steamed away.
Two days after this the ram Stonewall came alongside, flying the Danish flag, and a confederate captain, Davis, whom I know. well, haveing sailed with him in the Run Her, when she was wrecked at Terceira, and who left London in the City of Richmond, went on board the Stonewall, and arranged to receive cargo from the City of Richmond. At this time the confederate officers and men said, that is the ship that will give the Yankees a doing. This Davis acted the same as captain of the ship from London. The next day the hatches were open, and about half of the powder, boxes of shot, cases of rifles, boarding grapnels, powder magazine cases, barrels of beef, pork, other provisions, clothing, and some coals, were put on hoard. By this time the same small French steamer hove in sight, and went alongside the Stonewall and delivered her cargo to her, and when done took a portion of the crew away that brought the Stonewall to Belle Isle.
When we had finished putting all the stores that were intended for the Stonewall on board, Captain Scott, of the City of Richmond, issued orders to all the men, that if any of them wished to volunteer to go on board the Stonewall they were at liberty to join her, but must leave the ship as deserters. The carpenter, the fourth engineer, and the steward joined her. The chief engineer of the Stonewall came to me several times and begged of me to join his Ship, offering me seven pounds a month, ten pounds bounty, and a month’s advance, and a half-pay note, to be payable at a house in Liverpool, (I believe Messrs. W. G. Crenshaw & Co. I was paid by this firm my wages on my return.) But I would not go. We then heard that some federal men-of-war were in the neighborhood. We hove up anchor and went away , the Stonewall following, but keeping more under the land after leaving the island. She kept ahead of us for a day and night, and then we parted.
We went then right to Madeira, and arrived on a Saturday. The following day I asked for leave to go ashore, was refused, and told that no one would be allowed to go. As I was anxious to get ashore to inform the British consul what had transpired, with the view of being taken out of the ship and sent to England, (for I did not like the idea of going in her, having still contraband of war on board,) I called a boat and went ashore. The officer on deck , as I was leaving, said to me, mind, you are deserting the ship by going without leave. I said, I am not desert; I will be here to my duty at six o’clock in the morning. He told the quartermaster not to allow me on board if I returned.
When on shore I was told I could not see the consul. I then returned to my ship at Six a. m. on Monday, without being seen, and reported myself to duty. The chief engineer told me I was not to do any more work on board the ship. I went to the captain, who said, I will discharge your to-day it I can. he then took me with three others ashore to the British consul. I and two others who went ashore together on the Sunday were charged by Captain Scott with deserting front the ship, stating that for that reason he wished to discharge us. The consul said we should have to take our discharges. I then said to the Captain, before the consul, it is not that you are discharging me; it is because I would not join that confederate privateer ram. The captain answered that he knew nothing of privateers; that he had some cargo on board a vessel flying the Danish flag, also some passengers. The consul then spoke up and said, you fancy you have got the captain up in a corner. If I was to listen to all that is told me about privateers, I would have enough to do.. The consul was told by James Davis, “Mind, sir, we are Englishmen ; you here represent our government; that ship has contraband of war on board, and for the confederates, and we will seek redress when we get home. I then told the consul that I would try and obtain satisfaction also. he then ordered us out of his office like dogs, and told us to wait till we were called.
In about twenty minutes the consul called us into his office, and said, “Here you are; here is your discharges, and you had better take them now, for the ship will only be like a hell to you if you go in her.” He then gave us our discharges and said, your wages and expenses will be paid by the owners. We were then taken to an inn, and sent by Blundey & Co. to Lisbon. When we arrived there we went to the British consul and told him how we had been discharged, and he said it was illegal. And from Lisbon we were sent to Southampton by the same firm in the mail boat. The confederate captain, Davis, went to Madeira in the City of Richmond with us, and was on board when we left there; and I believe, and so did the crew, that the cargo then in the City of Richmond was for another confederate privateer. There were some officers, I believe, lieutenants, two engineers, a sergeant of marines, and a boatswain in the confederate service, as well as about one hundred men, all passengers, and who went on board the Stonewall.
Deposition of Thomas Gibson.
I, Thomas Gibson, of Newcastle, England, fireman, do sincerely and solemnly swear, that I with others was discharged and on leave in London from the Confederate States steamer Florida, and about the 10th of January last, our leave, having expired, we were all collected together. Some were lodging with John Early, tobacconist., of High street, Shadwell; the others with different boarding-house keepers about the highways. This John Early is a shipping master for the confederate service. He, with others whom he employs, when they had collected us together on the above mentioned, sent us in two lots to the London Bridge railway stationMr. Early took tickets for Greenhithe for about thirty men, and took them on board of an English steamer lying off that place, called the City of Richmond the remainder were taken by a runner engaged by Mr. Early, by the name of Frederick Waters, in the next train. I was among this lot. When we arrived at Greenhithe we found steam was up and the City of Richmond under way. I and another took a boat and pulled after her, hailing her at the same time.
Mr. Early went away in her; she steamed away quit a fist, and some one from on board called out to us to go back and return to London. I landed again at Greenhthe. Altogether there were nine of us left behind, and Frederick Waters brought us hack to London. About three days after this, all, with the exception of myself joined the Rappahannock at Calais. On the 16th January I found out that Mr. Early had returned. I then went to him. He asked me what had become of the others that were left behind at Greenhthe; I told him. he then asked me if I had money enough to go to Calais and join the Rappahannock; I replied that I had not. He then took me to Calais with as little delay as possible, paying all expenses, and handed me over to the senior officer on board of the Rappahannock. I was paid off, along with about forty others, on Monday, 27th March. Two men were discharged on the Thursday previous and accused of being federal spies.
There was only one stoker, two coal-trimmers, one seaman, the master-at-arms, and a steward kept on board. This sudden discharging of hands surprised us very much, for we all knew that they required as many men as they could get. When we left it was rumored that the ship was going on the gridiron to have her bottom cleaned and overhauled. In the mean time some slight repairs were going on about her engine gear, and when completed she was to sail from Calais. I must here also state, that if Mr. Early had not taken and shipped me on board of the Rappahannock, I would not have gone.
Age, twenty-eight years; height, five feet ten inches; complexion, fair; color of eyes, blue; color of hair, light brown; place of birth, Newcastle, England.
Deposition of John Morgan.
I, John Morgan, of Galway, Ireland, but a citizen of the United States of America, and now residing at No. 2 Alsop’s Buildings, Back Road, St. George’s in the East, London, do solemnly and sincerely swear, that when residing at Nassau, about the latter end of February, or the beginning of March last past, the steamship City of Richmond arrived there. There was at that time a dispute among the crew that shipped us her from London, With respect to promises made to them at Bermuda. by the captain that left the port of London. with them. The captain at Bermuda was concealed from the crew, and another captain placed on board, but the crew refused to proceed in the ship without him. he was consequently placed on board again and took the ship to Nassau. When he arrived on board he told the crew that they having stood by him, he would make it as good as two round trips in the blockade, which the crew understood to be worth to them about $300 each.
On arrival at Nassau a confederate agent, by the name of Colonel Krenshaw, seemed to take all responsibility of the ship; he arranged everything connected with the ship with the customs, and others in authority. The crew were taken on shore and provided with board and lodging they were paid in the custom house, and their passage money to send them home to England was also lodged with the custom-house authorities, excepting an engineer and another officer, who both went to New York. A reference to tire newspapers at Nassau will corroborate this part of my statement; and, further, this Colonel Krenshaw was the chief agent, assisted by his relations, for the confederates. He was the person who arranged all matters for the City of Richmond, likewise the Virginia, Florence, Rattlesnake, and the ship afterwards named the Talhahassee. Immediately after the crew were paid off from the City of Richmond, a number of men were employed from on shore to keep the ship, engines, &c., clean, at the mate of one dollar per day and their victuals, but after working fifteen days they were paid at the rate of only $I per month. She delivered her cargo as follows, then lying in
the stream, on board the Emergine, a bloekade-runner, bound to Galveston ; part of the cargo consisted of telegraph wires and provisions ; the remaining portion being packed in eases, and of different sizes, I could not ascertain the contents. I Joined the City of Richmond on the 18th May last, with several others, at Nassau, and we signed articles on board the ship in the presence of a Mr. Field, who represented himself as chief officer, as follows: to proceed to any one or more ports in the Atlantic, and from thence to any port in the United Kingdom ; no term of time was mentioned. I was induced to join her on account of the extraordinary good wages offered. I agreed as seaman for $40 per month, and to receive a month’s advance; but the advance was not to be paid, as was usual with all blockade-runners, until we had passed the bar. Colonel Krenshaw was on board, and he paid me in the captain’s cabin, along with the rest of the crew. From Nassau we went direct to Bermuda, with nothing but coals on board. Our captain, Mr. Henry Holgate, was formerly captain of the blockade runner Let-her-rip, which Was captured by federal cruisers; we also took with us from Nassua the chief engineer of the Nashville, his wife and child. He did the duties of chief engineer on board of us during the passage. We had also four other persons of gentlemanly appearance on board as passengers; who they were I cannot say. We stopped at Bermuda three days, and took in coals, and sailed from there to the island of Terceira coaled again and proceeded to this port.
We were all paid off at the Tower Hill shipping office. I must also add, that the City of Richmond hoisted the confederate flag at the fore when at Nassau, and so did all the blockade-runners ; some of them hoisted the confederate flag at the peak as well as at the fore, viz : the Coquette, Hattie, Colonel Lamb, Laurel and the so called Tallahassee. While I was at Nassau I took captain Maffit and some men from the Tallahassee, who, after running as a privateer, changed her name. These men I put on board tile Owl, a blockade-runner. Captain Maffit shipped some more men on shore, and I was given to understand the Owl was going to land her cargo on the Florida coast. When the City of Richmond left England she had her funnels painted white; while away from England they were
painted black; and on approaching England they were painted white again; and further, that of the crew that arrived in this port, the second mate only still continues serving on board, and he is engaged to go away in her. I am quite confident, from what I know, personally and otherwise, that the City of Richmond is engaged to continue working for the confederates on a secret service from this port to Havana, thence to Matamoras or Rio Grande. There is now in the Victoria dock a steamer lying head on to the custom-house, who has engaged the crew of the unsuccessful blockade-runner Florence, to go in her on the same secret service, to Havana. Colonel Krenshaw came on board of us at Nassau, and we brought him to London with us; he now superintends the managing of the City of Richmond.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Rebels In London.
The information here is bits and pieces taken from diplomatic letters and reports. This information is to help you in search to learn more of your ancestors life, and maybe lead you in a new direction of research you never thought of before.
Note. The information on this page comes from the records of the 41st. Congress called, Enforcement of Neutrality, Rebel operations from Canada Vol. II. No. 1395.
London, January 27, 1865.
The Virginia, is a sister ship to the City of Richmond, she is nearly new, over four hundred and fifty net, and said to be a remarkably fine vessel. She went, to Greenhithe this morning, she has nothing but coals in at present, and had not cleared for any ports, though her crew has signed articles for Bermuda, and there their arrangement ends. She will probably leave the river to-morrow, perhaps earlier.
London, January 27, 1865.
Privateersmen who left the Thames on the City of Richmond, went to Cherbourg, France, where they remained on board about one week. They are now on board a steamer at Omanville, waiting to be transferred to the corsair on which they are to serve.
The City of Richmond has left the port of Chierbourg, and, as is supposed, proceeded on her voyage to Bermuda, for which island she cleared from the port of London.
Two ships or steamers now in this port, of which are the Sea King, now the Shenandoah, the other the Virginia, a few days ago the Zealous.
Mr. Dadgeon, is the builder of the privateers Tallahassee and Chickamauga.
The ship No. 40 has Louisa Anna Fanny on her stern, without stops between the names.
London, February 9, 1865.
Just received information of the escape of the iron-clad steamer Olinde from Nantes, and the transfer of rebel seamen and armament from the steamer City of Richmond, sent from this port, at the island of Houat, on the French coast.
A iron-clad steamer, mounting three guns, with seventy-four men, had put into Corunna to repair damages. It was called the Stonewall. It turns out, that the steamer first called by a French name, l’Expeditif, which met this vessel to supply the men and armament, was in fact the British steamer City of Richmond, which is known to have left London about the 13th of January, with a number of men enlisted for the rebels.
The Stonewall turns out to be one of M. Arman’s vessels, built originally in France for the rebels; then negotiated for by the Danish government, and sent to Copenhagen for inspection, but rejected by it as not satisfactory; next examined and inspected by Mr. Barreda, the Peruvian minister here, and found un-seaworthy; and, lastly, slipped out of France by the original party that was responsible for it, and had failed to get rid of it. Under these circumstances it is no surprise that after a trial run in the bay of Biscay she should have put into Ferrol to repair damages. The impression is that, as usual, the rebels will meet with a disappointment greater than their success.
Liverpool, February 11, 1865.
The English steamer City of Richmond off the coast of France, and her armament, which was made here in England, transferred to her with supplies for a cruise, and an English crew. The information is that she is now called the Stonewall. Fearing that she might attempt to run into some of the northern seaport towns and lay them in ashes—possibly obtain entrance by practicing some deception, as flying the English flag, the same as has been frequently done by these piratical vessels.
The English steamer Laurel, the same that took out from here the armament and men for the pirate Sea King, returned to this port on Thursday last. She came in ballast from Nassau, in command of Captain Ramsey, an Englishman, the same man who took her out, and is consigned to Fraser, Trenholm & Co. They now call her the Confederate States, of Charleston, and pretend that she has been transferred to the so-called confederate government. She flies the confederate flag.
The schooner Catharine Anne cleared from here on the 9th instant for Nassau, in command of T. Evans. She is one hundred and sixty-three tons burden, and was cleared by I. Glynn & Sons. Her cargo consists of three hundred bags of saltpeter, some rifles, and army clothing and blankets intended for the rebels.
The English bark Walkington, of three hundred and fifty-six tons burden, commanded by R. Waugh, was entered to load for Nassau on the 31st of January, by Prichard & Co. She has taken in already three hundred and thirty-seven cases of long Enfield rifles, containing twenty in each ease, making six thousand seven Hundred and thirty, (the cases are marked C. H.—O. B.,) and eight hundred bags of saltpeter. She will also take in one hundred and thirty tons of lead and a quantity of machinery-, all intended for the confederates.
It is understood the English merchants here intend to keep up their communications with the South, and send them supplies by way of Matamoras, Galveston, and Florida, and that they are making extensive arrangements to carry it on by way of these places, especially by way of Matamoras.
Washington, March 13, 1865.
The pirate Stonewall, alias Olinde, alias Stoerkodder.
The before-named vessel is a steam ram. She is one of two ships of that class which were built by Arman, a shipwright at Bordeaux, and member of the Chamber of Deputies, at Paris, under a contract with and for the use of insurgents in the civil war now existing in the United States. She was for that reason denounced by us to the imperial government of France, when, upon full investigation, it was ordered that she should not leave France in the diameter or for the purposes for which she was built, and should leave that country only in the case of her being actually sold to a party which shall be neutral in regard to our civil war. The vessel was reported to the imperial government as having been sold to the government of Denmark, which their was and yet is a neutral power, and upon that report she was sent under a French flag, to be delivered at Copenhagen.
The vessel received a partial armament while at Copenhagen. After remaining there several months, she departed from that port, as is said, with a Danish crew, and under a Danish flag, and after some delay, in winch she made Swedish amid Dutch ports, she came up to the island of Houat, within the marine jurisdiction of France, where she received seamen, coals, and supplies front a steamer which had been sent out for that purpose from some British port, understood to be Liverpool and thus furnished she gave up the Danish flag and crew, and exhibited herself under an insurgent flag, as a rebel ship of war.
Washington, March 21, 1865.
Information is that the steamer City of Richmond had arrived at Nassau, from port of England, via Bermuda; It was understood a passenger from Bermuda, that a large amount of guns, ammunition, &c., had been transferred from that steamer to the iron-clad vessel Olinde, alias Stoerkodder, alias Stonewall; that it was said, also, that it was the intention of the captain of the Olinde to run in and destroy Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and other eastern seaports.
The steward of the City of Richmond stated to that the steamer City of Richmond transferred about seventy men and a quantity of powder and some tanks on board of the Olinde, off the coast of France; that these men came on board of the City of Richmond, in the Thames, after she left London; that several so-called confederate officers were on the ship, part of whom had charge of these men; that they put no guns on board; that she (the Olinde) had them already there; and that she was said to have come from France.
London, March 1, 1865.
Sixteen of the crew formerly belonging to the Florida, with many other seamen, are here, under the charge of the rebel agent. Either the Shenandoah, or a rebel iron-clad called the Stonewall, is hourly expected here. The steamer City of Richmond, under the British flag, arrived here a few days since; one of her seamen informs, they took from Cherbourg sixty men, which they put on board the Stonewall, near Belle Isle, France; they also transferred a large quantity of arms and ammunition to the Stonewall, then under command of a Captain Paige, formerly of the United States navy.
London, April 7, 1865.
It is impossible to be insensible to the injury that may yet be impending from the part which the British steamer City of Richmond has had, in being suffered to transport with impunity, from the port of London, men and supplies, to place them on board the French-built steam-ram Olinde, alias Stoerkodder, alias Stonewall, which has, through a continuously fraudulent process, succeeded in deluding several governments of Europe, and in escaping from this hemisphere on its errand of mischief.
Teneriffe, April 2, 1865.
The confederate ram Stonewall, Commander Page, arrived at this port on the 31st of March, at 6 p. in., in three days from Lisbon. She was allowed to remain here only twenty-four hours, during which time she took in one hundred and thirty tons of coal, and sailed again on the 1st, at 6 p. m. Where she has gone it is impossible to say; but the general opinion, gathered from her officers, is that Bermuda will be her next port, whence she intends a sudden descent somewhere on our coast.
New York, March 18, 1865.
Ernest W. Pratt and Robert Green, passengers on the Corsica, from Nassau, who arrived last evening at 11 o’clock, and were arrested by officer James S. Chalker, of the revenue service, not having the necessary passports, and were brought to these headquarters this morning for examination.
Pratt was secreted in the captain’s room and Green in the pursers room during the time all the other passengers were being examined by the officer. Pratt was the mate and Green was the steward of the steamer City of Richmond. This steamer, of four hundred and fifty-five tons, was owned by Cranshaw, the rebel agent in London; was fitted out there, loaded with coals and provisions at that port, and cleared, with W. Scott as master, about the 3d .January last, for Bermuda or any of the West India Islands, with the understanding on the part of Pratt and Green that she was to run the blockade. After leaving London she dropped down the Thames River about eighty miles to a place called Greenhithe, and there took on board some boxes of small-arms, between sixty and seventy officers and men, and about three hundred barrels of gunpowder. The regular crew of the City of Richmond was composed of about forty-five officers and men, taken on at London. After shipping the ammunition and men she steamed for the coast of France, and in about seven days arrived off Belle Isle, when she met the rebel ram Olinde, and at a distance of about four miles from shore. She transferred to this ram all the officers and men taken on at Greernihithe, a large quantity of provisions, and about one hundred and fifty barrels of gunpowder, and all the small-arms.
She then steamed for Bermuda, anchored in the harbor of St. George, where she landed some of her provisions and balance of gunpowder, took in coal, made some repairs, and remained in port about a week. She then went to Nassau, New Providence, where she arrived about the 4th or 5th March instant. After remaining on board in this port about four days, all the officers and men were ordered on shore by Captain Scott, and some functionary was sent from the town to enforce the order. There had been difficulty between the officers and crew and Captain Scott, growing out of the manner in which Captain Scott had discharged the former from the ship. After they had left the ship Captain Scott gave her into the hands of one Captain Davidson, not a British subject, who had come out in her from London, and was the agent of the owner, Cranshaw. The City of Richmond was at Nassau when the Corsica left.
Mr. Green, made his statements very unwillingly, and only in reply to pressing and searching questions. he knows much more than he admits, and refused to answer many question that was put to him. There is no doubt whatever that he was fully aware of the whole objects of the fitting out the cargo, the passengers, and the destination of the City of Richmond. In close herewith the certificate of discharge of Pratt and Green.
Note. The information on this page comes from the records of the 41st. Congress called, Enforcement of Neutrality, Rebel operations from Canada Vol. II. No. 1395.
London, January 27, 1865.
The Virginia, is a sister ship to the City of Richmond, she is nearly new, over four hundred and fifty net, and said to be a remarkably fine vessel. She went, to Greenhithe this morning, she has nothing but coals in at present, and had not cleared for any ports, though her crew has signed articles for Bermuda, and there their arrangement ends. She will probably leave the river to-morrow, perhaps earlier.
London, January 27, 1865.
Privateersmen who left the Thames on the City of Richmond, went to Cherbourg, France, where they remained on board about one week. They are now on board a steamer at Omanville, waiting to be transferred to the corsair on which they are to serve.
The City of Richmond has left the port of Chierbourg, and, as is supposed, proceeded on her voyage to Bermuda, for which island she cleared from the port of London.
Two ships or steamers now in this port, of which are the Sea King, now the Shenandoah, the other the Virginia, a few days ago the Zealous.
Mr. Dadgeon, is the builder of the privateers Tallahassee and Chickamauga.
The ship No. 40 has Louisa Anna Fanny on her stern, without stops between the names.
London, February 9, 1865.
Just received information of the escape of the iron-clad steamer Olinde from Nantes, and the transfer of rebel seamen and armament from the steamer City of Richmond, sent from this port, at the island of Houat, on the French coast.
A iron-clad steamer, mounting three guns, with seventy-four men, had put into Corunna to repair damages. It was called the Stonewall. It turns out, that the steamer first called by a French name, l’Expeditif, which met this vessel to supply the men and armament, was in fact the British steamer City of Richmond, which is known to have left London about the 13th of January, with a number of men enlisted for the rebels.
The Stonewall turns out to be one of M. Arman’s vessels, built originally in France for the rebels; then negotiated for by the Danish government, and sent to Copenhagen for inspection, but rejected by it as not satisfactory; next examined and inspected by Mr. Barreda, the Peruvian minister here, and found un-seaworthy; and, lastly, slipped out of France by the original party that was responsible for it, and had failed to get rid of it. Under these circumstances it is no surprise that after a trial run in the bay of Biscay she should have put into Ferrol to repair damages. The impression is that, as usual, the rebels will meet with a disappointment greater than their success.
Liverpool, February 11, 1865.
The English steamer City of Richmond off the coast of France, and her armament, which was made here in England, transferred to her with supplies for a cruise, and an English crew. The information is that she is now called the Stonewall. Fearing that she might attempt to run into some of the northern seaport towns and lay them in ashes—possibly obtain entrance by practicing some deception, as flying the English flag, the same as has been frequently done by these piratical vessels.
The English steamer Laurel, the same that took out from here the armament and men for the pirate Sea King, returned to this port on Thursday last. She came in ballast from Nassau, in command of Captain Ramsey, an Englishman, the same man who took her out, and is consigned to Fraser, Trenholm & Co. They now call her the Confederate States, of Charleston, and pretend that she has been transferred to the so-called confederate government. She flies the confederate flag.
The schooner Catharine Anne cleared from here on the 9th instant for Nassau, in command of T. Evans. She is one hundred and sixty-three tons burden, and was cleared by I. Glynn & Sons. Her cargo consists of three hundred bags of saltpeter, some rifles, and army clothing and blankets intended for the rebels.
The English bark Walkington, of three hundred and fifty-six tons burden, commanded by R. Waugh, was entered to load for Nassau on the 31st of January, by Prichard & Co. She has taken in already three hundred and thirty-seven cases of long Enfield rifles, containing twenty in each ease, making six thousand seven Hundred and thirty, (the cases are marked C. H.—O. B.,) and eight hundred bags of saltpeter. She will also take in one hundred and thirty tons of lead and a quantity of machinery-, all intended for the confederates.
It is understood the English merchants here intend to keep up their communications with the South, and send them supplies by way of Matamoras, Galveston, and Florida, and that they are making extensive arrangements to carry it on by way of these places, especially by way of Matamoras.
Washington, March 13, 1865.
The pirate Stonewall, alias Olinde, alias Stoerkodder.
The before-named vessel is a steam ram. She is one of two ships of that class which were built by Arman, a shipwright at Bordeaux, and member of the Chamber of Deputies, at Paris, under a contract with and for the use of insurgents in the civil war now existing in the United States. She was for that reason denounced by us to the imperial government of France, when, upon full investigation, it was ordered that she should not leave France in the diameter or for the purposes for which she was built, and should leave that country only in the case of her being actually sold to a party which shall be neutral in regard to our civil war. The vessel was reported to the imperial government as having been sold to the government of Denmark, which their was and yet is a neutral power, and upon that report she was sent under a French flag, to be delivered at Copenhagen.
The vessel received a partial armament while at Copenhagen. After remaining there several months, she departed from that port, as is said, with a Danish crew, and under a Danish flag, and after some delay, in winch she made Swedish amid Dutch ports, she came up to the island of Houat, within the marine jurisdiction of France, where she received seamen, coals, and supplies front a steamer which had been sent out for that purpose from some British port, understood to be Liverpool and thus furnished she gave up the Danish flag and crew, and exhibited herself under an insurgent flag, as a rebel ship of war.
Washington, March 21, 1865.
Information is that the steamer City of Richmond had arrived at Nassau, from port of England, via Bermuda; It was understood a passenger from Bermuda, that a large amount of guns, ammunition, &c., had been transferred from that steamer to the iron-clad vessel Olinde, alias Stoerkodder, alias Stonewall; that it was said, also, that it was the intention of the captain of the Olinde to run in and destroy Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and other eastern seaports.
The steward of the City of Richmond stated to that the steamer City of Richmond transferred about seventy men and a quantity of powder and some tanks on board of the Olinde, off the coast of France; that these men came on board of the City of Richmond, in the Thames, after she left London; that several so-called confederate officers were on the ship, part of whom had charge of these men; that they put no guns on board; that she (the Olinde) had them already there; and that she was said to have come from France.
London, March 1, 1865.
Sixteen of the crew formerly belonging to the Florida, with many other seamen, are here, under the charge of the rebel agent. Either the Shenandoah, or a rebel iron-clad called the Stonewall, is hourly expected here. The steamer City of Richmond, under the British flag, arrived here a few days since; one of her seamen informs, they took from Cherbourg sixty men, which they put on board the Stonewall, near Belle Isle, France; they also transferred a large quantity of arms and ammunition to the Stonewall, then under command of a Captain Paige, formerly of the United States navy.
London, April 7, 1865.
It is impossible to be insensible to the injury that may yet be impending from the part which the British steamer City of Richmond has had, in being suffered to transport with impunity, from the port of London, men and supplies, to place them on board the French-built steam-ram Olinde, alias Stoerkodder, alias Stonewall, which has, through a continuously fraudulent process, succeeded in deluding several governments of Europe, and in escaping from this hemisphere on its errand of mischief.
Teneriffe, April 2, 1865.
The confederate ram Stonewall, Commander Page, arrived at this port on the 31st of March, at 6 p. in., in three days from Lisbon. She was allowed to remain here only twenty-four hours, during which time she took in one hundred and thirty tons of coal, and sailed again on the 1st, at 6 p. m. Where she has gone it is impossible to say; but the general opinion, gathered from her officers, is that Bermuda will be her next port, whence she intends a sudden descent somewhere on our coast.
New York, March 18, 1865.
Ernest W. Pratt and Robert Green, passengers on the Corsica, from Nassau, who arrived last evening at 11 o’clock, and were arrested by officer James S. Chalker, of the revenue service, not having the necessary passports, and were brought to these headquarters this morning for examination.
Pratt was secreted in the captain’s room and Green in the pursers room during the time all the other passengers were being examined by the officer. Pratt was the mate and Green was the steward of the steamer City of Richmond. This steamer, of four hundred and fifty-five tons, was owned by Cranshaw, the rebel agent in London; was fitted out there, loaded with coals and provisions at that port, and cleared, with W. Scott as master, about the 3d .January last, for Bermuda or any of the West India Islands, with the understanding on the part of Pratt and Green that she was to run the blockade. After leaving London she dropped down the Thames River about eighty miles to a place called Greenhithe, and there took on board some boxes of small-arms, between sixty and seventy officers and men, and about three hundred barrels of gunpowder. The regular crew of the City of Richmond was composed of about forty-five officers and men, taken on at London. After shipping the ammunition and men she steamed for the coast of France, and in about seven days arrived off Belle Isle, when she met the rebel ram Olinde, and at a distance of about four miles from shore. She transferred to this ram all the officers and men taken on at Greernihithe, a large quantity of provisions, and about one hundred and fifty barrels of gunpowder, and all the small-arms.
She then steamed for Bermuda, anchored in the harbor of St. George, where she landed some of her provisions and balance of gunpowder, took in coal, made some repairs, and remained in port about a week. She then went to Nassau, New Providence, where she arrived about the 4th or 5th March instant. After remaining on board in this port about four days, all the officers and men were ordered on shore by Captain Scott, and some functionary was sent from the town to enforce the order. There had been difficulty between the officers and crew and Captain Scott, growing out of the manner in which Captain Scott had discharged the former from the ship. After they had left the ship Captain Scott gave her into the hands of one Captain Davidson, not a British subject, who had come out in her from London, and was the agent of the owner, Cranshaw. The City of Richmond was at Nassau when the Corsica left.
Mr. Green, made his statements very unwillingly, and only in reply to pressing and searching questions. he knows much more than he admits, and refused to answer many question that was put to him. There is no doubt whatever that he was fully aware of the whole objects of the fitting out the cargo, the passengers, and the destination of the City of Richmond. In close herewith the certificate of discharge of Pratt and Green.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Rebel Ships Out Of London.
The fight of diplomatic diplomacy was a losing battle in our fight to stop the confederates from purchasing ship from foreign nations, as with the case of the British. The confederates were burying and having war ships built for them. Even thought the British knew what was going on their hands were tied mostly in part because of the foreign enlistment act laws. Many of these ships were purchased by rebel agents through ships owners and ship builders, who had a British registry, in that way they could sail any were in the English waters undisturbed. Most of these ship were disguised as merchant ships and it’s crew of Englishmen. These ships sailed from port to port getting refitted as war ships, but still under disguise. When the ship had been refitted and was ready for ammunition and guns, they would leave port, and just as they were to sail the title of the ship was transferred to the Confederate Navy. In some cases the owners would sail on trial runs with the ship and when out on the open sea they would transferred the title to the Confederate Navy, and no laws were broken, it was a losing battle.
Note. The information on this page comes from the records of the 41st. Congress called, Enforcement of Neutrality, Rebel operations from Canada Vol. II. No. 1395.
The Amphion.
The Amphion was a fifty-gun screw steamer, which was brought by some owner or rebel agents from Her Majesty’s service, she was sold on the believe she was for the purpose of breaking up, but it is said that she was given a few repairs and a temporary or jury masts put in as to get ready for sea. At this time the Amphion was still fitted as a ship of war. The Amphion was at dock at Victoria, London and rumors around the docks was the owner had intended on taken the ship to other locality with less attention. The United States was getting concerned, as the ship had no registry and there seemed to be no intent on the owners doing so the United States asked for the ship to be investigated.
In investigating the British found she was completely unmanned and dismasted, it was found the owners intent was to use her as a emigrant vessel. However those in the know on the docks state the ship was still fitted as a ship of war and was been ready for a trial trip but it would be some time before she was ready for the open sea.
The Amphion left port on April 2, 1864, it was thought she may make for Denmark. The British told the United States that the Amphion had broken no violations of the foreigon enlistment act and there was little they could do at this time. This was met with much disapproval on the part of the United States but little could be done as it was stated the owners had broken no British laws.
The Hawk.
The Hawk is a new and strongly built iron screw steamer, of about eight hundred tons burden, and was built by Messrs. Henderson, Coleman & Co., at Renfrew, on the Clyde. She was examined while on the stocks by Captain Bullock, of the so-called confederate navy, and then purchased by Thomas Sterling Begbie, of London, as I have not the slightest doubt, either for the so-called Confederate States.
The steamer Hawk, was to have left the Clyde, and her destination was alleged to be London but there has been no announced arrival here. In April of 1864. information, that was regard as entirely reliable, was that a steam vessel built by Henderson’s at Renfrew on the Clyde, and now at their yard, called the hawk, is being secretly fitted out as a privateer for the insurgents, to make war against the government of the United States. The information is that she is being fitted out under the superintendence of Captain James D. Bullock, the well known agent in this country of the so-called southern confederacy. About three weeks ago this man Bullock went up to Glasgow and inspected this vessel; since then they have put down another deck over the one she had when launched strengthened her timbers, put up hammocks to accommodate a crew of over one hundred men, and erected cabins for some twelve officers; that the coal bunkers are so arranged around the boilers as to protect them front shot or shell; in a word, that she is being fitted up for war and not commercial purposes, and is to be armed and used by the insurgents against the government of the United States. She has her engines in, sails set, and will be ready for sea in a week or ten days. There is no evidence, and it is impossible to obtain any, as they are conducting all their operations with great caution and secrecy.
The Hawk left Renfrew for London April 16, 1864. She touched at Greenock and took in a few men, and then came on towards London. After a passage of three days, during which she made about ten and a half knots per hour, she arrived near the mouth of the Thames, where she remained in some obscure place about three weeks. place
Why she was detained there so long, whether to complete her equipment and fittings or merely detained for orders, it is at present is unknown. She next came up to Gray’s Thurrock, a short distance this side of Gravesend, and from thence into Victoria docks, London, where she remained at anchor, unconnected with the shore except by row-boats, until June 13, when she was taken out in great haste, and brought to an anchor off Woolwich.
While she lay in the Thames and London docks, no person was allowed to go on board without permission from her first officer, who is a Lieutenant Knox, of the so-called confederate navy. The only boatman in attendance to take off persons who wished to go on board appears to have been carefully instructed in his duty, and to have performed it satisfactorily to his employers. He first asked the name of the visitor, where he belonged, the nature of his business with the steamer, why he wished to go on board, &c., &c. he would then go off to the vessel and report the case to Lieutenant Knox and receive his instructions whether to take the person on board or not. This Lieutenant Knox was, the first officer in the rebel steamer Eugenie when she was driven on shore, and captain of the Robert E. Lee when she was captured. Both of these steamers belonged to the insurgents or their government. Lieutenant Knox made application for an examination, and I think was examined for a captaincy in the British mercantile service, so that he might act as master in taking out from English ports confederate steamers. But failing, if he appeared for examination, to obtain a commission as captain in the British merchant service, he has gone first officer on the Hawk, with the understanding, it is said, that he shall command her when she leaves Bermuda.
Although many circumstances connected with her show that she is to be a confederate belligerent ship, yet while in this port and passing through the formalities necessary to be observed on going to sea, those who controlled her were careful to keep within the letter of the law, though it is not probable that they succeeded in disguising her true character. She has an English register, in which Thomas Sterling Begbie, a London merchant, is named as sole owner. Her crew was shipped at the Sailor’s Home in this city, a government slipping office. They shipped for the run out; received one month’s advanced wages, with a promise of two months’ wages in addition on arriving out. She cleared under the protection of English papers and the English flag, and is bound, it is given out, for Bermuda, an English island.
From the fact that she was purchased, equipped, and fitted under the directions of Captain Bullock; that after the purchase she was changed so as to accommodate wardroom officers aft and warrant officers and over one hundred men forward of the engines; that she was greatly stiffened in the upper deck to enable her to bear tire recoil of guns when discharged; that arrangements have been made for protecting her engines and boiler against shot; that tire greatest secrecy and caution were observed in regard to her while in this port; and that a lieutenant in tire rebel navy is acting as her first officer, and from many other facts and circumstances known it is satisfied that she belongs to the so-called confederate government, and that said government intends to use her for purposes of war, or for committing depredations against the commerce of time United States. There is a possibility that she may go to some continental port to receive her armament and men, or take them in at sea. But should she go to Bermuda.
The Hawk left for Bermuda on the 13th June, 1864, with Lieutenant Knox of the rebel navy, as chief officer, and a Mr. Archer of said navy as the real engineer-in-chief, though a Mr. C. Hoskin, of 12 York street, East Stepney, was nominally so. The Hawk staid at Bermuda between five and six mouths, entirely idle, and some three. weeks ago returned to Liverpool, and about a week ago to the port of London. Mr. Archer, a chief engineer in the rebel service, who went out in her in June last to Bermuda, remained on board or attached to her all the time she lay doing nothing in port, which was nearly six months, and returned in her to Liverpool.
This vessel was undoubtedly fitted and intended for a privateer, but what kept her so long lying idle at Bermuda we know not, unless if it be true that her builders or owners were under bonds not to let her pass into belligerent hands. It was informed, on authority which in such matters has rarely erred, that she will yet go out as a privateer, and that very soon, too. It is now said she will be sold, and got out in some way at once, but she stands to-day registered in the name of Thomas Sterling Begbie, and was mortgaged on the 12th December last to Mr. William Boyle, Bartholomew Road, Kentishtown, for £20,000.
Again The British found no Foreign enlistments act laws that were broken.
The city of Richmond.
The side-wheel steamer City of Richmond, which left this port this afternoon, or rather the dock, has created some suspicion, principally on account of her sale “to foreigners, and her transfer to Edward Lister Golbourne, of Trenmore, county of Chester. This steamer was built at Cubittown for the Great Eastern Railway Company, and was completed in June last. She is six hundred and fourteen tons gross, and was transferred entire to the above Golbourne on the 24th of December last, only two days after her sale “ to foreigners. Her crew were shipped regularly at the Sailors Home. It was understand she has not much cargo on board, but a large amount of stores. Herr master’s name is William Scott. What is fear is that she will be used as a supply-ship to some privateer, and will be detained down the river to receive the privateers men who are kept here to be sent to their ship.
The City of Richmond was called Ovalon while owned by the Railway Company, and her name was changed when she was “sold to foreigners, on the 22d of December, 1864. It was learning where the privateers men would be sent. They were sent by railroad to Greenhythe, and were put on board the steamer City of Richmond. This vessel cleared for Bermuda, and as there was she sailed or went out of dock, any authority indorsed on her register authorizing her captain to sell her, and as she then stood registered in the name of E. L. Golbourne, the probabilities are that she is taking men and stores, possibly munitions of war also, to Some privateers. The orders given to the men for £10 each were drawn by Richard W. Curtis, understood to be a purser in the rebel naval service, and were drawn on H. P. Maples, No. 4 Arthur street cast, London Bridge, and are dated London, January 9, 1865.
Forty seamen and officers left Calais at midnight on Tuesday night last, as passengers on the steamer Velocity for London. The men did not come to Loudon, but were put on board the rebel steamer City of Richmond somewhere down the river. When those who controlled the City of Richmond at Greenhythe saw that their movements were kept under observation, the steamer was got under way and left behind nine or ten of the London privateers men, who went down to the train which took down the men who succeeded in getting on board. Thirty-six men, all of whom are said to have served on board either the Alabama, Georgia, or Florida, are known to have gone on board at Greenhythe. These with the forty men and rebel naval officers from Calais who joined her down the river, make seventy Six men on board the City of Richmond, which she is taking out of this country to some rebel privateer. The men who left this port are mostly English subjects, and have been in the rebel privateering service. There is no doubt whatever that the seventy-six passengers, except the officers on board the City of Richmond, have been engaged in this country for a rebel privateer.
Again The British found no Foreign enlistments act laws that were broken.
The following two depositions tells a lot about the Ajax and the Hercules.
Deposition of John Melley.
1, John Melley, of Glasgow, seaman, being duly sworn, depose and say: In the month of January last past, being in want of a ship, saw Captain Adams, of the steamer Ajax, at the Sailors’ home, in Glasgow he told me she was a tug or tow-boat going to Nassau, and that he would like me to go. I signed the articles for a voyage to Nassau for three pounds ten shillings per mouth. Two days afterwards, on a Friday, I went on board of her, lying at anchor, about two miles from Greenoek—the tail of the bank. She sailed that same night about 12 or 1 o’clock. We arrived at Kingston, Ireland, the next morning. I left the vessel at Kingston and returned to Glasgow. Captain Adams was in command. The crew consisted of eight sailors, twelve firemen, and three engineers. There was one person on board who was formerly the captain of the confederate steamer Fingal, who was to have command of the Ajax as soon as Captain Adams left. I discovered as soon as I got on board of her, and before she sailed, that she was intended for a war vessel.
She was fitted up for one in every particular. in the fore part of the vessel eighty-four berths fitted up for the accommodation of the men. There were also mess tables for the same number of men, arranged so as to serve up the same as on a war vessel. I have served on board of a war vessel, and know something of there construction. I saw two gun-breeches on board. There were five buckets also. The next morning after we sailed I went to the captain and told him I was not going to be shanghied. he replied, that I was not going to be shanghied. I told him this vessel, the Ajax, was a southern privateer, and that I believed she had her guns and ammunition on board. He would hardly give me any satisfaction, but said it was not so. I told him the captain of the Fingal was on board to take charge of her. He made no reply to this, except that he himself was captain now.
The captain of the Fingal kept himself concealed as much as he could. He is a southern man. After we got into Kingston we got on the rocks. I told the captain I would not go in the vessel, on account of her being a southern privateer. He denied this. I told, him she had guns and ammunition on board. He could not or did not deny this. I told him that if he did not let me go on shore and leave the vessel, that I would make a complaint to the American consul and to a magistrate, and have the vessel seized on the ground of her being a confederate privateer.. He then agreed that I might leave her and return back to Glasgow, winch I did. I have not the least doubt about her—time Ajax—being a war vessel for the confederates in America. All the men on board were satisfied that she was a privateer, and to be used for no other purpose. At the time I signed the articles I received from Captain Adams an advance for £3 and 10 shillings, payable by Patrick Henderson & Co., of Glasgow, ten days after the ship sailed. I knew the captain of the Fingal; saw him when in command of her at Savannah, Georgia.
Sworn and subscribed at Glasgow, before me, ‘this 6th day of February, 1865.
Deposition of George Smith.
I, George Smith, of Dumbarton, iron-ship builder, being duly sworn, do depose and say: I work in the ship-yard of P. Denny, of Dumbarton, and have worked there since the month of August last past. I worked on two steamers built by Mr. Denny—one called the Ajax, which sailed for Nassau some days ago, and on the Hercules, which is still at Dumbarton, and now nearly ready for sea. They are sister ships, were known in the yard as the twin screws, and built off of the same model. I am well acquainted with their construction and everything about them the frames are of angle-iron—very strong—stronger than I ever saw in vessels of their size. This frame-work is covered with iron plates, strongly and securely riveted to the frame-work. The inside has cement two inches thick, and on the inside of the cement a wood lining four inches in thickness. The cement does not come up to water-mark, but the wood lining comes up above this. The beams that support the upper deck are very close and strong for vessels of this size, strong enough to support gnus of almost any size.
The hull is in three watertight compartments. The forecastle is fitted up with twenty-two berths, and a mess table for this number of men, made so as to screw up to the ceiling. The middle compartment is fitted up with twenty-six berths none of them large enough to hold two persons with a similar mess table large enough to accommodate this number of persons, made to screw p to the ceiling. The after cabin is fitted up with twelve separate state-rooms. The bulwarks are low, a pivot gun could be fired right over them. The decks of the vessels are flush fore and aft. There is space on each vessel, near mid-ships, where pivot guns can be placed. There are also two portholes cut on each side of the vessels, making four portholes on each vessel, but so cut and concealed that they would not be observed by a casual inspection. They have hinges and are secured with bolts on the inside, and can be opened and used at any time. These portholes are suitable for guns.
I put on the hinges for those on the Hercules this very day. You cannot see them, the portholes, from the outside. From the best of my judgment these portholes are for guns. I cannot see that they can be used for any other purpose. Each steamer has one funnel and two masts. The fore masts are brig-rigged, the hindmost schooner-rigged. They are to carry very large sails. The screws are double, and driven by two engines. The boilers and engines are so constructed as to be protected from shot or shell by the coal-bunkers. There is an apartment under the fore peak, all iron, suitable for storing powder, and which has the appearance of a magazine, and suitable for that purpose. From the material used in the construction of the Ajax and Hercules, the strong manner they are built, and the peculiar construction and fittings, I should say that they are both adapted and have the appearance of being for war purpose, what are called and generally known as gunboats, and in my opinion are intended for gunboats and for war purposes. The general opinion of all the people, workmen in the yard, is that they are for war purposes, and they are called gunboats by them, this general appellation by which they were known in the yard. it is not known for whom they are being built by the men, but they suppose and think for the confederates in America.
Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 6th day of February, 1865.
One of her Majesty’s Justices of the peace for the County of Lanark.
Note. The information on this page comes from the records of the 41st. Congress called, Enforcement of Neutrality, Rebel operations from Canada Vol. II. No. 1395.
The Amphion.
The Amphion was a fifty-gun screw steamer, which was brought by some owner or rebel agents from Her Majesty’s service, she was sold on the believe she was for the purpose of breaking up, but it is said that she was given a few repairs and a temporary or jury masts put in as to get ready for sea. At this time the Amphion was still fitted as a ship of war. The Amphion was at dock at Victoria, London and rumors around the docks was the owner had intended on taken the ship to other locality with less attention. The United States was getting concerned, as the ship had no registry and there seemed to be no intent on the owners doing so the United States asked for the ship to be investigated.
In investigating the British found she was completely unmanned and dismasted, it was found the owners intent was to use her as a emigrant vessel. However those in the know on the docks state the ship was still fitted as a ship of war and was been ready for a trial trip but it would be some time before she was ready for the open sea.
The Amphion left port on April 2, 1864, it was thought she may make for Denmark. The British told the United States that the Amphion had broken no violations of the foreigon enlistment act and there was little they could do at this time. This was met with much disapproval on the part of the United States but little could be done as it was stated the owners had broken no British laws.
The Hawk.
The Hawk is a new and strongly built iron screw steamer, of about eight hundred tons burden, and was built by Messrs. Henderson, Coleman & Co., at Renfrew, on the Clyde. She was examined while on the stocks by Captain Bullock, of the so-called confederate navy, and then purchased by Thomas Sterling Begbie, of London, as I have not the slightest doubt, either for the so-called Confederate States.
The steamer Hawk, was to have left the Clyde, and her destination was alleged to be London but there has been no announced arrival here. In April of 1864. information, that was regard as entirely reliable, was that a steam vessel built by Henderson’s at Renfrew on the Clyde, and now at their yard, called the hawk, is being secretly fitted out as a privateer for the insurgents, to make war against the government of the United States. The information is that she is being fitted out under the superintendence of Captain James D. Bullock, the well known agent in this country of the so-called southern confederacy. About three weeks ago this man Bullock went up to Glasgow and inspected this vessel; since then they have put down another deck over the one she had when launched strengthened her timbers, put up hammocks to accommodate a crew of over one hundred men, and erected cabins for some twelve officers; that the coal bunkers are so arranged around the boilers as to protect them front shot or shell; in a word, that she is being fitted up for war and not commercial purposes, and is to be armed and used by the insurgents against the government of the United States. She has her engines in, sails set, and will be ready for sea in a week or ten days. There is no evidence, and it is impossible to obtain any, as they are conducting all their operations with great caution and secrecy.
The Hawk left Renfrew for London April 16, 1864. She touched at Greenock and took in a few men, and then came on towards London. After a passage of three days, during which she made about ten and a half knots per hour, she arrived near the mouth of the Thames, where she remained in some obscure place about three weeks. place
Why she was detained there so long, whether to complete her equipment and fittings or merely detained for orders, it is at present is unknown. She next came up to Gray’s Thurrock, a short distance this side of Gravesend, and from thence into Victoria docks, London, where she remained at anchor, unconnected with the shore except by row-boats, until June 13, when she was taken out in great haste, and brought to an anchor off Woolwich.
While she lay in the Thames and London docks, no person was allowed to go on board without permission from her first officer, who is a Lieutenant Knox, of the so-called confederate navy. The only boatman in attendance to take off persons who wished to go on board appears to have been carefully instructed in his duty, and to have performed it satisfactorily to his employers. He first asked the name of the visitor, where he belonged, the nature of his business with the steamer, why he wished to go on board, &c., &c. he would then go off to the vessel and report the case to Lieutenant Knox and receive his instructions whether to take the person on board or not. This Lieutenant Knox was, the first officer in the rebel steamer Eugenie when she was driven on shore, and captain of the Robert E. Lee when she was captured. Both of these steamers belonged to the insurgents or their government. Lieutenant Knox made application for an examination, and I think was examined for a captaincy in the British mercantile service, so that he might act as master in taking out from English ports confederate steamers. But failing, if he appeared for examination, to obtain a commission as captain in the British merchant service, he has gone first officer on the Hawk, with the understanding, it is said, that he shall command her when she leaves Bermuda.
Although many circumstances connected with her show that she is to be a confederate belligerent ship, yet while in this port and passing through the formalities necessary to be observed on going to sea, those who controlled her were careful to keep within the letter of the law, though it is not probable that they succeeded in disguising her true character. She has an English register, in which Thomas Sterling Begbie, a London merchant, is named as sole owner. Her crew was shipped at the Sailor’s Home in this city, a government slipping office. They shipped for the run out; received one month’s advanced wages, with a promise of two months’ wages in addition on arriving out. She cleared under the protection of English papers and the English flag, and is bound, it is given out, for Bermuda, an English island.
From the fact that she was purchased, equipped, and fitted under the directions of Captain Bullock; that after the purchase she was changed so as to accommodate wardroom officers aft and warrant officers and over one hundred men forward of the engines; that she was greatly stiffened in the upper deck to enable her to bear tire recoil of guns when discharged; that arrangements have been made for protecting her engines and boiler against shot; that tire greatest secrecy and caution were observed in regard to her while in this port; and that a lieutenant in tire rebel navy is acting as her first officer, and from many other facts and circumstances known it is satisfied that she belongs to the so-called confederate government, and that said government intends to use her for purposes of war, or for committing depredations against the commerce of time United States. There is a possibility that she may go to some continental port to receive her armament and men, or take them in at sea. But should she go to Bermuda.
The Hawk left for Bermuda on the 13th June, 1864, with Lieutenant Knox of the rebel navy, as chief officer, and a Mr. Archer of said navy as the real engineer-in-chief, though a Mr. C. Hoskin, of 12 York street, East Stepney, was nominally so. The Hawk staid at Bermuda between five and six mouths, entirely idle, and some three. weeks ago returned to Liverpool, and about a week ago to the port of London. Mr. Archer, a chief engineer in the rebel service, who went out in her in June last to Bermuda, remained on board or attached to her all the time she lay doing nothing in port, which was nearly six months, and returned in her to Liverpool.
This vessel was undoubtedly fitted and intended for a privateer, but what kept her so long lying idle at Bermuda we know not, unless if it be true that her builders or owners were under bonds not to let her pass into belligerent hands. It was informed, on authority which in such matters has rarely erred, that she will yet go out as a privateer, and that very soon, too. It is now said she will be sold, and got out in some way at once, but she stands to-day registered in the name of Thomas Sterling Begbie, and was mortgaged on the 12th December last to Mr. William Boyle, Bartholomew Road, Kentishtown, for £20,000.
Again The British found no Foreign enlistments act laws that were broken.
The city of Richmond.
The side-wheel steamer City of Richmond, which left this port this afternoon, or rather the dock, has created some suspicion, principally on account of her sale “to foreigners, and her transfer to Edward Lister Golbourne, of Trenmore, county of Chester. This steamer was built at Cubittown for the Great Eastern Railway Company, and was completed in June last. She is six hundred and fourteen tons gross, and was transferred entire to the above Golbourne on the 24th of December last, only two days after her sale “ to foreigners. Her crew were shipped regularly at the Sailors Home. It was understand she has not much cargo on board, but a large amount of stores. Herr master’s name is William Scott. What is fear is that she will be used as a supply-ship to some privateer, and will be detained down the river to receive the privateers men who are kept here to be sent to their ship.
The City of Richmond was called Ovalon while owned by the Railway Company, and her name was changed when she was “sold to foreigners, on the 22d of December, 1864. It was learning where the privateers men would be sent. They were sent by railroad to Greenhythe, and were put on board the steamer City of Richmond. This vessel cleared for Bermuda, and as there was she sailed or went out of dock, any authority indorsed on her register authorizing her captain to sell her, and as she then stood registered in the name of E. L. Golbourne, the probabilities are that she is taking men and stores, possibly munitions of war also, to Some privateers. The orders given to the men for £10 each were drawn by Richard W. Curtis, understood to be a purser in the rebel naval service, and were drawn on H. P. Maples, No. 4 Arthur street cast, London Bridge, and are dated London, January 9, 1865.
Forty seamen and officers left Calais at midnight on Tuesday night last, as passengers on the steamer Velocity for London. The men did not come to Loudon, but were put on board the rebel steamer City of Richmond somewhere down the river. When those who controlled the City of Richmond at Greenhythe saw that their movements were kept under observation, the steamer was got under way and left behind nine or ten of the London privateers men, who went down to the train which took down the men who succeeded in getting on board. Thirty-six men, all of whom are said to have served on board either the Alabama, Georgia, or Florida, are known to have gone on board at Greenhythe. These with the forty men and rebel naval officers from Calais who joined her down the river, make seventy Six men on board the City of Richmond, which she is taking out of this country to some rebel privateer. The men who left this port are mostly English subjects, and have been in the rebel privateering service. There is no doubt whatever that the seventy-six passengers, except the officers on board the City of Richmond, have been engaged in this country for a rebel privateer.
Again The British found no Foreign enlistments act laws that were broken.
The following two depositions tells a lot about the Ajax and the Hercules.
Deposition of John Melley.
1, John Melley, of Glasgow, seaman, being duly sworn, depose and say: In the month of January last past, being in want of a ship, saw Captain Adams, of the steamer Ajax, at the Sailors’ home, in Glasgow he told me she was a tug or tow-boat going to Nassau, and that he would like me to go. I signed the articles for a voyage to Nassau for three pounds ten shillings per mouth. Two days afterwards, on a Friday, I went on board of her, lying at anchor, about two miles from Greenoek—the tail of the bank. She sailed that same night about 12 or 1 o’clock. We arrived at Kingston, Ireland, the next morning. I left the vessel at Kingston and returned to Glasgow. Captain Adams was in command. The crew consisted of eight sailors, twelve firemen, and three engineers. There was one person on board who was formerly the captain of the confederate steamer Fingal, who was to have command of the Ajax as soon as Captain Adams left. I discovered as soon as I got on board of her, and before she sailed, that she was intended for a war vessel.
She was fitted up for one in every particular. in the fore part of the vessel eighty-four berths fitted up for the accommodation of the men. There were also mess tables for the same number of men, arranged so as to serve up the same as on a war vessel. I have served on board of a war vessel, and know something of there construction. I saw two gun-breeches on board. There were five buckets also. The next morning after we sailed I went to the captain and told him I was not going to be shanghied. he replied, that I was not going to be shanghied. I told him this vessel, the Ajax, was a southern privateer, and that I believed she had her guns and ammunition on board. He would hardly give me any satisfaction, but said it was not so. I told him the captain of the Fingal was on board to take charge of her. He made no reply to this, except that he himself was captain now.
The captain of the Fingal kept himself concealed as much as he could. He is a southern man. After we got into Kingston we got on the rocks. I told the captain I would not go in the vessel, on account of her being a southern privateer. He denied this. I told, him she had guns and ammunition on board. He could not or did not deny this. I told him that if he did not let me go on shore and leave the vessel, that I would make a complaint to the American consul and to a magistrate, and have the vessel seized on the ground of her being a confederate privateer.. He then agreed that I might leave her and return back to Glasgow, winch I did. I have not the least doubt about her—time Ajax—being a war vessel for the confederates in America. All the men on board were satisfied that she was a privateer, and to be used for no other purpose. At the time I signed the articles I received from Captain Adams an advance for £3 and 10 shillings, payable by Patrick Henderson & Co., of Glasgow, ten days after the ship sailed. I knew the captain of the Fingal; saw him when in command of her at Savannah, Georgia.
Sworn and subscribed at Glasgow, before me, ‘this 6th day of February, 1865.
Deposition of George Smith.
I, George Smith, of Dumbarton, iron-ship builder, being duly sworn, do depose and say: I work in the ship-yard of P. Denny, of Dumbarton, and have worked there since the month of August last past. I worked on two steamers built by Mr. Denny—one called the Ajax, which sailed for Nassau some days ago, and on the Hercules, which is still at Dumbarton, and now nearly ready for sea. They are sister ships, were known in the yard as the twin screws, and built off of the same model. I am well acquainted with their construction and everything about them the frames are of angle-iron—very strong—stronger than I ever saw in vessels of their size. This frame-work is covered with iron plates, strongly and securely riveted to the frame-work. The inside has cement two inches thick, and on the inside of the cement a wood lining four inches in thickness. The cement does not come up to water-mark, but the wood lining comes up above this. The beams that support the upper deck are very close and strong for vessels of this size, strong enough to support gnus of almost any size.
The hull is in three watertight compartments. The forecastle is fitted up with twenty-two berths, and a mess table for this number of men, made so as to screw up to the ceiling. The middle compartment is fitted up with twenty-six berths none of them large enough to hold two persons with a similar mess table large enough to accommodate this number of persons, made to screw p to the ceiling. The after cabin is fitted up with twelve separate state-rooms. The bulwarks are low, a pivot gun could be fired right over them. The decks of the vessels are flush fore and aft. There is space on each vessel, near mid-ships, where pivot guns can be placed. There are also two portholes cut on each side of the vessels, making four portholes on each vessel, but so cut and concealed that they would not be observed by a casual inspection. They have hinges and are secured with bolts on the inside, and can be opened and used at any time. These portholes are suitable for guns.
I put on the hinges for those on the Hercules this very day. You cannot see them, the portholes, from the outside. From the best of my judgment these portholes are for guns. I cannot see that they can be used for any other purpose. Each steamer has one funnel and two masts. The fore masts are brig-rigged, the hindmost schooner-rigged. They are to carry very large sails. The screws are double, and driven by two engines. The boilers and engines are so constructed as to be protected from shot or shell by the coal-bunkers. There is an apartment under the fore peak, all iron, suitable for storing powder, and which has the appearance of a magazine, and suitable for that purpose. From the material used in the construction of the Ajax and Hercules, the strong manner they are built, and the peculiar construction and fittings, I should say that they are both adapted and have the appearance of being for war purpose, what are called and generally known as gunboats, and in my opinion are intended for gunboats and for war purposes. The general opinion of all the people, workmen in the yard, is that they are for war purposes, and they are called gunboats by them, this general appellation by which they were known in the yard. it is not known for whom they are being built by the men, but they suppose and think for the confederates in America.
Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 6th day of February, 1865.
One of her Majesty’s Justices of the peace for the County of Lanark.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Pampero Or "Canton-London"
The confederacy needed a lot of ships in their fight of the rebellion and looked to foreign ports like those of England and Scotland, even though we had some what good diplomatic relations with them. Theses foreign governments could do little to stop the building of these ship because of their laws. Many of these ship were being build under the disguise of being merchant ships, and as long as no armaments were placed on them there was little they could do. After these ships were fit to sail they would sail to other foreign port to be fitted with armaments, or they would meet another ship on the high seas and refitted there.
In the case of the Pampero there was little doubt what she was being built for, with her steel hull and her low engines and with her disguised gun ports, but as no armaments were being put on her and it was registered as a merchant ship, there was little they could do. The United States started putting on a lot of diplomatic pressure and this caused these governments a lot of diplomatic embarrassment so much so that the Pampero was finely seized and sold to the Danish government, and the owners of the company that built the Pampero were taken to court, but little or nothing became of it.
Note. The information on this page comes from the records of the 41st. Congress called, Enforcement of Neutrality, Rebel operations from Canada Vol. II. No. 1395.
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Seward.
Liverpool, September12, 1862.
She is to be two hundred and seventy feet long and will measure, when completed, upwards of three thousand in tonnage. Her cost of construction is to be something over £300,000. The stem-post is up and about one-half of the ribs set; the stem-post is straight and perpendicular, but is to have a solid piece of’ iron to project about eight feet immediately under the water as a ram. The keel, ribs, stein-post, and all the frame-work are of iron. The inside is to be lined with wood and the outside coated with iron plates four and three-quarters inches thick. The builders are James and George Thompson, of Glasgow.
Everything about her, time people who visit and superintend her construction, the secret manner in which she is being built, and the refusal of the builders to state for whom they are building her, all indicate that she is intended for the rebel government. Mr. Prettyman, the acting consul for the United States at this port, will no doubt lie able to obtain positive evidence, which he will report to the department.
Mr. Dudley to .Mr. Seward.
Liverpool CONSULATE,
Glasgow, October 13, 1863.
Her hull is entirely finished; masts in, and all the rigging on; her port-holes for guns cut; bracing-bolt and rings for tile gulls, shot lockers amid powder magazines in ;and she was to have been launched yesterday. Even preparation was made, when they became frightened. the boilers and machinery were all that remained to complete her. They are now taking out the ring bolts, magazines, and shot lockers, and stripping her of everything that indicates a war purpose. They are, I am told, even closing up the port-holes. This will probably delay the launch for two weeks, but when she goes into the water there will he nothing in or about her to designate her character as a war vessel. The Canton is bark-rigged, and very much the some model as the Alabama, but larger. with a greater draught of water, and capable of carrying, as she no doubt will, a much heavier armament.
I would respectfully suggest the propriety of sending over at once sufficient, war vessels to seize her when she sails.
Mr. Underwood to Mr. Adams.
Glasgow, October 15, 1863.
She is after the model of the rebel ship Alabama. ‘‘Canton—London,” are the words gilded on her stern. She is a clipper-built screw steamer, with three masts, two of which are iron, one of wood. Her length is from two hundred and eighty to three hundred feet from stein to stern ; her beam about fifty-six feet. Her frame is iron, bordered up with teak-wood planking, about five inches thick in the inside, up to the water mark. She is pierced with four large port-holes and four smaller Ones on each side, making sixteen in all; the larger ones seem suited flu the sweep and play pivot guns.
She is constructed to carry the greatest portion of her coals in iron side-pockets between decks, So as to give an unobstructed passage clear through from one fire-room to the other. Her water draught is marked fifteen feet. Has ‘‘eye-bolts” in her sides, suitable for and intended to handle and secure her guns.
She is donkey or bark-rigged, and all together similar to the Alabama, the only difference being that she has an iron frame, while the Alabama has wood. She is probablv from twelve hundred to fifteen hundred tons of burden, can be launched at any day, She is known in the yard as the “frigate.” She has a screw hoisting gear for lifting her propellers and when it is up, has a stern that falls down and makes her appear like a sailing ship.
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Seward.
Liverpool, November 12, 1863.
She had the name “Canton, of London,” in gilded letters on her stern. The day before she was launched “Canton” was taken off and “Pampero” put in its place. She was christened by Mrs. Galbraith, the wife of the Galbraith of the house of P. Hendrickson & Co., of Glasgow. This is the same house referred to in George N. Sander’s memorandum, among the intercepted correspondence, as the house of Galbraith & Co., of Scotland. Mr. Underwood tells me she has some fifteen valves in her bottom for the purpose of flooding her magazines, or of sinking her down in the water during an engagement, and that she has donkey engines to pump her out again.
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Seward.
Liverpool, November 12, 1863.
She had the name “Canton, of London,” in gilded letters on her stern. The day before she was launched “Canton” was taken off and “Pampero” put in its place. She was christened by Mrs. Galbraith, the wife of the Galbraith of the house of P. Hendrickson & Co., of Glasgow. This is the same house referred to in George N. Sander’s memorandum, among the intercepted correspondence, as the house of Galbraith & Co., of Scotland.
Mr. Underwood tells me she has some fifteen valves in her bottom for the purpose of flooding her magazines, or of sinking her down in the water during an engagement, and that she has donkey engines to pump her out again.
Deposition of John Latham.
I, John Latham, of No. 8 Douglas street, in the city of Glasgow, and county of Lanark, make oath and say: That I am an engineer, and have served as engineer of steamers for the last eight years; that I have served on board of war ships for five years, and for about five months I served as fireman on hoard of the Alabama; that I have also served in the merchant service for about four years; that I have seen the vessel called the Pampero, which has been recently launched from the ship-building yard of Messrs. James and George Thompson, of Glasgow.
I was on board of her before she was launched; that nine port-holes were pierced on each side of said ship, and one of these portholes on either side appeared to be intended as a gangway; that before said ship was launched the said port-holes, with the exception of one on each side, were closed with movable shutters, and these movable shutters were secured by rivets on the inside, and I saw the joints or seams where the shutters met filled up with red lead putty and painted over, and nothing is now visible of the aforesaid port-holes but the hinges of the said movable shutters; that I observed rings or eye-bolts on the side of the said ship on each side of each of the said port-holes. I afterwards saw some of these rings or eye-bolts removed, and the sides of the ship are non- cased over, and the places intended for fastening on these rings or eye-bolts are not now visible.
I have always seen similar rings or eye-bolts in the men-of-war in which I have served, and they are used for the purpose of securing the guns and of moving them backwards and forwards; that in the merchant vessels in which I have sailed I never saw such rings or eye-bolts as I have described, and there is no use for them in merchant vessels; that the name Canton, London, was at first gilded upon the stern of the said ship, but that before the said ship was launched that name was changed to Pampero.
I believe the said ship was known and designated in the yard of Messrs. James and George Thompson the frigate, and on one occasion when I was in the yard, I asked for one Charles Gibson, who had been in the employment of Messrs. Thompson, and I was informed by one of the engineers working in the yard that he did not know the man, but that if I went over to the frigate ( pointing to the said vessel now called the Pampero ) I would likely find him there.
The bulwarks of said ship are between seven and eight feet in height; that I have seen the boilers and engines of said vessel; that the boilers are four in number, and are flat in construction; that the engines are horizontal, and the whole, both boilers and engines, are under the water hue; that the construction of the boilers is such as to take up a deal of carrying space, which would not suit a merchant vessel; that in order to save space, a merchant ship would likely have two boilers in place of four, and such boilers could he made of the same extent of the Pampero, by being constructed, as is usual in merchant ships, above the water line; that the said ship appears to be about two hundred fifty feet in length, and between forty and fifty in beam; that from the whole construction and build of the said ship, consider and declare that the said ship is intended and adapted for war like purposes, and not for mercantile service.
Sworn before me at the custom-house in Glasgow, this 10th day of November, 1863.
FRED’K W. TREVOR, Collector.
Deposition of Archibald McLellan.
I, Archibald McLellan, joiner, of No. 45 Eglinton street, in the city of Glasgow and county of Lanark, make oath and say: That I have been employed in ship-building yards as a joiner for the last nine years; that I was informed about five months ago, by James Henning, joiner, in the employment of Messrs. James and George Thompson, that they were building a ram and a privateer in the yard of Messrs. James and George Thompson for the Confederate States of America; that we had been conversing about the screw steamer Georgia, which had about that time sailed from Clyde, as a privateer, and in the course of our conversation the said James Henning volunteered the above information regarding the ram and the privateer.
About three weeks ago I casually met one Kinlock, a carpenter, in the employment of the said James and George Thompson, and in the course of conversation he stated that he was engaged fitting up magazines on board of the new vessel built by the said James and George Thompson called the Pampero, and he said he was fitting them up as water tanks; that the said Kinlock further stated that the vessel had been fitted up with mess rooms for a large crew, and that these had been taken down and marked, with a view to be put up again.
I have frequently seen the said ship Pampero while in the course of construction, and about seven weeks ago I saw her lying in the yard of the said James and George Thompson, and I observed that there were eight port-holes pierced in the side of the said ship which was towards me, three of which port-holes were larger than the other five, and might be used as well for gangways as for the sweep of pivot-guns; that the said port holes were then open; that since time said ship was launched, I have seen her on frequent occasions, and I then observed that the port-holes above mentioned, with one or two exceptions, have bed closed up, and nothing is visible of these port-holes but the hinges.
On one occasion, in the course of last week, I was on board of said ship, as she lay in the river Clyde, and I observed four eye-bolts opposite certain of time port-holes, which I saw were intended for securing guns; that on frequent occasions, besides those above referred to, I have heard from various persons in the employment of time said James and George Thompson that the said ship Panipero was being built for the Confederate States of America, and the said ship had the universal reputation among these persons of being a vessel of war or privateer for the Confederate States; that the construction of said ship is, in my opinion, in accordance with that reputation, and in the course of my experience I have not seen a vessel built for the merchant service, of similar construction as the said ship Pampero, and I believe that the said ship Pampero is built for war like purposes, not for the merchant service.
Sworn before me at the custom-house in Glasgow, this 10th day of November, 1863.
FRED’K W. TREVOR, Collector.
We understand that the case of the Pampero will not now go to jury trial, an arrangement having been made for its settlement. We believe that by the arrangement the owners have consented to a verdict being entered for the Crown, forfeiting the vessel on some one count of the information, to be selected by the owners, they making such explanatory statement on the subject as they may think desirable, it is provided, on the other hand, that the owners are to retain and trade with the vessel, but are not to sell it for two years except with the consent of the Crown; and that alterations are to be made in the structure of the vessel. We understand that the builders are no Parties to the compromise, which provides for settling their claim and having it withdrawn from the proceedings.—Scotsman.
Those of you who would like to know more of her secrets and how she was built need to read the depositions of the men who helped build her. These depositions will be given on request. I will only do one name per request. You can find my address in my profile.
Depositions of;
Thomas H. Dudley, p. 212.
John Latham, p. 213.
William Dayer, p. 214.
William Cook, p. 215.
John McGibbon, p. 218.
James Ross, p. 219.
John McQueen Barr, p. 220.
William McCambridge, p. 221.
William Carrick, p. 222.
In the case of the Pampero there was little doubt what she was being built for, with her steel hull and her low engines and with her disguised gun ports, but as no armaments were being put on her and it was registered as a merchant ship, there was little they could do. The United States started putting on a lot of diplomatic pressure and this caused these governments a lot of diplomatic embarrassment so much so that the Pampero was finely seized and sold to the Danish government, and the owners of the company that built the Pampero were taken to court, but little or nothing became of it.
Note. The information on this page comes from the records of the 41st. Congress called, Enforcement of Neutrality, Rebel operations from Canada Vol. II. No. 1395.
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Seward.
Liverpool, September12, 1862.
She is to be two hundred and seventy feet long and will measure, when completed, upwards of three thousand in tonnage. Her cost of construction is to be something over £300,000. The stem-post is up and about one-half of the ribs set; the stem-post is straight and perpendicular, but is to have a solid piece of’ iron to project about eight feet immediately under the water as a ram. The keel, ribs, stein-post, and all the frame-work are of iron. The inside is to be lined with wood and the outside coated with iron plates four and three-quarters inches thick. The builders are James and George Thompson, of Glasgow.
Everything about her, time people who visit and superintend her construction, the secret manner in which she is being built, and the refusal of the builders to state for whom they are building her, all indicate that she is intended for the rebel government. Mr. Prettyman, the acting consul for the United States at this port, will no doubt lie able to obtain positive evidence, which he will report to the department.
Mr. Dudley to .Mr. Seward.
Liverpool CONSULATE,
Glasgow, October 13, 1863.
Her hull is entirely finished; masts in, and all the rigging on; her port-holes for guns cut; bracing-bolt and rings for tile gulls, shot lockers amid powder magazines in ;and she was to have been launched yesterday. Even preparation was made, when they became frightened. the boilers and machinery were all that remained to complete her. They are now taking out the ring bolts, magazines, and shot lockers, and stripping her of everything that indicates a war purpose. They are, I am told, even closing up the port-holes. This will probably delay the launch for two weeks, but when she goes into the water there will he nothing in or about her to designate her character as a war vessel. The Canton is bark-rigged, and very much the some model as the Alabama, but larger. with a greater draught of water, and capable of carrying, as she no doubt will, a much heavier armament.
I would respectfully suggest the propriety of sending over at once sufficient, war vessels to seize her when she sails.
Mr. Underwood to Mr. Adams.
Glasgow, October 15, 1863.
She is after the model of the rebel ship Alabama. ‘‘Canton—London,” are the words gilded on her stern. She is a clipper-built screw steamer, with three masts, two of which are iron, one of wood. Her length is from two hundred and eighty to three hundred feet from stein to stern ; her beam about fifty-six feet. Her frame is iron, bordered up with teak-wood planking, about five inches thick in the inside, up to the water mark. She is pierced with four large port-holes and four smaller Ones on each side, making sixteen in all; the larger ones seem suited flu the sweep and play pivot guns.
She is constructed to carry the greatest portion of her coals in iron side-pockets between decks, So as to give an unobstructed passage clear through from one fire-room to the other. Her water draught is marked fifteen feet. Has ‘‘eye-bolts” in her sides, suitable for and intended to handle and secure her guns.
She is donkey or bark-rigged, and all together similar to the Alabama, the only difference being that she has an iron frame, while the Alabama has wood. She is probablv from twelve hundred to fifteen hundred tons of burden, can be launched at any day, She is known in the yard as the “frigate.” She has a screw hoisting gear for lifting her propellers and when it is up, has a stern that falls down and makes her appear like a sailing ship.
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Seward.
Liverpool, November 12, 1863.
She had the name “Canton, of London,” in gilded letters on her stern. The day before she was launched “Canton” was taken off and “Pampero” put in its place. She was christened by Mrs. Galbraith, the wife of the Galbraith of the house of P. Hendrickson & Co., of Glasgow. This is the same house referred to in George N. Sander’s memorandum, among the intercepted correspondence, as the house of Galbraith & Co., of Scotland. Mr. Underwood tells me she has some fifteen valves in her bottom for the purpose of flooding her magazines, or of sinking her down in the water during an engagement, and that she has donkey engines to pump her out again.
Mr. Dudley to Mr. Seward.
Liverpool, November 12, 1863.
She had the name “Canton, of London,” in gilded letters on her stern. The day before she was launched “Canton” was taken off and “Pampero” put in its place. She was christened by Mrs. Galbraith, the wife of the Galbraith of the house of P. Hendrickson & Co., of Glasgow. This is the same house referred to in George N. Sander’s memorandum, among the intercepted correspondence, as the house of Galbraith & Co., of Scotland.
Mr. Underwood tells me she has some fifteen valves in her bottom for the purpose of flooding her magazines, or of sinking her down in the water during an engagement, and that she has donkey engines to pump her out again.
Deposition of John Latham.
I, John Latham, of No. 8 Douglas street, in the city of Glasgow, and county of Lanark, make oath and say: That I am an engineer, and have served as engineer of steamers for the last eight years; that I have served on board of war ships for five years, and for about five months I served as fireman on hoard of the Alabama; that I have also served in the merchant service for about four years; that I have seen the vessel called the Pampero, which has been recently launched from the ship-building yard of Messrs. James and George Thompson, of Glasgow.
I was on board of her before she was launched; that nine port-holes were pierced on each side of said ship, and one of these portholes on either side appeared to be intended as a gangway; that before said ship was launched the said port-holes, with the exception of one on each side, were closed with movable shutters, and these movable shutters were secured by rivets on the inside, and I saw the joints or seams where the shutters met filled up with red lead putty and painted over, and nothing is now visible of the aforesaid port-holes but the hinges of the said movable shutters; that I observed rings or eye-bolts on the side of the said ship on each side of each of the said port-holes. I afterwards saw some of these rings or eye-bolts removed, and the sides of the ship are non- cased over, and the places intended for fastening on these rings or eye-bolts are not now visible.
I have always seen similar rings or eye-bolts in the men-of-war in which I have served, and they are used for the purpose of securing the guns and of moving them backwards and forwards; that in the merchant vessels in which I have sailed I never saw such rings or eye-bolts as I have described, and there is no use for them in merchant vessels; that the name Canton, London, was at first gilded upon the stern of the said ship, but that before the said ship was launched that name was changed to Pampero.
I believe the said ship was known and designated in the yard of Messrs. James and George Thompson the frigate, and on one occasion when I was in the yard, I asked for one Charles Gibson, who had been in the employment of Messrs. Thompson, and I was informed by one of the engineers working in the yard that he did not know the man, but that if I went over to the frigate ( pointing to the said vessel now called the Pampero ) I would likely find him there.
The bulwarks of said ship are between seven and eight feet in height; that I have seen the boilers and engines of said vessel; that the boilers are four in number, and are flat in construction; that the engines are horizontal, and the whole, both boilers and engines, are under the water hue; that the construction of the boilers is such as to take up a deal of carrying space, which would not suit a merchant vessel; that in order to save space, a merchant ship would likely have two boilers in place of four, and such boilers could he made of the same extent of the Pampero, by being constructed, as is usual in merchant ships, above the water line; that the said ship appears to be about two hundred fifty feet in length, and between forty and fifty in beam; that from the whole construction and build of the said ship, consider and declare that the said ship is intended and adapted for war like purposes, and not for mercantile service.
Sworn before me at the custom-house in Glasgow, this 10th day of November, 1863.
FRED’K W. TREVOR, Collector.
Deposition of Archibald McLellan.
I, Archibald McLellan, joiner, of No. 45 Eglinton street, in the city of Glasgow and county of Lanark, make oath and say: That I have been employed in ship-building yards as a joiner for the last nine years; that I was informed about five months ago, by James Henning, joiner, in the employment of Messrs. James and George Thompson, that they were building a ram and a privateer in the yard of Messrs. James and George Thompson for the Confederate States of America; that we had been conversing about the screw steamer Georgia, which had about that time sailed from Clyde, as a privateer, and in the course of our conversation the said James Henning volunteered the above information regarding the ram and the privateer.
About three weeks ago I casually met one Kinlock, a carpenter, in the employment of the said James and George Thompson, and in the course of conversation he stated that he was engaged fitting up magazines on board of the new vessel built by the said James and George Thompson called the Pampero, and he said he was fitting them up as water tanks; that the said Kinlock further stated that the vessel had been fitted up with mess rooms for a large crew, and that these had been taken down and marked, with a view to be put up again.
I have frequently seen the said ship Pampero while in the course of construction, and about seven weeks ago I saw her lying in the yard of the said James and George Thompson, and I observed that there were eight port-holes pierced in the side of the said ship which was towards me, three of which port-holes were larger than the other five, and might be used as well for gangways as for the sweep of pivot-guns; that the said port holes were then open; that since time said ship was launched, I have seen her on frequent occasions, and I then observed that the port-holes above mentioned, with one or two exceptions, have bed closed up, and nothing is visible of these port-holes but the hinges.
On one occasion, in the course of last week, I was on board of said ship, as she lay in the river Clyde, and I observed four eye-bolts opposite certain of time port-holes, which I saw were intended for securing guns; that on frequent occasions, besides those above referred to, I have heard from various persons in the employment of time said James and George Thompson that the said ship Panipero was being built for the Confederate States of America, and the said ship had the universal reputation among these persons of being a vessel of war or privateer for the Confederate States; that the construction of said ship is, in my opinion, in accordance with that reputation, and in the course of my experience I have not seen a vessel built for the merchant service, of similar construction as the said ship Pampero, and I believe that the said ship Pampero is built for war like purposes, not for the merchant service.
Sworn before me at the custom-house in Glasgow, this 10th day of November, 1863.
FRED’K W. TREVOR, Collector.
We understand that the case of the Pampero will not now go to jury trial, an arrangement having been made for its settlement. We believe that by the arrangement the owners have consented to a verdict being entered for the Crown, forfeiting the vessel on some one count of the information, to be selected by the owners, they making such explanatory statement on the subject as they may think desirable, it is provided, on the other hand, that the owners are to retain and trade with the vessel, but are not to sell it for two years except with the consent of the Crown; and that alterations are to be made in the structure of the vessel. We understand that the builders are no Parties to the compromise, which provides for settling their claim and having it withdrawn from the proceedings.—Scotsman.
Those of you who would like to know more of her secrets and how she was built need to read the depositions of the men who helped build her. These depositions will be given on request. I will only do one name per request. You can find my address in my profile.
Depositions of;
Thomas H. Dudley, p. 212.
John Latham, p. 213.
William Dayer, p. 214.
William Cook, p. 215.
John McGibbon, p. 218.
James Ross, p. 219.
John McQueen Barr, p. 220.
William McCambridge, p. 221.
William Carrick, p. 222.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Surnames of Navy Battles-Civil War. Page 4.
This is page 4, and the last of the lists of Surnames in navy battles. I did enjoy researching this information in my help to help you find your ancestors. But as I read and looked over the information, I found some things that may make it a little confusing as to know if you have found the right person or not. For a example you know your ancestor John Smith, was a seaman, and you think you found him, but it says he was handling the guns, so you pass the name by thinking it couldn’t be him. Be careful on this thinking one has to remember this information comes from battle reports, and as they were in battle they may be called on to do other duty’s. In battle one is called upon to do many other duty’s out side of the norm. In the heat of battle men were being killed and wounded and the need to replace them was great, and they took the men from other stations to replace them if they could.
Note. If you have any questions or need information on a name or report, you can find my address in my profile.

Off St. Louis Pass, Texas, April 5, 1862.
Names given in this report was by Thomas PICKERING, Acting Master.
Acting Master’s Mate Robert Barstow.
At anchor of Baton Rouge, May 10, 1862.
No. 7.
MAYOR’S OFFICE, Baton Rouge, May 10, 1862.
Mr. William Markham, of the firm of Hill & Markham, own of the Coal company.
Official list of killed and wounded in the affair of Jane 28 at Vicksburg.
Above Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by J. M. FOLTZ, Fleet Surgeon.
Flag-ship Hartrford.—Edward E. Jennings, seaman, from Massachusetts.
Richmond—George Allstrum, ordinary seaman.
Thomas Flaritv, seaman.
Oneida.—Stephen H. Randall, seaman.
Pinola.-William H. Thomas, quarter-gunner; Thomas Graham, landsman.
Sciota.—Augustine Ellsworth, ordinary seaman.
Flag-ship Hartford, Charles Allen, seaman, slightly.
Alexander Capron, landsman, slightly.
Lawrence Fay, boy, slightly.
Patrick Roach, coal-heaver, head.
Philip Roberts, seaman, severely.
Sylvester Becket, landsman. Slightly.
Alfred Stone. landsman, slightly.
John H. Knowles, quartermaster, slightly.
John Hardgan, landsman, slightly.
Joseph ordinary seaman, slightly.
Nathan Salter, ordinary seaman, contusion.
Captain John L. Broome, marine corps, contusion.
Flag-Officer D. G. Farragut, slight contusion.
Richmond, Howard F. Moffat, master’s mate, amputated arm.
James Noonan, ordinary seaman, contusion.
Thomas Nolan, marine, contusion.
George W. Harris, marine, contusion.
James Reddy, seaman, severely.
James Mohegan, landsman, severely.
George Millard, seaman, severely.
William Nicholas, landsman, slightly.
Charles Howard, ordinary seaman, severely.
Oneida, Richard M. Hodgson, assistant engineer, severely.
William Cowell seaman, severely.
Henry Clark, boatswain’s mate, slightly.
Pinola. John Brown, ordinary seaman, severely.
William H. Shucks, lands- man, slightly.
Sciota. Edward Hathaway, seaman, amputated arm.
William Orne, landsman, slightly.
Clarence v1iller, ship steward, severely.
Two miles below Vicksburg, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by E. H. BALDWIN, Acting Lieutenant commanding.
Thomas Collins, gunner’s mate.
Robert Sargent, ship’s cook
Wm. Morris, captain’s cook.
John Burke, ordinary seaman.
John B. Carter, landsman.
Peter hall, landsman.
George B. Derwent, (colored,) wardroom steward.
John Hudson, master-at-arms.
John Conner, second-class fireman
Above Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by JOHN Y. TAYLOR, Surgeon.
Killed.—Stephen H. Randall, seaman.
Wounded.—Richard M. Hodgson, 3d assistant engineer, severely, extensive contusion and laceration of the leg.
William Cowell, seaman, comminuted fracture of the nina. and tarsal bones, and deep flesh-wound of the thigh.
Henry Clarke, boatswain’s mate, slightly cut on the leg.
Above Vicksburg, June 29, 1862.
Names given in this report was by R. WAINWRIGHT, Commander United States Navy.
boatswain, James Walker.
Executive officer, James S. Thornton.
Lieutenant Albert Kautz, first division.
Master John C. Watson, second division.
Acting Master Daniel C. Murphy, third division.
Acting Master Ezra L. Goodwin, powder division.
Marine guard, under the charge of Captain Jno. L. Broome.
Chief Engineer James B. Kimball.
Acting Midshipman Herbert B. Tyson. doing the duty of acting master, besides carrying on those duties with credit, also had charge of a broadside gun manned by his division.
Edward E. Jennings, seaman.
Above Vicksburg, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by J. M. FOLTZ, Fleet Surgeon.
Killed.—Edward E. Jennings, seaman.
Wounded.—Charles Allen, seaman, head.
Alex’r Capron, landsman, head.
Lawrence Pay, boy.
Patrick Roach, coal-heaver.
Sylvester Becket.
Alfred Stone, landsman.
John Hardigan, landsman.
Jno. H. Knowles, quartermaster.
Nathan J. Salter, ordinary seaman.
Philip Roberts, seaman, severely.
Joseph Guido, ordinary seaman, thigh.
Flag-Officer D. G. Farragut, slight contusions
Jno. L. Broome, captain of marines, slight contusions.
Above Vicksburg, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by EDWARD DONALDSON, Lieutenant Commanding.
Aug. Ellsworth, ordinary seaman, was killed.
E. W. Hathaway, seaman, lost his left arm above the elbow.
Wm. Urine, landsman, was slightly wounded.
Clarence Miller, landsman. slightly wounded in the head.
Off the Yazoo river, June 29, 1862.
Names given in this report was by JOHN DECAMP, Commanding.
Master’s Mate Charles M. Bird received a compound fracture of the left arm.
Lieutenant E. E. Potter, the executive officer.
Vicksburg, July 3, 1262.
Names given in this report was by DAVID P. PORTER, Commanding Mortar Flotilla.
Acting Masters John Collins.
Acting Masters Thomas E. Smith.
Acting Master A. Christian.
Lieutenant George Brown.
Master Amos R. Langthorne.
Thomas Collins, gunner’s mate.
Robert Sargeant, ship’s cook.
John Burke, ordinary seaman.
William Morris, captain’s cook.
John B. Canton, landsman.
George B. Derwent, (colored,) wardroom steward, killed.
Hudson, master a arms, severely wounded.
John Connor, 2d class fireman.
Above Vicksburg, June 3o, 1862.
Names given in this report was by PIERCE CROSBY, Lieutenant Commanding.
Acting Master’s Mate William H. Thompson.
John R. Tennant, quartermaster.
Mr. John McHugh, pilot.
Lieutenant A. E. Cooke, Guns.
William H. Thomas, quarter gunner and captain of the gun, while sighting the piece. Thomas Graham, landsman, mortally wounded.
William H. Shucks, landsman.
Daniel Colleran, landsman, was wounded by a musket ball, volleys of which were fired at us from hills and bushes.
Below Vicksburg, July 16, 1862.
Names given in this report was by J. M. FOLTZ, Fleet Surgeoa.
Killed.—George H. Lounsberry, master’s mate, killed by a cannon ball.
Charles Jackson, officers cook, killed by a cannon ball.
John Cameron, seaman, killed by a cannon ball.
Wounded.—Thomas Hoffman, paymaster’s steward, struck in head and chest with splinters.
John D. Barnes, fireman, contusion of shoulder.
Michael Martin, landsman, contusion of arm, slightly.
George Royer, marine, contusion of arm, slightly.
Henry Downs, boy, (colored,) contusion of arm, slightly.
Captain John Broome, marines, contusion of head and shoulder.
Below Vicksburg, July 16, 1862.
Names given in this report was by A. A. HENDERSON, Surgeon.
Wounded.—William L. Somes, seaman, incised wound of scalp, not severe.
William Nelson, seaman, slight injury of right thumb, and contusion of left knee.
Near Vicksburg, July 15, 1862.
Names given in this report was by ARTHUR MATHEWSON, Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy.
John Jones, captain after-guard, struck by splinter over left malar bone, which contused the soft parts, but produced no fracture.
William Malley, landsman, struck by a splinter, which produced a contused wound over left scapula, not serious in its nature.
Near Vicksburg, July 16, 1862.
Names given in this report was by ARTHUR MATHEWSON, Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy.
John H. Harway, landsman, was killed instantly by the explosion of a shell from the enemy’s batteries.
Of Bayou Sara, Louisiana, August 29, 1862.
Names given in this report was by R. K. RILEY, Commanding Gunboat Anglo-American.
Mr. H. Glasford, executive officer.
Mr. B. S. Williams, pilot.
Mr. Parker, pilot, severely wounded in the back from a bursting shell.
James Banes, seaman, slightly wounded by splinter over the eye.
New Orleans, August 10, 1862.
Names given in this report was by D. G. FARRAGUT, Flag- Officer, Commanding Western Gulf Blockading Squadron.
Mr. Philippe Landry, who is said to be a captain of guerillas.
Mississippi River, July 23, 1862.
Names given in this report was by W. B. RENSHAW,
Executive officer, Acting Master C. W. Zimmerman, is only 19, years.
Acting Master L. D. Smalley.
Acting Masters Vassallo, Trullio.
Engineer in charge. Mr. William R. Greene.
Assistants engineer Messrs. George S. Baker.
Assistants engineer Charles Smith.
Acting Assistant Surgeon E. H. Allis.
Acting Assistant Paymaster C. C. Walden.
Mr. Dudley S. Griffith, captain’s clerk.
Off Aransas, Texas, September 26, 1862.
Names given in this report was by W. O. LANDT, Acting Master, Commanding United States Bark Arthur.
Taken prisoner.
Lieutenant J. W. Kittredge.
Frederick Williams, coxswain.
George Clemnett.
Henry McLean, seaman.
James Stewart, seaman.
John F. Reid ordinary seamen
Daniel Kennedy, ordinary seamen.
Albert A. Butts, landsman.
Mississippi River, near Donaldsonville, October 4, 1862.
Names given in this report was by R. B. LOWRY, Lieutenant Oosn2nander U. S. V., Commanding Sciota.
Charles H. Swasey, killed in the action with the rebel forces below Donaldsonville this day at 1.30 p. m.
The first shot fired by the rebels came through the bulwarks just abaft the pivot-gun, striking Lieutenant Swasey on the right hip and cutting off his right hand. He expired at 3 p. m.
John O’Hare, landsman, was wounded by a round shot in the right arm, rendering amputation necessary.
Mississippi River, October 4, 1862.
Names given in this report was by A. S. OBERLY,
Assistant Surgeon United States Navy.
William Swain, ordinary seaman, killed.
Latham A. Brown, acting master, wounded in the groin, slightly, by a spent ball.
Off Brashear City, Atchafalaya river, November 9, 1862.
Names given in this report was by THS. McKEAN BUCHANAN, Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy.
Frank Bein, ordinary seaman killed by the premature explosion of a Dahlgren shell from n 24-pounder howitzer, on board of the Estrella. A. piece of shell struck him in the hack and killed him nearly instantly.
Names given in this report was by ROBERT K. RILEY, Executive Officer United States Gunboat Essex.
W. D. Porter, commander, scalded.
J. H. Lewis, paymaster, scalded.
T. P. Terry, third master, scalded, badly.
S. B. Brittan, master’s mate, killed by cannon shot.
James McBride, pilot, killed by scalding.
M. H. Ford, pilot, killed by scalding,
John Mathews, quartermaster, scalded, badly.
A. D. Waterman, captain of forecastle, missing.
Henry Gemfer, fireman, missing.
Samuel Bayer, fireman, scalded, badly .
John Laritz, fireman, missing.
James Coffey, seaman, killed by scalding.
Dana Wilson, seaman, killed by scalding.
J. P. Breas, seaman, killed by scalding.
N. McCarty, seaman, scalded.
H. Heagan, seaman, scalded.
John O’Harra, seaman, scalded.
John Costello, seaman, scalded.
J. J . Phillip, seaman, scalded.
B. Soula, seaman, scalded.
James Argus, seaman, scalded.
Thomas Willett, seaman, scalded, badly.
Benjamin Harrington, seaman, scalded, badly.
William O’Brine, seaman, scalded, badly.
W. H. Maxay, seaman, scalded, badly.
T. Sullivan, seaman, scalded, badly.
Thomas Mullen, seaman, scalded, slightly.
James Bedard, seaman, missing.
Reynolds, seaman, missing.
List of officers.— Gunboat Cincinnati.
R. N. Stembel, U. S. N., commander; William H. hole, first master; Oscar
H. Pratt, second master; Charles G. Perkins, third master; John Pearce, fourth master; R. H. Attenborough, pilot; Isaac D. Gaugh, pilot; John Ludlow, surgeon; Baron Proctor, paymaster; William D. McFarland, chief engineer; Samuel H. Lovejoy, first assistant engineer; James Armstrong, second assistant engineer; William J. Shannon, third assistant engineer; James McB. Stembel, master’s mate; Philip Shell, master’s mate,; John R. Hall, U. S. N., acting gunner; Thomas B. Gregory, carpenter; Jacob Vitinger, armorer.
List of officers.—Gunboat Gonestoga.
S. L. Phelps. U. S. N., lieutenant commanding; John A. Duble, first master;
Charles P. Noble, second master; Benjamin Sebastian, third master; Richard H.
Cutter, fourth master; Aaron M. Jordan, pilot William Attenborough, pilot;
William H. Wilson, assistant surgeon; Alfred Phelps, acting paymaster; Thomas
Cook, chief engineer; Alexander Magee, first assistant engineer; Charles Marshall, second assistant engineer,; Michael Norton, third assistant engineer; James
Kearney, master’s mate; Henry Hamilton U. S. N., acting gunner; Andrew
Woodlock, carpenter; James O’Neil, armorer.
List of officers.—Gunboat Essex.
William P. Porter, U. S. N., commander; Robert K. Riley, first master; James Laning, second master; Theodore P. Ferry, third master; George W. Walker, fourth master; James McBride, pilot; Marshall H. Ford, pilot; Thomas Rice, Surgeon; Joseph H. Lewis, paymaster; Charles M. Blasdell, chief engineer; R. J. Stearns, first assistant engineer; George D. Simms, second assistant engineer; Jeremiah Wetzel, third assistant engineer; S. B. Britton, master’s mate; Matthias B. Snyder, gunner; Thomas Steel, carpenter; — Fletcher, armorer
List of officers.— Gunboat Lexington.
James W. Shirk, U. S. N., lieutenant commanding; Jacob S. Hurd, first master; Martin Dunn, second master; James Fitzpatrick, third master; Sylvester Poole, fourth master; James McCamant, pilot; William Ford, pilot; George W. Garver, assistant surgeon; Augustus F. Taylor, acting paymaster; Samue1 Vroom, gunner; Richard Carroll, carpenter; Reuben Story, armorer.
List of officers.—Gunboat Taylor.
William Gwin, U. S. N., lieutenant commanding; Edward Shaw, first master; Jason Goudy, second master; James Martin, third master; Patrick McCarty, 4th master; John Sebastian, pilot; David Hiner, pilot; Thomas H. Kearney, assistant surgeon ; William B. Coleman, acting paymaster; Samuel Goble, chief engineer; D. Edward ‘Weaver, first assistant engineer; Edward W. Goble, second assistant engineer ; Oscar S. Davis, third assistant engineer; Ferdinand T. Coleman, master’s mate; Herman Peters, U. S. N., acting gunner; Thomas Russell, carpenter; Elihu Stevens, armorer.
List of officers.- St. Louis.
Leonard Paulding, U. S. N., lieutenant commanding ; John V. Johnson, first master ; James Y. Clemson, second master ; Charles S. Kendrick, third master Alexander Fraser, fourth master ; John B. Mc Dill, assistant surgeon ; Llewellyn Curry, acting paymaster ; Frank A. Riley, pilot ; Robert G. Baldwin, pilot William Carswell, chief engineer ; T. F. Ackerman, first assistant engineer; James L. Smith, second assistant engineer ; John Wilcoxsen third assistant engineer Sydney H. Adam, master’s mate ; James P. Paulding, master’s mate; John A. McDonald, U. S. N., acting gunner; Robert H. Medill, carpenter.
List officers.— Gunboat Carondelet.
Henry Walke, U. S. N., commander ; Richard M. Wade, first master ; John Doherty, second master ; Charles C. Cray, third master; Henry A. Walke, fourth master ; William Hinton, pilot ; Dnuiel Weaver, pilot ; James S. McNeely, assistant surgeon ; George J. W. Nexsen, Acting paymaster; William H. Faulkner, chief engineer; Charles H. Caven, first assistant engineer; Samuel S. Brooks, second assistant engineer ; Augustus F. Crowell, third assistant engineer ; Theodore L. Gillmore, master’s mate ; Edward E. Brennand, master’s mate ; Richard Adams, gunner; Oliver Donaldson, carpenter; H. H. Rhodes armorer.
Near Fort Donelson, Cumberland River, February 15, 1852.
Names given in this report was by A. H. FOOTE, Flag. Officer, Commanding United States Naval Forces, Western Waters.
St. Louis.
Charles W. Baker, ship’s cook.
F. A. Riley, pilot.
Flag-Officer A. H. Foote.
R. G. Baldwin, pilot.
Charles Smith, boatswain’s mate.
H. H. Medill, carpenter.
Antonio Calderio.
Thomas Kirkham.
W. S. Coon, seaman.
Jno. Thompson, seamen.
Albert Richardson.
Joseph G. Laycock.
Albert Markham, seaman
William Duff, seamen.
William Hinton, pilot, (since dead;)
Samuel Brooks, 2d assistant engineer.
John Doherty, second master.
Thomas Brown, captain of gun.
Richard Mahoney, quartermaster.
Jno. McBride, ship’s cook.
Owen Canty.
James Plant.
James Brown.
Patrick Laughlin.
Edward Green.
Owen Conly.
Henry Smith.
Patrick Sullivan.
John Owen.
William B. Roney, James McFadden.
Jon. Diamond.
Amos Dutch.
Richard O’Brien.
William Johnson.
Patrick O’Brien.
William Thielman.
Benjamin Edger.
Henry Anderson.
Daniel F. Charles.
John Doughty.
John Murphy.
John McConnell, seamen.
Charles Merwin seamen
George Smith, seamen.
James Curtiss.
E. W. Avilla.
Charles Billips, seamen.
John Williams, seamen.
Michael Kelley.
F. S. Collins.
William Higgins.
John Paul.
Charles Might.
Savannah, Tennessee, March 1, 1862.
Names given in this report was by WM. GWIN, Lieutenant Commanding Division of boats on Tennessee River.
Captain Thaddeus Phillips, company C.
First Lieutenant Jon. T. Rider, of’ tile 32d regiment Illinois volunteers, sharpshooters.
Second Master Jason Cloudy commanded the boats.
Second Master Martin Dunn commanded the boats.
First Master Edward Shaw.
Third Master James Martin.
Second Master Jason Goudy.
Gunner Hermann Peters.
My aid, Acting Paymaster Wm. B. Coleman.
Acting Assistant Surgeon T. H. Kearney.
List of casualties sustained in the action at Pittsburg, Tennessee, March 1,
Names given in this report was by THOS. H. KEARNEY, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Gunboat Service.
Taylor- Pleasant Gilbert seaman, gunshot wound of leg, necessitating amputation of the limb.
Crawford T. Hill, seaman, gunshot wound of forearm.
John Matthews, seaman, gunshot (flesh) wound of’ shoulder, slight.
G. W. Shull, seaman, gunshot wound of back, slight.
Robert Bell, seaman, gunshot wound of arm (flesh) and chest, not penetrating.
in detachment of thirty-second regiment of Illinois volunteers (company C) carried on board: Captain Phillips, gunshot wound of leg, flesh.
Daniel Messick, orderly sergeant, killed.
Savannah, Tennessee, March 1, 1862.
Names given in this report was by JAMES W. SHIRK, Lieutenant Commanding.
James Sullivan, seaman, killed.
Patrick Sullivan, seamen missing.
Thomas M. Borland, seamen, missing.
John Hines, corporal company K, 32d regiment Illinois volunteers, missing.
James Sullivan was seen to fall upon the field shot through the breast.
Cairo, Illinois, March 5, 1862,
Names given in this report was by WILLIAM GWINN, Lieutenant Commanding.
Captured J. B. Kendrick, of Captain Fitzgerald’s company of Tennessee volunteers, who represents himself as a colonel of militia of the State of ‘Tennessee.
Clay Kendrick, private in Captain Fitzgerald’s company (Colonel Crew’s regiment) Tennessee volunteers.
Pittsburg, Tennessee, April 14, 1862.
Name given in this report was by WILLIAM GWINN, Lieutenant Commanding Division of Gunboats on Tennessee river.
John D. Seymour, boatswain’s mate, was so much injured by the premature discharge of a gun as to cause his death.
Memphis, June 19, 1862.
Name given in this report was by C. H. DAVIS, Flag- Officer, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi
Lieutenant Joseph Fry, late of the United States navy, who is now a prisoner and is wounded.
Below Vicksburg, July 22, 1862.
Master Willie Coates, of only 14 years of age. This young gentleman volunteered to act as my aid. His conduct was, throughout the action, marked by great coolness and bravery. He has no connection whatever with the service, but I hope you will bring to the notice of the Navy Department the conduct of this little gentleman, as I think he has earned, by his loyalty, coolness, and bravery an appointment at the Naval Academy.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
W. D. PORTER, Commander.
Note. If you have any questions or need information on a name or report, you can find my address in my profile.
Off St. Louis Pass, Texas, April 5, 1862.
Names given in this report was by Thomas PICKERING, Acting Master.
Acting Master’s Mate Robert Barstow.
At anchor of Baton Rouge, May 10, 1862.
No. 7.
MAYOR’S OFFICE, Baton Rouge, May 10, 1862.
Mr. William Markham, of the firm of Hill & Markham, own of the Coal company.
Official list of killed and wounded in the affair of Jane 28 at Vicksburg.
Above Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by J. M. FOLTZ, Fleet Surgeon.
Flag-ship Hartrford.—Edward E. Jennings, seaman, from Massachusetts.
Richmond—George Allstrum, ordinary seaman.
Thomas Flaritv, seaman.
Oneida.—Stephen H. Randall, seaman.
Pinola.-William H. Thomas, quarter-gunner; Thomas Graham, landsman.
Sciota.—Augustine Ellsworth, ordinary seaman.
Flag-ship Hartford, Charles Allen, seaman, slightly.
Alexander Capron, landsman, slightly.
Lawrence Fay, boy, slightly.
Patrick Roach, coal-heaver, head.
Philip Roberts, seaman, severely.
Sylvester Becket, landsman. Slightly.
Alfred Stone. landsman, slightly.
John H. Knowles, quartermaster, slightly.
John Hardgan, landsman, slightly.
Joseph ordinary seaman, slightly.
Nathan Salter, ordinary seaman, contusion.
Captain John L. Broome, marine corps, contusion.
Flag-Officer D. G. Farragut, slight contusion.
Richmond, Howard F. Moffat, master’s mate, amputated arm.
James Noonan, ordinary seaman, contusion.
Thomas Nolan, marine, contusion.
George W. Harris, marine, contusion.
James Reddy, seaman, severely.
James Mohegan, landsman, severely.
George Millard, seaman, severely.
William Nicholas, landsman, slightly.
Charles Howard, ordinary seaman, severely.
Oneida, Richard M. Hodgson, assistant engineer, severely.
William Cowell seaman, severely.
Henry Clark, boatswain’s mate, slightly.
Pinola. John Brown, ordinary seaman, severely.
William H. Shucks, lands- man, slightly.
Sciota. Edward Hathaway, seaman, amputated arm.
William Orne, landsman, slightly.
Clarence v1iller, ship steward, severely.
Two miles below Vicksburg, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by E. H. BALDWIN, Acting Lieutenant commanding.
Thomas Collins, gunner’s mate.
Robert Sargent, ship’s cook
Wm. Morris, captain’s cook.
John Burke, ordinary seaman.
John B. Carter, landsman.
Peter hall, landsman.
George B. Derwent, (colored,) wardroom steward.
John Hudson, master-at-arms.
John Conner, second-class fireman
Above Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by JOHN Y. TAYLOR, Surgeon.
Killed.—Stephen H. Randall, seaman.
Wounded.—Richard M. Hodgson, 3d assistant engineer, severely, extensive contusion and laceration of the leg.
William Cowell, seaman, comminuted fracture of the nina. and tarsal bones, and deep flesh-wound of the thigh.
Henry Clarke, boatswain’s mate, slightly cut on the leg.
Above Vicksburg, June 29, 1862.
Names given in this report was by R. WAINWRIGHT, Commander United States Navy.
boatswain, James Walker.
Executive officer, James S. Thornton.
Lieutenant Albert Kautz, first division.
Master John C. Watson, second division.
Acting Master Daniel C. Murphy, third division.
Acting Master Ezra L. Goodwin, powder division.
Marine guard, under the charge of Captain Jno. L. Broome.
Chief Engineer James B. Kimball.
Acting Midshipman Herbert B. Tyson. doing the duty of acting master, besides carrying on those duties with credit, also had charge of a broadside gun manned by his division.
Edward E. Jennings, seaman.
Above Vicksburg, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by J. M. FOLTZ, Fleet Surgeon.
Killed.—Edward E. Jennings, seaman.
Wounded.—Charles Allen, seaman, head.
Alex’r Capron, landsman, head.
Lawrence Pay, boy.
Patrick Roach, coal-heaver.
Sylvester Becket.
Alfred Stone, landsman.
John Hardigan, landsman.
Jno. H. Knowles, quartermaster.
Nathan J. Salter, ordinary seaman.
Philip Roberts, seaman, severely.
Joseph Guido, ordinary seaman, thigh.
Flag-Officer D. G. Farragut, slight contusions
Jno. L. Broome, captain of marines, slight contusions.
Above Vicksburg, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by EDWARD DONALDSON, Lieutenant Commanding.
Aug. Ellsworth, ordinary seaman, was killed.
E. W. Hathaway, seaman, lost his left arm above the elbow.
Wm. Urine, landsman, was slightly wounded.
Clarence Miller, landsman. slightly wounded in the head.
Off the Yazoo river, June 29, 1862.
Names given in this report was by JOHN DECAMP, Commanding.
Master’s Mate Charles M. Bird received a compound fracture of the left arm.
Lieutenant E. E. Potter, the executive officer.
Vicksburg, July 3, 1262.
Names given in this report was by DAVID P. PORTER, Commanding Mortar Flotilla.
Acting Masters John Collins.
Acting Masters Thomas E. Smith.
Acting Master A. Christian.
Lieutenant George Brown.
Master Amos R. Langthorne.
Thomas Collins, gunner’s mate.
Robert Sargeant, ship’s cook.
John Burke, ordinary seaman.
William Morris, captain’s cook.
John B. Canton, landsman.
George B. Derwent, (colored,) wardroom steward, killed.
Hudson, master a arms, severely wounded.
John Connor, 2d class fireman.
Above Vicksburg, June 3o, 1862.
Names given in this report was by PIERCE CROSBY, Lieutenant Commanding.
Acting Master’s Mate William H. Thompson.
John R. Tennant, quartermaster.
Mr. John McHugh, pilot.
Lieutenant A. E. Cooke, Guns.
William H. Thomas, quarter gunner and captain of the gun, while sighting the piece. Thomas Graham, landsman, mortally wounded.
William H. Shucks, landsman.
Daniel Colleran, landsman, was wounded by a musket ball, volleys of which were fired at us from hills and bushes.
Below Vicksburg, July 16, 1862.
Names given in this report was by J. M. FOLTZ, Fleet Surgeoa.
Killed.—George H. Lounsberry, master’s mate, killed by a cannon ball.
Charles Jackson, officers cook, killed by a cannon ball.
John Cameron, seaman, killed by a cannon ball.
Wounded.—Thomas Hoffman, paymaster’s steward, struck in head and chest with splinters.
John D. Barnes, fireman, contusion of shoulder.
Michael Martin, landsman, contusion of arm, slightly.
George Royer, marine, contusion of arm, slightly.
Henry Downs, boy, (colored,) contusion of arm, slightly.
Captain John Broome, marines, contusion of head and shoulder.
Below Vicksburg, July 16, 1862.
Names given in this report was by A. A. HENDERSON, Surgeon.
Wounded.—William L. Somes, seaman, incised wound of scalp, not severe.
William Nelson, seaman, slight injury of right thumb, and contusion of left knee.
Near Vicksburg, July 15, 1862.
Names given in this report was by ARTHUR MATHEWSON, Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy.
John Jones, captain after-guard, struck by splinter over left malar bone, which contused the soft parts, but produced no fracture.
William Malley, landsman, struck by a splinter, which produced a contused wound over left scapula, not serious in its nature.
Near Vicksburg, July 16, 1862.
Names given in this report was by ARTHUR MATHEWSON, Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy.
John H. Harway, landsman, was killed instantly by the explosion of a shell from the enemy’s batteries.
Of Bayou Sara, Louisiana, August 29, 1862.
Names given in this report was by R. K. RILEY, Commanding Gunboat Anglo-American.
Mr. H. Glasford, executive officer.
Mr. B. S. Williams, pilot.
Mr. Parker, pilot, severely wounded in the back from a bursting shell.
James Banes, seaman, slightly wounded by splinter over the eye.
New Orleans, August 10, 1862.
Names given in this report was by D. G. FARRAGUT, Flag- Officer, Commanding Western Gulf Blockading Squadron.
Mr. Philippe Landry, who is said to be a captain of guerillas.
Mississippi River, July 23, 1862.
Names given in this report was by W. B. RENSHAW,
Executive officer, Acting Master C. W. Zimmerman, is only 19, years.
Acting Master L. D. Smalley.
Acting Masters Vassallo, Trullio.
Engineer in charge. Mr. William R. Greene.
Assistants engineer Messrs. George S. Baker.
Assistants engineer Charles Smith.
Acting Assistant Surgeon E. H. Allis.
Acting Assistant Paymaster C. C. Walden.
Mr. Dudley S. Griffith, captain’s clerk.
Off Aransas, Texas, September 26, 1862.
Names given in this report was by W. O. LANDT, Acting Master, Commanding United States Bark Arthur.
Taken prisoner.
Lieutenant J. W. Kittredge.
Frederick Williams, coxswain.
George Clemnett.
Henry McLean, seaman.
James Stewart, seaman.
John F. Reid ordinary seamen
Daniel Kennedy, ordinary seamen.
Albert A. Butts, landsman.
Mississippi River, near Donaldsonville, October 4, 1862.
Names given in this report was by R. B. LOWRY, Lieutenant Oosn2nander U. S. V., Commanding Sciota.
Charles H. Swasey, killed in the action with the rebel forces below Donaldsonville this day at 1.30 p. m.
The first shot fired by the rebels came through the bulwarks just abaft the pivot-gun, striking Lieutenant Swasey on the right hip and cutting off his right hand. He expired at 3 p. m.
John O’Hare, landsman, was wounded by a round shot in the right arm, rendering amputation necessary.
Mississippi River, October 4, 1862.
Names given in this report was by A. S. OBERLY,
Assistant Surgeon United States Navy.
William Swain, ordinary seaman, killed.
Latham A. Brown, acting master, wounded in the groin, slightly, by a spent ball.
Off Brashear City, Atchafalaya river, November 9, 1862.
Names given in this report was by THS. McKEAN BUCHANAN, Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy.
Frank Bein, ordinary seaman killed by the premature explosion of a Dahlgren shell from n 24-pounder howitzer, on board of the Estrella. A. piece of shell struck him in the hack and killed him nearly instantly.
Names given in this report was by ROBERT K. RILEY, Executive Officer United States Gunboat Essex.
W. D. Porter, commander, scalded.
J. H. Lewis, paymaster, scalded.
T. P. Terry, third master, scalded, badly.
S. B. Brittan, master’s mate, killed by cannon shot.
James McBride, pilot, killed by scalding.
M. H. Ford, pilot, killed by scalding,
John Mathews, quartermaster, scalded, badly.
A. D. Waterman, captain of forecastle, missing.
Henry Gemfer, fireman, missing.
Samuel Bayer, fireman, scalded, badly .
John Laritz, fireman, missing.
James Coffey, seaman, killed by scalding.
Dana Wilson, seaman, killed by scalding.
J. P. Breas, seaman, killed by scalding.
N. McCarty, seaman, scalded.
H. Heagan, seaman, scalded.
John O’Harra, seaman, scalded.
John Costello, seaman, scalded.
J. J . Phillip, seaman, scalded.
B. Soula, seaman, scalded.
James Argus, seaman, scalded.
Thomas Willett, seaman, scalded, badly.
Benjamin Harrington, seaman, scalded, badly.
William O’Brine, seaman, scalded, badly.
W. H. Maxay, seaman, scalded, badly.
T. Sullivan, seaman, scalded, badly.
Thomas Mullen, seaman, scalded, slightly.
James Bedard, seaman, missing.
Reynolds, seaman, missing.
List of officers.— Gunboat Cincinnati.
R. N. Stembel, U. S. N., commander; William H. hole, first master; Oscar
H. Pratt, second master; Charles G. Perkins, third master; John Pearce, fourth master; R. H. Attenborough, pilot; Isaac D. Gaugh, pilot; John Ludlow, surgeon; Baron Proctor, paymaster; William D. McFarland, chief engineer; Samuel H. Lovejoy, first assistant engineer; James Armstrong, second assistant engineer; William J. Shannon, third assistant engineer; James McB. Stembel, master’s mate; Philip Shell, master’s mate,; John R. Hall, U. S. N., acting gunner; Thomas B. Gregory, carpenter; Jacob Vitinger, armorer.
List of officers.—Gunboat Gonestoga.
S. L. Phelps. U. S. N., lieutenant commanding; John A. Duble, first master;
Charles P. Noble, second master; Benjamin Sebastian, third master; Richard H.
Cutter, fourth master; Aaron M. Jordan, pilot William Attenborough, pilot;
William H. Wilson, assistant surgeon; Alfred Phelps, acting paymaster; Thomas
Cook, chief engineer; Alexander Magee, first assistant engineer; Charles Marshall, second assistant engineer,; Michael Norton, third assistant engineer; James
Kearney, master’s mate; Henry Hamilton U. S. N., acting gunner; Andrew
Woodlock, carpenter; James O’Neil, armorer.
List of officers.—Gunboat Essex.
William P. Porter, U. S. N., commander; Robert K. Riley, first master; James Laning, second master; Theodore P. Ferry, third master; George W. Walker, fourth master; James McBride, pilot; Marshall H. Ford, pilot; Thomas Rice, Surgeon; Joseph H. Lewis, paymaster; Charles M. Blasdell, chief engineer; R. J. Stearns, first assistant engineer; George D. Simms, second assistant engineer; Jeremiah Wetzel, third assistant engineer; S. B. Britton, master’s mate; Matthias B. Snyder, gunner; Thomas Steel, carpenter; — Fletcher, armorer
List of officers.— Gunboat Lexington.
James W. Shirk, U. S. N., lieutenant commanding; Jacob S. Hurd, first master; Martin Dunn, second master; James Fitzpatrick, third master; Sylvester Poole, fourth master; James McCamant, pilot; William Ford, pilot; George W. Garver, assistant surgeon; Augustus F. Taylor, acting paymaster; Samue1 Vroom, gunner; Richard Carroll, carpenter; Reuben Story, armorer.
List of officers.—Gunboat Taylor.
William Gwin, U. S. N., lieutenant commanding; Edward Shaw, first master; Jason Goudy, second master; James Martin, third master; Patrick McCarty, 4th master; John Sebastian, pilot; David Hiner, pilot; Thomas H. Kearney, assistant surgeon ; William B. Coleman, acting paymaster; Samuel Goble, chief engineer; D. Edward ‘Weaver, first assistant engineer; Edward W. Goble, second assistant engineer ; Oscar S. Davis, third assistant engineer; Ferdinand T. Coleman, master’s mate; Herman Peters, U. S. N., acting gunner; Thomas Russell, carpenter; Elihu Stevens, armorer.
List of officers.- St. Louis.
Leonard Paulding, U. S. N., lieutenant commanding ; John V. Johnson, first master ; James Y. Clemson, second master ; Charles S. Kendrick, third master Alexander Fraser, fourth master ; John B. Mc Dill, assistant surgeon ; Llewellyn Curry, acting paymaster ; Frank A. Riley, pilot ; Robert G. Baldwin, pilot William Carswell, chief engineer ; T. F. Ackerman, first assistant engineer; James L. Smith, second assistant engineer ; John Wilcoxsen third assistant engineer Sydney H. Adam, master’s mate ; James P. Paulding, master’s mate; John A. McDonald, U. S. N., acting gunner; Robert H. Medill, carpenter.
List officers.— Gunboat Carondelet.
Henry Walke, U. S. N., commander ; Richard M. Wade, first master ; John Doherty, second master ; Charles C. Cray, third master; Henry A. Walke, fourth master ; William Hinton, pilot ; Dnuiel Weaver, pilot ; James S. McNeely, assistant surgeon ; George J. W. Nexsen, Acting paymaster; William H. Faulkner, chief engineer; Charles H. Caven, first assistant engineer; Samuel S. Brooks, second assistant engineer ; Augustus F. Crowell, third assistant engineer ; Theodore L. Gillmore, master’s mate ; Edward E. Brennand, master’s mate ; Richard Adams, gunner; Oliver Donaldson, carpenter; H. H. Rhodes armorer.
Near Fort Donelson, Cumberland River, February 15, 1852.
Names given in this report was by A. H. FOOTE, Flag. Officer, Commanding United States Naval Forces, Western Waters.
St. Louis.
Charles W. Baker, ship’s cook.
F. A. Riley, pilot.
Flag-Officer A. H. Foote.
R. G. Baldwin, pilot.
Charles Smith, boatswain’s mate.
H. H. Medill, carpenter.
Antonio Calderio.
Thomas Kirkham.
W. S. Coon, seaman.
Jno. Thompson, seamen.
Albert Richardson.
Joseph G. Laycock.
Albert Markham, seaman
William Duff, seamen.
William Hinton, pilot, (since dead;)
Samuel Brooks, 2d assistant engineer.
John Doherty, second master.
Thomas Brown, captain of gun.
Richard Mahoney, quartermaster.
Jno. McBride, ship’s cook.
Owen Canty.
James Plant.
James Brown.
Patrick Laughlin.
Edward Green.
Owen Conly.
Henry Smith.
Patrick Sullivan.
John Owen.
William B. Roney, James McFadden.
Jon. Diamond.
Amos Dutch.
Richard O’Brien.
William Johnson.
Patrick O’Brien.
William Thielman.
Benjamin Edger.
Henry Anderson.
Daniel F. Charles.
John Doughty.
John Murphy.
John McConnell, seamen.
Charles Merwin seamen
George Smith, seamen.
James Curtiss.
E. W. Avilla.
Charles Billips, seamen.
John Williams, seamen.
Michael Kelley.
F. S. Collins.
William Higgins.
John Paul.
Charles Might.
Savannah, Tennessee, March 1, 1862.
Names given in this report was by WM. GWIN, Lieutenant Commanding Division of boats on Tennessee River.
Captain Thaddeus Phillips, company C.
First Lieutenant Jon. T. Rider, of’ tile 32d regiment Illinois volunteers, sharpshooters.
Second Master Jason Cloudy commanded the boats.
Second Master Martin Dunn commanded the boats.
First Master Edward Shaw.
Third Master James Martin.
Second Master Jason Goudy.
Gunner Hermann Peters.
My aid, Acting Paymaster Wm. B. Coleman.
Acting Assistant Surgeon T. H. Kearney.
List of casualties sustained in the action at Pittsburg, Tennessee, March 1,
Names given in this report was by THOS. H. KEARNEY, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Gunboat Service.
Taylor- Pleasant Gilbert seaman, gunshot wound of leg, necessitating amputation of the limb.
Crawford T. Hill, seaman, gunshot wound of forearm.
John Matthews, seaman, gunshot (flesh) wound of’ shoulder, slight.
G. W. Shull, seaman, gunshot wound of back, slight.
Robert Bell, seaman, gunshot wound of arm (flesh) and chest, not penetrating.
in detachment of thirty-second regiment of Illinois volunteers (company C) carried on board: Captain Phillips, gunshot wound of leg, flesh.
Daniel Messick, orderly sergeant, killed.
Savannah, Tennessee, March 1, 1862.
Names given in this report was by JAMES W. SHIRK, Lieutenant Commanding.
James Sullivan, seaman, killed.
Patrick Sullivan, seamen missing.
Thomas M. Borland, seamen, missing.
John Hines, corporal company K, 32d regiment Illinois volunteers, missing.
James Sullivan was seen to fall upon the field shot through the breast.
Cairo, Illinois, March 5, 1862,
Names given in this report was by WILLIAM GWINN, Lieutenant Commanding.
Captured J. B. Kendrick, of Captain Fitzgerald’s company of Tennessee volunteers, who represents himself as a colonel of militia of the State of ‘Tennessee.
Clay Kendrick, private in Captain Fitzgerald’s company (Colonel Crew’s regiment) Tennessee volunteers.
Pittsburg, Tennessee, April 14, 1862.
Name given in this report was by WILLIAM GWINN, Lieutenant Commanding Division of Gunboats on Tennessee river.
John D. Seymour, boatswain’s mate, was so much injured by the premature discharge of a gun as to cause his death.
Memphis, June 19, 1862.
Name given in this report was by C. H. DAVIS, Flag- Officer, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi
Lieutenant Joseph Fry, late of the United States navy, who is now a prisoner and is wounded.
Below Vicksburg, July 22, 1862.
Master Willie Coates, of only 14 years of age. This young gentleman volunteered to act as my aid. His conduct was, throughout the action, marked by great coolness and bravery. He has no connection whatever with the service, but I hope you will bring to the notice of the Navy Department the conduct of this little gentleman, as I think he has earned, by his loyalty, coolness, and bravery an appointment at the Naval Academy.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
W. D. PORTER, Commander.
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