Thursday, November 05, 2009
I Report The Death Of------Civil War
The Ninth Mississippi Infantry.
I regret to report the death of Captain George W. Braden, Company I. He was a most valuable officer, and the loss to his company and regiment is irreparable. He was struck by a ball near the cheekbone and died almost instantly. Private Cyrus H. Johnston, Company C, well known in the commissary department, voluntarily shouldered his rifle and went into the fight. While bravely discharging his duty a ball struck the point of his shoulder and entered the body, causing death in a few minutes. Captain John P. Holahan, or Holihan of Company B; Lieutenant (E. B. ?) Cox, of Company F, and Lieutenant William D. (?) Barnes, of Company G, were painfully wounded.
The 72nd Indiana infantry.
Lieutenant Lewis E. Priest, 72nd., Co. E., was acting as assistant adjutant-general of the brigade.
The Eleventh Regiment North Carolina infantry.
(Bethel Regiment)
I regret having to report the death of Lieutenant [W. N. M.] Means, Company E, Eleventh Regiment North Carolina Troops, and also First Sergeant E. B. Bristol, Company B, of the same regiment. They both fell like brave men in the faithful performance of their duty.
The Crescent Rifles.
I regret deeply to report the death of our gallant and able commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Dreux, and of Private Stephen Hackett.
Report of Brigadier General William T. H. Brooks, U. S. Army, commanding division, of operations at Cold Harbor, Va., June 1-3, 1864.
It is not improper to make here a report of the death of the colonel of this regiment, Colonel Aaron H. Dutton, then in command of the brigade, who was mortally wounded while making a reconnaissance in front of our lines near Port Walthall, just as this corps was about to join the Army of the Potomac. The service has lost no more accomplished officer than Colonel Dutton. The list of company officers is also large. It is my painful duty to have to report the death of my aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Abel K. Parsons, Fourth Vermont.
Side Note. Colonel Dutton died from the effect of his wound on the 5th of June. He graduated at West Point in 1861, Kilkpatrick, Custer, O'Rorke, Benjamin, and Farquhar being among his classmates. Bold and chivalrous, with a nice sense of honor, a judgment quick and decisive, an unwavering zeal in his chose profession, he was in every respect a thorough soldier. As an engineer, his talents were of the highest order, and at the time of his death he had attained the rank of captain of engineers in the regular army. By his companions in arms he will never be forgotten, and to them his last resting place will be as a shrine commemorating the friendships which the rude shock of war nor lapse of time can blight or destroy.
I have the honor to be, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
First battalion Mountaineers, California Volunteers.
I regret that I have to report the death of Corpl. James D. Barnes, late a member of Company B, First battalion Mountaineers, California Volunteers, and but recently attached to my company, who was shot on the 6th instant while on the trail between here and Kneeland's Prairie, by a party of Indians concealed near the trail. He was returning to camp with two pack-mules, one of which he was riding, and when between one and two miles from the prairie he was shot at and hit by two balls, one penetrating his shoulder, which caused him to drop his gun, and the other shot, which struck him in the lower part of the back, passing through his body. He succeeded in returning to camp, but died about three hours after.
Report of Brigadier General Eli Long, U. S. Army, commanding Second Division, of operations March 22-April 2.
I regret to report the death of Lieutenant Colonel George W. Dobb, Fourth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, and the other brave officers and men who fell upon the field of battle.
Side Note. Lt. Col George W. Dobb, age 26, enlisted 10 Sep 61, Killed 2 Apr 65 at Selma, AL.
Report of Lieutenant Colonel John B. Raulston, Eighty-first New York Infantry.
I regret to report the death of First Lieutenant William H. Alexander, of the One hundred and thirty-ninth New York Volunteers, a brave and efficient officer, who was killed by a solid shot on the afternoon of the 27th., October 1864.
It is with deep regret I have to report the death of Lieutenant George W. Ellsler of the 99th., Pennsylvania infantry, was killed.
Side note. George W. Ellsler, private mustered in on July 26, 1861, was promoted to 1st Sergeant Company F, date unknown; Vet. Promoted to 1st Sergeant; to 2d Lt., August 8, 1864; commissioned 1st Lt., June 15, 1864, not mustered; killed at Petersburg, Va., September 10, 1864; Vet.
It is with deep regret I have to report the death of Lieutenant Colonel George W. Meikel, Twentieth Indiana Volunteers. He fell on Saturday morning, on the ground wrested by him from the enemy with marked ability and his usual gallantry, and died with the consoling feeling of a victory, the most arduous and important of which was due to his generous efforts.
I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Report of Captain Moses Jackson, Thirty-third Mississippi Infantry, of operations July 20, 1864.
We regret to report the death of many valiant soldiers. Among the officers our lamented Colonel Jabez L. Drake, Captain John W. Sharkey, Captain John S. Lamkin, Captain David A. Herring, Lieutenant Simeon J. Kennedy, and Lieutenant Andrew G. West.
Side note. A photo & biography of Captain David A. Herring can be found at this link.
Sixtieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
I am sorry to report the death of Lieutenant Alfred H. (?) Evans, a brave officer, who fell while attempting to get his men but their perilous position.
I regret very much to report the death of Captain David Oliphant, wounded at Haw's Shop, May 28, 1864. Always ready to do his duty, fearless of self in danger, generous and kind to all, he had won the highest esteem from all who knew him.
have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Side note. Captain David Oliphant, home was Detroit he was 34, years old.
Report of Brigadier General Thomas E. G. Ransom, U. S. Army.
January 25, 1864.
I regret to be obliged to report the death of Captain Charles R. March, of the Thirteenth Maine Infantry company F., who died on the 23rd instant of a wounding in the head, received from a shot fired by a sailor of the steamer Sciota, who had landed with Colonel Hesseltine's regiment to get a beef. Private Samuel Heald, Company C, of the Thirteenth Maine Infantry, was wounded in the neck by the same shot. Captain March was buried a Forrester's place, 7 miles from the head of the peninsula.
Side note. March, Charles R. - Captain; Portland, 12/10/61; killed. on Matagorda Peninsula, Texas, 1/21/64.
One hundred and forty-third New York.
It grieves me to report the death of the brave Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph P. Taft, who fell just after he had driven the enemy from his position.
Report of Brigadier General George Crook. U. S. Army, commanding Second Cavalry Division.
I regret to report the death of the gallant Colonel Monroe, of the One hundred and twenty-third Illinois, who fell while bravely leading on his regiment at the battle of Farmington.
Report by LAWRENCE M. KEITT, Colonel, Commanding.
The men who had been in the rifle-pits in front during the day reported the death of Private Ellerbee Bradock, Company D, Twenty-first South Carolina Volunteers; killed by shot in the head from enemy's sharpshooters.
Report given by O. O. HOWARD, Major-General, Commanding.
I have to report the death of Captain J. J. Griffiths, aide-de-camp on my staff. He was wounded on the 5th of July, while on a reconnaissance with my body-guard, and died on the 10th of the same month.
Report of Major Frederick Cooper, Seventh New Jersey Infantry.
I regret to report the death of First Lieutenant Charles F. Walker, Company B, a gallant and efficient officer, who was killed on the afternoon of the 3rd instant.
Side note. Charles F. Walker enlisted December 5, 1862, mustered in January 13, 1863, for 3 years, Serj. Jan. 23, '62; 1st Serj. May 6, '62; 1st, killed in action at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, '63.
Report of Captain Thomas W. Osborn, First New York Light Artillery, Chief of Artillery.
Lieutenant J. E. Dimick showed the skill and judgment of an accomplished artillery officer and the intrepid bravery of the truest soldier. After holding this position for upward of an hour, his men fighting bravely, but falling rapidly around him (his horse being shot under him), and our infantry crowding back until his flanks were exposed, I gave him the order to limber and fall back. In doing this his horses became entangled in the harness, and in freeing them he received a shot in the foot. This wound he his form his men, but in a movement received one in the spine, and from the effects of it died in two days after.
Report of Brigadier General E. M. Law, C. S. Army, commanding Law's brigade.
It is with deep sorrow that I report the death of Private Virginius S. Smith, of the Fourth Alabama Regiment Co. G., an acting officer on my staff. Alabama never bore a braver son, and our country-s cause has never received the sacrifice of a manlier spirit. He fell where the hour of danger always found him-at his post.
Report by Robert Lee.
I regret to report the death of the patriotic soldier and statesman, Brigadier General Thomas R. R. Cobb, who fell upon our left, and among the latter that brave soldier and accomplished gentleman, Brigadier General Maxcy Gregg, who was very seriously, and it is feared mortally, wounded during the attack.
Side note. Thomas R. R. Cobb, company, General and Staff Officers, Corps, Division and Brigade Staffs, Non-com. Staffs and Bands, Enlisted Men, Staff Departments, C. S. A.
Reports of Colonel George Crook, Thirty-sixth Ohio Infantry, commanding Second Brigade, of the battles of South Mountain and Antietam.
I regret to have to report the death of Lieutenant-Coleman, of the Eleventh Ohio Volunteers.
Report of Colonel Joseph J. Bartlett, Twenty-seventh New York Infantry, commanding Second Brigade, of the battle of Crampton's Pass.
It is with sorrow I have to report the death of Major Lewis J. Martin, Ninety-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, who fell gallantly leading his wing of the regiment to the charge.
Side note. Lewis J. Martin, mustered in September 23, 1861, for 3 years. Promoted from Captain, Company B, January 18, 1864; mustered out with Regiment, October 21, 1864.
Report by I. VOGDES, Brigadier-General Volunteers.
I regret to have to report the death of Captain Rodgers, of the Sixty-second Ohio Regiment, on the ninth of the 13th. The captain was unfortunately shot by one of our own pickets. I have not yet received full particulars of the unfortunate occurrence. I hope to do so in time for my next.
Report of Colonel Samuel L. Buck, Second New Jersey Infantry, of action at Bull Run Bridge.
I regret to report the death of First Lieutenant I. H. Plume from a section of shell which took effect on the head, causing instant death. He fell gallantly urging his men forward, and was buried near the spot.
Report of Major Joseph R. Cubell,
Thirty-eighth Virginia Infantry, of the battle of Malvern Hill.
It is with deep sorrow and profound regret that I have to report the death of First Lieutenant Napoleon D. Price, commanding Company D, 38th., Virginia Infantry, who fell shot through the bowels while gallantly charging in advance of his company, calling on them to follow him. He was a generous, heightened, honorable, Christian gentleman, and I doubt not is now enjoying peace and heavenly rest.
Report of Major Joel J. Seaver,
Sixteenth New York Infantry, of the battle of Gaines' Mill.
I have to report the death of Lieutenant Allanson M. Barnard, Company H, who was struck by a musket-ball in his forehead and instantly killed. Captain Warren Gibson, Company H, was about the same time struck by a musket-ball near the outer corner of the right eye, the ball passing through, back of, and destroying the eye, and coming out near the left temple. Both these officers were nobly and fearlessly discharging their duty at their posts and cheering on their men.
Report of Lieutenant Colonel Ross R. Ihrie, Fifteenth North Carolina Infantry, of engagement at Dam Numbers 1 (Lee's Mill).
It is with peculiarly deep feelings of regret that I report the death of Colonel Robert M. McKinney, a conscientious, brave, just, and skillful officer, and a Christian gentleman. Colonel McKinney gallantly fell in the early part of the engagement, shot through the forehead. He fell near the center of the line, and his death was not known to either officers or men for some time after it occurred, and a deadly fire was kept up by both sides until about 5 p. m.
Report of Brigadier General Andrew A. Humphreys,
U. S. Army, Chief of Topographical Engineers.
It became my painful duty to report the death of Lieutenant Colonel W. R. Palmer, Topographical Engineers, on June 18, of disease caused by exposure in the zealous
discharge of duty, and of First Lieutenant Orlando G. Wagner, Topographical Engineers, on April 21, of a wound received while examining the enemy's works at Yorktown. In the death of Lieutenant-Colonel Palmer the corps lost a gallant and accomplished officer, devoted to its interests; in the death of Lieutenant Wagner a gallant and highly promising young officer, whose, brief term of duty with the Army of the Potomac gave earnest of a distinguished future.
Report of Colonel John Kurtz, Twenty-third Massachusetts Infantry.
It is with the most sincere regret that I have to report the death of Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Merritt, 23rd, Massachusetts Infantry, who was killed early in the engagement while urging his men into the line in the most brave and gallant manner. His loss will be severely felt by the regiment. He was the kindest-hearted man I ever met with, and I am sensibly affected at his loss.
Side note. Henry Merritt, 23d Infantry, Company Field and Staff, Major, Residence: Salem, Massachusetts, Age 41, Occupation: Watchmaker. Service: comm. Sept. 25, 1861; must. Sept. 28, 1861; comm. Lieut. Colonel, Oct. 24,1861; must. -; killed March 14,1862, at Newbern, N.C.
Report by R. A. Young Captain, Commanding Co. K, 1st Regiment C. and C. Mounted Rifles.
I have to report the death of Private F. T. Rhodes, of the 1st, Choctaw and Chickasaw Mounted Rifles Co. K.
Report by I. N. HAYNIE, Colonel, Commanding Forty-eighth Illinois Volunteers.
I deeply regret to report the death of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Smith, who received a mortal wound early in the action and died within an hour. He fell gallantly urging the right wing forward to the position from which we repulsed the enemy. His loss was deeply felt by me during the day and will be profoundly lamented by all who knew him. He was a brave and gallant officer, a firm friend, a generous enemy, and an upright and honorable man.
Side note. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Smith, Field & Staff of the Forty-eighth Illinois Volunteers, Residence METROPOLIS, MASSAC CO, IL., Nativity POPE CO, IL., enlisted AUGUST 16, 1861, at CAMP BUTLER, IL., Mustered in August 18, 1861, for 3 years he was 36 years. KILLED AT FORT DONELSON TENN. FEB. 15, 1862.
Three Privates-Three States.
COLONEL: At the request of Major-General Rosecrans, I have the honor to make the following report of Private William J. Carson, bugler in the First Battalion, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry;
On Saturday, September 19, when the regular brigade was falling back, he behaved with most conspicuous gallantry; with a sword in one hand and his bugle in the other, he sounded constantly the "Halt," the "Rally," and the "Forward;" espying a stand of colors belonging to the Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, he rushed up to them and sounded "To the color." His conduct attracted the notice and elicited the admiration of the whole brigade. On Sunday, September 20, before our battalion was engaged, the Eighteenth, being pressed by vastly superior numbers, was falling back; Carson by some means became the possessor of a musket and constituted himself a "provost guard." One of the officers attempted to pass him, but he positively refused to allow it, stating that it was against his orders. All this time he continued to sound the various calls on his bugle. I regret to state that his fate remains a mystery; he was last seen by me late on Sunday afternoon behind the breastworks. I can only hope that he is a prisoner.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain 15th U. S. Infty., Comdg. Batt. at Chickamauga.

Born August 30, 1840.
Died December 13, 1913.
Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. He served as a Musician in the Union Army in Company E, 1st Battalion, 15th US Infantry. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for action on September 19, 1863 at Chickamauga, Georgia. His citation reads "At a critical stage in the battle when the 14th Corps lines were wavering and in disorder, he on his own initiative bugled "to the colors" amid the 18th US Infantry who formed by him, and held the enemy. Within a few minutes he repeated his action amid the wavering 2d Ohio Infantry. This bugling deceived the enemy who believed reinforcements had arrived. Thus, they delayed their attack."
OCTOBER 31, 1863.-Affair near Weaverville, Va.
Report of Private William A. Bolick, First South Carolina Cavalry Co. K., with commendation of General Robert E. Lee, C. S. Army.
[NOVEMBER -, 1863.]
Saturday morning, October 31, at sunrise, Private Isaac S. Curtis, of the Ninth Virginia Cavalry Regiment Co. A., and myself passed the enemy's pickets, stationed at a mill near Weaverville, entering the enemy's camp, passing their pickets after daylight, whistling so as not to cause suspicion. We were disguised in Yankee overcoats.
Going to the house of Mrs. Weaver, in Weaverville, we saw a sentinel in the front yard. We passed him without his noticing us in rear of the house. We discovered three Yankee tents. Riding around to these tents we dismounted and proceeded to capture 6 Yankees who were asleep in them, and 6 horses, which we made them saddle and mount, and then rode back in the same direction, whistling as we passed the pickets. These men were a cattle guard, and were well armed.
We brought out 3 pistols, 1 carbine, and 1 saber. We were unable to bring off the cattle for the want of them enough to drive them. One of the Yankees escaped after we had passed the pickets of the enemy. The other 5 were delivered at Richards' Ford.
General Meade's headquarters were near Weaverville-in less than 800 yards. The capture was made about sunrise in the morning.
Respectfully submitted.
Private, Company K, First South Carolina Cavalry.
Side Note. CURTIS, ISAAC S.: Enl. 7/20/61 in Co. A, age 19. Absent sick, May and June 1862. Absent on detached service as scout for W.H.F. Lee, Nov. 1863 thru 10/6/64 last roll. Alive in 1912 in Sherman, Texas, engaged in the lumber business. He is mentioned often in the William Campbell memoir in William & Mary Quarterly. Curtis killed a member of the 18th New York near White Chimneys who was attempting to rape a Caroline Co. woman.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Captain Hiram A. Rice, "Red Rovers"
The 10th., was reorganized to the 3rd Regiment State Militia Cavalry February 2, 1863.
Captain Hiram A. Rice, enlisted in the 10th., on March 17, 1862, at the age of 45, at Louisiana Missouri and was mustered in on June 6, 1862, at St. Louis Missouri, was elected First Lieutenant on April 17, 1862, then elected Captain on June 6, 1862, he would mustered out in June of 1865.
Little is known about this independent company only bits and piece can be found, for this reason the following information will jump around a lot. They are mention in a few reports but I will not state the full report as they are only given a short note in them.
Note. At the end of the information you will find the roster for company I., you will find them to be in alphabetical order along with his age. The information come off their enrollment cards, there is add information on these cards, if you wish this information just let me know and I will be glad to send it to you.
Important note. I have thousands of names at this site, when asking about a name from this page or any other pages at this site, please give the ( Title of the page ), for without it I may not be able to help you. My address can be found in my profile.
September 1862.
In a report given by Lieutenant-Colonel Shaffer, commanding Merrill's Horse, and of Major Caldwell,* commanding detachment of Third Iowa Cavalry, and of Major Benjamin, commanding detachment of the Eleventh Cavalry, Missouri State Militia, of their operations in the action of August 6, 1862, between the force under my command and the army under the guerrilla chief Joseph C. Porter.
Joseph C. Porter had 2,000, men in his command and took over the town of Kirksville Missouri to make his stand. Kirksville is situated on a prairie ridge, surrounded completely by timber and corn fields, with open ground on the northeast, from which direction we approached. The advanced guard, comprising detachments of the Second and Eleventh Missouri State Militia, under Major Benjamin, had been gallantly pushed forward, and held the northeastern approach of the town long in advance of the arrival of the main column and artillery.
The artillery opened, throwing shot and shell into the corn fields, gardens, and houses where the enemy were ensconced. The dismounted men were thrown forward to seize the outer line of sheds and houses on the northern and eastern sides of the town. This was gallantly done by the commands of Major Benjamin and Lieutenant Piper, of Merrill's Horse; the detachment of the Ninth Missouri State Militia, under Captain Leonard; the Red Rovers, under Captain Rice, and the detachment of the Third Iowa. Major Cox with his detachment occupied and skirmished through a corn field on the northeast of the town, driving a large body of the enemy out and pursuing them with effect. The advance was steadily made, house after house being taken, the occupants killed or surrendering. In this work we lost the most of our men that were killed or wounded--including Captain Mayne, of the Third Iowa, who fell at the head of his command, leading them up as only a brave soldier can.
Captain Rice, commanding that gallant little company the Red Rovers, demeaned himself like a true soldier, remaining on the field during the entire action after having received a severe wound in the face.
Side note. The Battle of Kirksville was fought August 6-9, 1862 during the American Civil War. Union troops led by John McNeil forced Confederate volunteers under Joseph Porter to vacate the city. Casualty estimates (almost entirely Confederate) range from 150-200 dead and up to 400 wounded. According to the August 12, 1862, Quincy Herald there were 8 Federal dead and 25 wounded. The victorious Union commander, Colonel McNeil, gained brief national attention for his post-battle execution of a small number of Confederate prisoners. These prisoners had been previously captured in battle and then paroled with the understanding they would no longer take up arms against the Union, upon penalty of death if recaptured. Nonetheless, Confederate government officials were outraged, and it is said that Confederate president Jefferson Davis even called for the execution of Colonel (later Brigadier General) McNeil if he were to be captured.
A report given by Colonel Odon Guitar, Ninth Missouri Cavalry Militia, on the Skirmish at Brown's Spring and action at Moore's Mill, near Fulton Missouri, on July 27-28, 1862.
He stated he has at his command a independent company of cavalry, lead by Captain Rice, with 38 men.
The following came from the records of the Missouri State Historical Society.
Dr. Joseph A. Mudd, in his history of Porter's Campaign in North Missouri, during the summer of 1862, has this to say of the battle of Moore's Mill, as related to him by myself, as the things and doings occurred under my observation. Comrade Hance says: "Our boys were with me, fighting bravely after the action begun. It seems to me that our company was directly in front of the enemy's artillery. I have always thought it was our fire that disabled the battery and killed nearly all of the horses and a number of those in charge." It was just before our charge that Perry Brown fell, on my immediate left, with part of his skull torn away by a grape shot.
George Free- man, William Furnish, Uriah Williams and myself, were wounded. My right arm was fearfully shattered almost from the shoulder to the elbow. Another bullet, which I still carry, buried itself in my thigh, and a third grazed the skin under my left arm, tearing a hole in my clothing and haversack, through which you could pass your hand. I stepped back to a gully in our rear, and the next thing I remember was a Dutchman peeping around a tree at me with a shout of glee to see the damned secesh hors de combat. Presently several of Merrill's and Rice's Red Rovers came up; one of Merrill's orderlies carried water and poured some of it and some brandy down my throat, and asked me if I wished to be taken up the road where they had taken their dead and wounded. I said I would like to be taken there, but first I should like to speak to an officer if there were any near. He called Captain Rice. When he came I took my pocketbook from under a root of a tree where I had hidden it and said, "Captain, I have a request to make of you. Will you kindly send this book and money to my mother." I then gave him her address. He promised to send it immediately and then said, "Now I have a request to make of you." (When I think of it now I can but laugh at the ridiculousness of it.) "And it is, when you get back to your command, that you recover and return to me two or three of the guns, captured by your men from my company, as they are of a new kind and limited to my company and I cannot get others like them."
10th, Missouri State Militia Cavalry Company I., Known as the 3rd.
Under the command of Hiram A. Rice.
There are 115, known men in this company.
1. ALLISON, SAMUEL A., Age 18.
3. AUDREY, ROBERT D., Age 26.
4. BARNES, JAMES H., Age 21.
5. BARRETT, BENJAMIN F., Age unknown.
6. BARRETT, GEORGE W. Age unknown.
7. BARRETT, JOHN M., Age 28.
8. BARRETT, MASON, Age unknown.
9. BARRETT, SIMON J., Age 23.
10. BENNETT, BOMHA, Age 20.
11. BENNETT, JAMES, Age unknown.
13. BRADLEY, HUGH M., Age 23.
15. BRUNK, JOSEPH H., Age 26.
16. CASHION, JAMES M., Age unknown.
19. CHEEK, JOHN, Age unknown.
20. CHURCHMAN, JOHN H., Age 18.
21. CODY, WILLIAM, Age 24.
22. COOK, CHARLES, Age 36.
25. DANIELS, WILLIS, Age 24.
26. DODGE, THOMAS R., Age 25.
27. DONELSON, JOHN A., Age 18.
28. DOUGHERTY, JAMES J., Age 18.
29. EDWARDS, JAMES, Age 20.
30. ESTES, JAMES L., Age unknown.
31. EVANS, WILLIAM F., Age 27.
32. FEASEL, JAMES, Age 19.
33. FENTON, SAMUEL, Age 29.
34. FICKLIN, THIMAS J., Age 25.
35. FISHER, SOLOMAN, Age 45.
36. FRAZER, JOHN F., Age unknown.
37. GERLEY, WILLIAM W., Age 20.
38. GILBERT, OSCAR O., Age 19.
39. GOURLEY, WILLIAM W., Age 20.
40. GRIEVER, JAMES A., Age 21.
41. GRIFFITH, NATHANIEL H., Age unknown.
43. GROTTS, JOHN F., Age 20.
45. GROVER, JOHN M., Age 19.
46. GROWLEY, WALKER W., Age unknown.
47. HAWKINS, TIMOTHY B., Age 18.
49. HEWITT, MASON, Age unknown.
50. HIGDON, JAMES T., Age unkown.
51. HODGES, JOHN A., Age 20.
52. HOLLIDAY, JOSEPH A., Age 20.
53. HOUSTON, JOHN C., Age unknown.
54. HUDSON, L. A., Age 32.
55. JOHNSON, JAMES H., Age unknown.
56. JOHNSON, JOSEPH H., Age 25.
57. JONES, ELISHA D., Age unknown.
58. KENNON, OMER, Age 19.
59. LINN, JOHN R., Age 23.
60. LINVILLE, JOHN, Age 43.
61. LITTLE, WILLIAM, Age 20.
62. LUDWIG, CHARLES D., Age unknown.
63. MACE, DANIEL H., Age 19.
64. MASON, HEWITT, Age 38.
65. MCBRIDE, NEPHIE H., Age 19.
66. MCCANE, ALEX B., Age 44.
67. MCCANN, NELSON, Age 25.
68. MCCANS, WILLIAM P., Age 19.
69. MCDANIEL, WILLIAM, Age unknown.
70. MCRAE, JOHN W., Age 26.
71. MILLER, HENRY, Age unknown.
72. MILLER, IRA, Age 32.
73. MOORE, GEORGE W., Age 22.
74. MOORE, JAMES, Age unknown.
75. MORIE, FRANCIS T., Age 22.
76. NELSON, GEORGE C., Age 26.
77. NOLD, LAWRENCE, Age unknown.
78. NOSKY, WILLIAM M., Age unknown.
79. ORR, SAMUEL F., Age 28.
81. OUSLEY, WILLIAM, Age 27.
82. PATE, THOMAS, Age 38.
83. PECK, CHARLES H., Age unknown.
84. PETERMAN, HENRY C., Age 21.
85. RECTOR, WILLIAM, Age 43.
86. RETHERFORD, J. SAMUEL, Age unknown.
87. RHODES, EMANUEL, Age unknown.
88. RICE, HIRAM A., Age 45.
89. RICHARDS, C. B., Age 39.
90. SCAGGS, WILLIAM, Age unknown.
91. SELVEY, GEORGE W., Age 35.
92. SHATTUCK, A. L., Age 18.
93. SHATTUCK, WARREN C., Age unknown.
94. SHEPHERD, JOHN J., Age unknown.
95. SHEW, JOHN W., Age 19.
96. SHIN, JOHN W., Age unknown.
97. SHRUM, PETER, Age unknown.
98. SUHOENGER, W. J. W., Age unknown.
99. SWEARINGEN, H. W., Age 23.
101. TARLTON, GEORGE W., Age unknown.
102. TEASEE, JAMES, Age unknown.
103. TINNIN, CHARLES K., Age unknown.
104. TINNIN, JOHN, Age unknown.
105. TIPPLE, ABRAM D., Age unknown.
106. UNDERWOOD, WASHINGTON, Age unknown.
107. VERMILLION, WILLIAM W., Age unknown.
108. WAGONER, JAMES R., Age unknown.
109. WALLS, ALEX, Age unknown.
110. WELCH, THOMAS, Age unknown.
111. WHEELER, JAMES W., Age unknown.
112. WIBEL, HENRY, Age unknown.
113. WILSON, JAMES, Age unknown.
114. WINEKA, GEORGE, Age unknown.
115. WOOD, WILLIAM C., Age unknown.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Hospital Ship Red Rover.
Arriving at No. 10 I found more than space will allow me to write. Sixty-one large guns, mounted upon a dozen batteries, would have commanded the river had it not been for the fact that they were spiked by the discomfited and surrendered rebels with rat-tail files, and the Grampus and other rebel gun-boats lay sunk in the river between the island and Tennessee shore.
Great piles of provisions were stored upon the bank, which the Confederates, in their haste to evacuate, had failed to destroy, and tent of all descriptions, with camp paraphernalia, occupied the positions and places assigned to them at the commencement of the siege. The Hickman wharf-boat, which the rebels had stolen, lay on the inside of the island, laden with some forty thousand dollars' worth of stores of all kinds, and all in good order. Our own transports were busy taking care of the abandoned property, while our troops were engaged in securing trophies of the victory.
The works upon the island are of less extent than those upon the main land, and, with the exception of the upper battery, are not so strong. The island is very high, affording fine positions for long ranges, but rendering their guns useless when closely approached, as in the instance of the gun-boats running the blockade, when they hugged the shore closely, causing the enemy's shots to pass over their decks.
Left to right.
1. Memphis Ferry-boat Champion, 2. Yazoo, 3. Rebel Gun-Boat Grampus, 4. John Simonds, 5. Red Rover, 6. Prince, 7. Admiral, 8. Ohio Belle, 9. De Soto, 10. Kenawha Valley, 11. Burned Steamer Winchester, 12. Mars.
Note. All photo's can be enlarged by pushing on then.
Pensioner of war from the Island No. 10.
July 1862.
Amelia Davis, born in East Brandon, Vt. ; is about thirty-three years of age; left Vermont at the age of 18; has lived in many parts of the Union; has been married twice. Her present husband is a seafaring man, whom she married in Baltimore two years since. Both husband and wife were respectively employed as cook and stewardess on board the steamer Red Rover when taken by General Buell at Island Numbers 10 and both sent prisoners to Camp Douglas together with a little boy eight years of age. Does not know that she has any relatives alive.
HEADQUARTERS, Madrid Bend, March 23, 1862.
General G. T. BEAUREGARD, Jackson, Tenn.:
GENERAL: Firing has almost ceased this evening. Federal troops are moving down the river from New Madrid. Gunboats still go up to Tiptonville in the night. A good deal of sickness in the command. Steamers here are the Grampus, Mohawks, Kanawha Valley, and Champion, small boat Red Rover with floating battery, Ohio Belle, Simonds, Yazoo, De Soto, Mears, and Admiral. The small boat used as watch boats, &c., the large one as hospitals.A Ship That Fought The Fever Description: view of the USS
Hospital, also known as the "Red Rover" Date: 1862 Source:
Miller, Francis T., The Photographic History of the Civil War Volume 1. United States Hospital Boat Red Rover At Vicksburg Description: Source: Miller, Francis T., The Photographic History of the Civil War Volume 7.
A "Floating Palace" - United States Hospital Steamer "Red Rover" On The Mississippi Description: Source: Miller, Francis T., The Photographic History of the Civil War Volume 7.
I have a friend by the name of Bud Shortridge, who has a naval web site and has just finished a in depth report on the “Red Rover”, His report tells how the Red Rover Hospital came about and what was the end of it’s use. This report contains many photo’s and is a must read for anyone doing research on this grand ship.
Bud’s U. S. Navy And Nautical Ship Articles Of Interest.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Civil War Soldiers Buried In Topeka Kansas.
Willis Edson.
Born July 19, 1837.
Died May 11, 1911.
Wife, Mary Roberts Edson.
Born October 17, 1844.
Died April 20, 1914..
Willis Edson, Rank Sergeant Company A., Unit 84 IL US INF., Residence MACOMB, MCDONOUGH CO, IL., Age 24., Height 5' 10 ½, Hair BROWN, Eyes GRAY, Complexion LIGHT, Marital Status SINGLE, Occupation CLERK, Nativity HENDERSONVILLE, KNOX CO, IL., Joined When AUG 11, 1862, Period 3 YRS, Muster In SEP 1, 1862, Muster In Where QUINCY, IL., PROMOTED to second Lieutenant 1863 at the age of 24, was then promoted to Captain in 1865, at the age of 27.
Willis D. Disbrow.
Born February 15, 1836.
Died June 27, 1900.
Wife Mary S. ( ? ) Disbrow
Born January (?) 1848.
Died October (?) 1915.
Willis D. Disbrow, was of the Kansas 6th., cavalry company I., was Commissary Sergeant, Residence Auburn, Kansas, enlisted in May 16, 1863, muster in on May 26, 1863, Mustered out July 18, 1865, DeVall's Bluff, Ark.
William Pears.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
William Pears, was a private of the 63rd. Pennsylvania infantry Co. E., Mustered in September 9, 1861, for three years, Wounded at Petersburg, Va., June 18, 1864; absent at muster out.
William Hahn.
Born 1842.
Died 1908.
Wife Barbara
Born 1847.
Died 1923.
William Hahn, was a private in the 40th., Ohio infantry Co. F.
William H. Bradbury.
Born February 17, 1829.
Died November 3, 1900.
Wife Mary (?) Bradbury.
Born unknown.
Died June 27, 1898.
William H. Bradbury, Rank Private Company B., Unit 129 IL., US INF, Residence DWIGHT, LIVINGSTON CO, IL., Age 34., Height 5' 7, Hair LIGHT, Eyes HAZEL, Complexion LIGHT, Marital Status MARRIED, Occupation LAWYER, Nativity ENGLAND, Joined When AUG 11, 1862, Joined Where DWIGHT, IL., Period 3 YRS, Muster In SEP 8, 1862, Muster In Where PONTIAC, IL., Muster Out JUN 26, 1865, Muster Out Where NASHVILLE, TN., Remarks ON DETACHED DUTY SINCE JUL 21, 1864.
William A. Demoss.
Born May 6, 1845.
Died January (?) 1897
Wife Abbagal DeMoss.
Born November 10, 1847
Died February 28, 1900.
William A. Demoss, was a private in the 117th., Indiana infantry Co. B.
Wetmore Doolittle.
Born Unknown
Died unknown.
Wetmore Doolittle, Rank Private Company B Unit 64 IL., US INF., Residence PRINCETON, BUREAU CO, IL., Age 40., Height 5' 5, Hair BROWN, Eyes BLUE, Complexion LIGHT, Occupation FARMER, Nativity MAINE CO, NY., Joined When FEB 21, 1864, Joined Where PRINCETON, IL., Period 3 YRS., Muster In MAR 20, 1864, Muster In Where CHICAGO, IL., Muster Out JUL 11, 1865, Muster Out Where LOUISVILLE, KY., Remarks ABSENT SICK SINCE APR 10, 1865.
Walter Griggs.
Born unknown
Died unknown.
Walter Griggs, was a private in the 196th., Ohio infantry Co. C.
William H. Cowan.
Born unknown
Died unknown.
William H. Cowan, Quartermaster Sergeant 11th Regiment Kansas Volunteers--Cavalry, Non-Commissioned Staff of company E., Residence Topeka, enlisted Sept. 22, '62, mustered in same day, Mustered out August 19, 1865.
Thomas Johnson.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
Thomas Johnson, was a private in the 15th., Kansas Cavalry Co. H.
Thomas J. Anderson.
Born 1839
Died 1912.
Thomas J. Anderson, sergeant of the 5th., Kansas cavalry Co. A., Residence was Circleville, Kansas, enlisted July 16, 1861, mustered in the same day, was Promoted 1st Lieut. and A. D. C. Sept. 1, 1861.
Thomas E. Depui.
Born 1836.
Died 1913.
Wife Emma B. Depui.
Born 1850.
Died 1936.
Thomas Depui or Depue, was a private in the Regimental Band of the 29th., Pennsylvania infantry, mustered in September 21, 1861, for three years, mustered out by General Order, July 19, 1862.
Sherman Bodwell.
Born unknown
Died unknown.
Sherman Bodwell, was a First sergeant of the 11th., Kansas cavalry Co. H., Residence Topeka, enlisted August 23, 1862, mustered in September 15, 1862, Promoted 2d Lieutenant January 1, 1865; W. in action December 6, 1862, Cane Hill, Ark. Mustered out with company Sept. 13, 1865.
He was also a Corporal in the 2nd, Kansas infantry Co. A., enlisted May 14, 1861, mustered in June 20, 1861, mustered out with regiment Oct. 31, 1861.
Samuel Y. High.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
Samuel Y. High, Rank private, Company A., Unit 76 IL., US INF., Residence MIDDLEPORT, IROQUOIS CO, IL., Age 28., Height 5' 5, Hair LIGHT, Eyes BLUE, Complexion LIGHT, Marital Status MARRIED, Occupation CARPENTER, Nativity BURKS CO, PA., Joined When JUL 24, 1862, Joined Where MIDDLEPORT, IL., Period 3 YRS, Muster In AUG 22, 1862, Muster In Where KANKAKEE, IL., Muster Out JUL 22, 1865, Muster Out Where GALVESTON, TX.
Samuel Hindman.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
Samuel Hindman, was a Lieutenant of the 19th., Indiana infantry Co. B.
Samuel Ashmore.
Born unknown
Died unknown.
Samuel Ashmore, was a Asst. Surgeon of the 15th., Kansas cavalry Co. F.
Ralph Mulvane.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
Ralph Mulvane, Rank private, Company I., Unit 12 IL., US INF., Age 24., Joined When APR 24, 1861, Joined Where PRINCETON, IL., Period 3 MOS., Muster In MAY 2, 1861, muster In Where SPRINGFIELD, IL., muster Out AUG 1, 1861.
Martin Anderson.
Born unknown
Died unknown.
Martin Anderson, was a Captain of Co. B., 11th., cavalry, Residence Circleville, Kansas, mustered in August 30, 1862, was Promoted Major November 22, 1863.
Loring E. Ridgway.
Born unknown.
Died May 12, 1863.
Loring E. Ridgway, private, of the 5th., Kansas cavalry Co. A., Residence Topeka, enlisted July 16, 1861, mustered in the same day, died of consumption Topeka, Kan.
Lewis Manker.
Born February 2, 1827.
Died February 14, 1911.
Wife Elizabeth.
Born December 30, 1827.
Died March 16, 1905.
Service card.
Lewis Manker
Age: 35.
Date Enrolled: 1861/10/07.
Where Enrolled: Brazil, Indiana.
Regiment: 41.
Company: G.
Notes: Sgt. No discharge date.
Cavalry/ Battery Unit: 2nd Cavalry
Joseph R. Dutton.
Born 1842.
Died 1901
Wife Mary L. Dutton.
Born 1853.
Died 1912.
Joseph R. Dutton, was a private of Co. B., 86th., Ohio infantry.
John S. Brown.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
John S. Brown, was a private of Co. D., of the 1st., Vermont infantry.
John F. Carter.
Born January 2, 1834.
Died March 3, 1914.
John F. Carter, was a private in the 11th., Kansas cavalry Co. E., Residence Topeka Kansas, enlisted August 30, 1862, mustered in September 13, 1862, Prom. Corp'l; mustered out with Co. Aug. 7, 1865.
John A. McLaughlin.
Born September 27, 1826.
Died April 15, 1890.
Colonel, 47th Indiana Infantry
He was born in Indianapolis, Ind., September 27, 1826. Served in the Mexican War as Orderly Sergeant, Company D, in the Fourth Indiana Infantry, under Col. A. W. Gorman, who was afterward a member of Congress from Minnesota, and Governor of that State. At the breaking out of the Rebellion, Mr. McLaughlin entered the service as First Lieutenant of Company K, Eleventh Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, in which he served three months in Maryland and Virginia. He then raised a company which constituted a part of the Forty-seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteers.
Was in the battle of New Madrid and other battles, under Gen. Pope. Capt. M. has in his possession the garrison flag captured by his company, which was the first to enter Fort Thompson at its capture. His command made part of the Thirteenth Army Corps, upon its organization, being in Gen. Hover's (First) Division. He took part in the siege of Vicksburg, the Yazoo expedition, the capture of Jackson and other battles under Gen. Grant and was soon afterward transferred to Gen. Banks' command in Louisiana, forming part of the Nineteenth Army Corps, and took part in the various actions of that command on the Tesche and Red rivers under Franklin and Banks. Mr. McLaughlin was promoted to the rank of Major of the Forty-Seventh Regiment in the early part of 1862, and in the following winter was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment, which he commanded most of the time until the winter of 1863-64, when the regiment re-enlisted and went home to Indiana on veteran furlough.
He was then commissioned a Colonel, and went back in command of that regiment to take part in the actions resulting in the surrender of Mobile and Shreveport. On May 16, 1863, on the Champion Hill battlefield, Lt. Col. John McLaughlin, 47th Indiana, began looking for his brother Lt. Henry McLaughlin, 35th Alabama Infantry. When the two met face to face on the blood strewn battlefield, John took his brother prisoner. The incident was reflective of war stories that pitted brother against brother and family against family.
Jehile T. Wintrode.
Born 1840.
Died 1911.
Jehile T. Wintrode, was a Captain of Co. B., of the 76th., Ohio infantry.
James Wirts.
Born unknown
Died unknown.
James Wirts, was of Co. I., of the 3rd., Ohio infantry.
James Smith.
Born 1837.
Died 1914.
James Smith, was the Regimental Quatermaster, of F. & S. of the 7th., cavalry, Residence Leavenworth, Kansas, mustered in January 9, 1865, mustered out with regiment September 29, 1865.
James M. Dumanel.
Born 1847.
Died 1914.
James M. Dumanel, was of Co. M., of the 5th., Ohio cavalry.
James E. Greer.
Born September 26, 1840.
Died February 20, 1871.
James E. Greet, was captain of Co. I., of the 11th., cavalry, Residence Topeka Kansas, mustered in August 20, 1864, mustered out with company September 26, 1865.
Horatio G. White.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
Horatio G. White, was a private of Co. H., of the 193rd., Ohio infantry.
Henry Lueas.
Born unknown
Died unknown.
Henry Lueas, was a private of Co. E., of the 56th., United States Colored infantry.
Henry A. Willis.
Born unknown
Died unknown.
Henry A. Willis, was a Lieutenant, of Co. I., of the 1st., Maine cavalry.
Henry Odell.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
Henry Odell, was a Sergeant of Co. K., of the 123rd., United States Colored infantry.
Hardy P. Streeter.
Born unknown
Died unknown.
Hardy P. Streeter, was a private, Farrier, of Co. H., of the 11th. Kansas cavalry, Residence Topeka Kansas, enlisted May 23, 1864, mustered in same day, mustered out with company Sept. 13, 1865.
George W. Veale.
Born unknown.
Died Unknown.
George W. Veale, was a Captain of Co. A., of the 6th., Kansas cavalry, Residence Topeka Kansas, mustered in July 21, 1861, promoted Major December 1, 1862, was commission on December 1, 1862, resigned on October 10, 1863.
George W. Burge.
Born October 5, 1823.
Died May (?) 1899.
Wife Sarah L. Burge.
Born December 5, 1841.
Died March 31, 1915.
George W. Burge, was a Captain of Co. E., of the 27th., Indiana infantry, was later promoted to Major of the 27th.
George Merrill.
Born 1829.
Died 1905.
Wife Sarah S. Merrill.
Born 1833.
Died 1904.
George Merrill, was the regiment Quarter master, of Co. F. & S., of the 2nd., Missouri cavalry, enlisted October 1. 1861, Age 33., enlisted at Macon Missouri, mustered in same day and place, resigned on March 16, 1864.
William Cutler wrote the following about this gentleman:
MAJOR GEORGE MERRILL, farmer, Section 16, P. O. Topeka; owns 120 acres, fifty-five acres cultivated, and sixty-five acres in meadow and pasture; came to Kansas in the fall of 1868, and settled near Topeka, and located on his present place in 1879. Was Receiver in the United States Land Office in Topeka, from April, 1871, until April, 1875, and has been a member of the School Board continuously since coming to Kansas. Entered the army in September, 1862, as First Lieutenant of Company G, Second Missouri Cavalry, better known as Merrill's Horse, commanded by his brother Lewis Merrill, an officer in the Regular Army.
He was on detached service continuously, acting as a Provost Marshal and Judge Advocate of the Northeast District of Missouri, with brevet rank of Major. After eighteen months' service he resigned, and went to his home in Pennsylvania. He was born in Pennsylvania August 10, 1829; moved to Iowa in 1867, and from thence to Kansas. He was married January 23, 1856, to Miss Sarah S. Hilbish. They have five children living - James, Calvin, Katherine, Paul and Emily; and four dead - Mary, Edward, Lillie, and George. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church.
George Doane.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
George Doane, was of the 2nd., Kansas State Militia Co. E.
George D. Moore.
Born 1842.
Died 1924.
Wife Nettie M. Moore.
Born 1843.
Died 1931.
Lucy L. Daughter
Born 1869.
Died 1908.
George D. Moore, Rank private, Company D., Unit 7 IL., U. S. CAV., Residence ABINGDON, KNOX CO, IL., Joined When JUL 25, 1862, muster Out JUL 12, 1865, muster Out Where DECATUR, AL.
Francis I. Campbell.
Born April 22, 1820.
Died March 3, 1887.
Francis I. Campbell, was a private of Co. H., 11th., Kansas infantry, Residence Topeka Kansas, enlister August 19, 1862, mustered in September 15, 1862, Disc. for dis. September 25, 1864, Paola, Kan.
Elbridge W. Ray.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
Elbridge W. Ray, was Sergeant of Co. G., of the 12th., Kansas infantry, Residence Mansfield Kansas, enlisted August 30, 1862, mustered in September 30, 1862, mustered out with reg. June 30, 1865.
William A. Demoss.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
William A. Demoss, was a private of Co. B., of the 117th., Indiana infantry.
Dandridge E. Kelsey.
Born 1818.
Died 1904.
Dandridge E. Kelsey, was a Captain of Co. B., of the 83ed., Indiana infantry.
Charles B. Whitson.
Born February 27, 1837.
Died March 9, 1905.
Wife Amanda A. Whitson.
Born October 12, 1839.
Died May 14, 1925.
Charles B. Whitson., Rank 2 Lieutenant, Company H., Unit 51 IL., U. S. INF., Residence PORT BYRON, ROCK ISLAND CO, IL., Age 25., Height 5' 7 ¾, Hair LIGHT, Eyes GRAY, Complexion LIGHT Marital Status SINGLE, Occupation MASON, Nativity SOMERSET, PA., Joined When JAN 5, 1862 Joined Where PORT BYRON, IL., Period 3 YRS., Muster In FEB 25, 1862, Muster In Where IN THE FIELD, later became captain of this regiment was to resign on March 18, 1863.
Benjamin F. Van Horn.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
Benjamin F. Van Horn, was a Captain of Co. I., of the 79th., United Stares Colored infantry.
Andrew Watson.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
Andrew Watson, was a private of Co. B., of the 27th., Michigan infantry, home Marquette Michigan, Age 35.
Andrew J. Wise.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
Andrew J. Wise, was a private of Co. I., of the 11th., Indiana infantry.
Andrew Gregg.
Born unknown.
Died unknown.
Andrew Gregg, was a Corporal, of Co. G., of the 79th., United States Colored infantry.
Charles L. Stone.
Born August 14, 1846.
Died November 25, 1914.
Wife Laura M. Stone.
Born March 19, 1848.
Died September 14, 1917.
Co. G, 33rd MO. Infantry
The Topeka Daily Capital, Thursday, Nov. 26, 1914
Died: Nov. 25, 1914
C. L. Stone, 69 years old, died last night at his home at 1935 Lane street. He is survived by his wife and seven children, two brothers and two sisters, whose names are: Mrs. Alice Morgan, Ft. Worth, Tex.; Mrs. Iva Ungles, Des Moines, Ia.; Mrs. Cora Cooper, P. A. Stone, A. C. Stone, O. L. Stone and C. L. Stone of Topeka. His brothers were D. S. Stone, McAlester, Okla.; G. M. Stone, Weir, Kan. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Kansas City, and Mrs. Tillie Wolford, Bushville, Neb., were sisters. Mr. Stone was a member of Lincoln Post, G. A. R. having served with Co. G, Thirty-third Missouri volunteers. He came to Kansas in 1886.
A gentleman had this to say about his wife’s ancestor:
My wife's great grandfather is in the Topeka, Cemetery. Taller stone close to center right next to road. Grave is actually under the road. Jonas Barrett -- Co. F., 17th N. Y. Inf., Band, Music. 2nd Class.
James Madison Harvey Gov. Of Kansas.

Born near Salt Sulphur Springs, Virginia (now West Virginia), Harvey attended common schools in Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa. He became a civil engineer and headed west as a prospector to Pike's Peak in 1859 as a Fifty-Niner. After meeting several discouraged miners along the way, Harvey decided to settle instead in Kansas Territory, so he acquired a plot of land in Riley County near Fort Riley and engaged in agricultural pursuits. From 1861 to 1864, he served with the Union Army during the Civil War, advancing to the rank of captain in the 4th Kansas Infantry, which failed to complete organization and was consolidated with other recruits to form the 10th Kansas Infantry.
Early in 1860 the fourth U. S. Cavalry was station at Fort Riley but it was not there for long and soon after the outbreak of the influx of Kansas regiments began. A company was organized at Ogden Kansas called the “Ogden Mudsills”. This was a volunteer company which afterwards became company G., of the 10th., Kansas. James M. Harvey was elected captain of the company. While captain of the fourth his company was known as the “Ogden Mudsills”. The meaning of the word “Mudsills”, applies to the people of the lower classes in the Southern part of the United States. The origin of the term comes from the use of the sill of the lower part of the structure of any building erected in swampy places, or in streams for mills. Being the underlying piece of timber, and lying in the mud, you will see how apt the term became when applied to the classes. It was a term used prior to the Civil War in the discussion of slaves and slave owners, and white trash, and the lower classes of the Northern citizen towns.
Harvey was elected to the Kansas House of Representatives, 1865-1866, and then elected to the Kansas Senate in 1867-1868. He was Governor of Kansas for two terms, serving from 1868 to 1872, and then elected as a Republican to the U.S. Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Alexander Caldwell, where he served from February 2, 1874, to March 3, 1877.
After his Senate term, Harvey worked as a government surveyor in New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, and Oklahoma, before returning to Kansas in 1890 to resume agricultural pursuits. He died near Junction City, Kansas in 1894. Interment was in Highland Cemetery, Junction City.