Thursday, April 23, 2009


The punishment for being a coward or to fond of whisky could be harsh but some times it can be a little humorous as well as these drawings show.

Note. The photos and be enlarged by pushing on them.

DRUMMING OUT OF A COWARD FROM GENERAL BURNSIDE'S ARMY. The fellow was marched through the lines between a file of soldiers, with his head cropped, and a large placard "coward" affixed to his back, while the band played the "Rogue's March." The other picture represents one of the punishments for drunkenness adopted in General Halleck's Army of the Mississippi.

The drunkard is made to get into a barrel. which is so suspended that his head and his feet project, and locomotion, if not agreeable, is not impossible. The barrel is labeled, "Too fond of whisky." Thus accoutred, the miserable fellow is the butt of the scoffs and jeers of his comrades for a day, and learns a lesson which ought to teach him the virtue of temperance for the rest of his life.

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