Note. If you have any questions or need information on a name or report, you can find my address in my profile.
Off St. Louis Pass, Texas, April 5, 1862.
Names given in this report was by Thomas PICKERING, Acting Master.
Acting Master’s Mate Robert Barstow.
At anchor of Baton Rouge, May 10, 1862.
No. 7.
MAYOR’S OFFICE, Baton Rouge, May 10, 1862.
Mr. William Markham, of the firm of Hill & Markham, own of the Coal company.
Official list of killed and wounded in the affair of Jane 28 at Vicksburg.
Above Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by J. M. FOLTZ, Fleet Surgeon.
Flag-ship Hartrford.—Edward E. Jennings, seaman, from Massachusetts.
Richmond—George Allstrum, ordinary seaman.
Thomas Flaritv, seaman.
Oneida.—Stephen H. Randall, seaman.
Pinola.-William H. Thomas, quarter-gunner; Thomas Graham, landsman.
Sciota.—Augustine Ellsworth, ordinary seaman.
Flag-ship Hartford, Charles Allen, seaman, slightly.
Alexander Capron, landsman, slightly.
Lawrence Fay, boy, slightly.
Patrick Roach, coal-heaver, head.
Philip Roberts, seaman, severely.
Sylvester Becket, landsman. Slightly.
Alfred Stone. landsman, slightly.
John H. Knowles, quartermaster, slightly.
John Hardgan, landsman, slightly.
Joseph ordinary seaman, slightly.
Nathan Salter, ordinary seaman, contusion.
Captain John L. Broome, marine corps, contusion.
Flag-Officer D. G. Farragut, slight contusion.
Richmond, Howard F. Moffat, master’s mate, amputated arm.
James Noonan, ordinary seaman, contusion.
Thomas Nolan, marine, contusion.
George W. Harris, marine, contusion.
James Reddy, seaman, severely.
James Mohegan, landsman, severely.
George Millard, seaman, severely.
William Nicholas, landsman, slightly.
Charles Howard, ordinary seaman, severely.
Oneida, Richard M. Hodgson, assistant engineer, severely.
William Cowell seaman, severely.
Henry Clark, boatswain’s mate, slightly.
Pinola. John Brown, ordinary seaman, severely.
William H. Shucks, lands- man, slightly.
Sciota. Edward Hathaway, seaman, amputated arm.
William Orne, landsman, slightly.
Clarence v1iller, ship steward, severely.
Two miles below Vicksburg, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by E. H. BALDWIN, Acting Lieutenant commanding.
Thomas Collins, gunner’s mate.
Robert Sargent, ship’s cook
Wm. Morris, captain’s cook.
John Burke, ordinary seaman.
John B. Carter, landsman.
Peter hall, landsman.
George B. Derwent, (colored,) wardroom steward.
John Hudson, master-at-arms.
John Conner, second-class fireman
Above Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by JOHN Y. TAYLOR, Surgeon.
Killed.—Stephen H. Randall, seaman.
Wounded.—Richard M. Hodgson, 3d assistant engineer, severely, extensive contusion and laceration of the leg.
William Cowell, seaman, comminuted fracture of the nina. and tarsal bones, and deep flesh-wound of the thigh.
Henry Clarke, boatswain’s mate, slightly cut on the leg.
Above Vicksburg, June 29, 1862.
Names given in this report was by R. WAINWRIGHT, Commander United States Navy.
boatswain, James Walker.
Executive officer, James S. Thornton.
Lieutenant Albert Kautz, first division.
Master John C. Watson, second division.
Acting Master Daniel C. Murphy, third division.
Acting Master Ezra L. Goodwin, powder division.
Marine guard, under the charge of Captain Jno. L. Broome.
Chief Engineer James B. Kimball.
Acting Midshipman Herbert B. Tyson. doing the duty of acting master, besides carrying on those duties with credit, also had charge of a broadside gun manned by his division.
Edward E. Jennings, seaman.
Above Vicksburg, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by J. M. FOLTZ, Fleet Surgeon.
Killed.—Edward E. Jennings, seaman.
Wounded.—Charles Allen, seaman, head.
Alex’r Capron, landsman, head.
Lawrence Pay, boy.
Patrick Roach, coal-heaver.
Sylvester Becket.
Alfred Stone, landsman.
John Hardigan, landsman.
Jno. H. Knowles, quartermaster.
Nathan J. Salter, ordinary seaman.
Philip Roberts, seaman, severely.
Joseph Guido, ordinary seaman, thigh.
Flag-Officer D. G. Farragut, slight contusions
Jno. L. Broome, captain of marines, slight contusions.
Above Vicksburg, June 28, 1862.
Names given in this report was by EDWARD DONALDSON, Lieutenant Commanding.
Aug. Ellsworth, ordinary seaman, was killed.
E. W. Hathaway, seaman, lost his left arm above the elbow.
Wm. Urine, landsman, was slightly wounded.
Clarence Miller, landsman. slightly wounded in the head.
Off the Yazoo river, June 29, 1862.
Names given in this report was by JOHN DECAMP, Commanding.
Master’s Mate Charles M. Bird received a compound fracture of the left arm.
Lieutenant E. E. Potter, the executive officer.
Vicksburg, July 3, 1262.
Names given in this report was by DAVID P. PORTER, Commanding Mortar Flotilla.
Acting Masters John Collins.
Acting Masters Thomas E. Smith.
Acting Master A. Christian.
Lieutenant George Brown.
Master Amos R. Langthorne.
Thomas Collins, gunner’s mate.
Robert Sargeant, ship’s cook.
John Burke, ordinary seaman.
William Morris, captain’s cook.
John B. Canton, landsman.
George B. Derwent, (colored,) wardroom steward, killed.
Hudson, master a arms, severely wounded.
John Connor, 2d class fireman.
Above Vicksburg, June 3o, 1862.
Names given in this report was by PIERCE CROSBY, Lieutenant Commanding.
Acting Master’s Mate William H. Thompson.
John R. Tennant, quartermaster.
Mr. John McHugh, pilot.
Lieutenant A. E. Cooke, Guns.
William H. Thomas, quarter gunner and captain of the gun, while sighting the piece. Thomas Graham, landsman, mortally wounded.
William H. Shucks, landsman.
Daniel Colleran, landsman, was wounded by a musket ball, volleys of which were fired at us from hills and bushes.
Below Vicksburg, July 16, 1862.
Names given in this report was by J. M. FOLTZ, Fleet Surgeoa.
Killed.—George H. Lounsberry, master’s mate, killed by a cannon ball.
Charles Jackson, officers cook, killed by a cannon ball.
John Cameron, seaman, killed by a cannon ball.
Wounded.—Thomas Hoffman, paymaster’s steward, struck in head and chest with splinters.
John D. Barnes, fireman, contusion of shoulder.
Michael Martin, landsman, contusion of arm, slightly.
George Royer, marine, contusion of arm, slightly.
Henry Downs, boy, (colored,) contusion of arm, slightly.
Captain John Broome, marines, contusion of head and shoulder.
Below Vicksburg, July 16, 1862.
Names given in this report was by A. A. HENDERSON, Surgeon.
Wounded.—William L. Somes, seaman, incised wound of scalp, not severe.
William Nelson, seaman, slight injury of right thumb, and contusion of left knee.
Near Vicksburg, July 15, 1862.
Names given in this report was by ARTHUR MATHEWSON, Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy.
John Jones, captain after-guard, struck by splinter over left malar bone, which contused the soft parts, but produced no fracture.
William Malley, landsman, struck by a splinter, which produced a contused wound over left scapula, not serious in its nature.
Near Vicksburg, July 16, 1862.
Names given in this report was by ARTHUR MATHEWSON, Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy.
John H. Harway, landsman, was killed instantly by the explosion of a shell from the enemy’s batteries.
Of Bayou Sara, Louisiana, August 29, 1862.
Names given in this report was by R. K. RILEY, Commanding Gunboat Anglo-American.
Mr. H. Glasford, executive officer.
Mr. B. S. Williams, pilot.
Mr. Parker, pilot, severely wounded in the back from a bursting shell.
James Banes, seaman, slightly wounded by splinter over the eye.
New Orleans, August 10, 1862.
Names given in this report was by D. G. FARRAGUT, Flag- Officer, Commanding Western Gulf Blockading Squadron.
Mr. Philippe Landry, who is said to be a captain of guerillas.
Mississippi River, July 23, 1862.
Names given in this report was by W. B. RENSHAW,
Executive officer, Acting Master C. W. Zimmerman, is only 19, years.
Acting Master L. D. Smalley.
Acting Masters Vassallo, Trullio.
Engineer in charge. Mr. William R. Greene.
Assistants engineer Messrs. George S. Baker.
Assistants engineer Charles Smith.
Acting Assistant Surgeon E. H. Allis.
Acting Assistant Paymaster C. C. Walden.
Mr. Dudley S. Griffith, captain’s clerk.
Off Aransas, Texas, September 26, 1862.
Names given in this report was by W. O. LANDT, Acting Master, Commanding United States Bark Arthur.
Taken prisoner.
Lieutenant J. W. Kittredge.
Frederick Williams, coxswain.
George Clemnett.
Henry McLean, seaman.
James Stewart, seaman.
John F. Reid ordinary seamen
Daniel Kennedy, ordinary seamen.
Albert A. Butts, landsman.
Mississippi River, near Donaldsonville, October 4, 1862.
Names given in this report was by R. B. LOWRY, Lieutenant Oosn2nander U. S. V., Commanding Sciota.
Charles H. Swasey, killed in the action with the rebel forces below Donaldsonville this day at 1.30 p. m.
The first shot fired by the rebels came through the bulwarks just abaft the pivot-gun, striking Lieutenant Swasey on the right hip and cutting off his right hand. He expired at 3 p. m.
John O’Hare, landsman, was wounded by a round shot in the right arm, rendering amputation necessary.
Mississippi River, October 4, 1862.
Names given in this report was by A. S. OBERLY,
Assistant Surgeon United States Navy.
William Swain, ordinary seaman, killed.
Latham A. Brown, acting master, wounded in the groin, slightly, by a spent ball.
Off Brashear City, Atchafalaya river, November 9, 1862.
Names given in this report was by THS. McKEAN BUCHANAN, Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy.
Frank Bein, ordinary seaman killed by the premature explosion of a Dahlgren shell from n 24-pounder howitzer, on board of the Estrella. A. piece of shell struck him in the hack and killed him nearly instantly.
Names given in this report was by ROBERT K. RILEY, Executive Officer United States Gunboat Essex.
W. D. Porter, commander, scalded.
J. H. Lewis, paymaster, scalded.
T. P. Terry, third master, scalded, badly.
S. B. Brittan, master’s mate, killed by cannon shot.
James McBride, pilot, killed by scalding.
M. H. Ford, pilot, killed by scalding,
John Mathews, quartermaster, scalded, badly.
A. D. Waterman, captain of forecastle, missing.
Henry Gemfer, fireman, missing.
Samuel Bayer, fireman, scalded, badly .
John Laritz, fireman, missing.
James Coffey, seaman, killed by scalding.
Dana Wilson, seaman, killed by scalding.
J. P. Breas, seaman, killed by scalding.
N. McCarty, seaman, scalded.
H. Heagan, seaman, scalded.
John O’Harra, seaman, scalded.
John Costello, seaman, scalded.
J. J . Phillip, seaman, scalded.
B. Soula, seaman, scalded.
James Argus, seaman, scalded.
Thomas Willett, seaman, scalded, badly.
Benjamin Harrington, seaman, scalded, badly.
William O’Brine, seaman, scalded, badly.
W. H. Maxay, seaman, scalded, badly.
T. Sullivan, seaman, scalded, badly.
Thomas Mullen, seaman, scalded, slightly.
James Bedard, seaman, missing.
Reynolds, seaman, missing.
List of officers.— Gunboat Cincinnati.
R. N. Stembel, U. S. N., commander; William H. hole, first master; Oscar
H. Pratt, second master; Charles G. Perkins, third master; John Pearce, fourth master; R. H. Attenborough, pilot; Isaac D. Gaugh, pilot; John Ludlow, surgeon; Baron Proctor, paymaster; William D. McFarland, chief engineer; Samuel H. Lovejoy, first assistant engineer; James Armstrong, second assistant engineer; William J. Shannon, third assistant engineer; James McB. Stembel, master’s mate; Philip Shell, master’s mate,; John R. Hall, U. S. N., acting gunner; Thomas B. Gregory, carpenter; Jacob Vitinger, armorer.
List of officers.—Gunboat Gonestoga.
S. L. Phelps. U. S. N., lieutenant commanding; John A. Duble, first master;
Charles P. Noble, second master; Benjamin Sebastian, third master; Richard H.
Cutter, fourth master; Aaron M. Jordan, pilot William Attenborough, pilot;
William H. Wilson, assistant surgeon; Alfred Phelps, acting paymaster; Thomas
Cook, chief engineer; Alexander Magee, first assistant engineer; Charles Marshall, second assistant engineer,; Michael Norton, third assistant engineer; James
Kearney, master’s mate; Henry Hamilton U. S. N., acting gunner; Andrew
Woodlock, carpenter; James O’Neil, armorer.
List of officers.—Gunboat Essex.
William P. Porter, U. S. N., commander; Robert K. Riley, first master; James Laning, second master; Theodore P. Ferry, third master; George W. Walker, fourth master; James McBride, pilot; Marshall H. Ford, pilot; Thomas Rice, Surgeon; Joseph H. Lewis, paymaster; Charles M. Blasdell, chief engineer; R. J. Stearns, first assistant engineer; George D. Simms, second assistant engineer; Jeremiah Wetzel, third assistant engineer; S. B. Britton, master’s mate; Matthias B. Snyder, gunner; Thomas Steel, carpenter; — Fletcher, armorer
List of officers.— Gunboat Lexington.
James W. Shirk, U. S. N., lieutenant commanding; Jacob S. Hurd, first master; Martin Dunn, second master; James Fitzpatrick, third master; Sylvester Poole, fourth master; James McCamant, pilot; William Ford, pilot; George W. Garver, assistant surgeon; Augustus F. Taylor, acting paymaster; Samue1 Vroom, gunner; Richard Carroll, carpenter; Reuben Story, armorer.
List of officers.—Gunboat Taylor.
William Gwin, U. S. N., lieutenant commanding; Edward Shaw, first master; Jason Goudy, second master; James Martin, third master; Patrick McCarty, 4th master; John Sebastian, pilot; David Hiner, pilot; Thomas H. Kearney, assistant surgeon ; William B. Coleman, acting paymaster; Samuel Goble, chief engineer; D. Edward ‘Weaver, first assistant engineer; Edward W. Goble, second assistant engineer ; Oscar S. Davis, third assistant engineer; Ferdinand T. Coleman, master’s mate; Herman Peters, U. S. N., acting gunner; Thomas Russell, carpenter; Elihu Stevens, armorer.
List of officers.- St. Louis.
Leonard Paulding, U. S. N., lieutenant commanding ; John V. Johnson, first master ; James Y. Clemson, second master ; Charles S. Kendrick, third master Alexander Fraser, fourth master ; John B. Mc Dill, assistant surgeon ; Llewellyn Curry, acting paymaster ; Frank A. Riley, pilot ; Robert G. Baldwin, pilot William Carswell, chief engineer ; T. F. Ackerman, first assistant engineer; James L. Smith, second assistant engineer ; John Wilcoxsen third assistant engineer Sydney H. Adam, master’s mate ; James P. Paulding, master’s mate; John A. McDonald, U. S. N., acting gunner; Robert H. Medill, carpenter.
List officers.— Gunboat Carondelet.
Henry Walke, U. S. N., commander ; Richard M. Wade, first master ; John Doherty, second master ; Charles C. Cray, third master; Henry A. Walke, fourth master ; William Hinton, pilot ; Dnuiel Weaver, pilot ; James S. McNeely, assistant surgeon ; George J. W. Nexsen, Acting paymaster; William H. Faulkner, chief engineer; Charles H. Caven, first assistant engineer; Samuel S. Brooks, second assistant engineer ; Augustus F. Crowell, third assistant engineer ; Theodore L. Gillmore, master’s mate ; Edward E. Brennand, master’s mate ; Richard Adams, gunner; Oliver Donaldson, carpenter; H. H. Rhodes armorer.
Near Fort Donelson, Cumberland River, February 15, 1852.
Names given in this report was by A. H. FOOTE, Flag. Officer, Commanding United States Naval Forces, Western Waters.
St. Louis.
Charles W. Baker, ship’s cook.
F. A. Riley, pilot.
Flag-Officer A. H. Foote.
R. G. Baldwin, pilot.
Charles Smith, boatswain’s mate.
H. H. Medill, carpenter.
Antonio Calderio.
Thomas Kirkham.
W. S. Coon, seaman.
Jno. Thompson, seamen.
Albert Richardson.
Joseph G. Laycock.
Albert Markham, seaman
William Duff, seamen.
William Hinton, pilot, (since dead;)
Samuel Brooks, 2d assistant engineer.
John Doherty, second master.
Thomas Brown, captain of gun.
Richard Mahoney, quartermaster.
Jno. McBride, ship’s cook.
Owen Canty.
James Plant.
James Brown.
Patrick Laughlin.
Edward Green.
Owen Conly.
Henry Smith.
Patrick Sullivan.
John Owen.
William B. Roney, James McFadden.
Jon. Diamond.
Amos Dutch.
Richard O’Brien.
William Johnson.
Patrick O’Brien.
William Thielman.
Benjamin Edger.
Henry Anderson.
Daniel F. Charles.
John Doughty.
John Murphy.
John McConnell, seamen.
Charles Merwin seamen
George Smith, seamen.
James Curtiss.
E. W. Avilla.
Charles Billips, seamen.
John Williams, seamen.
Michael Kelley.
F. S. Collins.
William Higgins.
John Paul.
Charles Might.
Savannah, Tennessee, March 1, 1862.
Names given in this report was by WM. GWIN, Lieutenant Commanding Division of boats on Tennessee River.
Captain Thaddeus Phillips, company C.
First Lieutenant Jon. T. Rider, of’ tile 32d regiment Illinois volunteers, sharpshooters.
Second Master Jason Cloudy commanded the boats.
Second Master Martin Dunn commanded the boats.
First Master Edward Shaw.
Third Master James Martin.
Second Master Jason Goudy.
Gunner Hermann Peters.
My aid, Acting Paymaster Wm. B. Coleman.
Acting Assistant Surgeon T. H. Kearney.
List of casualties sustained in the action at Pittsburg, Tennessee, March 1,
Names given in this report was by THOS. H. KEARNEY, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Gunboat Service.
Taylor- Pleasant Gilbert seaman, gunshot wound of leg, necessitating amputation of the limb.
Crawford T. Hill, seaman, gunshot wound of forearm.
John Matthews, seaman, gunshot (flesh) wound of’ shoulder, slight.
G. W. Shull, seaman, gunshot wound of back, slight.
Robert Bell, seaman, gunshot wound of arm (flesh) and chest, not penetrating.
in detachment of thirty-second regiment of Illinois volunteers (company C) carried on board: Captain Phillips, gunshot wound of leg, flesh.
Daniel Messick, orderly sergeant, killed.
Savannah, Tennessee, March 1, 1862.
Names given in this report was by JAMES W. SHIRK, Lieutenant Commanding.
James Sullivan, seaman, killed.
Patrick Sullivan, seamen missing.
Thomas M. Borland, seamen, missing.
John Hines, corporal company K, 32d regiment Illinois volunteers, missing.
James Sullivan was seen to fall upon the field shot through the breast.
Cairo, Illinois, March 5, 1862,
Names given in this report was by WILLIAM GWINN, Lieutenant Commanding.
Captured J. B. Kendrick, of Captain Fitzgerald’s company of Tennessee volunteers, who represents himself as a colonel of militia of the State of ‘Tennessee.
Clay Kendrick, private in Captain Fitzgerald’s company (Colonel Crew’s regiment) Tennessee volunteers.
Pittsburg, Tennessee, April 14, 1862.
Name given in this report was by WILLIAM GWINN, Lieutenant Commanding Division of Gunboats on Tennessee river.
John D. Seymour, boatswain’s mate, was so much injured by the premature discharge of a gun as to cause his death.
Memphis, June 19, 1862.
Name given in this report was by C. H. DAVIS, Flag- Officer, Commanding Western Flotilla, Mississippi
Lieutenant Joseph Fry, late of the United States navy, who is now a prisoner and is wounded.
Below Vicksburg, July 22, 1862.
Master Willie Coates, of only 14 years of age. This young gentleman volunteered to act as my aid. His conduct was, throughout the action, marked by great coolness and bravery. He has no connection whatever with the service, but I hope you will bring to the notice of the Navy Department the conduct of this little gentleman, as I think he has earned, by his loyalty, coolness, and bravery an appointment at the Naval Academy.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
W. D. PORTER, Commander.
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