Rev. Thomas Parker Dudley, son of Rev. Ambrose Dudley, is the most distinguished preacher among the Baptists of Kentucky. He was born in Fayette Co., Ky., May 31, 1792. In 1812 he entered the army, was made commissary of the Northwestern troops, participating in the battles of Frenchtown and the River Raisin; in the latter was wounded in the shoulder; taken prisoner by the Indians and carried to Detroit. In the fall of 1814 he was made quartermaster of a detachment which reinforced Gen. Jackson at the battle of New Orleans, and the same year was appointed quartermaster-general of Kentucky. From 1816 until 1824 he was a cashier of a branch of the old Bank of Kentucky, located at Winchester, and for several years afterwards was engaged in settling up the business of these branch banks. He succeeded his father in the pastorate of Bryant's church in 1825. Of this church he has now (1880) been pastor fifty-five years, and of the three other churches almost as long, and he has also been moderator of Licking Association forty-seven years. He resides in Lexington.
CHAP. XXVII. —An Act for the Relief of Thomas P. Dudley.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior he, and he is hereby authorized and instructed to place the name of Thomas P. Dudley, of the State of Kentucky; upon the roll of invalid pensioners, at the rate of eleven dollars and twenty-five cents per month to commence on the eighth day of January, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, and to continue during his natural life,
APPROVED, January 22, 1853.
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