Lloyd Tilghman.
Birth: Jan. 18, 1816
Death: May 16, 1863.
Photos provided by John Griffith.
Civil War Confederate Brigadier General. He was a graduate of West Point in 1836, served in the Mexican War and was a railroad civil engineer. At the start of the Civil War, he took into the Confederate service as Colonel of the 3rd Kentucky Regiment. Promoted Brigadier General in October 1861, after a vigorous defense at Fort Henry on February 6, 1862, he surrendered to the Federals and was sent as a prisoner to Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor. On being prisoner exchanged, he took command of an artillery regiment which fought at the Battle of Corinth in the fall of 1862. During the Vicksburg Campaign of 1863, he was hit in the chest by a shell fragment and killed at the Battle of Champion Hill.
Authors Note. I would like to thank ( John Griffith) who allow me to repost his information here which was originally posted at ( Find a Grave.)
SAINT LOUIS; MO., February 25, 1862.
Colonel CUTTS, Aide-de-Camp, &c.:
You will with sufficient guard take General Tilgham, now a prisoner of war, and proceed with him to Indianapolis where you will also take General Bucker and with the two proceed to Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, and deliver them to the commanding officer. These two prisoners will be disarmend and closely guarded and not allowed to communicate with any person whatever. If they teempt to escape put them in irons. In transferring them from one depot to another in any city you are authorized if you deem it necessary to call upon the police to assist you. The prisoners will be kindly treated adn made as comfortable as the circumstances will admit. The quartermaster will supply you with funds to pay all expenses, of which you will keep an account. Having performed these duties you will return the guard to its company and report at these headquarters.
Birth: Jan. 18, 1816
Death: May 16, 1863.
Photos provided by John Griffith.
Civil War Confederate Brigadier General. He was a graduate of West Point in 1836, served in the Mexican War and was a railroad civil engineer. At the start of the Civil War, he took into the Confederate service as Colonel of the 3rd Kentucky Regiment. Promoted Brigadier General in October 1861, after a vigorous defense at Fort Henry on February 6, 1862, he surrendered to the Federals and was sent as a prisoner to Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor. On being prisoner exchanged, he took command of an artillery regiment which fought at the Battle of Corinth in the fall of 1862. During the Vicksburg Campaign of 1863, he was hit in the chest by a shell fragment and killed at the Battle of Champion Hill.
Authors Note. I would like to thank ( John Griffith) who allow me to repost his information here which was originally posted at ( Find a Grave.)
SAINT LOUIS; MO., February 25, 1862.
Colonel CUTTS, Aide-de-Camp, &c.:

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