I usually find my projects by key words like House, Horse, Child and so on. I never thought of ( Dog Tags ), until a Mr. Chris Knoblauch sent me a picture of one of his. Now I've been doing this for many years and read thousands of documents and not once did I read anything about Dog Tags. So I decided to see what I could find on them. I was surprised too find so many web sites on the subject. I knew the army started issuing them a little before WWI., and that's about all I knew about them. But I should have known better. The soldier was always afraid of not being identified after being wounded or killed. I should have known with our American ingenuity a soldier would come with sometnig to speak for him when he could no longer do so for himself.
1st, Kansas Colored Infantry--New organization--79th., United States Colored Infantry.
Richard G. Ward
Sept. 22, 1834--Dec. 31, 1906.
First Kansas Colored Infantry Co. A.
Captain, Ward Richard G., residence Richmond, Ind., Enlisted Jan. 13, 1863. Promted Marjor May 2, 1863.
Provided by Chris Knoblauch. |
Field & Staff.
Lt. Colonel, Ward Richard G., residence Richmond, Ind., Mustered in April 22, 1865. Mustered out with regiment Oct. 1, 1865.
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