I wanted to know how they got a hold of SunProof paints and what was the history behind it but I had no luck on the web so I called the Pittsburgh Glass Co., but after playing leap frog with the phones and a little red tape I finally give up.
I was able to find this little bit of information on Pittsburgh Glass Co.
In 1883, Captain John B. Ford and John Pitcairn established the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company (PPG). They set up shop in Creighton, Pennsylvania, along the Allegheny River about 20 miles north of Pittsburgh. PPG became the first commercially successful producer in the United States of high-quality, thick flat glass using the plate process. The company was also the world's first plate glass plant to fuel melting furnaces with locally-produced natural gas. This innovation quickly stimulated widespread use of clean-burning gas as an industrial fuel.
Although I have little information I still wanted to do some kind of page on SunPProof Paints. Their advertisements are interesting to look at and some are very colorfull. The picture at the top is the home of Joseph Lockwood rogers of Vermillion Kansas taken between the 1890's and 1904, notice sign in the front yard. The second picture is of a add for the years between 1925-1930. The third picture is a pin advertising SunProof Paints they used the sun as they logo.
They use the sun in a lot of their advertisements it made them very colorfull. Sun Proof Paints advertised on all most anything wagons, walls trucks, lunch pales and umbrellas. They sold the paint where the dealer could get the people to sell it. Take the fourth picture it's a Post Office in Riverdale New Jersey ran by S. J. Garrison's who advertised P. O. & Economy cash, Notons, Groceries, Hardware, Rubbers and Patton's SunProof Paints. There is no information on the last picture but it's interesting to look at.
Maybe one of my readers willl see the page and have some interesting information to add to these page it will be most welcome.
On a last note. to enlarge any of the pictures just push on one of them.

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